Iiot Security Journal

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in

Industrial IoT Devices

XINGBIN JIANG, Singapore University of Technology and Design
MICHELE LORA, Singapore University of Technology and Design
SUDIPTA CHATTOPADHYAY, Singapore University of Technology and Design
The revolutionary development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has triggered a huge demand for IoT devices.
They are extensively applied to various fields of social activities, and concerning manufacturing, they are a key
enabling concept for the Industry 4.0 ecosystem. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices share common
vulnerabilities with standard IoT devices, which are increasingly exposed to the attackers. As such, connected
industrial devices may become sources of cyber, as well as physical, threats for people and assets in industrial
In this work, we examine the attack surfaces of a networked embedded system, composed of devices
representative of those typically used in the IIoT field. We carry on an analysis of the current state of the
security of IIoT technologies. The analysis guides the identification of a set of attack vectors for the examined
networked embedded system. We set up the corresponding concrete attack scenarios to gain control of the
system actuators, and perform some hazardous operations. In particular, we will propose a couple of variations
of Mirai attack specifically tailored for attacking industrial environments. Finally, we discuss some possible
CCS Concepts: • Security and privacy → Distributed systems security; Embedded systems security;
Vulnerability management; • Computer systems organization → Sensors and actuators.
ACM Reference Format:
Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay. 2020. An Experimental Analysis of Security Vul-
nerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices. ACM Trans. Internet Technol. 1, 1 (January 2020), 24 pages. https:

The constant need for the development of intelligent industry and smart factories forced the sys-
tematic exploitation of IoT devices into industrial applications. Many tasks, such as production
monitoring and control, or communication and data analysis for logistics, are every day more
demanded to millions of devices spread around the world. Traditional logic controllers are re-
placed by more advanced Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), usually connected to the Internet. This
transformation is the key to enable what is now known as Industry 4.0 or smart manufacturing [11].
In the meantime, security issues have not yet received sufficient attention from manufacturers
and users. Therefore, this vast amount of IIoT devices are becoming attractive targets for attackers to
Authors’ addresses: Xingbin Jiang, [email protected], Singapore University of Technology and Design, Information
Systems Technology and Design (ISTD), Singapore; Michele Lora, [email protected], Singapore University of
Technology and Design, Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD), Singapore; Sudipta Chattopadhyay, sudipta_
[email protected], Singapore University of Technology and Design, Information Systems Technology and Design
(ISTD), Singapore.

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provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the
full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored.
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1533-5399/2020/1-ART $15.00

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
2 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

do malicious operations or obtain sensitive information. A query using Shodan or similar searching
engines shows that there exists a large number of IIoT devices that are exposed on the Internet
without being adequately secured [6].
While consequences of cyber attacks may be generally dramatic, they may be catastrophic when
affecting industrial applications. Effects may range from stolen classified information to causing
physical damages to the production systems. For instance, an attacker gaining control of the system
actuators may also cause physical harm to workers [7]. Any of these scenarios may be catastrophic.
Stuxnet, for instance, has been advocated to be capable of causing a “new Chernobyl” [24] by
compromising the industrial control systems of nuclear plants. Indeed, this would be an extreme
scenario. Still, even the less critical attack may cause substantial economic losses due to production
downtime [37], or leak of information related to intellectual properties. This is further worsened by
recent manufacturing trends, where a leak of a connected device configuration may cause the leak
of information about the product being produced by a reconfigurable manufacturing system [35].

Control Center

Controller-1 Controller-2
(i.MX6) (i.MX6)

Sub-Controller-1 Sub-Controller-2
(Arduino) (Arduino)

Actuator-1 Actuator-2
(Servo Motor) (Servo Motor)

Fig. 1. Overview of the system target of our attacks: it is composed of two i.MX6 micro-controllers connected
to the Local Area Network (LAN), each of them is controlling a servo motor actuator through an Arduino

Much work has been done to improve the security of the IoT devices [44]. However, industrial
scenarios introduce further constraints that are not considered in classic IoT applications. IIoT
applications are usually safety-critical and time-constrained (e.g., controlling robotic arms operating
alongside human). Hence, attack detection techniques must be performed in-place as delegating
remote servers or cloud systems will introduce variability in the system timing, thus affecting
real-time constraints [10]. At the same time, such solutions might expose new attack surfaces.
Thus, solving security and privacy issues on IIoT systems requires to consider a higher number
of dimensions with respect to targeting the same problem for classic IoT applications. Some

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 3

articles [3, 37, 47] have discussed the vulnerabilities that can potentially afflict an IIoT device, as
well as potential protection methods [47]. However, none of them presented systematic research of
the attack surfaces, attack vectors, and prevention methods for a typical IIoT device. In this paper,
we systematically analyze the feasibility of attacking an IIoT device by exploring concrete attack
surfaces and attack vectors.
In particular, we come up with a variation of Mirai attack. While classic Mirai attack is usually
used to perform Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, the proposed variation aims at gaining
control of the actuators to create dangerous situations, and stealing reserved information from the
connected devices. Then, we extend our attack by making it stealthy to make it less identifiable by
defense mechanisms. The experimental analysis is based on a networked embedded system, whose
structure is depicted in Figure 1: it is composed of two micro-controllers connected to the network,
and controlling a physical actuator each. The devices we decided to use in this work are two i.MX
6SoloX Smart Application Blueprint for Rapid Engineering (SABRE) boards from NXP, being it
representative of a wide class of IIoT devices. The i.MX boards are then connected to a couple
of Arduino devices for further controlling the servo motor actuators. During our vulnerability
analysis, we will gain control of the actuators, and make them perform some hazardous actions,
such as moving to unsafe positions.
• We analyze the vulnerabilities in a typical IIoT device to characterize its attack surfaces
and vectors. We use the device as the central core to build a scenario involving distributed
actuation, that is typical of industrial control systems.
• We analyze the security of the IIoT devices connected to the Internet today. We get inspired
by previous analysis [2, 6, 43] to update the findings, and relate them to the IIoT device used
for the presented experimental analysis.
• We set up a set of attack scenarios to show how the attack on a common IIoT device may
impact on the safety of an industrial actuator system.
• We propose a novel version of Mirai attack, aiming at impacting on the physical actuator
system. Furthermore, we present a method to make Mirai attack stealthy, and consequently
difficult to be identified by general protection mechanisms: thus providing the attacker more
time to inflict more physical damages to the actuation system.
The following of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the necessary background,
the system used as case study in the paper, and the state of the art about the different techniques
used in this work. Section 3 defines the system target of our analysis, identifying its attack surfaces,
and introduces the attack scenarios. Furthermore, we present the updated analysis of security
threats for IIoT devices we carried on, and we relate the finding of such analysis to the attack
scenarios explored in our experimental analysis for the target system. Sections 4 to 6 detail the
different attack scenarios and present their results. Finally, in Section 7 we discuss some possible
countermeasures before drawing some conclusions in Section 8.

