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covet FortCollins RECEIVED —— City Clerk’s Office APPLICATION FOR COUNCILMEMBER - DISTRICT 1 [APPLICATION DEADLINE: 6:00 pm. on Decomber 26, 2018, {late applications will not be aeceptedieonsideres) PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK. ATTACHMENTS TO APPLICATION MUST BE LIMITED TO TWO PAGES. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR APPOINTMENT. Retum completed appleaton: n person: at Ema Gly Ciek’s oftce Gly Clr's Office [email protected] 500 LaPorte Avenue PO Bor 580 Fort Colin, CO 90522 Egy Ragutements: Unied Stole citzon Registered ven the chy for ne yer ned fro appointment ‘least 21 yours of 92 ‘Arson of Counel Dat + Never consted ofa eony you have quetons or need mere infomaton, corte he Cy Clark's Ofce a 70 21.6516 NAME: ery Gate, RESIDENCE ADDRESS: 1252 Sols Lane, Fo Cotins, Colorado _P:_90826, HOME PHONE WoRK PHONE: Mose; 970-222-4673 [MALL JUG 07S80com, ‘ARE YOU21 YEARS OF AGE OROLOER? Yes X No HAVE YOU BEENA REGISTERED VOTERINFORT COLLINS FOR ATLEASTAYEAR? Yes X No HAVE YOU EVERAEEN CONVICTED OF AFELONY? Yes NOX: (CURRENT OCCUPATIONEMPLOYER: Independent Real Estate Broker, Semi Retired on Soca Security. RECENT ANDIOR RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE (PLEASE INCLUDE DATES) Colorado State Unversity, Concessions Manager/Director 1980 to 1990, Worked in Concessions fr CSU 1966 1990, General Manager for Concessions Operations, parking and ushers. trong leadership experiences, Budget “Management, Hewett Packard 1978 to 2003. Supervisor, Manager and Invidval Contributor. Leadership trained, Stand in Quality, Strong working knowledge of POCA, current used by City of Fort Colins Staff. Budget and forecasting experienc, ‘COMMUNITY ACTIVIIESIVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE (PLEASE INCLUDE DATES) Planning and Zoning Board. Member, Vice Char and Chair 1996-2005. Museo De Las Colona, President 2016 to Currant Maton Stret Coridor Tack Force 3088 200% Est. Stonchengc Community Asvolaton (HOA) 2013 to Curcent. President. board Member 1998 to 2008 HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE VISION OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLNS? ‘The vision of Fort Clini that we havea thriving city with economic balance and being inclusive and affordable forall zens. The basic needs are being meet for our infrastructure with other needs/wants being voted on by citizens. Fort Colnsie a safe city where allcttens are welcome with out regard to views, creed, orientation, rece and economic stuaton. We suppor our business, education and citizens. BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHAT YOU BELEVE ARE THE THREE MOSTIMPORTANT ISSUES FACING THE FORT COLLINS [COMMUNITY AT hls TIME, AND HOW YOU BELIEVE THE CITY COUNCIL CAN PLAY A ROLE IN ADDRESS NG EACH ‘TRANSPORTATION. BEING ABLE TO MOVE THOROUGHOUT THE CITY HAS BEEN CHALLENDING AND FRUSTRATING. WE NEED TO LOOK AT BETTER WAYS TO MOVE PEOPLE, GOOD AND COMMERCE. MODES ARE {GOOD, HOWEVER, WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO COVER ALL NEEDS. WE NEED TO HAVE A BALANCED APPROCH FOR GETTING AROUND FORT COLLINS, TO NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES AND TO DENVER, COUNCIL NEEDS TO PARTNER WITH ALL AREAS, LOOK FCR WHAT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND MAKE SURE IT IS AFFORDABLE FOR. AL 2. Alfording ole in Fort Coins. 2, Housing b. utilities and other needs. The feedback and perception is that Fort Coins i becoming more un aferdabie to buy or rent ahome a home. Let alone uti et, are raising ‘ith noendinsight. know that there are programs or geting help, however, many are out of each for ‘many residents. | would tke to make decisions that support affordabiity to buy. rent an live in For Collin. 2. Keeping Fort Collins Great ace many dedicated tenes being fr many things in Fort Collins. However, we are forgetting the basic needs being overlooked. I would ke to support urbasic needs Hk police, re, street, utiles, parks, open space and other basic needs that a city provides, We cannot provide an unlimited amount of needs coupled with wants. This is where Fort Collins becomes unaffordable ta buy, rent and lve. ‘Some taxes can be sunset and or merged with taxes are that structured o caver our needs, and some wants. We may have to goto pay 3s you go (wan!) wall «not shoulderng the hurdon SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS APPLICABLE TO CITY COUNCL: 4. Strong leadership from my past employment, cic activities. 2. Lifelong resident, vast history of Fort Colin. 3 ‘Strong network for District 1 and overall Fort Colins.bringa vast network, which can leverage to know what ‘ur district and city are advocating for. have a great outreach tothe community from mysel, family, fiends and partners. 4 My past community services for Fort Colins. CSU, Museo aad Stonehenge HOA. 5 Strong listening stil fllinusion, diversity. WAY 00 YOU WANT TO SERVE ON CrTY CoUNCIL? {ave been involved in our lca, regina et. Politics and being a community member. Serving on coun another step in giving back o our community. woud like to share my passion, leadership and fe long experience on council My family (mother) hasbeen in involved from several roles when she was alive. would keto carry on my family contributions in being involved in our community. eel that | can make a ifference In romating Diversity, Ful inclusion, tf long history, nancial experience, being a strong listener and representing Distt 1 and Fort Collins wide. bring a iflerence perspective to counclin leadership. networking, professionalism an fll inclusion PLEASE SPECIFY ANY ACTIVITIES THAT MIGHT CREATE A SERIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST F YOU SHOULO BE. [APPOINTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL: NONE OTHER COMMENTS: 8y siping ad brit my apeaton tho Cy of Fort Coli, Leer or fem une eno pry print the + that eet ho oiityroguments te peion sought and {tine to mton provided me spaation stu and comet foto best my knowledge. Titel) mse fof

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