Living Your Best Year Ever PDF
Living Your Best Year Ever PDF
Living Your Best Year Ever PDF
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Also by Darren Hardy
The Compound Effect:
Multiplying Your Success. One Simple Step at a Time.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
L i v i ng You r
best year ever
A Proven System for Achieving
by Darren Hardy
Bestselling Author of The Compound Effect,
Design Your Best Year Ever and Publisher of SUCCESS magazine
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
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Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
vii. Acknowledgments
ix. Preface
xi. Introduction
1. Step One
The WHY is More Important Than the HOW
7. Step Two
Year in Review—
• Taking Inventory
11. Step Three
Foundation of Abundance—
• The Creation Process Formula
17. Step Four
Your Balance Sheet—
• Creating a Balanced Life
• Guidelines for Designing Your Goals
25. Step Five
The Grand Design—
• Goals Check: Are They ‘SMART’?
• Goals Check: Are They Balanced?
31. Step Six
The Magic Factor to Achieving Your Goals
37. Step Seven
The Magic Factor
39. Step Eight
Call to Action
45. Worksheets
Commitment Pledge
Goal Designing Worksheets
71. your achievement management system
224. Resources
226. About the Author
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
“Dream no small dreams for they have no power
to move the hearts of men.”
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
F irst, I have to give thanks to my personal-development mentor, the late Jim Rohn. You will
see his influence throughout this program. Many of the big goals I have accomplished in
my life are attributed to the inspiration and great instruction in my apprenticeship with this
incredible man.
Next, I must give thanks to the entire team at SUCCESS magazine and SUCCESS Media. While
the words and ideas found in this program are the result of a process and system I have followed
to accomplish my personal goals for two decades, they helped me formalize it into the beautifully
designed book you have in your hands.
Special thanks to the editing talent of K. Shelby Skrhak, editor, and the design
wizardry of Carl Waters, SUCCESS creative director, and Tim Kuck, graphic designer, who did all the
brilliant layout work.
Lastly, and most important, my goal-planning partner and beautiful wife, Georgia. It is her
inspiration and support that propels me to continually pursue the best within me.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
“Goal setting is the most important aspect of all
improvement and personal development plans.
Confidence is important, determination is vital,
certain personality traits contribute to success, but
they all come into focus in
goal setting.”
—Paul J. Meyer
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
H ello friend. I know you. I may not know you personally, but I know about you. I know
you want to do something great with your life. I know you want to have more, achieve
more and become more than what most everyone settles for in life. I know you have unrealized
dreams, greater aspirations and a desire to do something significant with your life.
I know this because you bought this program. You see, you and I are alike. We are achievers. Some
people are afraid of the concepts in this book. They don’t want to do more. They are afraid of having
big goals. They are afraid of stepping away from the herd of average and out of the comfort of
mediocrity. But that’s not you. YOU are the one I designed this program for.
By choosing to participate in this program, you have separated yourself from almost everyone else—
or at least the remaining 97 percent of the population that don’t give thoughtful contemplation to
their life’s desires nor chart a proper course to take their life in that direction.
Most people are more diligent about making their grocery lists than they are about designing their
lives. That is why it is so easy to get ahead in life, stand out and move ahead. Most people—97 percent
of them—couldn’t be bothered.
Sad but true… but not you. Here you are. Congratulations!
Is it that easy to step away from the herd and step ahead of everyone you work with, compete against,
live around, associate with and meet on the street? The answer is yes!
In this program, I will show you how to achieve in a few months what it takes others an entire
lifetime to achieve. If you’ve got the ambition and passion to radically redesign your future, then this
is the program for you.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Whenever I am asked the No. 1 skill that has been responsible for my success, I am quick to answer:
my ability to set, stick to and achieve big goals.
I learned the principles of goal setting when I was only 18 years old. I set an outrageous goal to earn
a six-figure income (while still attending college) before my 19th birthday. I hit that goal. Then I set
a goal to be earning a million dollars a year in just five years. I hit that goal. Then I set a goal to be
worth several millions and have my company doing more than $50 million in revenue only three
years later (age 27). I hit that goal! Needless to say, I am a big believer in the study and practice of
setting goals.
There is a reason why goal setting doesn’t really work for most people. Goal achieving is not simply
the act of writing down a list of wishes, as if it were a Christmas list, with the hope you will wake
up one morning with your goals realized. That is not how it works. There is a very specific process
for not only discerning what you really want and what is most important to you, but also the
development of a specific plan of action that will keep you motivated and accountable long enough to
see those goals and dreams come to fruition.
Over the last 20 years of my life, I have voraciously studied, practiced, tweaked and refined the
process of designing each year with the goal to make it even better than the last one, making it
the best year ever. I know it works and now I share it with you. You now hold in your hands that
formula—the very best I have learned and proven to work for achieving big, audacious and wildly
ambitious goals.
Follow this program and you too will have the formula to achieve your own great dreams, desires and
outrageously exciting goals.
Welcome. Life will never be the same again as soon as you turn the next page and get to work
with me.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
B ack during World War II, enemies torpedoed a Navy cruiser carrying more than 1,100
crewmembers. As the ship sank into the frigid water, the crew floundered in the sea for
five days. They were starving, drowning, and being attacked by sharks. The ocean current
pulled nine of the guys away, splintering off from the rest of the ranks. Seeing these men were
beginning to lose their will, a young officer started asking them about their families and lives
back home. He asked them to describe what they were going to do when they got back. He asked
them what they wanted to accomplish and what difference they wanted to make. He had them
envision how scared their spouses and children were; how their parents must feel not knowing
if they were alive. He asked them to fight to stay alive, not just for themselves but for their loved
ones back home. Finally a passing plane spotted the men in the water. Two-thirds of the 1,100
crew members perished. However, all nine inspired by that young officer lived.
This story helps illustrate the importance of vision. The Bible explains, where there is no vision, the
people perish. What is the vision for your life? It needs to be bigger than yourself. What are you
willing to fight for; who are you willing to fight for; or rather… live for?
My name is Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS magazine. In this book, I will help you answer
some life-changing questions: What’s your grander purpose in life? What really motivates and ignites
your passion? What will keep that passion burning long enough for you to achieve your wildest, most
outrageous goals?
Do you remember all the big dreams you had when you were younger—dreams so exciting that you
could barely wait to grow up so you could pursue those grand dreams? You had those dreams for a
reason—your inner potential was casting a vision of what is possible for you. Somewhere along the
travels, trials and tribulations of life you may have forgotten your dreams, got distracted, or believed
other people who’d lost their dream that yours wasn’t possible either.
I want to help you rekindle those dreams and show you they’re not only possible, but attainable. We’ll
build the path that will lead you directly and expeditiously to them.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Reminds me of the story about a large, majestic mountainside where a fragile eagle’s nest rested. The
eagle’s nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one
of the eggs to tumble down the mountain to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. By instinct
the chickens knew they must protect and care for the egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture the
large egg.
One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. But the eagle was raised to be a chicken.
Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family,
but his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm with some of his chicken friends
one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies.
“Oh,” the eagle cried, “I wish I could soar like those birds.” The chickens roared with laughter, “You
cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do
not soar.”
The eagle continued staring, at his real family up above, dreaming that he could be with them. Each
time the eagle would let his dreams be known, he was told it couldn’t be done. The eagle, after time,
stopped dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. Finally, after a long life as a chicken,
the eagle died—a chicken.
What’s the moral of the story? If you listen to the chickens around you, you’ll live and die like
them—a chicken. Inside you is that eagle. How do I know? You wouldn’t have picked up this book
if something inside you didn’t connect to it. This is your call to soar. You are an eagle. It is time to
follow YOUR dreams and not the words of chickens.
NOW is your time. Now is YOUR time to soar. I’m a believer that things happen for a reason and
there aren’t any “accidents.” This is your opportunity; this is your time; this is your chance… but it is
up to YOU to get the hint and answer the call.
Are you living the life you envisioned for yourself? Are you where you thought you would be by
now? Did you think you would be richer and healthier, have a better intimate relationship and more
friends, experience more joy and have more peace of mind than you do now?
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
I want to help you rekindle those dreams and show you they’re not only possible, but attainable. We’ll
build the path that will lead you directly and expeditiously to them.
You’ve probably heard the definition of insanity—doing the same things over and over and expecting
different results. If you want this year to be different than last year, then now is the time to do
something different.
No matter what your past has been, you have a spotless future.
Humans are unique. We are the only species who can completely change the course of our lives. Ants
can’t do it; alligators can’t and lions can’t either. If a goose wanted to fly west instead of south for the
winter, it couldn’t. Animals are directed entirely by impulse written into their genetic code. But we
are different. As a human, if you don’t like the story of your life thus far, you can rip up the script and
write a completely new one.
Ask anyone who has achieved great success in life; they all had a defining turning point, a time
when they made a clear and resolute decision that from that moment forward, their life would
never be the same. They drew a figurative line in the sand and separated the patterns of their past
from their new vision of themselves and the life they were committed to leading. Some make that
turning point at age 15, some not until they’re 50; some do it several times throughout their lives
and some never at all.
This year, this month, this day, this moment—what you have accomplished so far is only a fraction of
what’s truly possible for you. You are far more powerful, capable and gifted than you allow yourself
to be. The only thing separating you from your grandest vision of your life is courage. Muster the
courage to declare that right now, this year is your turning point.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Make a decision. When the clock strikes midnight next year, you’ll be able to look back at this
moment and this year as your pivotal turning point for the dream life you will be enjoying.
Each step of this program will be a new layer to the cake. It’s important you complete each step of the
process before moving to the next. If you add frosting before the cake is done, it will get messy. So
will your plan.
Now let me warn you. You might be excited and committed to designing your best year ever, but life
will soon get in the way. You’ll need to consciously force yourself to carve out time to do this, then
stay committed to the weekly Achievement Management System (AMS).
