Sample Collection
Sample Collection
Sample Collection
This SOP is applicable to all clinical & laboratory staff dealing with sample collection of Clinical Service
Laboratory of B.J.Govt. Medical College, Pune and is available to all clinic staff at the clinic sites. It should
not be removed from the sites or copied without prior permission from management.
2.0 Responsibilities
2.1 It is the Responsibility of the authorized doctor , nurses and technician to collect, transport & suitably
store the specimen if required.
2.2 It is the responsibility of the authorized doctor to counsel the patient for HIV testing,before collecting
the sample
2.3 It is the responsibility of the laboratory staff of ICTC laboratory and CD4/CD8 laboratory,to collect as
well as receive samples, and report the results.
2.4 It is the Responsibility of the Laboratory technician in collection center in microbiology department to
check for the rejection criteria, receive and send the sample further for testing to the respective sections.
• Palpate and locate the vein. If too much time has gone by after locating the vein release tourniquet and wait
a few minutes before attempting venipuncture.
• It is critical to disinfect the venipuncture site meticulously with Spirit by swabbing the skin concentrically
from the centre of the venipuncture site outwards. Let the disinfectant evaporate. Do not re-palpate the vein
again. Perform venipuncture.
• If you need second attempt of venipuncture use other arm.
• If withdrawing using vacuum systems, withdraw the desired amount of blood directly into each collection
tube. For adult patients withdraw 3-5 ml of blood & pediatric patients 2-3 ml should be withdrawn.
• After filling all tubes or syringes remove the needle from venipuncture site.
• Remove the tourniquet. Apply pressure with gauze or cotton to site until bleeding stops. Apply bandage if
• Discard needle directly into the sharps disposal container. Do not recap used sharps.
• After sample collection keep the vacutainer tube in the rack.
• Enter the sample details in sample receiving register maintained in ICTC
• As the laboratory is located in the same campus the specimens will be transported to the lab at room
temperature in a properly labeled transport container by hand. Samples are transported to the lab by
attendant or technicians themselves.
6.2 Abscess-
Container, Specification/Materials required:
Sterile test-tube /RCMM
Method of collection :
Wipe area with sterile saline / 70% alcohol. Aspirate the pus with the sterile needle and syringe and
transfer to a sterile tube immediately.
For anaerobic processing. ONLY. Aspirate material from depths of lesion with a 5-10 ml syringe
inoculate in RCMM if RCMM not available impale needle into a sterile rubber bung. Should reach
lab within 30 min of collection.
For gas gangrene collect swab from the depth of the wound ,prepare two smears
and collect sample in RCMM.
The sample - should be transported to the laboratory as early possible2-3hrs
Rejection Criteria:
Dried pus
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/form
6.7.Conjunctival Swab
Container, Specification/Materials required:
2 Sterile swab moistened with sterile saline with sterile test tube
Method of collection :
Collect taking care to reduce blinking. If collected from both eyes label correctly .
Swabs in sterile test tubes should be transported to the laboratory as early possible (within a few hours) .
Rejection Criteria:
Dry swabs .Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/Form
6.17. Urine:
Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile wide mouth container
Method of collection
Should be an early morning sample.
Resident should instruct the patient to wash genital area with soap and water following
which the patient should collect a mid stream sample.Only 5ml is required . The outside
part of container should not be soiled
For AFB culture: Contact lab before collecting sample for appointment.Collect fully voided mid
stream sample on 3 consecutive days in sterile container
DGI for leptospira: 5 ml of fresh urine sample to be alkalanised with1ml NaHCO3 .If urine is not
alkalanised leptospira die and cannot be seen.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
If delay is expected refrigerate sample max delay 2hrs.
Rejection criteria: Containers that are non-sterile or cannot be tightly sealed or is leaking or the
container is contaminated from outside.
7.0 List of Activities: The list of activities or tests that are performed in microbiological laboratory is given in
annexure # 1
8.0 Patient identification: It is important that the patient be specifically identified by allotting unique numbers
to them. The unique number given by hospital to the patient attending the hospital is the called the MRD no.
9.0 Counselling the patient
It is mandatory that each patient should be counselled properly before the collection of sample.
