Mathematicalanal033535mbp PDF
Mathematicalanal033535mbp PDF
Mathematicalanal033535mbp PDF
1.3 -------
Numbers of various types
The real number system
Continuous and discontinuous variables
Quantities and their measurement
1.0 Units of measurement - -
- - - -
1.7 Derived quantities - - - - - - - - 14
1.8 The location of points in space - - - - - 1G
1.9 Va viable points and their co-ordinates 20
methods ---------23
EXAMPLES 1 The measurement of quantities ; graphical
2.1 Definition and examples of functions 28
2.2 The graphs of functions - - - - - - - 32
2.3 Functions and curves - - - - - - - 3(5
3.1 Introduction
The gradient of a straight line
3.3 The equation of a straight line - - - 66
3.4 The parabola 09
3.5 The rectangular hyperbola - - - - - - 72
The circle
Curve classes and curve systems . - ... 75
3.8 An
economic problem in analytical geometry 80
EXAMPLES III-- The straight line curves and curve systems
4.4 Limiting and approximate values 95
4.5 Home properties of limits
4.6 The continuity of functions
------ - - - - - 97
4.8 M u ti- valued
I functions ..----.
Illustrations of continuity and discontinuity of functions
- 242
10.4 The elasticity of a function -
10.5The evaluation of elasticities
10.6 The elasticity of demand
----- - - - 251
10.7 Normal conditions of demand 257
10.8 Cost elasticity and normal cost conditions - - - 260
EXAMPLES X Exponential and logarithmic derivatives ;
a surface -
11.3 Piano sections of
of functions
- -
11.4 Functions of more than two variables - - - - 275
11.5 Non -measurable variables - - - - - -276
11.6 Systems of equations 278
11.7 Functions of several variables in economic theory - 281
11.8 The production function and constant product curves - 284
11.9 The utility function and indifference curves - -
EXAMPLES X F Functions of two or more variables 1
; eco-
nomic functions and surfaces - - - - 292
variables 309
12.6 Economic applications of partial derivatives - - 310
12.7 Homogeneous fmictions - - - - - -315
12.8 Eulcr's Theorem and other properties of homogeneous
functions 317
12.9 The linear homogeneous production function - - 320
EXAMPLES XII Partial derivatives ; homogeneous func-
tions ; economic applications of partial deriva-
tives and homogeneous functions - - - - 322
EXAMPLES XIII Differentiation ; economic applications
of differentials 347
14.1 Partial stationary values 351
14.2 Maximtun and minimum values of a function of two
or more variables - - - - - - - 352
Examples of maximum and minimum values
Monopoly and joint production
Production, capital and interest
----- - - 356
14.0 Relative maximum arid minimum values - - - 364
14.7 Examples of relative maximum and minimum values 367
14.8 The demand for factors of production - - -
14.9 The demand for consumers* goods and for loans - -
EXAMPLES XIV General maximum and minimum prob-
lems ; economic maximum arid minimum problems 378
- -
15.6 The relation between average and marginal concepts - 400
15.7 Capital values 401
15.8 A problem of durable capital goods - 404
15.9 Average and dispersion of a frequency distribution -
EXAMPLES XV Integration ; integrals in economic prob-
lems 408
values ---------
A complete criterion for maximum and minimum
Second and higher order differentials - - -
variables ........
17.7 Differentials of a function of two
- - -
19.3 Examples of maximum and minimum values - - 500
19.4 The stability of demand for factors of production - 502
19.5 Partial elasticities of substitution - - - 503
19.6 Variation of demand for factors of production - - 505
19.7 The demand for consumers' goods (integrability
ease) 509
19.8 Demands for three consumers' goods (general case) - 513
EXAMPLES XIX maximum and minimum prob-
lems ; economic maximum and minimum problems 517
20.1 The general theory of functional* - - - -521
20.2 The calculus of variations ,523
AUTHORS ----------
IT is essential to keep in mind, at all times, what mathematical analysis
isabout and the way in which it has developed over the centuries. Not
only beginners, but also accomplished mathematicians, can profit by
reading such short introductions as
Whitehead : An Introduction to Mathematics (Homo University
Library, 1911).
Brodetsky : The Meaning of Mathematics (Benn's Sixpenny Library,
Rice : The Nature of Mathematics (An Outline of Modern Know-
ledge, 1931) ;
Sullivan : The History of Mathematics in Europe (1925).
and geometry and to obtain a " practical " introduction to the calculus
can consult
Durell :
Elementary Geometry (1919).
Durell, Palmer and Wright Elementary Algebra (1925) (including
of our hypotheses.
The methods of mathematics apply as soon as spatial or numerical
attributes are associated with our phenomena, as soon as objects
can be located by points in space and events described by properties
capable of indication or measurement by numbers. The main object
of the following development is the description of certain mathe-
matical methods. At most points, however, the nature and field of
application of the various methods will be noticed and discussed,
the applicability of mathematical methods in economic theory
receiving special consideration.
venient, therefore, to spend a little time sorting out the various types
of numbers and showing how they have developed side by side with,
and by reason of, the growth of mathematical analysis from the
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... .
" "
We recognise these as examples of the same form of equation
and (with the aid of zero and negative numbers) we can include all
ofthem in one uniform expression. We write the equations :
* See 4.1
(footnote) below.
In the symbolism of algebra all equations of these kinds can be
included in the general quadratic form :
The development of the real number system from the basic idea
of a sequence of integers marks the end of a certain line of evolution
and provides a convenient stopping place. One guiding principle
stands out in what we have said. The introduction of each new
number type was designed to impose uniformity where uniformity
* This is a statement we cannot justify here. It is based on the work of
Dedekind and Cantor ; see Hardy, Pure Mathematics (3rd Ed., 1921), pp. 1-31.
was previously lacking and, at the same time, to preserve all the
essential rules of arithmetic and algebra. This is a most important
symbolism. The number system remains the basic element but its
uses are made more by the symbolism. The first and most
obvious distinction between algebra and analysis on the one hand
" "
and arithmetic on the other lies in the use of variable numbers,
denoted by symbolic letters, instead of particular numbers.
Avariable number is any number, an unspecified number, from a
certain given set of real numbers and it is always symbolised by a
letter such as x y or t. Particular numbers for which the variable
can stand are called the values of the variable, and the whole set of
possible values makes up the range of the variable. The use of a
variable number necessarily implies a range of variation, a set of
numbers from which the values of the variable can be selected at
will. Many variables have a range including all real numbers and,
in this case, no explicit reference to it need be made. Other variables
have more restricted ranges, e.g. the range of positive numbers, of
numbers between zero and unity or of integers only. Here the range
should be clearly indicated in the definition of the variable.
One particular case merits separate notice. If a variable x can
take, as its values, all real numbers lying between two given numbers
a and 6, then its range is called the interval (a, 6). We write a <x <6
or a<#<6 according as the values a and b themselves are excluded
or included. For example, 0<x<l or 0<#<1 indicate that the
variable x has a range consisting of the interval of positive proper
fractions, the numbers zero and unity being excluded in one case and
included in the other.
The notion of an
interval provides a concept which later proves of
that they are indefinitely dense and without gaps. It is often con-
venient, for example, to think of a continuous variable as taking
values successively in increasing order of magnitude and we describe
this by saying that the variable increases continuously in value
over such and such an interval Notice, however, that any
10 inches, 143 inches, and so on. In other words, any given length
is measured by a number, such as
specified or 2, 10 or 143, when
compared with the standard inch scale.
A difficulty now presents itself. In almost all cases, the scale
reading of any given length must be taken to the nearest number of
inches. As a result, two lengths may have the same measure though
direct comparison shows them to be unequal or the sum of two or
more lengths may give a scale reading which is not the sum of the
I 1, f, 2, f, ... feet;
or , , , f, f, ... yards.
The limitation on alternative measures can be expressed by saying
that the ratio of the measures of two quantities of the same kind is
independent of the units chosen. The ratio of the measures of the
first two lengths instanced above is always | the first length is half ;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... ;
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ... ;
and a half, then we say that its speed, on the average, is .30 miles per
hour. The second type is illustrated by velocity or instantaneous
speed ;
the velocity of a train is 30 miles per hour at any moment,
For example, the average speed of a train is 30 miles per hour. Now,
Again, if the average price of sugar is 3d. per pound, what is the
number pair (4, 3), Q by (3, 4), R by (f, -2) and S by -4, -f). (
Of the two numbers which locate the position of a point P, the first
is the distance of P from parallel to L l9 i.e. to the right or left of
L2 ;
if this number is positive, P is to the right of L
2 and if negative,,
The lines L and 2 divide the whole plane into four " quadrants ".
In the N.E. quadrant both numbers are positive, in the N.W.
quadrant the first number is negative and the second positive, in the
S.W. quadrant both numbers are negative, and in the S.E. quadrant
the first number is positive and the second negative. The order of
writing the numbers is important an interchange of the numbers ;
quantities are measured are more or less arbitrary and each scale
can be chosen for convenience of plotting. Examples I provide
horizontal axis (Ox here) is called the abscissa and the co-ordinate
along the vertical axis is called the ordinate of P.
Once the axes and the measurement arc fixed, all points
scale of
are located uniquely by their co-ordinates. As the point P varies
in the plane, so the co-ordinates become variable numbers with
certain definite ranges of variation. Tf P varies over the whole plane,
then the variables x and y each have the whole set of real numbers
as their range of variation. If P varies in a more restricted way,
then the variables x and y have ranges which may be continuous or
discontinuous and related in all kinds of ways. To a variable point
in two dimensions, therefore, there corresponds a pair of variable
numbers much use of this will be made later.
be (0, 0). Any Ox must have zero for its ?/-co-ordinate and
point on
it appears as
(x, 0), where the (positive or negative) distance of the
point from is x units. In effect, therefore, a point on the line
which is taken as the #-axis need have only one co-ordinate, and a
variable point on this line is represented by one variable number x.
Similar remarks apply to a point with co-ordinates (0, y) lying on
the ?/-axis. Finally, points in the various quadrants of the plane
have co-ordinates whose signs are determined by the rules already
The measurement *
of quantities
7. Express 5072 square inches in square yards and 0-038 cubic feet in
cubic inches. One acre is 4840 square yards how many acres are there in a
square mile?
8. Express a speed of 20 feet per second in miles per hour. What is the
measure of a speed of 60 miles per hour in. feet per second and in metres per
second ?
9. A uniform body weighs 6 cwts. and has a volume of 5 cubic feet. Find
the density in pounds per cubic foot and in ounces per cubic inch.
10. A cube of uniform substance has a side of 2 inches and weighs 3 pounds.
Find the density in pounds per cubic inch and in grammes per cubic centi-
How are the measures of momentum and kinetic energy expressed in terms
of longth, mass and time units ?
13. Illustrate the fact that the derivation of secondary quantities can be
carried beyond the first stage by expressing acceleration (the change of velocity
over time) in distance and time units. The acceleration due to gravity is
approximately 32 in feet-second units ; what is its measure in centimetres
and seconds?
14. A retail tobacconist buys a brand of tobacco at 5 9s. lOd. per 10 pound
bag wholesale. Adding 15% for his expenses and profit, what should bo the
retail price per pound (to the nearest penny) and per ounce (to the nearest
halfpenny) ?
Tho number of acres of land used in wheat production, tho amount of
wheat obtained in bushels and the total cost of production are all known.
Explain tho derived nature of tho concepts of average product per acre and
of average cost per bushel of wheat.
lind the average product per acre and the average cost per bushel of wheat
in each case. How
can these derived figures bo used to compare wheat
production in the different regions named?
17. Assuming that a bushel of British wheat, produced under the condi-
tions of tho previous example, is sufficient for 60 pounds of bread, calculate
the cost of production of the wheat content of a two pound loaf. The wheat
producer makes a profit of 7 and the loaf sells at 4d. ; what proportion of
the selling price goes in baking and distribution ?
Graphical methods
21. Selecting suitable rectangular axes in a plane, plot the points with co-
ordinates (4,
- 1) ; ( -|, 3) ; (2, \) ; (2-3,
- 1-7) and (
- 2-8, 0).
22. Show that the three points whose co-ordinates referred to rectangular
axes in a plane are (5, 7), A
(9, 3) and O ( B
~ 2, - 4) form an isosceles
ABC. Which are the equal sides? By direct measurement, determine
whether the other side is longer or shorter.
show that the points with co-ordinates - 3, -
23. By plotting a graph, ( 1)
below L! and 8 inches to the right of L 2 Find the co-ordinates of the points
referred to L l and L 2 as axos when the scale unit is equal to (a) one inch,
(6) ono-teiith of an inch, and (c) one foot.
A point O' is now taken 2 inches below L l and 1 inch to the right of L 2 .
Straight lines L/ and L 2 are drawn through 0' parallel to L^ and L 2 respec-
tively. Find the co-ordinates of the three points on each of the above scales
when LS arid L 2 are axes.
26. Three mutually perpendicular axes L 19 L 2 and L 3 are fixed to intersect
in a point in space (L 3 being vertical). Find the co-ordinates of the point A
which lies 3J inches from O on 2 ; of the point L
in the plane of l and z B L L
which is 5 1 inches from parallel to L l and 2 inches parallel to L 2 ; and of the
points C and D which are 4 inches above and below B respectively. Draw
a rough diagram to illustrate.
27. Choosing convenient scales, plot a graph of the pairs of values of the
variables x and y given below :
Draw a freehand curve through the plotted points. Is there any evidence of
a " law " connecting changes in x and yl Find an approximate value of y
when x = 3-6.
28. The following pairs of values of x and y are given :
Plot the corresponding points on graph paper, draw a smooth curve through
the points and find the values of y when is - 6 and 5. What can bo deduced
30. The following table (data from Schultz Statistical Laws of Demand
and Supply) gives p the yearly average N.Y. wholesale price of sugar, and q,
the yearly U.S.A. consumption of sugar, for the period from 1900 to 1914.
Plot a graph, one point for each year, to show the related variations of/) and q.
(Such a graph is called a scatter diagram ".) Is there any evidence that a
rise in consumption accompanies a fall in price ?
31. Points in a plane can be located by means of co-ordinates with reference
to axes which are not perpendicular (oblique co-ordinates). If lines LI and L 2 ,
32. The axes are at an angle of 45 plot the points whose co-ordinates are
distant 15 milos in a S.E. direction. Plot a graph showing the four landmarks
und find tho polar co-ordinates of tho plotted points referred to O and. tho "K.
direction through O. (Scale 5 miles one inch.)
taken as connected in some way with the market price of the com-
" "
modity, i.e. demand is a function of price.
In each of these examples, there are two variable quantities repre-
sented, in specific units, by variable numbers. The quantities, and
the associated variables, do not change independently of each other ;
use the term explicit function. Here, the variables are arbitrarily
separated and y is called the dependent and x the independent variable.
It is to be noticed, however, that a function is not a causal relation
even from this latter point of view. There
no discrimination
between the variables except for convenience, and one variable does
Ha/iisal rpln firms nppnr rvnlv VAt,wp>pn
quantities of actual phenomena and, when such a relation is inter-
The concept of a function is an extremely wide one. The follow-
ing examples serve to show this and will, also, help us to classify
functions in a convenient way for detailed consideration.
Ex. 1. The variables x and y take any numerical values which are
such that the value of y is double that of x. In symbols
2x-y = Q
is the expression of this
implicit function. The two explicit and inverse
functions are
y = 2x and x \y.
The range of variation of x and y consists of all real numbers.
Ex. 2. The variable y depends on the variable x, which can take any
numerical value whatever, according to the algebraic processes indicated
by the symbolic expression
The inverse function is more difficult to derive, but it is seen that, to each
given value of y, there corresponds either a pair of values of x or no value
of x at all. Solving the above quadratic equation for a given value of y,
we find (see 2.8 below) that
y -100 (I -05)*
where the range of values of x is taken as consisting of positive integers
only. The inverse function can be expressed only in terms of logarithms
(see 10.2). This is an example of a function of a discontinuous variable
and it can be noticed that it expresses the amount y that results when
100 is left for x years at 5% interest compounded yearly.
and x-=
The range of values of x for a real value of y consists of all numbers not
numerically greater than 4, and similarly for the range of y. Except
when x or y is 4, there are two values of y corresponding to each given
value of x, and conversely.
Ex. 6. An implicit function between x and y is defined by
x3 -ft/ 3^-0.
The two here cannot be expressed in any direct
explicit functions
algebraic way. This does not mean that the functions do not exist.
" "
Given any value of x, a cubic equation determines the corresponding
values of y and we know (see 2.8 below) that there is either one value or
three values of y, according to the value originally allotted to x. The
dependence of y on x is definite and so is that of x on y.
Ex. 7. Corresponding values of x and y are defined by the table :
Here, y is a function ofx and the range of x consists of all positive numbers
not greater than 15. On the other hand, when x is considered as a function
of y, the range of the latter is discontinuous and consists only of the
positive integers between 6 and 12. This function expresses the inland
postage, y pence, as dependent on the weight of a parcel, x pounds (see
P.O. Guide, 1936). A function of this nature is called a step function.
Ex.1. 2/=
The following table of values of x and y is obtained from the formula
of the function :
point has been plotted. It is found that the lowest point of the curve is
at or very near to the point ( - 1^, -4J). The graph represents a curve
known as the parabola (sec 3.4 below).
Ex.2. xy=3.
The graph of the function can be plotted from the table :
It is seen (Fig. 5) that a smooth curve can be drawn through the set of
plotted points, except that there is some doubt about its course when x
the values of y being taken to one decimal place. Outside the range
shown, there exist no values of y at all. At x = 4 there is a single value
c M.A.
of y while at other values of x there are two values of y. The graph of the
function takes the form shown (Fig. 6) it is recognised as a circle of
Ex.4. x*+y*-3xy=Q.
The table of corresponding values of x and y, from which a graph of the
function can be drawn, now appears :
O 2
. .
4 Jf
* For
example, the graph of y
~ Jx can bo plotted by giving x values
which are perfect squares. The values of square roots such as x/2 or s/3 can
then be obtained approximately as the heights of the graph corresponding to
(e.g.) x
= 2 or 3. Alternatively, tho graph of y x'1 can be plotted, using
integral values of x, and the approximate values of (e.g.) ^2 and %/3 can then
bo road off the points on tho axis Ox corresponding to heights of 2 and 3 on
the graph. See Hogben, Mathematics for the Million (1936), p. 415.
may show, for example, the varying observed volume of a gas at
constant temperature as the observed pressure increases over time.
From this graph, we could see whether, apart from errors and
random deviations, a definite functional relation between volume
and pressure can be reasonably assumed. Again, a graph can be
used to show the value of imports into the United Kingdom over a
period of years, or the variation in some other statistical time
In these cases, no functional relation (e.g.
series (see 10.4 below).
between imports and time) can exist and the graph is mainly
the other hand, neither of the two observed quantities may
possess a natural spatial or temporal order. We may have, for
example, a series of observed values of the market price (p) of a
commodity and the corresponding market consumption (q). Such
a correspondence can be obtained by talcing a succession of yearly
quotations of p and q (sec Examples I, 30). Each pair of values of
p and q can be plotted as a single point referred to two axes Op and
Oq and the whole set of observations is then represented by a
" " "
graphical cluster of points. Such a graph is called a scatter
diagram and its uses, at least for purposes of illustration, are
evident. It may be suspected, for instance, that there exists a
definite relation between p and q, a relation which is disturbed by
errors and other deviations in the actual observations. The correct-
ness of this supposition can be examined and, if a relation is found
to exist, its nature can be discovered.
locus or curve in the plane Oxy. Hence, to each given function relating
variables x and y, there corresponds a set of points comprising a
curve in the plane Oxy the analytical property defined by the
since OMx units and ON ~y units. But OP must equal 4 units for
all positions of P on the circle. Hence,
is the relation satisfied by all points (x, y) on the given circle, i.e. the
equation of the circle (cf. 2.2, Ex. 3, above).
The correspondence between the functions of analysis and the
curves of geometry is thus a perfect one. To each function relating
variables x and y there corresponds a definite curve in the plane
Oxy, and conversely. It is important to remember, however, that
the uniqueness of the connection depends entirely on the fixing of
co-ordinate axes in the plane. A
given curve has different equations
when different axes are selected.
It is now graph of a given function is simply an actual
clear that a
line parallel to one axis in only a single point while lines parallel to
the other axis cut it in two or more points. The single-valued
property does not necessarily apply to both the inverse explicit
One reason
for the importance of single-valued functions is clear.
When y a single-valued function of x we can take the function
is 9
the curve rising from left to right the second branch is a decreasing
function of y and this section of the curve falls from left to right.
Such divisions of multi-valued functions into single-valued branches
are clearly very useful.
y = ax+b,
where a and b denote any definite numbers, positive, negative or zero.
" "
The function type, represented by this portmanteau formula,
is described as an explicit linear function of x.* In the same way,
we can define # as a linear function of y. Further, putting the linear
function into implicit form, we can write
ax+by +c~ 0,
where a, b and c stand for any three numbers whatever. The implicit
linear function gives rise to two explicit linear functions :
and *=
the coefficients of which are expressed in terms of the three coeffi-
y=ax 2 +bx+c,
where a, 6 and c denote any definite numbers. In the same way, we
can have x as an explicit quadratic function of y. Putting either of
" "
these functions into implicit form, it appears as a polynomial
expression, containing no powers or products of the variables of
* " "
Tho term linear is used since, as wo see later, such a function is repre-
sented graphically by a straight line.
t The cases where a or 6 equals zero are a little troublesome (see 3.3 below)
but need not delay us here. Further, it may seem odd that there are three
coefficients in the implicit form and only two in the explicit form. This is,
however, only a matter of convenience (see 3.7 below).
having the same numerical values whatever they may be. From
the other point of view, the function is treated as a whole and the
type includes a whole set of particular functions united by the
common property of being quadratic ". The formula, in fact,
represents any function of quadratic form. Here, x and y cease to
be of importance and the whole function is made to vary by changing
the values of a, b and c. These latter numbers are fixed within one
function of the quadratic type but variable from one quadratic
function to another.
Hence, the characteristic of letters such as a, b and c is that they
lead double lives ; they are variable constants ". To suggest this
double use, we describe such symbolic letters as parametric constants
and one of two shorter terms can then be used according to the point
of view. When attention is directed to the relation between the
variables of the function, the symbols denote fixed numbers and can
be termed constants. When
the important thing is the variation of
the function as a whole, the variables of the function fading out of
the picture, we describe the symbols as parameters.*
We have tried to show how the functional notation is made
more general and by the use of parametric constants. The
* The term parameter comes from Trapa/Acrpcco which means " to compare
or "to measure one thing by another ".
This a functional relation between x and
is y. If the surface area is
We have solvedproblems of this type, and the solution of any
This is certainly appropriate for any analytical function, the sym-
bolic f(x, y) standing for some expression involving x and y. To
obtain, from the general notation, a particular function, we need
only specify the exact form of f(x, y) ; we take/(#, y)
for example, if
as 2x - /, x 2 -f-j/ 2 - 16 or x z +y 3 - 3xy, wo obtain a particular function
y = 2x, # +?/ 16 or # 3 -fz/ 3 - '3xy = Q. The notation can also be
2 2
x 2 +3# - 2 or -
^ we obtain three well-known single- valued functions.
The notation can also be extended to apply to functions which are
not single-valued or even analytical in its broadest use, y ~f(x)
or *, A, ft, p, to
v and
denote the parameters. These remarks
serve only as general guides the context should be sufficient, in
any particular case, to make clear the nature of the symbols used.
The letters denoting functions are of different nature from the
variable or parametric letters they do not denote anything to
which numerical values can be allotted but stand for the complex
notion of the form of a function. It is usual to reserve the letters
The change in the function per unit change in x is then
and this is defined as the average rate of change of the function when
x changes from a to (a -f-A). The actual changes shown in x and
f(x) can be positive or negative according as they are increases or
FIG. 10.
about the bisector indicated, the new position taken up by the curve
is the position with axes interchanged.
x -- ,
in all cases. The general quadratic equation is
It follows that there are two real roots if 6 2 > 4ac, and no real root
if 6 2
<4ac. 4ac, then the two real roots coincide and there is
If 6 2
2# 2
-#-l=0, x-if and # 1,
-3a+l=:0, a = (3+V5) and x^fi-JS),
x2 +x + 1 0, no real roots.
In the example, the roots can also be found by a simple process
The other roots of the cubic are thus those of the quadratic
The complete solution of the cubic then gives three roots,
x -2.v -2X + 1
The roots of the equation are those values of x which make y zero, and so
must be obtained from the points where the curve of the graph cuts Ox. In
this case, it is seen that the plotted curve cuts Ox in three points and the
Ex.2. z3 -3z-3=0.
Fig. 12 shows the graph of the function y = x - 3x - 3, and the curve
plotted is seen to cut Ox in one point only where the value of a; is a little
greater than 2. The cubic equation has thus only one root which is
approximately equal to 2.1.
: 53
Ex. 3. A graphical method slightly different from that of the previous
examples can also be used. Taking the cubic equation of the last example,
we can write it in the form
on the same graph paper and using the same scales. The first function
gives a well-known curve and the second a straight line. At any point
where, the curves intersect, the
values of y are equal, i.e. the corre-
sponding value of x satisfies the
given cubic equation. Fig. 13
shows that there only one point
Hence, to solve
any given
equation f(x)=0 approximately,
we need only plot the graph of
y=f(%) and determine where it
cuts the axis Ox. Or, we can
* Various
numerical methods of improving upon the approximate roots
obtained graphically have been devised. The best known is that of Homer ;
see Burnside and Panton, The Theory of Equations, Vol. I (8th Ed., 1918),
pp. 225 et seq.
cuts the curve either in one point or in three points.* The cubic
equation, therefore, has sometimes one real root and sometimes three
real roots according to the values of the coefficients.
/i (*> V)
= and /2 (x, y) = 0,
where/! and/2 denote two given functional expressions. Such simul-
taneous equations are said to be solved when we have determined
a pair, or a number of pairs, of values of x and y satisfying both
equations. The simplest analytical device of solving simultaneous
equations is to obtain, from one equation, an expression for one
variable y in terms of the other variable x, and to substitute this
expression into the second equation. The result is an equation in
x only, which can be solved in the ways already indicated. The
following examples illustrate the method.
Ex. 1. a+y-3=-0 and #-3?/4 1=0.
From first equation, we obtain y =
the and, on substituting in 3x,
the second equation, we find that x = 2. The corresponding value of
y = 3-o: = l. The simultaneous equations have the unique solution
x = 2 and y 1.
The result can be generalised. The general pair of simultaneous linear
a1a;+61y+c1 =0 and a 2#
has a unique solution :
and -
and P3 ,
which provide, by reading off
Find the length of PN in terms of x. Deduce the area of the triangle APN as
a function of #, and plot a graph of the function for ^x ^4.
3. A beam
has a rectangular cross-section of sides x and (#4-2) feet and
its length is y feet. Find y as a function of x if the volume of the beam is
100 cubic, feet, and represent graphically.
The appended table shows a simple way of obtain-
4. x 1
but no least value. Locate the greatest value as accurately as you can from
the graph. Between what values of x is y positive?
6. Graph y2x - for positive values of a:, and show how the graph
1 4 -
x i
can be obtained by the addition of those of y=2x - 1 and y =- Establish .
10. A chord of a circle of radius 3 inches has length x inches and is distant
y inches from the centre. Find a relation between x and y. Express y as an
explicit function of x and x as an explicit function of y. Are these functions
single-valued or not ?
11. Obtain an explicit expression for the function inverse to y=x + x and
show that it is not single-valued.
12. 13y selecting a sufficiently large number of values of x and finding the
corresponding values of y, indicate that the function y 3cc -j- 3# -f x - I is
3 2
parameters v and g. Taking g = 32, find the height of the ball after 4 seconds
if the initial velocity is 75 feet per second.
18. How many parameters are needed to describe the general cubic
functional relation between x and yl Show that the general expression
includes such simple functions as
1 +l _ . 1
*=? y= (sn) *=*-*
19. Show that the function type represented by y = ex + d
-=, where a, 6, c
20. Find the values denoted by /( - 1), /( - J), /(O), /(J) and /(I), when
for all values of a. Indicate that this is true of any polynomial containing
only even powers of x.
Further, if/(#) =2x + 5x* -x*, show that/( -a) = -/(a) for any value of a.
For what general polynomial function of x is this relation valid?
23. Find the value of /(-) in terms of a, when f(x)~x* \ 3x-2 and
when/(#) =
(%x--\}(x 2)
f- -~s~~\~ X T~
*n ^le ^ a^ er flas^f
show that /( - } =/(a) for any
value of a.
Find the value of f(a +h) in terms of a and ft when /(x) =- f(x) x*,
x 1
/(#)=! -2# HI id /(a?) 2x
5 l
Deduce an expression for the " incrementary
in terms of a and h in each case.
^wf ~i~ JL
26. Obtain a relation between x and ?/ when it is given that x=t z and
~ 2i. Plot a graph of the relation by giving various values to t.
27. The variables x and y are both given functions of t and, by eliminating
t9 an
implicit function relating x and y is found. Obtain the relation in the
following cases :
(a) *-, y =
j^; (6) a
28. A
wooden letter tray is in the form of an open rectangular box, of which
the base sides are respectively twice and three times the depth. Express the
volume* of the tray and the area of wood used as functions of the variable
depth of the tray. Deduce a relation between the volume and area of wood.
What is the volume if 4 square feet of wood are used in the construction of the
The solution of equations
36. Find the approximate values of the roots of #* - I2x -f 7 and of the
- I2x* + I2x - 3 -=0.
negative root of x*
37. By considering the forms of the general curves representing
where the coefficients are constants, show that the general quartie equation
must have either four, or two, or no real roots.
x - 2y + 1 -0 and x 2 f y z ~9.
Show that the solution fails only when =~ . Illustrate this case of failure
ct z 2
40. How many solutions are to be expected in each of the types of simul-
taneous equations (a) xy 1 and ax by c = 0, (b) xy = l and y ~ax 2 +bx+cl
: -I- -!
41. The prices per bushel of wheat and rye are p and p 2 respectively. The t
the pair of prices which equate demand and supply both for wheat and
for rye.
42. In the problem of the previous example, a tax of ^ per bushel is im-
posed on whoat producers and a tax of t z per bushel on rye producers. Find
the new prices for the equation of demand and supply (substituting p^ - 1 for
p l and p z - 1 2 for p z in the supply relations above). Show that the wheat price
increasesby an amount(9 a ^
^) and the
ryo price by an amount ( I4t2 - 3^). ^
Deduce that
(a) a tax on wheat alone reduces both prices ;
(b) a tax on rye alone increases both prices, the increase in the rye price
being greater than the tax.
(See Hotelling: EdgewortWs Taxation Paradox, Journal of Political
Economy, 1932, especially pp. 602-3.)
Q has co-ordinates
+2*2 2/i
\ p +q p +q I
The proofs of these formulae, in-
volving quite simple geometrical FIG. 15.
notions, make use of the notation
of Fig. 15 and apply no matter what positions the fixed points P
and Q take up in the plane.
(1) Pythagoras' Theorem, applied to the right-angled triangle
PQN, gives
PQ* =PK* +KQ* = (x 2 - xtf + (y, - &),
since PK ^LM = OM-OL^x Q
- xlt
PQ = V (z - ^) 2 + (y a - &)*.
Hence, 2 Q.B.D.
(2) If E
the mid-point of PQ, then a well-known property of
So x-xl =x 2
i.e. 2x xL
Hence, a? = Xx +X%
^, and
J "I
I 2^1
^ T, ^
4 Q.T^.D.
# 2 -x q
Simplifying, we obtain x ~
and similarly
J y=
P+2 Q.E.D.
Formula a particular case of formula (3) with p~q~[. It
(2) is
is interesting to notice the connection between these results and the
The co-ordinates of the origin O are (0, 0). If P (x, y) is any fixed
M M \x
FIG. 16.
angle a (e.g. in degrees) that the line makes with the positive
direction of the horizontal axis Ox. If the angle a is acute, the line
slopes upwards from left to right if a is obtuse, the line slopes down-
Oy through Q.*
It is clearly essential that the gradient should depend only on the
direction of the straight line
and not on the positions of
P and Q selected to
the points
express it.This point needs
investigation. Let P' and Q'
be any other pair of points
on the given line. Then, from
Fig. 17, PQN and P'Q'N' are
similar triangles, and a well-
known geometrical property of
M '
M such triangles gives
The ratio is thus the same for all selections of P and Q. Exactly the
same result follows if P' and Q' are any points on a line parallel to
PQ. Hence, the gradient of a line depends only on its direction and
all parallel lines have the same gradient.
easily seen that the gradient of a line sloping upwards from left to
is negative. In the first diagram of Fig. 16, where the line slopes
upwards, NQ PN and are both positive and the gradient is positive.
In the second diagram, where the line slopes downwards, NQ is
limiting cases arise when a given line is parallel to one or
other of the axes of reference. In Fig. 18, as the line becomes less
steep and tends to coincide with Ox, the gradient decreases and tends
to zero. Again, as the line becomes more steep and tends to coincide
with Oy, the gradient increases indefinitely.* Hence, the gradient of
a line parallel to Ox is zero and the gradient of a line parallel to Oy is
indefinitely large.
The angle between two given straight lines is independent of the
* In the terminology of the following chapter, the gradient '
tends to
infinity ", and the gradient of a line parallel to Oy is " infinite ".
positions of the lines as long as the gradients are fixed. In particular,
the conditions that two lines are parallel or perpendicular involve
only the gradients of the lines. If m w
and 2 are the gradients, then
the lines are parallel if l m ~m
2 and perpendicular if m^xm^ -1.
The first of these results needs no further proof we have seen that ;
parallel lines have the same gradient. The proof of the second result
proceeds :
In Fig. 19, P and Q are two points with the same abscissa OM on
two perpendicular lines drawn, for convenience, through the origin.
The triangles OMP and QM are similar and, since P and Q are M M
necessarily lengths of opposite sign, the ratio
of M M
P to O equals minus the ratio of O M
to MQ. Hence,
MP x MQ = ,
or x wi 2
~~ *
^ ,, TTV? 1 wii
The condition can also be written
1 1
= or m = 2 9
for any position of a variable point Q (x, y) on the line. Hence,
y-yl =m(x-xl )
............................ (1)
Next, suppose that the line witli equation (1) also passes through
a second fixed point with co-ordinates (x 2 y 2 ). These co-ordinates >
must, therefore, satisfy the equation, i.e. equation (1) holds when
x2 is substituted for x and y 2 for y :
& y & j. \ a i/ or m =?*^.
X X ,.,
The gradient of the straight line passing through the two fixed
points (#!, t/i) and (x 29 y 2 ) is (y 2 ~2/i)/(^2~^i)j an(i e equation of ^
the line is
equation (1), and to the values xl9 x 2 yl and y 2 in the equation (2).
For any given line, these values must be fixed but, by varying the
values, different lines are obtained. The values are, in fact, para-
meters and the equation (1) or (2) is a function type representing the
whole Various sub-classes of the complete
class of straight lines.
class of lines are obtained by varying the parameters in defined
ways. For example, if the point (x1} yx ) is kept fixed and the para-
meter ra varied, the equation (1) represents a set of lines of varying
gradient passing through a fixed point, a set technically known
" "
as a pencil of lines. Again, if m
is fixed and the point (xlt yj
the line with equation (3) is given by -T, i.e. the gradient is minus
o^a +&J&2 0-
FIG. 20.
constant. The general form oft/he parabola is shown in Fig. 20. The
curve is symmetrical about its axis KS and must pass through the
mid-point of KS, called the vertex V of the parabola.
A whole set of different parabolas are obtained by varying the
positions of S and d the general shapes of all parabolas are similar
derived as follows.
Take axes of reference as
shown in Fig. 21 and suppose
FIQ. 21.
that the focus S is above the
vertex of the parabola. The
point S has co-ordinates (0, a) and the line d is parallel to Ox and a
distance a below it. If P is any point (x, y) on the parabola, then
the definition of the curve gives SPMP. But
SP = Jx 2
+(y-a)* and MP=NP +MN=y -fa.
2 2 2
So, a;
+(2/-a) -(2/+a)
and this, on reduction, gives the equation of the curve in the form
are (0,
- a) and d is parallel to Ox and a distance a above it. An
argument exactly similar to that given above then shows that the
equation of the parabola is
Suppose, now, that the axes are selected so that the vertex of
the parabola has co-ordinates (, 77), the axis of the parabola being
parallel to Oy as before. Then, if S lies above the vertex, the co-
ordinates of S are (, 77 + a) and the directrix d is parallel to Ox and
a distance (77
- a) above it. If P is
any point (x, y) on the parabola,
the condition that P is equidistant from S and d gives
y=ax 2 +bx +c
can be written (by completing the square in x) in the form
b \2 6 2 - 4ac
The equation yax 2 +bx +c, for any values of the constants a, b
and c(a7^0), represents a parabola with axis vertical.
b b2
xy = a where a2
as axes is ,
is a constant.
a2 a2
The equation can be written y~-~ or x , showing that y is a
x y
single-valued decreasing function of x, and conversely.
In the general case, where the asymptotes are parallel to the axes
and the centre of the curve is at the point (f 77), the distances of ,
This general form only different from the previous special case
in that (x - g)
replaces x and (y - 77) replaces y. When 77
= 0, the
centre is at the origin and the special form is obtained.
The general equation of the rectangular hyperbola in the form just
obtained found to give y as the ratio of two linear expressions
2 1
i.e. xy
-x -\
y - ^ 0.
a2 a% a2
The equation y~ - -
~, for any values of the constants
taken at the centre of the circle, the equation of the circle is found
(by the method described in 2.3) to be
where a is the radius. This
the simplest equation possible for the
* Our expression of this result is not quite complete. The function typo
only represents a rectangular hyperbola of the form considered if (a a &i #1^2)
is positive. If that quantity is negative, the curve represented by the function
type is of the form (x f ) (y -rj) = a
- - 2 This is a rectangular
hyperbola lying
in opposite quadrants of the plane to that shown in Fig. 22.
The function type represented by a rectangular hyperbola (i.e. the ratio of
linear expressions) will be considered particularly in the following chapter (see
Ex. T of 4.2).
