Visual Abstract Folic acid for pre-eclampsia to eligible women, and after written informed consent, we
Effect of high dose supplementation randomised participants to either folic acid or placebo.
Randomised controlled trial in pregnancy on pre-eclampsia
The Methods Centre at Ottawa Hospital Research
FACT trial (Folic Acid Clinical Trial) Institute implemented randomisation using a web based
randomisation platform that generated a unique
Pregnant women at high risk of randomisation ID. Randomisation used variable permuted
developing pre-eclampsia
blocks of four and six with stratification by centre. Study
obstetrical centres Five countries data were entered into the web based platform at each site.
Mean gestational age at recruitment = weeks Study treatment was centrally prepared, pre-labelled with
unique study IDs and provided to each site.
Double blind trial
Primary outcome The trial intervention consisted of 4.0 mg folic acid or
placebo, taken as four 1.0 mg tablets once daily, from
Proportion of patients
developing pre-eclampsia 1144 1157 randomisation (8-16 completed weeks of gestation) until
after weeks' gestation
High dose folic acid (four Placebo (four delivery. Participants could continue taking prenatal
. mg oral tablets daily) oral tablets daily) vitamins or low dose folic acid supplements containing up
Clinical significance Defined
as a % reduction of pre- to 1.1 mg of folic acid. The folic acid and placebo tab lets
eclampsia in the folic acid arm Difference between arms had no taste and an identical external
appearance, thereby masking participants to
Patients developing pre-eclampsia 14.8% 1.3% higher 13.5%
their treatment group. The data coordinating centre
No benefit found for high dose folic acid supplementation beyond the first trimester for the managed treatment allocation, and all participants, site
prevention of pre-eclampsia or related maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes. investigators, coordinators and other research staff, and
©BMJ Publishing members of the trial coordinating centre were blinded to
Read the full article online http://bit.ly/BMJshoimp
group Ltd. treatment allocation after randomisation. No unmasking
occurred during the trial.
2 doi: 10.1136/bmj.k3478 | BMJ 2018;362:k3478 | the bmj
Frequency and duration of follow-up Adverse events reporting and safety monitoring
A total of four follow-up visits occurred at 24-26 completed An independent data safety and monitoring board oversaw
weeks of gestation, 34-36 completed weeks of gestation, the safety of the trial. We collected and reviewed all
after delivery, and 42 days post partum. At the initial study adverse events from randomisation to 42 days post partum.
visit, information was collected on personal characteristics An adverse event was defined as an untoward medical
and maternal medical history. At study visits we carried out occurrence in a participant that may or may not have had a
a physical examination (blood pressure, weight, urinalysis causal relation to the study treatment. A serious adverse
(urine dipstick), and fetal wellbeing) and documented event was defined as any untoward medical occurrence that
concomitant drugs. Laboratory values were obtained at resulted in maternal, fetal, or neonatal death; was life
delivery, and maternal and neonatal information were threatening; required prolonged hospital stay; caused
collected from hospital records. At each visit we assessed persistent or major disability, incapacity, or congenital
and documented adverse events. Adherence to the study anomaly; or was deemed an important medical event. No
treatment was determined with the aid of a drug diary and safety issues were detected after the independent data
pill counts. We asked participants to return their study safety and monitoring board’s review.
treatment bottles at each visit. Compliance was measured
as the percentage of pills remaining in the returned bottles,
and participants completed the Dietary Folate Equivalent Statistical analysis
Screener (Block Food Frequency Questionnaire: 24
On the basis of data from high risk pregnant women, we
www.nutritionquest.com) at randomisation and at 24-26 originally estimated that a sample of 3656 pregnant women
completed weeks of gestation. was needed to detect a 30% reduction of pre-eclampsia
from 12.0% to 8.4% (90% power, two sided type I error
0.05) and to allow for up to 30% non-adherence,
withdrawal, loss to follow-up, or other unanticipated
Primary outcome events. However, owing to budget limitations, and because
The primary outcome was pre-eclampsia, defined using the our follow-up rate was better than expected, we
accepted definition at the time the trial commenced: recalculated the sample size to 2464 women, which
diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg on two occasions four retained a study power of greater than 80% and still
hours or more apart and proteinuria (more than allowed for up to 10% loss to follow-up and withdrawal. In
+ on dipstick, or urinary protein ≥300 mg in 24 hour September 2015 the trial steering committee approved the
urine collection, or random protein:creatinine ratio ≥30 mg sample size adjustment, and we notified the independent
protein/mmol) in women at 20 weeks of gestation or data safety and monitoring board. Based on the recruitment
greater, or diagnosis of HELLP syndrome (haemolysis, rate at the time of these meetings, a total new anticipated
elevated liver enzymes, low platelets) or superimposed pre- recruitment target of 2464 participants would be achieved
eclampsia (history of pre-existing hypertension diagnosed by November, and as a result no interim analysis of
before pregnancy or before 20 weeks’ gestation with new outcomes would be conducted.
