4-6 Out Of Action
Break and Nerve checks
Every player rolls 2D6 to determine initiative, reroll ties. WEAPON TYPES
ASSAULT (-1) shoot even if you ADVANCED this battle round
Choose a single psyker in your Kill Team and perform a FIGHTING SEQUENCE
single psychic power with it (2d6 >= warp charge). • Pile in 3" (must end closer to nearest enemy model)
• Choose melee weapons and targets. You can only attack
PERILS OF THE WARP models within 1”. If you CHARGED this turn you can only
If your psyker rolls a double 1 or a double 6 when making a attack models that YOU CHARGED, or that CHARGED YOU.
psychic test, the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the
• Resolve attacks
psyker is taken out of action the power fails and each
model within 3” suffers D3 mortal wounds. • Consolidate 3” (must end closer to nearest enemy model)
KTReference_v3 by [email protected]