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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 11, 2019
component, three color components are constituted into two its Nearest Neighbor and the pixel that has the highest distance
overlapping blocks in [19], where PVD technique is used from P1 is called its Farthest Neighbor. If Di is the lowest
separately on each block to conceal secret data. In [10], two distance then Pi+1 is the nearest neighbor and If Di is the highest
steganographic technique is proposed based on adaptive distance then Pi+1 is the farthest neighbor, where i = 1, 2, 3.
quantization range. In first technique, image is divided into 2x2
non overlapping pixel blocks and second technique divides the Step 4: Determine the Range of P1 according to the
image into 3x3 overlapping pixel blocks. First technique offers following four relationship conditions:
higher capacity where higher PSNR is achieved by using the Condition 1: If NN > P1 < FN then
second technique which in consequence offers higher security.
Smart pixel-adjustment technique is proposed in [5] to reduce Range = [0, min (NN - 1, FN - 1)]
visual distortion. Simple LSB substitution method [4] also Condition 2: If NN < P1 > FN then
achieves great image quality by applying Optimal Pixel
Adjustment Process (OPAP). To provide greater embedding Range = [max (NN + 1, FN + 1), 255]
capacity and less manipulation of image, the side match
method [3] exploits correlation between neighboring pixels. It Condition 3: If NN ≥ P1 ≥ FN then
hides secret data depending on the degree of smoothness. Pixel Range = [FN + 1, NN - 1]
Value Modification (PVM) method [22] uses modulus function
to embed secret information in a color image. Combined Pixel Condition 4: If NN ≤ P1 ≤ FN then
Value Differencing and Pixel Indicator Technique [15] is Range = [NN + 1, FN - 1]
proposed to ensure higher security. Here one channel acts as an
indicator where other two channels hold the secret information. Step 5: Calculate,
Just Noticeable Difference (JND) technique and method of |Range| = upper limit – lower limit + 1
Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF) is used in [14]. It is an
edge detection method that utilizes partial information (3 bits Step 6: Calculate the number of secret bits, n, to be hidden
from MSB) of each pixel value. The authors proposed a into P1.
mathematical method, named 2k correction, for better
imperceptibility. n = min(floor(log2(|Range|)), k)
where ‘k’ may vary from 1 to 5. During experiment it is
III. PROPOSED METHOD found that the method reaches the maximum capacity at k = 5.
The proposed method can be applied both on gray image
Step 7: Take ‘n’ secret bits from the secret bit stream and
and color image. In case of color image, the Red, Green and
convert into its decimal value ‘b’.
Blue channels are separated first. Then embedding and
extraction algorithm is repeated on all three channels Step 8: Modify the value of pixel P1:
separately. Gray image does not need any pre-processing.
P1′ = P1 – (P1 mod 2n) + b
A. Embedding Process
Step 9: To keep the new pixel value P1′ nearest to P1, 2k
Step 1: Divide the cover image into 2X2 non-overlapping Correction method is applied. The steps are as follows:
blocks consisting four pixels: P1, P2, P3 and P4 as shown in
Figure 1. Step 9.1: If |P1′ - P1| > 2n-1 then go to Step 9.2. Otherwise
P1′ remains unchanged.
Step 9.2: If (P1′ - P1) > 0, then P1″ = P1′ - 2n else P1″ = P1′ +
P1 P2 2n
Step 10: Check the stability of the relationship among the
pixels in the block using Step 2 to Step 4. For correct message
P3 P4 extraction, it is required to preserve the same relationship
condition it has among the pixels even after hiding secret data.
If the relationship among the pixels remains unchanged then
Fig. 1. Cover image block the block is labelled as Stable Block and P1″ remains
unchanged. Otherwise the block is labelled as Unstable Block.