proteinuria). The primary outcome (the trial protocol
definition of pre-eclampsia) was adjudicated based on the The analysis was carried out on an intention to treat
consensus opinion of three investigators (MW, LG, and basis. We first compared the baseline characteristics,
SWW). Adjudication was conducted before any statistical compliance, folic acid intake from other sources, and
data analysis, masked to treatment group, country, and site. supplementation with aspirin or calcium, or both, between
We excluded women from the primary outcome analysis intervention and placebo groups. The outcomes between
who experienced a miscarriage, experienced early 2
these groups were then compared, using χ tests for the
intrauterine fetal death (20-24 weeks of gestation), or incidence of pre -eclampsia and categorical secondary
withdrew consent. outcomes and t tests for the means of continuously
distributed secondary outcomes. Multiple log binomial
regression was conducted on the primary outcome to adjust
Secondary outcomes for potential confounding by parity, age, cigarette smoking,
Prespecified secondary outcomes included maternal death, and other important prognostic factors identified a priori. A
severe pre-eclampsia (pre -eclampsia with convulsion or generalised estimating equation model was used to account
HELLP or delivery <34 completed weeks of gestation), for the correlation between two fetuses or infants from the
placental abruption, preterm delivery (<37 completed same pregnancy in analyses of neonatal outcomes.
weeks of gestation), premature rupture of membranes, Treatment effects are expressed as relative risk with 95%
antenatal inpatient length of stay, intrauterine growth confidence intervals. No allowance for multiplicity was
restriction (<3rd centile), perinatal mortality, spontaneous made for secondary outcomes. All statistical analyses were
abortion (miscarriage), stillbirth, neonatal mortality, performed using Statistical Analysis System, version 9.1
neonatal morbidity (retinopathy of prematurity, (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
periventricular leukomalacia, early onset sepsis, necrotising
Fig 1 | Trial flow diagram
The results of our international randomised controlled
multicentre trial did not show evidence that
was provided through a survey, suggesting that their patient
supplementation with high dose folic acid (4.0-5.1 mg)
population would be interested in the trial and we sought
initiated between eight and 16 completed weeks of
their advice on best practices to roll out the trial. A steering
gestation and continued until delivery prevents pre-
committee of international content experts with varied
eclampsia in at risk women. We adjusted analyses for
expertise provided input in the development of the
potential confounders by parity, maternal age, and cigarette
protocol, study outcomes, and trial procedures. The
smoking and confirmed there was no effect of folic acid on
committee also examined how to minimise the impact on
the prevention of pre-eclampsia. When we explored the
trial participants, as such, trial follow-up visits were
effect of high dose folic acid on risk of pre-eclampsia by
coordinated with routine antenatal care visits. Patients were
not involved in setting the research question or the outcome country, no difference in effect was observed.
measures, nor were they involved in developing plans for
recruitment or implementation of the study. Patients were
Comparison with other studies
not asked to advise on interpretation or writing up of the
Supplementation with folic acid during pregnancy is now
results. Participants are acknowledged and thanked for their
common in many countries of the world. In our previous
contribution and participation in this important trial. A cohort study, of 2951 pregnant women recruited between
dissemination strategy has been developed to work closely 2002 and 2005 in Ottawa and Kingston, Canada, 2713