This IS the master skill for success, so if you don’t do the work, you won’t get the results. I can’t tell
it to you any simpler than that. Don’t miss this process then complain how your life isn’t working
out how you thought it would. This is it, but you have to do the work. Stick with me. It’s simple and
relatively easy to do—it is certainly easier than making excuses why you are not living up to the
potential you were given and still living in the pain of discontent.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Step ONE
A s you will learn throughout this program, it is always more important to know why to do
something than how. Oftentimes, the how is laborious, tedious or even frustrating. If there
is not a compelling enough reason why, then you’re not likely to persevere through the how. So
before we go through the labor of designing your best year ever, let me start off by explaining
why you should set goals in the first place.
When I attended the funeral of another mentor of mine, Paul J. Meyer, I was reminded how full,
rich and diverse a life he led. He achieved, experienced and contributed more in one lifetime than
the lives of 20 combined. Reading his obituary made me reassess the speed, quantity and sheer size
of my goals.
If Paul were here, he would tell you the reason for the quality and quantity of his successes came
down to two skills: setting and staying committed to big goals. In fact, he wrote one of the first
programs on the topic called the “Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting.” A couple of ideas I will
share with you come from my studies and practices of that program.
People often ask me what common traits I observe as I interview and get to know many of today’s
superachievers. My answer is quick because those commonalities are shared by nearly 100 percent
of them. The two strategies used by almost all great achievers are:
1. An unyielding commitment to constant learning; and
2. Clearly written goals that have specific plans laid out to achieve them
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
2 Living Your Best Year Ever
So, here’s a question for you: If you knew that devoting a few hours could multiply the results
you’re getting in your life tenfold over the results your peers or competitors are getting and ten
times more than what you’d achieve without defining your goals on paper—would you do it?
Would it be worth it? Easy answer, but it’s easier said than done.
Let me outline the compelling advantages that having clearly designed goals gives you.
No matter your background, education or current level of success, if you master the skills and
process I’ll show you, you can instantly gain a speedy advantage over everyone else around you.
You can access more of the grand potential within yourself and achieve more in a year than others
could accomplish in their entire lifetimes. You can achieve vastly more in a shorter period than
you ever imagined.
I have seen many people with average intelligence run circles around the supposed geniuses. The
one who learns the skills of effective goal-setting and achieving will become far more wealthy,
successful and happy than many geniuses who don’t even know what they really want!
Put it this way: A genius will still get lost in a foreign country without a map. Even a numskull will
arrive at the destination faster if they have a clear destination and follow a map. HAVE A MAP of
where you want to go.
Here is an example of how goals give you direction and speed: three boys out hiking came to an
open field. They decided to have a contest to see who could walk the straightest line. The first two
boys studied each step, carefully putting one foot in front of the other. When they looked up they
could see they had zigzagged or arched off in one direction or the other. The third boy walked
a perfectly straight line and did it with much more speed. How did he do it? He kept his eyes
focused on a single tree in the distance and simply walked directly toward it. While most people
may be paying attention to what they are doing or where they are going day to day, it is only when
you have goals set out on the horizon that you can directly and expeditiously advance your life in
that direction.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step one 3
Learning to set goals is the master skill of success. Without goals your life is like a boat without a
rudder. You drift along with the current, inevitably crashing onto the rocks time and time again.
Proper goal-setting puts you in a speedboat and gives you a target to steer toward. You will go
directly to your destination and arrive with great speed.
Have you tried before and failed? After your initial excitement to make a change has faded, have
you found it difficult to stay motivated long enough to see your goal through? Not to worry. This
time can be different. This time I will help you find your unconquerable inner power, drive and
unrelenting passion. No, it’s not your willpower. It’s your “Why Power.” This kind of power will
drive you to move mountains, swim oceans and walk through fire to accomplish your goals.
Let me pull an excerpt from my book The Compound Effect: Multiplying Your Results. One Simple
Step at a Time to make this clear.
If I put a 10-inch-wide, 30-foot-long plank on the ground and say, “If you
walk the length of the plank, I’ll give you $20,” would you do it? Of course, it’s
an easy twenty bucks. But what if I took that same plank and made a rooftop
“bridge” between two tall buildings? For the same $20, would you walk across
that sky-high plank? Probably not.
However, what if your child was on the opposite building, and that building
was on fire and the flames were licking at her neck. If you didn’t go across she
would certainly perish. Would you walk across that plank to save her? Likely,
your answer would be, “Absolutely and immediately!”
Why is it that the first time I asked you to cross that sky-high plank, you said
no way, yet, the second time you wouldn’t hesitate? The risks and the dangers
are the same. What changed? Your “why” changed—your reason for wanting
to do it. You see, when the reason is big enough, you will be willing to perform
almost anything.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
4 Living Your Best Year Ever
Here’s a story to help illustrate this. In the Andes Mountains, there were two warring tribes that
not-so-peacefully co-existed—one that lived in the lowlands and the other, high in the mountains.
One day, the mountain people invaded the lowlanders plundering and kidnapping a baby from the
village. They vanished with the child and took her back up into the mountains.
The lowlanders—pushed to action at the disappearance of one of their own—didn’t know how to
climb the mountain. They didn’t know any of the trails that the mountain people used, and they
didn’t know where to find the mountain people or how to track them in the steep terrain.
Even so, they sent out their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and bring the
baby home.
The men first tried one method of climbing and then another. They tried one trail and then
another. After several days of effort, however, they had climbed only a few hundred feet.
Feeling hopeless and helpless, the lowlander men decided that the cause was lost, and they
prepared to return to their village below.
As they were packing their gear for the descent, they saw the baby’s mother walking toward them.
They realized that she was coming down the mountain that they hadn’t figured out how to climb.
They saw that she had the baby strapped to her back. How could that be?
One man greeted her and said, “We couldn’t climb this mountain. How did you do this when we,
the strongest and most able men in the village, couldn’t do it?”
She looked intently at them and said, “It wasn’t your baby.”
The power of your why is what motivates you through the grueling, mundane and laborious tasks.
All of the hows in life will be meaningless until your whys are powerful enough. Until you’ve set
your desire and motivation in place, you’ll abandon any new path you seek to better your life. If
your “Why Power”—your desire—isn’t great enough and the fortitude of your commitment isn’t
powerful enough, then you’ll end up like every other person who makes a New Year’s resolution
and gives up too quickly and reverts to living a life of ho-hum mediocrity. Not you, not anymore.
The person who has a clear, compelling and white-hot burning reason why will always defeat the
best of the best at doing the how. We see this reality played out repeatedly. It’s where greatness and
extraordinary achievement comes from.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step one 5
It’s time we unlock that deep-seated passion and embolden you with the indomitable power and
fortitude of your “Why Power.” This program will give you the keys to unlock it.
Let me reveal the mystery ‘secret’ of goal-setting. You only see, experience and get what you look
for. If you don’t know what to look for, you certainly won’t get it.
By our very nature, we are goal-seeking creatures. Your brain tries to align your outer world with
what you are seeing and expecting in your inner world. When you instruct your brain to look for
the things you want, you will begin to see them. In fact, the object of your desire has probably
always existed all around you, but your mind and eyes weren’t open to it.
This is actually how the Law of Attraction really works. It is not some mysterious, esoteric voodoo,
as it sometimes is described. It’s far simpler and more practical than that.
We are surrounded by billions of visual, audio and physical messages each day. To keep ourselves
from going insane, we ignore 99.9 percent of them. You only really see, hear or experience those
you focus your mind on.
Make sense? It’s not mysterious at all; it’s actually quite logical. Whatever your mind is thinking on
the inside is what it will pay attention to on the outside. All of a sudden, you ‘see’ it.
Did you ever start car shopping and then you started to see the model and make of that car
everywhere? Seems like there are tons of them on the street all of a sudden. More likely, they have
been there all along, but you weren’t paying attention to them. Thus they didn’t really ‘exist’ to
you before.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
6 Living Your Best Year Ever
When you define your goals, you give your brain something to focus on and look for. You give
your mind a new set of eyes to see all the people, circumstances, conversations, resources and
ideas. They help you go about matching up the outside with what you want on the inside—in other
words, your goal. It is that simple, but the difference in how you see, experience and ‘draw’ ideas,
people and experiences into your life after you have clearly defined your goals is profound.
Through this program I will guide you through all the potential pitfalls to ensure you have the
precise formula for achieving the boldest goals and wildest ambitions you can dream up! So, take
a moment right now to look in the mirror and say goodbye to your old self. Life will never be the
same starting today.
I will warn you now, though. If you are going to take this journey with me, you will need to
be serious. Be serious about significantly changing the trajectory of your life. Be serious about
wanting to access your great, but maybe mostly dormant, potential and set it free. Be serious about
challenging old thought and behavior patterns and declaring new choices. Now is the time to
establish new behaviors, build new skills and take bold, new actions to realize your great
goals today!
Are you up for the challenge? If you are serious and ready to commit to this process, I promise
you it will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make for your life’s success. I can
personally testify to this.
Action Item ➥
on page Make your commitment now by signing the
45 COMMITMENT PLEDGE enclosed in the book.
Being committed is like being pregnant: You either are or
you aren’t.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Step TWO
Year In Review
H istory often repeats itself. Why you quit your first diet is likely why you’ll quit your next
one. The communication problems from your first marriage will likely surface in your
second. The New Year’s resolution you failed to complete last year will likely be your resolution
this year. But how do you avoid making the same mistakes? Learn from your past successes
and failures.
Here is an excerpt from my feature article in the January 2010 issue of SUCCESS magazine: “Why
Goal Setting Doesn’t Work” on five reasons why most people fail to reach their goals.
2. Clear as Mud
Your goals have to be crystal clear. You have to give clear instructions to your brain in order for it
to see and ‘draw’ into your life what you need to accomplish your goals. Just like the combination
on a lock, the digits in a phone number or an ATM code, if the instructions are off by only one
digit, they won’t work.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
8 Living Your Best Year Ever
3. All Talk
Proclaiming your goal is just the starting point. Now you have to actually draw a map for exactly
how you are going to get there and define the resources you’ll need to arrive safely.
5. Lack of Reinforcements
And don’t forget the support and guidance of people and resources you will need along the way.
