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Sample Collection

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All laboratory procedures for clinical service laboratory testing are performed on different types of
specimens like sputum, pus, urine, blood; serum or plasma, tissues, CSF and different body fluids. The
quality and quantity of a specimen is of paramount importance for getting accurate test results and for the
interpretation of these results to be scientifically sound. This document will describe in detail this
procedures for specimen collection, their storage & proper transport. It is essential that the staff is aware
of proper timings, collection techniques, container types, and quantity of specimen, special requirements
and proper care and preparation of the patient. Specimens must also be transported within predefined time
limits to the microbiology laboratory under proper conditions for processing. Proper storage of collected
specimens must be done in case of delay in transportation. This SOP details the procedure for collection,
their storage, transportation & rejection criteria.

This SOP is applicable to all clinical & laboratory staff dealing with sample collection of Clinical Service
Laboratory of B.J.Govt. Medical College, Pune and is available to all clinic staff at the clinic sites. It should
not be removed from the sites or copied without prior permission from management.
2.0 Responsibilities
2.1 It is the Responsibility of the authorized doctor , nurses and technician to collect, transport & suitably
store the specimen if required.
2.2 It is the responsibility of the authorized doctor to counsel the patient for HIV testing,before collecting
the sample
2.3 It is the responsibility of the laboratory staff of ICTC laboratory and CD4/CD8 laboratory,to collect as
well as receive samples, and report the results.
2.4 It is the Responsibility of the Laboratory technician in collection center in microbiology department to
check for the rejection criteria, receive and send the sample further for testing to the respective sections.


3.1.1 Whole blood is collected in red top vacuutainer for serum
3.1.2 Whole blood is collected in grey top vacuutainer for plasma.
3.1.2 Material required:
• Skin disinfection: Spirit(disinfecting agent),swabs, gauze pads ,cotton
• Disposable latex gloves
• Tourniquet, plain vacuutainer tubes (red tops) fluoride vacuutainer (grey), needles, needle holder & tube
holder, or disposable syringes & needles.
• Labels & hard ball point pen/marker
• Puncture resistant discard jar containing freshly prepared 1% sodium hypochlorite solution
• Blotting Papers
• Scalps
3.1.3 Method of Collection
• Lab requisition form is reviewed for completeness & identity of patient.
• Label the vacuutainer with patents details like PID No, Date & time of collection and collectors initial.
• Use a clean set of gloves.
• Place a tourniquet above the venipuncture site. Try and minimize the time the tourniquet is on to 1-2

• Palpate and locate the vein. If too much time has gone by after locating the vein release tourniquet and wait
a few minutes before attempting venipuncture.
• It is critical to disinfect the venipuncture site meticulously with Spirit by swabbing the skin concentrically
from the centre of the venipuncture site outwards. Let the disinfectant evaporate. Do not re-palpate the vein
again. Perform venipuncture.
• If you need second attempt of venipuncture use other arm.
• If withdrawing using vacuum systems, withdraw the desired amount of blood directly into each collection
tube. For adult patients withdraw 3-5 ml of blood & pediatric patients 2-3 ml should be withdrawn.
• After filling all tubes or syringes remove the needle from venipuncture site.
• Remove the tourniquet. Apply pressure with gauze or cotton to site until bleeding stops. Apply bandage if
• Discard needle directly into the sharps disposal container. Do not recap used sharps.
• After sample collection keep the vacutainer tube in the rack.
• Enter the sample details in sample receiving register maintained in ICTC
• As the laboratory is located in the same campus the specimens will be transported to the lab at room
temperature in a properly labeled transport container by hand. Samples are transported to the lab by
attendant or technicians themselves.

3.1.4. Certain areas are to be avoided when choosing a venipuncture site:

• Extensive scars from burns and surgery - it is difficult to puncture the scar tissue and obtain a specimen.
• The upper extremity on the side of a previous mastectomy - test results may be affected because of
• Hematoma - may cause erroneous test results. If another site is not available, collect the specimen distal to
the hematoma.
• Intravenous therapy (IV) - fluid may dilute the specimen, so collect from the opposite arm if possible.
• Edematous extremities - tissue fluid accumulation alters test results.

3.1.5 Special Precautions:

• Vasovagal response can cause dizziness, sweating, coldness of skin, numbness and tingling of hands and
feet, nausea, vomiting, possible visual disturbance, fainting and injury fall from fainting.
• If during venipuncture the patient complains of dizziness, nausea or any of the above signs are noticed
release the tourniquet and remove the needle immediately.
• The patient must not be allowed to leave the collection place. Patient is allowed to relax, leg are raised. Give
25% Dextrose. A clinic nurse or physician will be notified to examine the patient.

