Assessment Brief For Assessment Point 2

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Module title: Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

Assessment point: Assessment point 2 – PART B (Week 12)

Assessment task: Reflective Essay on Business Simulation and Professional
Word count limit: 3000 words +/- 10% (excluding references and
appendices) Width: 50% of overall module grade

Procedure in the event of illness or other valid cause

(extenuating circumstances)
If you believe that:
• your performance in assessment or reassessment has been impaired, or;
• you were unable to attend for an assessment or reassessment, or;
• you were unable to submit assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date
due to
illness or other valid cause (as defined in the Procedures Governing
Extenuating Circumstances), may submit an application for extenuation for the
relevant component(s) to Unicaf Extenuating Circumstances team
([email protected]).
*Once a component has been capped, extenuation does not uncap it.

Academic misconduct including plagiarism

Ensure that you are familiar with the relevant regulations regarding academic
misconduct. By submitting the assignment, you declare that it is your own work and that
the material and sources of information used, including internet sources, have been fully
identified and properly acknowledged. In addition, you confirm that the presented work
has not been submitted for any other assessment. You also acknowledge that the faculty
reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism and other forms of academic
misconduct which, if proven and dependent on the severity level of the offence, may
result in a penalty that could affect your progress.
By submitting your work, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with
the above statements.

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

General Guidance
Your assignment should be MS Word processed (handwritten assignments are not
accepted), using Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced, with numbered pages
and your student number printed as a footer on every page. Note this is a essay
supported by academic research so you should adhere to the appropriate referencing
guidance. The word limit stated for this assignment excludes the list of references at the
end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the assignment (including
direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs). Please be
aware that exceeding the word limit will affect the academic judgement of the piece of
work and may result in the award of a lower mark. Appendices are not considered a
supplement and will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignment. As such,
they will not contribute to the grade awarded; however, it may be appropriate to use an
Appendices section for any material which is a useful reference for the reader. Please
note that appendices are not included in the word count. The majority of references
should come from primary sources (e.g. journal articles, conference papers, etc.)
although you can also utilise area specific textbooks. You must ensure that you use the
Harvard style of referencing. Please indicate the word count length at the end of your

Marking and assessment

This assignment will be marked out of 100% and contributes to 50% of the total module
mark. The pass mark is 50%. Nevertheless, in order to pass this module, you must both
achieve an aggregate mark of 50% and also meet the assignment threshold marks.
The marking rubric is included below, which offers guidance on the assessment criteria
and weighting.

Late Submission
There will be a stipulated deadline date for all assignments. All assignments will need to
be submitted by the set time on the stipulated deadline date. Assignments submitted up
to 24 hours late will be accepted, but the assignment mark will be subject to a deduction
of 5 marks from the mark awarded.

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

Learning outcomes applied in this assessment

LO.1 explain the theory and practice of businesses (COI, CID, SID)
LO.2 describe a range of current problems and changes that organizations face in being
successful (COI, CID, IC, SID).

Thinking skills
LO.3 critically evaluate research and theory to support decision-making and explain
progress (COI, CID, SID).
LO.4 analyse complex issues, make reasoned judgments with incomplete data, and
communicate conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences (COI).

Subject-based practical skills

LO.5 students will discuss good practice for organization success (COI, CID, SID).
LO.6 undertake a critical audit of skills and capabilities for a professional career and
identify areas required for improvement (COI, CID, EID).

Skills for life and work (general skills)

LO.7 developing and communicating critical evaluations of organization progress

Assessment guidelines
Produce a 3000-word essay (+/- 10%) (excluding the list of references) which offers
students the ability to demonstrate their developing knowledge and application of the
teaching and learning material covered in weeks 1 to 11. It also encourages students
to develop their thoughts and perspectives on contemporary business issues, and be
intellectually creative (underpinned by credible resources).

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)


You are required to prepare an essay that covers what you have learnt from your
research and analysis while investigating the selected company for the
summative 1/ Simulation Evaluation Report.

