Reflection - Home Schooling (Group 1) - Edu 646
Reflection - Home Schooling (Group 1) - Edu 646
Reflection - Home Schooling (Group 1) - Edu 646
Homeschooling is the one of the interesting topic that very suitable to be in presentation
and present it to adolescent who still have the choices to choose which education is suitable for
their future when they have a kids. In our opinion, homeschooling should be introduced and be
familiar to the community so they know what is best for their children and make the right
choices in their children's education.
In this subtopic, we focus on comparing home schooling and public schooling in several
aspects. The audience can gain knowledge and distinguish between good and bad between
public schools and home schools. At the end of the presentation, audience will have their own
choice in their minds which is better for the children. The first aspect that is shared is the
curriculum. In short, home school curriculum can be created by their parents compared to
public schools where the curriculum is set by the school system. Both types of curriculum have
good and bad effects. Depending on the type of curriculum they want their children to learn.
Parents need to know and recognize their children's abilities and talents so they can choose the
curriculum that suits them.
The second aspect that is discussed together through the presentation is socialization.
We can conclude that children in public schools will have more opportunities to develop their
social skills than children in home schools. This is because the number of students in the public
school class is about twenty to thirty children compared to the home school which is one-to-
one lessons. Whatever parents decide, they must always be concerned about their children's
social skills as they are important for development. The third aspect is individualized attention.
In this regard, home schooling is better than public schooling. Home schooling focuses on one-
to-one lesson that can focus more on children. Children do not have to compete with other
children for attention. This is good because children will not fall behind of the lesson.
The last aspect that is explained in the presentation is health and safety concerns. Most
parents are very concerned about the health and safety of their children. If parents choose to
send their children to public school, they need to pay more attention to their children as the
children interact with more people. Home schooling is safer than public schooling because
children will not be influenced by other children. This subtopic is very important to help
audience choose what is best for the children. Education is one of the most important things in
our life to be a balanced person. Parents need to think carefully and think of all the risks they
face. Public schools and home school management can also address all the weaknesses that
have been discussed so that children can get a good education.
Advantages of home schooling
For this subtopic, we discussed about the advantages of home schooling. most of parents
nowadays has misconceptions about home school and only see negative sides about it.
Actually, home schooling gives many benefits to children. In this sub topic, there are two
aspects that we already discussed about the advantages of home schooling first aspect is
academics advantages.
First advantage under academic advantage is home schooling actually give good effect to
children academic by One-on-One Teaching. By home schooling, parents can actually tailor-
fit the studies and lessons to be taken based on their child’s learning style. Adopting child’s
education based on their style and way of learning will keep them properly motivated and eases
the learning process.
Second advantage under academic aspect is home schooling gives flexible learning schedule
and environment. Public school students experience what often feels like a gruelling day in
and day out schedule of arriving at school in the morning, sitting through 8 hours of classes,
then go home in the afternoon.
With home schooling, parents get to decide how to schedule your child’s daily instruction.
They also could start in the morning, or you could start in the afternoon and still have their
daily instruction finished in time for other activities. A flexible learning schedule means more
time for other things such as extracurricular activities or family time.
Many students find the classroom to be a very dull and cold environment that doesn’t
motivate learning. The typical student desk in a school is incredibly uncomfortable, and yet
it’s the place a student has to sit all day long.
Home schooling also provides a flexible environment for learning. There’s no requirement
that you have to teach in the same location in your home every single day. You can teach in
your child’s room one day, move it to the living room the next day, and to the garden another
day. This flexibility allows you to go with what will work best for your situation on any given
Second aspect discussed is socialization aspect. First advantage under this aspect is home
schooling gives good socialization. Many people assume that home schooled children end up
having antisocial tendencies because they’re never around other kids their own age.
However, this is a common misconception because parents who are intentional about getting
their children involved extracurricular activities such as dancing class, gymnastic class,
swimming class, and many more end up helping their kids be just as social, and sometimes
even more social, than kids who are in public school.
In this subtopic, we discuss about the disadvantages of home schooling. the main concern or
the main disadvantages of home schooling is socialization. Socialization refers to social
interaction but it also refers to understanding and learning to navigate a society’s social norms
and rules of behaviour. Home school children may have less opportunities to interact with other
in comparison to children who attend regular school. it is important for children to interact with
other children at their age for their developmental health and development of social skills. it is
true that, home school children also socializate with other but only in small circle for example
their parents, tutor and other. The lack of socialization will affect them later in their stages of
life, for example when they attend university, discuss in group and involve in school
community programme.
The second disadvantages are time. even though flexibility in time is one of the advantages of
home schooling, but if there is lack in time management, it will cause huge problem for them.
if there is lack of time management skills for both parents and student, it will become easy for
the learner to left behind in their study. Therefore, time management is very important and very
crucial for home school learner.
Thirdly, the disadvantages of home schooling is motivation. the student will have less
motivation in comparison to student who attend regular school. as we know, some of the
student need competition in order for them to do well and excel in study or in something they
did. Therefore, home school children will have less motivation because there is lack of
competition and they usually learn separately compared to general school.
Next, the disadvantages of home schooling are special needs could not be meet. parents may
have good equalisation in education but that does not make him or her a good teacher. they
may find it difficult to adjust with the curriculum changes in educational system. Professional
teacher has been taught various teaching method and teaching skills to suit the student need.
but the parents did not have special train to teach their children therefore special need could
not be meet.
Lastly, the disadvantages of home schooling is cost. it is impossible for a home to be as well-
equipped as regular school especially in terms of facilities. home schooling may be costly
because parents need to buy the material, books and other. for the subject that required
experiment like physics, chemistry and biology, it will hard for the parents to buy and provides
apparatus, chemical and equipment. parents also need to pay extra money so that their children
can join sports because there is no facilities for sport at home.
Issues of homeschooling
First issues that been presented was teachers’ qualification in homeschool. This is the
most important part in education is who is the teacher, is the teacher qualified enough to teach
the homeschoolers and if the parents teach their kids, is that the way they teach is good enough?
So, from this issue it made the audiences also reflect and aware about this. Second, bias parents
that may only choose to let their kids know one field of education only. Third, is the
homeschoolers take an examination or not? If not, how do they will further their study in higher
education level. If they took an examination, is that the examination is qualified enough for
them to further study in local college? Then, what we had been presented, we told the audience
that O Level is deemed an acceptable equivalent to SPM (Sijil Pemeriksaan Malaysia) in
accordance to standards set by MQF (Malaysian Qualifications Framework) and administered
by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency. SAT score means nothing to local private college in
Malaysia. Here is the big exposure that we told the audience during presentation. Then, there
is also positive side of issues in homeschool as reported in News Strait Times about the life
after homeschool. In that news, all the former homeschoolers have their own scholarship and
also managed to get a secure job.
In conclusion, we as a presenter for homeschool topics think that this topic need to be
more expose as homeschool is now a trend and parents nowadays choose homeschool rather
than public school. Our group already took our part by presented all the important details in
homeschool to our friends which also future teachers. Everyone have their own opinions and
view, but before decided to make a decision try to make deep research about what is
homeschool, the process of homeschool, compare between public school and homeschool, list
down the pros and cons of homeschool and lastly aware about the current issues related to