3.1.6 Safe handling & Disposal of sharp at collection center:

• Care should be taken to avoid auto inoculation by used sharp
• Discard all chipped or cracked glassware in appropriate containers
• Do not manipulate, bend, break, recap or remove the used disposable needle from the syringe.
• Do not pass used sharp directly from one person to another
• Refer SOP: BJMC/HIV/Gen-SOP/1.6 (Biomedical waste management) & HIV/BJMC/MSD/02 (Safety


3.2.1 To Prevent a haematoma:

That is noticeable bruising at the site of venipuncture
• Puncture only the uppermost wall of the vein
• Remove the tourniquet before removing the needle
• Use the major superficial veins
• Make sure the needle fully penetrates the upper most wall of the vein.( partial penetration may allow
blood to leak into the soft tissue surrounding the vein by way of the needle bevel)
3.2.2 Haemoconcentration:
An increased concentration of larger molecules and formed elements in the blood due to several factors:
• Prolonged tourniquet application(no more than 2-3 min)
• Massaging or squeezing the site
• Sclerosed or occluded veins
3.2.3 Haemolysis
Haemolysis may occur through mechanical means or due to some disease or physical disorder. Though auto-
haemolysis is a possibility, the most likely reason is mechanical and is ultimately the result of incorrect blood
drawing or specimen processing techniques. Haemolysis can adversely affect many laboratory results.
Therefore it is critical to use proper techniques
• When drawing with a syringe, DO NOT draw back on the plunger forcefully. A nice even slow draw is
• Use the appropriately size needled for the vein.
• If a syringe is used and blood is injected into an evacuated tube, use a 21 gauge needle and NEVER force
the blood into the tube by pushing the plunger. Allow the vacuum to draw the blood from the syringe.
• Alternatively, remove the stopper from the sample tube, remove and dispose of the needle then slowly force
the blood out of the syringe by pushing on the plunger. Allow the blood to flow down the side of the tube
• DO NOT mix vigorously or shake the specimens


All specimens received in the laboratory will maintain the chain of custody from the collection sites. This
involves the proper identification of specimens with its lab requisition form (tracking sheet) and the proper
review of all information.
• Review the received specimens with its laboratory requisition form (For HIV Testing).
• Verify the specimen information found on the lab requisition form/HMIS matches the information found
on the specimen.
• The following will be reviewed and verified.
▪ Patient ID # like PID ir MRD No
▪ Specimen type or source
▪ Condition of the specimen
▪ Type and quantity of collection tubes or container,
▪ Information on collection labels or container
▪ Collection date & time
▪ Technician Initials.
• After verifying all required information on the lab requisition form & sample rejection criteria (section
3.4) will be looked for to accept or reject the samples.
• If the sample is rejected the concern clinician or the patient himself is contacted and requested to re-
collect the sample.
• Action to be taken on rejected samples either in ICTC or in clinical service laboratories
If the sample is rejected then mention it on the comment section of the requisition
form. Mention the reason for rejection and request re-collection of sample.
Enter the details of rejected sample in Rejection log book
For HIV testing : The following information will be written in the Laboratory register
provided by MSACS.
• Site ID
• PID No
• Sample No.
• Date of performing test
• Details of HIV test kits used & Results obtained
• Comments

3.4 Rejection criteria:

• Samples brought by unauthorized person
• Sample not properly transported ( packaging, temperature, delayed transit)
• Sample not labeled/label illegible
• Label not marching with that of lab requisition form
• Sample not accompanying of lab requisition form
• Sample not accompanying proper/complete lab requisition form
• Sample : insufficient quantity (to test/to repeat test/ back up)
• Sample leakage
• Haemolysed sample
• Lipaemic sample
• Sample turbid( contaminated)
• Sample coming/collected beyond stipulated period
• Sample coming beyond working hours(at odd hours) to the SRL
• Sample collected in improper container


All specimens received in the Microbiology laboratory (timing 10-1pm) will be received at the central
collection centre. Following this till 5 Pm samples can be submitted in the respective sections.
• Verify that the requisition for the test/tests are made on the HMIS.
• Transfer the sample to the serology laboratory at 1pm
• After verifying HMIS entry , all tests required for the same are noted
• Label the test tube with laboratory numbers for various tests.
• After assessing sample rejection criteria (3.5 above) sample will be accepted or rejected .
• If the sample is rejected the concerned clinician/ nurse is contacted. The sample is recollected.


