An Application Development For Record Keeping of Police Stations in Pakistan
An Application Development For Record Keeping of Police Stations in Pakistan
An Application Development For Record Keeping of Police Stations in Pakistan
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5 Cite this article: J. Sci. Res. Adv. Vol. 2, No. 4, 2015, 144-150.
The Police and Police stations have its adequate importance all around the world in this era where the
crime rate is very high, the situation of Pakistan is also same. Currently, the police stations in Pakistan are
utilizing the old method (hard paper) of FIR registration and which requires extra effort to maintain the
10 record of criminals and to trace someone’s record also require unnecessary time which can be saved by
digitizing the police stations records. Although, some police stations do use digital record keeping in
Excel sheets but the Integrity problem is noticed in file based record also the access is slower for
searching single record the officer/official has to go through all the records in the sheet which consumes
extra time. The excel sheets can only be used by a single person at a time and also they do not have any
15 security mechanism, anyone who has access to the computer can easily access the sensitive record. To
overcome these issues we have developed an application for the police station to digitize the method of
FIR system and other important official records about the staff and necessary registers used by police
the crime rate as compared to the other provinces [3]. The process
20 Introduction of investigation starts when some citizen (victim) registers FIR
against accused (criminal), the first step of investigation is mostly
The importance of police in the society cannot be denied in terms gathering proofs either the incident claimed by victim happened
of the safety they provide to the people all around the world. The 55 in real or not and on the basis of proofs the police arrests
main responsibility of the police is to maintain the law and order criminals for further investigation from them. All the proofs are
situations in the country and restrict the criminal activities in the
recorded on a paper for presenting to the court for further
25 society by bringing the criminals into court for justice through processing of the case in the court [1].
proper investigations. For the proper investigation it is important The investigation methods can be different on the basis of nature
to solve the complex criminal cases and prove the truth in the
60 of the crime. The successful investigation is directly dependent
court which is quite a complex process and requires a lot of effort
upon the information gained from different peoples which help
[1]. Every country has its own method of the investigation, but
for arresting the criminals that destroy the peace of society. These
30 the situation of Pakistan in this matter is worse. The progressive
issues are almost same in the other countries also as reported by
countries are using different modern techniques for the crime Ladapo in [4], about the issues faced in the Nigeria during the
prevention and investigation purposes, these technologies can be 65 investigation of criminal cases. The use of technology is
categorized into hard and soft technologies. The hard devices increasing day by day to make the human life easier.
include metal detectors, CCTV cameras and walkthrough gates. The police have not been provided the modern technology
35 In soft technology, the face recognition and fingerprint facilities and the record keeping is not computerized which
recognition software’s are used. Here the quoted are few but reduced the efficiency of police stations. The advanced countries
these can not be limited to the mentioned here [2]. In Pakistan, 70 like the United States have provided the facilities of modern
there are not prominent investigation agencies that conduct the technologies for crime management and investigation which has
investigation the police is responsible for investigating the cases enhanced the performance of the US police [5]. The computers
at various levels. The laboratories also play an important role in and software’s are been used in different organizations for record
identifying the facts and in this connection around 1930 first keeping, so intelligent software systems should be implemented
laboratory was established in Lahore in a photographic section of 75 in the police department to decrease the extra effort and motivate
criminal investigation department. The laboratory is the police personals to work more with little effort and to save
serving/dealing with the examination of different pieces of their valuable time.
45 evidence like cloths, fibers, dust, coins, forged currency, In this study, we have tried to develop a software for the police
handwritten material, secret inks etc. [1]. The police have no department keeping in view the limitations of already developed
advanced weapons they are not using the advanced technology 80 software [6]. The main function of the software is record keeping
for the prevention of crimes. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s police
of criminals who have been arrested in the particular police
system has been much improved since few years by utilizing the station, to be arrested or escaped [7]. The software also maintains
50 information technology techniques which has also reduced few important records (registers) of the police station, we will
This article is © A. S. Shah et al. J. Sci. Res. Adv. 2015, 2(4), 144-150 | 144
further extend this project to cover all the registers. The proposed method constructs the possible number of scenarios and
developed software will fulfill the need of record keeping of the hypotheses and uses the Bayesian Network for the evaluation of
police department in an organized manner. The investigation 60 the evidence and on the basis of that creates strategies to collect
process starts with the complaint of civilian when some incident the more evidence. The decision support system will assist in the
5 occurs, a Complainer reports a First Information Report (FIR). investigators to make decisions in uncertainty and will optimize
After the FIR, the police start investigation process to find the the information acquisition strategy.
