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a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Crime scene investigation is an important tool in criminal investigation process. Proper processing of
Pakistan crime scene is a prerequisite for successfully solving a criminal case. In Pakistan, local policemen are not
Crime scene properly trained and equipped with the necessary items required for systematic processing of crime
Investigation process
scene including proper identification and collection of evidence. Certain capacity building measures and
Capacity building
improvements must be needed for proper processing of crime scene in Pakistan. This article focuses the
current situation and strategies being practiced in Pakistan followed by suggestions for capacity building
measures in this field.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1. Introduction may also help judicial procedures to prevent wrong convictions [8].
The evidence collected from the crime scene plays an important
Crime scene processing is one of the most crucial aspects of role in identification and individualization of a criminal present
active and successful criminal investigations. True crime scene in- at the crime scene [9]. So there is a need of application of proper
vestigations which primarily deal with the identification, collec- techniques and protocols for evidence collection, handling, storage
tion, proper packaging, transport and analysis of evidence and subsequent delivery to the forensic laboratory necessary for
material is the result of forensic science. If schematically searched downstream testing of evidence material. Most of the time, due
and properly handled, various tentative evidences found on the to non-availability of suitable techniques and training, the evidence
crime scene can become effective forensic evidences [1]. The differ- may go unrecognized so not collected at all or if collected but not
ence between a local policemen and trained crime scene investi- preserved by using right protocol it may get compromised so
gator is that the latter being aware of sensitivity of crime scene render no value for laboratory procedures [10].
puts serious efforts to identify and collect forensic evidence from
the scene. Crime scenes which are not managed well would lead 2. Importance of crime scene investigation
to either loss of evidence or poor quality evidence resulting in erro-
neous exonerations or convictions in a criminal justice system [2]. There are examples in past where lack of expertise and poor
In the past, it was practiced that it is duty of the local policemen handling of evidence at crime scenes lead to negative impact on
to manage and process a crime scene followed by evidence collec- final verdict. Poor handling, preservation and incomplete crime
tion for downstream forensic investigations. It has been speculated scene investigation left gap in evidence in O. J. Simpson famous trial
for a long time that forensic analysis begins at the laboratories and leading to fail in getting conviction. In spite of mountain of evi-
not from the crime scene [3,4]. However, in recent years, courts are dence given by prosecutor, serious doubts had been created by de-
relying heavily on the forensic analysis of evidences collected from fense on evidences [11,12]. Impact of lacking proper training also
the crime scene thus adapting more objective approach for final influenced the crime scene processing including evidence collec-
verdict [5]. As the importance of crime scene is appreciated, its tion and subsequently case investigation as well. For example, in
role in modern day policy making and model buildings has also the case of O. J. Simpson, both the first responder and crime scene
been evaluated to reduce the risk of crimes and for also crime pre- supervisor were not properly trained and were lacking basic infor-
vention. Evidence documentation and reason of its collection is also mation of crime scene technicality. So it also has proven to loss the
considered an important part of intelligence-led policing, which conviction in spite of pile of evidences [13].
further necessitates the requirement of properly trained and expe-
rienced crime scene personnel to process the crime scene. 3. Crime scene processing in Pakistan—A much neglected
Intelligence-led policing is an outcome of proper crime scene anal- area
ysis and manifestation so that the information extracted could be
used to develop forensics intelligence. Traces or information Crime scenes are often investigated poorly in developing coun-
collected from crime scenes are also helpful in building future secu- tries like Pakistan because forensic science is rarely considered a
rity models based on these intelligence [6,7]. Some proceedings ex- part of the process. Importance of crime scene investigations has
amples from past are evident that proper crime scene investigation not only been neglected but has also been trivialized in past
2589-871X/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
286 R.M. Mateen, A. Tariq / Forensic Science International: Synergy 1 (2019) 285e287
decades. One reason of substandard crime scene processing in department in police to such personnel's which are trained in
Pakistan is lack of many crime-solving technologies which have this respect.
already been utilized in developed nations. However, the nature Police must be provided with CSI vans supplemented with mod-
and magnitude of terrorist attacks, activism in judicial institutions, ern day forensics technology like evidence collection kits, UV flash-
extensive media engagement and growing public awareness have lights, laser bullet trajectory devices, protective suits, latent print
put pressure on police force to look beyond traditional methods supplies, gunshot residue kits, blood stain evidence kits along
of investigation. Though forensic methodologies are not infallible with presumptive blood detection kits, potable and remote area
but going forensic is unavoidable if the police are to respond to lights among other equipment and supplies.
the innovations taking place in the field of crime [14]. Capacity of
the policing in Pakistan to deliver on cracking a case is severely 5. Conclusion
diminished by the lack of forensic services, inadequate training
and equipment. As we know an efficient functioning police service As technology progresses, criminals adopt new technologies
is required for solving many hideous crimes [15]. more quickly and in innovative ways, especially digital technolo-
Punjab Forensic Science Agency (PFSA), Lahore has well estab- gies. Crime scene management and investigation are key parts in
lished Crime Scene Units (CSU) with satellite stations located at the criminal investigation process. Local police who handle crime
Lahore, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Gujranwala, Multan, scenes may not be familiar with the latest techniques in crime
Sahiwal, Sargodha, Rawalpindi and Faisalabad division of Punjab scene processing or have inadequate resources; this may result in
comprising professionally trained forensic scientist. Whenever contamination of evidence or loss of precious evidence material.
there is an unfortunate event of crime, CSU approaches the area There is an immediate need of crime scene investigation units in
of crime scene and after processing the crime scenes, retrieves Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan.
the evidence materials transporting to their relevant laboratory It is true that crime scene investigation units are now established in
housed in PFSA, Lahore (https://pfsa.punjab.gov.pk/). National PFSA, Lahore and NFSA, Islamabad but due to large population size
Forensic Science Agency (NFSA) has its own CSU working at Islam- in Pakistan most of the crime scene processing is dealt by local
abad covering most of the city and its nearby areas like Rawalpindi policing who do not have proper equipment and training to process
district and some part of Attock district. In Balochistan province, the scene according to forensic needs. Establishment of crime scene
crime scene investigations are mostly accomplished by the local units at district level is required along with capacity building of the
policemen who are not well trained and also lack equipment neces- already established crime scene units in Pakistan for proper pursue
sary for the tedious task. Recently United Nations Office on Drug of justice.
and Crime (UNODC) has provided two modern mobile CSU to Balo-
chistan province of Pakistan for capacity building of crime scene Conflict of Interest
investigation process in the province (https://www.unodc.org/
pakistan/en/handing-over-of-two-mobile-crime-scene- Author declare conflict of interest.
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Corresponding author. Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology,
Rana Muhammad Mateen University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590, Pakistan.
Department of Life Sciences, School of Science, University of E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Tariq).
Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
8 June 2019
Available online 19 July 2019