• All samples should be considered potentially infectious and necessary precautions should be taken.
• All specimens collected for culture should be collected before starting any antibiotics or before the next
dose of antibiotic is due.
• Mention if patient is receiving any antimicrobials and if it is a follow-up sample.
• Apply strict aseptic techniques for collection .
• Wash hands before and after the collection
• All specimens should be collected in appropriate sterile containers which are available in the collection
centre from 10am to 5 pm and after that from the resident microbiologist on call in the CCL.(Central
clinical laboratory).
• Samples are received through the day 10am to 5 pm in the Microbiology laboratory.
• After 5pm sample should be sent to resident microbiologist on call in the CCL.(Central clinical
laboratory).who will process the sample.
• Ensure that the outside of the specimen container is clean.
• Tightly close the container.
• Appropriately label and date the container and complete the requisition form.
• Arrange for immediate transportation to the laboratory. (within 2 hrs)if a delay is expected take
precautions as mentioned with each sample type

6.1 Abscess-Superficial/wound infection

Container, Specification/Materials required:
Two Sterile swabs in sterile test tube
Method of collection :
Wipe area with sterile saline / 70% alcohol. Collect fresh pus that oozes out or apply firm pressure to
release pus and collect with sterile swab which should be placed in a sterile tube. If no pus is oozing ,
swab from under the scab / from edge of wound.
Swabs in sterile test tubes should be transported to the laboratory as early possible (within a few
hours) .
Rejection Criteria:
Dry swabs
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/form

6.2 Abscess-
Container, Specification/Materials required:
Sterile test-tube /RCMM
Method of collection :
Wipe area with sterile saline / 70% alcohol. Aspirate the pus with the sterile needle and syringe and
transfer to a sterile tube immediately.
For anaerobic processing. ONLY. Aspirate material from depths of lesion with a 5-10 ml syringe
inoculate in RCMM if RCMM not available impale needle into a sterile rubber bung. Should reach
lab within 30 min of collection.
For gas gangrene collect swab from the depth of the wound ,prepare two smears
and collect sample in RCMM.
The sample - should be transported to the laboratory as early possible2-3hrs
Rejection Criteria:
Dried pus
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/form

6.3. Granules from suspected fungal lesion -

Container, Specification/Materials required:
Sterile blade/ needle and sterile test-tube
Method of collection :
Locate an area where the granule is likely to break out (Patients can usually tell you ) Wipe the
area with sterile saline / 70% alcohol. Make an incision and coax the granule out with a sterile
blade. Transfer to a sterile tube immediately. Sometimes if the wound has been dressed, granules
may be seen on the dressing, these should be lifted with a sterile blade/needle and transferred to a
sterile test tube.
Transport: In sterile test tube should be transported to the laboratory as early possible
Rejection Criteria: Sample without appropriate label. Requisition not made on HMIS/Form
6.4. Blood for culture

Container, Specification/Materials required:

In house Blood culture bottles/Bactec blood culture bottles (separate bottles are available for paediatrics
patients as well as for aerobic/ anaerobic/ tuberculosis/ fungal culture. Please collect the appropriate
bottle )
Skin disinfection: Spirit(disinfecting agent),swabs, gauze pads ,cotton
Sterile latex gloves
Tourniquet, Labels & hard ball point pen/marker .Sterile needle and syringe.
Method of collection :
Place the tourniquet above the elbow joint and tighten it, asking patient to clench his fist.
Palpate and locate the vein and clean once with spirit using circular swabbing in increasing circles from
within outwards. Release the tourniquet
Keep the labelled (on which time of collection is mentioned) blood culture bottle at hand. Wipe the cap
with spirit.
Wash your hands with soap and water and wear sterile gloves .
Take relatives help to tighten tourniquet.
Clean intended skin site with povidione iodine,followed by methylated spirit / 70% alcohol again .
Allow to dry .
Withdraw the desired amount of blood (minimum5ml-7ml) directly into blood culture bottle. Shake
gently .
Remove the tourniquet ,apply pressure with cotton swab dipped in spirit at the site until bleeding stops.
Transport: T
The blood culture bottle should be transported to the laboratory as early possible. If a delay is expected
keep at room temperature DO NOT refrigerate .
Special Instructions:
Allow blood culture medium to warm to ambient temp before inoculating.
Collect blood culture at the first instance that septicemia is suspected preferably 2 sets from either arm.
For BM inoculate culture medium before making smears. Collect 8-10 ml for adults and 1-5 ml for
children. For neonates, 1 ml blood is sufficient.
Rejection Criteria: Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/form