truth and tackle the case according to law. The investigation is Kester in [14], proposed computer added method for the
carried out by an investigation officer [8] [9]. The main role in 65 investigation of crimes with the analysis of mobile conversations
the investigation process is of Petitioner (complainer), Victim, data using the concept of Lattice Theory’s data analysis method
10 Accused, and investigation officer [7]. The information we have Galois Lattices, and propositional Calculus. The data was divided
collected from the police station of Islamabad, Pakistan about the into common and distinct attributes the categorization has done
registers and their entities and other necessary information about on the basis of related data with respect to the time and events.
the FIR and its steps needed for the development of software. 70 Falaye, Adama, and Agemerien [15] have developed Biometric
Furthermore, we have also referred the web based system for the identification criminals and investigation of
15 ( for identifying the criminal cases. They have used fingerprints as biometric. They
entities required and officers involved in the investigation have tried to overcome the disadvantages of the manual system of
process. Further, we have reviewed literature for the purpose to record keeping, which cause unnecessary delay in the
know how much the other countries are advanced than Pakistan 75 investigation process.
and which technology they are using for the crime investigation. Kuo, Lin, and Springsteel in [16], proposed an expert system
20 The remainder of this paper (report) is structured as follows: based on the mark theory for reconstructing the crime scene. The
section 2 provides a literature review. Section 3 gives motivation system checks the legality of each premise through the
for choosing the topic. Section 4 presents the scope and identification and individualization tests. They have tried to
background of the proposed work in details. Section 5 describes 80 implement the concept and implementation of fuzzy subset theory
the specification and design of the proposed system for to reconstruct the crime scene for better investigation, they have
25 investigation and crime management. In Section 6 conclusion and emphasized on the machine learning techniques to achieve the
future work are provided. desired goal.
Muramatsu et al. in [17], created a gait verification system for the
Literature Review 85 crime investigation. The system was designed for the
investigators that can get help from the system to identify the
The literature review has been carried out to draw a border line criminals. This system will work on the basis of the footage
between the researches done in this area by other researchers and captured during the some incident happened, for example,
30 also to observe how much the rest of world is advanced than robbery in the bank, the features of that footage will be extracted
90 and compared with the features extracted with proposed gait
Ping and Tao [10], discussed the issued faced during the verification system the system will calculate the probability and
development of the criminal investigation expert system (CIESs), make a decision on the basis of matching ratio.
they have particularly focused on the cooperative intuition Naseem et al. in [18], developed application for the criminal
35 learning system (CILS). The use of artificial intelligence and record keeping our project may resemble with their project
expert systems has successful in different fields like medical. The 95 because the entities of tables are same further the project they
researchers are trying to transfer the human intelligence into have developed has some problems which we improved in our
computer intelligence, to overcome the shortage of experts and to project. We have divided the accused and victim tables further so
make fast decision making. that we can add details of more than on victim and accused in the
40 Hekim, Gul, and Akcam [11] have carried out across the FIR because it is not necessary that in single FIR only single
sessional study in the U.S Department of Police. In order to find 100 person got affected, most of the times the crime has committed by
out the impact of information technology techniques on the more than one persons in the gang. Further, we have added more
investigation and truth finding process. They have focused on the tables of complainer and witness into our developed system. The
hypothesis that: “As law enforcement agencies use of information developed system is more efficient and the deficiencies in the
45 technologies for investigative purposes increases, the number of previous systems have been removed and further improvements
crimes cleared by those agencies also increases.” They have 105 will be carried out by time to time.
ended with not significant results due to unbalanced data for the After going through some literature review, to get motivated, to
survey. continue with the project and improve the previously proposed
Dzemydiene, Kazemikaitiene, and Petrauskas [12] have projects so that the applications can be properly utilized in the
50 considered the methods of Knowledge representation for the police stations of Pakistan as no such effort has been done in
efficient crime investigation and maintenance of the records of 110 Pakistan to develop the application for police stations [24] [25]
criminals. They proposed unified advisory consultation system in [26]. The important points that motivated us to develop an
law enforcement to boost the decision making in the most application for police stations are given in the upcoming section.
complex crime cases. They integrated different databases that
55 will help for crime analysis.
