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CT and VT

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Current Transformrs

(!.. 216. WlaJ t.V't tMin.ttnel1.t Md #itir

WJuJe"' tlt4: di.flerenee between A 1'(1tDtr and
a iMhmenl tmmJOf"'I'Ufr ?
Instrument Transformers. Instrument transformers include
current transformers (CT) and voltage transformers (VT). VTs are
also called potential. ttansformers.
Current transformers are used for reducing/stepping down
.a.c. current from higher value to Jower value for measurement/pro..
Voltage tran11formers are used for stepping down vohage from
"higher value to lower value for measurcmentfpr?tection/control.
Both crs and VTs' have low VA rating and are, therefore, not
used for power transfer. The difference between instrument trans
formers and power traos.former is mainly in their VA rating.. Power
._transformers have high kV A rating (500 kVA, 1000 kVA .. upto
1000 MV A). Instrument transformers have ra.ting of only a few teo.s .
. of VA (e.g."lO VA. 30 VA, 100 VA}.
Q.. 217 . W,_at are tha two main. oJ CUtf'W
ftns/orm.trs aM w'Uage ltanljOY'fJ't,trB ?
are two cJasses of instrument transformers :
l. Mea.st.t!fi-ng current trr:ntsformer' used for measurement
2. Prottdiw eraliM/IJ'ff'l\t;J'S used for prottctive and control
Q.. 218. WAat are 4M appliemimwl of eurrem 1
tratuform.ers arc u:sed with overcu.rrent
pr<>teetion, earth fault protection, dUferenHal protection and impe-
<lance protection etc.
MeJUUri:ng CU'rient are used .vith ammeters,
wa.ttmeters. kVA meters and kWh meters for reducing line current
to I ampere or 5 ampcrrs.
Q.. %%1. Ikjim e btwdcn em d 01.'.
l_mpedan.rs of secondary circuit exprl\l$sed in obms, power
JS called burtkJt. But it is usually expressed in terms of
apparent power in kVA and rat! secondary euttent at specified
power factor. This power factor is not the powtr factor of $oecondary
cumru orcr
The circuit connected to the secondary winding is. termed as
oftbe curre-nt transformer. If the term 'Joad' is used, it
refers to the primary current magnitude. Burden is expressed
preferably in terms of impedance of the cireuit connKted to the
$tcondary and its resistance and reactance. The British metllod is
specity the burden on the cr in volt-ampere& at rated secondary
<OUrtent at specified power factor.
T.bu:s we may express the burden in the following two forms.
o.g os ohm impedance or us volt-ampe:re.s at s amperes. Let
tlurw.:ltto B volt-amperes at rated secondary I. amperes. Then
the ohmic impedance the burden St cui be calculated as follows :
B .
Z==y ohms.
"Burdens of crs and VTs refer to the maximum load in
'Tolt-amperes (VA) which may be applied across the secondary
1ermimals, without tlbe ratio and phase .angle errors exceeding the
permissible Umits. The burden upon the number of
mstfuptents or connected and their individual burdens
liyP.ttf!.;valqct. arc
Bunleaa of lacUvtdaal lNtl"atJteats fRe1ays
lndicatina.: voftmcter/ammeter
meters and. record in,.. instrwncat.s
'l1'aermal over current relays
(J A)
l to 10 VA O 5 to S VA
3 to' VA S to 15 VA
2 t.o 12 VA
The S g.aiilanl VA Burdens Ratings for CTs and VTs
lrntrument trarisformC<rs
Protective tranaformers
J!'.T. C.T.
to, ts. so. too. 200 2s, .s. 1 s. t s. 30
so. 100, 200 25. S. 7 s. 10, lS, 10.
P'.F. 07 Ia&
JT oltage Transfortne:rs
Q.. 131. W hal are tlre anlit.t:UiMt-' a:nd lf!Pu oJ .
/Of'flfDII 1
Voltage transformers (potential transformers) are used for
measurement and protection . Accordingly, tlley are either measur
in4 jtlpe or protective type voltage tntls.formers. They may be either
sinsld phase or three phase. Voltage transformers are necessary
fo,r voltage. distance prcneetion. The primary ot voltage
transformer is connected directly to power .circuit between pbase and
ground depending upon rated voltage and application. The volt--
ampere rating of voltage trausformers is lesser as compared with that1
of power transfonners.
There are two types of constructions :
-electromagn.etie potential tran:srormer in which primary and
s-econdary are wround on magnetic corcJike io usual trans
-capacitor potential in which the primary \'olt-
il3\' is applied to a series capacitor group. The voltage.
one of the capacitor is taken to auxiliary
transformer. The secondary of auxiliary voltage transformer
is taken for measurement or protection.
Spccificatioa f'or Vohagc Traasfor.tU>en
The following aspects should be determined wbil.e seJectins
voltage tra nsfotnter
t. Rated primary voltage.
2. Rated secondary voitlgc,
3. Rated burden.
4. Supply freqllency.
S. Number of phases .
6. Clw of accuracy.
1. kvel. Power frequency .and impulse voltage
Limits of dimensions, types of construction etc.
Q.. 235. the 'burden' on V!ra.
Burdett 01'1 Voltage Tnafol"mer. Burdens are specified.
in at a rated tecondary voltage at a particular power
factor. Let rated secondary voltage be v.. The ohmic impedance:
nf burden be .Zt. burden =P,
Z&==- ohms.
" p
Let burden power factor be l:os {I
Ba::::Za COS r/1
X11e:rZo sin .p
Zo= 4 R+X11.
The total bur de o on a VT should be Jess than the rated burdeDt
. The capacitor voltage transfcrmer output is upto about 200
VA. While that of wounded type is upto ab<Out SOO VA. Tho
standard values being: 10. 25. 50. 7St 100. 150, 200. SOO VA.
Q.. 236. A tro.m/Of'tM'II' tDitA ratu wltage ot
1111 V 1uu nomiuZ 011tput oJ 1 A, le44 loop :rwm,.c:e iB 0'1 cmm.
Calculate the voJco.mpef't output of voltage trans/ormt.r tle
ralag ,. oz lilt 110 .
Solutioa. Total voJtampercs = V oltarnpercs for relay+ V oft ..
ampere or leads.
= 110 xot+ (Ot)x ot
-11 VA. ADs.

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