Escaping The Matrix
Escaping The Matrix
Escaping The Matrix
Table of Contents
Document Organization
Where to find this Document
Feedback and Assistance
The Matrix
What is the Matrix
Resisting the Matrix
Subverting the Matrix
Freedom Seekers are Not Terrorists
Spreading the Word
Target Audience
Network Attributes
MAC Address
802.11 "nickname"
DHCP Properties
IP Address
Double Black Magic IP Wizardry
Local Services
ident lookups
ftp logins
ssh keys
Terminal Services/rdesktop
mDNSResponder (Bounjour/Rendezvous/ZeroConf)
Web-based leaks
Browser User Agent And Capability Info
Referrer Url
Browser History
Web bugs
Desktop and Web Browser Extensions
Intrusive Surveillance
Root Kits
Keyloggers and Spyware
Watching Your Back
Throwaway Computing
Search and Seizure
Encrypted Filesystems
Secure Deletion
Anonymous Communication
Anonymous Email
Posting to Usenet
IRC/Instant Messaging
Creating Web Content
Scrubbing Document Formats
Bit Torrents/P2P apps
Guerrilla Data Exchange
The Vector of Information
The Social Network
Physical Interaction
Using Anonymous Money
Anonymous Snail Mail
Anonymous Telephony
Assuming an Identity
Protecting Yourself from Fraud
Key points to learn from this document
Anonymity Self-Quiz
Anonymity Self-Quiz Answers
Must-Have Firefox Extensions
Further Information
Books of Interest
Information on the Web
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.
Document Organization
This document is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter is an introductory
philosophical discussion, and the next six are based on the six main ways you can leak
information about who you are onto your network connection, or to an attentive
1. The Matrix
A discussion of what the Matrix is, how it functions, and how to resist and subvert it.
This forms the philosophical underpinnings of this HOWTO and the driving force
behind the author's motivation to work ceaselessly on this document for over a year,
and then proceed to give it away for free. Not required reading, but strongly
2. Network Attributes of your computer
This includes your network hardware (MAC) address, your IP address, and your
802.11 nickname. This section describes ways of obfuscating each of these attributes,
as well as your network data itself.
3. Local Programs and Services
Various programs you run can leak information about you to the network. This section
describes how to turn them off.
4. Web related leakage
Even after you have taken steps to obfuscate your network attributes, it is still possible
to leak a surprisingly large amount of information about who you are through your
web browser. It is even possible for websites to determine your original IP after
routing through a proxy (or even Tor), if you are not careful.
5. Intrusive Surveillance
In some environments (public computers, labs, oppressive work places), your
computer may be bugged and under direct deliberate surveillance from a third party.
This section describes what to look for, and also describes how to use these same tools
to your advantage to conceal your activities. It also covers measures you can take to
mitigate information disclosure in the case of equipment seizure.
6. Anonymous Communications
The previous 4 sections have dealt with how to access Internet resources without fear
of divulging your identity. But what if you have something to say? This section
discusses the ins and outs of publishing data and communicating anonymously.
7. Physical Interaction
The ultimate goal in anonymity over the Internet is to carry it over into the physical
world: to use money, and to be able to buy and sell items and otherwise conduct
business without fear of surveillance. The means for doing this exist, yet most are
prohibitively expensive for the average individual. In most cases, low cost, "good
enough" alternatives are available with some extra effort, however. Hopefully, as the
Anonymous Economy continues to grow, tools to aid in interacting with it safely will
become profitable commodities themselves.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Share Alike v2.5 license.
This document exists because of the hard work of literally millions of individuals
working in concert to build a free, open world where all can meet, trade and converse
without fear. One day The Man will burn.
At the same time, I would also like to thank The Man, because without him, the millions
of individuals working in concert to build a free, open world where all can meet, trade
and converse without fear would not have such a fascinating hobby.
Furthermore, I would like to thank the dozens of contributors who have tipped me off to
various news articles, software, FIXME solutions, and so on. Your help is much
The Matrix
The Matrix
Prev Next
The Matrix
MORPHEUS: Let me tell you why you are here. You're here because you
know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've
felt it your entire life. There's something wrong with the world. You don't
know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It
is this feeling that brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo nods.
MORPHEUS: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this
very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn
on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to
church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over
your eyes to blind you from the truth.
MORPHEUS: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born
into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A
prison for your mind.
What is the Matrix
In my opinion, The Matrix films provide the best metaphor our society has for
understanding why organized evil and oppression are allowed to exist, and so I will use it
for this purpose. While my interpretation isn't the only possible one, I believe it to be
valid, comprehensive, and most importantly, illustrative of the message I am trying to
So let's begin by discussing what the Matrix is not. The Matrix is not the physical world.
As far as I'm concerned, the physical world is actually real and is in fact governed
ceaselessly by the laws of physics. Conversely, the Matrix is also not the Internet, despite
what many seem to believe. The Matrix spans and transcends both these worlds. It has
existed since the dawn of civilization, and it will continue to exist until its collapse.
So then, what is it? Well, that's complicated. Much like in the movie, it's nearly
impossible to convey the size and scope of the Matrix to someone who doesn't already see
it for what it is. However, unlike the movie, I believe it is an ethical imperative to try to
convey it in a literal sense, even to those who are so dependent upon the Matrix that they
would fight to protect it. At worst, they won't understand or believe and will continue on
about their business. In a sense, I believe Cypher was right to resent Morpheus for what
he did, because Morpheus engaged in flat out trickery and deception to free people.
But I digress. The Matrix is the social structure that subordinates Humanity to its will. It
is the machinery of society that exists solely to perpetuate itself, its influence, and its
power independent of any human need. It insulates us from each other and ourselves
through deception, and essentially transforms us into servile engines of economic and
political output (power). The machines that live off this power are institutions: large
corporations, governments, schools, religious institutions, and even non-profit orgs.
Every institution will reach a point in its existence where its primary function becomes
self-preservation and perpetuation, instead of serving human need. At this point it
becomes a machine of the Matrix. For example, when they become machines,
governments cease to serve people and instead seek to extend their power over them;
corporations prioritize increasing shareholder value over producing quality products or
otherwise serving the public good; schools view students as a means and not an end;
religions equate membership with salvation (and actively oppose other teachings and
even independent practice); and non-profits and charities spend more budget on fund
raising activity than on their original focus. Inevitably all large institutions eventually
become machines. They become too big for Humanity.
In addition to the independent self-perpetuating machines that write most of our
paychecks, the Matrix has several major cooperative and more actively sinister groups of
machines subsisting off of its power and directly contributing to the structure of the
Matrix itself. These groups are the Military Industrial Complex, the Political Industrial
Complex, the Prison Industrial Complex, the Surveillance Industrial Complex, the Media
Industrial Complex, the Academic Industrial Complex, the Agricultural Industrial
Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex and the major organized religions. All
machines in these groups either actively oppress humanity, or enable the oppression to
persist. It is through their combined efforts that the Matrix takes on some of its more
distasteful qualities.
Resisting the Matrix
Resistance is a mental state. The Matrix is designed to make it easy to accept what it tells
you, and to make it hard to filter the Truth from the lies. Resisting the Matrix requires
understanding its operating principles and assumptions, rejecting them, and helping
others to do the same.
The Matrix is fascist, the Matrix is deceptive, and the Matrix is bureaucracy. The Matrix
is essentially the rule of the institution over the individual, and in it, the rights of the
individual are subordinate to the rights of the institution. Individuals have to believe (or at
least not actively oppose the idea) that large corporations have the right to protect their
profits above all else, and thus dictate policy and law. They have to believe that this law
is just, moral, and seemingly based upon reason. Or, they have to feel unaffected by the
law on an individual level. They have to accept the program, and be satisfied with the
rewards given for doing so. They have to do their jobs, pay their taxes, and be content
with their salary (at least to the point where their salary and the stability it provides are
appealing enough to deter risking leaving the Matrix). Rejecting these beliefs is the first
step in resisting the Matrix.
Furthermore, people must be insulated from the creative process. They have to forget that
they are able to produce craft as individuals independent of large institutions, and they
must feel entirely dependent upon the system to provide them with what they need. It is
mostly through the violation of this principle that many who work with computers come
to free themselves, or at least come to see the Matrix for what it is. Despite being
products of the Matrix (for the most part), computers and the Internet enable humans to
create individual works on a global scale: independent media, self-publishing, Free
Software, computer music, computer art and graphics, and so on. Computers also enable
independent people to communicate and build human-serving social structures outside of
the Matrix.
However, note that computers aren't the only means of accomplishing this, and this time
period isn't the first one of Exodus. In the 1960s, for example, people departed from the
Matrix en-mass and independently created art, culture, and music, largely catalyzed by
psychedelic drugs. Unfortunately, much of this structure collapsed due to a number of
reasons, the main one being the hasty, ill-considered and unsustainable manner of its
construction and the subsequent institutional and legal backlash. Miraculously, however,
many of the core ideas have persisted, and their proliferation is largely the reason I am
Aware and able to write this document today. It would seem that the present catalyst is a
combination of the Internet and again psychedelics. Both of these phenomenon provide a
way of disconnecting yourself from the programmed reality and assumptions of the
Matrix and taking your perceptions into your own hands.
To persist, the Matrix requires control, and in democratic societies it maintains this
control by filtering people's view of reality through corporate-owned mass media and
television. In essence, the Matrix requires a form of thought control, but not in the science
fiction sense. Instead, it achieves an effective enough manner of thought control by
manufacturing consent. The large majority of the public has to "buy in". They have to
believe that the news media give them an accurate picture of the world. And by and large,
they do believe this. Everything the general public knows about the world, they know
through the Matrix. The symbols and images the Matrix presents to them have become
more real than reality itself. Hence the popularity of the ungodly abomination that is
Reality TV.
Note that while some media outlets do actively promote a political agenda of domination
and control, on the whole it is not through some grand conspiracy that this process (or any
process of the Matrix) functions. It is simply the way mass media is organized. Mass
media is a machine that exists as a profit maximizing entity, and the most profitable news
(and the cheapest news to produce) is recycled soundbytes and pre-packaged press
releases from corporations and government. Furthermore, in the interest of preserving its
revenue stream, news media cannot allow the public to hold any opinion that may
threaten the authority and policy of government or the profitability of their sponsors,
which are also machines of the Matrix and almost always directly involved in the
business of domination and control. Thus the media must perpetuate the status quo. No
news is good news.
Understanding this bias in the media is key to undoing the filter it applies. Consider who
the advertisers and sponsors are. Beware of press releases disguised as investigative
reporting. When possible, confirm mainstream, corporate produced stories with coverage
from places like IndyMedia (go local), Wikinews, GNN, Politech, Free Speech TV,
Democracy Now, Free Speech Radio News, and FAIR. A lot of the time these sources
also cover many eye-popping items that for some reason don't even receive mention on
corporate news media.
Last, and most assuredly not least, the Matrix seeks to identify and know its members at
all times, in a misguided attempt to maintain control. It demands total surrender of your
privacy to function in it. It is by breaking this last property of the Matrix that we come to
truly free ourselves from it; to create economies, communication, and culture independent
of its control.
Of course, the ultimate form of resistance is to fully disconnect from any and all
dependence upon and allegiance to government and institution; to remove yourself from
the power structure of the Matrix, and contribute your economic output to resistance
economies. It is this form of resistance that faces the most violent opposition from the
Matrix, since providing this economic power is the primary function of Humanity, as it
sees it.
Unfortunately for many this form of resistance is simply unattainable due to family and
social ties, especially starting from your first realization of the size and scope of the
Matrix. However, unlike in movie, it is possible to liberate yourself gradually instead of
immediately, and in some cases this can prove easier than an 'all-at-once' attempt. It starts
with disconnecting. Cut out TV from your life entirely, especially TV news and Reality
TV shows. You should be able to get all your information and entertainment from the
web, or from real reality (or from the occasional movie). Avoid chain stores where
possible, especially for food. Supporting smaller (especially sustainable) business keeps
entrepreneurial and independent business spirit alive. Getting and staying out of debt
(especially debt without equity, or rapidly depreciating equity such as car loans) is
crucial, as debt is a primary mechanism the Matrix uses to ensure your obedience. Also, if
you are a salaried employee, working a 40 hour (or perhaps even 35) hour work week can
be a big start to declaring your freedom from the machine and the corporate American
peer-pressure to be a diligent slave. It also frees up huge amounts of mental energy which
is then available for resistance.
From here, a limited form of resistance whereby you leave the Matrix for short periods of
time (long enough to conduct purchases, business transactions, and communications with
the underground) is well within the reach of all computer literate individuals, and
functioning as a consumer is sufficiently supportive of the Anonymous Economy for it to
be sustainable. Moreover, the probability of discovery of this sort of activity can be
reduced as much as you choose. Doing this effectively is the subject of this HOWTO.
As you progress, you will notice yourself developing one or more separate identities, or
pseudonyms. It is best to build as much insulation between these nyms as possible. They
shouldn't appear to know each other, shouldn't really talk about the same stuff or buy the
same things, and above all should be diligently separated from your original physical
identity. Maintain different wallets, bags, user accounts and possibly even computers. In
short, develop one or more Tyler Durdens, except without all the insanity, self-
destruction, and sociopathic behavior. Or with it, if it helps.
The adept and the entrepreneurial will find it an easy step from here to total freedom. The
next stage is to go into business for yourself. It doesn't have to be an anonymous business,
but those who manage such an achievement do enjoy the satisfaction that they are directly
subverting the Matrix and helping to weaken its hold on everyone.
Gift Culture
Gift Culture (also known as Free Culture, or the Gift Economy) is a social structure
where your status is determined by how much you are able to give away. It is not
mutually exclusive to any other economic system, and examples of gift economies exist
on top of capitalist, communist and socialist economies.
Gift culture has brought forth some of the most astounding recent achievements of the
human race, including the scientific research community, much of the World Wide Web,
the entire Open Source movement, vulnerability and security research, and Wikipedia,
just to name a few examples. Gift economies tend to function best in the digital world,
where something can be given without reducing the inventory of the giver.
However, the Burningman project is a massive experiment in bringing Gift Culture back
into the physical world, and quite successful at that. Well over 35,000 people populate
Black Rock City in the middle of the desert every year to give as much as they can to each
other. The event serves in part as a model for the time when energy becomes abundant
and human beings are capable of interstellar space travel. Obviously the burning of The
Man is the climax of the event.
This is no small coincidence either. Gift culture does subvert the primary mechanisms of
the Matrix. The Matrix subsists by transforming human endeavor into economic output
which it uses to maintain its control. Gift culture, on the other hand, releases human
endeavor for the good of all who would receive it. When items are given instead of sold,
the power and control obtained through ownership is eliminated. Furthermore, in the case
of Open Source Software, the fact that full freedom over the source code is also given
means that code that the Matrix would never willingly create is readily available for the
purposes of this HOWTO.
It is interesting to note that even machines of the Matrix are motivated to participate in
gift culture - especially in the Open Source movement. It benefits many corporations as
well as governments to have a common reference platform upon which they can build
their individual products and infrastructures. Their cooperation in building this common
platform vastly reduces the cost they would have paid to develop their own platform in-
house, and is also inevitably cheaper than paying a single entity to do the same. The
combined experience and widely distributed expertise, as well as the flexibility of
modifying the common platform to perform a wide variety of tasks, yields a better system
for all, and cheaper. In the digital world where copies are free, capitalism compels Gift
Unfortunately, some companies, such as, reap tremendous benefits off of
Open Source Software, yet have a company policy of zero contribution back to the
community. Other symptoms of this problem include Microsoft's war on the security
research community, and the tendency of (even State funded) University Professors to
refuse to provide Open Source reference implementations of their work. There are
mechanisms discussed in this HOWTO that enable this trend to be reversed, which leads
us nicely into the next cultural segment.
Information Anarchy
A closely related social structure to Gift Culture is Information Anarchy. The idea behind
Information Anarchy is that all information should be as widely and freely disseminated
as possible. The cultural ethos is vehemently at odds with Intellectual Property, and
refuses to recognize any such law (or suffer any code) that abridges free exchange of
Needless to say, the machines of the Matrix don't take too fond a view on this ideology.
Unlike gift culture, which is an indirect subversion of the mechanisms of the Matrix,
Information Anarchy directly challenges the Matrix's perceived right of ownership of
human ideas. The past decade has seen an unprecedented decline in the freedom of
information due to some of the more rabid elements of the Matrix. The machines of the
Matrix now draw tremendous power from ideas and digital content/information. Recent
examples include the DMCA, extension of copyright duration, the harsh criminalization
of copyright infractions, and the resulting side-effects which lead to the criminalization of
certain forms of technology. The legal climate for free speech and innovation has never
looked darker.
However, hope is not lost. The future looks so dark precisely for the reason that
Information Anarchy poses a such grave threat to a major power source for so many
parasitical machines. On some level, the Matrix knows its hold is tenuous. At every
opportunity, the Matrix will tell you that protecting Intellectual Property encourages
creativity. It has even developed an amusing array of propaganda to promote this idea,
even going so far as to begin the brainwashing at an early age. (Yes, the National
Counterintelligence Executive is in fact a real office of the US government, apparently
one of its major propaganda arms. Their stuff is hilarious. I recommend printing some out
at your local copy shop before it becomes classic.)
All of this nonsense is observably false. Societies have always been most successful when
communication and ideas were open to all. It is important to remember that the world
didn't always operate this way, it was only when the ruling elite of the Matrix realized
that ideas and creative expression are easily converted to economic power that they took
claim over them. Economic systems can and will adapt to a form that is more profitable
for human creators instead of their machine owners.
Five chapters of this HOWTO are devoted to protecting your digital identity and are
easily applicable to contributing to the goal of Information Anarchy and providing even
more economic incentive to move towards alternate revenue models and/or Gift Culture.
In every opportunity possible, do not support the system of Intellectual Property that the
Matrix has created. Naturally as its power wanes, it will become weaker and less relevant,
as content creators seek their pay through other means. The cancer starves, and dies.
So as of late, a major source of the erosion of civil liberties stems from the fact that
casual economic transactions are becoming increasingly difficult to conduct without
permanent, identifiable information being associated with them. With the advent and
increase in the volume of Internet commerce, casual purchases of personal items, books,
software, and even medication are now irrevocably tied to your own personal identity.
Bookstores such as Amazon now build complete dossiers of sorts on their customers
reading habits, and much of this information is available publicly.
As a result, the natural reaction to these circumstances is to find methods to make Internet
commerce behave more like physical commerce, where you have the option of anonymity
by using cash or cash-backed identity free payment methods. An Anonymous Internet
The Matrix is providing massive economic incentive to create this economy as well. It
has recently been revealed that the FBI writes over 30,000 "National Security Letters" in
the US each year. Consider how easy it would be for them to demand records of everyone
at Amazon who might like to buy a particular book, or who has ordered "indecent"
materials from websites? Amazon already does classification of consumer's interests for
marketing purposes. Their engine can perform this classification instantly. What would
they have to say about what books you like to read? How about Google, and the types of
adword sites you are typically presented on the search website/via gmail? Google and
many other search engines maintain indefinite logs of who searches for what keywords,
along with lots of other data. These are prime targets for National Security Letters or just
general government subpoena.
