Equine Dentistry (Third Edition) PDF
Equine Dentistry (Third Edition) PDF
Equine Dentistry (Third Edition) PDF
Edited by
Jack Easley
DVM MS Dipl ABVP (Equine)
Equine Practitioner, Shelbyville, KY, USA
Padraic M. Dixon
Professor of Equine Surgery, Division of Veterinary Clinical Studies,
University of Edinburgh, UK
James Schumacher
Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Tennessee, USA
Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto 2010
First Edition © Saunders 1999
Second Edition © Elsevier Limited 2005
Third edition © 2011, Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.
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ISBN 978-0-7020-2980-6
Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our knowledge,
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The Publisher
Printed in China
Safia Z. Barakzai BVSc MSc DESTS Dipl ECVS MRCVS Nicole du Toit BVSc MSc Cert EP PhD MRCVS
Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery Veterinary Pathologist
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Division of Veterinary Clinical Studies
University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh
Easter Bush Veterinary Centre Easter Bush Veterinary Centre
Roslin Easter Bush
Midlothian EH25 9RG Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RG
Dwight G. Bennett DVM PhD Jack Easley DVM MS Dipl ABVP (Equine)
Professor Emeritus of Equine Medicine Equine Practitioner
2307 Tanglewood Drive Equine Veterinary Practice, LLC
Colorado State University PO Box 1075
Fort Collins, CO 80523 Shelbyville, KY 40066
Alexandra Boehler Melanie S. Galloway DVM
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna Animal Care Hospital
Department IV, Clinical Department for Companion Animals 8565 Hwy 64
and Horses Somerville, TN 38068
Veterinaerplatz 1 USA
A-1210, Vienna
Stephen S. Galloway DVM Fellow, Academy of Veterinary
Dentistry (Equine)
James L. Carmalt MA VetMB MVetSc MRCVS Animal Care Hospital
Dipl ABVP(Eq) Dipl ACVS 8565 Hwy 64
Associate Professor – Equine Surgery Somerville, TN 38068
University of Saskatchewan USA
Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5B4
Senior Surgeon
Rossdales Equine Hospital
Ian T. Dacre PhD MRCVS Cotton End Road
Professor of Equine Surgery Exning
Division of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Newmarket
University of Edinburgh Suffolk CB8 7NN
Easter Bush Veterinary Centre UK
Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RG
Jennifer Hatzel DVM
1707 SW 35th Place
Padraic M. Dixon MVB PhD MRCVS Gainesville, FL 32608
Professor of Equine Surgery USA
Division of Veterinary Clinical Studies
Travis Henry DVM
University of Edinburgh
Midwest Equine Services
Easter Bush Veterinary Centre
N7188 Country Side Lane
Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RG
Elkhorn, WI 53121-2916
Tom Doherty MVB MSc MRCVS Dipl ACVA
Donald F. Kelly MA BVSc PhD MRCVS
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
FRCpath Dipl ECVP
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Pathology
University of Tennessee
University of Liverpool
Knoxville, TN 77901-1071
Leahurst, Merseyside CH64 7TE
Preface and Acknowledgments
Producing this textbook required the support, encourage- attract a diverse audience. We hope this information is useful
ment, and patience of our families and the contribution to veterinarians in clinical equine practice and research, vet-
of many colleagues – all experts in the various aspects of erinary students who have a particular interest in the health
equine dentistry. We are indebted to the editors and staff of and welfare of the horse, and equine dental technicians. If
Elsevier for helping us produce this book and, in particular, the information presented in this text benefits veterinarians,
to Louisa Welch for keeping us organized and on time with it will ultimately benefit their patients.
production. The number of illustrations found in the text has been
As editors, the three of us have had a keen interest in greatly expanded from the number found in previous edi-
equine dentistry from the beginning of our careers and have tions. The number of chapters has been expanded from 17
enlisted the help of many others who share this interest to to 23 to reflect the expansion of knowledge in this field.
produce this book. We believe this text to be a compilation References following each chapter can be used as a source
of a comprehensive range of topics discussed by the most for more in-depth study of topics covered within the chap-
world renowned experts in the field of equine dentistry. We ters. The DVD provides visual as well as vocal demonstration
thank many colleagues, who although are not contributing of techniques of equine dental examination and prophylac-
authors, have contributed to our knowledge as authors. We tic treatment.
also acknowledge the horses and their owners that provided The text represents the state-of-the-art of equine dentistry
the experiences contributing to our understanding of equine but it continues to be a work in progress for equine veterinar-
dentistry. ians. May the current enthusiasm of our profession continue
The first edition of Equine Dentistry was published ten to advance this specialty for the good of the horse.
years ago. Since that time, the field of equine dentistry has
undergone tremendous changes, with major advances in our Jack Easley
understanding of equine dental anatomy and disease and Shelbyville, Kentucky, USA
also more general advances in equine analgesia and anesthe-
sia, diagnostic imaging, and dental surgery. Additionally, the Padraic M. Dixon
expansion of equine dental research has allowed us to use
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
scientific evidence in developing diagnostic, prophylactic,
and treatment options for our equine patients. Midlothian, UK
Publication of this present text now provides the most
up-to-date information about equine dentistry. This book is James Schumacher
comprised of chapters written by veterinarians with diverse University of Tennessee
interests in the field of equine dentistry and so, should Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Section 1: Introduction
Equine dental evolution:
perspective from the fossil record
Bruce J. MacFadden PhD, BS
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
1 Introduction
Merychippus I
Merychippus II
Million years ago
Mostly grazers
Hyracothere Clades
Mixed feeders
55 Mostly browsers
Fig. 1.1 Phylogeny, geographic distribution, diet, and body sizes of the Equidae over the past 55 million years. (From ref.6 and reproduced with permission
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.)
groundcover (e.g., including perhaps ferns) in ancient wood- accommodating high-crowned (hypsodont) teeth. Miocene
lands.8 This overall dental bauplan and inferred diet contin- and later horses with hypsodont teeth are principally inter-
ued through the first half of equid evolution from 55 to 20 preted to have been grazers, although there are exceptions
million years ago. (It also should be noted that grasslands to this rule. Hypsodont teeth are well adapted to increased
had not yet evolved as principal biome types in North wear resulting from eating abrasive grasses (in contrast to
America.9) soft browse), as well as ingesting contaminant grit from
The major morphological evolution of the equid skull and plants growing close to the soil substrate. Evidence from the
dentition occurred during the middle Miocene, between fossil plant record indicates that grasslands became a domi-
20 and 15 million years ago.10–12 This evolution resulted in nant biome in North America during the middle Cenozoic9
a morphology adapted for grazing, including a relatively and horses soon thereafter exploited this newly available
longer cheek tooth row and deeper skull and jaws food resource as they invaded the ‘grazing adaptive zone,’1
Equine dental evolution: perspective from the fossil record
0 2cm
5 cm Hyracotherium
5 cm Mesohippus
0 2cm
1 Introduction
0 2in
0 5cm
Equine dental evolution: perspective from the fossil record
ing that longevity increased in fossil horses over the past 20 Protohippus
15 cf. perditus
million years because this also was the time of dramatic
increases in body size.24 Neohipparion
cf. leptode
Merychippus primus
Sexual dimorphism Parahippus leonensis
1 Introduction
0 5 10 cm
evolution of open-country grazing forms during the Miocene,
cheek teeth are essentially monomorphic,25 but sexual dis-
crimination can be seen in the relative canine size (Fig. 1.9). 6
Likewise, in an extraordinary quarry accumulation inter-
preted to represent an ancient population of Equus (E. sim-
plicidens), the species close to the origin of the modern 5
genus, from 3.5-million-year-old Pliocene sediments of
Idaho,26 males and females can be distinguished based on
relative canine size. 4
Cranial adaptations 3
Equine dental evolution: perspective from the fossil record
lacrimal bones), but during the Miocene there was an adap- molarized cheek teeth, and deep mandible, represent an
tive radiation resulting in an elaboration of a pit, or multiple integrated character complex related to feeding on abrasive
pits, in the facial region. These are collectively termed pre- foodstuffs. These morphological adaptations are first seen 20
orbital fossae, of which the dorsal preorbital fossa is most million years ago during the Miocene when equids exploited
widespread (Fig. 1.10). Preorbital fossae are absent in living the grazing niche during the expansion of grasslands.
Equus, so the function of this structure cannot be based on The 55-million-year fossil record, particularly the ubiquitous
a modern closely related analog, and has, therefore, engen- and abundant horse teeth, provides fundamental evidence
dered much discussion in the literature. One theory suggests for macroevolution within the family Equidae in North
that preorbital fossae housed an organ complex that could America.
have been used for vocalization. The time of maximum mor-
phological diversity of facial fossae is seen at the time of
maximum equid diversity during the Miocene. During the
Pliocene and Pleistocene, when equid diversity declined,
facial fossae became reduced and were ultimately lost in Jeff Gage, Lee Seabrook, and Tammy Johnson for preparing
Equus.2 some of the graphic images in the text.
The US National Science Foundation supported aspects of
the research presented in this chapter.
Summary: modern Equus This is University of Florida Contribution to Paleobiology
number 631.
The cranial and dental adaptations of modern Equus, in
particular the elongated preorbital region, high-crowned
1. Simpson GG. Horses: the study of the 6. MacFadden BJ. Fossil horses–Evidence for 10. Radinsky LB. Allometry and
horse family in the modern world and evolution. Science 2005; 307: 1728– reorganization in horse skull proportions.
through sixty million years of history. 1730 Science 1983; 221: 1189–1191
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1951 7. Lindsay EH, Opdyke ND, Johnson ND. 11. Radinsky LB. Ontogeny and phylogeny in
2. MacFadden BJ. Fossil horses: systematics, Pliocene dispersal of the horse Equus horse skull evolution. Evolution, 1984;
paleobiology, and evolution of the family and late Cenozoic mammalian dispersal 38: 1–15
Equidae. Cambridge University Press, events. Nature, 1980; 287: 135– 12. MacFadden BJ, Hulbert RC, Jr. Explosive
New York, 1992 138 speciation at the base of the adaptive
3. Getty R. Sisson and Grossman’s The 8. Gingerich PD. Variation, sexual radiation of Miocene grazing horses.
anatomy of domesticated animals. WB dimorphism, and social structure in the Nature, 1988; 336: 466–468
Saunders, Philadelphia, 1975 early Eocene horse Hyracotherium 13. MacFadden BJ. The heyday of horses.
4. Nowak RM. Walker’s Mammals of the (Mammalia, Perissodactyla). Natural History 1994; 103(4): 63–
world, 5.1. Online. Johns Hopkins, Paleobiology 1981; 7: 443–455 65
Baltimore, 1997 9. Jacobs BF, Kingston JD, Jacobs LL. The 14. MacFadden BJ. Origin and evolution of
5. McKenna MC, Bell SK. Classification of origin of grass-dominated ecosystems. the grazing guild in New World terrestrial
mammals above the species level. Annals Missouri Botanical Garden 1999; mammals. Trends in Ecology and
Columbia, New York, 1997 86: 590–643 Evolution 1997; 12: 182–187
1 Introduction
15. Janis CM. An estimation of tooth volume 20. Carlson S. Chapter 21. Vertebrate dental adaptation, and behavior. University of
and hypsodonty indices in ungulate structures. In: Carter JS, ed. Skeletal Chicago Press, Chicago, 1981
mammals, and the correlation of these biomineralization: patterns, processes 24. MacFadden BJ. Fossil horses from
factors with dietary preference. In: Russell and evolutionary trends. Vol 1. Van ‘Eohippus’ (Hyracotherium) to Equus:
DE, Santoro JP, Sigogneau-Russell D, eds. Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, scaling, Cope’s Law, and the evolution of
Teeth revisited: Proceedings of the VIIth pp 531–556 body size. Paleobiology 1987; 12:
International Symposium on Dental 21. White TE. The endocrine glands and 355–369
Morphology, Paris 1986. Mémoires evolution, no. 3: os cementum, 25. MacFadden BJ. Dental character variation
Musée National Histoire Naturelle, Paris hypsodonty, and diet. Contributions in paleopopulations and morphospecies
(série C). 1988; 53: 367–387 from the Museum of Paleontology, of fossil horses and extant analogues.
16. MacFadden BJ, Solounias N, Cerling TE. University of Michigan 1959; 13: In: Prothero DR, Schoch RM, eds. The
Ancient diets, ecology, and extinction of 211–265 evolution of perissodactyls. Clarendon
5-million-year-old horses from Florida. 22. Webb SD, Hulbert RC, Jr. Systematics and Press, Oxford, 1989, pp 128–141
Science 1999; 283: 824–827 evolution of Pseudhipparion (Mammalia, 26. Gazin CL. A study of the fossil horse
17. Sach WO, Habel RE. Rooney’s Guide to Equidae) from the late Neogene of the remains from the Upper Pliocene of
the dissection of the horse. Veterinary Gulf Coastal Plain and the Great Plains. Idaho. Proceedings US National Museum
Textbooks, Ithaca, 1976 In: Vertebrates, phylogeny, and 1936; 83: 281–319
18. Janis CM, Fortelius M. On the means philosophy, eds. KM Flanagan and JA 27. MacFadden BJ. Systematics and
whereby mammals achieve increased Lillegraven, Contributions to Geology, phylogeny of Hipparion, Neohipparion,
functional durability of their dentitions, University Nannippus, and Cormohipparion
with special reference to limiting factors. of Wyoming, Special Paper 3, 1986, (Mammalia, Equidae) from the Miocene
Biological Reviews 1988; 63: 197–230 pp 237–272 and Pliocene of the New World. Bulletin
19. Dixon PM. Dental anatomy. In: Baker GJ, 23. Eisenberg JF. The mammalian radiations: of the American Museum of Natural
Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry. WB an analysis of trends in evolution, History 1984; 179: 1–196
Saunders, Philadelphia, 1999, pp 3–28
Section 1: Introduction
The history of equine dentistry
Jack Easley† DVM, MS, Dipl ABVP (Equine), Jennifer Hatzel* DVM
Equine Veterinary Practice, LLC, Shelbyville, KY 40066, USA
*Gainesville, FL 32608, USA
Introduction until recently with the development of the web and other
internet services.4,5 Through careful scrutiny of available texts
and other sources, the intriguing history of equine dentistry
Diseases of teeth; this is a subject which I have little to
may be pieced together.
William Percivall, 18241
Ancient roots
Of the diseases of the teeth in the horse we know little.
Hyracotherium was a prehistoric rabbit-sized creature that
William Youatt, 18312
was the precursor to our modern horse, Equus caballus. As
evolution progressed, this animal went from consuming
The diseases of the teeth attracting attention are but leaves and having brachydont (simple low-crowned) teeth
few. to chewing on grass and adjusting with hypsodont (high-
William Dick, 18623 crowned) teeth. This, along with enamel folding and the
coronal cement, created a grinding surface appropriate for
These quotes from three prominent 19th century European the spicules of silica within the grass as discussed in detail
veterinarians and scholars are accurate but ironic introduc- in Chapter 1.6
tions to the history of equine dentistry. Accurate, because As humans began to domesticate animals, responsibility
only recently has the equine veterinary profession taken steps for their medical care and well-being fell into the hands of
to embrace dentistry as a legitimate medical practice best caregivers. Written records from 2200 BCE within the Codex
served by the licensed and well-trained practitioner. Ironic, of Hammurabi in Babylon show the establishment of a code
because although significant advancements have been made of ethics allowing for medical practice on both humans and
associated with equine dentistry, similar quotes are heard animals. Other instructions included fees allowed to be
from today’s graduating veterinary students and seasoned charged for medical services as well as those which barbers
practitioners. In many cases these concerns are justified since (ancient beard trimmers and medicine men) charged for
veterinary schools still do not spend a great deal of time pulling teeth.4 The Kahane papyrus from 1850 BCE Egypt
teaching equine dental procedures. However, veterinary stu- makes no reference to horses. However, Egyptian carvings
dents and equine practitioners spend hundreds of hours and paintings dated from 2000 BCE portray individuals per-
learning the anatomical, biological, physiological, histologi- forming what appear to be oral examinations on various
cal, medical, and surgical information necessary to practice poultry and livestock. None appear to depict any equine
sound equine dentistry. Philosopher and poet Georges San- species simply due to the fact that the ancient Egyptians did
tayana stated, ‘Those who do not study history are doomed not extensively use horses or donkeys. However, the Codex
to repeat it.’ Perhaps by turning to the history of equine of Hammurabi does provide proof that donkeys were used in
dentistry, we may benefit from its ancient roots and devote Asia Minor and the Orient during this time period.4
its future to development, not repetition of failures. The domestication, riding, and breeding of horses can
Expressions from historical folklore such as, ‘long in the be traced back prior to 1000 BCE in Asia. Archeological
tooth’ or ‘don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,’ reference and paleontological evidence indicated that the horse was
horses’ teeth. Much of this history is buried in hand-made domesticated about 5000 years ago, substantially later than
materials such as manuscripts, folios, tablets, and paintings other farm animals. By that time (approximately 3000 BCE)
utilizing ancient characters, or languages. Before the inven- the dog had been our companion for 9000 years and we had
tion of printing, these documents were transferred through- herded goats, sheep, and cattle for upwards of 5000 years.
out the ages by scribes, leaving much room for error, The horse came late but lost no time in transforming our
superstition, and quackery. Most of this history of the horse lives. Sequentially, as horse selling became more popular,
is located in European libraries and was not readily available the ancient Chinese practice of ‘aging’ by examining teeth
2 Introduction
The history of equine dentistry
Fig. 2.3 Large and brutal bits used by the Italians necessitated cutting the
commissures of the lips and removing the lower tushes. The Turkish figure
suggests an Eastern origin for these monstrosities, and perhaps symbolizes
the burden borne by the hapless horse. (Feraro 1560 Cure of horses,
Fig. 2.2 Farriers and horsemen inflicted many painful and barbaric reproduced from Smithcors 1957,10 p. 150, with permission from Veterinary
treatments on their horses during the Middle Ages and beyond. An 18th Medicine Publishing Company.)
century complaint against the existing order. (Reproduced from Bracken
1737 Farriery improved.)
2 Introduction
Fig. 2.5 Burning for lampus. A red hot iron was placed in the roof of the
young horse’s mouth to relieve the symptom of this imaginary disease.
(Edward Mayhew, 1888 The illustrated horse doctor, p. 66.)
The history of equine dentistry
2 Introduction
Fig. 2.8 A mouth gag that rests on the horse’s bars. (Merillat 1905.)
Fig. 2.10 Equine extraction forceps designed by Gunther. (A) Extractor
forceps, breaking forceps, first lower molar forceps, first upper molar forceps.
(B) Upper molar forceps and lower molar forceps. (Regional Veterinary
Surgery 1904, pp 48–49.)
The history of equine dentistry
Fig. 2.12 Inside cover of Galvayne’s text on dental aging, first published in
the early 1880s.
any horse to within one year of its true age’ (Fig. 2.12).15 He
traveled throughout Europe and Australia during the 1880s.
Galvayne’s Groove is still used today to aid in equine aging.16
Many of Galvayne’s materials were plagiarized from previ-
ous authors. Girard gives a detailed explanation of the
changes in equine dentition from birth through eight years
of age.12 In 1832, Delabere Blaine described the art of aging
a horse by its teeth (Fig. 2.13). He was the first to explain
that the disappearance of the ‘cups’ or ‘marks’ on the occlu-
sal surfaces of the incisors in the 3–10-year-old horse was
not from ‘filling up from the bottom’ but in fact from the
incisor teeth wearing down.17 Edward Mayhew, an early
member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, pub-
lished a text in 1848, The Horse’s Mouth and Showing the Age
by Teeth. This book contained many fine color plates showing
the teeth of various aged horses (Fig. 2.14). He also described
several dental wear abnormalities and how to correct them
with ‘chisel and mallet.’18 J. N. Navin, author of an 1867
American text, stated in the chapter on aging, ‘the back
teeth or grinders, may indeed be referred to and with
considerable accuracy, but they are too far from view and
so difficult to expose as to render their examination imprac-
tical.’19 About this period of time, an American veterinarian,
Professor Oscar R. Gleason, published a ‘new method’
and poem to help horsemen age horses by their dentition
B (Fig. 2.15).20
In 1879, William H. Clarke wrote an extensive, well
Fig. 2.11 (A and B) Moller’s shears were introduced to reduce tall teeth. researched text, Horses’ Teeth: a treatise on their mode of devel-
The central screw ensures great power without disturbing the position of opment, anatomy, microscopy, pathology, and dentistry; compared
the instrument. It was recommended to cast the horse and insert a rather
large mouth gag before trying to cut the tooth. If the shears slide off the
with the teeth of many other land and marine animals, both living
sides of the back molar, Moller’s tooth screw may preferably be employed. and extinct; with a vocabulary and copious extracts from works of
(Moller & Dollar 1904, pp 36–37.) odontologists and veterinarians. This text devoted a full chapter
to dental cysts and supernumerary teeth (Fig. 2.16). Clarke
dental practitioners retained the information passed down gives detailed descriptions of over 60 cases of dental tempo-
from previous generations, yet still managed to leave their ral cysts reported since this condition was first accurately
mark on history. One example of this was Fredrick Osbourne, described by Mage Grouille in 1811.21
known then as Sydney Galvayne, an Australian veterinary L. A. Merillat, author of the popular Animal Dentistry and
surgeon and horse breaker, who arrogantly claimed to ‘age Diseases of the Mouth, first published in 1906, pioneered
2 Introduction
many unique dental surgical procedures. He was highly 1. The cutting and floating of the enamel points of the
regarded and considered to be ‘one of the foremost veteri- horse and ox
nary surgeons in this country,’ who ‘has in the intervals of 2. The removal of projections which prevent perfect
active practice given his colleagues the benefit of his close apposition of the dental arcades of the horse, ox and
study and large experience in the treatment of the organs hog
concerned in the mastication.’11 His advanced publication 3. The treatment of secondary nasal catarrh resulting from
was the first to summarize dental procedures into nine diseased teeth
categories: 4. The extraction of all diseased teeth of all animals
The history of equine dentistry
Fig. 2.14 Color plate, aging by the teeth. (Mayhew, 1850, The horses’
mouth, The teeth.)
2 Introduction
all of which were private, remained in the USA but many as unqualified but as having improved some operations in
closed as students and faculty left to fight. By 1921, there horses’ mouths without the use of a speculum. House was
were only three private veterinary schools left, with the also praised for developing new instruments which have
last closing its doors in 1927. Although short-lived, these remained unaltered since William Hope’s in 1596. However,
private institutions provided North America with over Sayre did mention the danger House posed by possibly
10 000 veterinarians. Some of these institutions offered a tempting other ‘lay-people’ into equine dentistry and
correspondence-earned diploma, leading to fraudulent edu- potentially leading to disastrous results. House was also
cation and a few arrests. The Detroit Veterinary College, Inc., mentioned in texts by William H. Clarke, the well-known
formed in 1905, offered correspondence courses in veteri- veterinarian and author who questioned ‘skill versus brutal-
nary dentistry which were described in an elaborate adver- ity’ in his first book, Horse’s Teeth, in 1879. Clarke’s book
tisement (Fig. 2.17). Another veterinary dental college in St references House often, commenting that he was an Ameri-
Louis was created in 1905. Neither school kept their doors can equine dentist practicing mainly in Connecticut and
open for long.12 Massachusetts. Apparently, House earned a graduate degree
C. D. House was an unqualified non-veterinarian, who is sometime between the 1st and 3rd editions (1879–1886)
often referred to as one of the founders of American equine of Clarke’s book and was mentioned to have obtained a
dentistry. In 1891 C.E. Sayre described House in the Review diploma.21
American equine veterinary dentistry soon became a
politically complicated profession. In 1896, a French-
educated veterinarian, Professor Alexandre Liautard claimed
Dr House led to the ‘cause of much mischief and harm
and injury.’ Liautard went on to compliment Professor J.A.
Ryder of New York, who when asked to examine the mouth
of a horse having problems pulling on the bit, found that
‘the anterior borders of the first two lower molars were
worn and notchy,’ and decided to file them obliquely so
that ‘they would not touch each other by their front part, but
form a V shape, with the base turned forward, the apex
backwards.’ The results were so favorable that he was asked
to apply this technique to many other horses throughout the
years. Liautard expressed his concern for the future of equine
veterinary medicine in the American Veterinary Review,
referencing the increased interest in technology such as the
horseless carriage and bicycle.11 In 1900, another American
veterinarian, W.L. Williams of the New York Veterinary
College, contributed his Surgical Operations. This text was in
part a translation of works by W. Pfeiffer of the Berlin Vet-
erinary High School with distinctly American surgical tech-
niques of molar extractions, repulsions, and trephining the
nasomaxillary sinuses being added.24,25 In 1906, Williams
contributed his six points, dispelling American veterinary
dentistry in the Review by addressing it as a recent trend
towards urging horse owners to seek out those who interfere
with the teeth of horses and an attempt has been made to
dignify the practice by appellation of veterinary dentistry.
The history of equine dentistry
large proportion of the diseases and vices of horses are convinced his nephew to pursue a career in veterinary medi-
referable to defective teeth and the veterinary dentist is cine. Becker was the first to promote the importance of
sought as a universal panacea…’11 performing dental examinations on every patient seen in his
These general thoughts continued to cause problems in the uncle’s practice using a set of stocks which he constructed
equine industry for many years and were addressed again in (Fig. 2.20). In 1937, Becker created an improved mouth
1935 by Louis Merillat in his review on the military history speculum with a panic bolt, interchangeable bite plates, and
of veterinary medicine (Fig. 2.18).26 upholstered round bars that could be positioned over the
incisors and edentulous parts of the jaws. During the period
before the use of sedation, this improved speculum was
Education during four decades of war helpful, working with two threaded spindles to aid in
opening. Becker also worked on production of the first
The introduction of automobiles, trucks, and tractors (thus, mechanical motor-driven float system to improve arcade
the reduced need for horses) and a better understanding of corrections and consequently reduce treatment time. This
infectious diseases at the turn of the 20th century prompted power grinding equipment also featured the use of water-
a change in veterinary textbooks as emphasis was shifted cooling during some procedures, thus preventing pulpar
from equine to food animals and pets. Many of the overall thermal insult to an area. This potentially pathological
advancements in veterinary medicine arrived through the process still receives research attention today.8
discovery of bacteria by Pasteur, Fleming, and McFayden Summaries of Becker’s work, instrumentation, and experi-
during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Other applications ence with pathological findings were published in Neuzeitli-
such as the use of barbiturates in veterinary patients in 1902, che Zahnbehandlung beim Pferd in 1938. Research by G. Leue
flexible endotracheal tubes in 1914, and anesthesia in the (cited by Becker), measured the lateral jaw excursion of
form of pentobarbital and penthal in 1931 and 1934 encour- horses fed different types of forages and grain.27 Becker
aged veterinary surgery to take on new challenges.4 Equine claimed that a study of 50 000 Cavalry horses showed that
veterinary interest shifted back to Europe as WWI ended and regular dental care saved 1.5 kg of oats per horse, per day,
WWII began (Fig. 2.19). By this time the United States Army which was a desirable concept due to food shortages in
Calvary contained only 50 000 horses whereas the German Germany at the time.
army utilized 2.5 million. Becker was conscripted into military work before WWII
Erwin Becker (1898–1978), a cornerstone in the advance- and moved to military headquarters at Salzburg. This estab-
ment of dentistry techniques, served in the German army lishment was taken over by American troops and Becker
during WWI. Initially interested in pursuing an advanced maintained a prisoner of war status until June 16, 1945,
engineering education, his veterinarian uncle, Helmar Dun, following which he stayed on at the equine hospital to train
2 Introduction
American veterinary students serving in the army. Eventu- of which are equine.28 Professor Hugo Triadan, a human
ally, Becker returned to Berlin to continue his career at the dentist, opened a dentistry suite in a veterinary facility in
American Cavalry and Riding Center, until 1959. The largest Bern, Switzerland in 1970. His experience led to the develop-
collection of Becker’s equine dental findings may be found ment of the Modified Triadan system and dental charting
in Joest’s Handbook on Pathological Anatomy published used today.29
in 1970.8 The second half of the 20th century brought the revival of
interest in horses for sport and recreational purposes. With
the increase in horse numbers, equine veterinary practition-
A new interest is born ers began to realize the importance of forming a unified
In 1931, the Dental Board of the UK published a text con- group with which to share knowledge. The American Asso-
taining four lectures by Sir Frank Colyer regarding Abnormal ciation of Equine Practitioners was formed in 1954 and the
Conditions of the Teeth in Their Relationship to Similar Condi- British Equine Veterinary Association in 1961. Despite the
tions in Man, which was based on observations of museum renaissance of equine veterinary work at the time, little
specimens from Europe and the USA. In 1936, Colyer pub- emphasis was given to equine dentistry in the 1960s with
lished what is considered the preeminent text on animal the exception of Hofmeyer’s South African publication of
dentistry, Variations and Diseases of the Teeth of Animals which comparative dental pathology and Honma’s Japanese study
included over 1000 pictures of dental abnormalities, many of dental caries in domestic animals.30,31
The history of equine dentistry
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, with the increased knowledge for many current trends and practices that were
encouragement of horse trainers and owners, interest was born out of fiction and superstition. Many of these tradi-
spurred regarding dentistry affecting performance and tional techniques, including incisor reduction and wolf teeth
dietary supplementation. This consequently led to the devel- extraction continue to be used in modern times.36
opment of new dental instrumentation such as advanced One such previously unquestioned practice was the use of
power floats. Improved methods and drugs for standing aging from dental appearance which can be traced back to
sedation allowed veterinarians the ability to perform safe China in 600 BCE. In 1993, Walmsley’s studies initially
and effective oral examinations and procedures. With the questioned the accuracy of aging horses through dentition,
advancement of technology and technique, research on and from 1994–1995 the work of Richardson, Cripps, and
equine dental disorders should have followed, but it was Lane further confirmed the inaccuracy of aging by denti-
difficult to prioritize dollars for graduate study and training tion.37,38 With an increase in evidence-based medicine and
devoted to equine dentistry. Following the formation of the research the field of equine dentistry continued to develop.
American Veterinary Dental Society in the United States in During 1996–1998, Muylle and colleagues conducted exten-
1976, the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, and American sive research on the gross histology of age-related changes in
Veterinary Dental College in 1987, awareness increased, but equine incisors.39,40 In 1998, an equine dentistry issue of
books with texts on equine dentistry contained no new the Veterinary Clinics of North America edited by Gaughan
scientifically-based knowledge. Many veterinary dental texts and deBowes was released. Along with the 1999 first edition
of that time mainly contained information on small animal of Equine Dentistry by Baker and Easley, these texts repre-
dentistry, with a few containing limited chapters referencing sented the only two professional veterinary publications on
equine dentistry: Zetner 1982, Harvey 1985, d’Autheville & equine dentistry since Becker’s 1938 book.8 Not only did
Barrairon 1985, and Kertez 1993.8 research take on new challenges, but the opportunities
Several important modern technological improvements in within clinical practice began to expand as ideas flourished
equine dentistry were developed in the 1980s and 1990s. and prospects for new procedures grew. The first decade of
Soon after the interchangeable carbide chip blade replaced the 21st century saw the introduction of endodontics, ortho-
the steel Dick float blade, Don Matlock introduced the solid dontics, periodontology, and restorative dentistry into the
carbide float blade. During this time three breakthroughs in equine field. Diagnostic capabilities also provided new areas
motorized dental equipment occurred with the introduction of interest and created innovative avenues through which
of the rotary disk power tool in Europe by Eisenhut, the
guarded flexible shaft grinder in Argentina by Estrada, and
the short stroke oscillating float by Stubbs (Figs 2.21 & 2.22).
Original evidence-based scientific research on equine den-
tistry finally began in the late 1970s. In 1979, Dr Gordon
Baker completed his PhD thesis on equine dental anatomy
and development in health and disease.32 He continued to
teach this topic throughout his professional veterinary surgi-
cal career. In 1989, Larry Moriarity started a discussion on
the evaluation of incisor alignment and occlusal contact
during lateral jaw movements which was later modified by
Drs Scrutchfield, Rucker, and DeLorey.33,34,35 During the mid-
1990s Professor Paddy Dixon and his associates began what
is considered the ‘renaissance’ of equine dentistry through
research conducted at Edinburgh University, Scotland. He
not only promoted the general practice of equine dentistry Fig. 2.21 Estrada’s flexible shaft rotary tooth grinder with a guarded burr.
but emphasized the need for advanced species-specific This tool was patented in the 1960s and distributed in the United States by
research to be performed in order to provide scientific Jorgenson, Co.
2 Introduction
dental problems were addressed and treated. Contemporary Forty-nine scientific equine dental papers were presented to
digital radiograph systems including intraoral radiography over 400 international veterinarians in attendance (see
allowed for detailed studies of dental tissues and computed ‘Focus on Dentistry’; http://www.ivis.org).43
tomography imaging increased the imaging capabilities of Although veterinarians’ interests in adding or expanding
the head and assisted with planning intricate treatment equine dentistry within their practices are escalating, the old
modalities.41,42 struggle between lay tooth floaters and veterinarians con
As interest through research, clinical capabilities, and tinues to be a heated and debated topic. In 2000, BEVA
advanced diagnostics reached new horizons, the need for and the British Agriculture Ministry developed a program to
specialized groups focusing on the care and challenges asso- train and test for licensure, equine dental technicians to
ciated with equine dentistry emerged. AAEP president Dr perform basic oral examinations and carry out minor dental
Clyde Johnson in 1996 appointed Drs Lowell Smalley, Leon corrections.
Scrutchfield, and Dean Scoggins as the equine dental com- The results of the 2005 AAEP survey showed that 79 %
mittee chairs for a group involved with the promotion of of veterinarians provided some dental service to their
good equine dental care through advanced education, wet clients with 30 % examining at least 200 horses per year.
laboratories, and programs involving equine practitioners, However, of the 21 % of veterinarians who did not see
veterinary students, and clients. Since that time, the com- any dental cases, 48 % admitted referring their clients to
bined efforts of veterinary associations, universities, and non-veterinarians for dental care.44 This is not a new issue,
national organizations, in particular the American Associa- as evidenced throughout the rich pages of history regarding
tion of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), the British Equine Vet- the care of horses’ teeth. Equine dental technicians have
erinary Association (BEVA), the Canadian Veterinary Medical historically and currently blurred the line between veterinar-
Association, and the Australian Association of Equine Prac- ian and lay person, but it is important to recognize the
titioners have held over 200 short courses and wet laborato- limitations of all parties. Ultimately, the goal should be
ries to train thousands of equine veterinarians in basic and improvement of the quality of care for the horse. If this goal
advanced dental techniques. is diminished or lost, our patients suffer and we as profes-
In 2001, the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry established sionals risk being doomed to repeat history’s mistakes.
an equine credentialing tract where two fellows eventually
became recognized. The American Veterinary Dental College Acknowledgments
has since formed a committee to establish the criteria neces-
sary to obtain equine dentistry diplomates. The most recent Special thanks go to Daniel J. Easley for research and edito-
and significant collaboration of equine veterinarians practic- rial assistance with this chapter. Additionally, Dr Mike
ing the art of dentistry occurred in 2006 when the AAEP and Lowder provided some of the antiquarian text references
BEVA held a joint conference titled ‘Focus on Dentistry’. used in the research of this chapter.
1. Percivall W. Part second of a series of the North Am Vet Conf, Orlando 2005, 17. Blaine D. Veterinary art, diseases of
elementary lectures on the veterinary art: pp 51–154 the horse, 4th edn. Boosey, Longman,
wherein the anatomy, physiology, and 9. Easley K. Veterinary dentistry: its origin Rees, Brown and Green, London, 1832,
the pathology of the horse are essayed on and recent history. J Hist Dent 1999; pp 29–40
the general principles of medical science. 47(2): 83–85 18. Mayhew E. The horse’s mouth, the
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and 10. Smithcors JF. Evolution of the veterinary teeth, 3rd edn. Fores, London, 1850,
Green, London, 1824, p 20 art. Vet Med Pub Co, Kansas City, 1957, pp 69–115, 181–194
2. Youtt W. The horse, with a treatise of pp 161–171 19. Navin JN. Navin’s veterinary practice or
draught, 1st edn. Baldwin and Cradock, 11. Bierer BW. American veterinary history, explanatory horse doctor. Roach,
London, 1846, 31: 146, 202 1st edn. Olson C, Fort Dodge, Iowa, Indianapolis, 1867, p 443
3. Dick W. Manual of veterinary science. 1980, pp 6, 8, 43, 54, 118–120, 128, 20. Gleason OR. Gleason’s horse book and
Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, 131–133, 143 veterinary advisor.: Donohue, Chicago,
1862, p 76 12. Girard J. Traité de l’age du cheval, 3rd 1892, pp 224–240
4. Harvey CE. The history of veterinary edn. Béchet Jeune, Paris, 1835, 21. Clarke WH. Horses’ teeth, 3rd edn
dentistry, part one: from the earliest pp 8–37 rev.: WK Jenkins, New York, 1886,
record to the end of the 18th century. 13. Lopez T. One hundred years as the pp 113–129, 198–202
J Vet Dent 1994; 11(4): 135–139 AVMA. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998; 22. Merillat LC. Veterinary surgery, Vol 1.
5. The Literary Encyclopedia. Online. 212(1): 9 Animal dentistry and diseases of the
Ancient texts translations. Available: 14. Hinebauch TD. Veterinary dental mouth: Aberouder Eger, Chicago, 1916,
http://www.litencyc.com/index.php surgery. LaFayette, Indiana, 1889, pp 16–17
6. Bennett D. The evolution of the horse. pp 224–239 23. Lemonds LL. A century of veterinary
Horse breeding and management. 15. McCarthy PH. Galvayne: the mystery medicine in Nebraska, 1st edn.
Elsevier, Amsterdam 1992, pp 1– surrounding the man and the eponym. Service Press, Henderson, 1982,
29 Anat Histol Embryol 1987; (16): pp 13–17
7. Kertesz P. Color atlas of veterinary 330–336 24. Williams WL. Surgical and obstetrical
dentistry and oral surgery. Wolfe Publ., 16. Galvayne S. Horse dentition, showing operations. Ithaca, New York, 1900,
Aylesbury, UK, 1993 how to tell exactly the age of a horse up pp 1–41
8. Fahrenkrug P. The history and future of to thirty years, 3rd edn. Thomas Murray, 25. Moller H, Dollar JAW. The practice of
equine dental care. In: Proceedings from Glasgow, 1886, pp 17–27 veterinary surgery Vol. III. Regional
The history of equine dentistry
Surgery, Jenkins, New York, 1904, pp occurrence of dental caries in domestic model be accurate? Vet Rec 1995; 137(6):
1–74 animals. In: The Horse. Jpn J Vet Res 139–140
26. Merillat L, Campbell D. Veterinary 1962; 10: 31–36 39. Muylle S, Simoens P, Lauwers H. Ageing
military history of the United States, 32. Baker GJ. A study of dental disease in the horses by examination of their incisor
Vol 1. Haver-Glover Laboratories, horse. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, teeth: an (im)possible task? Vet Rec
Kansas City, 1935, p 295 Glasgow, 1979, pp 42–56 1996; 138: 295–301
27. Leue G. Cited by Becker E. 1962. 33. Scrutchfield WL. Incisors and canines. 40. Muylle S, Simoens P, Lauwers H,
Zahne. In: Dobberstein J, Pallaske G, Proc Am Assoc Eq Pract 1991; 37: 117– Van Loon G. Ageing Arabian horses by
et al. Handbuch der speziellen 121 their dentition. Vet Rec 1998; 142:
pathologischem, Anatomie der Haustiere, 34. Rucker BA. Modified procedure for 659–662
Vol V, 3rd edn. Paul Porey, Berlin, 1941, incisor reduction. Proc Am Assoc Eq Pract 41. Klugh DO. Intraoral radiology in equine
pp 131–132 1995; 41: 42–44 dental disease. Clin Tech Eq Pract 2005;
28. Miles AEW, Grigson C. Colyer’s variations 35. DeLorey M. A retrospective evaluation 4: 162–170
and diseases of the teeth of animals. of 204 diagonal incisor malocclusion 42. Pulchalski S. Computer tomographic and
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, corrections in the horse. J Vet Dent 2007; ultrasonographic examination of equine
1990, p ix 24(3): 145–149 dental structures: normal and abnormal
29. Floyd MR. The modified triadan system: 36. Dixon PM. Equine dental disease: a findings. Proc Am Assoc Eq Pract, Focus
nomenclature for veterinary dentistry. neglected field of study. Eq Vet Edu 1993; on Dentistry. Indianapolis, Indiana,
J Vet Dent 1991; 8(4): 18 6: 285–286 2006
30. Hofmeyer CFB. Comparative dental 37. Walmsley JP. Some observations on the 43. Galloway S, Easley J. Establishing a
pathology (with particular reference to value of ageing 5–7 year old horses by scientific basis for equine clinical
caries and paradontal disease of the horse examination of their incisor teeth. Eq Vet dentistry. Vet J 2008; 178(3): 307–310
and dog). J So African Vet Med Assoc Edu 1993; 5: 295 44. AAEP Survey. Practitioners’ survey,
1960; 29: 471–480 38. Richardson JD, Cripps PJ, Lane JG. An unpublished. American Association of
31. Honma K, Yamalawa M, Yamauchi S, evaluation of the accuracy of ageing Equine Practitioners, Lexington, KY,
Hosoya S. Statistical study on the horses by their dentition: can a computer 2005
Section 1: Introduction
Bits, bridles and accessories
Dwight G. Bennett DVM, PhD
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
Bits and bridles are for communication. They are not handles Signs of bitting problems
to stabilize the rider in the saddle or instruments for punish-
ing the horse.6–8 The western horse is ridden with slack in Although cut tongues are the most obvious injuries associ-
the rein while the English horse is generally ridden with ated with the improper use of bits, less spectacular injuries
more contact with the bit, but in either case the accom- to the bars and other tissues are also signs of bitting prob-
plished rider uses his seat and legs before his bit to com- lems. Tissue trapped by a bit may bunch between the bit and
municate his wishes to his mount. Indeed, the most the first lower cheek teeth where it is pinched or cut. The
important factor in having soft, sensitive hands on the reins damaged area may then be irritated every time the bit
is developing a good seat.9 moves.1 Trauma to the lower interdental space frequently
3 Introduction
penetrates to the mandible with resulting mandibular Even in the absence of an obvious injury, a change to a
periostitis.8,10,11–15 All types of headgear can press the lips gentler bit will often lead to an improvement in a horse’s
and cheeks against points or premolar caps on the upper performance.8,11,13,16
cheek teeth.1
Most bit-induced wounds are superficial, heal rapidly due
to the extensive blood supply to the mouth and the antibac- Mouthpieces
terial action of saliva, and seldom require treatment.11,16 A
severely lacerated tongue, however, often heals with a per- The mouthpiece of a bit may be solid or may have one or
manent defect, and mandibular periostitis, in severe cases, more joints. A mouthpiece made up of two or more pieces
can lead to the formation of osseous sequestra.10–13,17,18 is referred to as a jointed or broken mouthpiece (Fig. 3.2A).
A horse with a sore mouth or improperly fitting bit will The two halves of a simple jointed mouthpiece are called the
often gape his mouth and pin his ears. He may nod his head ‘cannons.’ One purpose of the joint is to form a roof over
excessively or toss his head. He may extend his neck (get the tongue, which gives the tongue some relief from the
ahead of the bit) or tuck his chin against his chest (get pressure of the bit. Another purpose is to change the angle
behind the bit; Fig. 3.1).9 Bitting problems can be mistaken of pull. As the cannons collapse, pressure is transferred from
for lameness, as when a horse fails to travel straight. the tongue to the bars and lips. Some jointed mouthpieces
It is a common misconception that a horse with a painful (e.g., Dr Bristol and French snaffle) have an extra link
mouth will be especially sensitive to bit cues. In fact horses between the cannons. The center link creates more room for
tend to push into pain.2,8,9 A horse with bilaterally tender the tongue, but changes the angle at which the pressure is
bars may root into the bit. A horse which is sore on one side applied to the tongue, bars and corners of the lips. There is
of his mouth may lean on the bit on the tender side. A more pressure on the tongue and less leverage on the bars
vicious cycle can result from attempts to gain such a horse’s and lips8 (Fig. 3.3). Of course, the position of the horse’s
respect by changing to increasingly severe bits.6 Oral discom- head, which varies depending upon the horse’s use, will have
fort causes horses to focus on pain rather than on perform- a profound effect upon the bit’s action (Figs 3.1 & 3.3).
ance. They may fail to respond to the bit cues, may evade A solid mouthpiece may be straight, curved or ported. One
the action of the bit or may ignore the bit completely.2 of the most common misconceptions in bitting is that a low
When you are consulted about a horse that has perform- port makes a mouthpiece mild and that a high port makes
ance problems, you should always inquire about the type of it severe.6 The error in such a conception becomes evident
bit used and carefully examine the tongue, lips, bars, palate, when we consider that the tongue is the most sensitive part
chin and nose for subtle signs of injury.19 It is important to of the horse’s mouth and that the purpose of the port is to
compare the left and right interdental spaces to detect subtle prevent the bit from applying the majority of its force directly
differences.10,17 to the tongue6,20 (Fig. 3.4). A high port is severe only if it
A localized soft and thickened raised area may indicate comes into contact with the horse’s palate (Fig. 3.7D). For
mandibular periostitis, especially if the horse reacts violently most horses, the port must be at least 2–2.5 inches (5.1–
when pressure is applied to it. Techniques such as mental 6.4 cm) high to contact the palate.6,9
nerve blocks, radiographs, scintigraphy, and computed tom- A straight, solid mouthpiece can be severe because the
ography may be necessary to confirm the presence of this tongue takes almost the full force of the pull. The mullen
condition in living horses. A simple surgical procedure has mouthpiece (Figs 3.2E & 3.12A), with its gentle curve from
been described for removing the periostitis and making the one side to the other, still lies largely on the tongue and gives
horse more comfortable with his bit.10 only a small margin of tongue relief. When using a bit with
Bits, bridles and accessories
Fig. 3.4 (A) Standard curb bit. (B) The lower the port,
the greater the chance that the tongue will be
damaged by a curb bit.
3 Introduction
a straight or mullen mouthpiece, a hard jerk on the reins can mouthpiece which causes the horse to worry or fret is
easily cut the tongue.8 unlikely to promote a wet mouth regardless of its chemical
A mouthpiece’s severity is inversely related to its diameter. make-up. Some mouthpieces incorporate rollers, commonly
Mouthpiece diameter is measured one inch in from the called ‘crickets,’ or danglers, commonly called ‘keys,’ to stim-
attachment of the bit rings or shanks, because this is the ulate tongue movement and thus enhance salivation. Such
portion of the mouthpiece that ordinarily comes into contact tongue toys also have a pacifying effect on nervous horses.
with the bars of a horse’s mouth. A standard mouthpiece is Some horsemen cover their mouthpieces with latex in the
8 inch (9.5 mm) in diameter. Most horse show associations
early stages of training or use rubber or leather-covered
prohibit a 1 4 inch (6.4 mm) (or smaller) mouthpiece covered mouthpieces on very soft-mouthed horses to protect
because it is considered too severe.8 Although a 1 2 inch the bars and tongues.23 Plastic and synthetic mouthpieces
(1.27 cm) mouthpiece is generally mild, some horses may are gradually coming into greater acceptance.24
be uncomfortable carrying so thick a mouthpiece.17,21 Some The more complicated the mouthpiece of a bit and the
horses, especially Thoroughbred types, have relatively more contact used by the rider, the greater the risk of oral
narrow, sharp bars which are easily damaged by pressure.22 discomfort and/or injuries. Smooth mouthpieces are obvi-
Such horses require thicker and/or softer mouthpieces ously gentler than those with edges, ridges, teeth or chains.
than do horses with thicker bars. One should always look
into a horse’s mouth to assure that a mouthpiece fits
comfortably.8 Snaffle bits (Fig. 3.2)
Mouthpieces are constructed of many different materials
and combinations of materials (Figs 3.2, 3.5 & 3.12). In Regardless of the bit they will ultimately wear, the great
order for a bit to function properly, the horse’s mouth must majority of today’s horses are started in snaffle bits. Snaffle
be wet.8,9 Copper is frequently incorporated into mouth- bits are used on 2–5-year-old western performance horses as
pieces because it is reputed to promote salivation. Cold- well as on all classes of English riding for younger horses.
rolled steel, sometimes called ‘sweet iron’, is second to Nearly all racehorses, both ridden and driven, spend their
copper in stimulating salivation. Sweet iron will rust and, entire careers in snaffle bits.
while it may be unattractive, rust seems to taste good to A snaffle bit is any bit, whether it has a jointed or solid
many horses and may further stimulate salivation. Rust- mouthpiece, in which the cheeks of the bridle and the reins
proof stainless steel, however, will also promote salivation attach to the same or adjacent rings on the bit.6,9,25 There is
to some degree and has the advantages of being hard, staying a direct line of pull from the rider’s hands to the horse’s
smooth and cleaning easily. Some bitmakers assert that mouth with no mechanical advantage. Tightening of the
mouthpieces which combine two different metals are supe- reins causes all types of snaffle bits to relocate caudally, to
rior for saliva production to mouthpieces made with a rotate on their long axis and to press on the horse’s tongue,
single metal. Aluminum, chrome-plated, rubber and leather bars and lip corners.18
covered mouthpieces are thought to produce dry mouths. Snaffle bits often are identified by the shape of their rings
Of course the metal used in the mouthpiece is not the only (e.g., O-ring, D-ring, half-cheeked, full-cheeked) and by how
factor involved in producing a wet mouth. A dry mouth, their cannons attach to the rings (e.g., loose-ring, fixed ring,
usually a result of excessive epinephrine secretion, is a sign egg butt). All ring shapes and attachments have their advan-
of a stressed, unhappy horse. When it comes to generating tages and disadvantages. A loose ring snaffle, in which
a wet mouth, the horse’s mental state is probably more O-shaped rings run through holes in the ends of the mouth-
important than the metal used in the bit. A severe piece (Fig. 3.2A), affords the maximum signal. The rings
Bits, bridles and accessories
revolve freely and tend to rotate slightly when the reins are Although the severity of a bit increases with the length of
picked up but before the bit engages. However, the rotating the shanks, this severity is partially offset by the fact that the
rings can pinch the corners of a horse’s mouth. signal provided to the horse increases as well.8 A long-
In egg butt and D-ring snaffles (Fig. 3.2B & 3.2C) a metal shanked bit must rotate more than shorter-shanked bit
cylinder connects the mouthpiece to the cheek rings and before it exerts significant pressure in the horse’s mouth.
prevents pinching at the corners of the mouth. The well- Leverage bits are called curb bits because to exert their
defined corners of the D-ring snaffle (the straight line of the leverage they depend upon a curb chain or strap that passes
D) increase the pressure on the horse’s cheeks and thus the beneath the horse’s chin groove and attaches to the rings on
control over the horse. However, this same pressure increases the cheeks of the bit. The bit rotates in the horse’s mouth
the chances that the horse’s cheeks will be pressed against until the curb strap stops (curbs) the rotation and the lever-
points on the upper premolars. age action of the bit takes effect (Fig. 3.6). The leverage bit
Some snaffles have prongs or ‘cheeks’ attached to the rings exerts pressure primarily on the chin groove, the tongue and
(Fig. 3.2F & 3.2G). ‘Full cheek’ snaffles have prongs both the bars (Fig. 3.4 and 3.7).6,9
above and below the mouthpiece, while half-cheek snaffles The adjustment of the curb strap determines the point at
have prongs below the mouthpiece. Like the D-ring or cyl- which it snugs up into the chin groove, how quickly and
inder type snaffles, the cheeks encourage the horse to turn where the bit makes contact with the mouth, and how far
in the desired direction by increasing the pressure on the the mouthpiece will rotate (Fig. 3.6). The tighter the setting,
corners of the mouth and sides of the face. The cheeks also the less the pull required to activate the bit. The more the
prevent the bit from being pulled through the mouth. bit rotates before the chin strap engages, the more the pres-
Because their rings do not rotate, all cheeked, D-ring and sure is transferred to the corners of the lips and to the poll
egg-butt snaffles provide less signal than loose ringed and the less to the tongue, bars and chin groove. Of course,
snaffles.8 if the bit has a high port or spoon, and the curb strap is
loose, the rotation may be halted by contact with the palate,
which then must bear part of the pressure.
Leverage bits (Figs 3.4 & 3.5) Typically, the more moving parts within a leverage bit, the
more signal it will provide to the horse.6,8 For example, a
Leverage, or curb, bits provide a mechanical advantage to the loose-jawed bit, one that attaches to the mouthpiece via
rider. There are two sets of bit rings: the upper rings attach hinges or swivels, will provide a certain degree of rotation
to the headstall, and the lower rings attach to the reins. The before the bit engages. Add a loose rein ring to the loose jaw,
ratio of the length of the shanks of the bit (the portion below and the bit will provide even more signal. Install a broken
the mouthpiece) to the cheeks of the bit determines the mouthpiece in those shanks and you amplify the signal even
amount of leverage. The severity of a bit increases as the ratio more.9 The downside of a broken mouthpiece in this type
increases.9 For example, in a standard curb bit with 4.5 inch of bit is that it increases the potential severity of the bit. In
shanks and 1 1 2 inch cheeks (a 3 : 1 ratio), one pound of a swivel ported bit, often called a ‘correction’ bit, there are
pressure on the reins translates into 3 pounds of pressure in joints on each side of the port where it joins the bars
the horse’s mouth. When using a bit with 8-inch shanks and (Fig. 3.5F). Such bits are capable of exerting tremendous bar
2-inch cheeks, one pound of pull results in four pounds of and tongue pressure.
pressure. However, regardless of the ratio, the longer the The angle between the shanks and the cheeks affects the
shanks, the less the force on the reins required to exert a speed of communication. The straighter the line, the less
given pressure in the mouth.8 signal the bit provides. In the so-called grazer bit (Fig. 3.5B),
3 Introduction
Fig. 3.8 Three types of gag bits. (A, B) Basic gag bit, in
A C this example with a link in the mouthpiece. (C, D) Gag
snaffle with half-O-rings. (E, F) Gag with full rings for
attachment of snaffle rein.
with swept back shanks, the mouthpiece tends to rotate less poll. But head carriage is more a factor of where the horse
than in a bit with straighter shanks (Fig. 3.5A) and provides finds relief from bit pressure. Since the horse’s mouth is
more signal to the horse.8,9 Also, a grazer bit releases its pres- much more sensitive to pressure than his poll, if the gag is
sure more quickly than a straight-shanked bit when the reins used with no auxiliary aids, its net effect is to accentuate the
pressure is relaxed. Of course, a tight curb strap reduces the basic head-raising action of a snaffle bit.8 If strong rein pres-
signal of any leverage bit. sure is applied to a gag bridle, the bit is pulled relatively far
caudally and can severely punish the horse’s tongue, lips and
cheeks (Fig. 3.9).
Gag bits (Figs 3.8 & 3.9)
In the basic gag bridle, the reins and the cheekpieces of the Full bridle
headstall are one continuous unit.6,9,25 When the reins are
pulled, the mouthpiece slides upwards in the horse’s mouth The full bridle or double bridle (Fig. 3.10) has two sets of
and transfers much of the pressure from the tongue and bars cheek pieces and two sets of reins. One set is attached to a
to the lips and poll. A gag bit, when used properly, provides curb bit; other set is attached to a snaffle bit. The snaffle,
a rider more control than a standard snaffle without propor- which is generally relatively small, is called a bridoon or
tionally providing more punishment to the horse’s tongue bradoon and is placed above and behind the curb.22,26
and bars.6,8 The double bridle with its combination of bits, employing
It might be thought that the gag functions to lower the a number of forces to achieve its ends, is an extremely sensi-
head because tension on the reins places pressure on the tive instrument. When used by a skilled rider on a schooled
Bits, bridles and accessories
horse, it can place the head with greater finesse than is pos- Pelhams (Figs 3.12 & 3.13)
sible with any other bridle in current use. But the rider needs
a considerable amount of skill for this bridle to be effective A Pelham bit is basically an attempt to gain the advantages
and humane. of a double bridle with only a single bit in the horse’s
It is often stated that, with the double bridle, the rider uses mouth. The Pelham bit is really just a curb bit with an extra
the snaffle bit to raise the head and turn the horse and the set of rings at the level of the mouthpiece to which an extra
curb bit to lower the head and stop the horse. When the set of reins is attached. Tension on the lower rein gives the
double bridle is used properly, however, nearly all com- effect of a curb bit and tension on the upper rein gives the
mands for head position, moving and stopping are given via effect of a snaffle bit.
the snaffle.22 The role of the curb is the basically passive one Pelham bits come in a wide variety of forms (Fig. 3.12).
of promoting poll flexion, collection and balance.8,26 Exces- The mouthpiece may be straight, curved, jointed, or ported.
sive tension on the curb rein is the most common cause of The shanks may be long or short, fixed or loose. Some have
problems with full bridles.8 very short shanks and thick rubber mouthpieces and are very
The use of the double bridle when the horse is not suffi- mild. Others have ports and long shanks and are more severe.
ciently schooled or the rider is not sufficiently skilled can One type, the Kimberwicke (Figs 3.12C & 3.13B), uses only
damage the horse’s psyche as well as his mouth. The double one rein with the hand position, or rein setting, determining
bridle puts a lot of hardware in the horse’s mouth (Fig. whether the bit functions as a snaffle or as a curb.
3.11), and the chances of injury are arguably doubled as Critics of Pelhams say that both reins come into
compared to bridles with a single bit. play at the same time and confuse a horse. Certainly
3 Introduction
Bits, bridles and accessories
Fig. 3.14 Driving bits. (A) O ring snaffle. (B) Half cheek
snaffle. (C) Liverpool. (D) Ashleigh Elbow. (E) Buxton.
the Pelham does not work well in a horse with very Driving bits (Figs 3.14 & 3.15)
long narrow jaws or an exceptionally long interdental
space. In such a horse, it is essentially impossible simul In riding horses, we have stressed the importance of ‘getting
taneously to have the curb chain in the chin groove and off of the horse’s mouth.’ In other words, the rider should
the mouthpiece in its proper position against the lip cue the horse first with his legs and seat and only secondarily
corners. The curb chain, under such circumstances, tends via the bit. However, disregarding the relatively minor role
to pull backwards until it is beneath the branches of of the whip, the driving horse receives non-verbal commu-
the mandible, and pressure on these is quite painful to the nication only through the reins (harness horses) or lines
horse and may result in severe bruising. The use of a lip (draft horse) and the bit. Communication with the driving
strap (Figs 3.12D & 3.13C) can help to counteract this horse is further complicated by the fact that, although the
disadvantage. distance between the bit and a rider’s hands is seldom more
Despite all of the criticisms, some horses perform better than 30 inches, the distance between the bits of a horse or
in the Pelham bit than in any other. In the horse with short a pair of horses in harness and a driver’s hands is approxi-
jaws and a relatively small interdental space, the single mately 12 feet.1,27 The remoteness of contact is increased to
mouthpiece of the Pelham may fit better than the double 24 feet or more when horses are driven in tandems or larger
mouthpiece of the full bridle. teams.1,3,22,27,28
3 Introduction
Driving bits for racing trotters and pacers are essentially balance is closer to that of the Liverpool bit than to that of
always snaffle bits with solid or, more commonly, jointed the Ashleigh Elbow bit. The Buxton is a large, ornate bit that
mouthpieces. Such bits are often used on other types of is used for most ceremonial and formal occasions through-
driving horses as well. Driving snaffles often have half cheeks out the world.1,3,25 The horses in many of the fancy, multiple
to provide extra lateral control.1 horse hitches used for advertising or for parades are driven
The Liverpool, Ashleigh Elbow, and Buxton (Figs 3.14 & in Buxton bits.
3.15) are curb bits commonly used for driving. The mouth-
pieces of these bits are most commonly straight with a
smooth and a corrugated side. However, these bits are also Overchecks and sidechecks (Figs 3.16–3.19)
available with a variety of ported and jointed mouthpieces.
The reins are attached to rings at the level of the mouthpiece For most driving horses, a single overcheck rein or two side-
or to one of the two or three slots which are progressively check reins are added to the bridle to prevent the horse from
lower in the shanks – the lower the attachment, the more lowering his head. The overcheck rein runs from the back
severe the curb action. With the reins at the top position (i.e., pad of the harness up between the horse’s ears, passes down
through the ring at the level of the mouthpiece), the curb the front of the horse’s face and divides into two straps
chain does not operate and the effect is that of a plain bar which fasten to either side of a separate overcheck bit that
(unjointed) snaffle.1 All three bits commonly have swiveling presses upwards in the horse’s mouth (Fig. 3.17). Less
(loose) cheeks that can be adjusted so that either the smooth commonly, the straps attach directly to the driving bit or to
(Fig. 3.14E) or the corrugated side (Fig. 3.14D) of the straight a chin strap.1
bar mouthpiece is in contact with the horse’s tongue The sidecheck is a variation on the overcheck in which two
and bars.1,24 check reins, rather than joining and running over the top of
The Liverpool bit has cheeks that form complete rings the horse’s head, run through loops on either side of the
around the ends of its mouthpiece with straight flat bars bridle and back along the sides of his neck to come together
projecting below them (Figs 3.14C & 3.15B). Because it is at his withers (Fig. 3.18). The practice of some drivers of
symmetrical, the cheeks of a Liverpool bit need not be loose attaching check reins directly to a leverage driving bit is not
to allow the use of either the smooth or corrugated side recommended, because such an arrangement pulls the bit
of the mouthpiece. It is probably the most widely used uncomfortably up into the corners of the horse’s mouth and
driving bit.3 interferes with curb action and driver contact.1,3
The shanks of the Ashleigh Elbow bit (sometimes referred Most draft horse bridles are set up with either an overcheck
to as the military bit) extend backward at right angles to the or a sidecheck to prevent the horse from lowering his head
cheeks before extending straight vertically (Figs 3.14D & to graze or rub and to keep his head in the optimal position
3.15C).25 This rearward placement of the shanks prevents a for pulling. A check rein is nearly always required for light
horse from seizing them with his lips. Perhaps more impor- horses shown in pleasure driving classes or in fine harness
tantly, the angle of the shanks alters the balance of the bit classes. Harness racing horses wear overchecks because their
making the elbow bit more forgiving, i.e., requiring more heads must be held in an exact position to keep them
pull on the reins to exert pressure in the mouth and releasing balanced and on their gait.1,23
pressure more quickly when the reins are slackened, than the The plain overcheck bit (Figs 3.16G, 3.17A & 3.19A) is a
straight-shanked Liverpool bit.1 very small straight bar bit. However, there are many other
The Buxton bit (Figs 3.14E and 3.15D), with its S-shaped types, varying widely in severity (Fig. 3.16). Some racing
shanks, prevents a horse from seizing the shanks, but its overchecks, like the McKerron (Figs 3.16A & 3.17B), Crit
Bits, bridles and accessories
3 Introduction
Davis (Figs 3.16C, 3.17C & 3.19B), and Crabb (Figs 3.16D a coupling or stub line1,3,22,27,28 (Fig. 3.20). The draft and
& 3.19C), listed in increasing order of severity, are used in coupling lines are connected so that only one left line and
combination with nose straps to prevent horses from leaning one right line for each pair of horses finally reaches the
into their check reins.1,29 Potentially even more severe is the driver’s hand.1,3,22 In a team of two horses the draft line of
Burch overcheck (Figs 3.16B & 3.19D), which is shaped so each horse extends from the driver’s hand to the outside ring
as to press directly into the hard palate. of the horse’s bit. The coupling line of each horse is attached
The cumbersome appearing, but reasonably humane and to his draft line as it passes over the horse’s back, passes
effective, Raymond and O’Mara (the so-called leverage over- through a ring at his withers and crosses over to the inside
checks) involve no bit at all. (Figs 3.16H & 3.17D) When a ring of the bit of the opposite horse3,27,28 (Fig. 3.20). Thus,
horse leans into a leverage overcheck, a strap over his face when the left line is pulled, both horses turn left, and when
presses down onto his nose and the U- or V-shaped lower the right line is pulled, both horses turn right. This provision
portion of the overcheck lifts up on his chin.1,29 is a practical necessity to make accurate line handling pos-
The combination of forces applied by the driving and sible, but it does not allow constant even contact to be
check reins can place marked stress on a horse’s mouth, and maintained with each horse’s mouth.1,3
one must be aware of the type of overcheck used when caring The exact adjustment of the coupling lines, which may be
for a horse’s teeth and mouth. For example, the hard palate buckled at varying distances along the draft or outside line,
should be examined carefully for injury in a harness-racing is a critical factor in team driving in assuring that both horses
horse who performs poorly when checked with a McKerron, are moving with their heads held straight to the front.3,28 The
Hutton, Burch, Crit Davis, or Crabb bit. If the palate is sore, coupling lines must both be adjusted at the same time,
one should consider recommending a change to a chin chain because when only one line is adjusted, the other will pull
or leverage overcheck.1 one horse’s head to one side or the other.22,28 Moving cou-
Removal of wolf teeth, careful floating and rounding of pling lines further forward on the draft line spreads the team
the upper premolars and removing sharp edges from upper apart, and moving the coupling lines back brings the team
canine teeth are of special importance whenever overchecks closer together.28
are used.1,30 The upper canines are placed more caudally than Proper alignment of the horses in a team is critical for
the lower canines thus providing less space for the overcheck correct bit function. If one horse is ahead of the other, or if
bit than for the driving bit. The overcheck bit may be forced the horses are too far apart or too close together, the bit will
backwards, especially if the horse’s head is checked very be off-center in one or both horses’ mouths.28 Sores at the
high, pinching the gums against the teeth. Even leverage corners of the lips of one or both horses may be a clue that
overchecks can force a horse’s cheeks against upper points the alignment of the horses is improper.1 Fortunately, to
or caps. prevent the chafing or injury that would otherwise occur,
horses tend to place their heads so as to center the bits in
their mouths.1,28 However, this compensation results in one
Team driving or both horses’ heads being turned to one side, making
straight traveling and turning difficult.28
The previously mentioned remoteness of control in driving If one horse is ahead of the other and thus pulling more
horses is compounded in the case of a pair or larger team, than his share of the load, his bit should be made more
in which each horse is controlled by a draft line (rein) and severe, while that of his partner should be made less severe
Bits, bridles and accessories
(Fig. 3.15B).1,28 The different slots for attachment of the lines providing more tongue relief than the bit required by the
to Liverpool, Ashleigh Elbow, and Buxton bits are ideal for deeper-mouthed horse.
the quick changes in bit pressure that sometimes become An older horse may have less space for a bit in his
necessary in the middle of an event. mouth. As a horse ages, his incisors slope further forward
while the cheek teeth wear down, causing the palate to sink
closer to the tongue. A bit that was comfortable for a horse
Fitting the bit when he was 5 may no longer be comfortable when he
is 20.
The variation in size, shape, and degree of sensitivity of
One must consider more than the external dimensions of
horses’ mouths should be considered when selecting and
a horse’s head and his age in choosing an appropriate bit.
fitting bits and bridles.9,17,18 The width of the mouthpiece
The size and shape of a horse’s oral cavity often correlate
should accommodate the width of the mouth. If the mouth-
poorly with the size and shape of its head, its age or its sex.17
piece is too short, it will pinch the corners of the lips against
In selecting and properly fitting a bit, there is no substitute
the cheek teeth. Too long, and the bit can shift sideways,
for careful manual and digital examination of a horse’s
sawing on the lips, tongue and bars. An oversized mouth-
mouth. Periodic reexaminations are indicated because
piece also puts the port or joint out of position and makes
wearing of the teeth, or even dentistry, can change the shape
the bit ineffective and possibly painful. Ideally the mouth-
of the oral cavity.17
piece should not project more than 1 2 inch or less than 1 4
inch beyond the corners of the lips on either side.8
The position where the bit fits in the bar space is also Bitless bridles
important. However, this adjustment varies from horse to
horse and bit to bit. A popular rule-of-thumb for adjusting Some horses that don’t respond well to a bit perform quite
snaffles has been to adjust the bit so that the commissures well with bitless bridles. Bitless bridles can be especially
of the horse’s lips are pulled into one or two wrinkles (Fig. useful in preventing mouth injuries caused by the overzeal-
3.21A).The problem with such a fit is that releasing the pres- ous hands of a beginning rider or in allowing a mouth injury
sure on the reins gives the horse no relief at the corners of to heal.13,31
his mouth.6,8,9 A better method is to first hang the bit rela- When choosing bitless headgear, horse owners should
tively loosely until the horse learns to pick it up and carry it consider the same factors that they would when choosing
and then adjust the headstall to position the bit where the any other bridle. Otherwise, they risk dulling the horse’s
horse has determined it is most comfortable (Fig. 3.21B). A sensitivity and responsiveness to rein signals.13
driving horse’s bit should rest squarely against the corners
of the mouth without wrinkling them.1
A horse with a short or shallow mouth (from lips to
Traditional hackamore (Fig. 3.22A)
corners) carries the bit forward in his mouth where his The hackamore provides a means of promoting poll flexion,
tongue rides highest. A horse with a deep mouth holds the collection, and balance along with optimal stopping power
bit farther back in his mouth where his tongue sits lower in and directional control while staying out of the horse’s
his jaw space and his palate is more concave.9 Consequently, mouth. It is used with a light bumping action, initiated
there is less space between the tongue and hard palate in the by gently tugging on one rein at a time. Alternating pulls
shallow-mouthed horse and, everything else being equal, he and releases can be used to ask the horse to flex at the poll
requires a bit with a thinner mouthpiece and a port and stop.32
3 Introduction
The heart of the hackamore is the bosal, a braided rawhide The Cross Under Bitless Bridle (Fig. 3.22B) distributes pres-
or leather noseband that is fashioned around a rawhide sure across the poll, behind the ears, down the side of the
core. An 18- to 22-foot hair rope, the mecate, is wrapped face, behind the chin and across the nose.33 The bridle con-
above the heel knot of the bosal to form a continuous rein sists of two loops, one located over the poll and the other
and lead rope.9 Bosals vary greatly in diameter, with the located over the nose, with both crossing under the horse’s
appropriate size depending upon the horse’s sensitivity and chin. The reins run from the rider’s hands through two rings
stage of training. Generally one moves from thicker, heavier on either side of a noseband and then cross beneath the
bosals to thinner, lighter ones as the hackamore horse horse’s jaw and loop over the poll. With this figure-eight
progresses.31 configuration, simultaneous pressure can be applied to the
The bosal should rest on the bridge of the nose, or just poll, nose, chin, and cheeks. Pressure on one rein pushes the
slightly above, where it is supported by the nasal bones. horse’s head in the desired direction rather than pulling on
When placed too low, it exerts excessive pressure on the its mouth with a bit.31,34
horse’s nasal cartilages and interferes with his breathing. The side pull and the cross-under are gentle bridles that
Obviously, a hackamore does not damage a horse’s tongue minimize the stress on a horse’s mouth and work exception-
and bars, but the bosal contacts some very sensitive points ally well on some horses.
on his face. Rein pressure presses the bosal into the top of
the face and into contact with the cheeks and lower jaw all
at the same time. Heavy hands on the reins or an ill-fitting Accessories
bosal can abrade the horse’s nose and jaw and press his
cheeks against the upper premolars. Some bitting problems can be alleviated and a horse’s per-
formance improved by adding bitting accessories, such as
nosebands and martingales. We must be familiar with the
Mechanical hackamore (Fig. 3.22D) functions of such accessories in caring for horses’ mouths
While mechanical hackamores are indeed bitless bridles, because they alter the function of, or the direction of pull
they function more like curb bits than like true hack- on, the bit.
amores.9,31 Mechanical hackamores have metal shanks that
attach to a noseband and curb chain. While there is no
mouthpiece, the shanks amplify force to the nose, chin and
poll in the same way that a leverage bit works on the mouth, The simplest noseband, the cavesson, functions merely to
chin and poll. Because of the wide variety of mechanical stabilize the bridle (Figs 3.10A &B) or as a point of attach-
hackamores, it is possible to vary the severity as required. ment for a martingale (Fig. 3.24A). Other types of nosebands
are used to aid or modify the action of the bit.
Drop, flash, and figure-8 nosebands (Figs 3.23A, 3.23B
Other bitless bridles and 3.23C) are used to hold the bit in the proper position
The Side Pull (Fig. 3.22C) is little more than a hybrid halter.9 and to keep horses from gaping their mouths. The top of the
Rein rings are placed on each side of the noseband in line drop noseband is fitted just at the lower end of the nasal
with the commisures of the lips. A chin strap beneath the bones while the lower portion passes below the bit and lies
rein rings allows the noseband to be snugged into position. in the chin groove. A drop noseband is fairly restrictive and
The side pull promotes lateral control with pressure on the can cause problems if not properly adjusted.35 If it is too long
reins leading the horse’s nose in the desired direction.9 on top and too short below, it will hang too close to the
Bits, bridles and accessories
Fig. 3.23 Nose bands. (A) Drop. (B) Flash. (C) Figure-8.
(D) Cheeker. (E) Shadow roll.
nostrils, interfering with breathing, and the bottom will Sheepskin-covered cavessons or shadow rolls (Fig. 3.23E)
press the bit into the corners of the lips and hold the mouth are used to prevent a horse from seeing the ground in front
too tightly closed. of him, and thus to prevent his shying at shadows or other
The flash noseband attaches to the center of a simple potentially frightening sights. Cheekers and shadow rolls are
cavesson above the nose. The lower end passes below the bit used mainly on racehorses.
and lies in the chin groove. The figure-8 or grackle noseband
has a top strap that fastens above the bit and a lower strap
that fastens under the bit and lies in the chin groove. The
two straps intersect in the middle of the face at about the There are two basic kinds of martingales: standing (known
level where a cavesson would be located. Both the flash and in western circles as tie-downs) and running (Fig. 3.24).
the figure-8 nosebands have actions similar to the drop nose- Both types of martingales promote balance and the
band but are less severe and are not as likely to interfere with proper action of a bit by discouraging, or physically
breathing.31 preventing, the horse from raising his head too high or
The so-called ‘cheeker’ (Fig. 3.23D) is not really a nose- extending his nose too far.9,31 Both types begin with a
band but rather is a rubber strap that runs from the crown- strap running from the saddle girth up the front of the
piece of the bridle down the middle of the horse’s face where horse’s chest. The standing martingale, which exerts its
it separates to attach on either side of a snaffle bit. Like the pressure on the horse’s nose, continues as a single strap
drop, flash, and figure-8 nosebands, the cheeker holds the that attaches to the bottom of a noseband. The running
bit up in the horse’s mouth.31 martingale, which exerts its pressure on the bit, forks
3 Introduction
into two straps with rings at their upper ends through which mechanical and surgical skills and the possession of the
the reins run. best equipment available is not always sufficient to provide
A martingale should not be adjusted so tightly as to pull optimal dental care to horses. One must consider the age,
the horse’s head down into an unnatural or uncomfortable performance discipline, ability, and level of competition of
position. The martingale should become active only when the horse, not to mention the level of skill and the experi-
the horse raises his head, thus preventing him from evading ence of his rider or driver. The more the veterinarian knows
the bit and becoming unbalanced.31 about bits, bridles and accessories as they relate to the above
factors, the better he can fulfill the needs of his clients and
the more rewarding his dentistry practice will be.
The knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and
nutrition, even when coupled with high levels of diagnostic,
1. Bennett DG. Bitting and dentistry for 12. Tremaine WH. Management of Equine 23. Riegle G. Training the pacer. In: Greene
the driving horse. In: Proceedings of the Mandibular Injuries. Equine Vet Educ C, ed. The new care and training of the
53rd Annual Meeting of the American 1998; 10: 146–154 trotter and pacer. U. S. Trotting
Association of Equine Practitioners, 2007; 13. Hague BA, Honnas CM. Traumatic dental Association, Columbus, OH, 1996,
53: 451–459 disease and soft tissue injuries of the oral p. 337
2. Scoggins RD. Bits, bitting and dentistry. cavity. Vet Clin North Am 1998; 14: 24. McBane S. The illustrated guide to horse
In: Proceedings of the 47th Annual 333–347 tack. David and Charles, Newton Abbot,
Meeting of the American Association of 14. Van Lancker S, Van Den Broeck W, 1992, pp 49–91
Equine Practitioners, 2001; 47: 138– Simoens P. Incidence and morphology 25. Malm GA. Bits and bridles, an
141 of bone irregularities of the equine encyclopedia. Grasshopper, Valley Falls,
3. Coombs T. Bits for harness horses. In: interdental spaces (bars of the mouth). 1996
McBane S, ed. The horse and the bit. Equine Vet Educ 2007; 19: 103–106 26. Crossley A. The double bridle. In:
Howell Book House, New York, 1988, 15. Dixon PM, Tremaine WH, Pickles K, et al. McBane S, ed. The horse and the bit.
pp 127–131 Equine dental disease Part 3: a long-term Howell, New York, 1988, pp 60–78
4. Scrutchfield WL. Wolf teeth: how to study of 400 cases: disorders of wear, 27. Telleen M. The draft horse primer. Rodale
safely and effectively extract and is it traumatic damage and idiopathic Press, Emmaus, PA, 1977, p 256
necessary. In: Workbook: American fractures, tumors and miscellaneous 28. Bowers S, Steward M. Farming with
Association of Equine Practitioners Focus disorders of the cheek teeth. Equine Vet J horses. MBI, St Paul, 2006
on Dentistry 2006, pp 56–60 2007; 2: 9–18
29. Haughton T. Choosing the right
5. Dixon PM, Gerard MP. Oral Cavity and 16. Jansson N, Hesselholt M, Falmer-Hanson equipment. In: Greene C, ed. The new
Salivary Glands. In: Auer JA, Stick JA, J. Extirpation of a mandibular canine care and training of the trotter and pacer.
eds. Equine Surgery, 3rd edn. Elsevier, tooth in a horse as a treatment for severe U S Trotting Association, Columbus,
St Louis, 2006, pp 321–351 bit-induced trauma to the bar. Equine 1996, pp 184–214
6. Bennett DG. Bits and bitting: form and Veterinary Education 1980; 10: 143–145
30. Caldwell LA. Canine teeth in the equine
function. In: Proceedings of the 47th 17. Engelke E, Gasse H. An anatomical study patient – the guide to eruption,
Annual Meeting of the American of the rostral part of the equine oral extraction, reduction and other things
Association of Equine Practitioners. 2001; cavity with respect to position and size of you need to know. In: Workbook:
47: 130–137 a snaffle bit. Equine Veterinary Education American Association of Equine
7. Young JR. The schooling of the horse. 2003; 15: 158–163 Practitioners Focus on Dentistry. 2006,
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 18. Engelke E, Gasse H. Position of different pp 47–55
OK, 1982, pp 235–263 snaffle bits inside the equine oral cavity. 31. Bennett DG. Bitting accessories and
8. Bennett DG. An overview of bits and Pferdeheilkunde 2002; 18(4): 367–376 bitless bridles. In: Workbook: American
bitting. In: Workbook: American 19. Easley J. Dental and oral examination. In: Association of Equine Practitioners Focus
Association of Equine Practitioners Focus Baker GJ, Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry, on Dentistry. 2006, pp 237–242
on Dentistry. 2006, pp 181–195 2nd edn. Elsevier, London, 2005, 32. Connell E. Hackamore reinsman.
9. Lynch B, Bennett DG. Bits and bridles: pp 151–169 Lennoche, Katy, TX, 1952
power tools for thinking riders. 20. Sutton A. The bridle and the bit. In: The 33. Cook WR. Pathophysiology of bit control
EquiMedia, Austin, 2000 injury-free horse. David and Charles, in the horse. J Equine Vet Sci 1999; 19:
10. Johnson TJ. Surgical removal of Newton Abbott, 2001, pp 59–60 196–204
mandibular periostitis (bone spurs) 21. Clayton HM, Lee RA. Fluoroscopic study 34. Cook R. Tradition and status quo, or
caused by bit damage. In: Proceedings of of the position and action of the jointed science and advance? Vet Times 2007; 37:
the 48th Annual Meeting of the American snaffle bit in the horse’s mouth. Journal 16–18
Association of Equine Practitioners 2002; of Equine Veterinary Science 1984; 4:
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1993; 133: 188–189
Section 1: Introduction
The business of equine dentistry
Travis Henry† DVM, Dennis J. Rach* DVM
Midwest Equine Services, N7188 Country Side Lane, Elkhorn, WI 53121-2916, USA
*Moore & Co. Veterinary Services, Box 460, Balzac, Alberta, Canada T0M-0E0
Customers are the most important visitors on our general equine veterinary practice. To perform this much
premises. They are not dependent on us. We are dentistry effectively, a veterinarian must incorporate an
dependent on them. They are not an interruption in our appropriate business model into the practice.
work. They are the purpose of it. They are not an
outsider in our business. They are part of it. We are not Major contributing business factors
doing them a favor by serving them. They are doing us a
favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. Three major factors are required for a business model to
function, and a deficit in any of the three decreases the likeli-
Mahatma Gandhi hood of success.
Horse owners expect dental care to be high quality and • Structures: the availability of necessary physical and
delivered with expertise. Enthusiasm is a crucial component human resources.
of high quality veterinary service. Delivering exceptional • Processes: the use of efficient resources.
levels of dental care with enthusiasm creates a positive • Systems: the provision of useful information to
atmosphere, making a dental procedure a satisfying experi- management so that business decisions can be made.
ence for both the owner and practitioner. The client’s
needs are fulfilled, and the client develops trust in the prac- Structures
titioner, which is a cornerstone of a successful dental prac-
tice. Enthusiasm is often the key ingredient that separates a Expertise develops a trusting relationship
successful equine dental practice from a practice that is less Equine dentistry is the one common service that the entire
successful. spectrum of equine clients need throughout all four seasons
Dentistry has become an important sub-discipline of of the year. This type of service, when expertly offered, can
veterinary practice. In the recent past, equine dentistry was become the cornerstone of a stable’s herd health program.
a discipline overlooked by many veterinarians, perhaps If the veterinarian is able to expertly perform an oral exami-
because the economic value of the horses used for agricul- nation and provide for the horse’s dental needs efficiently
tural work was low. When horses became valued because of and competently, the owner is satisfied. After a relationship
emotional attachment or because of their worth as a sport of mutual trust between the veterinarian and client is estab-
horse, their economic value increased, and dental care lished, the client is likely to accept the advice of the veteri-
became more important to owners. Many of today’s clients narian in other matters of health. During these discussions,
compete in various kinds of sporting events for horses, and dental care strategies for various age groups of horses can
the horse’s interaction with the bit and bridle is a critical part be outlined, and the importance of dentistry for the per
of the interaction between horse and rider during these formance and long-term well-being of the horses can be
events. Clients recognize that equine dentistry is essential in illustrated. When the managers or owners realize how
maintaining a good interaction between the horse and bit. important dental care is for their horses, they become ardent
When a practice is not willing to provide high-quality equine supporters of a herd health strategy scheduled around dental
dental care, clients seek dental care elsewhere. In many parts appointments.
of the world, horses are still used in agriculture, and for these It is incumbent upon veterinary graduates to receive extra
horses, dental maintenance is vital for their overall health instruction and to develop skills in the practice of equine
and welfare. dentistry to achieve an acceptable level of judgment and
As drugs for sedation, instrument design and dental tech- competence in this discipline. Dental procedures must be
niques have improved, the activity in equine dentistry at performed in a competent, efficient manner that is safe
modern veterinary practices has increased markedly. Den- for the patient, practitioner, and handler. Like surgery, the
tistry can easily comprise 10–15 % and sometimes up to practice of equine dentistry requires skill, knowledge,
30 % of the total workload and revenue produced in a and experience.
4 Introduction
Fig. 4.2 Clinic logos and signage on practice vehicles to promote services
offered are ideal methods of advertising. (Contributed by Christopher Pearce
The business of equine dentistry
4 Introduction
Fig. 4.3 A dental record form can be a valuable aid in communicating with the owner/trainer. The form should clearly show what dental problems
the horse has, what treatments were given and when the next follow-up visit is scheduled. (Contributed by Rob Pascoe BVSc MRCVS.)
the time of service using a laptop computer, which greatly request throughout the year. Procedures such as blood
improves efficiency, and collections, and decreases mistakes testing for equine infectious anemia, annual vaccinations,
in the billing process. insurance examinations, reproductive work, and preparation
for competitions, can be scheduled with dental work.
All horses involved in competition need regular dental
Grouping with scheduled procedures care, and the office staff can use the computer to predict
Opportunities can be found to schedule dental procedures when this regular dental care can be provided to a group of
by auditing common veterinary procedures that clients clients.
The business of equine dentistry
Table 4.1 Number of dental cases that practices treated in the Table 4.2 Practices polled by the authors
year 2004 (among only those practices who said they provide
dental services) (AAEP Poll of 2005 Concerning Dentistry) Percentage of dentistry to practice’s total gross income 7.78 %
Percentage of dentistry to equine infectious anemia tests 81.0 %
31 % More than 200 dental cases
Percentage of dentistry to influenza and rhinopneumonitis 51.0 %
21 % 101–200 dental cases
21 % 51–100 dental cases
17 % 26–50 dental cases
10 % 1–25 dental cases
1 % No dental cases practice activity can be quantified to allow comparisons with
the overall amount of dental work performed.
Often, more dental care could be performed but the prac-
tice lacks the personnel to perform it. The information
system can predict if hiring a new associate and purchasing
Systems new instrumentation to fill the void are economically
feasible. Because the cost of basic dental instrumentation is
Well-organized offices with state-of-the-art information moderate, compared with equipment needed for other sub-
systems report on the resources and processes of the busi- specialties, deciding whether or not to expand equine den-
ness. The record-keeping system for inventory, invoicing, tistry within the practice is usually easy.
payroll, medical records, statistics, and research generates
reports that allow the managing veterinarian to determine
how well the business plan is functioning. Accounting state- Summary
ments from these records also give valuable information that
can be used to plan business strategies. Information systems Veterinarians with an interest in equine dentistry have the
can also identify potential areas for growth in dentistry. opportunity to make dentistry a significant part of their prac-
Software tools can be used to monitor client and veterinary tice. The practitioner who is enthusiastic can acquire the
activity. A high number of dental procedures performed by requisite knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively
some members of the practice can be identified as a goal for perform dentistry. With the advent of sedative/analgesia
others in the practice (Table 4.1). agents and motorized instrumentation, equine dental prac-
Numbers of various types of veterinary procedures can tice is no longer laborious, and anyone who has interest in
also be compared with numbers of dental procedures. For equine dentistry can include it in his or her practice. Veteri-
example, horses being tested for equine infectious anemia narians who become competent in equine dentistry find it
or immunized so that they can attend an equestrian event to be one of the most rewarding and interesting aspects of
are likely to also need dental care (Table 4.2). Many areas of equine veterinary practice.
