Aae009 - Fem - Question Bank

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Dundigal, Hyderabad-500043




Course Code AAE009

Programme B.Tech

Semester V AE

Course Type Core

Regulation IARE - R16

Theory Practical

Course Structure Lectures Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits

3 1 4 - -

Chief Coordinator Mr. S Devaraj, Assistant Professor

Mr. S Devaraj, Assistant Professor
Course Faculty
Ms. Ch RaghaLeena, Assistant Professor


The course should enable the students to:

I Introduce basic concepts of finite element methods including domain discretization, polynomial
interpolation and application of boundary conditions.
II Understand the theoretical basics of governing equations and convergence criteria of finite element
III Develop of mathematical model for physical problems and concept of discretization of continuum.
IV Discuss the accurate Finite Element Solutions for the various field problems.
V Use the commercial Finite Element packages to build Finite Element models and solve a selected
range of engineering problems


CO 1 Describe the concept of FEM and difference between the FEM with other methods and problems
based on 1-D bar elements and shape functions.
CO 2 Derive elemental properties and shape functions for truss and beam elements and related problems.
CO 3 Understand the concept deriving the elemental matrix and solving the basic problems of CST and axi-
symmetric solids.
CO 4 Explore the concept of steady state heat transfer in fin and composite slab.
CO 5 Understand the concept of consistent and lumped mass models and slove the dynamic analysis of all
types of elements.
AAE009.01 Describe the basic concepts of FEM and steps involved in it.
AAE009.02 Understand the difference between the FEM and Other methods.
AAE009.03 Understand the stress-strain relation for 2-D and their field problem.
AAE009.04 Understand the concepts of shape functions for one dimensional and quadratic elements,
stiffness matrix and boundary conditions.
AAE009.05 Apply numerical methods for solving one dimensional bar problems.
AAE009.06 Derive the elemental property matrix for beam and bar elements.
AAE009.07 Solve the equations of truss and beam elements.
AAE009.08 Understand the concepts of shape functions for beam element.
AAE009.09 Apply the numerical methods for solving truss and beam problems.
AAE009.10 Derive the element stiffness matrices for triangular elements and axi- symmetric solids and
estimate the load vector and stresses.
AAE009.11 Formulate simple and complex problems into finite elements and solve structural and thermal
AAE009.12 Understand the concept of CST and LST and their shape functions.
AAE009.13 Understand the concepts of steady state heat transfer analysis for one dimensional slab, fin and
thin plate.
AAE009.14 Derive the stiffness matrix for for fin element.
AAE009.15 Solve the steady state heat transfer problems for fin and composite slab.
AAE009.16 Understand the concepts of mass and spring system and derive the equations for various
structural problems
AAE009.17 Understand the concept of dynamic analysis for all types of elements.
AAE009.18 Calculate the mass matrices, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, natural frequency and mode shapes
for dynamic problems.


Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
S QUESTIONS Blooms Course Course
No Taxonomy Outcomes Learning
Level Outcomes
1 Explain any two characteristics of shape functions. Remember CO 1 AAE009.04
2 What is degree of freedom and boundary conditions? Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
3 Give the expression for shape functions of a linear element. Remember CO 1 AAE009.04
4 Specify some applications of finite element methods Remember CO 1 AAE009.02
5 Name the different methods used for solving problems in FEM Remember CO 1 AAE009.02
6 Draw the shape functions of quadratic element and linear element Remember CO 1 AAE009.04
7 What is the element stiffness matrix for a quadratic element Remember CO 1 AAE009.04
8 Write the expressions for stress strain relationship for 2D elastic problems Remember CO 1 AAE009.03
9 What is the stiffness matrix for one dimensional element? Remember CO 1 AAE009.03
10 Discuss different types of elements Remember CO 1 AAE009.05
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Explain the concept of FEM briefly and outline the steps involved in FEM. Remember CO 1 AAE009.01
2 What is the difference between the plane stress and plane strain condition? Remember CO 1 AAE009.03
3 Define principle of virtual work. Describe the FEM formulation for 1D bar Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
4 Derive element stiffness matrix and load vector for linear element using Understand CO 1 AAE009.04
potential energy approach.
5 Compare finite element method with finite difference method. Remember CO 1 AAE009.02
6 Explain the criteria for nodal selection for structural elements. Remember CO 1 AAE009.01
7 Briefly discuss the discretization process and types of elements used for Remember CO 1 AAE009.01
8 Explain the equilibrium state of the system, when the system is subjected to Remember CO 1 AAE009.03
different types of loads and explain the stress and equilibrium relations
9 Derive stress strain relationships for 2D elastic problems. Understand CO 1 AAE009.03
10 What are the advantages disadvantages and applications of FEM Understand CO 1 AAE009.01
Part - C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Questions)
1 Consider the following figure. An axial load P=200 KN is applied as shown Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
a) Determine the nodal displacements.
b) Determine the stress in each material.
c) Determine the reaction forces.

