PR2chapter1 2
PR2chapter1 2
PR2chapter1 2
This research aims to look for the effect of daily allowance in the academic performance
of the Grade 11 ABM students. This will be happened by conducting a survey to the students with the survey
questions proved by the researchers about the effects of daily allowance to their academics. It hopes to
establish an understanding and it will give realization that there are significance or not between the daily
allowance and academic performances of the students. Knowing this will may be a great opportunity to have
knowledge and respond precisely to this particular matter.
Becoming a senior high school is much pressure and difficult than junior high school. More
on paper works group activities, and related projects. As a student, we are preparing and experiencing for
more expenses daily and for us to come up with the necessities. Indeed, we don’t know how to manage our
allowance and organize it as well. Budgeting our allowance is one way of showing our parents that we can be
trusted and we’re responsible enough for this. We chose this issue because each of us are interested and can
relate to this particular topic. According to (Adzhido et, al., 2016) they mentioned that the “Higher family
income may have a good contribution in academic performance, but for the responsible and serious students,
low family income must not be an excuse for poor performance.” Academic achievements carry out the
primary significance of the students in the part of education system. Whether you come from a higher or low
family, it still depends and it can’t be an excuse for having a good or bad performances. In some particular
cases with moral education orientations of students of academic success of children educational level of
parents has no relationship with student’s moral education (Santhasaran and Othman 2017). Money is
involved in our daily lives such as, many things and every situation we have.
Money is the most basic requirement of life which one cannot fulfil its basic needs in our
daily routine. Every particular individual can experience, even to see and hold particular money. What it
could be a form maybe, but people value this to sustain every day needs particularly us, as a student. 39% of
millennials worry about their financial future at least once a week.” (— Fidelity Study 2014). As we can see
millennial are worrying about their financial whether it’s for their school necessities and personal needs and
whereas it should managed along the time for its own sake. According to (Galulu et, al., 2017) student on the
other hand, learn to save allowances as they grow and recent different requirements in school as well as
things they want to buy for their own. According to (Felipe 2007) he stated that “A lot of the numbers of
students seems to wants is the “in” trend, what people are doing or using “right now.” Students have to
sources of income, either allowance from their parents or a job and students nowadays are active consumers
in terms of the money they spend. Despite of being raised, it still only more a way of living and rearing that the
parents have given their children. Giving allowances is not just for teens financial purposes only but yet it is for
variety of ways.
ABM students are good in terms of money maybe because the future works here are all
about money whether it’s for business or in the field of accounting. But, we can’t say that only ABM students
are good in money but the other strand are capable too on what the ABM students do and it depends to the
students how they’d manage their allowance. Since, this strand is good when it comes to money, we would
like to study this strand because they’ve already come up with sort of ideas about money and what behaviour
they have and if their daily allowance doesn’t affect their academic performances.
The respondents will be given a survey slip to be answered in their classrooms or any
comfortable place that the respondents will be chosen to. The researcher also gathered respondents in Grade
11 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Students. The researcher chose this place because it will
give the researchers the needed information for ABM Students. This study will be conducted at the Buting
Senior High School. It is located at A. Santos Street Brgy. Buting Pasig City. The school was built in 2016 under
the Administration Pasig City's for Mayor Robert "Bobby" C. Eusebio. The study will be conducted in the
second semester of the academic year 2019 - 2020.
Theory of relativity
The theory of relativity is connected to our study, because we as a students are also
Theory of guidance
In this theory the students must seek proper guidance from parents, teachers or friends.
Money may or may not be needed in studying depending on the students social status students should
manage their allowance properly in school finances in order for them not to fail; money can sometimes be
crucial in school projects and must be used wisely with proper guidance.