1. Kotler P. Marketing management. Pearson
Education, New Jersey 2000, p 21
2. Mitchell JS. Absentee owner
communication: an equine practitioner’s
challenge. Equine Veterinary Education
2007; 19(4): 111
Section 2: Morphology
Dental anatomy
Padraic M. Dixon MVB, PhD, MRCVS, Nicole du Toit BVSc, MSc, PhD, MRCVS
Division of Veterinary Clinical Studies, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RG, UK
5 Morphology
and thus are termed anelodont teeth. A further evolutionary the underlying mesenchymal tissue to form two distinct
progression to cope with highly abrasive diets, as has ridges, the vestibular lamina, and (caudal to it) the dental
occurred in some rodents such as rabbits (and some extinct lamina. The dental lamina produces a series of epithelial
equid lineages), is the presence of teeth that continually swellings called tooth buds along its buccal margin. This
grow throughout all of the animal’s life, that are termed stage is known as the bud stage of tooth development (Fig.
elodont teeth. 5.1). At this stage, a mesenchymal cell proliferation develops
Many brachydont teeth have a distinct neck between beneath the hollow ectodermal tooth buds and invaginates
the crown and root, a feature that could not be present into these tooth buds, which then develops into inverted
in permanent hypsodont teeth that have a prolonged erup- cap-shaped structures called the enamel organs. This is
tion period. At eruption, hypsodont teeth have no true termed the cap stage of dental development (Fig. 5.1).
roots and in this text the term root specifically refers to the All deciduous teeth and the permanent molars develop
apical area which is enamel free.7,8 The formation of roots from the enamel organ of the dental laminae. However,
in equine teeth permits further dental growth for some year permanent incisors, permanent canines, and permanent
or so after these teeth erupt, in addition to the very pro- premolars are formed from separate enamel organs that are
longed eruption of these teeth for most of the horse’s life. derived from lingual (medial) extensions of the dental
The terms apical or periapical are much more appropriate to laminae of the deciduous teeth (Fig. 5.1). Consequently, the
describe this area of equine teeth that, for example, com- deciduous incisors are normally displaced labially (towards
monly develop apical infections of the mandibular 07s the lips) by the erupting permanent incisors.
and 08s (2nd and 3rd cheek teeth) even prior to the develop- After formation of the enamel organ, the mesenchymal
ment of any roots. About 25 % of equine mandibular cheek cells continue to proliferate within the concave aspect of
teeth still have no root development even 12 months fol- the enamel organ, and are then termed the dental papilla,
lowing eruption.9 a structure that is later responsible for dentin and pulp
Because of the marked physiological wear (attrition) on formation. These cells now also extend peripherally, as a
the surface of hypsodont teeth, exposure on the occlusal structure termed the dental sac (follicle), which surrounds
surface of enamel ridges, and also of dentin and cement and protects the enamel organ and dental papilla until
(cementum) is inevitable and leads to the presence of alter- tooth eruption occurs (Fig. 5.2).1,15 The enamel organ,
nate layers of these three calcified dental tissues on the occlu- dental papilla and dental sac are together termed the
sal surface. This is in contrast to the sole presence of enamel tooth germ, with each germ responsible for an individual
on the occlusal surface of brachydont teeth. The presence tooth.
of infolding of the peripheral enamel, and also of enamel The enamel organ proliferates further, and in brachydont
cup-like infoldings (infundibula) in the upper cheek teeth teeth now assumes a concave, bell-like shape, which is
and all incisors also increases the amount and irregularity termed the bell stage of dental development. At this stage,
of exposed enamel ridges on the occlusal surface. This the concavity of the enamel organ increases, while the mes-
peripheral enamel infolding is greater in mandibular cheek enchymal cells of the dental papilla invaginate further into
teeth to compensate for the lack of enamel infundibulae its hollow aspect (Fig. 5.1). Additionally, in some equine
that are present in the maxillary cheek teeth.10 This feature teeth (all incisors and maxillary cheek teeth), invaginations
confers additional advantages to hypsodont teeth, as the of enamel epithelium that will later become infundibula
different calcified tissues wear at different rates (enamel develop from the convex aspect of the ‘bell’ into the papilla
slowest, dentin and cementum fastest) and therefore a per- (one per incisor and two per upper cheek teeth). Equine
manently irregular occlusal surface that is advantageous in cheek teeth have multiple cusps (raised occlusal areas) that
the grinding of coarse fibrous foodstuffs is created by a self- arise from protrusions on the convex aspect of the bell. The
sharpening mechanism. enamel organ in equine incisors and in all brachydont teeth
is circular on transverse section; however, the enamel organ
of equine cheek teeth (which are rectangular to square on
Embryology of teeth transverse section) develops peripheral infoldings16 that later
produce the infolded peripheral enamel.
Dental development (dentogenesis) involves several sequen- Most cytodifferentiative events in the tooth germs occur
tial processes, including epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, during the transitional period between the cap and bell
growth, remodeling and calcification of tissues until a tooth stages. The ectodermal cells lining the concave aspect of the
is fully developed.11,12,13 During dental development, the enamel organ become the internal enamel epithelium, and
tooth germ undergoes a series of distinct, consecutive events the cells lining the convex aspect of the enamel organ form
termed the initiating, morphogenetic and cytodifferentiative the external enamel epithelium.12 Between them lies a third
phases. These phases occur in all types of mammalian denti- layer containing star-shaped cells with large intracellular
tion;14 however, their timing and termination vary, i.e., com- spaces, termed the stellate reticulum (Fig. 5.1), which has
pared to brachydont teeth, hypsodont teeth have a delayed nutritive and mechanical functions in enamel development.
termination of the morphogenetic and cytodifferentiative The cells of the internal dental epithelium develop into tall
stages (at their apical region), whilst in elodont teeth (such columnar cells with large, proximally located nuclei. This
as in some rodents), these stages continue throughout all of development induces alterations at the molecular level in
the animal’s life. Tooth formation begins by the develop- the underlying dental papilla whose uppermost cells now
ment of a horseshoe-shaped, epithelial thickening along the rapidly enlarge, becoming odontoblasts. The first layer of
lateral margin of the fetal oral cavity. This epithelial thicken- dentin is now laid down along the basal membrane, which
ing (termed the primary epithelial band) invaginates into then disintegrates. These events reciprocally induce the
Dental anatomy
Peripheral cement
of crown
Enamel organ
Mesenchymal MEDIAL
cell condensation Predentin
Cap stage
Oral epithelium
External enamel epithelium
(of reserve crown)
Dental lamina
A Stellate reticulum Internal enamel layer
External enamel
Stellate reticulum
Dental sac
Dental follicle Dental sac vasculature
Stellate Fig. 5.2 Two stages of the development of a multicusped hypsodont tooth
reticulum without an infundibulum (i.e., a lower cheek tooth) showing the presence of
coronal cement and enamel that are covered by the dental sac. The large
Dental follicle common pulp chamber (A) later develops separate pulp horns (B) due to
deposition of dentin by the odontoblasts within the common pulp
Dentin and
Odontoblasts distal aspect. Secretions from the proximal aspect of Tome’s
Ameloblasts process form interprismatic enamel, and secretions from the
surface of Tome’s process form the enamel prisms. The
Dental papilla development of enamel and dentin (and later, also of
cement) occurs in two consecutive phases, the secretion of
Cervical loop
extra cellular matrix of mucopolysaccharides and organic
Mesenchyme fibers, which is then followed by its mineralization.18,19
Odontoblasts, like ameloblasts and cementoblasts (that
Fig. 5.1 The three early stages of development of a brachydont or
produce cement), are end cells, meaning that they cannot
hypsodont tooth. (Reproduced from Kilic72 with permission.)
further differentiate into other cell types. During dentin
deposition, the basal aspects of odontoblasts gradually
overlying internal enamel epithelial cells to differentiate into become thinner and form long fine cytoplasmic exten-
ameloblasts which now begin to produce enamel.17 sions termed odontoblast processes, that remain within the
The ameloblasts initially deposit a structureless enamel dental tubule, whilst the odontoblast cell body gradually
layer and then migrate away from the enamel-dentinal inter- moves centrally on the peripheral of the pulp horn, remain-
face, and form a projection termed Tome’s process at their ing on the surface of the developing dentin.13
5 Morphology
Pulp cavity
Odontoblasts and
predentin layers
Infundibular enamel
Primary dentin
Coronal enamel
Dental sac
Pulp cavity
Infundibular cement
Infundibular enamel
Primary dentin
Peripheral enamel
Secondary dentin
(beginning to be deposited)
Fig. 5.3 The crown and occlusal surface of a multicusped hypsodont tooth with an infundibulum (i.e., an upper cheek tooth) (a) immediately prior to
eruption (b) immediately following eruption, showing loss of the dental sac over the occlusal surface and (c) following wear of the primary occlusal surface
to expose the secondary occlusal surface which is the permanent occlusal surface in hypsodont teeth. Note the additional apical blood supply to the
In multi-cusped teeth (such as equine cheek teeth) miner- buds (three in each quadrant) to be underway by the 120th
alization begins independently at each cusp tip (Figs 5.2 & day of fetal life and to be completed by 240 days.20 The
5.3) and then merges, as calcification progresses down deciduous 06 (PM2) germs are largest, indicating that they
towards the amelodentinal (enamel-dentin) junction.1 As develop first. Calcification of the first permanent tooth bud
dentin and enamel deposition continues, odontoblasts and (09s) begins about 6 months later.20
ameloblasts move in opposite directions and thus avoid In brachydont teeth, vascularization begins at the periph-
becoming entrapped in their own secretions. Radiography ery of the tooth germs at the early cap stage, and blood
has shown the calcification of equine deciduous cheek teeth vessels then grow into the dental sac and dental papilla.13
Dental anatomy
5 Morphology
S Pc Pr
Ch C
Fig. 5.7 Scanning electron micrograph of a section of an equine tooth
showing dentin (D) enamel and cement (C). A thin layer of Equine Type-3
enamel (3) is visible on the left at the amelodentinal junction. Adjacent to
this area is a wider layer of Equine Type-1 enamel (1) showing interprismatic
enamel (IP) that is contiguous with Type-3 enamel and enamel prisms (P).
To the right is a wider layer of Equine Type-2 enamel (2) that in this area has
horseshoe-shaped prisms (↑) (×482). (Reproduced from Kilic et al23 courtesy L
of the Editor of Equine Veterinary Journal.)
Fig. 5.9 Transverse section 2 cm beneath the occlusal surface of a methyl
methacrylate embedded lower fourth cheek tooth of an 8-year-old horse.
detected.23 Equine Type-1 enamel is present on the medial The enamel (peripheral only) is thickest (↑↑) in regions that are parallel to
aspect of the enamel folds, i.e., at the amelodentinal junc- the long axis of the mandible and thinnest (↑) in invaginations of enamel.
tion. It is composed of prisms that are rounded or oval on One peripheral infolding is apparent on the buccal (B) aspect while two
deeper infoldings are present on the lingual (L) aspect. PC, peripheral
cross section and lie in parallel rows between flat plates of
cementum; D, dentin (×4). (Reproduced from Kilic70 with permission.)
dense interprismatic enamel (Figs 5.5 & 5.6). Equine Type-2
enamel is present on the periphery of the enamel layer, i.e.,
at the amelocemental (enamel to cement) junction, and is
composed solely of enamel prisms ranging from horseshoe The distributions of Equine Type-1 and -2 enamels vary
to keyhole in shape (Fig. 5.7) with no interprismatic enamel throughout the teeth, with Equine Type-2 enamel increasing
present. Equine Type-3 enamel is composed of prisms com- in thickness in the peripheral enamel folds (ridges) and
pletely surrounded by large quantities of interprismatic decreasing where these folds invaginate towards the center
enamel in a honeycomb-like structure and is inconsistently of the tooth (Figs 5.8 & 5.9). Almost all enamel folds contain
present as a thin layer at both the amelodentinal and amelo both Type-1 and Type-2 enamel; however, increased amounts
cemental junctions (Fig. 5.7). of Equine Type-1 enamel are present in the upper cheek
Dental anatomy
h IC
1 v 2
Fig. 5.10 Scanning electron micrograph of a section of an equine incisor Fig. 5.11 Scanning electron micrograph of partially decalcified dentin.
tooth showing dentin (D) infundibular enamel (IE) and infundibular cement The hexagonal shaped intertubular dentin (ID) has a compact appearance.
(IC). A thin layer of Equine Type-1 enamel is present on the left (1). The bulk A network of collagenous fibers is apparent in the fully decalcified
of the enamel is Equine Type-2 (2) and this is oriented at a wide variety of intratubular dentin (formerly termed peritubular dentin) (PD) that are
angles including horizontal (h) obliquely (o) and vertically (v) relative to the attached to the odontoblast processes (OP) (×2020). (Reproduced from
occlusal surface. The bands of enamel oriented obliquely and vertically form Kilic72 with permission.)
alternating bands that are oriented perpendicular to the amelodentinal and
amelocemental junctions with the changes in direction of the enamel
bands are demarcated by grooves (∇∇∇∇) (×131). (Reproduced from Kilic
et al23 courtesy of the Editor of Equine Veterinary Journal.)
exposure and thus to apical infection.25,26 Donkeys have
similar enamel types and distribution of enamel types to
horses except that their maxillary cheek teeth have similar
teeth. Similar quantities of Equine Type-1 and-2 enamel proportions of Equine Type-1 and Type-2 enamels.27
occur in the lower cheek teeth, whereas incisor enamel is In equine cheek teeth, both peripheral and infundibular
composed almost solely of Equine Type-2 enamel. Equine enamel are about three times thicker in areas where they are
Type-1 prisms are oriented at angles of approximately 45° parallel to the long axis of the maxillae or mandible, than
to both the amelodentinal junction and the occlusal surface, where perpendicular to this axis, i.e., are invaginated into
but bundles of Equine Type-2 enamel prisms are oriented at the tooth.23 It appears that enamel may have evolved to
a very wide variety of oblique angles.23 become thinner or thicker in certain regions of the tooth in
Although enamel is the hardest substance in the mam- response to the level of localized masticatory forces.
malian body, it is brittle. The closely packed prisms of However, enamel thickness remains constant throughout
Equine Type-1 enamel form a composite structure including the length of the tooth, therefore, as the animal ages the
dense interprismatic plates that confer very strong wear enamel thickness remains constant at the different sites in
resistance. However, these often-parallel rows of enamel the transverse plane.
prisms and interprismatic enamel are susceptible to cracking
along prismatic and interprismatic lines. One adaptive
process to prevent such cracks, which is particularly notice-
able in Equine Type-2 enamel, is the presence of enamel The bulk of the tooth is composed of dentin, a cream colored,
decussation (which means interweaving, with changes of calcified tissue composed of approximately 70 % minerals
direction of bundles of enamel prisms that run in three- (mainly hydroxyapatite crystals) and 30 % organic compo-
dimensions) (Fig. 5.10). In contrast, Equine Type-1 enamel nents (including collagen fibers and mucopolysaccharides)
has no decussation. Equine incisors are smaller and flatter and water. The latter content is obvious in dried equine teeth
than cheek teeth, have less support from adjacent teeth and specimens where the dentin (and also cement) develop arte-
yet undergo great mechanical stresses during prehension factual cracks following loss of their water content. The
that could readily cause enamel cracks. Therefore, it is not mechanical properties of dentin, including its tensile strength
surprising that they are largely composed of Equine Type-2 and compressibility, are highly influenced by the arrange-
enamel prisms. Cheek teeth primarily have a grinding func- ments and relationships of its matrix collagen fibers
tion, and so the presence of enamel that confers high wear (Fig. 5.11), other organic components, water content and its
resistance is more essential, and this requirement is fulfilled calcified components, with the heterogeneity of its structure
by the high proportion of Equine Type-1 enamel present in contributing to its overall strength.28 Electron microscopic
cheek teeth.23 Close examination of cheek teeth enamel examination of equine dentin shows that it contains both
sometimes shows the presence of fine transverse fissures calcified fibers and calcospherites. In equine teeth, the pres-
(micro fractures) through the peripheral enamel,24 which ence of dentin (and also cement) interspersed between the
does not appear to be clinically significant, as the progres- hard but brittle enamel layers forms an elegant laminated
sion of these cracks through the remaining part of the tooth structure (a biological ‘safety glass’) allowing the two softer
often appears to be prevented by the adjacent cementum and calcified tissues (dentin and cementum) to act as ‘crack stop-
dentin, but some fissure fractures can lead to pulpar pers’ for the enamel28 as well as creating an irregular occlusal
5 Morphology
Fig. 5.12 Odontoblast cells (O) withdrawing toward the center of the pulp Fig. 5.13 Decalcified transverse histological section through a mandibular
(p) laying down a secretory matrix i.e., a paler staining layer of predentin CT pulp horn that has become completely filled with dentin. Primary equine
(pd) adjacent to the primary dentin (PD). dentin (1D) is peripheral to regular secondary dentin (2rD) and irregular
secondary dentin (2iD) with a resting line (RL) present between them
(H and E).
Dental anatomy
Fig. 5.15 Scanning electron micrograph of an untreated dentinal section Fig. 5.16 Scanning electron micrograph of the occlusal surface of an
showing a longitudinal profile of dentinal tubules containing odontoblast equine cheek tooth showing regular secondary dentin that has been etched
processes (OP) that are attached to the intertubular dentin (ID) by calcified to remove the organic pellicle. Almost all the dentinal tubules contain
fibrils (↑) (×1010). (Reproduced from Kilic et al36 courtesy of the Editor of protruding odontoblast processes (OP) which may be calcified and many
Equine Veterinary Journal.) are hollow (×1010). (Reproduced from Kilic72 with permission.)
Dentin is composed of several distinct structures, includ- termed laminae limitantes, that are the un-mineralized inner
ing dentinal tubules, which are its characteristic histological layer of intratubular dentin.39 However, even if microorgan-
feature, intratubular dentin (which lines the tubule walls), isms could enter patent dentinal tubules on the occlusal
intertubular dentin (which lies between the tubules) and surface, they may not reach the pulp cavity because the den-
odontoblast processes. Dentinal tubules extend from the tinal tubules are sealed by a smear layer of ground dental
pulp cavity across the width of the tooth to the enamel at tissue and additionally, retrograde flow of fluid from the
the amelodentinal junction. The odontoblasts reside in the pulp through the dentinal tubules to the occlusal surface40
predentin at the periphery of the pulp cavity, but their odon- may also prevent descent of microorganisms down these
toblast processes extend through the dental tubules (Figs tubules. Irregular (reparative) secondary dentin is less organ-
5.11, 5.12 & 5.15) as far as the enamel, sometimes subdivid- ized than primary dentin and contains no odontoblast
ing into two or three tubules and displaying a sharp curva- processes as its dentinal tubules are fully obliterated. This
ture just before reaching the amelodentinal junction. There type of dentin can fully seal off the pulp from the oral
is a debate on whether the odontoblast processes reach as environment.
far as the amelodentinal junction in other species, but in the Intratubular dentin (Fig. 5.11) has a higher mineral
horse it appears that the odontoblast processes do reach this content than intertubular dentin and therefore has a higher
far.36 Because there is an intimate association between the resistance to wear. A transitional region exists between
pulp and dentin that act as a single functional unit, the term equine primary and secondary dentin where intratubular
pulpodentinal complex is appropriately used for these two dentin is absent, and is sometimes very distinct histologi-
tissues.30 Because its tubules contain odontoblast processes, cally.32 Because regular secondary dentin contains no (dense)
dentin is considered to be a sensitive living tissue and thus intratubular dentin, it is more susceptible to attrition
mechanical interference with dentin, e.g., reducing larger than primary dentin. Likewise, the dentin near the ame-
overgrowths that contain dentin, can damage sensitive lodentinal junction contains the lowest amounts of intratu-
odontoblast processes and can thus potentially cause pain.37 bular dentin and would theoretically be expected to wear
In brachydont species, odontoblast processes or their sur- faster; however, it is protected from excessive wear by the
rounding fluid can convey pain signals from insulted (e.g., adjacent enamel.
by excessive heat or cold, trauma, infection) dentin to the
pulp, by incompletely understood mechanisms. In horses,
where exposed dentin constitutes a major part of the occlusal
surface, it is most unlikely that such a pain-producing mech- The histology of equine teeth pulp has been poorly evalu-
anism exist on the normal occlusal surface. It is interesting ated to date, with most information derived from studies on
that on the occlusal surface of normal equine teeth, appar- brachydont teeth pulp. Pulp is a soft tissue within the dental
ently intact, odontoblast-like processes are visible protrud- pulp cavities that contains a connective tissue skeleton,
ing from the dentinal tubules of primary and regular including fibroblasts, thick collagen fibers and a network of
secondary dentin (Fig. 5.16), even though this area is con- fine reticulin fibers, connective tissue cells (that, as previ-
stantly exposed to oral microbial and biochemical insults38 ously noted, can differentiate into odontoblasts if appropri-
and pulpar infection is rare. A possible explanation for their ately stimulated), extensive vasculature (to allow active
apparently undamaged morphology is that they have become continuous secondary dentin deposition), lymphatics, and
calcified. Some studies have suggested that these structures nerves (sensory and vasoregulatory). In mature teeth, pulp
are not odontoblast processes, but are in fact collagen fibrils, is contiguous with the periodontal connective tissue at the
5 Morphology
Dental anatomy
1 2 1 2
1 2
3 3
4 4 3
5 5 4
1 2 2
1 2
3 5
4 3 4 5
Fig. 5.20 A revised cheek teeth pulp numbering system (maxillary cheek
teeth on top row and mandibular cheek teeth on bottom row) as described
by du Toit et al.10
5 Morphology
Dental anatomy
Infraorbital canal
'Open' apex
Peripheral cementum
Gingiva Fig. 5.25 Occlusal view of a maxillary cheek teeth row of an aged horse.
Just the roots (with the rostral roots separated) remain of the 109 and 111
that have heavy peripheral cement deposits. These remnants contain little
Thicker peripheral Infundibulum
cementum enamel (‘smooth mouth’) and consequently are ineffective at grinding
forage and will soon fully wear out. The infundibula of some of the
remaining teeth have fully worn out, and diastemata are present between
some teeth.
Fig. 5.24 Longitudinal section of a young maxillary cheek tooth lying in
the maxillary sinus (MS) and ventral conchal sinus (VCS). Note the very
extensive common pulp chamber and large pulp horns and thus a limited
amount of (secondary) dentin present, which is characteristic of young
equine teeth. Localized (clinically insignificant) central cemental caries is
present in the transected infundibulum. The alveolar bone and periodontal
membrane can be identified adjacent to the cement at the periphery of the
tooth. Note the increase in thickness of the peripheral cement (of the D
‘gingival reserve crown’) immediately following eruption of the tooth from ADJ
the alveolus.
5 Morphology
Dental anatomy
Depression Pulpar
Fig. 5.30 Occlusal aspect of two aged mandibular cheek teeth with the
tooth on the left showing limited peripheral cement infolding of its caudal
aspect – with consequent excessive wear of the adjacent dentin causing a
depression in this area of the occlusal surface (‘cupping’ ‘senile excavation’).
The adjacent cheek tooth has normal enamel infolding but has occlusal
exposure of one of its pulps.
5 Morphology
days of birth, 4–6 weeks, and 6–9 months of age, respec- depending on the presence and number of canine teeth or
tively.51 Deciduous incisors are whiter and contain wider and 1st premolar (wolf teeth).54
shallower infundibula than their permanent successors, The Triadan System of dental nomenclature utilizes three
which erupt on their lingual aspect. As noted, the eruption digits to identify each tooth. The first digit refers to the
of both deciduous and permanent teeth can be used to esti- quadrant, with 1 for upper right, 2 for upper left, 3 for lower
mate the age of horses up to 5 years old with a reasonable left, and 4 for lower right (Fig. 5.32).55 The deciduous teeth
degree of accuracy52,53 (see Ch. 7). are similarly identified using the prefix 5–8 for the four
The dental formula of deciduous and permanent Adult horses also have 12 incisors in total, six in each
arcade. The upper incisor teeth are embedded in the premax-
teeth in horses
illary (incisive) bone, and the lower incisors in the rostral
Deciduous teeth: 2 (Di 3 3 , Dc 0 0 , Dm 3 3) = 24 teeth mandible, with the reserve crowns and apices of incisors
Permanent teeth: converging towards each other. Incisor teeth are curved con-
2 ( I 3 3 , C 1 1 or 0 0 , PM 3 3 or 4 4 , M 3 3) vexly on their labial aspect (concavely on their lingual
= 36 to 44 teeth aspect) and taper in uniformly from the occlusal surface
toward the apex (unlike equine deciduous incisors, and all
brachydont incisors that have a distinct neck). Therefore
with age, spaces eventually develop between equine perma-
nent incisors, but the development of these spaces is delayed
by the medial (mesial) pressure of the 03s on the remaining
incisors. The fully developed incisor arcade in a young adult
horse has an almost semicircular appearance, which gradu-
ally becomes shallower with age, due to alteration of teeth
shape caused by progressive wear.56 The occlusal angle of
incisors also changes from almost vertical apposition in the
young horse (Fig. 5.33) to an increasing angle of incidence
with age.
Infundibular cementum Equine incisors also develop certain wear-related macro-
enamel scopic features that have been traditionally (if not very accu-
rately) utilized for estimating age52–54 as discussed in detail
in Chapter 7. The infundibulum present in all incisors is
Excessively termed the incisal cup (‘cup’). This funnel-like enamel struc-
dentin ture is oval in shape and circa 10 mm deep when the tooth
first erupts. However, variations in its depth may cause the
Peripheral infundibulum to wear away more rapidly or slower
enamel than ‘normal’ and thus make aging difficult. The incisor
infundibulum is usually incompletely filled with cement
and consequently later becomes filled with food material
Fig. 5.31 Occlusal surface of a maxillary cheek tooth that is missing one of
its infundibula with resultant excessive wear causing a deep depression
and appears dark.52 When the infundibular cavity is worn
(‘cupping’ ‘senile excavation’) in the occlusal surface at this site. Such away, it leaves behind a small ring of the remaining apical
‘cupping’ may predispose to sharp overgowths on the lateral and medial aspect of the infundibular enamel, located on the lingual
aspects of upper and lower cheek teeth in older horses. Unusually the aspect of the tooth, which is called the enamel spot (enamel
remaining infundibulum appears to consist of two separate smaller ring or mark).52 Due to the slower wear of enamel as
111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 201 202 203 204 205 207 208 209 210 211
411 410 409 408 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311
Dental anatomy
Coronoid process
Infraorbital foramen
Zygomatic process
of temporal bone Canine tooth (104)
Curved occlusal
Mental foramen
True root Immature Thin ventral
apex mandibular border
Fig. 5.33 Diagram of a skull of a 5-year-old horse demonstrating ventral deviation of the mandible associated with eruption of 408. Note the shape and
apposition of the incisors of this young horse. The angulation of the rostral and caudal cheek teeth and the curvature of the sixth teeth maintain tight
apposition of all six cheek teeth at the occlusal surface. The TMJ is high (approximately 15 cm higher in an adult Thoroughbred) above the level of the cheek
teeth occlusal surface. Note the small coronoid process and the large area of muscle attachment of the mandible.
compared to dentin, the enamel spot becomes elevated and then oval in shape. These changes are more apparent in
above the occlusal surface. The dental star represents expo- the lower 01s and 02s than in the lower 03s.53,54
sure of secondary (regular and irregular) dentin on the occlu-
sal surface of incisor teeth that was deposited in the former
pulp cavity. It appears sequentially in the 01s, 02s and 03s
Canine teeth
(see Ch. 7). This secondary dentin initially appears as a dark The deciduous canine teeth (Triadan 504, 604, 704 and 804)
yellow (due to food staining), transverse line on the labial are vestigial spicule-like structures, 0.5–1.0 cm long, that do
aspect of the infundibulum. With further tooth wear, it grad- not erupt above gum level. The lower deciduous canine is
ually becomes oval in shape and moves toward the centre situated caudal to the 03s (corner incisor).51 Male horses
of the occlusal surface. normally have four permanent canine teeth, two maxillary
Galvayne’s groove is a longitudinal groove that appears (104, 204) and two mandibular (304, 404), that erupt
on the labial aspect of the permanent upper 03s (corner between 4 and 6 years of age in the interdental space (physi-
incisors), and is traditionally stated to first appear at about ological diastema).54 They are often stated to be simple teeth,
10 years of age, reaching halfway down the tooth by 15 years but while they have no enamel infolding, their clinical
of age and extending to the occlusal surface by 20 years of crown is covered in peripheral cementum, and some degree
age. However, recent critical studies, as reviewed in Chapter of prolonged eruption can occur. Canine teeth have a pointed
7, have shown much variation in the time that these features occlusal surface, are convex on their buccal border, and
develop. Another, variable anatomical feature is the develop- slightly concave on their medial (lingual and buccal) aspect,
ment of a ‘hook’ (a colloquial term for a localized dental with a slight caudal facing curvature. The lower canines are
overgrowth) on the caudolabial aspect of the occlusal surface more rostrally positioned than the upper, and thus there is
of 103 and 203 after circa 6 years of age, due to incomplete no occlusal contact between them. This is alleged to be a
occlusal contact between the upper and lower 03s. It is often reason why canine teeth (especially the lowers) are prone to
termed a ‘7 year notch or hook’ because it was traditionally develop calculus. Canine teeth are usually absent or rudi-
(but erroneously) believed to always appear at 7 years of mentary in female horses, with a reported prevalence of
age.7,56 Variations in incisor teeth appearance can also be due 7.8–28 % in horses57 and 17.3–30 % in donkeys.59 Canines
to individual and breed variation, differences in diets, envi- do not continually erupt like cheek teeth, and thus long
ronmental conditions, eruption times, mineralization rates, reserve crowns can be present in older horses. In the young
depth of enamel infundibulum, amount of infundibular adult Thoroughbred, canine teeth are 5–7 cm long with
cement and the presence of certain stereotypic behaviors, most present as unerupted crown. In some horses, just 10–
such as crib-biting and wind sucking.57,58 The occlusal surface 20 % of the crown is erupted and consequently, due to the
of individual incisors is elliptical in recently erupted incisors, great length and size of the reserve crown and roots, extrac-
but, with wear, they successively become round, triangular, tion of these teeth is a major undertaking. Canine teeth have
5 Morphology
Dental anatomy
Fig. 5.36 Skull of an aged horse with the lateral maxillary and mandibular
walls removed to expose the cheek teeth. Minimal reserve crowns now
remain, with most teeth just having alveolar attachment to their (cemental)
roots (R) that are very elongated in all teeth. The mandibular teeth in
Fig. 5.35 Skull of young horse (circa 7 years) with the lateral maxillary and particular still have good angulation of their remnants, that is compressing
mandibular walls removed to expose the cheek teeth. Note the long reserve their occlusal aspects together. There is a ‘step-like’ overgrowth of the
crowns – with the mandibular 408 tooth almost touching the ventral cortex caudal three mandibular cheek teeth. Note the larger rostral maxillary sinus
of the mandible. The rostral maxillary sinus (RMS) and caudal maxillary sinus (RMS) and caudal maxillary sinus (CMS) in this older skull as compared to
(CMS) overlie the apical aspects of 408–411. Note the angulation of the the skull in Fig. 5.35. (Image courtesy of Istvan Gere.)
reserve crowns that keeps the occlusal surface of all 6 teeth tightly
compressed together. Root development is present in all teeth. Image
courtesy of Istvan Gere.
5 Morphology
despite the fact that equine teeth slightly taper in towards more vertical and lead to a higher degree of occlusal surface
their apex and so, with age, would otherwise develop spaces angulation (e.g., >45 degrees in the caudal mandibular
between the teeth (interdentally–interproximally) that is cheek teeth), which is termed shear mouth if severe.
termed diastema(ta) (Fig. 5.25).67,68 Many very old horses The terminology concerning the irregularities present on
(>20 years) do develop diastemata between their incisors, the occlusal surface of the cheek teeth can be confusing. A
which is usually of little consequence in these teeth, unlike cusp is a pronounced elevation on the occlusal surface of a
the situation with cheek teeth, where diastemata can cause cheek tooth and is an area with thicker enamel. A ridge (or
food to accumulate between the teeth and in the adjacent style) is a linear elevation on the surface (peripheral or
periodontal space, possibly leading to severe dental disease,65 occlusal) of a tooth, and on the occlusal surface may be
and this situation is even more pronounced where cheek formed by interconnecting cusps. Horses usually have about
teeth diastemata are widespread and cause severe clinical 12 such ridges running transversely across the occlusal
disease.69 surface of their cheek teeth that are commonly termed trans-
The occlusal surfaces of the rows of cheek teeth are not verse ridges, two on the occlusal surface of each tooth,
level in the longitudinal plane as occurs in some other except the first and last, which can contain one to three
species, but instead the surfaces of the caudal 2–3 cheek ridges. These ridges can be quite tall, especially over the
teeth curve dorsally to a variable degree in the caudal direc- caudal cheek teeth in younger horses of certain breeds. Diet
tion that is termed the Curve of Spee 6 (Fig. 5.33). This and age may also influence their size. These normal ana-
curvature is often marked in Arabian-type horse breeds that tomical structures that increase the masticatory surface (and
often have a similar curvature on their (dished) facial bones, efficiency) of cheek teeth should not be confused with nar-
but can also be marked in other breeds of horses, even in rower acquired transverse overgrowths (usually just a lesser
larger draught horses with convex faces (i.e., ‘rams head’ or number) often termed ‘exaggerated or accentuated trans-
‘Roman nose’). Some horses also have a marked upward verse ridges’ due, for example, to being opposite a wide
curvature of the rostral aspect of their cheek teeth rows, with diastema or some other area of reduced contact with their
the lower 06 becoming quite tall (dominant) and little clini- occlusal counterpart.
cal crown present on the upper 06s. This anatomical configu- Because equine cusps contain sharp ridges of exposed
ration is likely be a normal anatomical variation in such occlusal enamel adjacent to hollows (craters) of dentin (and
horses, that causes no clinical problems, whereas misguided cementum at some sites) they are classified as lophs and
attempts to create a standard appearance of equine teeth thus the cusp pattern of equine teeth is termed lophodont.
certainly can have deleterious clinical consequences. If both A fossa is a rounded depression, and a fissure is a linear
a Curve of Spee and a rostral curvature are present, this gives depression between cusps or ridges.1,71 The latter physiologi-
the lower cheek teeth row occlusal surface a concave appear- cal fissures should be distinguished from pathological fissure
ance in the rostrocaudal plane, i.e., raised at the 06s and fractures (cracks) in cheek teeth24 that can lead to pulpar
the 11s. exposure.25,26 The opposing ridges and (physiological) fis-
In normal horses, the distance between the maxillary sures of the upper and lower equine cheek teeth interdigitate
cheek teeth rows is approximately 23 % wider than the dis- when the mouth is shut. Other variations in cusp number,
tance between the mandibular rows,70 a feature which is size and distribution are used for paleontological research
termed anisognathia. Anisognathia is even more marked and for taxonomic classification of different species.71
(27 % difference between upper and lower CT) in donkeys.10
This is in contrast to many brachydont arcades, such as
human upper and lower dental arcades, that are equally
Nerve supply of teeth
spaced (isognathic). As noted, the maxillary cheek teeth are Because of its great importance in human dentistry, the
also wider than their lower counterparts. Consequently, innervation of teeth has been well studied in brachydont
when the equine mouth is closed, approximately one-third teeth. Pulpar nerves enter through the apical foramen and
of the occlusal surface of the upper cheek teeth is in contact include sensory nerves derived from the trigeminal (5th
with about half of the lower cheek teeth’s occlusal surface. cranial) nerve, which are most extensive in the coronal
Additionally, the occlusal surfaces of the cheek teeth are not (occlusal) region of the pulp where they form the plexus of
level in the transverse (bucco-lingual) plane as is usually the Raschkow,13 and sympathetic fibers from the cervical gan-
case in brachydont species, but are angled between 15 and glion that supply the vascular smooth muscles to regulate
35 degrees [angled from dorsal on their lingual (buccal) blood flow in the pulp.72,73 The latter are also believed to
aspect to ventral on their buccal aspect] (Figs 5.18 & 5.19). control the differentiation and function of odontoblasts,
The maxillary cheek teeth have a lower angulation than the including their circadian rhythm of activity.30
mandibular cheek teeth, varying from circa 19.2 degrees at The type and duration of pain caused by stimulation
the 06s and decreasing to 9.2 degrees at the 11s. In contrast, of dentin are different from those of pulp. In brachydont
the mandibular cheek teeth occlusal angulation increases teeth, dentin responds to various stimuli, including excessive
from 15.3 degrees on the 06s to up to 31.5 degrees on the heat and cold, and to therapeutic procedures, such
11s.71 Cheek teeth angulation is also influenced by mastica- as drilling, with a sharp pain which stops when these
tory activity.50 For example, on a normal forage diet where stimuli cease. In contrast, stimulation of the pulpal nerves
horses have a wide range of lateral masticatory movement, produces dull pain (sometimes a throbbing pain synch
the angle is believed to remain within the normal range. In ronous with the heartbeat caused by the effect of arterial
contrast, on a diet high in concentrates, e.g., processed pulsations within the inflamed pulp) which continues for
grains, or with an intercurrent painful dental disorder that some time after the stimulus is removed.30 Nerves are also
causes pain on mastication, the masticatory action will be present in the pulp of hypsodont teeth, although the role of
Dental anatomy
sensory nerves is unclear, as these teeth have dentin, includ- Supporting bones and muscles of
ing open dentinal tubules, and odontoblast processes con- prehension and mastication
stantly exposed on the occlusal surface,38 a situation that
would cause marked pain in brachydont teeth. Following
significant dental overgrowth reductions, some horses do Alveolar bone
not masticate properly for days to weeks, and this is without Alveolar bone is very flexible and constantly remodels to
any evidence, attributed to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) accommodate the changing shape and size of the dental
pain caused by prolonged opening of the mouth with a structures it contains. Alveolar bone can be divided into two
speculum during the dental procedures. However, the recent main parts: a thin layer of compact (radiodense) bone (the
work showing exposed, apparently viable dentinal processes ‘cortex’ of alveolus) that lines the alveolus proper, in which
following dental rasping37 makes it more likely that in Sharpey’s fibers insert, that is radiographically termed the
fact pain from damaged sensitive dentin, or in some lamina dura (lamina dura denta). This area is radiographi-
cases from actual pulp exposure, is the cause of such cally detectable (but not on computed tomography) as a
post-treatment pain.74 thin radiodense line in brachydont teeth but due to irregu-
larities of the periphery of some normal equine cheek teeth,
Blood supply of teeth this feature is not always obvious on lateral radiographs of
equine teeth (Fig. 5.37). Secondly, the main alveolar bone
In brachydont teeth, the blood vessels enter pulp through surrounding the lamina dura denta cannot be morphologi-
the apical foramen and form an extensive capillary network, cally differentiated from the main bone of the mandible or
particularly in the coronal region of the pulp.30 These capil- maxilla in adult brachydont teeth.1 However, recent studies
laries drain into an extensive venous network that has a have shown that in horses, the alveolar bone beneath the
more tortuous course than the arterioles and also exits via lamina dura remains spongy and porous throughout life –
the apical foramen.30 Due to difficulties in microscopically similar to the alveolar bone of developing children’s
distinguishing lymphatics from vascular capillaries it remains teeth – probably a reflection of its constant remodeling as
unclear if lymph vessels are actually present in pulp.30 the equine teeth constantly erupt.2 This presents an area of
However, other authors believe that pulp tissues (like all anatomical weakness, which may explain why sequestration
other connective tissues), contain lymph vessels that in of the alveolar cortical bone can occur following oral extrac-
human beings drain into the submandibular and deep cervi- tion of cheek teeth. The most prominent aspect of the alveo-
cal lymph nodes. As previously noted, the good blood lar bone beneath the gingival margin (occlusally) is termed
supply and wide apical foramina of even adult equine teeth the alveolar crest.
can allow them to retain a blood supply following pulpar
exposure and then allow them to seal off the exposed pulp
with tertiary dentin. Although not involved in dental blood Mandible
supply, the greater palatine artery can be iatrogenically The mandible, the largest bone of the equine face, is com-
damaged during dental procedures and awareness of its site posed of two component hemimandibles that fuse together
and size is necessary. This artery runs around the periphery at the symphysis at 2–3 months of age.51 The mandible
of the hard palate and is not an end-artery as it adjoins its articulates with the squamous temporal bone at the TMJ and
counterpart rostrally and thus receives a blood supply from contains the alveoli of the mandibular incisors; canines; wolf
both internal maxillary arteries. It can be damaged if a dental teeth (if present) and lower cheek teeth. The ventral border
elevator slips medially when extracting wolf teeth, especially of the horizontal ramus of the mandible is wide and rounded
if they are medially displaced. It can also be damaged when in the young horse because of the length and size of the
orally extracting maxillary cheek teeth – which usually have reserve crowns of the cheek teeth it contains (Figs 5.18 &
short erupted crowns on their medial (palatal) aspect – if 5.19) and, conversely, becomes thinner and sharper in older
the extraction forceps is placed too high on the gingiva above horses as the cheek teeth erupt – a feature used to age horses
these teeth. in some Eastern countries. Some breeds, especially those that
5 Morphology
are descendants of the Arabian horse (which in turn are their most highly developed masticatory muscles and are
descendants of Equus cracoviensis – Type IV horse), have innervated (like most muscles of mastication) by the man-
shallow mandibles and maxillae and commensurately dibular branch of the 5th cranial nerve. The facial (7th)
short reserve crowns, whereas most other breeds, e.g., derived nerve just innervates the superficial facial muscles (i.e.,
from E. muniensis (Types I or Mountain Pony) or E. muscles of expression). The powerful masseter muscle origi-
mosbachensis (Type III – Forest or Marshland Horse) such as nates along the full length of the facial crest and zygomatic
the North European Draught and native British pony types arch and has wide insertions along the caudo-lateral aspect
(such as Exmoor ponies) have deep alveoli and long reserve of the mandible, with its deeper fibers running ventrocau-
crowns.75,76 dally and its more superficial fibers running almost verti-
It has been proposed that crosses between these two types cally. Its elevated rostral border is caudal to the site where
of horses can develop pronounced ventral swellings under the facial artery, facial vein and parotid duct cross the ventral
the developing apices of the 2nd and 3rd cheek teeth,75 due border of the mandible and ascend vertically. In horses,
to an imbalance between mandibular depth and tooth the TMJ lies circa 15 cm above the level of the cheek
length. These mandibular eruption cysts (‘osseous tuber- teeth occlusal surface, and thus the movement arm of the
cles’) (Fig. 5.33) usually occur at 3–5 years of age and excep- masseter is longer. The powerful pterygoideus medialis and
tionally, unless they become infected (usually by blood lateralis muscles lie on the medial aspect of the mandible,
borne mechanisms, i.e., anachoresis), they usually regress and have similar attachments and orientation to the mas-
over the following 1–2 years.43 Other authors suggest seter, and can move the jaw sideways almost continually
that some breeds of horses are predisposed to retention with a strong power stroke.5 In some horses the pterygoideus
of deciduous cheek teeth remnants (‘caps’), which causes muscles are larger than the more obvious masseters. The
these mandibular swellings,67 but clinical studies have not relatively small digastricus muscle, which attaches from the
verified this.77 occipital bone to the caudal aspect of the mandible, func-
The mental nerve (branch of Cranial Nerve V) enters the tions to open the mouth – a gravity-assisted process that
mandibular foramen on the medial aspect of the vertical takes little mechanical effort, hence the small muscle size.
ramus, level with the occlusal surface of the cheek teeth. The Horses can generate massive occlusal pressure (up to 875N
mental nerve can be locally anesthetized at the mandibular during the power stroke) during mastication, that is highest
foramen to facilitate painful dental procedures (e.g., oral between the caudal cheek teeth, i.e., closest to the fulcrum
extraction of a mandibular tooth) in the standing horse. The (TMJ).79 Further details on masticatory function and on the
nerve then continues rostroventrally in the mandibular canal TMJ are presented in Chapter 6 (physiology) and Chapter
until it reaches the ventral aspect of the horizontal ramus, 23 (TMJ).
where it then continues rostrally within the mandible below The articular extremities of the mandible are composed of
the apices of the cheek teeth. However, in recently erupted the condyle that lies caudally and the coronoid process,
teeth whose apices reach the ventral border of the mandible, rostrally. The latter is poorly developed in the horse (Fig.
the nerve usually lies on the medial aspect of the developing 5.33) because it has smaller temporalis muscles (which close
tooth (Fig. 5.18). The main part of the mental nerve emerges the jaw) compared to carnivores, where the power stroke of
through the mental foramen on the rostrolateral aspect of the jaws is vertical (to catch and crush prey), consequently
the horizontal ramus, approximately halfway between the both the temporalis muscle and coronoid process are larger
lower 06 and the incisors, while a smaller branch continues in carnivores. Between the articular surfaces of the mandible
rostrally in a smaller canal along with the vasculature of the and the squamous temporal bone lies an articular disc that
lower incisors. The nerve supply to the lower incisors and divides the TMJ cavity in two. The joint capsule is tight and
lower canine tooth can be anesthetized within the rostral reinforced by an indistinct lateral ligament, and an elastic
aspect of the mandibular canal. posterior ligament.51
Immediately caudal to the alveoli of the lower 11s (6th Although it allows just limited opening of the jaws, the
cheek teeth), the mandible becomes a very thin sheet of equine TMJ has a wide range of lateral movements to
bone. This flattened, thin area progressively increases in size permit the cheek teeth to effectively grind coarse foodstuffs,
with eruption of the caudal mandibular cheek teeth and utilizing a side to side movement that is combined with
subsequent contraction of their alveoli. More caudally, at the a slight rostrocaudal movement of the TMJ, with one
angle of the jaw, this thin plate of bone expands medially side gliding rostrally and the other caudally. This rostro
and laterally into two thick bony protrusions that are rough- caudal movement can vary greatly between horses and can
ened to allow muscle attachment (Fig. 5.33). These protru- be demonstrated in some sedated horses by gentle pushing
sions reduce in size towards the dorsal border of the vertical and pulling of the mandible rostrocaudally relative to the
ramus. These normal roughened mandibular areas may TMJ. More clinically significantly, this rostrocaudal man-
be radiologically confused with pathological mandibular dibular movement can be demonstrated by closing the
changes. mouth and then elevating the head – which causes caudal
movement of the mandible relative to the maxilla. Lowering
the head causes the opposite (rostral) mandibular move-
TMJ and muscles of mastication ment. This maneuver can cause a horse with mild overjet to
In contrast to carnivores that have a vertical power stroke, have normal occlusion on lowering the head. Horses with
horses also have a transverse power stroke in a lingual large focal dental overgrowths may have restriction of their
(medial) direction that is termed a lingual power stroke,78 rostrocaudal mandibular movement – but due to individual
as described in detail in Chapter 6 (physiology) and conse- variation between horses this parameter is difficult to
quently, their masseter and medial pterygoideus muscles are quantify.
Dental anatomy
Maxillary bones connective tissue that limit its mobility. Most of the gingiva
is firmly attached to the supporting bone, with a slightly
The upper jaws are largely formed by the paired maxillary more mobile (usually non-keratinized) area, termed the free
bones that contain the alveoli of the upper cheek teeth, wolf (marginal) gingiva, which is the prominent area close to the
teeth and canine teeth (if present). The relationship of the tooth. Between the free gingiva and the tooth lies a depres-
cheek teeth to the maxillary bones and maxillary sinuses has sion termed the gingival sulcus, which is lined by non-
been discussed earlier. As noted, the rostral maxillary area in keratinized epithelium. In the deepest area of the gingival
younger horses may become focally swollen because of the sulcus lies the junctional epithelium, which is attached to
presence of the underlying eruption cysts of the 06s–08s. the peripheral cementum of the tooth, with the periodontal
The overlying bone may become thin and distended, with a ligament lying directly below this layer. In the horse, with
temporary and even focal loss of bone over the developing its prolonged dental eruption, this area is constantly remod-
apices occurring, but as noted these features are usually eling and reforming new periodontal ligaments and new
masked by the overlying muscles. Some 3–4-year-old equids gingival-dental attachments. In other species, interdental
(mainly ponies) develop marked bilateral firm swellings of papillae of gingiva are present between teeth to prevent food
the rostral maxillary bones during eruption of these teeth, trapping and subsequent periodontal disease, but as noted,
giving their face a ‘box-like’ appearance. These are the equiv- most equine teeth are tightly compressed at the occlusual
alent of the mandibular eruption cysts (‘osseous tubercles’, surface and so have no interproximal spaces occlusally.
‘3 or 4-year-old bumps’) of this same age group.
The facial crest is a lateral protrusion of the maxilla that
continues caudally as the zygomatic process and then joins The salivary glands
the zygomatic parts of the malar and temporal bones to form The (paired) main equine salivary glands are the parotid,
the zygomatic arch (Fig. 5.33). After giving off a small branch mandibular, and sublingual glands whose ducts drain
that runs rostrally to innervate the maxillary incisor teeth, directly into the mouth. Minor salivary glandular tissue is
the infraorbital nerve (a sensory branch of cranial nerve V) also present in the lips, tongue, palate, and buccal regions.
emerges through the infraorbital foramen, circa 5 cm dorsal The largest salivary gland is the parotid, which is circa 20–
to the rostral aspect of the facial crest. Its point of exit is 25 cm long, 2–3 cm thick, and weighs circa 200g in Thor-
covered by the pencil-like levator labii superiorus muscle, oughbreds, producing up to 50 ml of saliva/min. This
that can be dorsally displaced to allow local anesthesia of salivary gland lies behind the horizontal ramus of the man-
this nerve within the canal to anesthetise the upper 06 (pos- dible, ventral to the base of the ear, rostral to the wing of
sibly the 07), wolf teeth, canines, and incisors. atlas, extending ventrally just caudal to the mandible as far
The dorsal and caudal borders of the maxillary bone are as the tendon of origin of the sternomandibularis muscle
attached to the nasal and lacrimal bones respectively, whilst and the external maxillary vein (Fig. 5.38).5,51 The lateral
rostrally, the maxillary bone is attached to the premaxilla aspect of the parotid salivary gland is usually level with the
(incisive bone). The thicker ventral border of the maxillary masseter muscle, except for a small flat area of this salivary
bones contains the alveoli. The individual cheek teeth alveoli gland which can protrude above the surface of the masseter
are fully separated by transverse, inter-alveolar bony septa. muscle at the level of the lateral canthus of the eye, and
As noted, the equine maxillary sinuses are uniquely divided which often overlies some of the parotid lymph nodes at this
into rostral and caudal compartments by a thin, transversely site. In some apparently normal horses, the parotid salivary
angulated bony septum that can vary greatly in position. The gland may swell and protrude 1–3 cm above the masseter
medial aspect of each maxillary bone forms a horizontal muscle level when they are turned out to grass, in the ill-
bony shelf (the palatine process) that joins mid-line with its defined condition termed idiopathic parotitis (colloquially
opposite counterpart to form the supporting bone of most termed ‘grass glands’).
of the hard palate; the remainder of the hard palate is sup- The jugular vein is often embedded in the parotid salivary
ported by similar flat bony extensions, caudally by the pala- gland and the medial aspect of this gland covers the stylo-
tine bone, and rostrally by the premaxilla (incisive bone). hyoid bone, carotid artery, facial nerve, guttural pouch and
the origins of the brachiocephalicus and sternocephalicus
Premaxillary (incisive) bone muscles – the latter separating the parotid and mandibular
The paired premaxillary (incisive) bones form the rostral salivary glands.5 The dorsal aspect of the parotid salivary
aspect of the upper jaw. Their thick rostral aspects contain gland contains lymphatic tissue within its substance or lying
the alveoli of the incisors, whilst their thinner caudal aspects beneath it, which can become focally distended following
form the rostral aspect of the hard palate. The almost trans- purulent infections (especially strangles) of that region. The
verse suture line between the premaxillae and maxillae is an parotid duct originates from an amalgamation of 3–4 large
anatomically weak site that is a common site of fractures, ducts that converge on the rostroventral aspect of the parotid
especially in young horses. The canine teeth (if present) lie gland and this large duct then initially runs on the medial
on the maxillary side of this suture. aspect of the pterygoideus muscles (and mandible), and
then crosses beneath the ventral aspect of the mandible, just
caudal to the facial artery and vein. The parotid duct then
Oral mucosa moves dorsally on the lateral aspect of the mandible, moving
The mucosa of the gingiva and hard palate is a specialized rostral to the accompanying vasculature, and it perforates
masticatory mucosa. It can be keratinized, orthokeratinized the cheek at the level of the upper 08s35 (Fig. 5.38). At its
or parakeratinized and has deep interdigitating rete pegs caudal sites, the parotid duct is vulnerable to injury during
extending into the underlying vascular, subcutaneous cheek teeth repulsion, whilst it can be damaged more
5 Morphology
salivary gland
Masseter muscle
Facial crest
cheek teeth 6
Parotid duct
salivary gland
rostrally by cheek teeth extraction by the lateral buccotomy the oral cavity in the sublingual fold, running beside the
technique.80 sublingual salivary glands rostrally, and enters into the oral
The smaller, (20–25 cm long and 2–3 cm wide, circa 50 g cavity on the lateral aspect of the sublingual caruncle.5 The
weight in adult medium-sized horses) mandibular salivary long, thin sublingual salivary glands lie superficially in the
gland lies deep to the mandible and parotid salivary glands floor of the mouth beneath the sublingual fold of the oral
and so is not palpable. It curves around beneath the parotid mucosa. They lie between the tongue and mandible, extend-
salivary gland and mandible, extending from the base of ing from the mandibular symphysis to the level of the lower
the atlas as far ventrally as the basihyoid bone. Its duct arises 09 and then drain through multiple small ducts into the
on its concave aspect and travels almost the full length of oral cavity.51
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Section 2: Morphology
Dental physiology
James L. Carmalt MA, VetMB, MVetSc, MRCVS, Dipl ABVP(Eq),
University of Saskatchewan, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5B4, Canada
6 Morphology
Thus, evolutionary strategies to overcome these problems support, which otherwise would have resulted in breakage
included an increase in the relative size of each tooth, a of the enamel crests and thus negation of the hypsodont
change in the type and complication of the relationship effect. Cement is also formed within the enamel infoldings
between dentin and enamel ridges, and an increase in (infundibula) of the maxillary cheek teeth as the teeth
crown height (hypsodonty). There was even a lineage (clade) develop within the dental sac. Cement is also produced
of late Miocene horses (Pseudohipparion) that developed around the developing roots as they are formed. In this way,
hypselodont (elodont) teeth (continually growing teeth, a cheek tooth with prolonged eruption is formed with a
like those of rodents), but these horses were ultimately crown height (including reserve height) of at least twice
unsuccessful. its width. Such a tooth usually erupts at a rate equal to the
Ancestors to Eohippus (Phenacodus) had premolar and rate of the wear of the crown by attrition; however, in some
molar teeth formed like those of the pig or bear.11 They were cases, where there is no opposing tooth, ‘super-eruption’
broad and bore many separate conical cusps on the occlusal may occur.
surface that evolved to deal with a varied diet of insects, Odontological evolution in the horse was thus a rapid,
fruits or vegetables. As with the modern horse, the lower sustained event encompassing the molarization of premolar
teeth were narrower than the uppers; however, the surface teeth, the development of hypsodonty and cemental protec-
variations were such that both sets of teeth meshed together tion, as well as amalgamation of enamel crests into linear
when the jaws were closed. Microscopic wear patterns on occlusal ridges to increase efficacy for shearing coarse forage.
these teeth have suggested that the predominant chewing These evolutionary advantages are thought to have allowed
motion was crushing (vertical), rather than the modern the horse to advance from a generalized browsing animal to
shearing (side-to-side) action.12 In Hyracotherium the ante- a specialized grazer, thus enabling it to take advantage of the
rior (towards the front) premolars of the upper jaw were still increasing grassland areas of the late Eocene, Oligocene, and
shaped as cutting blades and were triangular. The complete Miocene eras. By the time of the arrival of Merychippus and
row of cheek teeth in this animal was no more than 10 cm the subsequent radiation (encompassing 19 species in the
in length in a mesial-distal (rostrocaudal) direction, approxi- late Miocene), the dental revolution was effectively at an
mately the same length as two cheek teeth of the modern end. Some small variations in the degree of hypsodonty
Equus caballus. continued, notably in the form of Nannohippus; however, the
A later horse, Orohippus, developed a sub-triangular- dental pattern observed in the modern horse (Equus caballus)
shaped second premolar (from its initial cutting blade is essentially unchanged for 15 million years. (See Chapter
appearance), but the fourth premolar was already four- 1 for more detail.)
cusped and quadrate (square). Epihippus had a squarer
second premolar, but both the third and fourth premolars Anatomy
were now quadrate. The outer crest of the tooth (the ectol-
oph) became W-shaped at this stage and has remained so Molarization of the cheek teeth of the horse, as with most
since. Mesohippus emerges at 40 million years, and all teeth herbivores, resulted in a row of 6 cheek teeth (not including
except the first premolar are now molarized with the excep- the 1st premolar), which function as a single chewing unit.
tion of the first premolar, which (if present) remains a uni- The integrity of this unit is maintained due to a combination
cuspid tooth to the present day. of the initial caudal angulation of the clinical crown of
Thus molarization, the first defining moment in equine premolars 2 (Triadan 06) and to a variable extent of the 07
dental evolution, was complete within 20 million years. and the rostral (mesial) angulation of the clinical crowns of
However, these teeth were still brachydont (low crowned) molars 1 to 3 (Triadan 09–11), the ‘keystone effect’ of an
and not able to withstand the rigors of animals wholly com- almost vertical eruption of the 4th premolar (08, Fig. 6.1)
mitted to grazing. Hypsodonty did not make a determined
appearance in the fossil record until the evolution of Parahip-
pus (23 million years) and its descendent Merychippus, at
which time the predominant chewing direction was side-to-
side with a wide stroke action ensuring efficient shearing
forces applied over the chewing surface.13 Interestingly,
research also indicates a gradual increase in crown height
from Parahippus through Merychippus into the modern equine
lineage and also into the extinct Hipparion group of horses.14
Enamel crests became increasingly convoluted, with the
effect of increasing the surface area (or perimeter) of the
enamel. These changes were similar in both upper and lower
jaws, but the changes were less extreme in the lower teeth.15
The spaces between enamel ridges are filled by a softer mate-
rial (dentin) which is preferentially worn away to create
craters rimmed by sharp enamel edges over which the grass
is sheared. In conjunction with the infolding (pleating) of
enamel ridges, cementum appeared in late Parahippus and
Merychippus animals.16 This material is softer than enamel
but is firm, tough and less brittle. Cementum filled the areas Fig. 6.1 A lateral radiograph of a young horse (4 years old) showing
around the edges of the brittle enamel crests providing the relative angulation of the cheek teeth (lines).
Dental physiology
6 Morphology
Dental physiology
4 3 2 1 10
3 1
6 8
2 10
5 6 7 8 9
A B 3
Fig. 6.5 (A) Isolated video frames during a single masticatory cycle in the horse. (B) Schematic diagram to explain mandibular movement during
the masticatory (chewing) cycle. The figure is drawn from an imaginary perspective, above and immediately ahead of the horse’s head.
Fig. 6.6 (A) A schematic diagram of the equine head as it pertains to the teeth during the opening cycle of mastication. In this view, the mandibular
movement is to the reader’s left and is arrested at the point of molar contact. To travel further laterally, incisor separation has to occur. (B) As above. Lateral
movement is complete. Cheek teeth are in maximal occlusion, and the incisors are separated.
be concluded from these observations that there is a ten- occlusal surfaces of the cheek teeth and its subsequent move-
dency for unequal dental attrition as a result of the variation ment caudally within the oral cavity can be likened to that
in masticatory physiology. Necropsy examination of the of an auger. It is important to remember at this stage that
occlusal surfaces of the cheek teeth of horses (including all six cheek teeth function as a single unit and feed material
those with routine dental care, as well as those with a known is processed by each portion of each tooth only once, as the
history of no dental care) does not support this. bolus is moved caudally. The cheeks keep the ingested, par-
When eating, the horse uses its lips to prehend food mate- tially masticated feed within the intradental oral cavity
rial and pull it between the incisor teeth. The incisors cut or (IDOC).
grasp the food material using a bite force of approximately As the feed material is crushed, it is directed into the IDOC
2 % of body weight.43 The rostral part of the mouth is thus by the food channels on the occlusal surfaces of the cheek
filled, and mastication begins. The passage of feed across the teeth (loph basins). There are also 18 pairs of incomplete
6 Morphology
Table 6.1 Mean (±SD) values for mastication parameters for the four horses used in the food-processing experiment
Fiber diet
Mastication parameter Low Medium High
g/‘mouthful’ 12.1 ± 2.1 9.5 ± 2.4 8.1 ± 1.3
Chew rate/10 s 11.6 ± 0.6 11.5 ± 0.2 11.4 ± 0.2
Energy/g/chew 9.4 ± 4.8 ¥ 10–3 8.9 ± 6.4 ¥ 10–3 1.4 ± 1.4 ¥ 10–2
Duration of grind (s) 0.51 ± 0.08 0.53 ± 0.03 0.55 ± 0.02
Incisor displacement (cm) 4.4 ± 0.6 4.5 ± 0.6 4.4 ± 0.3
Premolar 4 velocity (cm/s) 10.4 ± 1.8 9.7 ± 2.4 8.5 ± 0.4
palatine ridges, each of which is curved from caudolateral to when chewing hay than when chewing pellets. This increased
rostro-medial, and offset in the midline (Fig. 6.2A). Food lateral movement was sufficient to allow full occlusal contact
material is compacted in the IDOC, pressed against the pala- between upper and lower cheek teeth rows during the
tine ridges by the tongue and moved caudally by the rotatory chewing cycle. These scientific data lend support to clinical
action of mastication, tongue and cheek compression. Swal- observations that horses managed extensively may not
lowing is initiated when boluses of food collect in the develop significant cheek tooth malocclusions (specifically
oropharynx. sharp lateral edges to the maxillary cheek teeth and lingual
The auger analogy has been substantiated by descriptions edges to their mandibular counterparts) as frequently as
of feed-bolus shapes obtained from edentate horses. Pro- pellet fed, intensively managed stabled animals.33,48
vided that feed presentation (crushed or soaked) is accept- Mandibular motion is controlled by the muscular forces
able, edentate horses can survive and thrive, but if they are acting upon it; however, morphological changes in dentition
allowed access to long-stem fiber (such as grass or hay), (occlusal pathology or malocclusions such as a ‘shear
spiral boluses of unmasticated feed combined with copius mouth’) or TMJ pathology have the potential to dramatically
amounts of saliva are produced, which may represent a affect masticatory efficiency. Determining whether TMJ
choke (esophageal obstruction) hazard.40 disease leads to alterations in the biomechanical forces
Factors influencing masticatory movements include the during mastication that subsequently cause dental malocclu-
fiber and moisture content, and the physical structure (degree sions, or whether dental malocclusions lead to altered mas-
of processing) of the diet. Chew rates have been calculated tication, thereby leading to TMJ pathology, is very difficult.
from electromyographic data,37 and direct observations18,44 To date, other than cases of septic or traumatic joint disease
(Table 6.1, data recorded over 10 minutes). It was noted that of the TMJ, there are no published data (clinical case reports
horses were capable of attaining higher than 11 per second or otherwise) to support a diagnosis of degenerative
chew rates, particularly at the onset of feeding. In more joint disease of the TMJ, despite the fact that it clearly occurs
recent studies, rates of 8 +/−1 chew cycles per 10 seconds (see Ch. 23).
(0.8 cycles per second) have been recorded.39 The degree of
lateral excursion was originally documented in an innova-
tive study that produced ‘molographs’ of the chewing pattern Summary
(the extent of lateral excursion) in horses eating different
feeds.45 However, Collinson’s research18 did not confirm The design and function of the equine masticatory appara-
these earlier observations that higher fiber content and lower tus has been refined over millions of years to cope with the
moisture content reduced the extent of excursion of the feedstuffs necessary for survival. The development of hyp-
mandible.45 More recently, studies have documented the sodonty, prolonged eruption of teeth, and the balancing of
three-dimensional kinematics of the equine TMJ and associ- eruption and attrition have been finely tuned. The mastica-
ated movement of the equine mandible during mastica- tory cycle results in balanced dental attrition which, in the
tion.18,46 A further study used the same recording method absence of dental abnormalities, serves the horse well. The
(using markers attached to the maxilla and mandible) to process of domestication (intensive rather than extensive
determine the relative positions of these structures while management styles) and the advent of processed feedstuffs
horses chewed either hay or pellets.47 From these data, the significantly alter the duration and biomechanics of masti-
three-dimensional position, i.e., displacement and rotation cation. These factors, in combination with increased per-
(defined as yaw, pitch, and roll) of the mandible compared formance expectations, selective breeding that ignores the
to the maxilla could be calculated. There was no difference presence of inherent dental disorders, and the current lon-
in mean velocity of mandibular motion between hay and gevity of horses, have resulted in the appearance of dental
pelleted diets; however, chewing frequency was lower in hay malocclusions and diseases of the soft tissues of the mouth
compared to pellet diets. The study also found that there was upon which the science and art of equine dentistry are
greater lateral translation (movement) of the mandible based.
Dental physiology
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et al. Computed tomographic anatomy of
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in nutrition. J Zool Lond 1986; 209: young horse. Equine Vet J 2008; 40: incisor reduction. In: Proceedings 41st
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7. Carmalt JL, Allen A. The relationship of Equine Practitioners 1995, pp 41,
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between cheek tooth occlusal 42–44
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morphology, apparent digestibility, and clinical disease. In: Proceedings American 36. Hiiemae KM. Mammalian mastication: a
ingesta particle size in the horse. J Am Association of Equine Practitioners 2002; review of the activity of the jaw muscles
Vet Med Assoc 2008; 223(3): 452–455 48: 442–447 and the movements they produce in
8. Hiiemae KM. Mammalian mastication: a chewing. In: Butler PM, Joysey KA, eds.
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tooth occlusal angle in the horse. J Vet
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Dent 2004; 21: 70–75
chewing. In: Butler PM, Joysey KA, eds. pp 359–398
25. Brown SL, Arkins S, Shaw DJ, Dixon PM.
Development, function and evolution 37. Weijs WA, Dantuma R. Electromyography
Occlusal angles of cheek teeth in normal
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9. MacFadden BJ. What’s the use? 146: 1–34
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NJ. The effect of cheek tooth occlusal
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6 Morphology
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Section 2: Morphology
Sofie Muylle DVM, PhD
Department of Morphology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Salisburylaan 133,
B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium
7 Morphology
Fig. 7.1 Arabian horse, 2 years old. The deciduous incisors have small Fig. 7.4 Standardbred horse, 8 years old. Dark-colored dental stars are
ridges and grooves on their labial surface. present in all lower incisors. The characteristic white spot in the center of
the dental star appears in the centrals (arrows). Cups have disappeared from
the central incisors. The remaining marks are oval (arrowheads). Deep cups
are still present on the middle and the corner incisors.
Fig. 7.3 Belgian draft horse, 5 years and 7 months. All incisors are Changes in shape of the incisors
permanent and have a yellowish appearance.
c d
a b c d
a b c d
Fig. 7.6 (A) Belgian draft horse, 6 years old. The upper and lower incisors
are positioned in a straight line with each other. The crown of the upper
a b c d corner (103) is wider than it is tall. Notice the presence of a hook on the
upper corner (arrow). (B) Standardbred horse, 16 years old. The angle
between upper and lower incisors is more acute. The crown of the upper
corner (103) is taller than it is wide. The upper corner presents a Galvayne’s
groove over the entire length of its labial surface.
Fig. 7.5 (A) Longitudinal section of the lower central incisor of a
Standardbred horse (4 years old). (B) Lower central incisor of a 5-year-old
Standardbred horse. Cross-sections at various levels as indicated in (A).
In the sections c and d, the pulpal cavity is open. (C) Occlusal tables of is generally wider than it is tall. At ages 9–10, the upper
the lower central incisor of Standardbreds aged: a, 5 years; b, 8 years; corner appears square in most horses and then progresses to
c, 14 years; d, 20 years, respectively. In the occlusal tables c and d the pulpal taller than it is wide as age increases.
cavity is occluded by secondary dentin.
Length versus width of the upper corner The Galvayne’s groove (Fig. 7.6B)
incisor (Fig. 7.6) The Galvayne’s groove is a shallow, longitudinal groove on
The shape of the upper corner incisor has been used recently the labial surface of the upper corner and is filled with dark
to categorize a horse’s age into three groups from 5–20 years stained cement. In the unworn tooth the groove starts
of age.8 Between 5 and 9 years of age the crown of this tooth halfway from occlusal surface to apex and continues
7 Morphology
three-fourths of the distance to the apex. It is buried within from the ‘outside world’ rather than from the pulp as
the alveolus when the tooth first comes into wear.19 With suggested in older literature reports.3,24
age, and due to the prolonged eruption of the tooth, the 2. When incisors with pale dental stars are stored in a
Galvayne’s groove first appears at the gumline. As the tooth mush of crushed grasses, dental stars become darkly
continues to erupt, it extends down the labial surface to colored after a few days; when they are stored in a
reach the occlusal edge, then starts to disappear at the buffered (pH 6.8) solution of various diphenols
gumline and finally disappears completely. The appearance (caffeic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and
of the groove and its usefulness in aging horses were men- 3,4-dihydrophenylalanine (10 mmol/l) together with
tioned for the first time in the early 1880s by an American thyrosinase, the dental stars obtain a deep brown color
horsetamer called Sample. Later, his theory was adopted by after 72 hours (Fig. 7.8).
Sidney Galvayne, an Australian horseman.20 It was in his first This suggests that food pigments are responsible for the dark
work, Horse dentition: showing how to tell exactly the age of a color of the dental star.
horse up to thirty years (published prior to March 1886) that Dental stars also present a topical coloration pattern. In
Galvayne described the groove, which now bears his name, young horses, the dental stars have a uniform color, whereas
on the vestibular surface of the permanent upper corner in older individuals they are composed of a darker periphery
incisor.21 The presence and length of the Galvayne’s groove that surrounds an uncolored central zone, the so-called
as an accurate guide to the age of the older horse became ‘white spot’ (Fig. 7.9). The reason why absorption of food
known throughout the English-speaking world. However, it pigments occurs only in the peripheral rim of the dental star
was not until World War I that several investigations were and not in the white spot nor in the surrounding primary
undertaken to validate his theory.20 Contrary to Galvayne’s dentin can be found by examining the diameter, extent and
statements, these investigations showed that the groove may orientation of the dentinal tubules.
be absent in more than 50 % of the horses between the ages Dentinal tubules are formed as the odontoblasts retreat
of 10 and 30 years. centripetally and leave behind a cytoplasmatic process
around which the dentin matrix is deposited and mineral-
Dental star morphology ized. The tubules can therefore be regarded as hollow cylin-
ders traversing the dentin. Each tubule starts peripherally at
The appearance of the dental star is, next to eruption times, the interface between the primary dentin and the enamel,
one of the more reliable dental features, and the correlation and extends centripetally toward the pulpal border. The first
between dental star morphology and age is stronger than for dentin produced by the odontoblasts is located peripherally
any other feature.22 in the tooth, i.e., underneath the enamel, and is called
Horses at pasture have obvious darkly colored dental stars, primary dentin. It surrounds the younger and more centrally
whereas individuals without access to pasture or grass fodder located secondary dentin, whereas tertiary dentin is only
usually have pale yellowish dental stars (Fig. 7.7). This formed in the restricted areas between the tip of the pulp
suggests that the coloration of the dental star is caused by chamber and the occlusal surface.
an impregnation of grass pigments. Two small experiments The only obvious feature characterizing the transition
support this theory:23 between primary and secondary dentin of equine teeth is
the presence of peritubular dentin (Fig. 7.10), which is
1. When equine incisors are sectioned longitudinally one
hypercalcified tissue, deposited as a collar inside the tubular
can observe that the brown color of the dental star
walls of primary dentin. The term peritubular dentin is
extends only a few millimeters beneath the occlusal
surface and that the color intensity fades towards the
pulpal chamber. This indicates that the color originates
Fig. 7.11 SEM image of the occlusal surface at the center of the dental star.
The boundaries of the tertiary dentin are indicated by arrows. TD, tertiary
Fig. 7.9 Occlusal surface of the left lower central incisor (301) of a dentin; SD, secondary dentin (×250).
15-year-old draft horse. The dental star consists of a dark peripheral rim
(asterisk) and a central white spot (arrow). The white spot is composed of
secondary dentin (A) and a core of tertiary dentin (B).
food pigments in this zone of the dental star is prevented by
the small number of tubules, which are, for the most part,
discontinuous with those of the surrounding secondary
dentin, their irregular arrangement, and their small diameter
(Fig. 7.11). This explains the colorless aspect of the central
core of tertiary dentin inside the dental star.
The secondary dentin around the core of tertiary dentin
A consists of a pale inner zone and a brown peripheral zone.
B Both zones contain regularly arranged dentinal tubules that
C are continuous with those of the surrounding primary dentin
and are completely devoid of peritubular dentin. The high
numerical tubular density, the regular tubular arrangement,
and the large tubular diameters of the secondary dentin are
suggestive of an easy and uniform penetration of food pig-
ments in this area. The only difference between the pale
inner zone and the dark peripheral zone of secondary dentin
is the spatial arrangement of the dentinal tubules. In the
periphery of the dental star, tubules end perpendicularly into
the occlusal surface (Fig. 7.12). This orientation allows an
optimal inflow of food pigments, which is far superior to
Fig. 7.10 SEM image of longitudinally fractured dentinal tubules. A, tubular
lumen; B, peritubular dentin; C, intertubular dentin (×3500). the dye penetration in the more central, uncolored secondary
dentin, where tubules lie nearly parallel to the occlusal
surface (Fig. 7.13). Penetration of food pigments in the latter
anatomically incorrect because this dentin forms within the zone is nearly negligible because due to the horizontal
dentinal tubule (not around it) and narrows the tubular position of the tubules, the maximal penetration depth of
lumen. It is, therefore, sometimes (more accurately) referred food pigments in this zone cannot exceed the tubular diam-
to as intratubular dentin.25 Apart from the presence of peri eter, which is 3 µm. Even when the horizontally exposed
tubular dentin, the structure of dentinal tubules is identical tubules are filled with food pigments, this 3 µm-thick mass
in primary and secondary dentin. Peritubular dentin deposit of colored dentin is worn off in less than 1 day by the severe
is thickest at the outer end of the primary dentinal tubules occlusal attrition, which amounts to 2500 µm a year. Food
and disappears at the transition between primary and sec- pigments can, therefore, not be accumulated in the inner
ondary dentin.23 The presence of peritubular dentin gives the zone of the secondary dentin of the dental star. This contrasts
tubules a tapered shape with the wider lumen at the pulpal with the more peripheral zone of secondary dentin, where
side and the narrower luminal diameter near the enamel. food pigments can permeate a longer distance in the perpen-
The dental star consists of a central core of tertiary dentin dicularly debouching tubules. The pigments can accumulate
and a much broader ring of secondary dentin, in neither of within these tubules and thus cause the dark coloration of
which peritubular dentin is deposited. Tertiary dentin, situ- the dental star periphery. This mechanism is fully compatible
ated in the very center of the dental star, is formed between with the aforementioned preliminary experiments, showing
the tip of the pulp chamber and the occlusal surface and that secondary dentin acquires its dark color within 72 hours
protects the pulp from exposure to attrition. Penetration of after immersion in a pigmented solution.23
7 Morphology
Appearance of the dental star
Dental stars appear sequentially in the central, the middle Fig. 7.14 (A) Standardbred horse, 5 years old. The permanent central
and the corner incisors. In Standardbreds and in Arabian and middle incisors are in place, the corner incisor is emerging through
horses they appear on the centrals at 5 years, on the middles the gums. The dental star is present on the centrals, absent on the middles
and the corners. All lower incisors have deep cups. (B) Belgian draft horse,
at 6 years, and on the corners at 7–8 years. In Belgian draft 4 years and 8 months. The permanent central and middle incisors are
horses and mini-Shetland ponies, stars appear somewhat in place. The corner incisors are still deciduous. Dental stars are present on
earlier, namely on the centrals at 4.5 years, on the middles the centrals (arrowheads) and appear also on the middles. Cups are present
at 5.5 years and on the corners at 6.5–7 years (Fig. 7.14). in the central and the middle incisors. (C) Arabian horse, 5 years old. All
With age, the characteristic white spot becomes visible in the lower incisors are permanent, the corners are not yet fully in wear. There are
center of the dental star (Figs 7.15–7.17). In Standardbreds no obvious dental stars. Deep cups are present on all lower incisors.
and in Arabian horses this white spot appears on the central
incisors from the age of 7–8 years onwards, and on the
middle incisors from the age of 9–11 years onwards. In
Disappearance of the cups
Belgian draft horses and in mini-Shetland ponies the white The disappearance of the cups is an unreliable feature for
spot becomes visible on the centrals at the age of 6–7 years age determination because it does not occur between narrow
and on the middles at the age of 8. In all breeds, the appear- age limits. In all breeds, cups on the central incisors disap-
ance of the white spot in the dental star of the corner incisors pear at the age of 6–7 years, whereas cups on the middle
is variable and occurs between 9 and 15 years. incisors are filled in variably between 7 and 11 years and
7 Morphology
Fig. 7.15 (A) Standardbred horse, 8 years old. Dental stars are present on
Fig. 7.16 (A) Standardbred horse, 12 years old. Dental stars, consisting of a
all incisors. In the central incisor, the white spot in the dental star becomes
white spot and a dark periphery, are present on all lower incisors. Cups have
apparent (arrows). Cups are filled-in on the centrals. On the middles and
disappeared, and the marks are small oval to rounded. The occlusal tables of
the corners, cups are still present. The occlusal tables of the central incisors
the central and the middle incisors are trapezoid. On the central incisor, the
are becoming trapezoid, those of the middles and the corners are still oval.
lingual apex is visible (arrows). The corner incisors have an apex on the labial
(B) Belgian draft horse, 8 years and 6 months. Dental stars are present on
side (arrowheads). (B) Belgian draft horse, 12 years old. Dental stars,
all incisors. In the central and the middle incisors, the white spot in the
consisting of a white spot and a dark periphery, are present on all lower
dental star becomes apparent (arrows). Cups are filled-in on all lower
incisors. Marks are rounded, and on the central incisors they have almost
incisors. The remaining marks are oval. The occlusal tables of the centrals
disappeared. The occlusal tables of the centrals and the middles are
and the middles are becoming trapezoid. (C) Arabian horse, 8 years and 6
trapezoid. On the corner incisor, the labial apex is obvious (arrowheads).
months. Dental stars are present on the central and the middle incisors.
(C) Arabian horse, 12 years old. Dental stars are present on all lower incisors.
The white spot in the dental star is appearing in the central incisor. Cups
On the central and the middle incisors, the white spot in the dental star is
on the centrals and the middles have nearly disappeared; the remaining
visible. Cups have disappeared. The remaining marks are oval and still clearly
marks are oval (middles) to triangular (centrals). Deep cups are still present
visible. The occlusal tables of the centrals and the middles are trapezoid. The
on the corner incisors. The occlusal tables of the centrals become trapezoid.
corner incisor presents a labial apex.
7 Morphology
Table 7.1 Aging Belgian draft horses Table 7.3 Aging Arabian horses
I1 I2 I3 I. I1 I2 I3
Shedding ±3 y ±4 y ±5 y Shedding ±2.5 y ±3.5 y ±4.5 y
Appearance of the dental star 4.5 y 5.5 y 6.5 y–7 y Appearance of the dental star 5 y 6 y 7 y–8 y
Appearance of the white spot 6–7 y 7–8 y 11–13 y Appearance of the white spot 7–8 y 9–11 y 13–15 y
in the dental star in the dental star
Disappearance of the cup 5–8 y 7–11 y 9–15 y Disappearance of the cup 7 y 7–11 y 9–15 y
Disappearance of the mark 12–15 y 14–15 y 14–15 y Disappearance of the mark ≥20 y ≥20 y ≥20 y
Table 7.2 Aging Standardbred horses Table 7.4 Aging mini-Shetland ponies
I1 I2 I3 I1 I2 I3
Shedding ±3 y ±4 y ±5 y Shedding ≥3 y ±4 y ±5 y
Appearance of the dental star 5 y 6 y 7 y–8 y Appearance of the dental star 4.5 y 5.5 y 6.5–7 y
Appearance of the white spot 7–8y 9–11 y 11–13 y Appearance of the white spot 6–7 y 8 y 10–12 y
in the dental star in the dental star
Disappearance of the cup 6–7 y 7–11 y 9–15 y Disappearance of the cup 7–8 y 8–12 y 9 y–13 y
Shape of the mark: Shape of the mark:
oval until 6 y oval until 8 y
oval-triangular 8 y–10 y oval-triangular ≥10 y
round ≥13 y round ≥13 y
Disappearance of the mark 18 y 19–20 y 19–20 y Disappearance of the mark 15 y 16 y 17 y
Shape of the occlusal table: Shape of the occlusal table:
oval until 6 y until 7 y until 12 y oval until 6 y until 7 y until 10 y
trapezoid ≥7 y ≥8 y–9 y – trapezoid ≥7 y ≥8–9y –
trapezoid with lingual apex ≥ 9 y ≥10 y – trapezoid with lingual apex ≥11–12 y ≥14 y –
labial apex on 303 or 403 ≥10–11 y labial apex on 303 or 403 ≥9–10 y
Hook on 103 or 203 ≥5 y Hook on 103 or 203 ≥5 y
Galvayne’s groove ≥11 y Galvayne’s groove ≥11 y
line. In view of the gradual character of this change in direc- however, is a complex process and all above-mentioned fea-
tion, however, it is impossible to determine the exact age at tures should be carefully examined. It must be emphasized
which it occurs. that dental aging in horses can only provide an approximate
guess rather than an exact evaluation. In older horses, most
of the so-called characteristic features can only be judged
The hook on the upper corner subjectively. It is obvious that the accuracy of the dental age
The hook on the caudal edge of the upper corner incisor has determination declines markedly with age.
long been considered as the typical characteristic for a 7- or An important factor that can interfere with an accurate
13-year-old horse. However, hooks on 103 and 203 are seen dental age determination in horses is the breed-dependence
in a minority of horses and occur at practically any age over of the attritional dental wear. A comparison of the dental
5 years. Only 13 % of all 7-year-olds and 8 % of all 13-year- criteria in different breeds revealed that, in general, the
olds that were examined for this study presented a hook on incisor teeth of draft horses and mini-Shetland ponies are
one or both upper corners. On the other hand, hooks were more liable to attrition, whereas the incisors of Arabian
also seen in 14 % of the 5- and 6-year-old horses, in 22 % of horses wear more slowly than those of Standardbred horses.
the horses aged between 8 and 12, and in 13 % of all horses A variety of other factors such as nature and quality of
aged over 13 years. As the presence of hooks on 103 and 203 food, environmental conditions, heredity, injury, and disease
cannot be related to any specific age category, it is considered can also influence dental wear. It is, therefore, important that
irrelevant for the estimation of age in horses. equine clinicians do not claim levels of accuracy that are
unjustifiable. As it is impossible to assign specific ages to
each dental feature, accuracy of age estimation in certain
The Galvayne’s groove individuals can be very low.
The Galvayne’s groove is a feature that is most often observed Therefore, it is advisable to make written records at the
in horses aged over 11 years. However, as its presence, length time of examination to show the dental features upon which
and bilateral symmetry are variable and inconsistent, the the age estimate was made. In some countries, there have
groove is considered to be of little value for age determina- been legal guidelines established to distance veterinarians
tion in horses. from trying to state the age of a horse solely from dental
findings. In case of insurance policies or legal questions, the
veterinarian should indicate explicitly that he is providing
Conclusion an ‘estimate of age.’ It is also advisable that the incisor tables
are photographed. When necessary, the pictures can be sub-
Teeth provide a practical available tool for estimating age mitted to others for a second opinion and can be stored with
in horses. Aging an individual horse from its dentition, appropriate identification for further use as well.8
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pp 150–196 29. Richardson JD, Cripps PJ, Lane JG. An 34. Muylle S, Simoens P, Lauwers H, van
26. Kilic S, Dixon PM, Kempson SA. A light evaluation of the accuracy of ageing Loon G. Ageing draft and trotter horses
microscopic and ultrastructural horses by their dentition: can a computer by their dentition. Veterinary Record
examination of calcified dental tissues of model be accurate? Veterinary Record 1997; 141: 17–20
horses: III Dentine. Equine Veterinary 1995; 137: 139 35. Muylle S, Simoens P, Lauwers H, van
Journal 1997; 29: 206–212 30. Hillson S. Teeth. Cambridge University Loon G. Ageing Arab horses by their
27. Richardson JD, Cripps PJ, Hillyer MH, Press, Cambridge, 1986, p. 183 dentition. Veterinary Record 1998;
et al. An evaluation of the accuracy of 31. Marcq J, Lahaye J. Extérieur du cheval. 142: 659
ageing horses by their dentition: a matter J Duculot, Gembloux, 1943, p. 11 36. Muylle S, Simoens P, Verbeeck R, et al.
of experience? Veterinary Record 1995; 32. Misk NA. Radiographic studies on the Dental wear related to the microhardness
137: 88 development of incisors and canine teeth of enamel and dentine. Veterinary Record
in donkeys. Equine Practice 1997; 19: 23 1998; 144: 558–561
Section 3: Dental disease and pathology
Disorders of development
and eruption of the teeth
and developmental
craniofacial abnormalities
Padraic M. Dixon MVB, PhD, MRCVS
Division of Veterinary Clinical Studies, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RG, UK
Craniofacial abnormalities horses greatly resent incisor teeth floating and require seda-
tion for this procedure.
Foals can develop a variety of growth abnormalities of their The main clinical significance of incisor overjet or overbite
craniofacial bones that cause malocclusion of their teeth is that affected horses usually have concurrent CT disorders,
and possible permanent changes to their dental function. due to the upper CT row being rostrally positioned in rela-
Although some of these abnormalities, such as overbite tion to its lower counterpart.3 This leads to focal overgrowths
(‘parrot mouth’), are often regarded as being primary dental on the rostral aspects of the upper 06s and the caudal aspects
abnormalities, it must be remembered that the observed of the lower 11s, as discussed below. The treatment of overjet
dental abnormality is just a manifestation of a significant and overbite are discussed in Chapter 19, and of CT over-
skeletal abnormality and correction of the dental abnormali- growths in Chapter 17.
ties, such as reduction of dental overgrowths, will not correct
the underlying craniofacial abnormality.
Underjet (prognathism, ‘sow mouth,’ ‘undershot jaw’; Fig.
Overjet and overbite 8.3) is rare in horses and is usually of little clinical signifi-
Many horses have some degree of overjet (‘overshot jaw’), cance unless there is total lack of occlusion between incisors.
i.e., where the occlusal aspects of the upper incisors project In contrast to horses with overjet, those with underjet usually
rostral to the occlusal aspects of the lower incisors (Fig. 8.1). develop focal CT overgrowths on the caudal aspects of the
Untreated cases of severe overjet generally develop overbite, upper 11s and the rostral aspects of the lower 06s. Due to
where the upper incisors lie rostral to the lower incisors as preferential overgrowth of the lower 01s, such cases develop
above but additionally now lie directly in front of the lower a concave occlusal surface of their upper incisor occlusal
incisors (‘parrot mouth’; Fig. 8.2). These disorders are com- surface (termed a ‘frown’). Similar to overbite, major incisor
monly termed brachygnathism (indicating shortness of overgrowths and concurrent CT focal overgrowths are the
mandible), but in horses they may actually be due to over- main consequences of underjet, and such overgrowths
growth of the upper jaw.1 With overbite, the upper incisors should be reduced at 6-month intervals.
may mechanically trap the lower incisors behind them and
so restrict mandibular growth; this in turn further exagger-
ates the disparity in length between the upper and lower Rostral positioning of the upper CT rows
jaws. Overjet, and more so overbite, are esthetically undesir- Rostral positioning of the upper CT rows relative to their
able, especially in show horses, but unless contact between mandibular counterparts is caused by an imbalance in
opposing incisors is totally absent, these problems rarely craniofacial bone growth and as noted earlier, is usually
cause difficulty in prehension.2 As the more rostral incisors associated with incisor overjet/overbite. This abnormality
(01s, central incisors) have the least occlusal contact, they can rarely occur independent of incisor malocclusions.
overgrow most and so affected horses develop a convex Because the upper and lower CT rows are not in full contact
appearance of their upper incisor occlusal surface (termed a in this disorder, localized dental overgrowths (colloquially
‘smile’), which should be reduced if pronounced.2,3 This termed ‘beaks’, ‘hooks’, and ‘ramps’) develop on the rostral
reduction should be performed in stages in order to prevent aspect of the upper 06s, and these overgrowths may be
pulpar exposure. In contrast to having their CT floated, many pressed against the lips and cheeks by the bit and so cause
8 Dental disease and pathology
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
Fig. 8.4 This 8-week old foal has severe wry nose, with complete absence
of contact of some incisors.
Hypodontia (anodontia) B
Hypodontia refers to reduced numbers of teeth, whilst
anodontia technically refers to total absence of teeth; Fig. 8.5 (A) This young horse has developmental absence of 202, with
however, the terms are sometimes interchangeably used. mesial (medial) drifting of 203 into its site, with consequent overgrowth of
Hypodontia is an abnormality of differentiation of the the unopposed opposite 302, that is more obvious when the mouth is open
(B). A diastema between 301 and 302 may be due to the overgrowth of 302
dental lamina and tooth germs (as are the presence of sup causing it to be laterally (distally) displaced.
ernumerary teeth).9 Developmental hypodontia is rela
tively uncommon in horses, with absence of equine teeth
usually caused by loss due to trauma, disease or to wear.
