MMS For Mouth Gum Tooth and Tongue

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MMS Strategy for Tooth and Mouth Care


MMS Methods for Mouth,

Gum, Tooth, and Tongue
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General MMS Cleansing Mouthwash:

Mouth and gum diseases respond promptly to MMS. Just make up a 10 drops dose of MMS. Take 10 drops and
add 50 drops of citric acid or lemon juice, wait 3 minutes and then add about 1/2 glass of water (4 ounces).

Use a soft tooth brush and pour the liquid onto the brush and brush your teeth and gums very well. Be gentle at
first. Do this 3 or 4 times a day for the first three or four days. Then do it once a day.

Use the extra solution to rinse and gargle your mouth. Do this slowly so that some of the Cl02 gas has time to
simmer out of the liquid. The invisible Cl02 gas will kill all the germs and bacteria in your mouth without harming
sensitive gums or sore places on the tongue. Then for a few weeks brush your teeth at least once a day with the
MMS solution.

Your mouth should be in much better condition after one week, but it will continue to improve for several weeks
before it gets to the condition of being a lot healthier than ever before. You can then cut back to two or three
times a week.

Emergency Toothache Options:

There are many reports of people whose toothaches were stopped completely within a few minutes of holding
activated MMS in the mouth for two minutes. This would be one of those situations where you couldn't get
scheduled for dental work and you have no choice but to clinch down on cloves to mask the pain - which might
mean days or weeks while you wait for an opening on the dentist's waiting list.

However, after one or two MMS treatments, the tooth ache might not reappear for 12 to 24 hours. The reason
for tooth-pain is usually that bacteria has found a home deep in a tooth cavity and bacteria are feeding on
nutrients near or touching the nerve. By holding even a low MMS mixture in your mouth and brushing heavily on
the tooth surface where the cavity might be, the odor of Cl02 can be forced into the tooth far enough that the
bacteria "smell it," stop nibbling, and die near the nerve. The tooth will not cause any more pain until more food is
pressed into the crevice and new bacteria begin feeding again.

This procedure can be executed with a low dosage like this: one MMS drop in a small cup with 5 drops of the
acid. After three minutes, add 1 or 2 table spoons of water and stir it with a toothbrush. Your toothbrush is now
nicely sterilized. Stir the mixture onto the brush, carry it into your mouth, and brush the tooth or teeth where the
pain is felt. Carry more MMS into your mouth and repeat for two minutes or more.

Regarding a Pressure-sensitive Tooth:

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MMS Strategy for Tooth and Mouth Care

It should be noted that if your tooth is pressure sensitive - meaning that when you bite down on it then pain is felt,
this usually indicates a pocket of infection forming under the tooth. In this case, mere brushing is futile but you
have a powerful option for reducing and eliminating the infected tooth. Do it quickly.

Immediately start taking your normal MMS doses MORE OFTEN. Get the MMS and ClO2 circulating as soon as
possible. For example, if you were normally taking 8 drop doses morning and night, step it up - take your doses
every two hours - for two days until at least, or until the tooth pressure-pain disappears. The infection will in most
cases be eliminated without a terrifying root canal procedure. You will avoid strong antibiotics that dentists give to
kill the infection. You will avoid further dental work to "save the tooth." This suggestion is based on actual
experiences and user reports.

What about Candida and Bad Breath?:

While your one-drop mixture lasts, if you have any white candida film on your tongue, brush your tongue.

While in there with brush in hand, if you have bad breath, brush the extreme back of the tongue where sulfur
dioxide is produced by some types of bacteria. One clinic has a patented tongue brush and a special MMS-like
fluid that quenches the bad-breath bacteria. But in your case you already have MMS which produces Cl02 gas,
and a tooth brush already in your mouth, so shove the brush back to the gagging point and clean the back of your
tongue. There's no excuse for MMS users to have bad breath. Other people may notice that you no longer have
"a filthy mouth."

Will MMS Brighten Your Teeth?:

There is misinformation about MMS causing teeth to be darkened. The enemies of MMS appear to have found
someone who may have smoked for years and maybe drank strong coffee since birth, or who rarely brushed his
BROWN and ugly teeth. MMS doubters present his photos on their web blogs under the general heading of
"Look what MMS is going to do to your teeth."

