Eltdp Teacher Resource Book Absolute f180815c - Great Games

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Welcome to the first ELTDP Resource Book!

Since 2011 teachers working on the English Language Teacher Development Project have been
creating and developing quality resources for teaching and learning. This book is a collection of some
of the teaching ideas, classroom resources and engaging activities that have been successfully used
in classrooms across East Malaysia to teach English. Some of the ideas are original, while others have
been adapted by teachers from other activities. We hope that you will enjoy, share, adapt and be
inspired by the ideas and resources in this book and that your pupils will enjoy using them in class.

Amazing Activities – Versatile and reusable resources that can be adapted and used for a number of
different lessons and in teaching different skills.

Fantastic Phonics – For practising all of the phonics skills, including recognising and articulating
individual phonemes; blending phonemes for reading simple words; and segmenting phonemes to
improve spelling.

Great Games – Games for pairs, small groups or the whole class to help practice and improve
grammar and vocabulary.

Wonderful Worksheets – Ready to use for individual and pair work.

Printable Pages – Word cards and pictures for topics common in Level 1 classes such as colours,
numbers and animals.
Useful websites with resources
Throughout the ELTD Project teachers have used a range of internet resources to help improve the
teaching and learning in their classrooms. Here are some we would like to recommend.

British Council sites:

 ELTDP Videos on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/ELTDPMalaysia/videos
This channel contains many videos created as part of the ELTD Project including workshops,
speeches and other videos from both the 2013 and 2015 Symposiums, Power of Reading videos,
and other project related videos.
 Teaching English – https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk
 Learn English Kids – http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/
 Engaging Malaysian Schools in English - http://www.emse.com.my/
 Schools Online - https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/

 Jolly Phonics resources - http://jollylearning.co.uk/gallery/
 Letters and Sounds - http://www.letters-and-sounds.com/
 Starfall - http://www.starfall.com/
 LINUS 101 – http://linus101.weebly.com/#/ - a site created by teachers in Pitas

Printable classroom resources:

 Twinkl - http://www.twinkl.co.uk/

Printable activities and lesson ideas:

 Demonstration of different flashcard activities - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9KebTgfLJI
 DLTK’s Educational Activities for Kids – http://www.dltk-teach.com/
 Kiz Club – http://www.kizclub.com/
 Enchanted Learning – http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html
 ESLprintables – http://www.eslprintables.com/

Songs and videos:

 Dream English – http://www.dreamenglish.com/


Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Useful websites with resources .................................................................................................................................... 2

AMAZING ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................... 6

Bookshop activity .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
I love my family ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Family finger puppets ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Conversation posters .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Animal puppets ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Running comprehension – Jenny the banker ............................................................................................................. 14
Jungle shadows ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
My school .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
What do you like to eat? ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Spelling bags................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Hot potato ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Memory race ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Stop, look, listen.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Find your match .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Mini books................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Puppet theatre ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
Word slider.................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Senses song activity .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Wonderful collage ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
Growing plants ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Dolly Doe stick puppets .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Memorable vocabulary: parts of the body ................................................................................................................. 38
Puppet Speak .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
The magic English box ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Classroom items .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Show the colour word ................................................................................................................................................. 47
Dressing up.................................................................................................................................................................. 47
My happy days ............................................................................................................................................................ 48
From Powerpoint to puppetshow............................................................................................................................... 50
Scrapbook ................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Sounds around us........................................................................................................................................................ 51
Musical jar ................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Individual mini-whiteboards ....................................................................................................................................... 53
FANTASTIC PHONICS .......................................................................................... 55
Picture dominoes ........................................................................................................................................................ 56
Magnetic letters .......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Word snake ................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Match up, write down................................................................................................................................................. 61
Phonics dice (s, a, t, p sounds) .................................................................................................................................... 63
Phonics flip book ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Joy phonics .................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Musical hoop sounds .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Word wheels ............................................................................................................................................................... 70
Initial sounds ............................................................................................................................................................... 73
Egg box spelling ........................................................................................................................................................... 75
Spelling guitar ............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Musical phonics (‘igh’ & ‘oa’) ...................................................................................................................................... 77
Alphabet roulette ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
Word wheels ............................................................................................................................................................... 79

GREAT GAMES ................................................................................................. 80

‘Wh’ questions board game ........................................................................................................................................ 81
Acting out game .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Mini dinosaur learning cards ...................................................................................................................................... 85
First letter owls ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
Simon says................................................................................................................................................................... 90
My clothes game ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Please answer me ....................................................................................................................................................... 91
Top shoes! ................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Smart sneaky snake game ........................................................................................................................................... 97
Greetings and requests ............................................................................................................................................... 97
Giant ‘Move Your Body’ board game........................................................................................................................ 101
Matching board game ............................................................................................................................................... 103
Step on numbers ....................................................................................................................................................... 104
I see, I say .................................................................................................................................................................. 105
Flashcard finish ......................................................................................................................................................... 107
Action verb cue cards................................................................................................................................................ 108
Pass the pot............................................................................................................................................................... 109
Yummy and yuk! ....................................................................................................................................................... 109

