Nephrology PDF
Nephrology PDF
Nephrology PDF
Sl. No Description Page no
1. Scope of the Department. 2
2. Assisting in femoral catheter 3
3. Starting HD through femoral catheter 4
4. Starting HD through jugular catheter 5
5. Starting HD through A.V.Fistula 6
6. Procedure of dialysis 7
7. Blood transfusion during haemodialysis 12
8. Procedure-routine blood test 14
9. Closing HD through A.V.Fistula 18
10. Closing HD through femoral catheter 20
11. Removal of jugular catheter 22
12. Removal of femoral catheter 23
13. R.O.water maintanence and disinfection procedure 24
14. Back wash, dialyzer and blood tubings reuse 26
15. SOP for Preparation of bicarbonate solution 28
16. SOP for haemodialysis for the patient with blood borne viral
17. SOP of care on permanent catheter 31
18. Starting plasmapherisis through dialysis catheter 32
19. SOP for renal biopsy 34
20. SOP for assisting for nephrostomy drainage 36
21. SOP for preparation for percutaneous nephrostomy (pcn)
22. List of associated records 38
Annexure No. I
Role of
A. Consultant
B. Charge Nurse
C. Team leader
D. Staff Nurse
E. Dialysis Technician
F. Nursing Aid
Annexure No. II Organogram
6.1. Definition:
Hemodialysis is a process of cleansing the blood of accumulated waste product like urea,
creatinine, uric acid etc by using arterial dialysis. It is used for patient with end stage
renal failure or critically ill patients who require dialysis.
6.2. Purpose
6.2.1. To extract toxic nitrogenous substances from the blood
6.2.2. To remove excess of water
6.2.3. To maintain fluid & electrolyte balance in the body
6.3. Scope
All patients undergoing haemodialysis
6.4. Responsibility & Authority
Consultant / Dialysis nurse
6.5. Methods
6.5.1. Central venous catheter
Immediate access to the patient’s circulation for acute hemodialysis is achieved
by inserting a double-lumen or multi -lumen catheter in to the subclavian internal
jugular, or femoral vein. It can be removed if patient’s condition has improved or
another type of access has been established.
6.5.2. Arteriovenous fistula
A fistula is created surgically by joining an artery to a vein. Either side to side or
end to side usually radial artery and cephalic vein or tibial artery to big cephalic
vein. Fistula takes 4-6 weeks to mature. The patient is encouraged to perform
exercises to increase the size of these vessels (i.e.: squeezing a rubber ball) and
there by to accommodate a large bore needle used for hemodialysis.
6.5.3. Arterio venous graft
It can be created by subcutaneously interposing a biologic, semi biologic or
synthetic graft placed between a artery and vein. Most commonly used synthetic
graft material is expanded polytetrafluroethylene. This created in case of patient
vessels are not suitable for fistula (common sites are fore arm, upper thigh).
d. Sterile NS
e. Dressing material
f. Betadine solution
g. Heparin
h. Non sterile glove
i. Fistulae needle
j. Dialysis machine, tubing
k. Dialyser
l. Dialysate solution
m. Tourniquet
6.7.3 Patient assessment & preparation
Steps Rational
Graft, fistula, catheter insertion site Because these sites are used frequently.
for signs on symptoms of infection Infection is always a potential risk
c. Patients weight is checked and general assessment of the patient is done. Based on
the patient’s weight gain, ultra filtration rate is set for 4 hours and dialysis is
d. Patient shall be identified before starting dialysis
e. Patient shall be identified with the name & hospital number in the registration
card or the friend of Baptist card
f. Incase of reuse of dialyzer the hospital number which is labeled on the dialyzer
shall be cross checked with the registration card or friend of baptist card.
g. Then the formalin which is filled in the dialyzer shall be drained in the washing
area,flushed with RO Water then shall be brought to the patient side and it shall be
primed with 1 ltr of normal saline.
h. Written consent shall be taken once in a month and verbal consent shall be taken
before every dialysis procedure.
i. After ensuring that the tubes are clamped, ‘no leaking’ stickers will be affixed
before initiating haemodialysis. On the ‘no leaking’ stickers details regarding the
name of the person verifying the clamps as well as the time & date is mentioned.