I provide the basics for conducting anonymous transactions cheaply in this section. You
can use these techniques to get yourself started and comfortable with interacting with the
Matrix anonymously. From there, the entrepreneurs in the audience may wish to start a
business to start making some money in this new economy, and thus begin to fully escape
from the control of the Matrix.
Markets of interest might include items in online games, anonymous web hosting, certain
types of medicine, or even illegal electronics. For example, many people are too lazy to
build a MythTV box, but personally I sure as hell would buy one over a crippled and ad-
infested TiVo subscription service any day. If I watched TV, that is.
As you can see, most of these things go on above ground today, but for how long? And
why at such high risk for consumers living in less accepting legal climates? What about
those who would pay more for more protection? For example, some customers may be
attracted simply to the ability to free themselves from marketing and government
profiling. Those who purchase certain types of books might prefer if Amazon and
whoever else didn't have this information tied to their physical identity.
Yet another possible white/grey market to tap might be a physical anonymous remailer
service for people who would like to conceal their street address from someone mailing
them something in order to avoid becoming listed in a database for marketing spam
and/or to avoid general profiling and surveillance, or to be able to order a product that
won't normally ship to their geographic location. Basically the way the system could work
is through a website where you create a temporary account number or unique pseudonym.
The package is then shipped to a relay point where the account number/pseudonym is
read off, and a new label printed onto the package. It is then mailed to its new destination,
and any electronic and paper records are destroyed. It also has the advantage that
extremely paranoid users can potentially chain multiple locations together for extra
security, so that competition does not necessarily compete for market share, but instead
cooperates for it. You might consider marketing this as a "Virtual Office Solution" to
avoid liability, if done above ground. A useful technique for verifying that packages have
not been opened/examined en-route is to create a unique multicolored wax seal swirl
using two or more candles, photograph the seal, and transmit the photograph
electronically via encrypted email. Delivery/payment can be ensured using normal
UPS/Fedex/USPS tracking numbers, which can be encrypted to the senders public key
and then destroyed.
The demand for such a system might not be immediately visible now, but once the next
Patriot Act or similar legislation removes all anonymity from the mail, the demand should
skyrocket. This business has the advantage that it is extremely low setup overhead and is
very easy to start small with low capital, just to test market demand. Once the business is
proved worthwhile, FedEx and possibly other major carriers offer bulk shipping rate
accounts to merchants that could be taken advantage of, bringing the overhead work and
cost to your customers potentially very low.
Taking this idea a step further yields a "ghost walker" contract market, much like the ones
described in Toward A Private Digital Economy. Most of the P2P token-based nonsense
there can be ignored, but his key idea could be transfered to a ebay-like auction site.
Basically the idea is that people would contract the services of someone who is skilled at
staying off the radar to conduct transactions that for various reasons they do not want
linked to their identity (again, buying books, vitamins, medicine, regionally available
items, web hosting, illegal electronics, and so on). Sort of like the inverse of a Private
Investigator, these people would do anything from purchasing items, mailing and
delivering packages, donating to charities, acting as couriers, business
agents/representatives, mail forwarders, and so on. This can already be carried out in a
guerrilla fashion on community/local city classified ad servers such as the nearly
universal Craigslist (where it is possible to contract people from different state and
country jurisdictions quite easily). In the ideal situation, a dedicated website would be
created. Each "ghost walker" would have a nym (possibly paying a fee to do so, both to
support the site and to discourage morphing), complete with ratings and reviews, prices
per task/risk factor, and so on. Contracts would be posted by clients containing a generic
description of the task, and interested ghost walkers would contact the buyer with prices.
The buyer would then select a particular ghost walker to reveal the complete details of the
contract to, and terms of payment. Given the tendency to increased total surveillance, lots
of regular people may be interested in using this service.
So there are numerous markets that can be potentially very lucrative while at the same
time helping to build a social structure independent of domination and control. In general,
any mechanism of state control creates markets for equipment or components that can be
used to circumvent this control. Keep your eyes open for opportunities. If you have any
suggestions or ideas, please feel free to contact me so that I can update the HOWTO for
all to benefit as we work together to free ourselves.
Target Audience
This document is written at a technical level appropriate for "power users" - people who
like to tinker with their computer configurations to get the most out of their experience.
Novice computer users who are uncomfortable tweaking settings, editing configuration
files, and occasionally using the command line probably will struggle with much of the
material regardless of OS, unfortunately (though at least one person has offered to help
elaborate the more technically involved sections to help novices along - we'll see how that
pans out).
I try to be as operating system agnostic as possible, providing information for Windows,
Mac OS, and Linux, but due to the open and readily customizable nature of the system,
the Linux material probably will be the most well developed.
As far as demographics, I expect this document to be useful to a wide variety of people
from several walks of life. In particular, some of the major categories are:
1. Civil Libertarians
Those who are concerned with the gradual erosion of their personal freedoms will
probably find nearly the entirety of this document useful and interesting, since it is
intended to provide techniques and countermeasures to restore nearly every right that
has been lost due to the Wars on Drugs, Porn, and Terror. It is now possible for the
anyone (the US government, frivolous civil litigants, P.I.'s, and so on) to enumerate
just about everything in your home, without warrant, simply by subpoena or a National
Security Letter directed at your credit card provider. Somehow I doubt this situation
was exactly what the Framers of the Constitution had in mind... This document can
help you to keep as much of your personal belongings and reading habits actually
private and out of numerous commercial databases (which are readily availably to law
2. Whistleblowers
Whistleblowers who are interested in exposing wrongdoing, corruption, cover-up, or
conspiracy at their workplaces will find this document useful for protecting their
identities while contacting the press, or otherwise disseminating evidence over the
Internet. When you are jeopardizing your job (and possibly your life) to expose
wrongdoing, you must assume that NO institution will be able to protect your identity
from someone who is determined to silence you. Your only option is to make sure no
one knows who you are in the first place until such time as your safety from retaliation
can be guaranteed. If followed carefully and diligently, this document will show you
how to accomplish this.
3. Bloggers and Independent Journalists
Similar to whistleblowers, bloggers and forum posters often find themselves the target
of harassment, especially when reporting on controversial material, or even when
people who comment on their pages choose to do so. While it has recently been ruled
that bloggers are afforded the same rights and protections as journalists, in cases where
the blogger is exposing corruption or negligence at their workplace, additional
measures of protecting oneself may be desired. In some cases, it may be desirable to
publish pseudonymously simply to avoid the stress (and expense!) of having to deal
with frivolous lawsuits such as these.
4. "Political Dissidents" and Inquisitive Minds
Forget about China, even in the USA it's no secret that the FBI has consistently
harassed those who have dared to speak out against the status quo. Targeted groups
include vegans, Catholics, Quakers, peace activists, environmental volunteers, 3rd
party candidates and campaign workers, independent journalists and bloggers, and
even members of the mainstream press. What should be most disturbing to the average
citizen is how easily it is to become mistaken for one of these "trouble makers" simply
for buying (or being recommended) the wrong book on Amazon, posting on the wrong
blog, buying certain types of food on a credit card, donating to certain charities, etc.
With the advent of aggressive data mining and aggregation, it is all too easy to be
lumped in with "the wrong crowd". If followed properly, this document will help you
to retain your freedom to investigate alternative views and information without leaving
an electronic trail of this activity to open yourself up to harassment. It should also help
you minimize the damage a determined FBI agent (or vindictive ex-spouse or other
enemy who has hired a PI) is able to do to you.
5. People with Enemies
As hinted at above, it's not just dissidents who need to be concerned either.
Surveillance and draconian law can be used as dangerous weapons. All it takes is for
one motivated enemy to hire a PI with access to the major data warehouses to dig into
your life, find something that they can use, and then phone in to report you, or simply
blackmail you. Anyone with a vindictive ex-spouse, political adversary, or even a
feuding neighbor can be the target of this abuse.
6. Programmers and Security Researchers
Due to the DMCA and insanely broken patent law, programmers have found their
freedom of speech horrendously restricted in the USA. Many security researchers have
been afraid to discuss the privacy implications of copyright protection technology that
is essentially spyware. Others are afraid to publish vulnerability assessments of
cryptographic systems that may be tangentially related to copyright infringement, or
even simply software in general. This document can teach such programmers and
researchers how to conceal their identities and thus assist peers who are operating in
legal climates that still respect the freedoms of speech and innovation.
7. The Video Game Underground
The DMCA has also been used to harass video game hackers and cheaters. Some
gaming companies will ban you from their online services if they discover your
involvement or subscription to "cheat forums". Most will not hesitate to issue bogus
DMCA takedown notices to cheat/mod websites that operate in the USA. Software
that modifies online games to provide additional features, cheats, or automation is also
the target of DMCA harassment. Furthermore, programmers who publicly reverse
engineer and re-implement open source game servers find themselves the target of
lawsuits. This document should assist these people to continue to play and modify
games how they see fit without fear of persecution.
8. Moonlighters, Double-Shifters, and Consultants
In a similar vein, those who are working multiple jobs may wish to conceal this fact
from their employers due to fear of retaliation. I expect the most typical use case of
this document will be programmers working as consultants, or who wish to contribute
to Open Source projects in their free time.
9. Potential Victims of Identity Theft (Everyone)
This document can also help those who are interested in protecting their identities
and/or financial information from being stolen due to their commerce online and
elsewhere. As mentioned above, data warehouses such as Choicepoint are essentially
making identity a commodity. It is inevitable that this data will be leaked and stolen
again and again. With identity becoming an increasingly integral aspect of functioning
in society, black markets that sell this data will continue to be extremely profitable.
Just like the War on Drugs, the War on Terror fought through the politics of
domination and control will lead to ever escalating levels of waste, destruction, and
chaos. The best way to protect yourself is to minimize your digital footprint: Use
anonymous forms of payment online, and conceal your name and mailing address.
The last major category of people who are likely to find this document useful are those
who are interested in providing privacy and anonymity services and software to others.
Privacy and anonymity are difficult problems. There are many holes to be filled in,
usability issues to be addressed, and markets to be built. To this group of people, every
privacy problem and legal restriction should represent a potential market to get
involved in. However, DO NOT SELL SNAKE OIL. If you cannot stand up to legal or
other pressure, you need to inform your users of this fact clearly, so they are sure to
take appropriate precautions while using your service (especially if you are located
within the USA). Very few, if any, privacy services are capable of operating as stand-
alone one-shot solutions. What is needed is a series of tools and components that can
be combined arbitrarily. Focus on one component, and do it well.
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Network Forensics Evasion: How Network Attributes
to Exit the Matrix
Network Attributes
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Network Attributes
MAC Address
Every 802.x network card (wireless, ethernet, token ring) has a unique 48 bit identifier
known as a MAC address. This address is burned into the EEPROM on the card, and
oftentimes is used by networking equipment to track users as they come and go,
frequently associating MAC address to hotel or dorm room #, credit card number, login
info, etc. This means hopping on a network that has authenticated your hardware before
and expecting to be anonymous this time around is pure idiocy.
In fact, even most consumer wireless gear will record the MAC addresses of all
computers that have ever issued DHCP requests to them, and these logs usually cannot be
purged, even by the owner! When you combine this with the fact that most Cable/DSL
service providers will also record your MAC address and bind it to your billing
information, and the fact that some of them don't even seem to wait for a court order to
turn your info over, it becomes apparent that your MAC address essentially is your name.
This isn't even counting the possibility of databases maintained by the major laptop
One particularly useful hack I have discovered is that if you change your MAC address,
cable and DSL providers typically will give you a new IP address via DHCP. This can be
useful if you are a heavy user of P2P networks, since changing your IP regularly can help
keep you off the RIAA/MPAA's "big fish" watchlists, since without access to the ISPs
internal databases they will be unable to correlate your identity across IP address changes.
That is, unless you keep the same "nickname" in whatever P2P app you use...
Thus, changing your MAC address is highly desirable for a number of reasons. However,
note that you really only have to concern yourself with your MAC address if you do not
wish the local network administrator to be able to identify you. MAC addresses do not
cross router boundaries, so anything outside of your LAN will never see it. If your
adversary is not internal to the LAN or cannot trace your IP address back to the LAN,
don't worry about your MAC.
Here are the commands to change your MAC for the three major platforms:
In Linux, you just need to issue two commands, and then re-run dhcp or
reconfigure the interface. This works for both wired and wireless cards.
[root@machine ~/dir]# ifconfig eth0 down
[root@machine ~/dir]# ifconfig eth0 hw ether
Under Windows, however, things are a bit more involved.. There are a few ways
to do it. One involves wading through your registry, and will not be discussed
here. If you're lucky, you might be able to do it right from control panel. If this is
not an option, you can try this utility or this utility.
Mac OS
In Mac OS, for some reason it is easy to change the MAC address of your wired
interface. One of the following two commands should work:
[user@machine ~/dir]$ sudo ifconfig en0 ether
[user@machine ~/dir]$ sudo ifconfig en0 lladdr
However, to change the MAC of a wireless interface, you will need to patch your
kernel, and then recompile it.
Some OS X users have informed me that USB wireless adapters often allow you
to change the MAC address via the command line just like a wired interface. The
one most commonly mentioned is the Belkin F5D7050.
I should also note that many routers will allow you to clone or specify a MAC address
from their web interface.
802.11 "nickname"
The 802.11 Nickname field is a little-known feature of the wireless spec that sends your
hostname to the AP. This is obviously bad.
[root@machine ~/dir]# iwconfig ath0 nickname "Fucko The
Mac OS
Under Mac OS, your wireless nickname is your hostname. You can change it with
sudo hostname -s "Fucko The Clown"
I think your only option is to choose an obscure machine name. If you wish to
change your hostname, you can either edit these registry keys or run the NewSID
DHCP Properties
Upon obtaining an IP address, your DHCP client will sometimes send information about
you in DHCP requests. In many cases, this includes your hostname and possibly your
MAC address, but can include your operating system and DHCP version, which can
potentially be very damaging to your anonymity set on your local network. Once again,
much like MAC address, if you are unconcerned about your local network discovering
your identity, then you probably needn't worry too much about this. However, in many
cases it is necessary to obscure this information.
Also, as part of the DHCP standard, all operating systems will provide their most recent
IP address to the DHCP server. Usually this is harmless, since it is typically just an
internal IP address, but if you use your laptop to DHCP directly to your ISP, it is possible
it may then hand this IP to an open access point you associate to. If you are changing your
MAC address to minimize risk for P2P activity, you may want to wipe previous IP leases
on your router machine every time you obtain a new lease. Typically router devices have
a 'release DHCP' button somewhere on the web interface. If you need to change these
settings on your computer itself, follow the appropriate instructions below:
Unfortunately under Linux, the details of DHCP client properties vary from
distribution to distribution. In the general case for dhclient, the values are read
from /etc/dhclient-interface.conf, but this is typically created at
runtime. In Fedora, for example, only the hostname is transmitted, and this value
is read from /etc/sysconfig/networks/ifcfg-ethN where N is the
relevant interface number.
Gentoo (and likely any other distro that uses dhcpcd), however, will transmit the
entire OS and kernel version. One contributor suggested changing your /
etc/init.d/net.eth0 (or equivalent) file to include
VID=`fortune -o|head -c 30|tr "\"'\n" ' ' 2>/dev/null`
/sbin/dhcpcd -i ${VID} ${dhcpcd_IFACE} ${IFACE}
IP Address
The most obvious way you can be tracked across the Internet at large is through your IP
address. Yahoo Mail, for example appends an extra header on your email messages that
contains the IP of the computer your web browser is on. So much for that anonymous
email account, eh?
Luckily, there are at least three ways to change your IP address for Internet traffic. They
are (in order of increasing preference):
Proxy Hopping
While easy, Proxy hopping fucking sucks. The basic idea is to find a reliable list of open
proxies and change your browser's proxy settings to tunnel your connections through the
proxy, thus obfuscating your IP address. BE CAREFUL. Some proxies will REPORT
YOUR IP ADDRESS in the form of a cookie/session variable to hosts you connect to.
Always test out a new proxy with either of these two proxy checkers. I believe the
shroomery list only includes proxies that don't provide identifying information, so it is
readily usable by the Firefox extension Switch Proxy. Unfortunately, Switch Proxy has a
rather annoying bug that slows new window creation down to a crawl.. They don't seem
like they are maintaining it anymore either.
If you're on a Linux machine, there is a utility that will allow you to also use all your
command line applications with various proxy types, and will also allow you to chain
multiple proxies together, for better protection. This utility is called ProxyChains. It is
basically a library that you LD_PRELOAD to intercept socket calls and forward them to a
list of HTTP or SOCKS proxies. Sadly, most of these proxies will only allow you to
connect to port 80 or 443. Also note that the proxy chain is not encrypted. THIS MEANS
SocksChains, a similar tool to Proxychains also is available for Windows.
FIXME_WIN32: test
SSH Hopping
3. Download this openssl config file and place it where you intend to keep your
OpenVPN config files (ie /etc/openvpn).
4. Generate the server and client keys. You can accept the defaults for all those bullshit
info fields, but be careful to say 'y' to the question asking to sign the certificates. The
default is No.
5. After that script is run, copy all the files that start with client to the client side, and all
the files that start with server to the server side. Be a dear, and use a secure channel,
will ya?
6. sudo chown -R nobody:nobody /etc/openvpn to get all config files to be owned by
nobody, then sudo chmod 755 client-osx-up
7. Configure server to use
8. Configure client to use, and to connect to the server. Replace
VPN_SERVER_IP in client.conf with your server's IP.
9. Place this script to rewrite the client's routes upon connect in your openvpn conf
directory. It will be called automatically, but you might have to chmod 755 client-up.
Replace VPN_SERVER_IP with your server's IP, and replace
LOCAL_GATEWAY_IP with your local gateway to the Internet..
10.Start openvpn on server, and enable NAT
11.Start openvpn on client
12.Add a publicly available nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf.
1. Download this openssl config file and place it where you intend to keep your
OpenVPN config files (ie /etc/openvpn).
2. Generate the server and client keys. You can accept the defaults for all those bullshit
info fields, but be careful to say 'y' to the question asking to sign the certificates. The
default is No.
3. After that script is run, copy all the files that start with client to the client side, and all
the files that start with server to the server side. Be a dear, and use a secure channel,
will ya?
4. 'adduser openvpn' to add an openvpn user and group to both server and client
5. chown -R openvpn:openvpn /etc/openvpn to get all config files to be owned by
6. Run 'modprobe tun' or recompile kernels to support CONFIG_TUN (The Universal
Tun/Tap Driver) as needed.