2 In the figure given below, a load P=60 KN is applied as shown. Determine Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
the displacement field, stress and support reactions in the body. Take E as
20 GPa

3 Consider the thin (steel) plate in figure. The plate has a uniform thickness t Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
=10 mm, Young’s modulus E = 100Gpa, and weight density=78500N/m3.
In addition to its self-weight, the plate is subjected to a point load P = 60N
at its midpoint.
a) Write down expressions for the element stiffness matrices and
element body force vectors
b) Determine the stresses in each element and reaction force at the
Consider 1in= 1cm for SI units

4 Consider the bar shown in figure Determine the Understand CO 1 AAE009.05

a) nodal displacements
b) Element stresses and support reactions. E = 200 GPa

5 A bar is subjected to an axial force is divided into a number of quadratic Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
elements. For a particular element the nodes 1, 3, 2 are located at 15mm,
18mmand 21mmrespectivelly from origin. If the axial displacements of the
three nodes are given by u1=0.00015mm,u3=0.0033and u2=0.00024mm.
Determine the following
a) shape function
b) variation of the displacement u(x) in the element
c) axial stain in the element
6 Consider the following fig. An axial load P=200 KN is applied as shown. Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
Using an elimination approach, do the following
a) Determine the nodal displacements.
b) Determine the stress in each material.

7 A stepped bar is subjected to an axial (vertical) force P = 108 N at node 2 Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
as shown in figure. If the areas of the cross section of the steps are given by
A1 = 0.1 m2 and A2 = 0.05 m2 and Young’s moduli E1 = 200 GPa and E2
= 70 GPa, determine the following
a) The displacements of node 3
b) The displacements of nodes and the stresses in two steps

8 An axial load P=300X103N is applied at 200 C to the rod as shown in Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
Figure below. The temperature is the raised to 60 0C.
a) Assemble the K and F matrices.
b) Determine the nodal displacements and stresses.

9 An axial load P = 200×103 N is applied on a bar as shown in figure. Understand CO 1 AAE009.05

Determine nodal displacements, stress in each material and reactions.

10 Determine the nodal displacement, Element stresses for axially loaded bar Understand CO 1 AAE009.05
as shown in the figure below
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Represent the truss in local coordinate system and global coordinate Remember CO 2 AAE009.09
2 Write the transformation matrix of a truss. Remember CO 2 AAE009.07
3 Write the stress equation for truss elements Remember CO 2 AAE009.07
4 Write the stiffness matrix for a plane truss. Remember CO 2 AAE009.07
5 Write the stiffness matrix for a space truss. Remember CO 2 AAE009.08
6 Write the expression for element stiffness matrix of a beam Remember CO 2 AAE009.06
7 What is the load vector expression for a cantilever beam carrying UDL over Remember CO 2 AAE009.09
its entire span?
8 What is the expression for UDL load vector of simply supported beam Remember CO 2 AAE009.05
9 What is the load vector expression for a cantilever beam carrying point load Remember CO 2 AAE009.09
at its end?
10 Write the stiffness matrix for a beam. Remember CO 2 AAE009.06
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 What is a beam? Derive the shape functions for beams and draw the shape Understand CO 2 AAE009.08
2 Derive the stiffness matrix for beam elements. Understand CO 2 AAE009.06
3 Derive the stiffness matrix for two dimensional plane truss elements. Understand CO 2 AAE009.07
4 Assemble the global stiffness matrix and nodal displacement-for the fig. Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
shown below Understand the problem by using SI units only. Take 1lb =
4.44N 1 in2 = 645.16 mm21psi = 6.89 KP 1in = 25.4mm

5 Find the deflection at the load and the slopes at the ends for the steel shaft Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
shown in figure. Consider the shaft to be simply supported at bearings A
and B. Solve by FEM technique. Take E = 200 GPa.