The equation thus represents a circle with centre at the point with
co-ordinates (
- |#,
- ^b) and with radius |>/a 2 +6 2 - 4c.
This statement, however, needs some qualification. It is only
when c<J(a 2 +& 2 ) that the radius has a definite and positive value.
(a + 6 ), the radius is zero and the circle reduces to a point.
2 2
If c
If c> J(a 2 -f-6 ), the square of the radius is a negative quantity,
i.e. no real radius or circle exists at all. In this last case, the locus
If c<(a 2
+6 2 ), the equation x 2 +y 2 -{-ax +by +c represents a
definite circle with centre at the point (
- Ib) and with radius
Straight lines
Parabolas (axis vertical)
.... ax + by+c=Q
yax 2
+ bx+c
Rectangular hyperbolas (asymptotes parallel al x+b
to the axes)
Circles x2 -t-i/
-{-ax + by +c =0
drawn, for example, to pass through three points known to lie on the
where h and k are fixed positive numbers (h> Jk) and a is a positive para-
meter. Any parabola of the system has vertex at a point {h (a - 1), -k}
lying on a fixed line parallel to Ox, and its focus is a distance |a from the
and with centre at ( -h, -k). The range Q^x^j--h limits each curve
FIG. 25.
that the factory price p per unit of the commodity is the same for
both firms. Further, it is taken, that the transport cost varies
directly with the distance of the consumer from the factory con-
cerned, the distance being measured in a straight line. The transport
cost per mile is, however, different for the two firms, being tt per unit
of the commodity for the firm at A l9 and t 2 for the firm at A 2 To fix .
If the firms are 2a miles apart, A L is the point ( -a, 0) and A 2 is the
point (a, 0). If P
is any point (x, y) on the boundary, then
i.e. t^(x
2 2
+y +2ax -fa 2
= t 2 2 (x z -f y 2 - 2ax fa 2 ).
The boundary is then seen to be a circle with centre at (6, 0) and with
radius s/6 2 -a 2 The circle has centre beyond A 2 on the line A^A^
all cases.
1. Find the distance between the points (1, 2) and ( -2, 1)and the co-
ordinates of the mid-point between them. Verify your results by drawing an
accurate graph.
2. Obtain an expression for the distance between the points (a^ 2 2a^) ,
8. Find the equations of the lines passing through the point (2, 1) (a) with
a gradient of 2, (6) making an angle of 60 with Ox.
9. Show that the line joining the points (a, 6) and (ka, kb) passes through
the origin whatever the values of a, 6 and k.
10. Find the equation of the lino joining the points (4, 3) and (
- 2,
- 1) and
deduce that the point (1, 1) is collinear with these two points.
11. Show that the line joining the points ( - 1, -J) and (2, 1) passes
through the origin, which is one point of trisection.
13. Find the gradient of the line 2x - 3y -f 1 =0 and the co-ordinates of the
points where it cuts the axes. Hence, describe the simplest method of
plotting the line on squared paper.
14. By finding the condition that the point (#, y) is equidistant from the
points (3, 1) and (
- 1, 2), obtain the
equation of the line which is the perpen-
dicular bisector of the line joining these points.
15. Writo down the gradients of the lines x-y + l 0, x + y 7=0 and I
16. Obtain the equations of the lines which pass through the point (2, 2)
and are respectively parallel and perpendicular to the lino 2#+y-3 0.
Verify graphically.
Find the co-ordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by the
lines x 1, x-3y-I and #+2/-5=0. Show that the line joining tho
point (2, 1) to any vertex is perpendicular to the opposite sido. What is
the geometrical meaning of this result?
20. Plot a graph of the curve y x . Mark the position of tho focus and
directrix of this parabola and verify that points on tho curve are equidistant
from focus and directrix.
and the directrix of each of tho parabolas
21. Locate the focus
-2, y=2x z -2x + l and y~Kx-2x
y=x + '3x
24. Find the centre and the asymptotes of the rectangular hyperbola
xy - 2x - y - I = 0. (Cf. Examples II, 9.)
26. If a point moves so that the difference of its distances from the fixed
points (a, a) and ( - a, - a) is always 2a, show that the curve described is tho
rectangular hyperbola xy = a
26. If thetwo fixed points of tho previous example are (>/2a, 0) and
- show that the equation of the rectangular hyperbola is x* -y z = a 2
N/2a, 0), .
Plot a graph of tho curve when a = 1 and verify that it is tho same curve
as in tho previous example with different axes of reference. Where are tho
asymptotes now?
27. Write down the equation of tho circle with centre at the point (2, f)
and with radius f . Where does the circle cut the axes ?
28. Find the co-ordinates of the centre and the radius of the circle whose
equation is x 2 -f y 2 - 3x = 0.
33. If h and k are fixed positive numbers and a a positive parameter, show
that y k -
(x + h) 2 where
9 ^ x ^ aV& - h, represents a system of parabolas,
only the parts in the positive quadrant being taken. Draw a graph of certain
curves of the system when. h~5 and k -~ 25, and verify that each curve is
concave to tho origin. Compare with the system of parabolas of Fig. 24, where
each curve is convex to the origin.
34. Show that (x - h) (y - k) =a, where ^ x ^ h - Kr and where h and
, k are
fixed positive numbers and a a positive parameter, represents a system of
rectangular hyperbolas confined to the positive quadrant. Taking h~2 and
k I, plot a graph showing the four curves of the system corresponding to
a i> ! * ftn( i 2- Compare with tho curve system of Fig. 25.
36. In tho problem of 3.8, two firms are 10 miles apart, the price of their
product at works is the same for each and transport cost per mile per unit of
the commodity is throe times as high for one firm as for tho other. Show that
the former firm supplies an area within a circle of radius 3J miles. Draw a
graph to illustrate the distribution of the market.
37. In the problem of 3.8, the two firms are 2c miles apart, tho prices at
works are p x for one firm and p a for tho other and transport costs are t per
mile per unit of tho commodity for each. Show that the curve separating the
areas supplied by the firms has equation (referred to the same axes as in 3.8)
2> <?' '4> 5? 6? ?>>
are two instances of increasing sequences of real numbers arid it is
clearly possible to quote many other examples. All such sequences
display the property that the numbers of the sequence can be
written down one after the other, by the rule of selection, without
coming to an end. This is the property of indefinite or endless con-
9 3 4 5 6 7
^ 2~> 3^ 4> J5J 6">
Again, there are two classes, one class illustrated by the first and
the other by the second example. In a sequence of the first class,
the numbers grow indefinitely larger numerically, but through
negative values instead of positive values. Such a sequence is said
to tend to minus infinity and we have the idea of the infinitely large
" " "
and negative, of minus infinity as the counterpart to infinity ".
In the second class of sequence, the numbers tend to a limiting value,
decreasing to the limit instead of increasing to it. In the second
sequence above, the numbers decrease and approach the value 1,
i.e. the sequence tends to 1.
* It
may be noticed that we have given no justification for the statement
that there are only two classes of increasing sequences, those tending to infinity
and those tending to a finite limit. We have not excluded the possibility of
other cases of increasing sequences. It is, however, a fundamental property of
the real number system that cases other than the two here mentioned do not
exist. We must assume the result without proof here. In passing, we can
remark that the same property is not true of the system of rational numbers
only. An increasing sequence of rationals may tend neither to infinity nor to a
rational number as limit. This is, in fact, the way in which irrational numbers
can be defined as the limits of increasing sequences of rationals not tending
to infinity or to a rational limit. For a discussion of these fundamental points,
based on the work of Dedekind and Cantor, see Hardy, Pure Mathematics
(3rd Ed., 1921), pp. 1-31.
to division) and they are merely two aspects of the same essential
notion of order and continuation. Further, the notions of the
number system itself. The system is
infinite are implicit in the real
of infinite extent since the order of the numbers can be continued
indefinitely it is continuous or indefinitely divisible since we can
tendency to the limit, the curve falling from right to left and approaching
the same horizontal line as before as x decreases through negative values.
Ex.2. ?/-o; +3#-2.
The following tables of corresponding values arc obtained :
Ex.3. =>!.
to zero. The graph of the function illustrates these limits. The curve
falls and approaches the axis Ox as
we move to the right or to the left
and it rises indefinitely
and approaches the axis Oy as
x decreases through smaller and
smaller values to zero.
The function y ~ - shown graph-
ically in Fig. 5, behaves in a similar
Ex.4. y=
The graph of this function is shown in Fig. 33 below, the curve repre-
sented being a rectangular hyperbola. It is only necessary to construct
suitable tables of corresponding values of x and y, particular attention
(1+ 1
Ex y=
. 5.
y~ -
attain the value 2, we can say that the, function y= -{(1 + #) 2 -l} Lends
to 2 as x tends to zero.
as x tends to
at our choice
(a) The values of f(x) may be positive and becoming larger and
In this case, the curve yf(x) rises indefinitely to the right (the axis
Ox being horizontal) as shown in curve (a) of Fig. 31.
(6) The value of f(x) may be negative and numerically larger and
larger as x increases. This case is similar to the first and we say that
f(x) tends to minus infinity as x tends to infinity ", the symbolic
expression for which is
- oo as #->co or Lim /(#)= - oo .
re-*- oo
The curve y~f(x) now falls indefinitely to the right (see curve (6)
of Fig. 31).
(c) The values off(x) may form a sequence approaching a definite
value A as # increases. The value off(x) can be made to diifer from A
by as little as we please simply by allotting to a; a
sufficiently large
value. Here we say that " f(x) tends to the limit A as # tends to
infinity and we write
f(x)-+X as #->oo or Lim /(#)=A.
The curve y=f(x) now approaches nearer and nearer (from one side
we move indefinitely
or the other) the fixed horizontal line y=X as
far to the right (see curve (c) of Fig. 31).
(d) The values of f(x) may behave none of the previous three
" "
ways, oscillating without settling down to any trend as x in-
creases. In this case, the function f(x) has no limiting value as x
tends to infinity and the curve y f(x) continues its finite oscillations
as we proceed indefinitely to the right (see curve (d) of Fig. 31).
x O
FIG. 31.
1 , 2x+l
1 as as
as as
as as
The limit off(x) as x tends to minus infinity is defined and denoted
in similar ways. For example :
1 as - <x> as
(2) The limits off(x) as x-*a.
being finite in one case and infinite in the other. In the cases of
curves (c) and (d), the limits as x->a + and as x-*a - are different,
both being finite in one case and both being infinite in the
-- - >00 as x >0 >2 as
as x-*Q -f as 4-
> GO as x >0 ;
> oo as
approach nearer and nearer to the limiting value without ever at-
taining it. It follows that any number of the sequence is an approxi-
mate value of the limit, and conversely. Further, the approximation
becomes closer the farther advanced in the sequence is the number
taken. Thus, no number of the sequence
1 2 3 4 5. j6
JJ> 3> 49 5> 6) 7>
as x -> <x>
it follows that this expression approximately equal to 2 when the
value of x is large. And the larger the value of x taken, the better
is the approximation. To check this statement, put x~ 100 :
2x+l 201
x-l -2-0303...,
found that (x) -> A arid ifj (x) ->//, as #->co where A and ju, are finite
</> ,
(3) (>(x) .
^(#)->A/^ as
nearer and nearer to the value A, and t/j(x) nearer and nearer to the
value /z, the value of (e.g.) the sum of these two functions must
approach nearer and nearer to the value (A +/x) as x increases
indefinitely. Hence, (A +/LC) must be the limit of (<f>(x) +i(f(x)} as
a;tends to infinity. Exactly equivalent results hold for limits as x
tends to minus infinity or to a finite value a. Further, the results
extend, in an obvious way, for cases of sums, differences and pro-
ducts or quotients involving more than two functions.*
We are now able to evaluate the limit of a complicated function,
making use only of the limits of the simpler functions included in its
expression and the general results set out above. The method is
* With more strict definitions of limits
(see 4.3, footnote), the results
here given are rigidly proved only with some difficulty. See Hardy, op. cit.,
pp. 125-30.
G M.A.
2x + 1 1
Ex.2. We know that _-~>2 and 1 >l as #-^<x>. But
x-1 x
X [X JLy X ~~ JL X X ~~~
rr >L as X~>OO .
2x + l 1
Ex. 3. Since ~->2 and >0 as x ->oo the result , (3) shows that
x 1 x
~^\j as S/'^QO
the limit of either of the functions <f>(x) and ift(x) is infinite. If, for
example, both functions tend to infinity as x tends to infinity, then
we can deduce nothing about the limit of the quotient of the
functions. Numerator and denominator both increase indefinitely
as x increases and the quotient can vary in diverse ways according to
the forms of the two functions. If (x) 2$ (x) the quotient has the <j>
x=a is that/(#) should be defined both for the value x ~a and for
all values of x near x~a. There are now several possibilities con-
cerning the variation of f(x) as x approaches x a in relation to the
value /(a) assumed at x=a. Firstly, f(x) may tend to no limiting
value or to two different limiting values as x tends to a from one side
and from the other. Secondly, f(x) may tend to a definite limiting
value as x tends to a from either side but this limit is different from
/(a). Thirdly, f(x) may tend to the value /(a) as x tends to a from
either side. It is only in the third case that the function is described
as continuous at x=a.
In diagrammatic terms, the function yf(x) is represented by a
curve in the plane Oxy which is cut by lines parallel to Oy in single
points. Two conditions are needed if the curve is to be continuous
at the point where xa. Firstly, there must be a definite point P
on the curve at x=a
there can be no gap in the curve. Secondly,
ditions that/(#) assumes a definite value f(a) at the point and that
f(x) tends to the same value as x approaches a from either side. The
conditions correspond to the diagrammatic conditions that the curve
y=f(x) should have neither gap nor jump at the point in question.
It is now a
simple matter to extend the definition to include con-
tinuity of a function in general. A function is continuous over a
without taking pencil from paper. But it is not smooth in the usual
" "
sense since it has a sharp point at the point where rc = l.
If a function is discontinuous in a range, it must have at least one
3 X
9- (d)
-4 -2 2 4 6 8 X
o -12 x
FIG. 33.
continuous and fit on to each other in such a way that the' whole
curve can be drawn without taking pencil from paper. On the other
" "
hand, points of discontinuity (whether of the infinite or jump
kind) may appear on one or more sections of the curve.
To take an
actual example, the relation x* y 2 9 defines y as a
double-valued function of x with the single-valued branches
y = Jx - 9 - Jx 2 -
and y 9,
Limits of functions
1 1 -x 1 -x 2
2.P 8
+a? + l 1 + 2x + 3.E 2
2 2s; 2 + 3a; + 1
Noticing that (c) is the sum of (a) and (6), and that (d) is the product of
(a) and (6), verify the general results that the limit of a sum or product is
the sum or product of the separate limits.
x+ 1
3. Explain why tho limit, as #-oo, of cannot be obtained by
oX 1
A 01
Show 4-1,4.
a; +2
5. Show that -
- -
->- as
x-+<x> . What percentage error is involved by
tively and by using the general results for the limits of sums, products and
quotients. Check the validity of the general result by reference to tho
particular cases given in previous examples.
and show
that it tends to zero as x ->oo . Hence deduce the general result of the previous
- 3) and - evaluated separately.
12. Show that -{(1 +x)* - 1}->3 as x-+Q. Generalise by finding the limit
x i
as #->0 of tho expression -{(a +#) 3 -a 3 }.
limit of - (
---- as x-*Q.
x\a+x a/)
15. Verify that -{1 - s/1
long as x ^-0.
that, as x ^0,
equal to the reciprocal of
N/i -x}-+\. By
{1 + s/1 -x}
a similar method,
17. P is the point with abscissa a, and Q the point with abscissa (a +x) on
tho curve y=x*. The line through P
parallel to Ox cuts the line through Q
parallel to Oy in the point L. The ratio of LQ to PL is tho gradient of the
chord PQ. Find an expression for this gradient in terms of a and x, evaluate
its limit as x-rO and explain the meaning of the limit.
(The results of this and the previous example illustrate problems of funda-
mental importance in tho development of the following chapters.)
18. A right-angled triangle has two equal sides of 1 inch. One of these
sides is drawn horizontally and divided into (n + 1) equal portions. On each
of the portions after tho first a rectangle is formed with height equal to the
vertical distance from the left-hand end of the portion to the hypotenuse of
tho triangle. Find an expression for the sum of the rectangle areas and 5
evaluate tho limit of the sum as n-^oo . What is tho meaning of the limiting
19. Show that a more rigid definition of the idea of a limit of a function is
provided by tho following :
Tho function /(#) tends to tho limit A as a: tends to a if, for any selected
small quantity c, we can find a small interval a-S<x<a + 8 such that
{/(#) ~M i g numerically less than e for any x of the interval.
20. In the same way, examine the more rigid definition :
Tho function/ (a;) -> oo as #->oo if, for any quantity 6 no matter how large,
we can find a quantity a so that /(#) >b for all values of x >a.
Continuity of functions
the form of the graph of the function and describe its discontinuities.
x-x +
Illustrate graphically.
6 2 2 4a 2 c a and tends to infinity for two values of x if 6 2 2 >4a 2 c 2
, Examine .
x 2 - -1
27. Show that y - is continuous except at x = 1. What is the nature
x 1
of the discontinuity at this point? Show that the function becomes com-
pletely continuous if the value y =2 at x 1 is inserted.
29. Themotion/ (x) is defined as taking the value x when x is positive and
f i
the value -x) when x is negative. Deduce that the function is continuous
32. Draw tho graph of the function 4x z + 9^/ 2 =30 and show that it repre-
sents a continuoiis oval curve.
33. The relation (1 -x) 3 -xy 2 defines y as a double-valued function of x.
Obtain the two single-valued " branches " and draw the graph of the function,
" "
showing that tho curve is continuous with a sharp point at (1, 0). What
are the limits of y as x -> ?
34. Show that the curve representing the double-valued function
y* = (a;-l)(a-2)
can be taken as continuous, except that there is a point (1,0) which must be
regarded as a part of the curve but completely separate from all other parts
of the curve.
5.1 Introduction.
ways. Even in the most general case, however, the economic con-
ditions of the problem impose certain limitations on the form of the
functions. By considering the economic nature of our problem, we
are usually able to say that the function concerned has the mathe-
matical property (e.g.) of being single-valued and decreasing, or of
are fixed and known. The amount of X each consumer will take can
then be considered as uniquely dependent on the price of X ruling
on the market. By addition, it follows that the total amount of X
demanded by the market depends uniquely on the market price
of X. The demand for X can only change if its market price varies.
This expression of market conditions can be translated at once
into symbolic form. Let p denote, in definite units, the market
price of X, and let x denote, in definite units, the amount of X
demanded by the market. Then x is a single-valued function of
p, which can be written, in general, in the symbolic form :
of the factors, then the whole form of the demand function and curve
x and p and the demand function itself and it is worth while treating
this point at some length since our remarks apply, with little modifi-
5 10 15 20 20 4O GO 8O X
Ibs. per month Mn. Ibs. per month
* 3--
O 30 60 90 120 X
Mn. packets per month
FIG. 36.
slowly again. The family never demands more than the " satura-
tion amount of 17 Ibs. per adult per month. The demand curve
cuts both axes and is first convex and then concave to the price axis.
The shape of such a family demand curve can vary, of course, over
a wide range for different families and different goods. The form Dl
is given merely as a fairly typical example.
The demand curve 2 is illustrative of the of a large demand
market for sugar, taken as typical of a good with no closely related
substitutes. The market demand becomes zero at Is. 9d. per Ib.,
no family making any purchases at this or any higher price. The
demand then an ever increasing rate as the price falls
increases at
* An " individual " demand curve of this kind can be
regarded as the
limiting case of a
market " demand curve when only one consumer is taken.
A demand curve, in fact, can be defined for the whole group of consumers or
for any particular group of them we care to specify.
H M.A.
until approximately 80 per month are consumed at very low
Mn. Ibs.
prices. The curve cuts both axes and is convex to the price axis at
all points. As an approximate representation of such a demand, we
could take a demand curve approaching the axes " asymptotically
in the manner of the rectangular hyperbola (see 3.5 above).
x ~~, p=a-bx.
* (2) x = ----- 6, p~ x+bT
* -c.
b p+c
pW^te. (4) *= -,
(5) #=
y^IjP } p=a-bx*. (6) x = bp-*+c, p= -~
(7) x=aer**, p = oJlog-.
(8) x^pe-*^+ c \
" "
Each of these demand laws satisfies the normal monotonic de-
* I.e. commodities of the kind considered in the economic theory of " mono-
" "
polistic imperfect competition.
or ~
600 600
and -20 or p=
' - 5-
p+5 x+2Q
In each case, x is the market demand for sugar, in Mn. Ibs. per
month, when the price of sugar is p pence per Ib.
* The last two cases involve exponential and logarithmic expressions (see
types quoted above, then the position of the demand curve is fixed
only when the parameters are given definite values. The values a,
b and under given demand conditions. But a shift
c are constants
in demand results when the parameters are changed in value, the
nature of the shift depending on the particular change adopted.
Demand laws such as those given above suffice, not only for the
description of some given demand situation, but also for the shifting
of the demand situation over time.
tions, x <f>(p) and p = $ (x), of the demand law. When the demand
isx and the price p, the product R xp is called the total revenue
obtainable from this demand and price. It represents the total
money revenue of the producers supplying the demand and the total
* The fact that Ox is the obvious axis to take as horizontal for the total
revenue curve is one of the reasons for taking Ox as horizontal for the demand
curve itself.
pointing downwards (see 3.4 above). The highest point of the curve
occurs where #=^T' Total revenue increases as output increases at
first, reaches a maximum value -
at the output x ~a and then
46 26
decreases as output increases further. A total revenue curve of this
dieni f '
20 40 M 60 80 X
Tons per week
FIG. 38.
" "
total cost curve of normal form appropriate to a hypothetical
case of a sugar refinery overhead costs are 250 per week and total
cost increases with output, reaching a value of 1250 per week when
the weekly output of sugar is 80 tons.
It is sometimes convenient, at least for approximate represen-
tations of cost over a limited range of outputs, to take the total cost
* If we consider an
industry instead of a firm and take all the factors of
production as variable, then overhead costs are zero. Or, we may consider
only the total variable costs of a firm and neglect overhead costs. In either
case, the normal form of the total cost curve is similar to that given here
except that it now starts from the origin.
function of some particular form. The following are types of cost
" "
functions appropriate to the normal case :
(7) n^ae bx .
(8) II=x ae bx + c +d.
The parameters a, 6, c and d are positive in each case. In case (2),
the total cost curve is a parabola with axis pointing vertically up-
and average read off the total cost curve as the gradient of the
cost is
line joining the point on the curve to the origin. Since average cost
varies with output, we have the average cost function TT /(#) where
f( x )= x
= ,
and a corresponding average cost curve referred to
axes Ox and OTT in a plane. The form of this function is to be
obtained from that of the total cost function. For example, if total
cost is given by the function (2) above, then
, c
7T=ax +h -f- .
Here TT->OO as x-^Q and as #->oo , i.e. the average cost curve must
fallas output increases at small outputs and rise at large outputs.
In the particular case of the sugar refinery already quoted, the
average cost curve is of the form shown by the curve A.c. of Fig. 46.
The average cost function, unlike the total cost function, is not
necessarily monotonic.
stock, he forms part of the demand for the good if he decreases his ;
country B.
We assumed, in 5.5 above, that only a single good was produced
by the given firm. A first approach to a more general problem can
be made by assuming that a firm produces two goods and Y underX
given technical conditions and making use of fixed supplies of certain
factors of production. The total cost of production is now given
and the interest lies entirely in the varying amounts of the two
20 40 60
Grade B, tons per week
FIG. 39.
normal " transformation curve in the hypothetical case of a firm
producing two grades of steel with given supplies of labour, raw
materials and equipment. The transformation curve, it should be
noticed, is a
maximal " concept and forms the outer boundary of
the productive possibilities. Any point within the curve corresponds
to productions of X
and Y possible with the given resources while
productions represented by points outside the curve cannot be
obtained no matter what adjustments of the given resources are
The analysis can be generalised to allow for the use of given re-
sources in the production of different goods, not at the same time,
but in different periods of time. In the simplest problem, it is
assumed that a firm, with given technical conditions and given pro-
ductive resources, can arrange production in two years in various
* "
The curve
sometimes called a
is production indifference curve ", a
terminology which is not to be recommended since the curve has little in
common with the indifference curves described below. The term " trans-
formation curve" is used (e.g.) by Hayek, Utility Analysis and Interest,
Eaonnmir* .Tmirnnl.
ways. convenient here to take incomes rather than physical
It is
into three groups, those preferable to, those which are less preferable
than, and those which are on a level of indifference with the basic
purchases (x y ). The third group of purchases is represented by
</>(x, y)=a.
- x
h - vy
=a, where 0<x<a(A - Jk) - h.
year and so much next year) can be compared with another grouping
by the position of the corresponding points on the indifference map.
The groupings are indifferent to the consumer if the points lie on
one indifference curve one grouping is preferred to the other if it
" "
lies on a higher indifference curve. The income indifference map
corresponds to a function type of the form
0(a?, y)=a,
where t/t(x,
a given relation between x and y and where a is a
y) is
positive parameter indicating the level of preference for the incomes
x and y. The indifference map can be assumed to be continuous,
the curves being non-intersecting, downward sloping and convex to
the axes. Preference for income combinations, as indicated by a,
must increase as we move across the indifference map in the N.E.
direction. These limitations on the form of the indifference map are
" "
intended to apply to the normal case of a consumer's preferences
forincome over time and they are similar to the limitations imposed
in the previousproblem of purchases of goods made at one time.
Further properties of the indifference map for incomes can also be
assumed in " normal " cases. If neither income is large, the indiffer-
where a is the parameter indicating the level of preference for the
incomes x and y in the two years. Fixed positive values must be
given to h and k if the consumer's preferences for income are known.
These values are only changed when the whole scale of income pre-
ferences is modified.
Economic functions and curves
1. The price of a certain brand of tea is p pence per pound and it is found
that the market demand is x thousand pounds per week where
Represent these demands graphically and show that the demand law is
approximately of the linear form x = 120 - 2p. Then graph the total revenue
curve and find the largest revenue obtainable.
2. A cheap gramophone sells at p and it is known that the demand,
x hundred machines per year, is given by
Plot a graph of the demand curve. At what price does the demand tend to
vanish? Draw a graph of the total revenue curve and determine at what
price and output the total revenue is greatest.
3. A firm selling toothpaste investigates the form of the demand for its
product by fixing different prices in four successive periods. It is found that
the necessary outputs are
Choosing suitable scales, plot the total revenue for these outputs graphically.
Show that total revenue can be taken approximately as a linear function of
output. Deduce the demand law.
4. What type of demand curve corresponds to the demand law
whore a and c are positive constants? Show that there is some demand 110
matter how largo tho price. Is there any limit to the oxtent of the demand
for small prices? Show that total revenue falls steadily as output rises and
compare with the case of the previous example.
p = "s/225 - 9#,
where x the number of tenements let per week. Graph this demand law.
Is it thokind of law you would expect hero ?
9. Find x as a function of p from the demand law p = Va - bx. Show that
tho demand curve is an arc of a parabola with its axis parallel to Ox. Locate
the vertex and indicate tho shape of tho curve.
10. The number (x) of persons per day using a motor coach service to
Southend is related to the fare ( p shillings) charged by the law
Show that the demand curve is a parabola and locate its vertex. Also graph
the total revenue curve, showing that revenue rises rapidly to a maximum
before falling off slowly. Generalise by considering the demand law
p = (a - foe) 2 , whore a and 6 are positive constants.
11. If x is the number (in hundreds) of business men travelling by the
8.15 a.m. train from Southend to London when the return fare is p shillings,
the demand law is
Draw the demand curve, show that it is a parabola and locate the vertex.
Also draw the total revenue curve and find at what fare the revenue is greatest.
Contrast the forms and economic interpretations of the demand curves in this
and the previous example.
12. At a charity performance at the local cinema, it is known that the
Graph the curve showing average cost per bungalow when a variable number
x is built per year. \
14. A fixed plant is usod to manufacture radio sets and, if a; sets are turned
out per week, the total variable cost is (3.c + 2V# )'
- 2
Show that average
variable cost increases steadily with output.
15. If the overheads of tho plant of the previous example are 100 per week,
find the average cost in terms of the output and draw the average cost curve.
What is the least value of average cost ?
16. A coal retailer buys coal at a list price of 40 shillings per ton. He is
allowed a discount per ton directly proportional to the monthly purchase, the
discount being 1 shilling per ton when he takes 100 tons per month. His over-
heads are 50 per month. Obtain total and average cost as functions of his
monthly purchase (x tons) and draw the corresponding curves for purchases
up to 1000 tons per month.
17. The electricity works in a small town produces x thousand units per day
at a total cost of (2\/40:e - 175 + 90) per day. Draw the total cost curve.
Express the average cost, in pence per unit, as a function of x, draw the
average cost curve and show that, as output increases above a certain
minimum, average cost decreases rapidly.
18. Tho total variable cost of a monthly output of # tons by a firm producing
a valuable metal is (-&B S - 3# 2 + 50#) and tho fixed cost is 300 per month.
Draw tho average cost curve when cost includes (a) variable costs only, and
(6) all costs. Find the output for minimum average cost in each case. Show
that the output giving least average variable cost is less than that giving least
average (fixed and variable) cost.
19. A
firm produces an output of x tons of a certain product at a total
variable cost given by
II=ax 3 -bx 2 +cx.
Show that the average cost curve is a parabola, find tho output for least
average cost and the corresponding value of average cost.
20. A tobacco manufacturer produces x tons per day at a total cost of
x (x + 200)
4(a; + 100)'
Graph the and average cost curves and show that average cost decreases
continuously from 10s. per Ib. towards a lower limit of 5s. per Ib.
21. Generalise the previous example by taking the total cost as
ax -- ,
where a, b and c arc positive constants (6 >c). Show that total cost increases,
and average cost decreases, as output increases. Of what type is the average
cost curve ?
when his output is x tons per day, draw the graphs of the total and average
cost curves. Describe the way in which total cost increases with output and
find the output at which average cost is least.
Generalise to show that the total cost function
Ilax --- +d
x c +
gives total and average cost curves of " normal " form.
23. On the market of a country town, butter is brought for sale from the
surrounding district weekly. It is found that the weekly supply (x Ibs.)
depends on the price (pd. per Ib.) according to
a = 100\/p~r 12 + 150.
From a graph of the supply curve, show that there is no supply at any price
less than Is. per Ib. and that the supply increases continuously as tho price
increases above Is. per Ib.) Generalise by considering x=a>Jp -6+c, where
a, b and c are positive, as a typical supply law.
24. English cloth is exchanged for German linen. Tho amount of cloth
(y million yards per year) offered by England in exchange for a given amount
(x million yards per year) of linen is given by
The amount of linen offered by Germany for a given amount of cloth is
Represent these conditions diagrammatically and show that, for equilibrium,
10 million yards of cloth exchange against 15 million yards of linen.
25. With a given plant and given supplies of labour, raw material, etc., a
" "
chocolate firm can produce two lines in various proportions. If x thousand
Ibs. of one lino are produced per year, then
( * <60)
thousand Ibs. per year is the output of the other line. Represent the con-
ditions graphically. What kind of curve is this transformation curve ?
26, Aman derives &x from his business this year and y next year. By
alternative uses of his resources, he can vary x and y according to
Graph the transformation curve. If he wants 750 next year, how much can
he take out of tho business this year? by showing that y =6 --
represents a normal " case in this type of problem if the constants a and b
are such that b>a. What is the transformation curve?
27. If a coal mine works x men per shift, the output per shift is
25 V
tons of coal. Draw a graph to show the way in which output varies with tho
number of men and find the size of the shift for maximum output. Express
the average product per man as a function of x, draw tho corresponding curve
and show that it is a parabola. When is average product greatest?
30. Consider tho form of the indifference map given by tho rotation
that one case is suitable for the indifference map for two consumers' goods
and tho other for incomes in two years.
6.1 Introduction.
x^ to # 2
The variable x is increased by amount (x 2 - x ) and the
3 - 3
corresponding increase in the function is (# 2 a^ ). The average rate
of increase of the function per unit increase in # is then
3 _ "^/y 3
which istaken as dependent on the variable increase h in x.
As the value of h becomes smaller, the average rate of increase
is seen to approach the limiting value 3x 2 which we term the
(instantaneous) rate of increase of the function at the point x.
Hence, by definition, the rate of increase of the function at
the point x is
Lim ~ .
_._ __
h \x x+hJ x(x+h)
The instantaneous rate of decrease of the function at the point x is
T im
h -+o
* \x[
- o
then indicates the average rate of change in f(x) per unit change in x.
The sign of this expression is important. If the sign is positive, then
f(x) changes in the same sense as x itself, increasing as x increases and
decreasing as x decreases. If the sign is negative, then f(x) changes
in the opposite sense to x, increasing when x decreases and decreasing
when x increases.^The important question is whether the average
rate of change tends to approach any definite limiting value as h gets
Except for the sign, this is identical with the rate of decrease we
obtained previously. In fact, the negative sign of the rate indicates
that it is a rate of decrease as x increases and the numerical value,
or as y' =/'(*)
Since the function itself can be written as y or as f(x), each of these
notations appears in two equivalent forms. Hence :
if the limit exists.
(2) The incrementary Tatio used in the definition is not defined
when h is actually zero in this case it assumes the meaningless form
particular, it must be noted that the symbol -~ does not imply that
the derivative is a ratio of one thing (dy) to another (dx).
(3) The incrementary ratio can be expressed in an alternative
form which is sometimes useful. Corresponding changes or incre-
ments in the variables x and y connected by the function can be
denoted by Ax and Ay respectively. The incrementary ratio is then
Ay and
, the derivative appears as the limit of this ratio as Ax tends
equals /*,
new units, then the new value of the derivative is
^A times
the old value. The fact that the derivative value depends, according
to the familiar proportionality rule, on the units of measurement of
both x and y must always be remembered.
(5) It is important to be clear about the use of the value x
that appears in the definition of the derivative. The derivative is
obtained by finding the limit of the incrementary ratio for a constant
value of The limit, once found, has a value dependent on the
and others not. It will be seen (6.5 below) that the non-existence
of a derivative is exceptional and of very special significance.
(7) The derivative notations we have given apply to any function
Ldx^ "J^j [(*)
ax ax \x/ x2
The following examples are further illustrations of the way in which
derivatives of particular functions are obtained from the definition :
So ~(2x-l) = 2.
d .
l[{x+h)* + 3(x+h)-2}-(x*+3x-2)]
as A->0.
So t(
(ax +bx+c) =2ax+b.
2x +
Ex. 3. For the function -- 1
the incrementary ratio is
1 +1 2x + - + 2h + 1) - + 1) (x +h -
{2(x +h) (2x (2x 1)
1] = (a? 1)
l x-l) h(x-l)(x-
So __ _ 2
The result, as given, holds for any value of x not equal to 1 . If x = 1 the ,
function itself has an infinite discontinuity and the question of the
existence of the derivative at this point needs further consideration (see
6.5 below).
4:7ra h cubic inches, where h is the small error in the original estimate
approximately for small values of (x -a). For example, if
. 2x+l , tl
. 3
/(*)= and /(*)=-(ar-ir
then /(3)=| and /'(3)=-|.
So =f+(*-3)(-f),
approximately when (x 3) is small. In general, therefore, it is
FIG. 40.
Gradient of
y-y =m(x-x
1 l ).
The equation of the tangent to the curve y -f(x) at the point with
co-ordinates (a?!, y) is y
- yl -
=f'(xl (x xt ). )
FIG. 41.
the value of the function f(x) changes the derived curve shows the
the first has a tangent at all points while the second has one point
(a sharp point) where no tangent exists. The fact that a curve is
continuous does not imply that a tangent exists at all points. A
continuous curve can be
drawn without taking pencil y\
from paper ;
a curve which
has tangents at all points is 2
x as & point where f(x) exists, we say
" "
that the derivative/ '(x) is infinite at the point. In diagrammatic
terms, there is a definite tangent to the curve yf(x) at the point P
with abscissa x and the gradient of the tangent is infinite, i.e. the
tangent is parallel to Oy. The case is illustrated by the curve
y l + Ux - 1, shown in Fig. 43, which has a vertical tangent at the
point where x 1 Infinite derivatives can be obtained even in cases
its derivative -- -
are infinite at x = l. The curve " goes off
" "
to infinity at this point and has a vertical tangent at infinity ",
i.e. the asymptote x 1. To deal with many infinite discontinuities,
therefore, we have only to allow for the possibility of both the
function and its derivative being infinite.
d*y d*y .
d_ d^ d^
many units off'(x) per unit of x, i.e. in so many units off(x) per unit
of x, per unit of x. As in the case of the first derivative, a change in
the units of measurement necessitate a change in the value of the
second derivative.
In diagrammatic terms, the value of f"(x) at any point measures
the tangent gradient of the derived curve yf'(x) at the point. A
more useful interpretation, however, connects the second derivative
with the curvature of the original curve y =f(x), curvature being
defined by means of the
rate of change of the tangent gradient as we
move along the curve. This connection will be investigated at a
somewhat later stage (see 8.3 below).
complicated idea. We
do not mean that the train will actually
travel 60 miles during the following hour, one mile during the next
minute or even 88 feet during the next second. The speed of the
train will generally change during any time-interval however short.
The statement means that the distance travelled by the train per
unit of time will correspond more and more closely to 60 m.p.h., or
any equivalent, as the time-interval is made shorter and shorter. In
physics, therefore, we have accepted the mathematically significant
limiting concept of velocity as replacing the practical concept of
average speed.
The second derivative of distance travelled as a function of time
is the derivative of the first derivative and so measures the rate of
change of velocity over time. The rate of change of velocity is
tional feet per second in a second. In the same way, when we say
that the constant acceleration of a body moving under gravity is
32 feet per second per second, we imply that the velocity of the body
is tending to increase always by 32 feet per second for every second
that elapses.
