Solid State Physics2 PDF
Solid State Physics2 PDF
Solid State Physics2 PDF
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1 author:
Eugene Kogan
Bar Ilan University
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The specific heat at constant volume, Cv , is very dif- FIG. 3. Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844 - 1906) was
ficult to measure and is usually obtained from the ther- an Austrian physicist famous for his founding contributions
modynamic relation in the fields of statistical mechanics and statistical thermo-
dynamics. He was one of the most important advocates for
Cp − Cv = V0 T α2 K, (2)
atomic theory when that scientific model was still highly con-
where troversial.
1 ∂V
α= (3)
V ∂T p Taking into account, that
is the coefficient of thermal expansion, (∂S/∂P )T = −(∂V /∂T )P , (6)
∂P we obtain Eq. (2).
K = −V , (4)
∂V T Problem A.2 (a) Rewrite the Table I presenting heat
is the isothermal bulk modulus, and V0 is the molar vol- capacities in units of J/kg. (b) Find the data and expand
ume if Cp and Cv are molar specific heats. Inserting the Table by including into it 3 other elements (which are
typical figures, (Cp − Cv ) for most liquids and solids at solid at room temperature) of your choice.
room temperature are of the order of R/3 and R/10 re-
spectively. Though the volume expansion is very small,
the pressures which would be needed to counteract it are B. Boltzmann’s Calculation
very large so that their product is by no means negligi-
ble. For gold, for example, α = 14 × 10−6 K−1 , K = 180 In 1896 Boltzmann constructed a model that ac-
GPa, V0 = 10−6 m3 /mol. For very hard substances, such counted for the Dulong and Petit law fairly well. He
as diamond, (Cp −Cv ) however is very small, of the order suggested that (much of the) heat capacity (specific heat)
of R/1000. of materials is due to vibrations of the atom, and con-
Problem A.1 (a) Calculate Cp − Cv for gold. (b) Find sidered each atom in a solid as being in a harmonic well
the necessary data and calculate Cp − Cv for copper and formed by the interaction with its neighbors.
NaCl. Compare your result with Fig. 2. Consider a three-dimensional simple harmonic oscilla-
tor with mass m and spring constant k (i.e., the mass is
attracted to the origin with the same spring constant in
∂(S, V ) ∂(S, V )/∂(T, P ) all three directions). The Hamiltonian is
Cv = T =T =T
∂T v ∂(T, V ) ∂(T, V )/∂(T, P ) p2 kx2
H= + . (7)
(∂S/∂T )P (∂V /∂P )T − (∂V /∂T )P (∂S/∂P )T 2m 2
(∂V /∂P )T The classical partition function is
(∂V /∂T )P (∂S/∂P )T dp
= CP − T . (5) Z= dxe−βH(p,x) , (8)
(∂V /∂P )T (2π~)3
where ~ = 1.05×10−34 J·s is the reduced Planck constant, Consider the Hamiltonian (7). The quantum partition
β = 1/kB T , kB = 1.4 × 10−23 J/K = 8.6 × 10−5 eV/K is function is
the Boltzmann constant. Note that X
Z= e−βEj , (17)
R = NA k B , (9) j
where NA = 6.02 × 1023 is the Avogadro number. Since where the sum over j is a sum over all eigenstates.
Z ∞ For a 1d harmonic oscillator
2 p
e−ay dy = π/a, (10)
En = ~ω(n + 1/2). (18)
T 2 ∂Z 1 ∂Z eβ~ω
U = F + T S = kB =− , (14) C = kB (β~ω)2 2. (22)
Z ∂T Z ∂β (eβ~ω − 1)
and heat capacity In 3d
∂U eβ~ω
C= . (15) C = 3kB (β~ω)2 2. (23)
∂T (eβ~ω − 1)
From Eq. (11) follows that
The high-temperature limit agrees with the law of Du-
C = 3kB . (16) long and Petit. Einstein quantum analysis shows that
at temperatures below the oscillator frequency, degrees
If you can consider a solid to consist of N atoms all of freedom freeze out, and heat capacity drops exponen-
in harmonic wells, then the heat capacity should be tially. Einstein frequency is a fitting parameter.
3NA kB = 3R, in agreement with the law of Dulong and Einstein’s theory of specific heat was extremely suc-
Petit. cessful, but still there were clear deviations from the pre-
dicted equation. At low temperatures most materials
Problem B.1 a) Using Eq. (2) and equation of state have a heat capacity that is proportional to T 3 , but Ein-
for an ideal gas calculate Cp − Cv for such gas. stein’s formula at low temperature is exponentially small
b) Using Boltzmann’s method calculate Cv of a in T .
monoatomic ideal gas. Notice that the only chemical el-
ements which are stable single atom molecules at stan-
dard temperature and pressure (STP) are the noble gases. D. Debye’s Calculation
These are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and
radon. Find the data of these gases heat capacity and
In 1912 Peter Debye discovered how to better treat the
compare with the result of your calculation.
quantum mechanics of oscillations of solids, and managed
to explain the T 3 dependance of the specific heat at low
temperatures. He treated the oscillations as sound waves
C. Einstein’s Calculation
with the dispersion law ω(k) = v|k|, where v is the ve-
locity of sound, and quantized these oscillations the same
In 1907 Einstein started wondering about why this law way as Planck had quantized light waves in 1900.
does not hold at low temperatures (for diamond, low A wave (in 1d) is described by the space dependence
temperature appears to be room temperature!). He con- eikx . We can put periodic boundary conditions
sidered the same model Boltzmann did, but treated the
oscillations quantum-mechanically. eikx = 1. (24)
3 6π 2 N v 3 Z ωc
ωD = ; (31) 3N = dωg(ω). (42)
V 0
the latter is sometimes replaced by the Debye tempera- It turns out that ωc = ωD . Hence
9N ~ ωD dωω 3
kB TD = ~ωD . (32) U= 3 . (43)
ωD 0 eβ~ω − 1
Ignoring the T independent terms we obtain
Problem D.2 Show that for T TD from Eq. (43)
9N ~ ∞ dωω 3 9N (kB T )4 ∞ dxx3 follows
U= 3 = .