6 For the truss shown in figure. Determine the displacements and stresses in Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
the bars
7 For the beam shown in Figure below, determine the following: Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
a) Slopes at nodes 2
and 3.
b) Vertical
deflection at the mid-point of the distributed load.
Consider all the elementshave E=200GPa, I=5X106 mm4.

8 A beam fixed at one end and supported by a roller at the other end, has a Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
20kN concentrated load applied at the centre of the span (Figure below).
Calculate the deflection under the load and construct the shear force and
bending moment diagrams for the beam.

9 Calculate nodal displacement and element stresses for the truss shown in Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
figure. Take E= 70 GPa and cross sectional area A=2 cm2 for all truss

10 Determine Nodal displacements and Element stresses in the truss shown in Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
figure. E=80GPa.

Element Area mm2 Length mm

1 600 500
2 600 600
3 600 500
Part - C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Questions)
1 For the truss given below, a horizontal load of P = 4000 lb is applied in the Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
x-direction at node 2.
a) Write down the element stiffness matrix k for each element.
b) Assemble the K matrix
c) Using elimination approach, Understand for Q
2 Apply the beam shown in Figure below by finite element method and Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
determine the end reactions. Also determine the deflections at mid spans
given E=2X105N/mm2, and I=5X106 mm4.

3 For the truss shown in fig, Understand for the horizontal and vertical Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
components of displacement at node 1 and determine the stress in each
element. All elements have A = 500 mm2 and E = 70 GPa.

4 For the truss element shown below, determine the following: Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
a) The K matrix
b) The nodal vector q
c) The stress in the element

5 Determine the nodal displacements and slopes for the beam shown in fig. Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
find the moment at the midpoint of element.
Take E=200 GPa,,I=5 x 104 mm4, M=6KN-M.

6 Determine the deflection and slope under the point load for the beam shown Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
in fig given.
E=200 GPa, I= 4 x 10-6m4, I2=2 x 10-6m4.
7 A beam fixed at one end and supported by a roller at the other end, has a Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
20kN concentrated load applied at the centre of the span (Figure below).
Calculate the deflection under the load and construct the shear force and
bending moment diagrams for the beam.

8 For a three bar truss shown in figure, determine the displacements in node 1 Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
and the stress in element 3. Take E = 250 mm2, E = 200 GPa.

9 Determine the nodal displacements and slopes at the position of one-fourth Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
distance from the support of shaft:
Take E=200 GPa,,I=6 x 104mm4. The shaft is simply supported at A and

10 Estimate the displacement vector, stresses for the truss structure as shown Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
below figure. Take E=2×105N/mm2.

11 Calculate the deflection under load, shear force and bending moment at mid Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
span and reactions at supports for the beam shown in figure. Take E=200
GPa and I= 24×10-6 m4.

12 A beam fixed at one end and supported by a roller at the end, has a 20KN Understand CO 2 AAE009.09
concentrated load applied at the centre of the span, as shown in fig.
calculate the deflection under the load and construct shear force and
bending moment diagram for the beam.

Take E = 20 x 106 N/c,2, I=2500 cm4.

Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 What is a CST element with example? Remember CO 3 AAE009.12
2 List any four two dimensional elements Remember CO 3 AAE009.11
3 Represent the node numbering of Constant strain triangle element. Remember CO 3 AAE009.12
4 What is LST element with example? Remember CO 3 AAE009.12
5 What is the condition for number of unknown polynomial coefficients of a Remember CO 3 AAE009.13
2-D element
6 Define plane stress and plane strain Remember CO 3 AAE009.10

7 Write the expression of traction force for four node quadrilateral element. Remember CO 3 AAE009.12
8 Represent the node numbering of Linear strain triangle element. Remember CO 3 AAE009.13
9 What is meant by axi symmetric solid? Remember CO 3 AAE009.10
10 Differentiate between linear and nonlinear elements. Remember CO 3 AAE009.11
11 What is isoparametric representation Remember CO 3 AAE009.11
12 What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric? Remember CO 3 AAE009.10
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Derive the strain displacement matrix for triangular element Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
2 Derive the Jacobian of transformation Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
3 Derive force terms for constant strain triangle. Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
4 Differentiate CST and LST elements. Understand CO 3 AAE009.12
5 Define Iso-parametric, Super Parametric and Sub-Parametric elements Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
6 Apply the element stiffness matrix for the triangular element shown in Understand CO 3 AAE009.12
figure under plane strain condition. Assume the following values.
E=200 GPa, µ=0.25, t=1 mm.

