SMDP C2SDSixmonthlyProgressFinal

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A. General

A.1 Name of the Project : SMDP-C2SD

A.1.1 Our Reference Letter No. : Sanction order No.
9(1)/2014-MDD dated 15.05.2015
9(1)/2014-MDD(Vol. III) dated
A.2 Executing Agency : NIT NAGALAND
A.3 Chief Investigator with Designation : Mr. J. Arul Valan
Assistant Professor
A4. Total Cost of the Project as approved by : Rs. …….……., F.E …….…….
DIT Total …………………………..
i) Original : Rs 94, 09,000/-
ii) Revised, if any :
A.5 Date of starting (Indicate date of first : 11/8/2015
A.6 Date of Completion
i) Original : 14/12/2019
ii) Revised, if any :
A.7 Date on which last progress report was : 09/06/2016

B. Financial :
B.1 a) Funds released by DIT upto 17-Oct-2016 : Rs 16, 95, 000/-
b) Funds released during…………… to…………….. : ------------------
c) Total funds released upto 17-Oct-2016 by DIT : Rs 16, 95, 000/-
d) Total funds released upto ………….… by other agencies : ------------------

B.2 Amount spent

a) Upto 17-Oct-2016 : Rs. 1,84,459/-
b) From…………. to…………….. : ------------------
c) Total amount spent upto 17-Oct-2016 from : Rs. 1,84,459/-
DIT funds : ------------------
d) Amount spent upto ……..from funds from other agencies
B.3 Balance available as on 17-Oct-2016 : Rs. 15,10,541/-

B.4 Funds likely to be spent during the period : Rs. 8,48,000/-

Oct-2016 to March-2017
B.5 Funds actually required during the period : Rs. 6,62,541/-
Oct-2016 to March-2017 (col. B.4 – B.3)
B.6 Funds required from DIT : Rs. 17,25,000/-
April-2016 to March-2017
B.7 Budgetary Estimate for April-2016 to March-2016 : Rs. 17,25,000/-
B.8 Item-wise break up of expenditure as given in Table-1 : Details Attached in
B.9 Total list of the capital equipment purchased out of the funds : Details Attached in
as given in Table 2.1 & 2.2 Table 2.1 & 2.2
B.10 Utilization certificate as per enclosed : Certificate Attached
Form GFR 19 and GFR 19A

C.1 Details of the manpower associated with the project as : Details given in Table-3.
per Table-3.
Specify Technical assignments of each project personnel

C.2 Suggestions of Steering Committee and follow-up action : ----------------------------

taken thereafter
C.3 Works completed w.r.t. the proposed works as per : Separate sheet is attached
Annual Plan (_________________) and specific
intermediate milestones, reasons for any shortcomings, in
achieving the goals (give details on a separate sheet)
C.4 Proposed plan-of-work in the next six months : Separate sheet is attached
highlighting the proposed action to be taken to achieve for technical assignment for
the originally proposed targets the next 6 months.
C.5 Any additional comments : -----------------------------
C. Technical

(Comprehensive details to be provided: use extra sheets wherever required)

Name and Signature

of Chief Investigator

Signature of Head of Institution/Organization


(Two times in a financial year – i) April-September &

ii) October – March)

C.3 Works completed w.r.t. the proposed works as Current Status

per Annual Plan
1. Status of Design Activities assigned under the :  Finalization and detailed
Clustered Project specification of the hardware
resources to be utilized for the
SMDP-C2SD project.
 Procurement of Hardware
Resources is in process.
 Finalization of the overall block
diagram and sub-modules for
both the projects.
 Initial FPGA implementation of
submodules of the I2C and
DMA core is in development.
2. Status of the Individual Project :  Finalization and detailed
specification of the hardware
resources to be utilized for the
individual FPGA board level
SMDP-C2SD project.
 Procurement of Hardware
Resources is in process.
 Finalization of the overall block
diagram and sub-modules to be
3. Establishment / up gradation of VLSI :
Design Laboratory
i) Procurement of Hardware /  Completed
Software / EDA tools
ii) Installation of the Procured tools  Completed
4. Manpower Recruitment :
 One Lab Engineer is recruited
through proper procedure.
(1st July 2016 Joining date)
 Recruitment of One more Lab
Engineer and a Project Assistant
(26th Oct 2016 Interview date)
(Interview notification attached)

C.4 Proposed plan-of-work in the next six months Objectives

1. Proposed plan-of-work in the next six months for the :  Procurement of Hardware
design activities assigned under the Clustered Resources.
Project  Development of a
Microcontroller based prototype
for the design activities under
clustered project.
2. Proposed plan-of-work in the next six months for the :  Procurement of Hardware
Individual Project Resources.
 Development of a
Microcontroller based
prototype for the individual

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