with stakeholders and knowledge users to facilitate transfer 9
(91.9%) took folic acid supplements during pregnancy,
of the findings to relevant users, including patients and
and of women who used folic acid supplementation, only
544 (20.0%) discontinued in the third trimester, whereas
447 (16.5%) used more than 2.0 mg/day. Similar patterns
were observed in our trial population, with more than 80%
Results of women taking supplemental folic acid. Supplementation
Characteristics of participants with high dose folic acid (usually 4.0-5.0 mg daily) in
Between April 2011 and November 2015, 6499 pregnant pregnant women has already become widespread beyond
women were screened and 2464 of these women were 9 13 14 25-29
the first trimester. Anecdotal evidence suggests
enrolled into the trial, 1228 of whom were randomised to that supplementation with high dose folic acid is occurring
folic acid and 1236 to placebo. After excluding women who outside the recommendations for use only in early
experienced miscarriage (n=37), experienced early pregnancy for prevention of neural tube defects, even
intrauterine fetal death (20-24 weeks of gestation, n=12), though the most recent Cochrane review of folic acid in
had no primary outcome data available (n=28), or withdrew
consent before
Tabel 1 | Perbandingan baseline maternal & karakteristik kehamilan antara kelompok percobaan. Nilai adalah angka (persentase) kecuali dinyatakan
Karakteristik Kelompok asam folat (n=1227) Kelompok plasebo (n=1236)
Kanada 600 (48.9) 607 (49.1)
Australia 157 (12.8) 153 (12.4)
Argentina 61 (5.0) 61 (4.9)
Jamaica 29 (2.4) 32 (2.6)
UK 380 (31.0) 383 (31.0)
Riwayat preeklampsia 308 (25.1) 303 (24.5)
Hipertensi kronik 203 (16.5) 241 (19.5)
Diabetes tipe 1 84 (6.8) 72 (5.8)
Diabetes tipe 2 98 (8.0) 84 (6.8)
Kehamilan kembar 233 (19.0) 229 (18.5)
Indeks massa tubuh ≥35 606 (49.4) 656 (53.1)
0 413 (33.7) 420 (34.0)
1 498 (40.6) 499 (40.4)
≥2 316 (25.7) 317 (25.6)
Usia kehamilan (tahun):
20 10 (0.8) 10 (0.8)
20-29 439 (35.8) 447 (36.2)
30-34 411 (33.5) 441 (35.7)
≥35 367 (29.9) 338 (27.3)
Usia rata-rata (SD) (tahun) 31 (5.4) 31 (5.4)
Etnisitas maternal:
Aborigin 35 (2.85) 24 (1.94)
Putih 970 (79.0) 987 (79.8)
Hitam 93 (7.6) 107 (8.7)
Asia 45 (3.7) 50 (4.05)
Latin/Hispanik 31 (2.5) 22 (1.8)
India/Asia Selatan 45 (3.7) 36 (2.9)
Tidak menjawab 8 (0.65) 10 (0.8)
Indeks massa tubuh pra hamil:
18.5 15 (1.2) 11 (0.9)
18.5-25 230 (18.7) 225 (18.2)
25-30 210 (17.1) 199 (16.1)
30-35 164 (13.4) 146 (11.8)
≥35 607 (49.5) 655 (53.0)
Rata-rata (SD) Indeks massa tubuh pra hamil 34 (8.6) 34 (13)
Tingkat pendidikan:
SMA ke bawah 353 (28.8) 348 (28.2)
Universitas (belum selesai) 198 (16.15) 197 (16.0)
Universitas (sudah selesai) 675 (55.1) 689 (55.8)
Usia kehamilan (minggu):
8-12 386 (31.5) 433 (35.0)
13-16 841 (68.5) 803 (65.0)
Rata-rata (SD) usia kehamilan (minggu) 14 (1.9) 14 (1.9)
Merokok selama kehamilan:
Ya 98 (8.0) 95 (7.7)
Tidak 1046 (85.2) 1035 (83.7)
Keluar saat kehamilan 83 (6.8) 106 (8.6)
Konsumsi alkohol selama kehamilan:
Ya 23 (1.9) 27 (2.2)
Tidak 977 (80.0) 955 (77.3)
Keluar saat kehamilan 227 (18.5) 254 (20.5)
Suplementasi asam folat* 989 (80.6) 1016 (82.2)
Supplementation asam folat dosis tinggi saat pengacakan 346 (28.2) 335 (27.1)
Supplementation aspirin dosis tinggi saat pengacakan 358 (29.2) 340 (27.5)
Supplementation kalsium dosis tinggi saat pengacakan 97 (7.9) 109 (8.8)
Rata-rata (SD) folat (μg):
Kunjungan 1 (8-16 completed weeks’ gestation) 494 (209), n=1215 504 (222), n=1225
Kunjungan 2 (24-26 completed weeks’ gestation) 494 (209), n=1008 500 (213), n=1023
≤50% 108 (11.2) 106 (10.8)
50-75% 140 (14.5) 122 (12.5)
≥75% 716 (74.3) 749 (76.7)
* Termasuk multivitamin yang mengandung asam folat.
† Dihitung pada perawatan studi yang dikembalikan (n = 1941). Peserta yang tersisa tidak mengembalikan pengobatan studi dan kepatuhan tidak dapat dihitung (n = 522).