Hypodontia generally affects the permanent equine denti- though not always in size. Consequently, it is often impos-
tion (Figs 8.5 & 8.6). This disorder is hereditary in humans sible to differentiate supplemental from normal teeth.1,9,11
and can be part of many generalized developmental syn- Haplodont supernumerary teeth are characterized by their
dromes.9 In many species (including the horse), multiple simple, usually conical crowns with single roots (Fig. 8.7).
hypodontia is often associated with the presence of other Tuberculate supernumerary teeth have complex crowns
dental abnormalities (such as dysplastic teeth) or even with several tubercles on the occlusal surface with deep
generalized ectodermal disorders including the ectodermal indentations between the raised tubercles.1,9 A connate
dysplasia syndrome.10 tooth is composed of two or more tooth elements, possibly
arising from fusion of multiple tooth germs or alternatively
from a partial splitting of an embryonic tooth.1,9 Connate
Supernumerary teeth teeth are not necessarily supernumerary teeth, but some
The presence of supernumerary (additional) teeth, also supernumerary equine cheek teeth are connated, including
termed polydontia or hyperdentition, is relatively uncom- 6 of the 10 supernumerary cheek teeth described by Dixon
mon in the horse, but the exact prevalence is unknown.11,12 et al.12 Connated supernumerary teeth have also been illus-
Colyer found a prevalence of 0.6 % supernumerary incisors trated by Miles and Grigson, including a connated incisor
and 2.4 % supernumerary cheek teeth in 484 museum with two fused crowns sharing separate roots.1 The relation-
skulls, whilst Wafa found a 0.3 % prevalence of incisors ship between connated and tuberculate supernumerary teeth
in an abattoir survey of 355 skulls.1,13 Canine teeth are is unclear.
uncommon in mares, but these teeth are not generally Supernumerary teeth are a developmental defect and may
considered as supernumerary teeth, but as atavism, i.e., arise due to localized excessive odontogenic capacity, or
the reappearance of a characteristic of a distant ancestor from the splitting of a tooth primordium.1,9 With supple-
that is not found in its immediate ancestors.1 Dentigerous mental supernumerary teeth, it is believed that the primor-
cysts are also not considered to be supernumerary teeth in dium divides into equal parts, each with the capacity to form
this review. a tooth of normal morphology. Haplodont and tuberculate
Supernumerary teeth can be categorized on their appear- supernumerary teeth may be due to division of the primor-
ance into three types, i.e., supplemental teeth which resem- dium into parts which do not have the capacity to form a
ble teeth of normal series in crown and root morphology, tooth of normal shape and size.9
8 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 8.7 (A) This horse has a haplodont supernumerary incisor lying between 302 and 303 that has caused caudal displacement of the 303. Despite having a
relatively small clinical crown, radiographs confirmed the great length and outlined the shape of the reserve crown and apex of this supernumerary tooth.
(B) The 9 cm long supernumerary tooth was extracted by removal of the rostral alveolar wall, and the gingival wound was partially sutured.
Equine supernumerary teeth often occur at the peripheries Colyer (1906) recorded a 0.6 % prevalence of equine super-
of the different classes of teeth, especially at the caudal aspect numerary incisors whilst finding a 2.5 % prevalence of super-
of the molar teeth,1,14,15 and in particular, caudal to the upper numerary CT.1 Equine supernumerary incisors are usually
11s,12,16 and this is also a relatively common site for super- supplemental teeth, i.e., are morphologically similar to
numerary teeth development in other species, including normal incisors.11 Occasionally, a complete supplementary
humans, where a midline (pre)maxillary incisor is the most set of incisors (six) can occur,11,13,19 but more commonly,
common supernumerary tooth.17,18 Supernumerary equine only one or two supernumerary incisors develop, and pro-
cheek teeth can also occur lingually, buccally, and rostrally trude rostrally to the normal premaxillary (incisive) incisors
to the normal cheek teeth row.12,15,16 Supernumerary teeth (Fig. 8.8).16
are generally more common in permanent than in decidu- Because of their normal morphology, supplemental
ous teeth, in incisors than other classes of teeth, and are supernumerary incisors can readily be confused with
more common in maxillary in than mandibular teeth.9,17,18 retained deciduous incisors. This is particularly the case
Supernumerary teeth are present in 0.8 % of primary denti- with larger retained incisors, whose permanent successors
tion and in 2.1% of permanent dentition in humans.18 erupted beside, rather than beneath, the deciduous incisor,
and thus have not caused any resorption or mechanical
displacement of the apex or reserve crown. Radiography
Supernumerary incisors
usually distinguishes between a retained deciduous and
In contrast to human supernumerary incisors, equine super- supernumerary incisor, as a retained deciduous incisor is
numerary incisors have been said to only occur in the per- shorter and narrower than a supernumerary permanent
manent dentition,19 more commonly in the premaxillary incisor (see later), in contrast to supernumerary incisors that
incisors.11 Supernumerary incisors are believed to occur more are usually of similar size (Fig. 8.8). Supernumerary incisors
frequently in horses than supernumerary cheek teeth,14,15 as may cause overcrowding and displacement of the normal
is the case in humans where circa 90 % of all supernumerary permanent incisors, and diastemata often occur beside the
teeth are reported to be premaxillary incisors;17 however, displaced incisors. A rostrally displaced supernumerary
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
incisor may also develop between, and so cause separation Radiography readily differentiates these teeth from canine
of the normal incisors (Fig. 8.7). teeth by the size and shape of their reserve crowns and roots.
If just one or two supernumerary incisors are present that Many suspected supernumerary ‘wolf teeth’ are retained frag-
lie rostral (labial) to the normal incisor arch, it is usually ments of the deciduous 06 that on closer inspection are seen
possible to extract them following infra-orbital (or mental) to be a flat structure lying relatively superficially in the
nerve block in the sedated horse, and removal of the rostral gingiva, as illustrated by Dixon and Dacre.20
alveolar wall with a curved osteotome, as described in detail
in Chapter 20. Long gingival incisions over the reserve crown
should be sutured more apically after repositioning rem- Supernumerary cheek teeth
nants of the alveolar wall. The occlusal aspect of the wound The most common site for supernumerary CT development
is left open for drainage (Fig. 8.7). If supernumerary incisors in horses is, as noted, the caudal aspect of the maxillary CT
are very rostrally displaced (especially in older horses) dental rows (Fig. 8.9) and less commonly, caudal to the mandibu-
elevators can be inserted progressively deeper into their lar 11s (Figs 8.10 & 8.11). These caudal CT have been termed
periodontal space to loosen them without removal of any Triadan 12s,16 but could also be termed Triadan 11b, if they
alveolar wall. originate from the same tooth bud as the normal 11. Super-
Supernumerary incisors and possibly displaced normal numerary CT may also develop medial, lateral, or rostral to
incisors can erupt in an overcrowded manner along the the upper or lower CT rows (Figs 8.12 & 8.13). Dixon et al
normal incisor arch, and caudal (palatal) to them on the illustrated a full-sized supernumerary maxillary CT lying
rostral aspect of the hard palate. In addition to the difficulty in the physiological diastema (between the incisors and
in clinically differentiating supplemental supernumerary the 06),12 and Wortley,21 and Dixon et al16 also reported
incisors from normal incisors, it is usually very difficult to supernumerary teeth developing in the hard palate, and
extract such displaced supernumerary incisors without further examples are shown in Figures 8.12 and 8.13. Usually
causing damage to the remaining incisors, the hard palate just one or two additional CT develop, but Wortley reported
and overlying soft tissues. Lateral and intra-oral radiographs a horse with four supernumerary maxillary CT.21 Many
generally demonstrate the great length of the reserve crowns supernumerary CT erupt when the normal CT are erupting,
of both the normal and the (indistinguishable) supernumer- but others may erupt in mature horses, and Dixon et al
ary incisors that are lying closely together, sometimes in reported supernumerary CT eruption at 12 years of age.16
an intertwined manner (Fig. 8.8). As the consequences of Connated supernumerary CT are very large and irregular in
leaving multiple supernumerary incisors in are usually shape and consequently can displace adjacent CT. Their
minimal, these teeth are, therefore, best not extracted. As the irregular interdental margins do not form tight seals with
supernumerary incisors erupt, their occlusal surfaces are adjacent normal CT and the resultant large interdental
usually worn down by attrition – due to contact with food (interproximal) space (i.e., diastema) leads to food pocket-
and intermittent contact with lower incisors due to the ing and often painful periodontal disease.
normal rostrocaudal movement of the mandible. If, how In other instances where a caudal supernumerary tooth
ever, supernumerary incisors are extremely displaced, indi- develops at the same time as the normal 11, overcrowding
vidual teeth lose occlusal contact and overgrow. Such teeth of the dental buds occurs prior to calcification. In these
should be reduced biannually, preferably using motorized cases, the 11 and the supernumerary cheek tooth are both
equipment. deformed and lie obliquely or possibly parallel to each other
in separate or a common alveolus. Following eruption of the
Supernumerary canine and 1st premolar supernumerary cheek tooth, diastemata between these two
distorted teeth allow food impaction also leading to painful
teeth (‘wolf teeth’) periodontal disease. Unopposed caudal supernumerary CT
Supernumerary canine or ‘wolf’ teeth are rarely recognized, will overgrow if not reduced (Fig. 8.11) and the overgrown
and most suspected supernumerary canine teeth are in fact teeth will become displaced caudally, causing diastema for-
rostrally displaced, large 1st premolar (‘wolf teeth’).16 mation (Fig. 8.9).
8 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 8.9 (A) The supernumerary CT present at the caudal aspect of this maxillary CT row is overgrown due to absence of occlusal contact. Contact of
the overgrowth with the caudal aspect of the lower 11 has caused it to displace caudally, causing a wide diastema (arrow) between it and the adjacent 11.
(B) Intra-oral view of a supernumerary 212 that has overgrown and caused a diastema (arrow) to develop between it and the 211. The flat occlusal surface
shows it has been reduced in the past.
Fig. 8.12 (A) This supernumerary cheek tooth lies medial to 106/107 with
Fig. 8.10 Post mortem radiograph of a hemimandible with a caudal much periodontal pocketing of food on its rostral aspect (arrow). (B) The
supernumerary CT. In addition, there are focal, lytic areas in the sclerotic periodontal disease has caused the darkened area on the crown of the
mandibular bone under 311 associated with marked periodontal disease orally extracted tooth (arrow).
clinically evident around this tooth.
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
unexplained development of such overgrowths, not to just to the potential great depth of the diastema (e.g., up to 7 cm
assume that they are overgrowth of an 11, but to carefully deep), it may not be possible to clean them fully of impacted
count the teeth to assess if a supernumerary tooth is present. food, even with use of pressurized water or air systems.
If any doubt exists, latero-oblique radiograph can confirm As noted, diastema formation adjacent to a supernumerary
the presence of supernumerary teeth, but care must be taken Triadan 12 can lead to apical infection of the supernumerary
not to mistake two overlapping teeth for a single, wide tooth. and/or adjacent CT and to caudal maxillary sinusitis. Alter-
Very rarely, a second supernumerary tooth (e.g., Triadan natively, food tracking (between the upper 11s and 12s) into
113) will develop caudal to the initial supernumerary cheek the sinus may cause an oromaxillary fistula without apical
tooth as illustrated by Dixon et al.16 infection of adjacent CT.23 Unless advanced apical changes
Careful examination of a well-restrained horse using a are present in such teeth, it may be difficult to determine the
good light source and a dental mirror (or intra-oral camera) presence of apical infection by radiography alone because of
is needed to examine the poorly accessible caudal aspect of the superimposed radiodense sinus structures and contents.
the mouth where supernumerary CT most commonly Careful examination of each tooth for the presence of pulpar
develop. If significant periodontal disease is present, extrac- exposure is indicated in such cases and may indicate the
tion of the supernumerary tooth is the ideal solution, but presence of apical infection.26–28 Advanced imaging tech-
this can be a very difficult procedure, especially in a young niques, such as scintigraphy and computerized tomography,
horse.16,22 Extraction of an upper 12 can be particularly dif- can also be of great value. In the absence of conclusive evi-
ficult, as it will likely have a caudally facing reserve crown dence of apical infection of the upper 11, extraction of the
and apex that may partially lie beneath the orbit. Conse- supernumerary tooth prevents further food pocketing and
quently, it is impossible to apply adequate repulsive forces allows healing of the oromaxillary defect. In the presence of
directly behind the apex to repulse the supernumerary CT an oromaxillary sinus fistula, sinoscopy or sinusotomy is
into the oral cavity, but careful application of lateral pressure indicated with thorough lavage of food from the sinus and
may loosen the tooth. placement of a postoperative sinus lavage system. If the
For many reasons, oral extraction is preferable to repul- supernumerary CT is not apically infected, the placement of
sion, provided that enough clinical crown of a suitable acrylic into the cleaned and prepared diastema may prevent
shape is present, i.e., some supernumerary teeth may be further ingress of food into the sinus.23 Careful reduction of
conical – and very difficult to grip with extractors. Some- supernumerary CT also helps prevent its caudal displace-
times, caudal supernumerary CT may have been mechani- ment and reduces the likelihood of loss of diastema packing
cally reduced (Fig. 8.9) and possibly rounded off on their and re-development of oro-maxillary fistula.
occlusal surface, which may preclude oral extraction until
they erupt further. Caudal maxillary supernumerary teeth lie
beside and may be surrounded by the soft palate – whose
normal boundary with the hard palate usually lies at the Dental dysplasia
interdental space of the upper 10s and 11s. Consequently,
great care must be taken when orally extracting caudal maxil- Dysplasia or abnormal development of teeth can involve the
lary supernumerary CT to ensure that the soft palate is not crown, roots, or all of the tooth. Commonly recorded dis-
damaged. In particular, it is essential that the soft palate is turbances in the gross form of teeth include dilacerations
not perforated towards its midline (where there is no under- (abnormal bending of teeth), double teeth, abnormalities of
lying rim of bony palate), as such oropharyngeal fistulas size, and concrescence (roots of adjacent teeth joined by
show poor tendency to heal and are likely to cause perma- cementum) of teeth.1,9 Disturbances in the structure of teeth,
nent dysphagia in affected horses. Extraction of CT is com- including dysplasias (disturbances of development) of the
prehensively discussed in Chapter 20. individual calcified dental tissues or pulp, are well described
If oral extraction is not feasible, and clinical signs of apical in human dentistry, with disturbances in amelogenesis
infection are not present (e.g., sinusitis – with presence of particularly well described.29 There is a rapidly increasing
caudally situated supernumerary CT), a further option is to knowledge of the genetic defects that underlie some of these
remove any overgrown crown causing soft tissue trauma, dental dysplasias.30 However, very many human dental dys-
and, possibly, to attempt to widen the interproximal space plasias are secondary to systemic diseases that can occur in
between the supernumerary tooth and the normal 11s using utero, or during the neonatal or postnatal periods. Local
a diastema burr in order to prevent food impaction at this disturbances, including trauma, can also cause dental dys-
site. Alternatively, any diastema and periodontal pockets plasia; for example, the most common cause of enamel
present can be cleaned out and filled with acrylic or endo- hypoplasia of a single human permanent tooth (‘Turner
dontic restorative material.23 Due to poor access and com- tooth’) is damage to the developing ameloblasts by infection
monly also to tongue movements, diastema widening is a of the overlying deciduous tooth.9
relatively difficult procedure when the supernumerary tooth Amelogenesis imperfecta includes a range of hereditary
has erupted directly behind the 11, and great care must be disorders affecting enamel formation in both deciduous and
taken not to damage the soft palate with the burr during the permanent teeth and can be divided into two types, i.e.,
procedure.24,25 If the supernumerary and the Triadan 11 teeth defects in enamel matrix formation or in the mineralization
have an obliquely oriented interproximal space between of enamel. The genetics of this disorder in particular are well
them, it is even more difficult to safely widen this diastema studied in human dentistry, with AMELX gene mutations
and constant monitoring with an intra-oral mirror or endo- increasingly described.9,30 Amelogenesis imperfecta as part of
scope is necessary during the procedure to guide the diastema a generalized ectodermal syndrome has been described in a
burr along the irregular interdental space. Additionally, due horse (Fig. 8.14),10 and an amelogenesis defect is also the
8 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 8.16 This recently erupted dysplastic 403 has an abnormal protrusion
on its labial aspect.
Fig. 8.17 This young horse has displaced and abnormally shaped maxillary
incisors that additionally are suffering focal enamel caries – a rare feature at
this site, that is likely caused by structural developmental defects.
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
Fig. 8.18 (A) Lateral-oblique radiograph of a miniature Shetland pony with dysplasia of 109, 110 and 111. The large, abnormally curved (dilacerated) 109 has
caused caudal displacement of the abnormally shaped 110 and 111, with resultant development occlusal abnormalities of both CT rows. (B) Dilacerated
dysplastic tooth following extraction. The clinical crown had a groove cut in it to aid its extraction.
2 1 2
1 3 C
4 5 5
Fig. 8.19 (A) The occlusal surface of a 307 with multiple, branched subdivisions of pulp chambers 1 and 2 caused by dysplastic enamel. The dysplastic
enamel has altered the overall shape of the tooth, causing it to poorly fit its alveolus, resulting in some localized periodontal food pocketing and
periodontitis (site indicated by superimposed red lines). (From Dacre et al,26 with permission from The Veterinary Journal.) (B) The mid-tooth section shows
all pulp chambers to be empty. The enamel dysplasia has caused reduced dentinal thickness, and the peripheral cementum has become very infolded,
appearing like maxillary infundibula, i.e., completely surrounded by enamel. A new cheek teeth pulp horn numbering system is now in use (see Chapter 5).
Fig. 8.20 (A) The caudal root of this dysplastic, apically infected mandibular CT is absent, and its site has a large apical opening leading into a wide necrotic
pulp chamber (arrow). Some extraction-induced loss of periodontal membrane has occurred. (B) The occlusal surface shows an additional dysplastic pulp
chamber (surrounded by a ring of enamel) that is occlusally exposed. (From Dacre et al,26 with permission from The Veterinary Journal.)
8 Dental disease and pathology
breeds. These developmental overgrowths may remain for displaced (usually lingually), and if deciduous incisors are
life and even increase in magnitude with time, initiating retained for long enough (e.g., >1 year), they may cause
additional abnormalities of CT wear and diastemata. Recog- lasting changes to the position of the permanent incisors.33
nizing and removing such overgrowths at an early stage (in In some horses, the permanent incisor erupts beside its
stages if necessary) is the key to their successful manage- deciduous precursor, thus forming an expanded incisor
ment, as discussed in Chapter 17. arcade. In such cases, it may be difficult to clinically differ-
entiate between the normal permanent incisors and the
retained incisor(s), or indeed to assess if the additional tooth
Retention of deciduous teeth in the arcade is in fact a supernumerary incisor. Conse-
quently, radiographs should be taken prior to attempted
Retention of incisors extraction of any additional incisor, unless it can be posi-
Deciduous incisors are occasionally retained for a significant tively identified on morphological appearance as being a
period beyond their normal time of shedding, which is retained incisor.
approximately 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 years of age, respectively, for Under sedation and appropriate regional nerve block,
the 01s, 02s and 03s. Because the permanent tooth buds firmly attached retained deciduous incisors with short reserve
normally develop lingual (on oral aspect) to their deciduous crowns can sometimes be extracted, using dental elevators
precursors, retained incisors usually lie labial (rostral) to the and forceps. However, retained incisors with very long
erupting permanent incisors,11 (Fig. 8.22) or lie between and reserve crowns need resection of their alveolar wall to allow
displace the permanent incisors (Figs 8.23, 8.24) but rarely extraction. Deciduous incisors that are retained on the
can develop on their lingual aspect (Fig. 8.25).32 Retained lingual aspect of the permanent teeth are more difficult to
incisors can cause the erupting permanent incisors to be extract, and their reserve crowns may need to be ground
(reamed) out.32 Details of incisor extractions are presented
in detail in Chapter 20.
Fig. 8.22 (A) This retained 702 has caused caudal (distal) displacement of the permanent 302 and 303. (B) A ventrorostal view showing
the 6-cm long tooth being extracted.
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
Fig. 8.23 (A) The additional incisor present in this maxillary incisor arcade was believed to be the tooth with a small rounded clinical crown (arrow), rather
than the tooth with a normal sized crown medial (mesial) to it. (B) However, this radiograph showed a wide, short remnant of the 602 to be retained (arrow)
and the tooth with the small, rounded clinical crown to be a (slightly small) permanent incisor (302).
Fig. 8.24 Retention of the deciduous 702 (arrow) has caused caudal (distal)
displacement of the permanent 303 with subsequent abnormal wear of 303
and the opposing 203.
8 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 8.28 This 4-year-old horse has bilateral eruption cysts beneath the
lower 07s and 08s.
Fig. 8.26 A distinct margin is apparent between the deciduous and
permanent mandibular CT in this skull, indicating the former is ready to be
shed, and is retained by periodontal attachments on one side only (arrow).
Overcrowding and vertical
06 10
07 09
Fig. 8.27 This loose deciduous tooth, which had a large space between it
and the underlying permanent CT with food entrapment, is being extracted
with a ‘cap extractor’. B
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
8 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 8.31 This 4-year-old horse has a developmental displacement of 202 Fig. 8.33 Post mortem image of a marked developmental lateral (buccal)
that is rotated almost 90° and so is horizontally (rather than vertically) displacement of a 309 that has not been treated for years. The displaced
aligned to the long axis of the premaxilla. It was treated by repeated tooth has caused severe ulceration and deeper muscle damage to the
floating its occlusal surface. Extraction of the displaced incisor would be cheeks (arrow). Marked periodontal disease on both sides of the displaced
difficult and likely to damage the adjacent normal incisors. CT caused additional oral pain to this neglected horse. (From Dixon et al,12
with permission from Equine Veterinary Journal.)
1. Miles AEW, Grigson C. Colyer’s Variations 2. Easley J. Basic equine orthodontics. In: 3. Easley J. Equine orthodontics.
and diseases of the teeth of animals. Baker GJ, Easley, J, eds. Equine dentistry, In: Focus on Equine Dentistry,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2nd edn. Elsevier, Edinburgh, 2005, American Association of Equine
1990, pp 118–122, pp 249–266 Practitioners, Indianapolis, 2006,
307–311 pp 39–46
Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental craniofacial abnormalities
4. Carmalt JL, Townsend HGG, Allen AL. survey of 152 cases. International Journal understanding dental anomalies.
Effect of dental floating on the of Paediatric Dentistry 2002; 12: American Journal of Orthodontics and
rostrocaudal mobility of the mandible of 244–254 Craniofacial Orthopaedics 2000; 117:
horses. Journal of the American 18. Garvey MT, Barry HJ, Blake M. 650–656
Veterinary Medical Association 2003; Supernumerary Teeth – An overview of 31. Staszyk C, Bienert A, Kreutzer R, et al.
223: 666–669 classification, diagnosis and management. Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption
5. Scrutchfield WL. Equine dental Journal of the Canadian Dental and hypercementosis. Vet J 2008; 178:
instrumentation. In: Baker GJ, Association 1999; 65: 612–616 372–337
Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry, 19. O’Connor JJ. Affections of the teeth: 32. Alexander K, McMillen RG, Easley J.
WB Saunders, London, 1999, Abnormalities of development. In: Incisor extraction in a horse by a
pp 173–184 O’Connor JJ, ed. Dollar’s Veterinary longitudinal forage technique. Equine
6. Easley J. Corrective dental procedures. In: Surgery, 4th edn. Alexander Eger, Veterinary Education 2001; 13: 179–182
Baker GJ, Easley J, eds. Equine Dentistry, Chicago, 1950, p. 591 33. Scrutchfield WL, Schumacher J.
2nd edn. Elsevier Saunders, Edinburgh, 20. Dixon PM, Dacre I. A review of equine Examination of the oral cavity and
2005, pp 221–248 dental disorders. Vet J 2005; 169: routine dental care. Veterinary Clinics of
7. Brown SL, Shaw DJ, Dixon PM, Arkins S. 165–187 North America – Equine Practice 1993; 9:
Occlusal angles of cheek teeth in normal 21. Wortley AJ. Irregularities and diseases of 123–131
horses and horses with dental disease. the teeth. In: Wortley AJ, ed. The horse, 34. Sisson S, Grossman JD. In: The Anatomy
The Veterinary Record 2008; 162: its treatment in health and disease, Vol.2. of Domestic Animals, 4th edn. WB
807–810 Gresham Publishing, London, 1907, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1971,
8. Schumacher J, Dixon PM. Diseases p. 327 pp 396–405
of the Nasal Cavity. In: McGorum BC, 22. Dixon PM, Dacre I, Dacre K, et al. 35. Barrairon P, Blin PC, Molinier F.
Robinson NE, Dixon PM, Schumacher J, Standing oral extraction of cheek teeth in Contribution à l’etude du mechanisme
eds. Equine Respiratory Medicine and 100 horses (1998–2003). Equine Vet J de formation de fistule des premolaires
Surgery, Elsevier Oxford, 2005, 2005; 37: 105–112 chez le jeune cheval. Bulletin de l’
pp 369–392 23. Hawkes CS, Easley J, Barakzai SZ, Academie Veterinaire de France 1980; 53:
9. Soames JV, Southam JC. Disorders of Dixon PM. Treatment of oromaxillary 47–54
development of teeth and craniofacial fistulae in nine standing horses (2002– 36. Dixon PM, Tremaine WH, Pickles K, et al.
abnormalities. In: Oral Pathology, 4th 2006). Equine Vet J 2008; 40: Equine dental disease part 4: a long-term
edn. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 546–555 study of 400 cases: apical infections of
2006, pp 1–18 24. Collins N, Dixon PM. Diagnosis and cheek teeth. Equine Vet J 2000; 32:
10. Ramzan PHL, Dixon PM, Kempson SA, management of equine diastemata. 182–194
Rossdale PD. Dental dysplasia and Techniques in Equine Practice 2005; 4: 37. Du Toit N, Burden FA, Gosden L, Dixon
oligodontia in a Thoroughbred colt. 148–154 PM. A study of the dimensions of
Equine Vet J 2001; 33: 99–104 25. Dixon PM, Barakzai S, Collins N, Yates J. diastemata and associated periodontal
11. Dixon PM, Tremaine WH, Pickles K, et al. Treatment of equine cheek teeth by food pockets in donkey cheek teeth. J Vet
Equine dental disease part 1: a long-term mechanical widening of diastemata in 60 Dent 2009; 26: 10–14
study of 400 cases: disorders of incisor, horses (2000–2006). Equine Vet J 2008; 38. Tremaine WH. Dental endoscopy in the
canine and first premolar teeth. Equine 40: 22–28 horse. Clinical techniques in equine
Vet J 1999; 31: 369–377 26. Dacre IT, Kempson S, Dixon PM. practice 2005; 4: 181–187
12. Dixon PM, Tremaine WH, Pickles K, Pathological studies of cheek teeth apical 39. Simhofer H, Griss R, Zetner K. The use of
et al. Equine dental disease part 2: a infections in the horse Part 4: oral endoscopy for detection of cheek
long-term study of 400 cases: disorders of Aetiopathological findings in 41 apically teeth abnormalities in 300 horses. Vet J
development and eruption and variations infected mandibular cheek teeth. Vet J 2008; 178: 396–404
in position of the cheek teeth. Equine Vet 2008; 178: 341–351 40. Easley J. A new look at dental
J 1999; 31: 519–528 27. Dacre IT, Kempson S, Dixon PM. radiography. In: Proceedings of the 48th
13. Wafa NSY. A study of dental disease in Pathological studies of cheek teeth Annual Convention of the American
the horse. MVM thesis, National apical infections in the horse. 5 Association of Equine Practitioners, 2002,
University of Ireland, Dublin, 1988, Aetiopathological findings in 57 apically pp 412–420
pp 91–173 infected maxillary cheek teeth and 41. Barakzai SZ, Dixon PM. A study of
14. Baker GJ. A study of equine dental histological and ultrastructural findings. open-mouthed oblique radiographic
disease. PhD Thesis, University of Vet J 2008; 178: 352–363 projections for evaluating lesions of the
Glasgow, 1979, pp 36–38 28. van den Enden MS, Dixon PM. erupted (clinical) crown. Equine
15. Orsini PG. Oral cavity. In: Auer JA, ed. Prevalence of occlusal pulpar exposure in Veterinary Education 2003; 15: 143–148
Equine Surgery, WB Saunders, 110 equine cheek teeth with apical 42. Edwards GB. Retention of permanent
Philadelphia, 1992, p. 300 infections and idiopathic fractures. Vet J cheek teeth in horses. Equine Veterinary
16. Dixon PM, Easley KJ, Ekmann A. 2008; 178: 364–371 Education 1993; 5: 399–402
Supernumerary teeth in the horse. 29. Aldred MJ, Crawford PJ. Amelogenesis 43. Becker E. Zahne. In: Dobberstein J,
Journal of Clinical Techniques in Equine imperfecta – towards a new classification. Pallaske G, Stunzi H, Band V, eds.
Practice 2005; 4: 155–161 Oral Diseases 1995; 1: 2–5 Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen
17. Rajab LD, Hamdan MAM. Supernumerary 30. Vastardis H. The genetics of human anatomie der haustiere, 3rd edn. Verlag
teeth: review of the literature and a tooth agenesis: new discoveries for Paul Parey, Berlin, 1962, pp 121–265
Section 3: Dental disease and pathology
Head and dental trauma
Tim Greet† BVMS, MVM, Cert EO, DESTS, Dipl ECVS, FRCVS,
Peter H.L. Ramzan* BVSc, MRCVS
Rossdales Equine Hospital, Cotton End Road, Exning, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7NN, UK
*Rossdale and Partners, Beaufort Cottage Stables, High Street, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 8JS, UK
A variety of injuries affecting the oral cavity may be encoun- Maintenance of a patent airway must be a priority and if
tered in equine practice. Many of these injuries arise from required, insertion of an emergency tracheotomy tube
inquisitive or playful interaction of the horse with objects in should be carried out without delay. Most nasal hemorrhage
its environment. Other injuries are the direct result of human (from nasal cavity and/or sinuses) associated with facial
action. Oral injuries may involve, in various combinations, injury ceases without need for particular action. Secondary
the soft tissues, osseous, and/or dental structures of the infection of the paranasal sinuses is common following
mouth. facial fracture and appropriate antibiotics should be admin-
istered. Sinus lavage may also be of benefit with an open
fracture of the sinus walls, or where there has been signifi-
The oral environment and healing cant intrasinus hemorrhage. In horses with major facial
of oral injuries wounds, the extent of osseous or dental injury and the pres-
ence of radiodense foreign bodies should be assessed using
Although wounds within the oral cavity are exposed to food multiple radiographic projections or, if available, computed
material and a large mixed resident population of obligate tomographic (CT) imaging, before any attempt is made to
and facultative anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, healing gen- repair the overlying soft tissues.
erally proceeds far more rapidly than with cutaneous
wounds. Even extensive intra-oral injuries to the cheeks or
tongue rapidly resolve providing the inciting cause (frac-
Management of specific intra-oral injuries
tured or displaced tooth, foreign body, or sequestrum) is no Lips and cheeks
longer present. One of the factors responsible for such effi-
One of the most commonly encountered injuries to the lips
cient healing and the limited subsequent formation of scar
is traumatic injury to the commisures of the lips arising from
tissue, is that oral mucosal wounds have a subdued inflam-
the use of a bit. Damage to the soft tissues may occur directly
matory response compared to external skin wounds.1,2 In
from inappropriate pressure on the bit or as a result of soft
addition, the constant bathing of oral wounds with saliva
tissue being trapped between the bit and the rostral cheek
(rich in protease inhibitors, cytokines and growth factors)
teeth. The appearance of these injuries is determined by
also speeds up wound healing. Furthermore, an excellent
severity and chronicity, ranging from a fresh wound to ulcer-
oral vascular supply ensures that tissue devitalization is
ation and eventually to scar tissue formation. To facilitate
healing it is sensible to remove the inciting cause, which can
Given the intrinsic good healing characteristics of the oral
mean a period of time without using a bit. This is often
mucosa, there is generally little merit in attempting to assist
impractical and minimizing ongoing soft tissue trauma must
healing by using topical medications, and in any event, there
then be the primary goal. The use of a wide rounded bit such
is little objective support for the efficacy of most such treat-
as a rubber snaffle and removal of sharp cheek tooth edges,
ments. Oral lavage with a saline solution or water may tem-
can assist in the prevention of lip and cheek damage. Round-
porarily assist in reducing contamination with food material.
ing the profile of the rostral aspect of the 06s (first maxillary
Similarly, unless wounds are full-thickness or closure is nec-
and mandibular cheek teeth), known as ‘bit-seating’, may
essary to prevent food contamination of deeper defects,
also be employed. Any such profiling should be performed
suturing of intra-oral injuries is not generally indicated.
with awareness of the possibility of exposing the rostral
(6th) pulp and thus causing pulpitis if reductions are exces-
Management of horses with facial trauma sive. If large, displaced or sharp wolf teeth are present and
felt to be contributing to the problem, their extraction may
A horse with major facial trauma should be assessed imme- also be indicated.
diately for the presence of life-threatening respiratory Abrasions or lacerations of the cheeks within the oral
obstruction, epistaxis, and any indication of other major cavity can arise from direct trauma to the soft tissues by
dysfunction, such as neurological or ocular disturbance. sharp or prominent buccal enamel points/edges or displaced
9 Dental disease and pathology
There are two main types of direct injury to the tongue that
are encountered in practice. Lacerations of the lateral margins
of the tongue (Fig. 9.4) may be caused by the horse inadvert-
ently biting itself, trauma from displaced or fractured teeth
or from a foreign body. Injuries to the tongue arising from
Fig. 9.1 A small fresh buccal ulcer adjacent to a maxillary cheek tooth. inappropriate restraint may also be encountered. In the latter
case, aggressive use of a leading bit (typically a chifney) can
result in laceration of the dorsal or lateral margins of the
rostral portion of the tongue. These injuries can range from
small superficial cuts to near-total transaction of the tongue
(Fig. 9.6). Occasionally, a horse is examined that has previ-
ously sustained a severe laceration of the tongue that has
healed, leaving a large defect in its dorsum or lateral border
(Fig. 9.5). Grasping the tongue as a means of restraint can
also result in injury should the handler fail to release the
tongue if the horse pulls back; excessive traction can cause
laceration of the lingual frenulum. It is not usually necessary
to repair these injuries.
Horses that have sustained a laceration of the tongue due
to dental or foreign body trauma at the back of the mouth
typically present with acute signs of oral discomfort and
excessive salivation. A thorough examination of the oral
cavity, using a full-mouth speculum, is necessary to assess
these injuries. Due to their hidden location, some caudal
lacerations of the tongue may be more readily detectable by
digital examination, rather than by direct visualization.
However, oral endoscopy, if available, is the preferred tech-
nique to image the caudal tongue and a dental mirror may
also reveal some such lesions. Care should be taken to
Fig. 9.2 Chronic buccal abrasion of dental origin. palpate the dorsal and both lateral margins of the base of
the tongue, particularly at the level of the occlusal surface of
the mandibular cheek teeth. Once the inciting cause is
or fractured teeth. Injuries may be detected, when acute, as removed, these injuries tend to heal without further inter-
mucosal lacerations or fresh abrasions (Fig. 9.1) or when vention, although anti-inflammatory and/or antibiotic
chronic (characterized by ulceration with thickened mucosal therapy may be beneficial in some cases. On occasion, focal
edges or scar tissue; Fig. 9.2). The removal of the inciting abscess formation or more generalized infection of the
cause usually resolves the problem. tongue may occur following foreign body penetration (often
Trauma to the external lip or muzzle is usually the result with food material, wire fragments, or wood splinters). Such
of the horse biting or playing with a fixed object in its envi- cases may present with signs of oral discomfort and excessive
ronment. These injuries are typically full thickness, and salivation; however, early diagnosis is often more difficult
although wound breakdown often ensues, an attempt at than for the lacerations discussed above. In these cases, the
sutured repair is usually indicated to maximize the chance tongue is often grossly normal to visualisation without use
of a good cosmetic and functional outcome. Following of endoscopy, but palpation of the affected site may reveal
lavage of the wound and debridement of any obviously an area of firmness within the softer body of the tongue,
devitalized tissue, a multi-layer repair of the defect is usually which elicits a pain response on digital pressure and which
undertaken (Fig. 9.3) beginning with apposition of the oral may be associated with focal malodour. Depending on the
mucosa with simple interrupted or continuous absorbable severity of clinical signs, aggressive treatment with broad-
sutures. External closure of the skin wound using non- spectrum antibiotics or surgical drainage of a lingual abscess
absorbable suture material or staples then follows. However, may be necessary.
with more extensive defects, separate closure of the muscular In the case of a severe, bit-induced laceration of the tongue
layer should also be performed with absorbable sutures to (Fig. 9.6), assessment of the wound (and tongue viability)
afford the best chance of healing by primary intention. It is often best performed under general anesthesia. A gauze
may be beneficial to minimize excessive movement at the bandage tied around the tongue caudal to the wound can be
Head and dental trauma
Fig. 9.3 (A) An extensive laceration of the lower lip which also has a full-thickness defect
through the left cheek into the mouth. (B) Separating the skin from the underlying
musculature. (C) Repair of facial musculature using a continuous suture of 4 metric
B polydioxanone. (D) Although the lesion was repaired in layers, partial wound dehiscence
resulted in an orofacial fistula. This was successfully repaired by a second operation.
used as an effective tourniquet. Gentle traction to the alternately (Fig. 9.8). The latter should incorporate a signifi-
bandage also allows good exposure of the more caudal parts cant bulk of lingual musculature to take up some of the
of the tongue. Glossectomy may be necessary if the tongue tension and to ensure more satisfactory healing. All dead
tip is considered unviable (Fig. 9.7), and removal of tissue space should be obliterated if possible.
up to the level of rostral attachment of the frenulum is Multiple-layer closure of thicker areas of the tongue may
unlikely to affect function. Intravenous administration of be required. It should be remembered that the tongue is very
sodium fluorescein has been recommended as an aid to mobile, and the risk of wound dehiscence is significant
assess tongue viability. Oversewing the body of the tongue unless care is taken to align the tongue correctly and to repair
with simple interrupted or a continuous suture of polyglac- the injury accurately. If the injury is not dealt with immedi-
tin 910 or polydioxanone should be attempted after removal ately, some necrosis and a high level of wound contamina-
of the necrotic tip. Severe lacerations are repaired using tion may occur. In such circumstances, all devitalized tissue
simple interrupted and vertical mattress sutures applied must be debrided carefully to minimize the risk of wound
9 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 9.6 This severely lacerated tongue has been severed almost
completely. The injury was repaired using simple interrupted sutures of 4
metric polydioxanone alternated with vertical mattress sutures of the same
material. The wound healed by primary intention, and the horse regained
normal use of its tongue.
Fig. 9.8 Severely injured tongue repaired using polydioxanone sutures.
Head and dental trauma
Fig. 9.10 Close proximity of caudal soft tissue pillar to occlusal surface of
Fig. 9.9 Oropharyngeal foreign body. last mandibular cheek tooth (tooth 311).
Lesions at the base of the tongue and in the oropharynx are
difficult to evaluate visually, by palption or imaging, and are
also difficult to surgically repair due to their inaccessibility.
Diagnosis is best achieved by oral endoscopy. Fortunately,
these inaccessible wounds usually heal well without the
Fig. 9.11 Oblique radiographic image showing mandibular sequestrum.
need for surgical repair. Daily lavage of the oral cavity with
a saline solution may be of value in reducing wound con-
tamination with food material. This site is also prone to Systemic antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy is indi-
damage by ingested foreign bodies, which are usually twigs cated with more severe injuries.
or pieces of wood. In most circumstances, affected horses
show a sudden onset of oral discomfort, dysphagia, inap Mandibular interdental space
petance, excessive salivation, and occasionally, epistaxis.
Foreign bodies within the oropharynx (Fig. 9.9) can often
(‘bar’ or ‘physiological diastema)
be detected by nasopharyngeal endoscopy as they frequently Injuries to the dorsal (intraoral) aspect of the mandibular
protrude through the intrapharyngeal ostium. Foreign interdental space (mandibular ‘bar’) are invariably caused
bodies can usually be retrieved manually with the horse by damage from a bit. Aggressive use of a bit, or indirect,
under heavy sedation or general anesthesia. Repair of any blunt, bit-related trauma, such as when a loose horse
mucosal injury is usually unnecessary. treads on trailing reins, may result in damage to one or
Ulceration of a caudal pharyngeal soft tissue pillar is a not both mandibular bars. In the most severe cases, the
uncommon sequel of dental ‘floating’. The soft tissues at this injury may cause a mandibular fracture (see Fig. 13.47 in
site are in very close proximity to the occlusal surface of the Chapter 13). However, more often with recent injuries there
caudal mandibular cheek teeth (Fig. 9.10). Trauma may is ulceration/laceration of the overlying gingiva that is
occur if excessive caudal movement of the rasp blade occurs painful to pressure, and the horse resents further bitting. If
during manual rasping of the last mandibular cheek tooth the damage is superficial, these injuries will heal unaided,
(311, 411), or if soft tissue becomes trapped between the providing time is allowed without bit contact. In a small
tooth and rasp blade or motorized burr. Ulceration can vary proportion of cases, the dorsal cortex of the bone underlying
in severity, and although clinical signs are generally self- the damaged mucosa may become devitalized and subse-
limiting, affected horses may demonstrate oral dysphagia quent sequestrum formation (Figs 9.11 & 9.12) can result in
until healing occurs, which can be days or even weeks later. a chronically discharging and painful focus. Radiographic
9 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 9.13 This horse sustained severe trauma to the maxilla which resulted
in a fracture of the premaxillary bone and laceration of the hard palate.
There was direct continuity between the oral and nasal cavities.
Fig. 9.12 This is an oral ulcer in the interdental space of the right mandible
of a horse which suffered an injury following restraint with a chiffney.
A large sequestrum can be seen, which was removed. The horse made
a complete recovery.
Head and dental trauma
9 Dental disease and pathology
Temporomandibular articulation
Despite its superficial location, traumatic injuries to the tem-
poromandibular joint are rare. On occasion, an open wound
is encountered with direct communication to the joint; these
cases are typically presented for treatment some time after
initial injury, usually due to non-healing of the wound.
Thorough assessment of the injury using skyline radio-
graphic projections3 (Fig. 9.16; or preferably by computed
tomography if available) and ultrasonography is essential
when planning treatment. Debridement of the wound and
lavage of the joint are performed under general anesthesia Fig. 9.18 Traumatic avulsion of 402 and 403.
and aided by arthroscopy, followed by post-surgical wound
management and antibiotic therapy. This usually results in
sign of discomfort; indeed most fractures are already heavily
successful resolution of the articular sepsis; however, some
contaminated with food material when first examined (Fig.
masticatory dysfunction may be a long-term sequel. Man-
9.17). The injury typically comprises partial avulsion of one
dibular condylectomy and meniscectomy with a successful
or more incisor teeth with a variable amount of associated
outcome have also been described and are an option for
bone. Fractures typically range from simple loss or loosening
cases with severe or longstanding injury.4 Further details of
of a single (usually corner) incisor tooth and its labial alveo-
temporomandibular disease are presented in Chapter 23.
lar bone plate, to more extensive or complex fractures involv-
ing a single fragment accommodating several incisor teeth
Management of mandibular or several fragments. The fractured portion of the mandible
and maxillary fractures is usually displaced ventrally, with a gingival or mucosal
wound on the floor of the mouth communicating with the
open fracture (Fig. 9.18). Bilateral fractures are less common
Rostral mandibular fractures (Fig. 9.19).
Fractures of the rostral mandible are the most common type Near-complete avulsion of a single tooth with only gingi-
of jaw fracture sustained by horses.5,6 Such injuries typically val or minimal bone attachment may be dealt with by
arise from play behavior with or biting of stable furniture removal of the avulsed tooth by sharp dissection of the
such as bucket handles, rack chains, window bars, and remaining gingiva, but most other types of injury warrant an
mangers and are most common in young horses. Although attempt at reduction. Unless obviously devitalized, teeth
they are invariably contaminated and often dramatic in should be left in situ, as removal can take place at a later
appearance, appropriate management usually results in date, if necessary. As these fractures often occur in young
good functional and cosmetic repair.7 Aside from some pro- (1–2-year-old) horses, the avulsed teeth are usually decidu-
trusion of the lower lip and scant hemorrhage, there is often ous incisors and thus the loss of any severely avulsed teeth
little outward sign of injury. Oral pain tends not to be a is of minimal, long-term consequence. In contrast, the frac-
feature, and affected horses are often found eating with little ture often involves the dental sacs of developing permanent
Head and dental trauma
9 Dental disease and pathology
Head and dental trauma
9 Dental disease and pathology
Head and dental trauma
Radiological assessment may demonstrate clear evidence of A similar approach may be adopted for fractures of the
such dental infection; however, it is important to defer any vertical ramus. Although most are treated conservatively,
possible dental extraction procedures until such time as the surgical repair may be considered if a fracture is grossly
mandibular fracture has stabilized. Exodontia is rarely a sur- unstable, or if there is marked malocclusion preventing pre-
gical imperative and being traumatic in nature demands a hension or mastication, pain with unwillingness to eat, or if
stable mandible if further injury to the patient is to be the fracture is bilateral. Internal or external fixation can be
avoided. used to stabilize such fractures. However, with the exception
Fracture of the caudal angle of the mandible with deglov- of those causing major dysfunction of the temporomandibu-
ing of the overlying soft tissues has been described.8 The lar joint, the splinting effect of the heavy muscles of mastica-
injury results from placement of the head between stationary tion is usually effective in preventing major fragment
objects and then pulling back; similar injuries can occur fol- displacement until fracture healing. Although bone plating
lowing other forms of direct trauma, and may also cause provides a very stable construct, extensive surgical dissection
facial nerve damage. Communication of such fractures with is required at a site containing many large blood vessels,
the oral cavity or adjacent alveoli is uncommon. Surgical parotid tissue and the facial nerve. Fractures open to the oral
removal of small fracture fragments can be performed with cavity can be expected to become infected, necessitating
minimal functional or cosmetic disturbance. However, it is removal of plates after fracture healing. External fixators can
usually better practice to let these remain in situ in the hope also be used in the treatment of caudal fractures of the man-
that they may be incorporated into the fracture healing dibular body.
process, which is usually the case. It is only occasionally The prognosis for healing of caudal mandibular fractures
necessary to carry out sequestrectomy several weeks post- is guarded to good. Complications are usually associated
injury. Although most heal without complication, internal with communication with the oral cavity and involvement
fixation may be indicated for larger fragments, where a of the teeth. When surgical repair is undertaken, aggressive
ventrolateral approach to the mandible is used. It is critical debridement of the fracture line with thorough lavage, and
that the facial artery, facial vein, parotid salivary duct and closure of oral mucous membranes (if possible) are the
mental nerve are identified and preserved during surgical best means of preventing osteomyelitis and sequestration.
dissection. Elevation of the masseter muscle from the man- Implant-associated infection necessitates removal of plates
dible is necessary and accomplished by transection of the or pins, debridement of soft tissues, lavage, and antibiotic
attachments of the muscle at the ventral border of the man- medication. Resolution of infection after implant removal
dible and reflecting the muscle dorsally. The orthopedic often proceeds without further complication. Failure of frac-
plate used depends entirely on fracture configuration and ture healing is a significant complication. This will depend
size of the patient. The plate should be placed on the vent- on the degree of stability and, most importantly, on the
rolateral aspect of the mandible, if possible. The plate is presence of infection. Use of a more stable means of fixation
contoured and attached to the bone; a minimum of three and addressing any infection ensure the best prognosis for
screws on either side of the fracture is recommended. Dental complete healing. Adjunctive therapy, including autogenous
apices should be avoided when applying screws more ros- cancellous bone grafting and antimicrobial impregnated
trally in young horses. beads, may be indicated.
1. Szpaderska AM, Zuckerman JD, DiPietro 4. Nagy AD, Simhofer H. Mandibular 7. Henninger RW, Beard WL, Schneider RK,
LA. Differential injury responses in oral condylectomy and meniscectomy for the et al. Fractures of the rostral portion of the
mucosal and cutaneous wounds. J Dent treatment of septic temporomandibular mandible and maxilla in horses: 89 cases
Res 2003; 82(8): 621–626 joint arthritis in a horse. Vet Surg 2006; (1979–1997). Journal of the American
2. Schrementi ME, Ferreira, AM, Zender C, 35(7): 663–668 Veterinary Medical Association 1999; 214:
DiPietro LA. Site-specific production of 5. Sullins KE, Turner AS. Management of 1648–1652
TGF-β in oral mucosal and cutaneous fractures of the equine mandible and 8. Knox PM, Crabill MR, Honnas CM.
wounds. Wound Repair Regen 2008; premaxilla (incisive bone). Compendium Mandibular and maxillary fracture
16(1): 80–86 Continuing Education for the Practicing osteosynthesis. In: Baker GJ, Easley J, eds.
3. Ramzan PH, Marr CM, Meehan J, Veterinarian 1982; 4(11): 480–489 Equine dentistry. Elsevier, Philadelphia,
Thompson A. Novel oblique radiographic 6. DeBowes RM. Fractures of the mandible 2005
projection of the temporomandibular and maxilla. In: Nixon AJ, ed. Equine
articulation of horses. Vet Rec 2008; fracture repair. WB Saunders, Philadelphia,
162(22): 714–716 1996, pp 323–332
Section 3: Dental disease and pathology
C H A P T ER 10
Equine dental pathology
Padraic M. Dixon MVB, PhD, MRCVS, Nicole du Toit BVSc, MSc, PhD, MRCVS,
Ian T. Dacre PhD, MRCVS
Division of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9RG, UK
10 Dental disease and pathology
Equine dental pathology
Wave mouth
Wave mouth is the presence of an undulating occlusal surface
of the CT arcade in a rostrocaudal direction (Fig. 10.3).
This disorder has been hypothesized to occur in some CT Fig. 10.5 These caudal maxillary CT (109–111) have minimal enamel
secondary to marked periodontal disease, which disrupts the (focal white areas) remaining and thus have a smooth occlusal surface.
normal eruption process.13 Differential rate of CT eruption Additionally, the more rostral CT in the image (109) is worn down to its
between different CT in a row has also been proposed as a component roots (arrows).
cause of wave mouth (that may even increase with time),22,27
as has the presence of large focal overgrowths28 (e.g., due to missing tooth (variably) drift together, a triangular-shaped
absent or defective opposing teeth) and diastemata,15,29 but overgrowth can develop (Fig. 10.4).31 These overgrowths can
it is most likely that the etiology of wave mouth is multifac- mechanically interfere with normal mastication, leading to
torial. Severe wave mouth can cause restricted mastication, wave mouth or shear mouth. They may also cause oral pain
and concurrent dental (e.g., shear mouth or diastemata) and that may be manifested as oral pain with quidding, halitosis,
periodontal disorders are inevitably present. The prevalence and weight loss.28
of wave mouth has been shown to be relatively low (2–19 %) The maxillary CT of older horses with worn infundibula,
in most equine surveys,3,6,7 and (in contrast to shear mouth) or maxillary CT with developmentally short infundibula or
wave mouth was significantly associated with age in two infundibular caries, have reduced enamel content that allows
donkey studies.29,30 the opposite mandibular CT to focally overgrow. Similarly,
older horses or horses with reduced peripheral enamel
infolding of their mandibular CT develop overgrowths of the
Step mouth
opposite maxillary CT. A clinical survey of donkeys showed
Classically, the loss of a cheek tooth is alleged to cause a step mouth to be significantly associated with the presence
rectangular shaped overgrowth due to ‘super-eruption’ of the of missing, overgrown and worn CT, and CT diastemata.30
unopposed opposite CT, leading to a condition termed step The prevalence of step mouth varied from 3.7 to 12 % in
mouth (Fig. 10.3). Dixon et al13 found that 40 % of cases different equid studies3,6,7,13 and is significantly associated
of step mouth were caused by CT maleruptions, such as dif- with increasing age in donkeys.29,30
ferent rates of eruption of opposing CT, with the earlier
erupted CT becoming and remaining overgrown (‘domi-
nant’).17,22 As noted above, less severe cases of CT malerup-
Smooth mouth
tion may lead to wave mouth and there is often an overlap In older equids, the loss or reduction of enamel ridges is a
between these two disorders. Overgrown teeth may be rec- normal physiological end-stage phenomenon of dental attri-
tangular in shape, especially in the early stages following loss tion32 (Fig. 10.5). This leads to the development of a smooth
of an opposite tooth, but as the teeth on either side of the occlusal surface containing predominantly cementum and
10 Dental disease and pathology
All 6 CT in each row should act as a single functional unit
and should be tightly opposed to each other at the occlusal
surface due to the rostrocaudal angulation of the rostral and
caudal CT. Cheek teeth diastema, which is defined as a
Fig. 10.7 These mandibular CT (306–307) have an open diastema between
detectable interdental (interproximal) space between adja- them, but due to the shape of the diastema, it contains no food pocketing.
cent teeth, was diagnosed as the primary dental disorder in Consequently, the underlying gingiva, although recessed, has a smooth
4 % of 400 horses referred for dental disorders by Dixon appearance and is of normal color.
et al12 and in 3.6 % of horses in an abattoir survey by Wafa.6
The caudal mandibular CT were more commonly involved,
particularly the interdental (interproximal) spaces between
09s–10s and 10s–11s.12,34–36 As noted in Chapter 8, diastem-
ata can be termed primary (developmental), which develop
due to inadequate rostrocaudal CT angulation or due to
embryonic buds developing too far apart.34,35,37 In contrast,
if the supporting bones are not large enough to support the
developing dental buds, overcrowding of erupted teeth
results in displacement of these CT with subsequent second-
ary developmental diastemata developing.35
Equine CT taper towards their apices, and the angulated
equine CT (6s, 10s and 11s) lose their angulation with age.
Therefore, with continued dental eruption, senile diastemata
commonly develop between the CT in aged horses.36
Diastemata can also develop secondary to loss of CT or
adjacent to acquired CT displacements, more commonly
seen as lingual (medial) displacement of the mandibular 10s Fig. 10.8 These two mandibular CT have a valve diastema between them
and 11s.34,35 Interestingly, diastemata have also been identi- that has led to marked periodontal recession at, and adjacent to, the
diastema. These two CT also have loss of much of their peripheral
fied in a survey of free-ranging Cape Mountain Zebras (Equus
cementum likely due to prior peripheral dental caries, with marked staining
zebra zebra).8 of all exposed calcified tissues. (Courtesy of Alistair Cox and Sionagh Smith.)
Diastemata have also been classified as closed/valve
diastemata (narrower occlusally; Fig. 10.6) or open (same
width at occlusal and gingival margin) diastemata With marked food entrapment, the periodontal disease
(Fig. 10.7).38 Sharp overgrowths or exaggerated transverse progresses to cause lysis and remodeling of alveolar bone
ridges on opposite CT may widen diastemata and compress and even osteomyelitis of the mandible or maxillae17 or
food into them;12,28 however, the most clinically significant oromaxillary fistula formation. The most common clinical
valve diastemata have a narrow (1–3 mm) space between sign seen with CT diastemata is quidding and so periodontal
the teeth occlusally (Figs 10.6, 10.8–10.10), with no detect- disease is regarded as one of the most painful dental disor-
able overgrowth on the opposite tooth. The presence of ders of horses.12,28,34 Open mouth radiography (Fig. 10.10)
diastemata usually leads to compression of food into the is of great value in assessing the cause, severity and prognosis
abnormal space between the two adjacent teeth, with result- with CT diastemata.39 In younger horses with this disorder,
ant periodontal food pocketing (especially into valve further eruption of the CT and compression of the CT rows
diastemata) and periodontal disease,6,36 as previously illus- may even result in resolution of the diastemata, provided
trated in Chapter 8. there is sufficient CT angulation.
Equine dental pathology
410 411
Fig. 10.12 Decalcified histological section of a CT diastema showing Fig. 10.14 Decalcified histological section of subgingival connective tissue
organic plaque deposition (arrow) on the peripheral cementum on both in the interproximal space of a CT diastema showing moderate infiltration
sides of the diastema. (Original magnification ×100). (Courtesy of Alistair with mononuclear inflammatory cells. (Original magnification ×200.)
Cox and Sionagh Smith.) (Courtesy of Alistair Cox and Sionagh Smith.)
pc n
Fig. 10.13 Decalcified histological image of the base of a valve CT necrosis and infection. Eventually the tooth becomes loose
diastema showing erosion and hyperplasia of the gingiva in the
and may even spontaneously be shed due to loss of support-
interproximal space. (Original magnification ×100.) (Courtesy of Alistair Cox
and Sionagh Smith.) ing structures.40 More localized extension of the periodontal
disease can lead to infection of the pulp, apical infection,
and ultimately death of the tooth.42,46 A periodontal disease
In brachydont teeth, periodontal disease starts with loss grading system (0–4) used in small animals that is based on
of the normal tight gingival attachment between adjacent the percentage of dental attachment loss42 could be used in
teeth. This gingiva then becomes inflamed due to mecha equids (Table 10.1).
nical irritation, e.g., to impacted food particles and from
chemical irritation from bacteria, food, and plaque. As the Disorders of pulp
gingival destruction continues, the gingival defect becomes
further impacted with food, and the process perpetuates
itself with the periodontitis extending deeper into the peri-
odontal ligament and also to the buccal and lingual margins Pulpitis or inflammation of the pulp in human teeth occurs
of teeth, forming large periodontal food pockets16 most commonly secondary to dental caries that has pene-
(Figs 10.13–10.15). This inflammation and infection may trated the enamel and dentin,48 and is usually associated
even extend to the alveolar bone, and even supporting with pain (often a dull, throbbing pain synchronous with
bones, causing alveolar bone remodeling and even bone the heartbeat as blood pressure increases in the inflamed but
Equine dental pathology
Stage 0 Normal
Stage 1 Gingivitis
Stage 2 Early periodontal disease (up to 25 % attachment loss) ps
Stage 3 Moderate (25–50 % attachment loss) 1D 2rD 2rD 1D
Stage 4 Severe (greater than 50 % attachment loss)
confined pulp, in contrast to the sharp sudden pain of dentin
exposure). Other potential causes of pulpitis in all species
include bacterial penetration via pulp exposure secondary to
attrition, abrasion, or trauma; chemical irritation (e.g., from A
irritant molecules directly applied to pulp or by their diffu-
sion through adjacent dentin after insertion of restorative
material): thermal damage i.e., heat produced from motor-
ized dental equipment; or iatrogenic pulpar exposure.
Because of the intimate relationship between dentin and
pulp, together they have been termed the dentinopulp
complex, which emphasizes the fact that an insult to dentin 2iD
can also insult pulp. 2rD
The inflammatory response by pulp includes the develop-
ment of edema and the influx of lymphocytes, plasma cells, 1D
and macrophages. Due to pulp being completely encased in ps
its rigid dentinal chamber, the inflammatory response
increases the pressure in the pulp chamber/horn that can
cause a collapse of the venous microcirculation. This can
result in areas of pulpar hypoxia and anoxia that may lead
to localized or generalized pulp necrosis and death. However,
equine CT, especially when young, have large apical foramina B
and a large blood supply to their pulp and so can often
survive a degree of pulpar edema and inflammation that Fig. 10.16 (A) A single pulp stone (ps) has formed in the middle of this
would cause pulpar death in brachydont teeth. If the pulp partially autolyzed dental pulp. As it remains entirely within the pulp it is
survives, it allows tertiary dentin formation to seal off the termed a ‘free’ pulp stone (denticle). Regular secondary (2rD) and primary
area of insulted (e.g., exposed) pulp, and this hopefully (1D) dentin are present surrounding the pulp (H and E). (B) This pulp stone
results in complete resolution of the pulpitis.49 (ps) has become surrounded by regular (2rD) and irregular (2iD) dentin.
The sigmoid curvature of dentinal tubules (as they head from the pulp to
the amelodentinal junction) is partially visible in the primary dentin (1D)
Pulp stones (H and E).
10 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 10.17 This mandibular CT, which was extracted because of apical
infection, has pulpar exposure of the two lateral pulp horns, and a probe
has been inserted through the defective secondary dentin into one pulp
Fig. 10.18 This maxillary CT has occlusal pulpar exposure of all 5 pulp
horns (food is protruding from all) with coalescence of the 3rd and 5th
horns (arrow).
Fig. 10.19 This aged CT (extracted at post-mortem examination) has multiple occlusal pulpar exposure with all pulp horns filled with food material.
Extensive periapical cemental deposition (arrows) has sealed off all the pulp horns (and the common pulp chamber) from the apex and consequently,
no apical infection is present.
Periodontal Periodontal
ligament ligament
Pulp Cementum
Pulp Cementum
Enamel Enamel
Dentin Dentin
Periodontal spread
Pulpar exposure
Fracture caries
Blood or lymphatic-borne bacteria Fig. 10.23 Proposed routes of apical infection in equine maxillary cheek
teeth. (Reproduced from Dacre et al55 with permission from The Veterinary
Fig. 10.22 Proposed routes of apical infection in equine mandibular cheek Journal.)
teeth. (Reproduced from Dacre et al,54 with permission from The Veterinary
Equine dental pathology
Periodontal spread is an important route of apical infec- Certain types of dental dysplasia (covered in detail in
tions in both maxillary CT (12 %) and mandibular CT Chapter 8) are characterized by the presence of dysplastic
(10 %).54,55 A periodontal route of apical infection was rec- enamel and hence of abnormalities of dentin and cemen-
ognized in the above studies when periodontal disease was tum, and such defects were found to predispose to apical
found in conjunction with peripheral cemental changes infections in 2 % and 5 % respectively, of mandibular and
(including dark staining of the residual cementum or maxillary CT.54,55 Dental dysplasia usually resulted in apical
exposed enamel) and the loss of continuous vertical areas of infections via descending periodontal disease, because the
the periodontal ligament from the apex to the gingival abnormally shaped teeth did not fit snugly into the alveoli.55
margin.54,55 Periodontal disease was deemed to be secondary Occlusal and peripheral caries were believed to cause
to apical infections in some CT, including the inevitable apical infections in just 2 % of mandibular and maxillary
local areas of periodontitis around the infected apical area, CT.54,55 As commonly occurs in brachydont teeth, it is
or locally at the gingival margin due to food impaction unre- believed that penetration of bacteria from deep caries
lated to the apical infection.54 More chronic cases of second- down dentinal tubules as demonstrated histologically55,56
ary periodontal disease that had continuous periodontal may result in pulpar and thus apical infection of the tooth
tracts from the apex to the gingival margin were believed to (Figs 10.27 & 10.28).
be caused by secondary changes, due to drainage of exudate A local response in infected pulp horns is to lay down
from the apical infection to the gingival margin. Some of tertiary dentin to seal off the more apically situated pulp
these teeth had areas of cemental hyperplasia on their apices from the exposed or insulted area (Fig. 10.29). However,
and reserve crowns, in contrast to the usual loss of cemen- with death of pulp, such a response is not possible
tum in teeth with descending periodontal infection.54 (Fig. 10.30).
Dental caries
Caries is characterized by destruction of the calcified dental
4 3
tissue with bacteria as the primary initiator of a chain of
events. Bacterial fermentation of carbohydrate releases acids
that decalcify the inorganic dental components (mainly
calcium hydroxyapatite) at pH 4–5.516 (Fig. 10.31). In
A 5 brachydont teeth (which have a complete enamel covering),
3 B 1
dentin is demineralized very rapidly once the caries has
penetrated fully through the enamel and the amelodentinal
junction is reached, and the discolored, carious dentin
results in the classic black appearance of caries.64
Fig. 10.25 The reverse (apical) face of the occlusal section of an infected The most common type of dental caries identified
309, dental age 5 years. All five pulp chambers are occluded with secondary
dentin; however, pulp chamber 5 is darkly stained around a central fissure
in equine teeth is maxillary CT infundibular cemental
(B). A hairline fracture (A) extends through the cementum and enamel at caries.10,11,14,65,66 Colyer66 observed a prevalence of 13 % of
the caudal aspect of the tooth, to join up with the fissure present in the infundibular caries, and Honma et al4 reported a prevalence
secondary dentin around pulp chamber 5. An enlargement of this area is of 100 % in (maxillary) CT of horses over 12 years of age
shown in the insert on right, with arrows identifying the hairline fracture. (Figs 10.32 & 10.33). The maxillary CT of older horses are
This infection was acute as evidenced by the presence of normal thickness predisposed to developing caries due to presence of devel-
of dentin and of pulp remnants in all pulp horns more apically. It is possible
opmental cemental hypoplasia of the infundibula, often at
that if this tooth was not extracted it would have developed a sagittal
‘idiopathic’ fracture through the 4th and 5th pulp chambers. Note that a deeper levels, including towards the apical aspect of the
newer pulp identification system is now in use – see Chapter 5. infundibulumn, that only becomes occlusally exposed with
Fig. 10.26 Occlusal (A), mid-tooth (B) and apical (C) sections from an infected 107 CT that has occlusal pulpar exposure of all 5 pulp chambers, which are
filled with food down to the apex. The rostral infundibulum (r) has cemental caries, especially more apically. The caudal infundibulum (c) has central
cemental hypoplasia with localized cemental caries. Infundibular caries was not found to penetrate the infundibular enamel at any level in either
infundibulum, indicating that infundibular infection did not cause the apical infection in this tooth. Infection was ultimately attributed to anachoresis.
(Reproduced from Dacre et al,55 with permission of The Veterinary Journal.)
10 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 10.27 Higher power image of decalcified transverse sub-occlusal
section of dentin from an apically infected maxillary CT showing
bacteria (arrows) present in obliquely-sectioned, primary dentin tubules
(H&E × 400). (Reproduced from Dacre et al,55 with permission of
The Veterinary Journal.)
Fig. 10.29 Tertiary dentin (3D) has been laid down within the pulp of this
equine cheek tooth in response to focal noxious stimuli. As seen more
clearly in the insert (top right), there is no continuation of dentinal tubules
into this tertiary dentin (as occurs between primary and secondary dentin).
The pulp (p) has been exposed latterly through dental attrition resulting
in the pulp horn filling with vegetable material (V), and destruction of any
pulp that remained (decalcified transverse H and E section).
Fig. 10.28 Pioneer organisms (bacteria) are present within the central
dentinal tubule in this transmission electron micrograph. Such
microorganisms may invade down dentinal tubules and infect the pulp if
the host defense mechanisms are inadequate.
Fig. 10.30 Scanning electron microscopy image of carious dentin lining a
pulp chamber that contains necrotic pulp. Many areas have localized loss of
integrity of intertubular dentin (arrows). (Reproduced from Dacre et al55 with
age.67 A recent study of 786 maxillary cheek teeth, from 33 permission of The Veterinary Journal.)
horses (median age 10 years), that were sectioned longitu-
dinally found that only 11 % of infundibula were completely
filled with grossly normal cementum, and areas of cemental accounting for 47 % (29/62) of these carious teeth.68 This
hypoplasia and cemental discoloration, respectively, were prevalence of 8 % infundibular caries is much lower than
observed in 22 % and 72 % of infundibula.68 reported by other authors,10,11,14,65,66 possibly due to classifi-
Cemental hypoplasia of the infundibula can develop sec- cation of infundibular cemental hypoplasia as infundibular
ondary to premature destruction of the dental sac, such as caries in some of these earlier studies.
by premature removal or loss of overlying deciduous CT.33 The decalcified histological appearance of infundibular
However, recent examinations of CT of 1–3 years dental age caries in donkey CT showed loss of normal cementum with
demonstrated the presence of a viable blood supply to the the presence of necrotic material and vegetable matter in
apex of infundibula, which was confirmed histologically68 affected infundibula59 (Fig. 10.33). Undecalcified histology
(see Chapter 5). This blood supply allows continued demonstrated an extension of the carious process from the
infundibular cemental deposition to occur (at least in the cementum to the infundibular enamel, resulting in a ragged
apical aspect of the infundibulum) for a few years following appearance of the amelocemental junction instead of its
maxillary CT eruption. In that study, widespread infundibu- normal smoothly scalloped appearance, indicating the pres-
lar cemental caries was found in 8 % (62/786) of infun ence of enamel demineralization.59 Scanning electron micro-
dibula, with the Triadan 09 positions disproportionally scopy also demonstrated extension of caries along the
Equine dental pathology
Saliva Plaque
Sucrose Bacteria
Buffers ACID
Ca2+ Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
PO43– PO43–
F– Ca10(PO4)6F2
Fig. 10.34 High-power SEM image of the distal aspect of a longitudinal
Fig. 10.31 Diagrammatic representation of principal biochemical aspects section of a 209 infundibulum showing carious changes (arrow) to the
of factors influencing caries under acidic (pH < 5.5) conditions (favoring periphery of the cementum (C) with loss of the normal amelocemental
caries) following degradation on carbohydrates (e.g., sucrose) and at a junction. (Reproduced from du Toit et al,59 with permission of The Veterinary
neutral pH, e.g., following buffering by saliva. Journal.)
10 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 10.37 Caudal maxillary cheek teeth from a horse with severe
3 cm generalized peripheral caries and secondary fractures and periodontal
disease associated with feeding an almost total processed maize diet.
Fig. 10.38 These incisors (from a horse on the same diet as the horse in
Fig. 10.37) have multiple fractures due to generalized dental caries that was
associated with feeding very high levels of a processed maize diet.
Equine dental pathology
10 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 10.43 (A) The incisors of this horse have extensive cemental deposition subgingivally, and some have sinus tracts (arrow) caused by EOTRH.
(Courtesy of Hojgard Hestehospital.) (B) Radiograph of incisors of a 17-year-old pony that had marked gingival swelling without any sinus tracts, which
shows very extensive hypercementosis of the reserve crowns of all incisors, with minimal destructive changes apparent. (Courtesy of M. Parr.)
Equine dental pathology
Fig. 10.44 (A) Toluidine blue-stained decalcified transverse section of the mid-tooth region of 103 of horse 5. Irregular cementum (irC) fills a deep resorptive
lesion that extends into normal cementum (nC) and dentin (D). The border of the irregular cementum (irC) is marked by a reversal line (open arrowheads).
Wavy incremental lines (black arrow heads) indicate irregular but phasic growth. This irregular cementum contains a large vascular channel (vc).
(B) Subsequent serial section of above tooth stained with Picrosirius red showing concentric deposition of intrinsic collagen fibers around the vascular
channel (vc). There is parallel arrangement of the extrinsic collagen fiber bundles (white arrow heads) within the normal cementum (nC). (C) Toluidine
blue-stained decalcified transverse section of the mid-tooth region of 101 of horse 4. Irregular cementum (irC) deposited in a resorptive lesion. (Inset) The
white arrow indicates an ongoing resorption process at the dentinal surface. igt: inflamed granulation tissue. (D) TRAP stained decalcified transverse
mid-tooth section of a 101 of horse 4, showing TRAP-positive, multinucleated odontoclasts (Oc) lying in a Howship’s lacuna at the dentinal surface (D).
Mononucleates, precursors of odontoclasts (arrows) are located at a short distance behind the resorption surface. (Reproduced from Staszyk et al84 with
permission of The Veterinary Journal.)
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Convention, 2002, pp 421–437 2008; 178: 311–320 of oral endoscopy for the detection of
34. Collins SN, Dixon PM. Diagnosis and 50. Nanci A. Dentin-Pulp complex. In: cheek teeth abnormalities in 300 horses.
management of equine diastemata. Nanci A, ed. Ten Cate’s Oral histology: Vet J 2008; 178: 396–404
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35. Dixon PM. Cheek teeth diastemata and 51. Shaw DJ, Dacre IT, Dixon PM. eds. Veterinary dentistry: principles and
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BEVA Dental focus meeting. Indianapolis, infections in the horse. Part 2: 1997, pp 112–116
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36. Dixon PM, Barakzai S, Collins N, Yates J. equine dentine. Vet J 2008; 178: microscopic and ultrastructural
Treatment of equine cheek teeth by 321–332 examination of calcified dental tissues
mechanical widening of diastemata in 60 52. Lane JG. A review of dental disorders of in horses: 4. Cement and the
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37. Dacre IT. Equine dental pathology. In: Equine Veterinary Education 1994; 6: 66. Colyer JF. Variations and diseases of the
Baker GJ, Easley KJ, eds. Equine dentistry, 13–21 teeth of horses. Transaction of the
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Pathological studies of cheek teeth apical 1906; 38: 42–74
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68. Fitzgibbons C, du Toit N, Dixon PM. examination of calcified dental tissues of 83. Kreutzer R, Wohlsein P, Staszyk C, Nowak
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teeth infundibulae. Equine Vet J 2010; Equine Vet J 1997; 29: 298–305 cementomas in three horses.
42: 37–43 76. Dacre I, Kempson SA, Dixon PM. Equine Vet Pathol 2007; 44: 533–536
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19–25 Britain and Ireland. Equine Vet J 2007; Clinical Periodontology 1991; 18:
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of the 37th American Association of J. Equine idiopathic cheek teeth fractures. Progressive, generalized, apical idiopathic
Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Part 3: A hospital based survey of 68 root resorption and hypercementosis.
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72. du Toit N. Equine peripheral and J 2007; 39: 327–332 87. Gorrel C, Larsson A. Feline odontoclastic
generalised caries – are they really a 79. Magloire H, Joffre A, Bleicher F. An in resorptive lesions: unveiling the early
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BEVA Congress Edinburgh, 2007, J Dent Res 1996; 75(12): 1971–1978 2002; 43: 482–488
pp 367–368 80. Klugh DO. Incisor and canine 88. Reiter AM, Mendoza KA. Feline
73. Lundstrom TS, Dahlen GG, Wattle OS. periodontal disease. In: Proceedings odontoclastic resorptive lesions an
Caries in the infundibulum of the second of the 18th Annual Veterinary Dental unsolved enigma in veterinary dentistry.
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74. Hague BA, Honnas CM. Traumatic dental lesions. In: Proceedings of the 21st 89. Gregory RC, Fehr J, Bryant J. Chronic
disease and soft tissue injuries of the oral Annual Veterinary Dental Forum, incisor periodontal disease with cemental
cavity. Veterinary Clinics of North Minneapolis, USA, 2007, pp 23–30 hyperplasia and hypoplasia in horses.
America Equine Practice 1998; 14: 82. Caldwell LA. Clinical features of chronic Proceedings of the AAEP/BEVA Dental
333–347 disease of the anterior dentition in focus meeting. Indianapolis, 2006
horses. In: Proceedings of the 21st
Section 3: Dental disease and pathology
C H A P T ER 11
Oral and dental tumors
Derek C. Knottenbelt† OBE, BVM&S, DVM&S, Dipl ECEIM, MRCVS,
Donald F. Kelly* MA, BVSc, PhD, MRCVS, FRCpath, Dipl ECVP
Division of Equine Studies, Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies, University of Liverpool, Leahurst, Merseyside CH64 7TE, UK
*Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Liverpool, Leahurst, Merseyside CH64 7TE, UK
11 Dental disease and pathology
Secondary Neoplasms
1 Lymphosarcoma/lymphoma
2 Hemangiosarcoma
Fig. 11.1 Classification of orodental masses in the horse. The most common lesions are shown in bold font.
therapeutic options. Treatment options may also be affected than the underlying condition. Also, neoplastic tissue is
by the delayed detection of tumors. Many have a benign more susceptible to infection and trauma, and so the clinical
character, but their size may make them impossible to treat appearance may be more severe than the tumor alone war-
by currently available means. Clinicians frequently have to rants. These factors have a considerable bearing on the
make compromises from the ideal treatment options. The ability to diagnose the oral lesions simply from clinical sup-
early diagnosis of an untreatable condition may not always position and experience.
be in the horse’s best interests, since euthanasia may be There are few pathognomonic signs for any particular type
performed before it is strictly necessary on welfare grounds, of tumor apart from the distinctive visual appearance of
thus depriving the horse of some additional quality life and some conditions. The general presenting signs encountered,
the owner of enjoyment. Often insurance and financial con- which are often subtle in the early stages, include:
siderations take priority over the welfare issues.
1. Gross appearance of an abnormal mass of tissue, or
Considering that most cases are presented late in the
secondary anatomic alterations due to proliferation or
course of disease, determining the prognosis for a particular
destruction of tissue within the oral cavity or adjacent
case is frequently the primary objective of the clinician,
structures, such as the cheeks, nasal cavity, and
rather than providing any realistic treatment. Owners are
paranasal sinuses
generally more concerned with the prognosis than with the
2. Oral bleeding (manifest as hemosalivation or melena)
disease itself, but some expect treatment to be successful in
3. Dysprehension / dysmasesis (dysmastication) /
every case. As most of these conditions are rare (or very rare),
a realistic and objective prognosis, with or without treat-
4. Weight loss
ment, may be difficult to provide. The course of most oro-
5. Recurrent fever and depression
dental tumors is unpredictable, and so the prognosis
6. Halitosis.
frequently becomes very subjective. Further, it is unfair to
expect a pathologist to provide an accurate prognosis when For example, oral carcinoma can result in loss of buccal
there are few recorded cases of individual tumor type, and sensation, and so the horse may suffer from significant self-
extrapolation from other species is usually not justified. trauma to the soft tissues of the mouth. A destructive oral
However, more frequent reporting has improved the under- carcinoma involving the palate may produce an oronasal
standing of most equine neoplastic disease from both clini- fistula that might be recognized first by the presence of a
cal and pathological perspectives. nasal discharge, with or without overt food material. A
Some oral neoplasms are very destructive, and so there space-occupying mass in the mouth may simply present with
may be extensive secondary changes that are more obvious anatomic distortion and some functional deficits.
Oral and dental tumors
Investigation of a suspected oral mass should always begin 3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an ideal modality
with a detailed clinical history. A physical examination for imaging soft tissues, and whilst the facilities for this
should be performed to establish both the clinical nature and are currently limited, they are increasing. MRI imaging
extent of the neoplasm, to identify the structures involved, suffers from the need for immobility and takes a
and to try to assess whether these changes are primary or considerable time to perform; therefore, general
secondary. A relatively small lesion in the mouth or adjacent anesthesia is almost compulsory. Again, a three-
structures may be secondary to a much more extensive lesion dimensional image can be generated, and this greatly
elsewhere. A good example of this is lymphosarcoma – the helps in dealing with soft tissue tumors and other
oral or pharyngeal lesions may be clinically insignificant, yet masses within sites that preclude full inspection. The
there can be extensive internal organ involvement. full extent of the tumor and its anatomic relationships
Biopsy of any suspected neoplastic lesion is the mainstay can be revealed (Fig. 11.2).
of investigation. While biopsy of a suspect mass is frequently 4. Gamma scintigraphy:
performed, it should be preceded by investigations that help (a) Gamma scintigraphy can currently be used in a
to establish the extent and possible nature of the condition. non-specific way to identify small and large foci
For example, it may be very important to know if bone or of tissue inflammation; the detection of a focus
other structures are involved, and this may influence both in either soft tissue or bone phase scans
the site of biopsy and the method required to obtain diag- presently has low specificity as it simply
nostic material. In many cases, it is useful to consult with identifies areas of tissue remodeling and
a pathologist before performing a biopsy to ensure that inflammation. Nevertheless, the images derived
the best diagnostic specimens are obtained and also so that can be dramatic.
the pathologist can orientate the specimens correctly in the (b) With increasing interest in monoclonal
context of precise anatomic location. technology using radiolabeled antibodies, it is
The prognosis varies markedly with the specific character- entirely reasonable to expect that this method
istics of the tumor. In some cases, these may not be the same may in future be added to the investigative list.
as the classical description in other species. For example 5. Ultrasonography:
histopathology may suggest high malignancy, but the tumor (a) Ultrasonography is becoming increasingly
may show no clinical evidence of this behavior. The converse valuable as more sophisticated equipment is
situation can also arise. developed. The details obtained of soft-tissue
masses can be remarkable.
(b) Clearly, there are limitations in the head region
Diagnostic procedures for suspected relating mainly to the superficial bones, but soft
neoplastic disease tissue structures, such as the tongue, cheeks, and
orbit, can be usefully examined.
1. Radiography is the standard imaging method in the
practice situation (see Ch. 13). These two-dimensional
images do, however, create some interpretative
difficulties. Where radiography is the only available
imaging modality, carefully positioned images can be a
major diagnostic help and a satisfactory diagnosis can
be achieved or at least assisted in many cases. Unless
experienced, it is useful to have a reference book
available on normal radiographic variation because
interpreting radiographs of the equine head can be
difficult. Oblique projections can be helpful and
fluoroscopy can be a significant aid in both diagnosis
and treatment of head tumors. Contrast angiography
can be a useful aid to surgical and possibly medical
therapy, especially in aggressive tumors with large
blood supplies.
2. Computed tomography (CT) is becoming increasingly
available in veterinary practice and can now be
performed on the standing sedated horse. It provides
a three-dimensional radiograph and is particularly
valuable for those conditions that are difficult or
impossible to palpate or inspect (such as tumors
within the paranasal sinuses or those associated
with the teeth). CT images also help to establish
the presence or absence of any secondary changes in
the bone and other structures. This gives a greatly
improved appreciation of the extent and nature of the Fig. 11.2 This oro-nasal palatine carcinoma was subjected to MRI scanning,
challenges and complications likely to be faced by the and the 3-dimensional images significantly assisted the assessment of the
surgeons in particular (see Ch. 13). options available to the clinician. (Courtesy A.J. van den Belt.)
11 Dental disease and pathology
(c) In some cases the nature of the tumor/mass can conditions usually result in hemoptyalism
be identified, e.g., soft-tissue masses can easily (presence of blood in saliva) which, even in
be differentiated from those involving bone, microscopic amounts, can be detected simply
and some tumors, such as melanoma, have using a urine dipstick. It is, however, obviously a
strongly suggestive, ultrasonographic very non-specific test.
characteristics. (b) Non-specific changes, including
(d) The blood supply to the mass can sometimes hyperfibrinogenemia, hypoalbuminemia, and
be identified, and this may provide useful occasional evidence of the paraneoplastic
therapeutic information. syndrome (including hypercalcemia and
6. Direct examination and endoscopy: organ failure), can be variable hematological
(a) Oral examination whilst using a head-mounted, markers.
bright light source is helpful in many cases, (c) No specific circulating tumor markers
but the most caudal teeth and the oropharynx have been identified for horses yet, but it is
may be obscured, especially if there are likely that these will be found in time.
significant tissue distortions, either directly or Whether it is helpful, however, to have a
secondarily due to the tumor. Sedation is very early marker for a serious tumor type
invariably very helpful. A useful range of gags, is a debatable point since localization and
mirrors, endoscopes, and specula are now then treatment of the tumor may be major
available, and there can be little excuse for problems.
an inadequate visual inspection of the mouth 8. Biopsy is inevitably the most reliable method of
(see Ch. 12). establishing a definitive diagnosis. Accessibility is not
(b) Oral endoscopy with a flexible endoscope is a usually a major obstacle with orodental tumors, but
risky procedure in the conscious standing horse – specialist approaches including trephination of sinuses
even when the horse is sedated. There may be and ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance may be
logical reasons to perform this under general helpful. Biopsy of a suspected neoplastic mass can be
anesthesia (both to protect the equipment and achieved in several ways, including:
to ensure a thorough examination), but the use (a) Excisional biopsy. The whole gross lesion is
of rigid intra-oral endoscopes has been well removed and examined. There are risks in this
described in the standing horse. Suspect lesions process but also benefits: in the event that total
can be biopsied via the endoscopic channel excision is achieved, the prognosis is excellent.
using suitable forceps. However, transendoscopic However, failure to remove all the tumor or
biopsy specimens have limited value since they contamination of the wound site with tumor
are so small, and they are very liable to cells during surgery can be potentially serious.
artefactual distortion during collection, such For example, the equine sarcoid may be
that a reliable diagnosis may be frustrated. removed safely in a few cases but total excision
Often it is only possible to obtain a biopsy from is seldom achieved, and seeding of the wound
the most superficial parts of the tumor, and the with tumor cells during the surgery can result
specimen may contain granulation tissue, in numerous new satellite lesions at the
necrotic tissue, and areas of superficial infection original site.
and inflammation. (b) Wedge or sectional biopsy. A small portion
(c) Nasal endoscopy can be very helpful in of the tumor is removed solely to establish the
identifying tumors that involve both the oral diagnosis. A rational approach can then be
cavity and the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses. made to treatment selection. It is important to
Percutaneous sinusoscopy is a useful and simple try to select viable and representative tumor
procedure that can be performed via a small tissue and to avoid areas that are ulcerated or
trephine in the wall of the affected sinus. necrotic, since such tissues are less likely to
Retrograde endoscopy via a tracheostomy can yield diagnostically useful information. Biopsy
also be helpful in a few cases and is a relatively of non-typical regions can be helpful if the
easy and safe procedure that is usually well tumor is complicated by infection and
tolerated by the horse. granulation tissue and so, in some circumstances,
7. Hematology and biochemistry: obtaining several biopsies can be helpful. In this
(a) Hematological findings are seldom specific in event, it may be possible to photograph the
neoplastic diseases but anemia (deriving from lesion and identify the sites of biopsy as an aid
chronic inflammation, paraneoplastic syndromes, to the pathologists.
or persistent bleeding) and alterations in (c) Hollow needle (Trucut) biopsy. This method
leukograms may confirm that there are is used to obtain a core biopsy through the
significant secondary effects. Localized tumors lesion with minimal damage to the overlying
usually present no significant specific skin or mucosa. A specific location can be
hematological changes. Anemia is a common selected clinically or by ultrasonography,
feature of the paraneoplastic syndrome in horses, radiography, or computed tomography. This
but most primary oral tumors have little or no method has significant advantages in creating
effect on the major body systems. Ulcerative oral minimal trauma, but the samples are often
Oral and dental tumors
Fig. 11.3 (A) Fine needle aspiration requires no specialized equipment. It is best performed with a fine needle 23-g and a small 2-ml syringe. A fine needle is
inserted into the margin of the lesion, and suction is applied via a 2-ml syringe 3–4 times. (B) The collected tissue should be jetted on to a clean slide, and air
dried rapidly. The slide is identified with a pencil and sent directly to a cytologist. Alcohol fixation may be required.
small and artefactually damaged, and it is of the needle is directed at a clean, grease-free, glass micro-
difficult to be sure that representative specimens scope slide and the cells ‘jetted’ onto it by repeated ejection
are obtained. Again, ultrasonographic or of air from the syringe. Several samples can be taken, and
fluoroscopic guidance can be helpful. Of course, some can be spread onto the slide, and others simply left in
there are significant physical difficulties in situ. Thick preparations should be smeared immediately
sampling bone and tooth and, as noted, before being rapidly air-dried and fixed according to the
processing the specimens is frequently requirements of the pathologist. An important practical con-
problematic. sideration for cytology is to ensure that smears are not
(d) Fine needle aspiration. This is almost exposed to formalin fumes since the latter spoil cellular
atraumatic to the tumor, and so there are preparations for subsequent staining with Romanowsky
reduced risks of significant tumor interference. cytological stains. It is best to identify the slides by writing
A soft or fluid-filled mass can usually be on the frosted area with a pencil before the smears are made;
aspirated with an 18-gauge needle (or finer). markings made with a pencil will remain during alcohol
However, the technique of fine needle aspiration fixing, and the pathologist will know which is the correct
of solid tumors is often performed badly, and side of the slide to look at, even if there are only a few cells!
the specimens are often handled badly – Interpretive cytology is best performed by a skilled
collection of aspirated cells must be performed cytopathologist because low numbers of tumor cells may not
with care. Poor specimen handling means be easily recognized among normal cells.
that the method has a poor reputation that Specimens that are obtained via endoscopic biopsy instru-
is not entirely justified. Tumors vary in the ments have limited value since they are so small, and because
ease with which they are aspirated, and so they are liable to artefactual distortion during collection; a
cytology may not always support a firm reliable diagnosis may not be obtained. Often it is only pos-
diagnosis. sible to obtain a biopsy from the most superficial parts of
the tumor and the interpretation may be confused by the
The best fine needle aspiration technique involves the use of presence of granulation tissue, necrosis, superficial infection,
a small-gauge needle (21-g or less) and a small syringe (2-ml and inflammation around the tumor.
ideally; Fig.11.3). Larger needles may seem an attractive Useful information can sometimes also be derived from
option but usually they will harvest blood and gross tissue impression smears made from ulcerated tumors. The same
from the vicinity of the tumor and this is not helpful diag- principles apply here – it is far better to have several slides
nostically – a few good cells, properly collected are far more with a few cells than one with a thick cellular accumulation.
useful than a few cells submerged in a large amount of Impression smears can be improved by gently blotting the
necrotic tissue and blood. The needle should be inserted into ulcerated surface of the tumor with clean paper towel, to
the margins of the lesion – not the center, as many tumors remove extraneous cells and excess fluid, and if possible, by
have a necrotic center, and so, at that site, tumor cells may gentle squeezing of the tumor itself.
be degenerate, or non-specific inflammatory cells may be Notwithstanding the specific tests that can be applied in
abundant. The best technique involves only 3–5 suction the investigation of oral and dental tumors, most of the
efforts with a maximum vacuum volume of 2 ml. Greater commoner tumors are fairly distinctive, and a tentative diag-
vaccuum is not achieved with a bigger syringe! Furthermore, nosis can usually be made by intuitive supposition. Prob-
prolonged or marked vacuum pressures may damage cells lems may, however, arise with rarer tumors and those with
significantly! The needle is then withdrawn, and the point prominent secondary inflammation and necrosis.
