Syllabus NITT

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T able of Contents
History of Department of CSE
Institute Vision and Mission
CSE Department Vision and Mission
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
Mapping of Institute Mission to PEO
Mapping of Department Mission to PEO
Programme Outcome (PO)
Design of Curriculum
Mapping of Curriculum Components with PEO and PO
Highlights of B. Tech. Curriculum (NITTUGCSE14)
Pre-requisite Course Chart for Core Subjects
Pre-requisite Course Chart for Elective Subjects
B. Tech. (CSE) ! Curriculum
B. Tech. (CSE) ! Syllabus
I Semester
II Semester
III Semester
IV Semester
V Semester
VI Semester
VII Semester
VIII Semester
List of Elective Subjects
List of Honors Subjects
Course Outcome Survey Form
B. Tech. (CSE) Program Survey Form
Alumni Survey Form
Employer/Scholar Survey Form

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



H istory of Department of CSE

UG in B. Tech.
(Computer Science &

PG in M. Tech.
(Computer Science &

Started with 30 seats in 1983
Intake increased to 40 in 1990
Intake increased to 66 in 1998
Intake increased to 76 in 2009
Intake increased to 92 in 2010
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 1997 for 5 years
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 2005 for 3
Started with 10 seats in 1987
Current Sanctioned Intake 28
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 2008 for 5 years

Institute V ision and M ission

Institute V ision
To provide valuable resources for industry and society through excellence in
technical education and research
Institute M ission
To offer state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes
To generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research
To undertake collaborative projects with academia and industries
To develop human intellectual capability to its fullest potential

CSE Department V ision and M ission

Department vision
Department M ission
To impart knowledge in the state of art in Computer Science and Engineering
with relevant theoretical basis
To participate in design and development process in industries and research
To promote research of international quality.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


Programme E ducational O bjectives (P E O)

Graduates are prepared to be employed in IT industries and be engaged in learning,
understanding, and applying new ideas
Graduates are prepared to take up Masters/Research programmes
Graduates are prepared to be responsible computing professionals in their own area of

M apping of Institute M ission to P E O

Institute M ission


To offer state-of-the-art undergraduate,

PEO ! 1 and PEO ! 2
postgraduate and doctoral programmes
To generate new knowledge by engaging in
PEO ! 1, PEO ! 2, and PEO ! 3
cutting-edge research
To undertake collaborative projects with
PEO ! 2 and PEO ! 3
academia and industries
To develop human intellectual capability to
PEO ! 1 and PEO ! 3
its fullest potential

M apping of Department M ission to P E O

Department M ission


To impart knowledge in the state of art

in Computer Science and Engineering PEO ! 1, PEO ! 2, and PEO ! 3
with relevant theoretical basis
development process in industries and PEO ! 1 and PEO ! 2
research establishments
To promote research of international
PEO ! 1 and PEO ! 2

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


Programme O utcome (P O)
1. Ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science
theory in the modelling and design of computer based systems
2. Ability to apply the computing knowledge in domain such as health care, banking, finance,
and other allied professions
3. Ability to design software systems as well as to analyze performance of computing systems
4. Ability to analyze the problem, subdivide into smaller tasks with well defined interface for
interaction among components, and complete within the specified time frame and financial
5. Ability to propose original ideas and solutions, culminating into a modern, easy to use tool,
by a larger section of the society with longevity
6. Ability to design, implement, and evaluate secure hardware with assured quality and
7. Ability to communicate effectively the engineering solution to customers/users or peers
8. Ability to understand contemporary issues and to get engaged in lifelong learning by
independently and continually expanding knowledge and abilities

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


Design of C ur riculum
The B. Tech. Curriculum bas been designed conforming to the recommendations of ACM and
guidelines of AICTE. It consists of the following components of study:
a) Mathematics
b) Basic Science (Physics, Chemistry)
c) Humanities (English, Management)
d) Computer Science and Engineering
Further, the engineering component has the following classifications:
a) Theoretical Computer Science or Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
b) Hardware
c) System Software
d) Applications
Moreover, the CSE subjects are grouped into Core and Elective subjects. A total of eight
electives are offered in V, VI, VII, and VIII semesters. The electives are grouped into five
streams, viz., Theoretical CS, Software Systems, Systems (Hardware), Database, and
Networking. A student desiring to specialize in any of the five streams may choose the
appropriate stream elective in V, VI, VII, and VIII semesters. Students may also opt for global
electives offered by other engineering/management/humanities depts. in the appropriate
semesters. In each semester (III to VIII) two laboratory courses are taught. The student is tested
for comprehensive knowledge in VII semester. Project work is undertaken in VIII semester. In
theory and laboratory classes mini project/term project is encouraged. Internship in industries
and premiere institutions such as IITs and IISc is encouraged and availed in summer/winter
vacation. Some students do avail internship offer in abroad also.

M apping of C ur riculum Components with P E O and P O


C ur riculum Content
(% of C redits of
programme )

System Software




1, 3, 4, 6, 8
3, 4, 6, 8
3, 4, 5, 8
3, 4, 6, 8


Soft Skills
Industry Lecture
and Internship




1-5, 7-8
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8





2, 4-6, 8



CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum

Total Contact

C redits





1- 8



H ighlights of B. T ech. C ur riculum (N I T T U G CSE14)


New Core subjects introduced

1. Data Communication
2. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
3. Mobile Applications Development
4. Network Security
5. Parallel Architectures and Programming
6. Software Project Management
7. Service Oriented Architecture

I I.

New Core L abs introduced

1. Networks Laboratory
2. Microprocessors and Microcontroller Laboratory
3. Mobile Applications Development Laboratory

I I I. New E lective subjects introduced

1. Human Computer Interaction
2. Multimedia Systems
3. Wireless Network Systems
4. Principles of Processor Design
5. Big Data Analytics
6. Cloud Computing
7. Programming for Embedded Systems
8. Randomized Algorithms
9. Natural Language Processing
10. Network Processors Design
11. Image Processing
12. Software Quality Assurance
13. Advanced Cryptography

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


Pre-requisite C hart for Core Subjects

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


Pre-requisite C hart for E lective Subjects

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


B. T ech. (CSE) C ur riculum (N I T T U G CSE14)

Semester-wise C ur riculum
I Semester


Course Name

HM101 English for Communication

MA101 Mathematics I


Physics I


Chemistry I


Engineering Mechanics


Basics of Programming
(Theory and Lab)


Energy and Environmental



Engineering Graphics



Total C redits: 23

I I Semester


Course Name


Professional Communication


Mathematics II


Physics II


Chemistry II

BE I 102

Basic Civil Engineering

BE III 102

Basic Electrical &

Electronics Engineering


Branch Specific Course in



Workshop Practice



CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum


Total C redits: 22


I I I Semester





Course Name

Data Structures


Discrete Structures



Digital Systems Design



Data Communication



Computer Organization



Corporate Communication



Data Structures Laboratory



Digital Systems


Total C redits: 24
I V Semester





Course Name

Operating Systems


Introduction to Probability



Computer Networks






Introduction to Algorithms



Combinatorics and Graph




Algorithms Lab







Total C redits: 24

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



V Semester





Course Name

Computer Architecture


Principles of Operations



Internetworking Protocols






Software Engineering



Elective ! I



Networks Laboratory



DBMS Laboratory

Total C redits: 24


V I Semester




















Course Name

Principles of Cryptography
Service Oriented
Microprocessors and
Mobile Applications
Elective ! II

Elective ! III
Mobile Applications
Development Lab
Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers Laboratory

Industrial Lecture

Industrial Attachment/
Academic Attachment

Total C redits: 25

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



V I I Semester





Web Technology


Parallel Architectures and



Principles of Compiler


Network Security

Elective ! IV

Elective ! V


Web Technology


Compiler Design

Comprehensive Viva-Voce

Total C redits: 25



Course Name

V I I I Semester








Course Name

Software Project

Elective ! VI

Elective ! VII

Elective ! VIII

Project Work

Total C redits: 18

C redits


CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum




24 25






L ist of E lectives
O dd Semester E lectives
V Semester (1 out of 3)
Human Computer Interaction
Multimedia Systems
Mobile Computing and Communication

: Software Systems
: Software Systems
: Networking

VII Semester (2 out of 5)

Big Data Analytics
Cloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Programming for Embedded Systems
Advanced Cryptography

: Database
: Networking
: Software Systems
: Systems
: Theoretical CS

E ven Semester E lectives

VI Semester (2 out of 5)
Wireless Network Systems
Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms
Principles of Processor Design
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Real Time Systems

: Networking
: Theoretical CS
: Systems
: Database
: Software Systems

VIII Semester (3 out of 6)

Randomized Algorithms
Natural Language Processing
Network Processors Design
Image Processing
Software Quality Assurance
Advanced Database Management Systems

: Theoretical CS
: Software Systems
: Systems
: Software Systems
: Software Systems
: Database

E lective Streams and their Course Code Range



E lective Streams

Course Code

Theoretical Computer Science

Software Systems
Honors Electives

CS001 ! CS015
CS016 ! CS030
CS031 ! CS045
CS046 ! CS060
CS061 ! CS075
CS090 ! CS099

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



E lectives for B. T ech. (Honors)*


Course Name


Distributed Algorithms


High Speed Networks


Software Defined Networking


Transaction Processing Systems


Pervasive Computing


Programming for Multi Core Systems


Soft Computing


Digital System Testing and





Middleware Technologies

* - Eligibility Criteria: As per the existing institute norms

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



H M101 E nglish for Communication

O bjectives
To develop in the under-graduate students of engineering a level of competence in
To develop effective communication for academic and social needs
O utcome
Ability to in a meaningful manner to different levels of people in their academic and
social domains
Unit I
Communication An introduction - Its role and importance in the corporate world ! Tools of
communication ! Barriers ! Levels of communication ! English for Specific purposes and
English for technical purposes.
Unit I I
Listening process & practice ! Exposure to recorded & structured talks, class room lectures !
Problems in comprehension & retention ! Note-taking practice ! Listening tests- Importance of
listening in the corporate world.
Unit I I I
Reading Introduction of different kinds of reading materials: technical & non-technical !
Different reading strategies: skimming, scanning, inferring, predicting and responding to content
! Guessing from context ! Note making ! Vocabulary extension.
Unit I V
Barriers to speaking ! Building self-confidence & fluency ! Conversation
practice- Improving responding capacity - Extempore speech practice ! Speech assessment.
Unit V
Writing Effective writing practice ! Vocabulary expansion - Effective sentences: role of
acceptability, appropriateness, brevity & clarity in writing ! Cohesion & coherence in writing !
Writing of definitions, descriptions& instructions - Paragraph writing - Introduction to report
T ext Books
1. Krishna Mohan and :eena;shi <aman, +Effective English Communication9, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000
2. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeetha Sharma, +Technical Communication9, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2006
Reference Books
1. :.Ashra0<iA3i,+Effective Technical Communication9,TataMcGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
2. GoldingS.<.,+Common Errors in English Language9,:acmillan,1978
3. Christopher Turk,+Effective S peaking9, E & FN Spon, London, 1985
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



M A101 M athematics I


O bjective
To acquire fundamental knowledge and apply in engineering disciplines.
O utcome
Ability to solve engineering problems
Unit I
Characteristic equation of a matrix !Eigen values and Eigen vectors ! Properties of Eigen values
! Diagonalization of matrix ! Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (without proof) verification !
Finding Inverse and Power of a matrix using it ! Quadratic form ! Definite and indefinite
forms !Orthogonal reduction of quadratic form to canonical form.
Unit I I
Sequences of real numbers ! Limit of a sequence ! Convergent and divergent sequences! sub
sequence- CauchyGs seHuence ! monotone convergence theorem (without proof)- Sequence
with recurrence relations.
Unit I I I
Infinite series-Convergence Tests for positive term series ! Comparison, Root, Ratio and
<aabeGstests- Alternating series ! LeibnitAGsrule! Absolute and Conditional Convergence.
Riemann rearrangement theorem (without proof).
Unit I V
Functions of several variables ! Partial derivatives and Transformation of variables ! Jacobian
and its Properties- Maxima and Minima of function of two variables.
Unit V
Double integral ! Changing the order of Integration ! Change of variables from Cartesian to
Polar Coordinates ! Area using double integral in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates ! Triple
integral ! Change of Variables from Cartesian to Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates !
Volume using double and triple integrals.
T ext Books
1. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9thedition, John Wiley Sons, 2006
2. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 42ndedition, Khanna Publications,
Delhi, 2012.
3. M K Venkataraman, Engineering mathematics, Volume I, 2nd ed., National Publishing
Co. 2003
Reference Books
1. Apostol, T.M.,+Calculus Volume I & II9 Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005
2. Greenberg, :.L., +Advanced Engineering Mathematics9, Second Edition, Pearson
Education Inc. (First Indian reprint), 2002
3. Strauss. M.J, Bradley, G.L.,andSmith,K.N.,+Calculus9, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002
4. T Veerarajan, +Ongg:athematics9,McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt Limited, 2007
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



P H101 Physics I
(Common to all branches)


O bjectives
To make a bridge between the physics in school and engineering courses
To introduce the basic concepts of modern science like Photonics, Engineering
applications of acoustics, fundamentals of crystal physics and materials science
O utcomes
Ability to understand many modern devices and technologies based on lasers and optical
Ability to understand various material properties which are used in engineering
applications and devices.
Unit I
Lasers Introduction to Laser-characteristics of Lasers-Spontaneous and stimulated emissions !
OinsteinGscoe00icients! population inversion and lasing action ! laser systems: Ruby laser,
He-Ne Laser, semiconductor laser-applications:!Holography- CD-drive ! industrial and
medical applications.
Unit I I
Fiber QRtics FermatGs RrinciRle and SnellGs laS-optical fiber ! principle and construction !
acceptance cone - numerical aperture ! V-Number - types of fibers, Fabrication: Double
Crucible Technique, Vapour phase Oxidation Process ! fiber optic communication principle !
fiber optic sensors-other applications of optical fibers.
Unit I I I
Acoustics Characteristics of musical sound ! loudness ! Weber-Fechner law ! decibel !
absorption coefficient ! reverberation ! reverberation time ! SabineGs 0ormula ! acoustics of
buildings ! ultrasonics ! production of ultrasonics using piezoelectric method !
magnetostriction method- applications.
Unit I V
Crystallography Crystalline and amorphous solids ! lattice and unit cell ! seven crystal system
and Bravais lattices ! symmetry operation ! Miller indices ! atomic radius ! coordination
number ! packing factor calculation for sc, bcc, fcc ! TraggGslaSo0U-ray diffraction ! Laue
Method- powder crystal method.
Unit V
Magnetic materials, conductors and superconductors Magnetic materials: Definition of terms
! classification of magnetic materials and properties ! domain theory of ferromagnetism- hard
and soft magnetic materials ! applications. Conductors: classical free electron theory (Lorentz
Drude theory) ! electrical conductivity Superconductors: definition ! Meissner effect ! type I
& II superconductors ! BCS theory (qualitative) ! high temperature superconductors !
Josephson effect ! quantum interference (qualitative) ! SQUID ! applications.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. :.N.A3adhanuluandP.G.Kshirsagar,+AteWtboo;o0OngineeringPhysics9,S.Chand
and Company, New Delhi, 2009
2. R. K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta,+OngineeringPhysics9,Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.,
8th edn., New Delhi (2001).
Reference Books
1. William T. Silfvast, +Laser Fundamentals9, 2nd edn, Cambridge University press, New
York, 2004
2. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, +Fundamentals o0 Physics9, 6th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001
3. Charls Kittel,+Introduction to solid state physics9,7th Edn, Wiley, Delhi, 2007

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



C H 101 C H E M IST R Y I
(Common to all branches)


O bjective
To introduce students to water chemistry, bonding concepts, entropy and basic organic
O utcome
Ability to learn about quality of water, bonding theories, entropy change for various
processes and basic stereo chemical aspects
Unit I
Water - Sources, hard & soft water, estimation of hardness by EDTA method, softening of
water, zeolite process & demineralization by ion exchangers, boiler feed water, internal
treatment methods, specifications for drinking water, BIS & WHO standards, treatment of water
for domestic use, desalination - reverse osmosis & electrodialysis.
Unit I I
Chemical Bonding - Basic concepts, bonding in metals, electron gas theory, physical properties
of metals (electrical & thermal conductivity, opaque & lusture, malleability & ductility), Alloysubstitutional alloys, interstitial alloys. Coordinate bond, EAN rule, 16 & 18 electron rule, crystal
field theory, splitting of 'd' orbitals in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes.
Unit I I I
Shape & Intermolecular Interactions - Shape-Lewis dot structures,
method, consequences of shape, dipole moment, valence bond
interactions-ion ion interactions, ion-dipole interactions, hydrogen
interactions, London / dispersion forces, relative strength of
Consequences-surface tension.

formal charge, VSEPR

theory; Intermolecular
bonding, dipole-dipole
intermolecular forces;

Unit I V
Thermodynamics - Entropy as a thermodynamic quantity, entropy changes in isothermal
expansion of an ideal gas, reversible and irreversible processes, physical transformations, work
& free energy functions, Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy functions, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation,
Gibbs-Duhem equation, Clapeyron-Clausius equation & its applications, Van't Hoff isotherm
and applications.
Unit V
Fuels & Lubricants - Fuels - Classification, examples, relative merits, types of coal,
determination of calorific value of solid fuels, Bomb calorimeter, theoretical oxygen requirement
for combustion, proximate & ultimate analysis of coal, manufacture of metallurgical coke, flue
gas analysis, problems. Lubricants - Definition, theories of lubrication, characteristics of
lubricants, viscosity, viscosity index, oiliness, pour point, cloud point, flash point, fire point,
additives to lubricants, Solid lubricants.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. P.C. Jain, M. Jain, +Engineering Chemistry9, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New
Delhi, 2005.
2. P. Atkins, J.D. Paula,+Physical Chemistry9, Oxford University Press, 2002
Reference Books
1. R. D. Madan, +Modern Inorganic Chemistry9, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,
2. M.J. Shultz,+Engineering Chemistry9, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2007

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



M E101 E ngineering M echanics

(Common to all branches)


O bjectives
To explain the importance of mechanics in the context of engineering and
conservation equations
To explain the significance of centroid, centre of gravity and moment of inertia.
To introduce the techniques for analyzing the forces in the bodies.
To apply the different principles to study the motion of a body, and
concept of relative velocity and acceleration
To describe the trajectory of a particle under projectile motion
To identify the basic elements of a mechanical
system and write their
constitutive equations.
O utcomes
Ability to identify and analyze the problems by applying the fundamental principles of
engineering mechanics
Ability to research, design and develop mechanical systems
Unit I
and its relevance, concepts
of forces, laws of
mechanics - RarallelogramlaS,LamiGstheorem,laSo0Rolygon,conceRto00reebody
diagram, centroids, center of gravity, area moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia
! simple and composite planes, Numerical.
Unit I I
Laws of friction, static friction, rolling friction, application of laws of
friction, ladder friction, wedge friction, body on inclined planes, simple screw jack ! velocity
ratio, mechanical advantage, efficiency, Numerical.
Unit I I I
Statics Principles
of statics, types of forces, concurrent
forces, composition of forces, forces in a plane and space,
strains, elastic coefficients, Numerical.

and non-concurrent
simple stresses and

Unit I V
Kinematics Fundamentals of rectilinear and curvilinear motion, application of general
equations, concept of relative velocity, analytical and graphical techniques, Numerical.
Unit V
LynamicsPrinciRleso0dynamics,LGAlembertGsRrinciple, conservation of momentum and
energy, vibrations of simple systems, Numerical.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. Kumar, K. L., Kumar, V. Engineering Mechanics, Pub.: Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. Palanichamy, M. S., and Nagan, S., Engineering Mechanics ! Statics & Dynamics, Pub.:
Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H., Engineering Mechanics, Pub.: McGraw Hill, 2006.
Reference Books
1. Popov, E. P., Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Pub.: Prentice Hall, 1998.
2. Shames, I. H. and Rao, G. K. M., Engineering Mechanics ! Static and
Dynamics, Pub.: Pearson Education, 2009.
3. Beer, F. P., and Johnson Jr. E. R., Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Pub.: McGraw Hill,
Year of publication: 2009.
4. Rao, J. S. and Gupta, K., Introductory Course on Theory and Practice of
Mechanical Vibrations, Pub.: New Age International, 1999.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS101 Basics of Programming

O bjectives
To learn the fundamentals of computers
To learn the problem solving techniques writing algorithms and procedures
To learn the syntax and semantics for C programming language
To develop the C code for simple logic
To understand the constructs of structured programming including conditionals and
O utcomes
Ability to write algorithms for problems
Ability to comprehend the syntax and semantics of C programming language
Ability to code a given logic in C language for solving problems
Unit I
Introduction to computers ! Computer
Organization ! Characteristics ! Hardware
Software ! Modes of operation ! Types of programming
languages ! Developing a
Unit I I
! Characteristics ! Flowcharts - Principles of Structured programming
! Sequential, selective structures - Repetitive structures !Bounded , Unbounded and Infinite
iterations ! Examples for each.
Unit I I I
Introduction to C ! C character set ! Identifiers and Keywords ! Datatypes ! Constants !
Variables ! Declarations ! Expressions ! Statements ! Symbolic constants ! Operators!
Library functions ! Data input and output: Single character input and output !
Entering input data ! Writing output data ! gets and puts functions. Control statements !
Branching: if-else ! Looping: while ! do-while ! for; Nested control structures !
switch statement ! break statement ! continue statement ! comma operator ! goto statement.
Unit I V
Modular Programming ! Functions and Procedures

! Examples

! Parameter


Unit V
Arrays ! Defining an array ! Processing an array ! Multidimensional arrays-Pointers
! Variable definitions and initialization ! Pointer operators ! Pointer expressions
and arithmetic ! Pointers
and one-dimensional
arrays- Functions ! Defining a
function ! Accessing a function ! Function prototypes ! Passing arguments to a
function ! Passing arrays to a function ! Passing pointers to a function ! Recursion.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. Tyron Gott0ried, +Programming Sith C9, Third Odition, Tata :cGraS Hill Oducation,
2. R. G. Lromey,+HoStoSol3eitTyComRutersZ9,Prentice Hall, 2009
Reference Books
1. N.<.HanlyandO.T.Ko00man,+ProblemSol3ingandProgramLesigninC9,6th
Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Paul Leital and Har3ey Leital, +C HoS to Program9, Se3enth Odition, Prentice Hall,
3. Yashavant Kanet;ar,+Let[sC9,12thOdition,TPTPublications,2012.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



C C101 E nergy and E nvironmental E ngineering

O bjectives
To teach the principal renewable energy systems
To explore the environmental impact of various energy sources and also the effects of
different types of pollutants.
O utcomes
Ability to explore the rincipal renewable energy systems
Ability to explore the environmental impact of various energy sources and
also the effects of different types of pollutants.
Unit I
Present Energy resources in India and its sustainability - Different type of
conventional Power
in India-Advantage
Disadvantage of conventional Power Plants ! Conventional Vs Non-conventional power
Unit I I
Basics of Solar Energy- Solar Thermal
Energy- Solar Photovoltaic- Advantages
and Disadvantages-Environmental impacts and safety. Power
and energy from wind
turbines- IndiaGsSindenergyRotential- Types
of wind turbines- Off shore Wind energyOn3ironmentalbene^tsandimRacts.
Unit I I I
conversion Technologies- Feedstock
and treatment methods- Bioenergy program in India-Environmental bene^ts and imRacts.
Geothermal Energy resources !Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion ! Tidal.
Unit I V
Air pollution- Sources, effects, control, air quality standards, air pollution act, air pollution
measurement. Water pollution-Sources and impacts, Soil pollution-Sources
impacts, disposal of solid waste.