In other branches of mechanics or physics, the derivatives of
functions are used to interpret motion, whether the motion is of
liquids in hydro-mechanics, of air and gases in acoustics and the
theory of sound, of electric currents in electro-mechanics or of heat
" "
in thermo-mechanics. Further, in a less exact science such as
variables, e.g. the relation between demand and price, can be ex-
pressed by means of a function and curve. It is usually assumed
that the function and curve are continuous and smooth, i.e. the
function has a derivative and the curve a tangent at all points. The
derivative of the function and the tangent gradient of the curve must
now be considered in some detail and their economic meaning made
marginal concepts. We
have seen that the demand for a good
can be expressed, under certain conditions, by the relation p~^(x) 9
But the price p can be regarded as the average revenue obtained from
the demand x, i.e. total revenue divided by the amount demanded
or produced. The ordinary demand function and curve are thus
equivalent to the average revenue function and curve. Total revenue
Rxift(x) is also a continuous function of demand. From the total
revenue curve, we read off average revenue (or price) as the gradient
of the line OP joining to the appropriate point P on the curve.
If output is increased by a small amount Ax from a certain level x,
25 50 75 x
Mn. Ibs. per month M.RN
FIG. 44.
the average revenue (or demand) curve on the same graph, and
same axes and scales, as the marginal revenue curve.
referred to the
It is to be noticed that the marginal revenue curve cuts the axis Ox
~x +6 dx (x+b) 2
In Fig. 45 are shown the total, average and marginal revenue curves
obtained in the particular case where the demand law for sugar is
x s?L-5 (see 5.3 above).
Again the marginal revenue curve
falls continuously, lies under the average revenue (or demand) curve
and cuts Ox at the output where the total revenue is greatest.
25 50 75
Mn. Ibs. per month
FIG. 45.
value of this ratio as Ax gets smaller, i.e. marginal cost is the deriva-
tive of the total cost function IJ=F(x). It measures the rate of
increase of total cost and approximates to the cost of a small addi-
tional unit of output from the given level. Further, the marginal
cost ofany output is given as the tangent gradient of the total cost
curve at the appropriate point. Since marginal cost varies with the
output at which it is measured, we have a marginal cost function and
a corresponding marginal cost curve.*
If the total cost function is II~ax 2 +bx +c, then
25 50 25 50
7*0/75 per week Tons per weeh
FIG. 46.
Evaluation and interpretation of derivatives *
2. Show that the derivative of a constant is zero and that the derivative
of x is unity for any value of x. Interpret these results in terms of rates of
3. Use the definition of the derivative to establish the general result that
the derivative of (ax z + bx + c) is (2ax + b).
-r- (
dx \a 2x + 6 2 /
r^ )
(a 2x
+ 62 )
=i(o? + 1) approximately when x is nearly equal toWhat percentage
area of a circle is 2nah square inches when the radius is increased by a small
amount h from the value a. Calculate the actual increase in area when the
radius increases from 10 to 10-1 inches and compare with the approximate
value given by the above formula.
13. A circular ink-blot grows at the rate of 2 square inches per second.
Show that the radius is increasing at the rate of inches per second at the
time when its length is r inches.
14. surface. area and volume of a sphere of radius r are S = 47rr 2 and
V =f 77T 3 Find approximate expressions for the increases A$ and AK when
the radius is increased from r by an amount Ar. Deduce that the propor-
tionate increase in S is approximately twice, and in V approximately three
times, the proportionate increase in radius.
15. The pressure of a gas at constant temperature is p Ibs. per square inch
and the volume v cubic inches where pv 10. Find the rate of decrease of
volume as pressure increases and the approximate decrease in volume when
the pressure is increased from p by an amount Ap.
18. From the derivative of (ax 2 +bx +c), show that the tangent at the* point
(#i 2/i) on tne parabola y =ax 2 + bx+c has equation
y+y l =2axx +b(x+x l l )+2c.
19. Show that the tangent at the point (1, 1) on the rectangular hyperbola
xy 1 cuts equal lengths off the axes.
20. Show that xy l + yx l =2<x.* is the tangent at the point P(x lt yj on the
rectangular hyperbola xy = a
If the tangent cuts the axes in
. and B and A
if PM and PN
are perpendicular to the axes, show that bisects OA M
and Nbisects OB. Show also that the area of the triangle OAB is a constant
independent of the position of on the curve. P
21. From the derivative of -
, find the equation of the tangent at the
point (x l9 2/ x ) on the rectangular hyperbola (x l)(y -2) =3. Show that the
tangent gradient tends to become infinite as x l -+l. What is the relation of
this fact to the vertical asymptote of the curve ?
ball rolls at feet in t seconds. Show that the average speed over any timo-
interval and the velocity at any time are both constant.
lead pellet falls at* feet in t seconds. What is the average speed between
the jth and the 2 th seconds? Find the velocity after t seconds. How good
an approximation is the velocity after 3 seconds to the average speed between
times t ~3 and t 3-5 seconds?
23. Show that the acceleration of the lead pellet of the previous example
is constant over time.
24. What is the derivative of ( 1 4- 2#) ? Show that the electric current in a
wire is constant if (1 4- 2) units of electricity pass a point hi the wire in t
25. Draw the total revenue curve on one graph and the demand and
marginal revenue curves on another graph in the case of the demand for
gramophones of Example V, 2. Verify that the marginal revenue is zero at
the output giving greatest total revenue.
26. If the market demand for tea is given by the law of Examples V, 1,
draw the total revenue curve and read off the tangent gradient to give the
marginal revenue at demands of 50, 60 and 70 thousand Ibs. per week. Check
these values from the expression for marginal revenue. Draw on one graph
the demand arid marginal revoiiue lines. At what price does marginal revenue
vanish ?
27. Evaluate the derivative of (ax + bx*). If WOx passengers travel on tho
train of Examples V, 1 1 find an expression for the marginal revenue derived
by tho railway company. Draw the marginal revenue curve, showing that it
is a part of a parabola falling to the right. Find the fare at which marginal
revenue is zero and verify that this fare produces the greatest total revenue.
31. A business produces an income of x this year and % next year, where
these values can be varied according to the relation y = 1000 -^^ Explain
~ -
Kdy\ - J
1 > can bo interpreted as the marginal rate of return over
cost. Show that the value of this marginal rate is when this year's
income is #.
The meaning of the power varies, however, with the nature of the
va r
(4) If n a n stands for unity a
is zero, 1. :
is an irrational number, the power a is more complicated
If n
in meaning. We can write n, in this case, as the limit of a sequence
of integral or fractional numbers n l9 n z n s ... The power a n is then
, ,
In all cases, the power a n obeys the familiar "index laws developed
in elementary algebra.
L M.A.
One of the
simplest of all functions isthe power function y =# n ,
d i \ T-
(x+h)-x =Lim
* T h
= 1, - .
X -
( T T
=Lim /O i\ O
d .
3 T .
d m
_. i/
r -(-J=Lun rl -7--J=
i i\
Lim -- -
rr= --5,
~ "
is is finite
(X+k) -X ^Lnn X n f/
d n n n
Then , ^ T-
=Lim T .
+-k\ - ^}
T~(^ X )
-r- 1 1 1 1 1
h _+ h [\ xJ j
=Lim # n (- +A 2 ]
xn -~
h -+Q \X X / X
Hence, we have the standard form :
=nx n ~ l for any fixed value of n.
d fl
- = i
v i
U'^x />4
_ 2 _t _
d_ | _2_
,//>. V / //>.
\jjc/ ax V
& /- / i^
d du, dv
. . d du dv , . .
, dx dx
RULE II. The derivative of a product.
The derivative of the product of two functions is equal to the
firstfunction times the derivative of the second plus the second
function times the derivative of the first :
d dv du
du dv
d (u\ _ dx dx
dx U/ v2
As a
special case :
- - fl\
- I 1
~ - - Idu
- -~ .
dx \uJ u 2 dx
Formal proofs of the three rules proceed directly from the defini-
tion of the derivative. The proof of the first rule is :
d. .
-r~(u +v)=Lim
_du dv
~dx dx'
and similarly for the difference of u and v. use here the fact We
(see 4.5 above) that the limit of a sum (or difference) is the sum (or
The proofs of the other two rules,
difference) of the separate limits.
though more complicated, can be given in essentially the same way.*
These rules can also be deduced from the first rule by a method to
be described at a later stage (see 10.2 below).
See, for example, Hardy, Pure Mathematics, (3rd Ed., 1921), pp. 203-4.
777 v aw
dx dx dx dx
where u, v and w are three functions of x with known derivatives.
derivative of a product or quotient involving more than two
functions is less easily obtained, as is shown by the following example :
= UV-^- +W \U +V I
dx dx dx dx \ dx ax/
du dv dw
vw ^- +uw -^- +uv -=
dx dx dx
In an exactly similar way, we can show that
d fuv\ 1 / du dv dw\
= +uw~r -uv-j-]
w*\[vw dx
I I .
dx\wJ dx dxJ
In the same way, the quotient rule for y=- can be arranged
1 dy __ 1 du Idv
ydx~udx vdx
Further, the derivative of y=uvw obtained above becomes
1 dy
_ I du Idv I dw
ydx~udx vdx wdx
The examples below illustrate the way in which the rules for
derivation are used in practice. The derivative of a fairly compli-
cated function is to be obtained by several applications either of the
same rule or of different rules. The method of dealing with constants
in the derivation process is particularly to be noticed. It is also
clear that some derivatives can be obtained in two or more different
ways. The result is always the same and all that matters is to get
it in some way or other.
Ex.1. (5x)=5-j-(x) = 5.
. 2
Z. j~\~~/""J~\
ax \x/ ax \x
Ex. 3.
Ex.4. -(
Ex.5. (-
-T- (ax + 6) =a ;
-^~ (ax
+ bx+c) = 2ax + b ;
-y- (ao;
-f bx2 +cx+d)=3ax2 +2bx+c; and so on.
Ex. 8. +a;
)}=a:~(l +a;2 ) + (l
jj-{x(l +x*)^(x)=x(2x) +(1
= l+3a;2 ,
2 =A
^{a;(l +a: )}
Ex.9. ^-(l+a;) =^(
ax ax
+60; + 6a;2 .
d d
Ex.12, "f
9 "*2 -1 ^
d /2xz + l\ d / 1\ 1 2xa -
or 2* + - 1=2 ;=
dx\ x /)=-r
j-( (
2 2
<ic\ a;/ a; a;
" (l-2s)+2(l+s)
= 2
(l-2a;) (l-2a;)
Ex. 14. ~( {f ^ A
^ I Ju \ I ^I t 'V
I */
~r V
ic 2
Ex. 15.
f d -
dx\x + b/
\ d - x \
__ (x + 6) - x "
~ __
Ex. 16. ~
X ~
dx f(x) f(x) dx (x) _af'(x)-f(x)
d_ (f(x)\ = '
dx\~ x f x* x*
The three rules we have given are not in themselves sufficient for
the derivation of all the functions met with in ordinary mathe-
matical analysis. On the contrary, there are many relatively simple
functions the derivatives of which cannot be found by means of the
three rules. Consider, for example, the function
" "
which is a of the simple quadratic function (2# 2 - 3) and
the simple square root function. On attempting to evaluate the
derivative, however, it is found that the function does not break
" "
up into sums, differences, products or quotients of standard form
functions. The mixture ", in fact, is not as before. We have a
function which is fundamentally different in nature and we need
some method of evaluating its derivative.
The problem is solved by introducing a new variable :
du d /f^ n ^
srs <*'-s)=te.
The original function now appears as y = Ju, i.e. as a simple function
of the variable u with a known derivative with respect to u :
dy ~~ dy du
dx du dx
The formal proof of the rule proceeds :
dx h-+Q h
Let k = <>x + h)-<>x)->0, as
dx h ^Q
= L/im
-- - - j
f(u + k)-f(u) T .
<f>(x + h)-<j>(x)
= dy
du dx
We use here the result (see 4.5 above) that the limit of a product is
the product of the separate limits.
The rule clearly extends to the case where there are several " inter-
mediate functions. For example, if y is a function of u where u
is a function of v which, in its turn, is a function of x, then
dy _ dy du dv
dx du dv dx
This follows from two successive applications of the simple function
of a function rule given above.
success of the function of a function rule in practice depends
" "
largely on the introduction of an intermediate function u in such
a way that the derivative is most conveniently obtained. The
method of breaking up functions for the application of the rule is
illustrated by the following examples.
and so
Since u is only introduced for convenience of working, the final step
" "
is to get rid of this intermediate variable in terms of x.
y = (l+x)
Ex.2. ,
So .(.
y u* where u = 1 + x.
This result has been obtained before (7.4, Ex. 9) by other methods.
y = V^ where w =
** A A ~2X
^.jM=;__ = _y
I /J-
and -J.(^.) =7 r (7.4, Ex. 13).
So A /LE-i
5i V"fT2S~2 V~l~+^
A -2s 33
Each of these five examples is an instance of one general form
which can be derived at once from the function of a function rule :
d , n\ . du
--( u ' nun-l ,
dx dx
where u is any given function of x. In the case n - 1, we have
d fl\
"" ~
u 2 dxW '
From the function of a function rule we can derive the fifth, and
last, This rule provides the derivative
of the rules for derivation.
of the function inverse to a given function and it applies only if both
the inverse functions are single- valued.
V. The derivative of an inverse function.
derivative of an inverse function is the reciprocal of the
derivative of the original function :
provided that both functions are single-valued.
The proof is as follows. Suppose that the single- valued function
y= {>
j (x)
gives the single- valued inverse function x *fj(y). Then
<l*{<f>(x)} must equal x for any value of x. So
dx dy
dy dx
d . . . 1 I I
This result agrees, of course, with that obtained from the standard
form giving the derivative of x n for any value of n.
The process of evaluating derivatives can now be regarded as
complete. The five rules, taken in conjunction with a suitable table
of standard forms, are sufficient for the derivation of all single-
valued functions, no matter how
complicated is their analytical
expression. Even when functions of entirely new types are intro-
duced, it is only necessary to extend the table of standard forms
by including the derivatives of the simplest instances of the
new function types, as obtained directly from the definition of
the derivative. Examples of this extension of the table of standard
forms will be given later.
d _d Idu dv\
rv ~~
d*^ '~dx\ dx dx \dx dx)
_d u
d fdu\ d fdv\
"" ~ 2
dx \dxl dx \dxl dx
d r
, v
d u r
i d2 d ( dv\
v d I du
we have -^(uv) =T- (u-^ }+ -T- \v -
dudv\ fdudv
~ / U d v *~~ +
+ V~ ~
/ --
d v 2
L n dudv
----- d 2u -
I-T; .
du d 2 v d 2u dv
nii%j \
- d__ v
\ A* __ r ~l
'~ 1+
v I
__ _ ___
z '- z
r(r-l)d v
_ __
r- z
ud 2v
dx 2
(_ ___
d r ~ l u dv
dx r ~ l dx
|_ 7;
d ru
. _
dx r
-7-= (#
= ft (w - 1) (w- - 2)# n ~3 and
; so on.
The general result for the rth derivative of this standard form can be
written down by inspection :
d n - n ~r
T~r (x =n(n 1) (n -2)
... (n-r + l)x .
The previous two examples are particular cases of this standard result.
If n a positive integer, as in the first example, then the derivatives after
the ?&th order are all zero. If n has any other value, the process of finding
successive derivatives can be extended indefinitely without producing
zero derivatives.
Ex4 .--
d* 1
2* - 3
and similarly for higher order derivatives.
{*/(*)} =*/+/(*),
and {xf(x ) }
and = '
~ - {xfl (x) ~ *Z)
{~?} ^ \f i&xf (x} f(x)} f(x)}
" /^ f ^^ f ^^j
rH 9T/W ^.c^
^a/^ -t-y
-l- /i-l
f i-t
Practical derivation
1. Write down, from the standard form, the derivatives of Va?, -- and
l-x* (a; + 2)(a;4-3) l-
3. If 0, 6 and c are constants, show that
d / 1 \_ a d / 1 \ 2ax+b
"" "" &n ~
di + bJ
da; \aa; (ax +
4- 6)
da; \aa; a + 60? + c/ (aa;
+ + c) 2
4. Show that
6. Verify that
deduce that
1 +a;+a; 2
+ ... 4- a;
n = -
l ~x .
By means
of derivatives,
1 xn nxn
(1 x) 1 x
Write down the derivatives of y with respect to u and of y and u with respect
to a;. Verify that = -~ -=-
da; dw da;
8. Find the derivatives of ... and
Jx 4- 1 v a; + 1 - vx - I
Deduce the last derivative from the other two by the quotient rule.
10. From the function of a function rule find the derivatives of
Multiply out these powers and deduce the derivatives by using the sum, pro-
duct and quotient rules only.
12. If f(x) is a single-valued function of x, express the derivatives of *Jf(x)
and its reciprocal in terms of the derivative of
dy x
Deduce that -~ = - - if x and y satisfy the relation x 2 + y 2 = 1
Deduce --
, Verify by .
dx y
finding the derivative of y =
ax + b
- and of -
ax + 6
~ Deduce
that successive derivatives of those functions differ only by a constant factor.
#-~ + 2 dy =0.
17. If xy =a, show that Show that the same result holds
dx dx
18. If y x2 H , show that x 2 -j~ + x ~ - 4w =0. Does the same result
x* ft
dx* dx
hold for the relation y =ax* + ?
22. Write xx and x* as products and deduce their derivatives from the
the quotient rule to obtain the derivatives of 2 and and the inverse - -
x x*
function rule to obtain the derivatives of *Jx and tyx. Find the derivatives
of x* and x" a by the function of a function rule from the derivative of *Jx.
23. Generalise the results of the previous example to show how the standard
form n nxn l can be deduced, for any rational value of n, from the rules
dx (x )
of derivation and from the fact that (x) 1 .
10 inches is filled to a depth of x inches with water, it is known that the volume
(10 -x)x cubic inches. Find the rate of increase of volume as
of water is 77-
the depth increases and an approximate value of the volume increase when
the depth increases from 5 to 5-1 inches.
25. If water is poured into the bowl of the previous example at the rate of
one cubic inch per second, show that the depth increases by r-r
per second when the depth is x inches.
26. Find the equation of tho tangent to the curve y = ax f 6 + ~ at the point
with abscissa x^ Where is the tangent parallel to Oxl x
28. After t seconds a body is x at + %bt 2 feet from its starting-point. What
are the velocity and acceleration then ? Show that tho velocity is \/ 2
-f 2bx
feet per second when a; feet have been covered.
marginal revenue curves are both parabolas, tho former lying above the latter.
Show that marginal revenue falls to a negative value and then rises to zero as
output increases. Plot the total, average and marginal revenue curves in the
case of the demand of Examples V, 10.
31. Show that the demand law p=a-bx 2 gives parabolic average and
marginal revenue curves of similar shape, both falling continuously as output
increases. Where is marginal revenue zero ?
32. What is the marginal revenue function for the demand p = Va - bx ?
Under the conditions of Examples V, 8, how many tenements must be rented
per week before marginal revenue falls to zero ?
33. Show that marginal revenue can always be expressed as p +x
Deduce that the gradient of the demand curve is numerically equal to
p at the
output where marginal revenue is zero. Check this result in the cases of the
particular demand laws of the two previous examples.
M M.A.
34. The total cost function is 77 = */ax + b + c. Find an expression for
marginal cost and show that it decreases as output increases. Plot the mar-
ginal cost curve for the electricity output of Examples V, 17.
X 4- 6
36. If IJ ax \-d is the total cost of an output x, show that the mar-
36. If a firm can produce two chocolate " lines " according to the conditions
of Examples V, 25, interpret the value of the derivative At what output ~ .
is a small decrease in the production of one line accompanied by an equal
increase in the other line ?
8.1 The sign and magnitude of the derivative.
WE have seen that the value of a derivative can be interpreted in
two ways. The
derivative of a single- valued function f(x) measures
the rate of change of the function and the tangent gradient of the
curve yf(x) at the point in question. In the present chapter we
base certain very important applications of the derivative on these
interpretations of its value. It will be noticed, however, that our
" "
results depend largely upon diagrammatic intuition and are not
rigorously established. The less strict development is sufficient at
this stage, but it can be added that it is possible to provide formal
Ex. 1.
Ex.2. y=
x TT dy
Jtiere -=- =
FIG. 47.
The sign of the derivative
exactly is
opposite to that found in the previous case. The value of the function is
again stationary at x 2, but the function decreases as x increases up to
the value 2 and increases as x increases beyond 2. The curve, graphed in
Fig. 48, is a parabola with a lowest point at x 2. In this case, we say
" "
that the function has a minimum value t/t=4 at the point where x = 2.
Ex. 3. 2/
= 6x-3z2 + ia;3 .
Here J
= 6 -6*+f* 2
=f (z-2) 2 .
FIG. 48.
from which it is seen that the curve always rises except at the single point
where the tangent is parallel to the axis Ox. The stationary value, in this
case, is neither a maximum " nor a " minimum ". The point concerned
is an example of what is called a point of inflexion ", a name derived
from the fact that the curve crosses over the (horizontal) tangent as we
pass through the point.
at a point where the value off(x) is greater (less) than all values in the
immediate neighbourhood of the point.
FIG. 50.
(2) f"(a) <0 implies that the function f(x) changes at a decreasing
rate as x increases through the value a and that the curve
Fia. 62.
at z = 0, ^4= -6<0;
Ex. 2. y=#4
Here = 4a3 - 12z2 + 16 - 12z 2 - 24*
ax ax*
To settle this point, the first derivative at x =2+ h has value 4A2 (A+3).
This is positive for all small (positive or negative) values of h. The
function has an inflexional stationary value at x = 2. The graph of
Fig. 57 below illustrates.
2x + l
Here ^=--
which is negative for all values of x. The function has no stationary,
and so no maximum or minimum, values. The curve representing this
function is a rectangular hyperbola with asymptotes parallel to the axes,
a curve which clearly has no tangent parallel to Ox.
Ex.4. y-
Here 2
dx (x*+x-2)
There are stationary values y=-lata:=0 and y= -J at #=4. We
now examine the sign of the derivative near these points :
--- at z =
J^ \
62 4ac
There is one stationary value y -j- at x --b This value is
Ex. 6. y=ax + b +-, where a, 6 and c are positive constants and x is
assumed to take only positive values.
Here dy'-a- C
~dx ~tf*
Since x is positive, there is only one stationary value and this occurs
at the point x /v/-- . The second derivative is positive. So, the function
dy == d , dzy 2d
Here 2a*-&-~2
The stationary values occur at points where the derivative is zero, i.e.
It can be shown that this cubic equation has only one positive root, and
Ex. 8. An open box consists of a square base with vertical sides and
has a volume of 4 cubic feet. What are the dimensions of the box for a
minimum surface area ?
Let x feet be the side of the square base and h feet the depth of the
box. Then A# 2 =4 since the volume is given as 4 cubic feet. From this
we obtain h in terms of x. The surface area is
y = x + 4Ao? = x H
2 2
square feet.
So, y is written as a function of x only and its minimum value is
required for variation in x (which alone governs the dimensions of the
box). The values of x for stationary values of y are given by
r --r when x =2,
ax* x*
dx x x*
- 2xf'(
d?_ [/(*)! __x*f"(x)
dx*\~x j~ x3
-^ - occur where
Stationary values of xf'(x) -f(x)=0, i.e. where
dx 2 x x
and, since x is taken as positive, this has the sign of /"(#). The
average value of f(x) is thus stationary at any point where the
average and marginal values off(x) are equal. The stationary value
is a maximum /"(#) is negative at the point
if it is a minimum if
f"(x) is
positive at the point.
In diagrammatic terms, a stationary value of the average value
of/(#) is shown by a point P
on the curve y-f(x) where the tangent
coincides with the radius vector OP, i.e. at a point where the tangent
curve is convex from below at the point. These facts are clear from
the two cases illustrated in Pig. 54.
x O
Fio. 55.
/ \ / \
Extreme Stationary and Inflexional and
value inflexional value non-stationary value
/'(a) = /"(a) ^0 f'(a)=f"(a) = f'(a) ^0 f"(a) =
Two examples will illustrate the method of locating inflexional
values in the cases of particular functions :
Here ^-
- ''
There is thus only one inflexional value of the function, i.e. y = 3 at
x = 1. The third derivative is positive and the second derivative changes
sign from negative to positive as we pass from left to right through the
point of inflexion. The point is thus an inflexion of the second class, the
curvature of the curve changing from concave to convex and the tangent
gradient ( -3) being a minimum. Fig. 56 indicates the point of inflexion
P and also the maximum and minimum points A and B on the curve
representing this function.
Ex. 2.
g = 4(a;-2)*(* + l) ;
g-12*(*-2) ;
* The criterion is
fully completed in 17.6 below, where extreme and in-
flexional values are determined by the first non-zero derivative of f(x) of
whatever order it may be.
There are two points of inflexion. At x = there is the inflexional value
y =0 at x =2 there is the inflexional value y = 16. At the first of these
'-1 1
FiO. 56.
gradient (16) being a maximum. At the second of the points the third
derivative is positive. The point is an inflexion of the second class, the
curvature changing from concave to convex. Further, the first derivative
isalso zero at the point and we have here a stationary as well as an
FIG. 67.
inflexional value of the function. The zero tangent gradient at the point
is a minimum
value of the tangent gradient. Fig. 57 indicates the graph
of the curve representing the function and shows the two inflexional
points in addition to the single minimum point.
output or price to produce the largest net revenue and organises its
factors of production to give the largest output at a given cost or the
smallest cost for a given output. Similar assumed principles, in
more complicated forms, are to be found in dynamic problems. If
functions of a single variable suffice to interpret the phenomena
concerned, then the methods of the present chapter apply at once in
the solution of our problems. Some simple examples, intended to
illustrate the method, are given in the following paragraphs.*
As a first problem, suppose that a firm produces a good under X
known cost conditions represented by the total cost function n=F(x).
The demand of the firm's market for the good X is assumed to be
known and represented by the demand function x = (p) or p (x),<f> *fi
Assuming that the firm fixes output, then the price to clear any
output x must be p = *f>(x) as given by the demand conditions. The
gross revenue from output x is S=x*f/(x), the total cost is IIF(x)
and the net revenue is (R-II) given as a function of x. The output
x fixed by the firm for maximum net revenue must satisfy the two
conditions :
~(B-U) =
^ '
and (JR-
m , n A TJ_- .
--- = 0. . dR -. A ,,, .
, ,.
The first condition is -r z i.e. At the output for
ax ax ax ax
equilibrium, therefore, marginal revenue must equal marginal cost.
The second condition, for a maximum as opposed to a minimum, is
_ d tdR dU\ __
d 2R d 2TI
~~ ~~
dxdx dx \dx dx 1 dx 2 dx 2
i.e. ^
dx 2 dx 2
Hence, at the equilibrium output, marginal revenue must be in-
creasing less rapidly than marginal cost. This second condition is
gram, taking output along the horizontal axis and revenue or cost
along the vertical axis. Suppose that, on the two curves, points in
the same vertical line can be found such that the tangents to the
-72-7J-0 and
^smce -^=-j- Tp )
The equation to be solved for the equilibrium price is thus
*I* R-n)\<o,
dp\dp^ j
Any value of p and inequality is a
satisfying the above equation
possible monopoly price and the corresponding output is x = <f>(p).
The second analysis of the monopoly problem, which is due to
Cournot, can be shown to lead to the same equilibrium price and
output as is obtained in the first analysis. This fact can easily be
checked in particular cases, e.g. with a quadratic cost function and
a linear demand function. Or, in general terms, the above equation
for the monopoly price gives
dB dB dx
dfl _(f>(p)+p</>'(p) _dp dx dp dB
~ ~~ ~ ~~ '
dx <f>'(p) dx dx dx
dp dp
i.e. the condition of the first analysis that marginal cost and marginal
d .
d .
In the same way, given any output xl of the first duopolist, the
second duopolist fixes his output x2 so that
FIG. 60.
In the particular case where
the duopolists have the same
total cost function TIF(x), the equations giving their outputs are
The output is such that the sum of the average and marginal
revenue from the total demand p = if/(x) is equal to zero. If the
average and marginal revenue curves are as shown in Fig. 61, the
total output under duopoly is given by ON. This output can be
output ON.
In conclusion, we can indicate the way in which the
duopoly problem can be analysed. It is assumed that the first
duopolist, when he varies his own output xlt expects the second duo-
polist to react and vary his output x 2 according to some definite law
FIG. 61.
Frisch, Monopole-Polypole, Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift, 1933.
tion. The equation giving x 2 as a function of xt and defining the
reaction curve C2 of the second duopolist is
that, if the property holds, then the condition is satisfied. The con-
dition is satisfied by all things with the property but may be satisfied
also by things without the property. A sufficient condition is such
that, if the condition then the property holds. The con-
is satisfied,
Oeneral applications of derivatives
JL ~r~ *C
6. If y = x* - 4# 4- 6z -
8 2
4a; - 3, show that ^=4 (a
- 1 )8. Deduce, from
criterion for maximum and minimum values, that y has a minimum
value at
7. Show
x=l. Why does the second criterion
= V3 - # a has a single
12. A rectangular area is to be marked off as a chicken run with one side
along an existing wall. The other sides are marked by wire netting of which
a given length is available. Show that the area of the run is a maximum if
one side is made twice the other.
13. A
cricket field consists of a rectangle with a semicircular area at each
end. The perimeter
is to be used as a quarter-mile running track. Find the
dimensions of the field so that the area of the rectangular portion is the largest
possible. (Take IT = 3-14159.)
14. A
tinned soup manufacturer uses tins which are circular cylinders
closed top and bottom. Find the most economical dimensions of the tin
(i.e. minimum surface area) when the volume is given.
If the top and bottom
of the tin are cut from square sheets and the surplus wasted, find the new
dimensions for greatest economy.
15. Express the distance of O from a point on the line 2x + y 6 as a function
of the oj-co-ordinate of the point. Find the point on the line nearest O and
deduce that the shortest distance from O to the line is perpendicular to the
line and of length \/5. Generalise to show that the shortest distance from
dXt + by-i + c
(x l9 yj to the line ax + by + c = is
16. Find, on the part of the rectangular hyperbola xy = 4 in the positive
quadrant, the point which is nearest to O and show that the shortest distance
is perpendicular to the tangent at this point. What is the shortest distance of
the point (0, 2) from the parabola y = x 2 ?
17. Show that the curve y 2x - 3 + - is convex from below for all positive
x c
values of x. Is the same true of the curve y ax + b + -1
18. Show that the curve y = ax* + bx* + ex can have only one point of in-
flexion. If a is positive, show that the curvature changes from concave to
convex from below as we pass through the inflexional point from left to right.
Deduce that the point of inflexion is also a stationary point if b z = 3ac.
19. Show that the curve y - has three points of inflexion separated
x + 1
22. From the second derivative, verify that the rectangular hyperbola
xy 1 is concave from below for negative values of x and convex from below
for positive values of x. In what sense is x a point of inflexion ? Contrast
this case with that of the previous example.
downward sloping and convex from below. Do the same properties hold of
the marginal revenue curves? Show further that, for each of the demand
laws p = *Ja-bx and p a- bx z f the demand and marginal revenue curves are
downward sloping and concave from below.
25. Show that the demand curve o? = 4a 3 - 3ap 2 +p 3 whore a is a positive
26. With the aid of derivatives, check the positions of maximum total
revenue obtained in the cases of the demand laws of Examples V, 2, 10 and 11.
points. Show that the marginal revenue curve is also convex from below
either if ~~ is positive or if is -
negative and numerically less than -r~ .
If the demand curve is always concave from below, does a similar property
hold of the marginal revenue curve?
28. By examining the signs of certain derivatives, show that each of the
total cost functions
i A
77=vaa? + & + c and 77= ax t-d (b>c)'
te +c
gives average and marginal cost curves which fall continuously with increasing
29. From the sign of the second derivative, show that the transformation
curve of Examples V, 25 is concave from below at all points.
30. If the supply of a good is related to its price by the law x=a>Jp-b + c,
where o, b and c are positive constants, show that the supply curve is upward
sloping and concave to the axis Op at all points. Illustrate with the case of
Examples V, 23.
31. An indifference map is defined by the relation (x + h)*Jy + k a, where
h and k are fixed positive numbers and a is a positive parameter. By
expressing y as a function of x and by finding derivatives, show that each
indifference curve is downward sloping and convex from below.
34. If the manufacturer of the previous example, with the same costs,
produces for a demand of x 100 20 *Jp sets per week, show that he should
produce only 25 sets per week for maximum monopoly revenue. What is the
monopoly price now ?
35. In the case of Example 33, a tax of k per set is imposed by the gover-
ment. The manufacturer adds the tax to his cost and determines the
monopoly output and price under the new conditions. Show that the price
increases by rather less than half the tax. Find the decrease in output and
monopoly revenue in terms of k. Express the receipts from the tax in terms
of k and determine the tax for maximum return. Show that the monopoly
price increases by about 33 per cent, when this particular tax is imposed.
36. Generalise the taxation problem of the previous example by finding the
effects of a tax of k per unit of output when a monopolist's total cost is
II ax 2 + bx + c and the demand law is p p - ocx. Show that the tax brings
in the maximum return when & = (0 - 6) and that the increase in monopoly
price is always less than the tax.
37. If a monopolist has a total cost of n=ax 2 + bx + c and if the demand
law is p = j8 - ax 2 show that the output for maximum revenue is
How many sets per week should the radio manufacturer of Example 33
3ax*-2(b-<*)x-(p-c) = Q.
Taking the cost conditions of the firm of Examples V, 18, and the demand law
p = 50 - fJG, show that the firm must produce 3^ tons of its product per month
for maximum monopoly revenue. What is the monopoly price per ton?
39. A
firm with a total cost function 11 F
(x) sells on a perfectly competi-
tive market, the market price being fixed at p. Show that the output of tho
firm for maximum net revenue is such that marginal cost equals p, provided
that total costs are covered. Deduce that there is a supply relation for the
firm, giving the output as a function of the market price p.
40. If F (x) = ax 2
in the previous example, show that tho supply
+ bx + c
relation is linear . Show
that p must exceed b -f 2 Vac if total costs are to bo
covered but that, if only variable costs are to bo covered, p need only exceed 6.
Illustrate the determination of the supply curve by drawing a diagram show-
ing the average and marginal cost curves.
41. A
sugar refinery has total cost equal to (-rjtf + 5x + 200) when x tons
of sugar are produced per week. The fixed market price is p per ton. What
is tho supply curve of the firm? What is tho lowest price to cover total costs?
At what price will 150 tons be produced?
42. A plant produces x tons of steel per week at a total cost of
3x* + 50x + 300).
If the market price is fixed at 33 6s. 8d. per ton, show that the plant produces
16f tons per week.
43. In the problem of the previous example, show that the plant's output
at the fixed market price of p per ton is tho root of
which is greater than 10 tons per week. What is tho smallest price for total
costs to be covered? Show that tho supply curve is
for values of p greater than this minimum amount. Connect the supply curve
with the marginal cost curve and illustrate graphically.
44. The market demand for a good is given by p - <x.x. The market is
supplied by two duopolists with cost functions "
" are
= a^x^ + b lx l + c l and
77 2 = a 2 2 2 + &2a; 2 + c 2- Assuming that the
conjectural variations zero,
show that the reaction curves are straight lines. Deduce the equilibrium
output of each duopolist.
46. The
duopoiists of the previous example are radio manufacturers pro-
ducing identical sets. The total cost of an output of x sets per week is
(Aa + 3-7: + 100) in each case. When the price is p per set, the market
demand is x = 75 - 3p sets per week. Show that the total equilibrium output
is approximately 41 sets per week. Compare with the monopoly output of
Example 33.
O M.A.
46. If the market demand of the previous example is #=10N/25-> sets
per week, show that the reaction curve of the first duopolist is
2x 2 - 4)
and second duopolist. Draw a graph showing the two re-
similarly for the
action curves and deduce that the total output is now approximately 32 sets
per week. Compare with the monopoly output of Example 37.
47. A with fixed plant, supplies of raw materials, etc., produces two
goods X
and Y in amounts related by the transformation function yf(x).
The market prices of the two goods are fixed at p x and p y Show that the
outputs for maximum total revenue are such that -f'(x) equals the ratio of
Px to p y .
48. If the firm of the previous example monopolises the sale of both A"
and F, the demand curves for andX Y
being given and independent, show
that the outputs for maximum total revenue are such that -/'(#) equals the
ratio of the marginal revenues from the X
and Y
49. A steel plant is capable of producing x tons per day of a low grade steel
40 5x
and y tons per day of a high grade stool, where y = -^.--- If the fixed
AU ~ X
market price of low grade steel is half that of high grade steel, show that
about 5 tons of low grade steel are produced per day for maximum total
50. The steel producer of the previous example monopolises the sale of both
quality steels. If the prices of low and high grade steel arc p x and p v per
ton, the demands are p x 20 - x and p y 25 - 2y. Find an equation giving
the output x of low grade steel for maximum total revenue. Show, by a
graphical method, that just under 6 tons of this steel are produced por day.
9.1 Exponential functions.
WE have been concerned, so far, with power functions and with the
variety of functions that can be derived, in one way or another, from
power functions. Such functions are of great practical importance
and they serve to describe, accurately or approximately, many of
the ways in which one variable depends on another. It is now con-
venient to extend the range of our function concept by the definition
of an entirely new function type.
The power function is represented by the general form y~xn ,
where n is any given number. A new function can be defined by the
simple process of taking the base of the power as a fixed number and
the index as variable. So, instead of writing a fixed power of a
variable number, we write a variable power of a fixed number. The
new function so obtained is called an exponential function and we
ya x
i.e. any power of a number less than unity can be reduced to a power
of a number greater than unity, the sign of the index being reversed.
There can be no objection, therefore, if we take the base a as a
number greater than unity. This is assumed throughout the following
The graph of the exponential function can be plotted once the
base is given a definite value. For the particular function y = 2 x a ,
DEFINITION : If p=ag ,
then q=log a p.
Since a logarithm is simply the index of the power to which the base
must be raised to obtain the given number, it follows, from what has
been said above, that any positive number has a unique logarithm
to a definite base greater than unity. On the other hand, a negative
number has no logarithm to any such base.