He/ She should be informed about the reason for collecting the, brief procedure of collection and need for the
He/she should be provided with all requisite information pertaining to HIV like routes of transmission,
preventive measures, etc.
10.0 Consent
An appropriate written consent should be obtained from the patient whose HIV testing is to be done in a
prescribed format after counseling the patient (Annexure# 2).
11.0 . Test requisition: The requisition for the test is sent through the HMIS system which has been installed in
the hospital as in the laboratory. The following details are filled by the resident doctors/Physician
a. Name of the patient
b. MRD Number
c. Age/Gender
e. Number of visit
f. Date and Time of collection
g. Type of specimen/ Site
h. Brief History of Patient
i. Examination Required
j. Sender’s and clinician’s name
k. The sample is received with the MRD no. written on it. On receipt of the sample, its verification is done
regarding its online requisition on HMIS and then the sample is received in central receiving counter.
We do not receive any requisition form until and unless there is HMIS soft ware break down
12.0 Verbal orders and add-on-tests (additional examination)
Telephonic or verbal orders are not entertained by the laboratory
13.0 Transportation and Storage-
All specimens should be transported to the microbiology laboratory within 1 hour of collection.If after
collection delay in transportation is unavoidable then these specimens can be refrigerated at 2-80C for one
week. But specimens like CSF (where Streptococcous pneumonae or Haemophilus influenzae is suspected)
should never be refrigerated. Use gloves during transfer of samples. Ensure that the samples are transferred
in upright position to avoid leakage and spillage. Ensure that the sample is handed over to the authorized
person in the sample collection centre and should not be left unattended.
14.0 Receiving of samples:
Here in microbiology laboratory specimens are received in the central receiving counter where it is checked
for rejection criteria and then received. On receiving, its entry is made in a register; the laboratory attendant
should first sign in the register and then bring them to the respective laboratory on an ice pack as soon as
possible in a leak proof closable plastic container with biohazard sign.
Specimens transported from or to off site clinic are received in triple packing system
Refer SOP on Laboratory Safety Manual #
15.0 . Urgent samples
In case where urgent report is required, mark “URGENT” on the transport sheet and inform the concerned
laboratory about the urgency over telephone. The clinician should write a note on the transport sheet, if
The concerned laboratory after receiving the sample should confirm that the sample received is in good
condition. The laboratory technician in the laboratory should cross check the sample, labels and transport
sheet before processing the sample.
After checking, the sample should be processed immediately and the report should be informed to the
laboratory In charge /supervisor
The report should be informed immediately to the Clinic technician/Clinician over the telephone and the
printed report should be sent later.
A register should be maintained for all the reports that are conveyed telephonically to the clinics. The
register should include the information as to the details of the participant, report details, time of reporting,
concerned person in the clinic to whom report given, and the details and sign of the person giving the report
from the laboratory.
16.0 Samples Received outside routine working hours: The routine working hour when all
microbiological samples are received in the collection centre at the department is 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
From 1:00pm to 5:00 pm samples are received in individual sections of the department. Samples received
before 10:00 am and after 5:00 pm are processed at the emergency laboratory located at the Central clinical
laboratory (CCL) located at the first floor of the hospital building. The samples that are received at the
emergency laboratory are gas gangrene smear or panophthalmitis samples for gram stain and hanging drop
preparation for cholera. The samples are to be handed over to the authorized person only (on-call residents).
Estimated turn-around-times for testing are given in Annexure#1 On many occasions the results will be
available earlier than the times stated and on occasions it could take longer, depending on the urgency
and complexity of the work undertaken. If a result is required urgently, the requisition will be marked
“URGENT” and same will be conveyed to laboratory.
Manual on Quality Standards for HIV Testing Laboratories March 2007
Laboratory Technicians; Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Ministry of Health, India.
March 2006.