WONDERFUL WORKSHEETS............................................................................... 111

Picture crossword ..................................................................................................................................................... 112


Send a message to a friend ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Animals...................................................................................................................................................................... 116
Food and drink: categories ....................................................................................................................................... 118
A garden of friendship .............................................................................................................................................. 120
Super-giant vocabulary and spelling ......................................................................................................................... 122
Indoor/outdoor activities .......................................................................................................................................... 126
Kuching or cat?.......................................................................................................................................................... 128
Occupations .............................................................................................................................................................. 130
What is …? ................................................................................................................................................................. 132
Shapes and parts of the body ................................................................................................................................... 132
The senses ................................................................................................................................................................. 135
Where is my home? .................................................................................................................................................. 137
Yummy, yummy! ....................................................................................................................................................... 139
Solve and talk ............................................................................................................................................................ 141
My diary: KSSR Year 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 145
Colourful toys ............................................................................................................................................................ 147
Transport survey ....................................................................................................................................................... 149

PRINTABLE PAGES ........................................................................................... 151

Colour flashcards....................................................................................................................................................... 152
Animal flashcards ...................................................................................................................................................... 153
Clothes flashcards ..................................................................................................................................................... 154
Hobby flashcards....................................................................................................................................................... 155
Occupations flashcards ............................................................................................................................................. 156
Actions flashcards ..................................................................................................................................................... 157
Family flashcards ....................................................................................................................................................... 158
Transport flashcards ................................................................................................................................................. 159
Classroom instructions.............................................................................................................................................. 160
Clocks ........................................................................................................................................................................ 161



80 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
‘Wh’ questions board game
ELTDP teachers, Limbang, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will
‘Wh’ questions board game sheet (one per pair), dice (one per pair), counters
be able to:
 ask and answer simple ‘Wh’ /buttons/tokens (one per pupil)
Target Language: Before class:
‘Wh’ questions 1. Print/photocopy the board game and collect other materials.

Time Needed: In class:

Preparation: 10 minutes 1. In pairs, pupils take turns to roll the dice and move their counter on
In class: 25 minutes the board.
2. The pupil not rolling the dice asks the question that Pupil 1 lands on,
for example: “What is your favourite food?” Pupil 1 must answer this
Level: question correctly or move their counter back to its previous
Year 3 position. Repeat for Pupil 2.
3. The teacher should circulate around the class and encourage pupils
Language Focus: to speak in English.
4. The pupil who gets their counter to the finish first is the winner.
Follow Up:
Other ‘wh’ question based activities e.g. mini-survey/questionnaire/interview.
Activity Use:
Assessment Variations:
Pairs can repeat the game after they have finished and create their own
Pupil Task: questions. The game can also be played in groups.
Pair Work

Teaching Tips:
It is useful to laminate the
board game sheet so that
it does not crease, blow
away or get torn during

Prizes can be given for

winners or those with the
most wins.

81 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
What is your Touch your Look at Go back 2 Touch the
START name? ears. your nose. spaces. floor.
What is it? Where do
Spell it. you live? What is it?
Try again.
What is your
Move Clap your colour? Who is your
Touch your
forward 2 hands 3 Sing a song. maths
How do you eyes.
spaces. times. teacher? Who is your
come to Where is
school? the rabbit? friend?
What colour
is the
‘Wh’ questions ??? What is your

What day is
When do you

82 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Who is he?
brush your
teeth? What is your
Show your
FINISH happy face.
When do you
What colour food?
What are eat
are his
they? breakfast?
Go back 1
How old are

Write your Move Where does Say hello to

Knock on
name on the forward 2 the doctor Miss a turn. your
your desk.
blackboard. spaces. Say my name work? teacher.
Where is
and spell it.
What is it? the cat? What is it?
Acting out game
Saiful Bahri, SK Buntal, Kuching, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Word cards, box, stopwatch
be able to:
 recall vocabulary Procedure:
Before class:
Target Language: 1. Prepare word cards and the box.
Dependent on topic. Particularly
good for verbs.
In class:
1. Divide the class into groups of 2 – 4 pupils.
Time Needed: 2. Each group will take turns to send two players to the front.
Preparation: 20 minutes 3. They will be given the box of word cards and 1 minute to mime as
In class: 60 minutes many words as possible.
4. During this minute, only their team will guess the words/phrases by
Level: shouting out the answers.
5. If their team manages to guess the words/phrases correctly, they will
Years 1, 2 and 3
be given 2 points per card and if they don’t get the answer their team
Language Focus: 6. Steps 2 – 5 will be repeated with the next group.
Speaking 7. Play at least until all groups have had a turn.
Listening 8. The winner is the group which has the most points at the end of the
Reading time.

