General Histology

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The University of Jordan

Accreditation & Quality Assurance Center

Course Syllabus

Introduction to Histology for medical

The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

1 Course title Introduction to Histology

2 Course number 0502111
3 Credit hours (theory, 2 ( 1 theory , I practical )
Contact hours (theory, Theory : 1
practical) Practical : 1
4 Prerequisites Biology
5 Program title Doctor of Medicine
6 Program code 05
7 Awarding institution The University Of Jordan
8 Faculty School of Medicine
9 Department Anatomy and Histology
10 Level of course first year
11 Year of study and 2016/2017 second semester
semester (s)
12 Final Qualification Doctor of Medicine
13 Other department (s) None
involved in teaching the
14 Language of Instruction English
15 Date of 1/9/2016

16. Course Coordinator:

Dr. Heba Kalbouneh
School of Medicine
Ground floor
Office number 4
Tel: 065355000/23480
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]

The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

17. Other instructors:

Mrs. Ihsan Al-Omari (BSc, MSc)

18. Course Description:

Lecture topics and laboratory experiences incorporate the basic topics in microscopic anatomy
of the human body. The course deals mainly with basic tissues (epithelium, connective tissue
(including: adipose tissue, bone and cartilage), muscles and nerves).
In the lectures (1hour/week), the normal microscopic and submicroscopic structure of cells
and tissues of the body are described. In Laboratory sessions (2hour/week), you will examine
and analyze the materials being studied using both light and electron microscopy micrographs.
Students should be able to differentiate the various histological structures from each other.
Functional correlations often with some elements of clinical significance are presented
throughout the course.

19. Course aims and outcomes

The knowledge that you will derive from this course will extend what you learn in Gross
Anatomy. In addition, your study of cells, tissues and organs will correlate with information
on their function that you receive in this and other courses. This course will also provide
basic knowledge concerning the structure and function of normal cells, tissues and organs,
which is a prerequisite for the study of their pathology.

B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to …

1-Describe the detailed structure of the cell organelles under electron microscope and label
normal cell structure
2- describe normal cell function

3- identify the organization of normal cells into tissues

4- recognize and differentiate the type of tissue under light microscope of H&E stained slides
5- identify the differential characteristics of cells, tissues, and organs
6- recognize the variations in structure that fall within the normal range

7- explain the relationships of structure and function

8- learn to compare normal with abnormal tissues at the light microscopic level

9- describe the histology of tissue using appropriate medical terminology

10- demonstrate critical thinking skills to describe possible pathologic outcomes of
dysfunctional cells and tissues

11- develop communication skills by effective interaction with peers and academic staff

The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

20. Topic Outline and Schedule:

week Content Lecturer outcomes evaluation References
1 Microtechniques and •List Types of • Continues • Basic
microscopy Microscopes and assessment Histology by
their application in during Junquiera
medical research. lectures
• colour
2 Cytoplasam and • Identify
Textbook of
nucleus microscopy and Cell • Midterm Histology
Architecture. exam By Leslie P.
3 Epithelial tissue and • Discuss general (40 marks) Gartner
glands characters an types James L. Hiatt
of epithelium.
• Final exam
• Describe the (60 marks:
40 marks
epithelium and its
exam +
5 Connective tissue • Discuss general
20 marks
characteristics of
6 Practical
C.T. proper.

7 • Describe the
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Adipose tissue general

characteristics of
adipose tissue, its
different types and

8 Cartilage • Identify
Histological features
of cartilage listing
different cartilage
9 Bone • Discuss the
histological features
of bone, bone cells
and matrix.
11 Muscular tissue • Identify the three
types of muscle
tissue under the
13 Nervous tissue • Identify the types
of nerve cells
• Discuss the
organization of

The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

nerve fibers.
15 Integumentary • Recognize the
system histological
structure and
function of the skin
and nails.

21. Teaching Methods and Assignments:

Development of ILOs is promoted through the following teaching and learning


Powerpoint presentations
Using animations to illustrate basic histological principles, integrate
histological structure with physiological function, and assist students to create
mental pictures as they learn.
Histology exercises and quizzes that consist of multiple-choice questions will
be available for each module of study.
An online chat session will be available at the end of each course to address
questions related to the lectures and laboratory sessions.
Web based resources:

22. Evaluation Methods and Course Requirements:

Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the ILOs are provided through the

following assessment methods and requirements:
Assessment 1: Midterm Exam 40%
Assessment 2: Final Exam 60% (30% theory, 30% practical)

23. Course Policies:

Attendance policies:
Students are expected to attend all class sessions as listed on the course

The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

calendar. Students are not allowed to be absent for more than 15% of the
credit hours of the course. All students are required to wear a lab coat during
the laboratory session.
B- Absences from exams and handing in assignments on time:
Make-up appeals are considered only for students who provide documentation
of a compelling reason for missing the exam.
C- Health and safety procedures:
college Members and students must at all times, conform to Health and Safety
rules and procedures.
D- Honesty policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, misbehavior:
As a student in this course (and at this university) you are expected to maintain
high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning and
participation in this class and also integrity in your behavior in and out of the
classroom. Students violate this policy would be subjected to disciplinary
action according to University of Jordan disciplinary policies
E- Grading policy:
Grade-point average according to grading policy at University of Jordan
F- Available university services that support achievement in the course:
Internet database at the University of Jordan
The University of Jordan library

24. Required equipment:

Electronic computer laboratory

25. References:

Required book (s), assigned reading and audio-visuals:

Junqueira’s Basic Histology, Text and Atlas, 14th edition, By Anthony L.


Recommended books, materials, and media:

The University of Jordan Course Syllabus Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center

Color Textbook of Histology, 4th edition, by Leslie P. Gartner and James L.

Web based resources:

26. Additional information:

Name of Course Coordinator: -------------------Signature: ------------------------- Date: --

----------------------- Head of curriculum committee/Department: -------------------------

Signature: ---------------------------------

Head of Department: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------

Head of curriculum committee/Faculty: ------------------------- Signature: -----------


Dean: ------------------------------------------- -Signature: ---------------------------------

Copy to:
Head of Department
Assistant Dean for Quality
Course File

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