Bogar The Saga

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Bogar and His Navapashanam: The Secret

to Immortality?
 14 Jan 2019

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The Alchemist

Bogar was a legendary South Indian siddhar (a mystic or yogi). He was said to have
miraculous powers. Bogar was a South Indian by birth, belonging to the goldsmith caste, who
became a siddhapurusha (an ascetic who has achieved enlightenment) under the guidance of

It is said that as per the last wishes of his guru, Bogar proceeded to China to spread the
knowledge of siddha sciences. His journey is said to have been made with the aid of an
aircraft; he demonstrated to the Chinese the details of the construction of the aircraft and later
built for them a sea-going craft using a steam engine.

The details of these and other experiments demonstrated by Bogar in China are clearly
documented in the Saptakanda (a manuscript in which he reveals details of various medicinal
preparations and his experiments). Bogar’s guru, Kalanginaathar, is believed to be a Chinese
who attained siddhi in South India and thus became included among the Eighteen Siddhars.
One of his creations was the famous Murugan deity made out of Navapashanam in Palani. He
worshipped the idol at the Murugan temple. After attaining Nirvigalpa Samadhi - the highest
samadhi stage; where the Mind dissolves with Matter and Energy, his disciple Pulippani
Siddhar and his descendants maintained this practice.

READ: The Ancient Secret Behind Palani Murugan Idol

Bogar’s Samadhi (resting place) is inside the hill temple of Palani, southwest of the sanctum
sanctorum in a narrow, cave-like corridor. It is believed that there is an underground passage
here that goes straight to the foot of the main deity, Lord Murugan. Bogar himself is believed
to constructed this and before going into Nirvigalpa Samadhi here. He was last seen by his
disciples at this entrance.

Navapashanam is one of the most acclaimed Siddha elixirs known to mankind. Nava means
nine and Pashanam means poisonous substance. A dark hour, a dark age where people will
suffer and die from many diseases never even known to mankind, has been predicted.
Foreseeing this impending doom, the Siddhas assigned Bogar to develop a process by which
people who embrace God in the form of Lord Murugan will be redeemed of their afflictions
and be able to survive this dark phase.

So, Bogar decided to create a very strong idol of Lord Murugan that would withstand the kali
yuga (the last stage out of four stages the world goes through) to provide enough healing
elixir to humans in the form of navapashanam.

With the consultation of Agasthiyar (Father of Ayurvedic Medicine) and other siddhars,
Bogar mixed nine poisons (Navapashanam) and made the Master Medicine in the form of the
Lord Murugan idol which is currently worshiped at Palani Murugan temple. There is a place
near Palani Hill called Thanasiappan Temple which is the place where Bogar mixed the
Navapashanam and made the Murugan idol.

FIND: How to Receive Lord Murugan’s Blessings?

Bogar and others then decided that by using the milk and panchamirtham poured on the idol,
one can extract the medicine from the idol. Panchamirtham is a sweet concoction used in
Hindu worship and pujas. A traditional recipe for Palani Panchamirtham consist of these
ingredients: crushed small plantains, kandasari sugar from the Kangeyam area, dates, raisins,
sugar candy (kalkandu), cardamom and ghee in proper proportions. The milk and
panchamritham then become medicine to cure disease.

Source: &

Photo Credit: Quora, YouTube, Pinterest, Murugan, Palani

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