11 Dental disease and pathology
General principles of differential diagnosis An additional and severely limiting aspect is, of course,
whether the tumor has already metastasized. Where this has
Oral tumors are conveniently divided into: occurred, palliative treatment can still be carried out to
improve the short-term quality of life, but the prognosis is
1. Primary tumors (of dental, soft tissue, or bone origin) by then very poor. Even when some tumors have spread
2. Secondary tumors (of non-orodental tissues) beyond the oral cavity, the horse might not warrant immedi-
3. Tumors of adjacent structures and associated organs ate destruction since, in some circumstances, the metastases
invading into the oral cavity or its associated may have few effects and may be slow-growing. It is clear
structures. that some procedures, such as hemimandibulectomy, and
Secondary tumors with primary lesions elsewhere and removal of part of the tongue can be well tolerated by many
tumors invading the mouth from adjacent structures such as horses. All treatment modalities have inherent limitations,
the skin, the paranasal sinuses, and the nasal cavity must be and these simply have been accepted as part of the overall
considered when investigating an oral mass since identifying case management.
the origin might be diagnostically helpful and may have
therapeutic implications. For example, a destructive nasal
adenocarcinoma might invade the hard palate, creating an Surgery
oronasal fistula and loosening some of the teeth. It would
then be pointless to attempt to deal with the oral aspect of The limitations of all treatment modalities, and particularly
the tumor alone (even if there was some method to do this). surgery, are well recognized. Limitations relate to accessibil-
The lack of reported series of individual oral tumors and ity and the associated problems of defining the margins of
tumor-like masses testifies to the fact that most of these a tumor to ensure its total removal. Often the margins
conditions are uncommon16–19 and that no significant cannot be defined, and the constraints of the oral cavity
attempt has been made to classify them and to quantify their mean that there is less scope for removal of extra tissue to
prevalence through multicenter studies. The specific difficul- achieve a safer margin, and so recurrence almost inevitably
ties that are presented by the tumors and their profound occurs. When surgery of any type is performed, all of the
effects (whether benign or malignant) mean, however, that tissues removed should be submitted for histological exami-
veterinarians are expected to make prognostic decisions that nation, and the risk of failure to achieve an adequate margin
are inevitably based on limited experience rather than sound, should not deter the surgeon from submitting the tissues. If
evidence-based principles. Recommendations for treatment the pathological report states that safe margins have not
of rare conditions cannot be made with any certainty, and been achieved, the owner should be informed immediately
pathologists are often expected to provide information that and decisions made on the next sensible stage of the treat-
simply does not exist. The reported satisfactory or unsatisfac- ment. Combinations of treatments using different surgical
tory treatment of a single case does not entitle pathologists techniques, or surgery plus other modalities, such as immu-
or clinicians to refer to ‘common’ treatment or ‘usual’ tumor notherapy, radiation, or chemotherapy, improve the chances
behavior. of a good outcome.
Oral and dental tumors
Fig. 11.4 (A) This oral fibroma had caused external cheek swelling and hemoptyalism. (B) Following laser surgical excision in the standing sedated horse,
the tumor did not reoccur.
Diathermy limits the opportunities for its use, and where tumors are
presented late, the scope for effective treatment remains
This is very similar in use to diode laser surgery. Again, the limited. Electrochemotherapy using electrical energy to
margins remain relatively bloodless (at least until the surgery increase the permeability of tumor cells to cisplatin (and
has been completed), and tumor seeding of the site is possibly) 5-fluorouracil has recently been described for the
limited. treatment of buccal21 sarcoid and there are anecdotal reports
of the benefits in squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma
treatment also. The advantages of this system include the fact
Cryosurgery that the current can be restricted to the tumor location, but
this method requires repeated general anesthesia. The bio-
Small, focal, and superficial tumors can be treated by cryo degradable sponge or bead systems appear to be very logical
necrosis. Systems using liquid nitrogen are the only ones and these may become the preferred practical approach in
that are effective in horses; however, the crude application many circumstances. However, there are no comparative
of liquid nitrogen to a tumor mass to induce an uncon- evidence-based studies on these methods to date.
trolled freeze is unacceptable. The advantage of cryosurgery
is that it is possible to destroy a wider area of tissue and
allow a natural demarcation to develop over the following Immunotherapy
weeks. Cryosurgery is not suitable on its own for larger Whilst various forms of immunotherapy, ranging from
aggressive tumors since it is almost impossible to define the ‘autogenous vaccines’ (for melanoma) to intralesional BCG
margin of the ‘freeze’ without complicated use of thermo- protein injections (for sarcoid, in particular), have been sug-
couples, and in any case, the oral cavity appears to be much gested to treat equine neoplasms, assessment of their value
more difficult to freeze effectively than normal skin. is limited by the lack of comparative clinical studies. Sarcoid
seems to be the most prevalent tumor type that is subjected
to this therapy, and there are some reports of its positive
Chemotherapy effects in certain types of sarcoid.
11 Dental disease and pathology
of the tumor; this is a common constraint given the late lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the face and
presentation of most cases of equine oral tumors. The prog- head have been treated successfully in this way.
nosis also depends on the tumor type, and its particular
growth characteristics and susceptibility to radiation; slowly
expanding tumors tend to respond more slowly and less Other ‘treatments’
favorably than rapidly dividing ones. For example, squa-
mous cell carcinoma is probably more susceptible to gamma Cancer always warrants a proper investigation and sensible
radiation than the fibroblastic sarcoid, and melanomas tend treatment that has a prospect of helping, and where treat-
to respond poorly to all types of radiation. However, the ment is impossible an honest and direct opinion should be
same tumor type may respond differently in two different given to the owner. In spite of the availability of a variety of
anatomic sites and in different horses, and so variations in appropriate treatment options there are still many occasions
‘effective’ doses are almost infinite. when useless or even dangerous treatments are inflicted
Disappointingly, there are few facilities that offer any sort upon horses. Whilst homeopathy, for example, cannot pos-
of radiation therapy for horses. This reflects a totally unac- sibly do any good, its main danger lies in the failure to
ceptable lack of interest in cancer medicine in a species that provide effective and timely treatment and in causing unnec-
makes an enormous contribution to mankind! However, essary delays before proper therapy is instigated. This also
radiation can be used, and there are cases where interstitial means that the prognosis is far worse when proper treatment
brachytherapy or teletherapy has made a significant differ- is finally requested and when that fails, the poor outcome is
ence for oral tumors in particular. usually taken as indication of the inadequacy of the conven-
tional methods! Since homeopathy has a positive explana-
tion for any of the possible outcomes ranging from success
Brachytherapy to failure it must be viewed with a considerable degree of
Interstitial brachytherapy has considerable advantages in skepticism by any scientific mind. In spite of the consider-
that high doses of radiation can be delivered precisely, safely, able cost and the lack of any evidence of any efficacy what-
and conveniently over a short time without significant risks soever, these methods continue to be peddled by people
to the other parts of the body. Radioactive sources are who exploit the ignorant, the vulnerable, the gullible, and
implanted into tissues directly and are left in situ until a the disillusioned!
precalculated overall dose of radiation is delivered. The dose
necessarily varies for the various types of tumor, but little is
established about the best options for oral masses. Thera- Tumors of dental-tissue origin
peutic radiation ionizes the DNA in cells within the thera- (odontogenic tumors)
peutic range of the sources but is not discriminatory for
tumor cells alone. This means that susceptible normal cells
Tumors in this category are rare, although it has been sug-
are usually destroyed as well. The most susceptible normal
gested that they are more common in horses than in other
cells in the skin are melanocytes, and so pigmentary changes
species.17 Odontogenic tumors are classified according to the
are common. Iridium-192, gold-198, and iodine-125 are the
inductive effect of one dental tissue on the others.18,23 These
most common isotopes used in this way. The procedures are
tumors can be benign or non- metastasizing malignant, with
all highly specialized, requiring careful dosimetry and spe-
the latter often locally invasive and aggressive in their clini-
cialist facilities both for insertion and hospitalization. The
cal behavior. As a general rule, dental tumors are best treated
results obtained in 12 cases of oral neoplasia22 suggest that
by wide surgical removal (to ensure complete ablation of
this is a potentially very satisfactory method of treatment.
tumor and abnormal tissue) at an early stage in their devel-
However, there are obvious difficulties relating to the avail-
opment when such surgery has a chance of success. In most
ability and costs of such treatment. Since one of the major
cases, however, the masses are not recognized sufficiently
constraints on the outcome is the size of the tumor, the costs
early, and so local recurrences are common in spite of
and the dose required can be reduced significantly by prior
attempts at wide surgical excision.19 Most oral bone and
surgical debulking of large tumors.
dental tumors are benign but can cause serious secondary
effects, such as nasal obstruction and dental and facial
deformity, resulting in dysmasesis and weight loss. There are
Teletherapy some similar clinical conditions that resemble neoplasia that
Teletherapy uses a generated beam of radiation (high energy are in fact simply abnormal tooth formation (Fig. 11.5). An
beta or gamma rays) focused into the tumor mass. The main important diagnostic aspect in these cases is that the condi-
advantages are that no operator risks are incurred, the dose tion is present from the time of formation of the tooth.
can be focused accurately, and several sub-lethal rays can be However, on presentation they may be very difficult to tell
focused into a deep tumor without causing significant apart. Since the advent of equine dental medicine as a spe-
damage to the surrounding tissues. Where the beams meet, cialty, early recognition of abnormalities and deformities as
a radiation ‘hot-spot’ is produced that receives a lethal radia- well as neoplastic dental disorders, has become much more
tion dose. The problem is that this method, whilst being the frequent.
true gold standard, is not available to horses at this time. Odontogenic tumors are of variable histological appear-
General anesthesia would be required to allow treatment of ance and are categorized currently on their morphologic
most equine oral tumors, and no quantified dosimetry has basis23 (Table 11.1). Their features are summarized in
been calculated for any equine tumor. A few cases of sarcoid, Table 11.2.
Oral and dental tumors
Tumor type Age group (yrs) Clinical behavior Best treatment option Prognosis
Ameloblastoma Wide range Benign/locally invasive Surgical excision/ Fair–good; eating
hemimandibulectomy ± radiation difficulties may be severe
Ameloblastic <3 Benign/locally invasive Surgical excision/ Fair–good; eating
odontoma hemimandibulectomy ± radiation difficulties may be severe
Cementoma Onset uncertain Benign Surgical removal Good
Compound odontoma <5 Benign malformation Surgical removal Fair (if removal feasible)
Complex odontoma
Cysts/hamartoma Various Benign Surgical removal Fair (if removal feasible)
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.6 (A) Facial swelling caused by an ameloblastoma. The tissue contained no obvious dental tissue remnants. This differentiates it from an
ameloblastic odontoma. (B) Radiographic appearance of an ameloblastoma in a 2-year-old Thoroughbred colt showing the characteristic multiloculated
nature with radiodense fragments throughout the mass. Reproduced with the permission of Dr Bruce Bladon. (C) An ameloblastoma excised from a
2-year-old Thoroughbred colt showing the relationship to the tooth and the expansive mass at and around its root. (D) Histologic section of an
ameloblastoma showing clusters of orderly ameloblasts separated by connective tissue and spicules of hard dental material.
A Fig. 11.7 (A) Massive ameloblastoma is present in the rostral mandible. (B) Boiled out post-mortem
specimen showing gross destruction of the rostral mandible caused by an ameloblastoma.
Oral and dental tumors
Surgical removal can be curative if treatment is initiated early
and wide excision can be performed. Horses seem to cope
well with rostral hemimandibulectomy and especially so if
the mandibular symphysis remains intact. Rostral man-
dibulectomy can also be successful, but special measures are
required to ensure adequate nutritional intake. Radiation
therapy is probably the best option and has been used
However, suitable teletherapy facilities are not generally
available, as noted, and so other options are usually sought.
Topical chemotherapy is singularly unsuccessful.
The expansile nature of these tumors and their late recogni-
tion (particularly in foals and young horses) make the
outlook poor. Many horses are euthanased soon after they
are diagnosed with the tumor, although the rate of growth
may be slow and some useful quality of life may be possible
even if surgery is not feasible. Fig. 11.8 Cementoma of the crown of an incisor tooth in a 3-year-old
Hanoverian mare.
Definition presence of mosaic-like, basophilic cement lines, with
Cementoma is a rare, benign or reactive tumor derived anchoring of Sharpey’s fibers into the cement matrix. With
from mesenchymal tissue and so does not contain epithelial reactive cementoma, there is additional inflammation and
components. It typically occurs in the apical region of fibrosis. Cementifying fibroma is a rare lesion that is analo-
the developing tooth. There are few published reports of gous to ossifying fibroma, but the tumor matrix includes the
this tumor, but one such lesion affected an incisor tooth complex basophilic lines of typical cementum.
(DCK, unpublished). It is possible that some of the features
of this condition could be found in abnormal or super Treatment
numerary cheek teeth where extensive distortion of the
Removal of the tooth in its entirety is feasible but may be
dental structures by reactive cement deposition is encoun-
hindered by the large, cylindrical aggregation of hard
tered. However, it is often impossible to confirm the diag-
tissue at the tooth apex. In some circumstances, it might
nosis of cementoma or to differentiate them from dental
even be better to accept the condition since it is generally
very benign, and its slow onset may enable the horse to
adapt well to it.
Clinical features
The location of these tumors (at the apex of the tooth) Prognosis
makes their early recognition and diagnosis unlikely, and The lesion is benign and removal is curative. Some horses
they are only recognized when there is overt jaw swelling remain unaffected for many years with the condition being
(Fig. 11.8). Radiographically, they have a distinctive, very identified incidentally or at post-mortem examination.
radiodense appearance, and the tissue contains sheets of However, where clinically significant secondary changes
cementum-like material. Secondary alveolar changes involv- occur, the prognosis depends on the possibility of removal
ing either infection or reactive bone proliferation may, of the affected tooth.
however, make them harder to recognize. Alterations in the
crown are unusual but make the condition more recogniz-
able clinically. Complex/compound odontoma
Pathology A complex (compound) odontoma is an irregular, tumor-
This lesion presents as a mass in the jaw or as a mass like mass of dental tissues in a well-differentiated form.
that involves the nasal cavity or maxillary sinus. It may Complex odontoma contains all the elements of a normal
be secondary to traumatic tooth fracture, dental impaction, tooth, but the structure is chaotic. A compound odontoma
or periodontitis. It is characterized histologically by the is similar, except that the tissue is organized into
11 Dental disease and pathology
Oral and dental tumors
They are all very rare tumors, but there have been several
reports involving the jaws and the mandible in particular,
which indicates that this may be a predilection site.40 The
histological characteristics of bone-derived tumors have
been described,41 and the classification of this group of
tumors is based upon these features.
Osteomas, which are extremely rare lesions, are slow-grow-
ing, solitary, well-differentiated masses of bone enclosing
A marrow and fat, and many pathologists regard them as a
developmental anomaly or hamartoma, rather than neo-
plasms. They are reported to occur in all ages of horse, with
most being located in the head region, including the man-
dible, maxillae, and paranasal sinuses. The osteoma may
reach a large size and have a distinctive, discrete, radiodense
outline. They are benign, but their growth may compro
mise adjacent tissues, causing disfigurement, obstruction of
the nasal passages or interference with mastication and
Macroscopically, they consist of dense bone. The histologi-
cal features are of orderly cancellous bone; the intertrabecu-
lar fibrous connective tissue may include adipocytes and
hemopoietic cells.
Surgical removal may be feasible, but most are a signifi-
cant surgical challenge, and the prognosis is very guarded.
B Osteosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumor of bone
affecting horses of any age, in which the neoplastic cells
Fig. 11.11 (A) A discharging sinus had been present on the anterior produce modified or distinctive osteoid or bone matrix in a
margin of the pinna (where probe is inserted) for 2 years. The tract leads to haphazard arrangement.
an obvious solid non-painful mass just rostral to the base of the ear. This is
the typical clinical appearance of a dentigerous cyst. (B) Oblique radiograph
of the temporal region of the same horse as in (A). An obvious tooth-like Occurrence
structure with an associated ‘alveolus’ is present and is typical of many cases
of dentigerous cysts. In the absence of obvious tooth-like structure, contrast Osteosarcoma is an extremely rare tumor in the horse at any
radiography will identify a distinct or occasionally a poorly defined cystic site. However, over 80 % of reported osteosarcomas involve
structure at this or a neighboring site. the head, and the majority are reported in the mandible.42,43
There is a report of an osteosarcoma in the mandible of a
6-month-old Quarterhorse colt, which suggests that age is
surgical treatment of temporal teratoma can carry a good probably not a significant factor,44 although, typically,
prognosis, particularly where the lesion is simply a cystic younger horses appear to be more prone to oral or dental
structure, although every part of the cystic lining must be neoplasia in general than older ones. Trauma is implicated
removed to avoid recurrence. However, where aberrant as a risk factor for later osteosarcoma in other species such
tooth material is enclosed within a false alveolus protruding as the cat, but there is no convincing evidence for this in
into the calvarium (see Fig.11.11B), surgery becomes much horses.
more of a challenge. Such cases must be fully assessed by CT
scan, if possible, or at least by radiography (possibly with
Clinical features
contrast material introduced via the sinus tract). In some
cases, the cyst and the tooth-like structures are not obviously The condition is usually presented as a painful, hot, progres-
connected. Some cases can justifiably be left alone since the sive swelling of the mandible with a characteristic ‘sun-burst’
discharging tract is usually a cosmetic and managemental radiographic appearance of bone lysis and irregular deposi-
nuisance, rather than being clinically significant. tion of trabecular reactive new bone44 (Fig. 11.12). Patho-
logical fractures can occur in affected bones.
Tumors of bone (osteogenic tumors)
Differential diagnosis
Osteosarcoma, osteoblastoma, chondrosarcoma, and fibro- Infection resulting in osteitis or osteomyelitis (particularly
sarcoma have been described as arising in bone in horses. with Actinobacillus spp.) can be very destructive, and appear
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.12 (A) & (B) This 5-year-old Irish Draught mare was presented with a 4-week history of a mandibular swelling, gingival bleeding, weight loss and
dysmasesis. The mandibular incisors were palpably loose and the mandible was warm to the touch and mildly painful on palpation. (C) & (D) Lateral and
occlusive radiographs gave the suspicion of a neoplastic lesion. (E) A bone biopsy was taken from several sites, and the horse was diagnosed with
similar clinically and radiographically to osteosarcoma. friable pink to white material containing variable amounts
Various cystic structures, such as ameloblastoma, ossifying of cancellous bone (Fig. 11.12E). It is easy to miss tumor
fibroma, and fibrous dysplasia can be clinically similar but tissue in small bone biopsies, and florid, non-neoplastic
usually have characteristic radiographic differences. reactive bone or fracture callus can easily be mistaken
histologically for neoplasia. Multiple biopsies should,
Diagnostic confirmation therefore, be collected from sites identified by radiography
or CT or MR imaging methods, but this is not an easy
Their radiographic appearance is highly suggestive, but procedure.
biopsy provides the only definitive diagnosis. There is a
characteristic combination of cortical bone destruction and
periosteal new bone formation giving the area a ‘sunburst’ Pathology
radiographic appearance. Several histological types of osteosarcoma are recognized in
Bone biopsies of osteosarcoma are sometimes easy to other species where its incidence is higher, but this tumor is
obtain, since the bone is usually softer than normal and so rare in horses that it is probably unwise to extrapolate
the medullary cavity is filled with diagnostically significant from these findings. The tumor tissue is, however, usually
Oral and dental tumors
Table 11.3 Summary of the clinical features of some equine oral soft-tissue tumors
not densely cellular with formation of fibrillar stroma, bone soft tissue tumors than for calcified tumors. Many individual
or osteoid tissue. The cells have a high mitotic index and an veterinarians have preferred treatments for most of the
atypical irregular morphology. common soft tissue tumors, and some report good results
Since this tumor is so rare in the horse, the expected his- while others are less successful with the same methods.
tological appearance is a speculative one based on experi- The clinical features of the main equine oral, soft-tissue
ence of the lesion in other species. Osteosarcomas are tumors are summarized in Table 11.3.
characterized by painful bony swellings with variable degrees
of bone lysis, tumor bone formation and reactive periosteal
bone proliferation. The histological features are of neo Squamous cell carcinoma
plastic osteoblasts with variable numbers of osteoclasts. The
extent of formation of tumor osteoid and/or bone is varia-
ble. The tumor bone may, therefore, be hard or soft and A squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of
hemorrhagic. stratified squamous epithelium that appears to have a pre-
dilection for mucosal junctions.
Radiation offers the only hope of success, but the tumors are Occurrence
likely to be locally malignant, and so treatment is usually Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is probably the commonest
not contemplated. Euthanasia is the only realistic option. oral neoplasm. Although mucocutaneous junctions are com-
monly affected with SCC outside the mouth, where there is
Prognosis an apparent correlation with non-pigmented skin and pos-
There are insufficient data for a reliable prognosis. Although sibly with high levels of ultraviolet light, many of the most
metastasis is seldom reported in osteosarcoma at any site in severe and aggressive SSC tumors occur within the mouth.46
the horse, it is impossible to predict anything about these The role of ultraviolet light in the pathogenesis of facial and
very rare tumors. Some may progress relatively slowly and lip carcinoma is uncertain, but the Clydesdale breed and
are, therefore, at least tolerable for limited periods. However, horses with non-pigmented skin of the face and lips are
the highly aggressive nature and rapid course in most cases more often affected than other breeds and colors. Putative
justify a hopeless prognosis. carcinogens include chronic irritation, such as epulis, foreign
body reactions, chronic wounds, and possibly dietary factors.
Older horses are more likely to be affected.
Tumors of soft-tissue origin There is often a suggestion that the primary tumor devel-
ops in the paranasal sinuses or nasal cavity and the destruc-
Soft tissue tumors of the mouth are far more common than tive tissue involves the hard palate, but it may be difficult
those affecting the teeth and facial bones. A wide variety of to identify whether the primary lesion is in the sinus or
tumors have been reported, but only a few occur with any the hard palate.47 SCC possibly arises in chronically
regularity. There is generally more information concerning irritated hyperplastic alveolar epithelium in cases of chronic
the diagnosis, management, and prognosis for these equine periodontitis.
11 Dental disease and pathology
Clinical features Metastases to local lymph nodes can occur, although the
general sentiment is that they do not do so commonly.49 In
SSC tumors are characteristically slow growing but occasion-
theory, they may disseminate to the lungs and elsewhere.
ally have a more rapid course. They can be proliferative at
However, this behavior is rare in oral forms of SCC.50
least initially, but usually become very destructive, ulcerative
Oral SCC may involve the lips (Fig.11.13A), hard palate51
and infiltrate widely into local tissues of the mouth includ-
(Figs 11.13B,C), tongue51,52 (Figs 11.13D,E) or oral mucosa
ing the lips, buccal mucosa, hard palate and tongue.48 Early
(Fig. 11.13F). It is also quite common for oral SCC to invade
lesions may simply resemble a non-healing wound but more
the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses (often to the point
advanced, destructive carcinoma lesions have a characteristic
of gross distortion or obstruction to airflow).53 Some SCCs
foul odour.
Fig. 11.13 (A) A destructive carcinoma on the lip of a 23-year-old pony gelding. Note the extensive tissue destruction and the loss of the maxillary teeth.
Treatment with intralesional cisplatin and topical 5-fluorouracil was not effective. (B) Facial distortion due to nasopalatine squamous cell carcinoma in a
12-year-old pony gelding. (C) A histologic section of the endonasal carcinoma shown in (B). Solid cords of squamous carcinoma are surrounded by fibrous
stroma and trabeculae of non-neoplastic reactive bone (arrows). (D) Squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx, which was identified some 3 months after a
lesion had been detected in the hard palate. It is possible that this developed independently or that it was an extension of the earlier lesion. (E) Carcinoma of
the free portion of the tongue. The local lymph node was enlarged (see J); slide courtesy of Dr R.R. Pascoe.
Oral and dental tumors
Fig. 11.13 continued (F) This highly destructive oral carcinoma developed in a 4-year-old Warmblood. It involved the maxillary bone and resulted in dental
problems also. (Courtesy of Chris Louf.) (G) This horse was presented with weight loss and dysphagia. The highly destructive oral and invasive carcinoma was
not visible endoscopically from the pharynx and was only seen with difficulty during an oral examination. (H) Photomicrograph of cords of solid squamous
cell carcinoma with deep invasion of the tongue. (I) Metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma to regional lymph node showing cords of tumor cells (arrows)
beneath cortical lymphoid tissue.
involve the base of the tongue (Fig. 11.13E) and pharynx present projecting from the gum or hard palate as a grayish,
(Fig. 11.13G) and can physically affect their function. Where ulcerated and bleeding mass. Where the tumor surrounds
the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are involved, there a tooth, this may become dislodged, and in almost
may be altered airflow (or even complete obstruction of the all cases there is a fetid odor from the mouth. Involvement
ipsilateral nostril). Horses with pharyngeal and lingual SCCs of the lips and gums is usually clinically obvious; early
may present with dysphagia of progressive, insidious onset. tumors are often identified incidentally during routine
In all cases, weight loss and poor general health are common. dental procedures.
More extensive spread may involve the orbit and the
cranial cavity with secondary involvement, respectively, of
the eye or even rostral brain when the cribriform plate is Differential diagnosis
eroded by tumor. It is also quite common for nasal SCC to The differential diagnosis includes other proliferative and
invade the hard palate, forming an oronasal fistula. In all invasive soft tissue lesions of the lips, including equine
cases, there may be extensive soft-tissue disruption and con- sarcoid, hemangiosarcoma, basal cell carcinoma, and myxo-
sequent loosening/shedding of the teeth. matous tumors. Non-healing oral wounds may be confused
The location of SCC means that tumors are frequently with early cases, and carcinomatous changes may be a cause
detected late when a large invasive mass may already be of non-healing.
11 Dental disease and pathology
Diagnostic confirmation
Biopsy is characteristic (Figs 11.13H,I). The pathologist
should try to classify the degree of differentiation of the
cells; highly differentiated carcinomas are far less dangerous
than the undifferentiated ones. Biopsy sites should be
carefully chosen to reflect the main carcinoma, with inclu-
sion of a marginal zone as well. Punch or wedge biopsy sites
should not be scrubbed or even washed before collection,
and the biopsy site should not be sutured afterwards
since wound dehiscence is almost certain. Fine needle
aspirates and impression smears can be used but may be
misleading, since they often consist mainly of stroma and
inflammatory cells.
Radiographic examinations can be used to identify masses
in the sinuses and the extent of bone destruction produced
by invading carcinoma. Fig. 11.14 A small hemorrhagic and destructive lesion was noted on the
tongue of this 22-year-old gelding. Biopsy confirmed it to be squamous cell
carcinoma, and surgical excision was performed with a safe margin of
Pathology excision.
Histologically, the tumor has distinctive characteristics with
irregular cords of downward-invading neoplastic kerati
nocytes. (Figs 11.13H,I). A SCC characteristically has large
amounts of non-neoplastic fibrous stroma in which inflam- Recently, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and mitomycin C have
matory cells are plentiful. The abundant stroma results in a been used in various intralesional or topical formulations
lesion that is characteristically tough or scirrhous when pal- for treatment of cutaneous and other equine carcinomas.
pated or excised. The accumulation of variable amounts of Some SCCs respond well to intralesional cisplatin,* either
keratin produces ‘keratin pearls’ in well differentiated tumors in water-soluble form with frequently repeated injections,
that can be used to define the likely malignancy of the lesion. as an emulsion of the solution, containing at least 1 mg/ml
Poorly differentiated carcinoma shows a more anaplastic cell with an equal volume of sesame or almond oil,55 or
structure, higher rates of division (high mitotic index), and in biodegradable bead or pellet forms. The use of the
much less keratin and, therefore, can closely resemble aggres- above drugs in treating oral SCC has apparently not
sive myxosarcoma. SCC is one of the better defined equine been reported, but use of all these materials carries operator
oral neoplasms. safety risks. And as such, their use should probably be
restricted to specialist oncology centers. There is no justifica-
Treatment tion in taking human health risks through their use by
untrained personnel.
While surgical excision of oral SCC lesions has been reported The response of equine SCCs to immunomodulation
to be successful,54 this treatment can be very difficult and in using mycobacterial protein materials, such as Bacillus
some sites is clearly impossible. There is a very high rate of Calmette-Guérin (BCG), is disappointing in horses when
recurrence following such surgery. Small discrete tumors compared to treatment of squamous cell carcinoma in other
may, however, be amenable to surgical removal if detected species, such as cattle (DCK, unpublished observations).
early (Fig. 11.14), and extensive excision involving hemi- Treatment of labial SCC with 5 % fluorouracil cream applied
mandibulectomy, such as has been described for other topically has been shown to resolve some cases and improve
tumors of the jaw, may also possibly remove the tumor but others.57 It is, however, a very useful adjunct to other forms
may leave unacceptable cosmetic or functional deficits. of treatment and may be particularly applicable to small,
Squamous cell carcinoma appears to be relatively sensitive ulcerated, buccal or lip lesions.
to gamma radiation, and this therapy offers the best prog-
nosis, with a reasonably high success rate (DCK, unpub-
lished observations). Teletherapy is logical and can be finely Prognosis
controlled, but repeated fractionated doses need to be used, The tumors are always locally invasive but usually slow to
and the horse, therefore, needs repeated general anesthesia. metastasize, so while the clinical prognosis is inevitably
The number of centers where this can be performed is very poor, many cases can survive long periods even with quite
small, and the procedure is necessarily very expensive. The extensive oral involvement. Oral SCC is a low-grade invasive
much simpler 192-iridium interstitial brachytherapy using tumor that tends not to metastasize beyond the local lymph
linear platinum-sheathed sources has been used to good node. However, it is probably unwise to assume that this
effect (DCK, unpublished observations). There are serious will be the case in all affected patients. Secondary complica-
logistic and human health risks involved with the procedure, tions such as facial or oral distortion and destruction, dys-
however, and limitations on the size and location of phagia, loosening of teeth, and nasal obstruction inevitably
the tumors that can be treated. Placement of the radiation suggest a poorer prognosis.
source within the highly mobile tissues of the mouth carries
serious dangers if the horse were to dislodge the wires and
swallow them. *cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, or cis-DDP, cis-platinum.
Oral and dental tumors
Sarcoid Pathology
The equine sarcoid is the commonest cutaneous fibroblastic The clinical term ‘sarcoid’ encompasses a histological spec-
tumor of horses. It commonly involves the cheeks and trum of fibroblastic tumors that may be accompanied by a
lips.58,59 The term sarcoid is used clinically to describe a variable epithelial component. The fibromatous variant is
spectrum of cutaneous tumors that variously involve con- grossly well circumscribed, solitary or multiple, with a tough,
nective tissue and epithelium with a range of clinical behav- pale, fibrous cut surface. Adjacent epidermis is often attenu-
ior.60 There are usually two distinct forms that affect the ated and may be intact or ulcerated. Most of the lesion
mouth itself (as opposed to the skin of the lips and cheeks). consists of randomly arranged, well-differentiated fibro
The nodular form remains subcutaneous, and is most often blasts with plentiful collagen. The malignant variant has
located at the angle (commissure) of the mouth or the ill-defined margins; adjacent epithelium may be ulcerated or
cheeks and may extend into the mouth (Fig.11.15A). The intact. Histological features are of randomly arranged, acti-
verrucose form often involves the perioral skin. In the peri vated fibroblasts that form interlacing bundles and whorls.
oral skin and the tissues of the cheeks, in particular, it often Individual tumor cells have degrees of anisokaryosis, and
has a highly invasive behavior, then being classified as mitoses may be plentiful. At the histological level, it may be
malignant sarcoid;60 it can also ulcerate into the mouth. difficult to discern the limits of the tumor, especially in small
tissue samples. The verrucose sarcoid has histological fea-
tures similar to those in the malignant form and is usually
Clinical features associated with marked pseudoepitheliomatous epidermal
Intracutaneous or subcutaneous nodules on the cheek or hyperplasia (Fig. 11.15E).
within the lips having an ulcerated surface are the common-
est oral manifestation of sarcoid (Figs 11.15B,C). The Treatment
nodules frequently ulcerate either on the cutaneous surface
The options are limited. In some cases, the lesions can justifi-
or into the mouth. The verrucose form is also a common
ably be left alone in view of the risks of exacerbation by
type in the perioral skin but does not often involve the oral
incomplete excision. However, inadvertent trauma can also
mucosa; however, where the lesions are mixed, a deeper
result in severe deterioration, and so early treatment may be
component can be expected and should be sought carefully.
strongly recommended in most cases.
Combinations of nodules within the skin and cutaneous
Treatment of buccal forms of the disease is notoriously
involvement of verrucose sarcoid are also common. Nodules
difficult, with radiation, cryosurgery, hyperthermia, laser
may extend through the cheek musculature into the oral
excision, and intralesional cisplatin carrying some chance of
mucosa. The fibroblastic forms also occur in the perioral
success. Referral to a specialist center is probably justified
tissues and appear as a fleshy, ulcerated mass of friable and
simply on the grounds that failure of a treatment may result
easily traumatized tissue that is very similar to granulation
in significant exacerbation of the lesion.
tissue; this form often develops following trauma or failed/
The best treatment is undoubtedly with radiation either as
partial treatment attempts. The malignant form usually com-
brachytherapy using interstitial linear or pelleted radioiso-
prises various combinations of the sarcoid types but is highly
topes with a gamma emission capability. Radiation has a
invasive and nodules may be linked by cords of sarcoid
cure rate of over 95 %, and the cosmetic results of this
tissue (Fig. 11.15D).
method are impressive. The most frequent isotopes used
Primary sarcoid has not been reported on the tongue,
include iridium-192 and gold-198. The former is presented
gingiva or palate.
in linear sources, sheathed with platinum that renders the
isotope effectively a total gamma emitter. Gold-198 is used
Differential diagnosis as pellets and has a very short half-life (48 hours) and so
The equine sarcoid can resemble some forms of viral papil- this is logistically easier to handle (the sources do not need
loma, and the nodular forms may be also mistaken clinically to be removed) but clearly this method carries much higher
for melanoma and mastocytoma. In addition, the fibroblas- operator risks than the lower emissions over a longer period
tic and nodular forms may resemble oral fibroma, inflam- characteristic of iridium. Linear iridium sources are left in
matory nodules (e.g., foreign body and parasitic granuloma) situ for the calculated period to deliver the required radia-
and granulation tissue arising from any cause. tion dose and are then removed (Fig.11.15F). During the
treatment time, the horse must be confined within an
approved radiation unit. Complications involving wire dis-
Diagnosis placement and injury or colic during the treatment period
Usually an intuitive tentative clinical diagnosis can be made. can add considerably to the logistic problems. Teletherapy
Horses with a single sarcoid lesion located in the mouth is an ideal method of treatment, but there currently are very
without any other lesion are very unusual. Horses that have few facilities for this treatment.
the characteristic features and show lesions at other sites can Other treatments all carry a worse prognosis, with surgery
usually be assumed to have sarcoid lesions. being the most difficult. Intralesional cisplatin using stable
Biopsy is not usually recommended because there are emulsions with sesame oil has recently gained some reputa-
recognized dangers with biopsy of sarcoids.62 However, tion,63 but the method carries very serious carcinogenic risks
the histological features are characteristic and provided for operators and handlers alike. Biodegradable beads con-
that a suitable contingency plan for treatment is ready taining cisplatin (Matrix II, Royer Inc, USA) or sponges with
prior to the results of biopsy, then it can be a logical 5-fluorouracil have been used to generally good effect but
diagnostic step. correct placement is critical, and retention of beads or
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.15 (A) This locally invasive sarcoid also involved the buccal surface of the cheek. (B) A localized ulcerated nodular sarcoid. (C) A mixed sarcoid with
verrucose and ulcerated nodular components. (D) A locally invasive malignant sarcoid in the cheek with extensive deep involvement of the muscles and oral
mucosa. (E) Histologic section of verrucose sarcoid showing a bulging exophytic lesion with pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the epidermis and diffuse
subepithelial fibroblastic proliferation. (F) Linear iridium-192 interstitial brachytherapy was successfully used to treat an invasive sarcoid in the cheek.
Oral and dental tumors
sponges is sometimes a problem. Cisplatin use should be have a correspondingly aggressive histopathological appear-
restricted to specialist institutes where facilities for fecal and ance. Generally it is accepted that small, early lesions
urine disposal ensure that risks to people are minimized. The are benign, but that, with time, most become more
risks with the bead systems are markedly reduced. malignant (whether or not they invade locally or metastasize
Topical cytotoxic chemicals, such as 5-fluorouracil, imi to remote sites).
quimod (Aldara, Graceway Pharmaceuticals, LLC Bristol,
UK), and Xxterra (20% zinc chloride and Sanguinaria Clinical features
canadensis root extract paste) have also been used with
variable results. They all require repeated applications, and Oral melanomas are usually benign and expand slowly but
penetration of lesions is difficult, so failures are common. even histologically benign variants can reach considerable
Scarring is a major hazard particularly if the cheeks are size. Surprisingly, tumors on the lips (Fig.11.16A) and gin-
involved and functional difficulties can arise. givae are often only noticed when they are large. They usually
Intralesional immune ‘stimulants’, such as mycobacterial do not cause systemic effects (unrelated melanomas may,
cell wall extracts or BCG, can be effective in some nodular however, develop simultaneously in other organs). Extensive
or fibroblastic forms, but the prognosis is far worse than the lesions can develop in the parotid and pharyngeal lymph
corresponding results from treatment of periocular sarcoids nodes and may extend into the parotid salivary gland either
of the same type.63 Treatment is tumor-volume related, and directly or by contiguous spread (Fig.11.16B).
so large lesions require more BCG material and, of course, Melanomas affecting the masseter muscle and those that
each individual lesion requires its own injections. Repeated ulcerate into the mouth usually affect mastication, even
injections are invariably required, and each one carries the causing weight loss and dymasesis. In spite of the large size
risks of causing anaphylaxis. The possibility of anaphylactic of some of these lesions, the clinical effects are usually
reactions can be reduced (but probably not eliminated) by minimal and relate simply to their space-occupying nature
premedication with flunixin meglumine and dexametha- (Fig. 11.17).
sone intravenously some 15–30 minutes before the proce-
dure is carried out. Ensuring that true intralesional injection
has occurred can also reduce these risks.
The prognosis for any sarcoid treatment is very guarded.
Recurrences are common, and new lesions can also develop
in many sites. While the malignant form is less common
than the other variants, it carries a very poor prognosis. The
cheek area seems prone to the malignant form. The progno-
sis for oral or facial sarcoids is also related to the loss of
effective work use as a result of interference with tack. Lesions
and scarring as a direct result of treatments at the angle of
the mouth or in the cheeks can adversely affect the use of
bits and harness. Repeated trauma from harness results in
continued exacerbation, and so the tumor and the horse
become increasingly difficult to manage.
These are tumors of melanocytes occurring in the skin and
in other organs (including the mouth and cheeks). The
nomenclature of melanocytic masses in the horse is con-
fused and contradictory. There is a spectrum of benign and
malignant tumors involving melanocytic cells that are pre-
dominantly encountered in gray horses – indeed most gray
horses over 5–8 years old have melanomas at some site.
Rarely, horses of other colors are also affected. The lips are
a relatively common site, but tumors in the cheeks (masseter
muscles), gingivae, and tongue may occur.
There is a strong tendency for melanoma to develop in the
parotid salivary glands and associated lymph nodes. Tumor
development in these sites is usually obvious on clinical
inspection. It is not easy to characterize the degree of malig- B
nancy in melanomas without resort to biopsy, and even
histology may not always provide a firm prognosis. The large Fig. 11.16 (A) A large melanoma in the lip of an aged gray horse.
majority of melanomas are benign, but some have an aggres- The lesions expanded slowly but the horse remained symptom-free for
sive appearance and aggressive growth rate; these usually years in spite of superficial ulceration. (B) Salivary gland melanoma.
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.17 (A) This 9-year-old gelding was presented with weight loss and dysmasesis. The mass in the right masseter muscle, and a similar mass in
the left masseter muscle were palpably obvious. (B) Cisplatin biodegradable beads (Matrix II Royer Inc USA) were implanted into the lesion with moderate
improvement over 6 months. A second implantation was performed with only a modest further improvement. Insert: biodegradable cisplatin impregnated
Oral and dental tumors
Fig. 11.18 (A) Oral papilloma lesions in an aged horse. (Slide courtesy of Dr Marianne Sloet.) (B) This young horse developed severe papillomatosis of the
perioral skin and at the same time showed marked periodontal disease. It was severely immunocompromised by an extensive, multicentric lymphosarcoma.
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.19 (A) Benign, gingival hyperplasia epulis in an aged horse. The lesions were noted incidentally and were symptom-free. (B) Small epulis-like gingival
proliferations are present around the base of the upper and lower canine teeth (arrows). After removal of the calculus these inflammatory lesions
Differential diagnosis
Oral fibroma
Viral papilloma, sarcoid, and the proliferative forms of
squamous cell carcinoma are the main differential diag- Definition
noses; all are easily identified histologically after surgical This is a well defined exophytic fibroma that occurs with
removal. some regularity in the horse. The clinical similarity of
this tumor with sarcoid and epulis can be diagnostically
Diagnosis confusing. Possible causes include persistent local inflam-
mation due to periodontal infection or calculus build-up,
The condition is distinctive clinically, but refinement of
or foreign body reactions (similar to epulis). However,
the clinical diagnosis depends on histological examination
many of these lesions occur in otherwise normal mouths.
of resected epulides or a biopsy. Biopsy may, however, be
Most are slow-growing and symptomless; almost all early
misleading if granulation tissue is present, and in any case
cases are detected incidentally during routine dental
they may still be very similar histologically. The main dif-
examinations. The benign forms may progress to invasive
ferential diagnoses are, however, usually easily identified
Pathology Occurrence
There is poor histological characterization of the epulides, There are few reported cases of oral fibrous tumors in horses
probably because they are easily recognized and are seldom in spite of their relatively common occurrence. Older or
treated: few are examined histologically. mature horses appear to be more often affected. The buccal
Oral and dental tumors
gingivae of the maxillary cheek teeth are the commonest site, Clinical features
but they occasionally occur on the lingual margin and in the
The majority of these tumors occur unilaterally in the rostral
mandibular arcades.
mandible. They rarely develop in the maxilla and in very rare
cases can be bilateral. They often reach considerable size
Clinical features and, initially, are covered by a domed, smooth/normal oral
A localized, fleshy, ulcerated and hemorrhagic mass is easily mucosa. Gross distortion of the lip and the associated teeth
visualized lying usually alongside the maxillary cheek teeth is likely. Later some ulceration is common (Figs 11.20A,B).
(Fig. 11.4A,B). There may be some external distortion of the There is some variation in the clinical presentation, with
cheek outline with larger growths. Dysmasesis or hemoptyal- some lesions being flatter and fleshier in appearance; they
ism may be noticed by an astute owner. can then resemble other soft tissue tumors. The expanding
lesion also causes loosening of the teeth and consequent
difficulty with prehension.
Diagnostic confirmation The tumor can predispose the mandible to pathological
Biopsy is essential to differentiate it from squamous cell fracture. Although the lesions may frequently be clinically
carcinoma, sarcoid, and epulis, in particular. obvious, they may only be identified late in their course,
probably because there is little indication to examine the
Pathology mouth of many young horses.
There are two forms of the oral fibroma. The first is a result
of irritationally induced changes and is not a genuine neo- Diagnostic confirmation
plasm (see epulis above), and the second is a genuine Radiographically the dense tissue is obvious with only some
(usually benign) neoplastic change in the fibroblasts. Patho- lesions showing the calcification more commonly encoun-
logically, the latter are usually firm nodules that develop as tered in other species (Fig. 11.20C). More ulcerated and
aggregated protuberant tumors within a firm indurated secondarily infected lesions may resemble other soft-tissue
plaque. They often ulcerate. Histologically they are very cel- tumors.
lular with well differentiated fibroblasts arranged radially
within a sparse extracellular matrix. Mitotoses are usually
evident but are not as common as in the more aggressive
forms of fibrosarcoma. There may be deep extension into the Ossifying fibromas may develop as alterations in the growth
subcutaneous fat. They are histologically distinctive and characteristics of the periodontal membrane or the develop-
cannot really be confused with sarcoid. ing teeth. The masses are reported to arise from a sessile base
on the surface of the bone and expand to replace and dis-
place normal structures with dense fibrous or fibro-osseous
Treatment tissue. The lesion has a dense, tough, well-circumscribed
Treatment options are limited to surgical excision. Laser sur- appearance; it may be extensively mineralized and difficult
gical excision or diathermy are effective and produce a rela- to cut. There is a characteristically abrupt histological transi-
tively bloodless surgical field. It is important to clean/descale tion from fibroblastic stroma to osteoblasts, which form
adjacent teeth of calculus at the same time in case the calcu- spicules of osteoid. The dense gritty nature of the mass some-
lus acts as a focus for growth of a new mass. times makes biopsy difficult.
Prognosis Treatment
These tumors are commonly considered to be very benign Surgical excision is curative provided that sufficient attention
in behavior; most are slow-growing, and their treatment is paid to identifying the true extent of the abnormal tissue.
carries a good prognosis. There is no recorded suggestion Extensive surgical debulking followed by cobalt-60 telether-
that they are a precursor to squamous cell carcinoma, but in apy radiation and treatment using cobalt-60 teletherapy
theory at least, fibrosarcoma could develop. alone in a standing sedated horse have also been used suc-
cessfully.69 Hemimandibulectomy or hemimaxillectomy is
Ossifying fibroma also an effective option, particularly if the mandibular sym-
physis can be retained (Fig. 11.20D). Limited disabilities
Definition and acceptable cosmetic effects can be expected following
An ossifying fibroma is a poorly defined proliferative, fibro- treatment of more localized lesions. Cases subjected to this
osseous, tumor-like, solitary lesion, that typically develops surgery should recover well and will usually cope well and
in the rostral mandible, of younger horses in particular. lead active normal lives.69 However, if extensive excision is
required, it may leave unacceptable cosmetic and functional
Most cases are reported in horses less than 1 year of age.
They may, however, not be observed until the horse is
handled at a later age, by which time there may be significant Regrowth of the tumor is common because of the difficulty
ulceration of the buccal mucosa and distortion of the under- of identifying the margins of the abnormal tissue. All
lying tissues.68 resected tissue should, therefore, be submitted for
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.20 (A, B) This ossifying fibroma was presented in a 3-year-old mare. (C) Radiographically the mass was found to involve the incisor teeth with loss of
203 and it had an obvious radiolucent center. A hemimandibulectomy (D) was performed with a good outcome.
histological examination, with particular attention paid to creates obvious distortion of the maxilla, with secondary
examination of the surgical margins, which need to be iden- nasal and sinus obstruction. Loosening of teeth and infec-
tified by the surgeon for the pathologist. tion of alveolar bone may later result, but in the early stages
there is usually little bone destruction (Figs. 11.22).
Myxomatous tumors of the jaw and gingivae
Definition Diagnostic confirmation
Biopsy is essential. Radiographically, there is an aggressive
These are very rare tumors derived from embryonal connec-
lytic appearance of these lesions, with a diffuse mixture of
tive tissue. The tumors are identified by their characteristic
bone and soft tissues, often in a partially loculated form. The
histological appearance.
cardinal radiographic signs of the more malignant forms,
however, are the combined destruction of normal bone and
Occurrence bizarre irregular new bone formation in random arrange-
In the few reported cases, older or mature horses appear to ment. The radiographic appearance can be very similar to
be more often affected. The incisor and molar dental arches osteosarcoma (see above) and squamous cell carcinoma.
of the maxilla are the most common sites.
Clinical features This group of tumors includes a spectrum that extends from
These tumors are characteristically destructive (Fig. 11.21). benign myxoma to malignant myxosarcoma. The tumors
The combined destruction and proliferation of tumor tissue have a soft gelatinous gross appearance, and may be highly
Oral and dental tumors
infiltrative with a tendency to metastasize. Cut surfaces of metastatic spread of the malignant forms of these tumors,
the tumor may be lobulated and slimy. Histologically, the but this may reflect the short clinical duration, which inevi-
lesion contains characteristic stellate cells with abundant, tably results in euthanasia before secondary tumors could
amorphous extracellular matrix. These tumors can also develop elsewhere.
resemble severely ulcerated juvenile ossifying fibroma, but
the latter are usually slow growing and expansive rather than Prognosis
destructive. Additionally, ossifying fibroma has a character-
istically different anatomic site, usually involving the rostral These tumors are very unpredictable in behavior; some are
mandible. slow growing and remain relatively benign; others are highly
aggressive and so carry a hopeless prognosis.
Treatment options are very limited – the margins of the
Oral hemangiosarcoma
tumor and their usual anatomical site make surgical excision This is a malignant neoplasm of endothelial cells that can
virtually impossible. There are no definitive reports of arise in any part of the body. They are reported to metasta-
size early, and so tumors in any locality may be primary or
secondary. There are few reports of this tumor in the
mouth.70,71 Aged horses are more likely to develop them, and
there may be concurrent tumors at other sites, such as around
the eye (DCK, unpublished observation).
Clinical features
A red or purple ulcerated mass in the oral mucosa (on the
sides of the tongue or the gingiva is typical). The mass is
likely to be slow-growing and, being subject to repeated
trauma, there may be oral hemorrhage. The lesions may be
identified incidentally during a clinical examination, but
where periocular lesions occur, the clinician should carefully
examine all the visible mucous membranes, including the
mouth, for other evidence of the tumor.
Differential diagnosis
Foreign-body reactions and ulceration arising from the
attachments of Gastrophilus sp. may be similar.
Biopsy is the only definitive way of establishing the
Fig. 11.21 Myxomatous tumor of the premaxilla in a 14-year-old hunter
gelding. Note the extensive destruction that is very similar to squamous cell Histological features are of a solid, soft-tissue sarcoma with
carcinoma. The diagnosis can be confirmed relatively easily by biopsy. marked anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, and myriad mitoses.
11 Dental disease and pathology
Oral and dental tumors
Histologically the cystic lesion contains bone fragments,
granular debris, siderophages, multinucleated giant cells,
and fibrovascular tissue with areas of organizing and free
blood. Histological examination of curetted fragments of
cyst contents may often correlate poorly with the radio-
graphic appearance.
The only effective treatment is deep and aggressive curettage
of all abnormal tissue. The defect may be filled with cancel-
lous bone grafts collected from a remote site. Repair may be
slow, and the site may be cosmetically compromised, but
some cases can be cured effectively. However, in most cases,
treatment is not justified, and palliative care should be pro-
vided until euthanasia can be justified.
The prognosis is poor unless the lesions are detected early
and treated with aggressive surgical ablation and suitable
reconstructive measures. However, the chances of early diag-
nosis are low, and so the prognosis for these lesions is
usually bleak. Complications including tooth loss and path- Fig. 11.24 A radiograph of fibrous dysplasia of the rostral portion of the
ological bone fractures reduce the prognosis considerably. mandible of a young horse.
11 Dental disease and pathology
Fig. 11.25 (A) Multiple discreet dermal nodules in a pony with histiocytic lymphosarcoma.
(B) Cutaneous histiocytic lymphosarcoma with involvement of the gingival tissues. The
ill-defined swellings of the gingiva were due to aggregations of abnormal lymphocytes. These
lesions might easily be overlooked but are a regular finding in these cases. (C) Pharyngeal
lymphosarcoma lesions that can sometimes be identified endoscopically. These lesions were
symptom-free but larger ones can cause dysphagia. (D) Photomicrograph of the tongue from
an aged horse with oral lymphosarcoma showing epithelium and diffuse subepithelial
C accumulation of neoplastic lymphoid cells. (E) Lymphosarcoma of the tongue showing
neoplastic cells around and between muscle fibers.
Non-aneurysmal cystic lesions of bone horses as a smooth contoured bone deformity arising from
loss of bone structure with extensive formation of fibro-
Non-aneurysmal cystic lesions of the jaws also present as osseous matrix (Fig.11.24). The lesion is probably not a true
bony swellings that may affect mastication. Radiographically neoplasm, and its major effects in the jaw/face region are
the cysts differ from the multiloculated destructive aneurys- due to the expansive space-occupying nature of the slowly
mal cysts in being rounded with a smooth bony lining and expanding mass. The changes are easily recognized histologi-
radiolucent center. The generic term, odontogenic cyst, is cally but may be confused with neoplastic lesions both
appropriate for these non-inflammatory cysts lined by epi- radiographically and clinically. Suspicious masses should be
thelium.23 Radicular cysts occur adjacent to tooth roots. They subjected to the full range of diagnostic tests, including
are reactive lesions associated with oral inflammatory radiography, gamma scintigraphy, biopsy and, where
disease. Histologically they are lined by stratified squamous feasible, computed tomography.
epithelium with associated inflammatory cells.
Fibrous dysplasia Grossly normal bone is replaced by dense gritty tissue and
Fibrous dysplasia of the bones of the skull has been reported may be surrounded by reactive bone. Histological features
in man,76 and a clinically similar condition is recognized in include fibrous dysplasia and the presence of ‘naked’
Oral and dental tumors
Multicentric (generalized) and cutaneous histiocytic lym-
phosarcoma may have oral manifestations (Fig. 11.25).
Usually the clinical appearance is of ill-defined nodular
lesions of variable size embedded within and below the
mucosal surface, which probably reflects the involvement of
the normally-diffuse lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx.
The gingival mucosa is often affected. A similar nodular
appearance is often present in the pharynx and in the sub-
lingual tonsillar tissue where larger swellings may cause dif-
ficulty on swallowing. The lesions may ulcerate or become
infected. Simultaneous submandibular lymphadenopathy,
and other secondary effects, such as anemia, lethargy, and
weight loss may signify serious systemic involvement.
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Section 4: Diagnosis
C H A P T ER 12
Dental and oral examination
Jack Easley† DVM, MS, Dipl ABVP (Equine), W. Henry Tremaine*
BVet Med, MPhil, Cert ES Dipl ECVS, MRCVS
Equine Veterinary Practice, LLC, Shelbyville KY 40066, USA
*Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery, University of Bristol, Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU, UK
Introduction Equipment
Oral and dental diseases are common occurrences in horses, The technique for restraint and size of equipment needed
as evidenced by the results of studies carried out on abattoir varies for different ages and sizes of equine patients. Very
specimens.1–5 Signs of dental disease are often not apparent large (1000 kg or more) draft breeds need restraint with
to the owner until the disease is well advanced.6 Casual more heavily constructed equipment than the typical
dental examination as part of a complete physical examina (500 kg) riding horse. On the other extreme, the pony
tion is not sufficient to detect most equine oral or dental (100 kg) and miniature breeds require smaller equipment.
problems, as demonstrated by the reported high incidence Oral examination and dentistry on small horses may also be
and the comparatively low clinical diagnosis of dental aided by walking the horse up on an elevated platform to
disease.7 Clinical signs of dental disease are often not specific have the oral cavity at a more comfortable height for the
and may be reflected as systemic disorders, such as weight operator’s visualization and work plane. Equipment should
loss, diarrhea, colic, endocarditis, and septicemia, both in include a large noseband halter, a metal-framed dental halter
the horse and other species.8–14 In order to diagnose diseases or head stand, mouth speculum, light source, oral irrigator,
afflicting the buccal cavity, the same degree of systematic dental probes and picks, lingual and buccal retractors, and
rigor must be applied as would be the case during a lameness an intra-oral mirror or endoscope.16,17 Further details of this
investigation. equipment are given in Chapter 16.
A complete dental examination includes detailed obser
vation and palpation of both hard (teeth and supporting
Dental signalment
bones) and soft oral tissues (lips, cheeks, tongue, palate,
gingiva, oral mucosa, salivary glands, and ducts and
Data on the horse’s owner and trainer/manager/agent/groom
muscles of mastication) for evidence of pathological
should include their names, addresses, and means of contact.
This is especially important for the person granting permis
The basis of modern clinical therapy is achieving an
sion to work on the horse and the person responsible for
accurate diagnosis with information obtained by a clinical
payment of services rendered. The horse’s insurance status
examination and ancillary tests. Although performing a
and type of policy (mortality, loss of use, major medical,
comprehensive history and physical examination on
and surgical) should be recorded. Informed consent should
every patient having routine dental work would be a valu
be recorded before embarking upon any corrective proce
able service to clients, this is not practical in most cases.
dures. Recording the stable name and address and the horse’s
However, one must identify any possible medical problems
location on the premises (barn number, paddock, stall
that may impact the safe delivery of dental care. The minimal
number, etc.) can be helpful if re-examinations are needed.
dental examination must be thorough enough to detect
The horse should be identified on the record by name and
abnormalities in their early stages of development. Treat
described by breed, color, sex, age, type of work, and any
ment can then be initiated before irreversible damage occurs.
special identifying markings, scars, brands, or tattoos.
The extent of the examination should be based on the infor
mation obtained in the history and the findings from the
initial examination. Variations and/or abnormalities detected Dental history
at the time of the examination must consistently be docu
mented. A standard dental record form can be an invaluable The dental history should focus on oral-, dental- and
aid in helping develop good examination habits (Fig. 12.1). gastrointestinal-related areas. Special consideration must
Computerized dental records allow information to be more be given to other body systems related to masticatory func
available for retrieval (Fig. 12.2).15 tion or issues that may affect the safety of the horse or
12 Diagnosis
Horse reg. name Stable name Color Breed Sex Yr. foaled
#1 #2
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 7 8
7 5 5 6 11
11 6 10
10 9 #1 #2 4 9
#4 8
7 6 7
5 5
3 2 1 1 2 3
4 4
32 1 1 2 3
#4 #3
M2 M3
I3 Canines I3
I2 Reduction needed? Yes No I2
I1 I1
veterinarian. A history of cardiac abnormalities, respiratory show or race schedule may have an impact on when work
disease, renal problems, hepatic disease, or neurological is performed and whether drugs used to sedate or treat the
signs could affect the way the animal is restrained for exami horse could be considered prohibited substances. The owner
nation and treatment. The animal’s breeding history and should be questioned about the horse’s fitness and type of
pregnancy status could have an effect on dental care schedul exercise, temperament, stable vices, eating and drinking
ing, although it has been shown that it is safe to sedate mares habits, fecal consistency, and physical abnormalities. Spe
at any time during gestation.18,19 Additionally, the horse’s cific questions asked could begin with these examples: has
Dental and oral examination
the horse gained or lost weight over the past year? Have the process while the horse eats several different types of food.
horse’s temperament or stable habits changed? Does the This can be time consuming, but it is often unwise to accept
horse train well, and what type of bridle and bit does he the owner’s report of ‘normal eating.’8 Horses with sharp
wear? Have any changes been noticed in the horse’s head enamel points may pack forage in the buccal space, pushing
carriage or demeanor when bitted? Does the horse make any the cheeks away from the upper teeth before eating grain.
noises or wear a tongue-tie when exercised? Details of the Information about water sources and drinking habits should
horse’s eating habits and vices should be taken, and changes be ascertained, and one should question if excessive saliva
in eating or drinking patterns described. tion, oral malodor, or nasal or lacrimal discharge has been
Clinical detection of dental disease may at times be diffi noticed.
cult because of the subtlety of signs. These may include The diagnosis of dental-related head shaking or bit
reluctance to start eating, slow or intermittent eating, drib resentment may be relatively easy in cases with obvious
bling of food from the mouth (quidding), and head shaking dental disease, but is often very difficult where there is no
or head tilting when eating. Sometimes, these signs are only overt evidence. Head shaking is often attributed by lay
detectable by careful direct observation of the mastication persons to the presence of wolf teeth, their position, and/or
12 Diagnosis
Dental and oral examination
Fig. 12.6 Firm enlargement rostral and dorsal to facial crest. This horse
suffered from an apical infection of 207 confirmed on radiographs.
12 Diagnosis
the rostral edge of the masseter muscle should be palpated. The labial mucosa should be salmon-pink and glisten
It has become popular to evaluate acupuncture points in the with saliva. Ulcers or erosions should be documented, and
temporal region to aid in the diagnosis of dental or myofa their cause determined, keeping in mind the possibility of
cial problems.23 The hands should be placed under the nose viral lesions, such as vesicular stomatitis, which is a report
band of a loose halter and pressure exerted on the cheeks at able zoonotic disease in some countries. If dental abnor
the level of the upper cheek teeth. Palpation from the level malities are suspected from the history or examination,
of the medial canthus of the eye, progressing rostrally over consider observing the horse eating before the mouth is
the masseter muscle to the level of the nasal notch, allows washed for the oral examination and before sedation is
detection of abnormal wear patterns on the lateral aspect of administered.
the upper cheek teeth. If the horse resists this maneuver by When evaluating the horse’s eating patterns, a distinction
tossing its head, it is most likely the result of pain from sharp must be made between the horse having trouble with pre
enamel points pressing against the buccal mucosa. If such hension and mastication and the horse that is dysphagic
sharp points are present, they should be floated prior to (unable to swallow). Prehension requires neuromuscular
using a full-mouth speculum. Otherwise, as the mouth is coordination and an intact jaw and incisor arcade. Mastica
opened with the speculum in place, the cheeks are pushed tion is usually altered by dental disease or abnormalities in
tightly against the sharp enamel points, and the horse will the jaws, muscles, or temporomandibular joints. Tongue
object to opening its mouth and resist examination. lesions or basal ganglion problems can also adversely affect
The nasal passages are observed and the false nostrils pal prehension and mastication. Swallowing is a more complex
pated, with any asymmetry of air flow, odor, or discharge process, and neurological, muscular, or mechanical abnor
from the nostrils noted. Sepsis of the cheek teeth commonly malities in the pharynx or esophagus should be considered
results in either nasal or paranasal sinus sepsis or respiratory in addition to dental disease. Rabies is a fatal zoonotic
obstruction. disease that, in its early stages in the horse, mimics other
The lips should be observed and palpated for bit injuries, types of prehension and swallowing disorders. Equine
noticing especially any scars or ulcers in the commissures, practitioners and any assistants working in horses’ mouths
and any focal lesions that may indicate previous suppurative should be vaccinated for rabies and have antibody titers
tracts from incisor apices. The lips of grey horses are a checked periodically in areas where rabies is endemic.24
common site for melanomas. The upper lip should be rolled While standing in front of the horse, the lips are parted
up and the underside examined for a tattoo (Table 12.2). and the incisor teeth evaluated for number, shape, and sym
metry. When viewed from the front, the occlusal line of the
upper and lower incisors should be horizontal or parallel to
the ground and the presence of diagonal incisor malocclu
sion is recorded (Fig. 12.7 A,B).25 When viewed from the
Table 12.2 A note on lip tattoos
side, the incisor occlusal surfaces should be parallel to the
Most horses that race in the USA are permanently identified with a angle of the facial crest, which is usually about 10–15° rela
freeze brand on the neck or a tattoo on the upper lip. Each breed tive to the lower molar table surface. The incisors should be
registry has a different alphanumeric system for identifying horses by checked for anatomical characteristics used in assessing the
their upper lip tattoo. horse’s dental age, and the estimated age is then compared
with the horse’s real age, with a discrepancy between these
The Jockey Club of North America uses an alphanumeric system that
consists of a letter of the alphabet followed by numbers. The letter two values possibly indicating abnormal incisor develop
corresponds to the year the horse was foaled, with 1997 starting a new ment or wear. It is important to acknowledge the variation
26-letter series. Therefore, 1996 would be Z and 1998 would be B. Horses between horses in their incisor appearance and real age26–29
imported into the USA are identified with an asterisk (*) at the beginning (see Ch. 7). The incisors should be observed while the jaw
instead of a letter. is moved. Rostrocaudal movement of the mandible can be
The American Quarter Horse Associationer (AQHA) uses a more random
evaluated by observing the relationship between the upper
alphanumeric system of five numbers in older horses and since 1983, and lower incisor when the chin is raised and lowered. A
four numbers followed by a letter. However, in 2009 the last books with normal foal has 3–4 mm (adult horse 6–8 mm) of rostral-
the numbers followed by Z were sent out to lip tattooers. The new caudal jaw excursion when the head is raised and extended
books will have a series of 5 numbers. In the past, AQHA has advised as much as possible and then flexed back into a vertical posi
owners that a series of 5 numbers indicates a paint tattoo number. That tion.30,31 Horses with severe wear abnormalities, such as tall
will no longer be accurate in 2009 or later. cheek teeth, focal overgrowths, or a step-mouth may have
The American Paint Horse Association uses a numbering system that limited rostral-caudal range of mandibular motion.
consists of five digits. The first digit corresponds to the last digit of the Lateral jaw excursion is best evaluated by standing to one
horse’s year of birth. These first digits would be repeated every 10 years. side of the horse and holding the head stationary with one
hand on the bridge of the horse’s nose. The other hand is
Since 1982, the United States Trotting Horse Association has used a
used to grasp the mandible and, while pressing the mouth
system starting with A followed by three or four numbers (A in 1982 to
Z in 2002). Horses born prior to 1982 were tattooed with three digits
shut, move it from side to side. As the jaw is moved from
followed by a letter. Starting in 1996, 98% of trotters are freeze branded one side to the other, the range of lateral movement present
only. before contact is made by the cheek teeth (and thus separat
ing the incisors) is recorded. The more rostral cheek teeth
Arabian and Appaloosa horses that race in the USA require lip tattoos for
contact first, and the more caudal cheek teeth later contact
identification. Their six-digit registration number is tattooed on their
upper lip.
as the jaw moves more laterally. Horses that have had their
rostral cheek teeth reduced in height have to move the lower
Dental and oral examination
jaw further before their incisors separate. Excursion to molar Male horses between 4 and 6 years old may have canine
contact (EMC) is the distance the mandible travels laterally teeth in various stages of eruption. The upper canines usually
to cheek teeth contact. The average light breed horse has an erupt 2–8 months after the lowers. Eruption cysts or tenting
EMC of 12.3 mm (SD = 3.1 mm), while miniature horses of the mucosa with ulceration over these teeth can cause oral
and ponies have an EMC of 5–6 mm, and draft breeds an pain and bitting problems. Long sharp canine teeth can be
EMC of 15–16 mm.32,33 a danger to the examiner, and care should be exercised to
The second measurement noted in this procedure is the avoid injury when manually examining the mouth. About
total lateral distance the mandible travels. By observing the 25 % of mares have one – four rudimentary canine teeth.38
incisors and listening to and feeling the molar arcades grind Dental calculus around the canines leading to gingivitis is
on one another, one can gain information about the occlusal common in older horses.
slope of the cheek teeth and the symmetry of the occlusal The upper and lower interdental spaces should be observed
contact between the upper and lower cheek teeth.34–36 The and palpated. By firmly running a thumb over the mucosa,
average light horse can move the center of the mandibular one can feel for protuberances above or below the gingiva
incisors laterally 45 mm ± 5 mm while chewing.37 Normal and observe the horse’s response to pressure. The lower bars
lateral excursion produces a relatively even, subtle to moder should be checked for bony irregularities, mucosal ulcers, or
ate vibration and sound. Deviations from this can be an thickenings or the presence of wolf teeth.39 Remodeling of
indication of abnormal dental contact due to cheek teeth the mandibular cortex rostral to the 2nd premolar can be
overgrowths. It must be kept in mind that this maneuver palpated through the gingival mucosa and can indicate pre
does not replicate the chewing motion of the horse as out vious bit trauma, and may be associated with bit-sensitivity.
lined in Chapter 6. If the horse resists this part of the dental The upper diastema is then palpated for bony abnormalities
examination, sedation may be indicated to help the horse and the presence of wolf teeth. Unerupted wolf teeth, referred
relax and allow a more thorough physical examination. With to as ‘blind wolf teeth,’ can cause oral discomfort and train
sedation, a complete dental examination can be carried out ing problems in bitted horses. The distance from the com
more safely and thoroughly, although the benefits of this missures of the lips to the rostral edge of the first cheek teeth
may require explaining to some owners who may have an should be noted as this varies among horses. This distance
innate apprehension of the perceived side-effects of sedation affects the ease with which one works on the rostral teeth
(see Chapter 15). and may affect the most comfortable position of the bit in
a working horse.
Oral examination The tongue should be checked for function, and any ana
tomical abnormalities noted. Tongues are frequently injured
The mouth is the window into the body. For too long, many from harsh bits or neglected tongue ties and from sharp
equine veterinarians have assumed erroneously that the gas teeth. The so-called ‘lampas’, or thickening of the palatal
trointestinal tract starts with the esophagus. The oral mucous mucosa just behind the upper incisors, is common, and a
membrane is a thin sheet of tissue that permits the veterinar normal feature in young horses that are erupting permanent
ian to view changes in vessels and connective tissue beneath dentition. The hand can be introduced into the interdental
the oral mucosa. There are relatively few sensory nerve space and a thumb pressed on the hard palate to make the
endings in the gingiva, which makes it a safe area to depress horse open its mouth. Great care should be exercised when
for observing vascularity and capillary refill time (CRT). ever a finger is placed in the mouth, to avoid serious injury.
12 Diagnosis
Fig. 12.9 View of the oral cavity with a mouth speculum, basket-type
retractor, and attached light in place.
Fig. 12.8 Horse sedated with head resting on a dental stand. The mouth is
open with the speculum in place. The operator is seated in a comfortable
position, allowing complete digital and visual examination of the oral cavity.
Dental and oral examination
Fig. 12.11 (A) An equine oral mirror used to visualize an ulcerated area in the palatal tissue above a small diastema between 108 and 109. (B) A periodontal
probe used to clean the pocket between 109 and 109. Gastrophilus (bot fly) larvae were removed from the shallow ulcerated area.
Fig. 12.12 A fine dental pick is used to explore the #1 pulp horn of 106.
This pulp horn contained plant fibers in the area that should be covered Fig. 12.13 The caudal aspect of the left lower dental arcade is ramped. The
with firm secondary dentin. This is a common finding in teeth with apical crown height above the gum helps determine whether this is a true caudal
infections and pulpitis. dental elongation (hook) or simply the last molar erupting in the curve of
the jaw (Curvature of Spee).
the secondary dentin of the occlusal surfaces of suspect teeth An oral examination is not complete without evaluating
(Fig. 12.12).3,42,43 the mouth with the aid of an equine dental mirror or
The oral cavity should be palpated, feeling the buccal, ridged endoscope. A dental mirror designed for use in the
occlusal and lingual surfaces of all four arcades. The gingival horse’s mouth needs to have a diameter of at least 5 cm set
margins of the cheek teeth should be uniform with no feed at 30–45° and should be set on a rigid shaft long enough
packed between them. The crown height should be the same to reach the back of the horse’s mouth. Warming the mirror
on the rostral and caudal aspect of each tooth, but should in hot water or applying an anti-fogging spray helps keep it
be taller on the buccal aspect of the upper and the lingual clear. The rigid shaft allows the mirror to retract the tongue
aspect of the lower cheek teeth. Any deviation or asymmetry and buccal tissue as it is moved into the more caudal parts
in the cheek teeth occlusal surface height or angle should be of the mouth. Oral endoscopy has been found to be superior
noted (Fig. 12.13). Each cheek tooth crown should be to all other examination methods in identifying all types
grasped between the thumb and forefinger and checked for of dental disease, except for occlusal wear abnormalities
stability, noting any movement or pain reaction. The occlu (Fig. 12.14).44–47
sal surfaces of the cheek teeth should be palpated, noting
any defects or asymmetry in the occlusal crown surface,
bearing in mind that a defect in one cheek teeth row is
Oral endoscopy
usually reflected in a wear abnormality or defect in the oppo Dental endoscopy facilitates the exploration, visualization,
site row. magnification, and recording of lesions of the oral cavity and
12 Diagnosis
Fig. 12.15 Double crown fracture of 210. Buccal and lingual slab fracture
fragments have been lost, and the surrounding gingiva healed. This photo
was taken using a rigid endoscope with a 90° optic.
Dental and oral examination
12 Diagnosis
• Distal: posterior or caudal (interproximal surface • BS: bit seat (rounding the rostral margins of 2nd
farthest from mandibular symphysis). premolars).
Computerized dental charting and record keeping are used • I/OD: incisor odontoplasty: incisor crown reduction.
in human and veterinary dentistry. Standardized abbrevia • TI: ‘tooth impacted’, ‘blind’ (not completely erupted
tions and record forms are essential to make this transition and completely or partially covered by bone or soft
into equine practice. Some common dental abnormalities tissue).
and a standardized grading system are presented to help • RRT: retained root tip.
chart dental findings in a uniform manner. The system pre • RTR: retained tooth root.
sented here has been proposed by the American Academy of Other shorthand systems have been used to grade or stage
Veterinary Dentistry and the American College of Veterinary dental lesions.
Dentistry but other systems and abbreviations are in use.
• TO: tooth overgrowth: for incisors determined after
Periodontal Disease Index adapted
cheek teeth reduction to achieve arcade balance.
for equine anatomy57
• MAL2: Class II malocclusion, overbite, brachygnathism,
parrot mouth. 0 Normal
• MAL3: Class III malocclusion, underbite, prognathism, 1 Local gingivitis with hyperemia and edema: no
monkey mouth. attachment loss (probing depth, less than 5 mm)
• CV: ventral curvature of the incisor arcade, ‘smile’. 2 Early periodontal disease (less than 25% attachment
• CD: dorsal curvature of the incisor arcade, ‘frown’. loss)
• DGL or DIM: diagonal incisor arcade. Given a number 3 Moderate periodontal disease (less than 50%
with respect to which lower incisor arcade is the attachment loss or bone loss)
longest. (i.e., DGL/4, 400 arcade longer or the two 4 Advanced periodontal disease (more than 50%
longer arcades 200/400DIM). (See Fig. 12.7.) attachment loss or bone loss)
• PTS: sharp enamel points (these can affect individual
teeth, entire rows of teeth, or all four arcades
uniformly). These enamel elongations have been Tooth Mobility Index57
classified as mild (1–3 mm tall), moderate (3–5 mm 0 Normal with no crown mobility
tall), severe (>5 mm).47 1 First distinguishable sign of movement up to 0.5 mm
• HK: crown hook, elongation longer than wide. 2 Movement of the crown up to 3 mm
• BK: beak, small enamel point on the ends of the 3 Movement greater than 3 mm in any direction.
• RMP: ramp, elongation wider than long.
• STP: step. Grading of infundibular caries3
• WV: – wave. Grade 0 – No visible caries
• ETR: excessive transverse ridge. Grade 1 – Caries of the infundibular cementum
• CUPD – cup in central portion of crown. Grade 2 – Caries of infundibular cementum and
• TC: tall crown. surrounding enamel
• BI (L, A, or U): buccal injury (laceration, abrasion, Grade 3 – Caries of infundibular cementum, enamel, and
ulcer). dentin
• LI (L, A, or U): lingual injury (laceration, abrasion, Grade 4 – Splitting of the tooth as a result of caries
ulcer). Grade 5 – Loss of tooth due to caries.
• PD: periodontal disease, stage 1–4.
This system is used on the sample dental charts provided. A
• PP: periodontal pocket, a depth in mm can be assigned.
dental chart can be used to record the examination, assess
• FX: fracture.
ment, and pathology. A second diagram can be used to
• CAL: calculus.
denote the specific treatment and post-treatment result or a
• RD: retained deciduous cap.
single diagram can be used as a combined report form.
• CA: caries.
• INF/CA-infundibular caries, grade 1–5.
• SN: supernumerary.
• O: missing tooth. Summary
• WC: worn crown.
• ROT: rotated. The basis for a complete equine dental examination is the
• X: extraction, simple. development of a routine treatment plan that is used on each
• 506X, 606X, etc. (cap extraction or retained deciduous patient. By utilizing proper restraint techniques and equip
tooth removal). ment, a thorough examination can be performed with
• 105X (wolf tooth extraction). minimal stress to the horse and risk of injury to the veteri
• XSS: surgical extraction. narian. Finally, a complete written record of the dental
• OD: odontoplasty (reduction of excessive crown from examination, findings, treatment plan, and follow-up rec
occlusal surface). ommendations is essential for the long-term management
• FTL: float (reduction of lingual and buccal enamel of equine oral health. For a visual demonstration of the oral
points). examinations, view the accompanying DVD.
Dental and oral examination
Author wishes to thank veterinarians Oliver Liyou, Ed Early,
Robert Baratt, and Shelby Life editor, James Mulcahy, for
their photo contributions to this chapter.
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181–187 Am Eq Practice 2003; 19: 209–243 55. Floyd MR. The modified Triadan system:
45. Goff C. A study to determine the 50. Ruggles AJ, Ross MW, Freeman DE. nomenclature for veterinary dentistry.
advantages of oral endoscopy for the Endoscopic examination of normal J Vet Dent 1991; 4: 18
detection of dental pathology in the paranasal sinuses in horses. Vet Surg 56. Foster DL. Nomenclature for equine
standing horse. Am Assoc Eq Pract 1991; 20: 418–423 dental anatomy based on the modified
Proceedings 2006; 52: 266–268 51. Ruggles AJ, Ross MW, Freeman DE. Triadan system. Proceedings, Annual
46. Easley J. How to perform and interpret Endoscopic examination and treatment Meeting of the International Association
an endoscopic examination of the equine of paranasal sinuses in 16 horses. Vet of Equine Dental Technicians, Detroit,
oral cavity. Am Assoc Eq Pract Surg 1993; 22: 508–514 1993, p. 35
Proceedings 2008; 54: 383–385 52. Galloway S. Equine oral photography. 57. Klugh DO. Periodontal disease. In:
47. Simhofer H, Griss R, Zenter K. The use of Notes from Am Assoc Eq Pract Dental Current Therapy in Equine Medicine 6.
oral endoscopy for detection of cheek Wet Lab 2008, Lexington, KY Robinson EN, ed. Sprayberry KA.
teeth abnormalities in 300 horses. Vet J 53. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Veterinary Saunders, St Louis 2009, pp 328–
2008; 178: 396–404 dentistry principles and practice. 334
Section 4: Diagnosis
C H A P T ER 13
Dental imaging
Safia Z. Barakzai BVSc, MSc, DESTS, Dipl ECVS, MRCVS
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9RG, UK
Introduction Radiography
Imaging is an extremely important diagnostic tool for Radiographic techniques
evaluation of equine dentition, particularly for those parts
of the teeth and associated structures that cannot be evalu Familiarity with correct radiographic techniques is probably
ated during oral or endoscopic examinations. Radiography the single most important factor in obtaining diagnostic
is still the most widely used and accessible diagnostic tech quality radiographs of the equine skull and cheek teeth.
nique for veterinarians in general practice and the adoption The radiographic techniques described in this chapter are
of computed and direct digital radiography in many equine applicable to all equine practice situations, because portable
practices has undoubtedly resulted in improved image radiography machines are adequate for obtaining all radio
quality as compared with traditional film techniques. Radio graphic projections of the equine teeth. Exposure require
graphy produces a two-dimensional image of a three- ments are not high for equine dental radiography, especially
dimensional structure, and therefore, superimposition of if cassettes with rare-earth intensifying screens are used.
the anatomically complex structures of the equine skull can Excellent quality radiographs can be obtained in the stand
present challenges to radiographic interpretation in some ing, heavily sedated horse, and consequently there is no
cases. In recent years, the use of three-dimensional imaging requirement for general anesthesia.
techniques, particularly computed tomography (CT), has
become increasingly widespread. These techniques have Equipment
led to significant improvement in our ability to accurately
diagnose disorders of the equine dental structures and X-ray machines
the anatomical regions that are closely associated with Both portable and gantry-mounted machines can be used to
them, by their ability to produce high resolution images obtain X-rays of the equine skull. It is extremely useful if the
in multiple planes, and three-dimensional reconstructions X-ray machine can be moved through a range of angles in
of areas of interest, as seen later in this chapter. Magnetic three dimensions in order to allow the user to more readily
resonance imaging (MRI) is most useful for investigation obtain accurately positioned, oblique radiographs in stand
of soft tissue structures of the equine skull, and, in particular, ing horses; however, movement in two dimensions is ade
the central nervous system; however, limitations in its quate. It is also advantageous (but not essential) if the light
ability to image structures containing mineralized material beam diaphragm can be rotated to allow collimation of the
and gas mean that the technique is not ideal for dental primary beam in any direction, because the horse’s skull
imaging. is usually not aligned in a truly horizontal or vertical
Scintigraphy reflects active physiological processes rather position.
than the structural features portrayed by radiography, ultra
sonography, CT, or MRI. The ability of scintigraphy, using
Technetium (99mTc) bound to phosphates, to detect bone
Radiation safety
remodeling before changes become radiographically appar Radiation safety should be strictly adhered to when taking
ent (because increased bone turnover usually precedes struc equine head radiographs, because personnel holding the
tural change) is one of the key advantages of this technique horse and the cassette are potentially close to the primary
in the equine patient. The main application of scintigraphy beam. The primary beam should be collimated to include
in the equine upper respiratory tract is the investigation of only the areas of interest, and the hands of personnel should
potential periapical infection of the cheek teeth where it can be kept as far as possible from it. All assisting personnel
often help differentiate between dental sinusitis and other should wear lead aprons, lead gloves, and radiation exposure
causes of sinusitis. badges (dosemeters), and should maintain a distance of at
13 Diagnosis
least 1 m and preferably 2 m from the primary beam. If staff Table 13.1 Suggested exposures for various radiographic
are required to hold horses or cassettes for radiography on projections of the equine skull. Exposures have to be altered for
a regular basis, consideration should be given to providing different X-ray machines, different film-screen combinations, and
them with extremity dosemeters and thyroid guards. Heavy varying size of patient
sedation of the horse reduces head movement and thereby
reduces the need for repeat exposures due to movement Region Projection (s) kV mAs
Incisors/canines Intra-oral Pony 50 5
Patient preparation TB 52 6
Most horses require sedation in order to obtain diagnostic Incisors/canines Lateral Pony 55 6.3
radiographs of the skull due to the requirement to have both TB 60 6.3
the cassette and X-ray tube in close proximity to their head.
Sinus Lateral, Pony 60 6.3
Heavy sedation (such as with xylazine, detomidine, or romi
Lateral oblique
fidine plus butorphanol) reduces head movement and facili TB 63 6.3
tates the radiographic examination. Resting the nose of the Maxillary cheek Lateral, Pony 63 6.3
horse on a stool or headstand may also help to minimize teeth apices Lateral oblique
swaying movements caused by heavy sedation. A fabric TB 66 8
(rope or webbing) head collar without metal components Mandibular Lateral, Pony 66 6.3
should be used during radiography of the equine skull. cheek teeth Lateral oblique
However, even a rope headcollar can create artefacts on a TB 66 8
radiograph, and if possible, it should be moved out of the
Skull Dorsoventral Pony 70 8
area of interest.
Occasionally, dental radiographs must be performed with TB 73 8
the horse anesthetized, most commonly for intra-operative Cheek teeth Open-mouthed Pony 60 6.3
radiographs during cheek tooth repulsion or removal of occlusal aspects oblique
radio-opaque tissues (e.g., cementomas, dystrophic miner TB 63 6.3
alization, tooth root fragments, odontogenic tumors) from
TB = Thoroughbred-type horse.
the sinuses or nasal cavity.
Dental imaging
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.2 Cassette and X-ray beam positioning for intra-oral projections of the incisors and canine teeth.
Fig. 13.3 Intra-oral view of the lower incisors of a horse with abnormally Fig. 13.4 Intra-oral view of the same horse as in Fig. 13.3. The radiograph is
small and fractured 01s and 02s. This radiograph was taken with the X-ray taken at a slight angle (25°) to the frontal plane from left to right. Note that
beam perpendicular to the frontal plane. Note there is superimposition of on the right side of the radiograph, the apices of 302 and 303 are no longer
the apices of the 02s, 03s and canines. superimposed.
Dental imaging
Cheek teeth
Lateral projection (Figs 13.5–13.7)
The lateral view is useful to visualize fluid lines and abnor
malities of the maxillary or frontal bones or within the para
nasal sinuses because the anatomy of the sinuses is not
distorted by obliquity of the X-ray beam. The major disad
vantage of the lateral view is that lesions cannot be localized
to the left or right sides because both sides are superim
posed. For this same reason, individual cheek teeth apices
cannot be evaluated using this view.
The horse should be positioned with the lesion side adja
cent to the cassette. The cassette should be held in the cas
sette holder in a vertical plane, parallel with the dorsal
contour of the head, and as close to the head as possible.
The primary beam should be horizontal and perpendicular
to the long axis of the head. The primary beam should be
collimated to reduce scatter, and rotating the light beam
diaphragm unit to align it with the orientation of the horse’s
skull helps to keep the collimation tight.
For maxillary cheek teeth, the beam should be centered
just dorsal to the rostral aspect of the facial crest if the cheek
teeth and/or paranasal sinuses are being examined. The
entire facial area should be included to ensure that the entire
maxillary cheek teeth row and all the paranasal sinuses are
Fig. 13.5 Direction of the X-ray beam (arrow) and cassette position for
included in the radiograph. Hence, topographic markers for lateral projections of the skull.
collimation include: the caudal aspect of the diastema (‘bars
of mouth’) rostrally, the eye caudally, and the dorsal aspect
of the skull (Fig. 13.6).
Fig. 13.6 Centering point (red cross) just dorsal to the rostral aspect of the facial crest and collimation (red outline) for lateral and lateral oblique radiographs
of the maxillary cheek teeth and paranasal sinuses.
13 Diagnosis
Dental imaging
13 Diagnosis
Dental imaging
10 _ 15
Fig. 13.17 Open-mouthed oblique view centered on the 05s (wolf teeth)
showing large, rostrally displaced and abnormally angulated upper 05s with
Fig. 13.15 Diagram showing angle of incidence of the X-ray beam to long thin roots. The Butler’s gag is separating the incisors.
obtain open-mouthed oblique views of the maxillary (blue arrow) and
mandibular (red arrow) erupted crowns. The affected side is nearest to
the cassette.
13 Diagnosis
70 _ 80
Fig. 13.19 Diagram showing intra-oral position of the cassette and angles Fig. 13.21 Lateral oblique radiograph of the hemimandible of a horse
of incidence of the X-ray beam to obtain intra-oral cheek teeth radiographs which presented with a swelling on the ventral aspect of its mandible.
of young horses with long reserve crowns (left) and older horses (right). A radio-opaque marker has been taped to the area of maximal facial
swelling, which corresponds to an area of clubbing (short, rounded
appearance) of the caudal root of the 08 due to loss of the apex of
that root and surrounding radiolucency.