ωD 0 eβ~ω − 1 (~ωD )3 0 ex − 1
C = 3R, (44)
and for T TD specific heat calculated from Eq. (43)
Z ∞ 3 ∞ Z ∞ ∞ coincides with that calculated from Eq. (33).
dxx X X 1
= dxx3 e−nx =6 . (34)
0 ex − 1 n=1 0 n=1
n4 For intermediate temperatures integral in Eq. (43)
should be calculated numerically. It should be empha-
The function sized that the Debye theory makes predictions without
∞ any free parameters, as compared to the Einstein theory
X 1 which had the unknown Einstein frequency ω as a free
ζ(z) = z
n fitting parameter.
FIG. 11. The one-dimensional harmonic chain. Each ball has C. Canonical Quantization
mass m and each spring has spring constantκ. The lattice
constant, or spacing between successive masses at rest is a.
Canonical quantization is one of several procedures
for quantizing a classical theory. Paul Dirac introduced
d2 un it in his 1926 doctoral thesis, the ”method of classical
m = κ(un+1 + un−1 − 2un ). (55) analogy” for quantization. The word canonical arises
dt2 from the Hamiltonian approach to classical mechanics,
The solution is in which a system’s dynamics is generated via canonical
Poisson brackets. In quantum mechanics Poisson brack-
un = Ae−iω(k)t+ikna , (56) ets turn into commutators.
Consider harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian
p̂2 mω02 q̂ 2
ω (k) = 2ω02 (1 − cos ka), (57) H(p, q) = + , (60)
2m 2
where ω02 = κ/m. where the operators q and p satisfy commutation relation
For ka 1 we obtain
[q̂, p̂] = i~. (61)
ω(k) = aω0 k. (58)
Let us introduce new operator
Thus we predict a sound wave with velocity r r
mω0 1
v = aω0 . (59) â = q̂ + i p̂. (62)
2~ 2m~ω0
From Eq. (61) we obtain commutation relations for the Problem C.1 Use Eq. (74) in Eq. (64) to confirm the
new operators eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Harmonic oscillator.
The eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian can be written
[â, ↠] = 1. (65)
To obtain spectrum and eigenfunctions of the Hamil- â†
tonian (64) consider operator |n >= √ |0 > . (77)
N̂ = ↠â. (66) We can also easily find the eigenfunctions in q represen-
tation. Wave function of the ground state is found Eq.
It is a Hermitian operator. Consider some eigenvector (71), which in q representation is
of these operator with the eigenvalue n (at the moment r r !
considering it some real number) mω0 ~ ∂
q+ ψ0 (q) = 0. (78)
2~ 2mω0 ∂q
N̂ |n >= n|n > . (67)
The solution is
From the commutation relations we obtain
ψ0 (q) = e−mω0 q /2~
. (79)
N̂ â|n >= (n − 1)â|n > . (68)
Acting consecutively by operator ↠we can obtain higher
Hence â|n > is also an eigenvector of N̂ , corresponding eigenstates.
to eigenvalue n − 1.
Problem C.2 Write explicitly ψ1 (q) and ψ2 (q).
â|n >= |n − 1 > . (69)
Problem C.3 Using the approach due to Dirac, derive
Thus from a single eigenvector with the eigenvalue n we expressions for < q >, < q 2 >, < p >, and < p2 >
obtain a succession of eigenvectors with the eigenvalues for the harmonic oscillator in eigenstate n. Use this to
n − 1, n − 2, n − 3 . . . . However, any eigenvalue of the obtain the uncertainty product ∆q∆p. Comment on your
operator N̂ must be non-negative. In fact, result.
n =< n|N̂ |n >=< n|↠â|n >=< n − 1|n − 1 >≥ 0. (70)
D. Phonons and Improvement of Debye’s
Hence, the succession mentioned above should terminate.
It can happen only in the case if the initial eigenvalue we
started from (and hence all the other eigenvalues) are
integers, and From the Lagrangian (54) we can obtain the Hamilto-
â|0 >= 0. (71) X p2 κ
n 2
H= + (un+1 − un ) . (80)
Also from the commutation relations we obtain n
2m 2
E. Diatomic Basis
A. Conductivity
FIG. 18. Paul Karl Ludwig Drude (1863 1906) was a Ger- In steady state in the presence of magnetic field
man physicist of Jewish origin specializing in optics. He wrote 1 m
a fundamental textbook integrating optics with Maxwell’s E= j×B+ 2 j (97)
theories of electromagnetism. In 1900 he developed a powerful
ne ne τ
model to explain the thermal, electrical, and optical proper- We can introduce resistivity matrix ρ̂ by the equation
ties of metals.
E = ρ̂j (98)
FIG. 19. Frequency dependence of the (a) real and (b) imagi-
nary parts of the optical conductivity of silicon weakly doped
FIG. 21. Comparison of the valence of various atoms to the
by holes (1.1×1015 cm−3 , open circles) or electrons (4.2×1014
valence predicted from the measured Hall coefficient. Here
cm−3 , solid circles). The experiments were performed at
natomic is the density of atoms in the metal and RH is the mea-
T = 300 K, the full lines correspond to σ1 (ω) and σ2 (ω) as
sured Hall coefficient. In Drude theory, the middle column
obtained by the Drude model.
should give the number of electrons per atom, i.e., the valence.
