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Protección de Sistemas Eléctricos

Maestrı́a en Redes Inteligentes

Klever Quizhpe H.

Universidad de Cuenca
[email protected]

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1 Transformadores de Corriente

2 Tranformadores de Voltaje

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Transformadores de Corriente


All electrical measurements and relaying decisions are derived from current
and voltage signals. CTs and VTs are necessary because
They scale down line currents and bus voltages to fed into the relays.
They are sensors for the relay.
They electrically isolate the relaying system from the apparatus.
Electrical isolation from the primary voltage provides safety for both
human personnel and equipment.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Equivalent Circuit of CT

It is similar to that of a regular transformer

The main difference is that CTs have current source excitation.
Primary winding of the CT is connected in series with the
transmission line.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Equivalent Circuit of CT

It is assumed that CT primary is connected to a current source.

Primary winding resistance and leakage reactance are neglected.
Magnetizing impedance from primary side is shifted to secondary side.
The load on the secondary side are the relay burden and the lead wire

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Transformadores de Corriente

Equivalent Circuit of CT

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Transformadores de Corriente

Equivalent Circuit of CT
Total impedance on the secondary side is the sum of
Relay burden.
Lead wire resistance.
Leakage impedance of secondary winding.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Clasificación TCs

CTs can be classified into

Measurement CTs.
They have lower VA capacity than protection grade CTs.
It has to be accurate over a range of 5 % to 125 % of normal current.
It is not expected to give linear response during large fault currents.
Protection CTs.
It is expected to give linear response upto 20 times the rated current.
Its performance has to be accurate in the range of normal currents to
fault currents.
In order to get linear response, CT burden has to be kept low.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Saturación de los TCs

Los errores de un TI resultan de la corriente de excitación, tanto que para

chequear si un TI está funcionando correctamente, es esencial medir o
calcular la curva de excitación.

Cuando la corriente primaria se incrementa y por lo tanto también la

secundaria, esas corrientes alcanzan un punto donde el núcleo del TC
comienza a saturarse y la corriente de magnetización se vuelve lo
suficientemente elevada como para producir un error excesivo.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Saturación de los TCs

En las normas europeas el punto Kp de la curva se llama punto o codo de
saturación y es definido como el punto a partir del cual un incremento en
la tensión de excitación del 10 % produce un incremento del 50 % de la
corriente de excitación.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Saturación de los TCs

Este punto está referenciado en las normas ANSI/IEEE como la
intersección de la curva de excitación con un lı́nea tangente a 45 grados.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Error en TCs

I1 − I2 Im
I1 I1
The ratio correction factor R is defined as the constant by which the name
plate turns ratio n of a current transformer must be multiplied to obtain
the effective turns ratio.
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Transformadores de Corriente


Considere un transformador de corriente de relación 500:5, con una

impedancia del secundario de (0.01 + j0.1)Ω y un burden de 2Ω. Si la
impedancia de magnetización es (4.0 + j15)Ω, determine  y R.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Clases de Tcs
ANSI/IEEE standards classify CTs into two types:
Class T CTs.
Class C CTs.
Class T CTs.
It has high leakage flux.
Its performance can be determined only by test.
CT burden should be kept as low as possible.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Clases de TCs

Class C CTs.
Its leakage flux is very small.
It is more accurate.
Its performance can be evaluated from standard exciting curves.
Ratio error is maintained within ±10 %.

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Transformadores de Corriente

Clases de TCs

For example 10C400 or 10T300. The first integers describe the upper limit
on the error made by the CT when the voltage at its secondary terminals
is equal to the second integer, while the current in the transformer is 20
times its rated value.

As most CT secondary windings are rated at 5 A secondary, this

corresponds to a secondary current of 100 A. The 10C400 CT, for
example, will have an error of less than or equal to 10 % at a secondary
current of 100 A for burden impedances which produce 400 V or less at its
secondary terminals.

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Transformadores de Corriente

In a transformer, if one of the winding currents is considered to be flowing
into the marked terminal, the current in the other winding should be
considered to be leaving its marked terminal. The two currents will then be
(approximately) in phase with each other.

Label the primary winding terminals H1 and H2, and the secondary
winding terminals Xl and X2. H1 and X1 may then be assumed to have
the polarity mark on them.

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Transformadores de Corriente

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Transformadores de Corriente

Dos TC con relaciones 300:5 y 600:5 están conectados como se muestra
en la figura 2. Si la corriente primaria es 3000 A y el burden de 1 ohm
cuales son los voltajes en los terminales secundarios de los trasformadores
en los dos casos ( a y b).

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Transformadores de Corriente

Ejercicios TCs

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Tranformadores de Voltaje


Las medidas de voltaje de los esquemas de protección se realizan

mediante TPs.
La tensión del secundario de un TP es usualmente 115 o 120 V
correspondiente a tensión de fase.
El circuito equivalente de un TP es similar al de un transformador de
potencia convencional
La rama de magnetización puede ser ignorada y el circuito equivalente
se reduce a:

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Tranformadores de Voltaje

TPs - Circuito Equivalente

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Tranformadores de Voltaje

Diagrama Fasorial

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Tranformadores de Voltaje

TPs - Caracterı́sticas

The error of transformation of such a transformer is negligible for all

practical purposes in its entire operating range – from zero to about
110 % of its normal rating.
We may consider such transformers to be error-free from the point of
view of relaying.
Voltage transformers are rather expensive, especially at extra high
voltages: 345 kV or above. Consequently, they are usually found on
low-, medium- and high-voltage systems.
At extra high voltages, capacitive voltage transformers are the more
usual sources for relaying and metering.

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Tranformadores de Voltaje

TPs - Capacitivos

En general, el tamaño de un TP inductivo es proporcional a su

tensión nominal y por esta razón, el costo se incrementa.
Este tipo de TP es efectivamente un divisor de tensión capacitivo, y
es similar a un divisor resistivo en que la tensión de salida en el punto
de conexión es afectada por la carga.
El divisor puede reducir la tensión a valores los cuales los errores
pueden ser mantenidos en lı́mites normales admisibles.

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Tranformadores de Voltaje

TPs - Capacitivos

A tuning inductor is connected to compensate for capacitance effect.

When ωL = the relay sees the actual voltage.
ω(C1 + C2 )
Circuito equivalente final:

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Tranformadores de Voltaje


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Tranformadores de Voltaje

Trabajo 2

Estudiar desempeño transitorio de los TCs.
Investigar sobre los TCs electrónicos.

Estudiar desempeño transitorio de los TPs capacitivos

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Tranformadores de Voltaje


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