7. Configure server to use
8. Configure client to use, and to connect to the server. Replace
VPN_SERVER_IP in client.conf with your server's IP.
9. Place this script to rewrite the client's routes upon connect in your openvpn conf
directory. It will be called automatically, but you might have to chmod 755 client-up.
Replace VPN_SERVER_IP with your server's IP, and replace
LOCAL_GATEWAY_IP with your local gateway to the Internet. Replace eth0 with
your appropriate interface.
10.Start openvpn on server, and enable NAT
11.Start openvpn on client
12.Add a publicly available nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf.
WARNING: An attentive and fascist network administrator will still be able to determine
that you are tunneling packets over an openvpn tunnel by watching your traffic (rest
assured, they won't be able to see what you are doing, just that you're doing something). If
you work in an environment this oppressive, change the proto udp and port 53 lines in
your server and client configuration file to proto tcp-server/proto tcp-client and port
443 (or port 22) to make your openvpn session look more like a secure web (or ssh)
connection. Note that this comes at a performance price, which is why it is turned off by
default. See also: Watching Your Back
For problems in general, the following checklist can help you narrow down the problem
to the relevant component:
Pinging the local gateway should be your first check. Sometimes it will be configured
not to reply to pings, however it should reply to ARP requests. You should be able to
check for ARP entries on all 3 OS's with arp -a.
This should ensure you can connect to the VPN server through your specific route for
that IP. Hopefully it responds to pings, otherwise check arp.
3. ping
This should check that the VPN tunnel is working. You can also check my.log in
your OpenVPN config directory, which should tell if you if the remote VPN server
passed the key exchange, etc.
The last item you should check is that your DNS server is reachable. If it is reachable,
but you still don't have net access, perhaps you forgot to update /
etc/resolv.conf or enter a DNS server in your IP properties.
If you still are having no luck, consult the Gentoo OpenVPN FAQ.
Just about everywhere on the Tor website, you are advised that Tor is not
to be used if you require true anonymity. Further sections of this HOWTO
address (almost) all of the application level issues involved in anonymity,
so pretty much all that remains of that paranoia are attacks on the tor
network itself, which, unless you are trying to hide from the NSA itself,
you really don't have much to worry about.
You should, however, be aware of the possibility of malicious exit nodes.
Exit nodes can both observe and modify traffic, which means they can do
things like keep AIM/non-SSL web sessions open after you close them.
You should also be aware of is that it is somewhat dangerous to mix traffic
that can identify you with traffic you wish to be completely anonymous.
Since Tor multiplexes multiple TCP sessions over a few circuits, it is
possible for the exit nodes to determine that the two were sent from the
same host.
I2P is a complementary network to Tor. While Tor is useful for establishing anonymous
connections to the external Internet but doesn't have the bandwidth/architecture to support
Peer to Peer and bulk traffic, I2P is designed specifically to provide an anonymous
internal network upon which you can run any normal Internet server, including Peer to
Peer applications.
While the install itself is typically straightforward, I2P's setup is a little more involved
than Tor's, mostly because every client node is also a relay node, and as such you may
need to have a hole punched in your firewall to forward port 8887 for UDP. I2P does
have NAT and firewall traversal mechanisms, but they do not work in all cases
(especially symmetric NATs). Once you have it installed, you can go to the config page
and check to see if it is able to connect.
I2P opens a proxy server on localhost:4444, but most likely you will want to add a line to
your privoxy config so you can use both I2P and tor. Placing forward .i2p
localhost:4444 (no period) below your Tor line will allow all requests to .i2p domains to
go through I2P. DO NOT configure privoxy to only filter .i2p domains without also using
Tor for everything else. It is possible for eepsites to have images, cgi, or iframes from
non-i2p servers that they control, and can thus discover visitor's IPs that way.
Note that I2P does have gateways to the external web, so you technically don't need a Tor
line at all if you want to forward everything to localhost:4444, but there are only two I2P
exit points, and they are not nearly as reliable as Tor's. Once Privoxy is set, you can go to
Orion.i2p to browse the list of all .i2p sites on the net, or to search.i2p or eepsites.i2p to
search the I2P web. Note that by default, you will not have the host entries for many sites
listed in orion and the search engines. You can fix this by adding
http://orion.i2p/hosts.txt to your addressbook subscriptions
If you would like to search/browse the I2P web without installing I2P itself, you can use
tino's DNS-based I2P in-proxy by appending "" to any i2p domain name to access
it from the public internet.
The really beautiful thing about I2P is that it is effectively an anonymous networking
layer that applications can be developed on top of, including Bittorrent and Gnutella. In
addition, through a feature called I2PTunnel, you can create a tunnel to just about any
TCP based service you wish, including anonymous .i2p site of your own. In particular,
you can point your IRC client at localhost:6668 and you will then be on the I2P
anonymous IRC network (note that your IRC client does not need a proxy server for this).
Once you're all set up with the basics, you can browse over to The Ugha Wiki and check
out some HOWTOs for doing various tricks over I2PTunnel and I2P in general.
SLIRP is a magical tool that converts a normal non-root UNIX shell account into a PPP
session. While obviously the conversion isn't 100% (for example pings don't work), it
does allow you to set up a pseudo-VPN to a machine you don't have root on (and thus
couldn't run OpenVPN). Unfortunately this technique is likely to only work on
Linux/UNIX and Mac OS, since it requires that your PPP setup use an ssh session as the
serial device. I doubt Windows PPP can do this, but I could be wrong.
For our limited purposes, we'll just discuss using SLIRP over ssh. To do this, you need to
do a couple things. First, you must download and compile SLIRP on your UNIX shell
(not your home machine). This is pretty straightforward and does not require root. You
can just run configure and then copy the slirp binary to someplace like ~/bin. If you
need to be covert, you could try calling it zsh or mutt or something.
[user@machine ~/dir]$ tar -zxvf slirp-1.0.16.tar.gz
[user@machine ~/dir]$ cd slirp-1.0.16/src
[user@machine ~/dir]$ ./configure && make
[user@machine ~/dir]$ cp slirp ~/bin/zsh
Next, you will have to make sure the host you connect to is in your known_hosts file.
Usually this means you have to connect to it using root on your home machine (ie sudo
ssh user@shellhost). If you get an error to the effect of "Host key verification failed"
during connection, this is the reason for it.
You might also have to set up passwordless ssh to your UNIX shell. It makes things more
convenient, and for some broken versions of ssh it is required (such as the one that ships
with MacOS 10.3). If you don't get a password prompt or get some ssh error when
running the following scripts, you probably need ssh keys.
Once this is accomplished, you can run a script to start pppd using ssh: Linux version,
MacOS version. FIXME: The Mac OS version is causing problems with pppd either
hanging up (10.3) or not connecting at all (10.4). Is this an issue common to FreeBSD as
well? Could any BSD users give this a whirl and report back?
Run this script as root on your local computer. It runs PPPD, calling SLIRP through ssh
on the other side. Note the variables you must set at the top. You can obtain your local
router in Linux or Mac OS by issuing netstat -r and looking for the entry at the bottom
for default. For PUBLIC_NAMESERVER you can cat /etc/resolv.conf on your UNIX
Shell, or you can use one of the publicly available nameservers. I've already filled in two
public nameservers for you. Also, the pppd should attempt to grab the remote shell's DNS
server and write it to resolv.conf for you, but this doesn't always work. Hence I write to
resolv.conf in the script before calling pppd, just in case pppd fails to write it.
Sometimes one approach is not sufficient by itself to both protect your identity and grant
you access to all the services you would like. For example, Tor does not carry UDP
traffic, nor is it really an all-encompassing VPN solution, which can lead to lots of
problems with browser plugins ignoring your proxy settings, spyware, webbugs, etc.
In some cases, it is also not possible to use Tor to connect to services due to banning. In
other cases, it may actually be desirable to conceal the fact that you are exiting from the
Tor network to protect it from abuse complaints, which usually have the side effect of
forcing Tor nodes to shut down.
This is probably the easiest way to conceal the fact that you came from the Tor network.
If you are using Privoxy, you can chain a regular HTTP proxy from a list mentioned
above (this one provides IRC capable proxies, while this one automatically builds a list of
currently active "high-anonymous" proxies) after the Tor line in your config to bounce off
the HTTP proxy before hitting the server you wish to access.
To connect to through an HTTP proxy at, add
forward-socks4a localhost:9050 to the end of
your privoxy config file. Note that with Privoxy 3.0.3, must be an
HTTP proxy and cannot be SOCKS.
If you are having problems locating a proxy that is not already banned by your desired
service, you can attempt to scan for a fresh one using either ScanSSH or YAPH. Once
you find a proxy, you can either google for the IP to see if it's in any proxy lists, or if
you're ambitious, use a perl script to check to see if it has been listed yet in the DNS
RBLs by doing DNS queries for it. (For those writing their own script from scratch, note
that the IP must be backwards. So query to check
Unfortunately, many IRC servers ban known proxy servers, and some will even scan your
source IP for an open proxy before allowing you to connect. However, what you can do is
combine the SSH hopping approach with Tor if you need Tor-caliber anonymity.
Basically the procedure is to obtain a UNIX shell (using Tor and an anonymous email
address), and then use tsocks to connect to it with tsocks ssh -D 4242
[email protected].
Once this is done, you can add forward-socks4 localhost:4242 .
(the dot is not a typo) to your Privoxy config if the service is a website, or otherwise
inform your IRC client to use localhost:4242 as a SOCKS4 proxy. In this way, you are
connecting to your locally listening ssh client, which routes it through the Tor connection
to, at which point your traffic exits on to the Internet with the IP address of
Once again, note that SSH only supports SOCK4, and thus DNS queries will be made
locally and thus can be observed. Also, if you are using one of the free UNIX shell
accounts, please be courteous and don't make a nuisance of yourself. These people don't
want to and shouldn't have to take time out of their day to answer abuse emails about your
account. They do this for free.
Also, note that Putty can be used with Tor to perform this same technique by setting
localhost:9050 as your SOCKS4 proxy. Then you can set up the SSH proxy by going to
'Tunnels', and filling in 4242 as the destination port, and clicking 'Dynamic', with no
destination or hostname. When you click 'Add', D4242 should show up. As discussed
before, you can save this profile and make a shortcut to 'putty.exe -load myprofile' to
quickly establish your tunnel. Once you run putty, you can use localhost:4242 as your
SOCKS proxy, or add the above line to your privoxy config.
A few people have mailed me asking about using OpenVPN over Tor. It turns out this is
not as hard as I originally thought. There are several reasons you might want to do this. In
my opinion, the main one would be to obtain protection against plugins/non-SOCKSified
applications making connections that reveal your address. If you are running OpenVPN,
all of these applications will go through the VPN.
Essentially the main problem is that you want your normal Internet traffic to go over the
OpenVPN interface, but you need your Tor traffic to travel over your regular Internet
interface. Essentially this involves setting up routes for every Tor server you intend to use
as an entrance point. This can be very problematic, because there are many Tor servers.
However, you can limit Tor's choice of entrance servers with the torrc config options
EntryNodes nick1,nick2,nick3 and StrictEntryNodes 1. I would recommend picking a
couple high bandwidth servers off of the Tor Network Status page. If you are running Tor
0.1.1.x or greater, you should also use LongLivedPorts and add your VPN server port to
the list (or just run the VPN server port on one of the ports mentioned in the manpage,
such as 5190, 5050 or 6667). Remember that Tor exit servers block most ports below
1024, and also common P2P ports. Be careful not to choose one of these as your
OpenVPN server port, or you will be unable to connect.
Once you have selected a few nodes and edited your torrc accordingly, you basically can
follow the OpenVPN instructions exactly, except for 3 differences:
1. You need to edit the server.conf (Linux, Mac OS, Windows) to have the line proto
tcp-server instead of proto udp.
2. You need to edit the client.conf (Linux, Mac OS, Windows) to have the lines proto
tcp-client, socks-proxy 9050, and socks-proxy-retry.
3. You need to modify the client-up script (Linux, Windows, Mac OS) and instead of just
one route line with your VPN_SERVER_IP, you need a route line for the IP of each
node you chose for EntryNodes.
After that, you're pretty much good to go. Doing this over HTTP proxy is essentially the
same as Tor, except you only need one route, and the config options are http-proxy and
http-proxy-retry instead of socks.
Using OpenVPN over Tor can be considerably weaker than simply using
only Tor. On the one hand, you don't have to worry as much about
applications/plugins not using Tor, but on the other hand, you do have to
worry about OS-level leaks through the VPN interface, and also the fact
that there is a fixed endpoint to correlate traffic through. If you use
OpenVPN for more than just one-hop encryption, I would recommend
only using it over a throwaway computing setup, to avoid risks of attacks,
trojans, and other leaks through the interface.
Running SLiRP over Tor is desirable for similar reasons as running OpenVPN over Tor,
but has the benefit that you only need a shell account on some UNIX machine.
Unfortunately, it has the disadvantage that it is only possible under Linux and Mac OS.
As far as I can tell, Windows cannot use an arbitrary terminal to run PPP over. However,
it is still possible to set up a Linux box doing SLiRP over Tor, and have it NAT for your
windows desktop, if you were so inclined.
But I digress. Again, like OpenVPN over Tor, you have to choose a few high-bandwidth,
reliable and trustworthy entrance nodes from off of the Tor Network Status page. Then
you have to add these servers to your torrc with EntryNodes nick1,nick2, and also set
StrictEntryNodes 1.
Then, follow the instructions for SLIRP setup, but instead use a different client script:
Linux version, MacOS version (FIXME: again, MacOS version has bugs.. See SLIRP for
details). The script needs the variables at the top to be filled in, as well as the routes that
are added for FIRST_TOR_IP, SECOND_TOR_IP and so on. These must be replaced
with the numerical IP addresses for the Tor nodes you added in your EntryNodes list.
Remember that pings will not work, so test this with telnet or something, rather than ping.
An alternative approach is to ssh hop to one shell, and then use tsocks to ssh to the next
shell where you either are using -L to forward to an OpenVPN server, or where you are
running a SLIRP host. You then tell the OpenVPN/SLIRP client side that localhost:4242
(or whatever) is your server and adjust the routes accordingly.
Here is how to accomplish this for SLIRP, which I expect to be the more common use
case. If anyone does this for OpenVPN, please send me your scripts and I will post them.
I imagine it should be pretty similar. You start by constructing the typical SSH hop chain:
[you@home ~]$ ssh -L 4242: user1@machine1
[user1@machine1 ~]$ [tsocks] ssh -L 4242: user2@machine2
[userN-1@machineN-1 ~]$ ssh -L 4242: userN@machineN
You then can use this script (Mac OS) to launch SLIRP across the SSH hopped link.
Notice that the parameters are a bit different than with the vanilla SLIRP setup.
FIRST_IP is the IP of your first SSH hop (machine1). The rest of the hosts do not matter.
The rest of the options are the same as above.
One thing that may improve your security is to make the first SSH hop to a box you
control. From there, you can install tor and use tsocks for the SSH connection to the host
that will be running SLIRP. This is a good way to get Tor-level security for UDP
applications and apps that don't support SOCKS. Technically the first hop doesn't have to
be your box, since you don't need root to install Tor as a client, but the first node might be
able to reveal who you are if they decide to cooperate with the destination host of your
tsocks connection for some reason (which they may do, if they believe you compromised
them or something).
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The Matrix Home Local Services
Local Services
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Local Services
The programs running on your computer can give away information about your identity.
Particularly those involved in file transfer and logging in to other computers.
ident lookups
ident is the TCP identification service. It allows a remote host to determine the local
username associated with any TCP connection involving that remote host. Naturally this
is a concern, especially if your username reveals your true identity. So when do ident
lookups happen? Well technically your machine's ident server will answer any request for
a (server, client) port pair for which the destination IP is the same as the ident request
source IP. However, normally is only used with FTP, SMTP and IRC traffic, if that. Some
web and ssh servers also have it enabled. The best thing to do here is to kill your ident
server, or add a firewall entry for port 113. Even better, you may wish to create an
obfuscated or common username for regular use. Something like bob, jane, Acidburn, or
ZeroCool, perhaps. ;)
[root@machine ~/dir]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ident -j
ftp logins
Be aware that your FTP client may also transmit your username or email address as the
anonymous password independent of your ident response. So far I've tested Firefox, links,
and ncftp, and none of them report your username OR hostname in the login. So that's
It is possible for a telnet server to query any arbitrary environment variables from your
telnet client. These include USER, HOSTNAME, DISPLAY, etc. However, the default
behavior of Linux telnet is to only send DISPLAY and PRINTER. Note that in some
cases, DISPLAY may contain your hostname.
ssh keys
The major threat with ssh keys for Mac OS and Linux users is your ssh host key. This can
be used to fingerprint you by connecting to port 22 of your IP to verify that you are using
the same machine as some other previous IP, either at your ISP or over VPN.
On both operating systems, you should be able to regenerate new ssh host keys with the
[root@machine ~/dir]# ssh-keygen -t rsa -f
[root@machine ~/dir]# ssh-keygen -t rsa -f
[root@machine ~/dir]# ssh-keygen -t dsa -f
On Mac OS, these commands should be issued while you are in the /etc directory, and
you should use a sudo before them. On Linux, run them as root in the /etc/ssh
directory. Use no password for the keys.
ssh login attempts reveal information about your machine only if you have created ssh
private keys and the ssh client attempts to use them to log in to the remote host.
Password-based login leaks no information about the client other than the IP address.
Realistically, even the scenarios for proving a client's identity via an ssh key exchange are
very unlikely. In the case of unsuccessful private key attempts, the only way it could be
done is if the attacker's ssh exchange were logged, and then the attacker's private key was
seized and demonstrated to provide the same signature as given to the remote host. To do
this would require an obscene amount of data collection at the remote host end, just
waiting for the attacker to connect. However, if an attacker logged in successfully via an
ssh key, all that would need to be shown is that the ssh key existed on your machine to
prove you were the attacker. Your local username is never sent as part of the ssh key
exchange, even if it is a part of the public key.
Terminal Services/rdesktop
By default, both rdesktop (for Linux) and Microsoft's Terminal Services Client
(mstsc.exe) will send your hostname and username to the machine you connect to. In
rdesktop, you can override the username with the -u switch, and the hostname with the -n
switch. In the MS Terminal Services Client, you can change your username in the
"Options" button, but it's not clear that there is any way to avoid transmitting your
machine name. Again, in Windows you can change your hostname via either NewSid or
via the registry.
Machines running windows file serving broadcast their computer name and description in
SMB Master Browser Elections. You probably don't want this traffic spewing across your
network connection if you wish to be anonymous. This is how you turn it off in
In general, it's a good idea not to name your machine something like "Bob Fnord's Evil
Hacking Box of Doom", or "JoeSmithsLinuxBox".
Under Mac OS, these services can be turned off under the "Sharing" icon in System
Preferences. I would turn just about all of those off if I were you.
