Kippure Stud Talks To Irelands Equestrian

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The story of the

Connemara Pony is one of
triumph over adversity, a
success that was forged
through cooperation
that transcended all
boundaries. The pioneers
never lost sight of their
objective and pooled their
knowledge and expertise.
Michael Igoe, from
Kippure Stud explains his

A snowbound Ashfield
Village makes headway
through the snow.

Kippure Stud IN THE MOMENT

he goal of up-grading a outdated. We were now all signed no longer expected to be worked and
little native breed that was up to consumerism, specialisation, tested thoroughly in the harshest of
primarily used to work on dependence, and overwhelmed by environments. Faults and weaknesses,
small farms was achieved marketing propaganda. We surrendered that would otherwise be found out
through infusing outcross blood from the to a culture of compliance and at source, were now getting through.
Thoroughbred, Arab and possibly other surveillance. Was this progress? Could Uncorrected errors would now become
less documented lines such as Welsh we be assured by food scares and our mistakes. Discerning buyers could always
and Irish Draught. The end result was water quality? The ruthless exploitation of select the best and the extraction and
an animal that embodied beauty with all resources was now seen as a means dismemberment of the breed was well
strength, intelligence with hardiness. It of economic progress. We began living in under way in the 1980’s. The well was
was a derived breed, the creation of a ‘the moment’ with no regard for the future running dry.
collective collaboration. Ireland now had and no respect for the past. It was now
a world-class brand that would be fit to to be an everyman for himself approach. Continuity
take on all-comers in any feat or equine This greedy plunder saw fishing stocks From childhood I loved the continuity
discipline. Truly, an all-round, noble forced to the point of extinction, the once embodied in man and beast, the work
working breed was born. familiar sights and sounds of visiting they did and the trail they left. Perhaps,
wildlife disappear altogether or relegated we need to think 50yrs behind the rest
Market Economics to an endangered list, to which once and return to our provincial backwaters.
The early 1970’s saw Ireland embrace commonplace livestock breeds and Our knowledge may be broad and
the forces of market economics ~ the crop species were soon to be added. universal; theirs was narrow, detailed
rules were to change utterly. Toil through Monoculture through the use of growth and personal. The same person would
muscle and sinew had to give way to promoters and pesticides were to speak of the next parish as we might
mechanisation. The emphasis now transform our landscape. of a foreign country and they might
would shift to efficiencies, volume, high The Connemara Pony was to be meet fewer than 200 people in their
output, and high-yield. The concepts no exception, our foreign customers entire lifetime. People were creatures of
of self-sufficiency, sustainability, shopped wisely. The ground was shifting inherited habit. Knowledge implanted in
organic methods were deemed to be from under our feet. Brood mares were the fertile grounds of childhood lasted

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until death. Succession meant inheriting plain. The loss of outcross bloodlines
Frederiksminde Hazy Merlin

the knowledge and passing it on. Our and the incidence of inbreeding were
ancestors are defined by the care and alarming. Other symptoms were over-
respect they showed. As in all nature height and lack of bone. The alarm
dominant forces favour individuals who bells were now ringing and we knew
can acquire scarce resources and take that we must proceed with caution. As
advantage. The rule is ‘use it or lose it’! we delved further into the Connemara
Any instincts, talents or traits no longer the more impressive the impact some
required are shed and lost. This is the of our predecessors had made. Names
eternal struggle, the savage contest like Ashfield and Tulira are synonymous
known as evolution. with athletic performance, beauty and
elegance goes with the Abbeyleix prefix.
Competition - Past to Present
The CPBS was founded in 1923, the Links In The Chain
same year as Horace Plunkett formed The links in a vital and fundamental chain
a Cooperative Movement, a vehicle must be maintained, without them your
to promote the Irish Dairy Sector. The demise is hastened. The mere mention of
Dairy Sector faced the challenges and certain bloodlines reveals that formidable
restructured itself to take advantage of, characters and individuals of substance
and cope with competition. were at work. Their commitment to the
The Irish Thoroughbred Industry is breed was not so much a choice but
considered to be World Class. It is based rather a calling; their hearts were their
on a winning formula, competition from imagination.
the sales ring to the racetrack. Failure
Ashfield Romeo in competition.