This section introduces the main concepts related to the introduction of IoT within industrial
environments. Then, it details the architecture of the system used as a case-study in this work.
Finally, it presents the related work available in the literature.

2.1 IoT in industry, and case study

With the rising of modern manufacturing trends [9], many other terms emerged on the side of
traditional Industrial Control Systems. From a network perspective, Networked Control Systems [13]
first appeared to indicate production systems where the actuators composing the production plant

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
4 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

Controller Plant

Controller Area
Control Systems
Local Area
The Internet Network
Control Control Systems
Controller Area

Controller Plant
Networked Control System

Manufacturing company Industrial Internet of Things System

Fig. 2. Placement of an IIoT system within a manufacturing company system, highlighting the differences
between Industrial Control System, Networked Control System and IIoT system.

are distributed and controlled through a communication network. Then, the growth of the IoT
led to introducing such technology into industrial production systems, consequently introducing
the concept of IIoT. At the current state of the practice, these concepts are co-existing within
the same production systems. Figure 2 aims at clarifying the borders between industrial control
systems, networked control systems, and IIoT systems. It shows a generic structure of a modern
manufacturing company: its production plants may be distributed geographically and connected
through the Internet. Each production plant is connected to its controller(s), usually through an
ad-hoc network, often creating a Controller Area Network (CAN), composing an industrial control
system. Multiple industrial control systems connected through a LAN compose a networked control
system, traditionally isolated from the external world. However, when such systems are connected
to the external world through the Internet, they become IIoT systems.
In order to perform our experimental analysis, we built a low-cost system presenting the typical
characteristics of an IIoT system. It is based on two i.MX6 micro-controllers produced by NXP. Each
micro-controller integrates two CAN buses, it provides two Gigabit ethernet interfaces, and many
other features making it ideal to be deployed for industrial applications1 . An Ethernet network
connects the two micro-controllers to a control center. The control center is connected to the
Internet, and it acts as gateway for the networked control system composed by the two i.MX6
On the controlled plant side, the two micro-controllers are connected to an Arduino device each.
The Arduino devices act as an interface to a couple of servo motor actuators. These actuators
must operate within a specific range of positions. Even though the physical plant is not built using
hardware typically used in concrete industrial scenarios, it is meant to present the same vulnera-
bilities of a real-life industrial system. For instance, Arduino devices may be used to prototype a
cyber-physical system, such as a production plant. However, it is not realistic to deploy an Arduino
device in the final system. For this reason, our analysis does not consider the attack vectors of
the Arduino devices. On the contrary, the i.MX6 micro-controller is meant to be deployed when
1 NXP i.MX6 fact sheet: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/fact-sheet/IMX6SRSFS.pdf

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 5

implementing internet-enabled industrial control system, and IoT systems in general. Furthermore,
its attack surface shares several characteristics with the devices discovered in the Shodan-based
analysis about the Worldwide state-of-the-practice presented in Section 3.2. As such, our case-study
is a low-cost prototype representative of many IIoT systems.

2.2 Related work

Plenty of work has been done in the last few years to study the security and privacy issues
of IoT applications and devices, both from the technical and legislative points of view [42, 46].
Several groups of researchers presented systematic reviews of threats in the IoT field, by analyzing
the security and privacy challenges, such as network security and identity management [44], or
enumerating possible attack surfaces, such as devices memory, web interfaces and device network
services [1]. Zhou et al. [51] analyzed the effects of the most recent features of IoT devices and
applications on security and privacy. It characterizes the emerging features of IoT systems, and
it describes various scenarios, including industrial applications, and discusses the privacy and
security issues that may arise. However, it is more a systematic review of the literature and it does
not provide any concrete analysis of the attack surfaces of such systems.
In the context of industrial control systems, Sadeghi et al. [37] gave an introduction to the
security and privacy challenges in IIoT, and an outlook on possible solutions towards a holistic
security framework. They identified the attack surfaces of a typical smart factory: the potential
attack vectors might be invasive hardware attacks, side-channel attacks, and reverse-engineering
attacks. The software can be compromised by malicious code, such as Trojans, viruses, and runtime
attacks. Communication protocols are subject to protocol attacks, including Denial of Service (DoS)
attacks. The general potential solutions they discussed include introducing security architectures,
verifying the integrity of a system’s software configuration, and securing user interfaces or suitable
communication interfaces. Sisinniet al. [41] analyzed the differences between the features of IIoT
and consumer IoT. They specifically described a three-tier IIoT architecture and discussed the
possible challenges and directions. In terms of security, they pointed out several security features
to consider when designing secure IIoT infrastructure, including the use of appropriate encryption
algorithms, reasonable identification and authentication mechanisms.
A comprehensive set of statistics about the major threats for IIoT devices and networked industrial
control systems was released in 2016 by Kaspersky Lab [4]. The study categorizes the different
vulnerabilities identifiable into industrial control systems connected to the Internet, showing a wide
range of different types of threats exploitable by potential attackers. A more recent analysis [2]
analyzes instead the number of devices being used in industrial plants, and accessible to the Internet.
The analysis shows the types of devices, and the services exposed by them. Thus, it identifies the
possible threats due to the known vulnerabilities of devices and services. However, the analysis is
restricted to a very reduced geographical area (i.e., Jordan), and a specific set of device producers.
Furthermore, none of these works present a concrete, experimental scenario showing how devices
can be compromised.
Quarta et al. [36] gave a comprehensive security analysis of an industrial robot controller, re-
porting possible attack vectors which could also share characteristics with generic IIoT devices,
including insecure network surface and command injection, weak authentication, naive cryptogra-
phy, and missing code signing. They showed different possible vulnerabilities. Then, they discussed
how to establish a security mechanism in an industrial robot system case study. Wurm et al. [47]
elaborated a detailed security analysis on consumer and IIoT devices, e.g., a home automation
system and a smart meter. Then, they discussed security solutions and mitigation methods. They
selected the Itron Centron smart meter as the case study and discovered its vulnerabilities. Although
they have given vulnerability analysis on some specific industrial or consumer IoT devices, there is