Shen et al in [13], proposed scenario-based decision support
system for the crime investigation using Bayesian Network. The The development of reliable and efficient software products,
145 | J. Sci. Res. Adv. 2015, 2(4), 144-150 This article is © A. S. Shah et al.
which fulfill the record management requirements, can be computer.
effective for the police department. The idea of developing this 3. The computerized record has backup facility and can be
kind of software is to provide fast and reliable software for strong 60 kept for whole life with less consumption of
data management of police station. The designed system is fully memory. If the record got deleted intentionally or
5 network based as software based on Microsoft SQL Server 2008, accidently can be recovered easily with few steps.
MS SQL Server 2008 provides built-in support for the network 4. The computerized data is much reliable and any
libraries and protocols they can communicate on the network, the tampering can be easily detected from log.
big beauty of MS SQL Server is that all network based work is 65 5. The digital record can be easily accessed with a simple
hidden for the communication we have taken full advantage from search within seconds. The access time of digital
10 Microsoft Technology by using .Net Framework and SQL Server systems is way faster than the paper-based systems.
2008 [18].The developed application is special purpose software 6. The data will be available all the time.
designed for police stations. The main object of this software is to 7. The digital systems are efficient.
provide secure and efficient management of records in police
stations. We have designed distributed database system for the 70 Scope and Background of The Work
15 police station for maintaining different police related information
In this section, we try to develop a background of study and
such as police stations record, criminal records, officer and
discuss the current registers which are used by the police stations
officials record at a rapid pace, this software has replaced these
for record keeping.
registers because they have a lot of disadvantages. The
cybercrime investigation techniques can also be helpful in the The Current Situation
20 investigation process [19].
75 There is no computerized database system for management of
The Existing system is a computerized in major police stations
police records but there are different manual paper-based
but they maintain the records in excel sheets, to access
registers those are used to maintain records.
information from excel requires extra time. The maintenance of
Currently, various registers are used in the police stations the
record in excel sheet is quite difficult and also duplication of data
names of registers may change from area to area, but the purpose
25 do exists, as the integrity of data is also important so excel sheets
80 of them is similar. In the developed application, do not cover all
are not reliable to be used in the sensitive department of police.
the registers because it takes a lot of time so we will accomplish
To acquire information about the particular F.I.R the police has
the development task into different segments in this application
the search all the records. The excel sheet can only be used by a
we will cover the most important registers as given under [20].
single person at the same time, also it do not employees user
1. F.I.R. Book
30 privileges and anyone can see and search the information without
85 2. Inward and Outward (DAK Registers)
any security check [1].
3. Officer Record
Shortcomings of Manual System The description of each register is given as under:
1. The general complaints or criminal reports are managed
F.I.R. Book
The crime report is known as First Information Report (FIR). The
35 2. The documentation of records is taken on paper that
90 crimes are categorized into two types one in which the crime is
have no guarantee to survive. The paper has certain
clearly recognizable in that case the FIR would be lodged in the
expiry time after that it gets spoiled.
book and on the basis of that investigation will be carried out by
3. The external environmental factors also destroy the
police. In the second case if the crime is not clearly recognizable
paper like liquid, fire. Many cases of the fire have been
then the FIR will not be directly lodged in the main book, it will
40 reported in Pakistan and all around the world where the
95 be lodged into the second concerned book. The FIR has
most important record has been burned and vanished.
adequate importance in the law of Pakistan it a document on the
4. Sometimes the peoples who are against the success of
basis of which the criminal cases are investigated and a clue of
company also involves in offenses to demolish the
the truths are found [1] [20].
paper based record.
The on the basis of crime types the First Information Report
45 5. Some officers burn the record to clear the record of
100 (FIR), is divided into two parts as F.I.R. and Challan.
their corruptions or to favor the criminals.
