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Objective Lenses are the primary optical lenses on a microscope.

They range from 4x-100x and typically, include, three, four or five on
lens on most microscopes. Objectives can be forward or rear-facing.
Nosepiece houses the objectives. The objectives are exposed and
are mounted on a rotating turret so that different objectives can be
conveniently selected. Standard objectives include 4x, 10x, 40x and
100x although different power objectives are available.

Coarse and Fine Focus knobs are used to focus the microscope.
Increasingly, they are coaxial knobs - that is to say they are built on
the same axis with the fine focus knob on the outside. Coaxial focus
knobs are more convenient since the viewer does not have to grope
for a different knob.

Stage is where the specimen to be viewed is placed. A mechanical

stage is used when working at higher magnifications where delicate
movements of the specimen slide are required.

The three basic, structural components of a compound microscope Stage Clips are used when there is no mechanical stage. The viewer
are the head, base and arm. is required to move the slide manually to view different sections of
the specimen.
 Head/Body houses the optical parts in the upper part of
the microscope Aperture is the hole in the stage through which the base
 Base of the microscope supports the microscope and (transmitted) light reaches the stage.
houses the illuminator
 Arm connects to the base and supports the microscope Illuminator is the light source for a microscope, typically located in
head. It is also used to carry the microscope. the base of the microscope. Most light microscopes use low voltage,
halogen bulbs with continuous variable lighting control located
When carrying a compound microscope always take care to lift it by within the base.
both the arm and base, simultaneously.
Condenser is used to collect and focus the light from the illuminator
on to the specimen. It is located under the stage often in conjunction
with an iris diaphragm.
There are two optical systems in a compound microscope: Eyepiece
Lenses and Objective Lenses:
Iris Diaphragm controls the amount of light reaching the specimen.
It is located above the condenser and below the stage. Most high-
Eyepiece or Ocular is what you look through at the top of the quality microscopes include an Abbe condenser with an iris
microscope. Typically, standard eyepieces have a magnifying power diaphragm. Combined, they control both the focus and quantity of
of 10x. Optional eyepieces of varying powers are available, typically light applied to the specimen.
from 5x-30x.
Condenser Focus Knob moves the condenser up or down to control
Eyepiece Tube holds the eyepieces in place above the objective lens. the lighting focus on the specimen.
Binocular microscope heads typically incorporate a diopter
adjustment ring that allows for the possible inconsistencies of our
eyesight in one or both eyes. The monocular (single eye usage)
microscope does not need a diopter. Binocular microscopes also
swivel (Interpupillary Adjustment) to allow for different distances
between the eyes of different individuals.

Autoclave Used for sterilization of glass ware and media

Auto-destruct syringes Specimen collection
A cylindrical small glass bottle with a screw cap
Bijou bottle
used as a culture medium holder
Used to work with dangerous organisms and to
Biosafety cabinet
work sterile
Blood collection bottle To collect blood by venipuncture
Brittany A process of free from spore-bearing bacteria
Bunsen burner Used to work aseptic on the bench
Historically used for anaerobiosis; a lit candle
was placed in as air-tight jar such that when it
Candle jar
went out it would be because it used up all the
available oxygen
Used for simultaneous solid and liquid cultures
Castaneda's medium / Castaneda's bottle
in many bottles
Centrifuge To separate supernatant & pellet
Cragie tube See link
Desiccator To dry things
Used to detect gas production
in sugar fermentation media; the tube is placed
Durham's tube in an inverted fashion so that gases produced
get trapped in it and do not float away to the
Releases gases to remove oxygen from a
closed container, usually for anaerobiosis
Haemagglutination plate For viral culture detection
Hungate Anaerobic tubes For culturing of anaerobic microbes
Incubator Used for bacterial or fungal cultures
Used to inoculate test samples into culture
media for bacterial or fungal cultures,
Inoculation loop:
antibiograms, etc. Sterilized by passing through
a blue flame.
Laminar flow cabinet Used to work aseptic
Latex agglutination tiles For serological analysis
Lovibond comparator A type of a colorimeter
Mccartney's bottle or Flat medical bottle For simultaneous solid and liquid cultures.
Production of anaerobic conditions for
organisms that die in the presence of even
Mcintosh and Filde's anaerobic jar
little oxygen (anaerobiosis),
e.g. Tetanus bacteria
Microtitre plates For ELISA
Used to inoculate test samples into culture
media for bacterial or fungal cultures,
Nichrome wire loop
antibiograms, etc.; sterilized by flaming to red
hot before use
To act as a supporting container to hold
Petri dish/agar plate
the culture medium in
Used to inoculate test samples into culture
media for bacterial or fungal cultures,
Platinum wire loop
antibiograms, etc.; sterilized by flaming to red
hot before use
Pre-sterilized disposable container Specimen collection
Pre-sterilized disposable swabs / NIH swab /
Specimen collection
postnasal swab
Pre-sterilized disposable syringe / auto-destruct
Specimen collection
Serological test slides like those
Vide links
for ASO, VDRL, rheumatoid factor
Used to inoculate test samples into culture
media for bacterial or fungal cultures,
Sterile loops
antibiograms, etc.; not heated before use—
these are disposable pre-sterilised
Used to amplify segments of DNA via the
Thermal cycler
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process.
To grow or keep alive cells or tissue from a
Tissue culture bottles
living organism, e.g. Stem cells
Tuberculin syringe As a normal syringe or to perform Mantoux test
A cylindrical small glass bottle with a screw cap
Universal container
used as a culture medium holder
Used to heat vaccine containing medium gently
Vaccine bath to around 45-55 degrees Celsius
during vaccine production
To observe microscopic specimens that cannot
be seen by the naked eye.
To draw out the air from any closed chamber
Vacuum pump before pumping back CO2, O2 or N2, usually
for anaerobiosis
VDRL rotator For VDRL test
Specimen dish Used to hold specimen or samples

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