sy6Snare Carron
Jans Pous Denwen CotonaDe foros
December 20, 2019
John Joseph Furniss
Dear Mr. Furniss:
| am witing to inform you that | am granting your application fora pardon,
Of the hundreds of applications for pardons my office receives, yours is one ofthe few
Tam granting. I'am doing so because you have demonstrated your commitment (0
‘moving past your conviction and starting anew, while taking with you lessons you have
leamed throughout your life.
Many people with criminal histories desire a second chance, and you have exmed one,
When you were 19, in 2001, you pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute marjuans in
Moffat County, Colorado, I'am granting you a full and unconditional pardon ofthis
An attempted suicide at age 16 left you blind and without a sense of smell. You wrote
in yourletter to me that you were attempting to cope wit your condition by medieating
yourself with marijuana, bu that committing this crime was one of the most regrettable
‘things you have ever done.
ince your conviction, you rededicated yourself to living asa good citizen, Youattended
specialized schools for fine woodworking and piano repair and began a busitess
rebuilding pianos. You became a skilled artist and are pursuing acareeras.aprofessicnal
woodworker. You met and married your wife, whom you deseribe as one of the best
influences on your life. Your family and friends deseribe your integrity, your ability to
overcome obstacles, and your dedication to volunteering in your community. You
considered prior hardship as an opportunity for growth and net an insurmounible
hurdle. { hope this pardon will create opportunities for you, such as busizess
evelopment opportunities in your chosen profession and the ability to further serve
your eammunity.
Not everyone earns the privilege ofa second chance. But you have demonstrated that
you deserve one. I hope you will make the most of this opportunity and treat yourbli
But Ihave confidence that you will move beyond these past
life for yourself and your loved ones.
ions seriously. It will require hard work and dedication to stay onthe right path
akes and build a beter
Others who have experienced circumstances similar to yours may look to you for
‘guidance and inspiration. Ihope you will pay it forward and serve asa positive example
for others to follow.
Good luck 0 you.