UN-CRPD Reporting Guidelines
UN-CRPD Reporting Guidelines
UN-CRPD Reporting Guidelines
Second session
Geneva, 19–23 October 2009
1. In accordance with article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities (the Convention), each State Party undertakes to submit to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations, for consideration by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (the Committee), a report on measures taken to give effect to its obligations under the
Convention: (a) within two years after the entry into force of the Convention for the State
concerned, and (b) thereafter at least every four years and whenever the Committee so requests.
Article 36, paragraph 1, also provides that the Committee may request further information from
the States Parties.
2. The purpose of reporting guidelines is to advise States Parties on the form and content of
their reports, so as to facilitate the preparation of reports and ensure that these are comprehensive
and presented in a uniform manner by States Parties. Compliance with the reporting guidelines
will also reduce the need for the Committee to request further information under article 36 and
under rule 36, paragraph 3, of its rules of procedure.
3. States should consider the reporting process, including the process of preparation of their
reports, not only as a means to ensure compliance with their international obligations, but also as
an opportunity to take stock of the state of human rights protection within their jurisdiction for
the purpose of more efficient policy planning and implementation of the Convention. The report
preparation process thus offers an occasion for each State Party to:
(a) Conduct a comprehensive review of the measures it has taken to harmonize
national law and policy with the provisions of the relevant international human rights treaties to
which it is a party;
(b) Monitor progress made in promoting the enjoyment of the rights set forth in the
treaties in the context of the promotion of human rights in general;
(c) Identify problems and shortcomings in its approach to the implementation of the
(d) Plan and develop appropriate policies to achieve these goals.
Furthermore, States Parties should encourage and facilitate the involvement of non-governmental
organizations, including organizations of persons with disabilities in the preparation of reports.
Such constructive engagement on the part of these organizations will enhance the quality of
reports as well as promote the enjoyment by all of the rights protected by the Convention. The
reports should contain an explanation of the procedure used to consult with civil society and in
particular with representative organisations of persons with disabilities and the measures taken to
ensure that this process was fully accessible.
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4. States Parties must recognize and respect the diversity of persons with disabilities and
ensure that their report is not generalized, but specific to different types of disability.
5. The Committee adopts the present guidelines that take into account the harmonized
guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties (HRI/GEN/2/Rev.5). These
guidelines will be updated in future to take into account the evolving practice of the Committee in
relation to the application of the Convention, as reflected in its concluding observations, general
comments and statements.
6. The text of the guidelines on treaty-specific documents to be submitted by States Parties
under articles 35 of the Convention is contained in the annex to the present document.
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A.1 State reports submitted under the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the
international human rights treaties consist of two parts: a common core document and treaty-
specific documents.
A.8 Measures to implement outcomes of United Nations conferences, summits and reviews
A.8.1 The Convention-specific document should also include information on the implementation
of the disability elements of the Millennium Development Goals and on the outcomes of other
relevant United Nations conferences, summits and reviews.
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9 How it has been ensured that the provisions of the Convention extend to all parts of
the States, without any limitation or exception, in the case of federal or very decentralized
Article 8 - Awareness-raising
This article establishes the obligation of States Parties to conduct effective awareness
raising policies to promote a positive image of persons with disabilities. The report should
contain information on the measures taken to raise awareness of persons with disabilities, to
foster respect for their rights and dignity, their capabilities and contributions, and to combat
stereotypes, and prejudices against them.
States Parties should report on:
1 Public-awareness campaigns directed to general society, within the education
system and actions undertaken through mainstream media
2 Actions undertaken to raise awareness and inform persons with disabilities and
other parts of society on the Convention and the rights it includes
Article 9 - Accessibility
This article establishes the obligation of States Parties to take appropriate measures to
enable persons with disabilities to live independently as possible and to participate fully in all
aspects of life.
States Parties should report on:
1 Legislative and other measures taken to ensure to persons with disabilities, access
on an equal basis with others to the physical environment (including the use of signal
indicators and street signs), to transportation, information and communications, (including
information and communications technologies and systems) and to other facilities and
services provided to the public including by private entities, both in urban and in rural
areas according to article 9, paragraphs 2 (b) to (h), of the Convention
2 Technical standards and guidelines for accessibility; as well as on the auditing of
their fulfilment and sanctions for noncompliance; and whether resources obtained by
means of money sanctions are applied to encourage accessibility actions
3 The use of public procurement provisions and other measures that establish
compulsory accessibility requirements
4 The identification and elimination of obstacles and barriers to accessibility
including from both within the public and the private sector, and national accessibility
plans established with clear targets and deadlines
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Article 10 - Right to life
This article reaffirms the inherent right to life of persons with disabilities on an equal basis
with others.
States Parties should report on:
1 Whether the legislation recognizes and protects the right to life and survival of
persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others
2 Whether persons with disabilities are being subject to arbitrary deprivation of life
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types of persons with disabilities in the justice system, whatever the role which they find
themselves in (for example as victims, perpetrators, witness or member of jury, etc.)
4 Age-related accommodations to ensure effective participation of children and
young persons with disabilities
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4 Measures taken to encourage entities that produce mobility aids, devices and
assistive technologies to take into account all aspects of mobility for persons with
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6 Measures taken to avoid institutionalization of boys and girls with disabilities
whose parents are unable to care for them, and ensure that they are provided with
alternative care from the wider family, or when this is not possible, in a family setting in
the wider community
7 Measures taken to prevent the forced sterilization of persons with disabilities,
especially with girls and women
Article 24 - Education
This article recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to education on the basis of
equal opportunity, ensuring an inclusive education system at all levels and the facilitation of
access to lifelong learning.