The logarithms of practical work have the convenient number 10
as their base. Since, to take two examples already quoted,
34 = 1C 1 7240 = 10 3
5315 '
and ,
it follows that
lg (Pi
#2) = lga#i + Iog a p 2 .
Notice, also, that the powers of p to which Law III applies include
fractional powers. For example, we can write
Then pl .
p 2 ~ aft aq = a qi+92
Pi_aft_ aqi _ qt _
p 2 ~a**~
So log a (pi .
p 2 ~ql + q 2
~ log a ^! + Iog a p 2 ,
In Law III, let log p =qso
a that p ~a q .
Then p
i.e. lga(p )
loga (#1+^2) is not equal to the sum of log a and Iog a p 2 On the ^ .
3 2*-4:=:0 or 2*=|.
x log 2
log 4 log
log 4 - log
The logarithms can be to any base. Taking the base as 10 and look-
ing up the logarithms concerned (to four decimal places) in tables,
thon 0-6021 -0-4771
__ _ 125
6*010 "30l"~' 4IO>
correct to three decimal places. Other instances of equations most
readily solved with the aid of logarithms arise in problems of com-
pound interest (see 9.6 below).
Since the base of a logarithm can be chosen arbitrarily and for
convenience, it is useful to have the following law which connects
logarithms to one base with those to another base :
Iog 61og 6 a =
fl l, i.e. Iog a 6
The change of base law can thus be written in two alternative ways :
lo go ^ = log a b log b p =
The formal proof of the law proceeds :
Iog 2 p
= (Iog 2 10) loglo p =
From tables of common logarithms, therefore, it is possible to con-
struct tables giving logarithms to any base other than 10.
The graph of a logarithmic function shows the following properties.
There is no logarithm of a negative number the logarithm of a ;
where a and a are greater than unity and where n is taken as positive.
As x tends to infinity, so does the value of each function. But it
can be shown that log o; tends to infinity more slowly than xn and the
latter, in its turn, tends to infinity more slowly than a So, for a .
Let Ja = l+h where h is positive and suppose that the number x lies
T- a x ~ (a\ n (la*\
n . x
Now 1
[ ) where yv -,
xn \xJ \ny] n
and this expression tends to infinity as y, and so as x, tends to
Finally n where z=nlog
*"a x,
loga x z
a a* j x"
bo ><x> and ,
>-oo as x-+<x>
n and a x must be
and loga #, x in ascending order of magnitude if x
is given any large value.
The result can be illus-
trated by comparing the
three functions
-2 10 x
for any large value of x.
points at equal distances from each other and the first sequence
shows points at decreasing distances along the axis. In the same
way, the two decreasing sequences of numbers
100, 80, 60, 40, 20,
*^3 *^2
log --= log-?,
i i
graph of the function. The graph shows a curve drawn through the
plotted points and the varying height of the curve shows, not the
variation of y with x but the variation of log y with x. The curve
The variation in the value of U.K. imports, as given in the above table,
isrepresented graphically in Fig. 65 by two different methods. The first
graph takes a natural scale for the measurement of import values and the
second graph a logarithmic scale. In each case, the years are measured
along the horizontal axis on a natural scale and each import value is
Mn. *
1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Years'
FIG. 65.
in the height of the second graph being of comparable magnitude at the
height of the point indicating the per cent, change 1932-5 and the hori-
zontal distance the per cent, change 1929-32. For convenience, the
changes are referred to 100 as base in each case. Thus the decline in the
log 80
- log 100 = - -
i.e. (log 125 log 100).
So, on logarithmic scales, the point (80,125) is as much to the left of the
100 mark as it is above the 100 mark, as required.
A logarithmic scatter diagram of the data is shown in Fig. 66, the points
representing the decline and recovery of the various industries. Most
industries are shown by points in the N.W. quadrant, a decline followed
(as in the case of the natural scale) to the fixed origin or zero mark.
The logarithmic has a clear advantage over the
scale, in this respect,
natural scale. A minor difficulty of the logarithmic scale is that only
positive values of the variable can be plotted (since negative numbers
have no logarithms). An adjustment can always be made, however,
to avoid negative values, as is seen in Ex. 2 above, where negative
y=ab x
is represented by a straight line graph. For, we can write the
relation as log j/=log a + xlog fc, i.e. logy is related linearly to x.
y~ax b
appears as a straight For, the relation can be written as
y~ y/ ,
where a and m are constants. Plotting on a logarithmic
y = 100 (1-04)-.
Suppose now that interest is added twice a year. Then, with a rate
of 4 per cent, per year, 2 per cent, is added in each first half-year
and another 2 per cent, in each second half-year. It follows, as
ANational Savings Certificate (1935 issue) costs 15s. and realises 20s.
at the end of 10 years. Assuming that interest is added four times a year,
it is required to find the rate of interest
represented by this growth. If
the interest rate is lOOr per cent., then
So, ,
n->oo \ nl
show that e, which must be a pure number, is very
It is possible to
number TT and cannot be expressed in fractional
similar to the familiar
form or as a terminating decimal. The value of e can be found,
however, correct to any given number of decimal places by giving
/ n
na sufficiently large value in ( 1 +- 1 .
So, to five decimal places,
\ Tft/
6 = 2-71828.
Our definition of e is such that the amount of l at the end of one
year, when the interest at 100 per cent, isadded more and more
frequently, approaches the value e. This is only one of the
many uses of the number e which of very great importance in is
mathematical analysis.
Returning to the general case of compound interest growth,
r \nx (/ r\ r
(f l\ mV*
= a<[l+-) =aUl + -} ->ae rx as TI->QO
( 1+-) }
V ,
nl [\ n/ j [\ ml }
I L\ m
since 1 1 -f- >e as m, and so as n=rm, tends to infinity. Also,
\ m/ )
tinuously at the nominal rate of lOOr per cent, per year is given by
y=ae .
So y
^ n)
fa , !,
a2am ,
This sum can be called the capital value of the land, machine or
income stream in question. It represents the sum which must be
invested now to produce incomes of a %, a 2 ... am in successive , ,
the calculation being made with the aid of logarithms. A similar com-
putation shows that the capital value is 116-2 if the interest rate is
only 2i per cent. These are the two sums which can be invested now
to produce, at the respective interest rates, the given income stream over
the five years.
Shares in a new trading company arc expected to produce dividends
of 1, 2, 4 and 6 in the present and in the three following years. In the
fourth year, it is expected that the shares can be sold for 120. The
capital value of this holding, taking interest as added once yearly at 5 per
cent, per year, is given by
6 120 \ .
i + i
+ T-^i )=*
1 -05 1 -05 2 1 -05 3 1 -05V
interest is 5 per cent, but worth more if the rate of interest is 2J per cent.
The relative capital valuation of the two holdings is reversed by the
change in the rate of interest.
In conclusion, we can consider a simplified economic problem in
the field of capital and interest. Let x be the income derived by
an entrepreneur this year and y his income next year. The relation
between these two incomes is given by technical considerations as
1+r l+r
Ihis a maximum
f = n andj * - -
is if -r -r <0, i.e. if
l +
dx 2
marginal rate must equal the fixed rate of interest. The second
condition is that /"(fl?)<0, i.e. the transformation curve must be
" "
concave from below, a condition which is satisfied in the normal
where a and b are constants. But this function can be derived quite
easily from the standard form y=e*. The method of derivation is
* See and pp.
Fisher, The Theory of Interest (1930), pp. 159 et aeq. 514-5.
See also, Examples VI, 31.
zontal (Ox) direction so that each point on the former is twice as far
from Oy as the point with
the same height on the lat-
ter. This is illustrated in Fig. fy-*e** /
67. The curve y = 2e* x is
then obtained from the curve
y $ x by stretching in the
vertical (Oy) direction so that
all ordinates are doubled,
as in Fig. 67. Two
stretching processes are thus
needed to transform the
standard curve y ex into
the curve y 2e* x . In gen-
eral, if a and b are positive,
the curve y=aebx can be
derived from the curve y e x in two stages. The standard ex-
ponential curve is first reduced in the Ox direction in the
ratio 6 :
1, i.e. if b> 1 and stretched if b <1.
contracted The curve
so obtained then expanded in the Oy direction in the ratio a 1,
is :
ordinate of one curve as the abscissa x of the other. One curve is the reflection
of the other in Oy. One curve falls and the other rises from left to right.
- ae bx is the reflection of the curve y ae bx in Ox.
Similarly, the curve y
Negative values of a and 6, therefore, require the reflection of the standard
interest is reckoned continu-
ously at lOOr per cent. The
curve thus connects all points
representing situations with
the same present or dis-
one rate of discounting. The whole system changes when the rate is
changed, the curves becoming steeper for larger rates of interest.*
A discount curve y=ae rx becomes a
straight line log y= log a + rx
when it is
plotted on a semi-logarithmic graph in which the vertical
scale for y is based on natural logarithms. The line slopes upwards
with a gradient equal to the interest rate r. The discount curve
system of Fig. 68 then reduces to a set of parallel straight lines.
In conclusion, it is easily shown that an exponential or logarithmic
function to a base other than e can be expressed as a natural ex-
ponential or logarithmic function. If b is a positive number, the
definition of a logarithm enables us to write
b = e}oe *b .
y= log - cr
Ep '
Exponential and logarithmic functions
1. Draw a graph of y 10*. Read off the values of x for 7/-0-5, 1-2 and
8-9 and check from tables of logarithms.
l + 2x
6. Express the logarithm of as sums and differences of
+ 3x
logarithms of simpler expressions. Hence, find the value of this expression
when # 2-4.
Deduce that
Plot the data on a logarithmic graph and show that the plotted points lie
close to a downward sloping line. Deduce that Pareto's Income Law is
approximately satisfied (y a/x ) and estimate the values of the constants
a and m. (See Bowley, Elements of Statistics, 4th Ed. 1920, p. 347.)
13. Given \og e 10 2-3026, use tables of common logarithms to plot a graph
of y - loggir. Put y 1 and read off the value of e.
y = fe and y 2e~l x
x zx
Show how these curves
14. Plot graphs of y e~ , .
equation in e show that x = log (y + *Jy 2 + 1). Why must the other root of
x to
x = log (y 4- */y
2 - 1) are inverse functions.
a _ Q~~ + I/
16. Show that y and x - are inverse functions.
e + ez^ y
17. Given Iog 10 e = 0-4343, use tables of common logarithms to evaluate
y = xe~ approximately for x 0, |, 1, f 2, 3, 4 and 6. Hence plot a graph of
the curve y xe~ x for positive values of x. (This is one of Pearson's system
of curves for fitting to statistical frequency distributions. See Eldorton,
Frequency curves and correlation.)
18. Using the method of the previous example, plot a graph of the curve
y = e~\& for positive and negative values of x. (This is the normal curve of
error of statistical theory.)
19. Indicate why x e~ x and x n e~l x must tend to zero as x tends to infinity
n *
for any finite value of n. From the graph of y = xe~ x , illustrate that xe~ x -*Q
as #->oo .
24. In a previous issue (1933), a certificate cost 16s. and realised 20s. after
8 years, 21s. 4d. after 10 years and 23s. after 12 years. Find the interest rate,
added yearly, for eacli of these periods. Is it true, as claimed, that the present
issue bears the same rate of interest as the 1933 issue over the 10 years period?
26. If lOOr per cent, compounded yearly and lOOp per cent, compounded
continuously are equivalent interest rates, show that p = log e (l + r). Plot a
graph of this relation to show that p is always smaller than r but approxi-
mately equal to r when r is small.
27. A sinking fund is formed by investing x at the end of each year for
m years. Show that the final amount of the fund is
when interest is added yearly at lOOr per cent, per year. By writing the sum
of this geometric progression (17.1 below), show that the fund will amount
finally to a if ar
Show that approximately 79-5 must be set aside each year if the sinking
29. Find the present value of 100 due 10 years hence when interest at
2 per cent, per year is compounded (a) yearly, (b) continuously.
30. A
mine-owner derives an income of 2000 this year and his income
falls in each following year until no income results. Find the present
by 200
value of the income stream when interest is added yearly at (a) 4 per cent,
per year, (6) 5 per cent, per year.
- bo taken as the
31. Why can present value of an income stream of a
a year for ever? (Interest at lOOr per cent, compounded yearly.)
32. A plantation brings its owner nothing this year or next year. In
the two following years the incomes are 300 and 400 and the income is
thereafter 500 a year for ever. What is the discounted value at the beginning
of the fifth year of the constant income stream when interest is added yearly
at (a) 4 per cent, per year, (b) 5 per cent, per year? Find the present value
of the whole income stream now at the same interest rates. Compare those
values with those of Example 30 above. (See Fisher, The Theory of Interest,
1930, pp. 133 et seq.)
33. Interest is added yearly at 3 per cent, per year. What is the present
value of a perpetual income of 100 beginning two yoars from now? This
income can be produced by investing 2000 in a business this year and 1200
next year. What is the present value of the investment? Is it a profitable
investment ? *
34. Draw a graph of certain curves of the discount curve system when the
rate of interest is fixed at 5 per cent. Use the graph to determine whether
220 due in 10 years has a larger or smaller present value than 150 due in
3 years, interest being added continuously at 5 per cent, per year.
35. If r a parameter, what is the form of the curve system y = 100era: orx a
10.1 Derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions.
THE introduction of the exponential and logarithmic functions makes
itnecessary to extend the list of standard derivative forms by the
addition of the derivatives of the simplest of these functions, y e x
and y~ log x. The rules for derivation then apply, exactly as
log (x + h) -log x 1.
* ---s
where n denotes j-
and tends to infinity as h tends to zero. But
I l\ n
the expression (1 f ~ 1 tends to the limit e as n tends to infinity. So
T .
^-v(x + h) -log x 1 T . /_ IV 1. 1
Lim ^-=-Lim .
A^ e
log 1 =-]oge=r-~ ,
h-+o x _>*, \ nl x x
d . 1
i.e. r logx = x-.
dx I
The function inverse to y = e x is x= logy with derivative -=-.
dy y
i.e. -~e x = e x .
Again a* = (^8e a ) = (
d __
d . du _ 1 du
dx du dx u dx
^. d u d du du
~r & ~r- = e -r~
., ,
Similarly -7- e >
ax du dx dx
An important special case of the latter result is
e a* = ae ax-
d x=
e.g. -j- e~ -e~*.
The list of standard form derivatives, as now constituted, is
d "
j-xnnx* 1
d n du
u nu n-l
dx dx
d u u
du d Idu
dx dx' dx u dx
where u is any single-valued function of x.
The following examples illustrate the practical method of evalu-
ating derivatives when the functions concerned involve exponential
and logarithmic expressions :
Ex. 2. -e* - e* ~
(a; '
2 - 2xe**.
dx dx
dx dx^
2) = (2x
In general,
-j- (x
+ 3x - 2) e x = (2x + 3) e x + (x2 + 3x - 2) e x = (z2 + 5z + 1 ) e*.
In general,
-,- (a^
4- bx + c)e* = {ax 2 4- (2a -f-
6) a; -f (6 + c)} ex .
n A
Ex.4. _
In general,
d .
T~ log(ax
dx 6 ; ,
ax + b
In general,
^ ,
-=- log (aa:2 + ox + c)y
dx 6V
Ex - 6 -
Ex. 7. -
Ex. 9. Derivatives of the second and higher orders are to be obtained
by successive applications of the derivation process. Thus
d, I d* I d* 2
point x is thus
Lim = Lim
hf(x) f(x) A _>0 h ydx dx
The derivative ,
=- thus serves to measure the rate of
dx ydx
proportional change of the function. In diagrammatic terms, just
The logarithmic derivative provides the simplest method of
1 dy _ 1 du Idv
ydx udx vdx'
T u
it - i
we have
Again, ,
j Q - Idu ___
*^_ .
Idv__ _
If y = -
be given by adopting the same method of logarithmic derivation.
^1^2^ 3 *
single-valued functions of x, then
where t^, u2 uz
, ,
... and vl9 v 2 v 3
, ,
... are any given
log y log u 4- log u 2 +log u 3 + ... - log vl - log v 2 - log v 3 - ... .
1 dy 1 dui 1 du z 1 du 3 1 dv 1 dv z 1 dv 3
ydx u^dx u z dx u 3 dx v^ dx v 2 dx v 3 dx
logarithmic derivation process rather than quote the rules for the
derivatives of products or quotients. This remark holds particularly
of the derivation of a function which involves complicated products,
quotients or powers. The following examples illustrate :
Ex. 1. y =
Here logy = log x -log (x + 1) -log(#
, Idy 1 1 1 x*-2
ydx x x+ l x+2
dy -x x*-2 x 2 -2
i.e. -j-
Here log y
= 2 log x + J log (2&
- 1) - \ log (x + 1),
, Idy
2 11
e " X /2aT
^-a? ^ x+1 2o:(z + 1) (2s -
x~ a
y = x e~M
Ex. 3. ^, where a and r& are constants.
log y = n log a? 1 (#
Here - ~ 2
= . . .
and -_j*
(a; -a) =-(
a; a:
dt f(t)
line, i.e.
-' =r. Further, for a genuine maximum, the curve must
be concave from below, i.e.
This condition
" "
is satisfied in the normal case shown, the value of f(t) increasing
rapidly at first and then more slowly. The point JB, where the
tangent at A cuts the vertical axis, must lie above if the dis-
/(x) h
Denoting the logarithms of x and y by u and v, we can write
dv dvdydx
= *
du dydxdu
d(logx) ydx
This rate is termed the elasticity of the function at the point x and
"tpti jy
can be denoted by
= -/(#).*
^ Hence :
Ex d (log x) y dx
elasticity can be read off the logarithmic graph of the function just
as the derivative is read off the natural graph.
The important property of the elasticity of a function is that it is
a number which is independent of the units in which the variables
are measured. This is clear since the elasticity is defined in terms of
x' dy'
^Xxd (//#) _ Xx JJL dy __ x dy
y' dx' p,yd(Xx) pyXdx ydx*
i.e. the elasticity of the function is unaltered.
Eu Ev
Ex uv
E(uv) _Eu Ev
Ex "Ex Ex'
Jf [ 1
\vJ Eu Ev
~ u Eu E(au)_Eu
Ex ~u + aEx Ex ~lx'
i.e. it is the multiplicative constant that disappears in an elasticity.
As examples of the elasticities of simple functions, we have
E .
, . ax -E- . .
, E .
ax = OLX.
=r (ax + 6)' .-
, (ax?)' a and (ae )
Ex^ ax + b' Ex^ Ex^
Hence it is the power function, and not the linear function, which
has a constant elasticity. If a is a positive constant, then the
function with the same positive elasticity a at all points is y ax",
and the function with the same negative elasticity (
- a) at all points
is yx?a. In particular, the function yax has elasticity 1 at all
and the function xy=a has - at all In
points elasticity ( 1) points.
diagrammatic terms, the function yax represented by an
" "
It follows that a maximum or minimum value of the total ex-
f'(x) to
^ Hence, at a point where the
value is a
maximum or minimum and the elasticity is equal to 1, we have also
" " " "
that the average and marginal values of the function are
equal (see 8.5 above). Points where the elasticity of a function is
ni ,. A pdx dilogx)
rj= - - - = --]. -
/. 7 7
y of
J demand ' ^
xdp d(logp)
The value of 77,
which is independent of both price and quantity
units, varies from point to point and always measures the rate of
judged solely from the second of these two factors. For example,
the lineardemand curve has a constant gradient but its elasticity is
not constant. The elasticity, as is easily seen, decreases as the price
decreases and the demand increases.
diagrammatic methods have been devised by Marshall for the
purpose of estimating the elasticity of a demand curve drawn on
* The demand and the with
inverse function is p^(x) elasticity of price
respect to demand is ^-, the reciprocal of 77. Some writers use the term
p ax
flexibility of price to indicate the reciprocal
concept (see Moore, Synthetic
Economics, 1929, p. 38). Notice also that the elasticity of demand and
flexibility of price are sometimes written without the negative sign (see
Schultz, Statistical Laws of Demand and Supply, 1928).
natural scales.* The first method makes use of a simple geometrical
property of the demand curve. With the notation of Fig. 70, tPT
is the tangent at any point P on the demand curve and the
of demand at P is
_p I dx\ _MPMT _MT
A well-known geometrical property of parallel lines MT PT
-_. =
gives 5-
(since MP is parallel to Op) and -^-^- (since NP is parallel to
Ox). Hence :
M T x B x
FIG. 70. FIG. 71.
The second method depends on the fact that any curve with
equation xpa is a demand curve with unit elasticity at all points.
Such a curve can be called a constant outlay curve, since the outlay
(xp) of consumers is constant at all prices. On logarithmic scales,
the curves for various values of a form a set of parallel straight lines
sloping downward with unit gradient. On natural scales, we have
the system of rectangular hyperbolas shown in Fig. 71. Through
each point P of a given demand curve AB, there passes one of the
constant outlay curves. The elasticity of the demand curve AB at
P can be compared with the unit elasticity of this constant outlay
curve by comparison of the gradients of the two curves referred to
Marshall, Principles of Economics (8th Ed. 1927), p. 839.
dR d dp I.
( P) ~P +
~T~ T~ X X ~T~ P I H T~ \ }
dx dx dx \ pdxl
But the elasticity of demand 77
= - - -7- and so
(1) 77
> 1 at a given price and demand, a small decrease in price
results in a.more than proportional increase in demand, marginal
outlay curves for all smaller demands and less steep than the constant
outlay curves for all larger demands.
In the normal case of demand, therefore, total revenue R increases
with output at first (77 > 1), reaches a definite maximum value at the
FIG. 72.
Since 77
is positive, marginal revenue than average revenue at
is less
zJ (l+-)(l-&C-C20.
a \ xl
Each of these expressions decreases continuously as x increases.
The total, average and marginal revenue curves in particular cases
of linear and hyperbolic demands are graphed in Figs. 44 and 45
above. It is clear, from these graphs, that the demand curves are of
normal form.
In conclusion, an inter- p >
and if A
is joined to the
point Q on
the marginal
_ M.R.
revenue curve at the same
output as P, then the
FIG. 73.
gradient of AP
referred to
the price axis is twice that of AQ. In Fig. 73, PM and QN are per-
pendicular to the price axis. Then (10.6 above) :
_OM_ p .
* See Robinson, The Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933), pp. 29 etseq.
where 77
is the demand elasticity at P. But marginal revenue equals
The gradient of AP
to the price axis is -^-r T ^=-r = 2 -=~%, i.e. twice
the gradient of AQ to the price axis.
This result provides a method of tracing the marginal revenue
curve from a given demand (or average revenue) curve. Select any
point P on the demand curve, draw the tangent to cut the price axis
inA, draw the line AQ with gradient to the price axis half that of
AP and find the point Q on AQ with the same output as at P. Then
Q is a point on the marginal revenue curve and the whole marginal
revenue curve is traced by repeating the process for different points
on the given demand curve.
J total cost /c=
Elasticity of
U dx ~ d(logx)
,, 1 ,
these results, it
can be expressed
follows that
__ I
U dx
cost curves can be checked from the form of the total cost curve,
and conversely. If P
is the point on the total cost curve at a
output, then average and marginal cost are to be read off as the
gradients of OP and of the tangent at P respectively.
The simplest cost function satisfying the normal cost conditions
is the quadratic form
U a
where a, 6 and c are positive constants. Here
_ x(2ax
Average cost = ax
2 -
and -: -
dx 2
Since -= is 2
positive for all values of x (since 6 <3ac) and since
-7 2 = at the single
^ output
L x~ ---
the total cost curve rises but
dx 3a
has a point of inflexion at the output x~- . The average cost curve
8.4, Ex. 7). The marginal cost curve is a parabola with a positive
3 c
value - -
at the output
L x
- . The curves are thus
Elasticity of productivity
. .
= -Xdx = rf(loerx)
Exponential and logarithmic derivatives
~ ex , e 1+a! , x 2 e~ x ,
1. Obtain the derivatives of the functions 2X , e l x , : ,
3. 1 +x 2
xe~**, log(l-a;), log (a 4 l)(# + 2), log\/l-a 2 Iog(l4x 3 ), log-
, -,
X log--
L X ~~~
and log
- - -
4. Show that ~
{ l(e
+ e~ x )*} = e 2X - e~ 2X .
dx log
(x 4-
vx 2 ~ a 2
6. Establish the general result
7. Find the second derivatives of e~ x , e ax+b , log (ax + b),x log x and x 2 log x.
12. Find the maximum and minimum values of x 2 ex Show that (log x - x) .
has only one maximum and (x log x) only one minimum value.
13. Show that the curve y = xe~ x has one maximum point and one point of
inflexion. Verify that y and its derivatives tend to vanish as x -> oo . Illus-
trate from the graph of the curve (Examples IX, 17).
* The concept of elasticity of productivity (Ergiebigkeitsgrad) is used by
Prof. Schneider (Theorie der Produktion, 1934). It describes one aspect of the
" "
production function which will be discussed at a later stage.
14. Show that, on the curve y = e~W, there are two points of inflexion
separated by a maximum point. Hence, indicate the shape of the curve and
describe its behaviour as #-> (Examples IX, 18).
15. If y ?(e
+ e~ x ), show that y and -~^ are always positive while -~
changes sign at x~Q. Deduce that the curve representing this function
roughly resembles a parabola with a minimum at x = 0. How can the curve
be derived from the curves y = ex and y e~ x ?
17. The selling value of a good is /() after t years from the time when the
fixed cost of production of a was incurred. If /() represents lOOr per cent.
(reckoned continuously) on the outlay a, find r as a function of t. It is
assumed that the entrepreneur aims at maximising r. Show that the optimum
storage period t and the (maximised) value of r are given by f(t)=ae and
f'(t) = rf(t). Illustrate diagrammatically and contrast this problem with that
of 10.3.
18. The cost of planting a piece of land with timber is 272. The value of
the timber after t years is 100eiV*. Show that the present value of the
timber is greatest (the rate of interest being 5 per cent, compounded continu-
ously) if it is cut after 25 years. Show also that the maximum return (reckoned
continuously) on outlay is 6J per cent, after 16 years. Hence illustrate the
difference between the problem of 10.3 and that of the previous example.
(Take log,, 2-72 = 1.)
u = a log - and u = axa are two possible forms for the utility function.
20. Show that the inverse function rule is of the same form for elasticities
as for derivatives. Verify the rule by finding the elasticities of e x and log x
x x and
21. Evaluate the elasticities of xe , xe~ yper*l*+*\
tt x \
22. If the elasticity of /(#), then the elasticities of xf(x)
is and"^ - are
and (e - 1) respectively. Check with/(#) ax a x
(c + 1) .
p = 3. Plot an accurate graph of the demand curve, draw the tangent at the
point P
where p = 3 and locate the points T and t where it cuts the axes.
Hence verify that vj^MT Nt, where : OM^ON
and are perpen-
diculars to the axes.
24. If p cents per bushel is the price of corn and x bushels the yearly con-
sumption per head of corn in the U.S.A., it is found that
Plot on a logarithmic diagram and draw three parallel lines, one through each
plotted point, so that the second line is equidistant from the other two. It is
assumed that the elasticity of demand for sugar is constant and that the
logarithmic demand line has shifted downwards by equal distances over the
three years. Estimate the elasticity of demand for sugar. (See Pigou, The
Statistical Derivation of Demand Curves, Economic Journal, 1930.)
26. If A.R. and M.R. denote the average and marginal revenue at any
price is jp perPlot the marginal cost and the marginal revenue curves
on the same graph for outputs up to 50 sets per week and deduce that
approximately 25 sets per week should be produced for maximum monopoly
profit. (Take log e 10 - 2-3026.)
30. If the demand law is x-p a e~ b ^ +c \ show that the demand increases as
the price decreases, becoming large as the price approaches the value . Find
the elasticity of demand for any price greater than 7 Is the demand of
normal form?
31. If a firm produces an output # at a total cost of II=ax* + bx, find an
expression for *, the elasticity of total cost. Show that K is always greater
than unity and increases as x increases.
32. Show that, for the total cost function 17= \fax -t- 6, the elasticity of total
cost increases but remains less than unity as x increases.
y b -4-
depends, not only on the price of the good, but also on his money
income and on the prices of related goods. Again, to quote an every-
day example, the sum of money extracted by a London taxi-driver
from his passenger depends on the distance travelled, on the time
taken for the journey and on the proportion expected by way
of a tip.
The formal extension of the function concept presents no difficulty.
Suppose, first, that we have three variables, x, y and z, each with its
appropriate range of variation. The variables are related by an
implicit function if the values taken by them are not arbitrary but
connected in some definite way. In general, we write
Further, the variable z is an explicit function of the variables x and y
if the values of z depend in a definite way on those allotted arbitrarily
s=/te y)'
A given implicit function between three variables gives rise to three
definite value /(a, 6) at the point and if z tends to the same value as
x and y approach a and 6 respectively from either side. All ordinary
functions are continuous except, perhaps, at a few isolated points
where the variables assume infinite values.
The following examples show some common cases of functions of
two variables and their grouping into function types :
x2 - xz + yz - z =--
FIG. 75.
guide them about that county they refer to Ordnance maps which
Fio. 76.
/(#!, Z 2 Z3
, ,
... X n )=0
- 1) variables. Or,
gives one variable as a function of the other (n
if a variable y is given as an explicit function of n independent
variables x l9 x 2 #3
, ,
... xn then we write
i.e. =F{f(x,j/)}.
Here, z=f(x, y) denotes any one variable number which indicates the
variation of the magnitude and then denotes any other variable
number, or the whole class of possible variable numbers, indicating
the magnitude's variation. F(z) is any function restricted only by
the fact that F'(z) must be positive, so that and z move always in
the same direction.
In diagrammatic terms, the variable magnitude is shown by the
height above Oxy of any one of a large number of surfaces. The
points on the different surfaces for a given pair of values of x and
y are at all kinds of heights, but they move up and down together as
x and y vary. In particular, if x and y vary so that the height of one
surface is unaltered, then the same is true of all surfaces. The
different surfaces have one feature in common they all have ;
f(x, y) constant.
and the contour map of each function is the same system of circles
x2 + y2 constant
shown in Fig. 76. The value of z attached to the various circles
x and y and these do not, in general, also satisfy the third equation.
There is, in fact, no solution consistent with the three equations.
The same result holds, a fortiori, if more than three relations between
the variables are given. In diagrammatic terms, one equation is
shown by a curve in the plane Oxy and the co-ordinates of any one of
the infinitenumber of points on the curve satisfy the equation. Two
equations are represented by a pair of curves which intersect, in
general, in only a finite and determinate number of points. The
co-ordinates of any point of intersection provide a solution of the
(3) If there are more than n equations, there is no one set of values
of the variables consistent with all equations.
One on the generality of these results must be noticed.
It is system should be mutually
essential that the equations of the
consistent with each other and independent of each other. In fact,
it is not permissible to include an equation in the system either
consistent. - =
Nor can the equation 2x + 2y 4z 6 be included with
x + y - 2z = 3 they are not independent equations and the one tells
us no more about the variables than the other. Hence, before the
solution of a system of equations can be examined, we must see
whether the system is mutually consistent and independent. It
often happens, for example, that the number of equations in a given
I3x + 2xy + ly - 2x 5y 15 = 0.
- - 2
From the system of three equations, two have been used to eliminate
two variables and the other gives an equation in the remaining
Zr = <t>r(Pl,P2>P3> Pn)
as the demand function for the good X r, a function which, for con-
venience, can be assumed continuous in all the variables.
The number of the variables overcrowds our picture of market
demand. It is possible, however, to select a few of the prices accord-
ing to the particular aspect of the problem considered and to assume
that all the other prices are fixed. In particular, we can study the
inter-relations of the demands for two goods X and X 2 by assuming
that the prices of all other goods are fixed. Then
= & (Pi> Pz) and
2 (p ly p 2
x 2 == <f> )
ranges of the prices, that the demand functions are of definite types.
The following are examples of demand functions of relatively simple
type in the case of two related goods :
(3) xl = ax A -H pf* 9
x2 = a 2 pf
a^ a ~a
(4) xl p{~ e " p* +ai , x 2 =p 2
In the normal case of demand, the constants an and a 22 as well as ,
a^ and a 2 can be taken as positive. But the constants a12 and a 21 can
" "
be of either sign. The goods are competitive if they are both
positive and " complementary " if they are both negative. It can
be noticed that the demand functions (3) and (4) become linear if
the demands and either both or one of the prices are taken on
logarithmic scales.
A slightly different presentation can be given to show the demand
of an individual consumer instead of that of the whole market. If a
consumer has given tastes, his demand for a good X r is a function
of his income /x and of all the prices :
%r = <l>r(p>,Pl,P2,P3, -..Pn)-
As a problem of particular interest, we can trace the effect on the
demand for X r of changes in income and in the price of X r If all .
n=F(x ,x 2 x 3 ...xn ),
1 , ,
where xl9 x 2 x 3 ... x n are the amounts of the goods Xlt X 2 X 3 ... X n
, , , ,
F(xly x 2 # 3
, ,
...# n ) = 0.
For, given the outputs desired of all goods but one, or the incomes
desired in all years but one, then technical considerations determine
the amount of the remaining output or income. When there are
three goods or incomes, we have a transformation surface
referred to axes Ox, Oy and Oz along which amounts of the goods or
incomes are measured. In the normal case, we can take the surface
as downward sloping and convex to the origin at all points. A simple
case of the normal type of transformation function is
ax 2 + by z + cz 2 = d,
where a, 6, c and d are positive constants.
possibility of the variable factors being used with certain fixed factors
of production. A definite production function can be assumed in
all cases, no matter how many factors are fixed and how many
variable. Only the appropriate form of the function depends on
considerations relating to the nature, the variability or otherwise,
of the factors.
If there aretwo variable factors A and B, the production function
x=f(a, b) can be represented by a production surface referred to axes
of which Oa and Ob are taken horizontally and Ox vertically. The
method of plane sections is now of great advantage. The contours
of the production surface consist of a system of curves in the plane
Oab which can be termed constant product curves and are defined by
f(a, 6) = constant.
One curve of the system, corresponding to a given value xl of the
constant, includes all points (a, b) representing amounts of the
factors giving a definite product x. The curves form a continuous
arid non-intersectingsystem covering the positive quadrant of the
plane Oab in such a way that one, and only one, curve of the system
passes through each point. As the amount of the factors used are
changed in any way, the corresponding point (a, b) moves in the
plane Oab and its path across the constant prodiict curves determines
the resulting variation of the product obtainable.
The vertical section of the production surface by a plane perpen-
dicular to Ob (on which the value of b is fixed) is a curve showing the
variation of product as various amounts of the factor A are used with
a given amount of the factor B. Thus
*=/(! W= ^L(O), a=/(a, &.)
= #2(0),
are the equations of the vertical sections for fixed amounts b l9 b^ ...
" "
of the factor B. They are diiferent elevations of the production
" "
surface. A
similar set of sections or elevations is obtained by
" "
In the normal
case of production, the production surface can
be subjected to certain restrictions apart from that of continuity.
" "
It can be assumed, in the simplest normal case, that product can
only be maintained, when less of the factor B is used, by increasing
the use of the factor A .
Further, as the substitution of the factor
FIG. 78.
then that shown in Fig. 78. In the area of Oab between the curves
OA and OS, the curves are downward sloping and convex to the
origin ; outside this area, the curves turn back and slope upwards.
Here, when one factor is used in much greater proportion than the
other, an increase in the factor's use requires more of the other factor
even to maintain product.
The normal form of the vertical sections of the production surface
can be traced from that of the constant product curves. If a line
distant 6 X from the axis Oa is drawn in the plane Oab, the way in which
it cuts the constant product curves shows the variation of product
FIG. 79.
" "
form shown in Fig. 79. Each section has a product corre-
sponding to a combination of factors shown by a point on the curve
OA of Fig. 78. The greater the fixed amount of B used, the more
of Ado we need before we obtain the peak product and the greater
is the peak product. The curve OA of Fig. 78 is thus of great interest ;
" "
itcorresponds to a ridge line of the production surface and indi-
cates the peak product obtainable from any given use of the factor B.
The vertical sections of the production surface for fixed use of the
factor A are similar in form and lead to the definition of the curve
OB of Fig. 78 as another " ridge line " of the surface.*
A particular production function of the simpler normal type is
A A>
and the constant product curves are downward sloping and convex
to the origin at all points. In the particular case where a |
curves are rectangular hyperbolas with Oa and Ob as asymptotes.
Further, the vertical section for the fixed amount b of the factor B is
x=A"a; (A'^AbS-).
Since a a positive fraction, the section rises from left to right at a
" "
decreasing rate and never attains a peak value. Notice that
log x = log A + a log a + (1 - a) log 6.
On taking logarithmic scales for all variables, the production surface
becomes a plane and the constant product curves straight lines.
A production function of the more general normal type is
x = 2Hab-Aa*-Bb*,
where A, B and H
are positive constants such that 2
>AB. It can H
be shown that the constant product curves are of the form of Fig. 78
* The normal form of the vertical sections described
is by Knight, Risk,
Uncertainty and Profit (1921), pp. 100-1.
t See, for example, Douglas, The Theory of Wages (1934).
x= -
i.e. the section is a parabola with axis vertical. The peak product
Z72 A K ff
6j is obtained when the amount &! of the factor A is used
is less than -
(H - \/H - AB)
or greater than ~
A A.
For intermediate amounts of the factor, the product rises from zeio
8 16 24 a 8 16 24
WO men-hours 100 men -hours
FIG. 80.
to a peak and then falls to zero again. Fig. 80 shows certain constant
product curves and vertical sections when the product of wheat in
bushels is
<f> (#> y)
= constant.
Denote u = <f>(x, y),
a continuous function of two continuous variables. The original
indifference map is then the contour map of the surface representing
this function. The variable u takes a constant value on any one
indifference curve and increases as we move from lower to higher
indifference curves. Hence, as the purchases of the individual
change, the value of u increases, remains constant or decreases
according as the change leaves the individual better off, indifferent
or worse off, i.e. the value of u indicates the level of preference or the
serves asan indicator of utility and can be termed the general index-
function of utility.* It is quite immaterial which utility function,
e.g. u = </>(x,u=log <f>(x y), ... , is used to represent the depend-
y), 9
Xi9 x zi x & xn) constant,
and we can write a corresponding index-function of utility
1. *
Express the function z = -- Xt/
- in implicit form and show that each
variable a single-valued function of the other two of the same form in each
case. Deduce that the sections of the surface representing the function by
planes perpendicular to an axis are rectangular hyperbolas. In what sense is
this a symmetrical function?
