Ap5191 Embedded System Design

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ItIIil ilff illltl]il illltllltrill Reg. f.{o.

auestion Paper Code: 47033

First Semester
Applied Electronics
AP 5 1 e' -'ti:3,3ffi :#;i*

Time : Three Hours Wryw.receptquestiOn paper.coffi Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

PART-A (10x2=20Marks)
1. What are the hierarchical components in an embedded system design ?

2. What do you mean by Reactive in ReaI Time Embedded System ? Give an example.
3. What is meant by the superscalar architecture of processors ? How is it different to
pipelined architecture ?

4. What is the need and role of Microcode Engine ? wtvw.recentquestion papet'to{t

5. What is futl duplex communication ? Mention its limitations.

6. Distinguish between Hard synchronization and Soft synchronization.
7. Give an exampie for a soft real-time task and a non-real-time task.
8. What is the difference between a performance constraint and a behavioral
constraint ?

9. What do you understand by a microkernel-based operating system ?

1.0. Write down the need for open source standards.

PART -B (5x13=65 Marks)

I 1.. a) Discuss the various steps in embedded system design methodology with a suitable
b) Describe the hardware/sofbware co-d.esign with a suitable illustration.
47 033 -2- Illliltilllttililililillilililffit

1.2. a) i) Describe the features of Harvard architecture. (6)

ii) What are the errors at different stages in a Real Time Signal Processing
system ? Elaborate on the quantizationerror. (7)
b) i) Describe the various power-saving modes in a general purpose and embedded
processors. (6)
ii) Draw and explain the read timing diagram for a typical memory operation in
an embedded processor. (7)

13. a) i) With neat sketches describe the architecture and applications of IEEE 802.1. (8)

ii) Does the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol work well in muitihop wireless ad hoc
networks?Discuss. . (5)
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b) i) Draw and explain the architecture of an in-built USB port of a typical

microcontroller. (8) .

ii) Draw.and explain the circuit diagram for interfacing an IrDA receiver with a
typical microcontroller. (5)

L4. a) i) Draw and explain a schematic model showing the important components of a
typical hard real-time system. (8)
ii) Write a technical note on hardware/software co-simulation. (5)
b) Construct an FSM mod"el of a typical telephone system whose behavior is
After lifting the receiver handset, the dialtone should appear within 20 seconds.
If a dial tone can't be given within 20 seconds, then an idle tone is produced.
After the dial tone appears, the first digit should to be dialed within 10 seconds
and the subsequent five digits within 5 seconds of each other. If the dialing of
anyofthe digrts is delayed, thenanidle tone is produced. The idle tone continues
until the receiver handset is replaced.
15. a) i) Describe the features ofvarious Contemporary RealTime Operating Systems. (7)

ii) Brief about the debugging techniques used in embedded software

development. -co;: (6)
b) .With a suitable illustration explain how the interrupt routines are handled by
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PART -C (lx15=15 Marks)

1.6. a) i) Represent a wash-machine having the following specifi.cation by means of an
extended state machine diagram.
The wash-machine waits for the start switch to be pressed. After the user
presses the start switch, the machine fills the wash tub with either hot or cold.
water depending upon the setting of the HotWash switch. The water filling
continues until the high level is sensed. The machine starts the agitation
motor and continues agitating the wash tub until either the preset timer
expires or the user presses the stop switch. After the agitation stops, the
machine waits for the user to press the startDrying switch. After the user
presses the startDrying switch, the machine starts the hot air blower and
continues blowing hot air into the drying chamber until either the user presses
the Stop switch or the preset timer expires.
ii) Draw and explain hardware and software architecture for the above washing
machine description. Also comment on RTOS for this application.
iii) Identity and justifr suitable embedded. processor and all necessary accessories
to make the machine as a fully automated one.
b) i) Draw and describe hardware and software architecture for a typical smart
ii) Suggest a suitable processor for the smart card and justi$r its selection process.
iii) Also justifii the need and role of OS for a smart card..

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