Under Linux, you can either remove smbd and nmbd from /etc/rcN.d/ or you can
run chkconfig smbd off and chkconfig nmbd off. Note that this just prevents the
services from starting. To shut them off, run /etc/init.d/smbd stop (and again for nmbd).
FIXME_WIN32: Server and TCP/IP netbios helper? Is netbios EPM?.. Also check snmp.
mDNSResponder (Bounjour/Rendezvous/ZeroConf)
To permanently disable it, you can erase or move the mDNSResponder directory from the
StartupItems folder.
It should be noted there is also an mDNSResponder installed by default on some Linux
systems. You probably want to remove it from /etc/rcN.d, or run chkconfig
mDNSResponder off. Don't forget you also have to stop it with /
etc/init.d/mDNSResponder stop, since chkconfig only removes it from bootup.
An mdnsresponder.exe is also installed with the Windows version of iTunes. You
probably want to remove it/rename it so it is not started. You can check with Task
Manager or Process Explorer to see if you have a copy running.
UPNP is Microsoft's half-assed attempt at a ZeroConf protocol. It basically does the same
thing ZeroConf does, and probably should be disabled. Here is a utility to turn it off. Note
that you don't need their utility to turn it off. You can go into Control Panel-
>Administrative Tools->Services and first STOP and then DISABLE the "Universal
Plug and Play Device Host" service. Do the same with "SSDP Directory Services".
Prev Next
Network Attributes Home Web-based leaks
Web-based leaks
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Web-based leaks
Your web browser leaks a frighteningly large amount of information about you. For
example, even after you protect yourself by concealing your IP address through Tor, it is
still possible for someone to use a Java program to obtain your actual source IP and
hostname. And this is only the beginning. An excellent test utility to test all the different
types of information that can be obtained from your browser is available at BrowserSpy.
Most of these can be handled by the excellent Firefox extension NoScript. You are
encouraged to test out your browser there in addition to looking over the following
Cookies can be used to track your web usage across even a Tor session, where each
connection originates from a different IP. This can be both a blessing and a curse. A
blessing because if you are actually logged in, you usually won't have to keep doing so.
But a curse in that if someone then obtains your computer, they can use the cookie values
to prove you were at a given website at a given time. They are also extremely dangerous
if you have a tendency to turn off Tor or your proxy config from time to time, and then
wander back to a site that has a unique ID for you.
In particular, sites with ad banners can catch you off guard, since often they can have a
small ad banner with a piece of javascript you don't notice. If they set a cookie in this
banner, they can easily correlate your Tor traffic with your non-Tor traffic. For sites like
these, the best thing you can do allow cookies from the originating website only in your
web browser preferences window.
There also are a few Firefox extensions you can use to mitigate an arbitrary site's ability
to track you via cookies. The first, Cookie Culler provides a toolbar button that allows
you to purge all but selected "protected" cookies, and also provides you with the option of
blocking cookies you have deleted before. Add N' Edit Cookies will allow you to search
for cookies by site, modify, remove, and add them. Also useful is CookieButton, which is
a handy toolbar option that allows you do access control and clear cookies for a given site
right off of the toolbar. You can permanently disable cookies for entire domains, such as or
Referrer Url
Likewise, your referrer can be used to track your session path from page to page as well.
In order to prevent Firefox from transmitting referrer information, go to about:config and
set network.http.sendRefererHeader to the value 0.
Tab Mix Plus can also be used to block referrer forwarding for the lifetime of any given
tab. Simply right click on the tab, and go down to Permissions. The option to block
referrer is there, along with several other options we will use later.
Sometimes, however, it is useful to outright lie about where you came from. For example,
if you frequently visit your own blog/website by typing in the URL, those visits are
distinguishable by the lack of referrer URL. In those instances, you may wish to use
refspoof instead. Refspoof adds the ability to specify your referrer in a URL. For
example, spoof://;ref:// connects you to the New York Times,
making them think you came from google.
Browser History
This should be obvious. Delete your browser history, cache, cookies and other personal
information after doing sensitive things. A frightening javascript hack can actually reveal
if you have been to select sites, which can be used to fingerprint you. The best way to
deal with this is to run NoScript.
Web bugs
A common technique (used by the FBI and others) to discover someone's identity is to
send them an email with an image or some other document attribute that their email client
or browser will attempt to load. Usually, this image will be located on a server that the
sender controls, which means they will then have your IP address once your browser
makes the connection. Of course, for normal images, these will obey your proxy settings.
However, note that even using Tor is sometimes insufficient. Make sure your proxy
settings have an entry for FTP, especially.
You need to be particularly careful about Java plugins. Have a look at this clever java
applet that turned up at this odd website. This is an improvement on previous Java bugs
in that it is able to select one of several potential ways to make an external internet
connection and bypass your proxy settings based on capability information provided by
the JVM. Even if the JVM has been secured (most, including Sun's, are not), it can still
query the local interface of your machine and get the IP address without even making an
internet connection. It then submits results back to the server that served the applet. In the
case where the JVM is not secure, the JVM will IGNORE YOUR PROXY SETTINGS
You basically have two options when dealing with web bugs of this nature. One is to
install the NoScript Firefox Extension, which allows you to whitelist Java, Javascript, and
Flash objects on an as-needed basis. This is the recommended option, as it covers all your
bases all the time unless you say so. The one downfall is that if you enable permissions on
a site, you enable it for everything. This means that if you enable Javascript for your
email provider (most don't work too well without it), and they do not scrub HTML
properly, someone could still feed you this Java applet. According to the NoScript
Website, the ability to split permissions for Java from Javascript is being developed for
an upcoming release. Your best bet until then is to globally disable Java from your
Firefox preferences.
The other option is to use Tab Mix Plus tab permissions to disable plugins on the current
tab (right click on the tab). You get finer granularity here, but your choice only persists in
the current tab. This is annoying and easy to forget.
Also be aware that some media objects can reveal your IP address, depending on how the
plugin was written. On Windows, I have tested Windows Media Player, Realplayer,
Quicktime, and Flashplayer. Of those, I have discovered that only Realplayer did not
honor proxy settings, since it launched an entirely new application. I have tested mplayer-
plugin and Flash on Linux, and unfortunately the mplayer plugin does not obey browser
proxy settings (but does obey the http_proxy environment variable). In general, the best
way to determine if a plugin/media type is obeying your proxy settings is to use Ethereal
to watch network traffic. The display filter tcp.port == 80 or tcp.port == 443 can make
it easier to find traffic that is bypassing Tor, though note that some media apps will use
other ports and possibly even UDP.
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Local Services Home Intrusive Surveillance
Intrusive Surveillance
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Intrusive Surveillance
THOMAS: What is this thing?
TRINITY: We think you're bugged. Try to relax. Come on, come on...
Intrusive Surveillance basically means any type of surveillance that is occurring due to
some form of intrusion into your machine. As such, it is the most difficult form of
"forensics" to defend against, since doing so involves the securing and hardening of your
operating system against attack. While keeping up with security patches is a necessary
condition to be secure, sadly it is not sufficient. In spite of this, there are several obvious
indicators that someone is investigating you/watching what you do with your computer.
I should probably start this section off by saying that if you need anonymity, you should
probably reinstall your system now. Especially if you use Windows and Internet Explorer.
It is way to easy for those machines to become infected with spyware if you haven't been
practicing safe computing up to this point. I've even seen spyware that modifies the
Internet Explorer user agent string to contain a unique 128bit identifier.
Root Kits
Root Kits are the most intrusive and stealthy form of system surveillance around. They
are typically designed to take complete control of your operating system kernel, causing it
to lie to you about what processes are running, what network connections it is making,
system diagnostics, and so on. Luckily, if someone just wants to spy on you, they are
much more likely to only install a keylogger rather than a full blown rootkit. However,
knowing some basic info about how to detect rootkit installation is helpful for finding
keyloggers as well, especially since as keyloggers grow in sophistication, the line between
them and complete rootkits will blur.
For most users, this section probably covers a threat model they do not need to worry
about (although with rootkits being used by RIAA goons, this is rapidly changing). Many
users will want to just skip to the section on watching your back, which describes how to
use rootkits to hide various items on your system from a fascist administrator and for
plausible deniability ("a hacker did it! Who installs a rootkit on their own machine?").
Still, even in this case a read over this section is recommended, since it will tell you how
to undo what you have done.
1. Linux
On Linux, there are a couple of things you can do to protect yourself from rootkits.
The easiest, least technical method is to do an ls -laR / > dirty.list on your live
system, and then compare this to an ls -laR /mnt/hdd > clean.list on a Knoppix live
CD. The command line utility diff -u clean.list dirty.list can be used to compare the
two listings. The utility xxdiff may make this easier to view if there are lots of
differences due to an encrypted filesystem not being mounted, proc missing, udev, etc.
If you intend to audit your machine while it's live, the very first thing you need to do is
ensure that your kernel hasn't been modified via a rogue driver module. While lsmod
will list loaded modules, it is possible (and quite trivial) to remove module names
from this list while keeping the module in the kernel. For this reason, if you are
concerned about local surveillance, you are advised to build a kernel without module
support (preferably with grsec, which adds protection against ways to force modules
into a module-free kernel). This will prevent someone from loading a module that
could hide processes and network connections, log keys, etc.
If this is not an option (it is very difficult to get a monolithic kernel running, especially
on systems that require closed-source drivers), you can perform a manual audit. I
provide a couple Linux kernel modules that can aid in the auditing process. They will
help you check for common ways rootkit modules hide themselves, and also can help
you to ensure your kernel syscall path has not been tampered with. The ideas are based
on this Security Focus article and this article on rootkit operation. All methods
discussed there can be examined with those modules. The reason I created these
modules is that Fedora's policy of disabling /dev/kmem has broken existing utilities
that performed these functions. In particular, samhain is capable of performing these
checks automatically for you on non-Fedora and *BSD systems.
Once you know your kernel hasn't been subverted, you can check the output of netstat
-natup to see if any strange programs have established network connections to
external hosts. ps xa will show you all the processes running on your system. If you
don't recognize something, scroogle it.
To help watch for modification of your userland programs, you can run Chkrootkit
and/or Rootkit Hunter, and also periodically run rpm -Va to verify checksums of your
installed packages. TripWire and AIDE are also options for maintaining system
2. Mac OS X
If you have a second Mac, the easiest way to scan for a rootkit that is hiding files is to
run an ls -laR / > dirty.list on your live system and compare this to an ls -laR /
path/to/disk > clean.list run from a "clean" Mac that has mounted your hard disk
drive in Target Disk Mode. The command line utility diff -u clean.list dirty.list can
be used to compare the two listings. Compiling the utility xxdiff may make this easier,
but you have to run it in the X windows emulator, which is painful.
As far as live inspection and countermeasures, unfortunately, Mac OS doesn't have the
advantage Linux has in being able to compile a monolithic kernel. This means that it is
much more difficult to ensure that your system integrity is still valid. Just like on
Linux, it is possible to write a kernel extension that goes in and verifies that none of
the system calls have been hooked, and that the keyboard interrupt vector is still intact,
but I don't think such a extension has been written yet. FIXME_MAC: any takers?
FIXME_MAC: how about gdb + the syscall table? Is there a map file?
There is a piece of malware that exists for Mac OS X called Opener. It functions as a
trojan, spyware, and a keylogger. It's worth searching your filesystem for it's presence.
FIXME_MAC: more details on how it works..
However, since opener is not a kernel-level rootkit, it can be detected with system
monitoring software such as CheckMate. Additionally, you can check for suspicious
TCP and UDP connections via lsof -i TCP -i UDP. However, note that kernel-level
rootkits like WeaponX are able to make themselves invisible from these checks.
3. Windows
There are a few rootkits for Windows available which are capable of hiding processes,
services, files, etc. In addition, most rootkits come with some form of device driver
that is installed in order for them to do their cloaking by directly manipulating kernel
For general rootkit detection, Sysinternals puts out a tool called Rootkit Revealer that
uses various Windows APIs to check for inconsistencies (ie comparing raw registry
data to API reported, etc). It does not use this information to detect rootkits by name,
but instead prints a list of anomalies. If you have a clever rootkit implementer, be
aware that they can hide among the noise.
If you are interested in looking for hidden files, or executables, your best bet is to
create a bootable CDROM from your Windows XP install media. You can then look
through your directories after booting from this CD and ensure they match your system
under normal boot. UBCD has a tool called RootKitty which basically compares file
listings of your computer from the CD versus while it is running on a normal boot.
Specific rootkit removal tools exist also. Currently the most popular of these are
BlackLight and ICESword which both check for changes made to kernel memory to
detect rootkits like FU, as well as hooks to functions in kernel space. In 3rd place is
VICE, which checks for hooks in commonly targeted kernel and userland functions.
The main issue with VICE is that for usermode, it will spew out one hell of a lot of
false positives, as it is common for the Windows DLLs to "hook" one another.
The RKDetector utility linked off of this Hacker Defender Removal page is also pretty
nice. While it has been written primarily to detect the Hacker Defender rootkit, it is
also capable of finding hidden processes and services that may have been cloaked by
other rootkits (such as FU).
Also available is UnHackMe, a shareware tool designed for AFX removal.
Lastly, just like Linux and Mac OS, Windows enables you to list active Internet
connections and their associated processes. netstat -nab should do the trick.
FIXME_WIN32: Do AppInit_DLLs show up in procexp? How about other injected
code? How do you know what is injected?
Keyloggers and Spyware
If someone is out to spy on you, by far the most likely thing they will do is install a
keylogger. Some keyloggers can be easy to find, some almost impossible. There are two
types of keyloggers, software and hardware.
he main thing to watch for is an extra extension jack coming between your keyboard and
the back of your computer. However, also be wary of internally installable keyloggers. If
your physical environment can't be trusted (note that depending on your situation, this
may or may not include your home), buy a new keyboard and seal it with epoxy, or some
tamper evident mechanism. Also periodically check the inside of your computer for
dangling pieces of electronics coming between your keyboard port and your motherboard.
Normally there should only be wires or nothing at all. People have been prosecuted using
keylogged data as evidence.
1. Windows
Your best bet for guarding against software keyloggers in Windows is to install some
form of anti-spyware software. My personal favorites are Spyware Doctor, Microsoft's
AntiSpyware, AdAware and SpyBot (in that order), since they all provide free versions
that are fully capable of removing spyware they discover and also have received good
reviews on the web. Although I have not tried it, Symmatec's Antivirus+AntiSpyware
is supposedly very good as well, though pricey.
Because these scanners are unlikely to detect custom spyware, you probably should
also give Sysinternals AutoRuns a try, to catch anything that may be scheduled to run
that has not been signed/verified. And of course, don't forget to use the techniques
discussed in the rootkits section to detect anything that may be attempting to hide itself
via a rootkit.
For the technically curious and/or those concerned about custom keyloggers, there are
two main types of windows keyloggers:
a. Message-Hook Based
Being relatively easy to code, message-hook based keyloggers are the most
common form available. It is estimated they comprise 90% of keylogger
Their simplistic nature means that they are relatively easy to detect as well.
Follow the same steps involved in looking for a Windows root kit: Check for
strange processes, and check the AppInit_Dlls registry key. Alternatively, you
could install this anti-keylogger. It will run for 4 hours per reboot for 10
reboots before you have to pay for the registered version. It actually watches
members of your message queues and notifies you when processes attach to
listen for events. FIXME_WIN32: Are there more subtle ways to inject DLLs
using hooks such that you can hijack, say, explorer.exe to do your keylogging?
Yes. How do we enumerate them? SetWindowsHookEx with WM_DEBUG.
Also !chkimg in kd.. CodeMe.
d. Device Driver Based
To date, I've only run into one commercially available implementation of a
device driver based keylogger on Windows. Basically the way it works is it
hooks itself onto your keyboard device driver and then writes the keys to a file,
which can be viewed with an external program.
While in theory a kernel mode driver can be made next to impossible to detect,
in this case it is quite easy to find. You have a few options. The easiest thing to
do is go to Control Panel, click on Keyboard, and then click on the "Driver
Details..." button. That will list all the .sys files involved in making your
keyboard work. The ones with a green checkmark are signed by Microsoft, and
clicking on them will tell you so. If you see any that lack a green checkmark,
they are most likely a keylogger. Alternatively, you can run regedit.exe to
search your registry under
lass for either "Keyboard" or "kbdclass". This is where all your device
drivers live. Once you find the keyboard driver, check to make sure it ONLY
has kbdclass under the UpperFilters value. If it has anything else after
kbdclass (specifically the unsigned driver from control panel) edit it and
remove it. Then search again for that name under
and delete any subtrees that come up. FIXME_WIN32: Screenshots
2. Linux
For Linux, the rootkit detection techniques described above apply for keyloggers as
well. Most Linux keyloggers will take the form of rootkits. Also, you should watch out
for trojaned binaries (use rpm -Va or install tripwire or AIDE), especially ssh. You
should also keep an eye on your aliases and shell rc files (eg ~/.bashrc and
~/.bash_profile) to make sure no one is sneaking an LD_PRELOADed library in on
you. Last, but DEFINITELY not least, you want to make sure your ~/.Xauthority file is
not world readable, and that you don't have any bizarre xhost entries. It is possible to
remotely capture X events (and thus keystrokes).
Keyloggers are typically pretty blind. Especially kernel and hardware keyloggers. If you
are at a machine you cannot trust and do not feel like making it trustworthy, you do have
some options to at least protect your passwords. For example, switching windows mid-
password, cutting and pasting characters, and using the mouse to delete sections of text
randomly are all effective against hardware and kernel keyloggers, which will only focus
on actual keyboard events.
Message-hook and other application-level keyloggers can also be fooled in this way, but
they can attempt to do things like sort keystrokes by destination window, target only
specific apps, take screenshots, and even attempt to capture cut and paste events. In fact,
most commercially available software keyloggers have advanced to the point where they
are able to track both cut and paste activity and sort keystrokes according to their
destination window. You can still attempt to confuse them by entering keys into other
fields in the same window, however.
Ok, now that we know how to find and remove keyloggers and rootkits, we're going to
talk about how to use them to conceal what you are doing, and to watch for evidence of
nosy coworkers. Using Hacker Defender with this config file will hide an OpenVPN
installation. copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe Desktop\mycmd.exe will give you a
command shell on your desktop that is still able to see the Hacker Defender config files.
Be aware that antivirus software may detect hacker defender, especially before it has a
chance to run. The README advises you insert <, >, ", and & characters randomly into
the config file fields to help avoid detection, though obviously this is not fool proof. To
conceal the Hacker Defender executable, you may wish to run it through Morphine,
which is an executable encryptor. Even this is probably not foolproof, so use with caution
if you are in an environment where the network administrator receives virus information
on your PC.
