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arXiv:1509.04333v2 [q-fin.GN] 16 Sep 2015
Email: [email protected]
c 20092015 Karlshochschule International University and Henk van Elst
These lecture notes provide a self-contained introduction to the mathematical methods required in a Bachelor
degree programme in Business, Economics, or Management. In particular, the topics covered comprise real-
valued vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic equations, Leontiefs stationary inputoutput
matrix model, linear programming, elementary financial mathematics, as well as differential and integral
calculus of real-valued functions of one real variable. A special focus is set on applications in quantitative
economical modelling.
Introduction 2
2 Matrices 11
2.1 Matrices as linear mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Basic concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Matrix multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bibliography 81
Qualification objectives of the module
solve problems in Linear Algebra and Analysis and apply such mathematical methods to
quantitative problems in management.
apply and challenge the knowledge critically on current issues and selected case studies.
These lecture notes contain the entire material of the quantitative methods part of the first semester
module 0.1.1 IMQM: Introduction to Management and its Quantitative Methods at Karl-
shochschule International University. The aim is to provide a selection of tried-and-tested math-
ematical tools that proved efficient in actual practical problems of Economics and Management.
These tools constitute the foundation for a systematic treatment of the typical kinds of quantita-
tive problems one is confronted with in a Bachelor degree programme. Nevertheless, they provide
a sufficient amount of points of contact with a quantitatively oriented subsequent Master degree
programme in Economics, Management, or the Social Sciences.
The prerequisites for a proper understanding of these lecture notes are modest, as they do not go
much beyond the basic A-levels standards in Mathematics. Besides the four fundamental arith-
metical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of real numbers, you should
be familiar, e.g., with manipulating fractions, dealing with powers of real numbers, the binomial
formulae, determining the point of intersection for two straight lines in the Euclidian plane, solv-
ing a quadratic algebraic equation, and the rules of differentiation of real-valued functions of one
It might be useful for the reader to have available a modern graphic display calculator (GDC) for
dealing with some of the calculations that necessarily arise along the way, when confronted with
specific quantitative problems. Some current models used in public schools and in undergraduate
studies are, amongst others,
However, the reader is strongly encouraged to think about resorting, as an alternative, to a spread-
sheet programme such as EXCEL or OpenOffice to handle the calculations one encounters in
ones quantitative work.
The central theme of these lecture notes is the acquisition and application of a number of effec-
tive mathematical methods in a business oriented environment. In particular, we hereby focus on
quantitative processes of the sort
for which different kinds of functional relationships between some numerical INPUT quantities
and some numerical OUTPUT quantities are being considered. Of special interest in this context
will be ratios of the structure
In this respect, it is a general objective in Economics to look for ways to optimise the value of
such ratios (in favour of some economic agent), either by seeking to increase the OUTPUT when
the INPUT is confined to be fixed, or by seeking to decrease the INPUT when the OUTPUT is
confined to be fixed. Consequently, most of the subsequent considerations in these lecture notes
will therefore deal with issues of optimisation of given functional relationships between some
variables, which manifest themselves either in minimisation or in maximisation procedures.
The structure of these lecture notes is the following. Part I presents selected mathematical methods
from Linear Algebra, which are discussed in Chs. 1 to 5. Applications of these methods focus on
the quantitative aspects of flows of goods in simple economic models, as well as on problems in
linear programming. In Part II, which is limited to Ch. 6, we turn to discuss elementary aspects
of Financial Mathematics. Fundamental principles of Analysis, comprising differential and in-
tegral calculus for real-valued functions of one real variable, and their application to quantitative
economic problems, are reviewed in Part III; this extends across Chs. 7 and 8.
We emphasise the fact that there are no explicit examples nor exercises included in these lecture
notes. These are reserved exclusively for the lectures given throughout term time.
Recommended textbooks accompanying the lectures are the works by Asano (2013) [2], Dowl-
ing (2009) [11], Dowling (1990) [10], Bauer et al (2008) [3], Bosch (2003) [6], and Hulsmann
et al (2005) [16]. Some standard references of Applied Mathematics are, e.g., Bronstein et al
(2005) [7] and Arens et al (2008) [1]. Should the reader feel inspired by the aesthetics, beauty,
ellegance and efficiency of the mathematical methods presented, and, hence, would like to know
more about their background and relevance, as well as being introduced to further mathematical
techniques of interest, she/he is recommended to take a look at the brilliant books by Penrose
(2004) [21], Singh (1997) [23], Gleick(1987) [13] and Smith (2007) [24]. Note that most of the
textbooks and monographs mentioned in this Introduction are available from the library at Karl-
shochschule International University.
Finally, we draw the readers attention to the fact that the *.pdf version of these lecture notes con-
tains interactive features such as fully hyperlinked references to original publications at the web-
sites dx.doi.org and jstor.org, as well as active links to biographical information on sci-
entists that have been influential in the historical development of Mathematics, hosted by the web-
sites The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive (www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk)
and en.wikipedia.org.
Chapter 1
Let us begin our elementary considerations of vector algebra with the introduction of a special
class of mathematical objects. These will be useful at a later stage, when we turn to formulate
certain problems of a quantitative nature in a compact and elegant way. Besides introducing these
mathematical objects, we also need to define which kinds of mathematical operations they can be
subjected to, and what computational rules we have to take care of.
Formally the n real numbers considered can either be assembled in an ordered pattern as a column
or a row. We define
Def.: Real-valued column vector with n components
a := ai , ai R, i = 1, . . . , n , (1.2)
Notation: a Rn1 ,
Def.: Real-valued row vector with n components
aT := (a1 , . . . , ai , . . . , an ) , ai R, i = 1, . . . , n , (1.3)
Notation: aT R1n .
Correspondingly, we define the n-component objects
0T := (0, . . . , 0, . . . , 0)
0 := 0 and (1.4)
Def.: Rescaling of vectors
a := ai , , ai R . (1.6)
The rescaling of a vector a with an arbitrary non-zero real number has the following effects:
1. a + b = b + a (commutative addition)
2. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c (associative addition)
7. (a + b) = a + b;
( + )a = a + a with , R (distributive rescaling).
In conclusion of this section, we remark that every set of mathematical objects V constructed in
line with Eq. (1.1), with an addition and a rescaling defined according to Eqs. (1.5) and (1.6), and
satisfying the laws stated above, constitutes a linear vector space over Euclidian space Rn .1
This is named after the ancient greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria (about 325 BC265 BC).
A slightly s horter notation for n-component column vectors a Rn1 is given by a Rn ; likewise aT Rn
for n-component row vectors aT R1n .
i.e., the problem of forming the zero vector 0 Rn from a linear combination of the m vectors
a1 , . . . , ai , . . . , am Rn , can only be solved trivially, namely by 0 = 1 = . . . = i = . . . = m .
When, however, this condition can be solved non-trivially, with some i 6= 0, then the set of m
vectors a1 , . . . , ai , . . . , am Rn is called linearly dependent.
In Euclidian space Rn , there is a maximum number n (!) of vectors which can be linearly indepen-
dent. This maximum number is referred to as the dimension of Euclidian space Rn . Every set
of n linearly independent vectors in Euclidian space Rn constitutes a possible basis of Euclidian
space Rn . If the set {a1 , . . . , ai , . . . , an } constitutes a basis of Rn , then every other vector b Rn
can be expressed in terms of these basis vectors by
b = 1 a1 + . . . + i ai + . . . + n an = i ai . (1.9)
The rescaling factors i R of the ai Rn are called the components of vector b with respect
to the basis {a1 , . . . , ai , . . . , an }.
constitute the so-called canonical basis of Euclidian space Rn . With respect to this basis, all
vectors b Rn can be represented as a linear combinationen
b2 Xn
b = .. = b1 e1 + b2 e2 + + bn en = bi ei . (1.11)
. i=1
defines a mapping f : R1n Rn1 R from the product set of n-component row and column
vectors to the set of real numbers. Note that, in contrast to the addition and the rescaling of n-
component vectors, the outcome of forming a Euclidian scalar product between two n-component
vectors is a single real number.
In the context of the Euclidian scalar product, two non-zero vectors a, b Rn (wit a 6= 0 =
6 b)
are referred to as mutually orthogonal when they exhibit the property that 0 = a b = b a.
Computational rules for Euclidian scalar product of vectors
For vectors a, b, c Rn :
Technically one refers to the non-negative real number |a| as the absolute value or the Euclidian
norm of the vector a Rn . The length of a Rn has the following properties:
Every non-zero vector a Rn , i.e., |a| > 0, can be rescaled by the reciprocal of its length. This
procedure defines the
Def.: Normalisation of a vector a Rn ;
a := |a| = 1 . (1.14)
By this method one generates a vector of length 1, i.e., a unit vector a. To denote unit vectors we
will employ the hat symbol.
Lastly, also by means of the Euclidian scalar product, we introduce the angle enclosed between
two non-zero vectors.
Def.: Angle enclosed between a, b 6= 0 Rn
aT b
cos[(a, b)] = = aT b (a, b) = cos1 (aT b) . (1.15)
|a| |b|
Remark: The inverse cosine function3 cos1 (. . .) is available on every standard GDC or spread-
The notion of on inverse function will be discussed later in Ch. 7.