Unit V
Greenhouse gases ! effect, acid rain. Noise pollution. Pollution aspects of various
power plants. Fossil fuels and impacts, Industrial and transport emissions- impacts.
T ext Books
1. Boyle, G. 2004. Renewable energy: Power for a sustainable future. Oxford University
2. B H Khan, Non Conventional Energy Resources-The McGraw !Hill Second edition.
3. G. D. Rai, Non conventional energy sources, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Gilbert M. Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2003.
References Books
1. Unleashing the Potential of Renewable Energy in India !World bank report.
2. Godfrey Boyle, Bob O3erett and Nanet <amage, +Energy Systems and Sustainability.
Power for a sustainable future9,Oxford University press, 2010
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



M P101 E ngineering G raphics


O bjectives
To possess efficient drafting skill
To provide neat structure of industrial drawing
O utcome
Ability to perceive/visualize the engineering components
Fundamentals Drawing standard - BIS, dimensioning, lettering, type of lines, scalingconventions.
Geometrical constructions - dividing a given straight line into any number of equal parts,
bisecting a given angle, drawing a regular polygon given one side, special methods of
constructing a pentagon and hexagon ! conic sections ! ellipse ! parabola ! hyperbola - cycloid
! trochoid.
Orthographic projection Introduction to orthographic projection, drawing orthographic views of
objects from their isometric views - Orthographic projections of points lying in four
quadrants, Orthographic projection of lines parallel and inclined to one or both planes
Orthographic projection of planes inclined to one or both planes. Projections of simple solids axis perpendicular to HP, axis perpendicular to VP and axis inclined to one or both planes.
Sectioning of solids - Section planes perpendicular to one plane and parallel or
inclined to
other plane. Intersection of surfaces Intersection of cylinder &
intersection of cylinder & cone, and intersection of prisms. Development of surfaces Development of prisms, pyramids and cylindrical & conical surfaces.
and perspective projection Isometric projection and isometric views of
different planes and simple solids, introduction to perspective projection. Computer aided
drafting Introduction to computer aided drafting package to make 2-D
T ext Books
1. Bhatt, N. D. and Panchal, V.M., Engineering Drawing, Pub.: Charotar Publishing House,
2. Natarajan, K. V., A text book of Engineering Graphics, Pub.: Dhanalakshmi
Publishers, Chennai, 2006.
Reference Books
1. Venugopal, K. and Prabhu Raja, V., Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD,
Pub.: New Age International, 2009.
2. Jolhe, D. A., Engineering drawing, Pub.: Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
3. Shah, M. B. and Rana, B. C., Engineering Drawing, Pub.: Pearson Education, 2009.
4. Trymbaka Murthy, S., Computer Aided Engineering Drawing, Pub.: I.K.
International Publishing House, 2009.
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



H M 102 Professional Communications


O bjectives

To develop in the under-graduate students of engineering a level of competence

in English required for independent and effective communication for
their professional needs.
O utcomes

Ability to apply English in professional Environment

Ability to communicate themselves effectively in their chosen profession
Unit I
Listening: Barriers to listening: Physical & psychological
! Steps to overcome
them ! Purposive
listening practice ! Active listening and anticipating the
speaker ! Use of technology in the professional world.
Unit _ I I
Fluency & accuracy in speech ! Positive thinking ! Kinds of thinking Improving self expression ! Tonal variations ! Listener oriented speaking -Group
discussion practice ! Interpersonal Conversation -Developing persuasive speaking skills.
Unit I I I
Reading Speed reading practice ! Use of extensive readers !Trans-coding: verbal and
non- verbal ! Eye-reading practice ! Analytical and critical reading practiceIntroduction to ethics & values through case-study materials.
Unit I V
Professional Correspondence ! Formal and informal letters ! Argument
Writing practice ! Perspectives in writing ! Narrative writing -Different registers Tone in formal writing ! Summary writing practice- Introduction to reports.
Unit V
Study Skills Reference Skills - Use of dictionary, thesaurus etc ! Importance
of contents page, cover & back pages ! Bibliography.
Reference Books
1. Shirley Taylor, +Communication for Business9, Longman, New Delhi, 1999
2. Robert Gannon, Best Science Writing: Readings and Insights, University
Press, Hyderabad, 2000
3. Richard A. Boning, Multiple Reading Skills, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1990
4. Albert J. Harris and Edward R. Sipay, How to Increase Reading Ability,
Longman, 1990
5. David Martin, +Tough Talking9, University press, Hyderabad, 1994
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



M A102 M athematics I I


O bjective
To learn mathematical concepts and methods
O utcome
Ability to solve industrially applicable problems
Unit I
Vector space ! Subspaces ! Linear dependence and independence ! Spanning of a
subspace ! Basis and Dimension. Inner product ! Inner product spaces !
Orthogonal and orthonormal basis ! Gram- Schmidt orthogonalization process.
Unit I I
Basic review of first order differential equation - Higher order linear differential
equations with
coefficients ! Equation
to linear
with constant coefficients Simultaneous
linear equations
constant coefficients ! Method
of variation of parameters ! Applications !
Electric circuit problems.
Unit I I I
Gradient, Divergence and Curl ! Directional Derivative ! Tangent
and normal to surfaces ! Angle between surfaces !Solenoidal and irrotational
fields ! Line, surface and volume integrals ! GreenGsTheorem,Sto;esGTheoremand
Gauss Divergence Theorem (all without proof) ! Verification and applications of these
Unit I V
Analytic functions ! Cauchy ! Riemann
equations (Cartesian and polar) !
Properties of analytic functions ! Construction
of analytic functions given
real or imaginary part - Conformal
of standard elementary and
bilinear transformation.
Unit V
CauchyGsintegraltheorem,CauchyGsintegral0ormulaand0orderi3ati3es! TaylorGs
andLaurentGseWRansions_SithoutRroo0` ! Singularities ! Residues
CauchyGsresiduetheorem! Contour integration involving unit circle.
T ext Books
1. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, John Wiley Sons,
2. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 42ndedition, Khanna
Publications, Delhi, 2012.
3. Hsiung, C.Y. and Mao, G. Y. Linear Algebra, World Scientific Pub Co Inc., 1999.
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Books
1. Apostol, T.M. Calculus, Volume I & II, 2ndEdition, John Wiley & Sons (Asia),
2. Greenberg, M.D. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2ndEdition, Pearson
Education Inc. (First Indian reprint), 2002
3. Strauss. M.J, Bradley, G.L. and Smith, K.J. Calculus, 3rdEdition, Prentice Hall,
4. Venkataraman, M. K. Linear Algebra, The National Publishing Co, 1999

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



P H102A Physics I I
(Circuit Branches)


O bjectives
To make a bridge between the physics in school and engineering courses.
To introduce the basic concepts of modern physics like fundamentals
quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and advanced materials
To introduce fundamental
physics like electrodynamics
and semiconductor
physics for circuit branch students.
O utcome
Ability to understand the fundamentals of electrodynamics and semiconductor physics
Unit I
Quantum Mechanics
Inadequacy of classical mechanics (black body radiation, photoelectric effect) ! wave and
particle duality of radiation ! de Broglie concept of matter waves ! electron
diffraction ! HeisenbergGsuncertainty principle !
SchrodingerGsSa3eeHuation !
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions ! superposition
principle ! interpretation
of wave
function ! particle confined in one dimensional infinite square well potential.
Unit - I I
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Nuclear properties and forces - Nuclear models - Shell model - Nuclear reaction
- Radioactivity - types and half lives - application in determining the age of rock and fossilsStellar nucleosynthesis. Fundamental forces - Particle physics - classification of matter
- quark model - neutrino properties and their detection.
Unit I I I
Advanced Materials
Nanomaterials: introduction and properties ! synthesis ! chemical vapour deposition ! ball
milling ! applications. Carbon nanotubes: structure and properties ! synthesis! arc method
! pulsed laser deposition- applications. Liquid Crystals: types ! nematic, cholesteric, smectic !
modes: dynamic scattering, twisted nematic ! display systems. Shape memory alloys-one way
and two way memory effect- pseudoelasticity-applications.
Unit I V
OlectrostaticsaCoulombGslaS- GaussGslaS! Rroo0o0GaussGslaS- Electrostatic filed
in matter: dielectric polarization, polarizability and susceptibility - types of
polarization ! internal field and Claussius-Mosotti equation. Magetostatics: Lorentz force Steady current and equation of continuity - Biot-Savart law ! AmRereGslaS!Magnetostatic field
in matter: torques
and forces on magnetic dipoles-Magnetization-FaradayGslaSo0
induction ! :aWSellGseHuationsageneraliAationo0AmRereGslaS!! propagation of EM
waves in free space.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Unit V
Semiconductor Physics
Introduction-Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors - Intrinsic semiconductor at 0 KIntrinsic semiconductor at room temperature-Intrinsic
carriers- Electron
and Hole
concentrations-doping-n-type ! p-type-temperature variation of carrier concentration in
extrinsic semiconductor-Extrinsic conductivity-Law of Mass
neutralityFermi level in extrinsic semiconductors-Electrical conduction in extrinsic semiconductors- Hall
T ext Books
1. M. N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar, +A text book of Engineering
Physics9,S.Chandand Company, New Delhi, 2009.
2. <.K.GaurandS.L.GuRta,+OngineeringPhysics9,LhanRat<aiPublications_P`Ltd.,
8th ed., New Delhi, 2001
Reference Books
1. Arthur Beiser,+ConceRtso0:odernPhysics9, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 2010
2. LonaldA.Neamen,+Semiconductor Physics and Devices: TasicRrinciRle9,4th
ed,, McGraw- Hill, New York, 2012
3. La3idN.Gri00iths,+Introduction to Electrodynamics9, 3rd ed, Printice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2012
4. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C.P. Poole and F.J. Owens, Wiley, New Delhi (2007)
5. Peter J. Collings, +Introduction to Liquid Crystals Chemistry and Physics9, 2nd ed,
Princeton University Press, New Jersey, (2002).
6. D. C. Lagoudas, +Shape
aRRlications9,Springer, New York, 2008

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



C H 102A C hemistry I I
(for CSE, ECE, EEE, and ICE)
O bjective
To understand the basic principles of electrochemistry,
evaluation, and electrochemical power sources




O utcome
Ability to comprehend electrochemistry, solids, their properties and applications, and the
polymer materials
Unit I
Electrochemistry- Conductivity
electrolytes- Specific,
conductivity, Nernst equation for electrode potential,
EMF series, hydrogen electrode,
calomel electrode, glass electrode, Electrolytic
and galvanic cells, cell EMF,
measurement and
Weston standard cell, reversible and irreversible cells,
concentration cell, electrode and electrolyte concentration
cell, concentration cell with
and without transference
Unit I I
Corrosion - Dry corrosion and wet corrosion, mechanisms, types of corrosion, DMC, DAC,
stress, inter granular, atmospheric
and soil corrosion, Passivity, Polarization, over
potential and its significance, Factors affecting corrosion, protection from corrosion
by metallic coatings, electroplating, electroless plating and cathodic protection,
Chemical conversion coatings and organic coatings- Paints, enamels
Unit I I I
Batteries Different types of batteries-Primary, Secondary & Flow battery and Fuel
cell. Working principle
and uses-Laclanche
cell, Alkaline battery, nicad battery,
lithium battery & Mercury battery. Fuel cell- Theory, working and application.
Different types of fuel cells- H2/O2, propane-oxygen, PEFC and SOFC. Lead Acid
storage cell-charging & discharging principle, operation and uses. Solar battery
Unit I V
Solid State - Types of solids - close packing of atoms and ions - bcc , fcc
structures of rock
salt ! cesium chloride- spinel - normal and inverse spinels, Stoichiometric Defect, controlled
valency & Chalcogen
Preparation of Semiconductors-steps followed during the preparation of highly pure materials
and further treatments. Semiconductor Devices-p-n junction diode
Unit V
Polymer - Nomenclature, functionality, classification methods of polymerization, mechanism of
polymerization, molecular weight determination - Viscometry, light scattering methods. PlasticsMoulding constituents of plastics and moulding of plastics into articles.
thermoplastics and thermosetting resins- synthesis & applications of PVA, FLUON, PC, Kevlar,
ABS polymer, phenolic & amino resins, epoxy resins and polyurethanes, Conductive polymers
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. P. C. Jain and M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2005
2. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, and M.S. Pathania, +Principleso0PhysicalChemistry9,Vishal
Publishing Company, 2008.
3. J. D. Lee, +Concise Inorganic Chemistry9, 5th Edn., Chapman and Hall, London, 1996.
Reference Books
1. S. S. Dara and S. S. Umare, +A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry9, S. Chand
Publishing, 2011
2. F.b.Tillmayer,+Textbook of Polymer Science9, 3rd Edn, Wiley. N.Y. 1991.
3. A. R. West, +BasicSolidStateChemistry9,2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1999.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



B E I 102 Basic C ivil E ngineering

(for Chemical, CSE, ECE, EEE, ICE, Mechanical, MME, and Production)


O bjectives
To give an overview of the fundamentals of the Civil Engineering fields to the students of
all branches of Engineering
To realize the importance of the Civil Engineering Profession in fulfilling societal needs
O utcome
Ability to gain knowledge on on-site selection, construction materials, components of
buildings, roads and water resources
Unit I
Properties and uses of construction materials - stones, bricks, cement, concrete and steel.
Unit I I
Site selection for buildings - Component
of building - Foundation- Shallow and deep
foundations - Brick and stone masonry - Plastering - Lintels, beams and columns - Roofs.
Unit I I I
Roads-Classification of Rural and urban Roads- Pavement Materials-Traffic signs and road
marking-Traffic Signals.
Unit I V
Surveying -Classification-Chain Survey-Ranging-Compass Survey-exhibition of different
survey equipment.
Unit V
Sources of Water - Dams- Water Supply-Quality of Water-Wastewater Treatment !
Sea Water Intrusion ! Recharge of Ground Water
Reference Books
1. Punmia, B.C, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, Basic Civil Engineering, Lakshmi
Publishers, 2012
2. Satheesh Gopi, +Basic Civil Engineering9, Pearson Publishers, 2009.
3. Rangwala, S. C, +Building materials9, Charotar Publishing House, Pvt. Limited, Edition
4. Palanichamy, M. S, +Basic Civil Engineering9, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2000.
5. Lecture notes prepared by Department of Civil Engineering, NITT.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



B E I I 102 Basic Mechanical E ngineering

(for Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, ICE)


O bjectives
To explain the importance
of concepts
of mechanical
conservation equations
To introduce the techniques for analyzing the forces, momentum and power.
To introduce the various properties of materials, and the techniques
selection of materials
To identify the basic elements
of a mechanical
system and write their
constitutive equations and performance analysis techniques.
O utcomes
Ability to identify, appreciate and
fundamentals of mechanical engineering
Ability to develop mechanical systems


the problems by applying the

Unit I
Introduction to mechanical engineering, concepts of thermal engineering,
mechanical machine design, industrial engineering, and manufacturing technology.
Unit I I
Thermal Engineering
Laws of thermodynamics, types of systems, concepts and types of
IC engine, air compressors, principle of turbomachines, properties of steam and
steam generators,
refrigeration & air- conditioning.
Unit I I I
Engineering Materials Types
of materials, selection of materials, material
properties, introduction
to materials structure, machine
elements, transmission,
fasteners, and
support systems.
Unit I V
Manufacturing Technology
Manufacturing, classification, lathe, drilling machines, milling
metal joining, metal forming, casting, forging, and introduction
powder metallurgy.
Reference Books
1. Lecture notes prepared by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITT.
2. K. Venugopal, Basic mechanical Engineering

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



BS 102 B ranch Specific Course in CSE


O bjectives
To make the student understand the basic building blocks of a computing system
To make the student understand the flow of Concept-Program-Input-Processing-Output
To introduce low level language, translators, operating system
O utcomes
Ability to trace the Concept-Program-Input-Processing-Output
Ability to generate low level code for simple programs
Ability to design simple arithmetic and memory units

Unit I Concept-Program-Input-Processing-O utput

Demo of simple high level language program to low level machine level language program
tracing their execution from high level to circuit level/ gate level - Overview of the Hardware
Description Language (HDL) - Designing a set of elementary logic gates from primitive NAND
Design of binary adders, culminating in the construction of a simple ALU (Arithmetic-Logic
Unit) using logic gates - Design of memory hierarchy from elementary flip-flop gates to registers
and RAM units of arbitrary sizes using logic gates
Unit I I Introduction to Low level language
Introducing an instruction set, in both binary and assembly (symbolic) versions; Writing some
low-level assembly programs - Other details of computer architecture - Basic language
translation techniques: parsing, symbol table, macro-assembly
Unit I I I Introduction to V irtual M achine
The role of virtual machines in modern software architectures like Java and .NET; Introduction
of a typical VM language, focusing on stack-based arithmetic, logical, and memory access
operations - VM abstraction and implementation, focusing on stack-based flow-of-control and
subroutine call-and-return techniques
Unit I V Introduction to Compilers
Context-free grammars and recursive parsing algorithms; Building a syntax analyzer (tokenizer
and parser) The syntax analyzer to generate XML code reflecting the structure of the translated
program - Code generation, low-level handling of arrays and objects
Unit V Introduction to OS
Discussion of OS/hardware and OS/software design trade-offs, and time/space efficiency
considerations - Design and implementation of some classical arithmetic and geometric
algorithms for the implementation of OS - memory management, string processing, and I/O
handling algorithms
T ext Book
Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken, +The Olements o0 ComRuting Systemsa Tuilding a
:odernComRuter0romFirstPrinciRles9,The MIT Press, 2005
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS201 Data Structures


O bjectives
To understand the various techniques of sorting and searching
To design and implement arrays, stacks, queues, and linked lists
To understand the complex data structures such as trees and graphs
O utcomes
Ability to develop programs to implement linear data structures such as stacks, queues,
linked lists, etc.
Ability to apply the concept of trees and graph data structuress in real world scenarios
Ability to comprehend the implementation of sorting and searching algorithms
Unit I
Development of Algorithms - Notations and analysis - Storage structures for arrays - Sparse
matrices - Stacks and Queues: Representations and applications.
Unit I I
Linked Lists - Linked stacks and queues - Operations on polynomials - Doubly linked lists Circularly linked lists - Dynamic storage management - Garbage collection and compaction.
Unit I I I
Binary Trees - Binary search trees - Tree traversal - Expression manipulation - Symbol table
construction - Height balanced trees - Red-black trees.
Unit I V
Graphs - Representation of graphs - BFS, DFS - Topological sort - Shortest path problems.
String representation and manipulations - Pattern matching.
Unit ! V
Sorting Techniques - Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Heap, Quick, and Radix sort - Address
calculation - Linear search - Binary search - Hash table methods.
T ext Books
1. J. P. Tremblay and P. G. Sorenson, "An Introduction to Data Structures with
applications", Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1981
2. M. Tenenbaum and Augestien, +Lata Structures using C9, Third Odition, Pearson
Education 2007.
Reference Book
Sartaj Sahni, +LataStructures,AlgorithmsandARRlicationsinCcc9,Universities Press
(I) Pvt. Ltd.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS203 Discrete Structures

O bjectives
To get familiar and understand the fundamental notions in discrete mathematics
To understand and demonstrate the basic concept of an algorithm and its application in
combinatorial mathematics
To identify the basic properties of graphs and trees and model simple applications
O utcomes
Ability to distinguish between the notion of discrete and continuous mathematical
Ability to construct and interpret finite state diagrams and DFSA
Ability to apply induction and other proof techniques towards problem solving
Unit I
Set T heory And Logic- Sets, Functions, Relations, Equivalence Relation,Poset. Functions
Logic: Propositional Logic, Truth Tables, Tautologies, Resolution Proof System, Predicate
Unit ! II
Induction A nd Combinatorics - Peano's Axioms - Mathematical Induction - Pigeon-Hole
Principle - Principle Of Inclusion And Exclusion - Review Of Permutations And Combinations Distribution Problems - Derangements - Bijection Principle.
Unit I I I
A lgebraic Structures - Semi-Groups, Monoids, Groups, Subgroups And Their Properties Cyclic Groups - Cosets - Permutation Groups - Lagrange's Theorem - Cayley's Theorem Normal Subgroups - Homomorphism Of Groups - Quotient Groups !Introduction To Rings And
Unit I V
L inear A lgebra A nd Recur rence Relations - Linear Algebra: Vector Space, Basis, Dimension,
Orthogonality. Recur rence Relations : Homogeneous And Inhomogeneous Recurrences And
Their Solutions - Solving Recurrences Using Generating Functions.
Unit V
G raph T heory - Definitions And Basic Results - Representation Of A Graph By A Matrix And
Adjacency List - Trees - Cycles - Properties - Paths And Connectedness - Subgraphs - Graph
Isomorphism - Operations On Graphs - Vertex And Edge Cuts - Vertex And Edge Connectivity.
T ext Books
1. C.L.Liu And D.P.Mohapatra, " Elements Of Discrete Mathematics: A Computer
Oriented Approach", Mcgraw Hill, Third Edition, 2012.
2. Kenneth H. Rosen, "Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications" Mcgraw Hill, Seventh
Edition, 2012 (Indian Adaptation By Kamala Krithivasan, Iit Madras).