F.I.R. Form
6. The paper-based record has no backup to recover the
In this part, the recognizable crimes are entered. This part
important data.
comprises so many columns [20].
7. The access of file based record is much slower and it
1. Date and time of report
50 requires extra unnecessary effort and time.
105 2. Name of complainer
8. The paper-based record needs at least one dedicated
3. Fathers Name
person who can manage the registers and also trace the
data if required.
5. Short description about crime and the Act Number
Benefits of Computerized System which is applicable
110 6. Place of crime
55 1. The general complaints or criminal reports can be Challan Form
managed within a single database. In this part, the crimes are challaned. This part is called challan
2. The paper based register will be replaced with a single
This article is © A. S. Shah et al. J. Sci. Res. Adv. 2015, 2(4), 144-150 | 146
form in simple words. When a criminal is arrested by police then Main Form
the responsibility of police starts and first step after case challan The main form contains the main menu where the menu list is
is to present the accused into the court within the certain time 60 provided as well as the buttons for each form so that the user can
period which is mostly 12 hours [20]. easily navigate through the system and access the forms with one
5 1. Complaint name click. The main menu also contains search bar from where user
2. Accused can search directly by entering an FIR number or the CNIC
3. Name of witnesses number. The search results will be displayed in the grid. The
4. Description of Crime 65 advanced search button is useful in special cases where the FIR
Inward and Outward No, and CNIC numbers are not known in that case the user can
10 The purpose of this register is to maintain the record of received search any record by name,age, fathers name or the other
and sent letters/ warrants/ notifications etc. These registers are attributes.
mostly used in other Government Organizations as well for the Crime Head Form
record of the Inward and Outward correspondence (in simple 70 The head is mostly used in the Government Organizations to
words DAK). These two registers can be merged into single identify particular thing like the budget of the country is divided
15 registers but for easiness the police stations use two separate into different heads i.e. Development, Education, Health etc.
registers for this purpose (In the developed system we have Similarly the crimes ares identified with crime head. The crimes
merged these two into single register). Currently the police in the form of list will be saved into the crime head table through
stations have divided this register into two main parts according 75 crime head form so that at the time of FIR lodging the time of re-
to their functionality i.e. Inward Correspondence Register and entering the crime head again and again can be saved. The crime
20 Outward Correspondence Register. head can be selected from the list box and in the table at back end
Inward Correspondence Register the description of the crime and possible punishment will also be
The Inward Correspondence Register is used to keep the record stored.
of those letters/notices received/arrived from other connected 80 Inward Correspondence Register Form
departments or offices. E.g. D.P.O Office. The user can store the received letters from higher authorities and
25 Outward Correspondence Register other offices and instructions from the inward form by providing
The Outward Correspondence Register is used to keep the record the details and pressing add button. Like received from, date
of those letters/notices sent to other connected departments or received subject of the letter and other necessary information this
offices. 85 form also contains search option to search particular record in the
Officer Record database.
30 In this register, the basic information about the officers and Outward Correspondence Register Form
officials posted at the police station are maintained. The The user can store a record of sent letters from the police station
information can be personal details about the employees, to higher authorities and other offices from the outward form by
employment record etc. 90 providing the details pressing add button. Like sent to, date sent
subject of the letter and other necessary information.
Specification and Design of Proposed System Police Stations Form
The Police Stations form will be used to store the information
35 This section describes the overall design of the proposed system about the police stations present in the area and also the
for the police station digital record [21]. 95 information about the officer of that police station with office
Presentation Layer contact number. This will help to contact the other police stations
easily in case of some emergency or other law in order situations.
The presentation layer is divided into following files/Forms. Crime Register Form
1. Log in Form The crime register is the most important form of the investigation
40 2. Main Form 100 and crime management system. It focuses on the Fir register
3. Crime Head Form where the FIR is registered against the accused. The accused can
4. Inward Register Form be many so grid view is used to make multiple entries possible
5. Outward Register Form same is the case in victim also. The user can select police station,
6. Police Stations Form head and investigation officer from combo boxes. This saves the
45 7. Crime Register Form 105 time of typing again and again.