2. Illustrate graphically the form of the contours, and of the other sections,
of the surface z = *Jxy.
+ (*!-*,).
Deduce that the equation of a sphere with centre (a, 6, c) and radius r is
- a) 2 + (y - &)* + (z - c) 2 = r 2 .
10. By examining the sections of the surface by various planes, show that
z = x* + y* is a surface obtained by revolving the parabola z x* about the axis
Oz in the plane Oxz.
11. Show that a
z=/(fl5 + 2/ ) is a surface obtained by revolving the curve
z f(x about the axis Oz in the plane Oxz. Illustrate by considering the
12. If z = - xt
, show that z ->
oo as x ->a
and y ->o, whore a is any constant.
Deduce that the surface represented by the equation has infinities at all
points above the line x-y Q in the plane Oxy. Check from the vertical
sections of the surface.
the value of z changes from z to Az when the values of a; and y are changed in
proportion from x to A# and from t/ to \y. Deduce that the surface repre-
senting any of these functions has a straight lino section by a vertical plane
through and a given point on the surface.
15. For any of the functions of the previous example, show that z = X(/>(r),
where r , and that z = y$(s), where s = .
16. If <f(x) and if*(y) are two functions of single variables, show that the
sections of the surface z ^(x) + ^(y) by planes perpendicular to Ox or Oy are
of the same shape but variable height, and that similar sections of the surface
" " " "
z~(/>(x)*fi(y) consist of a curve stretched or contracted by a variable
amount in the direction Oz.
17. In what sense can it bo said that the function u x 2 + y 2 + z 2 has con-
tours consisting of a set of concentric spheres in Oxyz space ?
18. Show that x + y + z=l, x+3y-z = 3 and 2x~y -\-z-l have a unique
solution in x, y and z. Illustrate by drawing tho planes which represent these
19. Have the equations x+2y-z=I, 2x-y + z = 3 and x + 7y - 4z = any
solution? Verify that one equation can bo deduced from the other two,
i.e. that the equations are not independent.
22. The demand for tea is x, 40 and for coffee # a = 10 thousand Ibs.
Pi P*
per week, where p l and p^ are the respective prices of tea and coffee in pence
per At what relative
Ib. prices of tea and
coffee are the demands equal?
Draw a graph to show the shifts of the demand curve for tea when the price
of coffee increases from 2s. to 2s. 6d. and to 3s. per Ib.
23. Show that x = a t and a?t eP* are two simple examples of a demand
law for a good X^ in competition with a good X 2
and that
and #.= e-ft
PiP* Pi
are corresponding laws when X t
and X 2 are complementary.
24. The demands x 1 and a? 2 of a consumer for two goods at market prices
through O and a given point on tho surface ? What is the special property of
tho case a 1 - j8?
27. The following data are taken from Douglas, The Theory of Wages :
Find the value of x given each year by the production function x d*b* and
express as a percentage of the actual value of x. Show that the deviation
never exceeds 10 per cent, and find the average percentage deviation (neglect-
ing signs). Plot a graph on a logarithmic scale of the variation of the actual
and estimated values of x over the whole period.
31. If a and b are positive constants, show that the utility function
gives an indifference map of normal form for purchases x and y in tho ranges
6, the curves being arcs of concentric circles.
partial derivative is =
written either as ^- r as z x ~fx ( x
ox /(#>
^- y)-
2/)> >
The notations are similar to those for ordinary derivatives. But, to
we have the partial derivative with respect to x (i.e. that
indicate that
" "
the other variable y is regarded as fixed), we use the symbol d
" "
instead of the previous d in the first notation and add a suffix x
in the second notation. An exactly similar definition and notation
can be given for the other partial derivative. Hence :
9 -, v , ,, v -r . f(x, y -\- k)
- f(x, y)
FIG. 81.
dz dz du
___ _ ji
n fi
dz ~~
dz du
dx du dx dy du dy
In particular, if u is any single-valued function of x and y, we have
w^rw 11 - 1 du
e = eu <^ j
9 i
* ^
ox log^--
ox ox dx ox uox
and similar forms for the partial derivatives with respect to y.
The practical technique of partial derivation is fully illustrated by
the following examples :
Ex. 3. For any fixed values of the coefficients a, b, c, ... ,
+ by + c)=-a\ -=-(
r(ax* + 2hxy + by
dy\x-y +
. -
oa; ay
Ex. 6.
Ex. 7. If z=x*-
v #-2/ ,
log z
=2 log x +\ log(# + y) - 1 log (x -y).
-- 2 I 1 11 ~~
2x 2 -xy-2y*
x 2x+y 2x -y x (x2 - y 2 )
dz ~ x(2x*-xy-2y*)
Similarly ~=
variable :
Ez__xdz_d(logz) Ez ydz_d(logz)
Ex~~zdx~d(logx) Ey~ zdy~ d(logy)'
So, if zx y^ a
where a and ft are constants, then
~ _
~ '
_ ~~ ~~
dx* dx \dx By dx dy \dx dx~dy dx \dy dy* dy \dy
Alternatively, if //(a;, y) &ndfy '(x, y) denote the (first-order) partial
derivatives, the second-order partial derivatives appear as
The order of the suffixes indicates the order in which the partial
9 2z
derivations are carried out. Thus, =/^ (x, y) =/ ya? is the
and -
^ are quite
^ & and there is no a ^
distinct in meaning priori
dydx dxdy
reason to assume that they have the same value at any point. A
" "
result can be established, however, stating that the two cross
dy dx dx dy
Ex. T
following examples illustrate
d (
dx\x-y + \J
= x(x-2y
+ 2)
(x-y + 1)
we ,
. .
32 / a;
\_ 1
dx 2 \x - y + 1) (x
- y + 1) 4
d* / x* \ 1
- - 4
dy dx \x y + 1/ (x y+ 1)
From ^- ~ =
d /
dy\x-y + lJ (x-y + l)
^2 we
- - xz \
(x-y + 1)*
srjr -l
dxdy\x-y + l/
(x-y + l
See Courant, Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. II (1936), pp. 56-7.
Ex.2. Since llo(^ + ^ and
X + ^-2*/
10 " Zx ~ 2y 1
Ex. 3. The partial derivatives of a function <f>(x, y) are <f> x and <f> y. It
isgiven that the partial derivatives of the ratio of x to v considered as <f> <f> ,
^ 9 (I*
and ^r T5
< and <t>x<l> V v
<f> v <f>
* The
problem is taken from Pareto, Manuel d'iconomie politique (2nd Ed.
1927), p. 676, where the mathematical steps given here are omitted. The
function <f>(x t y) is a utility function of an individual for two goods and Y. X
(2) If <0 at the point (a, 6), then the function decreases and
the surface falls in the direction named above.
d z
(1) If
^->0 at the point (a, 6), then the function z=f(x,y)
changes at an increasing rate as x increases from the value a
(y remaining equal to b) and the surface z=f(x, y) is convex
from below in the W.E. direction at the point (a, 6).
3 z
(2) If
< at the jpoint (a, 6), then the function changes at a
more rapidly to the right and to fall more steeply to the left as we
actually move N. from P. The S.N. path on the surface through P
moves on an increasingly precipitous incline to right and left. The
9 2z
opposite result holds if is negative at P. These properties of
the surface are quite different from, and independent of, the separate
curvatures of the surface in the W.E. and S.N. directions.
The results obtained above clearly extend to allow for the cases
where any or all of the variables are measured on logarithmic,
instead of on natural, scales. For example,
d(logz)_l dz
dx zdx
measures the rate of proportional change of z=f(x, y) for actual
changes in x (y constant) and is shown by the W.E. gradient of the
surface obtained when z is taken on a logarithmic and x and y on
natural scales. Again, the partial elasticity
Ex d (log x) z dx
measures the proportional change in z for proportional changes in x
(y constant) and shown by the gradient in the W.E. direction of
1 2
between them has co-ordinates ( > "Hi~" Suppose,
\ 2 2 2 /)
now, that (a^, y^ ZJ and (# 2 2/ 2 ^2) are any two points on the surface
> >
i.e. the mid-point of the two selected points also lies on the surface.
This is true of any selected pair of points on the surface and it follows
FIG. 82.
that the latter must be a plane. The general linear equation in three
variables thus represents a plane. The actual location in space of
a plane whose equation is given is easily determined by finding the
points A, B and C where the plane cuts the axes (see Fig. 82). On
the axis Ox, we have y=z = Q. Substituting in the equation of the
plane, ax=d. So
The cases where one (or more) of the constants a, b and c has a zero
value clearly correspond to planes parallel to one of the axes.
A plane is given as passing through the fixed point (xl9 y^ zj.
If the equation of the plane is
G Lf
dz a dz
Hence = and
= --b
dsc c oy c
are the gradients of the plane (referred to the horizontal plane Oxy)
in the two fundamental directions perpendicular to Oy and to Ox
The equation of the plane passing through the point (xl9 yl9 zj
with gradients a and j8 in the fundamental directions is
Oy given by the value of ox at P. In the same way, the gradient of
The equation of the tangent plane at the point (x1; ylt z,) on the
surface z f(x, y) is
This is an obvious extension of the form given for the tangent line
to a two-dimensional curve (6.5 above).
As an example, the paraboloid surface z=x 2 + y* gives
dz , dz
-~-2x and = 2y.
ox dy
The tangent plane at (xlt yl9 zj has equation
positive at a point P
on the surface zf(x y), then the tangent 9
plane at P
is positively inclined to the plane Oxy in the two funda-
(x and y fixed). Hence, we can define three partial derivatives,
du du du
r , TT- an d -jr j
of the junction at any point (x, y, z), e.g.
(/x oy oz
du .
f(x + h, y, z)-f(x, y, z)
OX h ^ fl
A ^ ( d U S U
* *
and ^-1.
y '
'" jty '
dx1 dx 2 dxn
" "
and \n(n- 1) cross partial derivatives
= ^r(A^, -Pn) (r
= l, 2, ... tt).
xr dp r
prices change, the whole demand law shifts and the elasticity must
be evaluated anew. But our generalised demand law and the
demand elasticity -r\ rr obtained from it automatically allow for these
i.e. the partial elasticities of demand for one good with respect to
the price of another good.
If the demand laws for two goods X l and X% are linear :
and ?
Xl ^n=-n?
X 2
and all depend on the prices assumed for both goods.
There remains the possibility that the partial derivatives are of opposite
signs.In this case, the goods, on the present definition, are neither competitive
nor complementary. See Schultz, Interrelations of Demand, Journal of
Political Economy, 1933, and 19.7 below.
On the other hand, if the demand laws are of the form
then we have linear relations when all variables are taken on log-
arithmic scales and the price elasticities of demand are constants :
= an ; 112
= - ^12 ; ^21
= - <% and 7/22
= a 22 .
A. P.
a O
FIG. 83.
that all factors except 1 are regarded as fixed in amount. The ratio
(the amount of product per unit of the factor AJ can be called the
average product and the partial derivative the marginal product
of the factor A^ at the combination (al5 2, a3 ,
... an ). The latter
measures the rate of increase of output as the factor A l is increased,
the amounts of other factors remaining unchanged. Both average
and marginal products are functions of %, a 2 a 3 ... an i.e. depend , , ,
x^2Hab-Aa*-Bb* (H*>AB),
T h2 dr
then ~ = 2Hb-Aa-B- and ~ = 2(Hb -Aa).
a a da
da \a/ a* oa* \aj a3
Hence, for .the fixed amount 6 X of the factor J?, average product of A
VgA ~~
b l9 and both average and marginal
- "
products are then equal to 2(H jAB)h^. In this case, the opti-
mum use of the factor A and the maximised average product
increase in proportion to the fixed amount of the factor B used. The
marginal product curve for A, when b=b l9 is a downward sloping
mum. The average and marginal product curves are of the normal
form of Fig. 83.
If u= cf> (#!, x 2y #3 ,
... xn ) is one form of an individual's utility
function for consumers' goods X X X19 2, 3 , ... X n) it might appear
,1 , ,, ,. T i .
x. du du du du
that the partial derivatives = = - - the
r dxl
dx 2
dx 3
. . .
" "
marginal utilities of the various goods to the individual at a
where F(u) is any function such that F'(u)>0. Can any meaning
be attached, therefore, to increments of utility and so to marginal
utility ? We have
i.e. marginal utilities involve the arbitrary function and lose their F
definiteness when utility is regarded as non-measurable. But
d d d dU_duLf 3u du
du_ t
and the ratios of the marginal utilities are definite concepts quite
independent of the non-measurability of utility. This fact will be
developed in the following chapter (13.7 below).
Suppose, for example, that one form of the utility function is
^ <_. \tns i
w i
\if | vx cllHU ,_
ox oy
du du -_- a B
i 'Q ________ '
dx' dy x+a y+b
Another form of the same utility function is
du' a du'
whence - = and
-r = j8-
L .-
dx x +a ay y+b
(3) Z
= ^ + 2kXy + W, (4) ^
where the coefficients, a, 6, c, ... ,
and the index a are constants.
The fact- that z changes proportionally for proportional changes in
x and y can be verified in each case.
If P is a given point on the surface representing a linear homo-
points of this nature lie on the straight line OP joining the origin to
the given point P. In fact, the line joining to any point on a linear
for any point (x, y) and for any value of A, then the function z =/(#, y)
defining them. A
similar property holds also of the vertical sections
of the surface by planes perpendicular to Ox or Oy.
The definition of homogeneous functions extends without diffi-
culty to the case of functions of more than two variables. The
function yf(xl} x 2 x& ...) is homogeneous of the rth degree if
where <f>
and are some functions of a single variable.
/ y\ 1 !
we have f I - - fix. y} for A = -
[ , ,
\ x) x
-/( 9--* CO-
since / ( 1,
-1 is a function of - only. Similarly, for A=~ ,
\ x/ x y
where <f>' (-) denotes the derivative of the single variable function
/ % \x/
-) with respect to x Further,
and -
Hence, both appear as functions of the ratio x only.
ox oy
no matter how x and y are varied and it follows that the partial
dz dz\ dz
dz d*z d 2z dz . d*z y
*** *N I " > n I
iJ *\ <> -\ J *.xy. _ o _ _
ox ox 2 ox oy ox ox 2 x ox oy
A similar result is obtained by partial derivation with respect to y.
Hence -r-(
But a2 + 2 ~ 3ic
as can be verified at x 1 or x = 2.
- and -
are homogeneous of degree (r I).
/\ oz z
(3) x + y~^rz.
ox oy
d 2z
d dz dz\ _ dz
dx\dx dy/ dx
d*z d*z dz
dx dxdy dx
a- - (r - ix
-i /
x +y 1 -
dx dy *w=
(r l))
Multiplying by x and y respectively and adding,
and extended forms, for
Finally, the properties hold, in modified
homogeneous functions of more than two variables. It is not
necessary to set out the properties in the completely general case
here the nature of the extensions is sufficiently obvious.*
one of particular interest. From the definition and results (1) and (2)
of 12.8 above, the case is characterised by the fact that a propor-
tional increase in all factors leads to a proportional increase in
product and leaves the average and marginal product of each factor
" "
unaltered. We
have, in fact, the case of constant returns to scale
where only the relative amounts of the factors used is important and
not the actual scale of production. For example, if wheat is produced
with land and labour under constant returns to scale, then the wheat
product is (e.g.) doubled when twice the number of men are employed
on twice the area of land. Further, the product of wheat per man
or per acre depends only on the number of men employed per acre,
as does the marginal product of wheat per man or acre.
In the case of two factors A and B and constant returns to scale,
the production surface is subject to restrictions additional to the
normal ones already indicated (11.8 above). The surface is ruled by
straight lines through the origin and any section through Ox consists
of a straight line. The constant product curves in the plane Oab are
now radial projections of each other and vary in size according to
the constant products which flefine them. In particular, any radius
through cuts the curves in points where the tangents are parallel.
So, in the normal case of Fig. 78, the curves OA and OB, marking
the points with tangents parallel to an axis, reduce to straight lines.
The sections of the production surface by planes perpendicular to
dx dx
da +b^dbl ,
= gradient of PQ = ^ -=j. ,
a =- = JSP.
So ~
db da
FIG. 84.
At the
>AB in the two latter cases.) In each case, it is easily verified
- and 'i\
|n and the marginal products
(xd uI
the factors used. Case (1) corresponds to the simpler case of normal
production and cases (2) and (3) to the full normal case illustrated
and show that + y) n
e*+v} = + y)4**} = (x + y + n)(x
-j^{(x ^-{(a?
5. Show that -{(X + y)e?*v} = (x + y + n)e*+*
and that *+ {(x
y) ^ V} = (x ~ y + 2r ~ n
6. Show that z and its partial derivatives of all orders become
infinite at any point where x = y.
when ^ (w) = w 2 and ^ (v) = ev .
9. Evaluate the first and second-order partial derivatives of
u (x
+ 2xy-y z )ez
and verify that the order of partial derivation is immaterial.
10. Show that the surface z = \lxy (x and y positive) rises and is concave
from below in each of the fundamental directions.
11. If >0
<0 at a point (x, y), show that z increases whenever x
increases and y decreases from the point (x, y).
12. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points with co-
ordinates - 1, 0, 4), and (1, 2, 1) referred to
(2, 1, 0), ( rectangular axes.
Where does the plane cut the axes ?
Homogeneous functions
16. Graph the contours of the surface z \xy given by z 2 and z 4 and
show that the latter is radially double the size of the former.
* that x
verify +y - = 2z.
dx dy
22. For the homogeneous function z = axayP, show that
23. If 2 is a function of x and y homogeneous of degree zero, show that z
+ xy + y*
- a
24. If y f(x lt # a x 9 ,
, ... xn ) is homogeneous of degree r, show that
2/1 T
at rft
ft._2* x
fx I_a a? n \
9 '"
"* 1
where </>
is some function of (n - 1) variables. Deduce that the partial deriva-
tives are homogeneous of degree (r - 1) and that
26. Show that the relation between the second-order partial derivatives of
a function of n variables, homogeneous of degree r, is
product curves for labour when 10 acres are cultivated. Compare with the
product curve of Fig. 80.
29. Draw the average and marginal product curves for labour employed
wheat product for lOOa men-hours on 6 acres. Verify that the maximum
average product is the same in the two cases, ten times as much labour being
required in the second case as compared with the first.
OA ^ v ^ X- r x-
30. For the linear homogeneous production function x
=rr ,
-- - -\-JLJo
show that the average and marginal products of the factors depend only on
the ratio of the factors and verify that the product is always a times the
marginal product of A plus b times the marginal product of B.
/Tyg A j>
34. Find the ratio of the marginal utilities for two goods when the utility
function is u = ax 4- by + c*fxy. Verify that the same result is obtained when
the utility function is written u' log (ax 4- by 4- c^/xy).
and similarly for the other second -order partial derivatives. Deduce that the
sign of each of these derivatives varies, in general, with the choice of the
arbitrary function F. Illustrate with tho results of the previous example.
AgZ=~ Ax approximately.
A vz ~Ay approximately.
But these are only two special ways in which the value of the function
can change and there remains the important problem of expressing
the variation of the function when the independent variables vary
together in any way whatever. A single partial derivative is not
sufficient here and an addition to our mathematical equipment is
It is assumed that the function z=f(x, y) possesses continuous
partial derivatives at the point (x, y). If h and k denote arbitrary
increments in the variables x and y from the point (x, y), the corre-
sponding increment in the value of the function is
But, from the definition of a partial derivative,
-. _
fl OX
-- --
- - -
d ,,
- --
y) + *, where e^O
. _
as A and &->0.
Jz~ U" + e ^+ (^ + ^j
) ^ J
where e and 7^->0 as h and &->0.
The expressions and 77 must be small when both h and & are small.
So, changing the notation for the increments in x and y, we have :
-. dy
az = ^r Ax+-~ Ay
y 9
dx dy
where Ax and Ay denote arbitrary increments in the independent
variables from the point (x, y).
dz =
dZ 7
- 7
-f- ay.
9# 9/y
df( x > 2/) --/x'fa > y) *B -h/V fa, ?/) <fy =/x
* +/ dy.
The interpretation of the differential of a function follows from
The expression dz dx +
^ dy is often called the "complete"
X 7
udv -\-vdu
y, then
a I-
fU \
= V dU
the above rules. The latter differentials are then given by ordinary
single-variable derivatives, e.g. the standard forms
d (xn ) nx"- 1 dx ;
d (e x ) ~e*dx\ d (log x) ,
and similar results in the variable y. Finally, it is to be noticed that
the result d (log u) a method of logarithmic differen-
u provides
tiation. For example, if u, v and w are functions of x and y and if
z~ ,
then on taking the logarithm
= 2xdx+2(xdy+ydx)-2ydy
Ex.2. z=-
x-y + l
Here dz=~
-y + l)2xdx-x 2 (dx-dy)
(x-y + l)
Ex.3. z=log(* +#2 ).
So z log u where u = x 2 + y2 ,
= ^xdx+ydy
u .
u x z +yz xz + y z
Ex.4. z=t
So log z =2 loga; + |log(a; + 2/) -ilog(#-y),
T~ -
a; 2 # + ?/ 2 x-y
-y z )dx+x(x-y)(dx -
+ dy) -x(x + y)(dx -dy)
~ (2x
2 - x?y - 2 y2 ) <fa + a:2
t % '
i.e. dz = -^ - _= ^
2 -
- 2
2y ) dx
dx dy
whether the variables x and y are independent or not.
dx y
Further, write x = (f>(t) with derivative -~- = <f>'(t)
and y = i/j(t) with
.. (M>
derivative - =$ r
(t). Then
dz dz
dz = ~dx + ~dy,
dx dy
where dx = <f>'(t)dt and
So *
dz __
dz dz dy
dx dx
^}y dx
In the second case, z is a given function of two variables x and y
which are themselves functions of two independent variables u and v.
It is required to find the partial derivatives of z considered as a
function of u and v. Write z =/(#, y) where x = <f>(u, v) and y = *l*(u 9 v) 9
all functions having known partial derivatives.
dz= ~
dx dy
dx dx dy dy
where dx=du
+ ~dv
and dy = ou
The two functions are inverse to each other and it is seen that one
derivative is the reciprocal of the other.
One point must now be stressed most strongly. The derivatives
/JtJ ny
p and -7- , being expressed in terms of the partial derivatives of
f(x, y) = 0,
are themselves functions of both x and y. The derivatives
differ, therefore, from those of single-valued functions and the reason
for this is not difficult to see. If y is a single- valued function of x,
then it is sufficient to fix a value of x, the corresponding value of y
and of the derivative -~ being uniquely determined. The derivative
Here f(x, y)
= a2 + y - 16 and fx = 2x, fy - 2y.
So -j-
= at the point (x, y).
ax y
The values (x, y) must, of course, satisfy the given relation. In this
case, y is a double-valued function of x and it is possible to separate
the two branches :
On the negative branch, y~ - \/16 -x 2 with derivative
x _ x
dy__ ~
For a given value of x, therefore, there are two different values of
~ , one for each branch of the function. But both values are included
dx .
(1 tJ *!*
dy =
+2 rt
Alternatively, differentiating the relation as it stands.
dy = ---
-, .
i.e. -j- ~ as before.
" ==
^ -?/
-- o
y -x
Alternatively (*
) +( M 3
) -3(x) =0,
I (jj) - and
<Py = f
In diagrammatic terms, the implicit function f(x, y) = Q is repre-
sented by a curve in the plane Oxy. In general, one branch of the
curve passes through a point (x, y) satisfying the relation and there
isa definite tangent to the branch at the point. The tangent gradient,
referred to Ox, is then given by the value of the derivative
S= -**>.
Further, the curvature of the branch at the point is indicated by the
value of -r- at (x, y). Our previous discussion of the applications of
where fXl and fVl are the values of the partial derivatives of f(x, y)
at the point (x^ y^). This is a generalised form of the tangent
equation previously obtained (6.5 above).
For example, in the case of the circle with equation
we have /*,
= 2(^-1) and .^
The tangent at (xl9 y) on the circle has equation
1) (x
- x,) + ( + 2) (y - yi ) =0,
(*i yi
i.e. (Xi-l)x + (y l + 2)y=xl *
Since the point (xl9 yj lies on the circle, we have
i.e. a?!
+ y^ - xl + 2^ =^ - 2^ - 1.
-- ax + ay 4- - dz.
dx By dz
A du
A A du, A du
dx dz
The complete sum of the separate (approxi-
differential is again the
where fX9 fv and/z are the partial derivatives off(x, y, z). Regarding
z as a multi-valued function of x and y defined by this relation, we
.e. -
\dx/y constant fz
cv -i i
= fdz\
U- = ~ fy
Similarly ) T-
dy \dyj x constent /,
In diagrammatic terms, a three-dimensional surface with equation
form f(x, y, z) = has gradients (referred to Oxy) in the
in implicit
two fundamental directions given by the above ratios of partial
derivatives. The tangent plane at (xl9 yl9 2j) thus has equation
- 2/i) (see 12.5)
i-e. / (x +/, (y - yj) +ftl (z - zj = 0.
- xj)
More generally, for a function y=f(xlt x a ... xn of n independent
, )
variables, we define
relation holds for any point (a, 6) we care to select. Hence, the
tangent gradient of the constant product curve through (a, b) is
da fb
when referred to the axis Oa.In the normal case and over the
relevant area of Oab, this gradient is negative and its numerical
value is termed the marginal rate of substitution of the factor B for
the factor A in the production of the good X :
The value of r depends on the combination of the factors considered,
i.e. is a function of both a and b. It represents the additional amount
of the factor B, from the given combination of factors, necessary to
maintain product unchanged when a small unit reduction is made
in the use of the factor A .
Since the constant product curves are convex to the origin in the
normal case, the value of r must increase as b increases (and a
decreases) along the constant product curve. The convexity con-
dition thus the expression of the principle of increasing marginal
(a, b) along the constant product curve, d (-) represents the in-
crease (or decrease) in the use of B as compared with that of A and
dr=d (^) the corresponding increase (or decrease) in the marginal
rate of substitution. The ratio of these differentials, expressed in
proportional terms to make them independent of units of measure-
ment, is defined as the elasticity of substitution between the factors
at the combination of factors considered. Hence,
DEFINITION : The elasticity of substitution between A and B is
= ~'
b \al
a db - b da 1 7 dr T dr 7,
and dr da -f == db.
a da db
T - da/
a I I
da and I r -
) da.
a \ db
TT r ar +b
ab dr dr
db da
Evaluating -
& da = da ( ) and-
in terms of the first and
\fb j db db \fb j
second-order partial derivatives of /(a, 6), it is found that
where T= -
(faa fb
2 -
2fab fJ> +fbb fa
d*b .
d tdb\ f -_
d , , - _ (dr
dr db\ - - &
j /y\ j
da da \da/ da \da db da) db da
d zb
Hence, a is a positive multiple of the reciprocal of ,
i.e. it is
positiveand inversely proportional to the curvature of the constant
product curve. The larger is the value of or, the flatter is the constant
product curve and the more slowly does the marginal rate of substi-
tution increase as B is substituted for A. The magnitude of CT is
increasingly easier.
So, the elasticity of substitution a varies from one combination of
factors to another, is independent of the units in which factors and
to infinity according to the ease with which one factor can be sub-
stituted for the other in production.
When the production function is linear and homogeneous (constant
returns to scale), a becomes of simpler form. Since
and a=
' , ,
= -
(by Euler's Theorem).
When there are constant returns to scale, cr is inversely proportional
to the cross second-order partial derivative of the (linear and homo-
Exactly similar definitions can be given for the marginal rate and
elasticity of substitution for an individual consumer's scale of
preferences. A system of indifference curves for two goods X and Y
is defined by the equation
<f> (x, y)
= constant.
The tangent gradient to the curve through the point (x, y) is
dy = _^ '
dX <f)y
In the normal case, the curves are downward sloping and convex to
the origin. The marginal rate of substitution of the good Y for the
isthus positive and increases as the substitution of for proceeds. Y X
" "
It is to be noticed that E
is the ratio of the marginal utilities of
X and Y and independent of the form we assume for the individual's
utility function (see 12.8 above). But there is no need to consider
" "
marginal utility at all ;
is sufficient for the
the expression R
description of the indifference map. The elasticity of substitution
between X
and Y is then defined as in the production case, taking
values between zero and infinity according to the ease with which X
and Y can be substituted in consumption to maintain a given level
of indifference.*
A similar analysis applies for a consumer's preference scale for
incomes in two years. If x and y are the amounts of this and next
year's incomes, we have an indifference curve system given by
if; (x, y)
= constant.
The marginal rate of time-preference is defined as the numerical
* See Hicks and Allon, A Reconsideration of the Theory of Value, Economica,
preference as the case where an equal addition to next year's income compen-
sates for a given reduction of this year's income, i.e. where ( - -~ ) = 1. This
is only a matter of the scale on which time-preference is measured.
The elasticity of substitution between the two incomes is then
defined exactly as before.
The same concepts are also of use in other problems, e.g. in
problems involving the notion of a transformation function (see
11.7 above). If two goods are produced with given resources so that
F(x,y) =
is the relation between the outputs x and y, then the expression
where p =-
dx ^
Hence, is negative and numerically less than unity provided
p = \ft(x)
demand function is decreasing and that marginal cost
FIG. 86.
is then obtained with gradient -=-^ as given above with value lying
dn z . .
a# (where a?
Since $'(x) < and < 1 + -=-^ < 1, the left-hand side of this equation
is greater than the form {^j(x)-\-x^'(x)} in the case where his con-
less than unity, the sum of #/ and x% is greater than the sum of
Xi and # 2 at least for a small shift in C 2 The joint output is greater,
, .
and the common price charged by the duopolists smaller, than in the
previous case.
Write down the equation of the tangent plane at (a, 6, c) on the surface
zf(x, y) and show that the increment in the height of the plane when incre-
ments dx and dy are given to x and y from (a, 6, c) is dz. Hence illustrate the
approximation of dz to the increment in z.
- = ^/x 2 -\-y 2 ~
3. Evaluate the differentials of z x3 4- y
3xy ; z ; z ex v ;
z = \og
7. Show that f(x, y)=f(Q, 0) + .T/a (0,
0) -f 2// '(0,
y 0) approximately when
x and y are small.
that, for small values of
-= 1 -x+y
x and y,
11. If at is the relation between the pressure (p) volume (v) and tem-
pv 9
mately unaltered.
12. From the expression for dz, find - when z x* + y 2 where x 1 + 1 and -
dt x fy
14. Find -
and ~ if z log (x
- y), where x = - and y .
Express z as a
du d'V u v
function of u and v and check by direct partial derivation.
15. If z -/(#, y), where x ~ a + at and y-b + fit, show that
-^ dz n dz
_ d zz
9 d zz
_ _ d zz n9 d*z
16. If z =f(x, y), where x au + <*v and y~bu + fiv, show that
dzdz dz dz
dz dz
~- = a ---f n
= (i~- +
dv dxdx
dy dy
Generalise by finding tho partial derivatives off(x, y, z, ...) as a function of
u and v if x au + <xv, y bu + ftv, z cu + yv, ... .
17. Find --- when z =/(#, y), where x and y are functions of t and show that
dx dy dz
z dz d*x
dt dt dy z \dx/ dx dt z dy dt^
A homogeneous of the rth degree iff(u, v) = \ f(x, 2/)
18. function f(x, y) is
where u = Xx and v=--Xy. Differentiate each side with respect to A, put A= 1
and show that
x a +y a
rf( x > y) (Eider's Theorem)
ox oy
19. If '
zf(x,y), where x~Xx and y
Xy vary in a fixed proportion,
f .. dz I
( dz. dz\
, Xdz ,,
consider z as a function of A and show that -^ = -?{x~-y~
y } If - .. ,
dX A \ dx dy/ z d\
is the elasticity of z =f(x, y) for proportional variation in x and y show that t
ox y~
+ = ez. If the function is homogeneous of degree r, show that e r
and so deduce Euler's Theorem.
20. Find ~
and -~^ from the implicit function
- a)
+ (y
- b)
2 = c*.
dy~ d u 2i
22. Find
and -y-^ when a; 3 -f 2/ 3 - 3xy 0. Show that y is a maximum
dx dx
when x = ^/2. Interpret in terms of the graph of the function.
23. If x 3 y + z - Sxy and and
3 3
4- defines z as a function of x y, find
ox oy
Deduce the second-order partial derivatives of z.
Express each in terms of the partial derivatives of/ and deduce that
dz dy dx_
dy dx dz
28. Two relations <f>(x, y, z) = and i/r (x, y, z)
= define y and z as functions
of x. Differentiate each relation and obtain expressions for - -
and in terms
of the partial derivatives of and i/j.
the relations xy + yz-z = Q and # y-
z 2
29. Differentiate -f- z to give
~ and ~ . Solve the equations to obtain y and z explicitly in terms of x and
6 a of the factors used. Verify in the particular cases
x = v 2Hab - Aa 2 - Bb 2 and x -
2Hab - Aa* - Kb* - Ca + Db
-- "
31. Show that the property of the previous example is also true of the
quadratic homogeneous production function and illustrate with tho function
x 2Hab - Aa 2 - Bb 2 . Is the property true for any homogeneous production
function, e.g. for x = Aaab& ?
32. If the production function
point (a, 6)
OT-H, _ - (H(Ha-Bb)*'
d 2b
da 2
_ _2
show that at any
a>6> l
a. Deduce that the constant product curves are of normal
form in the area between the lines Hb - Aa = and Ha - Bb = 0.
33. Show that, for the production function x *J2Hab - Aa 2 - Bb 2 9
Hx 2
'(H ~AB)ab
34. Show that the production function x = Aa a b& gives cr 1 for all com-
binations of factors.
35. Show that the elasticity of productivity e (10.8 above) is tho elasticity
of the vertical section of the production surface through tho axis Ox and the
given point on the surface. Use the results of Example 19 above to show that,
for any production function,
dx dx
37. If ax 2 -H by
2= constant is the transformation function for two goods
X and F, show that the marginal rate of substitution of Y production for
38. Two
goods X
and Y are produced jointly with the aid of two factors
A and B. Technical conditions define a relation f(x, y, a, b) = 0, so that
(e.g.) the production of Y is determined if tho amounts of the factors used and
the production of X
are given. Show how a and 6 can bo used as parameters
to describe the shifting of a transformation curve between and Y pro- X
duction. What do the partial derivatives ~ ~ and ~ represent
1 * , ?
dx da db
39. If, in the problem of tho previous example, technical conditions give
two production functions x 0(a, b) and y$(a, 6), show that
/da\ fa
\dx/V constant ^a0&~"^Z>fAfl
and interpret the meaning of this derivative.
40. Of the duopolists of Examples VIII, 45, the first acts (as before) on the
assumption that the second does not change output while the second correctly
estimates the first's output changes consequent upon his own changes. Show
that the total equilibrium output is now approximately 44 sets per week. How
is this output divided?
14.1 Partial stationary values.
IN our discussion of the partial derivatives of a function of two
variables (12.4 above), we postponed consideration of the cases
where one or both of the derivatives assume zero values. Suppose
now that -- and ~- 7^0 for a function z=f(x, y) at a point (a, b).
ux (jy
Then z has a stationary value for variation in x from the value a, y
d 2z
retaining the constant value b. The sign of at (a, b) determines
whether z is a maximum or a minimum.* The vertical section of the
surface z=f(x, y) which passes through (where x=a and y P b) in
the W.E. direction has a maximum or minimum point at P.
In general,, the condition ^-
= is an implicit relation between
x and y represented by some curve in the plane Oxy. Points on the
surface z=f(x,y) above this curve correspond to maximum or
minimum values of z in the W.E. direction. Some of these points
minimum values
(^>o) and define a trough line of the surface in
the W.E. direction. The curve in Oxy giving the ridge and trough
lines of the surface is clearly located on the contour map of the
Throughout the present chapter, the possibility that stationary values
can include points of inflexion, though not overlooked, will not be taken into
surface. The tangent gradient of the contour through the point
(x, y) is
dy _ dx
dx~ dz
surface thus lie above the locus of points on the contour map where
the tangents are parallel to the axis Ox. For example, in the case
shown in Fig. 87 below, the line AS
across the contour map corre-
A similar analysis
J holds if ^-7^0 and
-=0 at any point.
J r The
function then has a partial maximum or minimum value (according
d z\
to the sign of -~ for variation of y alone. The ridge and trough
variation whatever from the point (a, 6). Such a point is said to
define a stationary value of the function. Ignoring the possibility of
inflexional points, there are three cases to distinguish :
Fio. 86.
is a condition sufficient to exclude this possibility. Hence :
* As in the one-variable
case, a maximum or minimum value of z f(x y) t
can occur at a point where the partial derivatives are not continuous. Such
a point is not shown by the criterion below.
*?=*? =
dx By
(2) If ^
d z
^ d z are
negative and u 4.u
A such that*
a *2 a2 *
> f^ 1
d *z Y
2 2 2 2
dx dy dx dy \dxdy /
a point # a, j/
= 6, then /(a, 6) is a maximum value of the
d 2z d 2z
function. If and -= n
are positive subject to the same
ox 2 dy
inequality at a point xa, y = b, then /(a, 6) is a minimum
value of the function.
only a maximum (or only a minimum) value can occur. But the
condition is not complete it is not necessary and sufficient.
; It
d 2z d 2z d 2z 2
is possible to show that, whenever ^ 2 ^-r
dx dy 2
< I --^- \
, then the
Similarly, if f(xl9 x 2 ,
... xn> y) =0 defines y as a function of the other
variables, then the maximum and minimum values of y occur where
A=/a%= =/n = 0-
Sufficient conditions are given later (19.1).
important feature of the results here given is that, since the
differential of a maximised or minimised variable is zero at the point
value must be a minimum since all other values of z are positive. The
sufficient conditions are found to support this, since
2x-y-2=Q and x-
There is a single stationary value (z=f), where #=^f and y = J.