Before marching blindly into the next year, the first, and most important, activity is to take a look
back at the year just finished. Take an inventory, add it all up and see how you did.
In this section, we’ll learn how to examine your past successes and failures through an important
process I learned in life called “Plan, Do, Review and Improve.”
What were your successes, and where did you come up short? What has worked, what didn’t?
Which were good decisions, which were bad? It’s important to learn the lessons of life quickly or
you will be apt to repeat them. The smack in the head gets harder, and tuition for the lesson gets
steeper each time. So it’s better (and less painful!) to learn each lesson the first time.
The process of Plan, Do, Review and Improve will help ensure that you get the intended lesson and
schedule the necessary improvements to triumph in the next round.
The process is a simple one. First, you make a Plan or set goals. (Not planning is a plan, too—just
a bad one.) Next, you Do or execute. Then, you assess how you did in Review. In the review stage,
you measure your accomplishment, counting your wins and losses. Then finally, make necessary
adjustments to Improve.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step two 9
Here’s a quick tip: When doing my yearly review, I keep last year’s calendar, photo
albums and online photo storage service handy to help jog my memory of all the
events and activities of the past year.
We will review the entire year, so start thinking. What were the 10 best things that happened
to you or your family last year? Your answers could be that you purchased a home, had a child,
got promoted or started building your own business. There’s no right or wrong answer. Just the
honest truth. And yes, you have 10. They may not spring to mind all at once, but think of 10 great
happenings in your life.
Continue your inventory, thinking of your greatest accomplishments, the lessons learned, the
personal-development tenets you’ve employed and the smartest decision you made last year. Skip
this step, and you might not even realize you are off course until too much time has passed, too
many resources have been spent, and your life is on the rocks.
Action Item ➥
on page Complete the Year in Review worksheet in the
46 index so you can get on your way to Plan, Do, Review,
and Improve.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Foundation of Abundance
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end
up having more. If you concentrate on what
you don’t have, you will never, ever have
—Oprah Winfrey
I ’m here to tell you, there is one thought that can change your life.
This one thought can:
• Create great wealth
• Bolster your health and keep disease at bay
• Unlock your greatest potential
• Forge and fortify deep abiding love
• Inspire great joy to the point of bliss
Of all the thoughts you experience and control, there is one that can profoundly transform your
life on a daily basis—Gratitude. Realizing what you already have is an important step to creating
your goals for what you want.
We get out of life what we create. Simple enough, right? We are all creative beings. We all arrive the
same—naked, vulnerable and ignorant. What becomes of our lives from that point forward is what
we create for ourselves.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
12 Living Your Best Year Ever
INPUT thought
Expectation create
Life results
So what drives and determines our creation process?
In a word, expectation. You may have heard the saying, “Expectation manifests into creation.” Thus,
expectation determines what we create in our lives.
So what then are we expecting? Why does one person have a different expectation for life than
another? It’s our thoughts that drive our expectations. Whatever we’re thinking about becomes our
expectation of what will happen. Good or bad, our thoughts have a powerful effect on our lives.
This is why many of the great self-improvement books have focused on the power of thoughts:
Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Positive Thinking, As a Man Thinketh, The Magic of Thinking
Big, etc.
During the goal-setting process, you can actually turn this creative process against you. As you
design the life you want, you will be fixated on the life you don’t have. You will focus on all you
don’t have, what you haven’t accomplished and all that you are not, yet. While you need to have
a vision for where you want to go and who you want to become, it is critical to first get centered,
grounded and affirmed with the abundance you already possess. You want your mind and creative
process fixed on abundance. An abundance mindset comes from realizing and appreciating all that
you already have and all that you already are.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step three 13
We can stop the natural, negative doubts deep inside our minds by redirecting them toward
abundance. This simple shift can change your world and all that you can create in it. An attitude of
gratitude adjusts your mind to focus on the positive. Thus, you’ll see, discover and create more of
the same, experiencing more abundance, prosperity, well-being, love, joy and happiness.
Research has proven that practicing gratitude improves our emotional and physical well-being,
reduces stress, worry, fear, anxiety and the conditions closely associated with these emotions such
as high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, and immune system deficiencies. Gratitude can
save and prolong your life.
I loved what SUCCESS cover personality Joel Osteen said in my interview with him. He said our
romantic partners usually fulfill only about 80 percent of our needs. Most people, however, focus
on the 20 percent that’s missing. Thus, they ultimately become unhappy and unfulfilled. Sadly,
many people will leave their relationships to find that 20 percent in someone else. What they
find is that “new” person will also fulfill only about 80 percent of their needs as well—they’re just
different needs and expectations from their last partner.
The key is to focus on the 80 percent that is right, wonderful and beautiful about your partner and
your relationship. Your positive perspective will change how you behave, interact with and support
your partner, and your partner will respond to this more positive behavior in kind. Gratitude can
build and deepen your relationships.
When you see the glass half-full versus half-empty, you will start to see the abundance of water all
around you. When you attune your mind to abundance, you will start to develop new ideas, and
see the opportunity and potential all around you. Your positive outlook will change how you walk,
talk and interact in the world. Other influential and resourceful “birds of a feather” will also see
the commonality and flock to you. Gratitude can make you wealthy.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
14 Living Your Best Year Ever
Gratitude Is a Choice
It can become a positive habit—but only with discipline. With continued exercise, practicing
gratitude will create more abundance, prosperity, well-being, and happiness than you ever thought
In order to create abundance you must first acknowledge and appreciate the abundance you
already have. If you operate from what you lack, you will continue to produce outcomes to match
To turn this around, start thinking about the great abundance you already possess. This attitude or
mindset will now attract more of itself into your life. Your external life will begin to mirror your
new internal one.
I know the power of gratitude. So, to help calibrate my creative “attraction magnets,” I start my
New Year’s goal writing by first reminding myself of what I am already grateful for.
Sometimes, we get so focused on the goal ahead, that we don’t see what we already have
beside us.
Review the many blessings in your life and expose areas in your life that are wealthy, abundant and
prosperous. Concentrate on the abundance you already possess and you’ll find it easier to focus on
what’s possible and what you can accomplish, versus what you lack and what you have failed to get
thus far. With such a positive look at the past, you will be able to turn toward the future with arms
wide open—ready and willing to receive all of the blessings yet to come.
Remember, like attracts like. An abundance state of mind will be the proper workshop for your
inner creative genius to work its magic.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step three 15
Action Item ➥
on page In the gratitude worksheet, I will help you
48 recognize what blessings you already possess, but it’s
important to understand this exercise isn’t a once-a-year
activity. Recognizing your abundance should happen often.
Incorporate this into your routine as an everyday activity. It’s as
important as brushing your teeth or taking a breath, and it should
be just as automatic.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
B efore we charge forward in declaring bold goals and charting a course to get you there, let’s
get a clear idea of where you are now and what areas you want to improve and maybe some
that you need to. This is a crucially important step for two reasons:
We often see people who have become successful in one area of life, but are utter disasters in
many other areas. Tabloids are full of this kind of drama, with headlines of bitter divorces,
drunken driving arrests, family feuds, racist rants, bulimia, drug rehab, depression and suicide
attempts. Many of these same people, the ones many Americans idolize, are some of the most
unhappy, insecure and depressed people you will find. Why? Their focus on succeeding in one
area of life created a great imbalance with the other areas.
Someone shared with me an incredibly poignant distinction once that changed my entire
orientation to goal setting and how I prioritize my energies and efforts. He said, before you build
your business plan, build your life plan.
Figure out what kind of life you want to have first—where you want to live, what type of people
you want to surround yourself with. Do you want to work nights and weekends? Do you want to
travel? How much and where? Do you want to be home for dinner every night? Do you want a
short commute? What type of environment do you want to go to each day and how do you want to
dress? Ask yourself these questions.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
18 Living Your Best Year Ever
Then build your business or professional plan around those criteria. Make your business plan fit
your life plan, not the other way around.
Most of us have done exactly the opposite—we build our business plan first, outlining all our big
goals, plans and ambitions, then figure out how to fit our life around that (usually sacrificing our
social and family life in the process). Soon we reach the end of our lives and find out we paid too
high a price of what was most valuable in life for too little.
Don’t let that happen to you. By opening this book, you’re trying to find the right balance for you
and your life’s desires.
Action Item ➥
on pages Complete the LIFE ASSESSMENT and WHEEL OF LIFE
49-55 worksheets in the index and let’s see where you are now.
There are no wrong answers. There is no grade, no rating,
not even an interpretation of your responses other than
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step four 19
There are many trapdoors people fall through when setting goals that can render their goals
ineffective, or even counterproductive. Let me lift the lid on these trapdoors so you don’t fall
in them.
2. Suspend Reality
Pretend it is only a game; play in fantasy for a while. Let the giant that lies dormant inside you out
to play. If you had every skill, resource or ability in the world, what would you do? What would
you set out to accomplish? Don’t filter, qualify or judge.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
20 Living Your Best Year Ever
Remember, do not prejudge your ability or worthiness to have and achieve whatever your mind
conceives. Let your thoughts flow.
Are you feeling uneasy already? Understand you are not committing yourself to everything, or
anything, you write down at first. You are brainstorming, letting your imagination take a stroll.
There will be time to separate out the outrageous and absurd, but to start, just play with reckless
abandon. If a genie popped out of a lamp and could grant you 10 wishes in every one of these
categories, what would you write down? Go for it!
3. Go BIG
Average people with meager beginnings who have risen to become extraordinary, world-changing
achievers have proved it countless times: Anything you can clearly visualize and genuinely desire is
within the realm of possibility for you.
Your mind doesn’t care about the size of your goals. If you set little goals you’ll achieve little goals;
if you set big goals you can achieve big goals. And for the most part it takes just as much time,
energy and life force to achieve big goals as it does little ones. Go BIG!