Contrast studies
Placement of a radio-opaque marker over an area of
facial swelling and repetition of a radiographic projection
(Fig. 13.21) can be an invaluable aid when assessing the
clinical significance of radiographic changes. If a cutaneous
draining tract is present, as is common in cases of periapical
B infection of the mandibular cheek teeth or upper 06s and
07s, a blunt metallic probe can be placed into the tract, held
Fig. 13.20 (A) Intra-oral radiograph of a maxillary cheek teeth row. in place with tape (Fig. 13.22) and a repeat radiograph taken
Radiograph courtesy of J. Easley. (B) Intra-oral radiograph taken intra- (Fig. 13.23). This very simple form of contrast study often
operatively during a dental extraction procedure. A small bone-opacity provides unequivocal evidence that a tooth is infected.
fragment can be seen in the rostral aspect of the alveolus (arrow). Water soluble iodinated contrast media may also be intro
(Radiograph courtesy of W.H. Tremaine.) duced into a tract i.e., fistulography. To avoid leakage, injec
tion should be made through a self-retaining catheter with
an inflatable bulb (e.g., Foley) and discontinued immedi
cutting down film and card-mounted intensifying screen(s) ately resistance is felt.1
before double wrapping them in closely fitting, light-proof
bags e.g., of heavy-duty black polythene, and sealing the Normal radiographic anatomy
edges with light-proof adhesive tape.1 The disadvantages of
this system include the time taken to prepare the above
materials, poor film/screen contact and the need for wet
Deciduous dentition
processing of films. Deciduous incisors are more radiolucent, have shorter
A self-retaining, full-mouth speculum is used to open the reserve crowns and roots, and have a smaller cross-sectional
mouth of the heavily sedated or anesthetized horse, and the area than their permanent counterparts (Fig. 13.24).
Dental imaging
Fig. 13.23 Lateral oblique radiographs with a blunt metallic probe in place in cases of periapical infection with discharging cutaneous tracts involving the
mandibular (A) and rostral maxillary (B) cheek teeth.
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.25 Lateral oblique view of a foal’s skull. Note the short spicular
roots of the 3 deciduous cheek teeth in each row. The dental buds of
the permanent cheek teeth are not apparent yet.
Dental imaging
Alveolar bone
Fig. 13.28 Close up X-ray of a maxillary cheek tooth. The lamina dura
(black arrows) is a linear radio-opacity that lines the alveolus. Note that the
lamina dura denta is not visible along the entire contour of this normal
tooth. The periodontal ligament (white arrows) is represented by a
radiolucent area between the lamina dura and the periphery of the tooth.
Fig. 13.30 Lateral oblique radiograph of the maxillary cheek teeth row of
a 10-year-old horse. Note the pointed appearance of the apical areas
which represents the development of ‘true’ roots. In this particular horse,
the rostral root of the 08 is positioned rostral to the maxillary sinuses.
apical areas of normal adjacent teeth, and where immature Arrow = maxillary sinus septum.
apices with eruption cysts can radiographically resemble
apical infections.
Enamel, dentin, and cementum (along with bone) are the The dental buds of the permanent cheek teeth in the young
densest materials in the body, and therefore the cheek teeth horse are large, rounded, radiolucent structures, with a stri
appear as very radio-opaque structures, within which the ated, vertical radiodense pattern, which is due to partially
radiolucent pulp horns may be seen running longitudinally. calcified enamel folds (Fig. 13.26). As a dental bud develops
Dentin and cementum have a lower proportion of mineral into a cheek tooth, its apical aspect appears as a round,
content than enamel and have a radio-opacity similar to radiolucent area with a very wide periodontal space, which
bone.2 Younger cheek teeth contain little dentin relative to is termed an eruption cyst. The lamina dura is often not
aged cheek teeth, and are, therefore, comparatively radiolu visible around the apices of developing teeth. The perma
cent.2 The reserve crown of the cheek teeth is attached to the nent equine CT erupt between 1 and 4 years of age (see Ch.
alveolar bone by the periodontal ligament, which is evident 5). Between 2 and 4 years of age (Fig. 13.29), the reserve
radiographically as a narrow parallel radiolucent line crown is very long, and many of the cheek teeth still have
between the tooth and the alveolus (Fig. 13.28). This space large eruption cysts. At this age, the ventral border of the
lies adjacent to a radiodense rim of cortical alveolar bone, mandible becomes convex in some breeds (‘3- and 4-year-
radiographically, termed the lamina dura, which lines the old bumps’) to accommodate these large dental structures,
alveolus (Fig. 13-28). Although disruption of this structure and the ventral mandibular cortex beneath the eruption cysts
can occur with dental disease, the irregular contour of equine is very thin or even appears fully eroded. This convex appear
cheek teeth means that the lamina dura may not be visible ance is lost as the horse ages due to continued eruption of
on some radiographic projections of normal teeth, and (in the reserve crown, maturation of the cheek teeth apices, and
contrast to brachydont radiographs) absence or partial dis remodelling of the mandibular cortex.
continuity of the lamina dura is not a reliable indicator of As the horse ages and the cheek teeth erupt, the true roots
apical or periodontal disease.9,10 The area of the periodontal (i.e., enamel-free areas) develop, and the apices change
ligament may widen due to disease processes, but the apices from being rounded to developing a number of pointed
of young equine cheek teeth also have wider radiolucent structures, i.e., true roots (Fig. 13.30). Bearing in mind that
areas adjacent to the lamina dura in the area of the eruption the equine cheek teeth erupt at different ages, it is normal
cysts (Fig. 13.29). for young horses to have adjacent cheek teeth with very
13 Diagnosis
06 07 08
09 10
Dental imaging
Dental disorders
Radiographic changes consistent with periapical infection
are most readily identified in the rostral maxillary equine
cheek teeth whose apices lie rostral to the maxillary sinuses,
and the mandibular cheek teeth, whose apices are contained
within the mandible.9 In the more caudally positioned max
illary cheek teeth where secondary dental sinusitis is
common, apical infections can be recognized with confi
Fig. 13.34 Intra-operative lateral radiograph. This foal has suffered a rostral
dence in only 50–57 % of cases using radiography alone.9,12 mandibular fracture with resultant mandibular shortening. The premaxilla
Two more recent studies by Weller et al and Barakzai that has been fitted with a bite plate to allow some contact with the remaining
have investigated the accuracy of radiography for diagnosis lower incisors and so help prevent further ventral deviation of the
of equine dental disorders found radiographic sensitivities premaxilla. (Radiograph courtesy of P.M. Dixon.)
of 52 % and 69 % (respectively) and specificities of 95 % and
70 %.13,14 The differences between the results of these two
studies are likely to be attributable to the different anatomi
cal distribution of disorders in the two studies, with a con however, the radiographic appearance of the teeth associated
siderably higher proportion of cases with dental sinusitis in with these abnormalities has been illustrated in a review of
the latter study as compared to predominantly mandibular congenital dental disorders18 and in Chapter 19.
or rostral maxillary dental lesions in the study performed
by Weller et al (2001).13 A further study, using computed Oligodontia
radiography,10 reported that periapical sclerosis, periapical
lucency, and clubbing of tooth roots are the most reliable The absence of a tooth or teeth due to failure of development
radiographic changes associated with periapical infection, of a tooth bud may result in abnormal occlusion and wear.
but that mild changes in any of these categories are not This condition is common in miniature pony breeds
dependable indicators of infection. This study also reported (Fig. 13.35), and further images of this disorder are pre
that loss of the lamina dura denta is a very insensitive (high sented in Chapter 8.
number of false positives), but highly specific (low number
of false negatives) indicator of periapical infection. Polydontia
Extra, or supernumerary, teeth may have a normal anatomy
Paranasal sinus disorders or may be misshapen, malformed, and often misplaced (see
The sensitivity (85.2 %) and specificity (79.2 %) of radio Ch. 8). Due to their abnormal apical areas, it may be difficult
graphy for detecting abnormalities of the equine sinuses to definitively ascertain if supernumerary teeth are apically
have been shown to be moderate.15 The findings of Barakzai infected or not. Quinn et al19 described a ‘domed soft-tissue
et al’s15 study are similar to the reported sensitivity (73– opacity in the floor of the maxillary sinuses’ dorsal to the
76 %) and specificity (79–80 %) of radiography for detecting apices of supernumerary 12s (Fig. 13.36) to be a relatively
acute sinusitis in human beings.16,17 It should be mentioned, consistent finding in affected horses. Supernumerary teeth
however, that although radiography is a very useful tool for can easily go unrecognized, particularly if the entire cheek
determining if sinusitis is present or not, establishing the tooth row is not included in the radiograph. Supernumerary
cause of sinusitis can be considerably more difficult! cheek teeth are often very long, due to lack of attritional
wear, and diastemata may develop between supernumerary
and adjacent teeth.
Abnormalities of development and eruption
Gross abnormalities of the erupted crown may be evaulated Dysplastic teeth
with a detailed oral examination; however, radiography is Teeth with abnormal structure are relatively common in
often useful in order to assess the structure of and location equidae (Fig. 13.37), and it can be difficult to ascertain
of the reserve crowns and apical areas.1 Many radiographs of whether such teeth are apically infected or not. They may be
these disorders are presented in Chapter 8. associated with abnormalities of eruption and dental impac
tions, and also with periodontal disease.
Brachygnathia (parrot mouth, Fig. 13.34),
prognathia (sow mouth) and wry nose Abnormalities of eruption
Radiography is not usually required to diagnose these devel Disorders of eruption may affect the incisors (Fig. 13.38),
opmental disorders of the premaxilla and/or mandible; canines, wolf teeth, or cheek teeth (Fig. 13.39) and are
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.35 Oligodontia. The pony in (A) has anodontia of 308, 408 and 108, C
although the deciduous remnant (‘cap’) of one lower 08 is still present.
Radiograph courtesy of P.M. Dixon. The pony in (B) has only 5 teeth in both
Fig. 13.36 Polydontia. Supernumerary maxillary cheek teeth (Triadan12s)
mandibular rows, with large overgrowths of the upper 10s and 11s and
are the most common supernumerary cheek teeth in horses. The 12 is
secondary diastemata formation between the upper 09s and 10s.
usually markedly overgrown as in (A) but may be unerupted as in (B) if there
is inadequate space (overcrowding). Note the abnormal shape of the apical
area of the 112. (C) An example of overgrown bilateral supernumerary
mandibular 12s.
Dental imaging
08 09 10
Fig. 13.37 (A) Maxillary cheek tooth row of a miniature Shetland pony with
06 11 marked dysplasia of the 109, 110, and 111 and a corresponding wave mouth
on the mandibular row. (B) Markedly enlarged, radiodense, dysplastic 110,
which has displaced the reserve crowns and apices of 111 and 109 caudally
B and rostrally, respectively. (C) Abnormally small 302. The deciduous 702
remnant is retained (arrow).
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.40 Temporal teratoma. This horse presented with bilateral draining
tracts just ventral to the pinnae that have had blunt metallic probes placed
in them. One dentigerous cyst is seen as a rounded, tooth-like structure
(arrow), positioned rostral to one of the tympanic bullae.
Dental imaging
Fig. 13.42 Ameloblastoma of the rostral mandible, which has displaced the
303 laterally and caused erosion of the 302 and 301 incisors. These tumors
can have varying degrees of calcification – this one is well calcified.
(Radiograph courtesy of P.M. Dixon.)
Periodontal disease
Oral examination is superior to radiography for the detec
tion and investigation of periodontal disease, but open-
mouthed, oblique or intra-oral radiographs may occasionally
be useful for demonstrating the effects of severe periodontal
F disease on the alveolar crest (Fig. 13.33) and adjacent struc
tures. Occasionally, very severe and deep periodontal disease
Fig. 13.41 continued (D) Gross destruction of the architecture of this may extend towards the apex of the tooth and may be the
infected 407 dental bud is present, with loss of much of the apical aspect of cause of periapical infection. Radiography may be used to
its crown. Multiple radio-opaque fragments are present in the alveolus,
outline the dimensions of diastemata and the angulation
which may represent dental fragments or cementoma formation. A draining
tract (with probe inserted) and gross mandibular new bone formation are and distance between the cheek teeth. It may also provide
evident. (E) Marked sclerosis is present around an apically infected 210. This additional information on displaced teeth, which usually
horse had concurrent sinusitis. (F) Massive reactive cementoma deposition is have associated periodontal disease.
present around the apex of chronically infected 207. Dystrophic calcification
of the nasal conchae is likely also contributing to the radio-opaque
appearance in the area rostral to the alveolus of 207. Most of the reserve Odontogenic tumors
crown of this tooth was still present; however, it is quite radiolucent, due to Tumors of dental-tissue origin are all rare, but may be more
demineralization caused by chronic infection.
common in horses than in other species20 and are discussed
in detail in Chapter 11. Five types of odontogenic tumors
have been recorded in horses, and their radiological charac
teristics have been reviewed in detail.21 Ameloblastomas and
In less destructive chronic periapical infections, reactive ameloblastic odontomas can have a similar radiographic
abnormal deposition of (radio-opaque) cementum may appearance.21 They are expansive, soft-tissue opacity masses
occur on the infected tooth apex in an attempt to help containing lytic areas and sometimes areas of irregular
control the infection, often resulting in an increase in granular calcification21 and often displace adjacent teeth
size and blunting of the apex. In more destructive chronic (Fig. 13.42). Complex and compound odontomas are
13 Diagnosis
Dental imaging
Fig. 13.47 This horse has a fracture of the interdental space – caused by
damage from the bit when it stood on its reins. (Radiograph courtesy of
P.M. Dixon.)
13 Diagnosis
building, gamma camera, and appropriate software pro Scintigraphic views and normal anatomy
grams; licensing for the use, storage, and disposal of radioac
Right and left lateral, dorsal, and ventral views are the most
tive waste; appropriate stabling facilities that comply with
commonly acquired equine skull scintigraphic views, with
radiation protection legislation; time required to isolate the
oblique views being occasionally useful for assisting lesion
patient (in most centers, horses are considered ‘radioactive’
localization.27 The reserve crowns of the cheek teeth appear
for 24–48 hours post injection and cannot be handled),
as ‘cold spots’ of reduced uptake of radiopharmaceutical
thereby delaying further diagnostic procedures or treat
agent, and are surrounded by zones of increased radiophar
ment; the requirement for technical expertise when reading
maceutical uptake (IRU) corresponding to the alveolar bone
scintigraphic images; and the risk of radiation exposure to
and interdental (interproximal) bone. The erupted crowns
of the teeth are represented by an area of absent radionuclide
As noted, most equine skull scintigraphy is performed
uptake. The normal ethmoturbinates can be identified as a
using the bone marker 99mTc-MDP. A dose of 1–
region of IRU positioned dorsally and caudally to the 6th
1.5 GBq/100 kg bodyweight is administered intravenously,
maxillary cheek tooth and are located within the frontal
usually via a jugular catheter. Typically, only bone-phase
sinuses. The normal temporomandibular joints are also
images are acquired at 2–4 hours post injection, as the
focal areas of markedly IRU, as is the atlanto-occipital joint.
pool or soft tissue phase images do not usually provide
The ventral and caudal cortices of the mandible and the
any additional useful information, and collection of
zygomatic arch can be clearly identified as areas of high
pool or soft tissue phase images considerably increases the
metabolic activity.
radiation exposure of personnel.13,26 The use of 99mTc-
hexa-methylpropyleneamine(HMPAO)-radiolabeled leuko
cytes has been described for equine dental scintigraphy,13 Periapical infection
but it does not allow for positive identification of apical Scintigraphy is most useful for diagnosis of cheek teeth peri
infections due to lack of anatomical resolution; additionally, apical infection when used in combination with other diag
its use incurs considerable additional cost compared to nostic techniques, such as radiography and, of course,
routine scintigraphy. clinical examination.13–15
Heavy sedation is usually required in order to allow close Tc-MDP uptake associated with periapical infection is
positioning of the gamma camera to the patient and is typically focal and intense, with IRU located over the apical
achieved using a combination of an alpha-2 agonist (e.g., region of the affected tooth (Fig. 13.48). Region of interest
xylazine, detomodine, or romifidine) and butorphanol. A (ROI) studies performed on cases of periapical infection
rope headcollar should be used to prevent artefactual ‘cold have shown IRU of 24–259 % greater than the same region
spots’ being recorded from buckles and rings on regular on the contralateral side when using right and left lateral
headcollars. The horse’s head can be rested on a stool or views.14,25 Because ‘strike through’ (lesions with high uptake
similar object in order to minimize movement induced by may emit gamma rays from the contralateral side of the
sedation. Images may be acquired using static studies, which skull) may occur when comparing two lateral views, ROI
allows for their collection at a higher matrix size (256 × 256) taken from left and right sides on a dorsal (or ventral) view
which theoretically gives more detail; however, most horses can show an even greater IRU % (as high as 700 %14) on the
will not remain adequately still during the required 1–2 affected side compared with the control side. If periapical
minute acquisition period, and such movement causes dis infection is accompanied by secondary dental sinusitis, the
tortion (‘blurring’) of both anatomical structures and lesions focal intense uptake over the affected apex is surrounded by
on static images. Dynamic studies (e.g., 30 consecutive 2 a diffuse region of moderately increased activity over the
second frames, 128 × 128 matrix) are usually acquired in affected sinus(es) (Fig. 13.48B). After dental extraction, areas
preference to static studies, because these may be ‘motion of IRU can be present for up to 24 months postoperatively
corrected’, which accounts for the inevitable movements of (Fig. 13.49), presumably due to continued remodeling of
the horse’s head during the acquisition period. the dental alveolus.14
Fig. 13.48 Scintigrams of two horses with periapical infection of (A) 108 lateral and dorsoventral views and (B) 209 (this horse has concurrent sinusitis).
Dental imaging
Fig. 13.49 Seven months after oral extraction of 409 the entire dental Fig. 13.50 Scintigram of a horse with primary sinusitis. Note there is a
alveolus still exhibits marked uptake of radionuclide. This horse had no moderate uptake throughout the maxillary sinuses and a focal area of
ongoing complications associated with the extraction. intense IRU within the sinuses, which is situated too far dorsally to be
associated with the cheek teeth.
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.51 Three-dimensional reconstruction (A) of the bone surface image of an irregular depressed fracture involving the right frontal, nasal, lacrimal, and
maxillary bones in a 5-year-old Friesian gelding. The location of fracture lines largely coincides with anatomical suture lines. The distribution and extent of
these fractures are well highlighted in the 3D-reformation.
Transverse section CT image (B) at the level of the caudal aspect of the upper 09s (1st molars) of the above horse. Marked subcutaneous soft tissue
swelling is present, as is mild swelling of the mucosa of the right dorsal and caudal maxillary sinuses (arrowheads). Fragmentation of the right frontal and
nasolacrimal bones is present with palisading new bone formations. A well-defined bone fragment, approximately 3 cm in length, which is hyperdense
relative to the adjacent facial bones and separated from them by a 5-mm wide, hypodense rim can be clearly differentiated (arrow). The dorsal facial bones
are bilateral irregularly thickened. These CT findings indicate sequestrum formation with surrounding osteomyelitis in an old fracture. The dental structures
appear normal in these images.
head have been described in detail.28 Despite the fact that radiodensities.35 However, it is essential to also view the
CT is increasingly used for the diagnosis of equine dental images in an appropriate soft tissue window setting for eval
disease, comparatively little information has been published uation of possible changes in adjacent soft tissues. Objec
to date on the appearance of equine dental tissues in health tively measuring the density of specific regions of interest
and disease. (ROI) in Hounsfield Units (HU), allows for improved dif
ferentiation of soft tissues.32,36 Care must be taken not to
perform measurements in areas that have inherent imaging
Technical principles artefacts, such as streaking artefact28 (Fig. 13.52). In order to
improve differentiation of soft tissue masses, post-contrast
CT is a cross-sectional imaging method that uses a rotating imaging following use of iodinated contrast agents can be
X-ray tube and detector system located in a gantry for image acquired after local application of these agents into fistulous
acquisition. When the narrow X-ray beam passes through a tracts or after intravenous injection.28,37
selected plane of the body, it is partially absorbed when it General anesthesia is usually required for equine CT
passes through tissues with different attenuation coefficients examinations, but more recently some clinics have acquired
(density). Each tissue is assigned a value that represents its facilities to allow CT examination of sedated, standing
attenuation coefficient. Computerized reconstruction pro horses to be performed.38 CT examination of the anesthe
grams are used to assign a gray scale value that correlates to tized horse requires a custom-built table to allow precise
the attenuation value of the tissue being imaged.32 Different positioning of the patient32,37 (Fig. 13.53). The horse should
algorithms can be used for image reconstructions.33 Each CT be positioned as symmetrically as possible32 in either lateral
instrument manufacturer offers algorithms specifically or dorsal recumbency, keeping the head (when in lateral
designed for their individual hardware. For equine dental recumbency) or the hard palate (when in dorsal recum
imaging, a soft tissue algorithm is useful for imaging of the bency) parallel to the table. The number, size and angle of
soft tissue structures, followed by a reconstruction in a bone slices can be planned after evaluating lateral (Fig. 13.54) and
algorithm (high resolution) from the raw data, to allow dorsal scout views. The gantry tilt should be minimized to
detailed evaluation of dental and bony structures. reduce image distortion (especially for image reconstruction
The acquired sectional images can be reformatted in various purposes). Contiguous, single- or multi-slice helical imaging
two-dimensional planes or three-dimensional models protocols have been described,35 the latter reducing scan
(Fig. 13.51). time most. The recommended slice thickness ranges from 4
Evaluation of CT images for the presence or absence of to 10 mm for evaluating the teeth and sinuses, and from 1
dental disease is usually performed using a bone window.34 to 2 mm for evaluating special regions of interest (i.e., exam
By using this particular setting, the dental tissues (cement, ining for specific changes in individual teeth or the tempo
enamel and dentin), as well as the lamina dura denta of romandibular joint). Two- and three-dimensional image
the alveolus, can be differentiated according to their varying reconstructions may assist in the diagnosis39 and also
Dental imaging
Fig. 13.52 Transverse images at the level of the caudal aspect of the Triadan 10s (2nd molars) of an 8-year-old Hannoverian mare in a soft tissue window
(A) and bone window (B). A well-defined soft tissue mass lies within the left ventral conchal and caudal maxillary sinuses surrounded by a thin calcified wall
and is causing compression of the dorsal conchal sinus. Density measurements within the mass revealed values of about 10 HU, which is indicative of fluid,
whereas measurements of approximately 80 HU were present in the right masseter muscle, which is typical of soft tissue. Bilateral, mild, gaseous inclusions
are present within the infundibula of both the maxillary cheek teeth that are imaged, but no significant abnormal dental findings were detected. These CT
findings are suspicious of a sinus cyst that was later confirmed during surgery. There is gas present in both infundibula that must be differentiated from pulp
disease, which would be much more likely to lead to sinus granuloma formation. Note the streaking artefacts dorsal to the left maxillary tooth within the
lesion in the soft window settings (A) that are masked in the wide bone window settings (B). Artefacts compromise Hounsfield measurements.
Normal appearance of equine dental Fig. 13.54 Lateral scout view of a 4-year-old Pinto gelding under general
anesthesia. The head is positioned with the hard palate almost parallel
and periodontal tissues to the table so that transverse images are parallel to the long axis of
uppermost (mandibular in this position) cheek teeth. The vertical dotted
On transverse CT images of normal teeth (Fig. 13.55A), the white lines resemble every 5th transverse slice.
peripheral layer of cement is hypodense compared to adja
cent enamel. The hyperdense zone of peripheral enamel
13 Diagnosis
A e rl
B d2
Dental imaging
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.61 Transverse CT section at the level of the upper 09s in an Fig. 13.62 Transverse section at the mid level of the Triadan 10s of an
18-month-old Welsh Cob with facial swelling of suspected traumatic origin. 8-year-old Noriker mare. A buccal slab fracture is present in 210 with
The CT shows facial asymmetry, left-sided soft tissue (subcutaneous) exposure of the 1st pulp canal (these fractures also usually involve the 2nd
swelling and thickening and irregularity of the external surface of the pulp horn) but with no evidence of pulpar, apical, or periodontal changes
maxillary bone dorsal to the facial crest. The left dorsal and ventral conchal, currently apparent in this tooth. Note the rounded apical area of 110,
and the rostral maxillary sinuses are completely filled with fluid and gas adjacent periodontal widening (arrow) and complete filling of the right
inclusions and, in turn, these structures are causing total obstruction of the ventral conchal sinus (arrowhead) with fluid, indicative of apical infection of
left nasal passages and causing deviation of the nasal septum to the right 110 with secondary sinus empyema.
side. An irregular, radiolucent line running transversely across the apical
third of the reserve crown of 209 (arrowheads) and possibly some buccal
axial deviation of this tooth are likely due to a traumatic fracture of this
tooth. The irregular hypercementosis of the buccal peripheral cemental
layer of this tooth and adjacent periodontal reactions are also likely of
traumatic origin.
Dental imaging
13 Diagnosis
Fig. 13.67 Dorsal (A) and transverse (B) CT sections at the level of the temporal bone of a 6-month-old female Noriker foal. A horizontally orientated,
heterotopic cheek tooth (‘dentigerous cyst’) lies within the right calvarium. The cerebral bony lamina is markedly thinned to just 1 mm wide (arrowheads) at
the rostral aspect of this tooth. Gaseous inclusions and bony fragments lie within the soft tissues lateral and ventral to the dentigerous cyst, which was
caused by the previous surgical removal of a second heterotopic tooth.
Dental imaging
Fig. 13.70 Transverse CT images at the level of
the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). Marked soft
Fig. 13.69 Transverse CT images at the level of the 08s some 6 months following extraction of the
tissue swelling is present in the left temporal
208, as viewed in a soft-tissue (A) and bony window (B). A soft-tissue swelling overlies the left
region. The left TMJ joint space is widened, and
maxillary bone, which has an irregular bulbous expansion and contains irregular, hypersclerotic
the joint has irregular bony surfaces. There are
areas. An oro-nasal fistula (arrowheads) is evident as an irregular lateral expansion of the maxillary
discrete, lytic changes in the subchondral bone of
bone, and a sclerotic appearance of the medial aspect of the ventral concha. An isolated, small,
the mandibular condyle (arrows) and mild
hyperdense bone sequestrum or dental remnant (arrow) is identified more easily in the soft tissue
irregular periosteal new bone formation on the
window (A) as compared to the bony window (B).
dorsolateral aspect of the left hemimandible
(arrowhead). The articular disc can be identified
as a slightly hyperdense structure lying in the
center of the left TMJ.
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7. Klugh DO. Intraoral Radiography of 12. Tremaine WH, Dixon PM. A long term 1998; 14: 273–289
Equine Premolars and Molars. In: study of 277 cases of equine sinonasal 19. Quinn GC, Tremaine WH, Lane JG.
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13 Diagnosis
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Section 4: Diagnosis
C H A P T ER 14
Ancillary diagnostic techniques
Justin D. Perkins† BVetMed, MS, MRCVS, Dipl ECVS, James Schumacher*
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL9
*Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 77901-1071,
Cytological examination and A wide variety of bacteria, including aerobic and anaero-
culture of exudate bic, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, have been
isolated from exudate obtained from the sinuses of horses
Empyema of the paranasal sinuses is a common complica- affected with primary bacterial sinusitis. Hemolytic Strepto-
tion of periapical infection of those cheek teeth whose apices coccus spp. are the most commonly isolated bacterial
reside within a maxillary sinus and of primary infection of species.4,5 Streptococcus equi var. equi, the cause of strangles,
the upper portion of the respiratory tract. Determining the is rarely isolated,3,6,7 but the presence of this organism may
underlying cause of paranasal sinus empyema is important be masked by the overgrowth of other bacterial species. If a
because the cause of empyema influences treatment of the horse suffering from sinusitis has had signs typical of stran-
affected horse. Although periapical infection of teeth rostral gles, PCR examination of exudate obtained from the para-
to the maxillary sinuses is readily identified during radio- nasal sinus should be considered to rule out infection caused
graphic examination of the skull, periapical infection of by S. equi var. equi.8 The clinical significance of isolating
teeth within the sinuses can be confidently recognized in bacterial species other than hemolytic Streptococcus spp. is
only about half of affected horses.1 largely unknown. Culture of exudate from the paranasal
To help determine whether empyema is caused by dental sinuses of horses affected by primary bacterial sinusitis can
disease or by primary infection, exudate obtained by centesis yield multiple bacterial isolates, especially if the infection is
of the paranasal sinuses can be examined cytologically and long-standing or if the horse has received prolonged admin-
cultured for bacteria. Exudate from within the paranasal istration of one or more antimicrobial drugs,4 and therefore,
sinuses can be obtained by introducing a dog urinary cath- definitively determining the organism responsible for
eter through a small portal created in the frontal bone at a primary infection of the paranasal sinuses on the basis of
site one-third of the distance from the medial canthus of the microbial culture of the exudate is difficult. Waiting for
eye to the dorsal midline, and 0.5 cm caudal to a line con- results of bacteriological examination before proceeding
necting the medial canthi.2 The portal can be created by with other diagnostic tests, such as sinoscopic or radio-
making a stab incision in the skin and either drilling through graphic examination of the sinuses, may not be warranted.
the frontal bone with a small, trocar-tipped, Steinmann pin Odor is seldom helpful in determining the cause of para-
using a Jacob’s chuck or by driving a steel, 14- or 16-gauge, nasal sinus empyema. Although nasal discharge produced
hypodermic needle through the frontal bone with a mallet. because of primary sinusitis is usually not characterized by
The needle should be removed before introducing a catheter necrotic odor,9 primary bacterial sinus empyema can result
into the sinuses. The catheter is passed through the portal in a necrotic odor to the horse’s breath7 if the exudate
and advanced through the underlying frontomaxillary aper- becomes inspissated, because expansion of the inspissated
ture until it contacts the floor of the caudal maxillary sinus exudate causes necrosis of surrounding tissue. Relying on
where exudate, if present, can usually be found, regardless odor to distinguish primary sinusitis from sinusitis occurring
of the site of disease causing empyema. If no exudate can be secondary to other disease, such as dental infection, may
obtained, 10–20 ml of sterile, isotonic saline solution result in inaccurate diagnosis.
should be instilled into the sinus and aspirated (Fig. 14.1). The ventral conchal sinus is frequently the compartment
Identifying a single bacterial species during cytological of the paranasal sinuses in which exudate becomes inspis-
examination of the exudate or culturing a single bacterial sated,4 and a large volume of inspissated exudate within this
species from the exudate indicates that the empyema is prob- compartment usually signifies that the empyema is caused
ably caused by primary bacterial infection.3 If empyema is by primary infection (authors’ observation).
caused by periapical dental infection or an orosinus fistula, Empyema of the paranasal sinuses caused by periapical
multiple types of bacterial colonies are identified, and plant dental disease (i.e., dental sinusitis) is frequently associated
material can sometimes be seen in the exudate. with a necrotic odor because periapical dental infection is
14 Diagnosis
Fig. 14.2 Rhinoscopic image of the right caudal middle meatus showing
exudate exiting the ‘drainage angle’ of the right paranasal sinuses.
DCB, dorsal conchal bone; VCB, ventral conchal bone; DA, drainage angle;
NS, nasal septum.
Ancillary diagnostic techniques
Fig. 14.5 Rhinoscopic image of the right nasal cavity showing a granuloma
VCB associated with an oro-nasal fistula in the ventral meatus. VCB, ventral
conchal bone; NS, nasal septum; NG, nasal granuloma.
Fig. 14.3 Rhinoscopic image of the left middle meatus of a horse with a
squamous cell carcinoma growing through the nasomaxillary aperture
The primary role of sinoscopy in the investigation of dental
obscuring the drainage angle and middle meatus. DCB, dorsal conchal
bone; VCB, ventral conchal bone; NS, nasal septum; SCC, squamous cell disease is to rule out other causes of paranasal sinusitis.
carcinoma. Sinoscopy enables the interior of the paranasal sinuses to be
visualized, aiding in the diagnosis of many conditions of the
paranasal sinuses, such as primary sinusitis and the presence
of a mass.
Most of the structures within the paranasal sinuses can be
examined endoscopically, using a flexible, video- or fiberop-
tic endoscope with the horse standing. Although a rigid
arthroscope can also be used, it provides an inferior field of
view because it is unable to navigate around structures such
as the infra-orbital canal, making good visualization of some
structures within the sinuses difficult.
In preparation for sinoscopy, the horse is restrained in a
stock and sedated, usually with detomidine (0.01–0.02 mg/
kg, IV or 0.03–0.04 mg/kg, IM) or xylazine (0.5–1.0 mg/kg,
IV or IM) and butorphanol tartrate (0.02–0.05 mg/kg, IV)
VCB or morphine (0.15 mg/kg, IV; see Ch. 15, Restraint and
anesthesia). After the horse is sedated, its head can be sup-
ported on a stand or small table so that the site for trephina-
tion is at a comfortable level for the surgeon. The sites at
which the endoscopic portals are to be created are prepared
for surgery and desensitized by subcutaneous instillation of
2–3 ml of local anesthetic solution. A portal for insertion of
the endoscope is created through a 2- to 3-cm, longitudinal,
skin and periosteal incision. A portal through the frontal or
FM maxillary bone created with a 3/8-inch (9.5-mm) to 5/8-
inch (1.6-cm) Galt trephine or drill bit accommodates the
insertion tube of most endoscopes and allows for quick
Fig. 14.4 Rhinoscopic image of the right nasal cavity showing retrieval of the endoscope, if necessary (Fig. 14.6). The cuta-
accumulation of food in the ventral meatus. VCB, ventral conchal bone; neous incision is sutured or stapled after sinoscopy has been
NS, nasal septum; FM, food material. completed. The periosteum is left unsutured.
14 Diagnosis
Ancillary diagnostic techniques
Fig. 14.9 Sinoscopic view in the left caudal maxillary sinus showing the Fig. 14.10 Sinoscopic view of the left caudal maxillary sinus showing
entrance to the sphenopalatine sinus (arrow). ET, intra-sinus portion of the edema of the mucosa overlying an apical infection of the 5th maxillary
ethmoidal turbinates; CMS, caudal maxillary sinus; IOC, infraorbital canal. cheek tooth (probe). CMS, caudal maxillary sinus; IOC, infraorbital canal.
or older.14 Damage to an apex of a cheek tooth is unlikely include the apex of the 4th cheek tooth (Triadan 09) and a
when using a conchofrontal or caudal maxillary approach. portion of the 3rd and 5th cheek teeth (Triadan 08 and 10),
The respiratory mucosa of the paranasal sinuses should be the long, slit-like conchomaxillary aperture (i.e., the entrance
pink, and its vasculature should be visible. The sinuses to the ventral conchal sinus), and occasionally, the rostro-
should contain little or no fluid. The presence of purulent maxillary portion of the nasomaxillary aperture. Visualiza-
exudate, even a small amount, is abnormal. If visualizing tion of the apices of the 3rd and 4th cheek teeth (Triadan
structures within the paranasal sinuses is difficult because a 08 and 09) through either of the portals in the maxillary
large volume of exudate is present within the sinuses, the bone into the rostral maxillary sinus is comparable to that
sinuses should be lavaged with normal saline solution once achieved through the conchofrontal portal. Because of its
or twice daily for one or two days before sinoscopy is small size, the rostral maxillary sinus is more difficult to
performed. evaluate endoscopically than are the caudal maxillary and
The interior of the conchofrontal and caudal maxillary conchofrontal sinuses. The rostral maxillary sinus of young
sinuses can be visualized directly through the portal in the horses is especially difficult to evaluate because the reserve
frontal bone. Structures that can be identified within the crowns of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th cheek teeth (Triadan 08–10)
conchofrontal sinus include the scroll-like surface of occupy most of the sinus. The size of the maxillary sinuses
the ethmoturbinates, located at the caudomedial aspect of increases, and the apices of the cheek teeth become less
the frontal sinus, and the frontomaxillary aperture located prominent as horses age because of the perpetual extru
directly below the endoscopic portal (Fig. 14.7). Structures sion and rostral migration of the reserve crowns of the
observed within the caudal maxillary sinus include the max- cheek teeth.
illary septum, which marks the rostral boundary of the Sinoscopic findings specific to dental sinusitis include a
caudal maxillary sinus; the opening of the nasomaxillary swollen and hyperemic apex of an alveolus (Figs 14.10 &
aperture, formed by floor of the dorsal conchal sinus and 14.11), an orosinus fistula (Fig. 14.12), food material within
maxillary septum, at the rostral aspect of the frontomaxillary the sinuses (Fig. 14.13), and an apical granuloma
aperture; the apices of the 5th and 6th cheek teeth (Triadan (Fig. 14.14). Mycotic sinusitis can be primary, or it can occur
10 and 11); the infraorbital canal coursing caudally from the secondary to chronic bacterial sinusitis, such as that caused
caudal aspect of the caudal maxillary sinus to the maxillary by apical infection of a cheek tooth. It can also occur after
septum; and the entrance of the sphenopalatine sinus medial sinonasal fenestration (Fig. 14.15).7,11 Findings during sino
to the caudal aspect of the infraorbital canal (Fig. 14.9). scopy, such as generalized mucosal thickening and edema,
These same structures can also be observed through the petechial hemorrhages, and inspissated exudate, are fre-
portal into the caudal maxillary sinus created in the maxil- quently non-specific, and although confirming the presence
lary bone ventral to the eye, but visualization of some struc- of sinusitis, do not allow determination of its cause (Fig.
tures in the ventral conchal sinus and the rostral maxillary 14.16). Other diagnostic modalities, such as radiography,1,15
sinus, such as the apices of the 3rd and 4th cheek teeth scintigraphy,16 and computed tomography,17 as discussed in
(Triadan 08 and 09) and the entrance of the sphenopalatine detail in Chapter 13, are often required to confirm a diag-
sinus, is more difficult. nosis of dental sinusitis. Because dental sinusitis is frequently
Structures that can be observed through the portals into chronic, the mucosa is often grossly thickened,18 preventing
the rostral maxillary sinus created in the maxillary bone accurate identification of the affected tooth by sinoscopy.
14 Diagnosis
Fig. 14.11 Sinoscopic view of the rostral maxillary sinus, after fenestration Fig. 14.13 Sinoscopic view of the rostral maxillary sinus after fenestration
of the ventral conchal bulla, showing edema of the mucosa overlying an of the ventral conchal bulla of a horse with an oro-sinus fistula. The rostral
apically infected 4th maxillary cheek tooth (arrow) and exudate (E) maxillary sinus contains small amounts of food (arrow).
associated with the infection.
Fig. 14.12 Sinoscopic view into the rostral maxillary sinus after fenestration Fig. 14.14 Sinoscopic view of the left caudal maxillary sinus showing an
of the ventral conchal bulla. The probe (P) is placed on the apex of the 4th apical granuloma overlying an apical infection of the 5th maxillary cheek
maxillary cheek tooth (CT). The overlying alveolar bone has been eroded. tooth (arrow). CMS, caudal maxillary sinus; IOC, infraorbital canal.
A chronic oro-sinus fistula (not seen in this view) provided a direct channel
for food to enter the sinuses.
Ancillary diagnostic techniques
Fig. 14.15 Sinoscopic view of a mycotic plaque (MP) associated with an Fig. 14.16 Sinoscopic view of the right caudal maxillary sinus of a horse
apical dental infection and chronic sinusitis. IOC, infraorbital canal. with chronic sinusitis secondary to apical infection of a maxillary cheek
tooth. The mucosa is edematous and contains petechia. Inspissated exudate
lies on the floor of the sinus.
1. Gibbs C, Lane JG. Radiographic 7. Tremaine WH, Dixon PM. A long-term 13. Freeman DE. Sinus Disease. Veterinary
investigation of the facial, nasal and study of 277 cases of equine sinonasal clinics of North America: equine practice
paranasal sinus regions of the horse: II. disease. Part 1: Details of horses, 2003; 19: 209–243
Radiological findings. Equine Vet J 1987; historical, clinical and ancillary 14. Barakzai SZ, Kane-Smyth J, Lowles J,
19: 474–492 diagnostic findings. Equine Vet J 2001; Townsend N. Trephination of the equine
2. Ruggles AJ, Ross MW, Freeman DE. 33: 274–282 rostral maxillary sinus: efficacy and safety
Endoscopic examination of normal 8. Newton JR, Verheyen K, Talbot NC, et al. of two trephine sites. Veterinary Surgery
paranasal sinuses in horses. Veterinary Control of strangles outbreaks by 2008; 37: 278–282
Surgery 1991; 20: 418–423 isolation of guttural pouch carriers 15. Wyn-Jones G. Interpreting radiographs 6:
3. Laverty S, Pascoe JR. Sinusitis. In: identified using PCR and culture of Radiology of the equine head (Part 2).
Robinson NE. Current therapy in equine Streptococcus equi. Equine Vet J 2000; Equine veterinary Journal 1985; 17:
medicine, 4th edn. WB Saunders, 32: 515–526 417–425
Philadelphia, 1997, pp 419–422 9. Mason BJE. Empyema of the equine 16. Weller R, Livesey L, Maierl J, et al.
4. Schumacher J, Honnas C, Smith B. paranasal sinuses. Journal of American Comparison of radiography and
Paranasal sinusitis complicated by Veterinary Medical Association 1975; scintigraphy in the diagnosis of dental
inspissated exudate in the ventral conchal 167: 727–731 disorders in the horse. Equine Vet J 2001:
sinus. Veterinary Surgery 1987; 16: 10. Mackintosh ME, Colles CM. Anaerobic 33: 49–58
373–377 bacteria associated with abscesses in the 17. Henninger W, Frame EM, Willmann M, et
5. Ruggles AJ, Ross MW, Freeman DE. horse and donkey. Equine Vet J 1987; 19: al. CT features of alveolitis and sinusitis
Endoscopic examination and treatment 360–362 in horses. Veterinary Radiology and
of paranasal sinus disease in 16 Horses. 11. McGorum BC, Dixon PM, Lawson GHK. Ultrasound 2003; 44: 269–276
Veterinary Surgery 1993; 22: 508–514 A review of ten cases of mycotic rhinitis. 18. Tremaine WH, Clarke CJ, Dixon PM.
6. Mansmann RA, Wheat JD. The diagnosis Equine Veterinary Education 1992; 4: Histopathological findings in equine
and treatment of equine upper 8–12 sinonasal disorders. Equine Vet J 1999;
respiratory diseases. In: Proceedings of 12. Lane JG. The management of sinus 31: 296–303
the 18th Annual Convention of the disorders of horses – Part 1. Equine
American Association of Equine Veterinary Education 1993; 5: 5–9
Practitioners. Lexington, KY, 1973,
pp 388–487
Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 15
Dental restraint and anesthesia
Tom Doherty MVB, MSc, MRCVS, Dipl ACVA, James Schumacher DVM, MS,
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
TN 77901-1071, USA
15 Treatment
Fig. 15.3 The infraorbital foramen is located by placing a thumb (or middle
finger) in the notch formed by the nasal bone and premaxilla and the
middle finger (or thumb) on the rostral aspect of the facial crest. The
foramen can be palpated with the index finger halfway between 1 and
3 cm caudal to an imaginary line connecting the thumb and middle finger
after elevating the ventral margin of levator labii superioris muscle with the
index finger.
Dental restraint and anesthesia
Fig. 15.4 (A) To anesthetize the mandibular nerve, a 20- to 22-gauge, 6–8-inch (15.2–20.3-cm) spinal needle is inserted at the ventral border of the ramus,
just rostral to the angle of the mandible and aimed dorsally, along the medial aspect of the vertical ramus of the mandible, toward the mandibular foramen.
15–20 ml of local anesthetic solution is deposited. (B) The mandibular foramen is located at a point where an imaginary line that extends along and caudal
to the occlusal surface of the mandibular cheek teeth intersects with another imaginary line that passes from the lateral canthus of the eye perpendicular to
the first line.
15 Treatment
Fig. 15.7 The site of centesis of the caudal pouch of the dorsal
compartment of the TM joint is located midway between 14 and 12 inch
(0.64–1.3 cm) caudal to an imaginary line connecting the mandibular
Fig. 15.6 The mental foramen can be palpated with an index finger on the condyle and the zygomatic process. The needle is inserted in a rostral and
lateral aspect of the horizontal ramus of the mandible in the interalveolar ventral direction to a depth of about 1 inch (2.5 cm), and 2–3 ml of local
space directly below the commissure of the lips by elevating the tendon of anesthetic solution is infused into the pouch.
the depressor labii inferioris muscle with the index finger. To anesthetize the
mandibular alveolar nerve, a 21- or 22-gauge, 1 12 -inch (3.8-cm) needle is
inserted into the mandibular canal about 12 inch (1.3 cm) rostral to the Analgesia of the temporomandibular joint
mental foramen after elevating the tendon of the depressor labii inferioris
muscle. Analgesia of the temporomandibular (TM) joint is some-
times used for diagnostic purposes, e.g., to determine if a TM
joint is infected or if disease of one or both TM joints could
anesthetic solution must be instilled into the mandibular be the cause of clinical signs of disease displayed by the
canal. Anesthetizing either the mental nerve at the mental horse. The TM joint is the articulation between the base of
foramen or the mandibular alveolar nerve within the man- the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the man-
dibular canal is termed a mental nerve block. dibular condyle of the mandible.2 A fibrocartilaginous disc
The mental foramen is located on the lateral aspect of the separates the joint into a large, dorsal compartment, with a
horizontal ramus of the mandible in the interalveolar space rostral and caudal pouch, and a smaller ventral compart-
directly below the commissure of the lips (Fig. 15.6). The ment. Whether or not the dorsal and ventral compartments
mental foramen lies beneath the tendon of the depressor communicate is disputed.2,3
labii inferioris muscle, and so to palpate the ridge of the The mandibular condyle is palpated as a smooth protru-
mental foramen, this tendon must be elevated dorsally. To sion approximately midway between the base of the ear and
anesthetize the mandibular alveolar nerve within the rostral the lateral canthus of the eye. Its identity can be confirmed
aspect of the mandibular canal, a 21- or 22-gauge, 1 1 2 -inch by palpating the protrusion while an assistant moves the
(3.8-cm) needle is inserted through the skin about 1 2 inch mandible. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone is
(1.3 cm) rostral to the mental foramen after elevating the identified several centimeters dorsal to the mandibular
tendon of the depressor labii inferioris muscle. Creating a condyle. The site of centesis of the caudal pouch of the dorsal
bend in the shaft of the needle aids its insertion. The needle compartment is located midway between and 1 4 to 1 2 inch
is inserted into the mandibular canal as far as possible, and (0.64 to 1.3 cm) caudal to an imaginary line connecting
5–10 ml of anesthetic solution is deposited. these structures (Fig. 15.7).3 The needle is inserted at this site,
Filling the mandibular canal with a large volume of local with the horse sedated, in a rostral and ventral direction to
anesthetic solution (i.e., >10 ml) likely desensitizes all the a depth of about 1 inch (2.5 cm). Fluid may fill the hub of
same structures that the mandibular nerve block desensitizes the needle when the needle is inserted into the pouch. The
because the local anesthetic solution anesthetizes the man- pouch is infused with 2–3 ml of local anesthetic solution.
dibular alveolar nerve as far caudally as the mandibular Even if the dorsal and ventral compartments do not com-
foramen. The mental nerve block is tolerated poorly by the municate, the local anesthetic solution likely diffuses into the
horse because the point of the needle inevitably contacts the ventral compartment in sufficient concentration to provide
mandibular alveolar nerve directly. analgesia of structures contained within that compartment.
1. Fletcher BW. How to perform effective 2. Weller R, Taylor S, Maierl J, et al. 3. Rosenstein DS, Bullock MF, Ocello PJ,
equine dental nerve blocks. In Ultrasonographic anatomy of the equine et al. Arthrocentesis of the
Proceedings, 50th Annual Convention of temporomandibular joint. Equine Vet J temporomandibular joint in adult horses.
American Association of Equine 1999; 31: 529–532 Am J Vet Res 2001; 62: 729–733
Practitioners 2004; 233–236
Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 16
Equine dental equipment, supplies
and instrumentation
Jack Easley† DVM, MS Diplomate ABVP (Equine), Bayard A. Rucker* DVM
Equine Veterinary Practice, LLC, Shelbyville, KY 40066 , USA
*309 Overlook Drive, Lebanon VA 24266 , USA
16 Treatment
Fig. 16.3 An electric golf cart converted to a mobile equine dental station
Fig. 16.1 Portable horses’ stocks or crush. (A) This stocks pulls in-line
(T.A. Banner, DVM, Gainesville, FL, USA).
behind a vehicle. The chest and butt bars, head stand, and sides are
hydraulically adjustable. (B) This stocks pulls on its side and is rotated off its
trailer for setup. The extended overhead bar attached to the suspension
halter keeps the head stable with the mouth speculum in place.
especially in geriatric horses. Suspending the head with two
ropes provides greater stability, but a practitioner working
with few assistants may find a single rope with a quick
often, heavy padding, as well as a washable cover on
release device more manageable. For more restraint and
which the mandible can rest.4 Many stands are designed
handling recommendations, consult Chapters 12, 15, 17,
with attachments for holding equipment and dental
and 18.
There are a variety of manufactured, rigid dental halters
available. However, practitioners themselves are quite Oral examination equipment (Box 16.2)
inventive in developing restraint devices and homemade
halters, depending on individual preference and need. Various types of equipment may be used to conduct a thor
The full-mouth speculum used may determine the type of ough dental examination. The horse’s overall health status
rigid halter used, as the larger specula do not fit inside should be evaluated, and a stethoscope and thermometer
some rigid halters. Some mouth specula have been modified should be available. Continuing the examination process,
to accommodate suspension devices by incorporating a the mouth must be held open to allow a complete visual
metal arch over the nose piece of the speculum for rope and digital examination. A halter with an oversized nose
attachment (Fig. 16.6). Suspending the head with the specu band allows the horse to fully open its mouth for inspection
lum nose band is convenient, but if the horse moves rear and treatment.
ward, the speculum can be pulled off the head and/or the A bucket is needed to hold floats and disinfectant. Stain
poll can be over-extended. This can damage incisors, less steel is the usual veterinary choice, but plastic has its
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
Fig. 16.4 (A) Fully functional equine dental trailer designed to transport equipment and service as a climate controlled workstation with warm water and
electricity. (B) Loading end of a dental trailer complete with adjustable stocks. (C) Interior of dental trailer with horse in stocks. The mouth is open and head
stabilized on a stand. The operator is seated in a comfortable position to perform dental work.
advantages: for example, using a plastic bucket results guards, restrainers, or liners for float blade protection (Fig.
in less noise when an instrument is dropped into the 16.7). Using a tray or table, rather than dropping small
bucket. Some practitioners place a rubber insert on the instruments into a bucket, prevents breakage and dulling
bottom of the stainless steel bucket to cushion the instru sharp edges of expensive and brittle tungsten carbide float
ments. Many instrument companies offer a variety of blades.
16 Treatment
Fig. 16.6 McPherson type speculum.This is the most popular and least
expensive type of equine speculum. The stainless steel models are more
durable and easier to clean than the nickel-plated cast iron devices. A metal
nose bar has been added for attachment to a rope to suspend the head
from an overhead support. The ratchet on this type of speculum has limited
adjustments and can be difficult to open. The hinge is close to the incisor
plates (18–20 cm) and does not allow a comfortable fit for large breed
horses (over 800 kg). This speculum comes in a small size for ponies and
miniature horses. Various incisor and gum plates are available, which makes Fig. 16.7 Stainless steel bucket with a rubber lined bottom. PVC tube liners
it quite versatile for use in horses with incisor damage or malocclusions. separate and protect float blades.
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
Fig. 16.8 Nylon 400 cc, blunt tipped, dosing syringe used to flush the
mouth prior to oral examination. Fig. 16.10 Three diameters of heavy duty plastic tubing. The tube is placed
in the interdental space as a gag when working on incisor teeth.
Fig. 16.9 Oral irrigation unit with two types of nozzles modified to attach Fig. 16.11 One-sided, wedge-shaped mouth gag made from a block of
to any water outlet. This unit was fabricated from mechanic compressed air neoprene. This type of gag is safe for use while working on the incisor teeth.
blower parts.
16 Treatment
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
Fig. 16.17 Stubbs equine dental light. This bright, battery-powered unit
attaches to a headband, dental basket type retractor, and/or a rigid shaft
Fig. 16.15 Stubbs screw mechanism, full mouth speculum with elastic pole dental mirror.
straps. This speculum is easy to open and has infinite adjustments. The
central screw can be rotated from side to side giving good access to all
areas of the mouth.
16 Treatment
Fig. 16.18 A 4 cm, long-ridged shaft dental mirror with a 35° angled head.
This instrument can also be used as a buccal and lingual retractor.
Fig. 16.19 Portable oral endoscopy equipment. This complete system can
spray designed for reading glasses can be helpful in eliminat be used to visualize the oral cavity and document findings with still digital
ing this problem. Most mirrors need to be set at a 35°–45° images or video recordings. System contents: 1) rigid (at least 40 cm long)
angle to their handles to allow adequate visualization around laparoscope with a 35–90° wide angle lens; 2) 150 watt halogen light source
the cheek teeth. A long, ridged shaft allows the mirror to be and camera receiver unit; 3) single chip video camera with a focusing
used as a soft tissue retractor (Fig. 16.18). laparoscope adapter, and 200 cm long coaxial cable; 4) fiberoptic cable
200 cm long; 5) still digital image capture device; 6) digital video recorder,
camera; and 7) flat LCD screen for viewing image.
Once potential dental abnormalities are identified, imaging blades produce less vibration than grit blades. Their use may
modalities, such as radiographs and ultrasound, may be allow the practitioner to decrease the amount of sedation
used to gain more information about the problem at hand. required. These blades historically have been relatively
A rigid endoscope, digital camera, and/or video recording expensive, but they are so effective and efficient that many
equipment can be used to identify and record lesions practitioners now use them. Most blades originally consisted
and document the performance of various procedures6 of a tungsten carbide rasp blade bonded to a plate of stain
(Fig. 16.19). This documentation is a useful record of care less steel, variably sized to fit the desired float head. More
and can be used to educate clients and other veterinarians. recently, tungsten blades have been directly bonded with
(See Ch. 12.) adhesive or strong magnets to the float head or shaft, result
ing in a slimmer float design. Most carbide blades cut in only
Dental floating equipment one direction, so care must be taken to ensure that they are
properly set on the float to cut either on the push or pull,
depending on the desired use. For working on the 11s,
Manual floats blades should be set to cut on the pull, because if the blade
Manual floats continue to be widely used in equine den slips off these teeth on the push, the blade will strike the
tistry. The variety of blades, heads, shafts and handles caudal end of the mouth.
currently available to practitioners is extremely useful in Tungsten carbide blades range in classification from
performing prophylactic procedures. The most durable and ultrafine to coarse, with each manufacturer having individ
aggressive float blades are made from solid tungsten carbide. ual scales of aggressiveness. The finer (less aggressive) blades
For many years, float blades with tungsten carbide chips stay sharp longer and can be resharpened more times than
have been used as abrasives. The process for combining the coarser (more aggressive) blades. Most blade manufac
tungsten with carbon was discovered in the 1920s. Tungsten turers offer an economical sharpening service to practition
carbide is very hard, making it a better cutting agent than ers. In general, the fine and medium blades are best for
the previously used steel files. Carbide chips come in several general floating, while the coarse blades are reserved for
sizes, with the small to medium grits being the most versa reducing large overgrowths. Though these blades are sharp,
tile. Solid carbide float blades, usually a combination of the teeth of the blades are brittle, so one should handle them
tungsten, carbon, and cobalt, remove tooth material much with care. Since different parts of the blade act as the cutting
more easily than carbide grit. These blades are made from a area when used in different handles, blades can be switched
powder that is compressed into the blade shape, and then to different handles as they become dull in order to get
sharpened. They are smoother because they shave off a layer additional use before they need to be resharpened. It is,
of tooth. Fine to medium blades are better than coarse however, important to recognize when a blade is completely
blades and are more resistant to chipping. Solid carbide spent and needs to be sharpened or replaced.
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
16 Treatment
Fig. 16.22 A set of manual equine dental floats with stainless steel, flat shafts, and rounded neoprene handles. Both direct bonded and interchangeable
solid tungsten carbide blades are used with this set.
Fig. 16.23 Table rasps with 40 cm long shafts, curved, carbide chip coated
convex concave blades.
Fig. 16.24 Sedated horse in stocks with head supported in a rigid halter,
suspended from a rope with a quick release friction lock, attached to an
• Having some floats with a pistol grip, rather than an overhead hook. A McPherson type speculum in place with a Powerlite
inline grip, reduces strain on the wrist that occurs when attached to the upper incisor plate, illuminating the mouth. The battery
floats are held in the same position on every float. operated Powerfloat is used to reduce dental elongations. The veterinarian
• Smaller float blades (2.5 cm × 2.5 cm) work best in the wears examination gloves, goggles for eye protection, a dust filtering mask,
and ear plugs.
caudal end of the arcades. Blades glued to the float are
slim and best for 111 and 211 teeth.
• Long, straight floats may have the blade slightly
equine dentistry has generated controversy, but when used
elevated from the handle by the thickness of the blade
or raised from the handle by an offset. correctly, they allow for precise corrective procedures with
minimal soft-tissue trauma. Proper safety precautions for
• Right angle offsets are difficult to use on the upper
both the operator and the horse should be exercised
molar arcades and are generally used for premolar
contouring. (Fig. 16.24). Since more tooth can be removed with less
physical exertion on the part of the operator, excessive crown
• Flat-shafted handles, three-quarter round handles, and
removal and even pulpar exposure has occurred in some
pistol grip handles immediately let the operator know
the blade angle on the teeth. cases. Operators should be especially observant when these
instruments are being used.7–10
• The blade should have blunt corners to prevent soft
Motorized floats come in three basic designs: 1) cable-
tissue injury.
operated, rotating burrs in line with the float shaft (with
or without an articulating head); 2) rotating discs turned
Power instruments 90° to the shaft; and 3) reciprocating floats. They can be
electric, battery, or pneumatic powered. All AC-powered
Motorized equine dental instruments were first used in floats should always be on a stationary Ground Fault
Germany in the 1930s.5 The use of power instruments in Circuit Interrupter or plugged into portable Ground Fault
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
Fig. 16.25 Guarded diamond dust equine dental burrs used with a flexible cable motor. (A) Various inline guarded burr heads for reducing dental
overgrowths. (B) Guarded diamond burrs with quick release, medium length shafts. (C) Long shaft, diamond dust, guarded burrs for reducing dental
overgrowths in the caudal aspect of the equine oral cavity.
Interrupter to prevent electrical shock. A variable speed comprises a 2.5 cm tungsten carbide chip disk that rotates
regulator with a handle trigger or foot pedal controller is horizontally at the end of a 45-cm long shaft. This low-profile
helpful to prevent excessive crown reduction and minimize power instrument can be used for numerous corrective pro
soft tissue damage. cedures, including caudal 11 overgrowths in small ponies.
Rotary cable floats are quite effective in removing sharp The Horsepower hand piece is modified to fit the Dremel or
enamel points and reducing overgrowths. Some motorized Fordon motor with a flexible shaft drive.
equipment still uses Dremel motors. However, the Dremel, Many reciprocating floats are electric or battery-powered
a type of rotary cable grinder, should not be used for equine and are modifications of woodwork power saws, varying in
dental work due to the electric shock hazard of working in stroke length and strokes per minute. Several manufacturers
a moist environment (i.e., the mouth). (Note: Dremel does (Stubbs, Olsen and Silk, and Carbide products) make pneu
not recommend nor offer warranty for the use of any of their matic reciprocating floats that make short strokes at high
tools in equine dentistry.1) Several manufacturers have speed. Some operators have developed hand problems
various lengths of guards and extensions to facilitate good caused by the vibration of pneumatic floats, and it is sug
control and minimize soft-tissue damage in all areas of the gested that antivibration gloves be worn when performing
oral cavity. Some instruments have built-in vacuum systems corrective procedures with these floats. Most of these instru
that reduce the operator’s exposure to dental dust and ments have a thin carbide blade bonded to the shaft, similar
improve visibility. Other units may have irrigation systems to those used on some manual floats (Fig. 16.28). Long-
that reduce dust and decrease the risk of thermal damage to stroke reciprocating floats are also available and are used
the teeth. Some units contain both a light source and an to reduce excess crowns and sharp enamel points. Long-
irrigation system. A built-in clutch makes these units safer stroke reciprocating floats should not be used on the third
for the horse, and decreases the incidence of cable breakage. molars due to risk of iatrogenic mandibular or soft-tissue
Solid tungsten, rotary-powered burrs are available in a trauma. A polymer lubricant used with reciprocating pneu
variety of cutting teeth and degrees of coarseness. A fine, matic instruments reduces heat produced by friction and
cross-cut burr does not tend to jump off the tooth during airborne dust.
rasping, as is often the case with spiral-cut burrs. Burrs or Factors to consider with motorized equipment:
grinding drums, coated with fine carbide grit or diamond
chips, are available in a variety of shapes (Fig. 16.25). • If used improperly, all motorized floats can overheat
Disk burr instruments have become increasingly popular teeth to the point of pulp damage. Lower speeds in the
as they are less apt than rotary burrs to damage the soft tissues 2000 to 3000 r.p.m. range are preferred because higher
inside the oral cavity. Additionally, it appears to be easier for speed rotation produces heat faster. (Note: use light
an operator to master the use of disk type motorized instru pressure on the float, keep it moving.)
ments. These instruments are manufactured with various • Irrigation eliminates thermal damage, but care has to
lengths of shafts and run from fixed electric or battery- be taken to prevent electric shock. Irrigation also
powered drills or flexible shaft motors (Fig. 16.26). Instru reduces dust, and suction helps remove both dust and
ment head design and thickness vary between manufacturers. excess water. (Note: irrigation fluid can freeze in colder
The cutting surface of the disk is made from solid tungsten climates.)
carbide, fine carbide grit, or diamond dust. Examples of these • To prevent inhalation of dental dust, a mask should be
instruments include the Eisenhut Swissfloat, the PowerFloat, worn when using the visual method for floating or
and the Horsepower hand piece. The Eisenhut consists of a when incisors are being leveled.
hand-held electric drill motor with a 4-cm, circular, stainless • Cable grinders should have a clutch to prevent soft
steel, carbide or diamond disk that rotates horizontally at tissue damage in case a burr contacts and pulls in
the end of a shaft that comes in three difference lengths up either cheek or tongue. A clutch also prevents cable
to 65 cm (Fig. 16.27). This instrument is useful in reducing breakage if the horse bites down on the burr.
caudal mandibular overgrowths even in large horses due in • Disk tools should have a clutch to prevent motor
large part to the length of its shaft.10 The PowerFloat damage if the horse bites the disk.
16 Treatment
Fig. 16.27 (A) The Swissfloat with right angle disk burr comes with three different length shafts. (B) Close-up of a Swissfloat diamond disk float head.
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
16 Treatment
Fig. 16.30 (A) Set of long shaft equine dental picks, probes, scales, and periodontal forceps. (B) Calibrated periodontal probes. (C) Dental scalers. (D) Dental
picks. (E) Periodontal forceps. (F) Heavy gauge dental picks.
Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
Fig. 16.32 Portable equine dental system with elongated hand pieces.
This system is powered by compressed air. The unit contains an air abrasion
unit as well as a low-speed and high-speed dental drill, water irrigation, and
Fig. 16.31 (A) A high pressure dental irrigation unit made from a 4 L
garden sprayer with a battery-powered bilge pump that delivers 65 p.s.i.
(B) The right angle nozzle can reach between cheek teeth to clean
periodontal pockets.
16 Treatment
1. Allen T, Johnson T, Miller RO. Safety Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, Proceedings of 48th Annual Convention
issues and restraint procedures. In: Allen 2002, pp 25–52 of American Association of Equine
T, ed. Manual of equine dentistry. Mosby, 5. Fahrenkrug P. The history and future of Practitioners, 2002, pp 438–441
St Louis, 2003, pp 43–48 equine dental care in: Proceedings North 10. Kempson SA, Davidson ME, Dacre IT.
2. Scrutchfield, WL, Easley, KJ, Morton K. American Veterinary Conference, The effect of three types of rasps on the
Equine dental equipment, supplies Orlando, 2005, pp 151–154 occlusal surface of equine cheek teeth: a
and instrumentation. In: Baker GJ, 6. Easley J. How to perform and interpret scanning electron study. J Veterinary
Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry, 2nd edn. an endoscopic examination of the equine Dent 2003; 19–27
Elsevier, 2005, ch. 15, pp 205– oral cavity. Am Assoc Eq Pract 11. Pence P, Basile T. Dental infection in
292 Proceedings 2008; (54): 383–385 equine dentistry. In: Pence P, ed. Equine
3. Schultze W, Allen T, Mitz C, Johnson T. 7. Greene S. Equine dental advances. Equine dentistry: a practical guide. Lippincott,
Dental tools and equipment. In: Allen T, Practice 2001; 17(2): 319–334 Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia,
ed. Manual of equine dentistry. Mosby, 8. Dacre KJP, Dacre IT, Dixon PM. 2002, pp 209–229
St Louis, 2003, pp 17–41 Motorized equine dental equipment. 12. Allen T. Other procedures. In: Allen T, ed.
4. Pence P. Dental equipment in equine Eq Vet Edu 2002; 4(5): 337–340 Manual of equine dentistry. Mosby, St
dentistry. In: Pence P, ed. Equine 9. Baker GJ, Allen ML. The use of power Louis, 2003, pp 157–173
dentistry: a practical guide. Lippincott, equipment in equine dentistry. In:
Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 17
Corrective dental procedures
Jack Easley DVM, MS, Diplomate ABVP (Equine)
Equine Veterinary Practice, LLC, Shelbyville, KY 40066, USA
17 Treatment
Fig. 17.1 Performing dentistry by feel. The horse is restrained with its head
and mouth at chest level to the veterinarian. This method allows the
practitioner to remain standing with correct posture for dental work.
Fig. 17.2 Performing visual dentistry. The horse is restrained with its head
elevated, and the veterinarian is working while seated in front of the horse.
Corrective dental procedures
Fig. 17.3 Proper positioning of the back molar float with a slim 15° upper
obtuse head. The carbide blade should always be set to cut on the pull Fig. 17.4 A short-shafted float with a 20° downward obtuse head. This area
stroke when using this float in the back of the mouth. of the dental arcade can be more easily floated without the speculum in
17 Treatment
Corrective dental procedures
Fig. 17.8 Wolf teeth come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
Fig. 17.7 A short-shaft float with offset head is used to create the ‘bit seat’.
This float can be easily used over the incisor plates of a McPherson-type full
mouth speculum.
17 Treatment
Fig. 17.10 Local anesthetic (1–2 ml) administered around the wolf tooth
with a small gauge needle on a short extension set attached to a lure lock
Corrective dental procedures
17 Treatment
Corrective dental procedures
Fig. 17.14 (A) Severe tartar accumulation (calculus) on 304. (B) Calculus has been removed revealing the tooth crown that is no longer covered with
enamel. The gingival recession is severe. Radiographs revealed loss of crestal bone.
17 Treatment
Corrective dental procedures
proportion to the eruption rate of the involved tooth. Most lower M3 apical abscesses that were attributed to crown
teeth that develop hooks are in partial occlusion, and supere- reductions that damage the pulp horns.
ruption is seldom a factor in the rate of hook formation. The ‘Wave mouth’ is the term used to describe an undulating
length and table surface of premolar and molar hooks pattern usually involving the central portion of the dental
increase over time. Hooks alter mastication and place abnor- tables. This condition is seen in horses of any age. Waves
mal forces on the teeth and jaws. usually involve elongated lower 08s and 09s with corre-
Close and regular attention to malocclusions and abnor- spondingly worn, cupped-out, or decayed upper 08s, 09s, or
mal wear patterns, with timely correction, keeps elongations 10s. Waves can also form as a result of missing, misplaced,
from forming. Not all horses have routine dental care, and deviate, or rotated teeth in the opposing dental arcade.50 It
some develop large hooks over time. The position, size, and is important to assess the cause of a wave in order to develop
extent of the hook should be assessed, as should its mechan- a plan for management. Long teeth are seldom an isolated
ical effect on periodontal structures of the affected tooth and event in the mouth but they affect the pattern of mastication
opposing teeth. Additionally, the pattern of mastication and wear of all other teeth. It is important to note how many
should be taken into account. Some hooks are bilateral and teeth are involved in the protuberant area. Rarely is only a
symmetric to all four molar quadrants. Large hooks can have single tooth overgrown. The usual rate of dental eruption
a detrimental effect on the alignment of the incisor tables can be increased if the involved tooth is completely out of
from abnormal forces placed on the jaws. Small hooks that occlusion with the opposing teeth. Completely unopposed
consist mostly of enamel can be easily reduced with a carbide teeth have been seen to erupt at a rate of 0.5–2 cm a year,
float. Large hooks that consume a greater portion of the table two to four times the normal rate of eruption. Unopposed
surface contain a high percentage of dentin and are much teeth do not have the normal occlusal surface stimulation to
more difficult to rasp. Hooks can be narrow but quite long, form secondary dentin, so the sensitive pulp is often closer
as is the case in horses with slight malocclusions. Some to the occlusal surface. The most common wave seen is the
hooks comprise almost the entire tooth. This type of hook slowly progressing condition of aged horses. Infundibular
is more common in horses with missing or extra teeth in a enamel loss or central crown attrition reduces the upper
dental row. The hook should not be reduced below the level cheek teeth, and the wave may become quite tall as the
of the normal molar table surface. upper cheek teeth wear down to the root and eventually
Percussion instruments, both cutters and chippers, have become smooth (see Ch. 18).
been used successfully to reduce hooks. These instruments Slight wave formations of the dental table can be corrected
should be used with great caution and precision as teeth with a float or rasp. The horse’s mouth must be held open
have been broken, loosened, and/or repelled as a result. The with either a speculum or wedge to gain access to the table
most efficient and safest way to remove hooks is with the surface of the arcade. The use of tungsten carbide blades
use of motorized dental grinders. These instruments use makes small wave reduction easy, while power floats and/or
high-speed rotary burrs made of tungsten carbide or diamond grinders are often necessary to reduce extremely tall waves.
grit to grind down the tall crown surface of the tooth.32,33,52 When reducing a wave it is important not to take down the
Front hooks in the upper or lower arcade are usually entire molar table but only the portion involved in the elon-
reduced without difficulty. The cheeks and lips should be gation. Keep in mind that by reducing the crown height of
protected from the burr and visualization is aided by a good the involved teeth, this portion of the dental arcade is being
head light. Air or water should be used to reduce the amount taken out of occlusion. Thus, the masticatory forces are
of heat and dental dust generated when burring. Rear hooks increased on the adjacent teeth. Dental waves are easy to
are usually associated with a ramp or wave in the back of manage if the patient is seen on a regular basis and the
the mouth. It is helpful to reduce other elongations rostral crown height is maintained at a normal level.
to the hook before correction is attempted. The majority of Abnormal transverse ridges are actually tall wedges of
rear hooks can be reduced with a solid carbide blade enamel and surrounding hard tissues running buccolin-
mounted on a long-handled, straight float. The blade should gually across the occlusal surface of the tooth. These ridges
be set to cut on the pull stroke. The float is pushed to the are usually opposite a small diastema or narrow areas of
back of the mouth until it rests on the top of the hook. A excessive crown wear or fracture and should be reduced to
pull stroke is used to rasp the crown of the tooth. Small thin aid in therapy of the defect that occurs in the opposing
caudal hooks can be removed with an Equi-Chip. Several arcade. A table float or most any power tool can be used to
motorized instruments with 18–24 inch long guarded heads reduce the elevated portion of the ridge. These should not
have been successfully used to remove back hooks. Once the be confused with regular transverse ridges seen in young
hooks are reduced, forces placed on the jaws and the pattern horses (3–8 years of age).53 Regular transverse ridges serve
of mastication change. a purpose by increasing the surface area of the teeth and are
Incisor occlusion and lateral jaw excursion (EMC) should a normal feature in young horses. Normal ridges are not a
be evaluated before and after corrective procedures. A gradual continuation of the sharp enamel points that form on the
upward sloping at the end of the arcades is referred to as a buccal cingula of the upper cheek teeth. These ridges can be
ramp. Many horses have the caudal lower molars erupt in slightly contoured but no attempt should be made to reduce
the curve of the jaw. This is a normal anatomic feature in or flatten the table surface as this can damage the tooth and
some horses and these ramps should be carefully evaluated reduce its longevity. Excessive reduction of the table surface
before any crown reduction is undertaken. Special precau- has been known to bring the molar arcades completely out
tions should be taken if molar cutters are used to reduce rear of occlusion. Overzealous reduction of transverse ridges con-
hooks. The caudal pulp horns are easily opened when caudal tributes to the unfortunate practice of excessive and repeated
hooks are reduced. This author has seen several cases of incisor reductions.
17 Treatment
‘Shear mouth’ occurs when the occlusal table surfaces of between the incisor and molar arcades and the temporo-
the molar arcades are worn at an extremely steep angle mandibular joints. Before the incisor tables can be properly
(greater than 45°). When dental occlusion is symmetric balanced, the molar tables should be floated and wear
through a full range of jaw motion, the molar tables should abnormalities corrected. Horses are usually more sensitive
wear at an even 10–30° slope. When masticatory excursion in the incisor tooth area. Since incisor tooth corrective pro-
is limited on one or both sides, the teeth wear at an abnor- cedures are often the last to be performed, the horse may
mally steep angle. Horses with loose or painful teeth, jaw require sedation or resedation to complete the task of incisor
malalignment, severe periodontal disease, neurological reduction. For minor incisor work, a twitch may be used to
paralysis of the masticatory muscles, or temporomandibular restrain the horse for a short period of time.
joint problems that limit jaw motion in one direction, Horses with long incisor teeth have a malocclusion of the
develop shear mouth. Quite often, horses with shear mouth upper and lower jaws. The congenital defects termed parrot
will also exhibit masseter and temporalis muscle atrophy on mouth, monkey mouth, and wry nose are the most common
one or both sides. reason for these teeth rows to be out of occlusion. Some
Before correcting a shear mouth, the equine practitioner horses may develop a slight incisor overjet or underjet over
should attempt to identify and correct the underlying cause. time due to abnormal forces placed on the jaws from enlarg-
Any attempt at correction of the molar table angle abnormal- ing rostral 06 and caudal 11 hooks. These elongations, if
ity should be addressed only after certain factors are large, can force the lower jaw in a rostral or caudal direction,
considered: which leads to lack of wear on the portion of the incisor
tables that is out of occlusion (Fig. 17.17). The technique to
1. The condition has been present for an extended period
correct overlying long incisors involves reducing the exposed
of time and the muscles, ligaments, and joints have
crown height of the long teeth. It has been shown that no
remodeled to accommodate changed chewing patterns.
more than 3 mm should be removed at one time to prevent
2. Steep table angles may be accompanied by a long outer
pulp exposure and avoid drastic changes in the EMC. A
buccal edge of the upper arcade (up to 4 cm) and a
simple, logical method for determining how much incisor
very short palatal edge that may progress up into the
should be removed has been proposed. Based on this work
gum line. A corresponding long, sharp edge usually
using trigonometry and measuring lateral jaw excursion and
forms on the lower arcade.
incisor elevation, a fairly accurate estimate of incisor reduc-
3. The tall, scissor-like conformation of the dental arcades
tion can be determined.56,57 Another method often used is
may prevent opening the mouth wide enough to allow
estimating the distance in the interocclusal space. This has
visualization or instrumentation in the caudal portion
been defined as the distance between the occlusal surfaces
of the mouth.
of the upper and lower cheek teeth arcades. To estimate the
Correction of shear mouth should be attempted in stages, interocclusal space, the sedated horse’s head is elevated and
working on the horse’s mouth every 1–3 months for three– the cheek retracted. Using a penlight or other transillumina-
six visits. The scissor blade wear pattern on the cheek teeth tion device, the distance between the cheek teeth arcades can
prevents the operator from establishing a normal table angle be estimated.21
even if the tall portion of the crown is reduced to a more It has been shown that each 1 mm shortening of incisor
normal height. Working from the front of the mouth cau- length decreases the lateral jaw excursion to molar contact
dally, the molar tables can be contoured. Over time, the distance (EMC) by about 4 mm. EMC rarely increases fol-
muscles and joints adjust with mastication and many lowing removal of sharp enamel points, but may increase
affected horses enjoy more normal occlusion and comfort- after correction of a severe wave mouth or other major cheek
able masticatory function. This condition is irreversible in tooth elongations. Measuring EMC pre- and post-treatment
some horses, and associated dental pathology may be severe. enables one to return EMC to the original value after cheek
Many of these horses must be managed through dietary teeth corrections. Long incisor reductions have been per-
adjustments. formed using flexible shaft, cable grinding tools with solid
Abnormalities of incisors have been blamed for causing tungsten, carbide grit, or diamond grit burrs (Fig. 17.18).
difficult mastication and decreased performance. The inci- Diamond cut-off wheels, nippers, and forceps have been
sors are easy to observe and can be evaluated with less dif- used to remove large amounts of incisor crown, but these
ficulty than the cheek teeth. The oral examination, prior to tools can prove dangerous to the horse and operator. Rotary
any corrective procedures, should include evaluation of grinders with carbide burrs or fine carbide or diamond files
lateral jaw excursion to molar contact (EMC). Incisor abnor- are the preferred tools for reducing and smoothing incisors.
malities have been separated into five classes:54–56 The occlusal surface should be ground down in thin
(1–2 mm) layers and then checked for molar table contact
1. Excessively long incisor arcades from lack of occlusal
and EMC.56
contact and/or wear
Smile bite has been identified as a normal incisor confor-
2. Smile bite, or dorsal curvature of the incisor arcade
mation in donkeys.58 If it has been found to interfere with
3. Frown bite, or ventral curvature of the incisor arcade
mastication, smile bite can be corrected by reducing the
4. Diagonal bite with or without an offset jaw, and
corner teeth in the lower arcade (303, 403). Leveling the
5. Stepped or irregular incisor bite.
upper incisors should only be performed if it is determined
Most abnormalities can be corrected or at least greatly that reducing them will not create a gap between the upper
improved with relatively simple procedures and basic equip- central (101, 201) and lower central (301, 401) incisors.
ment. When realigning the occlusal surfaces of the incisor Frowning incisors are treated in the opposite manner
arcade, it is important to keep in mind the relationship by reducing the corners of the upper arcade (103,
Corrective dental procedures
Fig. 17.18 A carbide chip rotary drum is used to reduce elongated upper
A incisor teeth.
17 Treatment
Fig. 17.19 A high pressure water irrigation unit with a right angle nozzle is Fig. 17.21 A right angle 4 mm diameter burr is used to open a valve
used to flush material from a periodontal pocket between 307 and 308. diastema between 407 and 408.
Fig. 17.22 Iatrogenic fracture of 101 caused by incisor nipper used for
crown reduction.
Fig. 17.20 A dental air abrasion unit with an elongated shaft is used to
flush debris from diastema and periodontal pockets.
Corrective dental procedures
1. Knottenbelt DC. The systemic effects of 2. Tell A, Engenvall A, Lundstrom T, Vet Journal 2008; 178(3): 405–
dental disease. In: Baker GJ, Easley J eds. et al. The prevalence of oral ulceration 410
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Philadelphia, 1999, pp 127–138 bit and bridle and when unridden. Effect of dental correction on feed
17 Treatment
digestibility in horses. Equine Vet J 2001; Equine Veterinary Education 2002; 14: 38. Gaughn EM. Dental surgery in horses. Vet
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Influence of correcting teeth on a pneumatic system. Comp Cont Edu 39. Colyer JF. Variations and diseases of the
digestibility of two types of diets in 2002; 24(1): 62–70 teeth of animals, rev edn. Cambridge
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5. Krusic L, Easley J, Pagan JD. Influence of pp 185–205 treatment and sequelae of incisor
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gain, body condition score, feed Assoc Eq Pract Proceedings 2004; 50: in the horse: Study of deciduous
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ingesta particle size. Am Assoc Equine In: Am Assoc Eq Pract Proceedings 2001; miniature horse. Am Assoc Eq Pract
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Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 18
Geriatric dentistry
Nicole du Toit† BVSc, MSc, PhD, MRCVS,
Bayard A. Rucker* DVM
Division of Veterinary Clinical Studies, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin,
Midlothian EH25 9RG, UK
*309 Overlook Drive, Lebanon, VA 24266, USA
18 Treatment
Fig. 18.1 Loss of the rostral infundibulum and ‘cupping’ of a 106 (A) and loss of peripheral enamel infolding in mandibular cheek teeth (B) in a 31-year-old
donkey. Note the occlusal pulpal exposures in all the cheek teeth.
diet with 14 % protein content fared better than those fed
an 8.5 % protein, textured, sweet feed mix.17 Therefore, the
feeding of a good-quality, pre-digested (addition of enzyme)
or extruded feedstuff with a protein content of 12–14 %
would be beneficial to older equids that do not have hepatic
or renal disease.18 If the maintenance of an adequate body
condition is a problem, the addition of a vegetable oil or
rice bran to the diet will increase the calorific content of the
diet, without increasing the level of concentrate feeding.18 If
the efficiency of mastication is greatly reduced as a result of
‘smooth mouth’ or other dental disorders, the feeding of
moistened pellets or cubes to a liquid consistency will
improve the amount of feed ingested. Commercially pre-
pared dehydrated chopped hay with 15 % crude protein,
which is available in the USA, is a suitable diet for many
geriatric equids. If availability or economic consideration
make this unsuitable, then fiber length may be reduced by
processing hay through a wood chipper, leaf mulcher or a
Fig. 18.2 End stage of ‘smooth mouth’ in a 28-year-old donkey with lawn mower using a bag attachment.
predominantly cemental root remnants of the cheek teeth remaining.
Also note the loss of cheek teeth 410 and 411.
Sedation and restraint
enamel ridges and acts as a self-sharpening mechanism. As The presence of concurrent diseases, such as cardiac disease,
the teeth are worn to their more apical aspects, the peripheral arthritis, and muscle wasting, needs to be taken into consid-
enamel infolding in mandibular and maxillary cheek teeth eration when sedating and restraining geriatric equids for
becomes less pronounced, before finally wearing out at the dental treatment. In general, lower doses of anesthetic and
junction with the cemental roots (Fig. 18.1). This is charac- sedative agents are required in older horses, as they have
terized by a smooth occlusal surface composed predomi- increased sensitivity and decreased clearance of commonly
nantly of cementum and dentin termed ‘smooth mouth’.13 used agents.19 The type and likely duration of dental treat-
As these teeth no longer have enamel ridges, they are inef- ment need to be determined prior to commencement of any
fective at mastication, and as they have no wear resistance treatments to assist in choosing the appropriate restraint
from enamel, they are quickly worn away (Fig. 18.2). methods. If a painful procedure is to be performed, the use
In older equids, the decreased occlusal surface area and of local nerve blocks will decrease the amount of systemic
reduced length of enamel ridges of cheek teeth result in loss sedation and analgesia that is required.
of efficiency in grinding food. This is further complicated by Low dosages of alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists, such as
the reduced ability to digest protein and fiber that is exhib- xylazine, romifidine hydrochloride or detomidine hydro-
ited in geriatric horses.16 It is, therefore, essential that geriat- chloride, in combination with low dosage of butorphanol
ric equids have their diet evaluated and adapted according tartrate for pain control, can be sufficient for most dental
to their dental and general health, and body condition. It procedures in geriatric equids. Although butorphanol has
has been shown that geriatric horses on a pelleted/extruded five times the analgesic activity of morphine, the analgesia
Geriatric dentistry
18 Treatment
403 303
Periodontal disease
The formation of senile diastemata in the incisors may lead
to food impaction and periodontal disease. However, as
these teeth are not exposed to any grinding masticatory
forces, these diastemata are very rarely associated with deep
periodontal pockets. These diastemata and associated
(usually) mild periodontal disease can be managed by
regular cleaning of the impacted food by the owner. In more
severe cases of food impaction, which may be difficult to
remove on the caudal aspect of the incisors, these diastemata
can be widened using a diastema burr or rotary saw. The
accumulation of calculus on the canines and 03s may also
cause mild, localized periodontitis, which does not appear
to cause any clinical signs (Fig. 18.7). Accumulation of large
amounts of calculus can result in more severe gingivitis, with
hyperemia and recession of the gingival margin. Removal of
the calculus at every dental examination/treatment tempo-
rarily relieves the associated periodontal disease. Frequent
Fig. 18.5 Horse in Fig. 18.4 after correction. 103 (not visible) was reduced brushing of the canines by the owners using a normal tooth
by 3 mm; this tooth was displaced caudally and was not interfering with brush may slow down re-accumulation of calculus.
cheek teeth occlusion but was making contact with 404. Teeth 402 and 403 More recently, a more severe form of incisor periodontal
were reduced 2.5 mm. EMC to left is now 14 mm and EMC to right has not disease has been recognized in geriatric equids that is associ-
changed. The incisors are not level but are now functional, and the horse
ated with cemental hyoplasia, and hyperplasia and radio-
can chew with more left cheek teeth occlusion.
graphic lytic changes.24–27 The exact etiopathogenesis of this
disease has not been determined, but pathological studies
show it to be an odontoclastic resorption of affected incisors
(also of canine teeth) with subsequent marked deposition
Geriatric dentistry
18 Treatment
Fig. 18.10 Loss of maxillary cheek teeth 208, 209, and 210 is due to loss of Fig. 18.11 Severe bilateral lateral displacement of the 310 and 410 is
reserve crown in this geriatric donkey. Also note the large, open diastema present in this 38-year-old donkey. There is also moderate lateral
between 107 and 108 and the loss of infundibular enamel in 108, indicating displacement of the 407.
the presence of a high degree of wear in these teeth and the beginning of
‘smooth mouth’.
Geriatric dentistry
Fig. 18.14 Calculus accumulation on the buccal aspect of 207 and 208 in a
geriatric (33-year-old) donkey. There is also a diastema with food impaction
and periodontal pocketing between 208 and 209, and displacements of 209
and 210 (arrow).
Fig. 18.12 Multiple senile diastemata of both mandibular cheek teeth rows
in a donkey of 27 years. Some of these diastemata have adjacent severe
periodontitis and deep periodontal pockets (arrow).
Fig. 18.13 Slight wave mouth with overgrowths of 410 and 411 and Fig. 18.15 Severely overgrown maxillary cheek tooth resulting in’step
moderate peripheral caries. Diastemata are present in all the interdental mouth’. This overgrown tooth needs to be reduced in stages to prevent
spaces in this cheek teeth row, but the diastema between 408/409 has potential pulpal exposure. Also note the associated periodontal disease and
severe periodontal disease and food pocketing associated with it. gingival recession.
disease may be arrested or its progression slowed by oral where the accumulation of calculus is an important cause of
rinsing with diluted chlorhexidine gluconate (5 ml of 2 % periodontal disease,37 cheek teeth calculus is less common
chlorhexidine added to one liter of water). The owner should in equids and is not a major cause of periodontal disease.
rinse the mouth out once a day for 10 days, then twice Cheek teeth calculus accumulation has been observed in
weekly. Some horses object to the taste of chlorhexidine and 19 % of geriatric donkeys at post mortem, predominantly on
may become briefly anorectic. If this occurs, a flavored the maxillary 07, 08, and 09 cheek teeth30 (Fig. 18.14).
0.12 % chlorhexidine (or human mouthwash) can be used Cheek teeth calculus often accumulates secondary to food
as a rinse, 50 to 100 ml per rinse. The mouth should be stagnation in equids that have painful dental disease and
rinsed with lukewarm water to remove food particles prior subsequent decreased normal masticatory movements.
to the chlorhexidine rinsing. These teeth are beside the salivary duct opening that possibly
Periodontal disease is an important disease in geriatric provides much of the mineral component for calculus.
equids and has been shown to occur in 80 % of horses over Excessive cheek teeth overgrowths resulting in ‘step mouth’
20 years of age2 (Fig. 18.13). If the periodontal disease is should be reduced as much as possible (Fig. 18.15). If over-
severe and associated with periodontal pockets, the applica- growths are more than a few mm high, the initial reduction
tion of an antibiotic oral gel (Doxirobe [doxycycline] Gel, should be done in stages (e.g., 3 mm at a time) at 2–3-
Pfizer Animal Health) with impression material may allow month intervals to prevent potential pulp horn exposure. As
temporary alleviation of the inflammation and allow healing these overgrowths are secondary to missing, displaced, or
of the periodontal pocket.35,36 In contrast to small animals ‘cupped out’ teeth in the opposing cheek teeth row,
18 Treatment
Fig. 18.16 Corresponding maxillary (A) and mandibular (B) cheek teeth rows that illustrate severely overgrown maxillary cheek teeth secondary to worn and
missing mandibular cheek teeth, with mandibular soft tissue trauma. There are also multiple maxillary cheek teeth diastemata with food impaction. Note the
presence of the rudimentary 205 (first premolar, wolf tooth).