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Books
1. R. Balakrishnan and K. Ranganathan, "A Text Book Of Graph Theory", Springer.
2. Thomas Koshy, "Discrete Mathematics with Applications", Elsevier, 2009.
3. Gary Haggard,NohnSchliR0,andSuebhitesides,+Liscrete:athematics0orComRuter
1. T.Tollobes,+:odernGraRhTheory9,SRringer,NeSfor;1998

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS205 Digital Systems Design


O bjectives
To understand the essential knowledge on the fundamental of digital circuits
To understand the overview on the design principles of digital computing systems
O utcomes
Ability to design and implement complicated digital systems using Verilog
Ability to design a VLSI circuit for an application
Ability to comprehend the digital design logic
Unit I
Binary codes - Weighted and non-weighted - Binary arithmetic conversion algorithms, Canonical
and standard boolean expressions - Truth tables, K-map reduction - Don't care conditions Adders / Subtractors - Carry look-ahead adder - Code conversion algorithms - Design of code
converters - Equivalence functions.
Unit I I
Binary/Decimal Parallel Adder/Subtractor for signed numbers - Magnitude comparator Decoders / Encoders - Multiplexers / Demultiplexers - Boolean function implementation using
Unit I I I
Sequential logic - Basic latch - Flip-flops (SR, D, JK, T and Master-Slave) - Triggering of flipflops - Counters - Design procedure - Ripple counters - BCD and Binary - Synchronous counters,
Registers - Shift registers - Registers with parallel load, Reduction of state and flow tables Race-free state assignment - Hazards.
Unit I V
Introduction to VLSI design - Basic gate design - Digital VLSI design - Design of general
boolean circuits using CMOS gates. Verilog Concepts ! Basic concepts ! Modules & ports &
Functions ! useful modeling techniques ! Timing and delays ! user defined primitives. Modeling
Unit V
Advanced Verilog Concepts ! Synthesis concepts ! Inferring latches and flip-flops ! Modeling
techniques for efficient circuit design. Design of high-speed arithmetic circuits ! Parallelism
Pipelined Wallace tree tipliers - Systolic algorithms - Systolic matrix multiplication.
T ext Books
1. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti, "Digital Design", 5th Ed, PHI, 2012
2. Samir Palnitkar, "Verilog HDL", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003
Reference Books
1. Michael D. Ciletti, "Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2010
2. Stephen Brown, "Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog", McGraw Hill, 2007
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS207 Data Communication

O bjectives
To understand the fundamental concepts of encoding techniques
To familiarize with various multiplexing techniques
To understand the importance of error correcting codes in data transmission


O utcomes
Ability to design and implement error correction and detection codes for correct
transmission of data
Ability to apply data communication concepts in practical areas
Ability to comprehend various encoding techniques and its implementation
Unit I Introduction to W aveform E ncoding
Pulse Code Modulation: Sampling, Quantization, Transmission, Reception, Error, SNR,
Differential Pulse Code Modulation, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation, Sigma Delta
Modulation, Linear Predictive Coder (LPC)
Unit I I Physical L ayer
Digital and Analog Signals, Periodic Analog Signals, Signal Transmission, Limitations of Data
Rate, Digital Data Transmission, Performance Measures, Line Coding, Digital Modulation,
Media and Digital Transmission System
Unit I I I M ultiplexing
Multiplexing Techniques: FDM, TDM, STDM, Transmission Media: Classification and
Selection of Media, Switching Networks: Packet, Circuit, Massage, Telephone Networks: Packet
and Circuit Switching in telephone network
Unit I V E r ror Detection and Cor rection
Types of Errors, Two dimensional parity check, Detection verses correction, Block Coding,
Linear Block Coding, Cyclic Codes, Checksum, Standardized Polynomial Code, Error
Correction Methods, Forward Error Correction
Unit V C ase Study
Wireless Data Transfer, Remote Weather Monitoring System, Energy Management in Wireless
System, Emission Monitoring System, Railway Information and Surveillance System, Central
Distribution Hub
Reference Books
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Sophia Chung Fegan, +Data Communications and Networking9,
5th edition, Science Engineering & Math Publications, 2012
2. billiamStallings,+LataandComRuterCommunications9,8th edition, Pearson Education
India, 2007

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS209 Computer O rganization

O bjectives
To understand the basic hardware and software issues of computer organization
To understand the representation of data at machine level
To understand how computations are performed at machine level


O utcomes
Ability to analyze the abstraction of various components of a computer
Ability to analyze the hardware and software issues and the interfacing
Ability to work out the tradeoffs involved in designing a modern computer system
Unit I
Introduction, Technologies for building Processors and Memory, Performance, The Power Wall,
Operations of the Computer Hardware, Operands Signed and Unsigned numbers, Representing
Instructions, Logical Operations, Instructions for Making Decisions
Unit I I
MIPS Addressing for 32-Bit Immediates and Addresses, Parallelism and Instructions:
Synchronization, Translating and Starting a Program, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division, Floating Point, Parallelism and Computer Arithmetic: Subword Parallelissm,
Streaming SIMD Extensions and Advanced Vector Extensions in x86.
Unit I I I
Logic Design Conventions, Building a Datapath, A Simple Implementation Scheme, overview of
Pipelining, Pipelined Datapath, Data Hazards: Forwarding versus Stalling, Control Hazards,
Exceptions, Parallelism via Instructions, The ARM Cortex ! A8 and Intel Core i7 Pipelines,
Instruction !Level Parallelism and Matrix Multiply Hardware Design language
Unit I V
Memory Technologies, Basics of Caches, Measuring and Improving Cache Performance,
dependable memory hierarchy, Virtual Machines, Virtual Memory, Using FSM to Control a
Simple Cache, Parallelism and Memory Hierarchy: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks,
Advanced Material: Implementing Cache Controllers
Unit V
Disk Storage and Dependability, RAID levels, performance of storage systems, Introduction to
multi threading clusters, message passing multiprocessors.
T ext Book
1. La3id A. Patterson and Nohn L. Hennessey, +ComRuter organiAation and design, The
HardSare/So0tSareinter0ace9,:organKau00man/ Elsevier, Fifth edition, 2014
Reference Book
1. V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Varanesic, and Sa0atG.ha;y,+ComRuterQrganiAation+,
6th edition, McGraw-Hill Inc, 2012
2. William Stallings, +ComRuter QrganiAation and Architecture9, 8th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2010
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



H M201 Corporate Communication

O bjectives
To help in participation in seminars, group discussions, and interviews successfully
To prepare to present ideas effectively to different levels of people
To enable write reports, research papers, and proposals
O utcomes
Ability to express themselves meaningfully in seminars and GD
Ability to write reports, notices, etc., required in the corporate world
Ability to listen and comprehend and also retain information presented by others
Unit I: Importance of Communication in the Corporate World
Corporate culture & communication ! Networks & channels of communication ! Barriers to
communication ! Strategies to overcome them - Role of psychology in communication- Internal
& External Communication- Management & Communication - Institute & Corporate Social
Unit I I: Fluent O ral Communication T echniques
Speech mechanics ! Mental process of speaking ! Extempore speech practice ! Body Language
! Interview strategies - Seminar & Presentation skills - Use of Visual Aids ! Use of Power point- Techniques to make people listen.
Unit I I I: L istening Skills
Importance of listening in the corporate world -Listening for information and content ! Kinds of
listening ! Factors affecting this ! Methods to overcome them ! Retention of facts, data &
figures- Role of Speaker in listening.
Unit I V : W riting for T echnical Purposes
Reader-writer relationship - Varieties of styles and registers- Mechanics of technical writing !
Corporate & Institute Branding - website - Communication in Crises ! Executive summary and
abstract !Memos -- Use of charts, graphs etc.
Unit V : W riting for Business Purposes
Inter office memos - Circulars and notices ! Proposals, Agenda and Minutes ! Marketing
language !Corporate Branding - ifouG tone - Captions & Eye catchers-- Communication in a
Reference Books
1. La3idLindsay,+Scienti0icbritingjThin;inginbords9,2011
2. Paul A. Argenti, "Corporate Communication", McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. Sandra M. Oliver, "Handbook of Corporate Communication And Public Relations",
Routledge, 2004.
David Lindsay,+AGuidetoScienti0icbriting9:acmillan,1995

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS213 Data Structures L aboratory


O bjectives
To analyze the time and space complexities and efficiency of various algorithms.
To understand the practical application of linear and nonlinear data structures.
To introduce and practice advanced algorithms, programming techniques necessary for
developing sophisticated computer application programs.
O utcomes
Ability to apply and implement the learned algorithm for problem solving
Ability to identify the data structure to develop program for real time applications
Ability to design and develop optimal algorithms
E xperiments
Problems in C/C++/ Java using data structures involving arrays, stacks, queues, strings,
linked lists, trees, graphs.
Operations on stacks, queues and linked lists
Conversion of infix expressions to postfix and evaluation of postfix expressions
Implementation of priority queue
Implementation of Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree
Implementation of Sorting Techniques
CS215 Digital System Design L aboratory


O bjectives
To develop programs in Hardware Description Language
To design and implement synchronous sequential, asynchronous sequential circuits
To be familiar with basic combinational and sequential components used in the typical
data path designs

O utcomes
Ability to design synchronous sequential circuits using basic flip-flops, counters, PLA,
Ability to design and develop basic digital systems
Ability to debug digital circuits
E xperiments
Design of a 32-bit carry look-ahead adder with logarithmic depth using Verilog
Design of a Wallace tree multiplier using Verilog
Design of a 4-bit DSP processor using Verilog
Burning the 4-bit DSP processor on a FPGA

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS202 O perating Systems
O bjectives
To provide knowledge about the services rendered by operating systems
To provide a detailed discussion of the various memory management techniques
To discuss the various file-system design and implementation issues
To discuss how the protection domains help to achieve security in a system
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the techniques used to implement the process manager
Ability to comprehend virtual memory abstractions in operating systems
Ability to design and develop file system interfaces, etc.
Unit I
Operating Systems !Definition- Types- Functions -Abstract view of OS- System Structures !
System Calls- Virtual Machines !Process Concepts !Threads !Multithreading
Unit I I
Process Scheduling- Process Co-ordination !Synchronization !Semaphores !Monitors Hardware
Synchronization !Deadlocks !Methods for Handling Deadlocks
Unit I I I
Memory Management Strategies !Contiguous and Non-Contiguous allocation !Virtual memory
Management !Demand Paging- Page Placement and Replacement Policies
Unit I V
File System !Basic concepts - File System design and Implementation !Case Study: Linux File
Systems - Mass Storage Structure !Disk Scheduling !Disk Management !I/O Systems- System
Protection and Security.
Unit V
Distributed Systems !Distributed operating systems !Distributed file systems !Distributed
T ext Book
Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, "Operating System Concepts", John Wiley and Sons, 9th
edition, 2013
References Books
1. William Stallings, +Operating Systems !Internals and Design Principles9, 8/E, Pearson
Publications, 2014
2. AndreSS.Tanenbaum,+:odernQReratingSystems9,4/O,PearsonPublications,2014

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



M A204 Introduction to Probability T heory

O bjectives
To introduce the fundamental concepts and theorems of probability theory
To apply elements of stochastic processes for problems in real life
To understand elementary queuing concepts and apply elsewhere in computer science.
O utcomes
Ability to conceptualize the necessity of randomness concept in practical situation
Ability to approximate the real problems using stochastic process and deduce results
Ability to deduce useful results and interpret them based on the analysis of queuing
Unit I
Axioms of probability theory - Probability spaces - Joint and conditional probabilities- TayesG
Theorem- Independent events.
Unit I I
Random Variable and random vectors - Distributions and densities. Independent random
variables ! Functions of one and two random variables.
Unit I I I
Moments and characteristic functions - Inequalities of Chebyshev and Schwartz. Convergence
Unit I V
Random processes - Stationarity and ergodicity - Strict sense and wide sense stationary processes
- Covariance functions and their properties - Spectral representation - Wiener-Khinchine
Unit V
Gaussian processes - Processes with independent increments - Poisson processes - Lowpass and
Bandpass noise representations.
T ext Books
Papoulis, A., +Probability, <andom 3ariables and Stochastic Processes9, 4th edition,
McGraw Hill, 2002
La3enRort, +Probability and <andom Processes 0or Scientist and Ongineers9, :cGraSHill, 1970

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS206 Computer Networ ks

O bjectives
To provide insight about networks, topologies, and the key concepts
To gain comprehensive knowledge about the layered communication architectures (OSI
and TCP/IP) and its functionalities
To understand the principles, key protocols, design issues, and significance of each layers
in ISO and TCP/IP
To know the basic concepts of network security and its various security issues related
with each layer
O utcomes
Ability to gain insight about basic network theory and layered communication
Ability to provide solutions to various problems in network theory
Ability to conceptualize and design a network stack
Unit I
Introductory Concepts - Network hardware - Network software ! Review of Physical layer Guided transmission media - Cable television
Unit I I
Data L ink L ayer - Design issues - Channel allocation problem - Multiple access protocols Ethernet - Wireless LAN - 802.11 architecture
Unit I I I
Networ k L ayer - Design issues - Routing algorithms - Congestion control algorithms - Quality
of Service - Internetworking
Unit I V
T ransport L ayer - Transport service - Elements of transport protocols - User Datagram Protocol
- Transmission Control Protocol
Unit V
A pplication L ayer - DNS - Electronic mail - World Wide Web - Multimedia
T ext Books
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and La3id N. betherall, +ComRuter NetSor;s9, 5th edition,
Prentice Hall, 2010
2. W. Stallings, "Data and Computer Communication", 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007
Reference Book :
TehrouA A. ForuAan, +Lata Communication and NetSor;ing9, 5th edition, Science
Engineering & Math Publications, 2012

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS208 A utomata and Formal L anguages


O bjectives
To introduce concepts in automata theory and theory of computation
To identify different formal language classes and their relationships
To design grammars and recognizers for different formal languages
O utcomes
Ability to relate practical problems to languages, automata, and computability
Ability to demonstrate an increased level of mathematical sophistication
Ability to apply mathematical and formal techniques for solving problems
Unit I Introduction
Alphabets, Strings and Languages; Automata and Grammars, Deterministic finite Automata
(DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation: State transition graph, Transition table, Language
of DFA, Nondeterministic finite Automata (NFA), NFA with epsilon transition, Language of
NFA, Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Minimization of Finite Automata, Distinguishing one
string from other, Myhill-Nerode Theorem
Unit I I Regular E xpression (R E)
Regular expression (RE) Definition, Operators of regular expression and their precedence,
Algebraic laSs 0or <egular eWRressions, KleenGs Theorem, <egular eWRression to FA, LFA to
Regular expression, Arden Theorem, Non Regular Languages, Pumping Lemma for regular
Languages. Application of Pumping Lemma, Closure properties of Regular Languages, Decision
properties of Regular Languages, FA with output: Moore and Mealy machine, Equivalence of
Moore and Mealy Machine, Applications and Limitation of FA.
Unit I I I Context F ree G rammar (C F G) and Context F ree L anguages (C F L)
Definition, Examples, Derivation, Derivation trees, Ambiguity in Grammar, Inherent ambiguity,
Ambiguous to Unambiguous CFG, Useless symbols, Simplification of CFGs, Normal forms for
CFGs: CNF and GNF, Closure proper ties of CFLs, Decision Properties of CFLs: Emptiness,
Finiteness and Membership, Pumping lemma for CFLs
Unit I V Push Down A utomata (PD A)
Description and definition, Instantaneous Description, Language of PDA, Acceptance by Final
state, Acceptance by empty stack, Deterministic PDA, Equivalence of PDA and CFG, CFG to
PDA and PDA to CFG,
Unit V T uring machines (T M)
Basic model, definition and representation, Instantaneous Description, Language acceptance by
TM, Variants of Turing Machine, TM as Computer of Integer functions, Universal TM, Chur
Undecidability, Undecidable problems about TMs. Post correspondence problem (PCP),
Modified PCP, Introduction to recursive function theory

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Book
1. Hopcroft and [llman,+IntroductiontoAutomataTheory,LanguagesandComRutation9,
Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 2006
Reference books
1. :artin N. C., +Introduction to Languages and Theory o0 ComRutations9, T:H, 4th
edition, 2010
2. Peter Linz, "An Introduction to Formal Language and Automata", Narosa Pub. House,
3. PaRadimitriou,C.andLeSis,C.L.,+Olementso0theTheoryo0ComRutation9,PHI,1997

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS210 Introduction to A lgorithms

O bjectives
To understand the importance of algorithm and its complexity
To analyze the complexity of an algorithm in terms of time and space complexities
To design and implement various programming paradigms and its complexity
O utcomes
Ability to analyze the time and space complexity, given an algorithm
Ability to apply the techniques of algorithm in solving real world problems
Ability to develop systematically an algorithm for solving a problem
Unit I
Algorithms - Examples - Tournament method - Evaluating polynomial functions - pre-processing
of coefficients - solving recurrence equations.
Unit I I
Divide and Conquer method - Strassen's matrix multiplication - Greedy method - Knapsack
problem - Job sequencing with deadlines - Minimum spanning trees.
Unit I I I
Dynamic Programming - Multistage graphs - All RairGs shortest Raths - Optimal binary search
trees - Travelling salesman problem - Fast Fourier transform.
Unit I V
Randomized Algorithms and Amortized Analysis - Las Vegas and Monte Carlo types Randomized quick sort and its analysis - Min-Cut algorithm.
Unit V
NP-Hard and NP-complete problems - Basic concepts - Reducibility - Cook's theorem (without
proof) - Turing machines - NP-Hard graph problems.
T extbook
T. Cormen, C. Lieserson, <. <i3est, and C. Stein, +Introductions to Algorithms9,
Prentice-Hall/India, 3rd edition, 2009

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS212 Combinatorics and G raph T heory