6.9. Monitoring patient during Dialysis:
6.9.1.Immediately after starting the procedure close monitoring shall be done for ten
minutes. Every half an hour once blood pressure, transmembranal pressure and
venous pressure of the patient is checked and recorded. Bedside documentation is
carried out after starting dialysis.
6.9.2. Should collect and send the routine blood samples for monthly tests which
includes electrolytes, Hb , etc. , Patient with perm catheter 10 days once PT to be
checked and virology for once in 6 months.
6.9.3. Monitoring the complications during Dialysis such as hypotension, fever, chills,
muscle cramps, hypertension, cardiac related problems, etc. and other complications
if there is any.
6.9.4. As per the Hb level we are assesing whether to transfer blood or to give
erythropoietin supplements, based on the patient’s financial need.
6.9.5. Standing order for giving injection during haemodialysis
7.5.5. Check labels, identifying donor and recipient blood (number and type). Confirm identity
of patient by asking name, checking hospital number and blood group/ type
7.5.6. Check patient’s TPR and BP
7.5.7. Assemble equipment at bed side.
7.5.8. Keep transfusion set ready and connect to normal saline(100ml)
7.5.9. Adjust rate of flow as prescribed, replace equipment
7.5.10. Document time started, blood/component (amount, group RH, type) vital signs,
any reaction name of doctor time discontinued.
7.5.11. Monitor vital signs every 30mts and watch closely for any under reaction
7.5.12. Maintain patient’s comfort during and after procedure
Chest Xray
Blood borne virus screen
8.2. Procedure 2
Handling of the infected patients
8.2.1. It is recommended that universal precautions be followed in every case. This is
economically not feasible and hence certain isolation procedures have to be
8.2.2. The dialysis patients with respiration, urinary tract infections or septicemia can be
dialyzed along with other patients. Care should be taken to see that staff do not
handle non infected patients after attending on an infected case without proper
hand washing. The pore size of the dialyzer is such that bacteria cannot pass from
the blood compartment to any other compartment.
8.2.3. Hepatitis B This is a highly infectious virus, hence patients who are carrying the
antigen in their blood should be dialyzed in an area which is physically isolated
from the area where hepatitis B antigen negative patients are being dialyzed. The
staff from the positive area should not cross over and attend on patients who are
virus negative. Similarly those from the negative side should not go to the positive
side and then return to the negative side. In addition it is mandatory that all the
staffs in the dialysis area are immunized against hepatitis B. Patient are also
encouraged to get immunized.
8.2.4. Re-use of consumables is permitted provided that is done in a physically separate
area from where reuse of negative patient’s material is being done. Whatever can
be disposed off should be done in containers which are marked for disposal of
infected waste. Linen should be disposed off in a red bag and double autoclaved.
8.2.5. Hepatitis C Through the recommendation for isolating these patients is not
mandated, for practical purpose it is advisable to handle these patients and their
material in the same manner as the hepatitis B positive patient.
8.2.6. HIV if a HIV infected patients needs to be dialyzed, the staff should be informed
that the patient constitutes a bio hazard. The staff should wear protective gear,
goggles, double gloves and a disposable gown. None of the material used for the
dialysis should be reused. All material to be disposed off should be first treated in
bleach solution
8.3. Procedure 3
There are several emergencies that occur in the dialysis area, the common ones
8.3.1. Hypotension this can occur due to many reasons, the patient may have taken his
antihypertensive medication before reporting for dialysis. Too much fluid removal
by ultra filtration and low hemoglobin are some of the common causes.
8.3.2. The emergency treatment is to lower the head end, stop the blood pump and
infuse 100 to 200 ml of normal saline, inform the medical staff. Generally the
blood pressure will come up and if stable for 30 minutes dialysis can be resumed.
8.3.3. Air embolism this is a potentially life threatening complication, it should not
occur with the air leak detector in place in the machine. If it does occur the patient
will experience sudden shortness of breath. On listening to the chest movement of
air through the heart chambers may be heard. Dialysis must be stopped, patient
propped up in the right lateral position and administered oxygen through the nose
at 12 to 15 L per minute.