is not bred forward. Emphasis is on Such combined selfless

the highest standards of knowledge
and expertise. Results are paramount. energies were indeed a potent
Rigid controls and protocols are in force that would reach new
place to safeguard their success. This horizons. Ashfield Bobby
applies from National Hunt to the Flat.
Yes, it attracts massive investment and
Sparrow and Edward Doyle were
incentives, but NOTHING SUCCEEDS crowned European Gold Medal
LIKE SUCCESS! Pedigrees can be traced Showjumping Winners as the
back to three foundation lines. DNA 1970’s ended. I cannot stand
proof is infallible, there is no place for
conflict or recrimination and facts are aside and see the things they
verifiable. Major influences on the breed gave their life to broken or mourn
are recognised and respected. There their passing.
can be no doubting the impact Vincent
O’Brien had through his vision and insight Our endeavours will be to build on the
to import Northern Dancer lines which remains to try and be authentic in the
totally transformed racing on this side restoration. We must not be blinkered. We
of the Atlantic. A spin off of this success have exciting new recipes to try. Our faith
we can see in Irish Bred eventer’s, an may be strong but proof will be required,
Michael showing Braveheart.

advantage gained by having access to our dishes are for future generations, time
such wonderful bloodlines. will be our judge.

Form and Function Need For Reform - Blueprints For

Understanding this relationship holds the Competition
key. Get it right and you have something The in-hand world is only a small glimpse
timeless, get it wrong and the result is into the story of the Connemara Pony.
useless scrap. Selective breeding is an It concerns me to see the questionable
art, which is second nature to someone forcing of young stock. I worry about
who is gifted with the knowledge. increasing levels of bureaucracy in
Understanding the bloodlines and classification of the breed. Rules,
backbreeding requires patience and boundaries, limitations need to be re-
analysis. It is at times like this that I wish evaluated. Extremes must be avoided
I could avail of the opinions of experts and a balance must be struck. Selfish,
such as Susan De Vesci, Jimmy Jones vested interests must be set aside. We
Another win for Hazy Merlin.

and Graham Tulloch. Their knowledge do not have the luxury of time. Trust
represents a life’s work, a philosophy needs to be rebuilt and a prominence
committed to memory. My question is, regained. The only constant in anyone’s
how best to play the hand I have been life is continuous change but here, once
dealt? Much knowledge is obscured by again, everything is relative. We cannot
persistent prejudice and myth. My first afford protracted debate and endless
encounters with the Connemara Pony argument to further delay and obstruct.
illustrated an unravelling of some of the Time is of the essence. Precious
original bloodlines. Some animals bore opportunities cannot be squandered. We
more resemblance to thoroughbreds, must not further alienate the performance
others the hallmarks of Welsh or Arab, world. Ponies must be bred that will
some just showed too much quality meet customers expectations and once
and yet others were too coarse and again deliver results. Investors should

70 | Ireland’s Equestrian March/April 2009


be stimulated to have confidence in our White House. He carries no baggage he repaid us with some very fine daughters
industry. We must harness goodwill, bears no scars. I know change has come and some stallion sons to include his
this is not a time for novices, and there to the world. What would life be without replica in Irishtown Mervyn.
can be no place for restrictive barriers hope? It is the strongest link in our chain
or discriminatory practices. I am not of survival. As I trudge through winter snow
inclined to the fads of fashion, designer
and tend to feeding I can feel
living or the glorification of folly. Give me Winter Snow
simplicity and the quiet calm of splendid As I write this we have had the heaviest the presence of the old timers all
isolation and I will live forever. I believe snowfall in 30yrs and I have been around me.
everything returns in cycles, and maybe marooned with my ponies for over nine
people need to be pushed to the brink.
‘It is now time to stand and stare,
days. For me it is total heaven.
When nearing empty it is amazing what Our herd has expanded greatly with for theirs is a sprightly dance, the
hidden strengths you can find, it is the an ever-increasing range of bloodlines. shimmering glints in the snow,
battle of willpower, and only the strongest Recent acquisitions were Ashfield Romeo their ghosts the flashing fleeting
will manage to hold on. “For the wheel in 2008 bringing Carna Bobby, Carna
is still in spin and there is no knowing Dun in its most undiluted mix. Gunsmoke
moments which dazzle as I go,
who it’s naming, for the times they are came back to us in 2007 from the USA. the cold winds that blow. I must
a changing”. The rhythm of life has a Frederiksminde Hazy Merlin has really tread softly lest I tread on their
powerful beat, the vital signs are good, made his mark giving us back the Tully
the pulse is strong, and yes, a black man
dreams ‘.
Grey, Dale Haze, Rebel Wind and Marble
with Irish ancestry has made it to the lines. Mervyn Kingsmill has more than

Far Left: Crusader

Left Centre: Mervyn
Near Left: Gunsmoke

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