O bjective
To introduce basic combinatorics and graph theory
O utcomes
Ability to apply combinatorial ideas in mathematical arguments in analysis of algorithms,
queuing theory, etc.
Ability to comprehend graph theory fundamentals and tackle problems in dynamic
programming, network flows, etc.
Ability to design and develop real time application using graph theory
Unit I
Scope of the course, Application areas in CS, A feel of some advanced problems in
Combinatorial Optimization/ Graph Theory, Sum/Product rules, Power set - algorithm,
Bijections/Mapping/Examples Permutations and combinations, examples, Combinatorial ideas,
Pascal Triangle Counting principles via examples, Insertion sort, Stirling numbers
Unit I I
Average case analysis and combinatorial ideas Double counting - Fubini's method, PHP
principle, various illustrations Stirling numbers of II kind, Combinatorial identities, Binomial
theorem Multinomial theorem, P(n,t1, - - - ,tp) notation, Euler PHI-function, Properties, Steps in
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Unit I I I
Inclusion/Exclusion Principle, Exercises, Derangements, IMO type problems, Ramsey Theory,
Partition problems, Ferrar Diagrams Recurrences - Examples in CS, Substitution methods,
Recurrence trees, D&C Solving Fibonacci series - GF idea, Difference equations, examples.
Homogeneous case Inhomogeneous case
Unit I V
Basics of GFs, Review problems, Examples, GF manipulations Coupled difference equations,
Graph theory fundamentals, Representations, Examples in CS - MST review, Party problem
Distance in graphs, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Operations in graphs, Meanings of products
Unit V
Regular graphs, related results, Coloring, Cliques and independent sets, Trees, definitions,
related problems, properties, Network Flows, Definitions, Related discussions and Max-Flow
Min-Cut Theorem, Introduction to optimization problems in CS, LP formulation, Branch-andBound
T ext books
1. N.H.lanLintand<.:.bilson,+AcourseinCombinatorics9, 2nd edition, Cambridge
Univ. Press, 2001
2. G.ChartrandandP.hhang,+IntroductiontoGraRhTheory9,:cGraS-Hill, 2006

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS214 A lgorithms L aboratory

O bjectives
To learn how to analyze the complexity of algorithms
To compare and evaluate algorithms in terms of time and space complexity
To program brute force, divide and conquer, decrease and conquer, transform and
conquer, greedy, and dynamic techniques


O utcomes
Ability to solve and analyze general algorithms based on space and time complexity
Ability to implement and empirically compare fundamental algorithms and data
structures to real-world problems
Ability to design, develop, and optimize algorithms in different paradigms
E xperiments
Estimating worst-case/average-case complexity of algorithms via programs
Determining machine constants
Programs involving some advanced data structures
Implementing example problems
Illustrating the different paradigms of algorithm design
Solving miscellaneous problems e.g. problems in string manipulation, graph theory,

CS216 O perating Systems L aboratory


O bjectives
To understand the concept of Operating System
To experience the practical side of the functioning of various blocks in OS
O utcomes
Ability to make use of tools for solving synchronization problems
Ability to compare and contrast various CPU scheduling algorithms
Ability to understand the differences between segmented and paged memories
E xperiments
1. Hands on Unix Commands
2. Shell programming for file handling
3. Shell Script programming using the commands grep, awk and sed
4. Implementation of CPU scheduling algorithms
5. Pthread Programming
6. Implementation of Synchronization problems using Semaphores, Message Queues and
Shared Memory
7. Implementation of Memory Management - Allocation, Placement and replacement

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



1. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, "Operating System Concepts", 9/E, John Wiley and Sons
2. billiamStallings,+QReratingSystems!InternalsandLesignPrinciRles9,8/O,Pearson
Publications, 2014
3. AndreSS.Tanenbaum,+:odernQReratingSystems9,4/O,PearsonPublications,2014

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS301 Computer A rchitecture
O bjectives
To understand the concept of advanced pipelining techniques
To understand the current state of art in memory system design
To know the working principle of I/O devices


O utcomes
Ability to apply performance metrics to find the performance of systems
Ability to identify the problems in components of computer
Ability to comprehend and differentiate various computer architectures and hardware
Unit I
Introduction, Classes of computers, Defining Computer Architecture ! Trends in Technology !
Trends in Power and Energy in Integrated Circuits ! Trends in Cost ! Dependability !
Measuring, Reporting and Summarizing Performance ! Quantitative Principles of Computer
Unit I I
Basic and Intermediate pipelining Concepts, The Major Hurdle of Pipelining ! Pipeline Hazards,
Pipelining Implementation, Implementation issues that makes Pipelining hard, Extending the
MIPS Pipeline to Handle Multicycle Operations, The MIPS R4000 Pipeline.
Unit I I I
Instruction-Level Parallelism: Concepts and Challenges ! Basic Compiler Techniques for
Exposing ILP ! Reducing Branch Costs with Prediction ! Overcoming Data Hazards with
Dynamic Scheduling ! Dynamic Scheduling ! Hardware-Based Speculation ! Exploiting ILP
Using Multiple Issue and Static Scheduling ! Exploiting ILP, Advanced Techniques for
Instruction Delivery and Speculation, Studies of the Limitations of ILP
Unit I V
Vector Architecture ! SIMD Instruction Set Extensions for Multimedia ! Graphics Processing
Units ! Detecting and Enhancing Loop-Level Parallelism ! Centralized Shared-Memory
Architectures ! Performance of Shared-Memory Multiprocessors ! Distributed Shared Memory,
Models of Memory Consistency, Multicore Processors and Their Performance.
Unit V
Review of Memory Hierarchy Design, Cache Performance, Basic Cache Optimizations, Virtual
Memory, Protection and Examples of Virtual Memory, Advanced Optimizations of Cache
Performance, Memory Technology and Optimizations, Protection: Virtual Memory and Virtual
Machines, Crosscutting Issues: The Design of Memory Hierarchies. Case Studies / Lab Exercises

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Book
1. David. A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
approach", Elsevier, 5th Edition, 2012
Reference Book
K. Hwang and Naresh NotSani, +Ad3anced ComRuter Architecture, Parallelism,
Scalability,Programmability9,Tata:cGraSHill,2nd Edition, 2010

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



M A304 Principles of O perations Research

O bjectives
To classify and formulate real-life problem for modelling, solving and applying for
decision making.
To study the formulation and various methods of solutions for linear programming,
transportation, assignment, CPM and PERT problems
To solve problems using dynamic programming method
O utcomes
Ability to analyse problems in engineering, management, or business environment,
focusing on important details
Ability to formulate real problems in terms of input-output-parameters relationships and
identify the solution procedure
Ability to comprehend the methodologies and correlate with engineering problems
Unit - I
Introduction to operational research-Linear programming problems (LPP)-Graphical methodSimplex method-Big M Method-Dual simplex method-Primal Dual problems.
Unit I I
Dual theory and Sensitivity analysis-Transportation and
Applications(Emphasis should be more on problems than theory)



Unit I I I
CPM and PERT !Network diagram-Events and activities-Project Planning-Reducing critical
events and activities-Critical path calculations-example-Sequencing problems.
Unit I V
Replacement problems-Capital equipment-Discounting costs-Group replacement. Inventory
models-various costs- Deterministic inventory models-Economic lot size-Stochastic inventory
models-Single period inventory models with shortage cost.
Unit V
Dynamic programming-Formulation-Invest problem-General allocation problem-Stage coach
problem-Production Scheduling.
T ext Books
H. A. Taha, +QRerations <esearch - An introduction9, 9th edition, Prentice Hall,
Macmillan, 2010
F. S. Hiller and G. N. Liebermann, +Introduction to oRerational research9, 8th edition,
McGraw-Hil, 2005
T. O. Gillet, +Introduction to oRerational research-A computer oriented algorithmic
H. M. Wagner, Principles of operational research with applications to managerial
decisions, PH, Inc, 1975
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS303 Internetwor king Protocols

O bjectives
To know the implementation details of IPv4, IPv6, and TCP
To adapt the IP for Mobile applications
O utcomes
Ability to code and implement MAC protocols, IPv4, IPv6, and TCP
Ability to design and develop Mobile IP
Ability to design and develop a communication protocol
Unit I
OSI and TCP/IP Reference model, Concepts of multiplexing and switching, MAC protocols !
ALOHA, CSMA/CD, IEEE Standard 802 from Ethernet, Token Bus, and Token Ring,
Comparison of 802 Bridges.
Unit - I I
IPv4 headers, IP forwarding, Host Processing of IP datagrams, DHCP and Autoconfiguration,
Firewalls and NAT, ICMPv4, IP Fragmentation, Broadcasting and Local Multicasting ! IGMP
and MLD, Routing Protocols
Unit I I I
IPv6 Transition issues, Protocol basics, Addressing, Options and Extension headers, ICMPv6,
Neighbor Discovery, Routing, Autoconfiguration, IPv6 and DNS
Unit I V
Introduction to TCP, TCP Header and Encapsulation, TCP Connection Management, TCP
Timeout and Retransmission, TCP Data Flow and Window Management, TCP Congestion
Control, TCP Timers
Unit - V
Need for Mobile IP, Overview of Mobile IP, Details of Mobile IP, Tunneling, Mobility for IPv6,
Applications of Mobile IP ! Security primer, Campus Mobility, Internet wide mobility, A service
provider perspective
T ext Books
1) W. Richard Stevens andG.Gabrani,+TCP/IPIllustrateda The Protocols9,Pearson, 2011
2) Peter Loshin, Morgan Kaufmann, 9IPv6: Theory, Protocol, and Practice9, 2nd Ed, 2003
3) James Solomon, +Mobile IP: The Internet Unplugged9, 1st Ed, Pearson Education, 2008
Reference Books
1) Kevin R. Fall and W. Richard Stevens,+TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1- The Protocols9, 2nd
Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011
2) Silvia Hagen,+IPv6 Essentials, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2006
3) Charles O. Per;ins, +:obile IPa Lesign PrinciRles and Practices9, 1st Edition, Pearson
Education, 2008
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS305 Database M anagement Systems


O bjectives
To learn data models, conceptualize and depict a database system using ER diagram
To understand the internal storage structures in a physical DB design
To know the fundamental concepts of transaction processing techniques

O utcomes
Ability to Install, configure, and interact with a relational database management system
Ability to master the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL
Ability to design and develop a large database with optimal query processing
Unit I Introduction
Purpose of Database System -! Views of data ! data models, database management system,
three-schema architecture of DBMS, components of DBMS. E/R Model - Conceptual data
modeling - motivation, entities, entity types, attributes, relationships, relationship types, E/R
diagram notation, examples.
Unit I I Relational Model
Relational Data Model - Concept of relations, schema-instance distinction, keys, referential
integrity and foreign keys, relational algebra operators, SQL - Introduction, data definition in
SQL, table, key and foreign key definitions, update behaviors. Querying in SQL, notion of
aggregation, aggregation functions group by and having clauses, embedded SQL
Unit I I I Database Design
Dependencies and Normal forms, dependency theory - functional dependencies, Armstrong's
axioms for FD's, closure of a set of FD's, minimal covers, definitions of 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and
BCNF, decompositions and desirable properties of them, algorithms for 3NF and BCNF
normalization, 4NF, and 5NF
Unit I V T ransactions
Transaction processing and Error recovery - concepts of transaction processing, ACID
properties, concurrency control, locking based protocols for CC, error recovery and logging,
undo, redo, undo-redo logging and recovery methods.
Unit V Implementation T echniques
Data Storage and Indexes - file organizations, primary, secondary index structures, various index
structures - hash-based, dynamic hashing techniques, multi-level indexes, B+ trees.
T ext Books
1. A. Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudharshan, +Latabase System ConceRts9, 5th
Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. C. J. Date, A. Kannan and S. SSamynathan,+AnIntroductiontoLatabase Systems9,8th
ed, Pearson Education, 2006.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



References Books
1. Ramez Elmasri and Sham;antT.Na3athe,+Fundamentalso0LatabaseSystems9, Fourth
Edition, Pearson/Addision wesley, 2007
2. <aghu <ama;rishnan, +Latabase :anagement Systems9, Third Odition, :cGraS Hill,
3. S. K. Singh, +Latabase Systems ConceRts, Lesign and ARRlications9, First Odition,
Pearson Education, 2006

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS307 Software E ngineering

O bjectives
To understand the Software Engineering Practice& Process Models
To understand Design Engineering, Web applications, and Software Project Management
O utcomes
Ability to enhance the software project management skills
Ability to comprehend the systematic methodologies involved in SE
Ability to design and develop a software product in accordance with SE principles
Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Components, Software Characteristics, Software
Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from Conventional
Engineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models,
Iterative Enhancement Models.
Unit-I I
Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and
Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study, Information Modelling, Data Flow Diagrams,
Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS,
Architectural design, component level design, user interface design, WebApp Design.
Unit-I I I
Quality concepts, Review techniques, Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and
Validation, SQA Plans, Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.
Unit I V
Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing,
Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Testing,
Software Testing Strategies - Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White
Box Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Testing conventional applications, object
oriented applications, and Web applications, Formal modelling and verification, Software
configuration management, Product metrics.
Project Management Concepts, Process and Project Metrics, Estimation for Software projects,
Project Scheduling, Risk Management, Maintenance and Reengineering.
Text books
1. <. S. Pressman, +So0tSare Ongineeringa A Practitioners ARRroach9, :cGraS Hill, 7th
edition, 2010
2. <amib:all,+Fundamentalso0So0tSareOngineering9,PHIPublication,3rd edition, 2009

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS309 Networ k Programming L aboratory

O bjectives
To create client and server applications using the "Sockets" API and the implementation
of Data link layer protocol and TCP layer
To conduct computer communication network simulations
To have a hands on experience of computer network simulation and modeling techniques
using NS-3 simulation software
O utcomes
Ability to invoke analytical studies of Computer Networks through network simulation
Ability to design a network using NS-3 toolkit and its importance in designing a real
Ability to measure and analyze the network parameters for a high throughput network
E xperiments
1. Exercises on Socket Programming using C and Java
2. Exercises using NS-3 Network Simulator
a. Basics of Network Simulation
! Introduction , Platform required to run network simulator, Backend
Environment of Network Simulator, Agents and applications, Tracing
b. Simulating a Local Area Network
! Local Area Network, LAN Topologies, MAC Protocol, Taking turns,
Ethernet, Ethernet Frame Structure, Ethernet Versions, Simulating a LAN
using Network Simulator 3
! Implementation of various MAC protocols
! Setting up of various network topologies
! Measurement of routing protocols
c. Measuring Network Performance
! Network Performance Evaluation, Performance Evaluation Metrics,
Parameters Affecting the Performance of Networks, Performance
Evaluation Techniques, Network Performance Evaluation using NS-3
! Setting up of network that carries various application protocols and
analyzing the performances
3. Hands on experiments on Network equipments
a. Switches, Routers
b. Hardware firewall
1. b. <ichard Ste3ens, +[NIU NetSor; Programming ! Networking APIs: Sockets and
UTI9,lol.1,2nd Ed, 1998, Prentice Hall
2. Eitan Altman and Tania Jimenez, +NS Simulator 0or Teginners9, Morgan & Claypool
Publishers, 2011
3. Jack L. Burbank, +An Introduction to NetSor; Simulator 39, 1st edition, WileyBlackwell, 2015
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS311 Database M anagement Systems L aboratory


O bjectives
To explore the features of a Database Management Systems
To interface a database with front end tools
To understand the internals of a database system
O utcomes
Ability to use databases for building client server applications
Ability to comprehend the internal working of a database system
Ability to design and develop a database using SQL and the mechanism in connecting
with a Web based GUI
E xperiments
Working with DDL,DML and DCL
Inbuilt functions in RDBMS.
Nested Queries & Join Queries.
Set operators & Views in SQL.
Control structures.
Working with Procedures and Functions.
Dynamic & Embedded SQL
Working with XML
Forms & Reports
Database Design and implementation (Mini Project)
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S.Sudharshan,+LatabaseSystemConceRts9,
6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
2. Ramez Elmasri and Sham;ant T. Na3athe, +Fundamentals o0 Latabase Systems9, 4th
Edition, Pearson/Addision wesley, 2007

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS302 Principles of C ryptography


O bjectives
To gain knowledge about the mathematics of the cryptographic algorithms
To get an insight into the working of different existing cryptographic algorithms
To learn how to use cryptographic algorithms in security
O utcomes
Ability to understand the basic concepts of symmetric cryptosystem, public key
cryptosystem and digital signature scheme
Ability to reason about the security of cryptographic constructions
Ability to break the cryptosystems that are not secure
Unit I
Number Theory: Fermat's theorem, Cauchy 's theorem, Chinese remainder theorem, Primality
testing algorithm, Euclid's algorithm for integers, quadratic residues, Legendre symbol, Jacobi
Unit I I
Cryptography and cryptanalysis, Classical Cryptography, different type of attack: CMA,
CPA, CCA etc., Shannon perfect secrecy, OTP, Pseudo random bit generators, stream ciphers
and RC4
Unit I I I
Block ciphers: Modes of operation, DES and its variants, finite fields (2n), AES, linear and
differential cryptanalysis
Unit I V
One-way function, trapdoor one-way function, Public key cryptography, RSA cryptosystem,
Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, ElGamal Cryptosystem
Unit V
Cryptographic hash functions, secure hash algorithm, Message authentication, digital signature,
RSA digital signature
T ext Book
Stinson. D. Cryptography: Theory and Practice, 3rd edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2012
1. W. Stallings,9Cryptography and Network Security Principles and practice9, 5/e, Pearson
Education Asia, 2013
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, +Cryptography and Network
Security9, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013
3. Thomas Koshy, +Elementary Number Theory with Applications9, Elsevier India, 2005
4. Online course: course on cryptography by Dan Boneh
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS304 Service O riented A rchitecture

O bjectives
To provide an overview of XML Technology and modeling databases in XML
To provide an overview of Service Oriented Architecture and Web services and their
To introduce Security solutions in XML and Web Services and to introduce Security
standards for Web Services
O utcomes
Ability to design and develop real work applications using the concepts of SOA and Web
Ability to comprehend approaches for providing security for XML documents as well as
messages exchanged among Web Services
Ability to develop an application using .NET and J2EE enterprise technology
X M L T echnology
XML ! XML and Web - Name Spaces ! XML Document Structure - Structuring with Schemas
and DTD - Modeling Databases in XML ! XQuery
SO A Basics
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ! Comparing SOA with Client-Server and Distributed
architectures - Characteristics of SOA ! Benefits of SOA -- Principles of Service orientation !
Service layers - Business Process management
W eb Services (WS)
SOA and Web Services ! Web Services Protocol Stack ! Service descriptions ! WSDL !
Messaging with SOAP ! Service discovery ! UDDI. Service-Level Interaction patterns ! XML
and Web Services - Enterprise Service Bus - .NET and J2EE Interoperability.
WS T echnologies and Standards
Web Services Technologies - JAX-RPC, JAX-WS. Web Service Standards ! WS-RM, WSAddressing, WS-Policy. Service Orchestration and Choreography ! Composition Standards BPEL. Service Oriented Analysis and Design.
X M L and WS Security
XML Security Overview ! Canonicalization ! XML Security Framework ! XML Encryption !
XML Signature ! XKMS Structure. Web Services Security - XACML - WS-Security.
T ext Books
1. <onSchmelAeretal.+U:LandbebSer3ices9,PearsonOducation,2008._[nit1and3`
2. Thomas Orl, + Ser3ice Qriented Architecturea ConceRts, Technology, and Lesign9,
Pearson Education, 2005 (Unit 2, 3, 4, and 5)
3. Fran; P. Coyle, +U:L, beb Ser3ices and the Lata <e3olution9, Pearson Oducation,
2002 (Unit 5)
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Books
1. Oric NeScomer, Greg LomoS, +[nderstanding SQA Sith beb Ser3ices9, Addison
Wesley, 2005.
2. Names:cGo3ern,SameerTyagi,:ichaelOSte3ens,Sunil:atheS,+Na3abebServices
3. :ar;QGNeill,etal.,+bebSer3icesSecurity9,Tata:cGraS-Hill Edition, 2003
4. SandeeR Chattermee and Names bebber, +Le3eloRing OnterRrise beb Ser3icesa An

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS306 M icroprocessors and M icrocontrollers