FIXME: In a future revision, write up how to turn a webcam (and/or audio mic) into a
security camera, to watch over your computer while you are gone in order to catch a 3rd
party in the act of installing/retrieving a hardware or software keylogger at your
computer. An excellent writeup for Mac OS can be found at engadget. For Linux there is
Gspy, SCRAP, and Motion. A HOWTO on building a mini computer dedicated just to
video surveillance on Linux is available at MagicITX. Windows??
On Windows, it is also possible to install monitoring software such as those listed here to
monitor your computer. Promising candidates include PCSpy, SpyMyPC, All in One
Keylogger and BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger.
FIXME_WIN32: maybe also write a section on how to elevate privs on your own
machine. Can OpenVPN be installed from a BartPE? Many people will not have
Administrator access on their machines. Test on vmware. You probably can't add yourself
to Administrators, since that is a Domain group.. Can you create a RunAs.. shell?
Throwaway Computing
In certain situations where you have freedom over the computer but do not trust it, you
might consider using a bootable CD. The obvious choice is Knoppix or a Knoppix
derivative. I prefer Auditor Linux since it automatically supports my wireless card (unlike
Knoppix) and comes with lots of useful security tools right on disc. It is possible to
customize Knoppix using a USB key, so a Knoppix CD+tor on your USB key might be
helpful if you frequently find yourself in shady labs. The Knoppix Wishlist includes Tor,
so maybe that will happen someday.
For pre-configured, pre-tested Tor environments, you can try out Anonym.OS, which is
an OpenBSD-based boot cd that includes Tor and has everything preconfigured to use it.
Alternatively, you can save yourself some effort and purchase a bootable USB Key with
Tor and other privacy software pre-installed.
Alternatively, you can build a BartPE image for the same purpose if you prefer Windows.
While there are a couple of massive plugin directories, my favorite route is to use The
UBCD Installer (which contains many of those plugins) and then just keep any extra apps
I want (such as Tor) on my USB Key. The TorPark project is excellent for this purpose.
Either of these methods provide maximum protection and assurance against software
trojans and viruses. In addition, you automatically get protection against cookie logging
and browser history data for free.
An alternate (and possibly more convenient for home use) method is to use VMWare (or
Xen) to create an innocuous looking operating system to interact with the real world. This
has the advantage that if you need to use your original setup for something, you can, but
for all other communications you have a system that you wouldn't mind being attacked.
Furthermore, VMWare has a feature that allows you revert to a known safe snapshot of
the OS at any time, which can be useful to ensure you haven't been trojaned or acquired
any persistent cookies during your session. The snapshot feature of Xen is still in
development, but various hacks are possible to get the same effect.
The last and most perilous threat to your privacy is when The Man busts in and takes all
your gear (and they will take all of it). This sucks, and will often leave you without
computer equipment for the better part of a year. There are limits on scope of warrants,
but the courts have proved to err on the side of The Man. Of course, it is always advisable
to practice good Kung Foo so that he's never able to trace you in the first place, but luck
favors the prepared. You never know when some scumbag decides to turn states
evidence, or some enemy of yours decides it might be funny to see you sweat out an
investigation for no reason. As such, lets spend a bit of time discussing how search and
seizure functions in the US.
There are several methods by which an Agent can obtain the legal right to search and
seize your digital goods, most of which are conveniently outlined in the US DOJ Search
and Seizure Manual (local copy). There are a couple instances where they can get away
with searching you WITHOUT A WARRANT that you might not have anticipated:
1. Private Searches
These are probably the most dangerous type of warrantless search, because it is most
likely to catch you off guard. Essentially a private search is a search conducted by
someone who is not acting as an agent of the government (ie a vigilante). In this case,
a neighbor, roommate, officemate, janitor, repairman, maid, sysadmin, etc can be
snooping around on your computer, discover what they might think is criminal
evidence (such as this HOWTO :), and call the police. The police are then legally
authorized to repeat the search conducted by the private citizen without warrant
(unless it was a search of a residence), and arrest you for both the original and any
additional contraband (within the scope of the original search). Bad news all around.
2. Searches/Consent by Employers/Coworkers
In this case, not only can employers and coworkers conduct "private searches", but
they can also consent to search of your office space for you. How nice. Don't forget:
you're their slave, coppertop.
3. Implied Consent
This is another beauty. If you've signed away or otherwise have been warned of a
reduced right to privacy (ie through a work contract or login banner), you can be
considered to implicitly consent to search. I wonder if this is why AOL changed its
Terms of Service (before changing them back due to prompt public outcry, and zero
corporate media coverage).
4. Exigent Searches
If the feds have reason to believe that there is extreme urgency in obtaining the data
due to either danger to person or threat of its destruction, they can search without a
warrant. Thankfully "laptop batteries might be about to run out" was ruled not to be an
exigent circumstance. But note that some Agent did try to use that as an excuse.. Gotta
love The Man.
5. No-Knock/"Sneak and Peak" Searches
If the feds can show that there is either danger of violence or threat of destruction of
evidence if they announce their search, they can obtain a "No-Knock" warrant, which
allows them to barge right in if you are home or not. Also, with the passage of the
Patriot Act, they are also able to conduct "Sneak and Peak" searches. Typically "Sneak
and Peak" search cannot involve seizure, and the authorities must typically notify you
within 90 days. For defensive techniques against "Sneak and Peak" searches, consult
the section on watching your back.
6. Subpoena of ISP Records
A subpoena is a court order to testify or produce evidence. The downside is it can be
used if you are not suspected of a crime but instead may only have evidence relating to
a crime. It is possible for the feds to obtain your ISP records, files, and "opened"
emails via subpoena. However, they do have to notify you of this fact immediately,
unless there is fear of danger to person, flight, destruction of evidence, or otherwise
jeopardizing the investigation.
7. Deception of Purpose
This little doosey was a fun one to discover. How to Be Invisible cites a January 1994
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin that states agents may disguise themselves as utility
repairmen, delivery personnel, distressed motorists, etc, and ask for entrance into your
home to make a phone call, look up something on the web, etc. Once you grant them
entrance, anything they happen to see (or claim to smell) in plain view can be used to
go back and get an actual warrant. Good times!
8. Trash Inspection
Ruling that there is no expectation of privacy for discarded items, the Supreme Court
has held that trash is not protected by the 4th amendment. This ruling has allowed the
government to tell garbage collectors that certain trash bins are to be delivered directly
to their doorstep, without warrant. They do not even have to collect it themselves.
9. Retroactive FISA Warrants
The USA Patriot Act has expanded the ability for the FBI to obtain secret warrants
against "terrorism" suspects. At the direction of the Attorney General, the FBI is able
to conduct a secret search of your residence, phone communications, and/or Internet
activity and then 72 hours later, apply for a secret search warrant to do so from the
FISA court. Since the FISA court is secret, and has only turned down 4 requests in the
past 5 years, this power has essentially destroyed any guarantee against unreasonable
search. The Patriot Act also amended 18 USC 2518-7 to allow for "specially
designated" law enforcement officers to conduct warrantless search and surveillance
for 36 hours in situations of suspicion of organized crime, national security interest,
and threat of serious physical injury to a person.
10.Search of Corporate Records
In an astounding display of new advances in Constitutional interpretation, the Supreme
Court ruled in 1976 that since corporations are not natural persons, they (nor even their
owners!) enjoy any protection from the search and seizure of their records. My oh my,
that certainly makes it convenient to fetch just about any information on anyone. With
this ruling, the US government is able to enumerate just about everything in your home
simply by demanding purchase records from your credit card company. The ruling also
extends to subpoenas of logs and other files at colocation providers, and also provides
the basis for the "constitutionality" of National Security Letters.
It should also be noted that anything uncovered while executing a warrant is admissible in
court, even if it was not what the agents were looking for.
Civil Procedure
In addition to the above, you need to be at least peripherally aware of the rules of
discovery in civil procedure, especially if it is likely that someone may seek to sue you for
damages instead of (or in addition to) pressing charges. In civil procedure, if there is
reason to believe that you may have evidence supporting the plaintiffs claim, the process
of discovery enables them to demand evidence/records from you. If you destroy this
evidence, then not only are you potentially liable for criminal charges, but the plaintiff
also is allowed to assume that the destroyed records contained the proof they sought. In
the case of civil litigation by large corporations against individual people, the police are
sometimes called in to immediately seize relevant materials without warning. Isn't that
Encrypted Filesystems
The solution to these perils hinges on cryptography, and each system has its own way of
accomplishing this. Depending upon your threat model for The Man, you may want
different levels of assuredness that he cannot obtain your data. As described above, your
two main classes of threat are civil action, and criminal action.
In the case of threat of civil action, it may be desirable to employ some form of
steganographic filesystem so that the process of discovery cannot be used to assume you
have destroyed incriminating evidence. Your best bet for this is TrueCrypt, which has an
appealing hidden volume mode which can provide deniability for civil situations where
you are compelled to give up the key during discovery. It exists for Windows and Linux,
but since it is the only non-broken implementation of an encrypted filesystem for
Windows, the writeup for it is right below the Windows sub-section. If you decide to use
TrueCrypt for Linux, you should be aware that there are secondary logs (ie bash history
on Linux) that can be used to demonstrate that files exist if they are not carefully purged.
In a criminal situation the rules are a bit different. In the US, you may have some luck in
claiming that your encryption key is protected by your 5th amendment right to not
incriminate/testify against yourself. However, be aware that if you are subpoenaed to
testify against another individual, you can be ordered to give up their key, unless they are
your spouse. In the event that you are ordered to testify against someone else, you can
request immunity from the prosecution to protect you from any incriminating evidence
found as a result of the key disclosure.
Your ability to assert your 5th amendment right (and thus be eligible for immunity)
ultimately rests with the decision of the judge. If he thinks your 5th amendment right does
not apply to the key due to the lack of real threat of incrimination or some other twisted
legal logic and you still refuse to surrender it, you can be sentenced to up to 6 months in
jail for contempt of court. Note that you can still be charged with contempt for refusing to
obey even if you believe a higher court would rule in your favor. However, refusing to
comply would get you a good deal of (most likely positive) press attention. Nobody likes
to see people imprisoned for refusing to testify against themselves, even if some legal
loophole would allow it.
There has been recent political maneuvering in the UK to attempt to enable Part III of the
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act to give the government the power to demand your
keys even in the cases where it may incriminate you.
This is particularly short sighted for a number of reasons, the most obvious being: the
ramifications of the damage of trust in SSL certificates and banking communications; the
inability to discern what is encrypted data and what is simply random application data;
the inability to discover or prove with any certainty exactly how many passwords there
are; the unspecified language as to whether key files count as password, and what
happens if they are lost or destroyed; and the inability to prove that the subject hasn't
legitimately forgotten the password (which, with the infrequent use patterns of filesystem
passwords, is entirely possible and even common among users). The rest of the world
should thank the UK if decides to take it upon itself to prove the stupidity of this action
for us. I have no doubt that this measure cannot survive in any country with a legitimate
constitution or other declaration of human rights, for good reason. Get ready, hilarity is
about to ensue.
So enough of that. Lets discuss filesystem cryptography on each of the 3 major platforms,
as well how to erase data securely as you move it from non-encrypted storage to
encrypted storage. As usual, *BSD users are left to fend for themselves. If anyone would
like to submit a quick and dirty BSD writeup for this HOWTO, don't hesitate.
Under all of the following systems, you will need to make one or more passwords for
each encrypted volume. You should avoid writing these passwords down at all costs, but
note that filesystem passwords are particularly easy to forget, since they are used
infrequently. As mentioned above, this fact makes mandatory key disclosure particularly
short sighted. It is very possible to forget filesystem keys and risk complete data loss. For
this reason, you should mentally rehearse your passwords every day for several weeks
after you create them to make sure you do not forget them. I consider myself fairly
mentally competent, but I have still lost more than one encrypted volume after creating it
because the password was used once for creation and then forgotten.
There are two main cryptographic filesystem solutions for Linux: dm-crypt and
TrueCrypt. TrueCrypt setup is covered below, and arguably it has some more appealing
features than dm-crypt, but since it is not included in any major distributions, typically
you will have to recompile your kernel to support it.
Setting up dm-crypt is relatively easy to do (at least for a simple loop-back filesystem),
and their wiki has several good HOWTOs. Unfortunately, setting it up right can be
extremely hard and involved. Please read this guide carefully, as there are many
subtleties than can catch you off-guard.
To protect against the legal snafus mentioned above, I prefer a bit different approach than
that given on the Wiki for actual device creation. I prefer to use GPG to encrypt the
filesystem key, and have the passphrase I type into the keyboard be the password to the
GPG key. This enables you to change the password without having to rebuild the
filesystem. It also enables you to carry the key with you on a USB microdrive to ensure
its safety and also to prevent anyone from mounting the fs even if they know the
password. In emergency situations, the USB key can be destroyed, and the data can never
be recovered. In this way, you can be in full compliance with a court order requiring the
password for the filesystem and still not reveal your data. Note that if you destroy a key
after a court demands to see it (or simply refuse to give up the password) you can be held
in contempt of court and sentenced to jail time (in the US, this is 6 months or less,
however). However, if the key/data is a substantial portion of the prosecution's case, and
the sentence you are facing is more than 6 months (or if you are a hardcore civil
libertarian type), you may want to tell them to fuck off anyway. Probably would get you a
good deal of (most likely positive) press attention. Nobody likes to see people imprisoned
for refusing to testify against themselves, even if some legal loophole would allow it.
Since The Man will usually attempt to take all of your electronic gear right
away, you will have to find some mechanism to either store the key some
place safe or have an instantaneous mechanism to destroy it as soon as you
hear the knock. Be advised that if your key media fails, you will lose all
your data. Floppies are a no-no, but can be used to provide plausible
Here are the steps to generate such a key that can be destroyed on a moment's notice:
[root@machine ~/dir]# dd if=/dev/random bs=4k count=1 | gpg -a --
cipher-algo AES256 -c - > /mnt/usb/keys/fs.gpg
[root@machine ~/dir]# gpg -q -o - /mnt/usb/keys/fs.gpg | cryptsetup -v
-c aes create cryptfs /dev/hdxN
[root@machine ~/dir]# mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/cryptfs
[root@machine ~/dir]# mount /dev/mapper/cryptfs /crypto
So basically what this does is get some random data for the fs key material, and use gpg
and AES256 to symmetrically encrypt (-c) it with your passphrase. The next command
then decrypts your key file and uses the key material to initialize the dmcrypt driver using
/dev/hdxN, where x is one of a-d, and N is the partition number. Note you can also use
files instead of partitions, but it is not recommended, especially if that file resides on a
journaled filesystem. After that, the /dev/mapper/cryptfs block device will
appear, and you can format it for whatever FS you like, and then mount it.
For added safety, I prefer to move /var, /tmp, and /home to /crypto and create symlinks
back to /, so that .bash_history and system logs aren't available to someone who might
want to prove you have certain files or access times. You should run telinit 1 before
doing this, to ensure that no daemons are running and actively using those directories
when you move them.
[root@machine ~/dir]# telinit 1 [or reboot into single user
[root@machine ~/dir]# [killall rpc.idmapd]
[root@machine ~/dir]# [umount /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs]
[root@machine ~/dir]# mv /var /tmp /home /crypto
[root@machine ~/dir]# ln -s /crypto/* /
[root@machine ~/dir]# [vim /etc/selinux/config]
[root@machine ~/dir]# telinit 3 [or reboot]
On Fedora Core 4 systems, you'll need to killall rpc.idmapd and possibly umount /
var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs before the mv, or just reboot into single user mode. In addition,
this whole setup is likely to cause SELinux conflicts, so you should probably set
SELINUX=permissive or SELINUX=disabled in /etc/selinux/config (or add
selinux=0 to the kernel boot parameters in /etc/grub.conf).
Once this is complete, you'll want to make sure that your crypto fs is mounted before
anything tries to use /var. The way I prefer is to create a script interface to gpg that has the
right options to enable it to work from /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit. For Fedora Core
users, you can typically just call that script right after the rest of the local filesystems are
mounted. Search the rc.sysinit file for "mount -a -t" or "Mounting local
filesystems". You should end up somewhere near a bunch of mount -f lines and an
SELINUX relabeling call. Stick a call to /path/to/mount-crypto right before the
SELINUX stuff. If you prefer to run your system in runlevel 5 (with graphical login), you
will need to edit /etc/grub.conf and remove the rhgb option from the kernel config
line in order to be able to enter your FS password. Note that you will probably want to
have a boot disk handy or be ready to do linux init=/bin/bash from the boot command
line in case something goes wrong.
Alternatively, if you don't wish to be prompted for a password at bootup because the
machine is a remote server, you can use chkconfig or edit /etc/rc.d/rcN.d (where
N is your runlevel -- type runlvl as root if unsure) to remove syslog, sendmail, crond, atd,
and any other daemon that shows up in an lsof -n | grep var and lsof -n | grep tmp. In
[root@machine ~/dir]# runlvl
[root@machine ~/dir]# lsof -n | grep var
[root@machine ~/dir]# chkconfig --level 3 syslog off
[root@machine ~/dir]# chkconfig --level 3 sendmail off
[root@machine ~/dir]# chkconfig --level 3 crond off
[root@machine ~/dir]# ...
Unfortunately, there are likely to be a crapload of daemons you're going to have to do this
for, especially if you run Fedora Core 4. Once you finish this, you'll want to make a script
that mounts and then starts all the needed daemons. As a starting point, you can have a
look at my crypt-start and crypt-stop.
Note that if your system is running remotely, it may not be too happy about brining sshd
up for you after the unmount or upon bootup, unless you mkdir -p /
crypto/var/empty/sshd/, and mkdir -p /crypto/var/lock/subsys in the unmounted dm-
crypt directory.
It should go without saying, but if you go through all this trouble to encrypt your
harddisk, you shouldn't leave backups lying around on unencrypted media. If you have to
transfer a backup to unencrypted media, tar it up, and then use gpg --cipher-algo
AES256 -c to encrypt it. GPG does compression before encryption.
Last, but not least, you should also consider encrypting your swap so that pieces of
programs you run aren't recoverable after shutdown. I prefer to use the lazy route and just
make a swapfile on the encrypted filesystem.
An alternate procedure to protect /var and /tmp is to encrypt your entire
root filesystem and place the decryption scripts on an initial ramdisk. I
have not done this, because it means that you cannot reboot your servers
remotely, but it requires a hell of a lot less hacking with initscripts and
SELinux permissions. As you saw above, this process can get pretty
The Gentoo Wiki has a page on setting up an encrypted root filesystem for
Gentoo, and Linux Journal has an article on setting up an encrypted root
for Fedora Core 3. This Ubuntu Forum Post describes the same process for
Mac OS
In MacOS you have two options. If you trust Apple (and your sysadmin, where
applicable), and really believe there is no master password set, you can use the built-in
FileVault feature to encrypt your entire home directory with 128 bit AES, or you can
attempt to do it yourself. Given the amount of work involved in doing it yourself, I would
suggest trusting Apple and going the FileVault route.