For monovalent atoms, the agreement is fairly good. But for
divalent atoms, the sign can even come out wrong! The ∗
Problem A.2 Estimate the magnitude of the Hall volt- next to Be indicates that its Hall coefficient is anisotropic.
age for a specimen of sodium in the form of a rod of Depending on which angle you run the current you can get
rectangular cross-section 5mm by 5mm carrying a cur- either sign of the Hall coefficient!
rent of 1A down its long axis in a magnetic field of 1T
perpendicular to the long axis. The density of sodium
atoms is roughly 1 gram/cm3 , and sodium has atomic where jq is the heat current density.
mass of roughly 23. You may assume that there is one From kinetic theory of gas follows
free electron per sodium atom (sodium has valence 1). κ ∼ ncv v̄λ, (104)
where λ = v̄τ is the scattering length,
Problem A.3 Define the resistivity matrix ρ̂ as
E = ρ̂J. cv = kB (105)
is the heat capacity per particle, and
Use Drude theory to derive an expression for the matrix r
ρ̂ for a metal in a magnetic field. (You may assume B kB T
parallel to the z axis. Invert this matrix to obtain an v̄ ∼ (106)
expression for the conductivity matrix σ.
is the average velocity of a particle. Hence
nτ kB T
κ∼ . (107)
B. Thermal Transport m
We may look at the ratio of thermal conductivity to elec-
The thermal conductivity κ is defined by trical conductivity, known as the Lorenz number
jq = κ∇T (103) L= , (108)
which according to Drude theory is equal to low resistivity, because running a current through a ma-
2 terial with resistivity R will result in power I 2 R being
kB 2 dissipated, thus heating it up.
L= ∼ 10−8 Watt · Ohm/K . (109)
FIG. 22. Lorenz numbers κ/(T σ) for various metals in units FIG. 24. Single couple of a thermoelectric generator.
of 10−8 Watt·Ohm/K2 . The prediction of Drude theory is
that the Lorentz number should be on the order of 1 × 10−8
Watt·Ohm/K2 .
monovalent, meaning there is one free electron per atom. Expanding we get
The density of atoms in copper is n = 8.45 × 1028 m−1 . Z µ Z ∞
The conductivity of copper is σ = 5.9 × 107 Ω−1 m−1 at I= 2 0
f ()d + 2T f (µ) + ...
e +1
300K. 0
Z µ
π2 2 2 0
= f ()d + k T f (µ) + . . . (124)
0 6 B
2 2 2µm3/2
Ω = Ω0 − V kB T . (125)
Problem A.2 Estimate the value of EF for sodium [The 6~3
density of sodium atoms is roughly 1 gram/cm3 , and According to theorem of small increments, which claims
sodium has atomic mass of roughly 23. You may assume that
that there is one free electron per sodium atom (sodium
has valence one)] (δF )T,V,N = (δΩ)T,V,µ , (126)
M = χH. (130)
tion operations described by (in 3d): • Primitive (P): lattice points on the cell corners only
(sometimes called simple)
R = n1 a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3 , (135) • Base-centered (A, B, or C): lattice points on the
cell corners with one additional point at the center
with a1 , a2 and a3 being the primitive lattice vectors and of each face of one pair of parallel faces of the cell
n1 , n2 and n3 being integers. (sometimes called end-centered)
A unit cell is a region of space such that when many
• Body-centered (I): lattice points on the cell corners,
identical units are stacked together it tiles (completely
with one additional point at the center of the cell
fills) all of space and reconstructs the full structure. A
• Face-centered (F): lattice points on the cell corners,
primitive unit cell is a unit cell containing exactly one
with one additional point at the center of each of
lattice point. Primitive cell may be chosen following this
the faces of the cell
procedure: (1) draw lines to connect a given lattice point
to all nearby lattice points; (2) at the midpoint and nor- Problem A.1 Consider a face-centered-cubic cell. Con-
mal to these lines, draw new lines or planes. The smallest struct a primitive cell within the conventional cell, and
volume enclosed in this way is the Wigner-Seitz primitive compare the two. How many atoms are in the primitive
cell. All space may be filled by these cells. Given a lat- cell, and how does this compare with the number in the
tice point, the Wigner - Seitz cell is the set of all points original cell? Do the same for a body-centered-cubic cell.
in space which are closer to that given lattice point than
to any other lattice point. A conventional unit cell is the Not all combinations of lattice systems and centering
smallest lattice cell that has the overall symmetry of a types are needed to describe all of the possible lattices, as
crystal lattice. It can be a non-primitive unit cell. it can be shown that several of these are in fact equivalent
to each other. For example, the monoclinic I lattice can
be described by a monoclinic C lattice by different choice
of crystal axes. Similarly, all A- or B-centred lattices can
be described either by a C- or P-centering. This reduces
the number of combinations to 14 conventional Bravais
lattices, shown in Fig. 181.
Although the simple cubic lattice is conceptually the of atoms as small spheres that weakly attract each other
simplest of all lattices, in fact, real crystals of atoms are and therefore try to pack close together. When you as-
rarely simple cubic. To understand why this is so, think semble spheres into a simple cubic lattice you find that it
is a very inefficient way to pack the spheres together - the Calculate the packing fraction for
packing fraction is π6 ≈ .52. The bcc and fcc lattices leave (a) a simple cubic lattice.
much less open space between the spheres than packing (b) a bcc lattice.
the spheres in√a simple cubic lattice; they correspond to (c) a fcc lattice.
the fraction π 8 3 ≈ .68 and 3√ π
≈ .74 respectively. Cor- (d) a rhombohedral lattice.
respondingly, bcc and fcc lattices are realized much more (e) a hcp structure (see below).
frequently in nature than simple cubic (at least for met- The fact that it is impossible to pack spheres more
als). For example, the elements Al, Ca, Au, Pb, Ni, Cu, densely than you would get by placing the spheres at the
Ag (and many others) are fcc whereas the elements Li, vertices of an fcc lattice was first conjectured by Johannes
Na, K, Fe, Mo, Cs (and many others) are bcc. Kepler in 1611, but was not mathematically proven until
1998! (It is infinite number of packing realizing the same
Problem A.2 Packing Fractions. Consider a lattice packing fraction.)
with a sphere at each lattice point. Choose the radius of
the spheres to be such that neighboring spheres just touch.
The packing fraction is the fraction of the volume of all B. Crystal Structures
of space which is enclosed by the union of all the spheres
(i.e., the ratio of the volume of the spheres to the total The structure of all crystals can be described in terms
volume). of a Bravais lattice, with a group of atoms attached to ev-
ery lattice point. The group of atoms is called the basis; Problem B.1 Calculate the number of atoms in the di-
when repeated in space it forms the the whole crystal. amond conventional cell.