O bjectives
To understand the concepts of Architecture of 8086 microprocessor
To understand the design aspects of I/O and Memory Interfacing circuits
To understand the architecture and programming of ARM processor
O utcomes
Ability to design and implement programs on 8086 microprocessor
Ability to design I/O circuits and Memory Interfacing circuits
Ability to design and develop components of ARM processor
Unit I T H E 8086 M I C R O PR O C ESSO R
Introduction to 8086 ! Microprocessor architecture ! Addressing modes - Instruction set and
assembler directives ! Assembly language programming ! Modular Programming - Linking and
Relocation - Stacks - Procedures ! Macros ! Interrupts and interrupt service routines ! Byte and
String Manipulation.
Unit I I 8086 SYST E M B US ST R U C T U R E
8086 signals ! Basic configurations ! System bus timing !System design using 8086 !
IOprogramming ! Introduction to Multiprogramming ! System Bus Structure Multiprocessorconfigurations ! Coprocessor, Closely coupled and loosely Coupled
configurations ! Introduction to advanced processors.
Unit I I I M I C R O C O N T R O L L E R
Architecture of 8051 ! Special Function Registers(SFRs) - I/O Pins Ports and Circuits Instruction set - Addressing modes - Programming 8051 Timers ! Interfacing Microcontroller Serial Port Programming - Interrupts Programming ! LCD & Keyboard - External Memory
Interface- Stepper Motor.
Complex systems and micro processors! Embedded system design process ! Instruction sets
preliminaries - ARM Processor ! CPU: programming input and output supervisormode,
exceptions and traps ! Co-processors- Memory system mechanisms ! CPU performance
The CPU Bus-Memory devices and systems!Designing with computing platforms ! platformlevel performance analysis - Components for embedded programs-Models of programsAssembly, linking and loading ! compilation techniques- Program level performance analysis !
Software performance optimization ! Analysis and optimization of program size- Program
validation and testing.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. Yu-Cheng Liu, Glenn A.Gibson, +:icrocomRuter Systemsa The 8086 / 8088 Family Architecture,ProgrammingandLesign9,SecondOdition,PrenticeHallo0India,2007
2. :ohamed Ali :aAidi, Nanice GillisRie :aAidi, <olin :cKinlay, +The 8051
:icrocontroller and Ombedded Systemsa [sing Assembly and C9, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2011
3. Marilyn bol0,+ComRutersasComRonents- Principles of Embedded Computing System
Lesign9, 3rd Odition+:organKau0mannPublisher_AnimRrint0romOlse3ier`,2012
References Books
1. Doughlas V. Hall,+:icroRrocessorsandInter0acing,ProgrammingandHardSare9,Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2012
2. Jonathan W. lal3ano, +Ombedded :icrocomRuter Systems <eal Time Inter0acing9, 3rd
Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012
3. La3id. O. Simon, +An Ombedded So0tSare Primer9, 1st Edition, Fifth Impression,
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS308 Mobile A pplications Development


O bjectives
To learn the basics of mobile application development
To get accustomed to Android platform
To develop skills in developing basic Android applications
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend Android platform and its usefulness in application development
Ability to acquire skill set to execute applications in Android based devices
Ability to design and develop deployable Android applications
Unit I Introduction to A ndroid
Native Android Application; SDK Features; Introduction to Open Handset Alliance;
Development Framework; Creating Application: Creating applications, Creating Virtual Device,
Running and Debugging Application; Developing for Mobile and Embedded Devices; Android
Development Tools
Unit I I User Interfaces and Resource M anagement
Basic UI Design; Fragments; Widget Toolbox; Creating New View; Adapters; Introduction to
Intents; Intent Filters and broadcast Receivers; Device Monitoring Using Broadcast Intents;
Downloading and Parsing Internet Resources; Download Manager; Internet Services
Unit I I I F iles and Database H andling
Saving Application Data; Shared Preferences; Preference Framework and Activity; Static File as
Resource; File System; Introduction to SQLite Database; Querying SQLite; Content Provider;
Adding Search to Application; Native Android Content Provider
Unit I V Background Services and User E xperience E nhancement
Creating and Controlling Service; Binding Services to Activities; Background Threads; Alarms;
Action Bar; Menus and Action Bar Items; Dialogs; Customizing Toast; Notifications; Adding
Notification and Dialog to Earthquake Monitor
Unit V M ultimedia, W ireless Connectivity and T elephony
Audio and Video Handling; Manipulating Raw Audio; Sound Effects; Camera Programming;
Video Recording; Managing Wireless Connectivity : WiFi, Bluetooth, Near Field
Communication; Hardware Support for Telephony; Telephony Management; SMS and MMS
Reference Books
1. <eto:eier,+Pro0essionalAndroid4ARRlicationLe3eloRment9,broW,2012
2. :attGi00ord,+PhoneGaR:obileARRlicationLe3eloRmentCoo;boo;9,PACKT,2012
3. AdrianKosmacAeSs;i,+:obileNa3aScriRtARRlicationLe3eloRment9,QG<OLLf,2012

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS310 Mobile A pplications Development L aboratory


O bjectives
To learn the basics of mobile application development
To get accustomed to Android platform
To develop skills in developing basic Android applications
O utcomes
Ability to gain hands on experience in Android SDK
Ability to design and develop applications in Android based devices
Ability to design and develop deployable Android applications

E xperiments
1. Install the Android SDK and developer tools and build a test project to confirm that those
tools are properly installed and configured
2. Write a program using a Table Layout for our restaurant data entry form, add a set of
radio buttons to represent the type of restaurant
3. Write a program using activity class to show different events.
4. Write a program to send user from one application to another. (For example redirection to
5. Write a program to play audio files.
6. Write a program to play video files.
7. Write a program to capture image using built in camera.
8. Write a program to send SMS.
9. Write a program to convert text to speech.
10. Write a program to call a number.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS312 M icroprocessor and M icrocontroller L aboratory

O bjectives
To understand and learn the assembly language programming of various microprocessor
To obtain the practical training of interfacing the peripheral devices with the processor.
To control the components of a microprocessor based system through the use of
To have a practical knowledge on assembling PC hardware, installation and
troubleshooting the Microprocessor and Microcontrollers.
O utcomes
Ability to write programs in assembly language using trainer kits
Ability to interface development kits effectively for the real time applications of various
peripheral devices with the processor
Ability to assemble and troubleshoot hardware devices
E xperiments
Solving problems using 8085
Interfacing various devices with the microprocessor: A/D converter, D/A converter,
seven segment display, stepper motor, external keyboard, interrupt controller and 8251
for serial data transfer
Interfacing using microcontroller trainer kits
PC hardware assembly
Installation and trouble shooting

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS401 W eb T echnology


O bjectives
To understand the basics of Web Designing using HTML, DHTML, and CSS
To learn the basics about Client side scripts and Server side scripts
O utcomes
Ability to design and develop client side scripting techniques
Ability to build real world applications using client side and server side scripting
Ability to design and develop an eGovernance application using web technology
Unit - I
HTML- List, Tables, Images, Forms, Frames, Cascading Style sheets. XML- Document type
definition, XML Schemas, Document Object model
Unit I I
Java Script -Control statements, Functions, Arrays, Objects, Events, Dynamic HTML with Java
Script, Ajax
Unit I I I
Web servers ! IIS (XAMPP, LAMPP) and Tomcat Servers. Java Web Technologies- Servlets,
JavaServer Pages, Java Server Faces, Web Technologies in Netbeans, Building a Web
Application in Netbeans, JSF Components, Session Tracking, Cookies
Unit I V
PHP- Basics, String Processing and Regular Expressions, Form Processing and Business Logic,
Using Cookies, Dynamic Content, Operator Precedence Chart
Unit V
Database Connectivity with MySQL - Servlets, JSP, PHP. Case Studies- Student information
system, Health Management System
T ext books
1. PaulN.Leitel,Har3ey:.Leitel,AbbeyLeitel,+InternetpborldbidebebHoSto
Program9,Leitelseries,5th edition, 2012
2. JasonGilmore,+TeginningPHPand:ySqLFromNo3icetoPro0essional9,4th Edition,
Apress Publications, 2010
Reference Books
1. <obertb.Sebesta,+ProgrammingSithborldbidebeb9, Pearson, 4th edition, 2008
2. David William Barron,+Theborldo0ScriRtingLanguages9,bileyPublications,2000

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS403 Parallel A rchitectures and Programming

O bjectives
To understand the fundamental principles and engineering trade-offs involved in
designing modern parallel computers
To develop programming skills to effectively implement parallel architecture
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend parallel architecture and its importance in solving engineering
Ability to design parallel programs to enhance machine performance in parallel hardware
Ability to design and implement parallel programs in modern environments such as
CUDA, OpenMP, etc.
Unit I
Introduction: The need for parallelism, Forms of parallelism (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD),
Moore's Law and Multi-cores, Fundamentals of Parallel Computers, Communication
architecture, Message passing architecture, Data parallel architecture, Dataflow architecture,
Systolic architecture, Performance Issues.
Unit I I
Large Cache Design: Shared vs. Private Caches, Centralized vs. Distributed Shared Caches,
Snooping-based cache coherence protocol, directory-based cache coherence protocol, Uniform
Cache Access, Non-Uniform Cache Access, D-NUCA, S-NUCA, Inclusion, Exclusion,
Difference between transaction and transactional memory, STM, HTM.
Unit I I I
Graphics Processing Unit: GPUs as Parallel Computers, Architecture of a modern GPU,
Evolution of Graphics Pipelines, GPGPUs, Scalable GPUs, Architectural characteristics of
Future Systems, Implication of Technology and Architecture for users, Vector addition,
Applications of GPU.
Unit I V
Introduction to Parallel Programming: Strategies, Mechanism, Performance theory, Parallel
Programming Patterns: Nesting pattern, Parallel Control Pattern, Parallel Data Management,
Map: Scaled Vector, Mandelbrot, Collative: Reduce, Fusing Map and Reduce, Scan, Fusing Map
and Scan, Data Recognition: Gather, Scatter, Pack , Stencil and Recurrence, Fork-Join, Pipeline
Unit V
Parallel Programming Languages: Distributed Memory Programming with MPI: trapezoidal rule
in MPI, I/O handling, MPI derived datatype, Collective Communication, Shared Memory
Programming with Pthreads: Conditional Variables, read-write locks, Cache handling, Shared
memory programming with Open MP: Parallel for directives, scheduling loops, Thread Safety,
CUDA: Parallel programming in CUDA C, Thread management, Constant memory and Event,
Graphics Interoperability, Atomics, Streams.
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books/Reference Books

1. L. O. Culler, N. P. Singh, and A. GuRta, +Parallel ComRuter Architecture9, :organKaufmann, 2004
2. <amee3 Talasubramonian, Norman P. NouRRi, and Na3een :uralimanohar, +:ulti-Core
CacheHierarchies9,:organpClayRoolPublishers, 2011
3. PeterandPachOco,+AnIntroductiontoParallelProgramming9,Olse3ier,2011
4. Names <. Larus and <a3i <amSar, +Transactional :emory9, :organ p ClayRool
Publishers, 2007
5. David B. Kirk, Wen-mei b. HSu, +Programming :assi3ely Parallel Processorsa A
6. Barbara Chapman, F. Desprez, Gerhard R. Joubert, Alain Lichnewsky, Frans Peters
7. :ichael :cCool, Names <einders, Arch <obison, +Structured Parallel Programminga
8. Nason Sanders, OdSard Kandrot, +C[LA by OWamRlea An Introduction to GeneralPurRoseGP[Programming9,2011

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS405 Principles of Compiler Design


O bjectives
To introduce the major concept areas of language translation and compiler design
To enrich the knowledge in various phases of compiler and its use
To provide practical programming skills necessary for constructing a compiler
O utcomes
Ability to apply the knowledge of lex tool & yacc tool to develop a scanner & parser
Ability to design and develop software system for backend of the compiler
Ability to comprehend and adapt to new tools and technologies in compiler design
Unit I Introduction to Compiling
Compilers ! Analysis of the source program ! Phases of a compiler ! Cousins of the Compiler !
Grouping of Phases ! Compiler construction tools ! Lexical Analysis ! Role of Lexical Analyzer
! Input Buffering ! Specification of Tokens.
Unit I I Syntax A nalysis
Role of the parser !Writing Grammars !Context-Free Grammars ! Top Down parsing !
Recursive Descent Parsing ! Predictive Parsing ! Bottom-up parsing ! Shift Reduce Parsing !
Operator Precedent Parsing ! LR Parsers ! SLR Parser ! Canonical LR Parser ! LALR Parser.
Unit I I I Intermediate Code Generation
Intermediate languages ! Declarations ! Assignment Statements ! Boolean Expressions ! Case
Statements ! Back patching ! Procedure calls.
Unit I V Code O ptimization and Run T ime E nvironments
Introduction! Principal Sources of Optimization ! Optimization of basic Blocks ! DAG
representation of Basic Blocks - Introduction to Global Data Flow Analysis ! Runtime
Environments ! Source Language issues ! Storage Organization ! Storage Allocation strategies
! Access to non-local names ! Parameter Passing, Error detection and recovery.
Unit V Code G eneration
Issues in the design of code generator ! The target machine ! Runtime Storage management !
Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs ! Next-use Information ! A simple Code generator ! Peephole
T ext Books
1. Al0red l. Aho, Ne00rey L [llman, +ComRilersa PrinciRles, TechniHues and Tools9,
Pearson Education Asia, 2008
2. Jean Paul Tremblay, Paul G Serenson, "The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing",
BS Publications, 2005
3. Dhamdhere, D. M., "Compiler Construction Principles and Practice", 2nd edition,
Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2008

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference books
1. AllenI.Holub,+ComRilerLesigninC9,PrenticeHallo0India,2003
2. C. N. Fischer and <. N. LeTlanc, +Cra0ting a comRiler Sith C9, Tenmamin Cummings,
3. Hen; Alblas and Albert Nymeyer, +Practice and PrinciRles o0 ComRiler Tuilding Sith
4. Kenneth C. Louden, +ComRiler Constructiona PrinciRles and Practice9, ThomRson
Learning, 2003

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS407 Networ k Security

O bjectives
To understand the network security, services, attacks, mechanisms, types of attacks
To comprehend and apply authentication services, authentication algorithms
To comprehend and apply network layer security protocols, Transport layer security
protocols, Web security protocols.
O utcomes
Ability to determine appropriate mechanisms for protecting the network.
Ability to design and develop security solutions for a given application or system
Ability to develop a secure network stack
Unit -I
Overview of Network Security, Security services, attacks, Security Issues in TCP/IP suiteSniffing, spoofing, buffer overflow, ARP poisoning, ICMP Exploits, IP address spoofing, IP
fragment attack, routing exploits, UDP exploits, TCP exploits.
Unit-I I
Authentication requirements, Authentication functions - Message Authentication Codes - Hash
Functions - Security of Hash Functions and MACs - MD5 message Digest algorithm - Secure
Hash Algorithm - RIPEMD - HMAC Digital Signatures, Authentication protocols-Kerberos,
Unit-I I I
IP Security-AH and ESP, SSL/TLS, SSH, Web Security-HTTPS, DNS Security, Electronic Mail
Security (PGP, S/MIME).
Unit-I V
Intruders, Viruses, Worms, Trojan horses, Distributed Denial-Of-Service (DDoS), Firewalls,
IDS, Honey nets, Honey pots.
Introduction to wireless network security, Risks and Threats of Wireless networks, Wireless
LAN Security (WEP, WPA).
T ext Books
1. b. Stallings, +CryRtograRhy and NetSor; Securitya PrinciRles and Practice9, 5/O,
Prentice Hall, 2013
2. Yang Xiao and Yi Pan, +Security in Listributed and NetSor;ing Systems9, World
Scientific, 2007, Chapter 1.
3. AaronO.Oarle,+birelessSecurityHandboo;9,AuerbachRublications, Taylor & Francis
Group, 2006.
Reference Books
AtulKahate,+CryRtograRhyandNetSor;Security9,Tata:cGraw-Hill, 2003
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS409 W eb T echnology L aboratory

O bjectives
To learn the basics in web designing using HTML, CSS, and XML
To develop web applications using JSP, Servlets, PHP, and Net Beans
O utcomes
Ability to design and develop web pages using HTML, CSS, and XML
Ability to design and deploy real world applications using client side and server side
scripting languages
Ability to comprehend design issues and provide solutions for database connectivity with
web based applications
E xperiments
Designing static web pages using HTML
Designing dynamic web pages using different cascading style sheets
Designing XML Schemas
Programs using Java Script, Java servlets and JSP
Designing web applications using PHP and in Net Beans Environment
Database Connectivity with MySQL using Java Servlets, JSP, and PHP

CS411 Compiler Design L aboratory

O bjectives
To provide practical programming skills necessary for designing and implementing the
various phases of a compiler
To learn and use the compiler construction tools such as LEX and YACC for
implementing the various phases of a compiler
O utcomes
Ability to apply knowledge of LEX and YACC tools to develop a new compiler
Ability to optimize a program code
Ability to design and develop a compiler stage-by-stage
E xperiments
1. Develop programs to implement regular expression to recognize and validate tokens
2. Develop programs to implement a Lexical Analyzer using LEX/FLEX for identifying and
validating tokens of a language
3. Develop programs to identify left recursions and left factors and eliminate them from the
grammar given
4. Develop programs using YACC to construct a parse tree
5. Develop programs using LEX & YACC to generate Intermediate code for a given
fragment of a program
6. Develop program to optimize the intermediate codes
7. Develop program to generate an equivalent assembly program for a given HLL program
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



H M402 Software Project M anagement


O bjectives
To understand the basic concepts and issues of software project management
To understand successful software projects that support organization's strategic goals
O utcomes
Ability to maintain software projects and monitor software project process
Ability to design and develop project modules and assign resources
Ability to comprehend, assess, and calculate the cost of risk involved in a project
Unit I SPM concepts
Definition ! components of SPM ! challenges and opportunities ! tools and techniques !
managing human resource and technical resource ! costing and pricing of projects ! training and
development ! project management techniques.
Unit I I Software Measurements
Monitoring & measurement of SW development ! cost, size and time metrics ! methods and
tools for metrics ! issues of metrics in multiple projects.
Unit I I I Software Q uality
Quality in SW development ! quality assurance ! quality standards and certifications ! the
process and issues in obtaining certifications ! the benefits and implications for the organization
and its customers ! change management.
Unit I V Risk Issues
The risk issues in SW development and implementation ! identification of risks ! resolving and
avoiding risks ! tools and methods for identifying risk management.
Unit V SP M Tools
Software project management using Primavera & Redmine and case study on SPM tools.
T ext Books
1. <ichard H. Thayer, +So0tSare Ongineering Promect :anagement9, Nohn biley p Sons,
2nd edition, 2001
2. <oyce,bal;er,+So0tSarePromect:anagement9,PearsonOducation, 2002
3. Kel;er,S.A.,+So0tSarePromect:anagement9,PrenticeHall,2003

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



L ist of E lective Subjects

CS061 H uman Computer Interaction

O bjectives
To gain knowledge on the interplay between humans, tasks, technology, and contexts
To gain knowledge on important human factors that affect HCI
To be able to apply HCI principles, guidelines, methods, and techniques
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the basics of human and computational abilities and limitations
Ability to evaluate the quality of a user interface
Ability to apply appropriate HCI techniques to design systems that are usable by people
Unit I
Introduction to Human-computer Interaction - Methodology for Designing User-computer
Interfaces -Task analysis -Conceptual, semantic, syntactic, and lexical levels of the
Unit I I
Design of an interactive system - Interaction Styles -Question and answer -Form-based Command language -Menus -Natural language -Direct manipulation -Virtual Reality Augmented Reality -Other emerging interaction styles
Unit I I I
Design and Evaluation Process -Prototyping -Testing and evaluating interface designs Guidelines and criteria for designing UI, UI Software and Specifications -Languages and tools
for specifying and building interfaces -Dialogue independence !UIMS Languages and software
abstractions -Programming support tools -. Basic Interaction Tasks, Techniques, and Devices
Unit I V
Human Performance -Scientific foundations for designing user interfaces -Visual presentation of
information -Graphical design -Designing experiments - Introduction to Research in HumanComputer Interaction -Why do HCI research? -Research prototypes -Interdisciplinary nature of
HCI research -Examples of HCI research
Unit V
New Interaction Techniques -New modes of human-computer communication -Voice Gesture Eye movement -Tangible user interfaces -Brain-computer interfaces - Case Study.
Reference Books
1. Wilbert O Galitz,+The Essential Guide To User Inter0aceLesign9, Wiley Dreamatech,
3rd edition, 2007
2. Ten Shneidermann, +Lesigning The [ser Inter0ace - Strategies for Effective HumanComputer Interaction9,4th Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2004
3. Alan Dix, Janet Fincay, Gre Goryd, Abowd, and Russell Bealg, +Human ! Computer
Interaction9, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2003
4. Yvonne Rogers , Helen Sharp, and Jenny Preece,+InteractionLesigna Beyond Human Computer Interaction9,3rd edition, Wiley, 2011
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS062 M ultimedia Systems


O bjectives
To understand the different media and design issues in multimedia systems
To understand Multimedia security and data hiding for image/video
O utcomes
Ability to design multimedia components efficiently
Ability to develop integrated, collaborative multimedia systems
Ability to develop data hiding algorithms for the specialized applications
Unit I M ultimedia E lements
Introduction ! Definitions ! Applications ! Elements - Text ! Image/Graphics Audio !
Video ! Animation
Unit I I Data and F ile Formats
Compression Techniques ! Lossless, Lossy ! JPEG, MPEG, TIFF, RIFF- H.261, H.262,
H.263 -File formats-Display Technologies
Unit I I I M ultimedia Networ ks
Protocol - QOS Issues - RTP, RTCP, RTSP, SIP - Media on demand !ITV - STB
Broadcast Schemes for VoD Buffer Management- Multimedia over wireless networks
Unit I V M ultimedia Security and Forensics
Multimedia encryption - Digital Watermarking - Security Attacks- Digital Forensics
taxonomy, goals/requirements - Forensic Data Acquisition -Forensics Analysis and Validation
Unit V M ultimedia Data H iding
Overview! Data hiding framework-Key
elements -Basic embedding mechanismsTechniques for Embedding multiple bits-Quantitative model for Uneven embedding
Capacity- CER-VER
-Data Hiding in Binary image-Multilevel embedding-Multilevel
image and video data hiding
T ext Books
1. K. Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar , Multimedia Systems Design, PHI, 2007
2. heNianLi,S.LreS,+Fundamentalso0:ultimedia9,PHI, 2006.
Reference Books
1. <al0 SteinmetA and Klara, +:ultimedia ComRuting, Communications
andARRlications9,PearsonOducation, 2009
2. :inbu,TedeLiu,+:ultimediaLataHiding9,SRringer-Verlag, 2002
3. I. Cox, M. Miller, and J. Bloom, "Digital Watermarking", Morgan Kaufman Publishers,
4. Chun-ShienLu,+:ultimediaSecurity: Steganography and Digital Watermarking
5. benmunheng,HeatherfuandChing,fungLin,+:ultimediaSecuritytechnologies0or
Digital rights :anagement9,Olse3ierInc2006
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS046 Mobile Computing and Communication