Di antara peserta dengan data hasil primer yang tersedia (n = 2301), 169 (14,8%) pada kelompok asam folat memiliki diagnosis pre-eklampsia dibandingkan dengan 156 (13,5%) di
kelompok plasebo (risiko relatif 1,10, interval kepercayaan 95% 0,90-1,34, P = 0,37). Perbedaan dalam tingkat HELLP (1.21, 0.37 hingga 3.96, P = 0.75), pre-eklampsia berat (1.52,
0.81 hingga 2.84, P = 0.19; tabel 2), dan semua hasil maternal lainnya tidak signifikan secara statistik (tabel 2) .
the bmj | BMJ 2018;362:k3478 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k3478 5
Tabel 2 | Perbandingan outcome maternal antara kelompok percobaan. Nilai adalah angka (persentase)
kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya
Outcomes Kelompok as. folat Kelompok plasebo Risiko relatif (95% CI) P value
Kematian maternal 0 0 - -
Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) 27 (2.3), n=1172 21 (1.8), n=1180 1.29 (0.74 - 2.28) 0.37
Abruptio plasenta 12 (1.0), n=1169 19 (1.6), n=1179 0.64 (0.31 - 1.31) 0.21
KPD 215 (18), n=1169 224 (19), n=1180 0.97 (0.82 - 1.15) 0.71
Usia kehamilan <37 minggu 297 (26), n=1150 304 (26), n=1164 0.99 (0.86 - 1.13) 0.87
Sindroma HELLP 6 (0.52), n=1144 5 (0.43), n=1156 1.21 (0.37 - 3.96) 0.75
PEB 24 (2.10), n=1144 16 (1.4), n=1156 1.52 (0.81 - 2.84) 0.19
Lama rawat antenatal (hari) 5.6 (7.7) *, n=221 5.2 (6.2) *, n=232 0.34 (7.0) (−0.96 - 1.63) † 0.61
HELLP=haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets.
*Rata-rata (SD).
†Perbedaan rata-rata (SD) difference (95% CI).
Sebanyak 2.738 bayi lahir dari wanita yang direkrut ke dalam trial (1364 pada kelompok asam folat dan 1374 pada kelompok plasebo).
Tingkat kelahiran mati adalah 1,1% pada kelompok asam folat dan 1,9% pada kelompok plasebo (0,60, 0,30-1,19; tabel 3). Tidak ada
perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik yang diamati dalam terjadinya outcome neonatal yang merugikan antara kedua kelompok.
pregnancy for maternal health outcomes was not able to A clear advantage of our trial is the robust randomised
report on pre -eclampsia owing to lack of data from clinical design, although some limitations are present. Pre-
trials. Caution should always be exercised in eclampsia has a complex heterogenous aetiology despite
recommending treatments before thorough evaluation has characteristic phenotypic outcomes. In the original trial
been completed, including follow-up of offspring when protocol we clearly laid out the criteria for the definition of
possible. pre-eclampsia and used this for case adjudication. These
criteria have remained consistent with NICE guidelines for
Strengths and limitations of this study the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, although there have been
FACT has several notable strengths. Firstly, it was designed revisions to the definition of pre- eclampsia in other
to be as conclusive as possible in a rigorous, large, 32
settings, including Canada. As a result, using the revised
randomised, double blinded, placebo controlled, phase III, guidelines, there may be additional women in the study
international and multicentre trial. The trial conduct population who would have a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia;
adhered to strong research and ethical principles, high data however, owing to the randomised design this would be
completeness, and compliance by participants. The follow- balanced across the treatment groups and not anticipated to
up rate was greater than 95% and compliance to the study affect the association between folic acid and pre-eclampsia,
treatment was greater than 75% in most of the study regardless of definition. Finally, power was reduced from
population. Steps were taken to ensure the lowest possible 90% to 80%, but because we found no evidence in favour
risk of bias, although we did not investigate baseline folic of the study intervention, even an increase of power would
acid values, compliance, and levels during pregnancy in have been unlikely to find a treatment effect.
subgroups of high risk factors for pre-eclampsia.
Outcome kejadian merugikan janin atau 63 (4.7), n=1349 51 (3.8), n=1348 1.20 (0.80 - 1.80) 0.38
Outcome yang didistribusi terus-menerus:
Lama rawat inap NICU 16 (27) †, n=299 17 (23) †, n=263 −1.60 (−5.84 - 2.64) 0.46
NICU=neonatal intensive care unit.
* Persamaan estimasi umum digunakan untuk menjelaskan korelasi antara dua janin atau bayi dari kehamilan yang sama. Outcome komposittermasuk
retinopati prematuritas, leukomalasia periventrikular, sepsis onset dini, enterokolitis nekrotikans, perdarahan intraventrikular, ventilasi, kebutuhan oksigen
pada 28 hari, dan masuk NICU
†Rata-rata (SD). ‡Perbedaan rata-rata (95% CI).
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