Chapter 2
In this chapter, we introduce a second class of mathematical objects that are more general than
vectors. For these objects, we will also define certain mathematical operations, and a set of com-
putational rules that apply in this context.
where aij R, i = 1, . . . , m; j = 1, . . . , n.
Notation: A Rmn .
aij represents the elements of A; aij is located at the point of intersection of the ith row and
the jth column of A.
elements of the ith row constitute the row vector (ai1 , ai2 , . . . , aij , . . . , ain ), elements of the
jth column the column vector .
Formally column vectors need to be viewed as (n 1)-matrices, row vectors as (1 n)-matrices.
An (m n)-zero matrix, denoted by 0, has all its elements equal to zero, i.e.,
0 0 ... 0
0 0 ... 0
0 := .. .. . . .. . (2.2)
. . . .
0 0 ... 0
Matrices which have an equal number of rows and columns, i.e. m = n, are referred to as
quadratic matrices. In particular, the (n n)-unit matrix (or identity matrix)
1 0 ... 0 ... 0
0 1 ... 0 ... 0
. .
. . . . . .. . . . ..
. . . .
1 := (2.3)
0 0 . . . 1 . . . 0
. . .
.. .. . . ... . . . ...
0 0 ... 0 ... 1
where i = 1, . . . , m and j = 1, . . . , n.
When rescaling a matrix, all its elements simply have to be multiplied by the same non-zero real
number .
Computational rules for addition and rescaling of matrices
For matrices A, B, C Rmn :
1. A + B = B + A (commutative addition)
2. A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C (associative addition)
7. (A + B) = A + B;
( + )A = A + A with , R\{0} (distributive rescaling)
AB =: C
Pn (2.10)
ai1 b1j + . . . + aik bkj + . . . + ain bnj =: k=1 aik bkj =: cij ,
cij = Euclidian scalar product of ith row vector of A and jth column vector of B . (2.11)
It is important to realise that the definition of a matrix multiplication just provided depends in
an essential way on the fact that matrix A on the left in the product needs to have as many (!)
columns as matrix B on the right rows. Otherwise, a matrix multiplication cannot be defined in a
meaningful way.
GDC: For matrices [A] and [B] edited beforehand, of matching formats, their matrix multiplication
can be evaluated in mode MATRIX NAMES by [A] [B].
1 A=A
1 = |{z}
3. A |{z} (multiplicative identity element)
Rnn Rmm
4. (A + B)C = AC + BC
C(A + B) = CA + CB (distributive matrix multiplication)
In this chapter, we turn to address a particular field of application of the notions of matrices and
vectors, or of linear mappings in general.
Depending on how the natural numbers m and n relate to one another, systems of linear algebraic
equations can be classified as follows:
m < n: fewer equations than variables; the linear system is under-determined,
m = n: same number of equations as variables; the linear system is well-determined,
m > n: more equations than variables; the linear system is over-determined.
A more compact representation of a linear system of format (m n) is given by
Representation 2:
a11 . . . a1j . . . a1n x1 b1
.. ..
.. ..
.. .. ..
. . . . .
Ax = ai1 . . . aij . . . ain xj = bi = b . (3.2)
. .. .. .. .. . ..
.. . . . . .. .
am1 . . . amj . . . amn xn bm
The mathematical objects employed in this variant of a linear system are as follows: A takes the
central role of the coefficient matrix of the linear system, of format (m n), x is its variable
vector, of format (n 1), and, lastly, b is its image vector, of format (m 1).
When dealing with systems of linear algebraic equations in the form of Representation 2, i.e.
Ax = b, the main question to be answered is:
Question: For given coefficient matrix A and image vector b, can we find a variable vector x
that A maps onto b?
In a sense this describes the inversion of the photographic process we had previously referred to:
we have given the camera and we already know the image, but we have yet to find a matching
object. Remarkably, to address this issue, we can fall back on a simple algorithmic method due to
the German mathematician and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gau (17771855).
Ax = b , (3.3)
remains unchanged under the following algebraic equivalence transformations of the linear sys-
Specifically, this implies that we may manipulate a given linear system by means of these four
different kinds of equivalence transformations without ever changing its identity. In concrete cases,
however, one should not apply these equivalence transformations at random but rather follow a
target oriented strategy. This is what Gauian elimination can provide.
Target: To cast the augmented coefficient matrix (A|b), i.e., the array
if and only if r is the maximum number of row resp. column vectors of A which are linearly
independent. Clearly, r can only be as large as the smaller of the numbers m and n that determine
the format of A.
For quadratic matrices A Rnn , there is available a more elegant measure to determine its
rank. This (in the present case real-valued) measure is referred to as the determinant of matrix A,
det(A), and is defined as follows.
i.e. the difference between the products of As on-diagonal elements and As off-diagonal
(ii) When A R33 , the definition of As determinant is more complex. In that case it is
given by
a11 a12 a13
det(A) := a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33
:= a11 (a22 a33 a32 a23 ) + a21 (a32 a13 a12 a33 ) + a31 (a12 a23 a22 a13 ) (3.8)
Observe, term by term, the cyclic permutation of the first index of the elements aij according
to the rule 1 2 3 1.
(iii) Finally, for the (slightly involved) definition of the determinant of a higher-dimensional
matrix A Rnn , please refer to the literature; e.g. Bronstein et al (2005) [7, p 267].
To determine the rank of a given quadtratic matrix A Rnn , one now installs the following
criteria: rank(A) = r = n, if det(A) 6= 0, and rank(A) = r < n, if det(A) = 0. In the first case,
A is referred to as regular, in the second as singular. For quadratic matrices A that are singular,
rank(A) = r (with r < n) is given by the number r of rows (or columns) of the largest possible
non-zero subdeterminant of A.
GDC: For a stored quadratic matrix [A], select mode MATRIX MATH and obtain its determinant
by calling the function det([A]).
b 6= 0 b=0
2. rank(A) = rank(A|b) = r
A1 A = AA1 = 1 . (3.9)
When a computational device is not at hand, the inverse matrix A1 of a regular quadratic matrix
A can be obtained by solving the matrix-valued linear system
AX = 1 (3.10)
GDC: For a stored quadratic matrix [A], its inverse matrix can be simply obtained as [A]1 , where
the x1 function key needs to be used.
Computational rules for the inverse operation
For A, B Rnn , with det(A) 6= 0 6= det(B), it holds that
1. (A1 )1 = A
2. (AB)1 = B1 A1
3. (AT )1 = (A1 )T
1 1
4. (A)1 = A .
The special interest in applications in the concept of inverse matrices arises for the following
reason. Consider given a well-determined linear system
Ax = b ,
with regular quadratic coefficient matrix A Rnn , i.e., det(A) 6= 0. Then, for A, there exists an
inverse matrix A1 . Matrix-multiplying both sides of the equation above from the left (!) by the
inverse A1 , results in
In this case, the unique solution (!) x = A1b of the linear system arises simply from matrix
multiplication of the image vector b by the inverse matrix of A. (Of course, it might actually
require a bit of computational work to determine A1.)
3.6 Outlook
There are a number of exciting advanced topics in Linear Algebra. Amongst them one finds
the concept of the characteristic eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of quadratic matrices,
which has particularly high relevance in practical applications. The question to be answered here
is the following: for given real-valued quadratic matrix A Rnn , do there exist real numbers
n R and real-valued vectors v n Rn1 which satisfy the condition
Av n = n v n ? (3.12)
Put differently: for which vectors v n Rn1 does their mapping by a quadratic matrix A Rnn
amount to simple rescalings by real numbers n R?
By re-arranging, Eq. (3.12) can be recast into the form
0 = (A n 1) v n , (3.13)
3.6. OUTLOOK 23
with 1 an (n n)-unit matrix [cf. Eq. (2.3)] and 0 an n-component zero vector. This condition
corresponds to a homogeneous system of linear algebraic equations of format (n n). Non-trivial
solutions v n 6= 0 to this system exist provided that the so-called characteristic equation
0 = det (A n 1) , (3.14)
a polynomial of degree n (cf. Sec. 7.1.1), allows for real-valued roots n R. Note that symmetric
quadratic matrices (cf. Sec. 2.2) possess exclusively real-valued eigenvalues n . When these
eigenvalues turn out to be all different, then the associated eigenvectors v n prove to be mutually
Knowledge of the spectrum of eigenvalues n R and associated eigenvectors v n Rn1
of a real-valued matrix A Rnn provides the basis of a transformation of A to its diagonal
form An , thus yielding a diagonal matrix which features the eigenvalues n as its on-diagonal
elements; cf. Leon (2009) [19].
Amongst other examples, the concept of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of quadratic real-valued
matrices plays a special role in Statistics, in the context of exploratory principal component
analyses of multivariate data sets, where the objective is to identify dominant intrinsic structures;
cf. Hair et al (2010) [14, Ch. 3] and Ref. [12, App. A].
Chapter 4
We now turn to discuss some specific applications of Linear Algebra in economic theory. To
begin with, let us consider quantitative aspects of the exchange of goods between a certain number
of economic agents. We here aim at a simplified abstract description of real economic processes.
the value of the INPUT quantities, in line with the notion of the economic value chain.