Bailey Scott
Koneman DW, Allen SH, Janda MW. Editor. Color atlas and text book of diagnostic microbiology,
Koneman sixth edition.Lippincott publications. , Philadelphia, 1997;1: 222
Annexure 1 List of tests offered at clinical service laboratory along with the Turn around Time (TAT)
Test Volum
Test name Specimen Container Notes TAT Method
code e (ML)
Rapid test- Tri
spot, SD
1. HIV Rapid Blood Red top 1-3ml - 1 day
bioline, Comb-
2. CD4/CD8 Blood Violet 1-3 ml 1 day FACS calibur
Pus, Urine, Sputum,
and swabs 2-3 ml
3. Gram stain Genital & Oral - Same day Microscopy
in specific 2 swabs
Pulmonary and
5. ZN stain extrapulmonary 3-5 ml - 1 day Microscopy
Pulmonary and
Flourochrome Universal
6. extrapulmonary 3-5 ml - 1 day Microscopy
stain container
7. Modified ZN Stool 1-2 g - 1 day Microscopy
Urine, Skin
Urine- Transport
Dark Ground discharge on the
8. Sterile test 2-3 ml immediat Same day Microscopy
Illumination slide with cover slip
tube ely
in wet chamber
Sterile test
10. KOH mount Tissue sample with sterile NA - 1 day Microscopy
Hanging drop Watery stool Universal
11. 2-5 ml immediat 2-4 hrs Microscopy
preparation sample Container
Test Volum
Test name Specimen Container Notes TAT Method
code e (ML)
Pus, Urine, Sputum, container
2-5 ml 1 day for negative report
Bacterial culture Genital Oral swabs, and swabs
13. Swabs: Blood culture- 5-10 days Culture
& Sensitivity throat swabs body in specific
2 no. For other positive culture
fluids, CSF, blood sterile test
3-4 days
8 weeks for
Pulmonary and Sterile Conventional
Mycobacterial negative report
15. extrapulmonary Sputum 2-5 ml - Culture method
culture 3-4 weeks for
specimens container on LJ
positive report
Antimycobacteria 42 days after
16. l sensitivity Culture isolate NA NA - the growth
method on LJ
42 days for
Pulmonary and
MGIT culture ( Sterile negative report
17. extrapulmonary 2-5 ml - MGIT
liquid) container 5-14 days
positive report
18. DST by MGIT Culture isolate NA NA - 4-14 days MGIT
Bacterial Postive- Within
24 hrs after it beeps
Bactec for positive
Bactec Pediatri
19. bacterial, fungal, Blood Negative-5 days Bactec
Containers c-1-3
TB TB/Fungal-Postive -5-14
Negative-42 days
Bulbs or
Serological Serum/Plasma 2 ml Slide
20. red -
assays- VDRL flocculation test
Vacutainer 1 day
Serological Bulbs or 1 day
Assays- red
21. Serum/ Plasma 2 ml - Rapid test
ASO,CRP,RA, Vacutainer
Malarial antigen,
Widal 2 day Tube
Red Top agglutin
22. Serum/ Plasma 2 ml -
Test Volum
Test name Specimen Container Notes TAT Method
code e (ML)
Assays- Bulbs or
a.HBsAg red a) 4 days
23. b. Dengue IgM Serum/ Plasma 2 ml - b) 1wk ELISA
c. Chikungunya c) 1wk
2 hrs
Cryptococcal CALAS Latex
24. Antigen CSF, BAL, Serum 2-5 ml - agglutination
Detectiion test
Pulmonary and
Sterile PCR- MPB 64
25. TB PCR extrapulmonary 1- 5ml - 2 days
container antigen
Pulmonary and
Sterile 0.5-
26. GeneXpert extrapulmonary - 4 hrs Real time PCR
container 5ml
Histopatholgy Surgically removed Light
Size wide mouth
27. Examination ( H specimen and NA 7 days microscopy on
screw cap container
& E stain ) biopsy H & E stain
with 10% formalin
28. Blood Urea Serum Red top 3ml 6hrs GLDH method
29. Serum Creatinine Serum Red top 3 ml 6hrs Jafee’s
Red fasting
Blood Sugar Serum/ Plasma Hexokinase
30. top/Grey 3 ml PP: 2hrs 6hrs
top after
Total T3
Fasting Chemilumines-
31. Total T4 Serum Red top 3ml 48hrs
for 8hrs cence method