In other words, the basis consists of a primitive cell, con-
taining one single lattice point.
1. Diamond Structure
whose structure shows periodic trends. Table rows are a group have similar physical or chemical characteristics.
commonly called periods and columns are called groups. The reason for the chemical similarities stems from the
Six groups have accepted names as well as assigned num- details of the fillings of atomic orbital shells. To a large
bers: for example, group 17 elements are the halogens; extent chemistry is determined by the electrons in the
and group 18 are the noble gases. Also displayed are outermost shell of an atom. So for example, the fact
four simple rectangular areas or blocks associated with that the chemistries of C, Si, and Ge are similar is due
the filling of different atomic orbitals. The elements in to the fact that each has only two electrons in a partially
filled p-shell.
Problem A.1 a) Add the missing element names to the A period is a horizontal row in the periodic table. Al-
Table 44. though groups generally have more significant periodic
b) Of the 118 chemical elements, 19 are connected with trends, there are regions where horizontal trends are more
the names of 20 people. 15 elements were named to honor significant than vertical group trends, such as the f-block,
16 scientists. Four other elements have indirect connec- where the lanthanides and actinides form two substantial
tion to the names of non-scientists. Write a short para- horizontal series of elements. Moving left to right across
graph about each of three of the above mentioned people a period, ionization energy (the energy required to re-
of your choice. move an electron from an atom), electron affinity, and
A lattice with a basis is also necessary when more than
n = 1, 2, 3, . . . one kind of atom or ion is present in a compound, even
` = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 when the atoms or ions are located only at the points of
m = −`, . . . , ` some Bravais lattice, because the crystal structure nev-
σz = −1/2, 1/2. (136) ertheless lacks the full translational symmetry of that
Bravais lattice.
The angular momentum shells with ` = 0, 1, 2, 3 are Ionic radius is the radius of an atom’s ion in ionic crys-
sometimes known as s,p,d,f, . . . respectively in atomic tals structure. The radii of the cation Na+ and the anion
language. These shells can accommodate 2, 6, 10, 14, . . . F− as given in Tables 48 would lead to 1.02Å + 1.33Å =
electrons respectively including both spin states. 2.35Å for the interatomic separation in the crystal NaF,
As we pass from one element to another of next higher as compared with the observed 2.32Å.
atomic number, one electron is added each time to the The covalent radius is a measure of the size of an atom
atom. The maximum number of electrons in any shell that forms part of one covalent bond. The interatomic
is 2n2 , where n is the principal quantum number. The distance between C atoms in diamond is 1.54Å; one-half
maximum number of electrons in a subshell (s, p, d or of this is 0.77Å. In silicon, which has the same crystal
f) is equal to 2(2` + 1). Thus these subshells can have a structure, one-half the interatomic distance is 1.17Å. In
maximum of 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons respectively. In the SiC each atom is surrounded by four atoms of the op-
ground state the electronic configuration can be built up posite kind. If we add the C and Si radii just given,
by placing electrons in the lowest available orbitals until we predict 1.95Å for the length of the C-Si bond, in fair
the total number of electrons added is equal to the atomic agreement with the 1.89Å observed for the bond length.
number. This is called the Aufbau principle (the German This is the kind of agreement (a few percent) that we
word Aufbau means building up). Thus orbitals are filled shall find in using tables of atomic radii.
in the order of increasing energy, using two general rules
to help predict electronic configurations:- Metallic radius is defined as one-half of the distance
1. Electrons are assigned to orbitals in order of increasing between the two adjacent metal ions in the metallic lat-
value of (n + `). tice. This radius depends on the nature of the atom as
2. For subshells with the same value of (n + `), electrons well as its environmentspecifically, on the coordination
are assigned first to the sub shell with lower n. number (CN).
The concepts of atomic radii is fruitful in predicting
Problem B.1 Madelung’s Rule. interatomic spacing. The existence and probable lat-
(a) Use Madelung’s rule to deduce the atomic shell tice constants of phases that have not yet been synthe-
filling configuration of the element tungsten (symbol W) sized can be predicted from the additive properties of the
which has atomic number 74. atomic radii.
VIII. CHEMICAL BOND. I cally transferred from one atom to the other, leaving two
oppositely charged ions, which then attract each other,
A. Ionic Solids
FIG. 44. The periodic table of the elements. The organization of the table is such that each column has similar chemical
properties. Each element is listed with its atomic number. The structure of the periodic table reflects Aufbau Prinnciple rule
which dictates the order in which shells are filled.
So finally
∆EA+B→AB = (Ionization Energy)A (139)
−(Electron Affinity)B − Cohesive Energy of AB.
Problem A.1 From the data presented on Fig. 51 cal-
culate cohesive energy of NaCl in kJ/mol.
One can write a much simplified equation for a lattice
energy for a solid
X Qi Qj
ELattice = − , (140)
4π0 |Ri − Rj |
Author of these Notes was born]. The perovskite struc- than 10, while others, such as titanium dioxide (TiO2 ),
ture has the general stoichiometry ABX3 , where A and have values between 20 and 70.
B are cations and X is an anion. Barium atoms are located at the corners of the unit
Barium titanate (Ba2− Ti4− O2+ 3 ) with the structure of cell and oxygens at the face center positions. Both bar-
perovskite is a dielectric ceramic used in capacitors, with ium and oxygen have ionic radii of about 1.4Å and to-
dielectric constant values as high as 7, 000. Over a narrow gether they make up a face centered cubic array having
temperature range, values as high as 15, 000 are possible; a lattice parameter near 4Å. Octahedrally coordinated
most common ceramic and polymer materials are less titanium ions located at the center of the perovskite
FIG. 59. The fluorite structure. This is fcc with a basis given
by Ca at [0, 0, 0] and F at [ 14 , 14 , 14 ] and [ 41 , 41 , 34 ].
