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(Brand name: Colgout, Lengout)

This information sheet has been produced arthritis caused by a build up of crystals in
by the Australian Rheumatology the joints. Blood cells travel to these areas of
Association to help you understand the inflammation causing pain and swelling.
medicine that has been prescribed for you. Colchicine prevents white blood cells from
It includes important information about: travelling into these areas and therefore
 how you should take your medicine helps to reduce pain and tenderness.
 what are the possible side effects
What benefit can you expect from
 what tests you may have to monitor
your condition and to detect unwanted your treatment?
effects Colchicine is most commonly used to
 other precautions you should take prevent attacks of gout or pseudogout. It
while taking colchicine. can also be used to treat acute attacks when
Please read it carefully and discuss it with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
your doctor. (NSAIDs) such as naproxen (Naprosyn) or
ibuprofen (Brufen/Nurofen) cannot be used
for safety reasons or have been ineffective.
Important things to remember
Colchicine can be started during a sudden
 While taking colchicine you may need attack and often works straight away. If you
to see your doctor regularly to make are taking colchicine to relieve gout attack
sure the treatment is working and to symptoms, start taking it at the first sign of
minimise any possible side effects. pain.
 If you are worried about any side Relief usually begins within 12 hours and
effects you should contact your symptoms often disappear within 24 hours.
rheumatologist as soon as possible.
How is colchicine taken?
For more information about GOUT see Colchicine is taken by mouth as a tablet.
Arthritis Australia’s website Tablets are 0.5mg (also expressed as 500mcg or micrograms).
It should be taken with or after food to
What is colchicine? reduce stomach upset. It should also be
Colchicine is a medicine used to treat gout taken with plenty of water.
and pseudogout arthritis. These are types of
How is it taken for the prevention of gout

Australian Rheumatology Association

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Revised October 2016
The usual dose for prevention of attacks is  simple pain relievers such as
one tablet once or twice a day. paracetamol.
Colchicine may be used with other There are separate information sheets for
medications (such as allopurinol or the medicines mentioned above.
probenecid, which help rid the body of
stored up excess uric acid), or may be used Are there any side effects?
with reducing doses of corticosteroids.
Many people will experience mild side
Colchicine use may be required for a longer effects from colchicine. Below are possible
period of time to prevent attacks of gout side effects that you might experience with
while medications such as allopurinol or your treatment. Tell your doctor if you
probenecid are acting to deplete the body's experience any side effects.
excess uric acid.
If you do experience side effects a reduction
Colchicine can be used for long-term in dose may minimise these so that you can
treatment in pseudogout. In this case it is continue to take the medicine. Your doctor
given in a dose of 1 or 2 tablets a day. will advise on any dose changes that are
To help you remember your medicine take it necessary.
at the same time(s) each day. If you forget to Most common possible side effects
take a dose there is no need to double the
 The most common side effects are nausea,
dose at the next scheduled time.
vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhoea.
How is colchicine taken for an acute These may be reduced if colchicine is
attack of gout? taken with food, before bed or by eating
When used to treat an acute attack little and often. If you are sick, eat simple
colchicine should be started at the first sign foods such as dry toast and drink plenty
of gout. In an acute attack of gout the of liquid. If you experience nausea,
recommended dose is: vomiting or diarrhoea during treatment
for an acute attack, you should stop
1 or 2 tablets initially, followed by one tablet one taking the medicine.
hour later.
 Another common side effect is loss of
Wait 12 hours before taking the next tablet. appetite.
1 or 2 tablets daily for a couple of days may  Patients older than 65 may be at
be required to completely settle the attack. increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
If nausea and diarrhoea occur you should See also Precautions.
stop taking colchicine. Another course of
Less common or rare possible side effects
colchicine should not be started for at least 3
days. There are some rare but potentially serious
side effects with colchicine. If you
Colchicine may be taken if needed in experience any of these side effects see your
combination with other arthritis medicines, doctor straight away.
 Skin rash, fever or hair loss
 steroid medicines such as prednisolone
 Severe diarrhoea with bloody or black
or cortisone injections into the joint
tarry stools
 anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs)
 Difficulty in passing urine or blood in urine
such as naproxen (Naprosyn) or
 Confusion or convulsions
ibuprofen (Brufen/Nurofen)