Leontiefs model is based on the following three elementary
1. For all goods involved the functional relationship between INPUT and OUTPUT quantities
be of a linear nature [cf. Eq. (2.5)].
2. The proportions of INPUT quantities to OUTPUT quantities be constant over the refer-
ence period of time considered; the flows of goods are thus considered to be stationary.
3. Economic equilibrium obtains during the reference period of time: the numbers of goods
then supplied equal the numbers of goods then demanded.
where 1 denotes the (n n)-unit matrix [cf. Eq. (2.3)]. Note that the components of all the
vectors involved, as well as of the inputoutput matrix and of the resource consumption matrix,
can assume non-negative values (!) only.
This simple system of balance equations can be summarised in terms of a standard inputoutput
table as follows:
The first column of this table lists all the n different sources of flows of goods (or suppliers of
goods), while its first row shows the n + 1 different sinks of flows of goods (or consumers of
goods). The last column contains the total output of each of the n agents in the reference period
of time.
Next we compute for each of the n agents the respective values of the non-negative ratios
Pij := , (4.5)
Note that the normalisation quantities in these ratios Pij are given by the total output qj of the receiving agent j
and not by the total output qi of the supplying agent i. In the latter case the Pij would represent percentages of the
total output qi .
with i, j = 1, . . . , n. These n n = n2 different ratios may be naturally viewed as the elements of
a quadratic matrix P of format (n n). In general, this matrix is given by
n11 n1j
n11 +...+n1j +...+n1n +y1
. . . nj1 +...+njj +...+n jn +yj
. . . nn1 +...+nnjn1n
+...+nnn +yn
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
ni1 nij nin
P = n11 +...+n1j +...+n1n +y1 . . . nj1 +...+njj +...+njn +yj . . . nn1 +...+nnj +...+nnn +yn
.. . .. .
.. . .. .
nn1 nnj nnn
n11 +...+n1j +...+n1n +y1
. . . nj1 +...+njj +...+njn +yj . . . nn1 +...+nnj +...+nnn +yn
and is referred to as Leontiefs inputoutput matrix of the stationary economic system under
For the very simple case with just n = 3 producing agents, the inputoutput matrix reduces to
n11 n12 n13
n11 +n12 +n13 +y1 n21 +n22 +n23 +y2 n31 +n32 +n33 +y3
n21 n22 n23
P= n11 +n12 +n13 +y1 n21 +n22 +n23 +y2 n31 +n32 +n33 +y3
n31 n32 n33
n11 +n12 +n13 +y1 n21 +n22 +n23 +y2 n31 +n32 +n33 +y3
It is important to realise that for an actual economic system the inputoutput matrix P can be
determined only once the reference period of time chosen has come to an end.
The utility of Leontiefs stationary inputoutput matrix model is in its application for the purpose
of forecasting. This is done on the basis of an extrapolation, namely by assuming that an input
output matrix Preference period obtained from data taken during a specific reference period also is valid
(to an acceptable degree of accuracy) during a subsequent period, i.e.,
Psubsequent period Preference period , (4.7)
or, in component form,
nij nij
Pij |subsequent period = Pij |reference period = . (4.8)
qj subsequent period qj reference period
In this way it becomes possible to compute for a given (idealised) economic system approximate
numbers of INPUT quantities required during a near future production period from the known
numbers of OUTPUT quantities of the most recent production period. Long-term empirical ex-
perience has shown that this method generally leads to useful results to a reasonable approximation.
All of these calculations are grounded on linear relationships describing the quantitative aspects of
stationary flows of goods, as we will soon elucidate.
with i = 1, . . . , n, in which the inputoutput matrix P takes the role of mediating a mapping
between either of these vector-valued quantities. According to Assumption 2, the elements of the
inputoutput matrix P remain constant for the period of time considered, i.e. the corresponding
flows of goods are assumed to be stationary.
Relation (4.10) may also be motivated from an alternative perspective that takes the physical sci-
ences as a guidline. Namely, the total numbers q of the n goods produced during the period of
time considered which, by Assumption 3, are equal to the numbers supplied of the n goods satisfy
a conservation law: whatever has been produced of the n goods during the period of time con-
sidered cannot get lost in this period. In quantitative terms this simple relationship may be cast
into the form
q = y + Pq .
|{z} |{z} |{z}
total output final demand (exogenous) deliveries to production sector (endogenous)
For computational purposes this central stationary flow of goods relation (4.10) may be rearranged
as is convenient. In this context it is helpful to make use of the matrix identity q = 1q, where 1
denotes the (n n)-unit matrix [cf. Eq. (2.3)].
(i) given/known: P, q
Then it applies that
y = (1 P)q yi = (ij Pij )qj , (4.11)
with i = 1, . . . , n; (1 P)1 here denotes the total demand matrix, i.e., the inverse of the
technology matrix.
with i = 1, . . . , m.
GDC: For problems with n 5, and known matrices P and R, Eqs. (4.11), (4.12) and (4.14) can
be immediately used to calculate the quantities q from given quantities y, or vice versa.
4.4 Outlook
Leontiefs inputoutput matrix model may be extended in a straightforward fashion to include
more advanced considerations of economic theory. Supposing a closed though not necessarily
stationary economic system G comprising n interdependent economic agents producing n differ-
ent goods, one may assign monetary values to the INPUT quantity v as well as to the OUTPUT
quantities q and y of the system. Besides the numbers of goods produced and the associated
flows of goods one may monitor with respect to G for a given period of time, one can in addition
analyse in time and space the amount of money coupled to the different goods, and the corre-
sponding flows of money. However, contrary to the number of goods, in general there does not
4.4. OUTLOOK 31
exist a conservation law for the amount of money with respect to G. This may render the analysis
of flows of money more difficult, because, in the sense of an increase in value, money can either
be generated inside G during the period of time considered or it can likewise be annihilated; it is
not just limited to either flowing into respectively flowing out of G. Central to considerations of
this kind is a balance equation for the amount of money contained in G during a given period of
time, which is an additive quantity. Such balance equations constitute familiar tools in Physics (cf.
Herrmann (2003) [15, p 7ff]). Its structure in the present case is given by2
rate of change in time
of the amount of money = flux of money rate of generation of money
+ .
into G [in CU/TU] in G [in CU/TU]
in G [in CU/TU]
Note that, with respect to G, both fluxes of money and rates of generation of money can in prin-
ciple possess either sign, positive or negative. To deal with these quantitative issues properly,
one requires the technical tools of the differential and integral calculus which we will discuss
at an elementary level in Chs. 7 and 8. We make contact here with the interdisciplinary science
of Econophysics (cf., e.g., Bouchaud and Potters (2003) [5]), a very interesting and challenging
subject which, however, is beyond the scope of these lecture notes.
Leontiefs inputoutput matrix model, and its possible extension as outlined here, provide the
quantitative basis for considerations of economical ratios of the kind
OUTPUT [in units]
INPUT [in units]
as mentioned in the Introduction. In addition, dimensionless (scale-invariant) ratios of the form
referred to as economic efficiency, can be computed for and compared between different economic
systems and their underlying production sectors. In Ch. 7 we will briefly reconsider this issue.
Here the symbols CU and TU denote currency units and time units, respectively.
Chapter 5
Linear programming
On the backdrop of the economic principle, we discuss in this chapter a special class of quanti-
tative problems that frequently arise in specific practical applications in Business and Manage-
ment. Generally one distinguishes between two variants of the economic principle: either (i) to
draw maximum utility from limited resources, or (ii) to reach a specific target with minimum ef-
fort (costs). With regard to the ratio (OUTPUT)/(INPUT) put into focus in the Introduction, the
issue is to find an optimal value for this ratio under given boundary conditions. This aim can be
realised either (i) by increasing the (positive) value of the numerator for fixed (positive) value of
the denominator, or (ii) by decreasing the (positive) value of the denominator for fixed (positive)
value of the numerator. The class of quantitative problems to be looked at in some detail in this
chapter typically relate to boundary conditions according to case (i).
Def.: Consider a matrix A Rmn , a vector b Rm1 , two vectors c, x Rn1 , and a constant
d R. A quantitative problem of the form
max z = cT x + d |Ax b, x 0 , (5.1)
or, expressed in terms of a component notation,
x1 , . . . , xn n independent variables,
Ax b m restrictions,
x 0 n non-negativity constraints.
Remark: In an analogous fashion one may also formulate a standard minimum problem of
linear programming, which can be cast into the form
min z = cT x + d |Ax b, x 0 .
In this case, the components of the vector b need to be interpreted as lower limits on certain
For given linear objective function z(x1 , . . . , xn ), the set of points x = (x1 , . . . , xn )T satisfying
the condition
z(x1 , . . . , xn ) = C = constant R , (5.7)
In the simplest cases of linear programming, the linear objective function z depends on n = 2
variables x1 and x2 only. An illustrative and efficient method of solving problems of this kind will
be looked at in the following section.