O bjectives
To understand the fundamentals of mobile communication.
To understand the architecture of various Wireless Communication Networks.
To understand the significance of different layers in mobile system
O utcomes
Ability to develop a strong grounding in the fundamentals of mobile Networks
Ability to apply knowledge in MAC, Network, and Transport Layer protocols of Wireless
Ability to comprehend, design, and develop a lightweight network stack
Unit I
Introduction to Wireless Networks ! Applications ! History ! Simplified Reference Model !
Wireless transmission ! Frequencies ! Signals ! Antennas ! Signal propagation ! Multiplexing !
Modulation ! Spread spectrum ! Cellular Systems: Frequency Management and Channel
Assignment- types of hand-off and their characteristics
Unit I I
MAC ! Motivation ! SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA !Telecommunication Systems
! GSM: Architecture-Location
call setupMobility managementHandover- Security- GSM SMS !International roaming for GSM- call recording
functions-subscriber and service data management ! DECT ! TETRA ! UMTS ! IMT-2000
Unit I I I
Wireless LAN ! Infrared Vs Radio transmission ! Infrastructure ! Adhoc Network !IEEE
802.11WLAN Standards ! Architecture ! Services! HIPERLAN ! Bluetooth Architecture &
Unit I V
Mobile Network Layer ! Mobile IP ! Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Mobile Transport
Layer ! Traditional TCP ! Indirect TCP ! Snooping TCP ! Mobile TCP ! Fast retransmit / Fast
recovery ! Transmission / Time-out freezing ! Selective retransmission ! Transaction Oriented
Unit V
WAP Model- Mobile Location based services -WAP Gateway !WAP protocols !
WAP user agent profile- caching model-wireless bearers for WAP - WML
WMLScripts - WTA - iMode- SyncML.
T ext Books
1. NochenSchiller,+:obileCommunication9,2ndOdition,PearsonOducation,2008.
2. Theodore and S. <aRRaRort, +bireless Communications, PrinciRles, Practice9, 2nd Ed
PHI, 2002
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Books
1. William Stallings, +bireless Communications and NetSor;s9, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2004
2. C.Si3a <am :urthy and T.S.:anom, +Adhoc bireless NetSor;sa Architectures and
Protocols9,2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008
3. limay. K. Garg, +bireless Communication and NetSor;ing9, :organ Kau0mann
Publishers, 2007.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS047 W ireless Networ k Systems

O bjectives
To understand the fundamentals of wireless communication
To understand the architecture of different Wireless Networks
To understand the significance of MAC and Network layers in Wireless Network System
O utcomes
Ability to make critical assessment of wireless networks
Ability to comprehend the fundamentals of Wireless Networks
Ability to apply the knowledge gained in the development of MAC, Network Layer
protocols of Wireless Network
Unit I W ireless Communications & Cellular System F undamentals
Introduction to wireless communications systems, examples, comparisons and trends. Cellular
systems, Frequency Management and Channel Assignment- types of handoff and their
characteristics, dropped call rates & their evaluation. MAC techniques for Wireless
Communication: FDMA, TDMA, MA (FHMA/CDMA/Hybrid techniques), SDMA techniques
Unit I I W ireless W A N
First Generation Analog, Second Generation TDMA ! GSM, Short Messaging Service in
GSM, Second Generation CDMA ! IS-95, GPRS - Third Generation Systems (WCDMA/CDMA
Unit I I I W ireless L A N
Introduction to wireless LANs - IEEE 802.11 WLAN ! Architecture and Services, Physical
Layer, MAC sublayer- MAC Management Sublayer, Other IEEE 802.11 standards, HIPERLAN,
WiMax standard.
Unit I V A dhoc and Sensor Networ ks
Characteristics of MANETs, Table-driven and Source-initiated On Demand routing protocols,
Hybrid protocols, Wireless Sensor networks- Classification, MAC and Routing protocols.
Unit V W ireless M A N and PA N
Wireless MANs ! Physical and MAC layer details, Wireless PANs ! Architecture
of Bluetooth Systems, Physical and MAC layer details, Standards.
T ext Books
1. William Stallings, "Wireless Communications and networks" Pearson / Prentice Hall of
India, 2nd Ed., 2007
2. Dharma Prakash Agrawal & Qing-An heng, +Introduction to bireless and :obile
Systems9,Thomson India Edition, 2nd Ed., 2007
3. Theodore,S.<aRRaRort,+birelessCommunications,PrinciRles,Practice9,2nd Ed., PHI,

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Books
1. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. :anom, +Adhoc bireless NetSor;sa Architectures and
Protocols9,2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008
2. Jochen Schiller, +Mobile Communications9, Person Education, 2nd Ed., 2008
3. limay. K. Garg, +bireless Communication and NetSor;ing9, :organ Kaufmann
Publishers, 2007
4. Kaveth Pahlavan, Prashant Krishnamurthy, "Principles of Wireless Networks", Pearson
Education Asia, 2002

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS001 Design and A nalysis of Parallel A lgorithms

O bjectives
To understand parallel computing algorithms and models
To analyze parallel algorithms for PRAM machines and various interconnection networks
O utcomes
Ability to analyze parallel algorithms for PRAM machines
Ability to comprehend and apply parallel algorithms to real world applications
Ability to design and develop optimal parallel algorithms
Unit I
Introduction to Parallel Computers - SIMD - EREW, CREW - SM-SIMD algorithms - Shared
memory SIMD - Tree and mesh interconnection computers - Classifying MIMD Algorithms Hypercube SIMD Model.
Unit I I
Selection and Sorting ! Sequential algorithm - Algorithm for parallel selection - Sorting on a
linear array ! broadcasting a datum- Computing all sums- Sorting on a mesh - Sorting on EREW
SIMD computer - enumeration sort ! parallel quick sort ! hyper quicksort Sorting on other
networks - Sorting on other networks.
Unit I I I
M atrix operations - Mesh transpose ! Shuffle transpose - EREW transpose - Mesh
multiplication - Cube multiplication - Matrix by vector multiplication - Tree multiplication.
Unit I V
Numerical problems - Linear equations - SIMD algorithm - Roots of nonlinear equations MIMD algorithm - Partial differential equations - Computing Eigen values. Monte Carlo
Unit V
G raph problems !Definitions - Graph coloring - Computing the connectivity matrix - Finding
connected components - Traversal - Minimal alpha-beta tree - Minimum Cost Spanning TreeAddition tree-Multiplication tree.
T ext Book
S. G. Akl, "The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms", Prentice Hall of India,

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Book
1. T. bil;inson and :. Allen, +Parallel Programming ! Techniques and applications
using netSor;ed Sor;stations and Rarallel comRuters9, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2005
2. :ichaelN.quinn,+ParallelComRutingaTheorypPractice9,Tata:cGraSHill,2003
3. S. Lakshmivarahan and S. K. Dhall, "Analysis and Design of Parallel Algorithms Arithmetic and Matrix Problems", Tata McGraw Hill, 1990

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS016 Principles of Processor Design

O bjectives
To understand the basics of Verilog HDL
To study about the design aspects of various circuits using Verilog


O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the intricacies in processor design
Ability to implement a CPU to exploit its full capability
Ability to design and develop processor circuits using Verilog
Unit I
Digital Design Flow in Verilog !Design entry - Testbench in Verilog - Design validation Compilation and synthesis - Postsynthesis simulation - Timing analysis - Hardware generationVerilog HDL !Verilog evolution- Verilog attributes - Verilog language RT level design !
Control/data partitioning - Data part- Control part- Elements of Verilog !Hardware modules Primitive instantiations- Assign statements - Condition expression - Procedural blocks- Module
instantiations- Component description in Verilog ! Test benches.
Unit I I
Verilog Language Concepts ! Hardware languages-Timing- Concurrency- Timing and
concurrency example ! Module basics ! Verilog simulation model !Continuous assignmentsProcedural assignments- Compiler directives ! System task and function.
Unit I I I
Combinational and Sequential Circuits Description - Module wires ! Gate level logic !
Hierarchial logic-Describing Expressions with Assign Statements-Behavioral Combinational
Descriptions- Sequential models ! Basic memory components ! Functional registers ! State
machine coding ! Combinational and sequential synthesis ! Latches ! Flip flops ! Counters.
Unit I V
Design Examples ! Bus structure ! Simple processor ! Timer ! SRAM ! Cache ! Clock
synchronization, Digital filters and signal processors-Pipelined Architectures-Halftone Pixel
Image Converter
Unit V
Register Transfer Level Design and Test ! Sequential multiplier !Shift-and-add multiplication
process- Sequential multiplier design - Multiplier testing- Von Neumann computer model !
Processor and memory model- Processor model specification- Designing the adding CPUDesign of datapath - Control part design- Adding CPU Verilog description- Testing adding CPUCPU design and test
T ext Books
1. Zainalabedin Navabi, +lerilogLigitalSystemLesign9, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2008
2. Michael D. Ciletti, +Ad3anced Ligital Lesign Sith the lerilog HLL9 2nd edition,
Pearson Edition, 2009
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS031 Data W arehousing and Data M ining


O bjectives
To understand the principles of Data Warehousing and Data Mining
To know the Architecture of a Data Mining system
To perform classification, association, and prediction of data
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the various architectures and its application with data mining
Ability to design and develop data mining algorithms to analyze raw real world data
Ability to monitor and analyze to predict online digital activities
Unit I
Data Warehousing and Business Analysis: - Data warehousing Components !Building a Data
warehouse !Data Warehouse Architecture ! Data Warehouse Schemas for Decision Support !
Data Extraction, Cleanup, and Transformation Tools !Metadata ! reporting ! Query tools and
Applications ! Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) ! OLAP and Multidimensional Data
Unit I I
Data Mining: Databases ! Steps in Data mining process- Data Mining FunctionalitiesArchitecture of a Typical Data Mining Systems- Classification of Data Mining Systems. Data
Preprocessing ! Data Cleaning ! Data Integration and Transformation ! Data Reduction ! Data
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation
Unit I I I
Classification and Prediction: Classification by Decision Tree Introduction ! Bayesian
Classification ! Rule Based Classification ! Classification by Back propagation ! Support
Vector Machines ! Lazy Learners ! Other Classification Methods ! Prediction ! Accuracy and
Error Measures ! Evaluating the Accuracy of a Classifier or Predictor ! Ensemble Methods !
Model Section.
Unit I V
Association Rule Mining: - Efficient and Scalable Frequent Item set Mining Methods ! Mining
Various Kinds of Association Rules ! Association Mining to Correlation Analysis ! ConstraintBased Association Mining. Cluster Analysis: - Types of Data in Cluster Analysis ! A
Categorization of Major Clustering Methods ! Partitioning Methods ! Hierarchical methods
Unit V
Applications of Data mining-Social Impacts of Data mining-Tools- Mining the World Wide
Web! Spatial Data Mining ! Multimedia Data Mining ! Text Mining.
T ext Book
1. NiaSeiHan,:ichelineKamber,andNianPei,+Lata:iningConceRtsandTechniHues9,
Third Edition, Elsevier, 2011

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Reference Books
1 AleW Terson and SteRhen N. Smith +Lata barehousing, Lata :ining p QLAP9, Tata
McGraw ! Hill Edition, Tenth Reprint 2007
2 K.P. Soman, Shyam LiSa;ar and l. Amay +Insight into Lata mining Theory and
Practice9,OasterOconomyOdition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006
3 G.K.GuRta+IntroductiontoLata:iningSithCaseStudies9,OasterOconomyOdition,
Prentice Hall of India, 2006
4 Pang-Ning Tan, :ichael Steinbach and liRin Kumar +Introduction to Lata :ining9,
Pearson Education, 2007

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS063 Real T ime Systems


O bjectives
To study issues related to the design and analysis of systems with real-time constraints.
To learn the features of Real time OS.
To study the various Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor scheduling mechanisms.
To learn about various real time communication protocols.
To study the difference between traditional and real time databases
O utcomes
Ability to analyze schedulability problems
Ability to learn Real-time programming environments
Ability to develop real time systems.
Unit I
Introduction to real-time computing - Structure of a real-time system - Characterization of
real-time systems and tasks - Performance measures.
Unit I I
T ask Assignment and Scheduling - Uniprocessor scheduling algorithms - Task assignment Mode changes - Fault tolerant scheduling.
Unit I I I
Real-time Communication - Network topologies and architecture issues - Protocols Contention-based, token-based, polled bus - Fault tolerant routing.
Unit I V
Real-time Databases - Transaction priorities and aborts - Concurrency control issues Scheduling algorithms - Two-phase approach to improve predictability.
Unit V
Programming L anguages and Tools - Hierarchical decomposition - Run-time error handling Overloading - Timing specification - Recent trends and developments.
T ext Book
C. M. Krishna and Kang G. Shin, "Real-Time Systems", International Edition, McGraw
Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 1997
Reference Books
Rajib Mall, "Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice", 1st edition, Pearson Education,

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS032 Big Data A nalytics


O bjectives
To understand the financial value of big data analytics
To explore tools and practices for working with big data
To understand how big data analytics can leverage into a key component
O utcomes
Ability to apply the concepts of big data analytics for a domain
Ability to design and develop Hadoop and Map Reduce Framework
Ability to contextually integrate and correlate large amounts of information
U N I T I Introduction to Big Data
Analytics ! Nuances of big data ! Value ! Issues ! Case for Big data ! Big data options Team
challenge ! Big data sources ! Acquisition ! Features of Big Data - Security, Compliance,
auditing and protection - Evolution of Big data ! Best Practices for Big data Analytics - Big data
characteristics - Volume, Veracity, Velocity, Variety ! Big Data Architecture ! Big Data and
U N I T I I Data A nalysis
Evolution of analytic scalability ! Convergence ! parallel processing systems ! Cloud computing
! grid computing ! Map reduce Basics ! MapReduce Algorithm Design -enterprise analytic sand
box ! analytic data sets ! Analytic methods ! analytic tools ! Cognos ! Microstrategy ! Pentaho
- Regression Modeling - Multivariate Analysis - Bayesian Modeling - Inference and Bayesian
Networks - Support Vector and Kernel Methods.
U N I T - I I I Stream Computing
Introduction to Streams Concepts ! Stream data model and architecture - Stream Computing,
Sampling data in a stream ! Filtering streams ! Counting distinct elements in a stream !
Estimating moments ! Counting oneness in a window ! Decaying window - Realtime Analytics
Platform(RTAP) applications IBM Infosphere ! Big data at rest ! Infosphere streams ! Data
stage ! Statistical analysis ! Intelligent scheduler ! Infosphere Streams.
U N I T I V Predictive A nalytics and V isualization
Predictive Analytics ! Supervised ! Unsupervised learning ! Neural networks ! Kohonen
models ! Normal ! Deviations from normal patterns ! Normal behaviours ! Expert options !
Variable entry - Mining Frequent itemsets - Market based model ! Apriori Algorithm ! Handling
large data sets in Main memory ! Limited Pass algorithm ! Counting frequent itemsets in a
stream ! Clustering Techniques ! Hierarchical ! K- Means ! Clustering high dimensional data
Visualizations - Visual data analysis techniques, interaction techniques; Systems and

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



U N I T V F ramewor ks and A pplications

IBM for Big Data ! Map Reduce Framework - Hadoop ! Hive ! Sharding - MongoDB ! NoSQL
Databases - S3 - Hadoop Distributed file systems ! Hbase ! Impala ! Analyzing big data with
Twitter and Facebook ! Big data for E-commerce ! Big data for blogs.
T ext Books/Reference Books
1. Fran; N Qhlhorst, +Tig Lata Analyticsa Turning Tig Lata into Tig :oney9, biley and
SAS Business Series, 2012.
2. Colleen Mccue,+Lata:iningandPredicti3eAnalysisaIntelligenceGatheringandCrime
3. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer, 2007.
4. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, Mining of Massive Datasets, Cambridge
University Press, 2012.
5. Till Fran;s, +Taming the Tig Lata Tidal ba3ea Finding QRRortunities in Huge Lata
6. Paulhi;oRoulos,ChrisOaton,Paulhi;oRoulos,+[nderstandingTigLataaAnalytics for
7. Paul Zikopoulos, Dirk deRoos, Krishnan Parasuraman, Thomas Deutsch , James Giles,
La3idCorrigan,+HarnessthePoSero0Tigdata! ThebigdataRlat0orm9,:cGraSHill,
8. Glenn J. Myatt, Making Sense of Data, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
9. Petebarden,TigLataGlossary,QG<eilly,2011.
10. NiaSei Han, :icheline Kamber +Lata :ining ConceRts and TechniHues9, Second
Edition, Elsevier, Reprinted 2008.
11. Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce, Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer University
of Maryland, College Park. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS048 C loud Computing

O bjectives
To provide comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts and of cloud computing
To demonstrate an understanding of Service models, deployment models, Virtualization
To describe the programming and software environments of Cloud
To shed light on the security issues in Cloud
O utcomes
Ability to articulate the Virtualization concepts
Ability to identify the architecture, service models and deployment models of Cloud
Ability to master the programming aspects of Cloud
Unit I
Overview of Distributed Computing, Cluster Computing and Grid Computing ! Technologies for
Network based systems ! Software environments for Distributed Systems and Clouds !
Overview of Services and Service oriented Architecture.
Unit I I
Virtual Machines and Virtualization ! Implementation levels of Virtualization ! Virtualization
structures/tools and Mechanisms ! Virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O Devices ! Storage
Unit I I I
Cloud Computing ! Properties ! challenges ! Service models ! IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
Deployment models ! Service Composition and orchestration ! Architecture design of Compute
and Storage cloud ! Public Cloud Platforms ! Inter Cloud Resource Management.
Unit I V
Cloud Programming and Software Environments ! Parallel and Distributed Programming
paradigms ! Programming on AWS, Azure and GAE ! Cloud software environments Eucalyptus
! OpenStack ! Open Nebula.
Unit V
Cloud Security ! Infrastructure security ! Data security ! Identity and access management
Privacy- Audit and Compliance.
T ext Book
Reference Books
1. TarrieSosins;y,+CloudComRutingTible9NohnbileypSons,2010
2. Tim:ather,SubraKumarasSamy,andShahedLati0,+CloudSecurityandPri3acyAn
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS064 A rtificial Intelligence and E xpert Systems

O bjectives
To learn the concepts of Artificial Intelligence
To learn the methods of solving problems using Artificial Intelligence
To introduce the concepts of Expert Systems and machine learning


O utcomes
Ability to comprehend AI & ES to analyze and map real world activities to digital world
Ability to identify problems that are amenably solved by AI methods
Ability to design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different AI algorithms
Unit I
Introduction to AI, Control strategies, Search strategies, Production system characteristics Specialized production system- Problem solving methods - Problem graphs, Matching, Indexing
and Heuristic functions -Hill Climbing-Depth first and Breath first, Constraints satisfaction Related algorithms, Measure of performance and analysis of search algorithms.
Unit I I
Game playing - Knowledge representation, Knowledge representation using Predicate logic,
Introduction to predicate calculus, Resolution, Use of predicate calculus, Knowledge
representation using other logic-Structured representation of knowledge.
Unit I I I
Knowledge representation -Production based system, Frame based system. Inference - Backward
chaining, Forward chaining, Rule value approach, Fuzzy reasoning - Certainty factors, Bayesian
Theory-Bayesian Network-Dempster - Shafer theory.
Unit I V
Basic plan generation systems - Strips -Advanced plan generation systems ! K strips -Strategic
explanations -Why, Why not and how explanations. Learning- Machine learning, adaptive
Unit V
Expert systems - Architecture of expert systems, Roles of expert systems - Knowledge
Acquisition ! Meta knowledge, Heuristics. Typical expert systems - MYCIN, DART, XOON,
Expert systems shells
T ext Books
1. Ke3inNightandOlaine<ich,NairT.,+Arti0icialIntelligence_SIO`9,:cGraSHill,2008
2. Lanb.Patterson,+IntroductiontoAIandOS9,PearsonOducation,2007
Reference Books
1. PeterNac;son,+IntroductiontoOWRertSystems9,3rdOdition,PearsonOducation,2007
2. Stuart <ussel and Peter Nor3ig, +AI ! A Modern Approach, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2007
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS017 Programming for E mbedded Systems