6.5. Body fluids (Ascitic / pleural / pericardial / peritoneal)

Container, Specification/Materials required:
Sterile tube /Blood culture bottle
Labels & hard ball point pen/marker
Appropriate tray which includes :
Sterile materials : gloves, cotton, towels or drapes.
Local anaesthetic, sterilized needle, syringe.
Skin disinfectants : 10% providone iodine or 70% alcohol
Two sterile needles and syringes with /without stylet (sterilized)
Method of collection :
Locate the appropriate area and clean the skin once with spirit using circular swabbing in increasing
circles from within outwards.
Keep the labelled sterile tube handy .
Wash your hands with soap and water and wear sterile gloves .
Cover the area with a sterile drape.
Clean intended skin site with povidione iodine, followed by methylated spirit / 70% alcohol again . Allow
to dry .Collect the sample (8-10ml) from appropriate site with full aseptic precautions .
Transfer to sterile tube (ensure the plug does not get contaminated)
The sterile tube should be transported to the laboratory as early possible.
If a delay is expected keep at room temperature. DO NOT refrigerate .
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label. Requisition not made on HMIS/Form.

6. 6.Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

Container, Specification/Materials required: Sterile tube/blood culture bottle
Labels & hard ball point pen/marker
Lumbar puncture tray which includes :
Sterile materials : gloves, cotton, towels or drapes.
Local anaesthetic, sterilized needle, syringe.
Skin disinfectants : 10% providone iodine or 70% alcohol
Two lumbar puncture needles, small bore with stylet (sterilized)
Method of collection :
Locate the L4 L5 Area and clean the skin once with spirit using circular swabbing in increasing circles
from within outwards.
Keep the labelled sterile tube handy .
Wash your hands with soap and water and wear sterile gloves .
Cover the area with a sterile drape.
Clean intended skin site with povidione iodine, followed by methylated spirit / 70% alcohol again . Allow
to dry .
Collect the sample directly into the sterile tube first .
The sterile tube should be transported to the laboratory as early possible.
If a delay is expected keep at room temperature. DO NOT refrigerate .
Special Instructions:
Please mention all the tests required (bacterial/fungal/AFB )culture/VDRL.
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/Form.

6.7.Conjunctival Swab
Container, Specification/Materials required:
2 Sterile swab moistened with sterile saline with sterile test tube
Method of collection :
Collect taking care to reduce blinking. If collected from both eyes label correctly .
Swabs in sterile test tubes should be transported to the laboratory as early possible (within a few hours) .
Rejection Criteria:
Dry swabs .Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/Form

6.8. Corneal Scrapping Container, Specification/Materials required:

Slides and sterile test tubes/Collect appropriate media (Blood Agar/Sabaurauds Dextrose Agar)
Method of collection :
After applying eye speculum with a sterile blade take a scrapping and inoculate directly on the media or
put in the sterile tube .Make smears from another scraping. Air dry the smears before wrapping in paper.
Swabs in sterile test tubes should be transported to the laboratory as early possible (within a few hours) .
Smears to be transported wrapped in clean paper.
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS

6.9.Faeces Container Specification/Materials required:

Sterile wide mouth container
Method of collection :
Ask the patient to collect faeces in the container without allowing urine to mix with it. Avoid soiling the
outside of the container.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
Special Instructions: Mention the test required eg hanging drop preparation/ culture/parasitology
If cholera is suspected ask for alkaline peptone water .
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS

6.10. Faeces –Rectal Swab

Container Specification/Materials required: Ask for appropriate transport medium (Cary Blair/
Alkaline peptone water)
Method of collection : Moisten a cotton swab with sterile saline.
Insert it inside the anal sphincter and go up to 2-4 cm inside the rectum.
Gently rotate up to 90 degrees, so that faeces covers the swab. Withdraw the swab
Place it in transport medium, break off the top portion of swab stick and discard
Label the specimen
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible .
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/Form.