Here is what Laird Hamilton, American big wave surfer, had to say about going big when we sat
down with him at SUCCESS: “All of us are capable of setting up our dreams as lofty and as high as
our imaginations can bring us. When you lack imagination, it’s difficult to create a goal. You have to
dream, and you have to have some imagination to say, ‘Here’s a big goal, now let’s go conquer it.’ ”
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step four 21
We have been given great promise, which requires very little from you… only to ask. As Scripture
says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Give yourself permission to dream big and risk big. What would you go for if you knew success
was guaranteed? If you could write the script for your character’s role in life—and it could be
anything—what role would you write for yourself? What’s your secret ambition? What have you
always wanted to do, have, be, experience, but have been too afraid?
What is your BHAG? Your Big Hairy Audacious Goal. What is that one thing that even the
thought of it makes your palms sweat a little?
You are called for greatness. Answer the call. Expect greatness from yourself. Your responsibility is
to live out your greatest potential and be the best you possibly can be. Right here, right now.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
If you write a goal like, “I want to be a millionaire,” your creative energy will focus only on that
goal—the wanting of being a millionaire. If you say, “I am a millionaire by December 31, next year,”
your creative power will go to work on producing what you have declared to be true.
All it will do is frustrate you and give you the illusion that you are a failure who is not capable.
When in actuality you successfully avoided (didn’t achieve) what your inner spirit didn’t really
want anyway.
A good enemy gives you a reason to fight. It pushes you to reach deep and exercise your skills,
talents and abilities to their fullest. Having to fight challenges your character and resolve. It’s great
So I challenge you with this thought: What are you willing to fight for? What do
you see as an enemy to your industry, your family, your community or your world?
Find your enemy and let that image stir your blood, have you dig a little deeper, go a little longer
and fight a lot harder.
I love the challenge Martin Luther King Jr. gave us. He said, “If you haven’t found something you
are willing to die for, you aren’t fit to live.”
What are you willing to cross a 100-story sky-high plank for? What are you willing to work day
and night for? What are you willing to die for… so essentially, you can really live? Answer that
single question and this entire program will have been the most important program you ever read
or listened to. Find your fight.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
24 Living Your Best Year Ever
One day, the owner (finally) felt sorry for the dog, so he decided to let him off the leash. Instead of
removing the entire leash, however, the owner simply unfastened the leash from the tree but the
collar remained around the dog’s neck. The owner thought the dog would take off running, happy
and free.
When another dog came along, sure enough, the little dog got up and took off running. Much to
his surprise, when the little dog got to where the leash would have ended, the dog stopped dead
right where he always had. The little dog was free; he just didn’t realize it.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually,
who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the
world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel
insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically
liberates others.”
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
A re you ready?
Ready to write (and right) your future?
Ready to be bold, dream big and put it (your aspirations) on the line (literally)?
This is actually the easy part. You knew about goal setting before this course—how to make a list of
what you want to accomplish in the year ahead.
The difficult part has been the process we have gone through to get here. We’ve talked about why
setting goals is important. We’ve reviewed previous setbacks and accomplishments, and we’ve
turned on the miracle magnet of the attitude of gratitude. We’ve figured out who you really are,
what matters most to you in life and assessed how you’ve spent your time up to now. And soon,
we’ll outline the exact formula for Living Your Best Year Ever.
Action Item ➥
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
26 Living Your Best Year Ever
A specific goal is well-defined, something that would be clear to anyone else.
Not specific: Become debt free.
Specific: Shred my credit cards and pay off $27,000 in bills and $33,000 in student loans.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step five 27
This is where you quantify your objectives so you can measure your achievements against them.
When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the
exhilaration of achievement. That spurs you on to the continued effort required to reach your goal.
To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as: How much? How many? How will I
know when it is accomplished?
Not measurable: Get fit.
Measurable: Lose 25 pounds, have a BMI of 20, have cholesterol of less than 200 mg/dL, run
5 miles regularly.
This is the time to pull your head out of the clouds and put your feet back on the ground. The
ground may be significantly elevated, but it’s solid ground nonetheless. You can’t have world
peace tomorrow, solve hunger this month or become a millionaire in a year if that is 20 times
your current net worth. Your goals need to stretch you, push you to go farther and faster than
you ever thought possible. At the same time, you don’t want them to debilitate you if they’re not
really possible, even if you operated at your highest and best for the duration. Don’t rely on any
extraordinary external luck for you to reach your goal. What could you do to control the outcome
if you played at a world-class level?
This is one of the most important criteria to scrub against. Are the goals you set in alignment with
your core values, who you are and what’s really most important to you in life? Do they align with
your mission and support the vision you have for your life? You want to be sure the direction in
which you focus your creative capacity is the same as what is truly most important to you, your life
and the legacy you intend to leave. If not, reconsider.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
28 Living Your Best Year Ever
T—Time Sensitive.
You think, act and react with the urgency and appropriate energy defined by the task. Just as your
muscles prepare one way as you stoop over to pick up the morning paper and react in an entirely
different manner when you bend over to pick up a 100-pound barbell, so does your mind. It
prepares your body and attitudes for responding appropriately to the deadlines you set for yourself.
Deadlines create a challenge, and you will inherently respond to the challenge. In sports, the
tension mounts as time runs out. The most exciting plays are often in the last few minutes,
especially if it is a close game, because people respond in dramatic fashion to the challenge
of deadlines.
Now look back at your goals and be sure they represent each area of your life in a balanced way.
The grand goal is whole-life success—success, by your definition, in every area of your life.
Your goals become the road map by which you navigate the direction of your life. Before you
begin the journey toward your new goals, take a step back to gain proper perspective on exactly
where you are going. Too often you see people focusing exclusively on one area of their lives at the
sacrifice of other areas.
Have you ever seen a guy who has giant arms but skinny legs? Looks a bit ridiculous, right? That’s
how many people’s lives look. Too much focus in one area and not enough in another.
We all pity the man who has a big house on the hill filled with expensive cars and trinkets, yet no
one to share them with.
Gossip magazines demonstrate this principle daily. We see people who have become successful in
one area of life, but are utter failures in many other areas.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step five 29
Many of these same people, the ones glorified on magazine racks in our grocery aisles, are also
some of the most unhappy, insecure and depressed people you will find. Why? Their focus on the
one area of life created a great imbalance with the other areas.
Be wary of the price you pay to achieve the prize you seek. Some prizes might cost too much…
and that might be realized only after a heavy payment has been made.
Now that you have completed the goal-development process, it is important to check the Wheel
of Life to ensure you’re directing your life in a balanced manner. First, fill in where you are on
the Wheel of Life now (Completed in Step 4 WHEEL OF LIFE). Then, in different ink, chart the
current emphasis of your new goals on the Wheel in each category.
Let me give you an example. I recently helped a friend with his goals and this is how he started:
(See Fig. A)
Then when we mapped where he had focused his goals, this is how it came out: (See Fig. B)
P ❏
P ❏
P ❏
❏ M ❏ M
(Fig. A) (Fig. B)
You can see the danger here for him if he doesn’t adjust his goals. What good will achieving his
financial and professional goals be without the health to enjoy it? And if, ultimately, he gets his
finances reduced by half, it will be because he neglected his marriage, not to mention the mental
and spiritual bankruptcy he could face?
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
30 Living Your Best Year Ever
I have seen many cases on the opposite side of imbalance as well, and that is just as problematic:
A man who is fervently committed to his church, loves his wife and kids, but eats too many
donuts that shorten his life and he doesn’t give enough attention to succeeding in the marketplace,
unnecessarily burdening his family with stress and financial hardship.
Or there is the gym rat or the supermodel who is fanatically committed when it comes to their
health, but they have a hard time holding an intelligent conversation because they neglect their
personal development on the inside.
Now, if necessary, adjust your goals so they are balanced. Be sure you are giving appropriate
attention all critical areas of your life. The ambition of one goal might need to be pulled back a bit
to devote more time to another area to create a more balanced wheel. The ultimate goal is to live
whole and roll easily to the top!
True achievement and life fulfillment happens when you have success at home, in the marketplace
and with the triad of your being—body, mind and spirit.
Action Item ➥
on page In the Banner Goals section of the Grand Design,
60 focus on the most important and valuable priorities of
your life. Sometimes we pursue too much and achieve too
little. As the wise adage explains, “The man who chases two
rabbits catches neither.”
Let’s prioritize your goals into the top three goals for the year.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Step six
W hat is the “magic factor”? It’s the factor for turning goal setting into goal achieving. This is
how goals are achieved rather than just conceived.
When I ask someone what they want to improve, they say, “I want to make more money”, “My
marriage is unhappy” or “I need to lose weight.”
But these are simply symptoms of the problem. The cause of the problem is you—and this is one
of the most sobering understandings you will reach as you work for your goals. No matter what it
is you want to change—your marriage, your financial situation, your weight—you’ll never achieve
lasting change until YOU change. Once YOU improve, everything else around you will improve.
When it comes to achieving your goals, remember it is not your goals that need to be worked on;
it is YOU.
It’s important to understand that you don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are.
You will only achieve the level of success in your life that equals your level of self-worth. But the
human tendency is to engage in the study of effects, while giving little attention to the cause.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
32 Living Your Best Year Ever
I see this travesty played out every day. People complain about their terrible marriage, and so they
leave it. Oddly enough, they end up with similar problems in the next relationship. Why? They left
the relationship, but they took themselves with them. They didn’t address the real problem. The same
set of circumstances and patterns of behavior will create the same outcome, over and over again.
This is the most important personal development distinction you can come to realize. It (health,
marriage, money, career, etc.) is not the issue; the issue is YOU. It will only be as great as you are.
If you work on it, it will continue to elude you. If you work on you, it will rise to the level of the
new you.
Let me explain further. Your self-identity works like a thermostat. Just as a thermostat has a set
point, so do you. That’s your average, everyday level of self-worth. With this analogy, no matter
what temperature fluctuations occur, the thermostat will bring the room back to the set point. If
it’s too cold in the room, the thermostat will turn on the heat to bring it back to the set point. If it
is too hot, the air conditioner will kick on to bring it back to the set point.