Geriatric dentistry
1. Baker GJ. Some aspects of equine dental Annual Convention 2002; 421–437 Equine odondoclastic tooth resorption
disease. Equine Vet J 1970; 2: 105–110 14. Dixon PM, Dacre I. A review of equine and hypercementosis. The Veterinary
2. Wafa NS. A study of dental disease in the dental disorders. Equine Vet Educ 2005; Journal 2008; 178: 372–379
horse. MVM Thesis, University College 169: 165–187 28. DeLaurier A, Boyde A, Horton MA,
Dublin, Dublin, 1988 15. Dixon PM, Tremaine WH, Pickles K, et al. Price S. A scanning electron microscopy
3. Kirkland KD, Marretta SM, Inoue OJ, Equine dental disease part 2: a long-term study of idiopathic external tooth
Baker GJ. Survey of equine dental disease study of 400 cases: disorders of resorption in the cat. Journal of
and associated oral pathology. development and eruption and variations Periodontology 2005; 76: 1106–1112
Proceedings of the 40th American in position of the cheek teeth. 29. Gorrel C. Feline odontoclastic resorptive
Association of Equine Practitioners Equine Vet J 1999; 31: 519–528 lesions. In: World Small Animal
Annual Convention 1994; 40: 119–120 16. Ralston SL, Squires EL, Nockels CF. Veterinary Association 23rd World
4. du Toit, N, Burden FA, Dixon, PM. Digestion in the aged horse. Equine Congress Proceedings, Bangkok,
Clinical dental examinations of 357 Veterinary Science 1989; 9: 203–295 Thailand, 2003
donkeys in the UK: Part 1 – Prevalence of 17. Ralston SL, Breuer LH. Field evaluation of 30. du Toit N, Gallagher J, Burden FA, Dixon
dental disorders. Equine Vet J 2009; a feed formulated for geriatric horses. PM. Post mortem survey of dental
41(4): 390–394(5) Equine Veterinary Science 1996; 16: disorders in 349 donkeys from an aged
5. Uhlinger C. Survey of selected dental 334–338 population (2005–2006). Part 1:
abnormalities in 233 horses. Proceedings 18. Pugh DG. Feeding the geriatric horse. In: prevalence of specific dental disorders.
of the 33rd American Association of Proceedings of the 53th American Equine Vet J 2008; 40: 204–208
Equine Practitioners Annual Convention Association of Equine Practitioners 31. Honma K, Yamakawa M, Yamauchi S,
1987; 33: 577–583 Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida, Hosoya S. Statistical study on the
6. Brosnahan MM, Paradis MR. 2007, pp 193–195 occurrence of dental caries of domestic
Demographic and clinical characteristics 19. Donaldson LL. Anesthetic considerations animal: I. Horse. Japanese Journal of
of geriatric horses: 467 cases (1989– for the geriatric equine. In: Bertone JJ, Veterinary Research 1962; 10: 31–36
1999). Journal of American Veterinary eds. Equine geriatric medicine and 32. Miles AEW, Grigson C. Coyler’s variations
Medical Association 2003; 223: 93–98 surgery. Elsevier, St Louis, 2006, and diseases of the teeth of animals,
7. Hillyer MH, Taylor FRG, Mair TS, et al. pp 25–37 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism in the 20. Goodrich LR, Clark-Price S, Ludders J. 1990, p. 672
horse. Equine Veterinary Education 1992; How to attain effective and consistent 33. Uhlinger C. Common abnormalities of
18: 131–134 sedation for standing procedures in the premolars and molars. Proceedings of
8. Dybdal N. Pituitary pars intermedia the horse using constant rate infusion, the 37th American Association of Equine
dysfunction (equine Cushing’s-like In: Proceedings of the 50th American Practitioners Annual Convention 1991;
disease). In: Robinson NE, ed. Current Association of Equine Practitioners 37: 123–128
therapy in equine medicine. WB Annual Convention, 2004, 34. Dixon PM, Barakzai S, Collins N,Yates J.
Saunders, Philadelphia, 1997, pp 229–232 Treatment of equine cheek teeth by
pp 499–501 21. Carmalt JL. Safety, restraint, and oral mechanical widening of diastemata in 60
9. du Toit N, Burden FA, Dixon PM. Clinical examination of the horse. In: AAEP horses (2000–2006). Equine Vet J 2008;
dental examinations of 357 donkeys in Dental focus meeting, Indianapolis, 40: 22–28
the UK: Part 2 – Epidemiological studies Indiana, 2006 35. Green SK, Basile T. Recognition and
on possible relationship between 22. Rucker BA. Utilising cheek teeth angle of treatment of equine periodontal disease.
different dental disorders, and between occlusion to determine length of incisor Proceedings of the 48th American
dental disease and systemic disorders, shortening. Proceedings of the 48th Association of Equine Practitioners
2009; 41: 395–400 American Association of Equine Annual Convention 2002; 48: 463–466
10. du Toit N, Gallagher J, Burden FA, Dixon Practitioners Annual Convention, 2002, 36. Klugh DO. Equine periodontal disease.
PM. Post mortem survey of dental pp 448–452 Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice
disorders in 349 donkeys from an aged 23. Collison M. Food processing and 2005; 4: 135–147
population (2005–2006): Part 2 – digestibility in horses. B Sc dissertation. 37. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Periodontology.
Epidemiological studies. Equine Vet J Monash University, Victoria, 1994 In: Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, eds.
2008; 40: 209–213 24. Gregory RC, Fehr J, Bryant J. Chronic Veterinary dentistry: Principles & practice,
11. Dixon PM, Copeland AN. The incisor periodontal disease with cemental Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
radiological appearance of mandibular hyperplasia and hypoplasia in horses. In: Philadelphia, 1997, pp 186–231
cheek teeth in ponies of different ages. AAEP Dental focus meeting, Indianapolis, 38. Leue, G. Zähne. In: Dobberstein J,
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317–323 25. Baratt RM. Equine resorptive lesions. In: speziellen pathologischen anatomie der
12. Misk NA, Seilem SM. Radiographic Conference proceedings of the 21st haustiere, 3rd edn. Verlag Paul Parey,
studies on the development of cheek Annual Veterinary Dental Forum, Berlin, 1941
teeth in donkeys. Equine Practice 1999; Minneapolis, 2007, pp 123–130 39. Brown S, Arkins S, Shaw DJ, Dixon PM.
19: 27–37 26. Caldwell LA. Clinical features of chronic The occlusal angles of cheek teeth in
13. Dixon PM. The gross, histological, and disease of the anterior dentition in normal horses and horses with dental
ultrastructural anatomy of equine teeth horses. In: Conference proceedings of the disease. Veterinary Record 2008; 162:
and their relationship to disease. In: 21st Annual Dental Forum, Minneapolis, 807–810
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Association of Equine Practitioners 27. Stazyk C, Bienert A, Kreutzer R, et al.
Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 19
Basic equine orthodontics and
maxillofacial surgery
Jack Easley† DVM, MS, Diplomate ABVP (Equine),
James Schumacher* DVM, MS, MRCVS, Dipl ACVS
Equine Veterinary Practice, LLC, Shelbyville, KY 40066, USA
*Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
TN 77901-1071, USA
19 Treatment
Fig. 19.1 (A) Orthodontic spring device used to spread 307 and 309 to allow room for an impacted 308 to erupt. (B) Intra-oral mirror used to visualize the
orthodontic spring in the 308 position. (C) Lateral radiograph of impacted 308 with orthodontic spring in the dental space. (Courtesy of B.W. Fletcher DVM.)
Fig. 19.2 Crowded lower incisor arch with retained deciduous teeth 701
and 801, causing displacement (labiocclusion) of permanent teeth 301 and
401. Following the principles of interceptive orthodontics, the deciduous
teeth were removed, and the exposed mesial crown portions of 702 and
802 were filed, widening the space for 301 and 401 to migrate forward.
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
The equine veterinary literature has given little attention Perturbation of growth of the jaw can be induced by trauma
to any type of dental malocclusion with the exception of to the soft tissues.27 In response to the disturbance of optimal
parrot mouth. Although parrot mouth is probably the most occlusal relationships, growth of the jaw can be modified by
common malocclusion of the incisors, many other types of a new functional environment. To modify inherited growth
dental malocclusions of the horse are more commonly of the jaw of human beings, the functional disturbance must
encountered. Many types of malocclusion occur in horses.15 be of sufficient magnitude and duration (e.g., more than 6
Colyer (1935) and Joest (1970) described many variations hours per day for thumb-sucking by children).9 Deviation of
seen in equine teeth that lead to various types of dental the mandible to one side causing dental malocclusion is
malocclusion.16,17 Hypsodont teeth that are not properly common in tethered pigs and is probably due to the pig
aligned in the dental arcade suffer from severe abnormalities pulling on its tether in one direction to reach food and
of wear. Abnormal wear has been shown to be the leading water35 (Fig. 19.5).
cause of dental disease and to adversely affect proper Epidemiological studies are needed to establish breed or
mastication.18 family predisposition to malocclusion. The classification
Surveys of equine dental patients have shown a high per- system of malocclusion (i.e., modified angle) presently
centage of horses with significant dental malocclusions.15,19–22 being used in human and small animal dentistry is not well
Many of these malocclusions were severe enough to cause adapted for use in the horse.6,36,37 Such a classification system
clinical problems, and a certain percentage of affected horses of malocclusion does not exist for horses even though we
were classified as having a handicapping unsoundness.15 use the MAL Class 1–3 system adapted by the AVDC.38 A
Treatment of horses with a dental malocclusion has been well-designed system and its standardized use by a broad
aimed at correcting dental overgrowth and managing peri- base of well-informed observers would be helpful in acquir-
odontal disease.18,21,23,24 Orthodontic techniques have been ing meaningful information about the effect of treatment in
introduced by equine practitioners to correct some of the horses suffering from dental malocclusion. Additionally,
more severe dental malocclusions.25,26 Dentofacial deformi- cephalometric measurements and studies of jaw interrela-
ties, such as wry nose, parrot mouth, and monkey mouth, tion during craniofacial growth in the horse are essential for
involve both the dental complex and the facial skeleton. orthodontic therapy of horses to progress.
The genetic and functional environment work closely to
determine the growth of all bones.27,28 The genetic factors Sequelae of malocclusion
that are at play and the veterinary literature pertaining to
craniofacial deformity in domestic animals have been Malocclusion of the continually erupting and wearing hyp-
reviewed.29 The intrauterine environment has a known effect sodont teeth of horses leads to abnormal wear patterns of
on facial growth and development. Intrauterine molding the exposed dental crowns. Mechanical forces placed on
occurs when growth of the fetus is greater than that of the teeth that are wearing abnormally can cause teeth to move
uterus, causing pressure from the uterus to distort the devel- within their alveolus. The teeth may tip, rotate, or shift,
oping face. Intrauterine molding has been documented to depending on the angle of force applied, leading to forma-
occur in human beings and may be the cause of some facial tion of diastemata (i.e., periodontal pocketing), the leading
and skeletal limb deformities seen in foals.30,31 Postnatal cause of periodontal disease.39,40 Most malocclusions cause
environmental factors affecting morphology include all non- teeth to wear in such a fashion that abnormal forces are
genetic influences brought to bear on the developing indi- applied to the teeth and jaws, exacerbating malocclusion.
vidual. These include the environmental effects of muscle These abnormally worn teeth alter the masticatory pattern
function and neuromuscular adaptation.32,33 Force placed on of some horses. They can also lead to secondary abnormali-
the teeth and jaws of the growing horse from abnormal wear ties of wear, such as alteration of the angle of the molar
of the exposed dental crowns is another factor to consider. tables and inadequate wear of the buccal edges of the upper
The scientific basis of environmental causes of malocclu- arcades and lingual edges of the lower arcades. The most
sion rests primarily on findings of experiments performed severe form of this type of altered wear pattern is referred to
on animals.27 Under certain experimental conditions, growth as shear mouth.
can be extensively stimulated or stunted. The duration of
pressure has a greater effect on growth than does the mag- Examples of altered wear causing
nitude. Environmental factors that are recognized as leading
to dentofacial abnormalities include:
tooth movement
Long enamel points and exaggerated transverse ridges may
• habits of long duration, such as sucking
form due to malalignment of the upper and lower jaws.
• posture of the head, mandible, tongue, and lip because
Exaggerated transverse ridges wedge between the teeth in the
posture determines the resting pressure on soft-tissue
opposite arcade, forcing the teeth apart to create diastemata
• eruption of the tooth and wear of the crown into which food becomes packed. Misplaced teeth develop
• trauma, either osseous, soft tissue, articular, or dental. abnormal wear of their occlusal surface with the unopposed
The current theory for explaining growth of the craniofacial portion of the crown becoming protuberant and developing
bones states that growth of the face occurs in response to an excessive angle. Mechanical forces placed on the protu-
functional needs and is mediated by the soft tissue in which berant crown force the tooth further out of alignment and
the jaw is embedded.34 That is, the soft tissues grow, and can cause tipping or increased malalignment of the crown,
both the bone and cartilage follow this growth. which leads to periodontal packing of feed around the dis-
Function plays an important role in normal growth of the placed crown. The tooth in the opposing arcade does not
jaw and is closely related to inherited patterns of growth. wear normally and may become protuberant or develop
19 Treatment
Fig. 19.6 Prominent hooks on 106 and 206 due to malocclusion of the
upper and lower dental arcades. The rostral pressure placed on the 106 has
moved it forward causing a space or diastema between 106 and 107
(arrow). This condition can lead to severe periodontal disease and eventual
tooth loss.
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
deciduous teeth, limiting the space for the deciduous teeth Parrot mouth
to shed and predisposing erupting permanent teeth to
impaction. In the adult horse, hook formation can lead to An overjet of the incisor teeth is seen in most mammals,
several pathological processes depending on the size, shape including man. This condition is abnormal in the horse and
and position of the hook and the demands for performance commonly referred to as parrot mouth, brachygnathism,
placed on the horse. overshot maxilla, or buck tooth, but officially is classified as
The position of the jaw changes slightly as the horse moves a type 2 malocclusion (MAL2). When this malocclusion is
its head up and down. With the head elevated, the lower jaw slight, the labial aspect of the lower incisors rests on the
retracts caudally in relation to the upper jaw. This can be lingual aspect of the uppers. When the condition is more
demonstrated by elevating the head high in the air and severe, the incisors are completely out of occlusion, and the
noticing the occlusion of the incisor teeth. The cheek tooth premaxillae tend to be deviated downward causing the lower
arcades also shift with head position. Some clinicians specu- incisors to rest on the hard palate caudal to the upper inci-
late that this positional shifting is the reason that horses that sors. The parrot mouth syndrome in horses can involve the
eat from an elevated hay rack or net have a higher incidence incisor portion of the dentition alone, or it can occur in
of hooks on the rostral aspect of the 06s than do horses that combination with varying degrees of malocclusion of the
eat in the normal position off the ground. upper and lower cheek teeth. The mismatch in length of the
As a horse flexes its neck, the lower jaw tends to move upper and lower jaws can be either from brachygnathism of
forward in relation to the upper jaw.43 This becomes impor- the mandible or from prognathism of the maxillae and
tant when dealing with horses that are asked to perform with premaxillae.17
the neck flexed in collection, such as dressage horses, gaited Mandibular brachygnathism has been reported to occur
horses, or harness horses worked in an overcheck with their with other types of congenital deformity involving the
necks forced into flexion. Hooks on the rostral aspect of the musculoskeletal system.44,45 Without cephalometric norms,
upper 06s or caudal aspect of the lower 11s inhibit the determining whether an affected horse has a short lower jaw
rostral motion of the lower jaw when the horse’s mouth is or a long upper jaw is impossible. Some observations of
closed. Some horses tend to open their mouths when col- horses with parrot mouth show that the lower jaw is shorter
lected, but often, trainers use various types of nosebands to (by 1.5–9.3 %), while others show that the upper jaw is
force the mouth closed, thus preventing relief from the longer (by 11.15–18.1 %).17 Some observers conclude that
forces placed on the jaws and limiting the amount of flexion the lower jaw of some horses with parrot mouth is under-
the horse can exhibit. Secondary problems, such as soreness developed.16,46 It is not unusual for the upper canines of
in one or both temporomandibular regions or in the muscles adult male horses affected with severe parrot mouth to be
of the neck or back, can be associated with the horse’s inabil- positioned rostral to the lower canines.
ity to freely move its jaw rostrally and caudally. Cattle inspected for breeding soundness show an inci-
dence of parrot mouth ranging from 2–13 %. This percent-
Documentation of malocclusion and age is similar to the 2–5 % incidence of parrot mouth
reported in several equine studies.15,47 The degree to which
craniofacial deformities this condition is expressed at birth, and the progression
The clinician should document the history and clinical find- of the condition throughout growth and development of
ings of all horses that may require any type of orthodontic the horse have not been scientifically documented. The
treatment. A complete history, including the horse’s pedigree parrot mouth condition can be acquired by avulsion injury
and an oral examination of its parents, is helpful in coun- to the incisor teeth or premaxillae, compression fracture
seling the client about the heritability of the malocclusion. of the mandible, or illness immediately prior to a growth
Historical information also allows the clinician to determine spurt.48,49
whether the condition was noticed at birth or soon after and Equine parrot mouth is most often a result of breeding
if it is becoming progressively worse as the horse grows. The two horses with normal dental occlusion but extremely dif-
proposed use of the horse and knowledge of the rules of its ferent head types. The degree of malocclusion seems to
breed’s registry are necessary to make ethical decisions depend on many factors. Some horses are only affected in
regarding treatment of the horse when the deformity may the region of the cheek teeth, some are affected only in the
have a hereditary component. region of the incisors, and some are affected in both areas.
The clinical assessment should begin with a general physi- Because horses have hypsodont teeth that depend on normal
cal examination of the horse and a complete, detailed, oral occlusal contact for wear, horses suffering from parrot mouth
examination. Photographs and skull measurements are are more seriously affected by the condition at all stages in
useful in monitoring clinical progress. Radiographic evalua- life than are similarly affected members of other species with
tion of the skull sometimes allows for more precise assess- brachydont teeth.
ment of the problem and is another source of permanent, Few foals are born with the full expression of parrot mouth
measurable documentation for monitoring improvement. (Fig. 19.7). Foals born with a slight incisor overjet (i.e.,
Dental impressions and stone castings are helpful in the upper incisor arcade labial to the lower incisor arcade) soon
documentation of deformities as well as in planning treat- develop an overbite (i.e., the occlusal surface of the upper
ment. Stone castings can also be used in the fabrication and incisor arcade is dropped ventral to the occlusal surface of
fitting of removable or fixed dental appliances (see Ch. 21). the lower incisor arcade). As the upper incisors elongate, the
Bite impressions using a sheet of base plate wax allow for palate and incisive bones are pulled downward by gravity,
proper alignment of upper and lower stone models and for causing the lower incisors to become trapped as they begin
following progress of treatment.6 to contact the palate behind the upper incisors (Fig. 19.8).
19 Treatment
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
Fig. 19.8 (A) Measuring a parrot-mouth foal’s overjet in millimeters. (B) Measuring the overbite in millimeters.
cause the premaxillae and incisive bones to tip downward. situations that requires detailed evaluation and careful
This downward curve is evident during oral examination as planning.5
a bow in the palate midway between the cheek teeth and the The primary advantage of a fixed dental appliance is that
incisors. This downward movement of the upper incisors, in it can be permanently attached in the mouth, making com-
combination with lack of attrition or wear, leads to an over- pliance by the owner and by the foal less of a factor in
bite. Removable or fixed, functional, orthodontic devices success of treatment. To apply a fixed appliance, however,
combined with retention wires can be used to correct the the foal must be anesthetized, and special equipment is
overbite and allow free movement and rostral growth of the required. Because foals grow rapidly, and because they tend
mandible. to put their mouths in and on things that can damage fixed
Tension band wires have been used to inhibit rostral devices, repair and reapplication of the appliance are all too
growth of the upper jaw of foals less than 6 months old that frequent occurrences. Fixed acrylic appliances that incorpo-
have sufficient potential for growth of the lower jaw to rate an aluminum or stainless steel incline plate can be
correct the deformity. Stainless steel wire (18- to 20-gauge, attached to orthodontic retention wires.
AISI 316L) can be used as a tension band device. A wire The earlier correction is initiated, the better the results.
placed caudal to each second upper cheek tooth and brought Treatment is best initiated when the intermediate upper inci-
rostrally around the upper incisors inhibits growth of this sors (Triadan 502 and 602) are in wear (i.e., when the foal
portion of the upper jaw. The lower jaw continues to grow is 6–12 weeks old) so that interference with the eruption of
normally, correcting the overjet. these teeth is avoided. Prior to orthodontic correction, a full
If no portion of the upper and lower incisor arcades is in set of skull radiographs and occlusive measurements should
contact, a combination of tension band wires and a func- be obtained. The cheek teeth should be floated to reduce tall
tional orthodontic device is used. Such a device in the most transverse ridges and rostral or caudal hooks. The incisor
simple form consists of a removable plate, attached to a bit, plate opens the bite, thus separating the occlusal contact
that extends rostrally between the incisor arcades. When the between the upper and lower cheek teeth. ‘Overfloating’ of
mouth is closed, the plate places upward pressure on the the occlusal surface, therefore, is discouraged because it
upper incisors discouraging their ventral drift. A removable results in loss of contact between the upper and lower
orthodontic device can be applied with the foal standing and arcades during mastication when the incline plate is in place.
unsedated. Because the device must be worn 16 hours per Primiparous mares and dams with small nipples on the
day to be effective, owner compliance is the most common udder can present a problem for foals attempting to nurse
problem associated with the use of the removable appliance, after surgery. Foals should be fed a diet consisting of a pel-
and compliance of the foal is the second limiting factor. leted complete foal ration before and after surgery.
Without an educated, enthusiastic, and committed owner Preoperatively, the foal receives antimicrobial and non-
and/or groom, the use of a removable appliance is doomed steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the mouth is rinsed
to failure. completely with a dilute chlorhexidine solution. General
A more sophisticated, fixed acrylic appliance can be fash- anesthesia is induced with xylazine and ketamine and main-
ioned to fit in the roof of the mouth. Acrylic is molded on tained with a triple drip (i.e., a combination of xylazine,
a plaster model of the upper jaw or fashioned on the anes- ketamine, and guaifenesin). The foal is positioned in lateral
thetized foal in dorsal recumbency. A metal inclined plane recumbency, and an oxygen tube is inserted nasally. Oxygen
can be incorporated in this device to place rostral force on is delivered at 10 l/min during the procedure. Using a rasp
the lower jaw when the mouth is closed. Application of these or power grinder, the exposed crowns of the upper and lower
devices cannot be ‘cook-booked’ because each case presents incisors are reduced and leveled almost to the gingival
a slightly different set of anatomical and biomechanical margin, taking care not to expose the pulp (Fig. 19.9).
19 Treatment
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
Fig. 19.11 (A) Parrot-mouthed foal placed in dorsal recumbency with orthodontic retention wires in place. An aluminum plate is cut and sized to fit the
occlusal surface of the upper incisors while projecting caudally to contact the occlusal surface of the lower incisor arcade. A dam of paraffin rope has been
built to retain the acrylic mouth piece. (B) Acrylic and thin plate in place. (C) Lateral view showing final placement of wires and acrylic mouth piece.
mandible as the lower incisors slide over the plate during The appliance eventually loosens, so that by 3–6 months
chewing. As the foal chews, upward pressure is applied to the appliance and wires must be removed. If correction is
the upper incisors and premaxillae, forcing them into a more not complete by this time, the wires and acrylic appliance
normal position (Fig.19.12). are reapplied and maintained until desirable results are
The foal is allowed to recover from anesthesia after the achieved. The gap between the upper and lower incisors
acrylic sets and is returned to the dam. Most foals quickly decreases, for most horses, by about 5 mm every 3–6 months.
learn to nurse with the appliance in place. Foals that do not The most rapid correction is noticed when the procedure is
nurse well should be supplemented with a complete foal performed when the horse is 2–8 months old; improvement
ration and weaned. is slow after the horse is 8 months old and ceases by the time
Postoperative care consists of keeping the skin wounds the horse is 19 months old. Complications from orthodontic
clean until healing is complete. Most foals are administered wiring and bite plate application are rare. They can include
omeprazole orally for 4–5 days, while they adjust to the trauma to the dorsal buccal nerve, damage to the greater
orthodontic appliance, to help prevent gastric ulcers. Most palatine artery, postoperative pain and nursing problems,
foals begin to eat and nurse well within 1–2 days after and nasal curvature from unilateral wire breakage.50
surgery. The plate and wires should be checked daily by Adult horses suffering from parrot mouth experience long-
personnel at the farm to determine if the wires are loose or term adverse effects on dentition and mastication. The molar
broken or if the acrylic appliance has loosened. The foal arcades may develop a hook on the rostral aspect of the
should be examined monthly by a veterinarian to ensure upper 06s and/or a hook and/or ramp on the caudal aspect
that the appliance is secure and is not causing oral lesions. of the lower 11s, and the cheek teeth of both the upper and
At the same time, the cheek teeth should be inspected so that lower jaws may develop abnormal, exaggerated transverse
abnormal wear patterns can be detected and corrected by ridges. The combination of abnormalities of the cheek teeth
careful floating. and elongated incisors tends to limit free, lateral excursion
19 Treatment
Monkey mouth
The term monkey mouth refers to the condition where the
premaxillae/maxillae are shorter than the mandible, leading
to an incisor underbite. This condition has also been termed
sow mouth, hog mouth, undershot jaw, underjet, underbite,
or mandibular prognathism, but the official term is a Class
3 malocclusion (MAL3). Retrognathism is a term defined,
using human anatomical nomenclature, as a condition
where the mandible is located posterior to its normal posi-
tion in relation to the premaxillae/maxillae or a condition
where one or both jaws lie posterior to normal in their
craniofacial relationship.
B The forward projection of one or both jaws in relation to
the craniofacial skeleton has been referred to as prognath-
Fig. 19.12 (A) Lateral radiograph of the rostral skull of a 4-month-old foal ism. This condition is seen more commonly in miniature
with an overjet and overbite just prior to surgery (B) Lateral skull radiograph horses and has been associated with achondroplastic dwarf-
of foal with orthodontic retention wires placed behind the upper third ism in cattle.51–53 Prognathism is also seen in other breeds of
premolar and encircling the upper incisor arcade. The metal incline plate horses, especially those with a dished face, such as the
has not been sloped for this first application of retention wires because Arabian breed. This congenital anomaly has been reported
creating a slope would have caused a gap in the premolar arcades. The
to occur with other deformities of the head and muscu-
second appliance will have a slope or mechanical incline to encourage
rostral growth of the mandible. loskeletal system. Owners should receive genetic counseling
before therapy is undertaken to correct monkey mouth
(Fig. 19.13).
of the jaw, which can lead to a steep angle of the occlusal
Principles of therapy in the young, growing horse should
surface of the cheek teeth or, in some cases, to bilateral
consist of:
shear mouth.
Some parrot-mouthed horses function quite well if they • encouraging or accelerating growth of the maxillae and
receive regular dental equilibration and if their diet is modi- premaxillae
fied. Dental equilibration entails reduction of rostral and • supporting the nasal bones and nasal septum
caudal hooks, abnormal exaggerated transverse ridges, and • slowing rostral growth of the mandible
steep molar angles. Unopposed upper and lower incisor • preventing the upper incisor arcade from interfering
arcades should be shortened to allow more normal, unob- with the lower incisor arcade, and
structed motion of the lower jaw. Deciduous incisors can be • preventing abnormal wear of the cheek teeth.
shortened with little risk of damaging the pulp chambers. Adult horses with a hook on the rostral aspect of the lower
Permanent incisors, especially long ones, should be reduced 06s can develop a slightly undershot lower jaw. This abnor-
in stages. mality can be corrected by periodically floating the cheek
In addition to having its teeth equilibrated, a parrot- teeth to remove the hooks and by reducing the incisors.
mouthed horse should also have its diet altered or modified.
Some parrot-mouthed horses have difficulty foraging short
grass; others have difficulty masticating any type of roughage,
Wry nose
and so, to maintain these horses in good body condition, Wry nose, or campylorrhinus lateralis, is a congenital
feeding processed or extruded feeds may be beneficial. deviation of the maxillae, premaxillae, and nasal septum
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
All undesirable traits and pathologic conditions present at
birth were at one time thought to be entirely genetic in
origin. Our knowledge of birth defects has evolved to the
point that we now know that many, if not most, congenital
defects are the result of intrauterine events that result from
extrauterine influences. Congenital defects do not indicate
inheritance but simply that the defect was present at birth.
Some characteristics of horses are genetically influenced,
and horses have been selectively bred for centuries to
promote or discourage these characteristics. The selection for
B or against inherited tendencies is the basis for our current
breed registries. Size, power, color, speed, conformation,
Fig. 19.14 (A) Four month old wry nose foal. (B) Dorsoventral radiograph and many other characteristics that are genetically influ-
of a wry nose foal. The maxilla is deviated at a 65° angle to the mandible. enced, are selected for or against by certain breed registries.
Variations from ideal may be undesirable, but they are not
genetic defects.
(Fig. 19.14). It is an infrequently reported condition some- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
times associated with other congenital anomalies, such as recently restated a policy saying that surgical correction of
cleft soft palate (palatoschisis), umbilical herniation, and ‘genetic defects’ for the purposes of concealing the defect is
contracted tendons of the limb.54 Affected foals may have unethical.57 This AVMA statement refers specifically to cor-
difficulty suckling, but most seem to thrive until dyspnea rection of genetic defects. By definition, a genetic defect is a
appears when they are several months old. The degree of pathologic condition of proven genetic origin.
dyspnea is related to the severity of the nasal septal devia- Although equine practitioners should support the intent
tion. Severely affected foals may require a permanent trache- of the AVMA statement, the policy should be applied only
ostomy or a nasal dilation tube to ventilate properly. Horses to horses with a genetic defect and not misapplied to horses
affected with wry nose usually encounter difficulty prehend- with a congenital defect for which a genetic cause has not
ing and masticating grass forage when they are weaned. been proven or to horses with inherited tendencies. Equine
Lateral excursion of the lower jaw is usually limited to move- practitioners should considered surgical treatment of horses
ment to the convex side of the deformity, causing abnormal with a debilitating condition if the condition is amendable
wearing of cheek teeth, which may lead to shear mouth. by surgical correction. There is no doubt that correction of
Wry nose is thought by some to be a heritable condition debilitating dental malocclusions and facial deformities is in
because it seems to be seen most often in the Arabian and the best, long-term interest of the horse’s oral health. Some
miniature horse breeds,52–54 but these claims are not equine breed registries require certain undesirable traits and/
19 Treatment
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
A Frontonasal flap
To create a medially-hinged, osteoplastic frontonasal flap, a
three-sided incision through the skin, subcutaneous tissue,
and periosteum, with rounded corners, is created within the
confines of the boundaries of the frontal and dorsal conchal
sinuses (i.e., the conchofrontal sinus; Fig. 19.18). The caudal
portion of the incision begins on the dorsal midline, at a
point midway between the supraorbital foramina and the
medial canthi of the eyes, and extends laterally, perpendicu-
lar to the long axis of the head, to a point about 1.5–2 cm
medial to the most medial aspect of the rim of the orbit. The
rostral portion of the incision also begins on the dorsal
midline, at a point 1–2 cm caudal to the plane where the
nasal bones begin to diverge, and extends laterally, perpen-
B dicular to the long axis of the head, to an imaginary line
extending from the medial canthus of the eye to the nasoin-
Fig. 19.17 (A) and (B) Twelve-year-old Thoroughbred mare with a wry cisive notch. The lateral portion of the incision connects the
nose. A ‘permanent’ tracheostomy as a yearling allowed the mare to lateral extent of the rostral and caudal portions of the inci-
breathe with no signs of respiratory distress. She had produced six normal sion and courses parallel to the midline. The incision should
foals while being bred to six different stallions. The uncorrected dental and
facial deformity caused the mare difficulty with prehension and mastication.
not cross the path of the nasolacrimal duct, which courses
She had a severe shear mouth on the concave (right) arcades. between the medial canthus of the eye and a point midway
between the infraorbital foramen and the nasoincisive
notch. The rostral aspect of the lateral segment of the inci-
The two types of osteoplastic flaps are the frontonasal flap sion can be angled medially, if necessary, to avoid crossing
and the maxillary flap. The frontonasal flap is the most ver- the duct. Periosteum is reflected several millimeters from
satile because it is easy to create and provides direct or the underlying frontal and nasal bones with a periosteal
indirect access to all compartments of the ipsilateral parana- elevator.
sal sinuses. The maxillary flap is more difficult than the The incision is extended through bone using an oscillating
frontonasal flap to create and provides poor access to the bone saw, a motorized cast cutter with a sharp, oscillating
ventral conchal sinus, at least in horses less than 6 years old. blade, or a mallet and osteotome. The blade of the saw
The maxillary flap provides good access to the rostral and should be cooled with sterile, normal saline solution, while
caudal maxillary sinuses, however, and is most commonly cutting, to avoid overheating bone. The bone is cut at a 45°
used to expose the apex of the first or second maxillary molar angle so that the flap’s external lamina is slightly larger than
(Triadan 09 and 10). The apex of the third maxillary molar its internal lamina. The flap is elevated sufficiently, using a
(Triadan 11) is often best exposed through a frontonasal chisel or osteotome, to allow the fingers of one hand to be
flap. The surgeon should have a good understanding of the introduced beneath the flap, and the flap is fractured at its
19 Treatment
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
19 Treatment
Products Ltd, Harlescott, Shrewsbury, UK), as described by the ventral boundary extends along the facial crest to below
Quinn et al (2005).60 The site of trephination is centered the middle of the eye. The rostral boundary is a line that
5 cm axial to an imaginary line between the medial canthus extends from the infraorbital foramen to the rostral border
of the eye and the nasoincisive notch, 2 cm below a line of the facial crest, and the dorsal boundary is a line that
drawn between the medial canthi, and 4 cm lateral to the extends from the medial canthus of the eye to the infraor-
dorsal midline. Bone of the forehead is exposed through an bital foramen.
abaxially based, curved, cutaneous incision created 1–1.5 cm The caudal portion of the cutaneous incision begins at a
axial to the intended site of trephination. This incision is point about 1 cm rostral to the eye, slightly below the medial
extended through the periosteum, and the cutaneous, perio- canthus, and extends ventrally to a point about one centim-
steal flap is reflected abaxially. The edge of the trephine is eter dorsal to the facial crest. The incision is extended ros-
aligned 10 mm inside the skin incision. The disc of bone trally, parallel to the facial crest to a point about one
excised with the trephine is discarded. At the end of surgery, centimeter caudal to the rostral end of the facial crest. The
four or five, simple-interrupted, widely-spaced sutures are incision is turned dorsally and extended to a point about
placed to approximate the skin and periosteum in a single one centimeter caudal to the infraorbital foramen. The
layer, and the skin incision is stapled. Using a large trephine, rostral portion of the incision extends into the nasolabialis
rather than an oscillating saw, to expose the sinuses simpli- and levator labii superioris muscles and may transect the
fies surgery, while still providing adequate exposure for angularis oculi artery and vein. Periosteum is reflected about
removal of diseased tissue, but removing the large section of 3 mm to the inside of the three-sided incision, and the max-
bone sometimes imparts a marked concavity to the horse’s illary bone is cut along the incision using an oscillating saw
forehead. or a mallet and an osteotome. The bone is cut at a 45° angle,
so that its external lamina is slightly larger than its internal
Maxillary osteoplastic flap lamina. Care should be taken when cutting the bone at the
dorsal, rostral end of the incision to avoid damaging the
The apex of a maxillary molar is often exposed through an infraorbital canal and the infraorbital nerve contained
osteoplastic maxillary flap. Creating a maxillary flap, rather within. After the rostral, caudal, and ventral sides of the flap
than a trephine hole, to expose the apex of a maxillary molar have been cut, the flap is pried upward until it fractures
provides opportunity for visual examination of a large extent dorsally to expose the interior of the rostral and caudal
of the paranasal sinuses and permits easier manipulation of maxillary sinuses. Septal attachments on the interior surface
dental instruments within the sinuses. The most common of the bone flap sometimes must be severed with the oste-
indication for creating a maxillary osteoplastic flap is repul- otome before the flap can be pried dorsally. The flap is
sion of a tooth. hinged dorsally by skin, subcutis, and periosteum. Besides
To create a dorsally hinged, osteoplastic maxillary flap, a repelling a tooth through a maxillary flap, inspissated
three-sided incision through the skin, subcutis, and perios- exudate in the ventral conchal sinus can also be removed
teum, with rounded corners, is created within the confines through a portal into this compartment created below the
of the boundaries of the rostral and caudal maxillary sinuses infraorbital canal, provided that the horse is more than 6
(Fig. 19.22). The caudal boundary of the maxillary sinuses years old (Fig. 19.23). The sagittal bony plate beneath the
extends from the middle of the eye to the facial crest, and
Fig. 19.23 Inspissated exudate in the ventral conchal sinus can also be
removed, through a portal in the sagittal bony plate and the lateral wall of
the ventral conchal sinus located beneath the infraorbital canal, provided
that the horse is older than 6 years. The reserve crowns of the first and
Fig. 19.22 To create a dorsally hinged, maxillary flap, a three-sided incision second maxillary molars of horses less than 6 years old obscure this bony
extending through the periosteum is created within the confines of the plate and lateral wall of the sinus. VCS, ventral conchal sinus; RMS, rostral
boundaries of the rostral and caudal maxillary sinuses. maxillary sinus; IOC, infraorbital canal.
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
Partial mandibulectomy
Fig. 19.25 Laterolateral radiograph of the skull of a horse with a carcinoma
of the mandible. The rostral portion of the mandible of this horse was
The most common indication for partial mandibulectomy
amputated caudal to the symphysis.
is to remove a neoplastic lesion of the rostral aspect of the
mandible. The most commonly encountered mandibular
neoplasm is the juvenile ossifying fibroma, and this
neoplasm is most commonly found on the mentum (Fig. using gas anesthesia, the endotracheal tube should be
19.24). Consequently, the mentum is that portion of the inserted into the trachea through a nasal cavity so that the
mandible that is most frequently amputated. Other neo- oral cavity is maximally exposed. Administering a bilateral
plasms sometimes encountered on the mentum include the mental nerve block after the horse is anesthetized allows the
carcinoma (Fig. 19.25) and ameloblastoma. Another indica- horse to be maintained at a lighter depth of anesthesia. To
tion for amputation of the rostral aspect of the mandible is perform the surgery with the horse standing, the mandibular
fracture of the mentum not amenable to repair. alveolar nerves are desensitized by injecting local anesthetic
The rostral portion of the mandible can be amputated solution through a needle inserted through the mental
with the horse anesthetized and in dorsal recumbency or foramen into the mandibular canals. If deformity of the
with the horse sedated using local or regional anesthesia to mentum from disease makes inserting a needle into the
desensitize the mentum. The horse should receive an anti- canals difficult, the mentum can be desensitized by infusing
microbial and an anti-inflammatory drug prior to surgery. If the submucosa around the site at which the mandible is to
the procedure is performed with the horse anesthetized be amputated with local anesthetic solution.
19 Treatment
The horse’s mouth is maintained in an opened position the rostral portion of the mandible must be amputated
with a wedge speculum inserted between the cheek teeth, caudal to the symphysis, fixing the right and left hemimandi-
and the rostral aspect of the mandible prepared for surgery. bles to each other may be necessary, using a spacer, such
The gingiva is incised horizontally at the ventral margin of as a portion of rib, at the site of amputation to maintain
the abnormal bone, and the incision is extended through the the proper relationship of the dentition of each hemimand-
periosteum. Each end of the incision is directed dorsally to ible to its opposing maxillary dentition. However, one of us
the center of the right and left interalveolar spaces. At the (JS) amputated the rostral portion of a horse’s mandible
dorsal aspect of the horizontal ramus of each hemimandi- caudal to the symphysis, without fixing the hemimandibles
ble, each end of the incision is redirected rostrally to the to each other, and this horse suffered no postoperative
corner incisor and then medially until the ends of the inci- complications.
sion meet on the midline caudal to the central incisors. The
mucoperiosteal flaps created are reflected 15–20 mm beyond
the margin of the abnormal bone using a curved, periosteal
The mandible is transected caudal to the lesion but rostral
to the caudal margin of the symphysis using an oscillating
saw or obstetrical wire (Figs 19.26 & 19.27). If necessary,
hemorrhage from the mandibular stump can be ameliorated
by applying bone wax to the cut edge of the bone. Sharp
edges of bone are smoothed with a rongeur. The submucosa
and periosteum of the lingual flap are apposed to the sub-
mucosa and periosteum of the labial flap, using 2-0 or
0-absorbable suture in a simple-continuous or cruciate
suture pattern, and the mucosal margins of the flaps are
apposed with simple-interrupted, cruciate, or vertical mat-
tress sutures using the same suture material (Fig. 19.28).
Inserting a Penrose drain into the space between the two
flaps through a stab incision created on the ventral aspect of
the mentum prevents formation of a hematoma between the
two flaps. Phenylbutazone should be administered twice
daily for at least several days after surgery to provide
The appearance of a horse that has had the rostral aspect
of its mandible amputated in this fashion is nearly normal,
Fig. 19.27 Transected portion of the jaw containing a juvenile, ossifying
but the procedure imparts slight flaccidity of the lower lip fibroma.
(Fig. 19.29). Horses are able to prehend grain and grass
normally.62 Initially, the tongue may protrude intermittently
between the lips.
If a portion of the symphysis is left intact, the need
for internal fixation of the mandibles is avoided, but if
Fig. 19.26 The mandible is transected caudal to the lesion but rostral to
the caudal margin of the symphysis using an oscillating saw or obstetrical Fig. 19.28 The lingual flap and labial mucoperiosteal flaps are apposed in
wire. two layers using absorbable sutures.
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
Fig. 19.29 The facial appearance of a horse that has had the rostral aspect
of its mandible amputated is nearly normal, except for slight flaccidity of the
lower lip.
Indications for premaxillectomy are the same as those for
partial mandibulectomy, but the procedure is not performed
as frequently as is partial mandibulectomy because ossifying
fibroma is not as commonly encountered on the premaxillae
as it is on the mandible.
Premaxillectomy is performed in a manner similar to that
described for partial mandibulectomy, but the procedure is
best performed with the horse anesthetized because, with
this procedure, the large palatine arteries are transected.
Administering a bilateral infraorbital nerve block after the Fig. 19.31 The palatal and labial, mucoperiosteal flaps are apposed in two
horse is anesthetized allows the horse to be maintained at a layers with absorbable sutures.
lighter depth of anesthesia. The horse should receive antimi-
crobial and anti-inflammatory drugs prior to surgery. To
perform premaxillectomy, the horse is anesthetized, and an surface of the premaxillae and maxillae to at least 1 cm
endotracheal tube is inserted nasally, rather than orally, so beyond the intended site of transection. The palatine,
that the oral cavity is maximally exposed. Anesthesia is best mucoperiosteal flap is also elevated to its base at the inter-
maintained using gas anesthesia. The horse is positioned in alveolar space to expose the palatine surface of the prema
dorsal recumbency, and the oral cavity and surrounding skin xillary and maxillary bones and the palatine processes of
are prepared for surgery. The upper lip is retracted and the premaxillae.
attached to the skin over the nasal bones with a towel clamp The exposed bone of the upper jaw is then excised, caudal
to expose the vestibule. The horse’s mouth is maintained in to the lesion, using obstetrical wire or an oscillating saw.
an opened position with a wedge speculum inserted between The palatine arteries are ligated, and hemorrhage from the
the maxillary and mandibular cheek teeth (Fig. 19.30). maxillae is ameliorated, if necessary, by applying bone
A horizontal incision through the gingiva and periosteum wax to the cut edge of bone. If the canine teeth were
is made on the labial surface of the premaxillae at the dorsal transected, the portion of each tooth that remains embedded
border of the mass, and each end of the incision angled within the maxillae is removed by using a bone gouge. Sharp
caudoventrally to the right and left interalveolar spaces edges of bone are smoothed with a rongeur, and the submu-
aiming toward the caudal border of the canine teeth. Both cosa and periosteum of the labial, mucoperiosteal flap are
ends of the incision are redirected rostrally from the alveolar apposed to the submucosa and periosteum of the palatine,
border of the hard palate to the corner incisors and then mucoperiosteal flap with 2-0 or 0-absorbable suture in a
medially until the ends of the incision meet on the midline simple-continuous or cruciate suture pattern, and the
caudal to the central incisors. Hemorrhage is controlled by mucosal margins of the flaps are apposed with simple-
ligating or cauterizing blood vessels. Using a periosteal ele- interrupted, cruciate, or vertical mattress sutures using the
vator, the upper lip and nostrils are elevated from the labial same suture material (Fig. 19.31). Phenylbutazone should
19 Treatment
Fig. 19.32 The facial appearance of a horse that has had a premaxillectomy Fig. 19.33 Wry nose is a congenital deviation and shortening of the rostral
is nearly normal, but the horse’s tongue may protrude intermittently aspect of the nose.
between its lips.
be administered twice daily for at least several days after Wry nose may be accompanied by other abnormalities, such
surgery to provide analgesia. Removing a lesion that extends as cleft palate (i.e., palatoschisis) and abnormal arching of
beyond the canine teeth using this technique is difficult the nasal bones and hard palate.
without entering the nasal cavities or removing a portion of Most affected foals are capable of nursing and can survive
the nasal septum. without treatment, but severely affected foals may be unable
The facial appearance of a horse that has had a premaxil- to nurse and may require immediate, intensive manage-
lectomy performed in the manner described is nearly normal ment. A slightly deviated nose may straighten as the horse
(Fig. 19.32). Horses can prehend hay and grain, and can matures,31 but for horses with moderate or severe deviation,
graze tall grass without difficulty but may have difficulty surgical treatment is required to improve respiratory capac-
grasping short grass.63 Initially, the horse’s tongue may pro- ity, occlusion of the incisors, and cosmetic appearance. To
trude intermittently between its lips. surgically correct the deviated nose, the maxillae/premaxil-
lae and nasal bones are transected at their point of maximum
curvature and stabilized in proper alignment, and a portion
Wry nose of the nasal septum is excised. The nasal bones can be
straightened and a portion of the septum removed 2 or 3
Wry nose, or campylorrhinus lateralis, is a congenital deviation months after the premaxillae/maxillae are straightened,13
and shortening of the rostral aspect of the bones of the nose but to decrease time of convalescence and expense associ-
(i.e., maxillae, premaxillae, nasal bones, vomer bone, and ated with the procedure, the entire deviation can be cor-
nasal septum; Fig. 19.33). Wry nose has been reported to rected during one anesthetic period.11
occur in a wide variety of horse breeds, but the malformation The deviation is corrected with the horse anesthetized,
may be most prevalent in the Arabian breed, causing specu- preferably using gas anesthesia, and positioned in dorsal
lation that the condition may be genetic.64 Inheritance of wry recumbency. The gas anesthetic agent should be delivered
nose, however, has not been reported. Failure of the uterus, through an endotracheal tube inserted through a temporary
particularly that of primiparous mares, to expand to accom- tracheostomy, rather than orally, to provide maximal expo-
modate the fetus as it grows has also been hypothesized to sure of the oral cavity. The horse should receive an antimi-
be responsible for the anomaly.31 crobial and an anti-inflammatory drug prior to surgery. The
The nose of the affected horse may be deviated mildly or horse can be administered a bilateral infraorbital nerve block
severely (e.g., up to 90°) causing all or some of the premaxil- after anesthetic induction, so that it can be maintained at a
lary incisors to fail to contact the mandibular incisors, but lighter depth of anesthesia.
the deviation typically does not involve the maxillary cheek Before straightening the maxillae/premaxillae, a section of
teeth. An affected foal may have trouble nursing,65 and its rib to be grafted at the site of maxillary/premaxillary oste-
nasal septum may be so severely deviated that it has sterto- otomy is harvested. After preparing the right or left aspect of
rous respiration, even when resting. The nasal cavity on the the thorax for aseptic surgery, a 10 cm long, cutaneous inci-
convex side of the deviation is the most severely obstructed. sion is created over one of the most caudal ribs. The incision
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
begins at the costochondral junction and extends dorsally, retracted and attached to the skin over the bridge of the nose
through the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and periosteum, with a towel clamp to expose the vestibule, which is cleansed
along the longitudinal axis of the rib. Periosteum is reflected with an antimicrobial soap and rinsed with water. A 3-cm,
from the exposed rib, and a 2- to 4 cm long section of rib is longitudinal, mucosal incision centered at the point of great-
transected using obstetrical wire or an oscillating saw. The est curvature is created in each interalveolar space over the
section of rib is stored in gauze sponges soaked in normal ventral aspect of each premaxilla/maxilla (Fig. 19.34). The
saline solution (0.9 % NaCl) until it is inserted later, at the incision extends through the periosteum, which is elevated
site of premaxillary/maxillary osteotomy, as a graft. Instilla- from the medial and lateral surfaces of the premaxilla/
tion of bupivacaine around the surgical site to desensitize maxilla using a periosteal elevator.
the intercostal nerve of the rib may diminish pain associated The premaxillae/maxillae and palatine processes of the
with the rib resection after the horse recovers from anesthe- premaxillae are transected though the mucoperiosteal inci-
sia. The periosteum, musculature, and subcutaneous tissue sions using an oscillating saw (Fig. 19.35). The oral specu-
are sutured separately with 2-0 absorbable suture placed in lum is removed, and the transected, rostral portion of the
a simple-continuous pattern, and the skin is stapled. A Stent upper jaw is rotated toward the sagittal plane of the head
bandage sutured over the site of surgery may decrease swell- until the premaxillary and mandibular incisors are properly
ing associated with the resection of the rib. aligned. A piece of bone, 1–3 cm long, that corresponds in
To straighten the premaxillae/maxillae, the horse’s mouth length to the length of the gap created on the concave side
is maintained in an opened position with a wedge speculum of the jaw when the maxillae/premaxillae are straightened is
inserted between the cheek teeth or with a Guenther oral cut from the harvested section of rib using an oscillating saw,
speculum inserted between the incisors. The upper lip is and this piece of bone is inserted tightly into the gap.
Interalveolar space
mucosal incision
©2007 The University of Tennessee
19 Treatment
Wedge osteotomy
two deviated nasal bones. The nasal bones are exposed using
©2007 The University of Tennessee a self-retaining retractor, and the periosteum is incised long
itudinally, along the midline of each nasal bone, and the
Fig. 19.36 Rostral view. Dashed lines show path of Steinmann pins for
fixation of the transected premaxillae/maxillae. Stippled pattern shows gap
margins of the periosteal incisions are reflected.
in premaxillae/maxillae and nasal bones created by transection and The nasal bones are transected perpendicular to their long
realignment of the bones. The gap created when the transected nasal axis at their point of maximum curvature by using an oscil-
bones are realigned along the longitudinal axis of the skull is eliminated by lating saw, being careful not to penetrate the underlying
performing a wedge osteotomy at the convex side of the nasal bones at the parietal cartilage. The gap created on the concave side of the
site of transection. (From Schumacher J, Brink P, Easley J, et al. Surgical deviation when the bones are rotated into proper alignment
correction of wry nose in four horses. Vet Surg 37:142–148, 2008. Illustrations
can be eliminated by inserting a wedge-shaped segment of
by D.K. Haines © 2007 the University of Tennessee.)
one of the cortices of the harvested section of rib into the
gap, or the gap in the nasal bones can be eliminated by
The transected segment of the upper jaw is stabilized with performing a wedge osteotomy at the convex side of the
2, trocar-point Steinmann pins (6-mm diameter), using a nasal bones at the site of transection by using an oscillating
high-speed, pneumatic drill (Figs 19.36 & 19.37). Each pin saw (Fig. 19.36).
is inserted between the reserve crowns of the deciduous The transected end of each nasal bone is fixed to its parent
central and intermediate incisors, dorsal to the gingival bone using a 2.7 mm reconstruction plate (Fig. 19.38). The
margin, and driven through the medullary cavity of the plates are fixed with 8-mm long, 2.7-mm cortical screws. The
transected segment of the ipsilateral premaxilla into the transected segments of the nasal bones can also be fixed to
medullary cavity of the ipsilateral maxilla. The pin inserted the parent nasal bones with 1-mm diameter Kirschner wires
on the concave side of the jaw also penetrates the medullary by using a high-speed drill. These Kirschner wires are
cavity of the rib graft. Pins are cut flush with the gingiva inserted, caudal to rostral, between the internal and external
using a hacksaw or a bolt cutter, and the pins are driven laminae of the thin, transected end of each nasal bone so
beneath the gingiva using a mallet and a punch. The sites of that each emerges through the dorsal surface of the nasal
gingival penetration of the pins are left unsutured to heal by bone and skin at the level of the external nares. The wires
second intention. The gingival incisions at the interalveolar are then inserted retrograde, between the internal and exter-
space are closed with 2-0 absorbable suture placed in a nal laminae of the parent nasal bones. The exposed ends of
simple-interrupted or simple-continuous pattern. the wires are cut flush with skin. The Kirschner wires are
To straighten the nasal bones and remove the nasal more difficult to implant because the thickness of the nasal
septum, either during the same anesthetic period or 6–8 bones is not much more than the diameter of the pins,
weeks later, the horse is positioned in lateral recumbency, making insertion of the pins between the internal and exter-
with the concave side of the deviation uppermost. The dorsal nal laminae of the bones, without penetrating the nasal or
aspect of its head is tilted 45° using a sand bag. After prepar- facial surface of the bone, difficult. The subcutaneous tissue
ing the bridge of the nose for surgery, a 6- to 10 cm, longi- is sutured with 2-0 absorbable suture in a simple continuous
tudinal, curved, cutaneous incision, centered over the site of pattern, and the skin is stapled. A Stent bandage, composed
maximum deviation of the nasal bones, is made between the of gauze swabs, is sutured over the surgical site.
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
The nasal septum is removed with the horse in lateral additional stability provided by wiring incisors together is
recumbency with the dorsal aspect of its head elevated 45° not necessary for healing, and horses can be returned to their
with a sand bag, using a guarded chisel, a cartilage scissor, normal diet as soon as they recover from anesthesia.
or obstetrical wire, using any one of various published tech- Distraction osteogenesis may be another effective method
niques.66,67 Two–three centimeters of the rostral aspect of the of correcting wry nose.69 Using this technique, the premaxil-
septum are retained by the horse to provide support for the lae/maxillae are partially transected at their point of
soft tissues at the rostral aspect of the nose. The caudal cut maximum curvature, and a monolateral distraction external
edge of the septum should lie within the nasopharynx. skeletal fixator applied to the concave side of the deformity
When only the rostral, deformed portion of the nasal septum is used to periodically distract pins inserted rostral and
is removed, the airways become obstructed if the caudal, cut caudal to the osteotomy.69 Using this technique, the nasal
edge of the septum thickens, because this edge lies between bones and nasal septum, in addition to the premaxillae/
the conchae. The nasal chamber is packed tightly with rolled maxillae, apparently also straighten. A disadvantage of using
gauze, and the nostrils are sutured closed to retain the distraction osteogenesis to correct wry nose is that the horse
packing. The endotracheal tube is removed, either before or must be hospitalized for a prolonged time so that the exter-
after the horse recovers from anesthesia, and replaced with nal fixator can be frequently adjusted to maintain a distrac-
a tracheotomy tube. tive force. Danger of injury to the dam from the protruding
Gauze packing can usually be removed safely after 24 pins may prohibit use of the device to correct wry nose of a
hours, after which the tracheostomy tube is no longer nursing foal.
required. Phenylbutazone should be administered twice
daily for at least 5 days after surgery to provide analgesia.
Steinmann pins can be removed after 6 weeks, and plates or Oromaxillary sinus fistula
Kirschner wires can be left in situ. Because the upper jaw of
most horses affected with wry nose is foreshortened, the A relatively common complication of repulsion of one or
horse is likely to require periodic dental care tailored to more of the caudal four maxillary cheek teeth is formation
horses affected with prognathism. of an oromaxillary sinus fistula (orosinus or oro-antral
Excising the nasal septum has been reported to result in fistula) resulting in contamination of the paranasal sinuses
collapse of the nasal bones into the nasal chamber, and col- with feed.70,71 This complication occurs in up to 33 % of
lapse seems most likely to occur if the horse is <1 year old.67 horses suffering apical dental infection of one or more of the
Support of the nasal bones by anchoring each transected caudal maxillary cheek teeth (Triadan 09–011) treated by
segment of nasal bone to its parent bone with either Kir- repulsion of the infected tooth into the oral cavity.71An oro-
schner wires or plates and screws prevents collapse of the maxillary sinus fistula can also develop secondary to an
nasal bones. Collapse of the alar folds and ventral aspect of acquired or developmental diastema between two of the
the nasal diverticula resulting in abnormal respiratory noise caudal maxillary cheek teeth.72 During mastication, food is
or partial obstruction of the nasal passage may be evident compressed into the diastema, causing destruction of the
after surgery.11 Resecting the alar folds may be necessary to periodontium that may eventually result in formation of an
resolve the abnormal respiratory noise and partial obstruc- oromaxillary sinus fistula, especially if the horse is old,
tion of the nasal passage. because old horses have short cheek teeth.
Fixing the premaxillary incisors to the mandibular incisors Repulsing a maxillary molar or the fourth maxillary
with wire to increase stability at the sites of premaxillary/ premolar creates a large communication between the oral
maxillary osteotomy has been recommended,68 but the cavity and the paranasal sinuses, and the coronal aspect of
19 Treatment
this communication is usually plugged with gauze or acrylic structures should be clean and dry. The fistula should be
until its apical aspect fills with tissue. An oromaxillary sinus surrounded by a tooth both rostrally and caudally because
fistula results if this communication fails to fill with tissue. the acrylic requires a hard surface to attach to. The plug can
The communication may fail to heal if the alveolus becomes be applied per os or through a sinusotomy. The plug should
chronically infected, usually from sequestration of dental or not extend into the apical aspect of the fistula. If an over-
osseous fragments that were either left in the alveolus at the growth or exaggerated transverse ridge is present on oppos-
time of surgery or from osseous sequestra that formed later ing cheek teeth, it should be reduced.
due to damage to the blood supply of the alveolus caused Horses with an oromaxillary sinus fistula that is refractory
by surgical trauma. to treatment by plugging the coronal aspect of the fistula
Premature loss of the alveolar plug or overfilling the alveo- with acrylic can be treated by occluding the lumen of the
lus so that the plug extends into the sinuses can also result alveolus with the end of a transposed muscle, such as the
in formation of an oromaxillary sinus fistula.70,71,73 When the levator nasolabialis muscle74 or levator labii superioris
alveolus is overfilled with the plug, the entire alveolus epi- muscle.75 The levator nasolabialis muscle is difficult to mobi-
thelializes around the plug, so that when the plug is removed lize, and because it is flat, it fits poorly into the oromaxillary
or lost, the sinuses communicate with the oral cavity through sinus fistula.75 The levator labii superioris muscle is ellipsoid
an epithelialized alveolus. The alveolus of old horses is more in its transverse plane, making it ideal for filling an
likely to be overfilled than that of young horses because the alveolus.
alveoli of old horses are short. To transpose the levator labii superioris muscle to the
Most horses with oromaxillary sinus fistula can be treated oromaxillary sinus fistula, as described by Brink (2006),75
while sedated by lavaging feed and exudate from the sinuses the horse is anesthetized, positioned in lateral recumbency
through a trephine portal and temporarily plugging the with the affected side of the head uppermost, and prepared
coronal aspect of the vacant alveolus with gauze or acrylic for surgery of the oral cavity and face.
until the apical aspect of the alveolus fills with tissue.72 The skin over the maxilla is incised longitudinally, with
Before sealing the oral aspect of the alveolus, epithelium that the incision centered over the apex of the oromaxillary sinus
lines the alveolus and infected granulation tissue that fills it fistula, and the paranasal sinuses and the opening of the
are removed by curettage. Horses with an oromaxillary sinus fistula into the sinuses are exposed through a trephine hole.
fistula that has occurred secondary to a diastema may also The epithelial lining of the alveolus is removed by curettage,
respond to plugging the oral aspect of the diastema with an and the sinuses and fistula are lavaged with isotonic saline
acrylic, without removal of an adjacent tooth.72 The primary solution.
complication associated with this form of treatment is loos- The palpable tendon of the levator labii superioris muscle
ening or loss of the plug during the 2 to 3 weeks that it takes is exposed through a 2-cm longitudinal skin incision created
for granulation tissue to fill the fistula. The most effective directly over the tendon and transected 2 cm rostral to its
plug is one composed of polymethylmethacrylate.72 To musculotendinous junction (Fig. 19.39). A locking-loop
prevent the acrylic plug from loosening, the plug should not suture with long tails is placed in the tendon. The muscle
be in contact with the cheek teeth in the opposing arcade, and tendon are bluntly separated from the underlying maxil-
and when the acrylic is applied, the surrounding dental lary and nasal bones and overlying subcutaneous tissue,
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
using scissor dissection through the small incision created slight tension to the skin and musculature at the ventral
to expose the tendon and through the dorsal margin of the buccal incision with several, simple interrupted sutures.
cutaneous incision over the maxilla, to the muscle’s origin A drain tube is placed in the space formerly occupied by
rostral to the eye. the levator labii superioris muscle (Fig. 19.43). One end of
A grasping forceps is inserted subcutaneously at the dor- the drain exits a stab incision created about 1 cm rostral
sorostral margin of the incision over the maxilla and to the end of the incision created over the tendon of the
advanced rostrally beneath the levator nasolabialis muscle levator labii superioris. Another drain is placed subcutane-
until it emerges at the incision created to expose the tendon ously at the maxillary incision. One end of this drain exits a
of the levator labii superioris muscle. The ends of the suture stab incision created 1–2 cm ventral to the rostral end of the
in the tendon are grasped with the forceps, and by pulling maxillary incision, and the other end exits a stab incision
them caudoventrally, the muscle and its tendon are retro- created 1–2 cm ventral to the caudal end of the maxillary
verted into the incision over the maxilla (Fig. 19.40). A 2-cm, incision (Fig.19.43). Each end of each drain is secured with
longitudinal, buccal skin incision is created adjacent to the a simple-interrupted skin suture. If the sinuses must be
oral aspect of the oromaxillary sinus fistula, and the jaws of lavaged, a Foley catheter is placed into the ipsilateral caudal
a mosquito forceps are forced into the oral cavity through maxillary sinus or conchofrontal sinus through a small tre-
this incision. The suture ends are inserted through the oro- phine portal.
maxillary sinus fistula into the oral cavity, and using hand The ventral buccal incision, through which the tendon of
assistance through the mouth, the suture ends are grasped the levator labii superioris muscle protrudes, is left unsu-
with the forceps. By placing traction on the suture with the tured to heal by second intention. The other incisions are
forceps, the tendon and muscle of the levator labii superioris closed in two layers. A Stent bandage, composed of sterile
are pulled into the oromaxillary sinus fistula and through gauze sponges, is sutured over the maxillary incision with
the buccal incision so that the muscle completely occupies heavy, non-absorbable suture. Any space at the oral aspect
the oromaxillary sinus fistula (Fig. 19.41). of the alveolus unoccupied by muscle is filled with a dental
A 5-mm, longitudinal skin incision is made about 2–4 cm acrylic.
ventral to the buccotomy, and using a curved mosquito The drains in the rostral wound and the maxillary wound
hemostat inserted through the incision, the skin between are removed when drainage ceases. The Stent bandage is
this incision and the buccotomy is undermined. The ends of removed after 3 or 4 days, and skin sutures are removed at
the suture in the tendon are grasped with the forceps and 2 weeks. The paranasal sinuses are lavaged once or twice
pulled subcutaneously, causing the tendon to emerge at the daily until lavage is no longer required. The portion of
ventral incision (Fig. 19.42). The tendon is secured under muscle located within the oral cavity sloughs at about a
19 Treatment
week, and is removed through the oral cavity, after cutting and nasal function, but care should be taken when perform-
the sutures anchoring the tendon to the ventral buccal inci- ing a lateral buccotomy to avoid damaging the dorsal buccal
sion. The portion of muscle within the alveolus remains branch of the facial nerve because permanent damage to this
vital. branch of the facial nerve results in permanent flaccidity of
Transposing the levator labii superioris muscle and its the lip. Care should also be taken to avoid damage to the
tendon does not appear to have deleterious effects on labial duct of the parotid salivary gland.
Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
Sinocutaneous fistula expose the muscle or tendon, and through the margin of the
sinocutaneous fistula. A grasping forceps is inserted and
A sinocutaneous fistula is a permanent defect that extends advanced subcutaneously at the margin of the fistula until it
from the skin into the paranasal sinuses (Fig. 19.44). Those emerges at the incision created to expose the muscle to be
that occur in horses are most commonly the result of transposed. The ends of the suture in the muscle or tendon
an open, comminuted fracture involving facial bones, but are grasped with the forceps, and by placing traction on
they can also result when a sinus flap or trephine portal fails them, the muscle is pulled beneath skin interposed between
to heal. its transected end and the sinocutaneous fistula. The fistula
Full-thickness defects over the sinuses decrease in size after is covered with the transposed muscle, and the muscle is
injury by centripetal movement of the tissue surrounding the sutured to fascia surrounding the fistula. The muscle is
defect. When the defect is large, the skin heals to the mucosa covered with a rotational skin flap or a free, full-thickness or
of the sinus, forming a completely epithelialized surface that split-thickness, meshed or non-meshed skin graft.
prevents the defect from closing completely. The size of the A sinocutaneous fistula can be healed with one large perio-
defect can sometimes be decreased by incising the mucocu- steal flap that covers the fistula or two, small periosteal flaps
taneous margin of the fistula and elevating the surrounding that are joined over the center of the fistula.78 This surgery is
skin to initiate contraction of the wound. A sinocutaneous best performed with the horse anesthetized and in lateral
fistula that cannot be healed in this manner can be healed recumbency with the side of the head containing the fistula
using transposed muscle, such as the temporalis muscle,76 uppermost. The dorsal aspect of the head is tilted 45° using
the levator nasolabialis muscle,77 or the levator labii superi- a sand bag, and the skin around the defect is prepared for
oris muscle,75 or by covering the fistula with periosteum aseptic surgery. The mucosa is separated from the skin
reflected from the margin of the fistula.78 around the mucocutaneous border of the fistula with a
Muscle transposed to cover a sinocutaneous fistula pro- scalpel, and skin surrounding the fistula is freed from its
vides vascularized tissue to the wound that is capable of underlying subcutaneous tissue. The periosteum adjacent to
accepting a rotational skin flap or a free skin graft. The tem- the fistula is exposed by creating a rotational skin flap adja-
poralis muscle is in close proximity to a sinocutaneous cent to the fistula. A curved incision is made through the
fistula involving the conchofrontal sinus, and the levator periosteum on opposite sides of the fistula, unless perios-
nasolabialis and levator labii superioris muscles are in close teum is available on only one side. Each incision is slightly
proximity to a sinocutaneous fistula involving the rostral or longer than the length of the fistula and curved away from
caudal maxillary sinuses. To heal a sinocutaneous fistula by the fistula. The periosteum within the curved incision on
transposing a muscle, the horse is anesthetized and posi- each side is elevated toward the fistula, creating two flaps,
tioned in lateral recumbency with the side of the head con- each of which remains attached at its base, which is the
taining the sinocutaneous fistula uppermost. The dorsal border of the fistula. The periosteal flaps are sutured together
aspect of its head is tilted 45° using a sand bag. The muco- with the inner, or osteogenic, layer outermost over the
cutaneous margin of the fistula is incised, and the margin of defect, using simple interrupted, absorbable sutures. The
the skin surrounding the fistula is elevated. A skin incision rotational skin flap is sutured over the periosteal flap. Sub-
is made over or close to the insertion of the muscle to be cutaneous tissue exposed by covering the defect with the
transposed, and through this incision the muscle or its rotated skin flap can be covered with a full-thickness or split-
tendon is transected. A locking-loop suture with long tails is thickness, meshed or non-meshed skin graft (Fig. 19.45).
placed in the severed end of the muscle or tendon, and the The full-thickness graft is harvested from the pectoral region
muscle is bluntly freed from its fascial attachments, using and the split-thickness skin graft is harvested from the ventral
scissor dissection through the small incision created to
Fig. 19.45 Same horse as in Fig. 19.44 after sinocutaneous fistula was
closed using periosteal and rotational skin flaps. Subcutaneous tissue
Fig. 19.44 This horse has a permanent defect (i.e., sinocutaneous fistula) exposed by the rotational skin flap has been covered with a full-thickness,
that extends from the skin into the paranasal sinuses. meshed skin graft procured from the pectoral region.
19 Treatment
aspect of the abdomen. A non-adherent dressing is placed bone, harvested from the sternum or wing of the ilium, can
over the surgery site, and the dressing is covered with a Stent be used to augment periosteal bone formation, but is not
bandage or gauze pads and elastic adhesive tape. The site necessary for the successful closure of the defect. Creating
from which the full-thickness graft was obtained is sutured two small periosteal flaps, rather than one large flap, is more
in two layers. effective at preserving the blood supply to the edges of the
The osteogenic, or cambium, layer of the periosteal flaps flaps, but creating two flaps may be difficult if the fistula is
forms new bone, and bone denuded of periosteum to create in an area where periosteum is available on only one side of
the periosteal flaps forms new periosteum.78 Cancellous the lesion.
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Conference of American Veterinary frontonasal sinus flap surgery in standing nasolabialis muscle transposition to
Dental Society, Handout notes. New horses: surgical findings and outcomes of prevent an orosinus fistula after tooth
Orleans, 1989 60 cases. Equine Vet J 2005; 37: 138–142 extraction in horses. Vet Surg 1992; 21:
48. Boero M. Correction of brachygnathism 61. Schumacher J, Honnas C, Smith B. 150–156
in foals. In: Allen T, ed. Manual of Paranasal sinusitis complicated by 75. Brink P. Levator labii superioris muscle
equine dentistry. Mosby, St Louis, 2003, inspissated exudate in the ventral conchal transposition to treat oromaxillary sinus
p. 173 sinus. Vet Surg 1987; 16: 373–377 fistula in three horses. Vet Surg 2006; 35:
49. Pence P, Wilewski K. Newborn, weanling 62. Richardson DW, Evans LH, Tulleners EP. 596–600
and adolescent horse dentistry. In: Pence Rostral mandibulectomy in five horses. 76. Campbell ML, Peyton LC. Muscle flap
P, ed. Equine dentistry: a practical guide. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1991; 199: closure of a frontocutaneous fistula in a
Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 1179–1182 horse. Vet Surg 1984; 13: 185–188
Baltimore, 2002, pp 115–139 63. Schumacher J, Kemper DL, Helman RG, 77. Dart A, Best P, Peatfield J. Reconstruction
50. Dixon PM, Hawkes C, Townsend W. Edwards JL. Removal of the premaxillae of a maxillary sinus defect in a horse
Complications of equine oral surgery. of a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1996; using a levator nasolabialis muscle flap.
Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 2009; 209: 118–119 Australian Veterinary Journal 1994; 71:
24: 499–514 64. Baker GJ. Abnormalities of development 379–380
51. Jayo M, Leipold HW, Dennis SM, and eruption. In: Baker GJ, Easley J, eds. 78. Schumacher J, Auer J, Shamis L. The use
Eldridge FE. Brachygnathia superior and Equine dentistry. WB Saunders, of periosteal flaps to repair facial defects
degenerative joint disease, a new lethal Philadelphia, 1999, pp 49–59 in two horses. Vet Surg 1985; 14:
syndrome in Angus calves. Veterinary 65. McKellar GM, Collins AP. The surgical 235–239
Pathology 1987; 24: 148–155 correction of a deviated anterior maxilla
Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 20
W. Henry Tremaine† BVet Med, M Phil, Cert ES, Dip ECVS, MRCVS,
James Schumacher* DVM, MS, MRCVS, Dip ACVS
Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol, Langford House, Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU, UK
*Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
TN 77901-1071, USA
20 Treatment
Removal of incisors
Deciduous incisors, especially the middle (Triadan 02) and
corner (Triadan 03) incisors, are often involved in an
avulsion fracture of the mandible or an incisive bone (pre-
maxilla). Whenever possible, and whenever soft-tissue
attachments remain, the teeth should be salvaged by incor-
porating them into the fracture repair. Many incisors that
may initially appear to be devitalized can be salvaged, pro-
vided that they can be immobilized and that they remain at
least partially attached to their alveolus. Removing a com-
pletely devitalized deciduous incisor has minimal effect on
eruption of its permanent counterpart.
Failure of one or more deciduous incisors to shed when
their permanent counterparts erupt can result in misalign-
ment of the permanent teeth as they erupt (Fig. 20.1). These Fig. 20.2 Small periodontal elevators, such as these, are suitable for
retained incisors, which usually reside rostral to the perma- elevating incisors and ‘wolf teeth.’
nent incisors, rarely interfere with prehension of food, and
usually present a problem only with cosmesis. A deciduous
incisor can easily be removed with the horse sedated after
infiltrating the surrounding gingiva with local anesthetic
solution, such as mepivacaine or lidocaine. A deciduous
incisor has a short reserve crown, and its periodontal attach-
ments are easily loosened using a small, periodontal elevator
(Fig. 20.2). Once loosened, the tooth can be extracted using
a pair of small, wolf tooth extracting forceps (Fig. 20.3). The
alveolus fills rapidly with a blood clot, which is soon replaced
by granulation tissue, then by fibrous tissue, and finally
by bone.
Removal of supernumerary,
permanent incisors
Supernumerary, permanent incisors occur frequently and Fig. 20.3 Small dental extractors, such as these, are suitable for removing
vary in number from one to several. The supernumerary retained deciduous incisors.
permanent incisor usually has an occlusal surface that
appears similar to that of a normal incisor and has a reserve
crown that is often equal in length and shape to that of a
normal incisor (Figs 20.4 & 20.5). Supernumerary teeth that
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.8 This canine, which was sensitive to percussion, was desensitized Fig. 20.9 This picture shows a range of equipment used to elevate gingival
with a mandibular alveolar nerve block before its gingival attachments were and periodontal attachments to a wolf tooth before the tooth is extracted
elevated. Canines have an extensive reserve crown, and so, to extract a with small forceps.
canine, a lateral alveolar ostectomy is often required.
Fig. 20.10 A small, gingival incision exposes a subgingival wolf tooth for Fig. 20.12 This deciduous premolar was removed with cap extracting
extraction. forceps.
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.14 This horse is sedated, and its head supported in a sling prior to
dental extraction.
Fig. 20.13 The underside of this shed deciduous premolar contains some
of the gingival epithelium that surrounded the emerging permanent
Extraction per os should not be attempted, however, with the
horse conscious if the horse’s temperament puts the horse
but the technical difficulties encountered when extracting a or personnel at risk of injury.
tooth from a poorly restrained horse and the development Extracting a tooth per os with the horse standing is best
of improved anesthetic agents during the past century performed with the horse restrained in stocks, with its head
brought about the development of surgical techniques of supported in a rigid halter or head-stand (Fig. 20.14).
extraction, and consequently, dental repulsion became Extracting a cheek tooth constitutes a major surgical proce-
widely practiced. The technical problems and the high inci- dure, especially when the horse is young, and effective seda-
dence of complications associated with dental repulsion, tion and good analgesia are prerequisites for a successful
such as dental or osseous sequestra and oro-antral fistula, outcome. (See Ch. 15.) A tooth can be extracted successfully
reported in major studies,7,8 stimulated development of an without the use of regional analgesia,7 but administering the
alternative surgical technique of extraction, namely extrac- appropriate regional nerve block greatly improves the ease
tion through a buccotomy, which was reported to be associ- of the extraction per os and reduces the time required to
ated with a lower incidence of complications than was perform the procedure and the quantity of sedation that
extraction by repulsion.9,10 The technique of extraction by must be administered.14 Administering a nerve block, even
buccotomy was found by many to be technically compli- when extraction is performed with the horse anesthetized,
cated, necessitated that the horse be anesthetized, and not allows the procedure to be performed with the horse in a
without complication, such as iatrogenic damage to branches lighter plane of anesthesia.
of the dorsal buccal nerve or to the parotid salivary duct.11
Because of complications associated with extraction by
repulsion and by buccotomy, extraction per os again became
Selecting a horse for extracting a cheek
the technique of extraction preferred by most practitioners tooth per os
and remains so today. Teeth with a short reserve crown and those with weakened
Extraction per os, originally described by Merillat (1906),12 periodontal attachments caused by advanced periodontal
is associated with a low incidence of complications and is disease can be extracted per os without difficulty, but extract-
more economical than is extraction by repulsion or by buc- ing a tooth with a long reserve crown and little periodontal
cotomy.7,13 The ease of the technique has been enhanced by destruction presents a challenge. O’Connor (1942) observed
the evolution of better instruments, development of more that ‘to extract a molar tooth from a sound alveolus in a
effective sedatives and analgesic drugs, and more wide- young horse is almost an impossible task.’15 However, by
spread use of regional analgesia of dental structures. using modern techniques, sedatives and analgesic drugs, the
appropriate regional nerve block, and appropriate instru-
Restraining a horse for extracting mentation, difficulties of extraction per os are no longer
a cheek tooth per os Extracting the most caudal cheek teeth (i.e., Triadan 010s
Although a small proportion of nervous or fractious horses and 011s) is technically more difficult because the caudal
must be anesthetized for extraction of a tooth per os, the aspect of the mouth cannot be opened wide, impairing accu-
procedure can usually be performed with the horse sedated. rate placement of instruments on these teeth. Extraction of
Extracting a cheek tooth with the horse sedated, rather than teeth with long reserve crowns is hindered by the narrow
anesthetized, offers considerable advantages because of the confines of the caudal aspect of the mouth and interference
costs and risks associated with anesthetizing a horse. from the opposing dental arcade.
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.17 Molar separators are used to strain the periodontium on the
rostral and caudal aspects of the tooth, as shown in this cadaver specimen.
Fig. 20.21 The handles of an extractor can be fixed, after the extractor is
correctly positioned, using a rubber band or adhesive tape.
20 Treatment
skin incision over the osteotomy is left unsutured to heal by cheek at the level of the affected alveolus, and a narrow
second intention. elevator is inserted into the coronal aspect of the alveolus
A dental fragment can also be extracted with the aid of an through the incision to elevate the fragment. After the frag-
elevator inserted through a small buccotomy (Fig. 20.32). ment is elevated, it can be retrieved per os. The stab incision
The surgical site is identified, a stab incision is created in the is left to heal by second intention. This technique facilitates
periodontal elevation of the fragment, allowing it to be
extracted without the destructive forces sometimes required
when repulsing a dental fragment. Branches of the facial
nerve and parotid salivary duct can be damaged using this
technique, and the subcutaneous tissues can be inoculated
with oral bacteria, resulting in painful cellulitis.
After extracting a cheek tooth, the alveolus can be tempo-
rarily loosely packed with polysiloxane putty, dental wax, or
a gauze swab impregnated with an antibacterial drug, such
as metronidazole paste, but care must be taken to avoid
sealing dental or osseous fragments within the alveolus. If
dental infection has produced a draining tract, the tract
should be irrigated with isotonic saline solution, after remov-
ing its epithelial lining with a curette, before the alveolus is
packed. The packing is gradually extruded as the alveolus fills
with organizing granulation tissue. Infected paranasal
sinuses may need to be debrided through an osteoplastic,
maxillary or frontonasal flap or through a large trephine hole
or lavaged through a catheter inserted into the sinuses
through a small trephine hole. If the alveolus communicates
with paranasal sinuses, it should be sealed from the sinuses
with a material likely to be retained until the communica-
tion no longer exists, such as polysiloxane putty or polymeth-
ylmethacrylate bone cement.17
The alveolus should be cleaned and dried with gauze
swabs before the plug is inserted. The plug is pressed into
the coronal third of the alveolus, while still malleable. The
surface of the plug should lie flush with the gingival margins
of the alveolus (Fig. 20.33), and formation of a large flange
that protrudes from the gingival margin should be avoided
(Fig. 20.34). Creating a slight flare on the plug at the gingival
margin facilitates removal of the plug when a seal is no
longer needed, but an excessively large flare may facilitate
Fig. 20.22 Foamy hemorrhage can be seen around the gingival margin early loosening of the plug by the horse’s tongue. Filling
of the tooth when the tooth loosens. This hemorrhage is accompanied by a
more than the distal third of the alveolus with the seal may
squelching sound.
Fig. 20.23 (A) The dental fulcrum enables the extractor to elevate the tooth from the alveolus. (B) Fulcrums of different thickness may be required so that
the force of extraction can be directed appropriately.
Fig. 20.24 After the fulcrum is optimally positioned, the handles of the
forceps are pressed on the fulcrum, extracting the tooth from its alveolus.
Fig. 20.27 Radiograph showing dental fragment in the apex of a
mandibular alveolus. The tooth was fractured during an attempt at
extraction per os. Dental fragments in the alveolus of a young horse can be
difficult to remove, but with careful perioperative imaging to ensure
accuracy of the placement of the punch, the fragment can be repulsed into
the oral cavity with the horse sedated after desensitizing the affected region
with a regional nerve block.
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.28 (A) Root elevators and picks of various sizes and shapes are required to elevate root fragments. (B) Dental fragment forceps with long jaws to
facilitate extraction of dental fragments.
Fig. 20.29 If a fractured root cannot be retrieved using a root elevator, it Fig. 20.31 Fragment of a tooth retained at the apex of the alveolus.
can be repulsed into the mouth using a Steinmann pin or small punch The tooth was fractured during an attempt at extraction per os and was
inserted through a small osteotomy created over the apex of the alveolus. extracted retrograde using a Steinmann pin.
Fig. 20.35 A portion of the right mandibular 4th premolar (Triadan 408)
Fig. 20.33 The plug, which is pressed into the coronal third of the alveolus, and a portion of the right mandibular 1st molar (Triadan 409) have erupted
should lie flush with the gingival margins of the alveolus. Large flanges into the vacant alveolus of the 4th premolar (Triadan 208). After a tooth has
should be avoided. been removed, that portion of the arcade that opposes the vacant alveolus
erupts faster and without attrition. The opposing arcade should be rasped
biannually to avoid this complication. Note the unerupted supernumery
maxillary molar (Triadan 12).
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.37 The clinical crown of the first cheek tooth (i.e., 2nd premolar;
Triadan 06) is about one-third longer in a rostral to caudal plane than is the
Fig. 20.36 Persistent discharge of feed and purulent exudate from a naris clinical crown of the other five cheek teeth in that arcade.
after one or more of the ipsilateral maxillary premolars has been extracted
could indicate the presence of an oro-nasal fistula. This horse was treated
for an oro-nasal fistula by occluding the oral aspect of the fistula with an
acrylic plug. osteoplastic flap if it resides completely within the maxillary
sinuses (i.e., the maxillary molars, Triadan 209–211 and
309–311). The osteotomy must be created precisely over the
tooth’s apex to avoid damage to an adjacent, healthy tooth.
flap with a partial alveolar osteotomy to expose the reserve The location of the apex varies according to the tooth
crown of the tooth. Retrograde removal of a tooth by repul- involved and the age of the horse.
sion became fashionable during the late 19th and early 20th The optimum site of exposure can be identified using
centuries, when general anesthesia of the horse became pos- several techniques, one of which is to first locate the clinical
sible, and the technique has changed little since this time. crown of the diseased tooth and then, by knowing the incli-
Complications associated with retrograde removal of a tooth nation and length of the tooth, to estimate the location of
by repulsion resulted in the development of an alternative the tooth’s apex. Using this technique, the clinical crown of
surgical technique for removal, the buccotomy approach, the diseased tooth, including its mesial and distal contact
which entails exposing the reserve crown of the tooth by surfaces, is identified by sight during oral examination. The
removing its lateral alveolar wall through an incision into contact surface of two contiguous teeth is recognized by a
the oral cavity and then removing the tooth after dividing it palpable depression at the gingival sulcus. (N.B. The clinical
into segments. crown of the first cheek tooth, i.e., 2nd premolar, Triadan
06, is about one-third longer in a rostral to caudal plane than
Technique of extracting a cheek tooth is the clinical crown of the other five cheek teeth in that row;
Fig. 20.37). After the clinical crown has been identified, the
by repulsion location of the apex of the tooth to be removed must be
Repulsion of diseased teeth remains a commonly performed estimated. Its location can be estimated by placing one of
surgical procedure in equine practice despite the widely two identical dental picks, held in contact at the handles,
reported, high incidence of complications associated with it into the mouth so that its tip rests buccal to the center of
and its mechanical inefficiency. Regardless of what surgical the diseased tooth. The other pick is placed adjacent and
technique of exodontia is used (i.e., repulsion or extraction parallel to the first pick but on the outside of the cheek to
via buccotomy), the tooth’s periodontium must be disrupted demarcate the site of the center of the clinical crown of the
to avoid damage to surrounding alveolar bone, and there- affected tooth on the buccal skin.19
fore, attempting to disrupt some of the periodontium, using To expose the apex of a mandibular or maxillary 2nd (i.e.,
extraction forceps per os, before embarking on a surgical Triadan 06 ) or 3rd (i.e., Triadan 07) premolar, the center of
course of dental extraction is prudent. Disrupting some of the osteotomy should be on a line perpendicular to the
the periodontal ligament greatly reduces the time of surgery occlusal surface of the arcade at the center of the clinical
and the likelihood of collateral tissue damage that can occur crown, regardless of the age of the horse (Fig. 20.38).20 The
when the tooth is repulsed. reserve crowns of the mandibular and maxillary 4th premo-
To repulse a tooth, the tooth’s apex must be exposed to lars (i.e., Triadan 08) and that of all the mandibular and
allow correct alignment of the dental punch on the apex of maxillary molars (i.e., Triadan 09–11) curve caudally, in a
the tooth so that force can be delivered along the natural coronal to apical direction until the horse is about 8 or 9
eruption pathway of the tooth. The apex of a cheek tooth is years old,21 and so, to expose the apex of one of these teeth
exposed by creating an osteotomy in the overlying mandible in horses less than 8 or 9 years old, the center of the oste-
or maxillary bone, created using a trephine, drill bit, oscil- otomy should be approximately level with the caudal contact
lating bone saw, or chisel (or osteotome). The apex of the surface of that tooth, on a plane perpendicular to the occlu-
tooth can also be exposed through a frontonasal or maxillary sal surface of the dental arcade.20,21 For horses older than
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.42 Trephines and bits suitable for creating an osteotomy for
Fig. 20.44 A bone gouge and mallet can be used to enlarge the trephine
The apex of the tooth is completely exposed by removing Fig. 20.45 This figure shows the creation of an osteoplastic maxillary flap,
overlying cancellous alveolar bone with a bone curette. To using an oscillating saw, to expose the rostral and caudal maxillary sinuses.
avoid damaging an adjacent, healthy tooth, the entire apex The apices of maxillary molars can be exposed through this flap. The 1st or
of the tooth should be exposed, and both contact surfaces 2nd maxillary molars (i.e., Triadan 109 or 110 or 209 or 210) or sometimes
of the diseased tooth identified before the tooth is repulsed the 3rd maxillary molar (Triadan 111 or 211) are repulsed into the oral cavity
into the oral cavity. Suction is helpful at this point in the using this approach.
procedure to aid visibility, which is usually obscured by
constant capillary bleeding. If the trephine hole has not
adequately exposed the apex of the tooth, the hole can be triple trephine technique).3 Using this approach, one hole is
enlarged using a bone rongeur or a bone gouge and mallet created dorsomedial to the medial canthus of eye for place-
(Fig. 20.44). The apical end of the tooth can be transected ment of the punch on the apex of the tooth. A second hole,
perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth, using a chisel created ventrorostral to the medial canthus, allows the
(or osteotome) and a mallet or a diamond cutting wheel, punch to be guided onto the apex of the tooth and allows
and removed to provide a flat platform for a punch to be the alveolus to be inspected postoperatively. The third hole,
seated and aligned properly along the long axis of the created at the angle formed by the orbit and the facial crest
tooth. Transecting and removing the apex of the tooth provides a portal for placing a catheter into the caudal maxil-
may also provide space to maneuver the punch into proper lary sinus for postoperative lavage of the paranasal sinuses.
alignment. Alternatively, reasonable access to the 2nd maxillary molar
The maxillary 1st or 2nd molar (i.e., Triadan 09 or 010) of mature horses (i.e., >8 years old) can be gained through
can be removed through a trephine hole created into the either a maxillary or frontonasal, osteoplastic flap.
paranasal sinuses over the apex of the tooth. To repulse To create a dorsally hinged, osteoplastic maxillary flap, a
the maxillary 1st molar (i.e., Triadan 109 or 209), which is three-sided incision through the skin, subcutis, and perios-
the most commonly diseased maxillary tooth, the trephine teum is created within the confines of the boundaries of the
hole is usually centered at a point midway between the rostral and caudal maxillary sinus (Fig. 20.45). A technique
rostral end of the facial crest and a point on the facial crest to create and close a maxillary osteoplastic flap is described
at the level of the medial canthus of the eye, 1 cm ventral to in detail in Chapter 19, Basic equine orthodontics and max-
an imaginary line drawn between the infraorbital foramen illofacial surgery. The osteoplastic, maxillary flap provides
and the medial canthus of the eye. the operator opportunity to visually examine a large extent
To remove the 2nd maxillary molar (i.e., Triadan 110 or of the paranasal sinuses and permits manipulation of dental
210), the trephine hole is centered more caudally over the instruments within the sinuses.
caudal maxillary sinus, rostroventral to the ventral orbital A disadvantage to creating an osteoplastic maxillary flap,
rim; but the site varies between horses and is affected by the rather than a trephine hole, to repulse a maxillary molar, is
age of the horse. Selection of the optimal site for trephina- that unless the flap is reopened, access to the apical aspect
tion should be guided by radiographic examination. One of the alveolus is no longer accessible to monitor healing of
author has suggested an approach to the 2nd maxillary the alveolus or to curette the alveolus, should the need arise.
molar that involves creating three trephine holes (i.e., the Access to the apical aspect of the alveolus after surgery is
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.46 Aligning a dental punch along the eruption path of a tooth is A
made much easier using an off-set, or double-curved, punch. Note that the
shanks are different in length. Two or three off-set punches, each with a
different length of shaft, may be required to completely repulse a tooth.
