A Review of Agricultural Policy in Egypt
A Review of Agricultural Policy in Egypt
A Review of Agricultural Policy in Egypt
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract: - Agricultural policy is considered of the most natural resource managing and the development of the
important national economic policies through which the agriculture division. Barnes (2010; 2014) and (Abdel-
country can achieve the goal of improving the level of Gawad,2007), for illustration, reviewed water distribution
national agricultural income thus the economic and policies in Egypt with an emphasis on the irrigation system.
social standards for workers in the agricultural sector
in particular, and the whole population in general. Since This study assessments agricultural and other related
the 1980s of last century, the Egyptian economy has policies and their effect on the general economic
been witnessing radical changes that led to major and performance of the agricultural sector in Egypt. This
direct impacts on Egypt's agricultural sector. Such evaluation of policies is to serve as the basis for developing
changes continue to have many impacts that interact a more comprehensive agricultural strategy and policy
together and lead to radical changes in agricultural outline that aligns sectoral policy purposes with policy
development and the future of Egyptian agriculture. It events in an effective and dependable manner. The study is
is worth mentioning that Egypt embarked on intended to serve as an orientation for policymakers,
implementing economic reform policies in 1987 by researchers, and organizations. In addition, reviewing
undertaking a number of measures that aims to achieve previous studies related to the study subject is considered
liberalization of the agricultural sector, such as very important as it helps identify efforts other researchers
adopting indicative planning of cropping pattern rather exerted in the study subject and related economic studies. It
than central planning, in addition to activating the role also helps identify the statistical and economic methods
of market mechanisms in directing economic resources researchers applied and findings reached in order to link
towards optimal use, especially in regard to allocating such results to possible results to be achieved. The
investments among different production branches in the reviewed literature has been classified into three groups,
national economy, referred to as Structural adjustment. under which the reviewed studies are presented in a
In the framework of structural adjustment program, chronological order. The first group focuses on studies and
these policies have directly and indirectly influenced scientific research related to the impact of applying
agricultural price policy variables by influencing such economic reform programs to agriculture, while the second
main factors or variables affecting profit, namely yield focuses on the impact of agricultural price policy applied to
or productivity of the acre, farmgate price per produced major strategic crops. While the third one focuses on other
unit and the producing cost per acre, which directly Public Policies with Impact on Agriculture in Egypt.
affect the relative profitability of the produced crops
thus farmers' preference to grow crops that generate II. THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR
high profitability. AGRICULTURAL POLICY
A. Keywords: - Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Price The theoretical framework for agricultural policy
Policy, Agricultural Economic Policy, Economic represents the main and basic structure for understanding
Reform Programs, Egypt. the nature of such policy and determining its relationship
with other economic policies. It is also critical for
I. INTRODUCTION identifying the concepts and milestones that can guide and
be applied when analyzing and evaluating price policies, in
Reviews of agricultural policy in Egypt has been addition to identifying the extent of aligning or not with the
completed by numerous teams over the years, each concepts, principles, laws and economic theories, where it
concentrating on a definite policy dimension. For example, represents a real reflection of the economic, social and
(Tellioglu and Konandreas,2017) underscored the political policies in the society. It is worth mentioning that
interlinkages between agricultural policies targeting self- agricultural price policy plays an essential role in the
sufficiency and Egypt’s agricultural trade balance. (Cassing implementation of the policies' objectives, especially
et al. 2009) analyzed obtaining and price policies within the agricultural policy, due to the multiple links it has with
agriculture sector, while (Gutner, 2002) and Ghoneim several aspects, the most important of which is determining
(2012) both studied the political economy about the food the pattern of agricultural resources' allocation, income
subsidy system. Egypt's long history of food subsidies has distribution and consumption, where price policies mainly
been the emphasis of many studies over the years, with aim to achieve an appropriate level of farmgate prices that
Alderman et al. (1982) and Ecker et al. (2016). Numerous helps improve farmers' incomes thus achieve fair
studies have also highlighted the interrelationship between distribution of incomes.
The Principal Bank for Development and Agricultural VI. PRICE AND PROCUREMENT POLICY FOR
Credit (PBDAC), established in 1931, is the most important KEY CROPS
financial institution with strong presence in rural areas.