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6 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

still lack of comprehensive analysis of the attack surfaces, attack vectors, and prevention methods
for a typical IIoT device.
Attacks to industrial control systems are a major threat of modern cyber warfare [24]. After
Stuxnet [29] was revealed, new attacks against industrial control systems continued to occur.
Havex [28] is a remote access Trojan discovered in 2013. It is part of a wide range of espionage
activities for industrial control systems that are widely used in various industries. Havex has im-
pacted up to 2,000 infrastructure sites, specifically for energy grid operators, large power generation
companies, oil pipeline operators and industrial equipment providers [28]. BlackEnergy [26] first
appeared as a DDoS tool in 2007. Its improved version - BlackEnergy3 (BE3) participated in a
cyber attack in Ukraine in 2015, causing power outages [23]. Although BE3 has no direct effect on
powering down, BE3 was used in the early stages of the attack to gather information about the
industrial control systems environment and was likely to be used to compromise the network oper-
ator’s user credentials. CRASHOVERRIDE [27], also known as "Industroyer", is the first malware
specifically designed for the electric grid. It was used in a cyberattack on December 17, 2016, which
powered off the Ukrainian transit station on the outskirts of Kiev, cutting off about one-fifth of the
power. TRISIS [30], also known as TRITON or HatMan, is a malware variant of Schneider Electric’s
Triconex Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) controller. It was discovered in December 2017 by
FireEye’s network security company Mandiant. FireEye determined that TRITON was specifically
designed to interact with these SIS controllers and believed that the participants or organizations
behind the attack may be trying to develop the ability to physically damage and stop operations on
the organization’s equipments.
Other than exploring already well-known attacks in the attacking surface of a concrete case
study, in this work we are also going to refine a particular kind of attack, i.e. Mirai, to tailor it to
target industrial control systems more effectively. Mirai is malicious software that turns networked
devices running Linux into bots, and creates botnets of these compromised IoT devices, aiming at
launching large-scale DDoS attacks. It has been used to infect a large number of online consumer
devices such as IP cameras and home routers, and launch serious attacks on servers of the DNS
provider Dyn, resulting in inaccessibility of several high profile websites such as GitHub, Twitter
and Reddit [14]. The proliferation of Mirai fully illustrated the serious insecurity problem of IoT
devices. A lot of research work analyzing the working mechanism of Mirai and the harm of such
kind of botnets has been studied since then [5, 22, 40]. However, to the best of our knowledge,
we have not found related work considering that Mirai and its variants may be applied to IIoT
systems. Moreover, how to make Mirai attack a stealthy attack and discuss defenses is also a unique
contribution from our work.

The focus of the paper is an experimental analysis that aims at attacking the system introduced in
Section 2.1, with the target of gaining control of its actuators and stealing reserved information
from the device. Figure 3 shows the two actuators: Figure 3a shows the actuator whose arm is
operating in the safe area of operation. Figure 3b depicts the actuators whose arm is in a critical
configuration. The experimental analysis aims at violating the system and making its actuators
working in the latter configuration (i.e. Figure 3b).

3.1 Vulnerability Analysis and Attack scenarios

The experimental analysis starts by identifying the main vulnerabilities of the target system, guided
by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 IoT vulnerabilities 2018 [31] that
categorizes the vulnerabilities of a typical IIoT device. The IoT vulnerabilities identified by OWASP

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 7

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. (a) shows a servo actuator in our system during normal operation; (b) shows the actuator reaching an
hazardous condition once the system has been compromised.

since 2014 provides a summary of attack surfaces associated with the top IoT vulnerabilities. In
this work we address all the vulnerabilities identified in the latest edition, i.e., the 2018 edition.
The IIoT devices we focus on are mainly used as smart controllers for industrial applications. In
this case, the primary objective of the attackers is to misuse the IIoT devices to harm the system. In
fact, the possibility of physically damaging the system through a cyber attack is a peculiarity of IoT
that is even more critical for IIoT systems. We also analyze privacy concerns, as one of the attack
scenarios we are going to carry on will also steal information from the device. However, we do not
consider some attack surfaces that are more important in the consumer IoT field, such as Insecure
Mobile Interface. To this end, we focused on Insecure Web Interface, Insufficient Authentication, Lack
of Transport Encryption, Insecure Network Services and Insecure Software/Firmware. Then, for each
attack surface, we identify its attack vectors based on our goal of gaining control of the actuators.
Then, we define different attack scenarios that use the identified attack vectors. Table 1 summarizes
the results of our analysis in the first two columns. The third column reports, for each attack surface,
the concrete attack scenarios that will be applied to the reference device.
The final target of our experimental analysis is to gain control of the system, interfering with the
servo motors moving their arms out of normal operation modes, and stealing restricted information.
Figure 4 shows the different path we will follow to compromise the system. We exploit the five attack
surfaces identified in Table 1, throughout three attack scenarios, namely, Web Management System,
Remote Software Update, and Mirai Attack. In each scenario, we alternatively exploit different attack
vectors to gain control of the system, to provide a concrete example of threats affecting industrial
devices. During our experiments, we will try to gain control of the Web Management System by
exploiting weak authentication, SQL injection, Cross-site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-site Request
Forgery (CSRF). It is worth noticing that all of these techniques will, however, require either a
poor system configuration or to access the control settings of the system (e.g., inside job). The
Remote Software Update scenario will require to upload a malicious package and to capture system
information for further compromising the system. Finally, we will present a variation of Mirai
attack targeting actuators instead of performing DDoS on the system. Since a defender can fairly

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8 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

Table 1. Summary of the attack surfaces, vectors and scenarios identified in the case study presented in this
work with respect to the 2018 OWASP IoT top 10 vulnerabilities.

Attack Surfaces
Attack Vectors Attack Scenario
(OWASP IoT Top10 2018)
1. Weak, Guessable, or Hardcoded Passwords Use weak password to login Web Management System
Compromise the device through
2. Insecure Network Services vulnerable network services Mirai attack
(e.g., Telnet, HTTP, SSH, etc.)
SQL Injection
3. Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces Cross-site scripting (XSS) Web Management System
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
Upload malicious packages in absence
4. Lack of Secure Update Mechanism Remote Software Update
of authentication
Compromise the device through
vulnerable network services Mirai attack
(e.g., Telnet, HTTP, SSH, etc.)
5. Use of Insecure or Outdated Components
SQL Injection
Cross-site scripting (XSS) Web Management System
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
Capture data via network due to lack
Remote Software Update
6. Insufficient Privacy Protection of encryption
Leak of reserved information Mirai attack
Capture data via network due to lack
7. Insecure Data Transfer and Storage
of encryption
Remote Software Update
Upload malicious packages in absence
8. Lack of Device Management
of authentication
Use of well-known default
9. Insecure Default Settings Web Management System
username and password
10. Lack of Physical Hardening Lead actuators to unsafe states Mirai attack

Weak password
Web SQL injection
System XSS
TARGET: Remote Change settings
Upload malicious package or control
Gain control Software
of actuators Update Capture data via network actuators

Non-stealthy Mirai
Mirai Attack
Stealthy Mirai

Fig. 4. Tree-based representation of our attack strategy: the root represents our final target (i.e., to attack
the system actuators), while each node represents a possible action. Each path from the root to the leaves
identify a specific attack.

easily identify this kind of attack, we will extend the attack to make it stealthy by utilizing both
Linux Kernel Module (LKM) rootkits and Stunnel.

