Document39 Copy 1
Document39 Copy 1
Document39 Copy 1
Mrs. Duda
15 December 2019
Stupid Sentence
Have you ever wondered why the U.S. spends more money per inmate then they do per
student? Well, you might want to know that on average, the U.S.spends $27k more per
prisoner than it does per student. Out of all 50 states, New York has the highest difference at
$46,989. Jails in America are getting fuller. Gonchar, writer at the New York Times says, “The
report, by the Vera Institute of Justice, comes at a time of increased attention to mass
incarceration policies that have swelled prison and jail populations around the country.”
(Gonchar) Also the U.S only has less than five percent of the world’s population but more than
25% of the worlds prisoners. According to new york times, 68% of jail inmates have a history of
drug abuse before getting into jail “they are too ill with mental health or drug problems to
adequately care for themselves” (Gonchar). This means most of the people have an issue that
The United States of America has the most people incarcerated out of the entire world,
prisons are overcrowded now, they have 2.2 million people in the jail/prison system. In the past
there has been a lot more people sentenced but no change in how many people commit
crimes, and it just keeps going up. The amount of people in state prisons, federal prisons and
jails has went up drastically since 1980. but our population has not, this would, mean one of
two things, crime rate increased or laws got stricter right? Well, no. Not many laws changed,
One often spoken about solution to mass incarnation is to take out imprisonment as a
punishment for lower level crimes. “Prison costs $31,000 a year per prisoner, and often does
little to prevent re-offense for these crimes.”(Cullen) so if we took out prison as a punishment
for non deadly or harmful crimes, it could possibly lower taxes and even reduce our national
debt. In order for this to happen state legislators would have to make alternative punishments
to imprisonment. Many people believe the solution to repeated drug busts are facilities to help
people, but when the people have no money and their brain is neurologically wired to drugs. It
This relates to a lot of dystopia books in many ways. Many of them are about government
control rigged and far too many people and far too much money is spent on it and by
Another solution we could use towards ending mass incarceration is basically shortening
terms or minimum term length, “research indicates that longer stays in prison do not lead to
lower recidivism. Sometimes, longer stays can even increase recidivism” (Cullen). This would
mean that if inmates behaved well during their stay, they can be let out earlier. “aggravated
assault, drug trafficking, murder, non-violent weapons offenses, robbery and serious burglar
that make up the bulk of the nation’s current prison population(Cullen)” It is common for
prisoners to realize their wrong doings for non drug related crimes within 5 years of jail time.
Some people spend more time in jail for fraud then they do for taking another human’s life
Works Cited
“Four Things We Can Do to End Mass Incarceration.” Brennan Center for Justice, 1/11/20.
Gonchar, Michael. “What Should Be the Purpose of Prison?” The New York Times, The New