Prior to the restructuring of PBDAC in December 2016, it The Egyptian food subsidy system, which dates back
was classified as a special bank under the supervision of to 1941, has strongly influenced agriculture policy in Egypt
MALR. Hence, PBDAC was exempt from the Central (Alderman et al., 1982). The political significance of the
Bank's reserve requirements. Most of its deposits were bread subsidy in ensuring stability has motivated strong
owned by cooperatives and other agricultural organizations, government intervention in the wheat sub-sector in
while loan funds were mostly financed by commercial bank particular. However, government policy has encompassed
loans at subsidized interest rates (Baydas et al., 1995). The other major crops as well, such as cotton, rice, maize and
credit subsidy provided through PBDAC was universal, sugar cane.
which implied that both large agriculture corporations as
well as smallholder farmers can benefit from subsidized During the 1960s, Nasser's regime adopted a socialist
loans (World Bank, 2014). policy characterized by central planning and price controls.
The government-imposed crop rotation schedules, crop area
PBDAC accounted for 70 percent of all formal allocations, and compulsory procurement for most major
institutional lending to the agriculture sector in 2014. crops, usually at prices lower than the market price (Scobie,
However, the agriculture sector's access to credit is still 1981; Cassing et al.,2009). The intuition behind such policy
inadequate. It received only one percent of total lending was to transfer agricultural surpluses to the government in
compared to 38 percent and 26 percent for the industry and order to finance industrial growth.
services sectors, respectively (World Bank, 2014).
As mentioned above, the agricultural policy reform
A study by (Baydas et al., 1995) demonstrates that process that began in 1987 partially liberalized these
demand for credit in the agriculture sector is primarily met policies. However, the state remains heavily involved in
through the informal sector (Kassim et al, 2018). This study setting the prices farmers receive for key crops.
showed that, even among employees of PBDAC, rotating
Income in agriculture.
Income distribution amongst farmers.
Yield in agriculture.
Objectives of agricultural policy: Efficiency in the processing and marketing chain.
Agricultural policy aims at improving Supply and price constancy.
Rural development and the demographic condition.
Environmental position.
Export, Employment, Production, added value, etc.
Price Support
Support in the form of greater market prices than, for example, on the
global market.
Deficiency Payments
Transfers from taxpayers to farmers corresponding to the production
multiplied by the variance between the global market price and a given
target price on the local market.
Instruments in agricultural policy Support Coupled to Input Factors
Area premiums
Financial funding
Other supports to reduce charges
Direct Support Coupled with Other Factors
Support to enhance structural change
Economic development in rural zones
VIII. IMPACT OF APPLYING THE ECONOMIC forces became the main determinants of agricultural
The following are studies that focused on explaining
Throughout the stage of governmental planning in the the impacts of economic liberalization of Egyptian
national economy, the agricultural sector was managed by a agriculture on agricultural production:
plan designed using several tools to ensure its
implementation (such as the organization of the crop A study by El-Bahnasawy (1992). that was conducted
rotations, pricing, cooperative marketing, control over to assess agricultural policies adopted by the Arab Republic
inputs, etc.). However, after launching the economic reform of Egypt in order to identify the impacts of adopting such
programs, the government stopped intervening in the policies and their repercussions, either negative or positive,
management of the agricultural sector. Economic on Egypt's agricultural sector, revealed year-over-year
liberalization in Egypt's agricultural sector was based on fluctuations in the productivity of main field crops. The
the abolition of: compulsory delivery of agricultural crops; study attributed such fluctuations to the adoption of variant
government's intervention in determining the areas of agricultural policies that did not encourage the adoption of
agricultural crops and cropping patterns, and subsidies on modern technology packages that lead to increasing yield
agricultural production inputs. Market mechanisms and per acre, in addition to low investments allocated to the
Fig 1:- Trends in value of Egypt’s agricultural exports and imports, 1990 to 2016
Source: Authors' calculations based on FAOSTAT 2017
The agricultural trade policy of the Egyptian maize of 81 percent and 92 percent, respectively (MALR,
government focuses on increasing production, and hence 2009). This policy has been criticized for not considering
self-sufficiency, of crops that have high domestic the economic value of scarce resources, such as land and
consumption. For instance, the Agricultural Development water. The opportunity cost of growing cereals is
Strategy 2030 sets self-sufficiency targets for wheat and
Land reclamation initiatives are gradually shifting Continue to implementing food subsidy policy and
government policy towards promoting the cultivation of reforming the implemented price policy at the sectoral
exportable high value crops on reclaimed lands (Sims, and national levels.