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 9

Scenarios Most common types of vulnerabilities

Weak password 1. Buffer Overflow (17%)
2. Use of Hard-Coded Credentials (14%)
Web SQL injection
Management 3. Cross-Site Scripting (14%)
System XSS 4. Authentication Bypass (9%)
CSRF 5. Cross-Site Request Forgery (9%)
6. Improper Input Validation (8%)
Remote Upload malicious package
Software 7. Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information (6%)
Update Capture data via network 8. Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information (5%)
9. Storing Passwords in a Recoverable Format (5%)
Non-stealthy Mirai
Mirai Attack 10. Unrestricted File Upload (4%)
Stealthy Mirai 11. SQL Injection (4%)

Fig. 5. Correlation between the Scenarios explored in this work and the Most common types of vulnerabilities
identified in [4]. The types of vulnerability are sorted according to the percentage (reported in brackets) of
vulnerabilities identified and belonging to the type.

3.2 Scenarios effectiveness

The scenarios described above share the necessity of gaining access to the system, with sufficient
privileges for the attacker to send commands to actuators. As such, it is necessary to evaluate
whether there exists a concrete possibility of such an eventuality to happen, i.e., to evaluate if
“real-world” IIoT and industrial control systems may be accessed by malicious users, as in our
experimental analysis. While our case study seems to be “synthetic”, it is actually inspired by
concrete vulnerabilities. In the following of this section we provide the first contribution of this
paper: an analysis of the vulnerabilities currently exploitable on Internet-connected IIoT devices
and industrial control systems. Furthermore, we illustrate how such vulnerabilities shares the same
principles of those described in the scenarios considered in our experimental analysis. Indeed, any
of the presented scenarios may be implemented whenever the attacker can have physical access to
the system to control. For instance, the attacker may be an employee, or a technician hired by the
attacked company. The attacker may as well exploit social engineering techniques to gain physical,
or remote access to the system. However, we do not consider such cases in our threats analysis.
Industrial control systems are made of devices managed by complex software stacks. Such a com-
plex infrastructure is often a source of exploitable vulnerabilities. Even though in the recent years
much more attention has been given to security in such kind of applications, new vulnerabilities are
constantly found in industrial control systems. Kaspersky Lab provided some statistics about the
vulnerabilities found in industrial control systems in 2015 [4]. They identified 189 vulnerabilities
published in 2015: more than one new vulnerability found every two days. 49% of such vulnerabil-
ities have been considered critical, while the percentage of medium severity vulnerabilities was
around the 42%. Besides, for many vulnerabilities (e.g., hard-coded credentials) an exploit code is
not needed at all to obtain unauthorized access to the vulnerable system. The study also pointed
out the high differentiation of vulnerabilities affecting industrial control systems. Figure 5 reports
the most common types of vulnerabilities identified by the study, and it correlates them with the
scenarios presented in our experimental analysis. The attack vectors used in our scenarios cover
the 60% of the vulnerabilities identified in [4].
Even though the analysis in [4] is three years old, many of the identified vulnerabilities are
still exploitable today. Furthermore, attack surfaces similar to those identified in our experimental
analysis have been very recently found in another study presented by Kaspersky Lab [18]. This latter

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10 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

Table 2. Results obtained through the Shodan search engine while searching for industrial control systems,
and IIoT devices, connected to the Internet and currently exposing insecure services. The results refer to a set
of queries perfomed on March 15, 2019.

IIoT device Devices Insecure services found

producer found HTTP Telnet SSH Total Percentage
Moxa 10462 169 435 9 613 5.86
Latronix 15441 5 3140 0 3145 20.37
Ubiquiti 618078 175 682 0 857 0.14
Others 459 231 7 1 239 52.07
Total 644440 580 4264 10 15301 2.37

study identified seven vulnerabilities in a well-known IIoT middleware. The identified vulnerabilities
allow a remote attacker to execute any command on an IIoT device managed by the affected
middleware, as well as gaining root access to the system.
It is easily noticeable that the third scenario considered in our experimental analysis (i.e., Mirai
attack) is not related to any of the identified vulnerabilities. This is due to the fact that Mirai attack
exploits insecure network services. Of course, Mirai attack may be performed by an inside malicious
user or after acquiring root access to the system. Thus, it may be performed as a variation of the first
two scenarios and by exploiting the same vulnerabilities. However, Mirai attack may be performed
also by exploiting vulnerabilities of insecure network services that may be exposed to the Internet
by an IIoT device. For this reason, we searched for how many IIoT devices are nowadays exposing
insecure network services to the Internet. A similar analysis has been carried on in [2], however it
was restricted only to a very limited geographical area, i.e., Jordan. We performed a similar search,
but extended to the entire World. We relied on the Shodan search engine to discover devices and
services on the Internet [43]. In order to restrict our search to only IIoT devices, we filtered devices
by producer keeping only those producing IoT devices specialized for industrial applications. Then,
we refined our search to identify how many of these devices were exposing three of the most
notable insecure network services, i.e. HTTP, Telnet and SSH. Table 2 reports the results of our
scanning. We were able to found more than 600000 IIoT devices connected to the Internet. Of these,
the 2.37 % were using insecure services. As such, they are potential victims in the third scenario
(cf. Figure 4) presented in our experimental analysis.
The presented data highlights how the case study shares its attack surface with many devices
currently deployed in industrial plants. The following of the paper shows the application of the
three scenarios reported in Figure 4, each of them exploiting the attack vectors just discussed.