In Windows, everything is easy. Unfortunately, everything also sucks. For some reason,
Windows implements encryption at the filesystem layer, and you can enable it by right
clicking on a file/folder and going to Properties->Advanced. Unfortunately, all of the
file names in an encrypted directory are still viewable without the key. Worse still, the
Administrator account has access to all these files through a special recovery key, and
there seems to be no option to disable this.
If you do choose to run Windows on your desktop, an alternative you might consider is
building a Linux fileserver that houses all your sensitive documents on an encrypted
Samba share, but be aware that Samba does not encrypt traffic. You can set up an
OpenVPN tunnel between your Linux and Windows machine, however, if there is danger
of someone monitoring your network.
Another alternative is to use TrueCrypt, which actually provides the benefits of both
crypto and steganography in that it has an emergency password that you can use if
ordered to reveal your filesystem password under threat of force. TrueCrypt is a very nice
piece of software, and more than makes up for the pile of suck that is NTFS encryption,
and now also has a Linux version. Creation of hidden volumes is pretty straight forward.
There is online documentation, but really you only need to be aware of a couple of things.
First, it is best to create the hidden and the outer volumes at the same time, using the
"hidden volume" radio button. The outer volume is created first, and is populated (by
you) with non-sensitive files and encrypted with the emergency password. Note that if
you place more data on the outer volume later, you must remember to specify your hidden
volume password as well, so TrueCrypt is able to find areas unused by the hidden volume
to store the new data. Once the volumes are created, you can mount the same volume
file/partition with either password to test it out.
Additionally, TrueCrypt has recently added support for keyfiles. The support for this
feature is particularly excellent. You can combine an arbitrary number of keyfiles along
with a password to yield the actual key to the filesystem. This allows you to create a
collection of both fake and real keyfiles such that your adversary has to know which
subset are actually required (assuming they can even find any of them), in addition to
knowing your password. It can be seen from this formula (or by visualizing keyfile
"fake/real" as a binary string), that for N keyfiles, the total number of combinations of
keyfiles is 2N. Thus you can easily provide for a large number of possible combinations
of both keyboard and mouse input (which is particularly comforting if keyloggers are a
possibility). Couple this with hidden volume support and clever concealment of encrypted
volume files amongst other large and unintelligible program data files, and you have
yourself a pretty secure and undetectable encrypted setup. Just remember to frequently
mentally rehearse all of your passwords (instead of writing them down), as mentioned
above. Filesystem passwords are used much less often than login passwords. It is easy to
forget them.
The only real drawback is that TrueCrypt cannot encrypt the Windows Swap file. This
means that it is possible for programs to write pieces of their memory to disk
unencrypted. This obviously can leak sensitive information. However, the swap file can
be disabled in Windows XP by navigating through Start->Properties->Advanced tab-
>Performance section->Settings->Advanced tab->Virtual Memory section->Change-
>No Paging File->Set->OK.
On Linux, however, a TrueCrypt volume can of course contain a swapfile as discussed
For the extra paranoid, you can write a quick perl script to monitor network connectivity,
and immediately unmount and remove the crypto device as soon as pings fail (or execute
any other arbitrary command). I've done this already for you. My first cut was a simple
script that pinged a series of hosts and executed your crypt-stop script from above. This
script gave The Man one second to move your machine to a network that would also
respond to all those pings while he transported it.
This is problematic in that The Man could simply throw in a hub with a bunch of
machines that would also respond to those IPs and turn it on as soon as they disconnected
your box from the network (assuming they figured out what to do about power). So after
thinking about it for a bit, I decided I didn't even want to make it that easy for that
bastard. So I wrote a pair of scripts you can run on various machines on your LAN (or
across the Internet) to ensure network connectivity.
The way this works is there is a client script and a server script. The client script is the
one you run on your secure machine, and the server script you run on any host on the
Internet. The scripts are written in standard perl, and depends upon the Unix utility
md5sum, which is available on Linux, Mac OS, and cygwin. You should be able to
replace md5sum with any command line hashing program, such as FSUM if you do not
want to install all of cygwin.
When you start the pair (start the server first), they ask you for a password to be used for
that session. The client script then periodically (every 0.25 seconds by default) sends the
MD5 (or SHA1) hash of a random number (from /dev/urandom) to the server script, and
the server script appends this random number to your password. It then hashes this
combined value, and sends the result back to the client. The client compares this value to
one it generates locally via the same manner. If they match, the process is repeated with a
new random hash, if they do not match, a script you specify (such as crypt-stop to
unmount your drives) is run. The script is also run after a timeout period (1 second) or if
the TCP connection otherwise dies.
This is a common cryptographically secure authentication technique that is used to prove
two people know a password without revealing it to a third party (The Man).
Note that there is nothing stopping you from running multiple copies of this program on a
given machine to connect to multiple servers with different passwords, in case there is
concern a password could be recovered by attacking a particular server. It won't hurt your
volume to attempt to unmount it twice.
Secure Deletion
Oftentimes you will have old or temporary copies of data left on your hard disk after you
finish making your encrypted filesystem. Sometimes applications will save data to
unencrypted locations by default before you realize what they are doing. In these cases
you need to have a mechanism to wipe traces of this data clean. Simply deleting files is
not enough, since deletion only removes files from the directory listing and does nothing
to actually remove their contents until they are overwritten by some new file.
Whenever the topic of secure deletion comes up, an argument will inevitably be raised as
to how many times a file must be overwritten and what must it be overwritten with in
order for it to be truly gone. The tinfoil hat crowd will tell you all sorts of horror stories
about this or that government agency that has the power to read through N+X layers of
random overwritten data, where N was the number you asserted was secure and X is some
arbitrary additional amount they made up to make you feel bad.
My personal opinion is that somewhere between 2 and 5 really is all you need. As drives
become larger, the cost factor involving finding data below an arbitrary number of writes
over the span of the entire disk grows tremendously. And then who's to say that the data
wasn't there from a previous owner, possibly even someone who returned a drive back to
the manufacturer because of some defect that was corrected and the drive resold. The
other factor is that if secure deletion takes forever, you will find yourself doing it less and
less, and postponing it more and more because it will interfere with your real work. This
is obviously much worse than minimally wiping something quickly right away and
getting it over with.
On Linux, the relevant utility is called wipe. There are two versions of this utility. The
more popular one is hosted at sourceforge, and the other is available here.
For most uses, I would just accept the defaults. To wipe a file, wipe filename should be
fine. wipe -r directory will get an entire directory recursively. To wipe all free space on a
drive, wipe -a some_file should do the trick.
Mac OS
On Mac OS, secure file deletion is built right in to the trash bin. You need to ensure that
you do not interrupt this process, however, or you may loose access to any FileVault
volumes you may have. Keep the power plugged in.
It is also possible to erase free space on your Mac if you emptied the trash bin without
using the secure file deletion option. For instructions on how to do this, go to
Applications/Utilities and select Disk Utility and search the help for information on
erasing free space. FIXME: Better description. Can it do free space?
On Windows, far and away the best option is Eraser, since it adds right-click context
menus to wipe a file or directory, and allows you to schedule tasks to wipe all free space
as well. Very nice piece of software.
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Anonymous Communication
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Anonymous Communication
Anonymous Email
Low-grade anonymous email can effectively be achieved by creating a Yahoo or gmail
account and only accessing it through Tor. BEWARE however, that many webmail
services will append your IP to the mail headers. So be absolutely sure to never send any
messages (or even log in) without using Tor.
Worse still, the mainstream webmail services typically offer other services that
"conveniently" allow you to share the same account/cookie between them. For this
reason, if you opt to use a major webmail service, you need to be careful with things like
entering your street address/zip code into their corresponding mapping services, or for
that matter, ever using a yellow pages. Careful and judicious use of various cookie control
mechanisms or throwaway computing is required. It is also rumored that hotmail will pull
your browser time info and place it on emails, thus narrowing your geographical location.
As the final nail in the coffin against gmail and company, these providers will often keep
deleted emails in storage for advertising classification and who knows what other
reasons. This opens up the possibility that even emails you have though you had deleted
can be obtained in a court order.
If you desire more anonymity with less hassle, you have a couple of options. HushMail
and MailVailt provide limited free accounts that automatically support GPG. HushMail
unfortunately uses some kind of hokey Java interface, and I have difficulty getting it to
reliably work on many OS/browser combos. Also, note that some Java implementations
may not pass your connections through your proxy settings, which would may mean that
Tor is not sufficient protection. Check netstat to be sure. MailVault does not use Java,
and thus is fully Tor-friendly. It's also lighter and quicker. However, I would not rely on
mailvault OR hushmail (or any other provider) to ensure your email is private. While
both of these companies are outside of the USA (which at least should provide protection
against a National Security Letter), they still could fall prey to some other coercive tactic.
If you need a high level of assurance of secrecy, you must manage your own GPG key
using a front end or plugin to your mail client.
Your last option for anonymous mail is to use a proper mix network. However, these
networks require a good deal of configuration and setup to join, and once you do, they are
only one way. There are two main anonymous remailer networks in existence, MixMaster
and MixMinion MixMinion is designed to succeed MixMaster, but it is still in
development and thus has debug logs, etc in place that can be confiscated and used to
betray anonymity. There are web gateways available to use, but again they are only one
It is also possible to set up a return path, or Nym through certain mix networks. Hushmail
provides nym service as part of their paid accounts, and Panta Rhei maintains a list of
NymServers as well.
If you only need a throwaway email address for or for signing up for a google groups or
other forum account, you can use, or Note
that these temporary mailboxes have no passwords. Also don't forget to use Tor or some
other IP obfuscater
If you use a webmail account, you should expect that your email is NOT
PRIVATE. According to the ECPA, after 180 days it becomes possible to
demand email from a server without a warrant, and for non-criminal
matters. This means all that has to happen is a civil attorney decides they
want to see your email because they might have a reason to sue you, so
they write a subpoena demanding all email older than 180 days from your
provider, and it is theirs.
A few interesting anonymity/privacy mailing services have also arisen
lately because of this loophole. StealthMessage, Self Destructing Email
and MailJedi all provide "self-destruct" capabilities for email, so that you
don't have to worry about messages you send sitting in someone's inbox to
be discovered later. StealthMessage for some reason does not work for me,
however. It also requires Javascript and is pretty clunky.
Once again, I would not rely on any of these services to actually destroy
your mail or otherwise keep it private, especially in the case of subpoena,
National Security Letter, or coercive tactics. If you need this level of
assurance, you must manage your own GPG key using a front end or
plugin to your mail client.
Posting to Usenet
For the benefit of the unwashed: Usenet is a massive collection of discussion groups
spanning all sorts of topics. Just about any type of discussion you might imagine takes
place on Usenet, and you can browse and search all posts ever made via google. There's
just one problem. You can browse and search all posts ever made via google. This means
that if you ever post something to Usenet, it remains there. Forever. Thus anonymity is
highly desirable.
Posting to Usenet is actually easier than writing anonymous email, because you don't
have to set up the return path. In this case, you can simply use a MixMaster web interface
or some other remailer (use Tor) and send mail to one of the mail2news gateways. You
can then view your results on Google Groups or one of any number of public NNTP
To post a reply to a given post, you need to enter an "In-Reply-To: <MessageId>" header
line with the Message ID of the message you would like to reply to (in addition to the
usual "Re:" subject prefix). You can find a message's ID via google groups by clicking on
"Options" and then "Show Original". Since it's relatively easy to screw this up, please
practice this in misc.test or alt.test before posting to real groups.
Unfortunately, many newsgroups are unavailable via the mail2news gateways. To post to
these groups, you will either have to create a google account (which is problematic due to
a universal cookie google creates discussed previously), or sign up to a commercial
Usenet provider and pay via Money order. If you plan on signing up to a commercial
usenet provider, you should ensure that they enable web access, because there are few Tor
exit servers that will allow you to access the NNTP (Usenet) port. Some examples that
may meet your needs include,,,, and Be sure to avoid the temptation of using the same
account for anonymous posting as you use for downloading warez/movies/etc from the
binaries groups, since most likely you will be unable to do the latter over Tor.
Also be aware that there are two limitations with google's news server. The first is that keeps a cookie that tracks which groups you have visited. This cookie
persists for multiple sessions and is potentially shared with their main search page, and
every other google service. It's not too much of a stretch for them to also track IPs that
have used that cookie as well (or worse, save info about map queries), meaning that if
you forget to use Tor and access google groups, or any google service, they can
potentially correlate your interest in one particular anonymous post to your IP via the
cookie that was used both times. The solution is to either use a bootable CD for this sort
of work, or be diligent about purging cookies. The same goes for posting to web forums.
The second issue with google groups is that some people configure their clients to append
an X-No-Archive header, which prevents google from keeping the post on its servers.
This means you may be unable to see replies unless you use a public NNTP server,
especially in some privacy conscious newsgroups.
IRC/Instant Messaging
If you need to talk to a bunch of people quicker than Usenet allows, or wish to meet with
a particular person anonymously, then IRC is probably your best bet. You most likely
want to avoid Instant Messaging, since it is too easy for a third party to profile your social
network. Furthermore some IM networks enable you to put in an alias for your friends.
Many people will just set this as your real name. The problem with this is that it is
transmitted to the IM server, which means all that has to happen is for anyone who knows
your real identity to set an alias, and bingo, your real name has been revealed.
For Linux and Windows IRC clients, I recommend Gaim. Veterans may balk at my
choice, but Gaim is nice for a few reasons:
1. It supports OTR and Gaim Encryption
OTR and Gaim Encryption are person-to-person encryption methods. This is useful
when you need to be on an IRC server that you can't trust. Gaim Encryption works a
lot better as far as enabling itself automatically, but it tends to be worse off at handling
two locations for the same buddy than OTR is. Both of them have the nasty property of
getting confused when either you or your buddy use different clients (like at work and
at home, for example), but OTR is easier to reset.
2. It supports Tor hidden services
Gaim speaks SOCKS5, which means you can use any of the Tor hidden service IRC
servers. You can either set a global SOCKS5 server under Preferences->Network, or
you can set it per account that you add, under "Show More Settings".
3. It doesn't respond to CTCP TIME
CTCP TIME is a request you give to a client to ask it what time it thinks it is. This can
reveal your timezone and thus general geographic location. In general, when
discussing time or planning meetings with people, you should give the time in UTC, to
be both considerate of their timezone being different than yours, and to avoid giving
your location away.
A close second to Gaim is X-Chat, which is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.
X-Chat doesn't support OTR or client-based encryption, but it does support IRC over
SSL, where as Gaim currently does not. X-Chat supports SOCKS5, so hidden services
should be accessible. X-Chat WILL respond to CTCP TIME, but it has a convenient
menu option that allows you to edit it (hidden under Settings->Lists.. CTCP Replies).
Also for Mac OS, Adium does support OTR, but most likely won't support IRC until the
v1.5 milestone for group chat is reached.
Diehard command line users can use irssi or any other client with tsocks (that version
supports hidden services!), but they should remember to do /ignore * CTCPS and /
ignore * DCC to block CTCP and DCC as well. irssi can also be configured to use
privoxy as an http proxy directly without the need for tsocks. Note that for this to work,
you need to dig through the privoxy default.action config file to change the limit-connect
line to be +limit-connect{1-} (to instruct privoxy that it is OK to forward non-web ports).
Both Gaim and X-Chat WILL send both your username and your
hostname to the IRC server by default. Both can be configured to send a
different username, however. X-Chat's config is right in the server list
menu, where as Gaim's is under "Show More Options.." in the preferences
for the account. I'm not sure how to solve the hostname problem, short of
running hostname foo as root on Unix, or editing the source. Hopefully
you followed the advice above about not naming your machine after your
self or your street address.
Also, you want to make sure your IRC client never responds to DCC file
transfers or chats automatically. A DCC connection is a direct connection
over the Internet to your IRC client. Naturally, this will give away your IP
address. Gaim typically will ask you if you want to accept the connection,
where as X-Chat users will need to enter /ignore * DCC.
Unfortunately, a few of the major IRC networks, have been abused by script kiddies to
the point where they had to ban Tor. Braindead solution if you ask me (what's wrong with
an email-confirmed NickServ?), but when you're dealing with monkeys fighting
monkeys, what can you expect but that they hurl shit at each other. Unfortunately,
legitimate folks in need of anonymous communication get caught in the crossfire.
However, if you need to get on to either of these networks, you can try to use a regular
open proxy, or for stronger anonymity you can try to bounce off one of these proxies after
Tor, and/or bounce off a UNIX shell.
If you use X-Chat, you can conveniently choose a network from the "Server List" menu.
Otherwise, pick a network from that site and go to its website for a server list.
You can also pick one of the hidden service servers listed on the Hidden Wiki. I'm a fan
of the OFTC site, because it also has a public interface so that non-tor users can still talk
with you.
If being on the "real web" is your goal, there is at least one hosting provider that will
accept e-gold, and will register your domain and provide anonymous hosting for you.
Alternatively, by using a combination of money orders and other physical interaction
techniques, it may be possible to achieve the same end from cheaper hosting providers
who do not explicitly offer anonymous service. For example, Csoft and Dreamhost will
accept payment via money order and will register your domain for you.
However, if you are hosting content that may anger a large US corporation or otherwise
could be construed to violate US law (even if you believe you are doing something
completely legal, the First Amendment is no protection against lawsuits from a company
with far more dollars than sense), you are best served by finding hosting in another
country. Surprisingly, freedom of speech fares much better in Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union than it does in the good old USA. Russian-based
provides affordable UNIX hosting with domain registration, for example.
A google search for offshore hosting yields several hits, the number one being the
promising-looking Hong Kong-based Zentek. Incidentally, you should verify that any
offshore hosting provider you go with is actually offshore, especially if you are seeking
offshore hosting to escape censorship (some companies provide offshore hosting, but are
in fact incorporated in the US, making them subject to DMCA takedowns and the like).
The best way to verify this is to query their domain name via whois and their IP address
via ARIN.
Yet another option you might consider using to add an extra layer of obfuscation is to get
an account with one of the aforementioned OpenVPN providers. You can then host your
website at any physical location you choose, independent of the server IP address. Note
that it won't take much work for someone who can monitor traffic at the server to
determine your source IP, so this technique should only be used in combination with an
anonymous co-location account above if true anonymity is required. And then at this
point all you buy yourself is a little advance warning when the VPN service shuts you
down before the Colo provider does.
Another interesting (but ultimately not very effective) option is to take a page from the
spammer's book, and combine a VPN solution with some ARP wizardry. This only buys
you minimal anonymity though. It is probably only a matter of hours before jack
disconnection trial and error at the ISP reveals the real destination of the packets. But an
interesting technique nonetheless.
If you are dead-set on using OpenVPN, one possibility is to connect to your OpenVPN
provider over Tor or HTTP proxy, allowing you to host content as if your IP was at the
OpenVPN provider's network, yet your server is at some other anonymous location
concealed by the Tor network. This process is only slightly more complicated than setting
up OpenVPN by itself, although the resulting connection will most likely be neither
speedy nor stable.
