Running an
online business can include buying and selling online or providing an online service. Anyone can
start an online business.
The beauty of the internet is that you can quite literally launch a business and make money
online with very little to no capital. Like anything else in this world, you’ll either need a lot of time
or a lot of money. If you have both, then clearly you’re ahead of the game.
But considering that time is finite and we only have a certain amount of it, using your time
wisely and managing your time properly is crucial to ensure your success
The forms of payment that are accepted in an online shopping are; credit cards payments
which are directed to your credit card account or to your bank account, next is cash on
delivery or the COD, these are the payments that are received right after delivering the
items and lastly is the invoice payment which is use in a digital way of paying items. These
are the forms of payments that are usually used both the seller and the customer.