In your essay you should cover:

o Executive summary of the reflective essay (An executive summary should

summarize the key points of the essay. It should restate the purpose of the
essay, highlight the major points of the essay, and describe any results,
conclusions, or recommendations from the essay/ reflections for future
business key actions).
o Introduction (The scope of the reflective essay)
o Identified events (Reflect your learning while identifying the analysing the
events from the selected company in summative 1. Reflect REAL life
example from practice as identified in business case/ assignment 1)
o Review and Discussion of relevant theories and practices (Critically Review
and Discuss the relevant theories and practices found in the selected
company in summative 1)
o Conclusion, Future Plans, and recommendations (Conclude with the key
points of your reflection. State future actions are derived from practice and
o Reference list


Assessment Criteria
Your assignment will be marked according to the following criteria:

1) Understanding and Reading: The depth of your reading (number, range and
quality of sources) and understanding of it. You are expected to read the
essential and further readings related to this assessment point. You need to
use these readings to support your argument/discussion; you can rely on
personal opinion.

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

2) Critical Analysis: The level of critical analysis in your writing and the quality of
the argument developed. You cannot rely on simple description, but have to
apply knowledge and theory from the readings to critically engage with the

3) Structure: Your ability to develop a clear, logical structure for your essay
which addresses the question and guides the reader. Your essay and outline
should include a clear introduction, a cogently argued main body, and a
conclusion that summarises the argument and answers the overall question.

4) Presentation and Referencing: Your ability to express yourself clearly in

English using appropriate terminology, correct spelling and grammar. The
extent to which your essay is correctly referenced using the Harvard system of
referencing in-text and with a reference list.

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

Section/aspect Content to cover Marks available

Executive summary 5 Marks

200 words An executive summary should
summarize the key points of the
essay. It should restate the purpose
of the essay, highlight the major
points of the essay, and describe
any results, conclusions, or
recommendations from the essay.
Introduction General background on the 5 Marks
300 words topic you are going to discuss.
Possible definitions for terms
relating to the question.
What the essay will include and/or
leave out (scope).
What themes the essay will
discuss and the order they are
What the essay will argue /

Reflect your learning while

identifying the analysing the
events from the selected company
in summative 1. Reflect REAL life 15 Marks
Identified events example from practice as
700 words identified in business case/
assignment 1

Review and Critically Review and Discuss the 35 Marks

Discussion of relevant theories and practices
relevant theories and found in the selected company in
practices summative 1
1000 words

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

Conclusion, Future Conclude with the key points of 25 Marks
Plans, and your reflection. State future actions
recommendations are derived from practice and
800 words research

Formatting, High quality presentation of 15 Marks

Structure and the material that conforms to
Referencing principles of academic writing
(list of references not and contains minimal errors in
included in word sentence construction,
count) grammar and punctuation.
A logical structure was
The assignment followed
appropriate academic
conventions regarding in-text
citations and referencing.

Total 3000 words 100/100

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

Masters Grading Scale

Mark Range Criteria

Demonstrates an exceptional ability and insight, indicating the highest level of
90-100% technical competence.
The work has the potential to influence the forefront of the subject, and may be
of publishable/exhibitable quality.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at the highest possible standard.
Demonstrates an outstanding ability and insight based on authoritative subject
80-89% knowledge and a very high level of technical competence.
The work is considered to be close to the forefront of the subject, and may be
close to publishable/exhibitable quality.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at a very high level.
Demonstrates an authoritative, current subject knowledge and a high level of
technical competence.
70-79% The work is accurate and extensively supported by appropriate evidence. It
Distinction may show some originality. Clear evidence of capacity to reflect critically and
deal with ambiguity in the data.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at a high level.
Demonstrates a sound, current subject knowledge. No significant errors in the
application of concepts or appropriate techniques. May contain some minor
60-69% flaws.
Merit The work is well developed and coherent; may show some originality. Clear
evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at a good level.
Demonstrates satisfactory subject knowledge. Some evident weaknesses;
50 – 59% possibly shown by conceptual gaps, or limited use of appropriate techniques.
The work is generally sound but tends toward the factual or derivative. Limited
evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
Relevant generic skills are generally at a satisfactory level.
Demonstrates satisfactory subject knowledge to some degree. Some important
45 -49% weaknesses; possibly shown by factual errors, conceptual gaps, or limited use
of appropriate techniques.
The work is generally sound but tends toward the factual or derivative. Little
evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
Relevant generic skills are generally at a satisfactory level.
Demonstrates limited core subject knowledge. Some important weaknesses;
possibly shown by factual errors, conceptual gaps, or limited use of appropriate
40-44% The work lacks sound development. Little evidence of capacity to reflect
The quality of the relevant generic skills do not meet the requirements of the
Demonstrates inadequate subject knowledge.
The work lacks coherence and evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
The quality of the relevant generic skills do not meet the requirements of the
20-29% Demonstrates seriously inadequate knowledge of the subject.