Over Tor
To serve content on the Tor network, you have to set up your own web server and
configure a tor hidden service. When you start tor, it should print where it expects to find
a torrc and that one doesn't exist. Copy torrc.sample to this location, and uncomment the
HiddenServiceDir and HiddenServicePort options. HiddenServiceDir should be an
empty directory. The first time you start tor after this modification has been made, two
files will be created in this directory. The hostname file will contain your hidden
service name.
Once your service is configured, you will need to set up Apache. If you run a Linux box,
doing this should be pretty straight forward. There is some Windows documentation for it
as well.
After your hidden service is configured, it should be available to anyone who uses Tor via
the .onion hostname, and also via the proxy gateway at serifos. This means if you link to
your hidden service from the hidden wiki, it should be searchable via google.
When running a hidden service, you have two major threats: Intersection attacks, and
predecessor attacks. Intersection attacks narrow in on your identity by using
("intersecting") various characteristics deduced from your uptime, update frequency, web
server version information, etc. The most dangerous type of intersection attack applies if
you run a Tor node on the same machine as your hidden service. In this case, it is possible
for an attacker to record uptime/reachability of all Tor nodes in the database, and find the
node that most closely matches the reachability history of your hidden service. If you
want to run a Tor node, it is best not to run it on the same machine as your hidden service.
Predecessor attacks are most applicable if you are not running a Tor node. Essentially the
adversary will make repeated requests to your hidden service in some detectable timing
pattern, and attempt to correlate this with how often one of their malicious Tor nodes is
used to create a new circuit and sends this timing signature of encrypted cells. Given the
number of users on the Tor network, this attack is probably very difficult to mount
effectively (though it supposedly has been done). It can be mitigated by choosing
trustworthy entry nodes from the Tor Node Status page for use in an EntryNodes
nick1,nick2,nick3 directive in your torrc (also, remember to set StrictEntryNodes 1).
The torrc option EntryGuards can be used to simulate this effect, but it is not as reliable
as explicitly picking trusted nodes. The two can be used in combination, however.
You might also want to take the extra step to only allow SSL connections to your service.
This may be excessively paranoid, since there is end-to-end encryption for hidden
services, but nonetheless it may be desired to provide another layer of authentication of
the hidden service itself. To do this, you will need to install and configure mod_ssl, and
generate a self-signed certificate with the Common Name being the same as your .onion
Over I2P
Setting up an I2P "eepsite" is similar to setting up a Tor hidden service, except they have
a web console that allows you to create the public key. This HOWTO walks you through
using that web interface, and this forum post then gives you the relevant vhost section to
add to your Apache http.conf.
Once you are set up, you should post your key to the i2p forum (use either Tor or I2P).
Note that I2P has its own set of possible vulnerabilities. I personally regard I2P eepsites
as less safe than Tor hidden services, at least currently. Their network has much fewer
users, and its distributed node directory makes it vulnerable to partitioning attacks that
can gradually narrow in on eepsite hosters. I2P also does not support the ability to choose
your trusted peers (ie the EntryNodes option in Tor) or to not be listed in the node
directory. Supposedly these features are planned eventually, but I wouldn't recommend
hosting extremely sensitive material on I2P until they are implemented.
Apache Tidbits
There are a few Apache config file tags you should make sure are set to reasonable
values. These include ServerAdmin, ServerTokens Prod, ServerSignature Off, and for
Tor/I2P, make sure all your virtualhosts bind to localhost. Also, you will probably want to
disable modification time reporting if you allow access to directories without index.html
files, since this can be used to narrow in on your location. IndexOptions IgnoreClient
SuppressLastModified will do this. Note that HTTP/1.1 HEAD requests will still reveal
modification time, but these times are given in GMT.
It should also be noted that for both I2P and Tor, any vulnerabilities in your web
server/web applications are direct threats to your anonymity. All an attacker needs is a
way to execute ifconfig through your cgi scripts, and your anonymity is gone. So take
great care to secure your website if you are going the I2P or Tor route.
Anonymous Blogging
For those who don't really want a full website, but instead a forum to post information,
setting up a blog account is a good alternative. Typically all that is involved is creating an
email address, and then creating an account at a blog provider such as Blogger or
Blogger seems to not display the signup link unless you have javascript enabled, which is
annoying if you use NoScript. However, the rest of posting functionality, etc seems to be
just fine without Javascript, which is comforting, especially when reading comments to
your entries. Also, they don't require the email address to be valid, which is a plus.
Invisiblog is also a potential place to host your blog as well, though it is considerably
more involved than or LiveJournal. The anonymity comes from the fact that
you post via the MixMaster anonymous remailer network. However, in my opinion, this
service has three pretty sizable problems:
1. You have to use Tor anyway
As they mention numerous times in their docs and FAQ, you should not make a habit
of visiting your blog to check if posts arrive, since your IP would thus show up more
often than anyone else's, especially for new posts/a new blog. In my opinion, you
should not access your blog unprotected at all, because any hits without a refurl
indicate that that visitor is either a regular or a maintainer.
2. They do not allow web-based remailer gateways
This is a major stumbling block. Mixmaster is really difficult to set up for your
average user, at least compared to Tor. I'm not quite sure why they ban web based
remailers. Perhaps they are not aware that people can access them through anonymous
3. The URLs are cryptic and hard to communicate
I realize it probably was easier to just take the GPG key ID as a unique ID than to
allow users to try to pick a unique title and handle rejection of duplicates, but this is a
barrier to communicating the URL effectively.
I should also mention that the EFF has published some information about anonymous
blogging. All of the anonymity stuff is covered in this HOWTO, of course, but they also
give some legal information that may be of use to you.
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office embeds your name, machine name, initials, company name, and revision
information in documents that you create.
According to Microsoft's knowledge base article on the Metadata, the best way to remove
all personal metadata from a document is to go to Tools | Options | Security Tab |
"Remove personal information from this file on save". Be warned that this does NOT
remove hidden text and comment text that may have been added, but those tasks are also
covered in that article.
Microsoft also provides the Remove Hidden Data Tool that apparently accomplishes
those same functions but from outside of Microsoft Office.
This NSA Guide to sanitizing documents might also be of some interest, but I think the
Microsoft KB articles cover the info better and in more depth.
By default, users of StarOffice/OpenOffice are not safe either. Both of these programs
will save personal information in XML markup at the top of documents. It can be
removed by going to File | Properties and unchecking "Apply User Data", and also
clicking on "Delete". Unfortunately it does not remove creation and modification times.
It's not clear how to do this without editing the file raw in a plain text editor such as
Document DRM
Document DRM can come in all shapes and sizes, mostly with the intent to restrict who
can view a document and how many times they can view or print it (in some cases even
keeping track of everyone who has handled a document). For whistleblowers who need to
circumvent DRM to distribute a document, the most universal approach is to use the
"Print Screen" key to take a screenshot of your desktop with each page of the document
and paste each screenshot into Windows Paint and save it. Some DRM software will
attempt to prevent this behavior. This can be circumvented by installing the 30 day trial
of the product VMWare Workstation and installing a copy of Windows and the DRM
reader onto it. You can then happily take screenshots using VMWare's "Capture Screen"
or even the "Capture Movie" feature, and the DRM software will be none the wiser. With
a little image cropping, you can produce a series of images that can be distributed or
printed freely.
The VMWare approach may be problematic for DRM that relies on a TPM chip. The
current versions of VMWare neither emulate nor provide pass-through access to the
TPM. However, TPM-based DRM systems are still in the prototype stage, and since it is
possible to emulate and virtualize a TPM, it should only be a matter of time before some
form of support is available in VMWare.
Depending on the DRM software itself, cracks may also be available to make this process
much more expedient. Casual searching doesn't turn up much, most likely due the relative
novelty (and public scarcity) of document-oriented DRM. Note that when doing your own
google searching for this type of material, be sure to check the bottom of the page for
notices of DMCA 512 takedowns censoring search results. It is usually possible to
recover URLs from chillingeffects' C&D postings. That, or use a google interface from
another country such as Germany.
Image Metadata
Metadata automatically recorded by digital cameras and photo editing utilities may also
be problematic for anonymity. There are three main formats for image metadata: EXIF,
IPTC, and XMP. Each format has several fields that should be removed from any image
produced by a photographer or depicting a subject who requires anonymity. Fields such as
camera model and serial numbers, owner names, locations, date, time and timezone
information are all directly detrimental to anonymity. In fact, there is even a metadata
spec for encoding GPS data in images. Camera equipped cell phones with GPS units
installed for E911 purposes could conceivably add GPS tags automatically to pictures.
The WikiMedia Commons contains a page with information on programs capable of
editing this data for each OS. My preferred method is to use the perl program ExifTool,
which can strip all metadata from an image with a single command: exiftool -All=
image.jpg. MacOS and Linux users should be able to download and run the exiftool
program without any fuss. Windows users will have to install ActivePerl and run perl
exiftool -All= image.jpg instead. Running exiftool without the -All= switch will display
existing metadata. The -U switch will show raw tags that the tool does not yet fully
understand. As far as I can tell, the -All= switch is in fact able remove tags that the tool
does not fully understand.
Over Tor
A few different Bit Torrent programs are beginning to support routing tracker (and data)
traffic over Tor. This HOWTO describes doing so using Azureus. However, PLEASE DO
NOT ROUTE DATA TRAFFIC OVER TOR. The Tor network is still small, and cannot
support the additional strain. At some point in the future, Tor may implement some form
of load balancing to support bulk traffic, but this has not happened yet. So please be
polite and only send tracker traffic over the Tor net. FIXME: That HOWTO is pretty bad.
Find/write a better one.
This means that you should only really follow the instructions in Section 4.1. The
instructions are a little confusing, but basically you want to edit your preferences to tell
Azureus that your tracker server's external IP is your .onion address from Tor. So long as
the port here matches the public port in your tor hidden service config, you should then be
able to give people the .onion address. If they set up Azureus to use tor to proxy tracker
data (NOT TORRENT DATA), they should be able to connect to your torrent.
Be aware, however, that it is still possible for the MPAA to connect to your torrent
through tor, and then watch the IP addresses of where data is coming from. However, it
remains to be seen if they will actually put the effort forth to do this for every torrent
Over I2P
Unlike Tor, the I2P network is designed to handle client bittorrent traffic running over it,
and thus providing maximum anonymity (at the expense of roughly 1/3 the bandwidth
Once you're connected to I2P, you can use search.i2p and orion.i2p to track down
torrents. Be sure to contribute and create your own torrents when possible.
Incidentally, an anonymous I2P hacker has altered the Java-based gnutella filesharing
program Phex in order to make it run entirely over I2P. I2PHex can be found on the I2P
FIXME: At some point make a new section dedicated to comparing/contrasting WASTE,
MUTE, I2PHex, DC++/Tor, GNUNet (which has the unbelievably idiotic property of
case-sensitive searches) and other anonymous filesharing nets. Everything but I2PHex is
broken right now though, so perhaps this is all that needs to be written. I2PHex actually
works pretty well.
If P2P doesn't provide a targeted enough distribution for you yet you do not wish to set up
a full scale website, it is possible to exchange large files via data exchange services.
So far, the best services I've found are badongo (1GB limit), (1GB limit), and
megashares (1.5GB limit). None of those require either login or javascript. Oxyshare
(700M limit) also will provide an ftp account with free registration.
Of course, all these services should only be accessed through Tor, and you should not
trust them to keep your data confidential. If you wish to control distribution of your
particular item, encrypting it symmetrically with GPG is your best bet. gpg -c will do
symmetric password-based encryption from the command line, and GUI versions are also
available. I would not rely on weaker encryption such as zipfile encryption, since it has
been repeatedly broken in the past. However, a new, open zip format called 7-zip
supports AES-256 encryption, and is probably more widely installed than GPG.
For video content, both Google Video and YouTube are options. But again, use tor. The
legal climate of the US is such that neither of these services are whistleblower-safe.
Again, in the case of Google Video, you need to be especially careful about cookies (and
subsequent correlation of search engine usage with your Video account).
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Intrusive Surveillance Home Physical Interaction
Physical Interaction
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Physical Interaction
Anonymous interaction with the physical world is the holy grail. If you can fully interact
with the real world through the Internet anonymously, you practically cease to exist as far
as the Matrix is concerned. Unfortunately, doing this effectively typically requires capital
on the order of at least $1000 USD. Not out of reach of business owners, but your clients
may have some difficulty justifying the expense. However, some low cost alternatives do
exist and will be provided. FIXME: I do not have the resources to investigate many of
these options, particularly the expensive ones. If you do, please don't hesitate to contact
me with results.
As a word of caution, any of these techniques that require the use of a local brick and
mortar store should not be carried out near where you live, lest someone recognize you.
Go to an adjacent town/suburb and work from there. Yahoo Yellow Pages is your friend
(of course, its cookies are NOT your friend).
Many people who accept E-gold and many of the Offshore banking companies suggest
mailing items to a local shipping agency, post office, or mail box provider with
instructions for "Hold for Pickup". In this way is possible for a package to be delivered to
their location in the name of a fictitious company for some holding fee. You can tell them
a salesman traveling through town will be by to pick up the package. A variation on this
technique is to use General Delivery in combination with a made up business card and
legitimate ID to pick up mail at the Post Office itself. Since the only record of delivery
will be to the business name (and not the ID shown), it is supposedly OK to use your real
A far less cumbersome option is to rent a mailbox at a privately owned mailbox rental
company (Commercial Mail Receiving Agency - CMRA). Unfortunately, most of these
are bound by postal fiat that requires them to enforce ID requirements that may be
verified at the post office. Since it has been reported that the Post Office sells consumer's
addresses to marketing agencies, this is not very comforting.
The form you have to fill out is Form 1583 and is universal among all CMRAs. It
requires two forms of ID, one of them photo. The Privacy Statement is riddled with
exceptions to allow the agent to provide information to "contractors", "financial entities",
USPS auditors (who appear to be under no privacy obligation themselves), and for
purposes of "identifying addresses... used to deliver mail to other persons". Valid ID
includes state ID, armed forces, government, corporate, or university identification cards,
passport, alien registration card or certificate of naturalization, current lease, mortgage or
Deed of Trust, voter or vehicle registration card, home or vehicle insurance policy.
According to this contract, it is *not* mandatory that a photocopy of this identification
be taken, but it must be written down on lines 8a and 8b by the clerk who accepts this
application. If you are providing state ID with personal information on it, you would do
well to insist that a photocopy not be made to avoid identity theft.
It is possible to avoid the regulatory hassle involved with CMRAs by instead leasing a
"virtual office" from an Office Business Center (OBC). A "virtual office" typically
consists of a mailing address, some amount of office time per month, a phone line and
answering service, and access to conference rooms. Providers who offer this service are
not subject to registration with the post office. Numerous virtual office providers can be
found in any major metropolitan area, and rates are usually around $50-150/mo for basic
service. I personally find it amusing that so long as you have sufficient money to pay for
better service, you don't have to be stamped, branded, and tracked by the USPS, but
people who cannot afford these extra services have to be watched with utmost scrutiny.
Your last method for anonymous snail mail is to usurp a "dead" mailbox. This is a
mailbox that still has a postal address, but is not being used. Examples include vacant
lots, empty office rooms, etc. Empty office rooms and janitorial closets typically will
require permission of the building manager, of course. Vacant lots and unused street
mailboxes can probably be easily "borrowed". In some cases, setting up a whole new
mailbox with a "1/2" or "A" address out in the country is a very nice option as well (but
may be noticed by neighbors). A completely new address may be noted less, but the flip
side to that is the postal carrier may take issue with this.
Along these lines, at least one book reports success in searching/posting on online
bulletin boards/classified ad servers for already registered mailboxes, either postal, UPS
or unused office space. There may be many people who purchase mailboxes then simply
move out of the area. The same book also mentions that it may be possible to receive mail
at a Salvation Army or YMCA for a donation.
Ideally, the physical location that you ultimately have to go to to pick up your mail should
change every 12 months. If your budget and need for anonymity was high enough, one
way to increase the length of this window is to attempt an SSH Hopping-like technique
by chaining virtual office forwarding systems together to attempt to obfuscate your
location by crossing many international boundaries. That is, until a tor-like mixed
network for mailing packages arises. I have not tried this out yet, but it would seem like
Unitrust Capital has a decent offering, as does ABCN. Another option is to open a New
Mexico LLC and then sign up for a Ghost Address. You can also try browsing this
directory or the DMOZ/Google Directory entry for more options. Let me know how
things work out for you if you decide to go this route.
One last important thing to note about the mail (and physical interaction in
general) is to be extremely careful with things you handle, especially if a
fingerprint is on file with the local DMV, or if you purchased your printer
with a credit card. The EFF maintains an excellent page about printers that
encode identifying information in printouts, and how to detect if your
unlisted printer is also bugged in this fashion. I have been told that printing
to transparency film works even better than the techniques the EFF
suggest, as the transparency will make the layered dots visible to the naked
eye without the use of a blacklight or microscope.
Anonymous Telephony
Anonymous telephony is a tricky feat to accomplish: seemingly easy to do, but also easy
to make mistakes that ruin your anonymity. Basically the goal is to obtain a cell phone
that is untraceable to your physical identity. This in and of itself has recently become
possible, but there is a steady stream of subtle information leakage from any phone that
will eventually point to its owner.
Obtaining an Anonymous Cell Phone
In the US, anonymous cell phones have recently come available in truck stops, discount
retail stores (Wal-mart, RadioShack, etc), and at cell carrier outlet stores. The main
carriers that offer anonymous pre-paid service are T-Mobile, Cingular, Net10, and the
ominously named TracFone. Note that some retail stores will ask you for your name and
address, so you should have one ready.
For some reason, pre-paid cell phones are subject to a very bizarre price structure. The
same phones offered on the web by the carriers are typically $100 more when you visit
your carrier's local store. While it may be tempting to order these phones directly from the
web using an anonymous debit card because of this, you probably are better served by
going to a retail store and purchasing with cash, just to keep a distance between your
debit card and your phone line (though sometimes this binding is required anyway for
other reasons). Walmart, Costco, Radio Shack, etc typically have the phones for web
prices or cheaper.
Another detail you should be aware of is that cell phones typically come "locked" to a
given carrier, preventing you from switching carriers in the future. When selecting a
phone, you probably want to try to obtain a model that is easy to unlock, so that if you
need to switch cell phone carriers, you can. Nokia phones are usually easiest to unlock,
typically by entering in a "secret key". The Nokia 6010 offered by T-Mobile in particular
is readily unlockable, and is available at Walmart. To unlock it, use the DCT4 form,
Network: T-Mobile, Gen: v2, Model: 6100 and use the first code. If the first code fails,
try the 7th.