Suice - - 2, - 1, and ,
^-5a = - 2,
the sufficient conditions show that z =-J is a maximum value. The contour
FIG. 87.
map of the function is shown in Fig. 87, rising contours closing down
on the point where x =f y =| The line AB (2x - y - 2 =0) is a ridge line
in the W.E. direction and the line CD (x- 2^ + 1=0) is a ridge line in
the S.N. direction.
Ex. 3. z=4x2 -xy+y 2 -x 3 .
TT Sz n _ dz
f-4 fvf*o
licit* =-- X'**
&jc /- ox
y-~ -%i" *
= 2(4-3*); -1 and S-2.
Stationary values of z are given by
-8x+y = Q and #=2z/.
On solving (e.g. by eliminating y) we find two stationary values, 2=0
and -?i ^ -x
But when ic=f and y =f the two direct partial derivatives of the second
. y^
Fia. 88.
order are opposite in sign ( - 7 and 2) and the stationary value here occurs
at a saddle point. Fig. 88 shows certain curves of the contour map of the
;: ,
~=0 and
is the ridg
Une - The
^ fc
= 2y) is
saddle point at x =f y =f ,
Ex. 4.
~ x -I dz
"" y
dx* (82 + 1) 2
=0 and ~ 5
= - -
at a total cost of
IJ=F(xlt The two goods are related in con-
x 2 ).
sumption and the demands of the market are Xi = <h(pi,pt) and
y=x pl +x 2 p 2 -II.
... sn\ dx,
/ a/i\ a^ + / a/7\ a# 2 ^
and x +l p1 }.* Ip J
r a^!/ dp 2 r a# 2 /) a^ 2
TT^a^ + aoO^ ;
xi = al ~~a n p l -a l2 p 2 and
X 2 =a 2 -a12 pl -a 22 p 2 .
" "
i.e. the demands when the competitive prices (equal to average
costs) are charged. Then
x = x10 - an (P! - ai - a12 (p 2 - a 2
) )
- a a ).
Further, ~= 2
- 2au ;
- ~- = - 2a12 and ~= 2
- 2a 22 .
willnot change his price and maximising net revenue. The net
revenue of the first monopolist is
~ i2 (Pi
- i)
~ 2a 22 (p 2 - a 2 ) = 0.
Here, for the joint monopoly prices, (PI-&I) and (p 2 -^) are
positive and both prices are above cost as represented by o^ and a 2 .
It may or may not be that both prices are above those of separate
#10 #20
the relation between the goods (as shown by a12 ) is weak as compared
with the direct price effects on demand (as shown by au and a 22 ).
x=f(a, 6, t).
It isassumed that the prices of the factors are given as p a and p b and
the market rate of interest as lOOr per cent, per year compounded
continuously, all taken (for convenience) in terms of the product x.
Further, taken
it is that the factors are paid off at the beginning of
the production. So
xe~ rt
* (a ' M) (say)
^ = ^
da db dt
log y = log x
Since - rt - + bp b
log (ap a ),
, 1 dy
y 1 dx pa
we have '
y da x da ap a -f bp b
1 dy __ 1 dx pb
ydb~x db ap a
1 dy
__ Idx
_- ____
2/3^ a; dt
dx Idx
- ~ and r
* ai' x 36 ~*a*
are the necessary conditions for a maximum value of y. These
equations, with xf(a b, t), determine the equilibrium values of
=e ~ rt
So P a = e~ da
* T-
and ^
Pt> ^-
of interest and not by the prices of the factors. The first two con-
ditions are equivalent and imply that (1 -<x.)ap a equals
61 -<xp a
~ --
- constant,
1 a
i.e.the relative share of the two factors in the product is constant,
unaffected by changes in their prices or in the interest rate.
Under competition, with the particular production function now
assumed, we have the added condition
S =/ +/.|
Equating this expression to zero, we obtain :
= .
</>x <f>y
Adding the side relation, there are two equations to be solved for x
and y. Each solution is a possible maximum or minimum situation
and must be examined further. We find
plane Oxy. Using the contour map of the surface, our path is a
given curve crossing the contours of the map and we seek those
points on it where the highest or lowest contours are cut. It is clear
that, at these points, the given curve touches a contour (see Fig. 89
below). The tangent gradient of the given curve <f>(x, y)
= is then
^(#i> #2> x n)
= Q- The side relation gives x1 as a function of the
other (n 1) variables for which
x2 ,
...xn ) = Q and $(xl9 x 2) ... xn ) = 0,
write z =f(xl x* ...,
xn ) - X<f> (xl9 x^ ... xn ) - pf* (xl9 x29 ... xn ).
Then z must have a maximum or minimum value for any values of
A and fi whatever (since the coefficients of A and p, are zero). But
* The
method, which also applies in the simple case (r= 1) already analysed,
is known as Lagrange's method of solution by " undetermined " multipliers.
See, for example, Osgood, Advanced Calculus (1925), pp. 180 et seq. and de la
Vallee Poussin, Cours d'analyse infinitesimal, Vol. I (5th Ed. 1925), pp. 147-9.
These, together with the two side relations, determine certain values
of A and /z and of the n variables xl9 x 2 ... x n Amongst these values
So ,-li and *=
z = x 2 +2/2 = 5l - = 2(3
which is the square of the radius of the smaller contour touched. For
the other point of contact
2 = 6+ 2^5 = 10-47 approximately,
the square of the radius of the larger circle touched.
It follows that x2 =y = z 2
Since x 2
+y 2 +z 2
a 2 and x, y and z are positive, we find
These values clearly correspond to a (relative) maximum volume
where m is a fixed value, indicates a particular direction of variation of
x and y from (a, 6). To find the nature of the stationary value of z in this
definite direction :
= mj (from the side relation)
-Jyy (
m + 7~
(.i-J xv \
+ fxxjyy
da /'
So _ =J
(|+1 , t
_ =1 ,.- f ft= o
db a.
is the necessary condition for minimum cost,
i.e. *=&.
Ja Jb
The factors are employed in amounts such that their marginal
cost. The condition implies that the constant product curve at the
point concerned is convex to the origin. The equilibrium position
is thus stable at all points where the constant product curves are
contour for fixed cost 771 is a line with gradient equal to f - -- and
77 TI1
cutting the axes at distances and from 0. As /I, is increased
P* P*
the line moves away from If a given product x
parallel to itself.
is to be obtained, then all
possible combinations (a, 6) of factors lie
on the corresponding constant product curve. We seek that com-
" "
bination with minimum cost, i.e. lying on the cost line of the
are equal.
This is shown in Fig. 90 where the
values of x(xly x 2 ,
... )
As x changes continuously, the
points describe a curve in the
plane Oab. The varying co- A4 a
ordinates of a point on the FIG. 90.
curve show the variation pf
demand for the factors as the output x varies. Further, the varying
cost corresponding to the cost lines touched defines the total cost
function for varying output x.
If the production function is linear and homogeneous (constant
returns to scale), then Euler's Theorem gives
where A denotes the common value of p a :fa and p b :fb
. Now
te =p <
da db ,
since &omf(a,b)=x.
'j^+fojZ^ 1
" "
This is the law of
marginal productivity the price of a factor ;
equals the marginal product of the factor valued at the selling price
of the product. Suppose, further, that the demand law for is X
x = <f>(p) with elasticity ?j
=-*- . To determine the amounts
(a and of the factors and the selling price (p) in terms of given
factor prices (p a and p b ), we have now three conditions :
fbb = - fab
and -
faa=~-a fa (12.8, (4), above).
da db dp x dp
a *
and .
By simple algebraic methods,* the values of these partial
dp a
- --
a (ap a
Pa \ XP
I-n - H--
= --
- N
dp a xp^'
TTT Ea =~- Eb p a db
p a da and -= =V ^
Write ^= ^- * or ^he elasticities of demand for
Ep a a dp a Ep a b dp a
the factors with respect to p a and Ka = and /c 6
-^(/<- + /c 6 = l)
xp xp
for the proportions of total receipts going to the factors. Then
- K arj) in the expressions for both elasticities of demand. Secondly,
the factor B is now cheaper relatively to the factor A and it pays to
substitute B for A in production as far as possible. The demand for
B thus increases at the expense of that for A, as is shown by the
positive term (/c a) in the expression for one elasticity and the
negative term ( fc 6 a) in the other. The total effect on demand is
found by addition. The demand for A falls in any case, but that for
B may rise or fall according as the substitution effect is stronger or
weaker than the effect through the demand for the product.
similar analysis applies to the demand of a consumer for two
goods andX Y
obtainable at given market prices p x and p y The .
consumer has a fixed income p and makes his purchases to attain the
highest position on his preference scale, as represented by an index-
function of utility u= <f>(x, y).
~ _
dx~ Pv
so =h + +*=h-jl+'
and - I +- + + . .
+ ( ,
dy\ dy
xPv + <I> XX P V Z ).
^* = ^v
Py' Px
i.e. the marginal rate of substitution between the goods in consump-
which can produce various incomes x this year and various incomes
y next year subject always to a given transformation relation
Interest is reckoned at the fixed rate of lOOr per cent, compounded
yearly. We determine, first, those incomes which maximise the
present value y
subject to the transformation relation. We have
^ = 1+JL^ and #2 = J
dx 1+rdx dx 2 l+rdx 2
where the derivatives of y with respect to x are given by F(x, y) =
Hence, for maximum present value, we must have
i.e. the incomes in the two years are such that the marginal rate of
return over cost equals the given rate of interest. The sufficient
" "
normal case where the transformation curve in the plane Oxy is
is the amount he must repay next year, and this is equivalent to the
* The based on that given by Fisher, The Theory of
analysis here given is
Interest (1930).
w /
ij* \** j yi
of the individual for incomes in two years is maximised subject to
the relation above. The particular form of the utility function
taken is quite immaterial. The relation gives
So \b x + 0i/ ~
,-*_! '
*, must be made so that the marginal rate of time-preference
of the individual becomes equal to the market rate of interest. This
condition, together with the constant present value relation, deter-
mines the incomes x and y in terms of the given interest rate. In
particular, (x-x )
is deter-
mined as a function of r, the
demand function of the in-
dividual for loans. The value
of (x x ) may be positive or
negative according to the
interest rate, i.e. the individ-
ual may borrow or lend this
year to reach his optimum"
income stream. As in the
case ofthe consumption goods
1"' + r
I) 1 J
i.e. the line through P '
with fixed gradient (to Ox) which is negative
and numerically equal to (1-f-r). The incomes selected by the
individual are given by the co-ordinates of the point P' where A'B'
touches an indifference curve of the system
iff (x, y)
= constant.
If the indifference curves are everywhere convex to the origin, then
P is uniquely determined and corresponds to a maximum of utility.
' '
The incomes X Q and y Q can be varied according to the given
transformation relation F (x, y)=0 and the point P can take any
varies, so does the point P' and we require that position of P' giving
the largest possible utility level. The position required is given by
P where an indifference curve is touched by the line (parallel to AB
A'B') which touches the transformation curve at some point P .
the marginal rate of return over cost and the marginal rate of time-
preference. Notice that, for a line with fixed negative gradient
-(1 the present value of the incomes represented is constant.
General maximum and minimum problems
the contour, ridge and trough lines of each of the functions
1. Indicate
z = x*-\-y 2 -z=l-x 2 -y 2 z = x*-y 2 +l. Show that x y = Q gives a
1 ; ;
7. Indicate the form of the contour map of z x 3 -f y 3 - 3xy and show that
the ridge and trough linos are arcs of parabolas. Deduce that z has a minimum
value at x = y = 1 and a saddle point at x = y 0.
11. If (ax + by + c)<f> (x, y) and - = (ax + by + c)i/t (x, y), show that z has
ox c)y
a line of stationary values corresponding to ax + by + c on the contour map
in the plane Oxy. Illustrate with z = x 2ey .
12. If u~f(z) where z <j>(x, y), show that the stationary values ofuomdz
occur at the same values of x and y. If/'(z)>0 always, deduce that corre-
sponding stationary values of u and z are also of the same type.
13. The variable p is defined as a function of four variables a, 6, t and r by
the relation ale pt + bre pT /(a, 6, t r), where I and r are constants and/ is a
given function. Find four equations to determine a b,t and T for maximum p. 9
(See Wicksell, Lectures on Political Economy, Vol. I (English Ed. 1934), p. 181.)
14. By eliminating y, show that z e x*-\ v* has a minimum value e 2 relative
to x - y + 2 = 0. Check by means of the results of 14.6.
15. If x and y are positive, show that the maximum value of xy subject to
/j*2 >tj2
19. A
rectangular brick has a given volume ; show that its surface area is
least when it is a cube. Show that the same result holds if the brick has a
given surface area and maximum volume.
20. An open box of given volume 4 cubic feet has a rectangular base and
vertical sides. It is made of wood costing 1 shilling per sq. foot. Show that,
for least cost of construction, the base of the box is a square of side double
the depth. What is the least cost?
" "
21. An ellipsoidal block of wood has a surface with equation
& y* *
a* b* c*
referred to axes Oxyz in space. Show that - is the volume of the largest
thousand Ibs. per week of the two lines. For maximum joint monopoly
revenue, show that the prices are fixed at nearly 4s. 6d. and 4s. 9d. per Ib.
25. In the problem of the previous example, find the prices of the two lines
fixedby independent monopolists and show that they are less than the joint
monopoly prices.
26. A monopolist produces cheap razors and blades at a constant average
and Is. per dozen blades. The demand of the market
cost of 2s. per razor
Show that the monopoly prices, fixed jointly, are 4s. per razor and 2s. per
dozen blades.
gives the output x and that TT <f>(x) +x</>'(x). (See Bowley, Bilateral Mono-
poly, Economic Journal, 1928.)
30. In the problem of 14.5, assume that the product after t years represents
the original cost accumulated at some continuous interest' rate of lOOp per
cent. Given the factor prices, express p as a function of a, 6 and t. The
monopolist is assumed to arrange production to maximise p ; find equations
for a, 6 and t. If the maximum equals the market rate of interest r, show that
the result is equivalent to that of the competitive case of 14.5.
32. If x A Jab is the production function, find the amounts of the factors
used at given prices pa and p b to produce an output x at smallest cost. In the
case of pure competition on the market for X
with the demand law x fi- up,
show that the demands for the factors are
-, and 6 ~
. .
^4 Vpa A*
33. For any production function, if each output x is obtained at minimum
cost at given factor prices, show that the common equilibrium value of
/p fp
^~ and -~ is equal to the marginal cost of output x. If the firm fixes output
Ja Jb
to maximise profits at a given selling price p, show that the marginal produc-
tivity law pa =pfa and p b ~pfb holds. Why need not total cost equal total
receipts in this case?
34. A good
is produced with two
" factors A and B and
a limitational factor G according to the relations x=f(a, 6) = ^(c). If
each output x is produced at minimum cost at given factor prices pa p b and p e , ,
show that the amounts of the factors used and the total cost are determined
as functions of x and deduce that
PaJPb^^H_ Pc_
fa h
The selling price p is fixed and output chosen for maximum profits. Show that
In what sense can the factor prices bo said to be equal to the marginal
revenues" of the factors? (See Georgescu, Fixed coefficients of production
and marginal productivity theory, Review of Economic Studies, 1935.)
86. If u = xyP is an individual's utility function for two goods, show that
his demands for the goods are x ^^ -- and y *~~ where p and py
are the fixed prices and the individual's fixed income. Deduce that the
elasticity of demand for either good with respect to income or to its price is
equal to unity.
that his demands for the goods are linear in the income the coefficients ^
depending on tho prices of the goods.
37. Differentiate the equilibrium conditions giving the demands for two
goods X
and Y
for an individual with utility function u <f (x, y) in the case
where = 0. Show that
and deduce that the demand for a good decreases as its price increases provided
that ^
<^ are negative. Why is this statement of tho problem
independent of the particular utility function selected ? (Seo Pareto, Manuel
d'&conomie politique 2nd Ed. 1927, pp. 679-84.)
38. The incomes of an individual in two years are x and T/ O and his utility
function for incomes is u = x*y&. Show that the demand (x - x ) for loans this
year decreases as tho given market rate of interest lOOr per cent, increases.
Deduce that the individual will not borrow this year at any (positive) rate of
interest if y 9 < -a # .
prices px p v p z ...
, , His utility function is u= <f>(x, y, z, ...). How are the
, .
40. Values (xt ) of a variable quantity X are given for a series of (2n+ 1)
t= -n, -(n-1), ...-1,0, 1, ...(w-1), n
taking = at the centre of the period. Write x = at + b + v
t t
where a and 6
are to bo determined so that the sum of all observed values of v t
is a minimum.
Show that
Ztx t _ _ Zx t
a -^,-~ and & ^
2t* 2n 1 -{-
where S implies summation over the (2n 4- 1 ) observed values. Iri what sense
does x at + b represent the " trend " of the series of XI
41. The Board of Trade Wholesale Price Jndex-mimber ^(1924^100) at
certain dates is given by the following table :
of the first.
a=x i3 x% # 3
9 ,
... ,
#n _i, xnt #n +i=0.
We form the sum :
where the term written is the typical (rth) term of the sum and the
symbol 2 indicates that all such terms, from the first (r
= l) to the
nth (r~ri), are to be added together.f The number n of the sections
into which the given interval is divided is now increased in any way
such that each section becomes smaller. It can be shown that the
sum above then increases and approaches a definite limiting value.
No formal proof of this basic result is offered here but a diagram-
matic indication of its correctness is given below. The limiting
value, approached as n tends to infinity, is called the definite integral
of the function between the lower limit a and the upper limit b and
written in the symbolic form I
f(x)dx. So :
f(x)dx=lLim 2 f(xr )(x r+I -xr ).
Ja n K r=l
It can be shown, further, that sums other than that written above
have exactly the same limiting value, the definite integral, as n tends
to infinity. Such sums are formed by taking, for each section, the
length of the section times the value of the function at the upper
(or right-hand) point of the section, or indeed at any point within
the section. This fact, again not formally proved, is supported by
the diagrammatic illustrations below. Hence :
where xr can take any value from xr to x r+l inclusive.
Put more broadly, the definition is as follows. The interval from
x= a to x = b is divided into a number of sections of which Ax is a
typical one with x as one point contained in it. Then
a J a
Fb Fb
(3) I
kf(x)dx = k\ f(x)dx (k being a constant).
J a Ja
(4) f(x)
a J\ a
* The
way in which the integral notation has arisen is clear from this rough
statement of the definition. In the limit, the sum 2f(x)dx is written Sf(x)dx,
S being an alternative symbol for 2- The S then becomes elongated into the
conventional sign I.
(5) {f(x)+4(x)}dx=ff(x)dx+\ t(x)dx.
a Ja Ja
i.e. = f */(*) * + f
J a J
(4.5) that the limit of a sum is the sum of the separate limits. It
can be noticed that this result extends to the integral of a difference
and, in an obvious way, to the integral of sums or differences of any
number of separate functions.
with CD as base and CR as height. The whole sum is thus the sum
of the rectangular areas shaded, in Fig. 92, an irregular area lying
entirely under the curve between P and Q. As the number of
sections is increased, each section becoming smaller, the shaded
area, comprising an increasing number of rectangles becoming steadily
thinner, increase and approach a limiting value which we can
identify as the area under the curve, above Ox and between the
ordinates AP
and BQ. Hence, the sum written above has this
area as limit and
J a
ABQP under the curve yf(x).
It is also clear that the same result follows if we start from one of
the other sums used in the definition of the integral. The sum
2 /(#r+i) (
x r+i - x r) ^ represented by a sum of rectangle areas, a
the limit is always the definite integral shown by the area ABQP
under the curve.*
* It can be noticed that we have
actually given here a definition of the area
Tinder a curve. The only areas known to elementary geometry are those of
rectangles. But, if we fit to a given curvilinear area a set of rectangles in one
of the ways indicated, and if the sum of the rectangle areas tends to a limit as
the number of the rectangles increases, then the limit can be defined as the
curvilinear area. Compare this definition with the graphical method of esti-
mating a curvilinear area in practice, by counting the number of small squares
of the graph paper covered by the area.
B x
O a & X
FIG. 93. FIG. 94.
sum 2 - %r )
the f( x r) 0*Wi *s
negative and shown by a rectangle below
r=l ,
the axis Ox. It follows, when the limit is taken, that the integral
f(x)dx is still represented by an area between the curve y=f(x),
the axis Ox and the ordinates at xa and x = 6, provided that any
parts of the area above the axis Ox are taken as positive and any
parts below the axis Ox as negative (see Fig. 94). The integral and
area as a whole may, of course, be positive or negative.*
So, if the function y~f(x) is positive in the interval (a, 6) and the
curve above Ox, then the integral f(x)dx is positive and measured
* It must be emphasised that the is here not the sum, but
integral f(x)dx
the difference, of the numerical areas PAG and QBC of Fig. 94. If the
numerical sum is required, the areas PAG and QBC must be obtained separ-
- f(x)dx, where OO
ately as I
f(x)dx and- I
Ja o
by an area under the curve. If the function is negative in the
interval and the curve below Ox, then the integral is negative and
numerically equal to the area below Ox and above the curve. If the
function changes sign in the interval and the curve crosses the axis
Ox, then the integral may be positive or negative and is represented
by the algebraic sum of a positive area (above Ox) and a negative
area (below Ox).
A further convention regarding the sign of an area is needed to
interpret the integral f(x)dx as an area in the cases where a>b.
tween the curve y=f(x), the axis Ox and the ordinates of the curve
at x a and x = b. Various parts of the area must be considered as
taking signs according to the conventions here indicated. The area
as a whole is the algebraic (and not the numerical) sum of the
=! and
So ,-(a: + Jx 3 ) = l+a; 2 .
number x as the upper limit and write the integral f(x)dx. The
J a
value of the integral now depends on the value allotted to x i.e. the y
f(x) dx f(x) dx =& function of x.
J J a
i.e. - -- j-
.. . .
. .
It follows that, as fe~>0, the ratio on the left-hand side tends to /(#),
i.e. the derivative of F(x) isf(x). Q.E.D.
The fundamental can be put in a more practical form.
result If
a function <f>(x)
can be found with f(x) as its derivative, then
and !/(#)<## and (f>(x) must be identical except for an additive and
arbitrary constant :
f(x) dx = <f> (x) + constant
dy f( )-d
and y and I
f(x)dx can differ only by a constant. Hence :
The solution of the differential equation ~-f(x) is
y = \f(x) dx + constant.
/(#)d# = ^(#)-f constant; I
f(x)dx = <f>(b)-<f>(a).
J Ja
Reversing these results, we have the three main standard forms for
integrals :
xn dx = 4- constant (n ^ - 1).
- dx =
(2) log x + constant.
J x
(3) \e x dx ex + constant.
f f/7rrH n + 1
(!') /'(*) {/(*)}" d:c
= + constant (n ^ - 1).
J n -f-
-^ (fa = log f(x) + constant.
/v 35 )
so on. Two such rules can be written down at once from properties
(3) and (5) of 15.1. For indefinite integrals, we have
Ex. 1 .
Jx dx =
I x^ dx
#*= = N/# 3
, by (1) above.
Ex. 2. t(x
+3x + 2)dx =
and I
+ bx+c)dx = - ax 3 + ^ bx2 + ex (in general) .
and I
(ax + b) n dx = - a (ax + b) n dx = - -
- -
(in general) .
f dor
Ex.4. by (2'),
, f dx = -
I r -
1 f adx
]ax + b ajax + b a
- --
&v(ax + b)
, v
\ e
general)/ .
Ex -
5 -
-i-^ .
14 -^
ov i
by(2) >
Ex.9. {x 2 e~**dx.
so xe~ x
- f (1 - 2#2 ) e-^ ^= fe~* dx-2 \aPe~* dx,
f Ife -ar* 1
x2e~ x* dx dx - - xe~ x
i.e. I I .
f(x)dx =
formula <f> (b)
- <f> (a) suffices. For example :
J a
Areas under plane curves can then be evaluated at once. The para-
bola with equation y =# 2 + 3x -f 2 lies above Ox for positive values of
x. The area under the curve between ordinates at x = and x = 3 is
interval (a, 6) is divided into some even number (2n) of parts of equal
length h = b-a
This is shown, in Fig. 95, by the points A 19
FIG. 95.
, ... A 2n9 A 2n+l on the axis Ox, where OA 1 a and OA 2n+l ~b and
AAA^.Ji. The ordinates = AP, 2, ... can be
read off the curve yf(x). The integral f(x)dx is the total area
* It is not
possible, for example, to find e-^da: in terms of ordinary func-
tions. The integral exists and must be a function of x. But the function is
not of algebraic form ;
it is, in fact, a " transcendental " function which can
(xa e~ dx for various values of x. It
Similarly, the approximate areas under the curve on the other bases
The approximate value of the total area, i.e. of the integral required,
is found by addition. Hence,
f(x) dx =
does not affect the value of the area required.) The curve passes
through Px ( -*, ft), P 2 (0, y a ) and P 3 (A, y s ). Hence,
Solving for a, j8
and y, we find
-h L* * ~*x=>h Lrf ^ -V h
= -aA 3 + 2y/i = -(
The approximate areas under the curve y f(x) on the bases
A BA QA 7 , ... are obtained similarly as
' u
O A -rX
log 2
=P +*) +2(1) +4(|+f)} =tft& =0-6933.
JO --^-={(1
A +#
Ex. 2. The area under the curve 2/ == e~ aS above Ox and between the
ordinates x = and x =2 is given by the integral
p.e-* dx.
Dividing the range (0, 2) into ten equal parts (h=\), the ordinates at
the eleven points of division are found, from tables, as
= 1-0000, 2/2-0-9608, ya =0-8521, y4 -0-6977,
^5 =0-5272, */6 =0-3679, y7 =0-2369, 2/8=0-1409,
i/9 =0-0773, 2/10=0-0392 and 2/11 =0-0183.
The trapezoidal rule gives the approximate value
FIG. 96.
R=px = OM MP, .
i.e. . dx 4- constant.
The arbitrary lower limit of the integral is here fixed at zero output.
Put x = then the constant must be zero since B is
zero at zero
output. Hence, ,
R = f Pm d9
the area under the marginal revenue curve, above Ox and between
A similar result holds for any pair of average and marginal curves.
For example, if TT and 7rm denote the average and marginal cost of an
output x of a good, TT and 7rm being functions of x, and if the cost of
zero output is zero,* then total cost is
where interest is reckoned yearly at lOOr per cent, (see 9.7 above).
This calculation can be generalised to allow for a continuous income
stream and. for interest computed continuously.
It is assumed that income is obtained continuously over time,
the rate at any time t years from the present being f(t) per year.
This implies that, in the small interval of time between t and (t + At)
years from the present, the income obtained is approximately
f(t)At. Interest is computed continuously at the rate of lOOr per
cent, per year, where r can vary over time as a function of t. The
present value of the income in the small time-interval (t, t+At) is
" "
f(t) e~ At approximately. If the income stream dries up x years
from the present, the approximate present value of the stream is
expression for 77 is 77 . So 77 - 77 = m dx
ir t i.e. the area under the marginal
revenue curve, is the total variable cost of the output x.
2c M.A.
to t~x. As the number of time-intervals is increased, each interval
becoming shorter, this approximation becomes closer. The exact
present value is defined as the limit of the sum as the number of
intervals increases indefinitely, i.e. as
V =\*f(t) *"*<**
This is the capital value of the stream estimated at the present time
( 0). Thus, in passing from a discontinuous to a continuous
income stream, the capital value changes from the sum of a finite
number of terms to the limiting case of a sum as represented by an
integral. We have an immediate application of the sum-area aspect
of an integral.
The result obtained holds for an income stream and a rate of
interest varying in any way over time. In the particular case where
income is derived at a constant rate of a per year and where the
rate of interest is fixed at lOOr per cent, per year over time, we have
y=^a\ e~ dt = a \- --e- rt
e~ rt
Jo L r -W ~a\L
i.e. y = ~(
The capital value thus depends, in a simple way, on the size of the
income stream, the number of years it flows and the rate of interest.
Problems of capital accumulation can be treated in a similar way.
If a alt a 2 ... am are invested in the present and in succeeding
, ,
years at lOOr per cent, compounded yearly, the total sum accumu-
lated at the end of the period is y where
the particular case where the investment a and the interest rate
lOOr per cent, are both fixed over time, we find
=a P
we have k
a 1 ~a
If x=Aa b fl is the production function, then (from 14.5)
and the capital needed varies inversely with the competitive level of
the market rate of interest.
where lOOr per cent, per year is the constant and continuous market
rate of interest. It is assumed that the entrepreneur chooses the
TT dy =
Mere ,-
-*/'()"* fl
" + f(i} ]
r{f(t)Y I /'(*)/
~ + f(t)
a relation giving t in terms of the given rate of interest.
In the normal case, the cost/() increases, but less than proportion-
ately, with the durability (t years) of the good. As an actual example
of a cost function of this type, take f(t) =bjt, where b is a constant.
t -
= 1'27
= na I
+ - e- f
= na2 (e~ rt + rt- I).
r \ r r) r
This capital value, like the optimum life of each good, is dependent
on the given market rate of interest.
Weare given N
items showing values of a certain attribute
according to the frequency distribution :
method and the results obtained are affected by the nature of the
grading. Something more precise is required for a theoretical treat-
ment. assumed, therefore, that the frequency distribution of a
It is
N \
NJa '
J a [f(x)dx
and r'-ilV
'*- N \(X X)
*) x)dx= -
y (A and a positive constants)
N=\ ~-dx
a \aa
a &-* X!. a
= -\ x 4,
_lf &
*dx = -^\
1 f
N oc-lW- -I
I 1
Take and ax let b tend to infinity. The number of persons with
income over x is thus
N= a I
The law has the property that the average income over x is a
constant multiple (
of x. In practice it is found that a = 1-5
\a I/
1. From the sum definition of an integral, show that I 1 dx = b - a. What
is the indefinite integral of 1 ? Hence check the result.
n /
xr _|_/ \ rb
sum 2 /( r+1 - x ) has
2. Iff(x) is continuous, the
) (xr+l r f(x)dx as
1 \ ' . .'(X
its limiting value as n increases indefinitely. Deduce that xdx = %(b 2 a2)
and check from the indefinite integral of x.
rb re rb
3. If f(x) = xn , check that f(x)dx=\Ja f(x)dx+\Jc f(x)dx for any values
of a, b and c.
Cx P x 4- P X
7. Show that
- dx = log (
1 + c*) and
-~~-x dx = log (e -
j ^ j
( 1 -H a;)
dx = x + x* + - x 9 .
Why are the two results apparently different ?
dy =
9. If -T- log x, check that y - x (log x - 1) + constant.
F _Ks-ft) l(x-b)*
10. Show that \(x-b)e 2 z
<fo = -o ae 2 a
dx 1, #-l
mating (by counting squares of the graph paper) the area under the curve,
above Ox and between the ordinates at x- and x = 2.
14. Find, integration, the area under the straight lino y x+ 1, above
Ox and between the ordinates x and x 1. Represent graphically and
chock by calculating the area of a trapezium.
16. Find the area under the parabola y-x^ above Ox and between the t
ordinates at x = - 3 and x^=3. Verify that it is twice the area between the
ordinates at x = and x = 3.
17. Show that the area between the rectangular hyperbola xy = a 2 and the
(x*-4x+ 3)dx and check that it equals the difference
between the area between the parabola y = x*-4x + 3 and Ox from x = to
x = I and the area between Ox and the parabola from x = 1 to x= 2. Illustrate
19. By taking the difference between two integrals, show that the area
enclosed between the parabolas y x 2 and y = *Jx is -J-.
20. Show that xe~ x*dx = and |
a?V* dx = - \
e~&dx for any value
J a .'a 2 .'a
of a (see 15.4, Ex. 9, above).
28. If interest is reckoned continuously at 4 por cont. per year, show that
the capital value of uniform income stream of 100 per year for 10 years is
approximately 824 and for 100 years approximately 2,454. (e^ 2-71828.)
29. Write down the capital value of a uniform income stream of a per year
for x years, reckoning interest continuously at lOOr per cent, per year. By
letting x -* oo , deduce that the capital value of such an income stream going
on for over is - .
30. An income stream decreases continuously over time for x years, the rate
being a e~ per year at t years from now. Find the capital value at lOOr per
cent, continuous compound interest. Show that this equals the capital value
of a uniform income stream of a per year for x years if the rate of interest is
raised to 100 (r + b) per cent, per year.
32. In the problem of Examples XIV, 31, show that the value of all inter-
mediate products at any time is
where - = 16 log A. In the competitive case (r being such that ap a + bp b = xe~ )
show that
33. In the problem of 15.8, p is defined so that f(t) = -(l -e-p< ), i.e. the
product of the capital good represents a net rate of return of 100/> per cent.
(computed continuously) on its cost/(tf). Find an equation for the length of
life of the capital good so that p is a maximum.
34. In the competitive case of the problem of 15.8, the market rate of
interest is such that the present value of the product of the capital good
equals its cost. Show that the optimum length of life of the good as deter-
mined in 15.8 equals that determined in the problem of the previous example.
35. If f(t) 3a*Jt and the competitive case of the previous example holds,
show that the market rate of interest is approximately 4 J per cent, per year
and that the capital good has a life of approximately 28 years.
36. In the problem of 15.8, if f(t) b*Jt and the market rate of interest is
lOOr per cent, per year, show that the present value of all capital goods in use
at any moment is approximately k 0-55 - . If the rate of interest is 5 per
cent, per year, show that the present value is approximately 220 times the
value of the yearly product of the capital goods.
37. In the problem of 15.8, the cost of a capital good of life t years is
Show that 3-65 is the average number of rooms occupied per family. Find
the standard deviation of the number of rooms occupied per family in this
group of families.
39. By differentiating both sides of the equation, show that
xre-* dx = xr~ l e~ x dx - xre~ x
f r^
any value of r. If Ir denotes " x e~ dx Lim \x e~ dx deduce that
r x r x
for j
b >oo- *
Ir rlr _ l and that / = 1. Hence show that the average and standard devia-
tion of the frequency distribution y xe~ x for the range from x to infinity
are x = 2 and a x J2.
16.1 The nature of the problem.
DATA provided by scientific observation usually relate to small
movements or changes in the quantities concerned. Information in
bulk", covering a wide range of events, is scarcely to be looked
for in practice. Translating the data into forms suitable for mathe-
matical expression, we obtain relations between increments in
variable quantities and, in the limit, the relations involve the
derivatives or differentials of the variables. Mathematical theories
in the sciences, if they are to be realistic ", must thus be built on
where f(x) is some given function. We have seen (15.3 above) that
this case is easily dealt with by means of the concept of an integral.
A more general form of the case is
where the given function f(x, y) involves both x and y. Given the
values of x and y, then the value of the derivative of the relation
that must exist between x and y is also known. From this in-
formation, we attempt to deduce the actual form of the functional
relation, to find that particular function which gives a derivative
This is the gradient of the direction in which the variables are
allowed to vary from the gradient of the tangent to the
(x, y), i.e.
dx 2xy
Fid. 97.
entiation :
Ex. 2. From x 2 + y 2 - 2ax + 1 = 0,
we obtain 2x dx + 2y dy - 2a dx = 0,
(xdx + ydy)
Substituting in the original equation, we find
X2 +y 2 ~2x rt
x dx + y
J dy
^ _ ^
+ 1=0,
i.e. (x*-y -l)dx + 2xy dy=Q,
i.e. rfy as-ys-l
dx "2xy
a differentia] equation in which the parameter a does not appear.
y - 2ax + a = 0,
2 2
Ex. 3. Differentiating
we have 2y dy -2adx=0.
Substituting a =y ~- in the original equation we find a differential
dx .,
integration of a differential equation reverses the procedure
of these examples, taking us from a relation in the derivative to the
x*-ev~a, and similarly for the others. In each case the integral
involves one arbitrary constant :
The result stated, though not formally proved, has been illustrated
sufficiently for our purpose.*
To extend more than two variables, suppose that we
to cases of
have a relation between the first-order variations in three variables
x, y and 2. In its simple form the relation can be written
Substituting a =2 -
y dy i
7/ di/
in the original relation, we find
-=/(#) contains
-~-f(x) an additive constant, a particular case of the present
general result.
where /(x, y) is some function ofx and y. To pass from one form to
the other, it is only necessary to associate f(x, y) with the ratio
The form ^
dx =/().
t/v '
the equation is - -
y) =/(#)
dx (log
2D M.A.
Hence, log
f(x)dx + a,
E$. 1. y(l-x)dx-xdy=Q.
Here 1
dx x x
So log
(f)-(* -6),
i.e. y =#e~ (a:
==e 6 (xe~ x ).
y dx y dx x
C dx
So log y=a I )- constant = a log x + constant,
~ ) = constant,
i.e. ~ = constant = a,
i.e. y^dx ".
y = epaj+l> = e = aepx
and epx ,
\<f> (x) dx 4- I
iff (y) dy
= constant.
It is only necessary, therefore, to evaluate two simple integrals.
Ex.1. e*^=2*.
LJ prtf
L dy *^ <
L dy = /V)* [ h
So -=-px-b, i.e. - =
L %
where the left-hand side is the differential of some function <f)(x, y),
" "
i.e. Pdx + Qdy~d<f>(x, y). The equation is then said to be exact
and its integral is clearly
<f> (x, y)
= constant.
The following examples illustrate how equations can be arranged
" "
so that they appear in the exact form.
Ex. 1. y dx + xdy=0.
The equation is exact as it stands and can be written d(xy) =0.
The integral is xy=a, where a is an arbitrary constant.
Ex. 2. (x
-y2 - l)dx+2xy dy = Q.
2 z -
_ (x -y l)dx + 2xy dy
Ex. 3.
= -2vyy -f k -
J* __ k/'J/
-L. Jfi
The is thus
h-Jy + a,
where a
an arbitrary constant.
\ El
- Q\
( respectively.
-p ) The cases where there are more than three
xdz , y dz n
-~-=a and ---=,
z ox zoy
dx dz
dy --
i.e. a + =0.
x y z
aj x + j3J.J:^J_-
=^ (6 an arbitrary constant)
J J y J z
Writing a =e~
the integral of the differential equation is
z = axay^.