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

The work contains minimal evidence of awareness of relevant issues or
theory. The quality of the relevant generic skills do not meet the requirements
of the task.
The work is almost entirely lacking in evidence of knowledge of the subject. No
10-19% evidence of awareness of relevant issues or theory.
The quality of the relevant generic skills do not meet the requirements of the
The work presents information that is irrelevant and unconnected to the task.
0-9% No evident awareness of appropriate principles, theories, evidence and

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

Module Title:

Assessment Title: Assessment Point 1

Criteria and 90-100% 80 – 90% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% 50 – 59% 40 – 49% 20 – 39% 0-19%
Highly Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Quality Acceptable Work does Work fails to
Exceptiona Work Work Quality Work Work work with not satisfy meet the
l Work some good assessment assessment
aspects criteria criteria

Exceptional and Excellent Very good Good Adequate Some integration Poor quality of No integration
outstanding integration of integration of integration of integration of of the appropriate integration of the of the
integration of the the appropriate the the appropriate the appropriate data, appropriate data, appropriate
appropriate data, data, appropriate data, data, contextualised contextualised data,
contextualised contextualised data, contextualised contextualised with limited with very limited contextualise
with commercial with good contextualise with good with good evidence to show evidence to show d with very
awareness, evidence to d with evidence to evidence to awareness, awareness, poor evidence
business maturity show evidence to show overall show overall business maturity business maturity to show
and skill. commercial show awareness, awareness, and skill. and skill. awareness,
awareness, commercial business business business
business awareness, maturity and maturity and maturity and
maturity and business skill. skill. skill.
skill. maturity and

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)

All relevant All relevant Virtually all Most of the Some of the Omissions and Many deficiencies Major
theories/concept theories/conce relevant relevant relevant inaccuracies in and omissions in deficiencies
ual models ptual models theories/conc theories/conce theories/conce the presented of theories/concept and omissions
accurately and accurately and eptual models ptual models ptual models theories/concept ual models. in
extensively extensively accurately and accurately accurately ual models. Delivery of theories/conc
presented. presented. extensively presented. presented. A Some level of applied theory is eptual
Exceptional Excellent presented. reasonable delivery of inadequate or models.
application of delivery of High level Good level delivery of applied theory. wholly absent. Delivery of
theory and applied theory. delivery of delivery of applied theory. applied
supporting applied applied theory. theory is
materials. theory. wholly

Exceptionally Highly Very High standard Good standard Reasonable Low quality of No
innovative. innovative. Very innovative. of innovation. of innovation. standard of innovation. Poor reasonable
Outstanding professional and Strongly Professional Appropriate innovation. and inadequate attempt at
professional and appropriate professional and delivery and Reasonably delivery and innovation.
appropriate delivery and and appropriate language. appropriate language. Poor and
delivery and language. Very appropriate delivery and Many referencing delivery and Referencing inadequate
language. well referenced delivery and language. errors. language. very poor. delivery and
Accurate throughout. language. Referencing Referencing was language.
referencing Well most accurate. inaccurate and/or Referencing
throughout. referenced inconsistent. absent.

Business Simulation with Professional Development (SG7003)


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