6.11 Gastric aspirate:

This is usually collected in infants and children who cannot expectorate sputum.It is an indoor procedure
,patient should be admitted a day prior to the procedure
Container Specification/Materials required:
N95 masks, gown Cap, Infant Ryle’s tube, sterile 20 ml syringe, sterile distilled water 50ml
Sterile wide mouth container with sodium bicarbonate
Method of collection :
Preparation the Night before the Procedure
The child is preferably hospitalized overnight in order to assure adherence with schedule
of fasting before and after placement of NGT
Nothing per mouth after 1:00 AM
Maintain child in decubitus (lying down) position at all times (avoid sitting and
standing positions to prevent emptying of stomach).
Do not administer food or medications by mouth until the NGT is removed.
Encourage parents, caregivers and healthcare workers to keep the child asleep by minimizing noise and
disruption, because on waking: Peristalsis is activated and stomach empties (including the swallowed
sputum) Standing or lifting the child may cause the stomach to be emptied by gravity
Insertion of the NGT
Extend the patient's head slightly back, avoiding hyperextension, to facilitate the entry of the NGT into the
Lubricate the NGT with lidocaine
Manipulation of the portion of the NGT that is distal to the nostril should be performed with aseptic technique
using sterile gloves
Insert the NGT through the larger nasal passageway.
To facilitate the passage of the NGT in older children, instruct the child to “swallow” the tube.
The NGT may stop advancing for one of the following reasons:
Curling into the oral cavity Passage into the upper airway/larynx, through vocal chords; if this happens (which
may be suspected if the child has difficulty breathing or has a muffled voice), the NGT must be removed
In the event of complications:
If the patient begins to vomit during the insertion of the tube, skip the initial supine decubitus position and
go directly to the right or left decubitus lateral position.
To verify that the tube is in the stomach, auscultate for a gurgling sound over the epigastrium or left upper
quadrant of the abdomen as air is• injected through the NGT with a syringe. The child’s voice/cry should be
normal and strong.
Securing the NGT
Secure the NGT by: Applying soft (e.g., paper) adhesive tape to the patient's ipsilateral cheek
Placing the NGT over the paper tape and fixing it with a piece of strong tape to the paper tape so that no
contact is made with the skin
Fix the remaining NGT with tape to the shirt / pajamas in the anterior axillary line.
Gastric aspiration
Immobilize the child.
After immobilizing, remove the tape that fixed the NGT in order to facilitate mobilization of the NGT.
With the NGT at the marked position (“neutral position”), aspirate with a syringe (20 mL syringe is preferable,
as larger syringes may cause collapse of the NGT).
While withdrawing the NGT by 2 to 4 cm (“out position”), aspirate simultaneously to demonstrate aspiration of
gastric contents.
Insert the tube 2 to 4 cm beyond the mark (“in position”) and aspirate , simultaneously until more gastric
content is retrieved.
Place the gastric aspirate into the sterile wide mouth bottle
If less than a total of 3 mL of gastric juice are aspirated: Instill 20 mL of sterile water through the NGT
Wait at least one minute
Aim to recover at least half of the instilled volume (usually, at least 5 mL are retrievable),
Place the gastric aspirate in the same container.
Discard samples containing [undigested] food
After removal of the tube, unwrap child and return to parents.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible .In case of delay refrigerate the sample as soon as possible to
prevent bacterial overgrowth
Rejection Criteria:Sample less than 5 ml
Sample containing undigested food
Sample without appropriate label.
6. 12. Genital tract female – cervical swab
Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile swab and test tube
Method of collection :
Using a speculum collect specimen from
Endocervical region / Posterior fornix.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS

6.13. Hair/Nail clippings . skin scrapings for mycology

Container Specification/Materials required:
Clean Paper, blunt scalpel ,scissor/ nail clipper wiped with spirit
Method of collection :
Clean the skin with methylated spirit, and from the edge of the margin collect a scrapping .
Collect a nail clipping from affected area.
Pluck a hair from adffected area .
All these specimens can be placed in a clean paper,wrapped and sent to the laboratory.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
Rejection Criteria:
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS

6.14.Sputum: Container Specification/Materials required:

Sterile wide mouth container
Method of collection
Spontaneous sample:
Should be an early morning sample.
Collected after rinsing the mouth with water.
Patient is instructed to take a deep breath and collect the sample from the chest.
Patient should collect the specimen either outside in the open air or away from other people and
not in confined spaces such as toilets.
Induced sputum
These specimens resemble saliva but have to be processed as adequate specimens.
Transport: To the laboratory as soon as possible . If culture for tuberculosis is required
send samples to the RNTCP centre in the OPD before 1 pm
In case of delay refrigerate the sample as soon as possible to prevent bacterial
Special Instructions:
If patient has difficulty expectorating then collect sample after nebulisation
Mention the test required eg routine culture or culture for mycobacteria.
Do not divide the sample send it in one container,but mention all the tests required
Rejection criteria:
Sputa from suspects should be rejected only if they are liquid and as clear as water, with
No particles or streaks of mucous material. However, they should be accepted if the
patient cannot produce a better specimen on a repeated attempt. Sputa from follow-
up patients should be accepted and examined even if they look like saliva, since these
patients often cannot produce mucoid specimens.

6.15. Tracheal aspirate :

Container, Specification/Materials required:
Do NOT send catheter tips. Ask Lab for special container (Sucton trap)
Method of collection :
Insert suction trap between the suction tube and ventilator
Send to the laboratory as early possible (within a few hours) .
Rejection Criteria:
Catheter tips.
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS/Form.