When two atoms (or two molecules) are very far apart
B. Metallic Solids from each other, there remains an attraction between
them due to what is known as van der Waals forces, some-
Metallic bonds are similar to covalent bonds in the times known as fluctuating dipole forces, or molecular
sense that electrons are shared between atoms, but in bonding. In short, both atoms have a dipole moment,
hexagonal form, but can also exist in the cubic, rhom- To construct the reciprocal lattice, let us first write the
bohedral, and many other forms. Which form of ice is points of the direct lattice in the form
presented on Fig. 77?
R = n1 a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3 (163)
with n1 , n2 , and n3 integers, and with a1 , a2 , and a3
being primitive lattice vectors of the direct lattice.
The primitive lattice vectors of the reciprocal lattice
(which we will call b1 , b2 , and b3 ) are defined to have
the following property:
ai · bj = 2πδij . (164)
We can certainly construct vectors bi to have the de-
sired property of Eq. (164), as follows:
2πa2 × a3
b1 =
a1 · [a2 × a3 ]
2πa3 × a1
b2 =
a1 · [a2 × a3 ]
2πa1 × a2
b3 = . (165)
a1 · [a2 × a3 ]
We can write an arbitrary point in reciprocal lattice as
G = m1 b1 + m2 b2 + m3 b3 . (166)
FIG. 78. Bonding. A lattice plane (or crystal plane) is a plane contain-
ing at least three non-collinear (and therefore an infinite
number of) points of a lattice. A family of lattice planes is
an infinite set of equally separated parallel lattice planes
which taken together contain all points of the lattice.
The families of lattice planes are in one-to-one corre-
spondence with the possible directions of reciprocal lat-
A. The Reciprocal Lattice tice vectors, to which they are normal. Further, the spac-
ing between these lattice planes is
The reciprocal lattice is the Fourier transform of a Bra-
vais lattice, known in this context as the direct lattice. d = 2π/|Gmin |, (167)
While the direct lattice exists in real-space and is what
where Gmin is the minimum length reciprocal lattice vec-
one would commonly understand as a physical lattice, the
tor in this normal direction.
reciprocal lattice exists in reciprocal space (also known
Any reciprocal lattice vector can be written as
as momentum space or k-space).
Given a direct lattice of points R, a point G is a point G = hb1 + kb2 + `b3 , (168)
in the reciprocal lattice if and only if
where bi are the basis of the reciprocal lattice vectors.
eiG·R = 1 (162) Hence these three integers h, k and ` determine a family
of lattice planes; in this context they are called Miller in-
for all points R of the direct lattice. The reciprocal lattice dices and written (hk`). By convention, negative integers
of a reciprocal lattice, then, is the original direct lattice are written with a bar, as in 3̄ for −3. The integers are
again, since the two lattices are Fourier transforms of usually written in lowest terms, i.e. their greatest com-
each other. mon divisor should be 1. The notation {hk`} denotes
We have
X (2π)D X D
eik·R = δ (k − G), (175)
where in the L.H.S. the sum is over lattice points R of the
direct lattice, and in the R.H.S. it is a sum over points G
of the reciprocal lattice; D is the number of dimensions
(1, 2 or 3) and the δ D is a D-dimensional delta function.
Returning to Eq. (173) we understand that the scat-
tering must vanish unless k0 − k is a reciprocal lattice
vector. This condition
k0 − k = G (176)
is known as the Laue equation (or Laue condition) and is FIG. 83. Max Theodor Felix von Laue (1879-1960) was
precisely the statement of the conservation of crystal mo- a German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in
mentum. When the waves leave the crystal, they should 1914 for his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals.
He contributed to optics, crystallography, quantum theory,
superconductivity, and the theory of relativity. During Na-
|k0 | = |k|, (177) tional Socialist regime, Laue and his close friend Otto Hahn
secretly helped Jewish scientific colleagues to emigrate from
which is just the conservation of energy, which is enforced Germany.
by the delta function in Fermi’s golden rule.
Equation (176) may be expressed in another way to
give what are called the Laue equations. These are valu- E. The Bragg Condition
able because of their geometrical representation. Taking
G = hb1 + kb2 + `b3 (178) It turns out that this Laue condition is nothing more
and calculating the scalar products of both sides of Eq. than the scattering condition associated with a diffrac-
(176) successively with a1 , a2 , a3 we get tion grating. This description of the scattering from crys-
tals is known as the Bragg formulation of (X-ray) diffrac-
a1 · ∆k = h, a2 · ∆k = k, a3 · ∆k = `. (179) tion.
Ewald construction, exhibited in Fig. 82, helps us visu- Consider the configuration shown in Fig. 84. An in-
alize the nature of the accident that must occur in order coming wave is reflected off of two adjacent layers of
to satisfy both Eq. (176) and Eq. (177) in three dimen- atoms separated by a distance d. The wave is deflected by
sions. 2θ in this diagram. The additional distance traveled by
the component of the wave that reflects off of the further It is usually a very good approximation to assume that
layer of atoms is the scattering potential is the sum over the scattering
extra distance = 2d sin θ. (180) potentials of the individual atoms in the system, so that
we can write
In order to have constructive interference, this extra dis- X
V (x) = Vj (x − xj ), (187)
tance must be equal to an integer number n of wave-
atoms j
lengths. Thus we derive the Bragg condition for con-
structive interference, or what is known as Bragg’s law where Vj is the scattering potential from atom j and xj
is the position of the atom in unit cell. The form of the
nλ = 2d sin θ. (181) function Vj will depend on what type of probe wave we
taking into account Eq. (169) we obtain a very useful are using and what type of atom j is.
expression for the spacing between planes Since neutrons are uncharged, they scatter almost ex-
clusively from nuclei (rather than from electrons) via the
λ a nuclear forces. As a result, the scattering potential is
d(hk`) = =√ . (182) extremely short-ranged, and can be approximated as a
2 sin θ h2 + k 2 + `2
delta function. We thus have
V (x) = fj δ(x − xj ), (188)
F. Equivalence of Laue and Bragg Conditions atoms j
particular nucleus. For the case of neutrons this quan- The point here is that the (100) planes have some par-
tity is proportional to11 the so-called nuclear scattering- ticular spacing but there are five other families of planes
length bj . (To be precise, fj = 2π~2 bj /m with m the with the same spacing: (010), (001), (1̄00), (01̄0), (001̄).
