Stirling Engine Efficiency Lab Report
Stirling Engine Efficiency Lab Report
Stirling Engine Efficiency Lab Report
1. Introduction
In this experiment the aim was to find the efficiency of a sterling engine. The
method to this was, using thermocouples to measure the temperature on either
side of the base and calculating the rotational velocity of the spinning wheel.
Using an already known equation and plotting v2 against change in temperature
between the plates to find the efficiency.
2. Method
After this the plates will start to cool slightly, we then would take another
reading from the thermocouples and the oscilloscope and would repeat as the
temperature decreased.
Once the plates had cooled sufficiently, we put the engine into a dry ice bath
and allowed it to cool to a stable temperature. We then continued taking more
readings until the wheel reached room temperature. Figure 1 below shows the
collected data when separated into negative and positive temperature changes.
Jack Walton-Cole
3. Data Analysis
Figure 2 below shows the plots of our data
Forward Bias
Velocity2 (m2s-2)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Change in Temperature (°C)
Graph above shows the forward bias. Graph below is for backward bias
Backward Bias
Velocity2 (m2s-2)
25 30 35 40 45 50
Change in Temperature (°C)
Our graph doesn’t pass through the origin which shows our data is slightly off,
ideally the graph should pass through the origin because the wheel won’t turn if
there is no temperature difference between the plates. This slight offset
however, doesn’t effect the results because the gradient would pass through the
origin if moved within a range of the error bars.
The gradient of our calculated graph is not equal to the efficiency of the Stirling
Engine it is 𝜂 = , where α equals the gradient, M is the mass of the disc, m is
the mass of the air in the chamber, and c is the specific heat capacity of air.
Jack Walton-Cole
After calculating the gradient we then used the above equation to calculate the
efficiency. Shown below in Figure 3
Forward Bias
0.01404 × 65.2 × 10−3
4 × 0.1 × 10−3 × 0.718
𝜂 = 0.32%
Backward Bias
These values are relatively good values, the backwards bias should be the same
as the forwards bias in theory. However the temperature effects the friction of
the Stirling Engine, lower temperature means lower friction so this increase in
efficiency is expected.
4. Error Analysis
Forward gradient:(0.01404 ± 0.00118)𝐽𝑘𝑔−1 𝐾 −1
Backward gradient:(0.01534 ± 0.00128)𝐽𝑘𝑔−1 𝐾 −1
This is a reasonable error considering the velocity was measured with an
oscilloscope and will therefore not affect the gradient too much. The error of
the efficiency is actually smaller because when calculating the error 𝛥𝜂 = 𝛥(𝛼𝑀)
so we must times the error in the gradient by 0.01𝑔 to get the error in
efficiency. Calculated below:
Forward Bias: 𝜂 = (0.32 ± 0.12)%
Backward Bias: η = (0.35 ± 0.13)%
Most error were caused by friction within the Stirling Engine, this used a lot of
the work that was being made from turning the piston, as said above the friction
is lower for the backward bias. This is why the graphs must be done separately
as this would have an effect on the gradient of the graph. The problems in this
experiment were mainly in the temperature, this is due to the fact that we
didn’t/couldn’t take readings from both the thermocouples at the same time
which added a random error that can’t be factored in.
Jack Walton-Cole
The highest theoretical efficiency the Stirling Engine could achieve is giving by
𝑇ℎ −𝑇𝑐
𝜂 = 𝑇ℎ
, where 𝑇ℎ is the temperature of the bottom plate, this shows that the
efficiency will be greater for lower temperatures. Using collected data, the
highest possible efficiency we could obtain would have a high temperature
difference and a low hot plate temperature. Using the above equation, the max
efficiency we can obtain is 95.3%, this shows how much friction has an effect on
the efficiency of engine.
Jack Walton-Cole