Joshua Bell Violin Manual v110
Joshua Bell Violin Manual v110
Joshua Bell Violin Manual v110
User Manual
Version 1.1.0
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
System Requirements 3
Articulation List 4
User-Interface 5
UI: Performance 6
UI: Articulation Menu 7
UI: Character 8
UI: Intuition 9
UI: Control 10
UI: Control Preset Editor 11
UI: Settings 12
Tips 13
Welcome! Thank you for your purchase of the Joshua Bell Violin!
The Joshua Bell Violin is a virtual violin instrument for Native Instruments Kontakt Player, developed in collaboration
between Embertone and renowned violinist Joshua Bell. We wanted to capture the incredible musicality of Joshua
Bell on his priceless Stradivarius violin, so we set out to record an immense variety of sounds/articulations and
developed a new performance engine to create our most ambitious virtual instrument yet, w ith all of the detail and
love that you can expect from an Embertone release.
The result is a project representing more than two years of loving work - time spent experimenting and discovering
new techniques, and building upon what we’ve learned over the last half decade. Friedlander Violin was our first
serious foray into the wide world of classical strings, and with this release we intend to show how much our
approach has evolved. We’re proud to share this extremely musical virtual instrument with you!
We hope that you find using the Joshua Bell Violin an enjoyable experience. If at any point you have questions about
the UI or functionality of the instrument, refer to the pages below for detailed explanations and descriptions which
may help you. There are also video tutorials available on our website if you find yourself looking for extra hands-on
tips and advice.
All samples were performed by Joshua Bell himself.
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System Requirements
Kontakt / Kontakt Player 5.7.1+ Kontakt Player Download:
That means that no additional software purchase is required Confused about the difference between Kontakt and
when you purchase this instrument! Once you’ve purchased the Kontakt Player? You’re not the only one! For more info visit:
Joshua Bell Violin, if you don’t already own a version of Kontakt,
use the link to the right to download the FREE Kontakt Player.
Legacy Patch
Also included, will allow you to load the Joshua Bell Violin in Kontakt versions 5.4.1 and up. Keep in mind, this version does
not support any NKS features.
Computer Recommended Specs
- Mac OS X 10.10, 10.11 or macOS 10.12 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo
- Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
- 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Instruments)
- An Internet connection and a graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher are required to download and activate
this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.
NKS Ready
The Joshua Bell Violin comes ready for NKS Compatible devices, such as the Komplete Kontrol keyboard, Maschine,
Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt/Kontakt Player software. That means your NI Device will load with custom Joshua Bell Violin
presets on its hardware!
Komplete Kontrol NKS Features:
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Articulation List
Normal, Con Sordino*, Sul Ponticello, Sul Tasto
Soft Attack, Normal Attack, Sharp Attack, Harsh Attack
Sustain Non Vibrato, Vibrato
P, MF, F, FF
2–4x Round Robin Variations
Slur: Normal Speed
Non Vibrato – P, MF, FF
Vibrato – P, MF, FF
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We built this user-interface with three important things in mind: An aesthetic that we feel represents Joshua Bell and his personal
style, Real-time feedback connected to y our performance, and Intuitive access to articulations and customization. Reference the
topics below to familiarize with the different pages of the user-interface which comprise the many features of the instrument.
Performance Control
Here is where you are first presented with the interface when Choose from a selection of presets for controlling your virtual
you load the instrument. This page acts as a home base from violin using MIDI hardware.
which you can navigate to all other pages and settings, and
contains all you primary performance controls along with Control Preset Editor
visual feedback.
Here you will find features for altering the tone and space of tweaking at an advanced level like this… (1) Take a few deep
your virtual violin using custom crafted impulse responses. breaths. (2) Make yourself some chamomile tea. (3) Make use
of the presets! (4) Watch our online video walkthroughs to see
Intuition it in action!
Understanding Controls and UI Elements
You can easily learn what any UI button/control on the interface does by mousing over it to display a description at the bottom of
the Kontakt window within the Info area. This is a helpful feature we recommend activating while learning the interface.
You must first enable the Info view area from within the
Kontakt Workspace Management drop-down selector
before you are able to see these descriptions.