mass of the neutron.) Thus for neutrons we frequently In the powder diffraction method, the crystal orienta-
write tions are random, and here there would be six possible
X equivalent orientations of a crystal which will present the
V (x) ∼ bj δ(x − xj ), (189) right angle for scattering from one of these planes, so
atoms j there will be scattering intensity which is six times as
and large as we would otherwise calculatethis is known as
X the multiplicity factor. For the case of the 111 family,
S(G) ∼ bj eiG·xj . (190) we would instead find eight possible equivalent planes:
atoms j (111), (111̄), (11̄1), (1̄11), (11̄1̄), (1̄11̄), (1̄1̄1), (1̄1̄1̄). Thus,
we should replace Eq. (186) with
X-rays scatter from the electrons in a system. In the
simplest approximation for the form-factor of X-ray scat- I{h,k,`} ∝ M{h,k,`} |S{h,k,`} |2 . (196)
tering we obtain result similar to Eq. (190)
S(G) ∼ Zj eiG·xj , (191)
atoms j
From Eq. (194) we see that the structure factor, and FIG. 86. Selection rules for cubic, bcc, and fcc lattices.
therefore the scattering intensity, vanishes for h + k + `
being any odd integer. This phenomenon is known as a
Consider CsCl, which can be described as a simple cu-
systematic absence.
bic lattice with a basis given by : Cs, Position = [0, 0, 0],
The fcc crystal can be thought of as a sim-
Cl, Position = [ 21 , 12 , 12 ]. Thus the structure factor is given
ple cubic lattice with a basis given by the points
[0, 0, 0], [0, 12 , 12 ], [ 21 , 0, 12 ], [ 21 , 12 , 0]. As a result the struc-
ture factor of fcc lattice is given by 1 1 1
S(h,k,l) = fCs + fCl e2πi(h,k,l)[ 2 , 2 , 2 ]
S(h,k,l) = f 1 + (−1)h+k + (−1)h+l + (−1)k+l .
= fCs + fCl (−1)h+k+l . (197)
If we consider the fcc lattice to be a cubic lattice with
Problem A.1 Show that the expression in the R.H.S. of basis consisting of eight atoms having positions presented
Eq. (195) vanishes unless h, k and ` are either all odd or in Table 87. the structure factor for ZnS will be the sum
all even.
It is useful to write down a table (presented on Fig.
86) of possible lattice planes and the selection rules that
can occur for the smallest reciprocal lattice vectors. The
selection rules were given previously: simple cubic allows
scattering from any plane, bcc must have h+k+` be even,
and fcc must have h, k, ` either all odd or all even. On the FIG. 87. Basis for conventional unit cell of ZnS
table we have also added a column N which is the square
magnitude of the Miller indices. We have also added an of eight terms.
additional column labeled multiplicity. This quantity is
important for figuring out the amplitude of scattering. Problem A.2 Show that the structure factor for ZnS
3. Powder Diffraction
FIG. 92. Debye - Scherrer powder diffraction data exposed on FIG. 93.
photographic film. In modern experiments digital detectors
are used.
C. Examples
FIG. 95. Analysis of XRD pattern for aluminum. In the first FIG. 97. Analysis of neutron diffraction pattern for titan
two columns we just read the angles off of the given graph. carbide.
In the third column of the table we calculate the distance
between lattice planes for the given diffraction peak using
Bragg’s law. In the fourth column we have calculated the
squared ratio of the lattice spacing d for the given peak to
the lattice spacing for the first peak (labeled a) as a reference.
We then realize that these ratios are pretty close to whole
numbers divided by 3, so we try multiplying each of these
quantities by 3 in the next column. If we round these numbers
to integers (given in the next column), we produce precisely
the values of N = h2 + k2 + `2 expected for the fcc lattice, and
we thus conclude that we are looking at an fcc lattice. The
final column then calculates the lattice constant. Averaging
these numbers gives us a measurement of the lattice constant
a = .54 nm.
FIG. 96. Neutron diffraction pattern for titan carbide. where the constant C contains other constant factors (in-
cluding the factor of 42 from the fcc structure factor).
Problem C.1 Show that the first multiplier in Eq.
gle (which is typically a good assumption) we can go a
(200)is the same for all possible (hkl) included in {hkl}.
bit further by analyzing the intensity of the scattering
peaks. Thus we can compile another table showing the predicted
It turns out that PrO2 has fluorite structure. Let us relative intensities of the peaks: From the analytic ex-
see what further information we might extract from the pressions in the third column we can immediately predict
data in Fig. 100. The structure factor for this crystal is that we should have
S(h,k,l) = 1 + (−1)h+k + (−1)h+l + (−1)k+l (200)
Id = 3Ia , Ic = 2If , Ie = Ib , (202)
h π π
i 3
× bPr + bO ei 2 (h+k+l) + ei 2 (h+k+3l) . which agrees very well with the Table 102.
Problem C.3 Neutron Scattering. X-ray diffraction D. Scattering in Liquids and Amorphous Solids
from sodium hydride (NaH) established that the Na atoms
are arranged on a face-centered cubic lattice. A material need not be crystalline to scatter waves.
a) Why is it difficult to locate the positions of the H However, for amorphous solids or liquids, instead of hav-
atoms using X-rays? ing delta-function peaks in the structure factor at recip-
The H atoms were thought to be displaced from the Na rocal lattice vectors, the structure factor (defined as the
atoms either by [ 41 , 14 , 14 ] or by [ 12 , 12 , 12 ], to form the ZnS Fourier transform of the density) will have smooth behav-
(zincblende) structure or NaCl (sodium chloride) struc- ior with incipient peaks corresponding to 2π/d, where d
ture, respectively. To distinguish these models a neutron is roughly the typical distance between atoms. As the
powder diffraction measurement was performed. The in- material gets close to its freezing point, the peaks in
tensity of the Bragg peak indexed as (111) was found to the structure factor will get more pronounced, becom-
be much larger than the intensity of the peak indexed as ing more like the structure of a solid where the peaks are
(200). delta functions.