2015). The fact that production on reclaimed land is Multiplicity of entities formulating price policies and
characterized by relatively low productivity and high lack of coordination between them resulted in negative
production costs implies that only high value crops would impacts on farmers' income. In addition, Under-pricing
provide farmers with economic incentives to move to and of major cereal crops represented the main factor
produce on these lands. The government of Egypt also influencing quantities produced from such crops.
promotes exports through the establishment of trade zones, Setting appropriate procurement prices for agricultural
especially around major ports such as Alexandria, Suez, crops at some point in time must be revisited
and Port Said. Moreover, in 2002 a new export promotion periodically based on: evolutions in the production costs
law was adopted, setting the stage for the establishment of of producing such crops, yield, profitability of
an Export Development Fund and the introduction of an competing crops, evolutions in international prices, and
export subsidy program under the supervision of the comparing domestic to world demand for such crops.
Ministry of Trade, Industry and SMEs (General Authority Improve the state of food security depending on
for Investment and Free Zones 2002; N Gage Consulting domestic production through improving self-sufficiency
2015). Agricultural and agri-food products qualify for an rate in food commodities.
export subsidy in the range of one to ten percent, which is Self-sufficiency rate in wheat, wheat flour and maize
financed by the Export Development Fund. The Fund can be raised by reducing losses along the chain, in
generates part of its budget from import fees. addition to devoting attention to some other factors.
Should analyze actual production costs, its change over
The main challenges for increasing agricultural time, and compare them with other criteria when
exports are quality considerations, particularly pesticide determining farmgate prices.
damage and residues that disqualify Egyptian exports from It is important to study the international prices of crops
meeting sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of trading periodically to use them as guides when setting the
partners, especially in the European Union. High humidity prices of export and import crops, which helps in
during storage and transportation also affect the quality of promoting exports and reducing imports.
agricultural products, especially in Upper Egypt due to lack It is important to link price policy to non-price policies
of cold storage infrastructure (USAID, 2017). In addition, and procedures in order to realize successful
non-value adding intermediaries that connect farmers to implementation of the designed price policy.
exporters add a price margin in the range of 25 to 40 Establishing a high institution responsible for prices that
percent, decreasing the cost advantage of Egyptian exports comprises all bodies responsible for agricultural price
and reducing farmers revenues (Tellioglu and policies in Egypt, with the participation of
Konandreas,2017b). representatives of producers and consumers, which aims
to propose and follow up agricultural prices in the light
Processed agri-food exports have a high potential in of economic interdependencies between multiple
Egypt. The share of processed agri-food products in sectors and commodities in order to realize the
agricultural exports has increased from 46 percent in 2002 maximum possible of national economic and social
to 53 percent in 2014 (Tellioglu and Konandreas,2017b). goals.
However, this figure includes items that are primarily Establishing an Agricultural Policy Information Center
processed without much value addition, such as frozen and that comprises an integrated field information unit and a
prepared fruits and vegetables. Excluding these semi- unit for technical aspects related to the implementation
processed items, Egypt's processed agri-food exports would agricultural policy.
represent only 31 percent of agri-food exports in 2014. Must calculate the difference between both nominal and
effective protection coefficients and change in producer
The quality and safety of agri-food products is being surplus to use them as guides when formulating price
given increasing attention by the Egyptian government. In policies.
January 2017, the National Food Safety Authority (NFSA) Linking agricultural price policies in the production side
was established with the aim of adhering to "the highest to that in the consumption side to achieve coordination
standards of food safety and hygiene" (Mansour, 2017). between the two.
The procedures and conditions set by NFSA apply to food XII. CONCLUSION
produced and processed for both the local and the export
markets. In addition, government controls the quality of This study sheds light on the agricultural policy in
agricultural imports and exports through regular inspections Egypt by evaluating the performance of government
by the Central Administration of Plant Quarantine (Central policies in the farm sector. The study included a theoretical
Administration of Plant Quarantine, 2015). framework for agricultural policy to understanding the
nature of such a plan and determining its relationship with
other economic systems. The government has regularly