Step 2: Calculate the distance of P1 with its other neighbor In Unstable Block, all four pixels hide ‘n’ secret data. ‘n’ may
pixels P2, P3 and P4 by taking the differences as follows: vary from 1 to 5. For n>5, though the hiding capacity increases
significantly but PSNR also drops drastically, which leads to
Difference between P1 and P2 = D1 = |P1 – P2| vulnerability of the method. For this reason, the value of ‘n’ is
Difference between P1 and P3 = D2 = |P1 – P3| limited from 1 to 5. After hiding n bits, P1, P2, P3 and P4 will be
changed to P1′, P2′, P3′ and P4′ as follows:
Difference between P1 and P4 = D3 = |P1 – P4|
P1′ = P1 – (P1 mod 2n) + b1
Step 3: Determine the Nearest Neighbor (NN) and Farthest
Neighbor (FN) of P1. Compare D1, D2 and D3 calculated in P2′ = P2 – (P2 mod 2n) + b2
Step 2. The pixel that has the lowest distance from P1 is called
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 11, 2019
P3′ = P3 – (P3 mod 2n) + b3 Step 6: Calculate the number of secret bits ‘n’ to be
extracted from P1′.
P4′ = P4 – (P4 mod 2n) + b4
n = min(floor(log2 (|Range|)), k)
Where, n is the secret binary bits and b1, b2, b3 and b4 are
Step 7: Extract n secret bits from the stego pixel P1′.
corresponding decimal values of those secret bits.
b = P1′ mod 2n
To increase security, secret information is embedded in
random fashion. Secret message is embedded into stable blocks Step 8: Convert the decimal value b into its corresponding
first then into unstable blocks. In that way, message is hidden binary value. Obtained binary bits are the secret bits.
in random order instead of sequential order.
In case of Unstable Block, secret message is extracted
from all four pixels using following equations:
b1 = P1′ mod 2n
b2 = P2′ mod 2n
b3 = P3′ mod 2n
b4 = P4′ mod 2n
m-1 n-1
MSE = c m n Σ Σ
i=0 j=0
[ I(i , j) – K(i , j)]2
Fig. 3. Stable block Fig. 4. Unstable block Here, MSE calculates the Mean Squared Error. I and K are
In case of stable blocks: cover and stego image respectively where both have m rows
and n columns, c is the number of channels of the image.
Step 2: Calculate the distance of P1′ with P2, P3 and P4. MAXI is the maximum pixel value of cover image. Higher
PSNR indicates better image quality. Usually, when the PSNR
Difference between P1′ and P2 = D1′ = |P1′ – P2|
is greater than 30 dB, Human Visual System (HVS) is unable
Difference between P1′ and P3 = D2′ = |P1′ – P3| to detect the changes made in an image [21].
Difference between P1′ and P4 = D3′ = |P1′ – P4| In steganography, capacity and PSNR walk in reverse way.
The more the capacity, usually the lower the PSNR. And lower
Step 3: Determine the Nearest Neighbor (NN) and Farthest PSNR leads to vulnerability of a method. In our proposed
Neighbor (FN) of P1′ same as described in Step 3 of embedding method, ‘k’ and ‘n’ play a major role to control the capacity.
process. As for example, Table 1 (color image) and Table 2 (gray
Step 4: Determine the Range of P1′ according to the four image) depict how capacity (in bits) as well as PSNR (in db)
relationship conditions specified in Step 4 of embedding varies for different values of ‘k’ and ‘n’ for image Lena. Users
process. can choose any set of (k,n) to meet their priority requirement.
Step 5: Calculate, |Range| = upper limit – lower limit + 1
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 11, 2019
TABLE I CAPACITY AND PSNR OF COLOR Taking 30 db as the threshold level PSNR, Table 3 and
IMAGE LENA FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF ‘K’ AND ‘N’ Table 4 depict the highest capacity with threshold level PSNR
Type of (k,n) Capacity PSNR and capacity with highest PSNR for color images and gray
Type 1 (1,1) 742866 56.20
images respectively. Capacity is measured in bits and PSNR is
Type 2 (1,2) 1471202 51.45
measured in db. From the experimental results, we can see that
the proposed method can hide a large amount of secret
Type 3 (1,3) 2199538 45.83
information yet keeping a high PSNR.