5.2 Graphical method for solving problems with two indepen-
dent variables
The systematic graphical solution method of standard maximum problems of linear programming
with n = 2 independent variables comprises the following steps:
1. Derivation of the linear objective function
z(x1 , x2 ) = c1 x1 + c2 x2 + d
3. Plotting in the x1 , x2 plane of the projection of the isoquant of the linear objective function z
which intersects the origin (0 = x1 = x2 ). When c2 6= 0, this projection is described by the
x2 = (c1 /c2 )x1 .
4. Erecting in the origin of the x1 , x2 plane the direction of optimisation for z which is deter-
mined by the constant z-gradient
T x1 c1
(z) = z = .
5. Parallel displacement in the x1 , x2 plane of the projection of the (0, 0)-isoquant of z along
the direction of optimisation (z)T across the feasible region D out to a distance where the
projected isoquant just about touches D.
6. Determination of the optimal solution (x1O , x2O ) as the point resp. set of points of inter-
section between the displaced projection of the (0, 0)-isoquant of z and the far boundary
of D.
7. Computation of the optimal value of the linear objective function zO = z(x1O , x2O ) from
the optimal solution (x1O , x2O ).
z c1 x1 c2 x2 . . . cn xn = d (5.8)
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + . . . + a1n xn + s1 = b1 (5.9)
a21 x1 + a22 x2 + . . . + a2n xn + s2 = b2 (5.10)
am1 x1 + am2 x2 + . . . + amn xn + sm = bm . (5.11)
S3: Is there a row index i {1, . . . , m} such that ai j > 0? If not, the objective function z is
unbounded from above. END. Otherwise goto S4.
S4: Choose a pivot row index i such that ai j > 0 and bi /ai j := min{bi /ai j |ai j > 0, i
{1, . . . , m}}. Perform a pivot operation with the pivot element ai j . Goto S1.
When the final simplex tableau has been arrived at, one again assigns the non-basis variables the
value zero. The values of the final basis variables corresponding to the optimal solution of the
given linear programming problem are then to be determined from the final simplex tableau by
backward substitution, beginning at the bottom row. Note that slack variables with positive values
belonging to the basis variables in the optimal solution provide immediate information on existing
remaining capacities in the problem at hand.
Chapter 6
In this chapter we want to provide a brief introduction into some basic concepts of financial math-
ematics. As we will try to emphasise, many applications of these concepts (that have immediate
practical relevance) are founded on only two simple and easily accessible mathematical structures:
the so-called arithmetical and geometrical real-valued sequences and their associated finite series.
(an )nN ,
is defined by the property that the difference d between neighbouring elements in the sequence be
constant, i.e., for n > 1
an an1 =: d = constant 6= 0 , (6.1)
with an , an1 , d R. Given this recursive formation rule, one may infer the explicit representa-
tion of an arithmetical sequence as
Note that any arithmetical sequence is uniquely determined by the two free parameters a1 and d,
the starting value of the sequence and the constant difference between neighbours in the sequence,
respectively. Equation (6.2) shows that the elements an in a non-trivial arithmetical sequence
exhibit either linear growth or linear decay with n.
When one calculates for an arithmetical sequence of n + 1 real numbers the arithmetical mean
of the immediate neighbours of any particular element an (with n 2), one finds that
1 1
(an1 + an+1 ) = (a1 + (n 2)d + a1 + nd) = a1 + (n 1)d = an . (6.3)
2 2
Summation of the first n elements of an arbitrary arithmetical sequence of real numbers leads to
a finite arithmetical series,
n n
X X d
Sn := a1 + a2 + . . . + an = ak = [a1 + (k 1)d] = na1 + (n 1)n . (6.4)
k=1 k=1
In the last algebraic step use was made of the Gauian identity1 (cf., e.g., Bosch (2003) [6, p 21])
X 1
k (n 1)n . (6.5)
Summation of the first n elements of an arbitrary geometrical sequence of real numbers leads to
a finite geometrical series,
n n n1
X X k1
X qn 1
Sn := a1 + a2 + . . . + an = ak = a1 q = a1 q k = a1 . (6.9)
k=1 k=1 k=0
In the last algebraic step use was made of the identity (cf., e.g., Bosch (2003) [6, p 27])
X qn 1
qk for q R\{0, 1} . (6.10)
Analogously, the modified Gauian identity (2k 1) n2 applies.
6.2 Interest and compound interest
Let us consider a first rather simple interest model. Suppose given an initial capital of positive
value K0 > 0 CU paid into a bank account at some initial instant, and a time interval consisting
of n N periods of equal lengths. At the end of each period, the money in this bank account
shall earn a service fee corresponding to an interest rate of p > 0 percent. Introducing the
dimensionless interest factor2
q := 1 + >1, (6.11)
one finds that by the end of the first interest period a total capital of value (in CU)
p p
K1 = K0 + K0 = K0 1 + = K0 q
100 100
will have accumulated. When the entire time interval of n interest periods has ended, a final
capital worth of (in CU)
will have accumulated, where Kn1 denotes the capital (in CU) accumulated by the end of n 1
interest periods. This recursive representation of the growth of the initial capital K0 due to a total
of n interest payments and the effect of compound interest makes explicit the direct link with the
mathematical structure of a geometrical sequence of real numbers (6.6).
It is a straightforward exercise to show that in this simple interest model the final capital Kn is
related to the initial capital K0 by
Note that this equation links the four non-negative quantities Kn , K0 , q and n to one another.
Hence, knowing the values of three of these quantities, one may solve Eq. (6.13) to obtain the
value of the fourth. For example, solving Eq. (6.13) for K0 yields
K0 = =: B0 . (6.14)
In this particular variant, K0 is referred to as the present value B0 of the final capital Kn ; this is
obtained from Kn by an n-fold division with the interest factor q.
Further possibilities of re-arranging Eq. (6.13) are:
(i) Solving for the interest factor q: r
n Kn
q= , (6.15)
(ii) Solving for the contract period n:
ln (Kn /K0 )
n= . (6.16)
Inverting this defining relation for q leads to p = 100 (q 1).
From now on, n N shall denote the number of full years that have passed in a specific interest
Now we turn to discuss a second, more refined interest model. Let us suppose that an initial
capital K0 > 0 CU earns interest during one full year m N times at the mth part of a nominal
annual interest rate pnom > 0. At the end of the first out of m periods of equal length 1/m, the
initial capital K0 will thus have increased to an amount
pnom pnom
K1/m = K0 + K0 = K0 1 + .
m 100 m 100
By the end of the kth (k m) out of m periods the account balance will have become
pnom k
Kk/m = K0 1 + ;
m 100
the interest factor 1 + will then have been applied k times to K0 . At the end of the full
m 100
year, K0 in this interest model will have increased to
pnom m
K1 = Km/m = K0 1 + , mN.
m 100
This relation defines an effective interest factor
pnom m
qeff := 1 + , (6.17)
m 100
with associated effective annual interest rate
h pnom m i
peff = 100 1 + 1 , mN, (6.18)
m 100
obtained from re-arranging qeff = 1 + .
When, ultimately, n N full years will have passed in the second interest model, the initial
capital K0 will have been transformed into a final capital of value
pnom nm n
Kn = K 0 1 + = K0 qeff , n, m N . (6.19)
m 100
B0 = n
= K0 . (6.20)
Finally, as a third interest model relevant to applications in Finance, we turn to consider the con-
cept of installment savings. For simplicity, let us restrict our discussion to the case when n N
equal installments of constant value E > 0 CU are paid into an account that earns p > 0 percent
annual interest (i.e., q > 1) at the beginning of each of n full years. The initial account balance
be K0 = 0 CU. At the end of a first full year in this interest model, the account balance will have
increased to
p p
K1 = E + E =E 1+ = Eq .
100 100
At the end of two full years one finds, substituting for K1 ,
K2 = (K1 + E)q = (Eq + E)q = E(q 2 + q) = Eq(q + 1) .
At the end of n full years we have, recursively substituting for Kn1 , Kn2 , etc.,
n 2 n1
Kn = (Kn1 + E)q = = E(q + . . . + q + q) = Eq(q + . . . + q + 1) = Eq qk .
Using the identity (6.10), since presently q > 1, the account balance at the end of n full years can
be reduced to the expression
qn 1
Kn = Eq , q R>1 , nN. (6.21)
The present value B0 associated with Kn is obtained by n-fold division of Kn with the interest
factor q:
Eq. 6.21
Kn z}|{ E(q n 1)
B0 := n = = n1 . (6.22)
q q (q 1)
This gives the value of an initial capital B0 which will grow to the same final value Kn after n
annual interest periods with constant interest factor q > 1.
Lastly, re-arranging Eq. (6.21) to solve for the contract period n yields.
ln [1 + (q 1)(Kn /Eq)]
n= . (6.23)
Z2 = R1 (q 1)
T2 = A Z2
substitute for Z2 substitute for R1
z}|{ z}|{
R2 = R1 + Z2 A = R1 q A = R0 q 2 A(q + 1) .