6.16 .Throat Swab:

Container Specification/Materials required:
2 Sterile swabs and a sterile tube
Method of collection
Ask patient to open mouth wide
With proper lighting and without touching the sides of the cheek collect 2 swabs from the infected area.
Both swabs can be transported in one sterile tube.
If diphtheria is suspected collect sample from the edge and under the pseudomembrane.
Collect atleast 3 swabs or make 2 smears and transport a separate swab in tube for culture.
If swine flu is suspected ask for Viral transport media (VTM) and sterile swabs. Collect
nasal swab from both nostrils and one throat swab. Transport in same VTM.Fill the
history sheet (NIV does ot accept samples if the history is incomplete) All sample received
before 10 am are sent to NIV and report is available on the same day. Samples which
come later will be refrigerated and sent the following day
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
If delay is expected refrigerate sample
Rejection criteria- Dry swabs, Label not matching with that of online requisition or lab requisition
form in case online requisition is not there.

6.17. Urine:
Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile wide mouth container
Method of collection
Should be an early morning sample.
Resident should instruct the patient to wash genital area with soap and water following
which the patient should collect a mid stream sample.Only 5ml is required . The outside
part of container should not be soiled
For AFB culture: Contact lab before collecting sample for appointment.Collect fully voided mid
stream sample on 3 consecutive days in sterile container
DGI for leptospira: 5 ml of fresh urine sample to be alkalanised with1ml NaHCO3 .If urine is not
alkalanised leptospira die and cannot be seen.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
If delay is expected refrigerate sample max delay 2hrs.
Rejection criteria: Containers that are non-sterile or cannot be tightly sealed or is leaking or the
container is contaminated from outside.

6.18. Urine from Catherised patient :

Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile test tube or wide mouth container
Method of collection Clamp the catheter drainage pipe,and allow urine to fill up (can take
long).Sterilise the drainage arm of the foley’s catheter with 70% alchol, and with a sterile needle and
syringe collect 5ml of urine. Transfer to a sterile tube or wide mouth container . Mention the sample is
from a patient with a catheter
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
If delay is expected refrigerate sample for upto 2hrs.
Rejection criteria:
Containers that are non-sterile or cannot be tightly sealed or is leaking or the container is
Contaminated from outside.

6.19. For Catheter related blood stream Infection (CRBSI):

Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile Blade, Sterile test tube and blood culture bottle .
Method of collection
With a sterile blade cut the catheter tip and allow it to drop into a sterile test tube.
At the same time collect a peripheral blood culture after taking necessary precautions.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
If delay is expected keep at room temperature
Rejection criteria:
Catheter tip without a blood culture sample.

6.20. Genexpert for Tuberculosis :

Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile test tube. For tissue sterile tube with sterile Normal saline.
Method of collection
For M. tuberculosis: CSF /tissue/pus/sputum, BAL same samples except tissue for Gene
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible.
If delay is expected keep refrigerated.
Rejection criteria:
History form incomplete

6.21 Bronchoalveolar Lavage

Container Specification/Materials required:
Sterile wide mouth container
Method of collection :
Collect sample with necessary aseptic precautions
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible .
If culture for tuberculosis is required send samples to the RNTCP centre in the OPD before
1pm in case of delay Refrigerate the sample as soon as possible to prevent bacterial
Rejection Criteria:
Dried up sample
Sample without appropriate label.
Requisition not made on HMIS /Form

6.22 Histopathology specimen

Container Specification/Materials required:

Wide mouth screw cap container - as per size of specimen with 10% formalin.
Liver biopsy for glycogen storage disease in 70% alcohol.
Bone marrow biopsy and liver biopsy in Bouin’ s fluid.
Transport to the laboratory as soon as possible .
Rejection Criteria:
Specimen not in formalin
Sample without appropriate label.
Mismatch or wrong labelled sample
Incompletely filled requisition forms
Requisition not made on HMIS /Form