Embedded web servers are often integrated into smart networked devices for remote configuration
and operation, such as embedded web configuration interfaces in IP cameras or routers. For
industrial applications, embedded web management systems can be used to configure or control
IIoT devices, or to operate the subordinate actuators. The IIoT devices in our reference system
are equipped with a web management system integrated into the controllers (i.MX6 devices) by
using the Boa embedded web server and SQLite3 database. The web interface contains three
functional modules, i.e., the main module to control the login and to display the home page, the
config module for the configuration and operation and the system module to change the user
accounts information. The database is composed by six tables: table t_user stores the user accounts
information; table t_session stores the current session’s information; t_log stores the recorded

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 11

revision information of the web management system. Tables t_pattern, t_firewall and t_servo
stores the information about the configuration of the usage patterns, firewall and actuator.
We identified four types of attack vectors available for accessing the web interface, then to gain
control of the actuators, as introduced in Figure 4.

4.1 Use weak password to login

A large amount of web interfaces adopt similar user names and weak passwords, such as, admin|admin,
admin|123456, system|system, etc. While for companies servers strong user authentication is
usually enforced, statistics shows [20] that 15% of IoT devices are accessible using the producer de-
fault credentials. Furthermore, the 14% and 9% of IIoT devices have been found having respectively
hard-coded credentials and authentication bypass issues (cf. Figure 5).
Devices in our case study has two user accounts: admin|admin and imx|123456. Assuming an
attacker accesses our web management system for the first time, it can easily guess the user name
and password. Once the attacker successfully logs into the system, it can access the administration
page shown in Figure 6. The tabs on the left shows options the attacker can utilize to configure or
control the system, such as set the usage pattern or firewall, change user name or password, or
even to force the actuator to move into dangerous areas.

Enable or disable the

hazard control

Move the actuator

clockwise or
Options panel for
controlling or setting

Fig. 6. Web interface of the management system. It can be used to set or control the actuator.

4.2 SQL injection

Whenever a website asks the user to input data, SQL injection attacks are possible, and 4% of the
industrial control systems exposed to the Internet are vulnerable to such a threat [4]. In SQL

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
12 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

injection, the attacker inputs an SQL statement, rather than justifiable data. Then, the website will
unknowingly run the given statement on the database. If there is no method to validate the legality
of the user input, the attacker can enter a malicious input instead of a well-formed username and
password. So, for instance, it might input:
username : admin | password : 1 'OR `1 '= `1
Then, the SQL statement will become:
SELECT id , username , password
FROM t_user
WHERE username =` admin '
AND password = `1 ' OR `1 '= `1 '
The SQL statement above is valid and returns all rows from the table t_user, since OR‘1’=‘1’ is
always TRUE. The attacker can successfully login to the web interface without knowing the correct
user credentials. Then, it can gain control of the actuators as described in the above attack vector.

4.3 Cross-site scripting (XSS)

As introduced above, 14% of the industrial control systems are vulnerable to XSS attacks where a
malicious attacker exploits vulnerabilities of a website that does not discard the data submitted
by the user or filters the data insufficiently. The attacker embeds its code in the web page, forcing
other users to execute the corresponding embedded code when they access the same website. The
attacker may steal user accounts, obtain enterprise data, transfer funds illegally, hang Trojans on
websites, and so on [15].
In our experiment, the attacker injects malicious JavaScript (Listing 1) to the web management
system with a hyperlink able to read the visitor’s Session Identifier. If a legal user visits the web
management system and clicks the image with a hyperlink, its Session Identifier can be stolen
(Shown in Figure 7). The attacker may utilize this Session Identifier to access the web management
system and launch attacks to the actuators.

Listing 1. Implementation of an XSS attack. Line 2 retrieve the section identifier from the browser. Line 4
displays it to the attacker whenever the link described in Line 5 is clicked.
1 < script >
2 var Str = document . cookie ;
3 var a = document . createElement ( 'a ');
4 a . href = " javascript : alert ( Str ) " ;
5 a . innerHTML = " < img src = '../ page / xss . jpg '>" ;
6 document . body . appendChild ( a );
7 </ script >

4.4 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

CSRF is an attack mode that holds users to perform unintended operations on web applications that
are already logged in. Around 9% of industrial control systems are reportedly vulnerable to such
attack [4]. Compared to XSS, CSRF exploits the system’s trust in the page browser, while XSS takes
advantage of the system’s trust on the user. As shown in Figure 8, an authorized user starts a tab
and logs into the web management system. It will get a Session Identifier from the web management
system for keeping its login status. Then it makes a new tab with the same browser and logs into
another website (attacker) with a malicious link that can hack the web management system. For
example, the link Attack iMX6 in Figure 8 prompts the web management system to disable its

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 13

Stolen Session Id of the

Web Management System

Fig. 7. Injecting malicious Javascript code, the attacker can retrieve another user’s Session identifier, using it
to access the system.

hazard control of the actuator, with a specific URL. Since the browser already obtained the Session
Identifier from the web management system, the above URL will be executed successfully without
requesting to login.

Logged in session of the Web Another session with the same

Management System browser that may cause CSRF attack

Malicious link prompting the Web Management

System to turn off the actuator’s Hazard Control,
with a specific URL:

Fig. 8. Leaving a web management system logged in session in a browser exposes the system to CSRF attacks.


The second scenario requires that the IIoT devices firmware and software may be updated regularly
for maintaining security and stability. Some vulnerabilities affect the update mechanisms, and they
can be exploited by the attackers, such as lack of authentication or encryption, as listed in Table 1.
We set up a remote software update scenario for i.MX6 and explored the possible vulnerabilities
that can be exploited to attack the actuators. The device uses SWUpdate2 as the updating engine
2 https://github.com/sbabic/swupdate

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
14 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

to implement the remote software update system. SWUpdate is a Linux update agent aiming at
providing an efficient and safe way to update embedded systems. It supports local and remote
updates and multiple update strategies. The setup used to experiment this scenario is shown in
Figure 9. The i.MX6 device is running Yocto Linux, a Mangoose web-server for remote access to the
update system, the SWUpdate tool, and an OpenSSL module for authentication and encryption. It
is connected to a LAN accessible by both the attacker and non-malicious users. The updating target
is the imxmg.cgi program used in the Web Management System for manipulating the settings and

Update client Attacker 2 i.MX6 device

Browser Network
Yocto Linux
package Mangoose SWUpdate
s Web-Server
Attacker 1 OpenSSL
Browser imxmg.cgi
Network Boa
Malicious Web-Server Sqlite3

Fig. 9. Overall setup for the remote software update experiments. (1) The attacker can upload a malicious
package if the update mechanism of the system is without authentication. (2) The attacker can capture
sensitive data via the network if the transport is not encrypted.

