Iia Revised Fs Code Final
Iia Revised Fs Code Final
Iia Revised Fs Code Final
For our part, the Chartered Institute will, over the coming
year, provide a range of additional practical material
for boards and practitioners on interpretation and
implementation of the provisions, aimed in particular at
assisting smaller internal audit teams.
3. Internal Audit’s scope should be unrestricted. As a minimum, Internal Audit should include within
its scope the following areas:
There should be no aspect of the organisation which
Internal Audit should be restricted from looking at as a.
Internal governance
it delivers on its mandate. Whilst it is not the role of
Internal Audit to second guess the decisions made Internal Audit should include within its scope
by the Board and its Committees, its scope should the design and operating effectiveness of the
include information presented to the Board and its internal governance structures and processes of
Committees as discussed further below. the organisation.
Internal Audit is not responsible for setting the Examples of key corporate events could
risk appetite but should assess whether the risk include significant business process changes,
appetite has been established and reviewed introduction of new products and services,
through the active involvement of the Board and outsourcing decisions and acquisitions/
Executive Management. It should assess whether divestments. Internal Audit should decide if
risk appetite is embedded within the activities, these events are sufficiently high risk to warrant
limits and reporting of the organisation; and it involvement on a real time basis. In doing so,
should report annually to the Audit Committee Internal Audit will evaluate whether the key risks
its conclusions on whether the organisation’s are being adequately addressed (including by
risk appetite framework is being adhered to. other forms of assurance, e.g. third party due
diligence) and reported. Internal Audit should
The risk and control culture of the organisation also assess whether the information being used
in such key decision making is fair, balanced and
Internal Audit should include within its scope the
reasonable, and whether the related procedures
risk and control culture of the organisation. This
and controls have been followed.
should include assessing whether the processes
(e.g. appraisal and remuneration), actions (e.g. h.
Outcomes of processes
decision making), ‘tone at the top’ and observed
behaviours across the organisation are in line Internal Audit should evaluate the design and
with the espoused values, ethics, risk appetite operating effectiveness of the organisation’s
and policies of the organisation. policies and processes. In doing so, it should not
adopt a ‘tick box’ approach based purely on the
Internal Audit should consider the attitude design of processes and controls, and should
and assess the approach taken by all levels of always consider the actual outcomes which
Management to risk management and internal result from their application, assessed against
control. This should include Management’s the espoused values, ethics, risk appetite and
actions in addressing known control deficiencies policies of the organisation.
as well as Management’s regular assessment of
Risks of poor customer treatment, giving rise to
conduct or reputational risk
Capital and liquidity risks
Julia Wilson Senior Independent Director, Legal and General, Director of Finance, 3i
Paul George Executive Director of Corporate Governance and Reporting, Financial Reporting Council
• All members across the globe work to the same International Standards
and Code of Ethics.
• High quality support to our members throughout their careers, which enables
them to continually develop their professional knowledge, skills and experience and
provides other services of value to members in their roles.
These things, enacted through our staff, members and volunteers and with the support
of our suppliers and partners, make a significant and unique contribution to the success
of all organisations.
Chartered Institute
of Internal Auditors
13 Abbeville Mews
88 Clapham Park Road
London SW4 7BX
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© September 2017.
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