In many machines and daily life applications sensors play an The department is characterized by a strong connection between
increasing role. Sensorics therefore is seen as one of the most research and education. The research activities are concentrated
innovative branches of technology with a very promising future. at the Institute of Sensorics and Information Systems (ISIS)
Traditionally sensors and actuators are applied in process and and the Institute for Optofluidics and Nanophotonics (IONAS)
production technology, but there is also an increasing demand Please see webpages at:
in automotive as well as medicine and environment technology
applications. Nowadays there is not only a need for reading recorders,
but increasingly integrated sensors with their own intelligence (micro
processors) are demanded. Many applied research projects:
•• Sensor materials for field analysis applications
Therefore the study programme covers physical, biological, optical •• Gas sensorics and control of fire-wood-fueled fireplaces
and chemical sensors and their applications as well as control, bus •• Development of Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP)
systems, programming, micro controllers, pattern recognition and •• Medical sensorics and medical imaging systems
signal processing. German students are expected to do their final •• Engineering software techniques and security bus systems
thesis project in a foreign country whereas foreign students do their •• Hybrid integrated capacitive humidity sensors
thesis in Germany. •• Master of Science degree programme - allows to continue with •• Optofluidic and Nanophotonic
PhD studies
Therefore the students acquire skills in working in international teams •• Accredited as research oriented by ASIIN since 2005 - with the Dual Degree Programme with VIT / lndia
and are best prepared for a job with a „global player”. Students may seal of the German Accreditation Council In 2008 a dual degree programme was established with our
choose two of the following major subjects: environmental sensorics, •• Course covers four semesters = 2 years = 120 ECTS credit points partner, VIT University in Vellore / Tamil Nadu / India. Students
medical sensorics, microsystems/hybrid technology and advanced •• 100 % English as language of instruction taking part in this dual degree programme spend their first year at
programming. •• Course starts each year in March their home university and change to the partner university for the
•• German language and culture courses are included in the complete second year, including the final thesis project and final
The Hochschule Karlsruhe – a university of applied sciences (HsKA) curriculum. No German language skills are required to start the exams. Students pay fees to their home universities only during
– offers small class sizes. This allows close contact and interactions programme. the whole programme. After completion of the programme the
with all professors and the teaching personnel. There are also close •• Small classes of 25 students maximum students receive degrees from both universities.
links and cooperation projects with local and global industry partners. •• Direct contact with professors and staff
•• Many laboratories to support and explain the theoretical back-
Market Segments for Sensors
Market Segments for Sensors ground of the topics
•• Interactive lectures with a lot of experiments
Automotive Sensorics
Process Technology
•• All professors have experience in industry
30% 17,5% •• Strong connections with local and global industry partners
Environmental Protection/ Umweltschutz/Konsum/
Consumer/ •• Strong research activities in the department provide interesting
Forschung u. Entwicklung/
9% 14%
Research and Development/ research topics for projects Labor-Geräte
Professional equipment
•• Interesting international community with students from many
10,5% Miscellaneous Sonstige
10% different countries
Construction Gebäude
•• Dual degree programme with VIT University in Vellore / Tamil
Biomedical Engineering Nadu / India Medizintechnik
IT/Communication IT/Kommunikation
Source: Bosch