FIG. 105.
φn e−ikna , (226)
1. s-state Bands
FIG. 111. The tight binding chain. There is one orbital on (k) = 0 − 2t(cos(kx a) + cos(ky a) + cos(kz a)).(229)
each atom, and electrons are allowed to hop from one atom
to the neighboring atom. Problem C.1 Find the dispersion law for the square 2-d
We now have to figure out what the final term of this FIG. 112. Constant energy lines in the section kz = 0 of
equation is. The diagonal matrix element is a Hartree Brillouin zone of a simple cubic lattice, for the assumed energy
term, where the electron on one orbital interacts with band (k) = 0 − 2t(cos(kx a) + cos(ky a) + cos(kz a)).
the potential energy of all other sites. The meaning of
the non-diagonal term is that, via the interaction with
The s-bans arising from a single atomic s-level for an
some nucleus which is not the mth , an electron on the
fcc structure with twelve nearest neighbors has the dis-
mth atom can be transferred (can hop) to the nth atom.
persion law
Generally this can only happen if n and m are very close
to each other. Thus, we assume
kx a
ky a
(k) = 0 − 4t cos cos (230)
X V0 n = m 2 2
< n|Vj |m >= −t n = m ± 1 (224)
ky a kz a kz a kx a
0 otherwise + cos cos + cos cos .
2 2 2 2
With the above matrix elements we obtain the Hamil-
Such model can describe, for example, alkaline metal.
tonian in the form
Hnm = 0 δn,m − t (δn−1,m + δn+1,m ) , (225) Problem C.2 Derive Eq. (230).
2. p-state Bands
ovelaps w20 with each other. Their dispersion is down the energy of all states within the first zone and
pushes up energy of all states in the second zone. As a
E(k) = Ep ± 4w20 cos θx cos θy . (235)
result, states close to the boundary get filled up preferen-
This completes the discussion of the seven energy bands tially at the expense of states further from the boundary.
due to the overlaps of the seven orbitals of this imaginary This deforms the Fermi surface roughly as shown in the
material. middle of Fig. 118.
FIG. 119. Fermi surfaces of monovalent metals potassium FIG. 121. Fermi surface of the (fcc) divalent metal calcium.
(left), lithium (middle) and copper (right). The wire frames Left: The first band is almost completely filled with electrons.
demark the first Brillouin zones, which are half filled. Left: The solid region is where the Fermi surface is inside the Bril-
The potassium Fermi surface is almost exactly spherical, cor- louin zone boundary (the zone boundary is demarcated by the
responding to nearly free electrons in very weak periodic po- wire frame). Right: A few electrons fill small pockets in the
tentials. Middle: The periodic potential for lithium is slightly second band. There are just enough electrons to completely
stronger, and correspondingly the Fermi surface is distorted fill the lowest band, but there are states in the lowest band
towards the zone boundaries. Right: The periodic potential which are of higher energy than some states in the second
is so strong in the case of copper that the Fermi surface inter- band, so that a few states are empty in the first band (left),
sects the Brillouin zone boundary. In copper (like in two other and a few states are filled in the second band (right).
noble metals, Au and Ag) the free electron sphere bulges out
in < 111 > directions to make contact with the hexagonal
zone faces.
some amount of current.
J=2 −evk gk dk (249)
∂f 0 dS
1 2
= e τ v k (v k · E) − d
4π 3 ∂ ~vk
1 e2 τ
vk vk dSF
= 3
· E.
4π ~ vk
For crystals with cubic symmetry, the conductivity is
1 e2 τ 1
σ= ΛdSF , (251)
4π 3 ~ 3
where we introduced the mean free path
Λ = vτ. (252)
Problem B.1 Show that for quadratic dispersion law
Eq. (251) takes the form
ne2 τ
σ= . (253)
Problem B.2 Obtain analog of Eq. (251) fot the fre-
quency dependent conductivity.
1 1 It often occurs that the conduction band has more than
= 2 (254)
me ~ ∂k 2 k=0
one minimum at different points kmin in the Brillouin
C. Lande g-factor
e X
pa · [B × ra ] = µB B · L, (277) D. Rare Earth Ions
2m a
xenon. The radii of the trivalent ions contract fairly E. Iron Group Ions
smoothly as we go through the group from 1.11 Å at
cerium to 0.94 Å at ytterbium. This is known as the Consider an example of how the application of Hund’s
lanthanide contraction. rules allows to understand the second column of the Ta-
ble 144. The ion Mn2+ has five electrons in the 3d shell,
What distinguishes the magnetic behavior of one ion
which is therefore half-filled. The spins can all be par-
species from another is the number of 4f electrons com-
allel if each electron enters a different orbital, and there
pacted in the inner shell with a radius of perhaps 0.3 Å.
are exactly five different orbitals available, characterized
In lanthanum, just before the rare earth group begins,
by the orbital quantum numbers m = 2, 1, 0, −1, . . . , −2.
the 4f shell is empty; at cerium there is one 4f electron,
These will be occupied P by one electron each. We expect
and the number of 4f electrons increases steadily through
S = 5/2, and because m = 0 the only possible value
the group until we have 4f 13 at ytterbium and the filled
of L is 0, as observed.
shell 4f 14 at lutecium. Even in the metals the 4f core
However, the experimental magneton numbers for salts
retains its integrity and its atomic properties: no other
of the iron transition group of the periodic table are in
group of elements in the periodic table is as interesting.
poor agreement with Eq. (282). The values often agree
Consider a couple of examples of how the application quite well with magneton numbers p = 2[S(S + 1)]1/2
of Hund’s rules allows to understand the second column calculated as if the orbital moment were not there at all.
of the Table 143. The ion Ce3+ has a single f electron;
an f electron has l = 3 and s = 1/2. Because the f
shell is less than half full, the J value by the preceding
rule is |L − S| = 3 − 1/2 = 5/2. The ion Pr3+ has two
f electrons; one of the rules tells us that the spins add
to give S = 1. Both f electrons cannot have m = 3
without violating the Pauli exclusion principle, so that
the maximum L consistent with the Pauli principle is
not 6, but 5. The f shell is less than half full. Hence the
J value is |L − S| = 5 − 1 = 4.