At this stage, it has become clear according to which patterns the different quantities involved in
the redemption payment model need to be formed. The interest payment for the nth full year in a
mortgage contract of constant anuities amounts to (recursively)
where Rn1 denotes the remaining debt at the end of the previous full year. The redemption
payment for full year n is then given by (recursively)
Tn = A Zn , nN. (6.27)
The remaining debt at the end of the nth full year then is (in CU)
qn 1
explicitly: Rn = R0 q n A , nN. (6.29)
All the formulae we have now derived for computing the values of the quantities {n, Zn , Tn , Rn }
form the basis of a formal redemption payment plan, given by
n Zn [CU] Tn [CU] Rn [CU]
0 R0
1 Z1 T1 R1 ,
2 Z2 T2 R2
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
a standard scheme that banks must make available to their mortgage customers for the purpose of
financial orientation.
Remark: For known values of the free parameters R0 > 0 CU, q > 1 and A > 0 CU, the simple
recursive formulae (6.26), (6.27) and (6.28) can be used to implement a redemption payment plan
in a modern spreadsheet programme such as EXCEL or OpenOffice.
We emphasise the following observation concerning Eq. (6.29): since the constant annuity A con-
tains implicitly a factor (q 1) [cf. Eq. (6.25)], the two competing terms in this relation each grow
exponentially with n. For the redemption payments to eventually terminate, it is thus essential to
fix the free parameter t (for known p > 0 q > 1) in such a way that the second term on the
right-hand side of Eq. (6.29) is given the possibility to catch up with the first as n progresses (the
latter of which has a head start of R0 > 0 CU at n = 0). The necessary condition following from
the requirement that Rn Rn1 is thus t > 0.
Equation (6.29) links the five non-negative quantities Rn , R0 , q, n and A to one another. Given
one knows the values of four of these, one can solve for the fifth. For example:
(i) Calculation of the contract period n of a mortgage contract, knowing the mortgage R0 , the
interest factor q and the annuity A. Solving the condition Rn = 0 imposed on Rn for n
yields (after a few algebraic steps)
ln 1 + pt
n= ; (6.30)
the contract period is thus independent of the value of the mortgage loan, R0 .
(ii) Evaluation of the annuity A, knowing the contract period n, the mortgage loan R0 , and the
interest factor q. Solving the condition Rn = 0 imposed on Rn for A immediately yields
q n (q 1)
A= R0 . (6.31)
qn 1
Now equating the two expressions (6.31) and (6.25) for the annuity A, one finds in addition
t q1
= n . (6.32)
100 q 1
6.4 Pension calculations
Quantitative models for pension calculations assume given an initial capital K0 > 0 CU that
was paid into a bank account at a particular moment in time. The issue is to monitor the subse-
quent evolution in discrete time n of the account balance Kn (in CU), which is subjected to two
competing influences: on the one-hand side, the bank account earns interest at an annual interest
rate of p > 0 percent (i.e., q > 1), on the other, it is supposed that throughout one full year a total
of m N pension payments of the constant amount a are made from this bank account, always
at the beginning of each of m intervals of equal duration per year.
Let us begin by evaluating the amount of interest earned per year by the bank account. An impor-
tant point in this respect is the fact that throughout one full year there is a total of m deductions of
value a from the bank account, i.e., in general the account balance does not stay constant through-
out that year but rather decreases in discrete steps. For this reason, the account is credited by the
bank with interest only at the mth part of p > 0 percent for each interval (out of the total of m)
that has passed, with no compound interest effect. Hence, at the end of the first out of m intervals
per year the bank account has earned interest worth of (in CU)
p (q 1)
Z1/m = (K0 a) = (K0 a) .
m 100 m
The interest earned for the kth interval (out of m; k m) is then given by
(q 1)
Zk/m = (K0 ka) .
Summation over the contributions of each of the m intervals to the interest earned then yields for
the entire interest earned during the first full year (in CU)
m m
" m
X X (q 1) (q 1) X
Z1 = Zk/m = (K0 ka) = mK0 a k .
k=1 k=1
m m k=1
By means of substitution from the identity (6.5), this result can be recast into the equivalent form
Z1 = K0 (m + 1)a (q 1) . (6.33)
Note that this quantity decreases linearly with the number of deductions m made per year resp. with
the pension payment amount a.
One now finds that the account balance at the end of the first full year that has passed is given by
Eq. (6.33)
z}|{ 1
K1 = K0 ma + Z1 = K0 q m + (m + 1)(q 1) a .
At the end of a second full year of the pension payment contract the interest earned is
Z2 = K1 (m + 1)a (q 1) ,
while the account balance amounts to
substitute for K1 and Z2
z}|{ 2 1
K2 = K1 ma + Z2 = K0 q m + (m + 1)(q 1) a(q + 1) .
At this stage, certain fairly simple patterns for the interest earned during full year n, and the
account balance after n full years, reveal themselves. For Zn we have
Zn = Rn1 (m + 1)a (q 1) , (6.34)
and for Kn one obtains
The latter result can be re-expressed upon substitution from the identity (6.10). Thus, Kn can
finally be given by
n 1 q 1
explicitly: Kn = K0 q m + (m + 1)(q 1) a , n, m N . (6.35)
2 q1
In a fashion practically identical to our discussion of the redemption payment model in Sec. 6.3,
the two competing terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (6.35) likewise exhibit exponential growth
with the number n of full years passed. Specifically, it depends on the values of the parameters
K0 > 0 CU, q > 1, a > 0 CU, as well as m 1, whether the second term eventually manages to
catch up with the first as n progresses (the latter of which, in this model, is given a head start of
value K0 > 0 CU at n = 0).
We remark that Eq. (6.35), again, may be algebraically re-arranged at ones convenience (as long
as division by zero is avoided). For example:
(i) The duration n (in full years) of a particular pension contract is obtained from solving the
condition Kn = 0 accordingly. Given that [. . .]a K0 (q 1) > 0, one thus finds3
ln [...]aK0 (q1)
n= . (6.36)
(ii) The present value B0 of a pension scheme results from the following consideration: for
fixed interest factor q > 1, which initial capital K0 > 0 CU must be paid into a bank account
such that for a duration of n full years one can receive payments of constant amount a at the
beginning of each of m intervals (of equal length) per year? The value of B0 = K0 is again
obtained from imposing on Eq. (6.35) the condition Kn = 0 and solving for K0 . This yields
1 qn 1
B0 = K0 = m + (m + 1)(q 1) a n . (6.37)
2 q (q 1)
To avoid notational overload, the brackets [. . .] here represent the term m + 2 (m + 1)(q 1) .
(iii) The idea of so-called everlasting pension payments of amount aever > 0 CU is based on the
strategy to consume only the annual interest earned by an initial capital K0 > 0 CU residing
in a bank account with interest factor q > 1. Imposing now on Eq. (6.35) the condition
Kn = K0 to hold for all values of n, and then solving for a, yields the result
aever = 1 K0 ; (6.38)
m + (m + 1)(q + 1)
Note for the difference of remaining values for years adjacent one obtains Rn Rn1 =
=: d < 0. The underlying mathematical structure of the straight line depreciation
method is thus an arithmetical sequence of real numbers, with constant negative difference d
between neighbouring elements (cf. Sec. 6.1.1).
The underlying mathematical structure of the declining balance depreciation method is thus a
geometrical sequence of real numbers, with constant ratio 0 < q < 1 between neighbouring
elements (cf. Sec. 6.1.2). With increasing n the values of these elements become ever smaller. By
means of successive backward substitution expression (6.41) can be transformed to
explicitly: Rn = K0 q n , 0<q<1, nN. (6.42)
From Eq. (6.42), one may derive results concerning the following questions of a quantitative na-
(i) Suppose given a depreciation factor q and a projected remaining value Rn for some industrial
good. After which depreciation period n will this value be attained? One finds
ln (Rn /K0 )
n= . (6.43)
(ii) Knowing a projected depreciation period n and corresponding remaining value Rn , at which
percentage rate p > 0 must the depreciation method be operated? This yields
r r !
R n Rn
q= n p = 100 1 n . (6.44)
K0 K0
W : target space of f ,
y W : dependent variable of f ,
Cf. our introduction in Ch. 2 of matrices as a particular class of mathematical objects.
f (x): mapping prescription,
For later analysis of the mathematical properties of real-valued functions of one real variable, we
need to address a few more technical issues.
Def.: Given a mapping f that is one-to-one and onto, with domain D(f ) R and target space
W (f ) R, not only is every x D(f ) assigned to one and only one y W (f ), but also every
y W (f ) is assigned to one and only one x D(f ). In this case, there exists an associated
mapping f 1 , with D(f 1 ) = W (f ) and W (f 1 ) = D(f ), which is referred to as the inverse
function of f .
Def.: A real-valued function f of one real variable x is continuous at some value x D(f ) when
for x R>0 the condition
obtains, i.e., when at x the left and right limits of the function f coincide and are equal to the value
f (x). A real-valued function f as such is continuous when f is continuous for all x D(f ).
Def.: When a real-valued function f of one real variable x satisfies the condition
then f is called strictly monotonously increasing. When, however, f satisfies the condition
Their domain comprises the entire set of real numbers, i.e., D(f ) = R. The extent of their target
space depends specifically on the values of the real constant coefficients ai R. Functions in this
class possess a maximum of n real roots.