O bjectives
To understand basics of embedded system programming
To know how the intricacies of Embedded programming


O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the importance of Embedded programming for real time systems
Ability to analyze and design embedded systems for smart applications
Ability to design and develop application Specific embedded System
Unit I Introduction to E mbedded System Programming
Application of Embedded System, Overview of Embedded System Architecture and Instruction
Set, Real Time Systems, Requirements for Embedded Systems, Embedded Software
Development: Challenges and Issues, Operating Systems for Embedded Systems: Introduction
and Features, Languages for Embedded System Programming
Unit I I Getting Started with E mbedded Programming
Assembly verses High Level language, Integrated Development Environment, Building Process
for Embedded System, Types of Memory for Embedded System, Memory Management methods
and Bug Handling, Interrupts and ISRs handling in Embedded Systems, Simulators and
Debuggers for Embedded System
Unit I I I Designing E lements of E mbedded System Program
Basic Input Output Device Interface Programming, Developing Programmable Interrupt
Controller, Timers and Counters, LCD hardware and Programming, Analog to Digital Clock,
Introduction to data EEPROM
Unit I V Real T ime Programming for E mbedded System
Scheduling in Real Time Environment, Real Time Clock Designing, Real Time Operating
System Support for Programming, Task Management in Real Time Environment, Semaphores
handling, Message Queuing: States, Content, Storage, Introduction to Kernel Objects
Unit V C ase Study on E mbedded System Programming
Cruise Controller in Transportation, Bioinformatics on Embedded System, Mobile Phones and
Handheld Devices, Applications in Medical Field, Low Power Systems, Reconfigurable
Systems, Wireless Communication in Embedded Systems, Wearable Embedded Systems
Reference Books
1. Julio Sanchez and Maria P. Canton, +Embedded Systems Circuits and Programming9,
Taylor and Francis, 2012
2. Michael Barr and Anthony Massa,+Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU
Development Tools, QG<eilly,2007
3. Sriram V Iyer and Pankaj Gupta, +Embedded Real Time System Programming9, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2004
4. Qing Li and Caroline Yao,+Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems9, Elsevier, 2003
5. Cracking the Code Programming For Embedded System, Dreamtech Software Team,
Wiley, 2002
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS002 A dvanced C ryptography

O bjectives
To study the concepts of applied cryptography
To understand the application of cryptographic techniques in real world applications
To comprehend the notion of provable security and its implication with improved
security guarantees
O utcomes
Ability to break cryptosystems that are not provably secure
Ability to derive simple provable security proofs for cryptographic schemes
Ability to design and implement cryptographic protocols
Unit I
Review of number theory, group, ring and finite fields, quadratic residues, Legendre symbol,
Jacobi symbol,
Unit I I
Formal Notions of Attacks: Attacks under Message Indistinguishability: Chosen Plaintext
Attack(IND-CPA), Chosen Ciphertext Attacks (IND-CCA1 and IND-CCA2), Attacks under
Message Non-malleability: NM-CPA and NM-CCA2, Inter-relations among the attack model.
Unit I I I
Public key cryptography, RSA cryptosystem, probabilistic encryption, homomorphic encryption,
Elliptic curve cryptosystems, Blum-Goldwasser cryptosystems, identity based encryption,
Cryptographic hash functions.
Unit I V
Digital signatures and the notion of existential unforgability under chosen message attacks,
ElGamal digital signature scheme, Schnorr signature scheme, blind signature, electronic voting.
Unit V
Zero Knowledge Proofs and Protocols, lattice based cryptography
Reference Books
1. b.:ao,+:odernCryRtograRhyaTheorypPractice9,PearsonOducation,2010
2. ThomasKoshy,+OlementaryNumberTheorySithaRRlications9,Olse3ierIndia,2005
3. Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman, An Introduction to
Mathematical CryRtograRhy9,SRringerRublication
4. :eneAes,A,,+Handbook of Applied Cryptography9, CRC Press, 1996
5. KoblitA,N.,+Course on Number Theory and Cryptography9, Springer Verlag, 1986

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS003 Randomized A lgorithms


O bjectives
To introduce the concept of randomized algorithms
To apply the concepts of probabilistic analysis of algorithms
O utcomes
Ability to apply basics of probability theory in the analysis of algorithms
Ability to comprehend randomized algorithms and its advantages to traditional algorithm
Ability to design and implement randomized techniques in solving real world problems
Unit I
Elements of probability theory, Verification of strings, poly identities, matrix multiplication Las
Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithms, Expectations, Jensen's Inequality, Coupon collector's
problem, geometric distribution
Unit I I
Randomized Quick Sort and its expected run-time, Variance and moments, Chebyshev's
inequality, Coupon collector's problem, randomized median finding, analysis, moment
generating functions
Unit I I I
Derivation and application of Chernoff's bounds, Sum of Poisson Trials, Coin flips, Set
balancing, Packet routing in sparse networks, permutation routing on the hypercube, butterfly
Unit I V
Birthday paradox, balls and bins model, application to bucket sort, Poisson distribution,
Application to hashing, random graph models, Hamiltonian cycles in random graphs
Unit V
Markov chains, representations, randomized algorithm for 2-satisfiability and 3-satisfiability,
classification of states, gambler's ruin, random walks on undirected graphs, s-t connectivity
T ext book

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS065 Natural L anguage Processing

O bjectives
To understand the application of computational methods in linguists
To apply statistical and probabilistic methods for parameter estimation and inference
To know how the computational methods give insight into observed human language
O utcomes
Ability to compare and contrast approaches to natural language processing
Ability to comprehend and analyze the various elements of speech processing
Ability to design and develop machine learning techniques in the area of NLP
Unit I
Sound: Biology of Speech Processing; Place and Manner of Articulation; Word Boundary
Detection; Argmax based computations; HMM and Speech Recognition.
Unit I I
Words and Word Forms: Morphology fundamentals; Morphological Diversity of Indian
Languages; Morphology Paradigms; Finite State Machine Based Morphology; Automatic
Morphology Learning; Shallow Parsing; Named Entities; Maximum Entropy Models; Random
Unit I I I
Structures: Theories of Parsing, Parsing Algorithms; Robust and Scalable Parsing on Noisy Text
as in Web documents; Hybrid of Rule Based and Probabilistic Parsing; Scope Ambiguity and
Attachment Ambiguity resolution.
Unit I V
Meaning: Lexical Knowledge Networks, Wordnet Theory; Indian Language Wordnets and
Multilingual Dictionaries; Semantic Roles; Word Sense Disambiguation; WSD and
Multilinguality; Metaphors; Coreferences.
Unit V
Web 2.0 Applications: Sentiment Analysis; Text Entailment; Robust and Scalable Machine
Translation; Question Answering in Multilingual Setting; Cross Lingual Information Retrieval
T ext books/Reference books
1. Jurafsky, Dan and Martin, James, +Speech and Language Processing9, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2008
2. Manning, Christopher and Heinrich, Schutze, +Foundations o0 Statistical Natural
3. Allen James, +Natural Language Understanding9, 2nd edition, Benjamin Cumming, 1995
4. Charniack, Eugene, +Statistical Language Learning9, MIT Press, 1993
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS018 Networ k Processor Design


O bjectives
To understand the basics of networking and network processor architecture
To understand basic concepts of processor scheduling and other parameters used for
measuring performance of network processor
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the network processor and its communication mechanisms
Ability to implement various programming aspects of network processors
Ability to design and develop optimal Network Processor
Unit I
Introduction and motivation - Network processor Ecosystem-communication system and
implementation-Network element-. Networking Fundamentals - Converged Networks-Access
and Home Networks- Network processor Architecture.
Unit I I
Processor scheduling- Fibre channel/ Infiniband Implementation. Performance And Analysis
Packet Processing-Framing-parsing and classification- search , Lookup and ForwardingCompression and encryption- Queueing and Traffic Management-Packet flow handling-NP
Unit I I I
Worst Case Excution Time Estimation for Hardware Assisted Multithreaded processor-Power
consideration in NP Design. Performance and Programmability of processing Element
Topologies for NP-Packet classification Termination in a Protocol-Programmable Protocol
Processor-Control memory Aceess Accelerator- System performance.
Unit I V
Efficient and Faithful Performance Modeling for NP Based system designs - Direction in Packet
Classification for Network Processors. A Network Processor: EZchip - EZchip Architecture,
Capabilities, and Applications- EZchip Programming-Parsing-Searching-Resolving-Modifying.
Unit V
Running the Virtual Local Area Network Example-Writing Your First High-Speed Network
Application . Implementing High performance , High-value Traffic management using Agere
Network Processor Solutions- Nepal: A Framework for Efficiently structuring Applications for
T ext Books
<an Giladi, +NetSor; Processors Architecture, Programming, and ImRlementation9,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008
Processors Design: Issues and Practices (Volume-2`9,2004
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS066 Image Processing

O bjectives
To understand the fundamentals of Digital imaging and Image Processing techniques
To be familiar with image compression and segmentation
O utcomes
Ability to design and apply image enhancement and restoration techniques
Ability to apply image compression and segmentation Techniques
Ability to design and develop image processing techniques for assisting digital forensics
Unit I
Introduction: Fundamentals of Image Processing, Applications of Image Processing, Human
Visual Perception, Introduction to Image Formation, Sampling and Quantization, Binary Image,
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Image file formats. Color and Color Imagery: Perception of Colors
Unit I I
Image Transformation: Fourier Transforms, Discrete Cosine Transform, Walsh-adamard
Transform, Karhaunen-Loeve Transform or PCA. Discrete Wavelet Transform: Wavelet
Transform, Extension to 2D Signals, Lifting Implementation of the Discrete Wave Transforms
Unit I I I
Image Enhancement and Restoration : Introduction, Distinction between image enhancement and
restoration, Histrogram-based Contrast Enhancement, Frequency Domain Methods of Image
Enhancement, Noise Modeling, Image Restoration, Image Reconstruction, Image Segmentation
Unit I V
Recognition of Image Patterns : Introduction, Decision Theoretic Pattern Classification, Baesian
Decision Theory, Nonparametric Classification, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Unsupervised
Classification Strategies-clustering, K-means clustering algorithm, Syntactic Pattern
Classification, Syntactic Inference, Symbolic Projection method. Texture and Shape Analysis
Unit V
Fuzzy Set Theory in Image Processing : Introduction, Use of Fuzzy Image, Preliminaries and
Background, Image as a Fuzzy Set, Fuzzy Methods of Contrast Enhancement, Image
Segmentation using Fuzzy Methods, Fuzzy Approaches to Pixel Classification, Fuzzy c-Means
Algorithm, Fusion of Fuzzy logic with neural network. Image mining and Content-Based
T ext Book
:ariaPetrouandCostasPetrou,+ImageProcessingtheFundamentals9,Nohn-Wiley and
Sons Publishers, 2nd edition, 2010
Rafael C. Gonzalez , Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins, "Digital Image Processing
Using MATLAB", 2nd edition, Gatesmark Publishing, 2009
Tinku Acharya and Ajoy K. <ay,+ImageProcessingPrinciRlesandARRlications9,Nohn
Wiley & Sons publishers, 2005
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS067 Software Q uality Assurance

O bjectives
To understand software quality management process and quality management models
To learn software quality metrics, assurance and various software standards
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend industrial standards in maintaining SQA
Ability to apply basic software quality assurance practices to ensure software quality and
Ability to design and model software projects that conform to international quality
standards and practices
Unit I
Defining Software Quality, Software Quality factors, Components of software quality assurance,
pre project software quality components- Contract Review - Development and Quality Plans.
Unit-I I
Integrating Quality Activities in the Project Life Cycle ! Reviews - Software Testing ! Strategies
- Software Testing !Implementation - Assuring the Quality of Software Maintenance - Assuring
The Quality of External Participants' Parts - Case Tools and their Affect on Software Quality.
Unit-I I I
Software Quality Infrastructure Components- Procedures and Work Instructions - Supporting
Quality Devices - Staff Training, Instructing and Certification - Preventive and Corrective
Actions - Configuration Management - Documentation and Quality Records Controls
Unit-I V
Management Components Software Quality - Project Progress Control- Components, Internal &
External Participants, Progress control regimes, Computerized tools, Software Quality Metrics !
Objective, Classification, Process & Product Metrics, Implementation & Limitation of Software
Metrics - Software Quality Costs ! Objective, Classification Model of cost, Extended Model and
Standards, Certification And Assessment - Need for standards, SQA Standards ! ISO9001
Certification - Software Process Assessment, Organizing for Quality Assurance -Management
and its Role in Quality Assurance - The Software Quality Assurance Unit - SQA Trustees and
Committees, Six Sigma concepts.
T ext Books
1. Laniel Galin, +So0tSare quality Assurancea From Theory to ImRlementation9, Pearson
Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 2012
2. Jeff Tian,+So0tSarequalityOngineeringaTesting,qualityAssurance,andquanti0iable9,
Wiley, 2005

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS033 A dvanced Database M anagement Systems

O bjectives
To understand the different database models and language queries to access databases
To understand the normalization forms in building an effective database tables
To protect the data and the database from unauthorized access and manipulation
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the complex query processing techniques
Ability to design and implement multimedia databases and writing query structure
Ability to develop skill set in file organization, Query Optimization, Transaction
management, and database administration techniques
Unit I Relational Model Issues
ER Model - Normalization ! Query Processing ! Query Optimization ! Transaction Processing Concurrency Control ! Recovery - Database Tuning
Unit I I Distributed Databases
Parallel Databases ! Inter and Intra Query Parallelism ! Distributed Database Features !
Distributed Database Architecture ! Fragmentation ! Distributed Query Processing ! Distributed
Transactions Processing ! Concurrency Control ! Recovery !Commit Protocols.
Unit I I I O bject O riented Databases
Introduction to Object Oriented Data Bases - Approaches - Modeling and Design - Persistence !
Query Languages - Transaction - Concurrency ! Multi Version Locks ! Recovery ! POSTGRES
Unit I V E merging Systems
Enhanced Data Models - Client/Server Model - Data Warehousing and Data Mining ! Web
Databases ! Mobile Databases- XML and Web Databases
Unit V C ur rent Issues
Rules - Knowledge Bases - Active and Deductive Databases - Multimedia Databases Multimedia
Data Structures ! Multimedia Query languages - Spatial Databases.
T ext Books
1. Thomas Connolly and Carlolyn Tegg, +Latabase Systems: A Practical Approach to
Design, Implementation, and:anagement9,5th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2009
1. R. Elmasri and S. T. Na3athe, +Fundamentals o0 Latabase Systems9, Fifth Edition,
Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2006
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S.Sudharshan,+LatabaseSystemConceRts9,
Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
3. C. N. Late, A. Kannan, and S. SSamynathan, +An Introduction to Latabase Systems9,
Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2006
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Honors E lective
CS090 Distributed A lgorithms
O bjectives
To understand the fundamental algorithms and protocols that are commonly used in
distributed computing
To learn the basics about synchronous and asynchronous models
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend distributed protocols and algorithms
Ability to comprehend, develop, and analyze distributed algorithms for mission critical
Ability to design and develop distributed algorithms for real world problems
Unit - I
Introduction, Synchronous Network Model, Leader election in a synchronous ring, Algorithms in
general synchronous networks, Distributed consensus with link failures, Distributed consensus
with process failures.
Unit - I I
Asynchronous system model, Asynchronous shared memory model, mutual exclusion, resource
allocation, consensus and atomic objects
Unit - I I I
Asynchronous network model, basic asynchronous network algorithms and synchronizers
Unit - I V
Shared memory versus networks, logical time, global snapshots and stable properties, network
resource allocation, partially synchronous system models.
Unit - V
Fault Tolerance in distributed systems, Fault Tolerance in asynchronous systems, Fault
Tolerance in asynchronous systems, failure detection - stabilization
T ext Books
1. NancyALynch,+ListributedAlgorithms9,:organKau0manPublishers1996
2. Gerard Tel, +Introduction to Listributed Algorithms9, Cambridge [ni3ersity Press, 2nd
edition, 2000

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS091 H igh Speed Networ ks


O bjectives
To understand up-to-date survey of developments in High Speed Networks
To know how techniques involved to support real-time traffic and congestion control
To understand different levels of quality of service (QoS) to different applications

O utcomes
Ability to comprehend protocols for high speed networks
Ability to analyze and compare the parameters of high speed networks and architectures
Ability to design, develop, and analyze High speed network scenarios
Unit I
Frame Relay Networks ! Asynchronous transfer mode ! ATM Protocol Architecture, ATM
logical Connection, ATM Cell ! ATM Service Categories ! AAL, High Speed LANs: Fast
Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel ! Wireless LANs: applications, requirements !
Architecture of 802.11
Unit I I
Queuing Analysis- Queuing Models ! Single Server Queues ! Effects of Congestion Control !
Traffic Management ! Congestion Control in Packet Switching Networks ! Frame Relay
Congestion Control
Unit I I I
TCP Flow control ! TCP Congestion Control ! Retransmission ! Timer Management Exponential RTO backoff ! KA<NGsAlgorithm! Window management ! Performance of TCP
over ATM. Traffic and Congestion control in ATM ! Requirements ! Attributes !Traffic
Management Frame work, Traffic Control ! ABR traffic Management
Unit I V
Integrated Services Architecture ! Approach, Components, Services- Queuing Discipline, FQ,
PS, BRFQ, GPS, WFQ ! Random Early Detection, Differentiated Services
Unit V
RSVP ! Goals & Characteristics, Data Flow, RSVP operations, Multiprotocol Label Switching !
Operations, Label Stacking, Protocol details ! RTP ! Protocol Architecture
T ext Book
1. billiamStallings,+HighSReedNetSor;sandInternet9,Pearson Education, 2nd Edition,
2. barland, Pra3in laraiya, +High Rer0ormance communication netSor;s9, 2nd Edition,
Jean Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2001
3. Ir3an PeRelnm;, Nim Guichard, Ne00 ARcar, +:PLS and lPN architecture9, Cisco Press,
Volume 1 and 2, 2003
4. Abhijit S. Pandya and Ercan Sea,+AT:Technology0orTroadTandTelecommunication
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS092 Software Defined Networ king

O bjectives
To know the reduced Complexity of Network Operation
To understand the concepts of minimize Layer and maximize Network Resources
To understand the Faster Time to Revenue for New Applications


O utcomes
Ability to comprehend Software Defined Networks
Ability to compare and analyze the advantages of SDN over traditional network
Ability to design and implement software defined network
Unit I
Introduction, Control Plane, Data Plane, Distributed Control Planes, IP and MPLS, Creating the
IP Underlay, Convergence Time, Load Balancing High Availability, Creating the MPLS
Overlay, Replication, Centralized Control Planes ! Logical Versus Litera, ATM/LANE, Route
Servers, Wire Protocol, FAWG, Config and Extensibility, Architecture, Hybrid Approaches !
Ships in the Night, Dual Function Switches.
Unit I I
VMware, Nicira, Mininet, NOX/POX, Trema, Ryu, Big Switch Networks/Floodlight, Layer 3
Centric ! L3VPN, Path Computation Element Server, Plexxi Affinity, Cisco OnePK,
Management Interface, Network Divide, Modern Programmatic Interfaces, Modern
Unit I I I
Multitenant Data Center, Virtualized Multitenant Data Center, SDN Solutions for Data Center
Network, VLANs, EVPN, VxLan, NVGRE, Virtualization and Data Plane I/O, Services
Engineered Path, Service Locations and Chaining, NEV at ETSI, Non-ETSI NEV Work.
Unit I V
Network Topology, Traditional Methods, LLDP, BGP-TE/LS, ALTO, I2RS, Build Code First,
The Juniper SDN Framework(s), Open Daylight Controller/Framework, Policy.
Unit V
Bandwidth Scheduling, Manipulation, Calendaring - Bandwidth Calendaring, Big Data and
Application Hyper ! Virtualization for Instant CSPF, Expanding Technology, Use Cases for
Data Center Overlays, Big Data, Network Function Virtualization - Data Center Orchestration,
Puppet, Network Function Virtualization, Optimized Big Data, - Firewall as Service, Network
Access Control Replacement, Virtual Firewall, Feed Back and Optimization, Intrusion
Detection/Threat Mitigation.
T extbook
1. Thomas D. Nandeau and Ken Gray, +Software Defined Networks9, QG <eilly :edia,
Inc., First Edition, 2013
2. FOI H[ , +NetSor; Inno3ation through QRenFloS and SLNa PrinciRles and Lesign9,
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS093 T ransaction Processing Systems


O bjectives
To knowhow in processing data generated by and about transactions that maintain high
degree of accuracy and integrity
To understand and recognize fraudulent transactions and produce timely user responses
and reports