20 Treatment
to the ventral rim of the eye. Warm, isotonic saline solution complications serious enough to necessitate a second
or a solution of povidone-iodine instilled into the sinuses surgery.10
through the Foley catheter exits the sinuses into the nasal The most serious complication associated with extracting
cavity through the nasomaxillary aperture. The sinuses are a cheek tooth by repulsion is unintended damage to other
lavaged for 1–7 days; the frequency and duration for which structures, such as adjacent, healthy teeth, the infraorbital
the sinuses are lavaged depends on the degree to which the or mandibular nerve (Fig. 20.53), and palatine bone
sinuses were contaminated. The cutaneous incision over the (Fig. 20.54) or medial or lateral lamina of the mandible or
osseous portal can be sutured or stapled after the catheter is maxilla (Fig. 20.55). Other complications associated with
removed, or the incision can be allowed to heal by second dental repulsion include early loss of the alveolar plug
intention. causing contamination of the alveolus and paranasal sinuses
with feed; formation of an oro-antral fistula; damage to the
nasolacrimal duct, parotid salivary duct, infraorbital nerve,
Complications associated with extracting
or palatine artery; and most commonly, a chronic draining
a cheek tooth by repulsion tract caused by sequestration of alveolar bone or dental
The owner should be advised that a horse that has lost a fragments.8 The more caudal the tooth, the more likely is the
cheek tooth requires life-long, prophylactic dental care and horse to suffer one or more of these serious postoperative
should be forewarned that serious complications of dental complications.10
extraction by repulsion are common and often result in the The owner should be forewarned that even when the
need for additional surgery. In a report of 220 horses that alveolus is determined to be free of bony fragments at the
had undergone surgical removal of a cheek tooth, 165 had time of surgery, the severe trauma to which the alveolus was
undergone extraction by repulsion, and of these, 65 had subjected when the tooth was repulsed can result in the
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.53 The horse may mutilate its nose if the infraorbital nerve is
Fig. 20.51 The apex of a diseased premolar of this horse was approached
through a straight skin incision for repulsion of the tooth into the oral cavity.
Because the likelihood of infection at the surgical site is high, the stapled
incision should be inspected periodically for signs of subcutaneous
infection. The incision should be opened if signs of infection are observed.
Fig. 20.52 The alveolus can be carefully inspected visually and digitally
after removing the implant to ensure that it has commenced to granulate. Fig. 20.54 Endoscopic view of the right nasal cavity of a horse after
Bone not covered with granulation tissue may be devitalized and repulsion of a maxillary molar showing a large hole (arrows) in the hard (HP)
sequestered. and soft palates (SP) from injury from the dental punch. The nasal septum
(NS) is on the right.
20 Treatment
Fig. 20.57 For the buccal approach to dental extraction, vital structures, Fig. 20.59 Extraction through a buccotomy. The alveolar bone over the
such as the dorsal or ventral buccal branch of the facial nerve, must be buccal aspect of the cheek tooth is being removed with a burr.
identified and retracted carefully. The suture surrounds the ventral buccal
branch of the facial nerve.
encountered. After dissecting through these structures, aspect of the reserve crown of the tooth. At least two-thirds
paying extreme attention to detail and hemostasis, which is of the lateral alveolar wall is removed to completely expose
assisted by suction, the tough, oral mucous membrane is the apical end of the tooth.
encountered. By incising it, the clinical crown of the tooth The periodontium on the rostral and caudal surfaces of
to be removed is exposed (Fig. 20.58). the tooth is disrupted using a fine elevator or curved gouge
A gingival flap is raised on the lateral aspect of the alveolus (Fig. 20.60). Space for extraction can be created by splitting
of the tooth with a periosteal elevator to expose the lateral the tooth longitudinally, using a burr. The tooth can also
alveolar cortex of the maxilla or mandible. The periosteum be removed by transecting it transversely with a chisel, in
is incised at the center of the tooth, parallel to the long axis which case, the occlusal fragment is advanced into the oral
of the tooth, and reflected to either side. The buccal alveolar cavity, where it is removed, to provide access to the apical
bone that spans the rostral and caudal contact surfaces of portion of the tooth, which can then be elevated intact or
the tooth is incised parallel to the long axis of the tooth at piecemeal from the alveolus using a gouge or curved peri-
the rostral and caudal interproximal margins of the tooth odontal elevator (Fig. 20.61). Radiographic examination at
using an oscillating saw, a surgical fissure burr, or a sharp this point in the procedure is necessary only when the
chisel (Fig. 20.59). This plate is elevated and removed using surgeon has doubt as to whether the entire tooth has been
an osteotome or periodontal elevator to expose the buccal removed.
Fig. 20.61 Extraction through a buccotomy. The tooth is being sectioned Fig. 20.63 Extraction through a buccotomy. The oral aspect of the alveolus
with a chisel before it is removed. is sealed with a plug of polysiloxane.
Fig. 20.62 Extraction through a buccotomy. The empty space at the apical
Fig. 20.64 The incision is sutured in three layers, and the end of the rolled
aspect of the alveolus is packed with rolled gauze impregnated with a dilute
gauze is exited through a separate incision.
solution of povidone-iodine.
After the tooth has been removed, the empty alveolus is Complications associated with extracting
packed concertina fashion with rolled gauze impregnated a cheek tooth using a horizontal or vertical
with a dilute solution of povidone-iodine (Fig. 20.62). One buccotomy approach
end of the gauze exits through a stab incision created adja-
cent to the original incision so that the gauze can be with- The most serious complications associated with extracting a
drawn a few inches at a time during the next 5–10 days. A cheek tooth by buccotomy are irreversible, iatrogenic damage
plug of acrylic, such as polysiloxane, is placed into the to the ventral or dorsal buccal nerve and parotid salivary
oral aspect of the alveolus over the gauze packing duct. In one study, only 1 of 44 horses that had undergone
(Fig. 20.63), but because the buccal portion of the alveolus removal of a cheek tooth by buccotomy had a complication
has been removed, this implant often soon loosens. The that necessitated a second surgery.10 Complications arising
gingival flap can be sutured but, because of inevitable con- from extraction by buccotomy included temporary facial
tamination of the surgery site, is often left to heal by second paralysis from trauma to the dorsal buccal branch of the
intention. The buccotomy incision is closed in three layers, facial nerve (2 horses) and partial wound dehiscence (6
using monofilament absorbable suture to close the incision horses). Transection and subsequent anastomosis of the
in the oral mucosa and subcutaneous tissue, and parotid salivary duct was required to access the diseased
non-absorbable suture or staples to close the skin incision tooth of 2 horses.
(Fig. 20.64).
20 Treatment
1. Blundeville T. The fower chiefyst offices 10. Lane GJ. Equine dental extraction- 19. MacDonald MH, Basile T, Wilson WD,
belonging to horsemanshippe. London, Repulsion vs Buccotomy: Techniques and et al. Removal of maxillary tooth
1566 results. Proceedings World Veterinary fragments and root remnants in standing
2. Lane JG. A review of dental disorders of Dental Congress, Birmingham, 1987, horses. Proceedings AAEP-Focus on
the horse, their treatment and possible pp 135–138 Dentistry 2006, 148–155
fresh approaches to management. Equine 11. Easley J. Equine tooth removal. In: Baker 20. Wheat J. Sinus drainage and tooth
Veterinary Education 1994; 6: 13–21 G, Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry, eds. repulsion in the horse. Proceedings AAEP
3. Lane JG. Exodontia: Part 2: surgical WB Saunders, London, 1999, 1973; 19: 171
extraction of equine molars and pp 228–229 21. Frank E. Veterinary surgery, 7th edn.
premolars (cheek teeth). In: Baker GJ, 12. Merillat MA. Equine dentistry and Burgess, Minneapolis, 1964,
Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry, 2nd ed. diseases of the mouth. Veterinary Surgery, pp 156–159
Elsevier, Edinburgh, 2005, pp 279–294 Vol. 1, Alex Eber, Chicago, 1906 22. Lane J, Gibbs C, Meynink S, et al.
4. Shira RB. Principles of exodontia. In: 13. Tremaine WH. Oral extraction of equine Radiographic examination of the facial,
Guralnick WC, ed. Textbook of Oral cheek teeth: a Victorian technique nasal and paranasal sinus regions of the
Surgery, Little, Brown and Co, Boston, revisited. Proceedings World Veterinary horse: I. Indications and procedures in
1968, p. 79 Dental Congress, Birmingham, 1987, 235 cases. Equine Vet J 1987; 19:
5. Nickel R, Schummer A, Seifarle E. The pp 139–143 466–473
anatomy of domestic animals, 2nd edn. 14. Tremaine WH. Local analgesic techniques 23. Sissons S, Grossman J. The anatomy of
Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg, for the equine head. Equine Veterinary the domestic animals, 4th edn. WB
1979 Education 2007; 19: 495–503 Saunders, Philadelphia, 1953, pp 387,
6. Markham G. Markham’s masterpiece. G 15. O’Connor JJ. Operations. In: Dollar’s 882
Conyers, London, 1723 Veterinary surgery, 3rd edn. Baillière, 24. Mueller P. Equine dental disorders:
7. Dixon PM, Tremaine WH, Pickles K, et al. Tindall and Cox, London, 1942, Cause, diagnosis, and treatment.
Equine dental disease Part 4. A long-term pp 250–261 Compendium of Continuing Education
study of 400 cases: apical infections of 16. Guard WF. Equine operations. In: Surgical for the Practicing Veterinarian 1991; 13:
cheek teeth. Equine Vet J 2000; 32: principles and techniques. WF Guard, 1451
182–194. Columbus, Ohio, 1951, 25. McIlwraith C, Turner A. Equine surgery:
8. Prichard M, Hackett R, Erb H. Long-term pp 78–89 advanced techniques, 2nd edn. Williams
outcome of tooth repulsion in horses: a 17. Dixon PM. Dental extraction and and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1987,
retrospective study of 61 cases. Vety Surg endodontic techniques in horses. pp 289–292
1992; 21: 145–149 Compendium of Continuing Education 26. Trostle S, Juzwiak J, Santschi E. How to
9. Evans LH, Tate LP, LaDow CS. Extraction for the Practicing Veterinarian 1997; 19: use antibiotic impregnated plaster of
of the equine 4th upper premolar and 1st 628–637 Paris for alveolar packing after tooth
and 2nd upper molars through a lateral 18. Townsend N, Barakzai S. Abstracts of the removal. Proceeding AAEP 2000; 46:
buccotomy. Proceedings AAEP 1981; 28: 17th scientific meeting of the ECVS, 180–181
249–252 Veterinary Surgery 2008, 95–98
Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 21
Dental materials
Stephen S. Galloway† DVM, Melanie S. Galloway DVM
Fellow, Academy of Veterinary Dentistry (Equine)
Animal Care Hospital, 8565 Hwy 64, Somerville, TN 38068, USA
21 Treatment
Dental materials
Fig. 21.4 (A) Decay of the mandibular right 3rd incisor (403). (B) Cavity preparation using a diamond burr on a high-speed handpiece. Note that the walls
of the preparation are perpendicular to the surface of the tooth. The author elected not to instrument retention grooves (dentinal undercuts) or marginal
beveling since this shallow preparation was designed for a resin composite filling.
Bases and liners eugenol chemically react to form a chelate. The setting time
is accelerated by humidity, elevated temperature, and
Cavity preparations, in which less than 2 mm of dentin
increasing the powder-to-liquid ratio. Therefore, ZOE is typi
remains between the pulpar wall and the pulp (indirect pulp
cally mixed on a cooled glass slab to slow the setting reaction
exposure), require the application of a pulp protecting mate
(Fig. 21.5). Condensation (humidity) on the cooled pad will
rial.5 Cavity varnishes, liners, and bases are used to protect
accelerate the setting reaction and negate the cooling effect.
the pulp. Cavity varnishes are organic solvent and resin solu
The powder-to-liquid ratio for the mix is dictated by the use
tions that seal dentinal tubules. They do not prevent acid
of the cement. When mixing a ZOE base material, sufficient
penetration or thermal conductivity, and are losing popular
powder must be incorporated to produce a stiff, putty-like
ity since the organic solvent can interfere with the polymeri
consistency (Box 21.2).
zation of resin composites.
Zinc phosphate (ZP) cements are the oldest and least
Cavity liners are non-irritating materials that are placed in
expensive cements. They have high compressive strength and
a thin layer to protect the pulp and decrease dentinal sensi
good thermal insulation properties and historically have
tivity. They provide no thermal or mechanical protection
been used as a restoration intermediate layer between gutta
and are inadequate as a sole protecting medium. Calcium
percha (GP) and the final composite restoration. Due to the
hydroxide (CaOH), the most popular liner, is supplied as a
acidic nature of the material, ZP is not recommended as a
powder or as commercially prepared pastes. The powder can
base in cases with direct or near pulp exposure.6
be applied directly into a cavity or mixed into a paste with
Glass ionomer (GI) cement is currently the most popular
water, saline, or an anesthetic. The strong alkalinity (pH 12.5
base material. The properties of GIs are discussed below,
when mixed with saline) of CaOH is bactericidal, neutralizes
under Direct placement restorative materials.
acids, and induces reparative dentin formation. CaOH dis
solves if contaminated with oral fluids and must be covered
by another restorative material. Direct placement restorative materials
Cavity bases are used in deep cavities to provide structural
support for the final restoration and chemical and thermal The ideal restorative material would allow for conservative
protection of the pulp. Dental cements are typically used as cavity preparation, be easy to apply, bond to the substrate
bases. Reinforced zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) cement (Inter (dental tissues), have the similar strength, thermal, and wear
mediate Restorative Material, IRM)a has been a historically characteristic to the tooth, and be the same color as the
popular cavity base. This material is losing popularity tooth. No material has all of these ideal characteristics.
because eugenol interferes with the bonding of resin com Therefore, a material, or combination of materials, must be
posites. ZOE cements have a pH of approximately 7, which selected based on its specific advantages in a specific situa
is thought to have protective and soothing properties on the tion. Three basic groups of restorative materials are used in
pulp. In cases of direct or near pulp exposure, a liner should veterinary dentistry: amalgam, glass ionomers, and resin
be used since ZOE cements can cause pulp inflammation. composites. These materials have also been combined to
ZOE cements are dispensed as zinc oxide powder and produce materials (e.g., resin modified glass ionomers) in
eugenol liquid or as a two paste system. Zinc oxide and an attempt to gain the advantages and minimize the disad
vantages of the base materials.
Dental amalgam is the alloy of mercury mixed with other
Caulk IRM, DENTSPLY International Inc., York, PA, USA. metals (usually silver, tin, and copper). This material has
21 Treatment
Fig. 21.5 Mixing dental cement. (A) The zinc oxide powder and the eugenol liquid are placed on a glass slab for mixing. (B) Properly mixed cement has a
uniform creamy consistency that can be pulled approximately 1 cm.
Dental materials
(incremental buildup).10,11 In addition to ensuring maximum particles (8–12 µm) and are rarely used because newer
polymerization conversion, the layering technique mini composites outperform them. Although they are strong,
mizes resin shrinkage. The curing light should be held within their surface is notably rough, discolors, and wears
1 mm of the restoration to optimize light exposure, or the unevenly.
activation time should be extended. Light-activated resins are • Microfilled composites. These composites were designed
initiated by visible light and must be protected from room for superior polishability and contain filler particles in
lights, especially surgical lamps. The minimum energy the 0.04–0.4 µm range. They are indicated for low-
requirement to initiate the photosensitizer is 300 mW/cm2. stress, esthetic restorations and are not popular in
Curing lamps should be tested periodically with a radiometer veterinary medicine because they lack strength and
to ensure adequate emission. Because of the intensity of wear resistance.
the light produced by curing lamps, operators should never • Hybrid composites. These composites have a high filler
look at the blue light and should use an orange protective content and contain various sizes of particles ranging
shield or glasses to protect against retinal damage. from 0.2–3 µm. They are currently the preferred
Chemically activated resins (self-cured, auto-cured) are pack restoration material in human and veterinary dentistry
aged as two paste systems. One paste contains a benzyl because of their wide range of uses, their superior
peroxide initiator, and the other paste contains an aromatic clinical properties, wear resistance, and acceptable
tertiary amine activator. Upon mixing, polymerization polishability. They are used in stress-bearing and
begins, and the composite sets into a solid state within 3–5 esthetic restorations. The following hybrid composites
minutes. Heat increases both the rate and degree of polym are further grouped into subcategories.
erization. Chemically activated resins are usually used for • Microhybrid composites. This subcategory of hybrid
large, bulk fill restorations or restorations with limited light composites combines filler particles of submicron
access. (0.04 µm) and small (0.1–1.0 µm) sizes. They were
Dual-cure resins are chemically activated resins in which a developed to offer a composite for high stress as well
light activation system has been added to each paste and are as esthetic restorations. In general, they have superior
indicated in restorations where light cannot penetrate the strength, but polishability is not better than traditional
entire depth of the restoration. Light activation attains the hybrids. This is the most popular category of compos
initial set of the restoration, and the chemical activator com ites because of their versatility.
pletes the polymerization. Whether the composite is light or • Flowable composites. This subcategory of hybrid
chemically activated, the polymerization reaction continues composites consists of low viscosity (syringeable)
for at least 24 hours before the resin is completely cured. An composites with reduced filler content that flow and
unfilled resin coating is applied to protect the restoration adapt intimately to the cavity walls. They are only
from air and oral fluids during this curing period. This tech recommended in low stress restorations and restora
nique is referred to as ‘rebonding.’ tions with poor accessibility because they lack strength
Historically, the most significant problem with dental and wear resistance.
composites has been shrinkage of the matrix material during • Packable composites. This subcategory of hybrid
polymerization. This shrinkage creates a gap between the composites is highly viscous and was designed to be
restoration and the cavity wall referred to as marginal leakage. placed similarly to amalgam. They are strong, wear-
In order to reduce the volumetric change within the matrix, resistant, and polishable. Packable composites have no
high molecular weight monomers, which covalently bond to superior properties to other hybrid composites and
other polymer chains, are used. Most contemporary dental adaptation to the cavity walls is very technique
resins use a combination of bisphenol A epoxy and glycidyl sensitive.
methacrylate (Bis-GMA) and triethylene glycol dimethacr • Nanofilled composites. Recent advances in sol-gel
ylate (TEGDMA) monomers to limit matrix shrinkage. These technology have made submicron-sized particle
monomers also cross-link between polymerization chains to production possible. The nano-particle size (0.005–
produce a composite with increased physical and mechanical 0.01µm) allows for increased filler loading, which
properties.12 Additionally, high levels of filler particles reduce improves strength and wear resistance, as well as
the amount of matrix in the composite, which also limits the minimizing shrinkage.
polymerization volumetric change. Increased filler loading • Nanohybrid composites. These composites combine
increases the restoration hardness, fracture strength, and nano particles and conventional fillers to produce a
wear resistance and reduces thermal expansion and contrac microhybrid composite with the strength and wear
tion. While the combination of high levels of Bis-GMA and resistance of a traditional composite and the polish
filler loading minimizes marginal leakage and improves the ability of a microfilled composite.
mechanical properties of the restoration, it also results in a • Core (buildup) composites. These high-strength compos
viscous material with poor handling characteristics. There ites were designed for placement under prosthodontic
fore, numerous composite materials are manufactured in an crown restorations where significant tooth structure has
attempt to maximize the physical, mechanical, and handling been lost. Filler particle sizes vary from micro to macro,
properties required for different restorative applications. and polishability is poor. Anecdotal success in restora
Dental composites are commonly classified by the filler tions of incisor fractures and extensive decay has been
particle size: reported.
• Compomers (polyacid modified resin composites). These
• Conventional (traditional, macrofilled) composites. composites have a polyacid modified resin matrix with
These stress-bearing composites have the largest composite and glass ionomer fillers. They release low
21 Treatment
Dental materials
21 Treatment
Fig. 21.7 Placement of an ‘Etch and Rinse’ (5th generation) bonding agent (BA) after incisor odontoplasty. (A) The occlusal surface is acid etched, and then
rinsed and left damp. (B) The BA is applied and brushed onto the surface. (C) The BA is light cured, and then a second application is made.
Box 21.5 Conclusions about contemporary bonding systems Box 21.7 Classifications of glass ionomer cements
based on a review of clinical trials17
Type I: Luting cements used to bond crowns and orthodontic
1. The 3-Step ER systems out-performed the 2-Step ER systems due appliances
to phase separation and incomplete infiltration into the Type II: Restorative materials
demineralized zone with the latter system Type III: Bases and liners used under composite materials
2. Several NR systems required selective enamel etching to be Type IV: Admixes, light-curing bases, and liners.
effective; therefore, they are not a true NR system
3. 2-Step NR systems showed clinically reliable performance in
non-load-bearing restorations
4. 1-Step NR systems had ineffective clinical performance and had
the highest failure rate of all systems specifications for handling and working time. GIs should be
5. Resin Modified GIs performed comparably to 3-Step ER systems manipulated as little as possible during the initial setting
and better than conventional GIs period, usually four to five minutes. GIs are often provided
6. Although anecdotal reports may support the use of these as a liquid and a powder which are mixed and applied as a
bonding systems in load-bearing restorations, no systematic data tacky liquid, which lumps upon placement into a cavity. The
exist to recommend this application. consistency of the prepared material often necessitates the
use of a mylar strip to hold the material in place during
initial setting when the cavity is located on a vertical wall
(i.e., a peripheral cavity on an incisor) and makes applica
Box 21.6 The basic technique for a composite restoration tion into an occlusal maxillary cavity difficult (i.e., incisor
1. The cavity or endodontic access is prepared (cavity preparation; root canal therapy restoration) or impossible (i.e., cheek
Fig. 21.4). tooth infundibulum). To improve handling sensitivity, some
2. In deep cavity preparations and endodontic access restorations, a GIs are packaged in syringes that dispense a premeasured
liner and/or base material (e.g., calcium hydroxide, glass ionomer, volume of two gels, which are then mixed or in capsules
and Reinforced Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Cement) may be applied. which are mixed with an amalgamator and dispensed
3. The walls of the cavity are conditioned (Acid Etch Technique; directly into the cavity. Resin modified glass ionomers have also
Fig. 21.8). been developed to allow for instant light-cured initial setting
4. A bonding agent is applied to all etched surfaces with a of the material, as well as improving strength. The final dis
disposable brush and light cured. Most manufactures suggest two advantage of GIs is their extended curing time (months),
applications of the bonding agent (Fig. 21.8). which necessitates protection of the restoration surface from
5. The resin composite is applied into the cavity and shaped with a desiccation. Protection during curing is commonly provided
plastic instrument. Chemical cure composites are typically applied by the placement of an unfilled resin on the restoration
in bulk, while light-curing and dual-curing composites are applied surface and peripheral dental tissues (enamel and cementum
and cured in 2 mm increments to allow for proper curing of in the horse; rebonding technique).
composite and to minimize the shrinkage of the restoration
Because of the unique chemical bonding and fluoride
(incremental buildup). Low viscosity materials in vertical
restorations can be held in place with a mylar strip (Fig. 21.9).
releasing properties, GIs are formulated for many dental
6. The cavity is filled to the coronal margin, or slightly overfilled.
applications (Box 21.6, 21.7 and 21.8). Although GIs are
very popular in human dentistry in luting applications (Fig.
7. The restoration surface is contoured with a diamond finishing burr
on a high-speed water-cooled handpiece and then finished with
21.12) and in restorative applications in patients with high
finishing stones and discs on a low-speed hand piece (Fig. 21.10). risk for caries (Fig. 21.13), in veterinary medicine GIs are
8. The restoration surface and marginal tissues are sealed by primarily used as liners under composite restorations to
re-etching and applying two coats of bonding agent (Rebonding; protect the pulp and to augment marginal sealing (Fig.
Fig. 21.11). 21.14). This application is commonly referred to as the
‘sandwich technique.’21 Before using a GI, practitioners must
Dental materials
Fig. 21.8 Conditioning and bonding of the cavity. (A) The cavity preparation is conditioned with 37 % phosphoric acid, and then rinsed and left damp.
(B) Two layers of an ‘Etch and Rinse’ bonding agent are applied to the cavity preparation. Note the shiny appearance of the bonded dentin.
Fig. 21.9 Incremental filling of the cavity with a light-cured resin composite. (A) The first layers are placed and adapted to the walls of the cavity.
(B) The remainder of the cavity is filled in 2-mm increments.
consider that the hypsodontic eruption of equine teeth Irrigation during root canal therapy is required to remove the
might eventually put a restoration into an occlusal, load- smear layer of dentin shavings, cellular debris, and pulp
bearing location, for which a GI is inappropriate. remnants created during instrumentation and to disinfect the
pulp canal. The chemical debridement provided by endo
Endodontic materials dontic irrigants during equine root canal therapy is critical
since the shape of equine pulp canals rarely allows for com
plete instrumentation. While the type and the concentration
Endodontic irrigants of endodontic irrigants are continuously debated, a SEM
Endodontic therapy involves the preparation, sterilization, study concluded that the volume of the irrigant was the most
and obturation of a diseased pulp canal (see Ch. 22). important factor in removing debris from the canal.22
21 Treatment
Dental materials
Fig. 21.12 Application of Type I glass ionomer cement. (A) A resin modified glass ionomer was used to cement an orthodontic appliance to the cheek teeth
of a young horse. (B) After appliance failure, the glass ionomer cement remains bonded to the cheek tooth peripheral cementum. (Bonding to cementum
has not been scientifically evaluated.)
port endodontic needle is advisable since injection of NaOCl Chlorhexidine, 2 % solution, (CHX) is used as an endo
through the apical foramen into the periradicular tissue is dontic disinfectant because of its antimicrobial properties,
extremely caustic and causes severe pain, periradicular hem and like sodium hypochlorite, heating enhances this prop
orrhage, swelling, and possible abscess. During retrograde erty;34 however, CHX has no tissue solvent properties.
procedures, the periapical tissues should be protected and The use of CHX has had mixed acceptance. Some dentists
rinsed frequently with saline solution, and the endodontist irrigate with alternating flushes of NaOCl, EDTA, and CHX
should consider using a lower concentration of NaOCl. for increased disinfection, while others support the use of
During procedures on maxillary incisors in the sedated CHX as the final canal rinse before obturation because CHX
horse, gravity evacuates the irrigant from the root canal. For binds to dental tissues and has persistent antimicrobial
this reason, higher concentrations of irrigant should be effect.35
considered. When using multiple irrigants the root canal is typically
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a decalcifying rinsed with sterile saline solution between irrigants, and this
agent that is commonly used to dissolve the inorganic com is especially important when using CHX. CHX is incompat
ponent of the smear layer. EDTA also increases the diameter ible with NaOCl and decomposes into a potentially carcino
of the dentinal tubules to allow penetration of disinfectants. genic precipitate, parachloroaniline,36 and when CHX is
A 17 % solution is the most common endodontic concentra mixed with EDTA, a CHX/EDTA salt precipitates.37 The com
tion and removes the smear layer in less than one minute of bination of NaOCl and EDTA inactivates the NaOCl, while
contact time. Another popular formulation of EDTA adds the EDTA remains active for a few minutes.38
urea peroxidase for its antibacterial properties in propylene
glycol base (RC Prep).b Although the use of gel and paste
formulations as a file lubricant is commonly practiced, the
solvent efficacy of these preparations is questionable. Since
Intracanal medicaments
the chemical efficacy of EDTA is self-limiting, it also must Since instrumentation and irrigation of non-vital pulps often
be intermittently replenished. For maximum clinical effi leaves viable bacteria in the pulp canal, some endodontists
cacy, EDTA should have a total contact time of at least 15 perform staged root canal therapy (multiple visits) to ensure
minutes.32 NaOCl and EDTA are most effective if their use disinfection of the canal. Antimicrobial intracanal medica
is alternated.33 ments are used between treatments. Historically, volatile
medicaments (i.e., formocresol and phenol derivatives) were
used for their strong antibacterial properties, but these mate
RC Prep, Stone Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, PA, USA. rials have lost popularity due to their potential toxicity.
21 Treatment
Fig. 21.13 Application of Type II glass ionomer (GI) cement restoration. GI restorations should only be applied after careful and cautious planning because
of the hypsodontic eruption of equine teeth. (A) Tooth resorption on the vestibular aspect of the 3rd incisor of a senior horse. (B & C) Cavity preparation of
the lesion involved osteoplasty and extensive subgingival debridement of all three dental tissues (Modified Honma Stage 3 lesion). (D & E) A glass ionomer
restoration was selected due to the uncertain etiology of the lesion and based on extrapolated applications in human and small animal patients. (F) 1-year
follow-up demonstrates retention of the restorative with surface pitting and possible marginal leakage.
Fig. 21.14 Application of Type III glass ionomer cement (Sandwich Technique). (A) Non-vital pulp exposure of a mandibular 3rd incisor in a teenage horse.
(B) Gutta percha (orange) and ZOE obturation of the root canal. (C) Glass ionomer liner application over the gutta percha. (D) The final resin composite
restoration of the root canal access.
Dental materials
Fig. 21.15 Mixing a glass ionomer (GI). (A) The GI powder and liquid are placed upon a glass mixing block. (B) The powder and liquid are rapidly mixed into
a uniform, tacky, glossy liquid consistency.
Calcium hydroxide (CaOH) has both scientific and compared to GP, and may strengthen the root.40 However,
popular support in several endodontic applications. CaOH no clinical successes using resin-based obturation systems in
has traditionally been the material of choice for the treat the horse have been reported.
ment of exposed pulp tissue (direct pulp capping) and for GP is the oldest, least cytotoxic, and most commonly used
apexification of non-vital pulp canals in immature teeth obturation material. It is also the only solid obturation
(Fig. 21.16) because of its biocompatibility and reparative material with reported use in equine endodontics. Natural
dentin induction property; however, Mineral Trioxide Aggre rubber and GP are the cis and trans isomers, respectively, of
gate (discussed below) is rapidly replacing CaOH in these the isoprene monomer, which is extracted from the juices
traditional applications. Because of its potent bactericidal of trees in the sapodilla family. Dental GP typically consists
properties, CaOH is also the material of choice for intracanal of approximately 20 % GP, 75 % zinc oxide, metallic sulfates
medicaments during staged (multiple visits) root canal for radio-opacity, and other waxes and resins. GP is supplied
therapy. In addition to the bactericidal effect of strong alka in cones of various shapes and lengths, but also in cones
linity, CaOH also hydrolyzes the lipid component of the tapered to match standardized endodontic files. 60-mm
lipopolysaccharides in bacterial cell walls.39 In equine den lengths are appropriate for most equine application
tistry, CaOH has been routinely used as a stand-alone pulp (Fig. 21.17). Most manufacturers package sterilized cones;
capping material after iatrogenic pulp exposures during however, the most common sterilization technique for GP
occlusal equilibration. As discussed above (Bases and liners), is soaking the cone in 5.25 % sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
this application is inappropriate. for 1 minute.41 After NaOCl sterilization, the cone is typi
cally rinsed with sterile saline solution. Some dentists believe
NaOCl sterilized GP must be rinsed with ethyl alcohol to
Obturation materials remove NaOCl crystals, which interfere with the obturation
Obturation is the complete filling and hermetic sealing of seal.42 GP oxidizes if exposed to air, light, and elevated tem
the prepared and sterilized root canal. Obturation systems peratures; therefore, refrigeration is recommended for pro
typically require the combination of a solid obturation longed storage. GP is incompressible but can be compacted
material and a sealer. Endodontic sealers bond to dentin to under pressure, and heating it to a temperature above 147°
provide a hermetic seal, but excessive shrinkage during F (64° C) softens GP to facilitate mechanical packing.43 GP
curing can cause seal failure; therefore, the solid obturation dissolves in organic solvents (e.g., chloroform, halothane,
material provides a base for the sealer to minimize shrink xylene), and a GP cone can be softened with a solvent to
age. Solid obturation materials include gutta percha (GP), facilitate placement into irregularly shaped canals by dipping
silver, and synthetic polymers. Compared to GP, silver has the apical 2–4 mm of the GP cone into the solvent for 1–6
poor sealing properties, and corrosion produces cytotoxic seconds (chloroform dip technique).44 GP alone has no
salts. Consequently, the use of silver as an obturation mate adhesive properties and cannot hermetically seal a canal.
rial is below the current endodontic standard of care. A Endodontic sealer cements are always used in combination
polyurethane based obturation material (Resilon)c is being with the solid obturation material.
used in both human and small animal dentistry in resin- Endodontic sealers are classified as zinc oxide-eugenol-
based obturation systems. This material is non-toxic, non based, calcium hydroxide-based, glass ionomer cements,
mutagenic, and biocompatible, has superior coronal sealing and polymers. Calcium hydroxide-based sealers are pro
moted for their therapeutic effects, but have low adhesion
to dentin, low water solubility, and have not passed scientific
Resilon, Resilon Research, LLC. scrutiny. Glass ionomer endodontic cements have excellent
21 Treatment
Fig. 21.16 Calcium hydroxide apexification of an equine incisor. (A) Traumatic crown fracture with pulp exposure of an immature 2nd maxillary incisor (202)
in a 5-year-old horse. Note the mucosal draining tract. (B) Radiograph demonstrating an apical lucency associated with the open apex of 202. (C) At the
five-month follow-up examination, the apex of the 2nd maxillary incisor has mineralized. (D) At the 1-year follow-up examination, the apical periodontium of
202 has re-attached, and root canal therapy was subsequently performed. (Case by permission from Robert M. Baratt DVM.)
biocompatibility and chemical bonding to dentin but are and introduced into the pulp canal with a spiral filler on a
technique sensitive. Polymer sealers are very popular in low-speed handpiece or on an endodontic file. Additionally,
small animal and human endodontics because of their han each GP cone is usually coated with sealer before placement
dling characteristics and dentin bonding, but their use in into the canal.
equine endodontics is unreported. Zinc oxide-eugenol-based Thermaplasticized GP obturation systems are widely used
sealers are ZOE cements that have been modified with germ in small animal and human endodontics, but no clinical
icides, rosins, resin acids, and other chemicals for endodon successes in horses have been reported. The small size of
tic application. They have a long history of success, are the the system instrumentation and the complex equine endo
most commonly used sealers, and are the ‘gold standard’ for dontic anatomy limit the application of the thermaplasti
scientific comparison. They are mixed as previously described, cized systems in horses. A cold filling obturation system
Dental materials
Periodontal materials
GuttaFlow, Coltène/Whaledent, Raiffeisenstraße 30, 89129 Langenau, Germany.
Super EBA, Harry J. Bosworth Company, Skokie, IL, USA.
f g
ProRoot MTA, DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK, USA. Doxirobe Gel, Pfizer Animal Health, Exton, PA, USA.
21 Treatment
Box 21.9 Application of a local antibiotic (perioceutic) Box 21.10 The basic technique for fabricating a reinforced
composite splint
Doxirobe Gel is supplied in a premeasured (1 ml) two-syringe system.
For the product to be effective, the periodontal pocket must be debri- 1. Excessive peripheral cementum is removed from the crowns of
ded and should be dried. the incisors to allow for enamel bonding. This can be
1. The product is mixed according to the labeled instructions using accomplished with a whetstone on a low-speed handpiece or a
the two-syringe system. diamond burr on a high-speed handpiece.
2. A blunt needle is placed onto syringe A for delivery into the 2. The teeth are aligned, and a tin foil template is made by molding
periodontal pocket. the foil to the contours of the teeth in the desired application
3. The pocket is filled to the level of the gingival margin. Many stage site. The template is then used to cut the reinforcing material to
2 periodontal pockets in horses exceed the 1 ml prepackaged the appropriate length and width. The material should not be
volume, and multiple syringes are often required for treatment. handled with bare hands.
4. Upon contact with crevicular fluid, the gel begins to polymerize. 3. The teeth are polished with a non-fluoride pumice paste and
Water drops are typically administered to any exposed gel to acid etched.
accelerate the setting reaction. 4. A bonding agent is applied to the teeth and light cured.
5. A plastic instrument can be used to pack any escaping gel back 5. The mesh is coated with an unfilled resin, and the excess resin is
into the periodontal pocket. blotted off.
6. Covering Doxirobe with an impression material has been 6. A thin layer of filled composite is applied to the bonded surface
described; however, the authors believe that this step is of the teeth but is not cured.
unnecessary since properly placed gel is well retained. Premature 7. The wetted mesh is applied to the splint site and contoured to
dislodging of a local antibiotic administration is probably the the surface of the teeth with a plastic instrument. Excess
result of poor handling technique. composite material is removed.
8. The splint over each tooth is light cured. Curing the entire splint
requires multiple curing increments.
9. An additional layer of a filled composite is added to the splint,
contoured, and cured.
weeks. Additionally, doxycycline binds to dentin, cemen 10. The final composite layer of the splint can be shaped or polished
tum, and bone for prolonged antibiotic release, inhibits the to avoid abrasion.
collagenase enzyme (an enzyme that slows the healing of
the periodontal tissues), and stimulates fibroblast activity to
re-establish the periodontium.62,63 The polymer gel also pro
vides a physical barrier for reinfiltration of food and debris Bone grafting materials
into the periodontal pocket, which is an important goal in
the treatment of cheek tooth periodontal disease. Although In human and veterinary dentistry, bone grafts are used for
the use of LAAs has become a popular practice in equine guided tissue and bone regeneration (GTR, GBR) in the
dentistry, this ancillary procedure has received no critical surgical treatment of advanced periodontal osseous lesions
evaluation and, in the authors’ opinion, has limited indica (stage 2–4 periodontitis, >25 % bone loss) and of selected
tions in the equine patient. Other less expensive materials periradicular (endodontic) lesions, and for bone augmenta
have shown clinical effectiveness as temporary barrier mate tion in association with implant surgery. Although the filling
rials (e.g., impression materials, calcium sulfate, calcium of deep post-extraction alveoli with synthetic bone grafting
alginate). material has been practiced in veterinary dentistry in order
to increase the rate of bony healing and to preserve the
alveolar ridge, this practice has limited scientific support and
Periodontal splinting is a source of debate amongst veterinary dentists.
Periodontal splinting is a temporary adjunct appliance used Bone grafting materials are classified by their source and
in combination with aggressive periodontal therapy to sta by the type of bone growth that they promote. Material can
bilize diseased permanent teeth with mobility or to stabilize be obtained from the same patient (autogenous bone graft),
mobile teeth during healing after trauma.64 Splinting creates from a different patient of the same species (allograft), from
a stable platform for osseous regeneration by redistributing a patient of a different species (xenograft), or from artificial
the forces applied to the diseased teeth to the adjacent or manufactured materials (synthetic grafts/alloplastic
healthy teeth. Before splinting, odontoplasty should be per grafts). The bone growth potential of a graft material is
formed on the affected teeth to take them out of occlusion described as osteogenic, osteoinductive, or osteoconductive.
since excessive occlusal loading is a frequent cause of tooth Osteogenic materials contain living osteoblasts that produce
mobility.65,66 Splinting materials include acrylics and resin new bone within the graft itself. Osteoinductive materials
composites used alone or reinforced with interdental wire possess bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) that induce the
or fiber mesh (Ribbond).h Since the accumulation of plaque differentiation of osteoblasts in the recipient tissue (which
and debris around the splint promotes periodontal disease, does not have to be bone). These osteoblasts then produce
periodontal splinting is best suited to the incisors where the new bone. Osteoconductive materials, when placed into
appliance can be cleaned daily (Fig. 21.19). bone, provide physically favorable scaffolding for osteob
lasts from the recipient tissue to penetrate and form new
Autogenous bone grafts are transferred from one site to
Pepgen P-15, DENTSPLY Friadent, Postfach 71 01 11, 68221 Mannheim, Germany. another within the same patient. They can consist of
Dental materials
Fig. 21.18 Application of a local antibiotic (perioceutic). (A & B) A 12-mm periodontal pocket (PP) on the vestibulodistal aspect of the right mandibular
canine tooth (404) of a young gelding. (C) Radiographs reveal horizontal bone loss of the associated alveolar bone (Stage 2 periodontitis). (D) The blue arrow
shows the applied Doxirobe Gel in the PP. (Note that the perioceutic material fills the entire pocket.) (E) At the 2-week follow-up visit, the PP depth measured
4 mm. (F & G) At the 6-month follow-up visit, probing of the PP produced negligible depth and radiographs revealed alveolar bone regrowth.
cancellous or cortical bone and are the gold standard bone Allografts are typically collected from cadavers. Although
grafting material. These grafts are usually considered osteo not routinely used in veterinary medicine, in human medi
inductive but are potentially osteogenic if tissue remains cine, grafts are collected, commercially prepared, and banked
vital. They rapidly revascularize and lack antigenicity. for future use. Preparation of the graft degrades the tissue’s
The collection of autogenous bone graft is also associated BMPs; therefore, allografts are osteoconductive. The disad
with the inherent complications and expense of general vantages of the materials are antigenicity and the potential
anesthesia and significant morbidity. Therefore, the other for disease transmission.
classifications of bone grafting materials have been Xenografts are prepared materials of bovine origin and
developed. have had extensive clinical use in human periodontics. Like
21 Treatment
Fig. 21.21 Calcium sulfate used as an alloplastic graft in a post-extraction alveolus. (A) Calcium sulfate placed into the alveolus of the maxillary 1st cheek
tooth (106) in a young mare. (B) Gingival healing at 6 weeks postoperatively.
allografts, they are osteoconductive and have the potential coated with hydroxylcarbonate apatite (Fig. 21.20) and,
for antigenicity and disease transmission. when placed in contact with tissue fluids, incorporates
Several alloplastic (synthetic grafts) materials have been ground proteins and attracts osteoblasts.68 This bioactive
investigated for use in periodontal surgery. All are inert and ceramic is mechanically hemostatic69 and has bacteriostatic
osteoconductive, with the exception of Pepgen P-15,i a syn properties secondary to its high pH.70 The material is easy to
thetic amino acid sequence (P-15) mixed with a calcium- use and can be prepared by mixing with sterile saline solu
phosphate matrix, which has demonstrated osteoinductive tion, sterile water, or the patient’s blood to form a wet sand
potential.67 The use of this product has not been reported in consistency before placing the material into the host site, or
an equine patient. the material can be placed directly into the host site for
A synthetic, bioactive ceramic derived from calcium incorporation with blood.
salts, phosphates, and silica is labeled for veterinary Due to the large size of the bony defects associated with
use ‘in infraboney pockets caused by periodontal disease, periodontal disease and dental extraction in the horse, many
endodontic-periodontic lesions, traumatic defects, or intra practitioners use calcium sulfate (plaster of Paris, Dental
osseous flaws’(Consil Bioglass)j. The granular material is Stone) as an osteoconductive bone grafting material (Fig.
21.21). Calcium sulfate has been used historically in both
Consil Dental Bioglass, Nutramax Laboratories Inc., Edgewood, MD, USA. human and veterinary medicine in dental and orthopedic
Ribbond, Ribbond Inc., Seattle, WA, USA. applications, and has shown significant regeneration of
Dental materials
Dental impression and cast materials accurately measure and mix the pastes, on demand, and
(Box 21.11) facilitate delivery into the impression tray or into the mouth.
EIM have a working time of 2.5–7 minutes and a set time
Dental impression materials are used to make accurate of 3–10 minutes. The expense of EIM is rarely commensurate
molds of the oral hard and soft tissues. The impression is with the degree of accuracy required for equine impressions;
the negative reproduction of the tissues. Casting materials are however, some equine practitioners commonly use EIM as
poured into the impression mold to fabricate the dental cast temporary bandages to prevent food contamination of
or model, the positive reproduction, of the oral tissues. Study extraction site alveoli and periodontal pockets. EIM adapt
models are used for treatment planning and for treatment well to the oral hard tissue walls and can be removed more
documentation. Working models are used to fabricate ortho easily than rigid acrylics, such as polymethylmethacrylate
dontic appliances and prosthodontic restorations. Two (PPMA). Condensation silicones (silicone, silicone rubber)
general categories of elastic impression materials are com have significant limitations compared to the other EIM and
monly used in veterinary dentistry: alginate hydrocolloids have lost popularity. The clinical properties of the other EIM
and elastomeric impression materials. Dental casts are will be briefly discussed.
molded from epoxy resin or gypsum. Typically, the impres The addition silicones (AS) (polyvinyl siloxanes, polyvinyls,
sion is sent to a dental laboratory that fabricates both the vinyls) are currently the most popular impression materials
cast and the prescribed appliance. for fixed prosthetics (Fig. 21.22). AS impressions have excel
lent detail and remain dimensionally stable for weeks. They
are hydrophobic, and moisture (e.g., saliva, blood) can sig
Elastomeric impression materials nificantly degrade impression accuracy; therefore, AS must
Elastomeric impression materials (EIM) are primarily used be used in a dry field. AS are thermally sensitive, and the rate
for prosthodontic impressions. Four types of EIM are avail of cure is accelerated by heating and decelerated by cooling.
able: polysulfides, condensation silicones, addition sili Several materials can contaminate AS, retarding polymeriza
cones, and polyethers. These products are usually dispensed tion and creating unacceptable impressions; therefore,
as two pastes or putties, which upon mixing begin to set into rinsing the mouth with 2 % chlorhexidine to remove con
a firm, but elastic consistency. All EIM are set by catalyst- taminants before placing an AS impression is recommended.
initiated polymerization and have been formulated to mini The most common contaminant is the sulfides in latex
mize shrinkage. The appropriate ratio of the pastes must be gloves; therefore, polyethelene gloves should be worn when
measured and spatulated in a manner that minimizes air handling AS. Other sources of contamination are recently
entrapment to produce accurate impressions; therefore, placed restorative resins and the residual films left on the
many EIM are supplied in auto-mixing cartridges that teeth by polyether and polysulfide impression materials.
21 Treatment
Fig. 21.22 Polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) is the most popular elastomeric impression material. (A) A generic material supplied in an auto-mixing cartridge. (B) PVS
used as a mold for a resin composite restoration of a mandibular incisor. (Courtesy of Edward T. Early, DVM.)
Fig. 21.23 Alginate hydrocolloid impression materials. (A) Improvised incisor impression trays (right) and alginate impressions (left). (B) Making an alginate
impression of the mandibular incisors in a sedated horse. (C) Improvised cheek teeth impression trays. (D) The alginate impressions of the mandibular cheek
Dental materials
Fig. 21.24 Dental stone casts of the impressions from Fig. 21.23. (A) Casts of the incisors. (B) Working models of the mandibular cheek teeth used to
construct an orthodontic appliance. (C) Study models of the mandibular cheek teeth used for treatment planning and for monitoring case progression.
Polyethers (PE) are the second most popular EIM, and the PE. These materials are both temperature and moisture sen
preferred material for full bite registrations. They produce sitive, and heat and humidity accelerate polymerization.
impressions of excellent detail and retain dimensional sta
bility for one to two weeks. PE are hydrophilic and make
accurate impressions in a moist environment. The ‘snap-set’
Alginate hydrocolloid impression materials
behavior of PE allows the material to flow into an area Alginate hydrocolloid impression materials (AHIM) are
during the entire working time and then rapidly set. inexpensive and appropriate for dental impressions in
Polysulfides (PS) are also used for full-bite registrations in equine patients. AHIM are dispensed as a powder containing
human dentistry. They are relatively inexpensive and make soluble alginate (derived from marine plants), calcium
accurate impressions in a moist environment; however, the sulfate dihydrate, and sodium phosphate. Upon mixing with
dimensional stability of PS is inferior to that of both AS and water, alginic acid reacts with calcium sulfate to form an
21 Treatment
insoluble elastic gel. Sodium phosphate retards the reaction smaller, regularly shaped rods and prisms. Stone produces
and provides for the working time of the material. Tap water more detailed casts. However, both produce enough detail
with high mineral content also retards the setting time. Fast- for orthodontic models and bite registrations in equine
setting alginates (Type 1) have a 1–2 minute working time patients (Fig. 21.24).
and are appropriate for use in sedated equine patients.
Regular setting alginates (Type 2) have a 2–4.5 minute
working time. AHIM are highly hydrophilic and should be
applied in a moist field. Drying or polishing the pellicle off
Equine dentistry saw minimal change through most of the
the teeth may cause the alginate to stick to the teeth. AHIM
20th century, with the disciplines of occlusal equilibration
are easily removed from the mouth; however, their dimen
and exodontia being the standard of equine dental care. The
sional stability is short, and usually only one cast can be
resurgence of veterinary dental care in the 1990s stimulated
made from each impression. Ideally, casts should be poured
practitioners to practice other dental disciplines (endodon
within 15 minutes of making the impression; however,
tics, orthodontics, periodontics, and restorative dentistry) in
casting can be delayed until returning to the laboratory if the
order to preserve the dentition of their patients. These disci
impressions are wrapped in a damp cloth and stored in an
plines require the application of dental materials.
air-tight container. Although AHIM lack the detailed accu
The first decade of the 21st century has seen exponential
racy and the auto-mixing systems of EIM, they produce
changes in the practice of equine dentistry. Accepted dental
impressions of acceptable accuracy for diagnostic bite regis
procedures and material applications have been extrapo
trations and orthodontic models, at a fraction of the cost of
lated from human and small animal veterinary dentistry for
EIM. Only gypsum casting materials can be used with algi
use in the equine patient, and anecdotal reports of success
nate impressions (Fig. 21.23).
support the continuation of these practices. However, fail
ures and the inappropriate application of dental materials
Cast materials demonstrate the need for scientific investigation. With con
Dental plaster (plaster of Paris) and dental stone are used to tinued case reporting by practitioners and clinical research
fabricate dental casts from alginate impressions. Orthodontic by universities, our dental materials decisions will become
casts are typically referred to as models. Both of these casting evidence-based.
materials are made from gypsum (calcium sulfate dihy
drate). The physical properties of the materials vary greatly
based on the dehydration processes used to manufacture Acknowledgments
each material’s base powder, calcium sulfate hemihydrate.
The crystals of dental plasters (β-calcium sulfate hemihy Robert M. Baratt DVM (Salem, CT) and Edward T. Early
drate) are large, irregularly shaped, and porous, whereas the DVM (Williamsport, PA) for critical review of the manu
crystals of dental stone (α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate) are script and for photographs.
Further reading
Anusavice KJ. Phillips’ Science of Dental Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PP, Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, eds. Veterinary
Materials, 11th ed. Saunders, St. Louis, Carranza FA. Carranza’s Clinical Dentistry: Principles and Practice.
2003 Periodontology, 10th ed. Saunders Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, PA, 1997
Cohen S, Hargreaves KM, eds. Pathways of the Elsevier, St. Louis, 2006 Zardiackas LD, Dellinger TM, Livingston M,
Pulp, 9th ed. CV Mosby, St. Louis, Powers JM, Sakaguchi RL, eds. Craig’s eds. Dental Clinics of North America,
2006 Restorative Dental Materials, 12th ed. Dental Materials. Saunders Elsevier,
Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis, 2006 Philadelphia, PA, 2007
1. Harvey CE, Emily PP. Small animal 5. Harvey CE, Emily PP. Small animal 9. Rawls HR, Esquivel-Upshaw J. Restorative
dentistry. Mosby, St Louis, 1993, dentistry. Mosby Year Book, St Louis, Resins. In: Anusavice KJ, ed. Phillips’
pp 215–232 1993, p. 235 Science of dental materials, 11th edn.
2. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Glossary of 6. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, Hefferren JJ. Basic Saunders, St Louis, 2003, p. 399
terms. In: Veterinary dentistry: principles materials and supplies. In: Wiggs RB, 10. Kuijs RH, Fennis WM, Kreulen CM, et al.
and practice. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, eds. Lobprise HB, eds. Veterinary dentistry: Does layering minimize shrinkage
Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1993, principles and practice. Lippincott-Raven, stresses in composite restorations? J Dent
p. 634 Philadelphia, 1997, p. 38 Res 2003 Dec; 82(12): 967–971
3. Taney KG. Composite restoration of 7. St. John KR. Biocompatibility of dental 11. Chi HH. A posterior composite case
enamel defects. J Vet Dent 2007; 24(2): materials. Dent Clin N Am 2007; 51(3): utilizing the incremental and stratified
130–134 747–760 layering technique. Oper Dent. 2006
4. Bellows J. Small animal dental 8. Brannan RD. Restorative Materials in Jul-Aug; 31(4): 512–516
equipment, materials and techniques. Equine Dentistry. Annual Vet Dental 12. Rawls HR, Upshaw JE. Restorative resins.
Blackwell, Ames, Iowa, 2004, p. 129 Forum, 2005, pp 135–139 In: Anusavice KJ, ed. Phillips’ Science of
Dental materials
dental materials, 11th edn. Saunders, Pathways of the pulp, 8th edn. CV 44. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Basic endodontic
St Louis, 2003, p. 2003 Mosby, St Louis, 2002, p. 258 therapy. In: Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB, eds.
13. Klugh DO, Basil T, Brannan R. 29. Cunningham WT, Balekjian AY. Effect of Veterinary dentistry: principles and
Infundibular decay in equine maxillary temperature on collagen-dissolving practice. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia,
teeth. J Vet Dent 2001; 18(1) March: ability of sodium hypochlorite 1997, p. 317
26–27 endodontic irrigant. Oral Surg Oral Med 45. Stabholz A, Friedman S, Abed J. Marginal
14. Earley ET. Restorative dentistry – applied Oral Path, 1980; 49: 175 adaptation of retrograde fillings and its
restorative techniques and materials 30. Cunningham WT, Balekjian AY. Effect of correlation with sealability. J Endod
in the equine. In: Proceedings of the temperature on the bactericidal action of 1985; 11: 218–223
22nd Annual Veterinary Dental Forum, sodium hypochlorite endodontic irrigant. 46. Torabinejad M, Higa RK, McKendry DJ,
Jacksonville, Florida, 2008, pp 141–162 Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path 1980; 50: Pitt Ford TR. Dye leakage of four root
15. Stangel I, Ellis TH, Sacher E. Adhesion to 569 end filling materials: effects of blood
tooth structure mediated by 31. Svec TA, Harrison JW. The effect of contamination. J Endod 1994; 20:
contemporary bonding systems. Dent effervescence on debridement of the 159
Clin N Am 2007; 51(3): 677–694 apical region of root canals in single- 47. Adamo HL, Buruiana R, Schertzer L,
16. Miguez PA, Castro PS, Nunes MF, et al. rooted teeth. J Endod 1891; 7: 335–340 Boylan RJ. A comparison of MTA,
Effect of acid-etching on the enamel 32. Himel VT, McSpadden JT, Goodis HE. Super-EBA, composite, and amalgam as
bond of two self-etching systems. J Adhes Instruments, materials, and devices. In: root-end filling materials using a bacterial
Dent 2003; 5(2): 107–112 Cohen S, Hargreaves KM, eds. Pathways microleakage model. Int Endod J 1999;
17. Pneumans M, Kanumilli P, DeMunck J, et of the pulp, 9th edn. CV Mosby, St Louis, 32: 197
al. Clinical effectiveness of contemporary 2006, p. 260 48. Torabinejad M, Wilder Smith P, Pitt Ford
adhesives: a systemic review of current 33. Peters OA, Peters CI. Cleaning and TR. Comparative investigation of
clinical trials. Dent Mater 2005; 21(9): shaping the root canal. In: Cohen S, marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide
864–881 Hargreaves KM, eds. Pathways of the aggregate and other commonly used root
18. Norling BK. Bonding. In: Anusavice KJ, pulp, 9th edn. CV Mosby, St Louis, 2006, end filling materials. J Endod 1995; 21:
ed. Phillips’ Science of dental materials, p. 346 295–299
11th edn. Saunders, St Louis, 2003, 34. Evanov C, Liewehr FR, Buxton TB, Joyce 49. Shahriar S, Saeed R, Hamid RY, et al.
p. 395 AP. Antibacterial efficacy of calcium Sealing ability of white and gray mineral
19. Shen C. Dental Cements. In: Anusavice hydroxide and chlorhexidine irrigants at trioxide aggregate mixed with distilled
KJ, ed. Phillips’ Science of dental 37° and 46° C. J Endod 2004; 30: 653 water and 0.12 % chlorhexidine gluconate
materials, 11th edn. Saunders, St Louis, 35. Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod when used as root-end filling materials.
2003, p. 476 2006; 32(5): 389–398 J Endod 2007; 33: 1429–1432
20. Shen C. Dental Cements. In: Anusavice 36. Basrani BR, Manek S, Sodhi RN, et al. 50. Pitt Ford TR, Torabinejad M, Abedi HR,
KJ, ed. Phillips’ Science of dental Interaction between sodium hypochlorite et al. Using mineral trioxide aggregate as
materials, 11th edn. Saunders, St Louis, and chlorhexidine gluconate. J Endod a pulp-capping material. J Am Dent Assoc
2003, p. 481 2007; 33: 966–969 1996; 127: 1491–1494
21. Shen C. Dental Cements. In: Anusavice 37. Rasimick BJ, Nekich M, Hladek MM, 51. Faraco IM Jr, Holland R. Response of the
KJ, ed. Phillips’ Science of dental et al. Interaction between chlorhexidine pulp of dogs to capping with mineral
materials, 11th edn. Saunders, St Louis, digluconate and EDTA. J Endod 2008; trioxide aggregate or a calcium hydroxide
2003, p. 484 34(12): 1521–1523 cement. Dent Traumatol 2001; 17:
22. Baker NA, Eleazer PD, Averbach RE, et al. 38. Grawehr M, Sener B, Waltimo T, Zehnder
Scanning electron microscope study of M. Interactions of ethylenediamine 52. Apaydin ES, Shabahang S, Torabinejad M.
the efficacy of various irrigation tetraacetic acid with sodium hypochlorite Hard tissue healing after application of
solutions. J Endod 1975; 1(4): 127–135 in aqueous solutions. Int Endod J 2003; fresh or set MTA as root-end filling
36: 411–417 material. J Endod 2004; 30: 21
23. Himel VT, McSpadden JT, Goodis HE.
Instruments, Materials, and Devices. In: 39. Safavi KE, Nichols FC. Effect of 53. Torabinejad M, Hong CU, Lee SJ, et al.
Cohen S, Hargreaves KM, eds. Pathways calcium hydroxide on bacterial Investigation of mineral trioxide
of the pulp. 9th edn. CV Mosby, St Louis, lipopolysaccharide. J Endod 1993; 19(2): aggregate for root-end filling in dogs.
2006, p. 252 76–78 J Endod 1995; 21: 603
24. Baratt RM. Equine incisor endodontic 40. Peters OA, Peters C. Obturation of the 54. Torabinejad M, Pitt Ford TR, McKendry
therapy. In: Proceedings of the 22nd cleaned and shaped canal. In: Cohen S, DJ, et al. Histological assessment of
Annual Veterinary Dental Forum. Hargreaves KM, eds. Pathways of the mineral trioxide aggregate as root-end
Jacksonville, Florida, 2008, pulp, 9th edn. CV Mosby, St Louis, 2006, filling in monkeys. J Endod 1997;
pp 113–123 pp 372–375 223–225
25. Rickles NH, Joshi BA. A death from air 41. Senia ES, Marraro RV, Mitchell JL, et al. 55. Earley ET. Pulp disease in mandibular
embolism during root canal therapy. Rapid sterilization of gutta-purcha cones cheek teeth. In: Proceedings of the 20th
JADA 1963; 67: 39 with 5.25 % sodium hypochlorite, Annual Veterinary Dental Forum,
J Endod 1975; 1: 136 Portland, Oregon, 2006, pp 117–126
26. Michael AH, Miserendio LJ. Instruments
and Materials. In: Cohen S, Burns RC, 42. Himel VT, McSpadden JT, Goodis HE. 56. Bellows J. Small Animal Dental
eds. Pathways of the pulp, 4th edn. CV Instruments, materials, and devices. In: Equipment, Materials and Techniques.
Mosby, Washington, DC, 1987, Cohen S, Hargreaves KM, eds. Pathways Blackwell, Ames, Iowa, 2004, p. 134
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27. Mentz TCF. The use of sodium 2006, p. 263 irrigation. In: Newman MG, Takei HH,
hypochlorite as a general endodontic 43. Goodman A, Schilder H, Aldrich W. The Klokkevold PP, Carranza FA, eds,
medicament. Int Endod J 1982; 15: thermomechanical properties of gutta- Carranza’s Clinical periodontology,
132–136 percha. IV. A thermal profile of the warm 10th edn. Eslevier, St Loius, 2006, p. 842
28. Ruddle CJ. Cleaning and shaping the root gutta-percha packing procedure. Oral 58. Stashak TS. Equine Wound Management.
canal. In: Cohen S, Burns RC, eds. Surg Oral Med Oral Path 1981; 51: 544 Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1991,
p. 116
21 Treatment
59. Morrison SL, Cobb CM, Kazakos GM, 65. Klugh DO. A review of equine 71. Kim CK, Kim HY, Chai JK, et al. Effect of
et al. Root surface characteristics periodontal disease. In Proceedings, a calcium sulfate implant with calcium
associated with root surface placement AAEP Annual Convention, 2006; 52: sulfate barrier on periodontal healing in
of monolithic tetracycline-impregnated 551–558 3-wall intraboney defects in dogs.
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60. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Periodontology. interrelationship. In: Newman MG, Takei 72. Wiggs RB, Lobprise HB. Basic materials
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Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 22
Endodontic therapy
Hubert Simhofer
University for Veterinary Medicine Department IV, Clinical Department for Companion Animals and Horses, Veterinaerplatz
1,A-1210, Vienna, Austria
22 Treatment
Fig. 22.1 An open pulp cavity in a left lower canine (Triadan 304) caused
by excessive reduction of the tooth, following debridement and
probe is then retracted, and the distance between the occlu-
hemorrhage control. sal surface of the fracture and the underlying viable pulp is
measured. High-speed dental burrs or spoon excavators
should now be used to enlarge the pulp cavity1 in order to
create better access to the diseased pulp. Simultaneously,
Bleeding from freshly opened pulp cavities may subside contaminated dentin lining the walls of the pulp chambers
quickly, especially in older animals with narrow pulp horns. is removed with a dental burr. This procedure can be difficult
Consequently, major dental reductions should be performed in curved incisor root canals. In this instance, the pulp cavity
slowly in stages, interrupted by examinations of the occlusal can be accessed from an opening in the intact labial aspect
surface with a mirror or endoscope. The use of power equip- of the clinical crown, which enables a straight drill plane
ment for dental correction creates a dough-like, viscous layer path to be achieved.12
of wet dental dust which can temporarily occlude pulp cavi- The tooth should be thoroughly disinfected, and the burr
ties, thus masking pulpar exposure. Consequently, dental should be sharp and clean (new – preferably sterile). When
debris should be flushed from the occlusal surface before the surgeon is drilling into an exposed pulp, bleeding indi-
examining the occlusal surface. cates that the vital pulp has been reached, and drilling
should be extended for some additional millimeters if pos-
sible to remove any adjacent diseased pulp.
Management of pulpar exposure The exposed pulp canal should be shaped like an inverse
In the case of dental fractures, X-rays should be taken to cone (undercut) close to the occlusal surface to prevent later
evaluate the full extent of the fracture, including assessment loss of filling material. The exposed canal is then carefully
of the supporting bones. If the extent of the fracture does cleaned using Ringer’s solution and sterile paper points.
not preclude dental preservation, preparations for endodon- Clean (preferably sterile) compressed air can also be used to
tic surgery, (that can be performed in the standing, sedated dry the pulp canal, but drying of the pulp must be avoided.
horse) can proceed. Local analgesia via blocking of the ipsi- Hemostasis is subsequently performed using small cotton
lateral maxillary or mandibular nerve significantly facilitates pellets or paper points soaked in adrenaline (Fig. 22.3). A
these endodontic procedures.17 General anesthesia is only couple of minutes after the bleeding has stopped, the pellets
required in a minority of cases, including those occasions are removed carefully, and the pulp can now be capped with
when adequate local analgesia cannot be obtained. calcium hydroxide or similar materials. Calcium hydroxide
Initially, loose dental fragments are removed from frac- (Ca(OH)2), which is used in paste form (calcium hydroxide
tured teeth (Fig. 22.2), and then 2–3 mm of the clinical and sterile water) in this situation, has a strong anti-
crown should be removed if the affected tooth is still in microbial effect18 (due to its basic pH) and also acts as a
occlusal contact, to avoid occlusal pressure from the oppos- tertiary dentin stimulant. It is preferable to cover softer,
ing teeth for a minimum of 2–3 months.1 Bleeding resulting water-based calcium hydroxide with resin-containing
from these procedures can be controlled using locally calcium hydroxide such as Dycal, but it is inadvisable to
applied hemostyptic drugs (e.g., adrenaline) or electro place resin-containing preparations directly on to pulp. In
surgical devices. human dentistry, other products, such as MTA (mineral tri-
A fine, sterile dental pick should now be used to gently oxide aggregate) are used.19 MTA is a biocompatible endo-
probe the open pulp cavity. Bleeding indicates the likely dontic cement that is also capable of stimulating healing and
presence of vital (may be inflamed or infected beyond dentogenesis and sets in the presence of moisture.20
redemption) pulp tissue and thus a chance of preserving the In the horse, provided occlusal contact is avoided, addi-
tooth. In order to avoid additional trauma to the pulp, the tional restorative covers may not be necessary over the
Endodontic therapy
Fig. 22.3 Same horse as in Fig. 22.2. The fracture fragments and debris Fig. 22.5 Same horse as in Fig. 22.4. All visible infected and discolored
have been removed; the pulp canal of 202 has been drilled and curetted, dental tissues have been removed with a diamond burr. The pulp canals
and a paper point soaked in 0.8 % adrenaline solution is inserted into its have also been debrided and pulpotomy has been performed. Calcium
pulp cavity for hemostasis. Filling with calcium hydroxide paste will now be hydroxide paste will now be applied.
Fig. 22.6 Parapulpar pins have been placed into the dentin of the
Fig. 22.4 Longstanding (note necrosis of circumpulpar dentin) traumatic endodontically treated incisors to facilitate partial reconstruction of the
fractures of 101 and 201 in a 7-year-old horse. The fractured teeth have crowns.
been cleaned. An isolated fracture fragment lying between 101 and 102 has
been left in situ in order to prevent excessive local hemorrhage prior to
endodontic therapy.
advised not to feed hay from nets, in order to reduce forces
on the incisor restorations.
calcium hydroxide,1 especially if covered with a resin-
containing calcium hydroxide preparation. Alternatively, the Endodontic procedures in apically infected
more occlusal endodontic calcium hydroxide cement can be cheek teeth
removed, and a few millimeters of the root canal close to
the masticatory surface can be sealed with glass ionomere21
or a resin-composite endodontic material. In show horses,
Oral approach
incisors that are fractured at gingival level can be recon- Whilst the technique described above can easily be per-
structed using parapulpar pins and composite (Figs 22.4– formed in equine incisors, pulp canal treatment of infected
22.7) to avoid protrusion of the tongue. The owners should cheek teeth using an intraoral approach is significantly more
be informed that the reconstructed crown has to be reduced demanding due to difficulties in visualization and limited
at intervals to prevent occlusal contact with the opposite access to the equine oral cavity. Long-handled instruments
incisor; otherwise the artificial crown will inevitably break and long-shafted, angled dental drills are required, as well
as human parapulpar pins and composite cannot withstand as dental mirrors or, preferably, a 90° oral endoscope to
the forces of equine prehension. Owners should also be visualize the surgical site. A skilled assistant is needed to
22 Treatment
Fig. 22.7 Partial reconstruction of the crowns. Several layers of self curing
composite have been attached to the parapulpar pins. The artificial crowns
do not reach the occlusal surface of the opposing mandibular incisors.
Finally the composite is polished and the dental fracture fragment is
removed. Fig. 22.8 Apicoectomy is demonstrated in the following figures using an
extracted maxillary cheek tooth to allow better visualization. The apices are
removed with a diamond-coated burr. (Reproduced from Simhofer H, Stoian
direct the endoscope, if the procedure is performed under C, Zetner K. A long-term study of apicoectomy and endodontic treatment of
apically infected cheek teeth in 12 horses. Vet J 2008; 178: 411–418. With
direct video control. If the procedure is performed by a single
courtesy of the editor.)14
surgeon, the use of a dental burr has to be alternated with
use of other instruments and/or visual control.
Although the endodontic treatment of cheek teeth using
an intraoral approach is often discussed anecdotally at mandibular and rostral maxillary cheek teeth, or via a maxil-
dental conferences, no scientific studies or objective long- lary bone flap for more caudal maxillary cheek teeth. Bacte-
term reports on the outcome of such attempts appear to have riological samples should be taken from the infected
been published to date on this technique. Indeed, when one periapical regions to allow effective postoperative antimicro-
considers the length (up to 10 cm) which might be required bial therapy. The infected apical region is then debrided, and
to instrument an equine pulp canal, in relation to the space infected tissue is removed using curettes. The surgical site
available when the mouth is fully open, such an approach can be obscured by hemorrhage, and even moderate bleed-
is often likely to be impracticable. ing significantly prolongs surgery and can compromise the
quality of root canal sealing. Packing the hemorrhaging area
with gauze or bone wax,25 the use of local vasoconstrictors,
Apical approach (apicoectomy) such as adrenaline solution (0.8 %), and continuous
Apicoectomy (radiculectomy) of equine cheek teeth has suction13 can keep the apical area blood-free during endo-
been described by several authors.1,13,22–25 Apicoectomy dontic treatment.
involves the resection of the tooth apex, followed by removal Diamond burrs mounted on a sterile, high-speed dental
of the affected pulps and sealing of the pulp canal system to drill are used to resect the apex of the affected tooth. Con-
remove any possible communication between the oral cavity stant irrigation with sterile Ringer’s solution throughout the
and the periapical tissues.25 Careful case selection of cases procedure is essential to prevent heat damage of adjacent
for such endodontic surgery is mandatory. A thorough oral dental tissues. The apex is cut at an angle of 15°–20° in a
examination (see Ch.12) in conjunction with high quality buccolingual (or buccopalatal) plane, so that the cut surface
radiographs26 and/or computed tomography (Ch. 13) are faces buccally (Fig. 22.8). All five (or six) pulp canals are
required to identify suitable cases. Teeth showing signs of then visualized and enlarged with a conical diamond burr.
extensive periodontal disease, large fractures, evidence of The contents of the pulp canals (necrotic, infected, or healthy
dental decay, multiple pulpar exposure or long-standing pulps, or food material) are then removed as completely as
apical infection (with subsequent tooth demineralization) possible using barbed broaches (Fig. 22.9). In contrast to
are unsuitable for endodontic surgery.13 In such cases, dental vital pulps, which are easily removed in one piece, debride-
extraction should be recommended. ment of necrotic pulp debris and cleansing of infected pulp
The apicoectomy technique used by the author has been canals are frequently time-consuming and technically diffi-
recently described.13 Surgery is usually performed under cult. Nevertheless these procedures must be meticulously
general anesthesia with the patient in lateral recumbency. performed on all affected root canals. The empty canals are
To definitively identify the site of the affected apex, intra- then filed with Hedstrøm files of ascending diameter to
operative radiography, using surface or sinus tract metallic remove infected and carious circumpulpar dentin, and the
markers should be performed. Access to the affected pulp canals are alternately flushed with 2.5 % sodium
cheek teeth apices is gained, either via trephination27 for hypochlorite and 3 % hydrogen peroxide solutions until no
Endodontic therapy
Fig. 22.9 The pulps are extracted using a barbed broach. (Reproduced Fig. 22.11 The pulp canals are dried using paper points and compressed
from Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K. A long-term study of apicoectomy and air. (Reproduced from Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K. A long-term study of
endodontic treatment of apically infected cheek teeth in 12 horses. Vet J apicoectomy and endodontic treatment of apically infected cheek teeth in
2008; 178: 411–418. With courtesy of the editor.)14 12 horses. Vet J 2008; 178: 411–418. With courtesy of the editor.)14
Fig. 22.10 The pulp horns are flushed with sodium hypochlorite. Fig. 22.12 Gutta percha points are used to compress endodontic cement
(Reproduced from Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K. A long-term study of deep into the pulp canals. (Reproduced from Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K.
apicoectomy and endodontic treatment of apically infected cheek teeth in A long-term study of apicoectomy and endodontic treatment of apically
12 horses. Vet J 2008; 178: 411–418. With courtesy of the editor.)14 infected cheek teeth in 12 horses. Vet J 2008; 178: 411–418. With courtesy of
the editor.)14
further debris or discolored dentin shavings are extracted the procedure. Teeth on which apicoectomy has been per-
from the canal (Fig. 22.10). The final pulp canal flush is formed continue to erupt (dental eruption is unaffected by
performed with 70 % ethyl alcohol. The pulp canals are then endodontic procedures) and are consequently subjected to
dried using pressurized air and paper points (Fig. 22.11). normal attrition. As all pulps have been removed during
A variety of materials, such as human dental eugenol-based surgery, these teeth have lost the ability to produce secondary
or eugenol-free cements, gutta percha or composite endo- dentin which normally prevents occlusal pulpar exposure.
dontic materials have been used for filling empty pulp Consequently, with continued eruption of the treated tooth,
canals13,20–24,28 (Fig. 22.12). The choice of endodontic filling the endodontic filling material eventually appears at the
material in equine teeth influences the long-term success of occlusal surface after the remaining subocclusal secondary
22 Treatment
Fig. 22.13 An undercut is created in the apical aspects of the pulp canals Fig. 22.14 Apical sealing is performed using glass ionomer cement.
using a diamond-tipped burr on a high-speed dental drill. (Reproduced (Reproduced from Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K. A long-term study of
from Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K. A long-term study of apicoectomy and apicoectomy and endodontic treatment of apically infected cheek teeth in
endodontic treatment of apically infected cheek teeth in 12 horses. Vet J 12 horses. Vet J 2008; 178: 411–418. With courtesy of the editor.)14
2008; 178: 411–418. With courtesy of the editor.)14
Endodontic therapy
1. Baker GJ. Endodontic therapy. In Baker 11. Dixon PM, Barakzai SZ, Collins NM, 22. Van Foreest AW, Wiemer P. Veterinary
GJ, Easley J, eds. Equine dentistry, 2nd Yates J. Equine idiopathic cheek teeth dentistry. Apex resection in the horse.
edn. Elsevier, Edinburgh, 2005, fractures part 3: a hospital-based survey Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde 1997;
pp 295–302 of 68 referred horses (1999–2005). 122: 670–679
2. Masson E, Hennet P, Calas P. Apical root Equine Vet J 2007; 39: 327–332 23. Van den Bogaard A. Apex resection in
canal anatomy in the dog. Endodontics 12. Garcia F, Sanromán F, Llorens MP. horses. Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde
and dental traumatology 1992; 8: Endodontics in horses. An experimental 1998; 123: 84–85
109–112 study. Zentralblatt Veterinaermedizin. 24. Zetner K, Fahrenkrug P. Indikation,
3. Rochette J. Identification of the Reihe A 1990; 37: 205–214 Technik und Prognose der
endodontic system in carnassial and 13. Simhofer H, Stoian C, Zetner K. A Wurzelspitzenresektion im Pferdegebiss.
canine teeth in the dog. J Vet Dent 1996; long-term study of apicoectomy and Proceedings. Jahreskongress des
13: 35–39 endodontic treatment of apically infected Bundesverbandes der praktischen
4. Verstraete FJM, Terpak CH. Anatomical cheek teeth in 12 horses. Vet J 2008; 178: Tierärzte, Nürnberg, 1999
variations in the dentition of the 411–418 25. Schramme MC, Boswell JC, Robinson J,
domestic cat. J Vet Dent 1997; 14: 14. Wiegandt C. Veterinary thesis, Vienna, et al. Endodontic therapy for periapical
137–140 2008 infection of cheek teeth a study of 19
5. Hernández SZ, Negro VB, Maresca BM. 15. Tremaine H. Dental endoscopy in the horses. In Proceedings of the 46th
Morphologic features of the root canal horse. Clinical Techniques in Equine Annual Convention of the American
system of the maxillary fourth premolar Practice 4, 2005, pp 181–187 Association of Equine Practitioners, 2000,
and mandibular first molar in dogs. J Vet 16. Simhofer H, Griss R, Zetner K. The use of pp 113–116
Dent 2001; 18: 9–13 oral endoscopy for detection of cheek 26. Barakzai SZ. Radiology and scintigraphy
6. Dacre I, Kempson S, Dixon PM. teeth abnormalities in 300 horses. Vet J techniques and normal and abnormal
Pathological studies of cheek teeth apical 2008 Dec; 178(3): 396–404 findings. Proceedings Focus on Equine
infections in the horse part 4: 17. Staszyk C, Bienert A, Bäumer W, et al. Dentistry. American Association of
aetiopathological findings in 41 apically Simulation of local anaesthetic nerve Equine Practitioners, Indianapolis. 2006,
infected mandibular cheek teeth. Vet J block of the infraorbital nerve within the pp 168–172
2008 Dec; 178(3): 341–351 pterygopalatine fossa anatomical 27. Barakzai SZ, Kane-Smyth J, Lowles J,
7. Dacre I, Kempson S, Dixon PM. landmarks defined by computed Townsend N. Trephination of the equine
Pathological studies of cheek teeth apical tomography. Research in Veterinary rostral maxillary sinus: efficacy and safety
infections in the horse part 5: Science 2008; 85: 399–406 of two trephine sites. Veterinary Surgery
aetiopathological findings in 57 apically 18. Gomes BPFdA, Ferraz CCR, Vianna ME, 2008; 37: 278–282
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histological and ultrastructural findings calcium hydroxide pastes and their Heerden WF, et al. In vitro comparison
in apically infected cheek teeth. Vet J vehicles against selected microorganisms. of three materials as apical sealants of
2008 Dec; 178(3): 352–363 Br Dent J 2002; 13: 155–161 equine premolar and molar teeth. Equine
8. Allen ML, Baker GJ, Freeman DE, et al. 19. Carrotte P. Endodontics Part 9. Calcium Vet J 2005; 37: 133–136
In vitro study of heat production during hydroxide, root resorption, endo-perio 29. Carr G, Bentkover S. Surgical
power reduction of equine mandibular lesions. Br Dent J 2004; 197: 735– endodontics. In: Cohen S, Burns R, eds.
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9. Dacre I, Kempson S, Dixon PM. Equine E, Ito IY. In vitro antimicrobial activity 30. Klugh D. Unpublished data, 2003. Cited
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Section 5: Treatment
C H A P T ER 23
The temporomandibular joint
Neil Townsend† BSc, BVSc, Cert ES (Soft Tissue), MRCVS,
Renate Weller* Dr.vet.med, PhD, MRCVS
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9RG, UK
*Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield,
Hertfordshire AL9 7TA, UK
Introduction The transverse facial vessels pass ventral to the TMJ, and the
superficial temporal artery and vein run caudal to the TMJ.
Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are The zygomatic branch of the auriculopalpebral nerve passes
common in human beings, having a reported prevalence of caudal and dorsal to the TMJ to reach the zygomatic arch.5,6
up to 80 %.1 In contrast, reports of horses affected with The caudal aspect of the TMJ is covered by the rostrodorsal
disease of the TMJ are sparse and are limited to reports of aspect of the parotid salivary gland, which also covers the
horses with advanced disease, perhaps not because the prev- superficial temporal artery, vein, and auriculopalpebral
alence of the disease is low, but because definitively diagnos- nerve.5,6
ing disease of the TMJ of horses is difficult. In this chapter,
we describe the anatomy and function of the TMJ, diseases Function
of the TMJ, and options for medical and surgical manage-
ment of horses affected with disease of the TMJ. The primary function of the TMJ is to permit mastication.
Unlike ruminants, which regurgitate their food, horses only
Anatomy have one cycle to masticate feed to a small particle size to
allow efficient microbial digestion.10 Unlike carnivores,
The equine TMJ is a synovial joint formed by the zygomatic whose power stroke of mastication is primarily vertical, the
process of the temporal bone and the condylar process, or equine masticatory cycle has three distinct phases that allow
condyle, of the mandible (Fig. 23.1).2,3 It is an incongruent for effective grinding of feed: the opening, vertical stroke; the
joint and is divided completely into two separate compart- closing, vertical stroke; and the powerful, lateral power
ments by an L-shaped, centrally concave, fibrocartilagenous stroke, during which feed is ground.4,11–13 The configuration
disc (Fig. 23.1).2,4–7 The disc attaches circumferentially to the of the TMJ allows this lateral movement of the mandible,
mandibular condyle, temporal bone, and joint capsule.5,6 which is initiated by the pterygoideus muscle. The side-
The dorsal, discotemporal compartment is wider than the to-side movement of the mandible within the joint capsule
ventral, discomandibular compartment and apparently does is coupled with rostrocaudal movement, with one side of the
not usually communicate with it,2,4–8 though in one study, mandible gliding rostrally, and the other side of the mandi-
communication between the compartments was demon- ble gliding caudally.4,11–13 Dental occlusion13 and type of
strated in three of seven cadaver heads injected with dye, feed12 have been found to have a significant influence on
indicating that in at least a small percentage of horses, they motion of the TMJ.
do communicate.9 Each compartment has a rostral and a
caudal recess. The caudal recess of the discotemporal com- Diseases of the TMJ
partment is larger than the rostral recess, and the rostral
recess of the discomandibular compartment is larger than The equine TMJ is afflicted by the same diseases that afflict
the caudal recess.5,6,8 The joint capsule is reinforced by the other synovial joints and include acute septic arthritis,14–17
lateral and caudal ligaments.5,6,8 (sub)luxation,18,19 osteoarthritis,16,20 and congenital dyspla-
Muscles of mastication associated with the equine TMJ sia (H. Gerhards, personal communication). Tearing of the
include the temporalis muscle, which attaches to the medial intra-articular disc has been reported.16
and rostral aspects of the joint capsule, the masseter muscle,
which attaches rostrally and laterally to the joint capsule,
and the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles, which attach
Septic arthritis
laterally and medially to the joint capsule.3,5,6 Septic arthritis of the TMJ has occurred in association with
The blood supply to the TMJ arises from the transverse open fractures and wounds that communicate with the joint
facial, superficial and deep temporal, and tympanic arteries.5 or from spread of infection from surrounding tissue (e.g.,
23 Treatment
Fig. 23.2 A horse affected with infectious osteoarthritis of the TMJ. The horse had a marked swelling of its left TMJ, which when palpated caused the horse
to show signs of pain. A teat cannula was positioned in the caudal recess of the discotemporal compartment of the TMJ for lavage of this compartment
performed with the horse sedated. The picture on the right shows the placement of a Penrose drain into a distal portal.
from tissue infected with Streptococcus equi var. equi in horses Streptococcus zooepidemicus is often cultured from an
suffering from strangles).15 In many cases, an underlying infected TMJ.14,17,22
cause cannot be established, and the horses are presented
because of a masticatory problem, swelling of the TMJ, or a
discharging tract.14,17,21,22
Horses suffering from sepsis of the TMJ are presented for The TMJ can become luxated or subluxated, with or without
examination because they have a swelling, often painful, over fracture of the mandible.18,19,24 Affected horses usually have
the affected TMJ and are dull and have difficulty eating evidence of trauma to the head. Clinical signs depend on the
(Fig. 23.2).14,17,21,22 In some cases, a fistulous tract may be degree of luxation and may include acute swelling of the
evident.17 Typically, the demeanor and masticatory function region of the TMJ, rostral displacement of the mandible,
of horses suffering from sepsis of the TMJ improves while decreased lateral range of movement of the mandible, an
the horse is receiving antimicrobial therapy, but dullness and inability to open the mouth, difficult mastication, and
difficulty eating recur when antimicrobial therapy ceases. rupture of an eye. Horses with a luxated or subluxated TMJ
Unless sepsis is accompanied by fracture, luxation, or sub- may develop osteoarthritis regardless of whether or not they
luxation, radiographic examination of the TMJ is often are treated.
inconclusive, and another imaging modality, such as ultra-
sonography, scintigraphy, or computed tomography, is
needed to diagnose septic osteoarthritis.17,23 Arthrocentesis
of a septic TMJ typically yields abnormal-appearing synovial Clinical signs of disease displayed by horses with osteoar-
fluid that contains an increased nucleated cell count.14 thritis of the TMJ are often similar to signs of disease
The temporomandibular joint
left right
23 Treatment
prominent, but that of others is very difficult to palpate. Recently, two oblique projections have been described
Even though the palpable portion of the TMJs varies in mor- that allow evaluation of the TMJ and surrounding osseous
phology, the left and right regions of the TMJ should be structures without superimposition of contralateral struc-
symmetrical. To better appreciate function of the joint, the tures.32,33 For one of these projections, the X-ray cassette is
joint can be palpated while the horse chews. placed above the horse’s poll in a horizontal position, with
the horse’s head fully extended, and the X-ray beam centered
on the ipsilateral TMJ and directed caudally at a 35° angle
Intra-articular anesthesia and arthrocentesis to the long axis of the head and 50° dorsally.32 For the other
Because the TMJ is separated completely into two compart- projection, the horse’s head is held in a neutral position, and
ments by the articular disc, each compartment probably the cassette is placed parallel to the sagittal plane next to the
must be injected separately to completely desensitize the TMJ of interest. The X-ray beam is directed caudodorsally to
entire joint. No studies have examined the likelihood of rostroventrally, from the contralateral side, to the TMJ of
local anesthetic solution diffusing in a high enough concen- interest (Fig. 23.6).33 If the TMJ of interest is the left TMJ,
tration from one compartment to the other to result in this projection is termed a right, caudodorsal-to-left, rostro-
desensitization of both compartments. Centesis of the TMJ ventral oblique (Rt15Cd70D-LeRVO). Both projections
performed directly over the joint is difficult because articular allow evaluation of subchondral bone, a feature not allowed
cartilage and the meniscus primarily occupy this space, and by other radiographic projections.
consequently centesis is most reliably performed over the A luxation or subluxation of the TMJ, with or without a
caudal pouch of the dorsal compartment. The technique of fracture(s), is usually easily identified on radiographs as an
arthrocentesis was thoroughly described by Rosenstein et al incongruence of the bony surfaces of the TMJ and an incon-
(2001)9 and Weller et al (2002).27 Using the approach to gruence of the occlusal surfaces of the incisors and cheek
the caudal pouch of the dorsal compartment (i.e., the teeth. Osteoarthritic changes are much more difficult to
discotemporal compartment) described by Rosenstein et al appreciate radiographically. If osteoarthritis is severe, an
(2001),9 the mandibular condyle is identified as a smooth irregular outline of the bones forming the joint, as well as
protrusion approximately midway between the lateral periarticular new bone formation and changes in the width
canthus of the eye and the base of the ear. The zygomatic of the joint, can be appreciated. In our experience, the major-
process of the temporal bone is palpated 1–2 cm dorsal to ity of old horses have some degree of osteophyte formation
the condyle, and a line is imagined between these structures. on the caudal aspect of the mandibular condyle (Fig. 23.5)
The site of centesis is a depression midway between these yet show no clinical signs of disease of the TMJ, indicating
structures and 1 2 to 1 cm caudal to the imagined line. The that osteophytes in this area may not be clinically significant.
discotemporal compartment is desensitized with 2–2.5 ml Mild changes of osteoarthritis are difficult to appreciate
of local anesthetic solution (Fig. 23.2). The ventral compart- during radiographic examination of the TMJ.
ment (i.e., the discomandibular compartment) is injected
with 1–1.5 ml of local anesthetic solution by walking the
needle off the rostral aspect of the mandibular condyle.