8. Police Officer Form In all forms, the user can clear screen, add new record update any
Log in Form record, delete the record and can see the stored records from the
The Login form asks for the username and password and upon list box.
successful username and password combination the user moves to Officer Record Form
50 the main form and with three wrong username password attempts 110 The employee register stores all the details of officers and
the system automatically blocks for 10 minutes after generating officials. The officials will be responsible for managing the
an alert. This feature enhances the security of the system and registers. This register will keep the record of police officers and
protects from unauthorized access. The login form was tested by through the system it can be easily identified which police officer
generating different test cases on the basis of (both negative and served at particular police station and during which time period,
55 positive test cases) wrong and correct combination of the 115 like some officer, served from 2002 to 2015 at Islamabad police
username and passwards and the identified bugs were station it can be easily traced from the system also the case
147 | J. Sci. Res. Adv. 2015, 2(4), 144-150 This article is © A. S. Shah et al.
history can be easily traced. The officer forms do not contain the Discussion
normal search option only user can search through advance
The FIR number will be automatically assigned to every FIR
search option.
registered in the system which is unique and every FIR can be
Logical Layer 45 searched through FIR number. The investigation process depends
5 ADO.NET is used for Business logic layer by using Datasets, upon that FIR number, every complainer has to keep the number
data table, and table adapters. ADO.NET Connects the VB.NET of FIR with himself for any correspondence with the
Forms with SQL Server by the help of Dataset and Table investigation officer.
Adapters. The mandatory fields required for FIR are identified and
50 implemented in the system as every system has few optional and
Database Layer mandatory fields. The developed system also contains optional
10 The database we have created using SQL server 2008 at the fields which the user can leave blank like phone number, email it
backend. The database is divided into different tables as given is not necessary that everyone has email id and phone number as
under. well so we left this kind of fields as optional fields.
1. Crime Head 55 Like other systems, we have denoted the mandatory fields with
2. Police Station an asterisk for the easiness of the user of the application.
15 3. Crime Register The details of other registers are not included here and the main
4. Accused figure of crime register in the developed application is included,
5. Victim because including every figure will make this paper more
6. Officer Record 60 complex and lengthy.
7. Complainer/petitioner The multiple entry fields are implemented through the grid, the
20 8. Witness multiple fields are victims, accused, and witness in these forms
user can add more than one entries against the FIR. The multiple
Database Entity Relationship Diagram fields are included due to the actual need of the system because in
Figure 1 given bellow is the main ER Diagram of the developed 65 single FIR the accused persons can be more than one also the
system. The tables in single diagram become complex that's why same is with witness and victim. These multiple field were not
we have divided the figures further so that the relationship included in the previous developed systems found in the
25 between the tables can easily be understood. The main table or literature.
the backbone of the system is crime register. The database is The system has the capability to edit delete and updates any entry
developed by carefully observing the need of the police and 70 so that a wrong entry may be removed and if some accused
police station. The victim and accused tables are divided into two victims and a witness identified later may be easily entered into
different tables because in a single criminal case the victim and the FIR through the update option.
30 accused can be more than one. Further, the complainer table is
also added keeping in view of the critical crimes like murder in Snapshots
that case the victim cannot lodge FIR, so that the relative of the
victim can lodge the FIR. These tables contain most common
entities that are required for an FIR. In the entire database, these
35 four entities are most important i.e. Victim, Accused,
Investigation Officer, and somehow Complainer or Petitioner and
This article is © A. S. Shah et al. J. Sci. Res. Adv. 2015, 2(4), 144-150 | 148
victim [22], [23]. This can boost the investigation and decision
making. The NADRA’s Database is already being used for the
25 purpose of passport verification, arms license verification, voter
list verification, etc. so it can also be connected with the police
stations of the country and can be used for the criminals
identification and investigation purposes. This connectivity will
create a problem that every user of this application can access the
30 NADRA database and wll create the problem of confidentiality of
data to avoid that we will limit the connectivity with NADRA
database to authorized officers only the other users will not get
access of the NADRA database. It is concluded that the
developed software is efficient, reliable, portable and user-
35 friendly and can be easily implemented in police stations as a trial
basis and further improvements will be made after identifying the
bugs in the software.
149 | J. Sci. Res. Adv. 2015, 2(4), 144-150 This article is © A. S. Shah et al.
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