O utcomes
Ability to develop solutions that addresses all of the information processes
Ability to design and develop techniques where information systems shall meet emerging
Ability to analyze situations, identify needs, propose and develop solutions
Unit I
Consistency, Atomicity, Durability, Isolation, Flat Transactions, Providing Structure within a
Transaction, Structuring an Application as Multiple Transactions.
Unit I I
Schedules and Schedule Equivalence, Recoverability, Cascaded Aborts and Strictness, Models
for Concurrency Control, A Strategy for Immediate-Update Pessimistic Concurrency Controls,
Design of an Immediate-Update Pessimistic Concurrency Control, Objects and Semantic
Commutativity, Atomicity, Recoverability and Compensating Operations, Locking and SQL
Isolation Levels, Granular Locking: Intention Locks and Index Locks, Tuning Transactions,
Multiversion Concurrency Controls.
Unit I I I
Crash, Abort and Media Failure, Immediate-Update Systems and Write-Ahead Logs, Recovery
in Deferred-Update Systems, Recovery from Media Failure.
Unit I V
Transaction Processing in a Centralized System, Transaction Processing in a Distributed System,
Global Atomicity and the Transaction Manager, Remote Procedure Call, Pear-to-Pear
Communication, Event Communication, Storage Architectures, Transaction Processing on the
Internet, Implementing the ACID Properties, Distributed Deadlock, Global Serialization.
Unit V
Authentication, Authorization and Encryption, Digital Signatures, Key Distribution and
Authentication, Authorization, Authenticated RPC, Electronic Commerce, Certificates, Passport:
SSO, SET Protocol: Dual Signatures, Goods Atomicity, Certified Delivery, and Escrow
T extbook
1. Michael Kifer, Arthur Bernstein and Philip M. Lewis, +Database Systems: An
Application-Oriented Approach9, Addison Wesley, 2006
2. PhiliR A. Ternstein and Oric NeScomer, +PrinciRles o0 Transaction Processing9, 2nd
Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Elsevier, 2009
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS094 Pervasive Computing

O bjectives
To understand the characteristics and principles of Pervasive computing and solutions
To design and implement pervasive application that are embedded into cars, airplanes,
ships, bikes, posters, signboards, walls and even clothes
O utcomes
Ability to analyze and compare the performance of different data dissemination
Ability to develop solutions with comparisons for problems related to pervasive
computing system through investigation
Ability to design, analyze, and develop smart computing techniques
Unit I Introduction
Pervasive Computing- Principles, Characteristics- interaction transparency, context aware,
automated experience capture, Vision and challenges of pervasive computing, Pervasive
computing infrastructure- Architecture for pervasive computing- Pervasive devices-embedded
controls.- smart sensors and actuators -Context communication and access services
U N I T I I T echnologies
Device Technology for Pervasive Computing : Hardware, Human-machine interfaces,
Biometrics, Operating Systems, Java for pervasive devices- Voice Technology: Basics of Speech
Recognition, Voice standards, Speech Applications, Speech and Pervasive Computing, SecurityPersonal Digital Assistants
U N I T I I I Sensor Networ ks and R F I D
Introduction to Sensor networks - Sensor Node Architecture ! Sensor Network Architecture Types of sensor networks ! Platforms for Wireless sensor networks ! Applications of Wireless
Sensor networks - Introduction to RFID ! transponder and reader architecture - Types of tags
and readers - Frequencies of operation ! Application of RFID Technologies.
U N I T I V W eb based A pplications
Web application concepts for pervasive computing: History, WWW architecture, Protocols,
Trans-coding, Client Authentication via the Internet for pervasive computing, XML and its rle
in Pervsive computing, WAP and beyond: Introduction, Components of the WAP architecture,
WAP infrastructure, WAP security issues, Wireless Markup Language, WAP push, Products, iMode.
U N I T V Programming A nd A pplications
Server-side programming (Java) for pervasive computing: Java 2 Enterprise Edition
(Overview), Servlets, Enterprise Java Beans, Java Server Pages, Extensible Markup Language,
Web Services, Model-View-Controller pattern, Application Examples of Pervasive Computing:
Retail, Airline Check-in and booking, Sales force automation, Healthcare, Tracking, Car
Information Systems, Email Access via WAP and voice

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. Jochen Burkhardt, Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Thomas Schaec & Klaus Rindtorff:
+Per3asi3e ComRutinga Technology and Architecture o0 :obile Internet ARRlications9,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2009
2. Seng Lo;e,+ConteWt-ASareComRutingPer3asi3eSystems9,AuerbachPub.,Taylorand
Francis Group, New York, 2007
3. <ahul Tanermee, +Lecture Notes in Per3asi3e ComRuting9, Qutline Notes, TITS-Pilani,
4. Genco,S.Sorce,+Per3asi3eSystemsand[biHuitousComRuting9, WIT Press, 2012
5. Guruduth S. Tana3ar, Norman H. Cohen, and Chandra NarayanasSami, +Per3asi3e
Computing: An Application-TasedARRroach9,bileyInterscience,2012
6. Fran;Adelstein,SKSGuRta,GG<ichard,andLSchSiebert,+Fundamentalso0:obile
and Pervasi3eComRuting9,Tata:cGraS-Hill, New Delhi, 2005
7. Ste0enPoslad,+[biHuitousComRutingaSmartLe3ices,On3ironmentsandInteractions9,
Wiley, Second Edition, 2010

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS095 Programming for M ulti-Core Systems


O bjectives
To understand the fundamentals of multi-core architecture
To be able to know the basic concepts of multi core programming using threads
To be able to understand various programming constructs in multi-core architecture
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend the programming constructs of multi-core systems
Ability to exploit the benefit of parallel programming
Ability to design and develop APIs for Multithreaded Applications

Unit I F undamentals of M ulti core

Fundamentals of Quantitative Design and Analysis-Dependability-Measuring, Reporting and
Summarizing Performance-Quantitative principles of computer Design, Instruction Level
Parallelism-Data level and Thread level Parallelism. Multi core Architecture-Motivation for
Concurrency -Parallel Computing in Micro processors-Gusta0sonGslaS
Unit I I Introduction to T hreads
Defining threads-System View of threads-Threading above the OS-Inside the OS-Threads inside
the Hardware-What happened When a thread is created-Application Programming models and
threading-VMs and Platforms-Run time Virtualization, System Virtualization.
Unit I I I T hread Programming T ypes and A PIs
Synchronization-Critical Section-Deadlock-Synchronization Primitives-Semaphores-LocksCondition Variables-Flow Control based Concepts-Implementation based Threading FeaturesThreading APIs for Microsoft Windows-Threading API for .NET framework, POSIX ThreadsProgramming With Pthreads, OpenMP-Challenges in threading a loop-Minimizing threading
overhead-Performance oriented programming- JavaThreads
Unit I V T hread H andling and Debugging
Too many threads-Data Races, Deadlock and Live locks-Heavily Contended Locks-Nonblocking algorithms-Thread safe functions and libraries-Memory Issues !Cache Related IssuesAvoiding Pipeline Stalls in IA-32-Data Organization for High Performance, Multithreaded
Debugging Techniques: General Debugging Techniques
Unit V Implementation of the Programming Constructs
Foundations of Shared Memory, Spin Locks and Contention- Monitors and Blocking
Synchronization- Concurrent Queues and the ABA Problem- Concurrent Stacks and EliminationCounting, Sorting, and Distributed Coordination Concurrent Hashing and Natural ParallelismSkip lists and Balanced Search- Futures, Scheduling, and Work Distribution- BarriersTransactional Memory - Software Transactional Memory-hardware Transactional Memory !
Threading on Intel Multicore Processors.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. ShameemA;hterandNason<oberts,+:ulti-Core Programming: Increasing Performance
throughSo0tSare:ultiThreading9, Intel Press, 2006
2. Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit, +The Art o0 :ultiRrocessor Programming+, Revised
First Edition, Elsevier Publication, 2012
Reference Books
1. John L. Hennesy, and David E. Patterson, +Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach9, 5th Edition, Elsevier Publication, 2012
2. Thomas<auberandGudula<rnger,+Parallel Programming: for Multi-core and Cluster
Systems9, 2nd Edition, Springer Publication, 2010

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS096 Soft Computing

O bjectives
To understand the concepts of feed forward & feedback neural networks
To understand the concept of fuzziness involved in various systems
To expose the ideas about genetic algorithm
To provide adequate knowledge about of FLC and NN toolbox


O utcomes
Ability to comprehend machine learning and soft computing techniques in solving real
world applications
Ability to design and develop ML techniques with assistance of MATLAB
Ability to visualize and analyze behavioural pattern to develop evolutionary algorithm
Unit I
Introduction of soft computing - soft computing vs. hard computing- various types of soft
computing techniques- applications of soft computing-Neuron- Nerve structure and synapseArtificial Neuron and its model- activation functions- Neural network architecture- single layer
and multilayer feed forward networks- McCullochPitts neuron model- perceptron model- MLPback propogation learning methods- effect of learning rule coefficient.
Unit I I
Counter propagation network- architecture- functioning & characteristics of counterPropagation network-Hopfield/ Recurrent network- configuration- stability constraintsassociative memory- and characteristics- limitations and applications- Hopfield v/s Boltzman
machine- Adaptive Resonance Theory- Architecture- classifications-Implementation and
training-Associative Memory
Unit I I I
Counter propagation network- architecture- functioning & characteristics of counterPropagation network-Hopfield/ Recurrent network- configuration- stability constraintsassociative memory- and characteristics- limitations and applications- Hopfield v/s Boltzman
machine- Adaptive Resonance Theory- Architecture- classifications-Implementation and
training-Associative Memory
Unit I V
Basic concept of Genetic algorithm and detail algorithmic steps-adjustment of free ParametersSolution of typical control problems using genetic algorithm- Concept on some other search
techniques like tabu search and ant colony search techniques for solving optimization problems.
Unit V
GA application to power system optimization problem- Case studies: Identification and control
of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems using Matlab-Neural Network toolbox. Stability
analysis of Neural Network interconnection systems- Implementation of fuzzy logic controller
using Matlab fuzzy logic toolbox-Stability analysis of fuzzy control systems
T ext Books
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



1. TimothyN.<oss,+FuAAyLogic with OngineeringARRlications9,Wiley India, 3rd edition,

2. Zimmermann H. J. "Fuzzy set theory and its Applications" Springer international edition,
3. David E. Goldberg, +Genetic Algorithms in Search, QRtimiAation, and :achine
Learning9,PearsonOducation, 2009
4. Laurene V. Fausett, +Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, And
Applications9, Pearson Education, 1st edition, 1993
5. b.T.:iller,<.S.SuttonandP.N.bebros,+NeuralNetSor;s0orControl9,:ITPress,

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS097 Digital System T esting and V erification


O bjectives
To design the Models at various levels and detects the faults in modeling
To learn the testability techniques and to learn the Verilog for building the systems
To test and verify the validity of the Model
O utcomes
Ability to design the modeling of systems
Ability to write the test bench to test the validity of the model
Ability to write Verilog code to built the systems

Unit I
Modeling : Basic Concepts, Functional Modeling at the Logic Level, Functional Modeling at the
Register Level, Structural Models, Level of Modeling, Logic Simulation: Problems in
simulation-Based Design Verification, Types of Simulation, The Unknown Logic Value,
Compiled Simulation, Event Driven Simulation, Delay Models, Element Evaluation, Hazard
Detection, Gate Level Event-Driven simulation, Other Logic Values, Other Delay Models.
Unit I I
Fault Modeling : Logical Fault Models, Fault Detection and redundancy, Fault Equivalent and
Fault Location, Fault Dominance, The single Stuck-Fault Model, The Multiple Stuck FaultModel, Stuck RTL Variable, Fault Variables. Fault Simulation : General Fault Simulation
Techniques, Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits, Fault Sampling, Statistical Fault
Unit I I I
Testing for Bridging Fault: The Bridging Fault Model, Detection of Non-feedback Bridging
Faults, Detection of Feedback Bridging Faults, Bridging Fault Simulation, Test Generation for
Bridging Faults. Functional Testing : Functional Testing without Fault Models, Exhaustive and
Pseudo exhaustive Testing, Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models,
Unit I V
Design for Testability : Testability, Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques, Controllability
and Observability by means of Scan Registers, Generic Scan-Based Designs, Storage cells for
Scan designs, Classical scan designs, Scan Design Costs, Board level and system level DFT
Approaches, Advanced scan concepts, Boundary Scan Standards.
Unit V
Basics of Test and Role of HDLs : Design and Test, Test Concerns, HDLs in Digital System
Test. Verilog HL for Design and Test : HDL for developing test methods, Using verilog in
design, Using verilog in test, Basic structures of verilog, Combinational Circuits, Sequential
circuits. Fault and detectiona modeling using verilog

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



T ext Books
1. Zainalabedin Navabi, +Digital System Test an Testable Desin using HDL Models and
Architectures9, Springer publications, 2010.
2. Miron Abramovici, Melvin A. Breuer, and Arthur D. Friedman, +Digital Systems Testing
and Testable Design9, Wiley publications1990.
Reference Book
Jha, Niraj K., and Sandeep Gupta,+Testingo0digitalsystems9,Cambridge[ni3ersity
Press, 2003.

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS098 C A D for V LSI


O bjectives
To provide experience designing integrated circuits using Computer Aided Design
(CAD) Tools
To introduce the concepts and techniques of modern integrated circuit design and testing
To understand the programming paradigms of Hardware Description language (HDL)
O utcomes
Ability to acquire hands-on skills of using CAD tools in VLSI design
Ability to develop coding skill set using HDL
Ability to design and develop VLSI project having a set of objective criteria and design
Unit I
Introduction to CAD tools, Evolution of Design Automation, Basic Transistor Fundamentals,
CMOS realizations of basic gates.
Unit I I
Modelling techniques, Types of CAD tools and Introduction to logic simulation
Unit I I I
Verilog: Syntax, Hierarchical modelling and Delay modelling, Verilog constructs, Memory
Unit I V
Logic Synthesis: Introduction synthesis of different Verilog constructs.
Unit V
Introduction to Reconfigurable computing, FPGAs, the Altra Quartus II flow.
T ext Books
1. SamirPalnit;ar,+lerilogHLL9,2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. N.Thas;ar,+lerilogHLLSynthesis9,TSRublications,2001

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



CS099 M iddleware T echnologies


O bjectives
To understand the essence of client-server and middleware architectures
To learn the basics of CORBA and C#.NET technologies
O utcomes
Ability to comprehend of Middleware tools
Ability to build real time applications based on .Net and C#
Ability to design, develop, and analyze middleware architecture in developing
enterprise technologies
Unit I
Introduction to client server computing- client server models, Benefits of client server
Unit I I
Middleware ! Objects, Elements, Architecture, Middleware distributed applications, middleware
types, transaction oriented middleware
Unit I I I
CORBA with Java - Client/Server CORBA-style, CORBA with Java, Static CORBA, ORBlets
with Applets, Dynamic, CORBA Beans, CORBA initialization protocol, CORBA activation
services, CORBA java- to- IDL mapping
Unit I V
EJBs and CORBA - Object transaction monitors CQ<TA QT:Gs, ONT and CQ<TA QT:Gs,
EJB container frame work, Session and Entity Beans, EJB client/server development Process
The EJB container protocol, support for transaction EJB packaging EJB design Guidelines.
Unit V
C# and .NET Platform- .NET Assemblies, Object Oriented Programming with C#, Callback
Interfaces, Delegates, and Events, Type Reflection, Late Binding, and Attribute-Based
Programming, Object Serialization and the .NET Remoting Layer
T ext Books
1. Andrew Troelsen,+Ctandthe.NOTPlat0orm9,ARressbiley-Dreamtech, India Pvt Ltd,
2nd Edition, 2007
2. Chris Britton, +IT Architectures and Middleware: Strategies for Building Large,
IntegratedSystems9,PearsonOducation, 2nd Edition , 2004
3. Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey, and Jeri Edwards, +The Essential Client/Server
Guide9, John Wiley & Sons , 3rd Edition, 1999
4. Robert Qr0ali and Lan Har;ey, +Client/Ser3er Rrogramming Sith Na3a and CQ<TA9,
John Wiley & Sons , SPD 2nd Edition, 1998
5. NesseLiberty,+ProgrammingCt9,2nd Odition,QG<eillyPress,2002
CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



Course O utcome Survey Form

Date: __/__/____

Course Code


Course Name

: _________________________

F aculty

: _________________________


Your satisfaction on the following statements

Faculty has made the subject interesting

Faculty is enthusiastic about what is taught

Faculty is good at explaining things

The course is well organized

The course is intellectually stimulating

Any changes in the course or teaching have been

communicated effectively

The criteria used in assessment have been clearly stated

in advance

Assessment and marking have been fair

I have been able to contact faculty when I needed to


I have received detailed comments on my work


I have received sufficient advice and support from the

faculty for my studies


I have been able to access general IT resources when I

needed to


My communication skills have improved


Feedback on my work has been prompt


Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I

did not understand


As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling

problems related to this course


Overall I am satisfied with the quality of the course


Y ear/Semester : ____________

G enerally

G enerally



Does not



CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



B. T ech. (CSE) Program Survey Form

(By F inal Y ear B. T ech. Students)
Date: __/__/____
1. Course Outcomes
Overall, Your satisfaction on the
following statements:
How current the content is in most subjects
in your courses?
How interesting the teaching is in most
subjects in your courses?
The variety of courses offered in your
How helpful and accurate the academic
advising is in your course?
How helpful and accurate the career
counseling is in your programme?
How challenging the work is intellectually in
most courses in your programme?
The overall educational experience in your






Does not






Does not






Does not

2. About Faculty
To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the following statements:
Faculties are good at explaining things
Faculties are good at motivating me to do
my best work
Faculties normally give me helpful feedback
on how I am doing.
Faculties give feedback promptly
Faculties work hard to make the subjects
Faculties grading method are fair
Faculties treat students with respect
Faculties are available when I need them
Course objectives are clear in most courses
Course objectives are met in most courses
3. Teaching and learning environment
What extent are you satisfied with the
following aspects of the teaching and
learning environment?
Intellectual stimulation of most courses
Amount of work required in most courses
Relevance of lab / practical classes
Group work for assignments
Level of class interactions in most courses
Course content in most courses
Assistance from most faculty outside of
Library access to reading materials

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



What extent are you satisfied with the

following aspects of the teaching and
learning environment?
Opportunities to be involved with other
students outside of class
Being informed about things in the






Does not

4. Skill Development
What extent does your course work in your major
improve the following skills?
Communication skills
Writing skills
Interpersonal relationship skills
Self-reliance skills
Decision-making skills
Ability to execute plans
Ability to work in groups on projects
Leadership skills
Analytical skills
Research skills
Making logical judgments
Producing independent work
Understanding my strengths and weaknesses






Does not






Does not

Achieving personal goals

Achieving career goals
My education from NIT-T is important to me
5. Professional Ethics
What extent do you agree or disagree with the
following statements.
I show respectful behavior toward faculty and other
students in most of my classes
I actively participate in most class discussions
I usually attend my classes
I usually read the text or other readings prior to class
I study extensively for exams and quizzes
I study a few days before the cycle tests/ end semester
I complete all course assignments as explained in
I ask for help from most of my faculty when I need it
I am motivated to learn course materials
I care about what grade I will receive in most courses


CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



A lumni Survey Form

(Assessment of O utcomes B. T ech. (CSE))
Date: __/__/____





Overall, are you satisfied with:

Year of Graduation: ____________







mathematics, science, engineering, and
Define the problems and provide
solutions by designing and conducting
experiments, interpreting and analyzing
data, and reporting the results.
Demonstrate the ability to design
Computer Science and Engineering
Ability to participate as members of
multidisciplinary design teams along with
Understand quantitative modeling and
analysis of a broad array of systems-level
techniques to identify, formulate and
solve CSE problems.
Broadly educated and will have an
understanding of ethical responsibilities
Proficient in English language in both
communicative and technical forms
Awareness to apply engineering solutions
in global, national, and societal contexts.
Capable of self-education and clearly
understand the value of updating their
professional knowledge to engage in lifelong learning.
Demonstrate the ability to apply
contemporary and new problems.
Demonstrate the ability to choose and
apply appropriate resource management

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



E mployer/Scholar Survey Form

B. T ech. (CSE) N I T T A lumni
Date: __/__/____

Name of the Company/ Institution

Name of the B. Tech. (CSE) NITT Alumni
Designation of Alumni
Job Spec of Alumni
Name of the Assessor
How do you rate the current potential of NITT
CSE alumni working in your organization on
the following criteria:


Batch: 20__ to 20__






Application of mathematical foundations

Application of computer science theory and
algorithmic principles
Application of modeling and design of
computer based systems
Application of engineering knowledge in their
Domain: Health care/ Banking/ Finance/
Medical/ Law/ Others
Others, specify:
Design and conduct of experiments and to
analyze and interpret data
Analyze the problem, subdivide into smaller
tasks with well defined interface for
interaction among components
Complete the project (given task) within the
specified time frame and financial constraints
Proposal of original ideas and solutions
Design, implement, and evaluation of
hardware/software systems with security
Design, implement, and evaluation of
hardware/software systems with assured
quality and efficiency
Effective communication of engineering
solution to peers and leads
Effective communication of engineering
solution to customers and users
Understanding of contemporary issues
Engagement in lifelong learning

CSE Dept. OBE Curriculum



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