Colchicine 2016 Final 161209 000
Colchicine 2016 Final 161209 000
Colchicine 2016 Final 161209 000
(Brand name: Colgout, Lengout)
This information sheet has been produced arthritis caused by a build up of crystals in
by the Australian Rheumatology the joints. Blood cells travel to these areas of
Association to help you understand the inflammation causing pain and swelling.
medicine that has been prescribed for you. Colchicine prevents white blood cells from
It includes important information about: travelling into these areas and therefore
how you should take your medicine helps to reduce pain and tenderness.
what are the possible side effects
What benefit can you expect from
what tests you may have to monitor
your condition and to detect unwanted your treatment?
effects Colchicine is most commonly used to
other precautions you should take prevent attacks of gout or pseudogout. It
while taking colchicine. can also be used to treat acute attacks when
Please read it carefully and discuss it with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
your doctor. (NSAIDs) such as naproxen (Naprosyn) or
ibuprofen (Brufen/Nurofen) cannot be used
for safety reasons or have been ineffective.
Important things to remember
Colchicine can be started during a sudden
While taking colchicine you may need attack and often works straight away. If you
to see your doctor regularly to make are taking colchicine to relieve gout attack
sure the treatment is working and to symptoms, start taking it at the first sign of
minimise any possible side effects. pain.
If you are worried about any side Relief usually begins within 12 hours and
effects you should contact your symptoms often disappear within 24 hours.
rheumatologist as soon as possible.
How is colchicine taken?
For more information about GOUT see Colchicine is taken by mouth as a tablet.
Arthritis Australia’s website Tablets are 0.5mg (also expressed as 500mcg or micrograms).
It should be taken with or after food to
What is colchicine? reduce stomach upset. It should also be
Colchicine is a medicine used to treat gout taken with plenty of water.
and pseudogout arthritis. These are types of
How is it taken for the prevention of gout
If you have any questions or concerns write
them down and discuss them with your How to help us help you
doctor. Sign up to the ARAD project now!
The Australian Rheumatology Association collects
Your doctor’s contact details information on how well these drugs work and how
often they cause problems.
The information in this sheet has been obtained from various sources and has been reviewed by the Australian Rheumatology Association. It is
intended as an educational aid and does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side effects, or interactions of the medicines
mentioned. This information is not intended as medical advice for individual problems nor for making an individual assessment of the risks and
benefits of taking a particular medicine. It can be reproduced in its entirety but cannot be altered without permission from the ARA. The NHMRC
publication: How to present the evidence for consumers: preparation of consumer publications (2000) was used as a guide in developing this