7 Determine the nodal displacements and element stresses for the two Understand CO 3 AAE009.12
dimensional loaded plate as shown in figure. Assume planestress
conditions. Body force may be neglected in comparison to the external
forces. Take E=210 GPa, µ=0.25; thickness = 10mm.

8 Derive the shape function for four noded Quadrilateral Element. Understand CO 3 AAE009.12
9 Derive the shape function and strain displacement matrices for triangular Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
element of revolving body
10 Derive the element stiffness matrix for four noded quadrilateral element Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
11 Derive the stiffness matrix for axisymmetric element. Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
12 Evaluate the axisymmetric stiffness matrix K of the triangular element Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
shown in the figure. Consider the coordinates of nodes as 1 (2, 1), 2 (4, 0),
and 3 (3, 2). Also assume E = 2.6 GPa andν = 0.2.
13 Define Iso-parametric, Super Parametric and Sub-Parametric elements? Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 For the point P located inside the triangle, the shape functions N1 and N2 Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
are 0.15 and 0.25, respectively. Determine the x and y coordinate of P.

2 For the triangular element shown in figure, obtain strain-displacement Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
relation matrix B and determine the strains εx, εyandγxy.

3 Determine the jacobian for the (x, y) – (ξ, ɳ) transformation for the element Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
shown in fig, also find the area of the triangle.

4 For the plane stress element shown in figure, determine the stiffness Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
matrix. Assume E=200 GPa and µ=0.3.Thickness =10 mm

5 For the two dimensional plate shown in figure, determine the deflection at Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
the point of load application.
6 Calculate the element stiffness matrix and thermal force vector for the Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
plane stress element shown in figure. The element experiences a rise of
100C.E=15×104 N/mm2, t=5 mm, µ=0.25, α=6×10-6 /0C

7 For the axisymmetric element shown in figure. Determine the stiffness Understand CO 3 AAE009.10
matrix. Let E=2.1×105 MN/m2 and µ=0.25. The coordinates are in mm.

8 The (x,y) co-ordinates of nodes i, j and k of an axisymmetric triangular Understand CO 3 AAE009.11

element are given by (3.4), (6,5) and (5,8) cm respectively. The element
displacement (in cm) vector is given as q= [0.002, 0.001, 0.004, -0.003,
0.007]T. Determine the element strains.
9 A long cylinder of inside diameter 80 mm and outside diameter 120 mm Understand CO 3 AAE009.11
snugly fits in a hole over its full length. The cylinder is then subjected to an
internal pressure of 2 MPa. Using two elements on the 10 mm length
shown, find the displacements at the inner radius.

10a) A four noded rectangular element is shown in figure. Determine Jacobian Understand CO 3 AAE009.12
matrix, Strain displacement matrix and element stresses. Take E=2×10 5
N/mm2, µ=0.5, u=[0, 0, 0.005, 0.008, 0.008, 0,0] T, ε= 0,η=0

11 The Cartesian global coordinates of the corner nodes of an isoparametric Understand CO 3 AAE009.12
quadrilateral element are given by (1,0), (2,0), (2.5, 1.5) and (1.5,1). Find
its Jacobian matrix.
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Define steady state heat transfer. Remember CO 4 AAE009.13
2 Define fins or extended surfaces Remember CO 4 AAE009.14
3 Write the basic equation of heat transfer. Remember CO 4 AAE009.13
4 Specify the applications of heat transfer problems. Remember CO 4 AAE009.13
5 What is conduction and convetion heat transfer? Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
6 Write thermal conductivity matrix for two dimensional heat transfer Remember CO 4 AAE009.14
7 Differentiate between convection and radiation heat transfer. Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
8 Formulate the equation of one dimensional criteria of composite wall. Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
9 Define the terms thermal conductivity and convection heat transfer Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
10 Analyse the heat transfer characteristics of fins. Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
11 Write the finite element equation for 1dimensional heat conduction Remember CO 4 AAE009.14
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Derive thermal stiffness matrix for one dimensional heat conduction with Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
lateral surface convection and with internal heat generation.
2 Describe heat transfer analysis for composite wall. Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
3 What are different types of boundary conditions for 1D heat conduction Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
4 Consider a brick wall of thickness L=30 cm, k=0.7 W/m0C. The inner Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
surface is at 280C and the outer surface is exposed to cold air at -150C. The
heat transfer coefficient associated with the outside surface is h=40
W/m20C. Determine the steady state temperature distribution within the
wall and also the heat flux through the wall.
5 Derive the finite element equation for straight fin. Understand CO 4 AAE009.14
6 Derive the conductivity matrix for two dimensional triangular element Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
subjected to convection on one face of the element.