7.1.2 Rational functions
Rational functions are constructed by forming the ratio of two polynomials of degrees m resp. n,
pm (x) am xm + . . . + a1 x + a0
y = f (x) = =
qn (x) bn xn + . . . + b1 x + b0 (7.6)
with ai , bj R, i = 1, . . . , m, j = 1, . . . , n, m, n N, am , bn 6= 0 .
Their domain is given by D(f ) = R\{x|qn (x) = 0}. When for the degrees m and n of the
polynomials pm (x) and qn (x) we have
(i) m < n, then f is referred to as a proper rational function, or
(ii) m n, then f is referred to as an improper rational function.
In the latter case, application of polynomial division leads to a separation of f into a purely poly-
nomial part and a proper rational part. The roots of f always correspond to those roots of the
numerator polynomial pm (x) for which simultaneously qn (x) 6= 0 applies. The roots of the de-
nominator polynomial qn (x) constitute poles of f . Proper rational functions always tend for very
small (i.e., x ) and for very large (i.e., x +) values of their argument to zero.
are defined as inverse functions of the strictly monotonous exponential functions y = f (x) = ax
and vice versa. Correspondingly, D(f ) = R>0 and W (f ) = R apply. Strictly monotonously
increasing behaviour is given when a > 1, strictly monotonously decreasing behaviour when
0 < a < 1. In general, the x-intercept is located at x = 1.
Special case: The natural logarithmic function (lat.: logarithmus naturalis) obtains when the
constant basis number is set to a = e. This yields
y f (x + x) f (x)
f (x) := lim = lim (7.12)
x0 x x0 x
exists and is unique. When f is differentiable for all x D(f ), then f as such is referred to as
being differentiable.
The existence of this limit in a point (x, f (x)) for a real-valued function f requires that the latter
exhibits neither jumps nor kinks, i.e., that at (x, f (x)) the function is sufficiently smooth.
The quantity f (x) is referred to as the first derivative of the (differentiable) function f at posi-
tion x. It provides a quantitative measure for the local rate of change of the function f in the
point (x, f (x)). In general one interprets the first derivative f (x) as follows: an increase of the
argument x of a differentiable real-valued function f by 1 (one) unit leads to a change in the value
of f by approximately f (x) 1 units.
Alternative notation for the first derivative of f :
df (x)
f (x) .
The differential calculus was developed in parallel with the integral calculus (see Ch. 7) during the
second half of the 17th Century, independent of one another by the English physicist, mathemat-
iccian, astronomer and philosopher Sir Isaac Newton (16431727) and the German philosopher,
mathematician and physicist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (16461716).
Via the first derivative of a differentiable function f at an argument x0 D(f ), i.e., f (x0 ), one
defines the so-called linearisation of f in a neighbourhood of x0 . The equation describing the
associated tangent to f in the point (x0 , f (x0 )) is given by
f (x)
6. (ln(f (x))) = for f (x) > 0 (logarithmic differentiation)
f (x)
1 1
7. (f (x)) = , if f is one-to-one and onto.
f (y) y=f 1 (x)
(differentiation of inverse functions).
The methods of differential calculus just introduced shall now be employed to describe the local
change behaviour of a few simple examples of functions in economic theory, and also to deter-
mine their local extremal values. The following section provides an overview of such frequently
occurring economic functions.
7.3 Common functions in economic theory
1. total cost function K(x) 0 (dim: CU)
argument: level of physical output x 0 (dim: units)
8. marginal profit function G (x) := E (x) K (x) = xp (x) + p(x) K (x) (dim:
argument: level of physical output x > 0 (dim: units)
with parameter a R>0 . Overcoming a conceptual problem of Bernoullis utility function, here,
in contrast, the argument x quantifies a change in wealth (or welfare) with respect to some given
reference point (rather than a specific value of wealth itself).
K(x) = a3 x3 + a2 x2 + a1 x + a0
| {z } |{z}
=Kv (x) =Kf
with a3 , a1 > 0, a2 < 0, a0 0, a22 3a3 a1 < 0 .
The model thus contains a total of four free parameters. It is the outcome of a systematic regres-
sion analysis of agricultural quantitativeempirical data with the aim to describe an inherently
non-linear functional relationship between a few economic variables. As such, the functional
relationship for K(x) expressed in Eq. (7.15) was derived from a practical consideration. It is a
reflection of the following observed features:
(i) for levels of physical output x 0 units, the total costs relating to typical production
processes exhibit strictly monotonously increasing behaviour; thus
(ii) for the total costs there do not exist neither roots nor local extremal values;2 however,
The continuous curve for K(x) resulting from these considerations exhibits the characteristic shape
of an inverted capital letter S: beginning at a positive value corresponding to fixed costs, the total
costs first increase degressively up to a point of inflection, whereafter they continue to increase,
but in a progressive fashion.
In broad terms, the functional expression given in Eq. (7.15) to model totals costs in dependence
of the level of physical output is the sum of two contributions, the variable costs Kv (x) and the
fixed costs Kf = a0 , viz.
K(x) = Kv (x) + Kf . (7.16)
In economic theory, it is commonplace to partition total cost functions in the diminishing returns
picture into four phases, the boundaries of which are designated by special values of the level of
physical output of a production process:
Kv (x)
= a3 x2 + a2 x + a1 , x > 0 units (7.18)
become minimal at a level of physical output xg1 = a2 /(2a3 ) > 0 units. At this value
of x, equality of variable average costs and marginal costs applies, i.e.,
Kv (x)
= K (x) , (7.19)
The last condition in Eq. (7.15) ensures a first derivative of K(x) that does not possess any roots; cf. the case of
a quadratic algebraic equation 0 = ax2 + bx + c, with discriminant b2 4ac < 0.
which follows by the quotient rule of differentiation from the necessary condition for an
extremum of the variable average costs,
! Kv (x) (K(x) Kf ) x Kv (x) 1
0= = ,
x x2
and the fact that Kf = 0 CU/unit. Taking care of the equality (7.19), one finds for the tangent
to K(x) in the point (xg1 , K(xg1 )) the equation [cf. Eq. (7.13)]
Kv (xg1 ) Kv (xg1 )
T (x) = K(xg1 )+K (xg1 )(xxg1 ) = Kv (xg1 )+Kf + (xxg1 ) = Kf + x.
xg1 xg1
Its intercept with the K-axis is at Kf .
wherein x denotes a non-negative supply function (in units) (which is synonymous with the sup-
pliers level of physical output) and N a non-negative demand function (in units), both of which
are taken to depend on the positive unit price p (in CU/unit) of the good in question. The supply
function, and with it the unit price, can, of course, be prescribed by the monopolistic supplier in
an arbitrary fashion. In a specific quantitative economic model, for instance, the demand func-
tion x(p) (recall that by Eq. (7.23) x(p) = N(p) obtains) could be assumed to be either a linear or
a quadratic function of p. In any case, in order for x(p) to realistically describe an actual demand
unit price relationship, it should be chosen as a strictly monotonously decreasing function, and as
such it is invertible. The non-negative demand function x(p) features two characteristic points,
signified by its intercepts with the x- and the p-axes. The prohibitive price pproh is to be deter-
mined from the condition x(pproh ) = 0 units; therefore, it constitutes a root of x(p). The saturation
quantity xsat , on the other hand, is defined by xsat := x(0 CU/unit).
The inverse function associated with the strictly monotonously decreasing non-negative demand
function x(p), the unit price function p(x) (in CU/unit), is likewise strictly monotonously
decreasing. Via p(x), one calculates, in dependence on a known amount x of units sup-
plied/demanded (i.e., sold), the total revenue (in CU) made by a monopolist according to (cf.
Sec. 7.3)
E(x) = xp(x) . (7.24)
Under the assumption that the non-negative total costs K(x) (in CU) underlying the production
process of the good in demand can be modelled according to the diminishing returns picture of
Turgot and von Thunen, the profit function (in CU) of the monopolist in dependence on the level
of physical output takes the form
unit price
G(x) = E(x) K(x) = x p(x) a3 x3 + a2 x2 + a1 x + a0 . (7.25)
| {z } | {z }
total revenue total costs
The first two derivatives of G(x) with respect to its argument x are given by
G (x) = E (x) K (x) = xp (x) + p(x) 3a3 x2 + 2a2 x + a1 (7.26)
G (x) = E (x) K (x) = xp (x) + 2p (x) [6a3 x + 2a2 ] . (7.27)
Employing the principles of curve sketching set out in Sec. 7.4, the following characteristic values
of G(x) can thus be identified:
break-even point
xS > 0 units, as the unique solution to the conditions
G(x) = 0 CU (necessary condition) (7.28)
G (x) > 0 CU/unit (sufficient condition) , (7.29)
G (x) < 0 CU/unit (sufficient condition) , (7.31)
maximum profit
xM > 0 CU, as the unique solution to the conditions
G (x) = 0 CU/unit (necessary condition) (7.32)
G (x) < 0 CU/unit2 (sufficient condition) . (7.33)
At this point, we like to draw the readers attention to a special geometric property of the quan-
titative model for profit that we just have outlined: at maximum profit, the total revenue func-
tion E(x) and the total cost function K(x) always possess parallel tangents. This is due to the
fact that by the necessary condition for an extremum to exist, one finds that
! !