8.3.4. Haemolysis this can occur when the dialysate is contaminated with chloramines
or if the temperature of the dialysate goes to 40 degrees. Dialysis must be
stopped; if significant amount of haemolysis has occurred then blood transfusion
may be required. To control hyperkalemia peritoneal dialysis may need to be
8.3.5. Blood leak this if it occurs should be picked up by the blood leak detector in the
machine. The blood pump will stop and further dialysis will not take place.
8.3.6. First use syndrome this is usually manifested by acute onset of breathlessness and
a drop in blood pressure. Treatment is to slow the blood flow rate and give a dose
of antihistamine sometimes hydrocortisone also may be required to control
8.4. Procedure 4
Care of the vascular access at home
8.4.1. Permanent access
a. Permanent access these are usually an arteriovenous fistula or an
arteriovenous graft. Care must be taken to ensure that tight clothing or
jewellery is not placed over the vascular access since it may get blocked. The
patient and or family must also to teach to check the patency of access. If the
flow stops they must report immediately to the hospital. If there is bleeding
from the access the patient and family must be shown where to apply pressure
proximally to prevent further bleeding. They must come to the hospital as soon
as possible.
8.4.2. Temporary vascular access
a. Femoral vein catheter it is not advisable to send patients home with a femoral
catheter. If they do insist on going home then the patient and family member must
be shown where to apply pressure should the catheter slip out. They should also be
told to come quickly to the hospital. If there is swelling or pain on the limb with
the catheter is should also be reported immediately since there is a risk of
developing deep vein thrombosis.
b. Internal jugular and subclavian vein catheter patient with these can be permitted to
go home. They must be told to keep the site dry. If the catheter slips out they need
to be shown where to apply pressure and instructed to report to the hospital as soon
as possible.
All this information needs to be reinforced from time to time.
10.1. Definition:
Assisting to close haemodialysis through femoral catheter access once dialysis is over
10.2. Indication:
10.2.1. To reduce problem with the access like inadequate blood flow.
10.2.2. To prevent complications like irreversible hypotension.
10.3. Equipment
Haemodialysis closing set, sterile gloves, antiseptic, normal saline, heparinezed saline,
tegaderm 2cc syringe, adhesive, rubber connector
10.4. Procedure:
10.4.1. Explain procedure to patient
10.4.2. Checked blood pressure and document
10.4.3. Reduce blood pump speed to 100ml/mt and negative pressure to 0-10 mm of Hg
10.4.4. Keep blood investigation bottles ready after labeling if indicated
10.4.5. Wash hands and remove old dressing
10.4.6. Observe site for infection and check whether check whether suture are intact
10.4.7. Scrub hands with Soap and water
10.4.8. Dry hands with tissue and wear gloves
10.4.9. Ask assistant to switch off blood pump
10.4.10. Disconnect arterial blood tubing carefully from arterial lumen and give to assistant
connect saline to arterial line connection
10.4.11. Clamp arterial lumen and arterial blood tubing simultaneously
10.4.12. Ensure blood which is in the tubing and dialysis is to be returned through venous
line after switching on blood pump.
10.4.13. Collect post dialysis blood samples if needed
10.4.14. Flush arterial line with saline
10.4.15. When venous blood line is almost clean clamp venous line, put off blood pump and
lamp venous lumen simultaneously.
10.4.16. Disconnect venous lumen with saline
10.4.17. Both lumens to be filled with heparinized saline (Arterial 1.16cc and venous 1.2cc
to keep lumen patent.
10.4.18. Recap adapters and secure them with gauze and adhesive
10.4.19. Put antiseptic dressing our catheter site and apply tegaderm
10.4.20. Secure both lumans our tegaderm with adhesive
10.4.21. Remove gloves and replace articles
10.4.22. Check blood pressure (Lying and sitting or standing )
10.4.23. Check post dialysis weight and record in haemodialysis record and dialysis hand
10.4.24. If post dialysis weight is more or less than patient original weight, to be informed to
duty doctor
10.4.25. Make sure that next appointment time is informed to patient entered in dialysis hand
book and in posting file
10.4.26. Transfer patient to ward
13.2.4. The report will be received with in one week same shall be filed in dialysis
13.3. RO water endotoxin analysis
13.3.1. Once in a month the R.O sample shall be collected from the R.O water tap in a
500ml of glass bottle container.