5.1 Upload malicious packages in absence of authentication

A device must be safely updated. As such, it must be able to verify that any update comes from
known sources and it was not corrupted to introduce some malware. SWUpdate provides a signature
to the updated package and verifies the hash code of every single image. This protection mechanism
assures that the installer can accept only update package generated by a verified source. However,
SWUpdate does not automatically enforce it. Whenever the device is deployed on a network without
adopting such a solution, attackers will be free to upload any potentially dangerous package. Data
reported in Section 3.2 show that 4% of IIoT devices suffers vulnerabilities allowing unrestricted
file upload.
A malicious package of the program aiming at moving the actuators to dangerous areas has been
successfully uploaded to i.MX6 through the remote update system due to no authentication check.
Consequently, the attacker can attack actuators in the way of uploading malicious packages.

5.2 View data via network due to lack of transport encryption

The update file might be only authenticated, but not encrypted as it may potentially happen for
the 4% of IIoT systems (cf. Figure 5). In this case, the attacker can still capture the file over the
network. The attacker needs just a simple network sniffer to monitor the connection between the
update client and the IIoT device. Figure 10 shows non-encrypted/encrypted packages with the
same payload captured by sniffing the network. The unencrypted package allows the attacker to
gather information about the target system, such as its database used by the device. Attackers

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 15

Unencrypted package: Attacker can gather

sensitive information of the device

Encrypted package: Attacker cannot gather any

information from the encrypted package

Fig. 10. The Attacker can gather sensitive information from the unencrypted package simply sniffing the, e.g.
the database SQLite3 used in the device.

can further exploit this information to attack other parts of the device, such as performing SQL
injection attacks on the web management system, thus gain control of actuators as discussed in
Section 4.


Mirai attack exploits open and insecure network services (i.e., Telnet or SSH) in poorly protected
devices to turn them into bots controlled by the attacker. Insecure services, exposing production
systems to the Mirai attack, have been found running on more than fifteen-thousand devices spread
around the World by our search on the Shodan search engine (cf. Table 2). Mirai’s self-propagating
abilities make it extremely effective against many IoT devices [40]. It can infect tens of thousands of
devices and to exploit them setting up DDoS attacks against a target victim. In a industrial scenario,
connected devices may act as controllers. Once Mirai infects one of the devices, it can quickly
spread Mirai to the entire network. Since the source code of Mirai is public, it is possible to modify
it to target a specific manufacturer’s device for further misusing other than DDoS. We hereby
first describe the variation we propose to Mirai attack. Then, we present our strategy to make the
proposed attack stealthy. Finally, we evaluate the effects of the proposed attack considering the
system’s availability, integrity and confidentiality. We released the code open-source3 used in this
Section, i.e., the code extending the Mirai attack, and the code necessary to perform the analysis of
the case study described below.

6.1 Gaining control of actuators and stealing information through Mirai attack
We modified the source code of Mirai, making it able to gather sensitive information from the
device and to gain control of the system actuators other than performing DDoS attack against
the system remote control center. The actuators are attacked to disturb the production tasks and
causing business losses. Then, attacking the remote control center can increase the difficulty of
troubleshooting the attack, thus making it more effective. Still, DDoS does not avoid the attack to
be identified. Thus, we turn Mirai into a stealthy attack. The stealthy Mirai attack is less likely to
be detected and mitigated.
Figure 11 reports the main steps of the Mirai attack targeting the two actuators and the remote
control interface of the system. Red dashed arrows and numbers indicate the operations to perform
non-stealthy Mirai attack; green solid lines and numbers identify the operations necessary to make

3 Source code of the Mirai attack for IIoT available at: https://gitlab.com/asset-sutd/public/mirai4iiot

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
16 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

Control Center

6 6

Controller-1 2 Controller-2
(i.MX6) (i.MX6)
5 1 3 5
Sub- 4 Sub-
Controller-1 0 Controller-2
(Arduino) (Arduino)

Actuator-1 Actuator-1
(Servo Motor) Mirai Server (Servo Motor)

Fig. 11. Steps of the Mirai attack performed to gain control of the actuators. The red dashed arrows and
numbers depict non-stealthy Mirai attack. The green arrows show the actions to be performed before a Mirai
attack to hide it.

Mirai attack stealthy. The non-stealthy Mirai attack in our case study proceeds as follows, Figure 12
shows the execution of the attack step-by-step:

(1) Load Mirai to controller-1: the Loader Server tries to login to the IIoT device (Controller-1, by using the default username and password (e.g., root|123456), or by obtaining
the username and password by brute-forcing the IIoT device. However, even if an IIoT devices
do not use the weak authentication credentials, the attacker may also invade them by other
means, such as insider threats or phishing attacks. After successfully logging in, the Loader
Server asks the device to download the Mirai main program from the attacker’s File Server
by using TFTP. The Loader Server then prompts the device to run the Mirai main program,
thus transforming the device into a bot.
(2) Scan and report controller-2: the bot starts using Telnet to connect to the Command and
Control (CNC) Server. Meanwhile, the bot scans other devices in the LAN, reporting the
obtained result (Controller-2, with root|123456) to the Scan Listener.
(3) Load Mirai to controller-2: the Loader Server retrieves the IP address, username, and password
of Controller-2 from the Scan Listener. Then, it injects the Mirai botnet to Controller-2 using
the same process used to infect Controller-1.
(4) Bots report device information: both controllers in the system turned into bots. Then, they
can gather sensitive information about the devices to report to the Mirai server. In our case,
the Mirai botnet reads the configuration file of the device and report the detailed device
configuration and its usage information, as shown in Figure 12a- 4 .

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 17

(5) Bots attack actuators: the bots can send commands to the actuators, forcing them to perform
unsafe actions. In our case, the Mirai botnet moves the robot arm of the servo motor to the
dangerous region, as shown in Figure 12b.
(6) Bots attack victim server: the attacker can promote the bots to mount DDoS attacks targeting
the remote control interface (, as shown in Figure 12c. A considerable number
of DDoS packages will make the remote control interface not working correctly, increasing
the difficulty of troubleshooting. This, in turn provides more time to the Mirai attack for
compromising the physical actuators.
Although Mirai attack can spread widely, it can be easily detected by monitoring anomalous
running processes, established network connections and network traffics [40]. Properly hiding these
three kinds of trace information allows transforming the Mirai attack into a persistent stealthy
attack. This kind of attack will grant more time to the attacker to perform more physical damages
to the system. Such extra time may be crucial for the success of the attack, as physical processes
usually evolve more slowly than cyber processes. Thus, the effects of an attack to a physical process
require more time to manifest.