Activity Use: Follow Up:

Practice Give a reward to the winning pair/team.
The number of pupils who act out the words/phrases can be different from
Pupil Task: above and the teacher can change the words according to the topic.
Pair Work
Group Work

Teaching Tips:
Every word or phrase used
should have been taught
earlier to make sure the
pupils are familiar with
them. This is a practice

83 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K

Adjectives Animals Occupations Verbs

happy octopus dentist walk

sad crocodile doctor talk

angry monkey teacher sing

lazy snake nurse dance

beautiful elephant cook run

shy tiger clerk drink

sleepy horse pilot eat

ugly cat firefighter jump

greedy dog pilot clap

hungry penguin butcher wash

thirsty hornbill baker swim

84 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Mini dinosaur learning cards
Yong Li Na, SJKC Sacred Heart Tajau, Kudat, Sabah

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Mini Dinosaur learning cards and dinosaur pictures, each group will need
be able to: one picture and one set of cards.
 revise present/past forms of
verbs (or any grammar)
Before class:
Target Language: 1. Make copies of the mini dinosaur picture; create the cards by cutting
Verbs; Present form, Past form (any out the circles, squares and triangles.
other Grammar activity) 2. Write the past form of verbs on the cards.

Time Needed: In class:

Preparation: 5 minutes 1. Pupils divide into groups and sit together.
In class: 20-30 minutes 2. Pupils review the past form of verbs on word cards.
3. In groups, one pupil will say select a verb to say and other pupils will
Level: try to think of the present form of the verbs. They will then place a
Year 3 and 4 card on the corresponding space on the mini dinosaur to cover the
past form. If they are correct
Language Focus: 4. Then, other pupils in the group take turn and do the same until the
Listening whole mini dinosaur is complete.
Speaking 5. After completing the mini dinosaur, each group shows their answers
Reading on the board.
6. Review the answers with the pupils, giving the opportunity for

Activity Use:
Review Follow Up:
For the whole class activity, pupils can use the past form of verbs to make
simple sentences.
Pupil Task:
Pair Work Pupils can draw pictures to explain the meaning of the verbs on the back of
Whole Class the word cards.

Teaching Tips: Variations:

Pupils can use the word cards to play games such as Guess the Action, a
You can laminate the cards guessing game with mimed actions to review verbs.
so that they can be re-
For a more challenging activity, pupils can use the word cards to test their
used many times and partner or classmates on spellings or past forms any time in the classroom.
enlarge them for use with
bigger groups. The different shaped cards can represent different levels of difficulty and
pupils can compete for points (1 = circle, 2 = square and 3 = triangle)

85 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K

86 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
First letter owls
Noor Hajratun Ain binti Mohd Hanif, SK Keluru Tengah, Subis, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Printed and laminated owl board and owl cards, counters (e.g. buttons) and a
be able to: coin.
 correctly identify and articulate
sounds of letters
1. This is an independent group activity. Pupils will need guidance the first
Target Language: time playing, but will quickly pick up the game. The game works best with
Phonics first letter recognition up to four players. The aim of the game is to get to the end of the board
and to collect some owls along the way!
Time Needed:
Preparation: 20 minutes 2. Players take it in turns to spin a coin to see if they will move their counter
In class: 10-30 minutes once or twice along the board (the teacher needs to explain this
carefully to pupils, e.g. “This side of the coin is one and this side is two”).
3. When the players land on an owl, they must take an owl card and say the
Level: sound of the letter on the card. If the other players agree they are right,
Year 1 and 2 they can keep the card.
4. Players keep going until everybody gets to the end of the board and
Language Focus: they count up the owls to see who has the most.
Activity Use: More able pupils can be encouraged to read the owl names and/or to think of
Practice vocabulary items which begin with each letter.

Pupil Task:
Group Work

Teaching Tips:
This is intended as a fun and
simple first letter recognition
activity for beginner pupils,
it might be good to
encourage pupils to say the
sound and the name of each

87 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K

a b c d e

Aminah Badrul Chris Dayang Emilia

f g h i j

Faizal Ghapar Hassan Imah Jovita

k l m n o

Kamelia Limah Maimun Nora Ogy

p q r s t

Peter Qaidar Ramlah Suzirah Tengku

u v w y z

Umairah Viran Wan Yusni Zainal

88 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K

89 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Simon says
Farizah Bt. Rabir, SK Pekan Tuaran and Clarieo Charles Spawa, SK Bolong, Tuaran, Sabah

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will A list of commands
be able to:
 respond to the teacher’s Procedure:
Before class:
1. Prepare a list of commands that you know your pupils are familiar
Target Language: with.
Simon says; point, touch, clap, say,
In class:
1. Pupils stand up.
Time Needed: 2. The teacher gives a command from the pre-set list beginning with
Preparation: 10 minutes “Simon says”, e.g. Simon says clap your hands, Simon Says point to
In class: 10 – 15 minutes the board, Simon Says touch your nose, Simon says put your hands
on your head.
3. If you don’t say “Simon says” and the pupils still obey your
Level: commands, they have to sit down.
Years 1, 2 and 3
4. The final pupil who is left standing is the winner.