State Parties should report on:
1 Measures taken to ensure that every child with disabilities has access to early-stage
education, and mandatory primary, secondary and higher education
2 Information on the number of boys and girls with disabilities in early-stage
3 Information on the existing significant differences in the education of boys and
girls in the different education levels and whether there are policies and legislation to cater
for these differences
4 Legislative and other measures that ensure that schools and materials are accessible
and that individualized reasonable accommodation and support required by persons with
disabilities is provided to ensure effective education and full inclusion
5 Availability of specific skills-training services for children, adults or teachers who
so require in Braille, sign languages, augmentative and alternative communication,
mobility and other areas
6 Measures taken for the promotion of the linguistic identity of deaf persons
7 Measures taken to ensure education is delivered in the most appropriate languages,
modes, means of communication, and environments for the individual
8 Measures to ensure an adequate training on disability to professionals in the
education system, as well as measures to incorporate persons with disabilities in the
education team
9 Number and percentage of students with disabilities in tertiary education
10 Number and percentage of students with disabilities by gender and fields of study
11 Reasonable accommodation provisions and other measures to ensure access to
lifelong learning education
12 Measures taken by the State to ensure early identification of persons with
disabilities and their education needs
Article 25 - Health
This article recognizes that persons with disabilities have the right to the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of health, ensuring access for persons with disabilities to health
services, including health-related rehabilitation, that are gender-sensitive, in their community and
without financial cost.
States Parties should report on:
1 Legislative and other measures that protect against discrimination and ensure that
persons with disabilities have the same access to quality health services, including in the
area of sexual and reproductive health
2 Measures taken to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to disability-
related health rehabilitation in their community freely and without financial cost
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3 Health services, early detection and intervention programmes, as appropriate, to
prevent and minimize the emergence of secondary disabilities, paying attention to
children, women and the elderly, including in rural areas
4 Legislative and other measures to ensure that general public health campaigns are
accessible for persons with disabilities
5 Measures put in place to train doctors and other health professionals on the rights
of persons with disabilities, including in rural areas
6 Legislative and other measures to ensure that any health treatment is provided to
persons with disabilities on the basis of their free and informed consent
7 Legislative and other measures that ensure protection against discrimination in the
access to health insurance and other insurance, when these are required by law
8 Measures taken to insure that sanitation facilities are not simply available, but fully
9 Measures taken to increase awareness and information in various accessible
formats, including in Braille, for HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention
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restructuring of public and private enterprises according to paragraph 1 (e) of the
4 Availability of technical and financial assistance for the provision of reasonable
accommodations, including the promotion of the establishment of cooperatives and start
ups in order to encourage entrepreneurialism
5 Affirmative and effective action measures for the employment of persons with
disabilities in the regular labour market
6 Positive and effective action measures for the prevention of harassment of persons
with disabilities in workplace
7 Accessibility of persons with disabilities to open employment and vocational
training services, including those for the promotion of self employment
8 Information on existing significant differences in employment between men and
women with disability and whether there are policies and legislation to cater for these
differences in order to promote the advancement of women with disabilities
9 Identification of the most vulnerable groups among persons with disabilities
(including by providing examples) and policies and legislation in place for their inclusion
in the labour market
10 Measures taken for the promotion of the trade union rights of persons with
11 Measures taken to assure the retention and retraining of workers who suffer a
workplace injury resulting in a disability preventing them from performing their previous
12 Provide information on the work of persons with disabilities in the informal
economy in the State Party, and the measures taken to enable them to move out of the
informal economy, as well as on measures taken to ensure their access to basic services
and social protection
13 Describe the legal safeguards in place to protect workers with disabilities from
unfair dismissal, and forced or compulsory labour according to article 27, paragraph 2
14 Measures taken to ensure persons with disabilities who have technical and
vocational skills are empowered with the support needed for their entry and re-entry to the
labour market according to paragraph 1 (k)
15 Measures taken to ensure students with disabilities the same access to the general
labour market
16 Measures taken to ensure various forms of work, such as work on location,
telecommuting (off-site/at home) and subcontracting, and work opportunities offered by
new communication technologies
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4 Measures towards public housing programmes and retirement benefits and
programmes for persons with disabilities
5 Measures taken to recognize the connection between poverty and disability
D. Segment of the reporting relevant to the specific situation of boys, girls and
women with disabilities
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3 Programmes and projects which specifically target persons with disabilities and the
percentage of the total budget allocated to them
4 Affirmative-action measures taken towards the inclusion of the most vulnerable
groups among persons with disability, such as women, children, etc.
5 Degree of participation of persons with disabilities in the design, development and
evaluation of programmes and projects
6 Degree of mainstreamed action towards persons with disabilities in the general
programmes and projects developed
7 Actions toward facilitating and supporting capacity-building, including through the
exchange and sharing of information, experiences, training programmes and best practices
8 Whether policies and programmes targeting the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) take into account the rights of persons with disabilities
9 On the development, progress, and effectiveness of programmes for the exchange
of technical know-how and expertise for the assistance of persons with disabilities
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