This is true of our lives. We all have our self-worth as a set point. If you view yourself as a low-
worth individual, you have a very low set point. If you value yourself highly, your set point is high.
As such, you will never make more money, be healthier or have better relationships greater than
your set point.
If your relationships, wealth or health suddenly spike, your inner thermostat gets uncomfortable
and will bring you back down to your comfort level (psychologists would call this self-sabotage).
Ever feel uncomfortable in a relationship because things seem to be going “too well”? You’re
looking for something in that person to criticize because you don’t actually believe true love and
happiness could exist within this person, who is with you.
This is why many mega-jackpot lottery winners lose it all and end up where they were financially
before they came into the windfall. Their monetary wealth was far above their self-worth set
point, so, subconsciously, their “thermostat” kicked in and brought their temperature down to a
comfortable set-point. (See Fig. 1.)
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step six 33
This is also why people who make a goal of losing weight begin a diet, lose the weight they want
but end up fluctuating back to the same weight or more than when they started. Why? Because
they temporarily lost the weight, but didn’t change their set point. So their internal thermostat
kicks in and they end up exactly where they started, or worse. (See Fig. 2.)
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
34 Living Your Best Year Ever
Weird, huh? That’s how it works. You can only have, be or do what you feel you are worthy of.
The key is to raise your set point, or self-worth, self-esteem, mindset, attitude, philosophy and
character. When those get raised, everything in your life will be raised with them.
Typically, the first thought that comes to mind after writing down a goal is, What do I need to do to
accomplish this? That, unfortunately, is not the right question to ask.
I want to tell you about a day that changed my life, in the hope that it’ll do the same for you now.
That life-changing day was in November 1994—the day I met the man who would become my
personal mentor, Mr. Jim Rohn. I wasn’t at the event to meet or hear Jim. I was there to meet the
promoters of the event. I needed to wait until the event was over to do that, so I sat down and
listened to this willowy gray-haired man, with the most fascinating voice and intonations lecture
about the principles of success.
What he said riveted me. Jim Rohn asked the audience, “How many people want to have more?”
I thought, Yes! I want more… success, money, a better body, more companionship, etc., and awaited
the instructions of what to do.
By that point in life, I had experienced moderate success already, but I had done it through sheer
brute force. I was aggressive and just outworked, out-failed and out-persisted everyone else to grab
my achievements. I did it by doing. But what Jim said next would multiply my income, my goal
achievement and my results… and it wasn’t by doing.
Jim continued: “If you want to have more… you have to BECOME more. Success is not a doing
process; it is a becoming process. What you do, what you pursue, will elude you—it can be like
chasing butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become.” Wow I thought.
This was the first time I had heard this twist of perspective, insight and wisdom.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step six 35
“For things to improve, you have to improve. For things to get better, you have to get better. For
things to change, you have to change. When you change, everything changes for you.”
WOW! Those words were the keys to the kingdom for me and they launched me on my constant,
unrelenting and never-ending journey of continuous personal development.
And he was right. The next year I tripled my income to seven figures a year and within four years
was a self-made multimillionaire. And I wasn’t doing any more than I had before I met Jim. My
doing wasn’t different, but the who was doing it was different… and that made all the difference in
the world.
I invite you on such a journey—the journey of continuous personal development. If you want
more in life, this is the yellow brick road to getting there.
Let me give you an example of how this radical approach to achieving your goals works.
When I was single and ready to find my wife and get married, I wrote out a description of my perfect
woman. I handwrote 40 pages describing my wife-to-be in great detail—her personality, character,
key attributes, attitudes and philosophies about life, interests, even what kind of family she’d come
from, and of course her physical features down to the texture of her hair. I was so incredibly detailed.
I wrote in-depth about what our life would be like and what we’d do together.
I had a goal that was specific, measureable, attainable (I hoped!), relevant and time-sensitive—all the
traits of a well-written goal.
Most would ask, “What do I have to DO to find this girl?” But if I had asked that, I might still be
on that butterfly chase. Jim Rohn’s lecture rang in my head: “Success is not something you pursue.
What you pursue eludes you. Success is something you attract by the person you become. If you
want to have more, you must become more.”
So I looked back at my list and asked myself two important questions first: Do I have all the
attributes I expect in this smart and successful woman? Yowza! That was a totally different way of
looking at this.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
36 Living Your Best Year Ever
My second question was: What kind of man would this incredible woman be looking for? Who do I
need to become to be attractive to a woman of this substance? Uh-oh, I thought. Yet, there was the
I detailed all the traits, qualities, behaviors and characteristics I needed to become to attract this
great woman. I filled up 40 more pages describing who I needed to become. Then I went to work
on cultivating those qualities.
Guess what? It worked! As if she was peeled off the pages of my journal and appeared in front of
me, my wife is exactly what I described, in almost eerie detail. The key was to understand who I
needed to be to attract and keep a woman of her caliber, and doing the work to achieve that.
Before you can have, you must do. And before you can do, you must become. Are you ready to
become the person who can achieve your goals?
TIP: Listen to the audio portion of this program to learn one of the most important strategies
you could ever employ in life. It is a key strategy to getting other people to give you what you want
in life.
Action Item ➥
WORKSHEET In the Magic Factor Worksheet, we’ll follow specific
on page steps to discover who you need to become in order to
achieve all you desire.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Step seven
Our minds operate best with precise instructions. There are 18,333 potential combinations to
open up a three-number lock. If you know the three numbers in correct sequence, opening the
lock is easy. If you don’t have the combination, you could wallow in trial and error through all the
permutations. Making a specific plan of action provides your mind with instructions to unlock
your potential.
Think of making a plan to accomplish your goals like planning a cross-country road trip: If you
were going to travel from California to New York, you’d need a plan.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
38 Living Your Best Year Ever
There is one giant warning you must heed. After all this careful planning, you must master the art
of staying focused, yet still remain flexible for all the unexpected hurdles and opportunities that
will surely show up once you take your first step forward. On the companion Audio Program, I
will discuss this art and its importance. I’ll tell you how to keep the laser-like focus you need to
accomplish your big goals, while remaining flexible to avoid unexpected hurdles and capture
unforeseen opportunities along the way. I’ve said goal achieving is a delicate balance between
planning and improvisation.
Action Item ➥
on page Now go to the My Plan of Action and chart
65 the course toward the destination of your Big Hairy
Audacious Goals.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Step eight
take Action!
B y now you have learned that wanting, wishing, hoping and praying isn’t going to hack it. You
can’t sit and wait for success to arrive. No, you have to actually take ACTION. You have to
get off that couch, walk out your front door and make something happen. Doing has to follow
wanting, believing, hoping, praying and planning.
One of my predecessors at SUCCESS magazine, Napoleon Hill, once asked an audience, “What is
the average number of times that a person tries to achieve a new goal before they give up?” After
several guesses from the audience, he gave the answer: less than one.” Most people give up before
they even try. Even though they want to improve their lives, increase their income, accomplish
more, most people respond with I can’t in their head and give up before even starting.
Nothing breaks the human heart more than the realization that one has lived only a fraction of
their potential and they didn’t fulfill one’s duty to shine. Don’t let this be you.
Another one of my predecessors at SUCCESS magazine, W. Clement Stone, once said, “I think
there is something more important than believing: Action!” He said, “The world is full of dreamers,
there aren’t enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.”
Amen to that Mr. Stone.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
40 Living Your Best Year Ever
Committed, disciplined and sustained action is the final ingredient in the miracle process of
materializing any achievement you can conceive.
Get Going!
Now that you have decided what you want and who you have to become to achieve your goals,
you must now strike while the iron is hot. The time to begin is when the emotion is high and
intentions are strong.
Decide what you can do now. Within the next 24-48 hours, what will you DO to put at least one of
your goals into action? Create momentum by taking action now. What one step will you take?
Example: Go to the dealership and get a brochure of the car you want. Go purchase a greeting card
and mail it to your wife telling her how much she means to you and your intention for creating a
magical and romantic year. Get the catalog from the community college where you are going to
take some courses, etc.
Do It Now
You cannot afford to wait for perfect conditions. Have the courage to begin. Borrow from the
beauty of tomorrow to enroll yourself in the activity of today. Do as Eleanor Roosevelt so wisely
instructed: “You must do one thing every day that scares you.” Today, take your first scary steps
toward the achievement of your goals.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step eight 41
Action Item ➥
on page Go to the TAKE ACTION worksheets and see what
71 you need to do in the next 24 hours and 30 days.
Be Bold
As Virgil said, “Fortune favors the bold.” Re-instill your faith in yourself. Its absence is the only
thing keeping you from your greatness. Start living with audacity. Have chutzpa. Stand away from
the crowd. Don’t follow the herd any longer. Never again settle for common, mediocre or average
results in life. Have a higher standard for yourself than anyone around you would expect. Be
different, think different and act different. Be what others are afraid to be.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
42 Living Your Best Year Ever
We wouldn’t even know or care about David if he didn’t take on Goliath. You want to be
remembered, revered and heralded like David? Find a Goliath (your Big Hairy Audacious Goals)
and fight for it to the death. Win or lose, let it be known: I have fought a good fight, I have finished
my course, I have kept the faith.
Don’t leave this program casually. Casualness leads to casualty. Get serious about your better
future. If you want to get healthy, get serious about your health. If you want to get rich, get serious
about becoming wealthy. If you want to experience great love, get serious about your commitment
to relationships. Astound yourself. Bewilder your friends, family and competition.
Develop a hardcore devotion to your better you. Have an obnoxious commitment to your goals.
Be unreasonable. Be uncompromising. If you have gone as far as you can, you can still go a little bit
farther. It’s on the extra mile where success is obtained—extra effort, extra hours, extra preparation,
extra care and extra calls. Extra is what separates you from average. It is the “extra” that goes in
front of “ordinary” to make you extraordinary.