Language Focus:
Speaking Follow Up:
Allow your pupils to be “Simon”.
Activity Use:

Pupil Task:
Whole Class

Teaching Tips:
Instead of using “Simon
says,” use “Teacher says”
as pupils will be more
familiar with this name.

90 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
My clothes game
Annie Chong Ai Ling, SJK Chung Hua Pending, Kuching, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Picture flashcards – cap, shirt, shorts, shoes, hat, blouse, skirt and socks
be able to:
 talk about the clothes they and Procedure:
their friends are wearing and
Before class:
answer Wh-questions
1. The teacher prepares two sets of picture cards on clothes.

Target Language: In class:

What are you wearing today?
I’m wearing ________. 1. Using the picture cards the teacher reviews the vocabulary of
clothes with the class.
Time Needed: 2. The teacher asks the pupils: What are you wearing today? What
Preparation: 30 minutes colour is it?
In class: 20 minutes 3. Pupils answer the “I am wearing a ….” “It is blue.”
4. Pupils divide into two teams and the teacher gives them a picture
card each.
Level: 5. The teacher tells a story about going shopping in a clothes shop.
Year 1 Each time the teacher says the name of an item of clothing the pupil
with the picture card runs with the card to the whiteboard e.g. I went
to a clothes shop and I bought a cap. Then I bought a shirt. The first
Language Focus: to reach the board wins 2 points.
Follow Up:
The pupils will listen and draw the clothes the teacher says e.g. a green skirt.
Activity Use:
Presentation This can be done in pairs.
Pupil Task: The game can be made more difficult by introducing colours e.g. I bought a
Whole Class red cap.
Group Work

Clothes Song (tune of She’ll be coming round the mountain)

She is wearing a blue dress, when she comes

She is wearing a blue dress when she comes

Teaching Tips: She is wearing a blue dress, wearing a blue dress
Pupils can make their own She is wearing a blue dress when she comes
mini-book on clothes and
take them home. Chorus : Singing I I yippee, yippee I etc..

Teaching Tips: He is wearing a red shirt when he comes

He is wearing a red shirt when he comes

He is wearing a red shirt, wearing a red shirt

He is wearing a red shirt when he comes

91 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Please answer me
Muhammad Nursyafiq Bin Rahiman, SK Paris 1, Kota Kinabatangan, Sabah

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will  Pre-prepared Board Game template. Make enough to have one for
be able to: each group of four to five pupils.
 ask and answer questions with  Pre-prepared dice, one per group.
each other  One question card for each pupil.
 work together in groups to play  One counter for each pupil e.g. an eraser, a coin or a pen top.
an English board game  Glue, cardboard and scissors. Laminating films if available.

Target Language: Procedure:

Questions forms Before class:
1. Laminate the Board Game templates.
2. Stick the dice onto cardboard and assemble the dice.
Time Needed: 3. Cut up the question cards worksheet.
Preparation: 30-40 minutes
In class: 40 minutes
In class:
1. Elicit some simple questions from the pupils, for example: Do you like
Level: chocolate? Where do you live? What is your favourite food?
Year 3
2. Hand out the blank question cards and ask pupils to think of a
question and write it on the back of the card.
Language Focus: 3. Put the pupils into groups of four or five and give out one board
Speaking game template and one dice to each group.
Listening 4. Ask them to put the question cards in the centre of the board and
Writing their counter on the ‘Start’ square.
Reading 5. Demonstrate the rules of the game to the pupils. Pupils should take it
Language Arts in turns to throw the dice and move around the board. When they
land on a question mark, a pupil takes a question card and asks the
player who must answer correctly. Make sure pupils understand ‘Miss
Activity Use: a turn’ and ‘Back to start’.
Review 6. While the pupils are playing the game, monitor their use of English at
Practice all times and their ability to ask and answer questions.
Production 7. When they have asked and answered all the questions on their board,
they can swap questions with another group.
Pupil Task:
Group Work Variations:
Individual Instead of using questions, pupils could write instruction cards such as, ‘Put
your hand on your head’ or ask pupils to make it more challenging such as,
‘Put your left hand on your right ear’.

Teaching Tips:
During the game, the
teacher should monitor the
activity and guide any pupil
who is finding it difficult to
ask or answer questions.

This activity can be used

as revision or as a post
exam fun activity.