0 CU/unit = G (x) = E (x) K (x) E (x) = K (x) . (7.34)
GDC: Roots and local maxima resp. minima can be easily determined for a given stored function
in mode CALC by employing the interactive routines zero and maximum resp. minimum.
To conclude these considerations, we briefly turn to elucidate the technical term Cournots point,
which frequently arises in quantitative discussions in economic theory; this is named after the
French mathematician and economist AntoineAugustin Cournot (18011877). Cournots point
simply labels the profit-optimal combination of the level of physical output and the associated unit
price, (xM , p(xM )), for the unit price function p(x) of a good in a monopolistic market situation.
Note that for this specific combination of optimal values the AmorosoRobinson formula applies,
which was developed by the Italian mathematician and economist Luigi Amoroso (18861965)
and the British economist Joan Violet Robinson (19031983). This states that
K (xM )
p(xM ) = , (7.35)
1 + p (xM )
with K (xM ) the value of the marginal costs at xM , and p (xM ) the value of the elasticity of the
unit price function at xM (see the following Sec. 7.6). Starting from the defining equation of the
total revenue E(x) = xp(x), the AmorosoRobinson formula is derived by evaluating the first
derivative of E(x) at xM , so
Sec. 7.6
p (xM ) z}|{
E (xM ) = p(xM ) + xM p (xM ) = p(xM ) 1 + xM = = p(xM ) [1 + p (xM )] ,
p(xM )
and then re-arranging to solve for p(xM ), using the fact that E (xM ) = K (xM ).
Remark: In a market situation where perfect competition applies, one assumes that the unit
price function has settled to a constant value p(x) = p = constant > 0 CU/unit (and, hence,
p (x) = 0 CU/unit2 obtains).
(ii) To compare the performance of two companies over a given period of time in a meaningful
way, it is recommended to adhere only to measures that are dimensionless ratios, and so
independent of scale. An example of such a dimensionless ratio is the measure referred to
as economic efficiency,
W (x) = , (7.39)
which expresses the total revenue (in CU) of a company for a given period as a multiple of
the total costs (in CU) it had to endure during this period, both as functions of the level of
physical output. In analogy to our discussion in (i), the conditions for the existence of a
! !
local maximum amount to [E(x)/K(x)] = 0 1/unit and [E(x)/K(x)] < 0 1/unit2 .
By the quotient rule of differentiation (see Sec. 7.2), the first condition leads to
E (x)K(x) E(x)K (x)
= 0 1/unit , (7.40)
K 2 (x)
i.e., for K(x) > 0 CU,
By re-arranging and multiplication with x > 0 unit, this can be cast into the particular form
E (x) K (x)
x =x . (7.42)
E(x) K(x)
The reason for this special kind of representation of the necessary condition for a local
maximum to exist [and also for Eq. (7.38)] will be clarified in the subsequent section. Again,
a value of the level of physical output which satisfies Eq. (7.42) must in addition lead to
a negative second derivative of the economic efficiency in order to satisfy the sufficient
condition for a local maximum to exist.
7.6 Elasticities
Finally, we pick up once more the discussion on quantifying the local variability of differentiable
real-valued functions of one real variable, f : D R W R, though from a slightly different
perspective. For reasons to be elucidated shortly, we confine ourselves to considerations of regimes
of f with positive values of the argument x and also positive values y = f (x) > 0 of the function
As before in Sec. 7.2, we want to assume a small change of the value of the argument x and
evaluate its resultant effect on the value y = f (x). This yields
xR yR
x x + x = y = f (x) y + y = f (x + x) . (7.43)
We remark in passing that relative changes of non-negative quantities are defined by the quotient
new value old value
old value
under the prerequisite that old value > 0 applies. It follows from this specific construction that
the minimum value a relative change can possibly attain amounts to 1 (corresponding to a
decrease of the old value by 100%).
Related to this consideration we identify the following terms:
Now let us compare the order-of-magnitudes of the two relative changes just envisaged, and
. This is realised by considering the value of their quotient, resultant relative change of f
divided by the prescribed relative change of x:
y f (x + x) f (x)
y f (x)
= .
x x
x x
Since we assumed f to be differentiable, it is possible to investigate the behaviour of this quotient
of relative changes in the limit of increasingly smaller prescribed relative changes 0
x 0 near some x > 0. One thus defines:
Def.: For a differentiable real-valued function f of one real variable x, the dimensionless (i.e.,
units-independent) quantity
y f (x + x) f (x)
y f (x) f (x)
f (x) := lim = lim =x (7.44)
x0 x x0 x f (x)
x x
d ln[f (x)]
f (x) := for x > 0 and f (x) > 0 ,
d ln(x)
since by the chain rule of differentiation it holds that
df (x) df (x)
d ln[f (x)] f (x) f (x)
= = x dx = x .
d ln(x) dx f (x) f (x)
The logarithmic representation of the elasticity of a differentiable function f immediately explains
why, at the beginning, we confined our considerations to positive differentiable functions of posi-
tive arguments only.3 A brief look at the list of standard economic functions provided in Sec. 7.3
reveals that most of these (though not all) are positive functions of non-negative arguments.
For the elementary classes of real-valued functions of one real variable discussed in Sec. 7.1 one
Standard elasticities
3. f (x) = ax for a R>0 \{1} and x R>0 f (x) = ln(a)x (exponential functions)
In view of these results, we would like to emphasise the fact that for the entire family of gen-
eral power-law functions the elasticity f (x) has a constant value, independent of the value of
the argument x. It is this very property which classifies general power-law functions as scale-
invariant. When scale-invariance obtains, dimensionless ratios, i.e., quotients of variables of the
To extend the regime of applicability of the measure f , one may consider working in terms of absolute values |x|
and |f (x)|. Then one has to distinguish between four cases, which need to be looked at separately: (i) x > 0, f (x) > 0,
(ii) x < 0, f (x) > 0, (iii) x < 0, f (x) < 0 and (iv) x > 0, f (x) < 0.
same physical dimension, reduce to constants. In this context, we would like to remark that scale-
invariant (fractal) power-law functions of the form f (x) = Kx , with K > 0 and R<0 \{1},
are frequently employed in Economics and the Social Sciences for modelling uncertainty of eco-
nomic agents in decision-making processes, or for describing probability distributions of rare
event phenomena; see, e.g., Taleb (2007) [25, p 326ff] or Gleick (1987) [13, Chs. 5 and 6]. This
is due, in part, to the curious property that for certain values of the exponent general power-law
probability distributions attain unbounded variance; cf. Ref. [12, Sec. 8.9].
Practical applications in economic theory of the concept of an elasticty as a measure of relative
change of a differentiable real-valued function f of one real variable x are generally based on the
following linear (!) approximation: beginning at x0 > 0, for small prescribed percentage changes
of the argument x in the interval 0 % < 5 %, the resultant percentage changes of f amount
approximately to
We now draw the readers attention to a special kind of terminology developed in economic theory
to describe the relative local change behaviour of economic functions in qualitative terms. For
x D(f ), the relative local change behaviour of a function f is called
inelastic, whenever |f (x)| < 1,
To end this chapter, we remark that for a positive differentiable real-valued function f of one
positive real variable x, a second elasticity may be defined according to
d x df (x)
f [f (x)] := x . (7.47)
dx f (x) dx
In the final chapter of these lecture notes we give a brief overview of the main definitions and
laws of the integral calculus of real-valued functions of one variable. Subsequently we consider
a simple application of this tool in economic theory.
defines the indefinite integral of the function f . The following names are used to refer to the
different ingredients in this expression:
x the integration variable,
f (x) the integrand,
c the constant of integration.
For the elementary, continuous real-valued functions of one variable introduced in Sec. 7.1, the
following rules of indefinite integration apply:
Rules of indefinite integration
1. dx = x + c with = constant R (constants)
2. x dx = +c (linear functions)
3. xn dx = + c for n N (natural power-law functions)
4. x dx = + c for R\{1} and x R>0 (general power-law functions)
5. ax dx = + c for a R>0 \{1} (exponential functions)
6. eax dx = + c for a R\{0} (natural exponential functions)
7. x1 dx = ln |x| + c for x R\{0}.
Special methods of integration need to be employed when the integrand consists of a concatanation
of elementary real-valued functions. Here we provide a list with the main tools for this purpose.
For differentiable real-valued functions f and g, it holds that
1. (f (x) g(x)) dx = f (x) dx g(x) dx
with , = constant R (summation rule)
2. f (x)g (x) dx = f (x)g(x) f (x)g(x) dx (integration by parts)
u=g(x) and du=g (x)dx
R z}|{ R
3. f (g(x))g (x) dx = f (u) du = F (g(x)) + c (substitution method)
f (x)
4. dx = ln |f (x)| + c for f (x) 6= 0 (logarithmic integration).
f (x)
Remark: The main qualitative difference between an (i) indefinite integral and a (ii) definite in-
tegral of a continuous real-valued function of one variable reveals intself in the different kinds of
outcome: while (i) yields as a result a real-valued (primitive) function, (ii) simply yields a single
real number.
GDC: For a stored real-valued function, the evaluation
R of a definite integral can be performed in
mode CALC with the pre-programmed function f(x)dx. The corresponding limits of integration
need to be specified interactively.