7 Calculate the temperature distribution in the stainless steel fin of circular Understand CO 4 AAE009.14
cross section length 10 cm shown in figure. The cross section of the fin is
circular with diameter of 2 cm. Discretize the fin into 5 elements.

8 A furnace wall is made up of three layers, inside layer with thermal Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
conductivity 8.5 W/mK, the middle layer with conductivity 0.25 W/mK the
outer layer with conductivity 0.08 W/mK. The respective thicknesses of the
inner, middle and outer layer are 25 cm, 5 cm and 3 cm respectively. The
inside temperature of the wall is 6000C and the outside of the wall is
exposed to atmospheric air at 300C with heat transfer coefficient of 45
W/m2K. Determine the nodal temperatures.
9 Explain the methodology for the treatment of all three boundary conditions Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
in a 1-D heat transfer element?
10 Derive one dimensional steady state heat conduction equation and apply to Understand CO 4 AAE009.14
one dimensional fin problem
11 Derive stiffness matrix for 1-D heat conduction problem. Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
12 Derive the conductivity matrix and thermal load vector for the one Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
dimensional finite element for the three boundary conditions.
13 Derive angle of twist for a uniform shaft subjected to torsion. Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
1 Determine the temperature distribution through the composite wall shown Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
in figure, when convection heat loss occurs on the left surface. Assume
unit area. Assume wall thickness
t1 = 4cm, t2 = 2cm, k1 = 0.5w/cm0c, k2 = 0.05w/cm0c, h= 0.1w/cm2 0c and
Tα= -50c.

2 Determine the nodal temperature in a composite wall, the wall is Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
maintained at 100 deg c at the left face and convection mode of heat
transfer occurs between the right face and existing fluid .take k 1=0.06w/cm
deg c and k2=0.2w/cm deg c, convection co efficient of heat transfer
between walls and fluid h=0.1w/cm20C and T =250C. Consider unit area=1
cm2 perpendicular to the direction of heat flow.
3 A metallic fin with thermal conductivity K=360W/m0c, 1mm thick Understand CO 4 AAE009.14
and100mm long extends from a plane wall whose temperature is
2350c. Determine the distribution and amount of heat transferred
from the fin to air at 200c with h= 9W/m20c take width of the fin is
1000 mm. Assume tip is insulted.

4 Calculate the temperature distribution in a one dimensional fin with the Understand CO 4 AAE009.14
physical properties k = 3 W/ cm 0C, h = 0.1 W/cm20C, T∞= 200C. the fin is
rectangular in shape and is 8 cm long, 4 cm wide and 1 cm thick. Assume
that convection heat loss occurs from the end of the fin.

5 A metallic fin 0.15 cm thick and 12 cm long is attached to a furnace whose Understand CO 4 AAE009.14
wall temperature is 2200C. If the thermal conductivity of the material of the
fin is 350 W/m0C and convection coefficient is 9 W/m20C, determine the
temperature distribution if the width of the fin is 2 cm. Assume that the tip
of the fin is open to the atmosphere and that the ambient temperature is
6 Compute the element matrices and vectors for the element shown in figure Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
when the edges jk and ki experience convection heat loss.

7 Heat is entering into a large plate at the rate of q0 = -300 W/m2. The plate is Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
25 mm thick. The outside surface of the plate is maintained at a temperature
of 100C. Using two finite elements solve for the vector of nodal
temperatures T. Thermal conductivity k = 1.0 W/m0C.
8 A composite wall consists of three materials as shown in figure. The outer Understand CO 4 AAE009.15
temperature isT0 = 200C. Convection heat transfer takes place on the inner
surface of the wall with T∞=8000C and h= 25 W/m2oC. Determine the
temperature distribution in the wall.

