Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
City of Malaybalay
Resource Responsible
Objective Expected Outcome Strategy/Activity or Action Step Timeline
Requirement Person
a. Eucharistic Celebrations
b. Holy Hour’
c. Other Sacramental Celebrations: Reconciliation, Confirmation
d. Novenas and Devotional Prayers: St. Isidore, Angelus, 3 o’clock Habit, Rosary, Way of the Cross
e. Prayer Sessions and other Liturgical Services: Morning Prayer Assembly, Taize Prayer
f. Daily Mass
To enhance the Solemn Eucharistic April to
solemn and sacred Celebrations Plan for the annual schedule of the May 2015
celebration of Holy Eucharistic Celebrations
Masses Increased cooperation/
coordination of all Invite Priests to celebrate the Holy May to
departments Masses for the whole school year and June 2015
ascertain their affirmative response VPRF
Active participation of all Two (2)
Mass attendees Accomplish the Mass Assignment Form c/o VPRF and Campus
(MAF) for effective collaboration and weeks CM Budget Ministers
Well informed and delegation of task and do follow-up before the CL/Theo
prepared priest Mass Teachers
Monitor the whole actual celebration
Active participation of Every Chaplain
and ensure the close supervision of
personnel and students in students during the Mass through the Eucharistic
the daily Masses. Celebration
Resource Responsible
Objective Expected Outcome Strategy/Activity or Action Step Timeline
Requirement Person
assistance of the HS-CAT Officers and June 2015
Class Advisers to March
Evaluate the result of the Eucharistic 2016
Celebrations at the end of each month
KRA: FELLOWSHIP (Community Building and Small Faith-Communities)
a. Students and Faculty’s BEC
b. Class’ Feast Day Celebrations
c. Bible Week
d. Rosary Month
To offer opportunities Active Plan for the schedule of the BEC,
for the members of participation/cooperation Rosary, Class Feast Days and Bible
the school April 2015
community to and complete attendance of Week.
VPRF and
participate in the life all students and at least
of the Church through Submit the plan/proposal. c/o CM Budget the Campus
85% of personnel and
community building June 2015 Ministers
parents to all the activities Implementation of the plan of activities.
and faith-sharing – April Chaplain
activities that ensure under the FELLOWSHIP Evaluate the implementation of the
the integration of the aspect. activities.
Isidran Core Values
and Identity Profile. Increased openness and
sincerity in sharing oneself
To nurture a quality to others.
community life that is
conducive to the Isidrans manifesting
growth of authentic gentleness and compassion
disciples and
prophetic people of in dealing with each other
God. and with others.
a. Vocation Month Celebration
b. Prayer for Vocation
“To create, Creative, dynamic, Recruit volunteers to form a Voc. Prom.
strengthen and June – July c/o CM Budget Campus
animated and meaningful AdHoc Team
sustain a culture of 2015 Ministers
vocations where Vocation Promotion
Convene the Vocation Promotion AdHoc
each person is invited Activities.
to Team and plan for Vocation Promotion
discover his/her Expressed understanding Activities.
calling through the and appreciation of the July -
cultivation of Submit the plan for comments and
approval. August
relationships” (2008, Three States of Life among Implement the plan. 2015
PLFC, SIF and CBM p.
36) students and personnel.
Monitor the plan and evaluate after the September
To awaken the Active and meaningful implementation. 2015
consciousness of the participation of students
members of the and personnel to the varied
school community vocation promotion
about the meaning of
God’s CALL and its activities.
expression in the Positive and improved
Three States of Life
collaboration with the
Diocesan Vocation
Promotion Team in the
latter’s initiatives.
To creatively Evangelizing Bulletin Identify the areas for the VPRF/CM
proclaim God’s Word July 2015 c/o VPRF/ CM
Boards of VPRF and Bulletin Boards.
through print ads and to March Budget
social media Campus Ministry Create tasking for Bulletin Boards’ 2016
preparations and updating.
Plan for the content of the Bulletin
Implement and monitor the plan.
Evaluate the significance of the bulletin
board at the end of the year
To carry on in coming Isidran Recollection and Create a committee to plan and carry out
up with an Isidran- Retreat Modules by May the tasks at hand.
Recollection and 2016 Call together all the members of the
Retreat Modules. committee to plan for the schedule of
module- making.
Module-Making Proper. October c/o VPRF
2015 – Budget on
Submit the proposed modules for April 2016 Religious
comments and critiquing. Instruction
Study the comments and suggestions,
then finalize the module and plan for its
effective implementation.
Submit the Finished Isidran Recollection
and Retreat Modules for final approval
and implementation
a. Students’ Catechetical Formation and Training Program and Catechesis to Public School Children
b. Recruitment and Formation of SISALM and San Isidro Servers and Lectors Ministry @ the Cathedral
c. Choir and Novena Mass Sponsorship
d. Class Feast Day Celebration and Social Concern
e. Mindanao Week of Peace
f. Prayer Service for the Dead
To provide members 75% of Isidran Plan for and schedule the Religious
of the school Students/Personnel actively Outreach Activities/Program
opportunities that are responded to at least 80% Ensure a close collaboration and c/o CM Budget
April to
responsive to the of the different liturgical and
needs of liturgical & coordination with the Office of Extension June 2015
pastoral services for the
pastoral service and Services regarding the different
community or parish
community/parish Religious Outreach Services.
Communicate and disseminate properly VPRF and
To raise the 90% of the students and all concerns about Religious Outreach the Campus
awareness for and personnel will be actively Activities. June 2015
promote social Ministers
involved in at least 3 out of – March
concern among our Make proposal, submit the 2016
students and 4 Social Concern activities. plan/proposal.
personnel towards
Gospel Value Implementation of the plan.
specifically that of Evaluate the implementation of the plan
preferential option for at the end of the school year
the poor
Prepared by:
Ms. Forchia Mae Cutar Ms. Angelica L. Barasan Ms. Sheila Villanueva
GS Campus Minister HS Assistant Campus Minister College Campus Minister
VP for Religious Formation
Chair, VPRF Council
Noted by:
Approved by: