BP Assessment Brief 201920

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Assessment Brief

Academic year and term: 2019/20

Semester 1

Module title:
Business Psychology
Module code:

Module Convener:
Dr Michelle Hunter-Hill
Learning outcomes
assessed within this piece
of work as agreed at the 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the range of personal
programme level meeting and interpersonal skills and knowledge required to work
effectively with others
2. Apply a range of approaches to develop your self-
awareness and self-confidence within diverse teams and
Business Readiness
outcomes assessed within Being an independent thinker with confidence in their own
this piece of work as agreed potential and values, and the ability to express their views
at the programme level sensitively and effectively.
Type of assessment: Formative:

Using the pro-forma provided (see Appendix A), reflect on one of

the core skills listed (see Information Box 1.)


Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan

Part 1:
A) Introduction and brief evaluation of psychological
approaches to understanding self and others in the workplace.
(500 words)

B) X3 Reflective journals comprising 3 core skills from the list

provided – 1,500 words. You must choose 3 core skills and
complete a pro-forma (see Appendix A) for each one of these
Part 2:
 Summary Action Plan: Identify and reflect of 3 areas for
development– 500 words. Please ensure that the chosen
areas were identified from one or more of the four
reflective journals.

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Assessment Deadline Formative due in Week 8
Summative due in January 8th 2020

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Instructions for assessment

1. Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan (60%)

The reflective report should consist of an introduction and evaluation of psychological

approaches used for improving understanding of self and others, and Three (3)
journal entries using the template provided in Appendix A to evidence the
development of your understanding of self via your Information Box 1.:
engagement with the learning and activities on this 10 Core Skills
module. You will be assessed on your ability to
reflect on what you have learned about business 1. Focus and attention
psychology and the depth and breadth of your 2. Negotiation
academic reading (word count 1500 words, approx. 3. Time-management
500 words per entry). 4. Public speaking
5. Team-working
You should: 6. Assertiveness/conflict
 Introduce and briefly evaluate psychological resolution
perspectives to understanding self and others 7. Giving and/or
in the workplace. receiving feedback
 Identify three (3) different skills or attributes 8. Resilience
which you have explored as part of this 9. Researching &
module. (In total, there are 10 core skills, information finding
which you can select your 3 from – please 10. Written
see Information Box 1.)For each of the four communication
skills/attributes you select you should:-
o Define and describe the core
o Discuss why you might possess this skill/attribute
o Explore the importance of this skill/attribute and provide evidence via
self-assessment tools and seminar sessions to demonstrate your
current level of competence. This should include referring to feedback
from peers and your tutor
o Identify any contradictions with regard to this skill/attribute
o Identify its relevance to your future career
 Evidence your wide reading and familiarity with theoretical concepts
(psychology and business)
 Demonstrate your ability to reflect on practice

2. Summary Action Plan (30%)

Summarise the major strengths and weaknesses that you have identified from your
reflective journal entries. Demonstrate your ability to review the current levels of
competence in order to identify and address appropriate areas for development
(word count 500 words).

You should:
 Identify three (3) areas of personal development and demonstrate how you
plan to deal with the development needs in preparation for year 2, and your
occupational/career interest
 Ensure that identified areas of development are linked to the reflections from
your journal entries

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3. The final 10% of marks will be awarded for the presentation and structure of your
assignment and the accurate referencing of your sources using the Roehampton
Harvard format.
How we will support you with your assessment

You will receive formative feedback during the module in the form of:

 Formative feedback on one draft reflective journal entry (provided by your Tutor and
peers) in Week 9 & 10
 Opportunities for reflection and reflective writing during your seminars
 Links to the assessment throughout your seminars and team-building session specifically
 Assignment hand-in checklist
 Team-building exercises
 Directed study reflections on learning
 Feedback/guidance on your self-assessment findings in seminars
 FAQs on Moodle

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by your module tutor who will use the marking grid provided in
this assessment brief. Specifically, we will be looking out for your ability to a) reflective using
reflective models/theory; b) identify and correctly reference the self-assessment tools you
have used; c) and, lastly your use of in-text citations and correctly referenced (Harvard)
sources of evidence. Feedback will be structured in terms of the ‘Stop, Start, Continue’
approach. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the
feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments


You MUST use the Harvard System. The Harvard System is very easy to use once you
have become familiar with it.

Assignment submissions

The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must
be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word
file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be
submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation
refer to the online information via StudentZone

Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend

your presentation

4 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website –
Mitigating Circumstances Policy

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20
days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that
students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.

 Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and
how feedback will be provided.
 Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the
assessment brief.
 Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and
marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the
mark and the feedback that has been provided.
 Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a
sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair
and then we engage with external examiners who moderate the marking further.
 Step Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available to

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Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done

100 (80-89) 85 (70-79) 75 (60-69) 65 (50-59) 55 (40-49) 45 (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 (0)

Introductionand Highly reflective Reflective and Useful & Evidence of Provides Provides Little The Missing or
brief evaluation and detailed detailed thoughtful reflective adequate insufficient evidence of introduction not
of the use of discussion of discussion of reflective writing reflection of evidence of reflection & is attempted
psychological psychological discussion of about psychological reflection of mostly descriptive,
perspectives and perspectives psychological psychological perspectives psychological descriptive and offers no
perspectives for their use for and their use perspectives perspectives in the perspectives, reflection.
improving understanding for and their and their workplace with a
understanding behaviours in the understanding application to application but is tendency to The
of self and workplace. behaviours in the workplace. to the descriptive describe psychological
others in the the workplace. workplace. in places perspectives
workplace. A flawless and are not
varied evaluationA flawless and mentioned
(30%) of different varied A highly Some and
psychological evaluation of detailed A A fairly evaluation of Limited on evaluated.
approaches. different evaluation of moderately detailed the ranging no
psychological the different detailed evaluation of perspectives evaluation
Arguments/claims approaches. perspectives. evaluation of perspectives. is offered. of the Arguments
are fully perspectives. perspectives are not
supported. is offered. presented.
Evidence of Evidence of
extensive much wider No evidence
reading, and a reading of academic
high standard conducted Academic reading
of application around the reading is Some
of theory to all learning, and provided but evidence of
aspects of the to support the some knowledge, Contains No evidence
learning main reflections but insufficient of academic
process arguments still lack descriptive evidence of reading

6 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

supporting rather than wider beyond the
theory applied to reading into core texts,
learning the issues and use of
discussed in lecture
the slides

Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done

100 (80-89) 85 (70-79) 75 (60-69) 65 (50-59) 55 (40-49) 45 (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 (0)

Journal entry 1 Reflective and Detailed Comprehensive Detailed A skill has Limited focus A skill is not A skill is not Missing or
detailed discussion of a summary of a outline of a been on a skill identified identified not
discussion of a skill skill skill outlined Feedback Feedback Feedback attempted
skill Detailed Clear and A significant The feedback from others from others from others
A flawless and feedback from useful feedback amount of from others and self- and self- and self-
varied approach others and self- from others feedback and self- assessment assessment assessment
to using feedback assessment and self- from others assessment instruments instruments instruments
Outstanding use instruments assessment and instruments is not is difficult to are not
of reflective used to support instruments to discussion has been explicitly identify provided
practice argument support about tool-kit included stated Little No evidence
demonstrating Comprehensive argument findings Provides Provides evidence of of reflection
full engagement & in-depth Useful & Evidence of adequate insufficient reflection & & what is
in self-analysis reflections thoughtful reflective reflection evidence of mostly presented is
during self- reflective practice to but is reflection, descriptive purely
Demonstrates a analysis process in engage with descriptive with a Failure to descriptive
sophisticated evidence to self-analysis in places tendency to use the Failure to use
approach to the demonstrate Uses the describe required the required
application of Evidence of self-analysis Academic required Does not use template at template
theory to practice extensive reading is template at the required all times
providing reading, and a Evidence of provided but all times template as
extensive high standard much wider some designed

7 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

analytical of application reading reflections Some No evidence No evidence
thought and of theory to all conducted still lack evidence of Contains of academic of academic
reasoning aspects of the around the supporting knowledge, insufficient reading reading
learning learning, and theory but evidence of beyond the
process to support the descriptive wider core texts,
main rather than reading into and use of
arguments applied to the issues lecture
learning discussed in slides

Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done

100 (80-89) 85 (70-79) 75 (60-69) 65 (50-59) 55 (40-49) 45 (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 (0)

Journal entry 2 Reflective and Detailed Comprehensive Detailed A skill has Limited focus A skill is not A skill is not Missing or
detailed discussion of a summary of a outline of a been on a skill identified identified not
discussion of a skill skill skill outlined Feedback Feedback Feedback attempted
skill Detailed Clear and A significant The feedback from others from others from others
A flawless and feedback from useful feedback amount of from others and self- and self- and self-
varied approach others and self- from others feedback and self- assessment assessment assessment
to using feedback assessment and self- from others assessment instruments instruments instruments
Outstanding use instruments assessment and instruments is not is difficult to are not
of reflective used to support instruments to discussion has been explicitly identify provided
practice argument support about tool-kit included stated Little No evidence
demonstrating Comprehensive argument findings Provides Provides evidence of of reflection
full engagement & in-depth Useful & Evidence of adequate insufficient reflection & & what is
in self-analysis reflections thoughtful reflective reflection evidence of mostly presented is
during self- reflective practice to but is reflection, descriptive purely
Demonstrates a analysis process in engage with descriptive with a Failure to descriptive
sophisticated evidence to self-analysis in places tendency to use the
approach to the describe required

8 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

application of Evidence of demonstrate Academic Uses the Does not use template at Failure to use
theory to practice extensive self-analysis reading is required the required all times the required
providing reading, and a provided but template at template as template
extensive high standard Evidence of some all times designed No evidence
analytical of application much wider reflections of academic No evidence
thought and of theory to all reading still lack Some Contains reading of academic
reasoning aspects of the conducted supporting evidence of insufficient beyond the reading
learning around the theory knowledge, evidence of core texts,
process learning, and but wider and use of
to support the descriptive reading into lecture
main rather than the issues slides
arguments applied to discussed in
learning the

Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done

100 (80-89) 85 (70-79) 75 (60-69) 65 (50-59) 55 (40-49) 45 (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 (0)

Journal entry 3 Reflective and Detailed Comprehensive Detailed A skill has Limited focus A skill is not A skill is not Missing or
detailed discussion of a summary of a outline of a been on a skill identified identified not
discussion of a skill skill skill outlined Feedback Feedback Feedback attempted
skill Detailed Clear and A significant The feedback from others from others from others
A flawless and feedback from useful feedback amount of from others and self- and self- and self-
varied approach others and self- from others feedback and self- assessment assessment assessment
to using feedback assessment and self- from others assessment instruments instruments instruments
Outstanding use instruments assessment and instruments is not is difficult to are not
of reflective used to support instruments to discussion has been explicitly identify provided
practice argument support about tool-kit included stated Little No evidence
demonstrating Comprehensive argument findings Provides Provides evidence of of reflection
full engagement & in-depth Useful & Evidence of adequate insufficient reflection & & what is
in self-analysis reflections thoughtful reflective reflection evidence of presented is

9 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

during self- reflective practice to but is reflection, mostly purely
Demonstrates a analysis process in engage with descriptive with a descriptive descriptive
sophisticated evidence to self-analysis in places tendency to Failure to Failure to use
approach to the demonstrate Uses the describe use the the required
application of Evidence of self-analysis Academic required Does not use required template
theory to practice extensive reading is template at the required template at
providing reading, and a Evidence of provided but all times template as all times No evidence
extensive high standard much wider some designed of academic
analytical of application reading reflections Some No evidence reading
thought and of theory to all conducted still lack evidence of Contains of academic
reasoning aspects of the around the supporting knowledge, insufficient reading
learning learning, and theory but evidence of beyond the
process to support the descriptive wider core texts,
main rather than reading into and use of
arguments applied to the issues lecture
learning discussed in slides

Mark awarded*
Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done

100 (80-89) 85 (70-79) 75 (60-69) 65 (50-59) 55 (40-49) 45 (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 (0)

Action Plan Flawless Excellent Very good Good Appropriate Fair Links to self- Failure to Missing or
(30%) understanding of discussion of discussion of discussion of strengths & discussion of analysis are summarise not
strengths & strengths & strengths & strengths & weaknesses strengths & flawed. your main attempted
weaknesses weaknesses weaknesses weaknesses discussed weaknesses strengths &
Detailed evidence Areas for Areas for Areas for Identify Detailed Strengths weaknesses
and reflection personal development development appropriate areas of and Failure to
based areas of development demonstrate mostly areas for personal weaknesses identify three
personal demonstrating reflective suggest development development not areas of
evidence based practice provided personal

10 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

development reflection are reflective Links to self- Links to self- discussed development
identified identified practice analysis are analysis are sufficiently Failure to
Excellent In-depth self- Use of a evident strong. Personal link
understanding of analysis structured areas for development
self demonstrated approach Good use of Some development areas with
a structured attempt has Reasonable not your self-
Use of a Use of a approach been made planning sufficiently analysis
structured structured to use a offered. detailed
approach approach structured Links to self-
approach analysis are

Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Marginal Fail Fail Not done

100 (80-89) 85 (70-79) 75 (60-69) 65 (50-59) 55 (40-49) 45 (30-39) 35 (20-29) 25 (0)

Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Adequate Poor Poor Unacceptably
presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation poor
(10%) throughout throughout throughout throughout throughout & formatting & formatting & formatting
Outstanding Excellent High standard Good Few errors in throughout in most Numerous
spelling and spelling and of spelling & standard of spelling & Few spelling areas spelling &
grammar grammar grammar spelling & grammar & Many grammatical
Reflective PD Reflective PD Reflective PD grammar Reflective PD grammatical spelling & errors
Report, including Report, Report, Reflective PD Report, errors grammatical Poor
journals and including including Report, including Reflective PD errors structure
summary plan journals and journals and including journals and Report, Poor Failure to use
completed to an summary plan summary plan journals and summary including structure the
outstanding mostly mostly summary plan journals and Failure to Reflective PD
standard. completed to professional plan completed to summary use the Report
completed and completed to plan are

11 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill

Faultless an exemplary covering all a good a satisfactory completed Reflective PD Failure to
referencing standard areas standard standard appropriately Report cite
throughout the Mainly faultless Very good Minor errors Few errors in Most Inconsistent references
assignment referencing referencing in the the references use of correctly in
throughout the throughout the referencing referencing are referencing the main
assignment assignment of others of others presented in the main text
appropriately text No reference
in the main Incorrect list
text reference list

Mark Awarded

12 Edited September 2019 M.Hunter-Hill


(Each journal entry must be presented on this pro-forma)

What is the core skill to develop?

Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your
development (personal and professional)? (use relevant theories and concepts from
psychology and business to support your answer)

Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your
competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor,
plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to answer this

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a
match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your argument)

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Appendix B: Assignment Checklist

You are strongly advised to look through this checklist before you submit your assignment

Main body of your assignment

You have created a title page which includes the module code and the word count
You have answered part one, which includes an introduction, and 3 reflective journals
(3 pro-formas (appendix A)
The 3 entries in your reflective journal are 3 different skills
You have reflected upon the feedback you have received on your draft pro-forma, and
improved your reflections as a result

You have provided a summary of your strengths and weaknesses

Using a structured approach such as SMART you have identified three (3) areas of
personal development and you have demonstrated how you plan to deal with your
weaknesses in preparation for year 2 of your study

To double check at the end

You have reviewed the assessment brief and marking criteria for a final time to ensure
that your work meets the requirements
You have proof-read your work carefully
You have ensured that all of your references in the main text are presented in Harvard
format and that page numbers have been provided for all direct quotes
You have ensured that a full list of references (in Harvard method) is provided at the
end of your assignment
You have kept your completed toolkits in case your Tutor wishes to look at them.

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