9 A bar of length 10 cm with rectangular section of width 3 cm and depth 2 Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
cm is experiencing a temperature of 900 C at its left end. Assuming
convection over the length of bar obtain the temperature distribution along
the length. Use two 1D elements with nodes at its ends and the following
data k = 5 W/ cm 0C, h = 0.2 W/ cm20C, T∞ = 250C
10 Consider the shaft with rectangular cross section shown in figure. Understand CO 4 AAE009.13
Determine in terms of M and G, the angle of twist per unit length.
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 What is lumped mass matrix? Remember CO 5 AAE009.16
2 What is consistent mass matrix? Remember CO 5 AAE009.16
3 Write the expression for element mass matrix for a bar element? Remember CO 5 AAE009.17
4 Define the terms vibration and natural frequency. Remember CO 5 AAE009.16
5 Write the expression for element mass matrix for a truss element? Remember CO 5 AAE009.18
6 What are the convergence requirements in finite element modeling? Remember CO 5 AAE009.18
7 Write the expression for modal analysis of bar and beam elements. Remember CO 5 AAE009.18
8 Give some practical problems associated with finite element modeling. Remember CO 5 AAE009.16
9 Write the expression for element mass matrix for a CST element? Remember CO 5 AAE009.18
10 List out factors influencing the accuracy of the results Understand CO 5 AAE009.16
11 Define dynamic analysis. Remember CO 5 AAE009.17
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Derive element mass matrix for one dimensional bar element Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
2 Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a uniform cantilever beam Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
using one beam element and consistent mass matrix.
3 Distinguish between consistent mass matrix and lumped mass matrices Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
4 Derive the elemental mass matrix for 1-D bar element and plane truss Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
5 State the properties of Eigen Values. Determine the eigen values and the Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
associated Eigen vectors of the matrix [A] given by

6 Explain Lumped parameter model and Continuous system model with Understand CO 5 AAE009.17
7 Determine the mass matrix for truss element with an example. Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
8 Obtain the natural frequency of flexural vibration of a fixed beam of Understand CO 5 AAE009.16
uniform cross-section. Use two element idealizations.

9 Derive the consistent mass matrix for a truss element in its local coordinate Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
10 Determine the first natural frequency of longitudinal vibration of a bar fixed Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
at one end using two linear elements.
11 Discuss the importance of semi-automatic meshing and auto mesh along Understand CO 5 AAE009.16
with the practical applications
12 Find the natural frequency of vibration of a fixed-free bar in axial motion Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
based on a one-element model using (a) consistent mass matrix and (b)
lumped mass matrix.
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
Consider axial vibration of the steel bar shown in figure below. Develop the Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
1 global stiffness mass matrix and determine the natural frequencies and
mode shapes using the characteristic polynomial technique.

2 Evaluate the lowest Eigenvalue and the corresponding Eigenmode for the Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
beam shown in Figure below

3 Determine the Eigen values and Eigen vectors for the stepped bar shown in Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
Figure below.

4 Consider axial vibration of the Aluminium bar shown in Figure below, Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
develop the global stiffness and determine the nodal displacements and
stresses using elimination approach and with help of linear and quadratic
shape function concept. Assume Young’s Modulus E = 70Gpa.

5 Find the natural frequencies in the vibration of two element simply Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
supported beam having the parameters as length L= 2m, area of cross
section A = 30 cm2, moment of inertia I=400 mm4density ρ = 7800 kg/m3
and Young’s modulus E = 200 GPa.
6 Consider the axial vibrations of a steel bar shown in the figure Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
a) Develop global stiffness and mass matrices
b) Determine the natural frequencies?

7 Determine the first two natural frequencies of longitudinal vibration of the Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
stepped bar shown in figure and plot the mode shapes. All the dimensions
are in mm E = 200 GPa and ρ = 0.78 kg/cc. what will be the effect on
natural frequencies if a concentrated mass of 100 kg is added to the tip of
8 Consider a simply supported beam which is discretized into 2 elements as Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
shown in figure. Obtain the natural frequencies. The following data for
beam is length=2m, area of cross section A=30 cm2, moment of inertia I =
400mm4, mass density ρ = 7800 kg/m3.

9 Determine the natural frequencies of the system in figure. Consider at least Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
two elements.

10 Find the natural frequencies of longitudinal vibration of the unconstrained Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
stepped bar shown in figure

11 Determine all natural frequencies of the simply supported beam as shown in Understand CO 5 AAE009.18

12 Determine the Eigen values and Eigen Vectors for the stepped bar as shown Understand CO 5 AAE009.18
in figure?

Prepared by:
Ms. Ch RaghaLeena, AssistantProfessor HOD, AE

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