Although the capsule of both pouches is relatively super- Scintigraphy is an imaging modality that portrays function
ficial, care must be taken not to inject the anesthetic solution rather than morphological changes. It is the most sensitive
outside the joint capsule where it may anesthetize branches of all imaging modalities for a variety of diseases, including
of one of the cranial nerves in this area. In some cases, per- dental disorders.27 To examine the TMJs of a horse scinti-
forming the procedure under ultrasonographic control may graphically, the horse is injected intravenously with 5 MBq/
be beneficial. In our experience, the clinical signs of disease kg 99mTc-phosphonate. This dosage equates to half the dose
displayed by the majority of horses with TMJ disorders, such usually used for imaging other parts of the horse, but in our
as decreased range of mandibular motion, resolve while the experience, this reduced dose is sufficient to evaluate the
TMJ is temporarily desensitized. If the joint has advanced head. We have found that the vascular and soft tissue phases
osteoarthritis, mobility of the mandible may be mechani- are not useful for this area, and therefore we perform only
cally impaired. a bone phase, usually about three hours after injection. Left
and right lateral projections and a dorsal projection, each
centered over the TMJ of interest, are acquired. Both TMJs
Radiography should be adjacent to the camera during acquisition of
Radiographic evaluation of the TMJ is challenging, largely images to avoid differences in radiopharmaceutical uptake
because the complexity of this area results in numerous caused by distance attenuation of the gamma radiation.
superimpositions over the joint.28–30 To alleviate the problem The resulting images should be evaluated visually, as well
of superimposition, the TMJ can be examined radiographi- as quantitatively, by defining regions of interest (ROI) over
cally using special projections. To obtain the radiographic the TMJs. On the dorsal projection the ROIs are compared
projection described by Pommer (1948),31 the X-ray cassette directly, whereas on the lateral projections reference ROIs
is placed 120 cm lateral to the TMJ of interest, and the X-ray are defined over the ramus of the mandible (Fig. 23.7). The
beam is directed toward the contralateral TMJ (Fig. 23.5). ratio between the ROI over the TMJ and the reference ROI
Using this technique, the TMJ of interest is magnified to such is calculated and compared between sides. Radiopharmaceu-
a degree that evaluation of that joint is enhanced. This tech- tical uptake by structures of the head, including the TMJs,
nique exposes the horse to a high concentration of radiation varies with the age of the horse. The TMJs of young horses
and consequently, the eye of the horse nearest the X-ray tube take up considerably more of the radiopharmaceutical drug
should be protected with a lead shield. than does the relatively inactive rest of the mandible, whereas
The temporomandibular joint
Fig. 23.5 Radiographic projection of the TMJ. The image shows a projection of the left TMJ of a 23-year-old horse. This projection, described by Pommer
(1948),31 allows evaluation of the TMJ of interest by magnifying the superimposed contralateral TMJ. Note the osteophyte on the caudal aspect of the
mandibular condyle (arrows), which is commonly seen in old horses.
the TMJs of old horses often cannot be differentiated from rotated as the joint is examined. To examine the TMJ ultra-
the surrounding tissues (Fig. 23.8). In our experience, a dif- sonographically, we follow the mandible dorsally with the
ference in radiopharmaceutical uptake by a TMJ of more transducer orientated approximately parallel to the dorsal
than 25 % is indicative of disease of that joint. outline of the horse’s nose until the caudal aspect of the joint
The left and right TMJs are structurally linked and, there- can be imaged. To image the medial aspect of the joint, the
fore, function as a unit. Disorders of the TMJ of human transducer is rotated dorsorostrally by 45°. To image the
beings resulting from malocclusion are often bilateral, and rostral part of the joint, the transducer is rotated another
we believe disorders of the TMJ of horses are likewise bilat- 30°in the same direction while applying slight rostroventral
eral. Marked radiopharmaceutical uptake over both TMJs in translation. A stand-off is usually not required, but may be
an old horse may be suggestive of disease of both TMJs. useful if the horse is thin.
The ultrasonographic examination allows evaluation of
the bony surfaces of the joint, the fibrocartilagenous disc,
Ultrasonography and the joint capsule, and quantification of the amount of
Ultrasonographic examination of the TMJs is easily per- synovial fluid within the joint. The surface of the bones
formed with the horse standing and is usually well tolerated should appear as smooth, hyperechogenic lines. The disc
by the horse.7,34 To obtain optimal quality of the image, hair appears as a homogenous wedge, the base of which is located
over the TMJ to be examined should be clipped, but the laterally and the apex of which points medially, between the
procedure can sometimes be performed adequately without surface of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and
clipping the hair. The area is cleansed and covered with a the surface of the mandibular condyle and is similar in
coupling gel. Both TMJs should be examined for compari- echogenicity to the menisci in the stifle. The caudal recess of
son. A 7.5 MHz (or higher) linear array transducer provides the discotemporal compartment of the TMJ is filled with
sufficient depth to image the TMJ, while still providing excel- synovial villi and is difficult to distinguish ultrasonographi-
lent resolution of the images. cally from the disc. The joint capsule is visible as an interface
The transducer should be positioned perpendicular to the between the disc and the parotid salivary gland, which over-
joint space to acquire transverse images of the joint, and so, lies it on the caudal part of the joint, or subcutaneous tissue,
to keep the transducer perpendicular to the curved outline which overlies it on the rostral part of the joint. No synovial
of the lateral aspect of the joint, the transducer must be fluid, or only a very minimal amount, is visible if the TMJ is
23 Treatment
X-ray tube
Path of the
X-ray beam
Dorsal Medial
Collimation Area
Temporal bone
Path of
Lateral Mandibular condyle
X-ray beam
B = Centering Point
Fig. 23.6 Tangential projection of the equine TMJ described by Townsend (2009).33 (A) This schematic drawing illustrates the X-ray beam angle at 70° to
the dorsal plane and cassette; (B) Dorsal view of the radiographic projection showing the beam angle at 15° to the centering point and the collimation area.
The radiographic image on the right is the result of this projection.
The temporomandibular joint
structures. Computed tomographic anatomy of the normal non-septic osteoarthritis of the TMJ.16 We have observed
TMJ of horses has been described,36 and CT has been used good, long-term outcome after administering methylpred-
to diagnose septic arthritis of the TMJ of a horse.17 Until nisolone acetate into the TMJ of horses affected with osteo
recently, to image the head of a horse using CT, the horse arthritis of that joint. Those horses that did not respond to
had to be anesthetized, which increased the costs and risks treatment had evidence of advanced osteoarthritis seen
of the procedure. Now, some equine referral centers can during post-mortem examination (Fig. 23.4). We have had
perform CT scans of the head with the horse sedated, which limited success in resolving clinical signs of osteoarthritis
has led to a wider use of this modality for diagnosing disor- of the TMJ after administering a glycosaminoglycan and
ders of the equine head. hyaluronic acid into the TMJ.
Dental malocclusion accompanies disease of the TMJ of
human beings and likely also accompanies disease of the
Treatment TMJ of horses. Determining whether disease of the TMJ is a
result or a cause of abnormal malocclusion may be difficult.
Horses with a disorder of the TMJ can be treated conserva-
Horses affected with disease of a TMJ should be carefully
tively or surgically, according to the type of disorder.
examined for dental malocclusion, and any occlusal abnor-
malities, such as shear mouth and slant mouth, should be
Conservative treatment corrected.
Conservative treatments available for horses with a disorder
of the TMJ are similar to those available for a horse with a Surgical treatment
disorder of any other similarly affected joint with similar
There are few reports of surgical management of horses with
likelihood of success. Intra-articular injection of a cortico
disease of the TMJ. Rostral luxation of a TMJ of one horse
steroid has been used successfully to treat horses with
was successfully corrected, with the horse anesthetized, by
placing a metal mouth gag between the cheek teeth on the
affected side and placing pressure on the rostral aspect of the
mandible and on the rostral aspect of the maxillae to close
the mouth.19 After recovering from anesthesia, the horse was
able to masticate food, though the horse was permanently
blind in the ipsilateral eye, probably from damage to the eye
inflicted by the coronoid process of the mandible when it
displaced rostrally.
Arthroscopic evaluation of osteoarthritic TMJs and arthro-
scopic lavage of septic TMJs have been described.8,14,16 Due
to the bipartite nature of the TMJ, the discotemporal and
discomandibular compartments of the TMJ must be evalu-
ated through individual arthroscopic portals, but only the
lateral aspect of the discotemporal joint can be evaluated
fully because the curvature of the mandibular condyle
Ventral renders the rest of the joint inaccessible.6,8 Authors of one
report declared the discomandibular joint to be inaccessible
because of the position of the transverse facial artery and
Fig. 23.7 Lateral (left image) and dorsal (right image) scintigrams of the vein;8 other authors reported it to be accessible, though dif-
TMJs of a horse, 3 hours after the horse was injected with TC99m- ficult to evaluate due to obstruction of vision by synovial
methylendiphosphonate. Regions of interest are drawn around the TMJs, villi and poor maneuverability.6
and reference regions of interest (ROIs) are defined over the ramus of the To examine the TMJ joint arthroscopically, the horse is
mandible. The ratio between the ROI over the TMJ and the reference ROI is
anesthetized and positioned in lateral recumbency with the
calculated and compared between sides.
23 Treatment
affected TMJ uppermost. The horse can be positioned in sterile, isotonic saline solution. A 5-mm long, longitudinal
dorsal recumbency if both TMJs are to be arthroscopically incision is made in the skin at this site with a no. 15 blade.
examined. After preparing the region of the TMJ for aseptic A 10-cm long, blunt, teat cannula with obturator is placed
surgery, the TMJ is distended with sterile, isotonic saline solu- through this incision and directed rostromedially into the
tion after inserting a needle into the compartment of the joint joint (Fig. 23.2). Egress of fluid confirms that the cannula
using a technique described above, with or without ultra- has been placed into the joint. A 16-gauge, 2.54-cm (1-inch)
sonographic guidance. The needle is left in place, and a lon- needle is placed in the most dependent part of the distended
gitudinal, 5 mm long, skin incision is made adjacent to it. An TMJ, and a 5-mm long, longitudinal skin incision made
arthroscopic sleeve and blunt obturator are introduced into adjacent to it. A second teat cannula is placed through this
the joint, through the incision, in a rostromedial direction. incision into the compartment to allow egress of fluid intro-
The obturator is replaced with a 4-mm diameter, 30°, forward duced into the joint through the other teat cannula. After the
arthroscope, and the joint is distended, through the arthro- joint has been lavaged, a Penrose drain can be placed into
scope, with sterile, isotonic saline solution. A needle can be the TMJ through the ventral skin incision (Fig. 23.2) and
placed into the joint further rostrally to allow egress of fluid, maintained, with a suture, for several days before it is
which is important for improving visualization if the original removed.
penetration by the obturator caused intra-articular hemor- Unilateral, mandibular condylectomy and meniscectomy
rhage, and for providing continuous lavage of the joint. has been reported to be a successful treatment for horses
A septic discotemporal compartment can be lavaged with with severe septic or non-septic osteoarthritis of the
the horse standing and sedated if financial constraints TMJ.22,24,37 When mandibular condylectomy was performed
imposed by the owner make performing the procedure with bilaterally, more severe and longer-lasting abnormalities of
the horse anesthetized unfeasible. The region of the affected mastication were observed.37 Deviation of the mandible
TMJ is prepared for aseptic surgery, and local anesthetic solu- toward the non-treated side was reported to occur after uni-
tion is infiltrated subcutaneously at the site for arthrocentesis lateral condylectomy and meniscectomy.37 Deviation was
of the caudal recess of the discotemporal compartment thought to be caused by a temporary lack of stability of the
described above. This is a palpable depression just dorsal joint and atrophy of the masseter muscle on the treated side.
and caudal to the mandibular condyle, which lies halfway A horse in a more recent report, however, did not experience
between the lateral canthus of the eye and the base of the deviation of the mandible after unilateral condylectomy and
ipsilateral ear. A needle is placed into the discotemporal meniscectomy and had immediate improvement in its
compartment, and the joint is distended with 10–25 ml of ability to open its mouth and to masticate.22
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Comparison of radiography and
Apexification – Maturation of root ends. Bisecting angle – Technique of taking Bud stage – First stage of development of
Apical – Relating to the apex of a tooth, radiographs to minimize linear the enamel organ that develops from
i.e., the root area of a mature tooth (or distortion by aiming the beam the dental lamina.
similar area of an immature tooth perpendicular to the line that bisects Bullous pemphigoid – Autoimmune
before root formation). the angle formed by the long axis of the disease frequently causing lesions at the
Apical foramen, foramina (pl) – tooth and the film. oral mucocutaneous junction.
Entrance(s) to the pulp cavities of a Bishoping – Tampering with the dental Bundle bone – Extra thickness of bone
tooth (where the blood vessels, nerves, appearance of an animal, normally a added to the cribriform plate of alveolar
and lymphatics enter pulp). horse, to make it look younger for bone.
Apicoectomy – Endodontic treatment that fraudulent reasons by burning or Burrs (Burs) – Rotary instruments with
involves amputation of the root tip. drilling and staining an artificial cutting blades or abrasive surfaces as an
concavity in the dentin of the incisors active part of the operative head.
Approximal, see Proximal –
in an attempt to mimic the
Interproximal. Collective term that refers Cachexia – Condition of weakness of the
infundibulum of a younger animal.
to surfaces of teeth that face adjoining body and weight loss that results from a
teeth of the same dental arch or row. Bit – Mechanical device held in the mouth debilitating chronic disease.
and attached to the reins.
Aradicular hypsodont – Dentition without Calcification – Process by which organic
true roots (sometimes referred to as Biting force – The occlusal pressure (N/ tissue becomes hardened by a deposit
open-rooted or elodont) that produces cm2) exerted by teeth when engaged by of calcium salts within its substance.
additional crown throughout life. As the the muscles of mastication. Literally, the term denotes the
tooth is worn down, new crown Blast histology – Embryonic cell or deposition of any mineral salts that
emerges from the continually growing formative layer. contribute toward hardening and
tooth, as in lagomorphs and the Blind wolf tooth – Colloquial term. maturation of tissue.
incisors of rodents. Unerupted wolf tooth. Calculus – Mineralized dental plaque that
Arcades – Refers to the arches of teeth in Body of the mandible – Horizontal adheres to tooth surfaces and prosthetic
some brachydont species. In horses the portion of the mandible, excluding the dental materials.
straight rows of cheek teeth are alveolar processes. Campylorrhinus lateralis (wry nose) –
separated from the incisors by the Bolus of food – A ball of food that has Twisted premaxilla, nasal bones and
physiological diastema (‘bars of been chewed and mixed with saliva and and nasal septum. Developmental
mouth’) so all of the teeth do not form is ready to be swallowed. abnormality.
an arch. Bone – Hard connective tissue that forms Canal – Long tubular opening, e.g.,
Articular disc – Fibrous disc, e.g., between the skeleton of the body. through a bone or tooth root.
the mandibular condyle and the Brachy- (prefix) – Indicating something Cancellous bone – Less dense bone
zygomatic process of the temporal short. situated between surrounding denser
bone. cortical bone plates.
Brachycephaly – Condition in which
Articular process – Portion of the vertical individuals have short, (usually broad) Canine teeth – The teeth found between
ramus of the mandible that is part of facial profiles. the incisors and cheek teeth usually in
the temporomandibular joint. male horses; the fighting teeth of a
Brachygnathic – Having an abnormally
Attrition – Process of normal wear on short mandible. horse (Triadan 104, 204, 304, 404).
the crown due to prehension and Cap – Colloquial term for the remnant of
Brachydont – Teeth with a short crown:
mastication. a deciduous cheek tooth that covers an
root ratio (e.g., primates, dogs, cats, and
Auto-immune disease – Immune-mediated carnivores in general). erupting permanent cheek tooth
inflammatory reaction to the host’s own (premolars only) and is later shed.
Brachygnathism, see Brachygnathic – A
tissues. Cap stage – Second stage of enamel organ
congenital deformity in which the
Avulsion – Tearing away of a part, such as upper incisors overlap the lower development.
a tooth. incisors due to shortness of the Capsule (joint) – Fibrous band of tissue
Axial – Pertaining to the longitudinal mandible – however equine overjet and surrounding a joint and limiting its
(long) axis of a structure. overbite may actually be due to motion.
Bacterial plaque – Dental plaque. Soft elongation of the maxilla. Carbide – Hard compound of carbon and
mass of microorganisms, cellular Branchial arches I and II – Developmental another element such as tungsten used
material and food debris that adheres to sections of the facial region. for making blades that can be used for
the surfaces of teeth and/or gingiva. Bruxism – Abnormal grinding of the teeth. grinding and floating equine teeth.
Basal cell carcinoma – Tumor originating Bucca – Latin for ‘cheek.’ Caries – Demineralization of calcified
from basal cell layer of epidermis. dental tissues and destruction of their
Buccal – Pertaining to or directed toward
Beak – Colloquial term for a dental the cheek (outside/lateral aspect of organic parts through the acid produced
overgrowth resembling the beak of a mouth). by microorganisms.
bird. Cariogenic acid – Acid produced by
Bucco- (prefix) – Signifying buccal, cheek.
Bell stage – Third embryonic stage cariogenic bacteria.
Buccostomy – The formation of a surgical
of enamel organ formation in which Caudal – Relating to the posterior aspect
opening (fistula) through the side of
the crown form is established. of a structure.
the face that is later kept patent.
Benign – Non-malignant. Such lesions do Caudal infraorbital block – Intraoral
Buccotomy – Surgical incision made
not destroy the tissue from which they regional anesthetic nerve block achieved
through the side of the face, usually
originate or spread to other parts of the by injecting the infraorbital nerve at the
performed in herbivores, to accomplish
body (metastasize). caudal aspect of the infraorbital canal.
an intra-oral procedure that is
Bifurcation – Division into two parts or inaccessible through an oral approach. Cellular cementum – Cementum that has
branches, e.g., two roots of a tooth. cells (cementocytes) trapped in it.
Cellulitis – Diffuse inflammation, often Colic – Pain related to abdominal, Crown – 1) The part of the tooth which
purulent, of the soft tissues. primarily alimentary disease. contains enamel (both clinical crown
Cement – Dental cement is a material used Commissure – Junction of the upper and and reserve crown), i.e., all of the tooth
to apply orthodontic brackets, lower lip at the angle of the mouth. except the roots, which by definition
appliances, crowns, or other Band of tissue joining two parts or contain no enamel. 2) A restoration
prosthodontic devices. A plastic organs together. that covers part or the entire clinical
material that is used to affix dental Complex or compound odontoma – crown.
restorations. A type of filling material. Mixed odontogenic tumor composed of Crypt – Term used to describe the early
Cementoblasts – Cells that form both epithelial and mesenchymal cells tooth socket.
cementum. in a disorganized mass that contains no Cryosurgery – Surgical destruction by
Cementoclasts – Cells that resorb tooth-like structures. Can have a cystic freeze/thaw cycles. Using liquid
cementum. component. nitrogen.
Cementocytes – Cementoblasts that have Composite – Type of dental restorative Cup – Hollow structure with open top.
become entrapped within cementum. material typically composed of an Curvature of Spee – Rising slope of
Cementodentinal junction (CDJ) – organic polymer matrix of high caudal aspects of the mandible, and
Junction where the cementum and molecular weight, usually bisphenol thus of the occlusal surface of the
dentin contact. A-glycidyl methacrylate (bis-GMA) caudal mandibular cheek teeth.
resin, with or without fillers. Cusp – 1) A pronounced elevation on the
Cementoenamel junction (CEJ) –
Junction of enamel and cementum. Concha – Any body structure that occlusal surface of a tooth terminating
resembles a shell in shape (e.g., the in a conical, rounded, or flat surface.
Cementogenesis – Process of cement
nasal turbinate bone). 2) Any crown elevation that begins
Condylectomy – Excision of condylar calcification as an independent center.
Cementoid – Term meaning
process of the mandible. Cyanoacrylate – Adhesive material, usually
Condyloid process – That portion of the self-curing in the presence of moisture
Cementoma – Benign proliferation of the
vertical ramus of the mandible that is in an anaerobic environment.
connective tissue that produces
part of the temporomandibular joint. Cyst – Sac of fluid lined by epithelial cells;
cementum or cementum-like tissue.
Congenital – Denoting a condition usually it may grow to varying sizes.
Cement, cementum – A bone-like, calcified
abnormal, present at or before birth, Debridement, dentistry – The removal of
component of teeth, includes peripheral
but one that is not necessarily debris from a dental cavity in an
cementum which composes a significant
hereditary. alveolus or root canal. The surgical
portion of the equine clinical crown
and infundibular cementum. Contrast – Radiography relates to the removal of cellular debris from the
variation in the black and white density surface of a wound.
Cemental hypoplasia – A developmental
on areas of radiographic images. Decay – The decomposition of organic
disorder commonly seen in maxillary
cheek teeth infundibula due to Coprophagy – The act of eating feces. matter.
incomplete cementogenesis. Coral formation – Colloquial term. Deciduous teeth – The first dentition; milk
Centric occlusion (central occlusion) – Metaplastic calcification of the conchal teeth. See Primary teeth.
Relationship of the occlusal surfaces of cartilage caused by chronic sinus Deglutition – Action of swallowing.
one dental arch to those of the other infection. Dehiscence – The spontaneous breakdown
when the jaws are closed and the teeth Corona – Tooth crown. of a surgical wound.
are in maximum intercuspation. Coronal – Direction toward the crown. Dens – Tooth.
Cephalic – Relating to the skull or head. Relating to or towards the crown part of Dens in dente (tooth within a tooth) –
Cephalometrics – Anatomical a tooth. Developmental disorder that is formed
measurements of skull structures. Coronoid process – Bony projection at the when the top of the tooth bud folds
Cheeks – Lateral boundaries of the oral dorso-rostral portion of the vertical into itself, producing additional layers
cavity. ramus. It is the attachment location for of enamel, cementum, dentin, or pulp
Cheek teeth – An equine term to describe the temporal muscle. tissue inside the tooth as it develops.
premolars 2-4 and the three molar Cortex – The external layer of an organ or Dens invaginatus – A developmental
teeth. bone; hence, cortical. anomaly involving an invagination on
Cheilitis – Inflammation of the lips. Cranial nerves – Nerves of the head. the lingual or palatal surface of an
Craniofacial deformity – Skull and face incisor.
Choke – Esophageal obstruction.
deformities. May be developmental or Dental arch – All teeth forming an arch in
Chondrosarcoma – Malignant tumor of
acquired. either the maxillary or mandibular jaw
Crest – As pertains to radiation, the height in species with true dental arches –
Chronic – A process continuing over a long correctly should only refer to the equine
period of time (e.g., many months). of the wave.
Crib-biting (cribbing) – Destructive incisors that do form a true arch.
The opposite of acute.
behavior when horses bite their food Dental attrition – The wear or loss of
Cingulum – A convexity on the surface of a tooth substance due to normal
tooth – used loosely to describe the containers or surroundings resulting in
an abnormal wear pattern to their masticatory and prehension forces.
vertical ridges on the buccal aspects of
incisors and possibly may also be Dental cap, colloquial – The remains of a
maxillary cheek teeth.
associated with the ingestion of air. horse’s deciduous premolars once the
Cleft palate – Lack of joining together of roots have been resorbed.
hard or soft palate. Cribriform plate – Dense bone that forms
the wall of the alveolus. Cribriform Dental lamina – Embryonic downgrowth
Clinical crown (erupted crown) – The part of oral epithelium that is the forerunner
plate also refers to the horizontal
of the crown that lies outside of the of the enamel bud.
lamina of the ethmoid bone.
alveolus and gingiva (i.e., the part that
is visible in the oral cavity).
Dental papilla – Mesodermal structure Digestive tract – gastrointestinal tract Enamel pearls (enamelomas) – Small
partially surrounded by the inner Diphyodont – The feature of having two enamel growths on the root of the
enamel epithelial cells that later form sets of teeth, one designated deciduous teeth; considered abnormal structures.
the dentin and pulp. or primary and the other permanent. Enamel prisms – Basic enamel unit
Dental sac – Layers of flat mesodermal The teeth of most domesticated animals running from the dentinoenamel
cells partially surrounding the dental and humans are diphyodont. junction to the surface of enamel.
papilla and enamel organ. It forms the Disarming, veterinary – Procedure where Enamel rod – Individual pillars of enamel
cementum, periodontal ligament, and one or more teeth are either extracted formed by ameloblasts.
some alveolar bone. or shortened in order to prevent Endo- (prefix) – Within.
Dental star, colloquial term – Occlusal animals from inflicting injuries. Endoderm – Inner germ layer of an
appearance of secondary dentin in Distal – Farthest away from a median line embryo that forms the epithelial lining
equine incisors. of the face – useful term for brachydont of organs such as the digestive tract,
Dentes canini – Canine, cuspid, eye, or teeth. liver, lungs, and pancreas.
fang teeth. Dolichocephaly – Condition marked by a Endodontics – Branch of dentistry
Dentes decidui – Deciduous teeth. long, narrow facial profile. involved with treating the pulp and
Dentes incisivi – Incisor teeth. Domestication – Adjustment of animals to root canals.
Dentes molares – Molar teeth. living with humans; taming. Endoscope – Instrument used for
Dentes permanentes – Permanent teeth. Dominant – An allele that produces an examining inside hollow organs and the
Dentes premolares – Premolar teeth. effect on the phenotype even when abdominal cavity.
present in a single dose. Endoliths – Calcifications within the
Denticles – Small, tooth-like structures.
Dorsal – Toward or situated on the top. endodontic system; more commonly
Dentigerous – Containing teeth or
Dorsum of the tongue – Top surface of the referred to as pulp stones.
tooth-like structures.
tongue. Epistaxis – Hemorrhage from the nose.
Dentigerous cyst – Developmental dental
follicle remnant with ectopic, cystic Duplicidentata – Double-row dentition. Epithelial attachment – Interface at the
tooth-like structure usually lying on the Dysmastication – Difficulty chewing. base of the gingival sulcus or
temporal bone. Dysphagia – Difficulty swallowing. periodontal pocket that unites the
Dysphrehension – Difficulty grasping food gingiva to the tooth.
Dentin (dentine) – A soft (ivory like)
component of the mineralized tooth with lips and teeth. Epithelium – Cellular layer that covers the
that increasingly fills the pulp chamber Dysplasia – Abnormal development of a external and internal surfaces of the
with age (e.g., with secondary dentin). part or organ. body or organs.
Dentinal tubules – Linear, tube-like spaces Dyspnea – Difficulty in breathing. Epulis – Any type of benign growth
in the dentin that are occupied by the situated on the gingiva.
Ectoderm – Outer embryonic germ layer
odontoblastic processes. Erosion – External loss of calcified dental
that forms skin, salivary glands, hair,
Dentinocemental junction (DCJ) – See tissue due to a chemical process
sweat glands, sebaceous glands, nerves,
CDJ. without active bacterial involvement.
Dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) – Junction Eruption of teeth – The process of
-ectomy (suffix), medicine – Excision of a
where the dentin and enamel tissues movement of tooth from the alveolus
meet. into the oral cavity.
Edentate – Lacking teeth – due to absence
Dentinogenesis imperfecta – A hereditary Eruption cysts (pseudocysts) (“3 or 4 year
of their development or their later loss
condition in which dentin is old bumps”) – Enlarged areas of soft
in the horse. Some other species are
abnormally formed, leading to tissue at the developing apices of
normally edentulous (toothless).
generalized dental dysplasia. immature permanent cheek teeth. These
Elevator – Instrument used to elevate the cysts can cause bony swellings on the
Dentition – General character and tooth or root section out of the alveolus ventral surface of the mandible, less
arrangement of the teeth, taken as a during extraction. commonly on the maxillary bones, in
whole, as in carnivorous, herbivorous, Empyema – The accumulation of pus in a 2–4 year old horses.
and omnivorous dentitions. Mixed hollow organ or body cavity.
dentition refers to a combination of Eruption times – Times for anticipated
Emphysema – The abnormal presence of eruption of teeth.
permanent and deciduous teeth in the
gas in a part of the body. Eruptive stage – Period of eruption from
same dentition.
Enamel – A calcified dental tissue which is the completion of crown formation
Dermatitis – Inflammation of the skin and
the hardest substance in the body, and until the teeth come into occlusion. The
provides great wear resistance for teeth. prefunctional eruptive stage occurs at
Developer – Radiography solution to
Enamel cuticle (Nesmith’s membrane) – A the beginning, before the teeth move
make the latent image on an exposed
thin membrane that covers the crown into occlusion.
X-ray film visible.
of a tooth at eruption. Exfoliation – Shedding or loss, e.g., of a
Diarthrodial joint – Movable joints.
Enamel hypoplasia – Condition in which primary tooth.
Diastema (plural, diastemata) – A space the enamel layer is thin or reduced. Exodontia – Extraction of teeth.
between teeth. In the horse refers both
Enamel lamellae – A hypomineralized Exostosis (pleural exostoses) – Local
to the physiological space between the
structure in teeth that extend from the deposition of new bone that projects
incisors and premolars (the interdental
dentinoenamel junction to the surface beyond the normal limits of the
space) more commonly to the
of the enamel. skeleton.
pathological presence of an abnormal
space between adjacent teeth. Enamel organ – Ectodermal (epithelial) Exothermic – A chemical reaction that
structure that leads to the formation of generates heat.
Digastricus muscle – Paired muscles from
tooth enamel. External fixation – Methods by which
jugular process of occipital bones to
mandible. Opens the mouth. fractured bones are supported by
devices outside the body.
External fixator – Device with which Floating (see also Rasping). Veterinary – Genetic – Term describing the condition
fractured bones are immobilized using The process of smoothing down the of being hereditary.
percutaneous pins that are joined sharp buccal or lingual enamel Genotype – The genetic makeup of an
outside the body. overgrowths (“points”) on the cheek animal.
Extirpate – To completely remove or teeth of horses. The act of using rasps to Gingiv- or gingivo- (prefix) – Denoting the
destroy a part or organ. remove sharp edges from teeth. gingiva.
Extirpation – Complete surgical removal Fluorosis – Disruption in the Gingiva – Keratinized oral membrane that
or destruction of a tissue, such as a mineralization of developing teeth due immediately surrounds the teeth and
pulp. to excess ingestion of fluoride, often alveolar bone.
Extra-oral – Outside the mouth. seen as chalky white spots or Gingival – Of or pertaining to the gums.
discoloration of the enamel.
Extract – To pull out or remove. Gingival crest – Most occlusal extent of
Focal film distance (FFD) – Distance from gingiva.
Extrinsic – Originating outside a structure.
the focal spot on the tube’s target to the
Extrusion – Movement of a tooth further Gingival crevice (sulcus) – Subgingival
out of the alveolus, typically in the space that under normal conditions lies
Follicle – Fibrous sac which surrounds the between the gingival crest and the
same direction as normal eruption.
developing tooth germ and by which it epithelial attachment to the adjacent
Eye teeth – See cuspid.
is attached to the oral mucosa. peripheral cementum.
Facial nerve – Cranial nerve VII,
Follicular cyst – Dentigerous cyst or Gingival fibers – Periodontal fibers in the
innervating the facial muscles of
dilation of the follicular space around gingiva.
expression and caudal belly of the
the crown of a tooth that is unerupted
digastric muscle. Gingivitis – Inflammation of the gums.
or impacted.
Facultative anaerobes – Bacteria that can Glass ionomers – Dental restorative
Foramen – A small circular opening or
live in either aerobic or anaerobic compounds that chemically bind to
passage, e.g., where the mental nerve
conditions. enamel and dentin by ions forming
leaves the mandible.
Familial – Used to describe conditions that salts that bond to the calcium in the
Frenulum – Fold of tissue that limits the tooth, even if slight moisture is present.
affect a family to an extent
movement of an organ (e.g., frenulum
that is considered greater than expected Glossectomy – Surgical removal of part or
under the tongue or between lips and
by random chance or circumstance. all of the tongue
FDI system – System for tooth Glossitis – Inflammation of the tongue.
Fulcrum – Dentistry. A device used to
identification promulgated by Glossoplegia – Paralysis of the tongue,
increase leverage of dental equipment
the Federation Dentaire Internationale either unilateral or bilateral.
during extractions
(International Dental Federation). Gnathic – Relating to the jaw, meaning the
Functional occlusion – Active tooth
Fetid – Having a smell of decaying matter. mandible in modern usage.
contact during mastication and
Fibroma – Benign tumor of mesodermal swallowing; also called dynamic Granuloma – Localized mass of reactive
origin. occlusion. tissue containing macrophages
Fibrosarcoma – Malignant tumor of Furcation – Point at which roots diverge. associated with an area of chronic
fibrous connective tissue. Teeth with multiple roots have bi- or suppuration and/or healing.
Fibrous dysplasia – Incomplete trifurcation. Gutta percha – An ionomer of rubber
differentiation of fibrous tissues. Gag – Speculum – An instrument to extracted from the sap of certain
Replacement of bone as a result of prevent the closure of the mouth during tropical trees. Endodontic filling agent
parathyroid dysfunction. oral examination or surgery. that is about 60% crystalline and
Filiform papillae – Small pointed slightly viscoelastic.
Galvayne’s groove – A groove in the labial
projections pointing caudally that surface of 103/203 (upper permanent Halitosis – Malodorous or foul breath.
heavily cover most of the dorsum of the corner incisor of the horse) which was Hard palate – Bony vault of the oral cavity
anterior two-thirds of the tongue. believed begin to appear at proper covered with soft tissue.
Filing Dentistry – Grinding or rasping of approximately 10 years, is half way Hard tissue – Calcified or mineralized
dental tissues. down at 15, fully down at 20, half worn dental tissues or bone.
Fissure – A small crack, e.g., an enamel away at 25 and absent at 30 years of Hausmann gag – A metal-framed,
fracture in a cheek tooth. age. This feature has been shown to give ratchet-operated device used to keep the
Fistula – A tract (duct) leading from an an inaccurate indication of age. mouth of horses open for examination
internal cavity in the body to the Gamma radiation – Radiation of the same or treatment.
surface or from one body cavity to approximate wavelength as X-radiation Haversian system – System of blood
another, e.g., from a paranasal sinus to that is naturally occurring rather than vessels located within bones.
the mouth (oromaxillary fistula) or man-made. Hemimandibulectomy – Excision of half
from the oral to the nasal cavity Germination – Dental disorder in which of the mandible.
(oronasal fistula). A tract connecting the developing bud attempts to split Hemisection – To cut in half.
two epithelialised surfaces. but fails to do so completely, resulting Hemostasis – To arrest hemorrhage.
Fixer solutions – Radiography chemicals in duplication of part of the tooth but
Hereditary – Genetically determined;
used to preserve and enhance the latent not total twinning.
passing or capable of passing from
image on a radiographic film. Gene – A unit of information in DNA that parents to offspring.
Flap – Portion of mucous membrane or codes for a particular disease or trait.
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath –
skin separated from the surrounding General anesthesia – Controlled, drug- A downgrowth of the inner and outer
tissues except for at least one edge. induced unconsciousness, whereby enamel epithelium that initiates dentin
pain, voluntary muscle movement and formation.
an effective swallowing reflex are
Heterodont – The feature of having more Impacted teeth – Teeth which have been Interceptive orthodontics – Generally
than one type (size, shape) of tooth prevented from erupting by mechanical considered to be the extraction or
represented in the dentition, such as obstruction, usually compression from recontouring (crown reduction) of
incisors, canines, premolars, and the two adjacent teeth. Impactions may primary or permanent teeth that are
molars. cause large eruption cysts to develop at contributing to alignment problems of
Homodont – The feature of having all the apex of the impacted tooth and the permanent dentition.
teeth that are of the same general shape focal hard swellings (‘3- and 4-year-old Interdental – Located between teeth.
or type, although size may vary. bumps’) on the mandible or maxilla. Interdental (interproximal) space – The
Hook – Colloquial term for a sharp narrow Implant dentistry – Intra-osseous, space between two adjacent teeth. Also
overgrowth developed on a tooth biocompatible structure placed in the used to describe the space between
through abnormal wear, e.g., on 06s or alveolar bone, which is used as a equine incisors and cheek teeth (e.g.,
11s. Also note 7- or 9-year incisor support in prosthodontics. ‘bars of the mouth’).
“hooks”, now shown to be inaccurate Impression – Mold taken of the teeth and/ Internal fixation – Surgical stabilization of
for age determination. or intra-oral contours of the jaw for the fracture with pins, plates, screws, etc.
Horizontal ramus – That portion of the preparation of a replica model. attached within the affected bones.
jaw composed of the body and Impression material – A substance used in Interproximal – See interdental.
symphyseal area of the mandible. the making of a mold of the teeth and/ Interproximal space – See interdental
Hydroxyapatite (hydroxylapatite) – or the contours of the jaw. space.
Calcium- and phosphate-containing Impression tray – Receptacle, usually Interradicular septa – Obsolete term for
crystals found in hard substances of the custom-made in veterinary use, to fit interalveolar septa, i.e., Bony partitions
body, such as bone, cementum, dentin, the jaw being treated for carrying the between adjacent teeth.
and enamel. impression material.
Intradental oral cavity (IDOC) – Space
Hyoid apparatus – Bony structure Incisal – Occlusal direction in incisors. whose boundaries are the lingual and
originating from 2nd and 3rd branchial Incisal bone – See Incisive bone. palatal margins of the teeth.
arches. Attached to petrous part of Incisivomaxillary suture – Articulation of Intrinsic – Lying entirely inside a structure.
temporal bones and supports the root the incisive bone and the maxillae. Intrinsic muscles of the tongue – Muscles
of the tongue, pharynx, and larynx. Incisors – Teeth found at the front of the that produces the complicated
Hyper- (prefix) – Exaggerated, excessive. horse’s mouth (e.g., all teeth embedded protrusion and prehensile movement of
Hypercementosis – Increased thickness of in the premaxilla are incisors by the tongue. They are innervated by the
cementum, usually seen at the apex of definition, as are those situated in the hypoglossal nerve.
the tooth. rostral mandible). Incisors are used for Isognathism – Condition of having equal
Hyperemia – Congestion of blood, as may grasping (prehension) of food. In jaw widths, in which the premolars and
be seen in pulp. horses there are normally 12 deciduous molars of opposing jaws align with the
Hyperplasia – Enlargement or and 12 permanent incisors (Triadan occlusal surfaces facing each other.
overdevelopment of organ or tissue 101–3; 201–3; 301–3; 401–3).
Jaw – The upper jaw is formed by the
through increased production of cells. Incisive bone (premaxilla incisal bone) – premaxilla (incisive) and maxillary
Hyperplastic – Affected by The bone attached to the rostral aspect bones and the lower jaw is formed by
hyperplasia. of the maxilla which bears the upper the mandibular bone; both jaws
Hyperptyalism – Excess salivation. incisors. contain the teeth.
Hypodontia – Condition in which some Incline planes – Orthodontic appliances Juvenile ossifying fibroma – Benign,
teeth are missing although the term designed to make contact with the locally invasive, gingival tumor.
anodontia is often loosely used in this cusps or incisal edges of the teeth of the Keratin – Substance contained by the
regards. opposing occlusion to stimulate tooth surface cells of skin, hair and hooves.
Hypoplasia – Reduced or inadequate tissue movement directed by the inclination.
Labium (pl. labia) – Latin for ‘lip’.
formation. Inferior – Indicating the relative position
Labial – Of or pertaining to the lips. Also,
Hypoplastic enamel – Thin enamel, of a structure that is lower than others.
as a direction, towards the lips or the
commonly seen in conjunction with Inflammation – Reaction of living tissue to rostral aspect of mouth.
enamel hypocalcification. See enamel infection or injury.
Lamina dura – Radiographic term
hypoplasia. Infra- (prefix) – In anatomy, indicating a denoting the cribriform plate, bundle
Hypsodont – Teeth which have a limited position beneath the structure being bone, and the dense alveolar bone
growth period but prolonged eruption qualified. In dentistry, indicating a surrounding the reserve crown and
(in contrast, elodont teeth, as in rabbits, position apical to the structure being roots.
have permanent growth and eruption qualified.
Lampas – Physiologically normal swelling
throughout life; brachydont teeth, such Infundibulum – Enamel infoldings found of the mucosa of the hard palate, often
as humans have a limited growth and in centers of incisor and the upper greatest just behind the upper incisors
limited eruption time). cheek teeth that are filled (or partially especially in young horses.
Iatrogenic – Induced injury that is caused filled) with cementum. The single
Lateral – Away from the median plane (is
by or created by treatment, e.g., incisor infundibulum is colloquially
the opposite of medial); refers to the
fractures of 311 or 411 using a termed the ‘cup.’ There are two
buccal aspect (outside) of teeth. A
guillotine or fractures of cheek tooth infundibula in each upper and none in
position farther from the midline of the
caused by dental shears. the lower cheek teeth.
body or median plane. Opposite of
Idiopathic – Disease of unknown origin. Insidious – Slow or gradual onset. Refers medial.
to a disease and indicates that it does
Lateral excursion – Lateral movement of
not exhibit early symptoms of its onset
the mandible relative the maxilla.
or progress.
Lateral excursion to separation – A Mandibular arch – First branchial arch that Mental foramen – Foramen on the lateral
measure of cheek teeth occlusion and forms the mandible and maxillae. side of the mandible, below the
occlusal angulation. This term refers to Mandibular condyle – Rounded top of the premolars.
the point during lateral excursion of the mandible that articulates with the Mental regional block – Regional
mandible with the jaws closed when mandibular fossa. anesthetic nerve block achieved by
the angled occlusal surface of the cheek Mandibular foramen – Opening on the injection at the mental foramen. It
teeth causes separation of the incisors. medial surface of the vertical ramus of provides analgesia to the incisors,
Ligament – Regularly arranged group of the mandible for entrance of nerves and canines, and possibly the lower 06.
collagen fibers. blood vessels to the lower teeth. Mesaticephaly – Condition marked by a
Lingual – Referring to the tongue; also, as Mandibular fossa – Depression on the head shape of medium proportions.
a direction, towards the tongue, used to inferior surface of the skull in the Mesenchymal cells – Embryonic
refer to medial aspect of the mandibular temporal bone that articulates with the connective tissue that begins the
cheek teeth (palatal refers to identical condyle of the mandible. development stage of the dental papilla
aspect of maxillary cheek teeth). Mandibular symphysis – Point at which and the dental sac.
Lingual arteries – Primary blood supply to the two hemimandibles merge, forming Mesenchyme – Connective tissue derived
the tongue. the mandible. from mesoderm.
Lingual frenum – Fold of tissue that Masseter muscle – Muscle of mastication Mesial – Toward or situated in the middle
attaches the undersurface of the tongue arising from the zygomatic arch and (e.g., toward the midline of the dental
to the floor of the mouth. inserting on the lateral ramus of the arch).
Lingual mucosa – Thick, rough, keratinised mandible. It acts to close the mandible. Mesial drive – Phenomenon in
mucous membrane covering the Mast cell – Mesodermal cell containing brachydont dentition in which the
dorsum of the tongue. granules that release histamine in permanent molars continue to move
Lips – Most rostral extent of the oral inflammatory reactions. mesially after eruption. In equine teeth,
cavity. The upper and lower lips Mastication – The grinding of food by the the caudally facing 06s cause a caudal
converge at the angles of the mouth to teeth. movement of the rostral cheek teeth.
form its commissures. Masticatory mucosa – Mucosa Mesocephaly – Condition marked by a
Lophodont – The feature of having teeth (parakeratinized or keratinized) of the balanced facial profile, somewhere
that have a lamellar structure of hard palate and gingiva. between dolichocephalic and
longitudinal layers of enamel and Masticatory surface – Occlusal surface of brachycephalic.
dentin that become fused with teeth. Mesoderm – Middle germ layer of the
cementum, with cusps that connect to Maxilla – One of the paired bones of the embryo that forms connective tissue,
form ridges, as in the cheek upper jaw which contain the two rows muscle, bone, cartilage, blood, etc.
teeth of the rhinoceros and elephant. of upper cheek teeth and also contain Metaplasia – The transformation of one
Luxation – Partial or complete dislocation the maxillary sinuses and contributes to type of tissue into another.
from a joint, as in the the hard palate. Metaplastic calcification – Pathological
temporomandibular joint or of a tooth Maxillary – Of or pertaining to the deposition of calcium in soft tissues.
from its alveolus. Metastasis – Dissemination of tumor cells
Lysis – Dissolution or breaking down. to other parts of the body.
Maxillary cheek teeth row – Upper cheek
Macrodontia – Teeth that are teeth. Methyl methacrylate – Liquid monomer
developmentally disproportionally used in the manufacture of acrylic
Maxillary sinuses – Paired paranasal
large. resins by mixing it with a powder
sinuses located in the maxillae.
Macroglossia – Oversized or large tongue. polymer.
Maxillofacial – Structures including and
Malar – Relating to the zygoma, cheek covering maxillary and facial bones. Microdontia – Teeth that are
bone. disproportionally small.
Meatus – A naturally occurring canal or
Malignant – Term to describe tumors that channel. Microglossa – A small tongue.
show an uncontrollable growth and Midline – Imaginary line that
Medial – Opposite of lateral.
destructive growth pattern of the tissue divides the body into right and
of origin and that may exhibit Medial pterygoid muscles – Muscles of
mastication arising from the sphenoid left halves.
metastasis. Midsagittal plane – Imaginary plane that
bone and inserting on the condyle and
Malocclusion – Faulty occlusion; abnormal divides the body vertically into right
articular processes of the mandible.
contact of opposing upper and lower and left halves.
They serve to close the mandible.
teeth. Mixed dentition – The feature of having
Median line – Vertical line that divides the
Maleruption – Improper eruption of primary and permanent teeth in the
body into right and left (e.g., the
tooth/teeth. dental arches or rows at the same time.
median line of the face).
Malformation – Failure to develop Molarization – Changes in the appearance
Median plane – A plane running vertically
properly. of premolar teeth to resemble molar
(dorsoventrally) down the midline of a
Mandible – The lower jaw bone formed by horse from nose to tail. teeth.
the fusion of the two hemimandibles at Molars – Grinding cheek teeth that have
Median raphe – Midline of the palate
the symphysis. no deciduous predecessors in the dental
dividing the right and left sides.
Mandibular – Pertaining to the mandible. arcades (e.g., the last three cheek teeth).
Melanoma – Mesodermal origin tumor
Mandibular alveolar block – Regional containing pigment bearing (Triadan 109–11; 209–11; 309–11;
anesthetic nerve block achieved by melanocytes. 409–11.) The term molars is also
blocking the mandibular nerve as it wrongly used to refer to all 6 cheek
Mental – Relation to the chin.
enters the mandibular canal on the teeth.
medial aspect of the mandible.
Monkey mouth – Colloquial term for sow” Odontoblast – Dentin-forming cell that Orthognathic surgery – Surgery of
mouth. Prognathism, Protruding originates from the dental papilla. mandibles to correct tooth alignment.
mandible. Odontoblastic cell layer – Layer in the Osteoconductive – Characteristic of a
Monophyodont – The feature of having pulp that is closest to dentin. product that aids in regenerating new
only one set of teeth that erupt and Odontoblastic process – Cellular bone in an osseous site. Almost all
remain functional throughout life, i.e., extension of the odontoblast, extending guided tissue regeneration products are
there are no deciduous teeth. along the length of the dentinal osseoconductive.
Morphology – Study of the form and tubules. Osteoinductive – Characteristic of a
structure of an organism or part of it. Odontogenic cyst or tumor – Lesions product that aids in the generation of
Mottled enamel – Enamel that is opaque arising from cellular components of the new bone in any site, even muscle
or chalky and may be discolored due to developing tooth structure. tissue. Autogenous bone grafts and
its porous nature. Odontoma – Mixed odontogenic tissue bone morphogenic protein can do this;
Mouth – Entrance to the oral cavity. tumor containing both epithelial and however, freeze-dried bone and
mesenchymal cells. It may be either irradiated bone are not osseoinductive
Mouth speculum – Mechanical device used
compound (disorganized mass) or because the necessary cells have been
to hold the mouth open.
complex (with denticles). killed by treatment of this product.
Mucobuccal fold – Point at which the oral
Oligodontia – The absence of one or more Osteointegration – Process in which a
mucosa and the top or bottom of the
teeth. material’s surface becomes attached or
vestibule turn toward the alveolar ridge.
-oma (suffix) – Indicating a tumor. bonded to bone; also known as
Mucocele – See sialocele. functional ankylosis. In the process,
Nares – Nostrils. Opaque – Not easily able to transmit light.
metal oxides on the surface of an
Nasal septum – Cartilagenous wall Open fracture – A fracture where there is a implant bond to bone.
between the left and right sides of the breach in the overlying skin or mucous
Osseous wiring – Placement of wires in
nasal cavity, made up of the ethmoid membranes.
direct contact with bone to provide
and vomer bones. Operculum – Persistence of a thick, fibrous reduction and support to segments of a
Nasmyth’s membrane – Membrane gingiva over a partially or even fully bony fracture.
covering the surface of the tooth crown erupted tooth.
Ostectomy – Removal of osseous defects
at the time of eruption. Oral cavity (cavum oris) – Area extending and infrabony pockets by the removal
Necrosis – The death of organic tissue; from the lips to the oral pharynx at the of bony pocket walls.
hence, necrotic. level of the palatine tonsil.
Osteo- (prefix) – Indicating bone.
Neoplasia – A new growth or tumor. Oral cavity proper – Area extending from Osteoblasts – Cells that form bone.
Neoplasm – Benign or malignant tumor; the alveolar ridge and teeth to the oral
Osteoclasts – Multinucleated cells
morbid mass of tissue growing at an pharynx. It does not include the
responsible for destroying bone.
abnormal rate. vestibule.
Osteocytes – Osteoblasts that have
Newborn gingival cyst – Cyst arising from Oral mucosa – Stratified squamous
surrounded themselves with bone.
the remnants of dental lamina in epithelium running from the margins of
the lips to the area of the tonsils and Osteogenic – Bone producing.
newborn animals.
lining the oral cavity; also known as Osteoid – Bone-like.
Non-successional (non-succedaneous)
oral mucous membrane. Osteoma – Benign bone tumor.
teeth – Permanent teeth (classically
molars) that do not succeed a Oral mucous membrane – See oral Osteomyelitis – Infection of bone marrow.
deciduous counterpart. mucosa. Osteoplasty – Shaping of bone to restore
Object film distance (OFD) – Distance Organic matrix – Non-calcified framework its physiologic contour.
between the film and the object during in which crystals grow. Osteosarcoma – Osseous tumor that can
radiography. Minimizing OFD can Oro- (prefix) – Combining form indicating develop on the mandible or maxilla
reduce distortion. oral, mouth. that is locally invasive but has less
Obturation – The process of filling, Oronasal fistula – An opening between the metastatic potential than its counterpart
packing, as in endodontic filling of pulp oral and nasal cavities – usually is a in the appendicular skeleton.
cavities. complication of extraction or periapical Osteotome – Bone cutting chisel.
Occluding – Contacting opposing teeth. abscess of one of the 1st three upper Osteotomy – Surgical operation of cutting
Occlusal – Articulating or biting surface. cheek teeth. through a bone.
Occlusal plane – Side view of the occlusal Oropharynx – Area between the soft palate Overbite – Relationship of the teeth in
surfaces. and the base of the tongue. which the incisal edges of the maxillary
Ortho- (prefix) – Straight. anterior teeth extend below the incisal
Occlusal relationship – Way in which the
Orthodontic acrylics – Materials used to edges of the mandibular anterior teeth
maxillary and mandibular teeth touch
form a framework or base structure when the teeth are placed in a centric
each other.
from which various inclines, springs, occlusal relationship.
Occlusal surface – Surface of a tooth
arch wires, or expansion devices can be Overjet – See overlap, horizontal.
within the marginal ridges that contacts
the corresponding surfaces of attached. Overlap, horizontal (overjet, overjut) –
antagonists during closure of the Orthodontics – That area of dentistry Rostral projection of the upper anterior
mouth. concerned with the supervision and and/or posterior teeth beyond their
guidance of the growing dentition and antagonists in a horizontal direction.
Occlusion – Surface-to-surface contact
between opposing teeth. correction of the mature dentofacial Overshot – See Retrognathism.
structures. It involves those conditions Palatal – Pertaining to the palate or roof
-odontics (suffix) – Indicating a dental
that require movement of teeth and/or of the mouth.
subject or discipline.
correction of malrelationships of the
Odonto- or odont- (prefix) – Relation to Palatal surface – Lingual (medial) surface
jaws and teeth and malformations of
teeth; indicating toothed. of the maxillary teeth.
their related structures.
Palate – Roof of the mouth is formed by Periodontal – Literally means ‘around or Plaque – A soft coating, essentially bacteria
the hard palate to level of 111, 211 near the teeth;’ surrounding a tooth; together with some mucins and
where it then joins the soft palate. usually used to refer to gums or the proteins (see Pellicle) that invariably
Palatine artery – Large artery that lies just other soft tissues (periodontal forms on teeth; remains thin if they
medial to the upper arcades of cheek membrane/ligaments). Also refers to the receive natural cleaning, as most parts
teeth at the edge of the hard palate. alveolus. do in the horse; builds to great
Palatine rugae, See rugae. Periodontal disease – Inflammation of the thickness in areas that are not naturally
gingiva or periodontium. cleaned and is the cause of calculus
Palliative – Treatment that alleviates the
Periodontal ligaments – Tough fibers buildup in these areas. Precursor to
severity of pain or disease without
which secure the cement on the buildup of dental calculus and tartar;
curing it.
periphery of the tooth to the bony bacterial/organic/inorganic matrix
Papilla – Small nipple-like process. involved in mineral leaching process.
alveolus; act as shock absorbers to
Paranasal – Around the nose, as in Pleurodont – Tooth that has no root but is
dampen occlusal pressures.
paranasal sinuses. attached to the lingual or palatal surface
Periodontal membrane – See Periodontal
Parotid duct – Duct formed by two to of the jaws.
three tributaries from the parotid Plexus – A complex network of nerves,
salivary gland. It opens into the mouth Periodontal pocket – Space created by
periodontal erosion of gingival sulcus. blood vessels or lymphatics.
at the parotid papilla at the level of the
Periodontal probes – Flat or round-tipped Pocket –An abnormally deep defect
caudolateral root of the maxillary fourth
instruments that have various lengths in between the gingiva and the crown or
millimeters marked on them. root surface of the tooth.
Parotid salivary gland – ‘V’-shaped salivary
Periodontitis – An active disease state of Posterior – Behind or toward the back/
gland located beneath the ear and
the periodontium. caudal part. Situated toward the back,
behind the caudal border of the
Periodontium – Supporting tissues such as premolars and molars.
mandible and the temporomandibular
joint. It has superficial and deep surrounding the teeth. Polydontia – Condition of having
portions. See parotid duct. Periodontology or Periodontics – Area of supernumerary teeth.
Partial anodontia – Hypodontia, i.e., dentistry concerned with the study and Posterior teeth – Teeth of either jaw
Condition in which some but not all of treatment of the diseases involving the to the rear of the incisors and canines.
the teeth are missing. gingivae and the supporting tissues of Prefunctional eruptive stage – See
Parrot mouth – Overbite, overjet, the teeth. Eruptive stage.
mandibular brachygnathism. Periosteum – Tough elastic membrane Prehensile – Adapted for grasping.
Passive eruption – Condition in which the covering the surface of bones; fibrous Premaxilla – Bony area of the upper jaw
tooth does not move but the gingival and cellular layer covering bones and that includes the alveolar ridge for the
attachment moves apically. containing cells that can become incisors and the area immediately
Pathologic movement – Orthodontic osteoblasts. behind it in primates. Also called the
tooth movement that occurs when a Periradicular osteomyelitis – Radiographic incisive bone.
heavy force is exerted, resulting in osteopenia and expansion effects of the Premolars – Permanent teeth that replace
necrosis of periodontal tissues on the alveolus seen in some cases of chronic the primary molars. Cheek teeth that
pressure side and poor to no deposition pulpal inflammation. have deciduous predecessors (Triadan
of bone on the traction side. Peritubular dentin – Dentin immediately 106–8, 206–8, 306–8, 406–8). Have
Peg tooth – A small tooth with a cone- surrounding the tubule. It is slightly evolved to be similar to molars of
shaped crown. See also microdontia. more calcified than the rest of the horses. Premolar 1 ‘wolf tooth’ has no
dentin. predecessor.
Pellicle – A thin film of salivary proteins
found on the clinical crown of teeth. Permanent teeth (dentes permanentes) – Primary dentin – Dentin formed from the
Final or lasting set of teeth that are beginning of calcification until tooth
Percutaneous – Through the skin.
typically of a very durable and lasting eruption.
Percutaneous skeletal fixation – Use of
nature (opposite of deciduous). Primary dentition – Deciduous teeth; also
pins or wires extending from fracture
Phenotype – External appearance or known as first set of teeth (baby teeth,
fragments and secured externally with
performance of an animal. milk teeth). Primary teeth, see
an additional device (e.g., rod or acrylic
Phy- (prefix) – To generate. Deciduous teeth.
Physiologic mobility – Degree of tooth Primordial cyst – Cyst resulting from the
Peri- (prefix) – Around.
movement that can be considered degeneration of the stellate reticulum of
Periapical – Around the apex of a tooth or the enamel organ, found in place of a
the root in a mature tooth. normal, limited to
the width of the periodontal ligament. tooth.
Periapical abscess – Active infection Prognathism (underjet) – Protrusive jaw
around the apex, with suppuration. Physiologic movement – Movement in
orthodontic treatment that occurs when (‘sow mouth,’ ‘Monkey mouth’); the
Periapical cyst – Cystic reaction around mandibular incisors are more rostral
the root tip in mature tooth, often a light-to–mild force is applied and acts
as a stimulus to initiate cellular than the upper incisors. The opposite of
developing from epithelial cells from brachygnathism.
the rests of Malassez. resorption on the pressure side and
deposition of bone in the tension side. Prophylaxis, prophylactic – Preventive
Periapical granuloma – Granulomatous care; in equine dentistry means regular
reaction around the apex without Pica – An intense desire to ingest non-food
items. dental maintenance. Also may refer to
demonstrable bacteria. tetanus antitoxin and antibiotic
Pericoronitis – Inflammation of the administration when required.
gingiva. Prosthesis – Artificial device to replace
missing natural parts. Dentistry. Crown
denture or bridge.
Proximal – See approximal. Anatomy. Radio-opaque – Offering resistance to the Root – The enamel-free area at the apex of
Situated close to the center of the body, passage of X-rays. a tooth.That portion of the tooth
the median plane or the point of origin Ramp – Coloquial term, e.g., pathological normally embedded in the alveolar
of an organ or limb. exaggeration of distal upward slope of process and covered with or fully
Ptyalism – Excessive production of saliva. mandibular cheek teeth. composed of cementum.
Pulp (dental) – Highly vascular and Ramus – The vertical ramus is the portion Root bifurcation – That point at which a
innervated connective tissue contained of the mandible that is covered by the root trunk divides into two separate
within the pulp cavity of the tooth. It is masseter muscles and forms the angle branches.
composed of arteries, veins, nerves, of the jaw and temporomandibular Root canal – The apical opening(s) of the
connective tissues and cells, lymph joint. The horizontal ramus houses the pulp chamber(s) of the tooth. These
tissue and odontoblasts. cheek teeth. openings are wide in young teeth (open
Pulp canal – Canal in the root of a tooth Ranula – Salivary retention cyst (sialocele) roots) but constrict due to secondary
that leads from the apex to the pulp located under the tongue caused by dentin deposition in older teeth.
chamber. Under normal conditions, it blockage of the sublingual duct or Root sliver – Portion of root left in place
contains dental pulp tissue. gland. after exodontia.
Pulp cavity – Entire cavity within the Rarefaction – Loss of bone substance that Root resection – Cutting off of a root but
tooth, including the root canal, pulp creates an area of radio-opacity on not its associated portion of crown.
chamber and horns. See Pulp chamber. radiographic examination. Root trifurcation – That point at which a
Pulp chamber or pulp cavity – Canals in Rasping – Floating of teeth. root trunk divides into three separate
the central portion of tooth that houses Recession – Migration of the gingival crest branches.
connective tissue, nerves and blood in an apical direction. Rostral (anterior) – Toward the front of
vessels and gives vitality to the tooth. Recessive – An allele that produces an the body (e.g., toward the muzzle).
Pulp exposure – Unnatural opening of the effect on the phenotype only when Rostral hook – Colloquial term for a focal
common pulp chamber or pulp horns present in a double form. overgrowth of the rostral aspect of the
by pathological or mechanical means. Removal appliances – Orthodontic devices 06s (usually uppers in horse with
Pulp stones – Small dentin-like designed to be easily and routinely overjet, but occasionally on lower 06s
calcifications found in the pulp. removed and then reinserted. in horses with underjet.
Pulpal necrosis – Partial or total pulpal Reparative dentin (tertiary dentin) – Rugae – Small ridges of tissue extending
death. Localized formation of dentin in laterally across the hard palate.
Pulpectomy – Extirpation of the entire response to local trauma such as Rule of dental succession – No
pulp. occlusal trauma or caries. successional and deciduous precursor
Pulpitis – Inflammation of the pulp that Repulsion – Exodontia by means of forces should be erupted simultaneously or in
may be reversible or irreversible. applied to the dental apices. competition for the same dental arcade
Pulpotomy – Surgical removal of Reserve crown – The portion of the crown space at the same time.
a portion of the pulp in a vital tooth. which is yet to erupt into the oral Sagittal – Anatomical plane running
Purulent – Condition involving the cavity. parallel to the median (midline) plane
presence of pus. Resorption – Physiologic removal of (e.g., sagittal fracture of a cheek tooth
tissues or body products as of the root through the infundibula).
Pus – Yellow, white or green fluid that is
the product of inflammation composed of deciduous teeth or of some alveolar Salivary glands – Glandular system
mainly of dead leukocytes, plasma and process after the loss of the permanent secreting saliva, a serous and mucus-like
liquefied tissue cells. teeth. fluid that assists in the lubrication and
Restorative dentistry – Area of dentistry digestion of food.
Pyorrhea – A lay term denoting
periodontal disease. that is concerned with treatment, repair Salivary mucocele – Localized collection
and conservation of teeth broken down of saliva in tissues other than a salivary
Quadrants – One-fourth of the dentition.
through trauma or caries. gland or duct.
The four quadrants are divided into
right and left, maxillary and Retro- (prefix) – From behind, backwards. Secondary dentin – Normal physiologic
mandibular. Retrognathism – Anatomical relationship dentin (both regular and irregular)
where the mandible lies in an formed throughout the pulp cavity
Quidding – The term used to describe the
excessively caudal/retrusive position in following eruption.
dropping of partially masticated boluses
of food from the mouth. relation to the upper jaw. Veterinary, Secondary dentition – Permanent
Overshot. dentition.
Radicular ankylosis – Obsolete term for
dental ankylosis. Loss of part or all of Retarded eruption – Delayed eruption of Section – The process of cutting; a division
the periodontal ligament, resulting in teeth from a variety of influences. or segment of a part.
fusion of root cementum and alveolar Retrograde – Reverse approach. In Sedation – Drug-induced calmed state,
bone. endodontics indicates root filling from diminished physical activity and a
Radicular hypsodont – Subdivision of an apical approach. reduced response to stimuli, where pain
hypsodont dentition, sometimes called Reversible pulpitis – Inflammation of the is not fully eliminated and an effective
closed root, in which true roots erupt pulp that can be resolved, returning the swallow reflex is maintained.
additional crown through most of life. pulp to a healthy state. Selenodont dentition – The feature of
These teeth eventually close their root Rhinitis – Inflammation of the mucous having cheek teeth with cusps that
apices and cease growth. As teeth are membrane lining of the nasal passage. connect to form a crescentic outline,
worn down, new crown emerges from quarter-moon or concavoconvex ridge
Ridge – A linear elevation. May be
the reserve or submerged crown of the pattern as in the even-toed hoofed
marginal, triangular, cusp, incisal,
teeth. animals (order Artiodactyla) except
oblique or transverse.
Radiolucent – Offering little or no swine.
resistance to the passage of X-rays.
Sequestrum – A detached piece of necrotic Static occlusion – Relationship of the teeth Symphysis – The central rostral point of
bone that is devoid of its blood supply. when the jaws are closed in centric the mandible where the two parts of
Seven year hook – Colloquial term for occlusion. the hemimandibles join. This may
overgrowth of lateral corners of 103 Steinmann pin – Cylindrically shaped remain a fibrous joint throughout life
and 203 erroneously believed to always metal rod with threaded or trochar or it may ossify at birth.
occur at 7 years of age. points used as an intramedullary splint Synarthrosis – Any immobile or fused
Seroma – Localized accumulation of in fracture repairs. joint that lacks a synovial capsule; it is
serous exudate associated with surgical Stellate reticulum – Ectodermal derived usually formed by fibrous tissue,
dead space. middle layer of the enamel organ. It cartilage or a mixture of both.
Sharpey’s fibers – The part of the serves as a cushion for the developing Tartar – Calcified salivary deposits on
periodontal ligament embedded in enamel. clinical crowns. Calcium hydroxyapatite.
cementum or alveolar bone. Step mouth – A cheek teeth row with one Temporalis muscle – Muscle of
Shed – Term used for exfoliation of or more rectangular ‘step-like’ occlusal mastication arising from the temporal
deciduous teeth. abnormalities. Usually due to loss of a fossa and inserting on the coronoid
Shear mouth – A wear disorder of cheek tooth with overgrowth of its occlusal process of the mandible to close the
teeth where the angulations of the counterpart. mandible.
occlusal surfaces are increased (e.g., Stomatitis – Inflammation of the soft Temporary teeth – The first set of
>45° to the horizontal plane). tissues of the oral cavity or mouth. temporary teeth that are shed at some
Shell teeth – A hereditary and/or Stomodeum – Depression in the facial point and replaced by permanent teeth.
congenital disorder of teeth in which region of the embryo that is the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ or jaw
there is crown but little to no root beginning of the oral cavity; the joint) – The articulation of the
development. primitive mouth. mandible and temporal bones of the
Sialocele – Retention cyst of salivary Sublingual caruncle – Small elevation of skull.
fluids. soft tissue at the base of the lingual Temporomandibular ligament –
Sialolith – Salivary stone; calcifications frenum that is the opening for the Thickened part of the
found in salivary glands or ducts. mandibular salivary duct. temporomandibular joint capsule on
Sublingual fold – Fold of tissue extending the lateral aspect.
Sinus – Air cavity connected with the nasal
cavity also means an epithelial lined backward on either side of the floor of Teratoma – Tumor or group of tumors
tract between an area of suppuration the mandible above the mylohyoid line composed of tissues that would not
and an epithelial surface. in the canine region. normally occur at that site. Derived
Sublingual salivary gland – Smaller of the from germ cells and often containing
Sinusitis – Inflammation of a paranasal
major salivary glands. teeth or hair.
sinus or sinuses that can be due to
apical infections of caudal 4 maxillary Subluxation – Incomplete dislocation of a Tertiary dentin – See reparative dentin.
cheek teeth as well as to non-dental joint such as the temporomandibular Tetracycline stain – Intrinsic grey, green,
causes such as primary infections, cysts joint or a tooth from its alveolus. yellow or brown discoloration of the
or tumors. Submandibular – Referring to the region dentin and enamel caused by systemic
Slant mouth, slope mouth, diagonal bite – below the mandible; e.g., to a group treatment with a tetracycline-based
A disorder of wear where the incisor of lymph nodes around the antibiotic at the time of development of
occlusion surface angle deviates from submandibular salivary gland. the tooth.
horizontal (e.g., due to eating with only Submerged teeth – Teeth covered by Thecodont – The feature of having teeth
one side of the mouth), due to a cheek bone. that are firmly set in sockets.
teeth disorder or wry nose. Successional lamina – An elongation of Theory of periodontal ligament force –
Smooth mouth – Age-related dental the primary tooth germ from which a Eruption theory that the periodontal
attrition with loss of occlusal enamel of permanent tooth will eventually take ligaments, forces necessary for occlusal
the clinical crowns. shape. maintenance also contributes to
Soft palate – Unsupported soft tissue that Successional (succedaneous) teeth eruption.
extends back from the hard palate free – Permanent teeth that replace or -tomy (suffix) – Surgical cutting of a part.
of the support of the palatine bone. succeed a deciduous counterpart, Tomes process (Tomes fibers) –
Soft tissue – Non-calcified tissues such as typically certain diphyodont incisors, Ameloblast processes.
muscle, nerves, arteries, veins and cuspids or premolars. Tongue – A mobile prehensile structure of
connective tissue. Sulcus – Elongated valley in the surface of the oral cavity used for grooming and
Sow mouth, Monkey mouth, colloquial a tooth formed by the inclines of intake of food and fluids.
term – Prognathism protruding adjacent cusps or ridges that meet at an Tooth – A calcified structure containing
mandible. angle. dentin attached to the jaws of
Speculum – Mechanical device used to Superior – Indicating the relative position vertebrates occurring in or at the
hold the mouth open. of a structure that is higher than others. mouth; or in the alimentary canal of
Spreader – Forceps used to separate cheek Supernumerary roots – Those roots some invertebrates.
teeth for extraction. beyond the normal complement of a Tooth bud – The formative structure of a
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) – tooth. tooth in the dental follicle.
Malignant tumor of the squamous Supernumerary teeth – Those beyond the Tooth eruption – Emergence and
epithelium. normal complement (extra). movement of the crown of the tooth
Star, dental star – The exposed secondary Suppurate – To discharge pus. into the oral cavity.
dentin-filled portion of the pulp Supra- (prefix) – Above. Tooth germ – Soft tissue that develops
chamber on the occlusal surface of the Supraeruption – Eruption of a tooth into a tooth.
incisors is used in the estimation of age. beyond the occlusal plane.
Tooth migration – Movement of a tooth True temporomandibular joint ankylosis Vice – A bad habit.
through the bone and gingival tissue. – Inhibited jaw movement due Vincent’s infection (Acute necrotizing
Tooth resection – Cutting off of a portion to a bony union across the gingivitis, Trench mouth) – Fusiform
of the crown with or without its temporomandibular joint surface. and spirochete (Borrelia vincentii) gum
associated root structure. Tushes, tusks, colloquial term (see infection in man.
Trabeculae – Interlacing meshwork that canines). Vital tooth – Tooth or pulp tissue with
makes up the cancellous bony Twinning disorder – Dentistry. Condition intact innervation and vascular supply.
framework. in which there has been a complete Vomer – Bone that forms the lower part of
Transverse – Across a longitudinal cleavage of the splitting germination the nasal septum.
anatomical plane or direction from bud with the extra tooth being a mirror Wave mouth – An acquired disorder of
medial to lateral (i.e., lingual to image of the original, not a separate wear of the cheek teeth where their
buccal). tooth bud. occlusal surfaces have a wavelike
Trephination – Process of making an Twitch – A loop of cord attached to a stick appearance in a rostrocaudal direction.
opening into a bone with a trephine used to control horses during veterinary Wry nose – Campylorrhinus lateralis.
(e.g., for surgical exposure of the examination or treatment through Wolf teeth (Triadan 105, 205, 305, 405) –
sinuses or repulsion of a tooth). pinching the upper lip by tightening the Vestigial teeth in the horse; the first
Trephine – To perforate with a trephine cord with the twisting action of the premolar; small teeth rostral to the
(see trephination). A cylindrical saw for stick. second premolar.
cutting a circular piece of bone out of a Ulcer – Break in the skin or mucous Wry mouth – Condition in which one of
skull. membrane resulting in the exposure of the four jaw quadrants is grossly out of
Triadan nomenclature – System for the deeper structures. proportion to the other three causing a
precise numbering of teeth and their Underbite, Underjet, Undershot, Sow facial deviation from the midline.
position. Modified and applied to many mouth – Protruding mandible. Zygomatic arch – Arch of bone on the side
species. Ventral – Anatomically, that which is of the face or skull formed by the
Trifurcation – Division of three tooth below (e.g., opposite of dorsal). zygomatic bone and temporal bone.
roots at their point of junction with the Vestibule – Space between the lips or Zygomatic bone – Bone that forms the
root trunk. cheeks and the teeth. cheek area.
Trigeminal nerve – Cranial nerve V that Vestige, vestigial – The remnant of a
innervates many of the muscles of structure that functioned in a precursor
mastication and is sensory for much of of that species (e.g., the wolf teeth of
the head region. horses, canine teeth in mares).
incidental tumor-like dental masses 160– occurrence 173 periodontal elevators 325, 325f
161, 161f pathology 173 periodontal forceps 258f
occurrence 160 prognosis 173–174 periodontal materials 258–259, 359–363
pathology 160–161 treatment 173 periodontal splinting 360, 362f
prognosis 160 osteitis 161–162 periodontitis 133–134
treatment 160 osteoarthritis 378–379, 378f–379f, 383 Periogard 248
odontoplasty 261 osteoblastoma 218 perissodactyls 3
oligodontia 213, 214f osteogenic tumors 149, 161–163 peritubular dentine 88–90, 89f
O’Mara leverage overcheck bit 36f–37f, 38 osteoma 161, 218, 300 permanent dentition
omeprazile 297 osteomyelitis 132, 161–162, 270 displacement 266–267
ontogeny and wear 7, 7f–8f osteosarcoma 161–163, 162f, 218 normal radiographic anatomy 210–212
open diastemata 111 clinical features 161 pharyngeal ulcer 119
open mouth radiography definition 161 Phenacodus 78
diastemata 132, 133f diagnostic confirmation 162 phenylbutazone 307–308, 311
oral charting 195–196 differential diagnosis 161–162 phylogeny 3, 4f
oral irrigants 359 occurrence 161 physiological diastema 119–120, 119f–120f
periodontal irrigants 359 pathology 162–163 physiology 77–84
Oral Cleansing Gel 257 prognosis 163 pick 192–193, 193f, 257, 258f, 370
oral endoscopy 152, 193–195, 194f–195f treatment 163 pituitary adenoma see pituitary pars
oral environment, trauma and 115 overbite see parrot mouth intermedia dysfunction
oral examination 185–198 overcheck bits 36–38, 36f–37f pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction
equipment 247–248 Burch 36–38, 36f–37f (PPIDD/equine Cushing’s
tumors 152 Crabb 36–38, 36f–37f disease) 179, 179f
oral fibroma 172–173 Crit Davis 36–38, 36f–37f plain overcheck bit 36–38, 36f–37f
clinical features 173 Hutton 36f, 38 plaster of Paris 337
definition 172 leverage 38 plug 328–329, 331f, 338, 339f
diagnostic confirmation 173 McKerron 36–38, 36f–37f polyacid modified resin composites
occurrence 172–173 O’Mara leverage 36f–37f, 38 349–350
pathology 173 plain 36–38, 36f–37f polycarboylate cements 345, 346b
prognosis 173 Raymond leverage 38 polydontia see supernumerary teeth
treatment 173 Speedway 36f polyether (PE) impression materials 365
oral hemangiosarcoma 175–176 overfloating of occlusal surface 295 polymer sealers 357–358
clinical features 175 overjet see parrot mouth polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 337, 363
diagnosis 175 overshot jaw see parrot mouth polyp 149
differential diagnosis 175 polysiloxane putty 337
pathology 175–176 polysulfide (PS) impression materials 365
prognosis 176 polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) 364f
treatment 176 packable composites 349–350 power equipment disk burr 269, 269f
oral irrigation equipment 248–249, 249f pain, post-dental-procedures and 274–275 power grinder 295, 296f
oral mucosa 73 palatal area 51 power instruments 254–259, 254f
oral papilloma 171, 171f palatoschisis see cleft palate PowerFloat 255, 256f
clinical features 171 papilloma, oral 149, 171, 171f predentine 59–60
diagnosis 171 paradontal disease 133–134 premaxillary (incisive) bone 73
differential diagnosis 171 Parahippus 6, 7f, 78 premaxillectomy 307–308, 307f–308f
pathology 171 parakeratinized mucosa 73 premolars 51
prognosis 171 paranasal sinuses extractions 323, 323f
treatment 171 anatomy of 212, 212f first see wolf teeth
oro-antral fistula 331, 338 empyema of- 231–232 probes 257, 258f
orodental masses 150f percussion of 232 prognathism see sow mouth
Orohippus, 78 surgery of 300–305 progressive ethmoidal hematoma 300, 302f
oromaxillary sinus fistula 311–314, parotitis, idiopathic 73 Prophy Air Abrasion Unit 258–259
312f–314f parrot mouth 99, 100f, 213f, 269–270, 272, Pseudohipparion 78
oronasal fistula 121, 331, 332f 273f, 289–291, 290f, 293–298 Pseudohipparion simpsoni 7
oropharynx, trauma 119, 119f in adult horses 297–298 pulp 59–61, 61f
orthodontic spring device 290f in foals (incisor overjet) 293–297, pulp cavities 60
orthodontics, basic equine 289–300 294f–298f pulp disorders 134–137
biomechanical 289 mandibular brachygnathism 293 pulp exposure, acute 369, 370f
ethics 299 orthodontic management 294 apical approach (apicectomy) 372–374,
functional 289 placement of orthodontic wires 296, 296f 372f–374f
preventative or interceptive 289 pathology 129–147 diagnosis 369–371
orthokeratinized mucosa 73 patient observation 188–189 management 370–371
oscillating saw 306, 306f, 309 Pelham bit 33–35, 34f occlusal 135–137, 136f
osseous sequestra, bit-induced 28 Pepgen P-15 362 oral approach 371–372
osseous tubercles 72–73 performance dentistry 261, 264–268 pulp horn 58, 58f
ossifying fibroma 173–174, 174f, 218 by feel 262, 262f pulp stones 135–137, 135f
clinical features 173 peridontal elevators 320, 320f pulpitis 60–61, 134–135
definition 173 periodontal disease 133–134, 217, 221 anachoretic 267
diagnostic confirmation 173 Periodontal Disease Index, equine 196 pulpodentinal complex 59
Q root fragment punch 327–328, 330f smooth mouth 63, 63f, 131–132, 131f,
root hypercementosis 106 279–280, 280f
quidding 111–112, 132, 143–144, 188–189 rostral positioning snaffle bits 29f, 30–32
of maxillary cheek teeth row 106 Dr Bristol 28
of upper CT rows 99–100 D-ring 27, 30–31
R rubber snaffle 99–100 egg butt 30–31
rabies 190 fixed ring 30–31
radiation therapy, tumors 155–156 French 28
radiography 199–201, 201b
S full-cheek 30–31
accessory equipment 200–201 salivary adenocarcinoma 176 half-cheek 30–31, 35f
cassette holders 200–201, 201f clinical features 176 loose ring 30–31
digital 23–24 diagnosis 176 O ring 30–31, 35f
equipment 199 differential diagnosis 176 sodium hypochlorite 354–355, 357, 373f
exposures 200–201, 200t pathology 175–176 soft palates 120–121, 120f
grids 200 prognosis 176 soft tissue retractors 251
imaging systems 200 treatment 176 soft-tissue tumors 149, 163–176, 163t
interpretation 212–221 salivary glands 73–74, 74f solid carbide float blade 23
abnormalities of development salivary tissue 121, 121f ‘sow mouth’ 99–100, 100f, 213, 272, 291,
eruption 213–219 sandwich technique 352–353 298
dental disorders 213 sanitation 248 speculum (specula) 15–16, 249–251, 250f
paranasal sinus disorders 213 sarcoid 167–169, 168f Alumispec 250–251, 251f
sensitivity and specificity of clinical features 167 Butler 250
radiography 212–213 diagnosis 167 Capps full mouth 250, 250f
normal anatomy 208–212 differential diagnosis 167 Conrad 250–251, 269
deciduous dentition 208–210, pathology 167 Gunther screw-type 250, 250f
209f–210f prognosis 169 Haussmann 250
permanent dentition 210–212 treatment 167–169 McAllen 250–251, 269
patient preparation 200 Schouppe coil or spool 249–250 McPherson-type 192, 248f, 250, 269
projections 201–208 scintigraphy 199, 219–221, 220f–221f Meister 250–251
canines and wolf teeth 201–203 normal anatomy 220 Series 2000 250
cheek teeth 203–208 other skull lesions 221 Stubbs screw-type 250, 251f
incisors and canines 201, 202f periapical infection 220 Speedway overcheck bit 36f
introduction 201 temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 380–381, squamous cell carcinoma 163–166,
radiation safety 199–200 383f 164f–166f, 218, 219f, 233f
rostral mandibular fracture 123 secondary dentine 58 clinical features 164–165
scintigraphy 219–221, 220f–221f irregular 58 definition 163
techniques 199 regular 58 diagnostic confirmation 166
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 380, secondary occlusal surface 64–65 differential diagnosis 165
381f sectional biopsy 152–153 occurrence 163
tumors 151–153 sedation 241, 245 pathology 166
X-ray machines 199 self-cured resins 346b, 349 prognosis 166
‘ramps’ 99–100 senile diastemata 284–285, 285f treatment 166
Raymond leverage overcheck 38 septic arthritis 377–378 stablemasters 12–13
referral of complex cases 44 Series 2000 speculum 250 standardbred horses, aging in 94t
repulsion 332–341, 332f–333f sexual dimorphism 7–8 Staphylococcus aureus 188f
complications 339–341 shadow roll noseband 41, 41f methicillin-resistant (MRSA) 188
resin composite cement 345, 346b Sharpey’s fibers 61–63, 62f Steinmann pin 311, 311f, 327–328, 330f
resin modified glass ionomers 351–352 shear mouth 130–131, 130f, 269–270, 272, stellate reticulum 52–53
restorative dentistry 345–353 379 Stent bandage- 313–314
bases and liners 347 osteoarthritis 378–379, 378f–379f, 383 step mouth 106–108, 131, 269–270,
cavity preparation 346–347 septic arthritis 377–378 285–286, 285f
direct placements 345 sialoliths 121 stocks 21, 22f, 245, 246f
direct placmenet restorative side pull bitless bridle 40, 40f stone casts 293, 365f
materials 347–350 sidechecks 36–38 straight shanked pleasure horse bit 30f
laboratory-assisted (prosthodontics) 345 signal 27 strangles 73–74, 231
restorative materials 258–259 Simons mouth speculum 15, 16f Streptococcus spp. 231
restraint 185, 245, 280–281 sinocutaneous fistula 315–316, 315f Streptococcus equi var. equi 231, 377–378
retention of deciduous teeth 108–110 Sinohippus 3 Streptococcus zooepidemicus 378
cheek teeth 108, 110f sinoscopy 195, 233–235, 234f–237f stub (coupling) line 38, 38f
incisors 108, 108f–109f sinus empyema 270 Stubbs equine dental light 251, 251f
retrognathism 298 sinusitis Stubbs pneumatic powered oscillating
reverse crown 51 paranasal 231–232 floats 257f
Reynolds cap extractor forceps 257f, 267–268 primary 221, 221f Stubbs screw-type speculum 250, 251f
rhinoscopy 232, 232f–233f sinusotomy 300–305 styles 68
ridges (cingula, styles) 68 slab fractures 143 (sub)luxation 378
rollers (‘crickets’) 30 ‘slant mouth’ 100, 281 supernumerary teeth 101–102, 213,
romifidine 200, 280–281 ‘slope mouth’ 100, 281 214f
root elevators 327–328, 330f ‘smile’ 99, 269–270, 272–273, 281, 282f apical infections secondary to 124
canine and 1st premolar teeth (wolf interdental space (diastema) 124–126, ultrasonography
teeth) 103 124f–125f temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 381–382
cheek teeth 103–105, 104f intra-oral injuries, management tumors 151–152
incisors 102–103, 102f–103f 115–116 underbite see sow mouth
supplemental teeth 101 lips 115–116, 117f underjet see ‘sow mouth
surgery, tumors 154–155 mandibular 122–127 undershot jaw see sow mouth
diathermy 155 mandibular interdental space 119–120, unerupted (reverse) crown 51
laser surgery 154, 155f 119f–120f
sharp surgery 154 maxillary 122–127
sutures 306–308, 306f–307f, 338 oral environment and healing of oral V
sweet iron mouthpiece 30 injuries 115 valve diastema 111
Swissfloat 255, 256f oropharynx 119, 119f vertical buccotomy approach 341–343
swivel ported (correction) bit 30f, 31 rostral mandibular 122–124, complications 343
122f–123f vertical power stroke 72
salivary tissue 121, 121f vesicular stomatitis 190
T soft palates 120–121, 120f veterinarian/client relationship 43–44
tall teeth 269–270 temporomandibular articulation 122, visual dentisty 262, 262f
tatto 190, 190t 122f ‘vives’ 13
team driving 38–39 tongue 116–119, 118f
Technetium 199 treatment planning 195–196
teletherapy, tumors 156, 166–167 trephines 334f W
temporal teratoma 214, 216f galt 334, 334f
wave mouth 106–108, 131, 131f, 269–271,
temporomandibular articulation 122, triple trephine technique 329
286, 286f
122f Triadan classification 66, 66f
wear, abnormalities of 129–132
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 79–80, triethylene glycol dimethacrylate
wedge biopsy 152–153
377–385 (TEGDMA) 349
white spot 88, 89f
analgesia 244, 244f Trucut (hollow needle) biopsy 152–153
wind sucking 67, 281–282
anatomy 377, 378f tuberculate supernumerary teeth 101
‘wisdom tooth’ 69
diseases of 377–379 tumors, oral and dental 149–181
wolf teeth 13, 103, 265–266, 265f–266f
(sub)luxation 378 biopsy 151
anatomy 68
clinical examination 379–380 brachytherapy 156
blind (unerupted) 191, 265
computed tomography 382–383 chemotherapy 155–156
extractions 27, 322–323, 323f
diagnosis 379–383 classification 149, 150f
instruments 257
intra-articular anesthesia and cryosurgery 155
normal radiographic anatomy 210, 210f
arthrocentesis 380 diagnostic procedures 151–153
overcheck and 38
osteoarthritis 378–379, 378f–379f, differential diagnosis 154
radiographic projections 201–203
383 disorders of the jaws and teeth resembling
shedding of 15
radiography 380, 381f neoplasms 176–179
work location 245
scintigraphy 380–381, 383f homeopathy 156
wry nose (campylorrhinis lateralis) 100,
septic arthritis 377–378 immunotherapy 155
101f, 213, 269, 272, 289–291,
treatment 383–384 management, general principles 154
298–299, 299f, 301f, 308f
conservative 383 odontogenic 149, 156–161, 157t,
surgery 308–311, 309f–311f
surgical 383–384 217–218
ultrasonography 381–382 osteogenic 149, 161–163
function 377 other ‘treatments’ 156 X
muscles of mastication and 72 other tumors that affect mouth and
jaws 179 xenografts 361–362
tension band wires 295
presenting signs 150 X-ray machines 199
teratoma, temporal 214, 216f
radiation therapy 155–156 xylazine 200, 280–281
tetanus toxoide 192f
Tolazoline hydrochloride 281 soft-tissue tumors 163–176, 163t
surgery 154–155
Tome’s process 53
teletherapy 156
tongue, trauma of 116–119, 118f
traditional (hackamore) bitless bridle 39–40, Turner tooth 105 yohimbine 241
transverse ridges 130
abnormal 271
trauma 115–127, 142, 218–219, 219f ulcer zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) cement 345, 347,
caudal mandible 126–127, 126f buccal 116f, 129–130, 130f 348b, 348f, 357–358
cheeks 115–116, 117f mandibular 119–120, 120f zinc phosphate (ZP) cements 345, 347
facial, management 115–122 mucosal 270 zygomatic arch 73
hard palate 120–121, 120f pharyngeal 119 zylazine 295