As indicated in Sec. 7.6, the scale-invariant power-law functions f (x) = x for R and
x R>0 play a special role in practical applications. For x [a, b] R>0 and 6= 1 it holds
that Z b x=b
x+1 1 +1 +1
x dx = = b a . (8.4)
a + 1 x=a + 1
Problematic in this context can be considerations of taking limits of the form a 0 resp. b ,
since for either of the two cases
(i) case < 1: Z b
lim x dx , (8.5)
a0 a
2. Strategy 2: Some consumers would be willing to purchase the product intially also at a unit
price which is higher than pM . If, hence, the suppliers decide to offer the product initially
at a unit price po > pM , and then, in order to generate further demand, to continuously1 (!)
reduce the unit price to the lower pM , the revenue obtained yields the larger value
Z po
U2 = U(pM ) + N(p) dp . (8.9)
is (theoretically) safed by the consumers when the product is introduced to the market ac-
cording to strategy 1, this amount is referred to in the economic literature as consumer
3. Strategy 3: Some suppliers would be willing to introduce the product to the market initially
at a unit price which is lower than pM . If, hence, the suppliers decide to offer the product
initially at a unit price pu < pM , and then to continuously2 (!) raise it to the higher pM , the
revenue obtaines amounts to the smaller value
Z pM
U3 = U(pM ) A(p) dp . (8.11)
when the product is introduced to the market according to strategy 1, this amount is referred
to in the economic literature as producer surplus.
This is a strong mathematical assumption aimed at facilitating the actual calculation to follow.
See previous footnote.
Appendix A
absolute change: absolute Anderung
absolute value: Betrag
account balance: Kontostand
addition: Addition
analysis: Analysis, Untersuchung auf Differenzierbarkeitseigenschaften
arithmetical mean: arithmetischer Mittelwert
arithmetical sequence: arithmetische Zahlenfolge
arithmetical series: arithmetische Reihe
augmented coefficient matrix: erweiterte Koeffizientenmatrix
average costs: Stuckkosten
average profit: Durchschnittsgewinn, Gewinn pro Stuck
backward substitution: ruckwertige Substitution
balance equation: Bilanzgleichung
basis: Basis
basis solution: Basislosung
basis variable: Basisvariable
Behavioural Economics: Verhaltensokonomik
boundary condition: Randbedingung
break-even point: Gewinnschwelle
chain rule: Kettenregel
characteristic equation: charakteristische Gleichung
coefficient matrix: Koeffizientenmatrix
column: Spalte
column vector: Spaltenvektor
component: Komponente
compound interest: Zinseszins
concatenation: Verschachtelung, Verknupfung
conservation law: Erhaltungssatz
constant of integration: Integrationskonstante
constraint: Zwangsbedingung
cost function: Kostenfunktion
consumer surplus: Konsumentenrente
continuity: Stetigkeit
contract period: Laufzeit
Cournots point: Cournotscher Punkt
curve sketching: Kurvendiskussion
decision-making: Entscheidungsfindung
declining-balance depreciation method: geometrischdegressive Abschreibung
definite integral: bestimmtes Integral
demand function: Nachfragefunktion
dependent variable: abhangige Variable
depreciation: Abschreibung
depreciation factor: Abschreibungsfaktor
derivative: Ableitung
determinant: Determinante
difference: Differenz
difference quotient: Differenzenquotient
differentiable: differenzierbar
differential: Integrationsdifferenzial
differential calculus: Differenzialrechnung
dimension: Dimension
direction of optimisation: Optimierungsrichtung
divergent: divergent, unbeschrankt
domain: Definitionsbereich
economic agent: Wirtschaftstreibende(r) (meistens ein homo oeconomicus)
economic efficiency: Wirtschaftlichkeit
economic equilibrium: okonomisches Gleichgewicht
economic principle: okonomisches Prinzip
economic theory: Wirtschaftstheorie
Econophysics: Okonophysik
eigenvalue: Eigenwert
eigenvector: Eigenvektor
elastic: elastisch
elasticity: Elastizitat
element: Element
end of profitable zone: Gewinngrenze
endogenous: endogen
equilibrium price: Marktpreis
equivalence transformation: Aquivalenztransformation
exogenous: exogen
exponential function: Exponentialfunktion
extrapolation: Extrapolation, uber bekannten Gutigkeitsbereich hinaus verallgemeinern
feasible region: zulassiger Bereich
final capital: Endkapital
fixed costs: Fixkosten
forecasting: Vorhersagen erstellen
function: Funktion
Gauian elimination: Gauscher Algorithmus
GDC: GTR, grafikfahiger Taschenrechner
geometrical mean: geometrischer Mittelwert
geometrical sequence: geometrische Zahlenfolge
geometrical series: geometrische Reihe
growth function: Wachstumsfunktion
identity: Identitat
image vector: Absolutgliedvektor
indefinite integral: unbestimmtes Integral
independent variable: unabhangige Variable
inelastic: unelastisch
initial capital: Anfangskapital
installment: Ratenzahlung
installment savings: Ratensparen
integral calculus: Integralrechnung
integrand: Integrand
integration variable: Integrationsvariable
interest factor: Aufzinsfaktor
interest rate: Zinsfu
inverse function: Inversfunktion, Umkehrfunktion
inverse matrix: inverse Matrix, Umkehrmatrix
isoquant: Isoquante
law of diminishing returns: Ertragsgesetz
length: Lange
level of physical output: Ausbringungsmenge
limits of integration: Integrationsgrenzen
linear combination: Linearkombination
linearisation: Linearisierung
linear programming: lineare Optimierung
local rate of change: lokale Anderungsrate
logarithmic function: Logarithmusfunktion
mapping: Abbildung
marginal costs: Grenzkosten
maximisation: Maximierung
minimisation: Minimierung
minimum efficient scale: Betriebsoptimum
monetary value: Geldwert
monopoly: Monopol
monotonicity: Monotonie
mortgage loan: Darlehen
non-basis variable: Nichtbasisvariable
non-negativity constraints: Nichtnegativitatsbedingungen
non-linear functional relationship: nichtlineare Funktionalbeziehung
objective function: Zielfunktion
one-to-one and onto: eineindeutig
optimal solution: optimalen Losung
optimal value: optimaler Wert
optimisation: Optimierung
order-of-magnitude: Groenordnung
orthogonal: orthogonal
over-determined: uberbestimmt
parallel displacement: Parallelverschiebung
pension calculations: Rentenrechnung
percentage rate: Prozentsatz
perfect competition: totale Konkurrenz
period: Periode
pivot column index: Pivotspaltenindex
pivot element: Pivotelement
pivot operation: Pivotschritt
pivot row index: Pivotzeilenindex
pole: Polstelle, Singularitat
polynomial division: Polynomdivision
polynomial of degree n: Polynom vom Grad n
power-law function: Potenzfunktion
present value: Barwert
primitive: Stammfunktion
principal component analysis: Hauptkomponentenanalyse
producer surplus: Produzentenrente
product rule: Produktregel
profit function: Gewinnfunktion
prohibitive price: Pohibitivpreis
Prospect Theory: Neue Erwartungstheorie
psychological value function: psychologische Wertfunktion
quadratic matrix: quadratische Matrix
quotient: Quotient
quotient rule: Quotientenregel
range: Wertespektrum
rank: Rang
rare event: seltenes Ereignis
rational function: gebrochen rationale Funktion
real-valued function: reellwertige Funktion
reference period: Referenzzeitraum
regression analysis: Regressionsanalyse
regular: regular
relative change: relative Anderung
remaining debt: Restschuld
remaining resources: Restkapazitaten
remaining value: Restwert
rescaling: Skalierung
resources: Rohstoffe
resource consumption matrix: Rohstoffverbrauchsmatrix
restrictions: Restriktionen
root: Nullstelle
row: Reihe
row vector: Zeilenvektor
saturation quantity: Sattigungsmenge
scale: Skala, Groenordnung
scale-invariant: skaleninvariant
simplex: Simplex, konvexer Polyeder
simplex tableau: Simplextabelle
singular: singular
sink: Senke
slack variable: Schlupfvariable
source: Quelle
stationary: stationar, konstant in der Zeit
straight line depreciation method: lineare Abschreibung
strictly monotonously decreasing: streng monoton fallend
strictly monotonously increasing: streng monoton steigend
summation rule: Summationsregel
supply function: Angebotsfunktion
tangent: Tangente
target space: Wertebereich
technology matrix: Technologiematrix
total demand matrix: Gesamtbedarfsmatrix
total revenue: Ertrag
transpose: Transponierte
uncertainty: Unsicherheit
under-determined: unterbestimmt
uniqueness: Eindeutigkeit
unit elastic: proportional elastisch
unit matrix: Einheitsmatrix
unit price: Stuckpreis
unit vector: Einheitsvektor
utility function: Nutzenfunktion
value chain: Wertschopfungskette
variability: Anderungsverhalten, Variabilitat
variable average costs: variable Stuckkosten
variable costs: variable Kosten
variable vector: Variablenvektor
vector: Vektor
vector algebra: Vektoralgebra
well-determined: wohlbestimmt
zero matrix: Nullmatrix
zero vector: Nullvektor
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