13.3.2. The sample shall be collected by the maintenance staff.
13.3.3. The sample shall be sent outside for endotoxin analysis testing in an authorized
13.3.4. The report will be received with in one week same shall be filled in dialysis
16.1. Purpose: To provide for surveillance, prevention and control of hospital associated
infection among the patient including outpatient, and inpatient, staff and visitors.
16.2. Scope: Hospital wide.
16.3. Responsibility: Nurse and doctors.
16.4. Procedure:
16.4.1. All patients are to be screened for hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV infection prior
to be being taken up for dialysis at BBH and periodically thereafter as per
16.4.2. In view of the limited floor space in the dialysis unit at BBH isolation of the
patient is not feasible, therefore as a matter of policy patients with these infections
are not being offered regular dialysis at BBH at present.
16.4.3. In case of an emergency, patients with any of these infections can be taken up for
dialysis as a life saving measure. The CDC recommends isolation only for
Hepatitis B infection and not for HCV or HIV, however this is provided by the
universal precautions that are being implemented for all dialysis procedure, and
this would become very expensive.
16.4.4. In the event that the dialysis unit at BBH has to treat any patient with any of these
infections the following MUST be observed.
16.4.5. STAFF-The same staff should be assigned to care for the infected patient through
the entire procedure, this person should not care for any other patients during this
time. Staff will wear protective mask, gown, eye shield and gloves when handling
the patient or their blood.
16.4.6. MATERIAL-All material used for the dialysis procedure, AV Fistula needles,
blood linens, transducer protector to be discarded after single use, dialyzer shall
be reused for 15 times for the same patient after disinfection..
16.4.7. Reusable material instruments and other reusable materials double bagged and
double autoclaved.
16.4.8. Surface cleaning of the Hemodialysis machine with disinfectant solution and
double hot disinfection of machine to be done prior to being used for any other
16.4.9. Needles stick injury, blood splash to be handled as per protocol
18.7.4. Monitar vital signs prior to initiating the exchange and then every half an hour
18.7.5. Position the patient comfortably on the bed.
18.7.6. Monitor vital sings prior to initiating exchange and then every half an hour.
18.7.7. Send blood for investigation(PT,APTT)as per doctor’s order.
18.7.8. Inj.Albumin is administered as prescribed.
18.7.9. Pre[pare the vascular access of the patient.
18.7.10. Check post plasmapheresis BP,weight record it.
18.7.11. Patient is monitored for 15-30 min.
18.7.12. FFP is transfused.
18.7.13. Document all the procedures.
19.6.3. Patient needs to be given discharge instructions by the Doctors after the procedure
19.6.4. Bed rest for 1 day.
19.6.5. Limited activity for 3 days.
19.6.6. Avoid lifting heavy weight for 7 days.
19.6.7. To come to Hospital immediately if there is blood in the urine or if there is
giddiness or any symptoms that you feel requires urgent medical attention.
19.6.8. Cap. Augmentin 625mg 1-0-1 for 5 days.
19.6.9. Cap. Ultracet 1-0-1 for 3 days for pain.
19.6.10. Tab. Ondem MD 4mg 1-0-1 for 3 days.()
19.6.11. To review with renal biopsy report after one week.
19.6.12. Kindly take other medications and instructions as suggested by your treating
Signature: Signature:
1 Role of Consultant
a) To work in accordance with the mission, vision and ethics of the Hospital and serving as
a role model in all areas of life.
b) To participate in all Hospital activities including the administrative social spiritual events
and to extent support to the administration of the Hospital.
c) To co-ordinate the activities of the Dialysis Unit.
d) To provide medical care for the patients in Dialysis. Attend to their medical needs.
e) To advise the patients and their family members about the various treatment options for
patients with Kidney failure.
f) To disseminate knowledge to the patients and family on prevention of Kidney disease
and also measures to slow progression of disease.
g) To ensure that appropriate consumable used in Dialysis are made available for care.
h) To provide in-service training in the theory and practice of Dialysis to the staffs of the
Dialysis unit.
i) To provide Nephrology advice for patients admitted to the Hospital under other services.
j) To examine and provide treatment for out patients who need Nephrology services.
k) To perform Kidney biopsies where indicated and to interpret the results of these and plan
out treatment based on the biopsy report.
l) To create temporary vascular access for Haemodialysis, Femoral, Internal Jugular or
Subclavian vein catheterization.
m) To guide the residents in creation of temporary vascular access.
n) To conduct classes theory and clinical for the under graduates students as well as the
DNB trainers.