6.2 Making Mirai attack stealthy

A stealthy attack operates quietly, hiding evidence of attackers’ actions, including processes,
network connections, and traffics. A rootkit is a kind of special malicious software that can operate
stealthy [50]. They can be used in combination with Trojans, back-doors, and other malicious
programs. LKMs(Linux Kernel Modules) allow extending the operating system kernel dynamically.
LKMs have the same permissions as code compiled into the kernel, thus giving them a lot of
flexibility and power. However, maliciously written kernel module can subvert the entire operating
system. A kernel module has the same privileges as any other piece of kernel code: it may hijack
Linux systems by redirecting system calls or by replacing system call handlers with its own wrappers
to hide files, processes and network connections. We employ the LKM rootkit (suterusu) to hide the
processes and network connections used by the Mirai attack. A LKM rootkit, such as suterusu, can
be inserted into the Linux kernel as a module. It is designed to hide its own existence. Consequently,
the system users cannot discover the rootkit presence through any system tools, kernel module
lists, or kernel logs. The rootkit runs in the kernel space covertly and provides the ability to hide
information for the Mirai process running in the user space, as shown in Figure 13. The existence
of Mirai is then hidden to the system users. Thus, the system utilities can not find the running
process of Mirai, and netstat can not find the established network connections of Mirai.
Hiding the process and the connection information is not enough to make the attack sufficiently
concealed. The Telnet service used by the communication between the bot and the CNC server
exposes the traffic information that the system can use for anomaly detection. We adopt Stunnel,
an open-source tool used to provide a universal TLS/SSL tunneling service. It converts an ordinary,
unencrypted Telnet connection to a secure, encrypted HTTPS connection, as shown in Figure 13,
obtaining the behavior depicted in Figure 14: HTTPS traffic will be evaluated as a normal data
stream, and the firewall will not block it. Besides, its encrypted nature makes attacks subtler and
less noticeable.
Combining with LKM rootkit and Stunnel, we completely hide Mirai’s process, network port,
and network traffic information. Also, information about the existence of rootkits and Stunnel can
also be hidden. Since the LKM rootkit runs at the same level as the kernel, it is difficult to detect by
using general detection methods [49]. Subsequently, the stealthy Mirai attack may be hidden in the
IIoT system for long-lasting attacks, providing all the time the attacker may need to cause physical
damages to the industrial system.

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18 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

1. Load Mirai to controller-1 (
2. Scan and report controller-2 (
3. Load Mirai to controller-2 (
4. Bots report device information
5. Bots attack actuators 6
6. Bots attack victim server (

CNC Server Mirai User

2 1
4 3

Scan Listener Loader Server


Before Mirai Attack After Mirai Attack



Fig. 12. Experimental results of non-stealthy Mirai attack. The numbers are consistent with the ones in Figure
10. (a) Servers controlled by the attacker, including CNC server, scan listener, and loader server. (b) Actuators
working in safety before Mirai attack, on the left. Dangerous configuration of actuators forced by the Mirai
attack on the right. (c) The network package captured on the victim ( after launching DDoS
attack shows that the victim was suffering from UDP flood from the bots( and

6.3 Evaluation of the proposed Mirai attack

We base our evaluation of the proposed Mirai attack variations described above on the Availability,
Integrity and Confidentiality (AIC) triad, by considering the three issues separately.

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 19

i.MX6 Device Mirai Server

Kernel Space User Space

Stunnel Port HTTPS Stunnel Server

Client 443 Stealthy (Port 443)

Suterusu z Port 6767 z

(LKM Rootkit)

Mirai Telnet CNC Server

(Port 23) Non-stealthy (Port 23)

Fig. 13. Architecture to make Mirai attack stealthy: the non-stealthy Mirai attack adopts Telnet to commu-
nicate with the CNC server, which will show Telnet traffic on the network. Stunnel hides the Telnet traffic
in the HTTPS traffic. Meanwhile, the Suterusu rootkit hides the traces of Mirai and Stunnel to potential
intrusion detection mechanisms.



Fig. 14. Behavior observed by sniffing the network during our experiments. (a) Unhidden Telnet traffic
captured by the network sniffer. (b) Hidden traffic in HTTPS captured by the network sniffer.

The issues caused to the system availability by the proposed variation of the Mirai attack are
twofold: one issue is strictly related to security, while the second concerns the safety of the system.
From the security point-of-view, the Mirai attack floods the system, making it unavailable to the
legitimate user. This, provides more time to the attacker to perform the malicious actions involving
the physical parts of the IIoT system. This is necessary because the reaction time of physical
(e.g., mechanical) processes is significantly slower than cyber actions. As such, the attacker may
need extra time to carry on the attack. The proposed attack is able to provide such extra-time
by compromising the availablity of the system interfaces through flooding. On the other hand,
Mirai can compromise the system availability from the safety point-of-view by forcing operations

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20 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

that cause physical damages to the system. For instance, by moving the actuators into unsafe
configurations, as shown in our experimental analysis. It is important noticing that the safety
and security system availability issues are connected to each other. In fact, flooding the system
(security issue) gives the time to the attacker to bring the physical parts of the system into an
unsafe configuration (safety issue). This is due to the strong correlation between security and safety
that is a peculiar characteristic of IIoT systems.
The integrity of the system is compromised by the proposed Mirai attack. As long as the actuators
are controlled by a malicious user, the real-time constraints characterizing industrial systems can no
longer be guaranteed. Furthermore, gaining the control of the physical components of the system,
forcing them to unsafe states, violates the integrity of the system. It is worth noticing, also the
integrity issues are located at the intersection of system’s safety and security, highlighting once
more the strong connections between the two concepts in IIoT systems.
During our experimental analysis the Mirai attack allowed stealing reserved information from
the attacked devices. Thus, violating the confidentiality of the system. While in our experimental
analysis the stolen information was the device configuration, devices may contain largely more
sensible information. This is particularly true for systems embracing the most recent manufacturing
trend. For instance, when the IIoT system implementing the agile or reconfigurable manufacturing
paradigms, the configuration of the production system carries information about the product being
produced [35]. Consequently, an attacker able to steal the devices configuration, may be also end
up stealing information about the product. Such kind of leak may lead to significant economic
losses, especially when the products are covered by intellectual property, patent, etc..
The proposed variation of Mirai attack is able to violate the AIC triad. Furthermore, all the
violations are specifically oriented to the specific requirements typical of indutrial systems, and
thus of IIoT systems.

We can classify the vulnerabilities above into three categories: defective system design, malware
injection, and stealthy attack. Therefore, the protection strategies can be discussed from these three
aspects, respectively.