Type 4 (1,4) 2927874 39.85
Type 5 (1,5) 3470530 34.13
Type 6 (2,1) 712671 56.40
Type 7 (2,2) 1380255 51.76 METHOD (COLOR IMAGE)
Type 8 (2,3) 2047839 46.18
Type 9 (2,4) 2715423 40.22 Cover Image Highest Capacity Capacity with
(512 x 512 x 3) METHOD
highest PSNR
Type 10 (2,5) 3381967 34.28 level PSNR
Type 11 (3,1) 702121 56.23 Capacity PSNR Capacity PSNR
Type 12 (3,2) 1326941 51.88 Lena 3470530 34.13 712671 56.40
Type 13 (3,3) 1951761 46.42 Baboon
TABLE V. 3490302 34.14 768667 56.03
Type 14 (3,4) 2576581 40.50 Pepper 3474527 34.28 730659 56.25
Sailboat 3481380 34.18 745340 56.17
Type 15 (3,5) 3201401 34.57
Car house 3475411 34.19 708470 56.46
Type 16 (4,1) 702444 50.43 Splash 3321788 34.21 669662 56.75
Type 17 (4,2) 1058920 49.44 Jet 3424467 34.33 684031 56.64
Type 18 (4,3) 1415396 46.83 Tiffany 3471557 34.64 710055 56.40
Type 19 (4,4) 1771872 42.29
Type 20 (4,5) 2128348 36.83 TABLE IV CAPACITY AND PSNR FOR
Type 21 (5,1) 702612 55.46
Type 22 (5,2) 1303484 51.69 Cover Image Highest Capacity Capacity with
(512 I.
with threshold highest PSNR
Type 23 (5,3) 1904356 46.48 METHOD (COLOR IMAGE)
level PSNR
Type 24 (5,4) 2505228 40.63 Capacity PSNR Capacity PSNR
Type 25 (5,5) 3106100 34.73 Lena 948378 35.22 232365 51.74
Baboon 1013763 34.97 249900 51.36
Pepper 1038439 30.01 237555 51.62
LENA FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF ‘K’ AND ‘N’ Jet 1038254 30.00 226950 51.91
Airplane 910753 30.74 191549 52.74
Type of (k,n) Capacity PSNR Boat 1002498 35.02 244560 51.47
Type 1 (1,1) 242106 51.55 Lake 998313 35.04 244987 51.48
Type 2 (1,2) 477530 46.82 Tiffany 1017169 30.11 228397 51.83
Type 3 (1,3) 712954 41.19 Elaine 1010298 34.96 247009 51.43
Goldhill 994878 35.08 242765 51.52
Type 4 (1,4) 948378 35.22
Cameraman 1018789 30.05 217845 52.16
Type 5 (1,5) 1158682 29.39
Carhouse 932328 35.30 233172 51.75
Type 6 (2,1) 232365 51.74 Tank 1047990 30.00 242889 51.49
Type 7 (2,2) 448009 47.11 Truck 980733 35.16 238737 51.60
Type 8 (2,3) 663653 41.55 Couple 985443 35.08 240799 51.53
Type 9 (2,4) 879297 35.60 Zelda 1027092 30.00 230426 51.77
Type 10 (2,5) 1094941 29.68 Barbara 979443 35.09 241677 51.54
Type 11 (3,1) 229963 51.65
Type 12 (3,2) 435735 47.22 Figure 5 shows some color images and their corresponding
Type 13 (3,3) 641507 41.73 stego images where some gray images and their respective
Type 14 (3,4) 847279 35.79 stego images are shown in Figure 6. However, it is also clear
Type 15 (3,5) 1053051 29.89
from the figures that it is evident that Human Visual System
Type 16 (4,1) 230056 45.95
(HVS) does not perceive distortion.