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Question card template:

94 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Top shoes!
Noor Hajratun Ain binti Mohd Hanif, SK Keluru Tengah, Satap, Subis, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Printed, cut and laminated sets of cards, one set per pair.
be able to:
 ask and answer simple wh- Procedure:
This is an independent two player game based on the international game of Top
Trumps. For pupils to understand how to play, they need to see the activity
Target Language: demonstrated first. The object of the game is to finish with the highest number of
Simple questions and answers cards. Players win cards by having the highest value on the top card.

Time Needed: 1. The Top Shoes cards are shared equally between the two players. Both
Preparation: 15 minutes players hold their cards face up and are only allowed to look at their top
In class: 10 -20 minutes card.
2. The first player chooses one of the questions on the card and asks the
question to the other player. That player reads out the information on
Level: their card to answer the question, for example, “How much are your
Years 2 and 3 shoes?” or “How many colours are there?” The player with the greatest
value is the winner. The winner keeps their card and gets the other
Language Focus: player’s card too and puts both cards at the back of their set.
Listening 3. The second player continues in the same way.
Speaking 4. The pair stop when they are out of time (how long is up to you!). Both
Reading players count their cards to see who has more; that person is the winner
of the game.

Activity Use:
Follow Up:
Sets of Top Trumps can be added to reading corners or are great as fast finisher
activities. Pupils can also work together to produce their own sets of Top
Pupil Task: Trumps, other topics might be pets, cars, monsters. Look at www.tes.co.uk for
Pair Work
sets of Top Trumps on other subject areas. Once pupils understand the concept,
they need no help to get going!

Teaching Tips:
Try this game out with a
colleague first. It’s a really
easy, fun game and pupils
will love it!

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96 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Smart sneaky snake game
Harjender Kaur and Maria Ibrahim, SK Jambatan Putih, Tawau, Sabah

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Game board, dice, counters
be able to:
 revise key vocabulary and Procedure:
phrases from the previous
year/unit Before class:
1. Write questions and statements in the blank spaces on the snake.
2. Make one copy of the games board for each group.
Target Language:
This can be used to revise and
In class:
practice any language and
vocabulary. 1. Review the vocabulary that the game will use.
2. Split the pupils into pairs or groups of up to 4 pupils.
3. Give each group a copy of the game board, a dice and enough
Time Needed: counters for each pupil.
Preparation: 10 minutes 4. Give pupils instructions:
In class: 20 minutes a. In turns throw the dice and move your counter.
b. If a pupil lands on a square with a question, they must read
and answer it.
Level: c. Keep moving around the game board to the finish line.
All levels
d. If a pupil lands on a snake, they must slide down the snake.
e. If a pupil cannot answer, they miss a turn.
Language Focus: f. The winner is the first pupil to the finish but all pupils must
Listening finish the board to practise their English.
Reading Follow Up:
After the pupils finish the game, the teacher asks the pupils randomly
Activity Use: questions from the board to check understanding and to re-cap the
Production vocabulary.

Pupil Task:
Group Work
Pair Work

Teaching Tips:
Teachers can write
questions in the boxes to
suit their lesson aims and
target language.

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Greetings and requests
Bong Shyh Ning, SJK Chung Hwa, Limbang, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Greetings and offers pairs cards
be able to:
 participate in aspects of daily Procedure:
Before class:
1. Make each pupil a greeting or offer card.
Target Language:
Greetings e.g. Good morning
In class:
teacher. Good morning
Offers e.g. May I help you? Yes, 1. Review greetings and offers.
thank you. 2. The pupils sit in a big circle so that they can see each other.
3. Teacher gives each pupil a greeting or offer card.
4. Demonstrate the matching activity.
Time Needed: 5. Pupils mingle around showing the other pupils their card. When they
Preparation: 5 minutes find the pupil with the card that matches their own they sit down
In class: 10 minutes together e.g. How are you today? I’m fine thank you.
6. After all the pupils finish the task, each pair stands up for the class to
read their cards.
Year 1

Language Focus: Follow Up:

Listening Pupils can paste their greetings and offers onto a big card and display it in
Speaking class.

Activity Use: Variations:

Practice The teacher can ask some pupils to role play a situation and pupils in the
group can choose the correct greetings or offers.
Pupil Task: The teacher can add new questions and answers to the matching activity for
Whole Class revision or introduce a new sentence structure.

Teaching Tips:
The teacher can collect in
the cards to use in other

The teacher can play some

greetings songs when the
activity begins.

99 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K

Good morning Faridah. Good morning Hamza.

Good afternoon teacher Good afternoon class.

How are you today? I am fine thank you.

May I help you? Yes you may.

Thank you very much. You are very welcome.

Please may I go to the toilet? Yes, you may go to the toilet.

Hello, I am Amin. Hello Amin, nice to meet you.

How old are you? I am seven years old.

What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is red.

What is this? It is a pencil.

Where do you live? I live in Limbang.

Have you got any brothers? Yes, I’ve got three brothers.