Ex. 2. xdx + ydy+zdz=Q.
J# + %y* + lz* = constant.
* For a method which serves most ordinary
in cases, see Piaggio, Differential
Equations (1920), p. 139.
The integral required is thus represented by the system of spheres
" "
Multiplying through by -^ , the equation is thrown into exact form
and the integral of the equation is x +y2 az, where a is an arbitrary
constant. This integral is represented
" " by a system of surfaces known as
paraboloids (see 11.2-3 above).
question, can be stated, but not formally proved, here.* The linear
differential equation in two variables,
= or y)>
ordinary cases. The integral exists only if the functions P, Q and JR,
having continuous partial derivatives, satisfy a certain relation
see why the extra dimension spoils the simplicity of the previous
* In
fact, the curve system representing the integral of the differential
equation must be such that one, and only one, curve of the system passes
through each point of the relevant part of the plane Oxy (see 3.7 above).
The integral of the linear differential equation Pdx + Qdy = Q can
X) y = constant,
be written
<f> ( )
= constant.
Here </>(x,y)
It is
easily seen that the form of the function (x, y) is by no means </>
F{(j>(x, y)}
=. constant
is form of the integral. For,
also a if <f>(x, y) has a constant value
for certain values of x and ?/, then F{</> (x, y)} also has a constant
value for these x and y. Hence :
If <f> (x, y)
= constant is one integral of P dx + Q dy = 0, then the
general integral is F{<f> (x, y)} constant, where F is an arbitrary
x* + 2/ 2 + l =
-(z - 2
+ 2/~2--
+ l)-2 = ,
const. ;
- --
= const.
dx _ -dy dz
Further, the relations giving the differential equations can be arranged
to give any two of the variables (say, y and z) as functions of the third (x).
In the present case, we find
y= },>(b
+ 4ab)-4:bx-4x 2 - \b
dy , v , dz
~=f(x,y,z) ^ =g(x, y, z),
where the functions / and g are equivalent to the ratios
p and p.
It can be shown that the integral of these equations exists in all
cases subject to the usual conditions concerning the continuity of
the functions P, Q and R, or the functions / and g.* The integral
appears in the form of two relations between the variables, each
involving an arbitrary constant which can be separated off linearly :
F{<f>(x 9 y, z)}
= constant and G{*f*(x, y, z)}
= constant,
where F and O are any functions. Alternatively, the integral can
be written, on solving the two relations, as giving (say) y and z as
functions of x. Each function involves two arbitrary constants and
its analytical form is not unique.
of these functions, y as a
function of x, and the grad-
ient of its tangent at Q is
indicated by the derivative
. In the same way, the
" "
space curve has a shadow FIG. 98.
by -j-
. The curve in space and its tangent at P can thus be
" "
investigated by means of two shadow curves and their tangents.
Now, the given differential equations
dy /./ dz
^ ^
-~ and at each point P(x, y, of space, and so
give values of z)
determine two shadow " tangents, one in the plane Oxy and the
" "
other in Oxz. These shadows can be combined to give a definite
tangent line in space at P. The integral of the differential equations
isthen obtained by building up the tangent lines into a system of
curves in space, one curve passing through each point of space.
The practical process of integrating a pair of differential equations
of linear form is often extremely difficult.* The following examples
illustrate the practical integration.
* See Piaggio, Differential Equations (1920), pp. 133 et seq.
~ " *
x y z
y=ax and z = bx t
X ' '
2r 2
^2xz^2yz 'x
It can be verified that these differential equations can be arranged in
the form (amongst many others)
J x y J J J J
i .e.
log x - =
log y constant and lx 2 + \y 2 + z 2 = constant.
The integral of the equations can then be written
y=ax and x2 + y 2 -f 2z 2 = 6,
tt.,a and 6 are arbitrary constants. The two surface systems are now
= ax) and a system " "
a systetp of planes (y of surfaces known as ellipsoids
+ y2 +~2z 2 = 6). The integral is shown by a set of plane sections of a
system of ellipsoids ".
Ex .3.
^ =
~ dy
= dz
2z (x - y)
. 2
x 2
+y 2
-f 2yz x +y2 + 2xz
It can be verified, in this case, that the two relations
=0 and =
give two tangent lines at each point (x, y) of the plane Oxy, one with
gradient (to Ox) equal to (
-^) and the other with gradient equal
Q Since the product of these gradients is - the tangent lines
^ 1,
gives a tangent plane at each point (x, y, z) of space, and its gradients
are determined by the ratios of the functions P, Q and It. The pair
of linear differential equations
gives a tangent line at each point of space and its direction is deter-
mined by the functions P, Q and J?. It is a well-known result that
this tangent line isperpendicular to the previous tangent plane at
the same point. This can be verified by taking projections on the
co-ordinate planes. The tangent plane contains a horizontal line
possess the property that, wherever one of the surfaces is cut by one
of the curves, the intersection is at right angles. The surfaces and
curves are said to form orthogonal systems. For example, the total
differential equation xdx + ydy + zdz = has an integral which is
the system of concentric spheres (centre at 0) x* + y 2 + z 2 =c. The
pair of linear equations
^ =_^ = ~ has been found to integrate to
x y z
equations are not easy. The following general problem can be taken
as an illustration .f
" "
Ex. The dog and his master problem.
A man stands at a point and his dog at a point A in an open field.
The man begins to walk at a uniform
pace along a path at right angles
to OA, while the dog runs at a
uniform pace (greater than that of
the man) always in the direction
pointing to the position of the man.
When does the dog catch up with
the man ?
dy MQ_ OQ-y~'
dx MP x
This suggests an extension of the result of 16.1 above. It can, in fact, be
shown that, if the nth derivative is that of the highest order in a differential
equation in two variables, then the integral of the equation is a relation
between the variables which includes n arbitrary constants.
For an account of this and similar problems, see Osgood, Advanced
Calculus (1925), p. 332 et seq.
Let s =arc AP of the dog's path
=- (distance travelled by man) = U = U
U \ dX/
so that -. Then
f dp = u fdx ,
i.e. I -, -
I h constant.
Since p -j-
(gradient of path of dog at ^4)=0 when x l9 we find,
Hence, ~
1"" 14
1 /f u \ / cc1+u \
and 2/ =1; ( x I da; - f
I or"* da; ) -f constant =-1 (
) -f- 6.
2\J J / 2\l+u l-u/
The man walks a certain multiple ( ^ of the distance OA before the dog
\ l u^ /)
catches up with him. For example, if the dog's speed is twice that of the
man (u = \ ), the equation of the dog's path is y J (\/# 3 - 3\/# + 2) and the
man walks only two-thirds of the distance OA before the dog reaches him.
Similar complications arise in equations which involve the differ-
entials of three or more variables. Further, when the number of
variables exceeds two, we can
define equations of a rather different
_. dz dz
Ex. x ^~ J
-f?/^ = z.
dx dy
The equation is integrated when we have expressed z explicitly in
terms of x and y. The following trick is needed in the particular case
considered. %
Write u = so that
dzxdy -ydx =
dw-3 ^-3-
Hence the variation of u as a function of x and y depends only on the
where <f>
is any function whatever. This is the integral of the given
2E M.A.
differential equation. It is to be noticed that the arbitrary element in
the integral consists, not of an arbitrary constant, but of an arbitrary
function. This is a special feature of equations in partial derivatives.
The form of the integral shows that z is a linear homogeneous function
of x and y (see 12.8 above). The integral, in fact, provides the converse
of Euler's Theorem :
Ifx ~-+2/~-=z at all points (x, v), then z is some linear and
ox oy
homogeneous function of x and y.
receives a return equal to the marginal product ~- and similarly for the
factor B. It follows that
dx ,dx
da do
for all combinations of the factors. This is only possible, as our present
result shows, if the production function is linear and homogeneous.
x = ap (t) -f b + cp (t)
Demand .
(0~A5 r
(^), i.e. ~-=A.
So p(t)p+Ae.
Putting = p=p (the initial price), we find A
and p^-p. The
course of prices over time is thus uniquely given by
where p= a-a- ,
A=- -
and p Q is the initial price.
The important term in the expression for p (t) is eAe This term .
and was subject to the price then ruling. The general condition for
Here, linear demand and supply functions are assumed and p has
the same value as before. If the course of prices over the initial
are three c&ses to consider. Suppose, for simplicity, that the prices
in the period (0, 0) oscillate about p, being as much below p at
t as above p at 0. Then :
O 20 30 40 50 t O 20 30 40 50 t
20 30 40 50 t
FIG. 101.
or R(x, y)dx + dy = 0.
The function E
takes only positive values. It is further assumed
that the scale of preferences is continuous in the sense that has R
continuous partial derivatives.
The differential equation above can be integrated in all cases
at each point
(x, y) of the plane Oxy. The indifference directions can
then be integrated to give a whole system of indifference curves
defined by F{(f>(x, y)}~ constant. The situation is exactly as
before but based on a different assumption. do not assume aWe
complete scale of preferences but a scale for small changes from any
given set of purchases. Finally, the utility function index
with a constant value along any one indifference curve, follows from
our new assumption.
From 13.8 above, the function R(x, y) here defined is to be inter-
preted as the marginal rate of substitution of Y for X. Previously,
we deduced this concept from an assumed utility function. The
position is now reversed the marginal rate of substitution
is the
fundamental concept and the indifference map and utility function
are deduced from it. This is an important change of approach.
The general case where any number of goods appear in the con-
sumer's budget is sufficiently represented by the case of three goods
X, Y and Z. The assumption
to be adopted asserts that the indi-
vidual has a scale of preferences for small changes from a given set
of purchases (x, y } z) so that he can distinguish that small increase
Ax in the purchase of X which compensates for given small decreases
(-Ay) and (-Az) in Y and Z. The individual prefers a larger
increase than Ax, but rejects a smaller increase. Taking smaller and
smaller changes and writing differentials for the increments, we have
dx as a multiple of ( -dy) plus
a multiple of ( -dz). The multiples
are positive and functions of the purchases (x, y, z). So
dx = R1 (x, y, z) (~dy) + R 2 (x, y, z)(- dz)
or dx + Rl (x ) y, z)dy + R 2 (x, y, z)dz~0
isthe differential equation for indifferent changes in purchases. The
functions S l and R 2 take positive values and are assumed to have
continuous partial derivatives.
The interpretation of Rl and R 2 is not difficult. The ratio of
compensating increments in the purchases of X and Y when the
purchase of Z remains unaltered can be written
= Ri(x,y,z).
y' z constant
The function R
thus represents, at the purchases (x, y, z), the
dR 2 --
F{<f> (x .
y .
= constant,
where F is any function and <f)(x, y, z) a function such that
y and $ z =R 2 (x,y,z).
9 9 z)
Differential equations
1. Draw a graph showing a sufficient number of the tangent directions
-r- =- to indicate the curve system which is the integral of the equation.
integral. From the equation, prove that each curve of the integral system
has a maximum point at the same value of x.
3. If y= 1 +
=- ,
show that (y
~ l)dx + (x
l)dy = 0. Conversely, show
that the differential equation has the integral shown (using the variables
separate method). What are the curves represented?
* Preferencedirections were introduced by Edgeworth, Mathematical
Psychics (1881, reprinted 1932) and by Irving Fisher, Mathematical investi-
gations in the theory of value and prices (1892, reprinted 1925). In the case of
two goods, indifference curves are defined by the relation ~ = -R(x, y) and
preference lines
~= _
by the relation ax
. \\re
9. If a is a given constant, obtain an integral of
= a-;c
dx x
Show that the curve system obtained can be represented in either of the forms
ye*x~* constant and x - a log x -f log y constant.
12. Integrate (2x + y)dx+(x + 2y)dy = by showing that the left-hand side
of the equation is an exact differential.
13. Show that ydx+ (2x + y)dy = Q becomes exact on multiplying through
by 3y. Hence integrate the equation.
14. Find the partial derivatives of and hence solve the differential
y(2x - y )dx - x(x* 2y*)dy = 0.
3 8 -
-,* dx dy dz .
15. Integrate
-f + = 0.
x + *'
19. Find the partial
r derivatives of with respect to x, y and z.
Hence integrate (y -f s) dx + a?" dy
+ x*dz- 0.
20. Find the integral of the simultaneous differential equations
z dz.
( )
always equals average cost f ) .
Integrate and show that 17 is a
fixed multiple of x, i.e. that average cost is constant.
24. The price of tea, initially 3s. per lb., is p(t) pence per Ib. after t weeks.
26. The demand (per unit of time) for a good is x ap + b and the supply
g oip + p whore p is the price.If there is (e.g.) an excess of demand over
supply in any period, it is assumed that tho price changes to decrease the
excess at a rate proportional to the excess.
If p(t) is the price at time t, show that the assumption implies that
where k is some positive constant. Deduce that p (t) is
given by ~r + k (p p)
p= -
b B
where If p is the initial price (t = 0),
- show that p (t) = p + (p - p) e~kt
a a
and that tho price tends to the equilibrium value p. See Evans, Mathematical
Introduction to Economics (1930), p. 48.
27. If R= -
px + a
is the marginal rate of substitution of Y for X, show that
one form of the individual's utility function is u (x + a)*(y + b)& whore a, b,
a and ft are given constants.
tho utility function noed not be of this form. Illustrate by considering the
particular cases of the two previous examples.
" "
29. Throe goods X, Y and Z are said to be independent in consumption
ifthe ratios of the individual's marginal rates of substitution 1 JR 1 R 2 are : :
is the differential equation of the indifference plane. What is tho condition for
the existence of indifference surfaces? Show that the condition is satisfied
if foj ~a 2 c 2
6 3 and a 3 = c,. In this case, show that the utility function can
bo written as a quadratic in a;, y arid z.
17.1 Limits and infinite series.
WE have seen (4.1above) that there are two broad classes of number
sequences. A sequence either tends or does not tend to a finite
limit,the second -case including sequences tending to infinity and
sequences which oscillate. For example,
8> 16>
^.1 L
1, 4, 9, 16, ...->>.
- 2
The nth members of these sequences are f 1
~J and n respectively
written down with plus signs between successive members (to indi-
cate our intention to add them together), continued indefinitely and
called an infinite series. For example, the two sequences above give
111 1
1 + 3 + 5 + .+(2n-l) + ...
.. ,
each case (n being a positive integer). From the definition, the sum
of n terms of the infinite series equals the nth member of the original
So, for any positive integral value of n,
111 11
+ .. .+(2ft-l)=ft 2 .
the series is
2 - 3 -
-f . . .
If r numerically less than unity, the expression r becomes smaller
vided that r numerically less than one. In other cases, the expression
_ 1 1 1 1
+ +- + ...
+- + ....
Here a= |, r \ and 8n - - ^2
= 1 - ^->1 as TI~>OO .
** I 2 ^
The series is convergent with sum to infinity 1 (as obtained above).
Ex. 2. The recurring decimal 0-1 is a short way of writing the sum
to infinity of the series
+Jfa +J ^.tf + ... ^ .
This is a convergent geometric series with a =r j ^. The sum to infinity
Y ~~ Q* Hence, the decimal form of the fraction is (M.
A I /
. . ,
a V1W af / 1 \1
1+r 1 r\ VI +r/ /
If the income stream goes on
for ever, the present value is obtained by
at lOOr per cent, reckoned yearly, is - For example, the present value
of 3 per year for ever is 100 if interest is reckoned yearly at 3 per cent.
per year.
An arithmetic series consists of terms which increase (or decrease)
from one term to the next by a given amount, called the common
difference. If the first term is a and the common difference d, the
series appears
1 -X I -X
If x has a value numerically less than one, the term containing x n+l
decreases and tends to zero as n increases indefinitely. Hence,
1 -x
if x is numerically less than one. We have thus expressed -
- x
infinity equal to
- the formula of
X (by
The advantage of the series expression for -
- x
is clear. If x is
1+ x + x* + ... = 1+0-033334-0-00111+0-00004 + ...
= 1-03448.
Hence to four decimal places, ff = 1-0345, as
can be verified by long
division. The
term of the series is too small to affect the
1 -x
i.e. for approximate purposes the expression
can be replaced
f(x)=a Q + a^x + a zx + a 9x +
2 3
(to infinity),
. . .
where the a's are certain constants. The problem is a little complex
since we have first to see whether the process indicated can be
carried out at all, then to determine for what values of x it is
valid and finally to allot the appropriate values to the constant
If the process is possible, the series obtained is called the expansion
of f(x) as a power series, i.e. as a series in ascending powers of x.
The particular case above indicates the uses of the expansion when
obtained. For a definite value of x, the accurate value of f(x) is
obtainable only by substituting directly in f(x) or by finding the
limit of the sum of n terms of the series. But, if approximate results
suffice, we need only add a limited number 'of terms of the expansion,
It is possible, for example, to replace f(x) approximately by a quad-
=n(n-l)(n-2)...3.2. lan
Putting x 0,
and n
f( )(Q)n(n- l)(n-2) ...3.2. la n .
*o=/(0), <h=J
+/'"(0) + ... +/ ~ .
i.e. f(a+x)=f(a)+Ro(x) where R Q (x)^f'(a + 6x)x
and our result for 7i=0 is obtained.f
* Tho Seo Hardy, Pure Mathematics
rigid proof of this result is complex.
(3rd Ed. 1921), pp. 262 et seq.
The result when n = is known as the Mean Value Theorem and its
meaning can be expressed as follows. Tho mean increment in the function
f(x) for the increment in x from a to (a + x)
ratio tends to/ (a). Our result shows that the ratio equals the derivative of
- - x
- - As #->a, this
f(x) at some point between a and (a + x) even when x has not a small value.
may tend to zero for some values of x and not for others. The
former values of x are those for which expansion is possible. Once
this has been determined, the actual expansion is the series written
Collecting our results :
for any value of x such that /(n+1) (a + 0#)-jIn I~-> ~T~
f(i+x)=f(i)+f*(i)x+f '(i&+... (* =1 )-
r ~n
In general, fW(x) =r(r - 1) (r -2) ... (r-n + I)x
Taylor's series (a = l, n = l) gives
where X = \r(r -1)(1 +0x) r 2 is finite even when #=0. This gives a
convenient approximate expression for (1 -f x) when x is small. More
r-- ... - -- - ~
provided that
above must tend to zero. The same result holds, but is more difficult to
prove, if a; is negative and numerically less than unity. We thus have the
binomial expansion,
... - --
provided that Rn (
x) i =-e**->0 as n->oo .
The latter is seen to hold for any finite value of x whatever since
increases more rapidly than any power #n+1 as n tends to infinity. The
series written above thus holds for any finite value of x and it is called the
exponential series.
If x is small, the exponential ex can be replaced approximately by the
quadratic (1 + x + 1# ) or by the cubic (1 +x + \x* + &E ). The latter gives
e = 2-5
+ 0-166667
+ 0-041667
+ 0-008333
+ 0-001389
+ 0-000198
+ 0-000025
+ 0-000003
= 2-718282
i.e. e =2-71828 correct to five decimal places.
In general, 1
f(n) ( x )=(- 1)"- -
Taylor's series with a
=1 gives
Then f(<)==+
du dt dv dt du
v above)'
and .,
> <
+ /
L dfdfL
dt \du/ 5^ d
d*f dv\ I 3 2/ d/u dv\
~X _ ~ + +y
dt) \dudv ~dt dt)
d f n Sn
+ nxyy n ~ l ,
+ yn ^-
where the numerical coefficients follow the " binomial " form
indicated above (17.3, Ex. 1). By Taylor's series for <f>(t),
f-2 fn /n+1
Putting < = 1 and substituting the values of ^ (t) and its derivatives
(all evaluated at <
= 0, so that u=a and v = b), we have
f(a + x,b+y)=f(a,b)-
uju c/t*/ c/
y uy 'aft
and similarly for the other terms. Again, in the expression for
Rn (#> y)> the values a + Ox and b + dx are to be substituted for x and y
in the (n + l)th order partial derivatives concerned.
We have now obtained an extended form of Taylor's series and
partial derivatives at the point(a, b). The expansion holds only for
those values of x and y which make JRn (x, y)->0 as n-xx> It is to .
be noticed that the terms of the expansion are grouped so that each
containsall powers and products of x and y of a certain degree, the
provided that Rn (x, y) = v
. 6 <*+*)->() as 7&->oo .
The condition holds for all values of x and y (as in 17.3, Ex. 2). So
\L 11
which agrees with the ordinary exponential expansion on substituting
(x +i/) for the index.
a 2/
a 2 /" \
...+2xn _1 xn -
^ n / aiaa ... an
for any fixed positive integral value of n. This form of the series
(n = l),
i.e. f(a + x) -f(a) has the sign of f"(a + Ox), i.e. of /"(a). Hence,
If /'(a)=0 and/"(a)<0, #=a gives a maximum value off(x).
If/'(a) = and/"(#)>0, #=# gives a minimum value off(x).
(3) Suppose f'(a) =/"(a)
= 0, /'"(a) ^0.
Again f'"(a + 6x) has the sign of /'"(a) for sufficiently small
positive and negative values of #. So
Of the two terms on the right-hand side, the derivative has a constant
sign, that of / (n) ( a )> f r sufficiently small (positive or negative)
(2) If /'(a)=/
= ...=/<-D(a)=0, /<">(a)^0, then f(x)
has a stationary value at x=a which is an inflexional value if
n is odd, a maximum value if n is even and /<n) (a)<0 and a
minimum value if n is even and / (n) (a) > 0.
Ex. y = (x-\)*.
J-^-W S^ 12 ^ 1 )2'
g-^*- 1) and
There only one stationary value, y =0, occurring at x 1. At this point,
the first three derivatives are zero and the fourth derivative is positive.
Hence, /==0 is a minimum value of the function. This can be checked
sincey is positive for all values of x except that it is zero when x = 1. A
graph of the function shows a ciirve very similar in shape to the parabola
and with vertex at (1, 0) on the axis Ox.
d 2z=d(dz).
dnz=d(dn ~ l z).
dx* dxdy dy
The essential point is that rfx and dy are treated throughout as
constant increments otherwise the ordinary rules of differentiation
Ex.1. z=
Here dz = 2 (x + y)dx + 2 (# - y)dy
and d2
= 2(dx 2 +2dxdy-dy 2 ).
Ex.2. z= ,
x-y + I
Here dz ^(-
x -y + 1) 2
- 2xy + 2x) dx
(x-y + 1)*
Ex.3. z=l
Here dz
x2 +y 2
2 2 2 2
Z &
d(xdx+ydy)(x +y )-d(x +y )(xdx + ydy)
U> 752 2 75
(x +y )
_ (y (dx
+y2)-2(xdx+ydy) 2
2 2 2
(x +y )
2 - y2 dx 2 + 4xy dx dy -
) (x
2 - y2 ) dy2
dx 2 dxdy
Tfiv /9^Z ^?
3Z /5^2
i.e. f/
z =- 3
Ac 3 H- 3 . . dx 2 dy 4- 3 -
=--; rfx dy + -
3 ^v
arr ox* oy ox oy 2 dy
This is a cubic expression in dx and A/ with coefficients given by the
if li
where the be taken at (x y) and with respect
differentials of z are to }
=d **+ -d *> +d
dz ,, _ . . fdz\ 7 dz
dx ^T"
dxdy I
dx \dxdy
y iT
dx 2 dxdy dy dx dy
The expression for d 2z now includes two additional terms, the terms
in the second differentials of x and y as functions of the independent
variables u,v,w, ... Ifx and y happen to be independent variables,
these terms are zero (since dx and dy are constants) and the expres-
sion for d 2z reduces to that previously obtained. In general, however,
d 2x and d 2y must be retained and interpreted in the light of the
particular problem considered.
2G M.A.
Two simple applications of the result can be noted. If zf(x, y)
where x and y are functions of a single variable t, the partial deriva-
tives and derivatives of the functions being known, then from
dz __ dz dx dz dy
dt~ dx dt dy~dt'
of x. Dividing through by dx 2 9
dy \dy) }
This can be expanded, as before, on substituting the value of -=- .
dy dx ~
It is to be noted that, though the and -=- are first derivatives
dx dy
reciprocal, the same relation does not hold between the second
In practice, the derivatives of implicit functions are best obtained
by differentiating the relation between the variables as it stands,
always remembering which of the variables is dependent :
Ex.1. a
=, .--.
dx y
Differentiating again,
d 2y If
l 'e ' L+ fo
d^~~y\ \dxJ J~ y
But, taking a; as a double-valued function of y,
=. .- dy x
If, /dx\*} la: 2 + 16
Ex.2. x*+y*-3xy=Q.
Regarding y as a triple- valued function of x,
Differentiating again,
52 32
~ -
dt I
Infinite series
2. Find the infinite series with sum of n terms given by (a) n 2 (n-f- 1) and
(6) \n(n l)(2y& + 1). Show that neither series is convergent.
3. Write the series with sum of n tqrms - - and show that it is convergent.
4. It is known that TT is the sum to infinity of the series
*(i-i+t- ++*-A+...).
Find the value of tr to five decimal places.
Illustrate the approximation to the sum to infinity by finding the sum of ten
terms in each case.
9. An
income stream, starting with a next year, is such that each year's
income half that of the previous year. Adding interest yearly at lOOr per
cent, per year, find the present value of the stream flowing for n years, and of
the stream flowing for ever.
10. An income stream starts next year with a and flows for ever so that
each year's income is a fixed percentage (100s per cent.) less than the previous
year's income. Find the present value of the stream, adding interest yearly
at lOOr per cent, per year.
11. If 6 is some positive fraction, use Taylor's series (n = 0) to show that
log ( 1 + x) - and deduce that
1 -{ uX
13. Write /s/6 = |- \/25 - 1 and use a binomial series to calculate its value
correct to five decimal places.
16. Form an infinite series each term of which is the integral of the corre-
sponding term of the expansion of (1 4- a)" in ascending powers of x. What
isthe series ? Show that its sum to infinity is the integral of (1 4- a?)"
. What
general rule does this result suggest ?
17. By taking sufficient terms of the appropriate series, find the values of
Je and
- correct to four decimal places.
r exceeds s by approximately sa .
20. If interest at lOOr per cent, compounded yearly and at lOOp per cent.
compounded continuously are equivalent, show that r - p = %r approximately
22. A
man's income is *? and his (measurable) utility is then <f>(x) where
<f>(x) increases at a decreasing rate as x increases. The man makes a fair bet
on an event with chance p, laying pa against ( 1 - p)a that the event happens.
Show that his expectation of utility is now - -
{ptf)(x -hi- pa) + (1 p)<f> (x pa)}.
If the bet small, use Taylor's series to show that the expectation gives less
1 x y
Expand, by Taylor's
series for
(Cf. Examples XIII, 7.)
26. Find the partial derivatives, and hence the first two differentials, of
each of z~x* + 2xy 2
-y , z ---- and z log (x
+y 2
x y -f 1
x 3 + y* - 3xy 9 z = */x*
ex v
Find the second
and 2 = log - differential of each of z
1 d 2z
29. If z = where x = e* and y e**, evaluate ~r-r
x+y cut*
carry out processes more easily and with greater generality than
The foundation of a determinant is a square " block " of quantities
" "
written down in rows and columns in crossword form. There is
no restriction on the quantities except that each must be capable of
written down in a square form of two rows and two columns, nine
quantities in a square form of three rows and three columns, and
so on. Examples are provided by the following arrangements :
du du x2 xy xz
dx dy ,
and ** y yz
Sv dv
3 -r -r
ox dy xz yz z2
where the integer n denotes the order of the determinant. The two
suffixes of an element denote the row and the column into which the
element is to be placed. Thus, a 53 is the element to be inserted in
" "
the cell at the intersection of the fifth row and third column. It
must be noted, however, that the notation is designed for dealing
with determinants in general in any particular case the elements
#11 #12
#21 #22
The determinant on the left is simply another way of writing the
algebraic expression on the right.
Ex. 1. 2 -1 = 2x3-(-l)xO
h b
+ #! 3 (#21#32~#22#3l)
= #11#22#33 + #12#23#31 + #13#21#32
- #n# 23#32 - #12#21#33 ~ #13#22#31-
The second-order determinant multiplying au is derived from the
original determinant by omitting the first row and the first column
(the row and column intersecting in a^), and similarly for the other
determinants. The third-order determinant is thus seen to be a
short way of writing an algebraic sum of six terms, each term being
the product of three elements of the determinant so chosen that one
element comes from each row and one from each column. Further,
half the terms are added and half subtracted to form the algebraic
Ex. 1. 1 3 -2 -1 -2 -1
-103 -2 -2
-2 1
(0 +6) -3(- 1-0) -2(2-0) =6 +3 -4 = 5.
A determinant of the fourth order is then defined ;
%n a 22 a 23 a 2n
#22 a 2n
... a a nl an3 ... an
... a nn
The signs of the successive entries on the right-hand side are alter-
natively positive and negative until all the n elements of the first
row are taken. The (n- l)th order determinant multiplying alr is
\n=n(n-l)(n-2) ...3.2.1,
whichis very large when the order of the determinant is high.
a r8 |
(r and s = l, 2, 3, ... n),
where a r8 is a typical element (in the rth row and 5th column).
A determinant, therefore, is a notation expressing an algebraic
sum of terms which are products of the elements of the determinant
and its value is of the same nature (e.g. numerical or a function of
certain variables) as the elements which compose it. The practical
way of finding the value of a given determinant is indicated by
the definition, i.e. by successive reduction to determinants of lower
and lower order until second-order determinants are obtained and
evaluated by cross multiplication.
au nl
^23 ..'
^21 ^22 ^2i
.. "^
e.g. fif'i2 ^11 ^13 ^ln ^'11 ^12 #13 *
e.g. a12 ln
anl 2n <*>
a12 aln
To make clear the properties, it is a useful
meaning of these
exercise to verify that they hold in the particular cases of second
and third-order determinants. It is also a relatively easy matter
to give general proofs, using properties of the values and signs of the
terms in the expanded form of a determinant (18.2 above).* The
practical evaluation of determinants is often simplified by using the
above properties, e.g. a combination of
(6) (4) sometimes shows and
that a determinant has zero value. The following examples illustrate :
order one less than that of the original determinant. The derived
determinant is called the minor of the selected element in the given
determinant. There are n 2 minors of a determinant of the nth order
and each is a determinant of the (n - l)th order. In
A \
a rs |
r an d 5 = 1, 2, 3, ... n)
the minor of the typical element a rs is denoted by A r8 ,
as obtained
from A by omitting the rth row and sth column.
The a selected element in a given determinant is the
co-factor of
minor of the element with a sign attached. The rule of signs is
quite simple. If the numbers of the row and column containing the
element add to an even number, then a plus sign is given to the co-
factor if they add to an odd number, then a minus sign is allotted.
Again, take the sum of the elements of one row of the determinant
each multiplied, not by the corresponding co-factors, but by the
co-factors of the elements of another row, e.g.
a 21 A n +a 22 A 12 +a 23 A 13 + ...+a 2n A ln .
This sum must, by the definition, equal A except that the first row
inA is replaced by the row of elements (a 21 a 22 #23* a 2n)> i- e the
, , -
the minors of various orders obtained by selecting the last, the last
" "
two, ... elements of the principal diagonal (an a 22 a 33 ... ann ) , , ,
O. 1* f - 1 O* f -i. 'Y1 f -1 I
/y -P f\ ( O\
2i7 27* '" 3j ST ~* * * '
^71 ./ 7~w j l^'l
= l, 2, 3,...n).
The n relations (2) arc extensions of the results (4) of 12.8 and give
each direct second-order partial derivative in terms of the cross-
partial derivatives.
We denote by F the determinant of the (n-fl)th order formed
" "
from the block of second-order partial derivatives of/, bordered
with the first-order partial derivatives :
A /2 /3 ..- fn
fl fll J12 /13 fin
f f f> f f
and J 0ff =
-*^F (4)
The proofs of (3) and (4) are interesting exercises in the manipu-
lation of determinants :
1 (Al^ Oll + - -
By the results of 18.4, the coefficient of xt is F Q and the coefficients
of a? 2 #3 ... xn are all zero. Hence,
, ,
by 18.3, (6)
adding x 2 times the elements of the third row, x 3 times the elements
of the 'fourth row, ... to the elements of the second row and using
(1) and (2) above. Expanding in terms of the elements of the second
row and applying a similar manipulative process all over again (with
columns instead of rows), we find
4* z
=c and
in two variables is (by the method of 2.9 above) given by
and =
11*1 + 12^2
21 1 '
022 2
for the first, second, third, ... and nth columns of A respectively.
3 1 -6
1 1 2
+p a v --p w^=
for the three variables
dp and
can satisfy the equations, and the latter are thus inconsistent for all finite
values of the variables. If some of J 19 J |9 J ...^ w are also zero, then at least
one variable becomes indeterminate (zero divided by zero) and the equations
are not independent.
The solution can be written in determinant form
The first three determinants are easily expanded since one column in
each case contains two zeros. The other determinant, expanding in terms
of the first column, equals
- PaPb) - a -
-n (PaPb
( y- PaPb)
since xp = apa -f bp b .
u v w I
and (w ==
) ^
= -- (n - a).
+ by 2
4- 2hxy), + by 2 + cz 2 + 2fyz + 2gxz + 2hxy),
. . .
F(z, y)=
adopting a process (familiar in elementary algebra) known as com-
pleting the square in the variable x. It follows that F'(#, y) is only
positive for all values of x and y not both zero, if the two squares in
the above expression have positive coefficients, i.e. if a and (ab - h 2 )
are both positive. Similarly, F(x, y) is negative under the same
conditions only if the coefficients are negative, i.e. only if a is nega-
tive and (ab-h 2 ) positive. These conditions are easily seen to be
both necessary and sufficient. Writing the expression (ab
- h 2 ) in
determinant form, we have the result :
and negative for all values of x and y (other than x~y = 0) if,
and only if, the same expressions are negative and positive
+ hxy -h by 2 .
g \
ab h 2 ac g 2 2 af gh
(ha /
z ~\
1/ H ~\
~ z
\ -\ ~\~ &
g \ ab h2 f af gh
a z]
y -\ r
-ch 2 + 2fgh 2
+ abc-af -bg z '
" "
where we have completed the square twice in succession. Now,
F (x, y, z) is positive for any values of the variables not all zero
if, and only if, the coefficients of the three squares in the above
expression are all positive, i.e. if
and - 2 - bg 2 - ch 2 4-
a, ) (abc af 2fgh)
are positive. Similarly, F(x, y, z) is negative for any values of the
variables not all zero if, and only if, the same coefficients are all
and negative for all values of x, y and z (other than x=y=z Q) if,
and only if, these expressions are negative, positive and negative
It can be shown, as before, that the conditions set out here are
symmetrical and can be written in two equivalent ways by selecting
the coefficient b or c instead of a. The third-order determinant
written is called the discriminant of the quadratic form and is most
easily derived when the form is arranged :
F (x, y, z) ax 2
-f- hxy -f gxz
+ hxy + by 2 +fyz
+gxz+fyz -fez .
which is x (and for the corre-
positive (negative) for all values of
sponding values of y given by the relation) and only if, the ex- if,
2 -
positive (negative) From an example
pression (6a a/? -f-
2Aa/J) is
and negative under the same conditions if, and only if, the deter-
minant is positive.
criminant of the original quadratic form by " bordering " with the
coefficients a and /J from the linear relation.
and r
= (afy-g*p- +/<x).
The form is positive for all values of y and z (x being given by the
linear relation) if and A> 2
AJ3-H >O y
i.e. if
and (be -/
+ (ab - g*)fi 2 + (ah - A 8 )y a
- 2 (a/ - fl*)ft, - 2 (fy -
-/A) ay 2 (<* -fg) aj8 > 0.
The form is negative under the same conditions if the two expres-
sions given above are negative and positive respectively. It is
and negative under the same conditions if, and only if, the two
determinants are positive and negative respectively.
-1>0 and 1 =
Ex.2. (x
-y2 -Iz 2 +xy) is negative for all values of x, y and z
subject to the relation x + y + 2z=Q since
But (3#
+ lOxy + I ly2 ) is positive for all values of x and y since
The original quadratic form is thus negative for all values of x and y
and for z = - J (# + y).
+ p
dx,l dx3z +
9a; 2
dx,^ dx3 +
is negative for all values of dxl9 dx 2 and dx3 .* The conditions are
dx l
<0 9a: x 9x 2
>0 and
F(xv x 2 # 3 , ,
... a?n )=o ua1 a + a M a? a a + ...
+ 2a12xlx 2 -1- 2a13xlx3 -f . . .
x 2 x^
... xn ) = anx^ + a12x x 2 + .
K..+annsw '
where the a'sdenote given coefficients such that the order of the
suffixes is immaterial (a 2i = a 12 ...). The determinant J
, r |>
(1) The quadratic form is positive definite if, and only if,
nl an2
and the form is negative definite if, and only if, the above
expressions are alternatively negative and positive.
and the form is negative definite under the same conditions if,
and only if, the above expressions are alternatively positive and
The proofs ofthese general results follow lines similar to those
indicated in the particular cases already established and no further
details need be given here. The proof of (1) depends on the
reduction of the quadratic form to the sum of n squares, all the
coefficients of which must be positive (or all negative). The proof
of (2) is obtained when the quadratic form is reduced from one in
n variables to one in (n - 1) variables by means of the given relation.
= abc + ab + ca + be.
-1 -1
Deduce that the determinant equated to zero gives a cubic equation in x
with two roots x = a and a third root x = - 2a.
6. Prove that a a* a - 1
-(a&c-l) 1 a a 2
(18.3, (2) and (5)),
6 62 63 - 1 1 b 62
c c2 c3 - 1 Ice 2
7. Factorise
8. Write down the co -factors of the elements of the second and third rows
of the second determinant of Example 1 above and verify the results of 18.4
in this case :
Linear equations
cvz + d^ - 0,
have a unique solution which can be written
A* A A3 A4
at 6j cx rfj
3 3 3
aa 6a c2 d2
3 *>3
C3 dB
a o* CA d
This is the condition that four linear equations in three variables are con-
sistent. Generalise it.