You are going to make mistakes. You are going to get off track. You are going to fail, fall down, trip
up, get down, become discouraged, feel defeated, become overwhelmed and hit the wall. That is
OK; it happens to everyone. It’s called being human. Just plan on it and plan for it and then get
back on track.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
step eight 43
As Calvin Coolidge said, “Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
As you go through the trials and tribulations of striving to achieve your goals, know that success is
closer than you think. It can be darkest just before light. A transformative defining moment might
only be steps away. It might be in the next phone call, the next meeting, the next person you meet.
The key is to just keep moving forward.
Persistence is the ability to face your fears again and again without giving up; to push on in the
face of great difficulty.
Go for it! The power is now in your hands. You now have everything you need to achieve everything
you have ever wanted. Just go for it… one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. The journey of
a thousand miles starts this very moment. Take your first step forward now.
Now, it’s time go out and live the life you were meant to live!
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Step One
Commitment Pledge
I do hereby commit to completing the Living Your Best Year Ever program. I will use the
Achievement Management System each week to confidently and expeditiously take me toward the
accomplishment of my big, audacious and wildly ambitious goals!
Signature of Commitment
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
46 Living Your Best Year Ever
Step two
year in review
10 greatest happenings from last year:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
If I could go back and do it again, I would do these three things differently last year:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 47
The greatest influences (products, people, viewpoints, other) on me in the last year:
One word that best sums up and describes last year’s experience:
Three things I need to stop doing altogether in the next year are:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
48 Living Your Best Year Ever
Step three
Three amazing people in my life are:
Three great things about where I work and what I do for a living are:
Three great gifts of unique talent and skill I have been given are:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 49
Step four
Life Assessment
Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being Least True and 5 being Most True:
Total Score:_________
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
50 Living Your Best Year Ever
Total Score:_________
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 51
Total Score:_________
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
52 Living Your Best Year Ever
Total Score:_________
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 53
Total Score:_________
Total Score:_________
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
54 Living Your Best Year Ever
I have hobbies outside of work that I enjoy and take part in at least 3 times a week.
1 2 3 4 5
I attend cultural events (e.g., opera, museums, theatre) at least 2 times a month.
1 2 3 4 5
I vacation at least once a year with no work communications.
1 2 3 4 5
I spend as much time as I want with my family.
1 2 3 4 5
I spend as much time as I want with my friends.
1 2 3 4 5
I am constantly seeking adventure, trying something new and creating diverse experiences.
1 2 3 4 5
I feel like there is enough time in the day to do what I both need and want to do.
1 2 3 4 5
I live life to the fullest every day.
1 2 3 4 5
I take time out to daydream every day.
1 2 3 4 5
I am completely present in every moment of every day.
1 2 3 4 5
Total Score:_________
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 55
KEY: Score of 5 = 1 notch. Score of 6-10 = 2 notches. Score of 11-15 = 3 notches. Score of 16-20
= 4 notches. Score of 21-25 = 5 notches. Score of 26-30 = 6 notches. Score of 31-35 = 7 notches.
Score of 36-40 = 8 notches. Score of 41-45 = 9 notches. Score of 46-50 = 10 notches. Use the same
score for both Relationships & Family line.
*The Wheel of Life is adapted from a concept employed by Paul J. Meyer and Success Motivation
International®, Inc.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
56 Living Your Best Year Ever
Step Five
Thought starters: Income, savings, total net worth, start savings plan, begin investing, become debt
free, eliminate credit cards, buy a home, retirement account, save for college account, charitable
giving, complete estate/trust setup, etc.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 57
Thought starters: Ideal weight, run marathon, become flexible, increase stamina, elevate energy,
reduce cholesterol count, improve BMI, start meditating, work with nutritionist, upgrade
appearance, do make-over, schedule annual doctor exams; reduce sugar, caffeine and fatty foods;
go to bed earlier, get up earlier, etc.
Thought starters: Read 30 minutes every day, listen to instructional audio for 30 minutes every day,
take new college courses, go to seminars, hire a coach, join a supportive organization,
build new skills, incorporate more free time into my schedule, advance knowledge in special
subject, etc.
Thought starters: Spend more time with family, be home for dinner every night, begin nightly
reading ritual with children, date night with spouse each Friday, review/discussion with spouse
every Sunday night, visit parents twice a year, forgive or make amends with a relative, plan special
outings, attract Mr. or Mrs. Right, spend one-on-one time with children, etc.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
58 Living Your Best Year Ever
Thought starters: Practice your religion more faithfully, volunteer at church, join spiritual groups,
read books on spirituality, live as example of my religious beliefs, teach others, study deeper, etc.
Thought starters: Travel, adventure, luxuries, languages, hobbies, instruments you want to learn to
play, where you want to live, how you want to live, how you want your home, time freedoms, who
you want to meet, etc.
Thought starters: Time with best friends, cultivate relationships with like-minded achievers, send
birthday cards to all friends, spend time together with at least one friend, new relationships you
would like to build, organizations to expand your relationships, relationships to limit or eliminate,
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 59
I believe in focus, focusing on the most important and valuable priorities of our life. Sometimes
we pursue too much and achieve too little. Prioritize your goals into your top three goals—your
banner goals.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
60 Living Your Best Year Ever
Step six
**BONUS: Listen to the companion audio to learn the key to getting what you want—the answer
might surprise you.
The “magic” is becoming the person you should be in order to attract the people or results you
want to achieve. Use the example below to determine the magic factor for achieving your goals and
write your own descriptions for your goal.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 61
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
62 Living Your Best Year Ever
Top three modifications and how I will implement them into my daily routine:
Habit, Behavior or Discipline
Implementation in Routine
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 63
Top three modifications and how I will implement them into my daily routine:
Habit, Behavior or Discipline
Implementation in Routine
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
64 Living Your Best Year Ever
Top three modifications and how I will implement them into my daily routine:
Habit, Behavior or Discipline
Implementation in Routine
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 65
Step seven
My Plan of Action
Goal No. 1 — (Example) Write a Book
Date to Achieve: December 31, 2010
Intermediate Destinations By When
Rough concept and synopsis Feb. 15th
Complete outline April 1st
First draft of half the chapters Sept. 1st
Polished draft Nov. 1st
Who Impacted? Benefit/Detriment
B—More opportunity, additional recurring income
Wife and kids
D—Loss of time on weekends and evenings for 1 year
B—Big PR boost, increased credibility, greater client
Company aquisition potential, D—Partners and mgmt. will take
ove addtl. responsibility to free me up
Industry B—Book will have a positive effect on industry.
Mentors, coaches, experts, new staff, assistance needed Who/When
Company operational assistant to pick-up internal office Promote from within or reach out to colleague peer
responsibilities group, LinkedIn
Best-selling author and writing/editor mentor Network through peer group, LinkedIn,
Research needed Where/How to aquire
Publishing options explored Discuss with mentor, research online, attend book expo
Case study support of main argument Contract research organization
Location research on where book’s story takes place Schedule full month ‘on location’ writing trip
Resources needed Where to aquire
New laptop with wireless mobile card
InDesign software
Training/Self-development needed Where to acquire
Daily source of inspirational reading and listening
Creative writing class at community college Mesa College
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
66 Living Your Best Year Ever
Goal No. 1
Date to Achieve:
Intermediate Destinations By When
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 67
Goal No. 2
Date to Achieve:
Intermediate Destinations By When
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
68 Living Your Best Year Ever
Goal No. 3
Date to Achieve:
Intermediate Destinations By When
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Living Your Best Year Ever 69
Step Eight
take Action
GOAL No. 1
GOAL No. 2
GOAL No. 3
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
70 Living Your Best Year Ever
Identify what you need to do over the next 30 days to put your goals into action.
Example: Make your first donation and deposit your set savings according to your plan. Hire
your personal fitness trainer and start your program. Recruit your mentor. Make the necessary
prospecting calls. Designate the planned family night and engage fully.
GOAL No. 1
GOAL No. 2
GOAL No. 3
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement
Management System
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 73
Y our Achievement System (AMS) is one of the most valuable aspects of this entire program.
There is a big difference between setting goals and seeing them through to achievement. Some of
the best intentions and greatest plans have failed because there wasn’t a system of execution.
AMS will make the difference between dreaming and accomplishing your “big hairy audacious
goals.” It’ll be the difference between having dreams and living your dreams. This system helps you
overcome the greatest pitfall to achieving your goals.
It isn’t writing your goals, making plans to achieve them or even getting started. Many people go
through those few steps but still don’t achieve their goals. Many make New Year’s resolutions or
set goals and still fail.
And our society doesn’t lack the will to start. Everyone starts—they sign up for the gym
memberships, they buy the diet books, they go to seminars, they start their new prospecting
plan, their new date night plan, their new meditation plan, their new study plan—but very few
continue. Very few will see it through.
When it comes down to it, your new plans, your new actions, your new behaviors, have to be
implemented into your monthly, weekly and ultimately daily routine. A routine is something
you do every day without fail and eventually without thinking about it.
Consider this: If you’ve become successful at doing anything, you probably developed a routine
for it. How do you remember to keep your teeth healthy, your pantry full, your children dressed,
fed and on time for school every day? You have incorporated the daily behaviors into a routine.
We also develop routines to keep ourselves sane. If we had to consciously think about every step
of each ordinary task—making breakfast, driving the kids to school, getting to work, and so
on—our lives would grind to a halt.
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.” John C. Maxwell said in an interview, “You will
never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is
found in your daily routine.”
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
74 Living Your Best Year Ever
That is why the AMS is so essential. Use and commit to this system, and it will be what separates
you from everyone else who has ever had a dream or set a goal. It is the system that will help
you realize that dream home, magnificent vacations, generous support for your family, church
or charity—all the comforts you’ve always wanted to have and contributions you have always
wanted to make.
The AMS acts as a compass keeping you on the most direct path toward your goals. As I
explained in The Compound Effect, a plane going from Los Angeles to New York would end
up 150 miles from its intended destination by being pointed only one degree off course at the
beginning of the flight. The interesting fact is that the average plane traveling from Los Angeles
to New York will be off track more than 80 percent of the time along its journey. Yet each time
the plane drifts slightly off course, its computerized gyroscope corrects it, reinforcing the most
direct and efficient path. If the plane hits unexpected conditions, such as bad weather, the
gyroscope recalibrates and holds the nose of the plane directly toward its destination.