Mousing over keys on the Kontakt Keyboard will also display
a text description of the keyswitches in the Info display, so
you can easily locate key assignments.
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UI: Performance
The heart and soul of the instrument! This element responds to dial moves up, wet/dry balance will adjust accordingly.
your performance, showing you the articulation by text and You can change the reverb type from the Character page.
musical notation, as well as the dynamic and any extra stylized
markings for visual feedback. This area doubles as the entry to Polyphonic Mode
the Articulation Menu, where you can select and purge any/all By default, the instrument is in monophonic mode, meaning
articulations from a single place. that only one note can be played at a time. With this control
activated, an advanced polyphonic legato system allows you to
Dynamics play multiple notes at once. (Note that independent of this
This element controls the dynamic intensity throughout the
slider below 50%, you can manipulate the non-vibrato samples the team that made this instrument a reality, and other details
with our S imulated Vibrato. Note that once a natural vibrato about this virtual instrument.
sample is triggered, it cannot transition back to a non-vibrato
sample - and conversely, a non-vibrato sample cannot
transition to natural vibrato.
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will purge/load samples for that articulation. Note that the They are great for beginning/ends of phrases, or for a bit more
purge button only appears when you mouse over an natural expression than what real-time dynamic adjustment
articulation box. The Sustain articulation cannot be purged, allows with the Dynamic slider. Contrary to the other sustained
since it is the basic foundation of the instrument. articulations, these samples are one-shots - meaning they will
This feature is useful for situations when you want to save not continuously sustain.
RAM/drive storage use, or if you have a less-powerful computer.
You can purge all the articulations you deem unnecessary to Articulation Styles
disable them entirely, and make the instrument much lighter on These buttons allow you to filter the articulation menu
processing. An articulation will appear disabled while purged. according to specific augmentation styles such as Con Sordino,
Sul Pont, and Sul Tasto. The Articulation window will
Sub-Articulation Selection re-populate as as you select different Style filters accordingly.
For some articulations - if you see this little triangle button,
For more information about specific articulations, refer to our website for multiple video walkthroughs,
including a video devoted entirely to the articulation page.
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UI: Character
Tone Space
Six character EQs for various violin tone personalities.
Eight high-quality Convolution IR Impulses for various reverb
The reverb amount is controlled from the black Reverb knob at
collaboration with IR/audio technologist veteran Ernest Cholakis
the lower-left of the interface. Reverb is disabled while the
of Numerical Sound.
Reverb A
mount knob knob is at the leftmost position.
The “Natural” tone is the natural unfiltered sound of Joshua
Bell’s Stradivarius violin.
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UI: Intuition
The Control Preset Triggers (found in the Control page) take priority If enabled, the instrument will automatically oscillate dynamics
over most Intuition automations. from low to high. The slider controls the strength of the effect, the
Rate knob controls the overarching frequency.
For example: Slur / Bow Variance Intuition would not work if the Enable this to simulate random pitch inaccuracy on the initiation of
combined assigned range of Slur and Bow Elements (in the Control a new note attack. This feature also helps eliminate the dreaded
Preset editor) occupied 1-127 on the Velocity Trigger. “machine-gun” effect when playing multiple repeated notes.
Because the full 1-127 range is occupied, the Control Preset would The slider adjusts the intensity of this effect.
be in affect at any velocity, leaving no available range for the Slur /
Bow Variance Intuition to function within.
Speed Pitch Instability
Slur / Bow Variance As you play faster, pitch becomes more unstable to simulate
natural human imperfection and pitch inaccuracy during difficult
Enable this Intuition for automatic selection of Slur and Bow Legato
performances. The slider adjusts the intensity of this effect.
articulations, chosen randomly upon each new note according to its
probability ratio slider. You can always manually trigger Bow / Slur
Interval Pitch Instability
articulations yourself, or use this feature to decide for you!
Similar to the S
lur / Bow Variation automation - this Intuition will
Multi-Stop Attacks
automatically alternate between Non Vibrato and Vibrato
articulations, chosen randomly upon each new note according to its Enabling this allows you to play a chord or multi-stop upon the
probability ratio slider. initiation of new notes (unconnected notes).