Do you like noodles? Yes I do!

100 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Giant ‘Move Your Body’ board game
Ivy Japloi, SJKC CH SG Tapang MJC, Padawan, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Large handmade game board, large handmade dice, 12 action sentence
be able to: cards laminated for longer use, skipping rope/s, basketball/s, bench, crown
 read the instruction cards on for winner
the game board and do the
Before class:
Target Language: 1. Prepare all the resources listed above.
Verbs related to moving the body:
touch, skip, jump, hug, close eyes,
bounce, dance, crawl, run, blink, In class:
squat, waddle, clap, push 1. Pupils sing ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ song to review some of
the target action words e.g. touch, blink, clap etc.
Time Needed: 2. Put the game board on the floor in the centre and place the action
Preparation: 60 minutes sentences randomly on any squares. Pupils sit around the board.
In class: 60 minutes 3. One group of pupils is chosen to start playing the game - ‘Scissors,
Stone, Paper’ to decides who goes first.
Level: 4. The first pupil throws the dice, counts the number of squares and
Year 3 places their large counter on that square. If they land on a square
with an action sentence, they do the action. If they land on an empty
square, they do nothing.
Language Focus:
5. Repeat step 4 giving turns to pupils until one pupil reaches the finish
line and puts on the winner’s crown.
6. Other groups then play the game as above.
Activity Use:
Production Follow Up:
Pupils can think of their own action sentences, write them and put them in
small plastic pockets and then arrange them wherever they want on the
Pupil Task: game board.
Whole Class
Pupils can make their own game boards to play in groups or with siblings.

Higher level pupils can have instructions written in code.

Teaching Tips:
Smaller versions of the Variations:
game with different Pupils can take turns randomly. Have a container with pupils’ names in and
instruction cards can be get pupils to pick them out.
left in the English Corner
for pupils to play with
independently. For
example, ‘Write the word
‘difficult’ with the hand you
don’t usually use’ ‘Pick up
3 pieces of rubbish off the

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Action word sentences to put in plastic pockets

1. Clap up, clap down, clap left, clap right 3 times

2. Touch your toes with your nose
3. Skip 20 times with the skipping rope
4. Scream and jump 10 times
5. Hug someone you love and say “I love you”
6. Close your eyes and bounce the ball
7. Dance like a monkey
8. Push the bench forward
9. Run backwards round the board 2 times
10. Blink your eyes 20 times
11. Squat and waddle like a duck (Quack! Quack! Quack!)
12. Crawl under the table

102 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Matching board game
Noorazlina bt Tuah, SK Pulo, Kuching, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Picture board, bottle tops with words written on.
be able to:
 read and match words and Procedure:
Before class:
1. Prepare the board with your selected pictures.
Target Language: 2. Print and laminate.
Phonetic words from Years 1 and 2 3. Write the words on the bottle tops and store in a jar or bag.

Time Needed: In class:

Preparation: 45 minutes 1. Arrange the pupils into mixed ability groups.
In class: 5 minutes 2. Give each group a board and set of bottle tops.
3. Set a time limit of 1 minute. Use a bell to signal start/stop.
4. Pupils have 1 minute to match words and pictures by placing the
Level: relevant bottle top on the picture.
Years 1, 2 and 3
5. Whichever group matches the most words and pictures correctly is
the winner.
Language Focus:
Reading Follow Up:
Pupils can do individual matching worksheets on their own.
Activity Use: You can do a mini spelling test of the words on the board.
Production Variations:
Fast finishers can play the game on their own when they’ve finished their
Pupil Task:
Pair Work
Group Work

Teaching Tips:
To collect the bottle tops
quickly ask pupils to bring
them in from home.

103 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Step on numbers
Ng Chiew Lin, SJK CH Batu 11 Matang, Padawan, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will One set of A4 laminated number cards 1-10 in different colours. Each card
be able to: has dots, the number and the number word on it.
 identify the numbers 1-10
Target Language: Before class:
Numbers 1-10 1. Make a set of number cards.

Time Needed: In class:

Preparation: 45 minutes 1. Pupils review the numbers 1-10. Hold up a card and ask the pupils
In class: 30 minutes ‘What number is this?
2. Pupils practise the rhyme focusing on the correct rhythm and do the
Level: actions.
Year 1 1, 2, 3, 4 Mother mops the floor.
5, 6, 7, 8 Dogs jump over the gate.
9, 10 Do it again’.
Language Focus: 3. Place the number cards on the floor in the correct order. Pupils stand
Listening in two rows facing each other with the number cards in the middle.
4. The teacher calls one number at a time in the correct order and as
the pupils hear their number, they each put their foot on and then
Activity Use: take it off.
Practice 5. Repeat Step 4 with the rhyme and actions.
6. As above but do it faster.
Pupil Task: 7. Rearrange the number cards so that they are in random order.
Whole Class 8. Teacher and pupils chant the rhyme and play as in Step 4.