On the journey toward your goals, you, too, will be off track more than 80 percent of the time.
The key is to have your own internal “gyroscope” to put you back on track. You, too, will hit
unexpected external conditions and need a system to recalibrate your path and guide you
directly toward your goal. That is what the AMS will do for you.
The Achievement Management System is oriented around the process of Plan, Do, Review and
You have set your goals and made a plan to achieve them. Now the AMS will assist you in
tracking your doing process and assist you in reviewing your progress and evaluating how you
need to improve to keep moving forward. Let me outline each step.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 75
In Step 7, we outlined your plan to accomplish your goals. But rarely do things go according to
plan. It is said if you want to make God chuckle—tell him your plans.
Having consulted for hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs, I can tell you no business ever
grew according to its beautifully crafted business plan. Some grew faster, some slower and some
became something completely unexpected and exceedingly greater than could have ever been
imagined initially.
So why, then, make a plan at all? That question is best answered by Dwight D. Eisenhower: “In
preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
The process of planning activates both your creative and analytical brain. That synergy identifies
new possibilities and imbues belief that it can actually be accomplished. Intangible ideas, hopes,
dreams and desires are made material and a charted course makes what was once an abstract
vision achievable.
But like the well-laid plans of war will be altered and adapted once battle has begun, so, too, will
your plans outlined in Step 7 be when you get into the DOING part of accomplishing your goals.
In Step 8, we discussed taking ACTION—the actual doing part. This is what I call the great pitfall,
where many dreams, goals and ambitions die. As discussed already, anyone can start, but few
finish. Many can do once, twice or even for a few months, but eventually they peter out.
Regardless of your experience, skill level, or even the quality of your competition, with enough
time, you can win at almost everything, every time! In fact, the only thing that can stop you
from accomplishing all the goals you have set is not utilizing this principle…. And that is the
No. 1 reason why incredibly talented and intensely motivated people fail to attain what they
want in life.
I used to get frustrated when I would start a new venture and I’d see the competition leap out
in front and get off to a faster and more successful start. Then I found the single discipline that
gives me the advantage to beat anybody at almost anything—CONSISTENCY.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
76 Living Your Best Year Ever
A lot of people become gung-ho about new goals or achievements, and they charge out of the
gate in an explosion of activity—but their intensity and commitment quickly fizzle. Meanwhile,
those who begin the journey with less flash but a greater commitment to consistency eventually
catch up to their flamboyant peers and leave them in the dust. Do what most people don’t: Stay
Lack of consistency is the subtle stealer of dreams. The stop and start process kills progress in
any pursuit. In fact, inconsistency is one of the biggest reasons people don’t achieve their goals,
and instead end up living a life of frustration and disappointment.
When you start thinking about slacking off on your action plan, routines and rhythms, consider
the massive cost of inconsistency. It is not the loss of a single action and the tiny results it
creates; it is the utter collapse and loss of momentum that your progress will suffer.
Zig Ziglar uses the analogy of a hand-pumped water well. The water table is 25 feet below the
ground. A pipe runs down to the water table, and you have to pump the lever to create the
suction that brings the water above the ground and out of the spout.
When most people start a new endeavor, they grab the lever and start pumping. They are
excited, committed and resolute…. They pump and pump and pump, and after a few minutes
(or a few weeks), when they don’t see any water (results), they give up pumping the lever
The first few people they showed the product didn’t buy. After two weeks on their new health
plan, they haven’t lost one pound. They didn’t meet anyone at the first two networking events
they attended.
People expect instant results, and when they don’t see progress, they quit… before success has a
chance to show itself. Wise people continue to pump.
If they persevere and continue to pump and pump the lever, eventually a few drops of water will
appear. At this point, a lot of people say, “You’ve got to be kidding! All this pumping, and for
what? A few drops of water? Forget it!”
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 77
Eight weeks of working out at the gym, and they don’t look like a Victoria’s Secret or Calvin
Klein underwear model. They didn’t make $10,000 their first 90 days in their new business.
Again, they don’t see the results they were expecting. They think their plan isn’t working, and
they quit. But the wise person persists.
If you continue to pump, eventually, you will get a full and steady stream of water.
Congratulations, success!
Now, what happens if you let go of the lever for too long? The water falls back down into the
ground, and you’re back to square one. If you come back and pump the lever easily and steadily,
you still won’t get any water. You have lost the vacuum, or the momentum of your compounded
effort. The only way to get the water flowing again is to pump the lever really hard all over again.
People start a routine of making 10 new prospecting calls a day, strike a little gold, and then
don’t dial for a couple of weeks. People get excited about their new “date night” routine with
their spouse, but in a few weeks, it’s back to same old same old on-the-couch Friday nights. I see
people buy a new book, sign up for a new program or seminar and go like crazy for a couple of
weeks or months. Then they stop and end up right back where they started. Sound familiar?
What people don’t realize is that by breaking their rhythm, they kill momentum—and that is the
real tragedy. The cost to revive momentum is an enormous amount of time, energy and effort—
not to advance, but to get back to where you started.
Applying consistent effort to your goals will forever alter how you (could) live your life. One
moment of inconsistency, a single poor choice or a brief lapse of discipline doesn’t simply result
in the loss of that one action—it breaks your momentum.
It’s not how you or your competition start; it’s how you continue. If you stay consistent, even
slowly (the tortoise), ultimately, you will beat the most talented of competitors (the hare).
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
78 Living Your Best Year Ever
I can hear you asking, “Okay, I get that my ability to stay consistent long after my initial mood of
commitment has left me will be the key to my success, so then how do I keep myself consistent?”
To do that I want to give you one of the most profound documents you will ever use in your
life—it is called the Weekly Rhythm Register (WRR). If you’ve been puzzled about how to make
sense of all you have learned in your day-to-day, everyday life—this is how. Feeling relieved? The
WRR rolls up everything we have thus far outlined in this program into a simple daily tracking
and accountability system, all on a single page.
2. List one to three key behaviors needed to accomplish each goal. You are one to three
key behaviors away from a massive transformation in any area of your life. Think about it:
Improving your marriage could need just a few consistent behavior changes to transform your
current connection and intimacy. Your sales results? A few consistent behaviors could massively
transform your results. This is true in your health, parenting, networking, leadership… any area
of your life.
3. Track your behavior. This is where the accountability and consistency come in. The problem
is most people are not conscious of their behavior. Scientific researchers will tell you more than
95 percent of all our behavior is performed without conscious thought. You can say that we
sleepwalk through most of our life. The only way to change these unconscious patterns is to
be constantly conscious of the new behaviors and actions we need to take in order to see our
massive transformation realized. If you need some more support on this, definitely pick up a
copy of The Compound Effect book and audio program. The book will aid your ability to make
better choices and stay consistent with your behaviors so they become ingrained habits. Check
out for more.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 79
On the Weekly Rhythm Register, you will list the one, two or three key behaviors you need to
stay consistent on to achieve your top three banner goals. Now set a goal for the number of
times you will perform a behavior through the week. At the end of the week, you will tally up
your actual from the goal and see how you did. See example WRR on page 80. And that will lead
us into the next step of the Plan, Do, REVIEW and Improve part of the process.
The review process is like the gyroscope checking to see where you are by comparison of where
you should be. You made a plan for what you were going to do. You did it. Now you have to look
back and see how you did. The problem with most people is they do, do, do, but never stop to
assess how well they are doing. It is like a golfer who practices on the practice tee box for hours
on end, only to repeat and ingrain his bad habit patterns deeper—making his golf game worse.
No, you have to regularly review to see how you are doing so you can see any bad patterns and
make immediate course corrections.
I remember when I was a waiter in high school. Before we could go home, we had to “cash out,”
meaning turn in all our receipts, credit card slips, and cash. Everything had to add up, or there
was big trouble! You want to develop this same discipline in your life.
The first review is at the end of each day. This won’t take but a minute. Simply check off the
behaviors you performed relative to your plan. Next is at the end of the week. This is when you
will tally up each day’s results and see if you are on plan, behind plan or ahead of plan. At the
end of the week is when I suggest taking a deeper inventory as well.
To keep myself accountable to this weekly review I have what I call a “Peak-Performance
Partner.” Every Friday at 11 a.m. sharp, we have a thirty-minute call during which we trade our
Wins (1-3 most major accomplishments of the week), Losses (1-3 areas of commitments you
failed on), fixes (what you will do next week to ensure it doesn’t happen again), ah-has (greatest
learning experience throughout the week), and solicit the needed feedback (advice needed,
solicited or not) to hold each other accountable. We are both busy executives but we are religious
about making this call happen. I know I have pushed myself harder throughout the week just
knowing I needed to report on my promised progress by Friday. And the preparation of my
report has helped me pause to reflect and take inventory of the victories as well as the defeats
and what I will do to ensure I don’t unconsciously repeat them going forward. Which leads us
perfectly into the last part of the Plan, Do, Review and IMPROVE process.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
80 Living Your Best Year Ever
“The rhythm of daily action aligned with your goals creates the
momentum that separates dreamers from super-achievers.”
—Darren Hardy
TOTAL 39 54 <14>
Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood
you said it in has left you.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 81
This is the step of the process where you gain strides on your competition. A constant awareness
and never-ending commitment to growth and continual improvement is what will catapult you
forward, enabling you to achieve what before seemed impossible goals. To achieve what you
have never been able to achieve before you have to grow and improve yourself to levels beyond
where you are now. Your commitment to ongoing improvement is what will get you there.