7.0 List of Activities: The list of activities or tests that are performed in microbiological laboratory is given in
annexure # 1
8.0 Patient identification: It is important that the patient be specifically identified by allotting unique numbers
to them. The unique number given by hospital to the patient attending the hospital is the called the MRD no.
9.0 Counselling the patient
It is mandatory that each patient should be counselled properly before the collection of sample.
He/ She should be informed about the reason for collecting the, brief procedure of collection and need for the
He/she should be provided with all requisite information pertaining to HIV like routes of transmission,
preventive measures, etc.
10.0 Consent
An appropriate written consent should be obtained from the patient whose HIV testing is to be done in a
prescribed format after counseling the patient (Annexure# 2).
11.0 . Test requisition: The requisition for the test is sent through the HMIS system which has been installed in
the hospital as in the laboratory. The following details are filled by the resident doctors/Physician
a. Name of the patient
b. MRD Number
c. Age/Gender
e. Number of visit
f. Date and Time of collection
g. Type of specimen/ Site
h. Brief History of Patient
i. Examination Required
j. Sender’s and clinician’s name
k. The sample is received with the MRD no. written on it. On receipt of the sample, its verification is done
regarding its online requisition on HMIS and then the sample is received in central receiving counter.
We do not receive any requisition form until and unless there is HMIS soft ware break down
12.0 Verbal orders and add-on-tests (additional examination)
Telephonic or verbal orders are not entertained by the laboratory
13.0 Transportation and Storage-
All specimens should be transported to the microbiology laboratory within 1 hour of collection.If after
collection delay in transportation is unavoidable then these specimens can be refrigerated at 2-80C for one
week. But specimens like CSF (where Streptococcous pneumonae or Haemophilus influenzae is suspected)
should never be refrigerated. Use gloves during transfer of samples. Ensure that the samples are transferred
in upright position to avoid leakage and spillage. Ensure that the sample is handed over to the authorized
person in the sample collection centre and should not be left unattended.
14.0 Receiving of samples:
Here in microbiology laboratory specimens are received in the central receiving counter where it is checked
for rejection criteria and then received. On receiving, its entry is made in a register; the laboratory attendant
should first sign in the register and then bring them to the respective laboratory on an ice pack as soon as
possible in a leak proof closable plastic container with biohazard sign.
Specimens transported from or to off site clinic are received in triple packing system
Refer SOP on Laboratory Safety Manual #
15.0 . Urgent samples
In case where urgent report is required, mark “URGENT” on the transport sheet and inform the concerned
laboratory about the urgency over telephone. The clinician should write a note on the transport sheet, if
The concerned laboratory after receiving the sample should confirm that the sample received is in good
condition. The laboratory technician in the laboratory should cross check the sample, labels and transport
sheet before processing the sample.
After checking, the sample should be processed immediately and the report should be informed to the
laboratory In charge /supervisor
The report should be informed immediately to the Clinic technician/Clinician over the telephone and the
printed report should be sent later.
A register should be maintained for all the reports that are conveyed telephonically to the clinics. The
register should include the information as to the details of the participant, report details, time of reporting,
concerned person in the clinic to whom report given, and the details and sign of the person giving the report
from the laboratory.
16.0 Samples Received outside routine working hours: The routine working hour when all
microbiological samples are received in the collection centre at the department is 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
From 1:00pm to 5:00 pm samples are received in individual sections of the department. Samples received
before 10:00 am and after 5:00 pm are processed at the emergency laboratory located at the Central clinical
laboratory (CCL) located at the first floor of the hospital building. The samples that are received at the
emergency laboratory are gas gangrene smear or panophthalmitis samples for gram stain and hanging drop
preparation for cholera. The samples are to be handed over to the authorized person only (on-call residents).
Estimated turn-around-times for testing are given in Annexure#1 On many occasions the results will be
available earlier than the times stated and on occasions it could take longer, depending on the urgency
and complexity of the work undertaken. If a result is required urgently, the requisition will be marked
“URGENT” and same will be conveyed to laboratory.


All the test results are recorded and verified in the register in standard format by laboratory
supervisor/designee. These reports are dispatched on line on HMIS by the Laboratory supervisor.
The results of HIV testing are entered in a standard reporting format by the ICTC Laboratory Technician
(Annexure# 3).The Laboratory Supervisor or SRL Incharge verifies the report with signature and stamp
The reports are released by the counsellor on the same day after 3:30 pm Emergency testing and reporting
(after and before duty hours) is not available at the ICTC center. Telephonic or verbal reporting of HIV
test results are not entertained by the ICTC laboratory. But for rest other testing verbal or telephonically
reporting of results is done. But in that case the name of the person to whom it is reported is written in the

Manual on Quality Standards for HIV Testing Laboratories March 2007
Laboratory Technicians; Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Ministry of Health, India.
March 2006.
Bailey Scott
Koneman DW, Allen SH, Janda MW. Editor. Color atlas and text book of diagnostic microbiology,
Koneman sixth edition.Lippincott publications. , Philadelphia, 1997;1: 222