1-2, 2-1, 2
-2, 1-1-2 modes refer to multi-stop augmentations
Portamento Tendency (whether triple or quadruple). The rightmost knob controls the
delay between the split(s). Press 3-4 notes at once - try it out!
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UI: Control
ontrol Presets Intuitive Shorts
Choose a scheme for controlling all aspects of the instrument, and The distinguishing feature of this preset is that you can trigger
then tailor it to your personal liking. We have included four basic staccatos simply by playing very quick/short notes on the
presets made by Embertone, each with a different configuration keyboard. Try it, it’s fun! You’ll notice that in this mode, there is a
depending on your setup and performance preferences. Feel free to
bit more performance lag to allow for this. This should serve as a
adjust any of these, and save your changes if you like.
good example of some really interesting control schemes that are
possible with this Control engine. It’s also worth noting that we
Edit Preset
assigned Long and Short Dynamics to CC1/Modwheel.
This area displays a preview list of settings for the currently selected
Control Preset. You can scroll through it to get a quick overview of Master Modwheel
most controls at a glance, but click on this area to edit the preset in
great detail. Get ready to go down the rabbit hole! CC1 is central here, it controls Long Dynamics and Vibrato Amoun
simultaneously (Short Dynamics controlled via key velocity).
Think of these included presets as starting points for you to gain
inspiration and ideas to customize your own. Check out the Another unique feature here is that Legato articulation styles are
Control Preset Editor details on the next page about customizing triggered via note velocity: low velocity for soft Portamentos,
preset configurations. medium velocity for Slurs, higher velocity for Bows, and highest
velocity for loud Portamentos. Another example of interesting
Pro Controller Config possibilities to experiment with yourself.
Vibrato amount on CC1/Modwheel. Legato articulations are controlled Two completely empty C ustom presets for you to customize
via keyswitches along with all of the articulations. starting from a blank slate. Don’t forget to be a good composer
and save your work, just in case ;)
Simple Keyboard Control
This preset is especially useful if you have a minimal MIDI controller, or
if you want immediate gratification with less control! The nicest thing
about this mode is that dynamics are controlled via velocity, so it feels
super expressive and responsive to natural keyboard performance.
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UI: Control Preset Editor
ELEMENT: L ists all aspects of the instrument that are available This icon will appear as a visual feedback for Elements that are
to control - such as articulation type, styles, dynamic, vibrato, active. It will also appear near Triggers while their input conditions
etc. Use the scroll bar on the left to see more. are detected.
ssigns a single input, multiple inputs, or a Multi-Trigger Modes
combination of inputs for activating the Element.
VALUE: S pecifies the value of the Trigger. This could be a note selection to “–” from within its dropdown menu. The button will change
value on your keyboard, or a CC# from 1-127. from a “+” to a “–”, and you will be able to remove it from the list.
RANGE: Specifies the range of the Trigger Value in which it will MIDI Learn
activate the Element. HINT: You can use this to assign multiple
Activating this button will allow you to easily assign a MIDI CC
elements to a single CC - or even multiple velocities to a single
or Note value by touching/moving it.
keyswitch (Mind = Blown?)
Invert Range
LATCH: The Element will remain activated, even after the Trigger While enabled, the Range becomes flipped.
is released. I NSTANT: The Element is immediately activated once A Range of 1 0–120 becomes 1–9 and 121–127 - essentially e
the Trigger input is detected within its assigned range. (This can the original Range, and allowing two active Range zones to exist.
be incredibly useful!
Control Preset Functions
For example: going between Sustain and Tremolo. An Instant
L: Load an external . nka preset file. S: Save current preset as an
Tremolo keyswitch would interrupt a currently-held Sustain to
external . nka preset file. Reset: Reverts the preset to factory state.
become a Tremolo, and then return back to Sustain upon
Tip: Changes persist upon . nki saves, but save your customized
release of the keyswitch. (As a normal keyswitch, the Tremolo
presets to an external file using the “S” save feature instead.
would only be triggered upon the NEXT note.)
You can save as many as you like, and load into any preset slot.
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Joshua Bell Violin - User Manual 12
Try This...