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 Numbness or weakness in the fingers and should also mention your treatment
toes when you see other health professionals.
 Bleeding, mouth ulcers or infection  Other medicines that may interfere with
associated with low blood cell counts. This colchicine and should not be used at the
is more likely when colchicine is taken in same time as colchicine include:
high doses for acute gout or taken for a  cyclosporin – this is a medicine used
long time. to suppress the immune system
 Other rare side effects include headache,  erythromycin – this is an antibiotic
dizziness, difficulty sleeping, seizures, used to treat bacterial infection
tremor, shortness of breath and muscle  clarithromycin – this is an antibiotic
weakness. used to treat bacterial infection. It can
 Very rarely, death has occurred when be used to treat Helicobacter pylori,
colchicine has been taken in overdose. which is the bacteria that can cause
stomach ulcers
Long term possible side effects  Antiretroviral drugs (used for
 Muscle inflammation may occur and is treatment of HIV).
more common in people with reduced  Colchicine should be used carefully if
kidney or liver function taking long term taken at the same time as:
colchicine.  acidifying and alkalinising agents
such as ammonium chloride, ascorbic
What precautions are necessary? acid (vitamin C) or sodium
Blood tests bicarbonate
 verapamil, diltiazem, amiodarone
 Monitoring blood tests are not usually
and digoxin
required for people taking colchicine,
although in certain situations these may  anti-fungal treatments such as
be needed. Long-term use requires ketoconazole
monitoring of the blood count.  cholesterol lowering medicines such
as statins and fibrates due to possible
Gastrointestinal conditions muscle damage.
 People who have had ulcers or other  Colchicine may interfere with vitamin
serious gastrointestinal conditions B12 absorption.
should talk with their doctors before  Aspirin can be used safely in the low
taking this medicine. doses taken for prevention of heart
Kidney and liver function attack and stroke. If you have gout you
should avoid taking aspirin in all other
 Colchicine should be used with caution
circumstance because at higher doses it
if kidney or liver function is significantly
can raise the uric acid level.
 Colchicine can usually be taken safely
Other medicines with anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
 Colchicine can interact with other as long as your kidney function is
medicines. You should tell your doctor reasonably normal.
(including your general practitioner,  The simple pain reliever paracetamol,
rheumatologist and others) about all and combined medicines such as
medicines you are taking or plan to take. Panadeine and Panadeine Forte, can be
This includes over the counter or used while taking colchicine provided
herbal/naturopathic medicines. You you take them as directed.
Australian Rheumatology Association
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Revised October 2016
Alcohol Pregnancy and breastfeeding
 Alcohol can trigger an attack of gout.  The effects of colchicine during
When taking colchicine keep your pregnancy have not been well studied so
alcohol intake to a minimum i.e. 1 to 2 it is not clear if colchicine causes birth
standard drinks, once or twice a week. defects.
Drinking more than 4 standard drinks on  If you are pregnant or are considering
one occasion, even if infrequently, is having a child, you should discuss this
strongly discouraged. with your doctor before beginning this
 In some cases total abstinence from medication.
alcohol is recommended. Check with
your doctor about your situation.
How to store colchicine
 In addition to alcohol, other things that
may trigger an acute gout attack include  Store colchicine tablets at room
dehydration, diuretics and stopping gout temperature, away from heat, moisture
treatments (colchicine and allopurinol). and light (e.g. not in the bathroom).
 Keep all medicines out of reach of

If you have any questions or concerns write
them down and discuss them with your How to help us help you
doctor. Sign up to the ARAD project now!
The Australian Rheumatology Association collects
Your doctor’s contact details information on how well these drugs work and how
often they cause problems.

The best way to get this information is from you!

Contact us in any of the following ways:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: Sydney 02 9463 1889
or Melbourne 03 9508 3424
Fax: 1-800-022-730
If you are taking colchicine you should see
your rheumatologist regularly to make sure Visit our website:
the treatment is working and to minimise
any possible side effects

The information in this sheet has been obtained from various sources and has been reviewed by the Australian Rheumatology Association. It is
intended as an educational aid and does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side effects, or interactions of the medicines
mentioned. This information is not intended as medical advice for individual problems nor for making an individual assessment of the risks and
benefits of taking a particular medicine. It can be reproduced in its entirety but cannot be altered without permission from the ARA. The NHMRC
publication: How to present the evidence for consumers: preparation of consumer publications (2000) was used as a guide in developing this

Australian Rheumatology Association

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Revised October 2016

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