Quesbank 280916051416
Quesbank 280916051416
Quesbank 280916051416
Sem 2
Q1 The story The Two Lady Rams offers a strong nationalist perspective
and a sharp critique of the British colonial regime. Discuss.
Q2 The strength of the story The Free Radio" lies in its political message of
a deadlock overtaking the country.Give a detailed answer.
Q3. "The Free Radio" presents a India taken for ride by the country's ruling
class that has ever servived on violence , tricky and hypocrisy. Discuss.
Q6 "In Intrusion" lets the reader know about a woman's feelings when she
finds herself caught in the accepted logic of matrimony.Discuss.
Q10 In the poem "A Poem For Mother" the decision of the son to abandon
his motherland to seek his fortune outside reflects declining social
environment along with political and economic crisis of the North East .Do
you agree ?Give a well reasoned answer.
Q14 Ngangom's reaction to the bludgeoning violence of his times makes his
poetry the poetry of conflict '.Do you agree.?Give a well reasoned answer.
Q18 In the last lines of the poem the the poet draws a mother -mother
land and motherland- earth paralle.l Give a well reasoned answer.
Q19 In the poem The Orphan Girl the poet presents a social messagethrough
the portrayal of the plight of the Orphan girl Discuss.
Q20 The poem "An introduction" carves a distinct sense of self for the writer
who wishes to create her own space .Elucidate.
Q21 The speaking voice aims at taking leave of the norms built by an
entrenched male -dominated society .Explain.
Q22 In the poem "An Introduction"Das dares the male to grapple with a
woman enjoying self hood. Do you agree ?Give a well reasoned answer.
Q28 The novel In Custody fictionalizes the life impacted by the tragic saga
of partition. Discuss.
Q30 The novel rejects the idea that language is a signifier of religious
identity and national loyality.Discuss.
The novel Swami And Friends presents a very nostalgic journey of school
life with emotional high's and low's with relationships and little care but
impacted by Nationalist movement of that times. Comment.
Q31 The chief strength of R. K .Narayan lies in his comic vision.Apply the
statement to the novel.