– If you quickly press the same note after previously releasing it, you can trigger a Rebow legato articulation. There’s even a
special set of “Emotional” Rebow samples that Joshua Bell performed, which have a little “scoop” in them.
This feature is great for naturally performing realistic bowed passages with quick repetitive patterns.
– The Joshua Bell Violin engine uses a very special feature that analyzes and listens to the notes you are playing, and
automatically adjusts the volume between articulation crosspoints to achieve smoother transitions between notes. Feel free
to go to-and-from any articulation combination and expect natural results.
– You can play realistic trills thanks to some of the advanced Pitch Intuitions. While holding down a high note, try rapidly
pressing+releasing a neighboring note.
– Try out the REAL Harmonic Legato samples for a beautifully angelic (or eerie) sound!
– Try assigning Harsh/Soft Releases/Crescendos and/or Diminuendos to Aftertouch, so that you can easily trigger intense or
soft note releases by pressing hard on the key (if your keyboard supports it). Some Control Presets have this already assigned
by default.
– You can assign Control Triggers to react to your performance speed of playing. For example, you can activate Immediate Slur
Legato when you play quick runs past a desired speed. Check out features like this in the Control Preset Editor.
– For smooth, fast, and accurate playing during quick Legato runs - hold down the Sustain Pedal (CC# 64)!
– Vibrato is a living, evolving, emotional thing. It can’t stagnate for long or else it will sound artificial. Ride those CCs to alter the
intensity of vibrato!
– We recorded multiple note-attack styles which are “burned-in” to the Sustain samples themselves. Experiment with the
Control Preset Editor and try them out yourself.
– Make use of the Multi-Trigger feature in the Control Preset Editor! This creates a dimension of articulation triggering that can
make your workflow very convenient.
– You can create some really interesting control schemes using the Control Preset Editor. Experiment with different
combinations using one of the Custom presets, explore the possibilities and try to break the instrument!
– Purge samples that you don’t need to use if you are in desperate need of RAM. Disable them in the Articulation Menu by
clicking on the little blue button in the upper-right corner of each articulation box.
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Thank you to Ali for rolling with us during such an unpredictable production timeline, to Joshua Bell and his team for
working with and trusting us to bring this amazing project to reality, to our Alpha/Beta team for helping us during
testing, to our wonderfully talented and dedicated friend Andreas, and a very special thanks to Lizzie, Kate, Julian and
Eliana for putting up with our crazy all-night editing binges. ♡
Last but not least, thank you for your support. We’re proud to be making things for such a kind and talented community
of composers and musicians, and it's our users that allow us to continue doing the crazy things we do.
Much Love,
The Embertone Team
Recording Artist Joshua Bell
Instrument Production Alex Davis, Jonathan Churchill
Recording Engineer Richard King
Recording Location Avatar Studios, New York City
Artist Management David Lai, Ross Michaels
Publicity and Social Media Jane Covner, Alicia Edwards, Jonathan Miller
Programmer Andreas Lemke
Sample Editor Soundemote
Art and Graphic Design Creative Mints, Jonathan Churchill, Big Splash Design
Additional Sample Work Dustin Painter, Scott Haskin
Custom IRs, Personality EQs Ernest Cholakis, Numerical Sound
© 2019 Embertone, LLC / All Rights Reserved, ® Embertone
Joshua Bell Violin - User Manual 14
End-User License Agreement
What You Can Do
You can use these sounds in your music, your arrangements, music productions,
and live performances without worrying about royalties or permissions at all! If you
highlight our instrument in your music and want to credit us, we wouldn’t be against
that. ☺
What You Cannot Do
The Joshua Bell samples cannot be re-used in a competing product. Do not copy,
distribute, transfer, share, trade, or loan, our instrument – because it’s meant solely
for you!
The right to use the The Joshua Bell Violin is granted to the original purchaser only.
The license may be transferred, but only through Embertone directly. The Product
will only work with Native Instruments Kontakt Player 5.7.1 (and up), and is not
designed/intended for any other sampler. The sounds are licensed “as is” without
warranties of any kind.
And please read through our documentation before seeking tech support!
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