Type 18 (4,3) 472864 42.13
To analyse how well the proposed method is working, it is
Type 19 (4,4) 594268 37.51
compared to some relevant methods proposed before like Wu
Type 20 (4,5) 715672 32.03
and Tsai’s method [7], Mandal and Das’s method [13], Tseng
Type 21 (5,1) 229831 51.26 and Leng’s method [11], Yang et al.’s method [2], Joo et al’s
Type 22 (5,2) 430735 47.12 method [12]. Swain’s method [10], Yang and Wang’s method
Type 23 (5,3) 631639 41.78 [5], and Prasad and Pal’s method [19]. In order to have a
Type 24 (5,4) 832543 35.89 comparative analysis of the outcomes of proposed method,
Type 25 (5,5) 1033447 29.98 Table 5 and Table 6 is constructed to show the comparison
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 11, 2019
a b c a b c
d e f d e f
g h i g h i
j k l j k l
Fig. 5. Color cover images: (a) Lena (b) Baboon (c) Peppers (d) Jet Fig. 6. Gray cover images: (a) Lena (b) Baboon (c) Peppers (d) Jet
(e) Splash (f) Carhouse and (g) – (l) are their respective stego (e) Splash (f) Carhouse and (g) – (l) are their respective stego
images for Type 18 (k = 4, n = 3) images for Type 18 (k = 4, n = 3)
between proposed method and other existing methods for color Mandal and Das’s method, Yang and Wang’s method, Swain’s
image and gray image respectively. For each existing method, method and Prasad & Pal’s method respectively. Applying the
PSNR at the highest capacity is compared with the PSNR of proposed method on gray images also produces better result
proposed method at the same capacity. From Table 5 and Table than other methods compared. Here also, for same capacity,
6, it is evident that, proposed method outperformed the existing proposed method’s average PSNR is 16.29%, 3.50%, 16.94%
methods each time. For same capacity, proposed method’s and 12.81% higher than the PSNR gained in Wu & Tsai’s
PSNR is significantly higher than other methods compared. In method, Tseng et al.’s method, Yang et al.’s method and Joo et
case of color image, proposed method’s average PSNR is al.’s methods respectively.
26.43%, 49.21%, 11.02% and 41.32% higher than that of
Cover Image Mandal and Proposed Yang and Proposed Swain’s method Proposed Prasad and Pal’s Proposed
(512 x 512 x 3) Das’s method method Wang’s method method method method method
Capacity PSNR PSNR Capacity PSNR PSNR Capacity PSNR PSNR Capacity PSNR PSNR
Lena 1166296 42.26 52.45 196608 41.58 62.14 1341192 46.17 51.89 1976671 31.01 46.34
Baboon TABLE VII.38.44
1159328 52.43 196608 33.29 61.96 1489945 48.49 51.38 2219715 32.29 45.79
Peppers 1167960 42.28 52.42 196608 39.43 62.01 1350251 47.06 51.81 1783210 30.10 46.81
Jet 1165184 42.60 52.51 196608 43.73 62.35 1267690 46.18 52.14 1753707 35.66 46.88
Sailboat 1146224 40.66 52.48 196608 47.41 62.04 1424967 47.29 51.59 2130772 33.11 46.16
Car-House 1162992 41.41 52.49 196608 41.34 62.26 1339985 44.73 51.90 2079088 34.59 46.08
Splash 1173856 42.86 52.52 196608 44.86 62.39 - - - - - -
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 11, 2019
Cover Image Wu and Tsai’s method Proposed Tseng et al. Proposed Yang et al. Proposed Joo et al. Proposed
(512 x 512) Method method Method method Method Method Method
Capacity PSNR PSNR Capacity PSNR PSNR Capacity PSNR PSNR Capacity PSNR PSNR
Lena 407680 41.79 47.51 215740 50.70 52.07 528966 36.75 42.56 407152 43.4 47.52
Baboon 450328 37.90 47.04 241719 48.57 51.50 559222 34.30 42.22 456344 39.2 46.98
Jet 409944 40.97 47.52 204682 50.89 52.37 - - - 409768 42.8 47.52
Peppers 405480 41.73 47.50 217290 50.57 52.01 528791 36.83 42.54 406520 42.5 47.49
Elaine 407128 42.1 47.44 - - - - - - 407144 43.5 47.44
Tiffany 403764 41.47 47.53 210935 50.86 52.18 528678 36.35 42.49 - - -
Boat 418560 39.6 47.29 - - - - - - 419920 41.0 47.27
Tank 403990 42.3 47.33 - - - - - - - - -
Lake 420912 40.0 47.34 224915 49.86 51.85 535984 36.51 42.41 421296 41.5 47.34
Gold hill 405634 42.20 47.48 - - - 529319 37.15 42.51 - - -
Zelda 398584 42.66 47.63 - - - 526145 37.78 42.60 - - -
Barbara 442529 36.24 47.12 - - - 548206 34.80 42.33 - - -
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