Quadratic forms
15. that (4xy - 2x 2 - 3y 2 ) is negative definite and (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 - yz)
positive definite for all values of the variables (not all zero).
and y take any values subject to 2x + y 0, show that (x 2 + y 2 + 3xy)
16. If x
isnegative definite. Is this quadratic form also negative definite for any
values of the variables ?
18. If a, b, h, a andft
have positive values, show that tho quadratic form
by + 2hxy) always positive definite subject to ax - f$y 0.
2 2
(ax -f is
second differential d 2u and find the conditions that it is positive dofiriite for
values of dx dy and dz, (a) without restriction and (6) subject to
du fx dx +Jy dy +fz dz 0.
Write the condition that (ax 2 + by 2 -f 2hxy) is positive definite subject
to + fty 0. Show that the quadratic form is positive definite for any values
of a and under conditions identical with those required for tho form to
be positive definite for mirestrictod variation of x and y. Generalise and
indicate the relation of the conditions for relative definite quadratic forms
to those for unrestricted definite quadratic forms.
19.1 Maximum and minimum values of a function of several variables.
THE extreme values of a function of any number of
definition of
variables can be put most precisely in the form (see 17.5 above) :
/(^-fo^, a 2 -h# 2 ,
... <* n +xn ) -/(%, 2>
a n) negative (positive)
for all small values of x l9 x 2 ,
... x n .
-Rn (
x , y) =-\
- T* 1
7 d n + lf at the point (a + Ox, b + Oy).
(1) Suppose that df-Q for some variations in the variables from
the point (a, b). Then by the continuity of the partial derivatives
of the function, rf/^0 also for some variations from the point
(a + 0x, h + Oy), provided only that x and y are sufficiently small.
Suppose that df=0 for all variations while d f^Q for some
variations in the variables from the point (a, b). By continuity again,
we can take d 2f^=0 also for some variations from (d-\-0x, b + 6y),
provided that x and y are sufficiently small. Taylor's Theorem,
with n 1, now gives
f(a, b) = ~d f
at (a + 0x, b + Oy)
(a) If d f<0 for all variations from the point (a, 6), then z=f(x y) 9
(b) If d zf> for all variations from the point (a, 6), then z =f(x, y)
has a minimum value at this point.
(2) If rfi/
= for all variations and d zy 7^0 for some variations
of the variables from the values (al9 a 2 ... a n ), then y has a ,
differential form of the criterion can be expanded to give
conditions relating to the partial derivatives of the function. The
necessary condition (dy 0) simply implies that all the partial
derivatives of y must vanish at an extreme value (see 14.2 above).
The sufficient conditions relate to the second differential
all the partial derivatives being evaluated at the point (al9 a 2 ... a n ). ,
Jxxjyy^> (jxv)
The conditions are those previously given (14.2 above).
If there are three independent variables, then a point where
The point gives a minimum value of u if the first and third inequal-
ities are reversed.
<i (#15 # 2,
xn ) = 0,
. . .
2 (xl9 x 2 xn ) 0,
if the conditions previously
. . . . . .
dy fxi
dx -f/a;8 dx 2 +/a;a dx% + ... +fx n dxn =
for all increments which satisfy
These are the necessary conditions (see 14.6 above). To obtain
sufficient conditions, we write
f f /7 /y 2 _j_ f /7o* 2 tyf /it*
fj'y/ tviA/o
/"72/j/ ~~~"
if J 3Ci
* * *
f f
ditions <f>(x, y) and ^ gives a maximum value of z~f(x, y)
fxy - dx dy
dx dy + / -
<* <
J f
/ so:
~J Jt ^ ~ ' x
<Pa; JT Y>ara: /a;i/ <?x\
<Px 9x
~ "
Expanding the determinant, the condition is
(/.-#..) ^,- (/-*) #.'- (/,-*) *,*><>,
This agrees with the result previously obtained (14.6 above) when
f f^
we remember that * = by the necessary conditions.
i.e. s = i, t/
= f, 2=|, giving
But d ^ 2
is negative definite at all points since
-2<0, -2 =4>0 and -200 -6<0.
-2 -2 1
1 -2
Hence, u has a single maximum value ^f .
Let u be the square of the distance from the origin to the point with
z) on the plane.
co-ordinates (x 9 y, Then
u=x2 + y2 +z2 where ax + by 4- cz = d.
du = 2 (x dx + y dy + z dz) =0,
subject to a dx + b dy + c dz = 0.
So ?=|=?-
a b c
Taking the equation of the plane as giving a; as a function of y and z, then
d2x = 0, and
d2u = 2x d2x+2(dx2 +dy2 + dz2 ) = 2(dx 2 + dy 2 +dz2 )>0
for variations from any point. The positions obtained is thus one of
relative minimum. The shortest distance required is the square root of
the minimum value of u, i.e. it is
2 2 2
=a2 we x =y =z V
Using x + y + z , find
, giving
Now, d2 V = Syz d2x -f 16 (z dx dy + x dy dz -f y dx dz),
where xdx+ydy + zdz==Q
and xd2x + dx2 +dy2 +dz* =0,
where the given relation determines x as a function of y and z. On
eliminating d*x, we have
d2 V = 8{2z dx dy + 2x dy dz+2y dx dz-~(dx2 +dy 2
where xdx + ydy+z dz =0.
At the point where x=y^z=^-j^ ,
subject to dx 4- dy + dz = 0.
For a relative maximum of V, the quadratic form
- dx* + dxdy + dx dz
+ dxdy-dyz +dydz
+dx dz+dy dz-dz2
must be negative definite subject to dx+dy + dz=0. The conditions for
this are satisfied since
orders :
-= and (rand =
Our problem is, given the market prices pl9 p 2 p& ... p n of the
first ,
relative to/(%, a 2 a 3 , ,
... a n )=x. The necessary condition is
\- ?l^^_^3_ "' _^
A / /. fn'
There are (n-1) equations which, with the given side relation,
determine the equilibrium employments of the factors in terms of
the given output and the given prices of the factors. We thus have
the demand for each factor and we can write
a r ^<f> r (x,plt p Z) p 99 ...p n ) (r
= l, 2, 3, ... n).
/X /a
I/A > ' A
I/X /a
/A /s
/ O
Suppose that/!, /2 /3 ... /n are all positive and that the inequalities
, ,
= l, 2, 3,...n).
Hence, KI + * 2 -f s + ... + *
= !. /c
Let F= A /, /, /,
/I /ll /1 8 /13 /In
/l^rl+/2^r2+/3^r3+-..+/n^rn = (f
= 1, 2, 3, ... n).
So /qor rl + fc 2 or
r2 -f K^<j rZ + . . . + Kn arn = (r
=1 , 2, 3, . . .
The last two inequalities of the stability conditions (19.4) imply that
F and Fnn are of opposite sign. The same is true of F and F rr for
/c 2 o-12 H- 13 > 0,
/c 3 c7 Kior12 -H 3 23 > /c o- and /c or
1 13 + /c 2 (T23>^-
being linear and homogeneous with the properties set out in 18.5
above. Given the output (x) and the prices (pl9 p 2 p%, ,
... p n ) of the
factors, the demands for the factors are determined by
Pi == P^ =z P^ = JP*=\
/I /2 /3 Jn
and /(!, a 2 a 3 , ,
... a n )=x.
since a lt/i -f a a /2 + 3 /3 + . . . + an fn x by Euler's Theorem. Further,
* The order in which the factors are enumerated is immaterial ; we can
take the factor A r last just as well as the factor A n .
ax ax
doc ax
tion. Average cost and marginal cost are equal and, therefore,
constant for all outputs.
Extending the problem of 14.8 above, it is assumed that is sold X
on a competitive market at a price p equal to the constant average
equal to p, i.e.
Jl h h Jn
Pr=Pfr (r
= l, 2, 3, ... n),
which is the law of marginal prodiictivity ". Let the demand of
cWIU Pi_P*_P* ----
= -Pn-v
f f f f p.
Jl /2 /3 Jn
terms of the given prices of the factors. The output x = <f>(p) and
the total cost U=xp= a1 p 1 + a 2 p% + a 3 p 3 + ... +a n p n are also given
in similar terms.
The demands of the competitive market for the factors are deter-
mined, by the equilibrium conditions, as functions of the prices of
the factors. Let one of these prices (p^) vary while all the other
prices remain fixed. The
resulting variations in the demands for
the factors are then to be found by differentiating the equilibrium
equations (which hold for any prices of the factors) with respect
to ft. From /(<%, a 2 a 3 , ,
. . . an ) = <
jF stands for the determinant already written (19.5 above) and
J^ is the co-factor of the element in F. Further, F rs and F 0r3
denote the co-factors of the element frs in F and ^ respectively
(r and a
= l, 2, 3, ... n). Then, by 18.5 and 19.5,
^0, F rs = fFK a rs =^FKrars
s ,
Js Jr
where a rs is the partial elasticity of substitution of Ar and A s and
With the aid of 18.3, (5), the numerator can be written
Pi, are clearly quite general. We can, in fact, write one formula to
express the effect of a change in the price of any factor on the demand
for any factor :
Z_f = ! (QT "
-.-n) (r and s = l, 2, 3, ... n).
Ep r a 8 dp r
These expressions for the partial elasticities of demand for the
factors are of the same form as those obtained in the case of two
factors (14.8 above). Their interpretation proceeds as before but
some new conclusions are now reached. If the market price of one
factor A r rises, then the demand for this or any other factor is affected
in Firstly, the cost of production is now higher and the
two ways.
product dearer. For a decreasing demand law (^ 0), the amount of >
the product sold is less and there is an all-round and proportional
decrease in the demand for the factors. This effect is shown by the
negative term (
- K rrj) which appears in each of the elasticities of
demand with respect to the price of A r .
Abstracting from this effect,
the factor Ar is now relatively more expensive than other factors
and pays to substitute other factors for
it r in production. The A
demand for A r thus decreases on account of substitution, as shown
by the negative term (/c r o> r ) in
^ .
(By 19.5 above, a rr is negative
for stable demands.) The effect on the demand for one of the other
factors is more complex but the net result (on the demand for^4 s )
+'= and += (
The consumer has a given income and can purchase the goods at
Pi Pz Ps Pn
These (n-I) equations, with the given side relation, determine the
equilibrium purchases of the consumer in terms of his given income
and the given prices, i.e. the consumer's demands as functions of
P>Pi>P*>P*> Pn-
The condition of " budget balance " gives xl as a linear function
of the other purchases and so d 2a?1 = 0. It follows that a sufficient
condition for maximum u is that
= u dxj 2 +
12 dxl dx 2 4- <
13 dx: dx3 + . . . + <f>m dxl dxn
+ <f>i*
&x\ dx^ -f $22 dx2 * + <f> 23 dx2 dx3 + ...+ <f> 2n dx 2 dxn
4- .........................................................
i.e. to
& <f> 2 fa 02
fa fal faz 01 0n 012
fa 012 022 02 fa*
03 013 0!23
The equilibrium position and the demand functions are stable for
any income and market prices if ly 2) 3 ... n are positive and if
<f> <f>
, <f>
and similarly for the partial derivatives of the other marginal rates
of substitution. The determinant inequalities of the stability con-
ditions, using these results, can be reduced to
dx2 a^ \0!
The stability conditions thus involve only the marginal rates of
substitution and are independent of the actual form chosen for the
utility function.
Exactly as in 19.5 above, we define
r- and o>.
\-xn </> n "*
(r and s 1
2, 3, ... n),
X <p 2 03 0n
01 011 012 013 -
Pi P2 P3 Pn
and xlPl + x zPz + X3Ps + + X nPn I*"
money ". Following the method of 19.6 above, these equations can
be differentiated with respect to /* or to one of the prices to give the
variations of demand for any good :
Ex s jj,
dx s , Ex 8 p r dx a ,
- Kr
(Ex^' -^ )
in the
expression for
f .
Further, the good r is now relatively more
for =-- .
(The value of cr rr is negative by the stability conditions.)
The effect of substitution on the demand for one of the other goods
* We have
given here definitions of competitive and complementary goods
which are more strict than those previously suggested (12.6 above). On the
ffr l^v
old definition, X r and X. are competitive goods if ? and -~ are both
T?<y / Ifr \ -*^Pr -^Ps
positive. From -^
- = KT ( ara - -- ) , wo see that the new definition (<rrs > 0)
&pr \ kiiL* jgx jgx
usually implies the same thing. But one or both of -=~ and -=~ can be
Ex Ex ?f P*
negative if -~~ or -=~ is positive and greater than ars , i.e. if the effect on
Z&/Z jfejLt
demand via changes in real income is stronger than the substitution effect.
Similarly, the two definitions of complementarity are roughly, but not exactly,
in agreement.
2K M.A.
Ox, Oy and Oz. The preference scale of the consumer is then
described by an indifference plane dx + E^y + B^dz^O at any given
point of space. Here, S
1 and J5 2 are given functions of x, y and z
income /z, the purchases of the consumer must conform to the con-
" "
dition of budget balance (xpx + yPv + zpzp*) an<* any variations
in the purchases from an established set (x, y, z) must satisfy
p x dx +p y dy +p z dz 0.
dR dR*
+ --~dz
dR-t ,
T -,-n
^ dy
9 ,
Suppose, now, that an exactly similar change from the new purchases
iscontemplated. The necessary decrease in the purchase of is X
Px Px
but the compensating decrease in X is now
- dx) c = (Rl + dBj} dy + (B* + dR 2 ) dz.
The original purchases are stable provided that this second change
will not be made, i.e. provided that the compensating decrease in X
is less than the necessary decrease :
9jR 2
i .e .
^ 1 n
dx 2 + - ~ -l ^
dx dy+-
-~ dx dz , ,
2 dx dy 2\dy dz
2 dz %\dy dz J
y T
dx + R! dy + R 2 dz = 0.
Hence, from 18.9, (2),
1 R t
2 dx dy
2 dx 2~dx
2\dy dz)
1 7l 7? 1 /
I .
\\ dR,
2 dx 2 \ By dz J dz
2 dx
dx dy
Further, write
dx dz
dx dy dz
where ~ a
" a ~ W_!
\ dz
dx dy dz
dx dy dz
the integrability case must still hold but they are only necessary,
and not sufficient, for stability. Notice that the integrability con-
dition (16.8 above) is simply A and that the general stability
conditions then reduce to those previously written.
The demand of the consumer for each of the three goods is deter-
mined, as a function of /z, p x p y and p z by
, ,
the conditions :
9 2
Px Px
This is true of all cases. In the special integrability case, the forms
assumed by the marginal rates of substitution and by the stability
conditions are simpler than in the general case. The results (19.7
above) relating to the variations of demand and the partial elas-
ticities of substitution hold only in the simpler case and need
modification when we
pass to the general case. In particular, the
distinction between goods which are competitive and goods which
are complementary in consumption is found to be less clear-cut in
General maximum and minimum problems
1. Show that u x 2 + y 2 4- z a + xy has a minimum value at x = y z = 0.
2. Show that u = x* -f y + xyz has minimum values at all points where
5. Find the shortest distance from the origin of co-ordinates to any point
on the surface xyz = a in the positive quadrant.
6. If a is a positive constant, show that the maximum value of
u a (a - x) (a - y) (a - z)
relative to x + y 4- z 2a occurs where x, y and z are each equal to -fa. Inter-
pret this result in the light of the fact that the area of a triangle with sides
x, y and z is given by Va(a - x) (a - y) (a - z), where 2a is the perimeter.
8. Find the conditions under which the equilibrium of tho general problem
of 14.5 above is stable, expressing them in terms of the partial derivatives of
the production function x~f(a, 6, t).
9. A good X
is produced with three variable factors according to the
\a > 2
Ea l
11. For the production function of the previous example, show that the
demands for the factors are stable and verify that the partial elasticities of
substitution are all equal to unity. Hence use the results of the previous
example to check the formulae of 19.6.
= A and f(a v a v a v ...a n ) = x
Ji J* Ja Jn
give the demands for the factors in terms of the given output (x) and the given
prices (p lt p z , p a ...p n ) of the factors. By differentiating these equations,
when the price of one factor varies (output and prices of other factors fixed).
Here, s
Fis the co -factor of fs in the determinant and KT and ars have the F
meanings of 19.5. Interpret the second results in terms of the competitive
and complementary relations between the factors.
i A /3 Jn ^ r/ i
where 77
is the elasticity of the demand for the good.
14. In the problem of the previous example, the price of the factor l
is A
varied while the prices of other factors are fixed. Differentiate the equilibrium
equations and show that
Ea r p. da r _
=rl 2>
EPl a r ^r-
dPl N
i lr
where ^ 1 and a lr have the meanings of 19.5. Deduce that, in the normal case
where rj > 1 and ~>0, a fall in the price of A, increases the demand for each
factor less in this monopoly case than in the case of competition (19.6 above).
15.A consumer has a given income (^) and can buy three goods at given
prices (p lt p z and 3 ). One form of his utility function is u x^xfixf*, where
a x , a 2 and a 3 are positive constants. Find the demand of the consumer for
each good in terms of /x, p l9 p 2 and p 3 , and show that
+ ...+x n </> n &r
\r i, ., o, ... n)
where K and a lr have the meanings defined in 19.7.
p lt p 2t p 3 ... p n and the firm fixes tho outputs to maximise its revenue
, ,
supplied as a function of all the market prices. Under what conditions is the
supply stable ? How can partial elasticities of substitution between the goods
in production be defined and used to describe the variations of supply of
different goods as the market price of one good changes ?
21. Extend the analysis of the demand of an individual for loans (14.9
above) to the case where x lt x 2 # 3 ... x n are incomes obtained in n , ,
Assume that the individual has a utility function for incomes which can bo
written u$(x^ x 2 x3 , ... x n ) and that the rate of interest is I00r l por cent.
from the first to the second year, 100r 2 per cent, from the second to tho third
year, and so on.
20.1 The general theory of functionals.
WE have been concerned so far with the theory of functions of a
finite number of variables, with the variations of quantities depend-
ing on one or more other quantities. There remains for brief con-
sideration an extension of the analysis, opening up many new fields
of application, which takes a quantity as dependent not upon a
finite set of other quantities but upon one or more variable functions.
In the simplest case, a variable quantity u is defined as taking
itsvalue from the form assumed by a function x ^>(t). To each
function <f> (t) there corresponds a definite value of u, and as the form
of the function is changed so is the value of u. The dependence of u
upon <f>(t) is called & functional and written u F{<f>}> The functional
symbol F is to be regarded in a manner analogous to the ordinary
symbol for a function. It is essential, however, that the functional
u = F{</)} should not be confused with the function of a function
u=F{(/)(t)}. The latter assumes that <f>(t) is a given function of t
and hence that u is also a definite function of t. The former takes </>
its value depends on the particular position taken by the curve (7,
* More u may be a
functional of several variable functions
x=<f>(t), y^t(t), write i* = F{fa <A X
z^xM We } Further, the
functions <, $, x, ... may be functions of several variables instead of one
variable t only. For tho general theory of functionals, see Volterra, Theory of
Functionals (English Ed. 1931).
and to the series of positions (Ol9 (7 2 , (7 3 , ...)there corresponds a
series of definite value of u (u^ u 2 u^, ...).
For example, Fig. 103
shows five positions of a curve limited to pass through two fixed
end-points A B
and and there will be five corresponding values of u.
An example of a functional can be taken from quite simple
economic theory. Each member of a competitive group of firms
producing a good X
with known cost functions fixes that output (x)
which makes marginal cost equal to the given market price (p) of
FIG. 103.
the good. Further, the output fixed by the firm varies when
different market prices are given. A
supply function, x=f (p)> can
thus be defined for each firm. But if the firm has monopoly control
and fixes output and price subject only to certain demand conditions,
then the output is such that marginal cost equals marginal revenue.
If the marginal revenue curve is given (given demand conditions
and given prices of all other goods), there corresponds one definite
monopoly output xm . As the marginal revenue curve shifts in position
(changing demand conditions or varying prices of other goods), the
monopoly output is determined afresh and varies in value. The
monopoly output xm depends on the form of the marginal revenue
function (f>(x) and we have the supply functional xm = F{<f>}*
The step from functions to functionals can be regarded as another
instance of the step from the finite to the infinite so characteristic
* See
Schneider, Theorie der Production (1934), p. 74.
way so that Ot lies along L and so that the fixed points have co-ordinates
A (t Q , x ) and B (t ly xj which are all positive and t^> tQ . lfx = </> (t) is any
curve lying above Ot and joining A and J5, then it can be shown that the
Here, again, u is a functional dependent on the form assumed by the
variable function <f> and we seek that form of which corresponds to the
minimum value of u.
x )=
and similarly for the co-ordinates (^, xj of Q.
Even when the boundary conditions are taken into account, the
field of possible variation of the function x <f>(t) is so large
analysis of the problem is practically impossible and it becomes
essential to limit the field of variation by some further device. An
obvious step to take only those functions, satisfying the boundary
where <f>
is now of fixed form and the variation of the function is
their axes vertical (parallel to Ox). But, by taking more and more
parameters, we can make the field of variation of our function type
more and more general. If a sufficiently large (but finite) number
of parameters is selected, the restricted field of variation can be
made to few important respects from the complete field we
differ in ;
simply exclude from the latter the more unusual kinds of functions.
The problem to be solved is now greatly simplified. We seek the
extreme values of u = I
f(t) dt where f(t) depends on the variable
J /o
f (t,
=/{, W), f (*)}.
for dealing with the infinite and the step made here is, after all, not unusual.
This is a function of t
given in the function of functions form. But,
since the function <f>
included is of variable form, the form of the
function/ to be integrated is also variable. We assume, further, that
the boundary conditions are such that the variable curve x = <l>(t)
passes through two fixed points A (Z ,
x )
and B(tly xj. The problem
to be solved is thus :
/ dx\
f (
t, x, 1 dt are required
The problems instanced in 20.2 above are both of this form. In the
first problem of the surface of revolution, we have
where <f>
is a fixed function (with a continuous derivative) and
where a,are parameters.
/?, y, Allotting arbitrary differential
increments Sa, S/?, 8y, ... to the parameters, we derive first the
corresponding variations 8x and Sx' in the function x and its
, . ,. ,
derivative x -=-:
dx dx dx
80;=: 8a + ^5 8^-fr-
9a 9j3 9y
, fdx\ d (dx\ - d fdx\ ^ d (dx
and &P =81-^
)= T (^ JSa + ^l-y-
8j8 + f
dp\dt/ dy\
d ( 3x \* ^ d ( dx \*(*^ d ( dx \
= 1; l^)8a ^ + + r
1^5J8j8 ^- I 1
d dx dx dx ,
\ d
The function f(t, x, x') and the integral u can now be considered
as dependent on the parameters a, /?, y ...and the variations in
their values are obtained as
J _ \J*J I ~ . v^ ~
dx ox ox
dx dt \dx
/ dx \
fit, j7) dt, Tihere the function
to be integrated does not involve x explicitly.
giving 9
x ') =a"
where a is some constant. This is a differential equation involving
2L M.A.
only the first derivative x', i.e. a simple differential equation of the
first order which can be solved, in m'ost cases, without difficulty.
ox c
= .
X _
+ ^d^_d_l
~ ,df\
dt dx dt dx' dt dt \dx''J dx' dt dt V dx'J
Hence, / and x' -, , having equal derivatives with respect to t, can
only differ by an arbitrary constant, i.e.
points A(t Qy x )
and B(tl9 xt ).
We have the special case (1) of 20.5 with
/(*, z')=to' and -?-,f(t,x')=2tx'.
- d + constant, i.e. #=a
where 6 is a second constant. The extreme value of u is thus given by a
logarithmic curve.
The appropriate values of the constants a and b are to be found by using
the boundary conditions. Since the curve must pass through the fixed
points A and J5, we have
XQ =a log t
Q +b and xl =a log t + b.
On solving these linear equations, the constants are given as
_r - log t
log ^ - log t
In this way we fix that particular logarithmic curve which passes through
A and B. The use of the boundary conditions in determining the relevant
values of the constants of the solution is to be noticed.
Finally, the extreme value of u determined is
U=\ ti-r-
x ,, =
a2 dt a
dx ( dt b
I .
= 1 h constant
-a 2 J a a
log = i.e. x + v x2 a 2 = ae .
a a
2L2 M.A.
t-b t~b\
Adding, x = %a{e a + e a )
which is the function giving the minimum value of u. The boundary con-
ditions provide the values of a and 6 in terms of ( x ) and (tlt xj ,
and +e
The minimised value of u is then given by
u= A/
1 +(-=-) M
where -=- =
v \dt/ dt
i.e. w= dt = - a\ \e a +e
We find, on multiplying up, squaring and collecting terms,
I-a*x . dx _1 ll-a?x
*/ i.e.
at a* x
The integral of this differential equation is
X dt t-b
VVI i -a*5"x 1x = J( a + constant =
i I
4. 4.
through the two fixed points and A. It is this curve which gives the
minimum time of descent from to A (see the brachistochrone problem
of 20.2 above).
* = #{*>(), P'(t)}.
The market demand thus varies over the given period according to
the course taken by the price of X
The monopolist's profit per unit
This is the rate of profit at any time t and depends on the price and
* The solution of the problem can be written :
For a given course of price over time, the demand x of the market is
determined at each moment and there is a definite value of u corre-
sponding. Different values of u are obtained for different courses of
price. Hence, the monopolist's total profit depends on the form
of the price function over time, on the course taken by price. It is
assumed, that the ruling price at the initial moment t t Q is
given as p and that the subsequent course of price is fixed by the
monopolist so as to maximise his total profit in the whole period
from t = t to t = t^. It is required to determine the course of price,
i.e. p (t), actually fixed by the mono-
the form of the price function
polist. The corresponding output at successive moments is then
derived from the given demand law.*
As a first problem, it is taken that the choice of the monopolist
is restricted by the fact that the final price (p at tt^ is given in
where the boundary conditions give p=p when t=t Q and p=p t
* The
problem is based on the work of Roos and Evans, see Evans, Mathe-
matical Introduction to Economics (1930), pp. 143 et seq. Notice that, if prices
do not change continuously but are fixed at definite intervals, then the mono-
polist's total profit is a function of a finite number of prices (one for each of
the intervals in which prices are fixed). The problem of maximising total
profit is then relatively simple, a problem of the maximum value of a function
of several variables. It appears that here, as in many problems of capital
theory, the discontinuous form is both more realistic and more simple from
the mathematical point of view.
dx dn dx f dIT\ dx
xp-II(x)p I ]
dlldp __
ap 2 + op - /Inconstant.
=- + 9 , , .
i.e. . c-r:
dx dt
Differentiating with respect to t and collecting terms,
p d*IIdp (
d77 V A
z -
C ~z r-r- ~r Q'C 7- T" I ttp -{- (t I U.
2 2
dx dt dx 2 dt \ dx)
But, -
r = 2a^ + = 2ca-~4-2aajp
+ (26a-f-j8) and
The differential equation for p (t) then reduces to
-r rr-
- ^^d
A2 =
N9 a(aa-l)-
C 2a
(A is positive if the constants have the signs appropriate to the
normal case, i.e. a < and a> 0). The solution of this simple second-
order differential equation is known to be
subject to
, t
ri -
dpi dpi*
* See
Courant, op. cit., pp. 507-20.
where x'~ ~,~ and y'= -~ . The necessary condition for an extreme
Cit Cut
and -
dx~dt\dx'l dy~~dt\dy'
i.e. there are two differential equations (each similar to Euler's
U=\ #()-
where future utilities are not discounted. This quantity U is a
functional of the variable functions b(t) and c(t), representing the
changes in the employment of labour and capital over time. The
function a(t) is expressed in terms of b(t) and c(t) by (1) above. It
is assumed that the amount of labour and capital employed at the
" "
initial time (t 1 ) are
given and that the optimum amounts to
be aimed at (t=t^ are also known. Subject to these boundary con-
community is taken as fixing the amount of work it does
ditions, the
and the amount of saving it makes over time to maximise total
utility. We have, therefore, to find the functions b(t) and c(t)
which maximise the value of U, subject to the usual boundary
i e-
The functions a(t), b(t) and c(t) are to be found from the differential
equations (1), (2) and (3), the boundary conditions being used to
measure the marginal products of labour and capital at any time and
can thus be associated with wages and the rate of interest respec-
tively. The
rate of wages, by (2), equals the ratio of the marginal
=#" <)
,, .
W ,. v
+ *'(
,,, .
~ y c)
- a}
- ~ - a}
#"(a) {f(b, c)
= -- + f tf>'(b)
So <f>'(a)/(b, c) fa {<f>'(a)} dt
j dt + constant
~ dt + U'(6) -j dt + constant
- (a)
- (b)} + constant,
a<f>'(a) {<f> <fi
* Since
v {a<^'(o)}
= a-T {^'(a)} + <f>'(a) -3- , we have
d da
{&' (o,)} dt ~
f ( ,
i.o. I ct -r- (i <ft
(d) I
d>'(fi} r (It*
j at j dt
Hence, using (1), we find
^C _^ ITV W / Y\"l) /A\
where A is a constant.
Since U is to be a maximum (as opposed to a minimum), the
excess of utility over disutility, cf>(a) - ^(6), must increase over time.
Further, it can be taken that capital increases at a decreasing rate
" "
until it becomes stationary at the optimum at t =^. So, from (4),
the excess of utility over disutility increases and tends to its maxi-
mum value A at t = t^. Then, from (4), the rate of saving multiplied
Problems in the calculus of variations
1. Find the curve x </>(t) which corresponds to an extreme value of
fdx\ 2
* VTr) dt and passes through two fixed points at t = t and t t^
.t \dt/ r
tl /dx\ 2
Generalise by considering u= 1 t
dt, where n is a fixed number, on
j' ^ dt/j
similar lines.
fdx\ 2
x* ( ~r dt nas an extreme value when the function
(h to \dt/
4. If
u=\ \ x /
+ dt, whore fixed values of x correspond to
\l \~:r) \
t~t and t t
19 find the function x=</>(t)
which gives u its extreme values.
Show that the corresponding curve is an arc of a parabola.
5. Light, travelling in a plane Oxy, follows a path y (x) which is deter- <f>
mined (by Format's principle) so that the time of transit is a minimum. Thia
Cxi i / fdy\*
equivalent to finding the function which minimises u = - + -
is <f>
| ^ 1 (
^ ) dx,
points. Assuming that v is a constant, show that the path of light between
two fixed points is a straight lino.
6. The
velocity of light, in the problem of the previous example, increases
in proportion to the height above the zero horizontal line Ox. Patv~ky
and show that the path of light between two fixed points is an arc of a circle.
1 + (/dx\
-y } dt, where x has
.2o\dt/ V
fixed values at t tQ and t = t 19 show that an extreme value of u is given by the
function x = <f> (t) defined by
f dx
The demand of the market is x 75 3p -f 275 sets per week at any time ~
when the price is p per sot. The manufacturer is a monopolist fixing the
course of price over time so that his total profit is a maximum. Tho initial
price ( = 0) is 16 per set and it is required to obtain a price of 20 per set
after 100 weeks (t~ 100). Show that, at any time t weeks after the initial
week, the price per set is
p= 15-179 + 0-171e- 333 * + 0-650e- *. m
Take all figures correct to throe decimal places and Iog 10 e 0-4343.
9. In the problem of the previous example, show that the price falls to a
minimum after about 20 weeks. What is this minimum? Draw a graph to
illustrate the course of price over time.
10, In the solution of the problem of 20.7, show that
~ (Pi-P)e**
A _ (Pi ~ P) e ~** -(Po-P) e ~* tl
. eM*i-*o)-e- A <i-o)
e*<*i-W - e-*<i-fc>
11. Under the conditions of the previous example, show that the price p
falls inthe period (f tj from p Q to a minimum and then rises to p^ Verify
12. In the problem in the theory of saving analysed in 20.8, the production
function /(&, c) is linear and homogeneous. Show that
c dt~^c c<f>'(a)
What is the rate of interest at the optimum time (i
= f when capital ceases
to accumulate?
[Numbers refer to pages; numbers in italics refer to examples appended
to chapters.]
Abscissa, 21 Co-factors of determinants, 479-80
Acceleration, 149, 151, 185, 303, 310 Co-ordinates, oblique, 26
Analytical functions, 38 polar, 27
geometry, 49, 61-82, 272 rectangular, 20-2
Approximate integration, 396-9 Cubic equations, 31, 51-4
Approximate values from derivatives, Curve classes and systems, 48-9, 61,
142-3, 146-7 76-80, 414, 423-30
from infinite series, 447, 450, 454-6 Curves and functions, 36-8, 48-50
from limits, 95-7 Cycloid, 533
Arithmetic series or progression, 449
Average and marginal concepts, 15, Definite integrals, 384-90
152, 190-1, 254, 400-1 quadratic forms, 491
Averages, 62, 406-8 Dependent and independent vari-
Axes, co-ordinate, 20-1 ables, 29, 269, 275, 332, 364-9,
Base, of logarithms, 213, 216 Derivatives and partial derivatives :
Average cost, 120-1, 155-6, 261-3, Cost functions, elasticity of, 260-3
401, 505-6 normal conditions of, 119, 261-3
product, 133, 178, 267, 312-3, 321-2 particular forms of, 120, 155-6, 199,
revenue, 117, 153-4, 257-60, 400-1 262-3, 535
shifting of, 118, 120
Bilateral monopoly, 381
Demand and offer curves, 121-2
Capital and interest, 234, 248-50, Demand functions, curves and sur-
362-4, 403, 404-5 faces (for consumers' goods), 28-
and saving, 537-40 9, 108-10, 121, 281-3, 374-5, 434,
values, 233, 401-3, 404-5 509-17
Coefficient of relative cost of produc- continuity of, 110-2
tion and of relative efficiency of dynamic forms of, 435-8, 533-6
organisation, 261 elasticity of, 117, 255-60, 266, 310-
Competitive and complementary 2, 375, 512-3, 520
goods and factors, 282, 311, 361- normal conditions of, 112, 267-9
2, 509, 513, 619 particular forms of, 112-6, 117, 154,
Compound interest problems, 31, 199, 259, 282, 311-2, 435-8, 535
228-34, 235-7, 248-50, 362-4, shifting of, 110, 115-6, 282, 283
376-8, 401-3, 404-5, 418, 419 stability of, 375, 510-2, 614-7
Conjectural variations, 203, 346-7 Demand functions (for factors of
Constant outlay curves, 256-7 production), 369-74, 484-5, 502-9,
product curves, 285, 320, 341-3, 519
370-1 elasticities of, 373-4, 508-9, 519
returns to scale, 320, 363, 371-2, stability of, 370, 502-3
505 Demand functions (for loans), 376-8,
Consumers' choice, theory of, 124-9, 520
289-91, 374-8, 438-42, 509-17, stability of, 377
520 Discount curves, 236-7, 250, 293
Cost functions, curves and surfaces, Disutility of labour, 537-8
117-9, 155-6, 262, 283, 370-2, Duopoly problems, 200-4, 345-7
506, 533-5 Durable capital goods, 404-5
average and marginal, 120-1, 155-6,
261-3, 371-2, 401, 444, 506-6, 522 Elasticities of cost, 260-3
Elasticities of demand (consumers' Mathematical methods in economics,
goods), 117, 255-60, 266, 310-2, 107-8
375, 512-3, 520 Monopoly problems, 196-200, 359-64,
of demand (factors of production), 381, 518, 519, 522, 533-6
373-4, 508-9, 519
of productivity, 263, 350 National Savings Certificates, 230,
of substitution, 341-3, 344-5, 372-4, 240
504-5, 512-3, 520
of supply, 267
Pareto's income law, 222, 228, 407-8
Period of production, 262-4
Factors of production, 263, 284-9, Preference directions, 442
381-2, 537 lines, 442
demand for, 369-74, 502-9, 519 438-42
scales, 124, 290,
relative shares of, 364 Present or discounted values, 232-4,
236, 249-50, 362-5, 376, 401-3,
Increasing and decreasing returns, 404-5, 448-9
261, 263 Price, as average revenue, 117, 153
Indifference curves and surfaces (for as a discontinuous variable, 9, 111,
consumers' goods), 124-7, 156, 534
289-91, 344, 375, 439, 441-2, 511 variable over time, 434-8, 533-6
(for income over time), 127-9, 157, Production, capital and interest, 362-
291, 344, 377-8 4, 403
Indifference direction, 439 Production functions and surfaces,
piano, 440, 513 133, 178, 263, 267, 284-9, 312-3,
Investment, amount of, 228-32, 233, 362, 537
235-6, 402-3 linear and homogeneous, 320-2,
opportunity line, 124 343, 371-4, 434, 505-9, 541
normal conditions of, 286-9, 313,
Joint production, 350, 359-62, 518 320-2
particular forms of, 288-9, 313,
Linear homogeneous production func- 322, 343, 363, 403
Production indifference curve, 123
tion, 320-2, 343, 371-4, 434, 505-
9, 541
Akarmaii, G., 404 Hogberi, L., 35
Allen, R. G. D., and Bowley, A. L., Hotelling, H., 60
222, 375
Johnson, W. E., 261
Bernoulli, John, 524, 527
Rowley, A. L., 155, 222, 239, 261, Kahn, R. F., 343
280, 381
Knight, F. H., 28S
Burnside, W. S., and Pant on, A. W.,
53 Lerner, A. P., 343
Cantor, G., 6, 86
Marshall, A., 109, 112, 121, 255, 256,
Champernowne, D. G., 251
Courant, R., 301, 478, 523, 536
Moore, H. L., 255, 261
Cournot, A, A., 200, 204
Dedekind, R., 6, 86 Netto, E., 473, 478, 482
do la Vallee Poiissin, ('. J., 366, 422,
426, 523 Osgood, W. F., 366, 431, 523
Douglas, P. H., 288, 294
Pareto, V., 222, 280, 290, 302, 375, 382
Edelberg, V., 364 Phillips, K. G., 332
Edgeworth, F. Y., 196, 442 Piaggio, H. T. H., 421, 422, 427
Elderton, W. P., 240 Pigou, A. C., 266
Evans, G. 0., 437, 444, 534
Ramsey, F. P., 490, 537
Fisher, Irving, 124, 156, 234, 241, Riemann, B., 385
248, 376, 442 Robinson, Joan, 259, 343
Fowler, R. F., 241 Roos, ( F., 362, 437, 534