In contrast, people who use MMS regularly for mouth, gums, and teeth don't have to make their point with
photographs. They simply smile cheerfully with pretty white, glistening teeth. True, some people just play around
with MMS never actually using it with consistently or with purposeful discipline. But for those who are serious
about their health, over time MMS has a gradual whitening effect on teeth. Years of tartar and accumulated
colorings are slowly lifted away.

Will MMS Remove Years of Plaque Buildup?:

Questions arise regarding whether MMS can remove plaque without dental assistance. No, it might take years of
twice daily brushing with MMS to diminish thickened plaque that developed over the years. It's probably better to
pay a dental assistant to remove plaque using the tools they have. THEN AFTER THAT, you can prevent or
diminish greatly the formation of new plaque. Dental assistants are usually trained to tell you that plaque is
normal, that everyone needs to come back four times a year for plaque removal. You may be told that there is
SLIME in everybody's mouth and during the night it lays down additional film whether you brush or not.

Unless your genetics cause you to produce SLIME IN ABUNDANCE, a night and morning MMS mouthwash and
light brushing will leave you with a germ free mouth. The slime will evaporate through the night, having no bacterial
assistance to create layers of tartar and plaque. This has NOT been tracked, measured, or reported adequately.
You can test this for yourself and give us a report if you are a serious MMS user.

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MMS Strategy for Tooth and Mouth Care

Will MMS Remove Infections under Abscessed teeth? Case Study:

From Juan To Jim Humble:
I just wanted to drop you an email to let you know how the MMS is working with the abscessed teeth. I imagine
you already know this having worked with so many people already over the years, but dentists really have no way
of knowing whether the tooth itself is actually the source of the infection. They take the x-rays and if they see the
spot of infection on the x-ray, they say you need a root canal.

There is no way of knowing for certain whether it is the tooth or the gum that is the source of the abscess from
just an x-ray, but that being said, the x-ray did show that I had a large pocket infection under the bottom tip of the
root in one of my bottom molars.

I had every tooth in my mouth cosmetically repaired with porcelain crowns in 2003 so when I just recently had this
toothache and the dentist told me it was the tooth that was abscessed, I thought it was ludicrous. Even though I
saw the x-ray I knew there was no way my tooth could have decayed so much in 6 years after all of the work I
had done. I argued that the infection had to be in the gum regardless of what the dentist said or the x-ray showed.
I started looking for miracle cures online and found MMS.

As you know, I went with DMSO and MMS and this knocked out the infection in a couple of days, however, the
infection would come back in a week or two sometimes and I would have to keep the DMSO and MMS on it again
to knock it back out but it did work to stop immediate pain and suffering.

I got the idea to put MMS in a Waterpik so that the solution could get down deep into the root canal and this
has proven so far to be a more effective way to treat the abscess. Using MMS in the irrigation cleaning solution
knocked out whatever was down there and it has not come back.

I put 10 drops of activated MMS inside a full glass of mineral water to fill the irrigation chamber of the Waterpik
and did the irrigation cleaning as one normally would use a Waterpik. There are things called cannula tips which
are attachments for the Waterpik like a syringe that can be used to penetrate as deep as possible into the canal
of the tooth if need be and I used them.

Just wanted to let you know this in case there may be some folks you can pass it on to. I hope people know that if
the dentist says they need a root canal they should question it and try cleaning the tooth canal with MMS in a
Waterpik and see how well they fare.

It is pretty impressive how quickly this method delivers relief. In a couple of hours the throbbing and shooting
pains stop and it got better and better quickly and has not come back. I have no way of being certain that my
abscess was inside the tooth, although it certainly was deep inside the gum, under the root of the tooth which
appeared to be coming from the root of the tooth in the x-ray.

The MMS has healed the rest of mouth too. I could feel infections inside the gums on the bottom two areas
where I had my wisdom teeth removed 15 years ago. Just brushing with MMS and the MMS in irrigation has
knocked that out too since the last time we emailed each other. Juan ===-===

CONTACT INFO: Before writing to the MMS Institute about specific disease questions you should visit the
knowledge base and click on various diseases that may be of interest. Click here: [ ]
An E-mail contact address is provided there.

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This page provides information about MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) which is a well known salt in solution. The information is not a substitute for
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