Follow Up:
Teaching Tips: Play as above but one pupil can be ‘teacher’ calling out the numbers.

Give pupils 10 minutes Test number spelling by hiding the word with a flap and then checking
each day for a week to afterwards.
count different things in
the classroom and around Variations:
the school compound. Get Team game: The number cards are shuffled and in random order. Teams
them to report back what compete to see who is the quickest to sequence the cards in the correct
they’ve found out. order.

Group game: The number cards are placed in the middle of the room. Pupils
try to throw a bean bag onto the number called to win points!

104 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
I see, I say
Azlan Ariff Bin Mohd Salleh, SK Bangau, Kudat, Sabah

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Thick A4 paper, a dice and coins/counters
be able to:
 revise the sounds of the Procedure:
Before class:
 name vocabulary that
1. Print out the template on a thick A4 size paper and provide a dice for
starts with the letter that
every pair of the pupils.
he/she got for each turn.

In class:
Target Language: 1. Player 1 throws the dice and move the coin based on the number
Phonics, vocabulary and shown on the dice.
pronunciation 2. Player 1 says the sound of the letter he/she lands on and states a
word that starts with that sound or contains the sound.
Time Needed: 3. Teacher may prompt to guide if any player could not mention of any
Preparation: 5 minutes word.
In class: 10 minutes 4. Player 2 repeat all the steps above.
5. Players continue until they reach the finish line, the player who
reaches the FINISH first wins the round.
Year 1

Language Focus: Follow Up:

Reading Pupils could do graphic-word matching activities that involve writing skills as
Speaking well.
They could also be asked to spell the words mentioned by their partner or
Activity Use: challenge each other to list as many words as they can containing that letter.
Pupil Task: For beginners, the difficulty level could be reduced and they only need to
Pair Work pronounce the sound of the letters correctly.

For more advanced learners, the letters on the board could be updated
according to their current level of learning.

Teaching Tips: This activity could also be conducted in a small group to accommodate a
larger number of pupils in a class.
Pupils will be more
Pupils could flip coins instead of rolling dice. They must get the side of the
interested if there are
coin with the number on to move forwards each turn.
varying levels of difficulty
that they can accomplish.

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i a g

ck d n

t o p

c t k


106 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Flashcard finish
Noor Hajratun Ain binti Mohd Hanif, SK Keluru Tengah, Subis, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Word cards, picture cards, ‘start’ card, ‘finish’ card, dice and counters (bottle
be able to: tops)
 identify the objects on the
picture cards
 read the words on the word
cards correctly Before class:
1. Prepare the materials above for each group.

Target Language: In class:

Depends on chosen pictures or 1. In groups, pupils arrange the flashcards face down, in a circle/square, on
words their table.
2. Pupils put the start and finish cards between the flashcards.
Time Needed: 3. Pupils deal out a counter for each player.
Preparation: 10 minutes 4. Pupils roll the dice and count along the flashcards for the number shown.
In class: 10 – 15 minutes 5. Turn up the flashcard that the counter stops on and read aloud or say
the name of the picture.
6. Play until all cards are turned over.
Years 1, 2 and 3
Follow Up:
Have pupils match the picture cards to the word cards.
Language Focus:
Speaking Variations:
Reading Use word or picture cards depending on the focus.
Use more difficult vocabulary for higher level pupils.
Activity Use:

Pupil Task:
Group Work

Teaching Tips:
Having flashcards in
separate topic folders is
always useful e.g. animals,
classroom objects, numbers,
etc. There are many games
to play with flashcards.

107 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Action verb cue cards
Hatta’ illah Atar, SK Mata Parang, Samarahan, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will be White A4 paper (one sheet per pupil), crayons or coloured pencils and
able to: scissors
 identify the verbs
 perform actions for verbs Procedure:
Before class:
Target Language: 1. A piece of A4 paper, scissors and crayons needed for each
Action verbs (see Year 3, Teacher’s pupil.
Book, Unit 6)
In class:
1. Ask pupils to call out verbs that they previously learnt and show
Time Needed: the actions e.g. swim, walk, climb, run, dance, touch, hear, look;
Preparation: 5 minutes list them on the board.
In class: 40 minutes 2. How to make the cue cards:
a. Fold A4 paper to make 12 sections.
Level: b. Pupils choose 12 verbs from the list on the board and write
one in every section of the paper (encourage them not to
Year 3
copy their partner).
c. Ask the pupils to put their initials on the back of each
Language Focus: square then cut out the cue cards.
Language Arts 3. How to play the game - in pairs:
Speaking a. Pupil A and Pupil B place their cards face down on the table.
b. Pupil A points at one of Pupil B’s cards.
c. Pupil B then looks at the card secretly and performs the
Activity Use: action for Pupil A to guess.
Review d. If successful, Pupil A gets two points. They take turns and
Assessment keep their own scores.