7.1 Defective system design

The vulnerabilities targeting the Web Management System and the Remote Software Update, i.e., weak
credentials, authentication bypass, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, SQL injection,
unrestricted file upload, and cleartext transmission, are mainly due to defective system design.
In other words, these attack vectors can be reduced by improving system integrity. For example,
developers may adopt a mechanism for enforcing users to use strong passwords, or it can optimize
the code of the database operations to defend devices from SQL or JavaScript injection. Ensuring
adequate authentication and encryption is an effective means of protecting the Remote Software
Update from attacks.

7.2 Malware injection

Embedded devices generally do not have a mature malware detection mechanism, already used
on conventional computing platforms, such as servers and desktops [38]. This allows Mirai-like
malware to easily infect a large number of IoT devices without being detected. To implement a
set of malware detection and protection mechanisms for IoT devices is becoming compulsory.
Commonly used malware detection methods are software-based solutions using anti-virus software
to detect malicious files. Detection is carried on by signature-based techniques or semantics-based
approaches [21]. These solutions typically work at the Operating System (OS)-level and effectively

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An Experimental Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT Devices 21

discover and remove most of the malware. We have experimentally tested that it is possible to
identify non-stealthy Mirai attacks as abnormal system processes by adopting a simple whitelist-
based detection method.

7.3 Stealthy attack

The non-stealthy Mirai attack is able to elude OS-level anti-virus software by using LKM rootkit
running at the same level as the OS. Hypervisor-level detection methods, such as Virtual Machine
Monitor (VMM)-based hidden process detection, have been proposed to overcome the effects of
LKM rootkit [16]. Such methods introduce a hypervisor isolated from the actual OS of the device to
prevent OS-level rootkit attack. Concerning the protection of IoT devices discussed in this article,
there are two limitations to this solution. First, adding a VMM to each embedded device negatively
affect the design complexity, making it unsuitable for practical applications. Second, the hypervisor
level VMM itself can be the attack target and be compromised by the rootkit [34].
The disadvantages of software-based solutions lead to the introduction of hardware-based
methods as promising solutions that are less likely to be eluded [48]. State-of-the-art hardware-
based malware or rootkit detection solutions can be categorized into two categories: data-centric, and
program-centric [50] solutions. Data-centric approaches detect the integrity of data at the hardware-
level by generating and verifying fingerprints of selected features. A common solutions is to verify
whether the redirections in the program control flow are legal through Control Flow Integrity (CFI)
check [17]. A kernel rootkit detection solution using custom hardware components to sign the
system call routines has been proposed [49]. The method has proved to detect a variety of LKM
rootkits effectively. These kinds of static signature-based methods provide low overhead and are easy
to be implemented. Nevertheless, the existence of indirect jump instructions and inconsistencies
caused by OS upgrades will affect their effectiveness [49]. Program-centric techniques focus on using
low-level features such as micro-architectural events collected by hardware performance counters
to model dynamic program behavior to distinguish between malicious and benign programs. By
combining various machine learning methods, researchers have shown [8, 33, 39] that malware can
be effectively detected by gathering and modeling hardware performance counters data. Alternative
hardware low-level architectural information (e.g., memory address references,instruction opcodes,
etc.) can also be used by machine learning modeling methods for detecting malwares [19, 32, 48].
Although hardware-based detection techniques are considered to be more efficient and less likely
to be evaded, they typically require the addition of hardware components at the processor level
that are not usually available in the micro-controllers typically used in industrial applications.
Thus, such methods will impose re-design and increasing costs. For this reason, they have not
yet been practically applied in the industrial contexts. Most recent processors for IoT devices are
equipped with hardware performance counters that can be used for malware detection. However,
most of the detection methods relying on such hardware feature require virtualization mechanisms
to protect the detection [45]. For this reason, most of the work in this area targeted x86-based
system, whereas devices used in industrial contexts usually adopt microprocessors, such as ARM
architecture processors. These microprocessor-based systems behave very differently and usually
have severe resource constraints as compared to x86-based ones. Therefore, developing specific
detection mechanisms for IIoT devices that satisfy multiple objectives, including efficiency, system
availability, and security, will be crucial future research directions. As such, the overhead required
by virtualization technologies makes such methods impractical in the industrial context.
A valid alternative to virtualization may be provided by Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)
equipping different architectures, including ARM architectures used to build IIoT systems [12].
TrustZone is the TEE equipping ARM architectures. It is a technology that guarantees confidentiality
and integrity of data and code running in a processor [25]. It is designed to be isolated from the

ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 1, No. 1, Article . Publication date: January 2020.
22 Xingbin Jiang, Michele Lora, and Sudipta Chattopadhyay

traditional system, establishing a secure and trusted execution area in the processor. Such an
environment is a promising alternative to VMMs for implementing detection methods based on the
analysis of the hardware events, such as those proposed for general purpose computing systems [45].
Such a solution should allow keeping the overhead low, as required by IIoT systems, while increasing
the chances of detecting stealthy malware.

7.4 Limitations of our analysis

Our research considered most of the security risks in IIoT disclosed by OWASP and Kaspersky
Lab. The aspects that were not analyzed by our system include the privacy concerns (i.e., the
cleartext storage of sensitive information vulnerability disclosed by Kaspersky Lab), the insecure
cloud/mobile interface, the buffer overflow defect (i.e., the highest proportion of vulnerabilities in
industrial control systems listed by Kaspersky Lab), meanwhile the poor physical security is only
partially addressed. Most of these vulnerabilities are due to the designers’ inadequate consideration
of system security, and they should be fully deliberated and avoided during specific system design.
Concretely speaking, all security-sensitive information should be stored correctly in encrypted
form to avoid disclosure. The cloud/mobile service and all the software components require security
testing to avoid defects such as buffer overflows. Physical security needs to be clarified in specific
application scenarios, such as ensuring data storage medium can not be easily removed or reset,
ensuring unsafe USB media not to be used to assess the system and the information within it.

In this paper, we presented an experimental analysis about the possible threats of a device repre-
sentative for the IIoT field. We identified its attack surfaces to define some attack scenarios. Then,
we presented a new version of Mirai attack, tailored explicitly for industrial scenarios, and we
extended it to make it not easily identifiable to the defender. The experimental analysis highlighted
the vulnerability of modern production systems. By penetrating the system, we were able to control
actuators, thus potentially endangering the system itself, and eventually, the people interacting
with it. Finally, we sum up some possible state-of-the-art protection, and mitigation strategies that
may be taken into account for further research in the IIoT context to prevent the scenarios analyzed
during our experiments.

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