Scientific research has now concluded that there is no such thing as a “born genius” pre-
designed for greatness. And there is no such thing as innate talent either. I know that sounds
outrageous; certainly you are thinking of people like Einstein, Mozart, Da Vinci, Tiger Woods,
Lance Armstrong, Bill Gates, The Beatles, Elvis or others. But a study of each of those cases (in
books like The Genius in All of Us by David Shenk) reveals a truth different than any inborn
advantage. In all cases, each of them, and many others society has deemed “gifted,” developed
what became known as their talents through consistent, rigorous, unrelenting and repeated
improvement. They developed a nearly maniacal, obsessive drive to continually improve
themselves, improve their skill, their performance and their outcomes. Malcolm Gladwell also
wrote about this in his book Outliers and explained that mastery is something DEVELOPED
through about 10,000 hours of deliberate, concentrated and focused practice. The ONLY thing
that separates average achievers from superachievers is dedication to improvement.
The fantastic news in all of this is: Greatness doesn’t come from DNA; there is no such thing as
innate “talent” or “genius,” which means we can ALL become a “genius” and reach mastery in
any area of our life, if we commit to a process of deliberate and purposeful improvement.
As an example, Friedrich Nietzsche, in his 1878 book Human, All Too Human, described
greatness as being steeped in a process, and of great achievers being tireless participants in
that process. As a vivid illustration, Nietzsche cited Beethoven’s sketchbooks, which reveal the
composer’s slow, painstaking process of testing and tinkering with the melody fragments like
a chemist constantly pouring different concoctions into an assortment of beakers. Beethoven
would sometimes run through as many as sixty or seventy different drafts of a phrase before
settling on the final one. Beethoven once remarked to a friend, “I make many changes, and reject
and try again and again until I am satisfied.” Yet neither Nietzsche’s articulation nor Beethoven’s
candid admission of his process caught on with the general public. Instead, the simpler and
more alluring idea of giftedness prevailed and has since been carelessly and breathlessly
reinforced by biologists, psychologists, educators and the media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
82 Living Your Best Year Ever
Even with all the repeated and reinforced scientific evidence to disprove the myth of innate
giftedness, it will live on as long as human beings do. Why? Because as a society we still rely on
the myth. A belief in inborn gifts and limits is much gentler on the psyche: the reason you aren’t
a great musician, leader, communicator, leader, parent, spouse, athlete, salesperson or whatever
is because you aren’t “wired” to be one. Thinking of talent as innate makes our world more
manageable, more comfortable. It relieves a person of the burden of expectation. It also relieves
people of distressing comparisons. If Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, Roger Federer, Richard
Branson, Steve Jobs and others are just innately great, we can feel casually jealous of their genetic
luck while avoiding disappointment in ourselves. If, on the other hand, each one of us truly
believed ourselves capable of Tiger-like or Jobs-like achievement, the burden of expectation and
disappointment could be profound.
However, if you would like to access your potential greatness and achieve master-level
performance, then know that the idea of deliberate practice and deliberate improvement is
serious work and requires a serious commitment and consistency. As explained further in
The Genius in All of Us, playing lots of chess or soccer or golf—or in your case, making a lot
of sales calls, doing a lot of public speaking, performing a lot of trainings, negotiating a lot of
contracts—is not enough. A desire for improvement is not enough. Simply taking lessons from
a wonderful teacher is not enough. Deliberate improvement requires a mindset of never, ever,
being satisfied with your current ability. It requires a constant self-critique, a capacity for daily
disappointment and failure and a never-ending resolve to dust oneself off and to try again and
again and again. It also requires enormous, life altering amounts of time—a daily grinding
commitment to becoming better. In the long term the results can be highly satisfying. But in
the short term from day to day and month to month there’s nothing particularly fun about
the process or the substantial sacrifices involved. As Anders Ericsson wrote in The Cambridge
Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, “There is a clear distinction between leisure
players, who tend to enjoy themselves casually much of the time and the dedicated achievers,
who become glued to the gritty process of getting better.”
I challenge you to live a life of excellence. I believe excellence is a guilty pleasure, as it’s
respected, admired, and serves as the triumphant accomplishment of those unwilling to accept
anything less.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 83
Excellence requires us to live with nobility, honor and integrity. It requires us to keep our
promises and commitments, and to do what’s right even when no one looking or even when
someone has wronged you.
Of all the great pursuits in life, to me this is the most important. Every virtue, treasure and
reward in life is obtained only through this quest. That grand quest? Living your potential.
Robert Louis Stevenson put it this way: “To become what we are capable of becoming, is the
only end in life.”
But what is potential? Webster’s dictionary defines potential as… possible, as opposed to
actual… capable of being or becoming… a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be
developed. So potential then is what you can become. It is the best possible version of yourself.
I believe the first challenge to living our potential is realizing the greatness that lies dormant
inside of each of us. Thomas Edison said, “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would
literally astound ourselves.”
Dale Carnegie also taught, “We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we
don’t even dream we can do.”
That is what I want to encourage you to do; use the Plan, Do, Review and Improve process to
continually check on your progress and make the adjustments necessary, and push yourself
through the ongoing gritty process of continually getting better and better… until one day you
are nearly unrecognizable to your friends and family. Certainly your lifestyle, your relationships,
your body, vitality and bank account will be fantastically unrecognizable by comparison to
where you are starting today!
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly
Management System
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
86 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week one
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 87
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
88 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Two
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 89
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
90 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Three
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 91
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
92 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week four
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 93
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
94 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week five
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 95
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
96 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week six
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 97
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
98 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week seven
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 99
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
100 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week eight
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 101
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
102 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week nine
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 103
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
104 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Ten
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 105
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
106 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week eleven
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 107
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
108 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twelve
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 109
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
110 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirteen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 111
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
112 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week fourteen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 113
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
114 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week fifteen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 115
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
116 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week sixteen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 117
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
118 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week seventeen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 119
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
120 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week eighteen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 121
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
122 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week nineteen
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 123
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
124 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 125
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
126 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-one
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 127
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
128 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-two
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 129
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
130 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-three
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 131
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
132 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-four
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 133
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
134 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-five
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 135
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
136 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-six
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 137
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
138 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-seven
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 139
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
140 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-eight
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 141
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
142 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Twenty-nine
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 143
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
144 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 145
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
146 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-one
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 147
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
148 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-two
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 149
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
150 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-three
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 151
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
152 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-four
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 153
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
154 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-five
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 155
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
156 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-six
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 157
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
158 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-seven
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 159
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
160 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-eight
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 161
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
162 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week Thirty-nine
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 163
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
164 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 165
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
166 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-one
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 167
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
168 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-two
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 169
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
170 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-three
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 171
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
172 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-four
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 173
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
174 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-five
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 175
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
176 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-six
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 177
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
178 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-seven
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 179
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
180 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-eight
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 181
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
182 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week forty-nine
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 183
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
184 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week fifty
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 185
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
186 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week fifty-one
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 187
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
188 Living Your Best Year Ever
Week fifty-two
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What Else I Learned from Personal Development and Skill Improvement Study this Week:
Banner Goals for the Year: Top Three Goals for the Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 189
Top Three Goals for the Week: Personal Development Materials I’m
Studying This Week:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
190 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month one
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 191
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
192 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month two
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 193
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
194 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month three
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 195
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
196 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month four
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 197
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
198 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month five
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 199
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
200 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month six
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 201
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
202 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month seven
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 203
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
204 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month eight
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 205
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
206 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month nine
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 207
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
208 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month Ten
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 209
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
210 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month eleven
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 211
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
212 Living Your Best Year Ever
Month twelve
Total goal for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Total achieved for all behaviors/actions on Weekly Rhythm Registers for the month:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 213
The fixes I will install to ensure this doesn’t happen next month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Three Things I’m Most Grateful for During Three Greatest Lessons Learned from
this Month: Study and Practice This Month:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
214 Living Your Best Year Ever
What I need to STOP doing in the What I need to EXPAND doing in the
quarter ahead: quarter ahead:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 215
Theme for the next quarter (Ex.: Prospecting Addict, Marriage Magician, Customer WOW,
Simplify, Servant Leader, Networking Maven). This is a particular area of your life, business or
skill set you are going to champion and work especially hard on improving over the next quarter.
My Quarter Theme:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
216 Living Your Best Year Ever
What I need to STOP doing in the What I need to EXPAND doing in the
quarter ahead: quarter ahead:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 217
Theme for the next quarter (Ex.: Prospecting Addict, Marriage Magician, Customer WOW,
Simplify, Servant Leader, Networking Maven). This is a particular area of your life, business or
skill set you are going to champion and work especially hard on improving over the next quarter.
My Quarter Theme:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
218 Living Your Best Year Ever
What I need to STOP doing in the What I need to EXPAND doing in the
quarter ahead: quarter ahead:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 219
Theme for the next quarter (Ex.: Prospecting Addict, Marriage Magician, Customer WOW,
Simplify, Servant Leader, Networking Maven). This is a particular area of your life, business or
skill set you are going to champion and work especially hard on improving over the next quarter.
My Quarter Theme:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
220 Living Your Best Year Ever
What I need to STOP doing in the What I need to EXPAND doing in the
quarter ahead: quarter ahead:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Your Achievement Management System 221
Theme for the next quarter (Ex.: Prospecting Addict, Marriage Magician, Customer WOW,
Simplify, Servant Leader, Networking Maven). This is a particular area of your life, business or
skill set you are going to champion and work especially hard on improving over the next quarter.
My Quarter Theme:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Congratulations on
L i v i ng You r
best year ever
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
224 Living Your Best Year Ever
The Mentor Pack
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
Resources 225
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.
226 Living Your Best Year Ever
Darren is a product and embodiment of the principles he reveals in Living Your Best Year Ever.
As an entrepreneur, Darren was earning a six-figure income by age eighteen, more than a
million dollars a year by age twenty-four, and he owned a company producing $50 million a year
in revenue by age twenty-seven. He has mentored thousands of entrepreneurs, advised many
large corporations, and sits on the board of several companies and nonprofit organizations.
Darren regularly appears on national radio and TV shows for CNBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX.
To have Darren speak to your organization about the principles and strategies found in Living
Your Best Year Ever or on other success insights, email [email protected]
For more information about Darren, visit Connect with Darren and a
community of like-minded, ambitious achievers online:
Copyright © Darren Hardy 2011. Published by SUCCESS Books, an imprint of SUCCESS Media.