Filipino Scientists
Filipino Scientists
Filipino Scientists
- invented the formula for producing a pure kind of alcohol from tuba in a nipa palm. Del Rosario extracted
castor oil from the palma christi, literally the "palm of Christ" (castor bean), a native plant in the Philippines.
2. Francisco Quisumbing
3. Gregorio Zara
- developed the first videophone or two-way television-telephone. The device left the realm of science fiction and
comic books when Zara patented it in 1955 as a “photo phone signal separator network.”
4. Julian Banzon
- Banzon is credited for his research in alternative fuel. He researched on the production of ethyl ester fuels from
sugarcane and coconuts and devised a method of extracting residual coconut oil through chemical means.
5. Manuel Guerrero
- was a Filipino medical doctor who studied beriberi in infants in the Philippines.
6. Ignacio Mercado
- Known to be the first local botanist to record more than 200 plants that thrived in the Philippines. No one knew
the names or benefits of plants during this era and his works greatly contributed to discovery of plant species.
- An outstanding Filipinologist who wrote notable scholarly works in various fields of Oriental and Philippine
studies; language, anthropology, folklore, etc. One of his book 'Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas' is an outstanding
study on the different medicinal plants of the conutry.
8. Ramon Barba
- is a well-known Filipino scientist, especially to agriculturally involved individuals in the Philippines for contributing
towards advancements in the mango industry. He developed a process that caused the flowering and fruiting of
mango trees three times a year, instead on once a year, so dramatically improving yields.
9. Agapito Flores
- A Filipino Inventor who is known for his funnel of the Fluorescent light tube invention. It is a tubular electric lamp
coated with a fluorescent material on its inner surface which contains mercury vapor whose bombardment
electrons from the cathode provides ultraviolet light that causes the material to emit visible light.
- major contribution are the development of enriched rice, a variety fortified with vitamin B1 that helps prevent
beriberi. With its discovery it helped reduce the cases of beriberi in the Philippines and other countries. He has also
published 265 works and studies in the Philippine and foreign science journals. And as science administrator, he
helps execute science policy improvement, science endorsement and scientific manpower improvement.