2 Role of charge nurse
a) Upholds the standard of nursing practice for critical ill patients.
a) Maintains life saving equipments – ventilators, defibrillators.
b) Evaluates performance of the staff under her supervision and nursing care as a whole.
Suggests modifications.
c) Upholds the standard of nursing practice in relation to safety, quality and quantity.
Inspects unit areas to verify that patient needs are met.
d) Assigns duties to professional and ancillary nursing personnel based on needs for the
efficient functioning of her department.
e) Supports, interprets and promotes the philosophy and objectives of the hospital and of the
nursing service division. Interprets needs and interests of nursing personnel to the
CNO/ACNO on specific problems and interpretations of hospital policies.
f) Responsible for the maintenance of safe and sterile environment in the unit.
g) Formulates the schedule for staffing the unit. Adjusts the weekly schedule as needed to
provide optimum coverage for the unit. Is available to the institution in emergency
situations which create excessive demands on hospital personnel.
h) Orient new staffs to the unit. Participates in guidance and educational programs.
i) Engages in investigations related to improving nursing care.
j) Assists in interviewing applicants and makes recommendations for employing or
terminating personnel.
k) Assists physicians and ensures that nursing care is carried out as directed and treatment is
administered in accordance with physician’s instructions.
l) Directs preparation and maintenance of patient’s clinical record.
m) Investigates complaints of staff, patients and relatives and refers them to supervisor.
n) Instructs patients and members of their families in techniques and methods of home care
after discharge.
o) Ensures establishes inventory standards for medicine solutions, supplies and equipments
accounts for narcotics.
p) Presides over unit personnel meetings to discuss patient care needs. Attends meetings of
the nursing service division to discuss unit operation and staff training needs and to
formulate programmes to improve nursing care.
q) Assists in the development and revision of nursing policies, regulations and procedures.
r) Rotates to evening and night duty to fill the position of evening and night supervisor.
3. To oversee dialysis from start to finish and monitor patient reaction to treatment.
4. To verify that patients are taking all prescribed medications,
5. To inform doctors of any significant change in patients' health
6. To work closely with others on the dialysis team.
7. To ensure that all equipment is functioning properly, and that any repairs needed are
reported in a timely manner.
8. To maintain medical inventory, notify manager when supplies are needed
9. To arrange for follow up appointments, and reporting to upper management and/or
physicians as needed.
10. To be accountable for inventory.
11. To adhere to hospital policies and procedures.
12. To know the purpose, expected results, and the safety factors involved in the patient
13. To utilize the knowledge and skills in giving safe nursing care.
14. To be responsible for fulfilling the activities of the job.
15. Not to divulge confidential information concerning the patient’s or hospital affairs
except to authorized personnel.
16. To self-direct in learning and/or improving the abilities needed for the job.
17. To participate in studies related to nursing practice.
18. To participate in the in-service education programs of the institution.
19. To maintain a professional level of conduct.
20. To accept direction, supervision, and evaluation of performance.
21. To ensure economical use of time, effort and material.
22. To keep abreast of literature in nursing.
23. To take responsibilities during Supervisor’s absence.
5. Role of Dialysis Technicians
1. To have an intricate understanding of the mechanics of dialysis.
2. To assess vital signs, discuss patient concerns and answer questions relevant to
patient care
3. To oversee dialysis from start to finish and monitor patient reaction to treatment.
7. To assist in admission procedure for patients admitted through the casualty and
outpatient department.
8. To assist patients in preparing for examination by the doctor.
9. To collect specimen as directed (urine, stool, sputum).
10. To transport patients to the various locations as needed. .
11. To obtain, clean and return equipments and supplies handled in the ward.
12. To take responsibility for seeing that the working area kept clean and equipment is
kept in its place.
13. Runs errand to other departments; pharmacy, central supply, lab, cashier, medical
record, other nursing units.
14. To be accountable for her/his assigned patients hospital linen.
15. To perform any other duties as directed by the Charge Nurse or unit supervisor
Annexure II
Deputy Director
Consultant nephrology
Incharge Nurse