Information Leakage
There are a couple of things you need to be aware of when using an anonymous cell
phone. If you are not careful, your anonymity can be reduced to zero in a hurry, and you
can easily reveal your identity and location with a couple simple mistakes. In particular,
here are a few things you should be aware of:
1. IMEI Numbers
Each phone has a unique, semi-permanent serial number called the IMEI number.
These numbers are actively tracked in databases that are becoming international in
scope. Note that this number is a property of the phone itself, and does NOT change if
you pop out your SIM card to change carriers. As such, changing carriers with the
same phone buys you no extra anonymity, and placing a SIM that is easily traceable to
you into your anonymous pre-paid phone kills any anonymity you had, potentially even
Note that the converse is also true. If you have an old phone previously registered
under your name and decide to try to use it with a pre-paid carrier, you have no
2. E911 Service
E911 is a standard set forth by the US FCC that essentially specifies how accurate cell
phone carriers have to be when tracking their users under various conditions. Cell
phone providers can meet the accuracy requirements however they see fit, and the
major carriers have adopted a couple of different technologies.
While there have been some frightening uses of this technology by spyware installed
on phones, what is most frightening about E911 is that there is no law that governs
location-data privacy. This means nothing stops The Man from watching the location
movements of any and every cell phone user he feels like. E911 location information is
transmitted at all time while the phone is on, and no warrants are needed to obtain this
The FCC has mandated that E911 be present on every cell phone sold after Dec 31,
2005. However, several models of phones do allow you to disable the E911 location
information. For other models, your only option is to keep the phone turned off with
the batteries out. FIXME: Specifics on how to disable it while the phone is on?
3. CALEA and Relevant Surveillance Law
The CALEA is the US law that governs obtaining warrants for wiretap on electronic
communications. Much like E911, it merely specifies requirements that industry must
follow in granting the federal government access to communications. The problem
with this system is twofold. First off, obtaining a wiretap warrant is pretty much a
rubber-stamp process with little real oversight; and second the fact that the mass-
surveillance infrastructure built to support CALEA is easily subverted to criminal and
even rogue-state ends.
FIXME: At this point in time, it is unclear as to whether recent expansions in wiretap
law make it easier to obtain a warrant for arbitrary pre-paid customers before their
identity has been revealed through other means. It seems as though The Man has to at
least have a vague idea that the phone number in question is being used for
Unapproved activity, but as the warrant statistics indicate, even this may be at best a
symbolic gesture. As such, it is recommended that even after obtaining a prepaid cell
phone, you not put full faith in its anonymous and private nature.
4. The Social Network
Once again the Social Network rears its ugly head. If there is one thing you can be sure
LOGGED, even if you are not currently under surveillance. The call logs are indexed
by IMEI, so switching phone numbers and carriers does you no good. This means that
it is possible to automatically determine that your anonymous phone and your
nonymous phone share many of the same numbers and thus are operated by the same
person, or at least two people that know each other. Avoid calling the same people on
your anonymous phone as you do on phones that can be traced back to you, and
instruct them not to call you either. The more numbers are shared (either outgoing or
incoming), the greater your risk of being uncovered. When a phone starts to be
contaminated in this way, toss it and get a new one. People have been caught this way.
Assuming an Identity
Unfortunately for most interactions with the physical world, you typically need at least
some form of ID. You basically have five options:
1. Employ a Homeless Person or Post to Online Classifieds
If you live in an urban area, you might be able to find a reasonably coherent homeless
person (or someone willing answer a classified ad posted on a community bulletin
board or website) to assist you for a small fee. It turns out that the international nature
of craigslist can make it possible to operate in geographical contexts far distinct from
your physical location (though Craigslist seems to have decided to block Tor, so you
may need to put a special line in your privoxy config to access them anonymously).
This can get sticky, and probably requires a good judge of character to pull off. You
should definitely make sure the money you give them for the institution is in the form
of a money order written out to the intended recipient, to minimize their chances of
running off. You should only pay them for the job after they complete it.
Make sure that it is not possible for them to obtain access to the account or mailbox
after they create it. Obviously keep any keys/cards to yourself, and make sure that it is
difficult for them to get any replacements immediately. Possibly use two different
people for mailbox creation and account creation. Ideally, you should use a service
where replacement cards are mailed to a mailbox you control, and not to them. You
may wish to bring a friend along, to make it clear that if there's trouble, "more than one
person" will be looking for them.
Even after all of this, it is still possible they might flake out, or worse, attempt to
blackmail you by threatening to call the authorities. Give them a decent cover story,
such as you are trying to hide from an obsessive ex-lover, or have a job where people
might seek revenge on you personally (meter maid, tow truck operator, judge, lawyer,
etc). Have a story ready about how some friend of yours or someone on the news was
harassed because of their job. Even if you believe your reasons for seeking privacy are
legally safe, you should limit what you tell your courier about your exact
circumstances, since this can weaken your privacy (it's a small world).
Ideally, you should be using them for one-shot deals, like courier service or to set up
an overseas account, or to open an account whose card and number will only be given
via mail (ie to you, not them). The less information they have about what they are
doing, and the less they see of the end result, the better off you are. Don't work local to
your home (or theirs). Ideally, you should never see this person again.
Even with all the hassle, unfortunately this is the safest method to use with respect to
US law. If you are doing ANYTHING that might attract the attention of or otherwise
annoy an FBI agent (which in these troubled times is just about anything), acting by
proxy is the only way to go.
2. Manufacture ID for Yourself
Unfortunately, making a fake governmental ID can bring a lot harsher penalties than is
worthwhile to risk, depending on your threat model. US Title 18, 1028 criminalizes
any interstate production/use of government issued identification with penalties of up
to 15 years in jail. Simply using fake state ID is considered a misdemeanor and is
punishable by a maximum of 3 years, though first-offense misdemeanors almost never
receive jail time. This means that it is usually simply not worth making state ID for
most people, since you will likely have to destroy (or sell) most of your equipment if
you don't want to spend time in federal prison for being caught using it.
However, it is possible to obtain a CMRA mailbox with two non-governmental forms
of ID (such as an employee ID and a local city/community college ID), so "novelty" ID
creation is still an option. As far as I know, presenting "novelty" non-governmental
identification is not criminalized. There is slim possibility of charges of mail fraud, but
from reading USC 18-63 and the DOJ prosecution policy, it would seem that mail
fraud is only applicable if someone has actually been deprived of money/property via
the mail. After all, are they going to prosecute every author that publishes under a
pseudonym who has ever sent something through the mail? That would be a bit
excessive, even for the US government.
If you invest a bit of money (around $200-$500) you should be able to make a variety
of ID yourself. There are a couple of text files that describe the process (along with
some supplementary material I found on usenet). Alternatively, you can check out this
book for a detailed overview of how to create a wide variety of ID.
Also, beware of cheap template collections you might obtain via P2P networks. These
almost all suck and are dangerously out of date. The reason for this is that even
electronic transfer of ID is criminalized just the same as physical ID in USC 18-1028.
It is possible that templates may begin showing up on anonymous P2P networks, but
you should focus on cloning local (ideally non-governmental) ID anyways. If you are
still dead-set on creating state ID, the 2004 US ID Checking Guide (FIXME: anyone
have 2005/2006?) contains information on all the security features present in the IDs
of all 50 states, so that if you decide to go the template route, you can verify what you
have is current, and you can use it to cross-check to make sure you don't miss
anything. Alternatively, local copy shops typically have high quality scanners you can
use to save yourself some money. As far as printer, the above book recommends the
ALPS MD series, but those are discontinued and prone to breaking (meaning buying a
used one is probably a bad idea). You're probably better off using an Epson C82 or 740
(the 840 tends to print too fast and is prone to smudging), which have been reported to
work well on alt.2600.fake-id. Use the Photo-EZ trick mentioned in the above text
files for stenciling patterns for UV/metallic inks.
Lastly, it should be noted that some places (especially the offshore banks) require only
photocopy/fax of ID, which should be especially easy to spoof. However, some outfits
may actually query your driver's license number at the appropriate DMV. If they are
operating overseas, they are less likely to have the capability to do this, but in any case,
I have not tried it, so attempt at your own risk. My guess is that due to recent events,
companies will have less freedom to query these databases, since this just opens the
door up for rampant abuse. However, if you do try it out, take proper precautions for
ensuring the fax phone line can't be traced back to you (use a local copy shop), and use
all the digital precautions we've discussed thus far. This way, at worst you get rejected
immediately, and no harm is done.
Prev Next
Anonymous Communication Key points to learn from this
Anonymity Self-Quiz
1. You are on an open wireless network. Name 3 ways you can be tracked.
2. Name 3 ways your IP address can be revealed through your web browser even if you
use Tor for http.
3. Sometimes you find Tor unbearably slow and turn it off, or have a filter in place to
only use Tor for certain sites. Why is this dangerous, and what measures can you take
to protect yourself?
4. Why is Javascript dangerous? Give 2 ways it can be used to track you and one way you
can easily protect yourself without globally disabling it.
5. What are some ways you can eliminate the hassle and worry over a particular
application bypassing your proxy settings, yet still use Tor?
6. Name 4 local services that can reveal your identity to your local network or VPN
7. A service you intend to access blocks Tor. Name at least two things you can do to
circumvent this ban while still achieving Tor-caliber protection.
8. You want to set up an anonymous email account. What providers are dangerous to use,
and why? What dangers do you face no matter what provider?
9. You need to anonymously access a public IRC server. What properties of your client
of choice are dangerous, if any?
10.You wish to use google groups to post to usenet or to watch for responses to a post
you have made through some other means. What should you do before and after
11.You are behind a corporate firewall that monitors your internet access and prohibits
you from using certain ports and applications. What can you do?
12.You also suspect that they may be monitoring your access of the computer itself via a
keylogger. What can you do if you want to enter a password to your bank account or
home machine?
13.Give a generic, easy way to detect a self-concealing rootkit on your filesystem.
14.What is dangerous about purchasing books online? What can you do about it?
1. You are on an open wireless network. Name 3 ways you can be tracked.
You can be tracked via your MAC address, your 802.11 Nickname (hostname), and
your DHCP properties (hostname, previous lease, version, etc).given that some
localities have recently begun to criminalize usage of open wireless points, changing
these attributes is probably a good idea no matter what.
2. Name 3 ways your IP address can be revealed through your web browser even if you
use Tor for http.
Basically this answer boils down to various types of webbugs. The three main ways
are: via java applets; via media objects such as video player and flash plugins; and
via https, ftp, gopher, or other protocols used to load images and things from the
page. Make sure your browser is configured to use Tor for ALL protocols, not just
HTTP. Also, you probably want to globally disable Java from your browser's
preferences, and have a look at the next question as well.
3. Sometimes you find Tor unbearably slow and turn it off, or have a filter in place to
only use Tor for certain sites. Why is this dangerous, and what measures can you take
to protect yourself?
The main issue at stake here is cookies from ad sites. Consider the case where you
only use Tor for your private email account. If that email account displays an ad
banner, google adwords, and so on, that ad banner has the ability to set a cookie. If
you then visit a site without Tor that displays an ad banner from that same ad
company, the cookie created during your visit to your email account will be sent from
your real IP, thus destroying any anonymity you had. This process can also happen in
the reverse (where cookies are created while Tor is off, and then sent when Tor is
switched on). You can be sure that ad server marketing data is sold all over the place,
and is readily available to private investigators who can be hired by anyone. There
goes your anonymity. The moral of the story is that you must clear all your cookies
both when you turn Tor ON, and ALSO when you turn it OFF. The cookie culler
Firefox extension can make this easier, because it allows you to protect certain
cookies such as news sites that you would like to keep.
4. Why is Javascript dangerous? Give 2 ways it can be used to track you and one way you
can easily protect yourself without globally disabling it.
Javascript is nasty. While there is currently no known way it can be used to directly
reveal your IP address, it can be used to gather enough information to profile you and
determine where you have been. For several examples, visit BrowserSpy. The primary
countermeasure is to use NoScript to enable Javascript for only those sites you trust.
Unfortunately, NoScript does not provide the ability to separately whitelist Java and
other plugin objects. It's all or nothing.
5. What are some ways you can eliminate the hassle and worry over a particular
application bypassing your proxy settings, yet still use Tor?
Your main options here are to combine OpenVPN and Tor or SLiRP and Tor. Some
people even go so far as to set up a Linux router which routes their traffic through Tor
for them. In this case, you can use either of two methods on the gateway and have the
gateway do regular NAT, or you can turn the gateway into a transparent socks proxy,
or you can just use it as a regular socks proxy and have your client machine have no
other means to access the Internet. FIXME: Future versions of this HOWTO will
include details on transparent proxying, but for now, see the (rather gimpy) Tor wiki
page on the subject and this mailinglist post. Also, be aware that SLIRP will soon be
unnecessary, as OpenSSH 4.3 provides a built-in tun/tap VPN, which you can combine
with Tor as is described in this section.
6. Name 4 local services that can reveal your identity to your local network or VPN
This depends on your OS. Have a look at this section.
7. A service you intend to access blocks Tor. Name at least two things you can do to
circumvent this ban while still achieving Tor-caliber protection.
There are several ways of combining Tor with other proxy mechanisms such that your
IP is not a member of the Tor network. They are documented in this section.
8. You want to set up an anonymous email account. What providers are dangerous to use,
and why? What dangers do you face no matter what provider?
In general, you want to avoid any provider whose services you use for other things. In
particular, I would avoid yahoo and gmail, since it is common to use either provider's
map or yellow page services, which can be a dead giveaway of your location if you
are not extremely careful about cookies.
Last, but definitely not least, note that email is only protected for 180 DAYS if it is
served on a server other than your own. This mind bogglingly short limit is a result of
the ECPA. After 180 days, your email can be obtained by anyone WITHOUT A
some services that provide "self destructing" email capability in the email section.
9. You need to anonymously access a public IRC server. What properties of your client
of choice are dangerous, if any?
The main three are DCC, CTCP TIME, and hostname/username info upon connection.
For more information, see the IRC section.
10.You wish to use google groups to post to usenet or to watch for responses to a post
you have made through some other means. What should you do before and after
Much like email, in this situation you need to be extremely careful about purging
11.You are behind a corporate firewall that monitors your internet access and prohibits
you from using certain ports and applications. What can you do?
This depends on your environment. I would say that your best options are either using
Tor with the FascistFirewall config option, or using an SSH Proxy or OpenVPN to
12.You also suspect that they may be monitoring your access of the computer itself via a
keylogger. What can you do if you want to enter a password to your bank account or
home machine?
There are basically a couple of things you can do in this situation. You can switch
between windows while typing your password, and type a few characters into each
window. You can also cut and paste letters from other windows.
13.Give a generic, easy way to detect a self-concealing rootkit on your filesystem.
Self-concealing rootkits/keyloggers are easy to find if you use a boot cd to compare a
directory listing from the live system versus the system while it is being examined from
the CD. The Windows UBCD provides a utility called RootKitty to do this for you. See
the Rootkits section for more info.
14.What is dangerous about purchasing books online? What can you do about it?
Buying books online, especially through sophisticated recommendation sites such as is incredibly dangerous. National Security Letters enable the FBI to
demand records of anyone for whom Amazon might recommend a particular book.
Even this aside, it is possible for anyone to mine your favorites and recommendations
quite easily without any special access.
Also, assume mail order booksellers WILL SELL YOUR INFORMATION to third
parties. Obviously this is incredibly dangerous, but it happens.
Your best bet is to obtain a prepaid debit or gift card and a mailbox in an alternate
name. If you are reluctant to bend various mail resellers ID rules, many do have an
option to have a fictitious business name added to a mailbox. This probably only
provides minimal protection, however, since most likely they will sell this data at some
point, or have it regularly collected en-masse via National Security Letters.
Prev Next
Physical Interaction Home Further Information
Further Information
Further Information
Books of Interest
Many fine books were written in prison. And most of them are available at The Last
Gasp. The rest can be found at Rainbow Books, the Underground Press and Eden Press.
I recommend the following titles:
How to Be Invisible
This author tackles an orthogonal problem to this HOWTO. Instead of focusing on
ways to create an alternate identity or anonymously interact with the world, he
discusses how to hide any and all data about the physical whereabouts of your
original identity. Might be useful to implement his techniques as an extra
protective step if you require ultra-high grade privacy. He also has written a book
on how to run a business from your home.
Shedding Skin
This for-sale e-book covers quite a bit of the same info as the above series of
books and the author has 15 years of experience in the identity creation
community. Its main advantage is that it is a bit more up-to-date than the above
books, and you get access continued update online.
How to Make Driver's Licenses and Other ID on your Home Computer
This book, despite being a bit dumbed down, contains a very detailed description
of how to generate a very wide variety of ID using consumer electronics and
commercially available materials. Contains a more general approach than is seen
on many Internet text files.
Other HOWTOs puts out a decent RTF E-Book about how to maintain the security of
an organization that may be under political fire from the police state. The ideas presented
there are a bit more high-level and suited to a group than the techniques presented here,
although chapters 3, 6, and 7 are particularly useful for Phy Interaction for a single
person. Many points in the book are especially useful for people in the UK, which is like
a 1984 fascist paradise complete with roadside cameras that automatically track the
motions of activist vehicles..
Spy vs Counterspy is an oldie that was emailed to me by some kind anonymous
individual. Really interesting physical interaction material is available there, including
information on how the FBI tails suspects. It is presented as a collection of series of
articles, some of which are incomplete. Some of it is a bit batshit, but some of it is really
interesting. I wish the author could have finished the Vehicle surveillance chapter in
particular.. His fate is currently unknown.
Even if you do not use I2P, much of the information at Ugha's Wiki is useful for general
The EFF and Reporters Without Borders have each put out guides on blogging
anonymously. The EFF one has extra legal info tidbits about your rights and what you are
allowed to say without getting fired. In addition, EFF also maintains a separate Legal
Guide for Bloggers. The Reporters Without Borders one has extra info about blogging in
general and several interesting essays, including information about censorship in various
countries around the world.
Also, this HOWTO on removing all local auditing mechanisms of a UNIX system may or
may not be of interest to you.
An alternate HOWTO on using Tor and Privoxy can be found on the Gentoo Wiki.
Very useful info on ID creation and general privacy techniques can be found on
alt.2600.fake-id, SXC, and The Claire Files.
The FedWatch Google group can be useful for reporting and avoiding suspected sting
operations. Use Tor, and remember to be very careful about your cookies for reasons
discussed earlier before and after going there. Google uses the same identifying cookies
There are also a couple useful forums on the lighter side of the web. TalkGold HYIP, in
particular, has some really good discussions on how to move money around online. In
particular, their Debit Cards section is a great place to find trustworthy and widely
accepted "virtual credit card" merchants. Get Paid Forum and WebHostingTalk's E-
Commerce Section also have a good deal of information about accepting money and
conducting business online, though unfortunately neither of them particularly focus on the
anonymity aspect of things. WebHostingTalk itself is useful for querying about the
DMCA-resistance of various offshore hosting providers.
Key points to learn from this