The calculated magneton numbers are compared with
g values from the Lande result. The agreement between
the theory and the experiment is quite good. The dis- FIG. 144. Effective magneton numbers for iron group ions.
crepancy is marked only for Eu3+ and Sm3+ ions. For
these ions it is necessary to consider the influence of the The difference in behavior of the rare earth and the
high states of the L-S term, as the intervals between suc- iron group salts is that the 4f shell responsible for para-
cessive levels of the term are not large compared to kB T magnetism in the rare earth ions lies deep inside the ions,
at room temperature. within the 5s and 5p shells, whereas in the iron group ions
the 3d shell responsible for paramagnetism is the outer-
most shell. The 3d shell experiences the intense inhomo-
geneous electric field, called the crystal field, produced
by neighboring ions. This interaction has two major ef-
fects: The coupling of L and S vectors is largely broken
up, so that the states are no longer specified by their J
values; further, the 2L + 1 sublevels belonging to a given
L which are degenerate in the free ion may now be split
by the crystal field. This splitting diminishes or com-
pletely quenches the contribution of the orbital motion
to the magnetic moment.
F. Paramagnetism
1. Langevin Paramagnetism
Problem F.1 (a) Plot on one graph B1/2 (x), B1 (x) and
B3/2 (x). (b) Prove that for JgµB B/kB T 1 we have
χ= (289)
FIG. 146. Paul Langevin (1872 – 1946) was a prominent
(this is known as Curie’s law), and
French physicist who developed Langevin dynamics and the
Langevin equation. Langevin is noted for his work on para- g 2 µ2B J(J + 1) p2 µ2B
magnetism and diamagnetism; he devised the modern inter- C= = . (290)
pretation of this phenomenon in terms of spins of electrons 3kB 3kB
within atoms.
G. Diamagnetism
e2 X D 2
E e2 B 2 X
x2a + ya2 .
∆E = |B × ra | =
8m a 8m a FIG. 148. Lev Davidovich Landau (1908 – 1968) was a
(293) Soviet physicist of Jewish origin who made fundamental con-
tributions to many areas of theoretical physics. His accom-
Using the fact that the atom is rotationally symmetric, plishments include the quantum mechanical theory of dia-
magnetism, the theory of second-order phase transitions, the
we can write
Ginzburg - Landau theory of superconductivity, the theory of
X 2X Fermi liquid. He received the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physics for
< x2a + ya2 >= < ra2 >, (294) his development of a theory of superfluidity.
3 a
so we have
e2 B 2 X Conduction electrons in a metal are responsible for the
∆E = < ra2 > . (295) so-called Landau diamagnetism
12m a
C. Ferroelectric Crystals
A. Second-Order Transition
D. Polymorphic Transformation
Why does a solid melt when it is heated, and why does 1. Microscopic Model
this take place at a certain fixed temperature, different
for each substance? The answer must be that above this Let us calculate the free energy of a substitutional solid
temperature the free energy of the liquid phase becomes solution, using a simple atomic model, and compare the
lower than that of the solid phase. We may compare the results with the free-energy curves we have discussed.
FIG. 164. (a) A free-energy-versus-concentration diagram FIG. 165. (a) Free energies of solid and liquid phases of an
leading to a stable, homogeneous phase. (b) A free-energy- alloy below its melting range. (b) Free energies of solid and
versus-concentration diagram leading to a stable phase mix- liquid phases within the melting range of the alloy. (c) Free
ture in the concentration range c0 < c < c00 . energies of the two phases above melting point.
It is now useful to infer the phase diagram for a system whose free energy, for the solid solution, is given by Fig.
FIG. 166. (a),(b),(c) and(d): Free energies of solid and liquid phases for a solid solution described by Fig. 164(b), at increasingly
higher temperatures (T < T 0 < T 00 < T 000 ). (e) Phase diagram for the system. (f) Phase diagram of Ag-Cu system.
164(b). Figure 166 plots the free energies for the solid and known example of this type of system is the Cu-Ag alloy
liquid phases at four different temperatures T, T 0 , T ”, and shown in Fig. 166(f).
T ”0 , near the melting range at which T < T 0 < T 00 < T 000 .
In Fig. 166(a) the system is either a primary solution of Problem H.1 Confirm that the free-energy diagrams of
phase α, rich in A, or a solution in phase β, rich in B, Figs. 166(a)-166(d) lead to the phase diagram 166(f ).
or a phase mixture of α and β, depending on the con- Indicate on this latter figure suitable values for the tem-
centration as indicated above. No liquid phase appears peratures T, T 0 , T 00 , and T 000 indicated in the former fig-
because the free energy of the liquid phase is too high. ures.
At a higher temperature T 0 , shown in Fig. 166(b), a
situation obtains in which the tangents of the α and β Problem H.2 The phase diagram for the Cu-Ag alloy is
phases also touch the liquid curve, and this gives rise to shown in Fig. 166(f ).
several possibilities, depending on the concentration. A a) Confirm that the atomic % and weight % scales indi-
particularly interesting one occurs when the composition cated are consistent with each other.
is equal to ce ; here the three phases-α, β, and the liquid b) Determine the atomic percentage of the α-phase at the
phase-coexist. Such a composition is called the eutec- eutectic concentration just after solidification.
tic composition, and the corresponding temperature is c) Determine the percentage of the same phase at the
called the eutectic temperature. At still higher temper- temperature 850◦ C, and the Cu concentration in atomic
atures, the curves appear as shown in Figs. 166(c) and %.
(d). The phase diagram resulting from this situation is
shown in Fig. 166(e). A characteristic feature of such a
phase diagram is that elements A and B show only lim- I. Intermediate Phases
ited solid solubility in each other. They tend to segregate
into phase mixtures or turn into a liquid phase. A well- ln our discussion of solid solutions, we have so far as-
sumed that the solution has the same crystal structure