Annexure 1 List of tests offered at clinical service laboratory along with the Turn around Time (TAT)
Test Volum
Test name Specimen Container Notes TAT Method
code e (ML)
Rapid test- Tri
spot, SD
1. HIV Rapid Blood Red top 1-3ml - 1 day
bioline, Comb-
2. CD4/CD8 Blood Violet 1-3 ml 1 day FACS calibur
Pus, Urine, Sputum,
and swabs 2-3 ml
3. Gram stain Genital & Oral - Same day Microscopy
in specific 2 swabs

Gram stain for Slide with the

4. NA NA - 1 hour Microscopy
gas gangrene smear

Pulmonary and
5. ZN stain extrapulmonary 3-5 ml - 1 day Microscopy
Pulmonary and
Flourochrome Universal
6. extrapulmonary 3-5 ml - 1 day Microscopy
stain container

7. Modified ZN Stool 1-2 g - 1 day Microscopy

Urine, Skin
Urine- Transport
Dark Ground discharge on the
8. Sterile test 2-3 ml immediat Same day Microscopy
Illumination slide with cover slip
tube ely
in wet chamber

Albert Stain/KLB Sterile test

9. Throat swabs 2 swabs - 2-4 hrs Microscopy
report tube

Sterile test
10. KOH mount Tissue sample with sterile NA - 1 day Microscopy
Hanging drop Watery stool Universal
11. 2-5 ml immediat 2-4 hrs Microscopy
preparation sample Container

Test Volum
Test name Specimen Container Notes TAT Method
code e (ML)

India Ink Sterile test

12. CSF samples 2-5 ml - 1 day Microscopy
preparations tube

Pus, Urine, Sputum, container
2-5 ml 1 day for negative report
Bacterial culture Genital Oral swabs, and swabs
13. Swabs: Blood culture- 5-10 days Culture
& Sensitivity throat swabs body in specific
2 no. For other positive culture
fluids, CSF, blood sterile test
3-4 days

Pus, Urine, Sputum, 2-7 days for

2-5 ml
Genital/ Oral / Sterile yeast
14. Fungal culture Swabs- - Culture on SDA
throat swabs body containers 2-4 weeks for
2 no.
fluids, CSF, blood molds

8 weeks for
Pulmonary and Sterile Conventional
Mycobacterial negative report
15. extrapulmonary Sputum 2-5 ml - Culture method
culture 3-4 weeks for
specimens container on LJ
positive report
Antimycobacteria 42 days after
16. l sensitivity Culture isolate NA NA - the growth
method on LJ
42 days for
Pulmonary and
MGIT culture ( Sterile negative report
17. extrapulmonary 2-5 ml - MGIT
liquid) container 5-14 days
positive report
18. DST by MGIT Culture isolate NA NA - 4-14 days MGIT
Bacterial Postive- Within
24 hrs after it beeps
Bactec for positive
Bactec Pediatri
19. bacterial, fungal, Blood Negative-5 days Bactec
Containers c-1-3
TB TB/Fungal-Postive -5-14
Negative-42 days

Bulbs or
Serological Serum/Plasma 2 ml Slide
20. red -
assays- VDRL flocculation test
Vacutainer 1 day
Serological Bulbs or 1 day
Assays- red
21. Serum/ Plasma 2 ml - Rapid test
ASO,CRP,RA, Vacutainer
Malarial antigen,
Widal 2 day Tube
Red Top agglutin
22. Serum/ Plasma 2 ml -
Test Volum
Test name Specimen Container Notes TAT Method
code e (ML)
Assays- Bulbs or
a.HBsAg red a) 4 days
23. b. Dengue IgM Serum/ Plasma 2 ml - b) 1wk ELISA
c. Chikungunya c) 1wk
2 hrs
Cryptococcal CALAS Latex
24. Antigen CSF, BAL, Serum 2-5 ml - agglutination
Detectiion test

Pulmonary and
Sterile PCR- MPB 64
25. TB PCR extrapulmonary 1- 5ml - 2 days
container antigen

Pulmonary and
Sterile 0.5-
26. GeneXpert extrapulmonary - 4 hrs Real time PCR
container 5ml

Histopatholgy Surgically removed Light
Size wide mouth
27. Examination ( H specimen and NA 7 days microscopy on
screw cap container
& E stain ) biopsy H & E stain
with 10% formalin

28. Blood Urea Serum Red top 3ml 6hrs GLDH method
29. Serum Creatinine Serum Red top 3 ml 6hrs Jafee’s
Red fasting
Blood Sugar Serum/ Plasma Hexokinase
30. top/Grey 3 ml PP: 2hrs 6hrs
top after
Total T3
Fasting Chemilumines-
31. Total T4 Serum Red top 3ml 48hrs
for 8hrs cence method


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