Follow Up:
Pupil Task: Pupils can play the game again. They can also use their cards for
Whole class playing pelmanism (where the cards are placed face down and pupils
Pair work try to turn over two cards that match).

This activity can be used for any area of vocabulary and phonics e.g.
Teaching Tips: occupations, names of animals, foods, etc.

Pupils can take the cue

cards home to practice.
Each pupil can keep their
cue cards in an envelope
made in class. The pupils
can play when they have
finished their work.

108 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Pass the pot
Mdm Tiang Kiew Ming, SJK Nan Chiew, Meradong, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Word cards for colours, picture cards of different coloured objects, a plastic
be able to: pot, music.
 identify the names of colours
Before class:
Target Language: 1. Put the picture cards into the plastic container or pot.
In class:
Time Needed: 1. Review the names of the colours using the word cards.
Preparation: 5 minutes 2. Ask the pupils to point to an item in the classroom that is the same
In class: 15 minutes colour as the word on the card.
3. Stick the word cards on the board.
Level: 4. Get the pupils to sit in a circle.
Year 1 5. Hand the plastic pot to one of the pupils.
6. Explain that as the music plays they pass the pot around the circle.
When the music stops the pupil holding the pot opens it and takes
Language Focus: out one of the picture cards. They have to identify the colour of the
Reading object on the card and stick it below the correct word card on the
Speaking board.
Listening 7. Repeat this until all the pupils have had a turn.

Activity Use:
Review Follow Up:
Practice Take the word cards off the board and ask the pupils to name the colours
Assessment from the pictures.

Pupil Task:
Individual Variations:
Whole Class
This activity can be adapted to be used with any vocabulary that you are
teaching and assessing the pupils on. You just need to change the words on
the cards and the pictures in the container.

One of the pupils can control the music or they can sing a song and when the
Teaching Tips: teacher claps her hands they stop passing the pot.

Make sure every pupil gets

a turn during this activity. If
you have a large class and
this is not possible keep a
note of the pupils who
have had a turn and make
sure different pupils get a
turn the next time you use
the activity.

109 | E L T D P T E A C H E R R E S O U R C E B O O K
Yummy and yuk!
Annabell Delapena & Bop Anak Ragos, SK Landeh, Padawan, Sarawak

Objective(s): Materials:
By the end of the activity pupils will Marker pens/chalk
be able to:
 talk about likes and dislikes for Procedure:
food and drink
In class:
1. Divide the board into 2 halves. Put the title “like”, with a smiley face,
Target Language: and on the other side “don’t like”, with an unhappy face.
Vocabulary for food and drink 2. Draw a food or drink in the ‘like’ column. Get everyone to say what it
I like _____ is and gesture that you like this by saying “Yummy!” and rub your
I don’t like _______ tummy and smile.
3. Draw something in the ‘dislike’ column and get everyone to say what
Time Needed: it is and gesture that you don’t like this by saying “Yuk!” and grimace.
Preparation: 0 minutes 4. Draw another food/drink item in the ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ columns, this
In class: 30 minutes time use the structures; “I like__________” and “I don’t
like__________” and the gestures as before. This becomes a fun
guessing game as everyone tries to guess what is being drawn.
Level: 5. Ask a pupil to draw a food or drink that they like. The class have to
Years 1 and 2 guess what it is and the pupil says “I like__________”. Another pupil
draws something in the ‘dislike’ column and says “I don’t
Language Focus: 6. Put the pupils in pairs. They are going to make sentences using the
food and drinks items on the board. In pairs pupils take turns in
choosing a food item for their partner to make a sentence about. For
Activity Use:
Presentation Pupil A: Apples Broccoli
Practice Pupil B: I like apples. Yummy! I don’t like broccoli. Yuk!
Follow Up:
Pupil Task: Pupils in pairs or small groups personalise the language to say what food and
Whole Class drink they like and don’t like. Pupils make a scrapbook of food they like or
Pair Work don’t like.

Pupils put flashcards in boxes at the front of the class and make sentences.

Teaching Tips:
Pupils could follow up
further by creating a sheet
(using cut-out or drawn
pictures) to show their
personal likes and dislikes
for a classroom display. Or
do a class survey and find
out what is the favourite
food of most of the pupils.

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We would like to say a big thank you to all of you for your contributions, enthusiasm and hard work in
making the ELTDP Resource Book happen. We hope that you will use it, enjoy it and share it with your
colleagues and be inspired by everyone’s creativity.

With thanks from the Resource Book Committee:

Ann, Anna, Brenna, Chriss, Fiona, Helen, Kieta, Kyle, Nick, Penny, Stefani and Yik.

Special thanks to Hernita Balanga from SK Tagaroh, Kota Marudu, Sabah, for this wonderful illustration
of us!

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