Round Slings

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The key takeaways are that round slings should be properly inspected and selected based on their rated capacity, application, and environment. Regular inspection and proper use are important for safety.

The different types of inspections that should be conducted are initial inspection, frequent inspection by the user, and periodic inspection by the manufacturer which includes proof testing.

Factors that must be considered when selecting a round sling include the rated capacity, type of load, hitch used, and environment where it will be used.

Round Slings

Polyester Roundslings roundsling, crane hook or other attachments.
A polyester roundsling, also referred to as a tubular sling, Polyester roundslings protective covers that are cut,
is composed of a continuous load bearing core(s) made exposing the load bearing yarn, shall be removed from
from synthetic polyester yarns, not woven, fully enclosed service.
in a protective cover(s), with or without fitting(s) or Consideration shall be given to the fitting’s radius in
coupling component(s) used for general lifting purposes. that it shall be compatible to that of the crane hook on
which it is to be used.
Safety is the paramount consideration involved in the
use of any polyester roundsling. The proper polyester Consideration shall be given to the distribution of load
roundsling must be chosen for the job. Riggers must weight on a multi-legged lift.
know the proper hitch to use, where and how to attach
polyester roundslings to the load. Therefore, riggers Environmental Considerations
shall acquire the knowledge, not only of the different type When not in use, polyester roundslings should be stored
hitches, but the way loads can be expected to react when in a cool, dry and dark place to prevent loss of strength
the lift is made. from exposure to ultra-violet rays.
Chemically active environments can affect the strength of
Polyester Roundsling Identification polyester roundslings in varying degrees ranging from
EACH POLYESTER ROUNDSLING SHALL BE little to total degradation. The polyester roundsling
DURABLY MARKED OR LABELED SHOWING: manufacturer, or qualified person, should be consulted
before roundslings are used in a chemically active
A. Name or trademark or manufacturer environment.
B. Manufacturer’s code or stock number
C. Rated capacities for the three basic hitches (vertical,
choker, vertical basket). 1. Polyester is resistant to some acids, but is subject to
degradation, ranging from little to moderate in some acids.
D. Polyester core - if cover(s) is of a different fiber type,
both fiber types shall be identified. 2. Each application shall be evaluated, taking into
consideration the following:
E. Length (reach) - bearing point to bearing point a. type of acid
F. Sling identification should be maintained by the user b. exposure conditions
so as to be legible during the life of the sling.
RECOMMENDED OPERATING PRACTICES 1. Polyester is subject to degradation in alkalis, ranging
from little to total degradation.
Mechanical Considerations 2. Each application shall be evaluated, taking into
Polyester roundslings shall always be protected from consideration the following:
being cut by corners, edges and protrusions. a. type of alkali
b. exposure conditions
Determine the weight of the load. Polyester roundslings
shall not be loaded in excess of their rated capacity. Polyester roundslings shall not be used at temperatures in
Consideration shall be given to the angle from the excess of 194 degrees F (90OC), or at temperatures below
horizontal (roundsling to load angle) which affected minus 40 degrees F (-40OC).
rated capaities. Polyester roundslings incorporating aluminum fittings
Select a proper polyester roundsling having suitable shall not be used where fumes, vapors, sprays, mists or
characteristics for the type of load, hitch and liquids of alkalis and/or acids are present, unless the
environment. compatibility of these materials is verified by the
Polyester roundslings with fittings that are used in a manufacturer or a qualified person.
choker hitch shall be of sufficient length to assure that
the choking action is on the polyesrer roundsling and POLYESTER ROUNDSLING HITCHES
never on the fitting.
Loads vary in physical dimension, shape and weight.
Polyester roundslings used in a basket hitch shall have Where and how to attach the roundsling is important to a
the load balanced to prevent slippage. rigger.
Polyester roundslings shall not be twisted or tied into Hitch: Choker - A method of rigging in which the polyester
knots, or joined by knotting. roundsling is passed around the load, then through itself,
Polyester roundslings should not be pulled from under then attached to the lifting device.
loads when the load is resting on the sling.
Polyester roundslings shall be used with lifting devices
that are compatible with roundslings.
Do not drop polyester roundslings equipped with metal
The opening in fittings shall be the proper shape and size
to ensure that the fitting will seat properly on the poyester

NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199 Secure Solutions
Hitch: Double Wrapped Choker - A method of rigging WARNING! Rated capacities for Multi-Leg Bridle
in which the polyester roundsling is passed around the assemblies are based on an assumed set of ideal
load twice, then through itself, then attached to the conditions as follows:
lifting device. 1. The load is evenly distributed on all legs.
2. All legs are the same length.
3. All legs are used at the same horizontal angle.
If the conditions of the lift vary from those above, the
rated capacity must be recalculated.


Hitch: Basket - A method of rigging in which the
polyester roundsling is passed around the load and both Rated Capacity: Be sure the polyester roundsling you
ends are attached to the lifting device. intend to use is strong enough for the job (refer to
identification tag on the polyester roundsling).

WARNING! Rated capacities are affected by the WARNING! Rated capacities are affected by the Angle
Angle of Lift (roundsling to load angle) when of Lift (roundsling to load angle) when used in multi-
polyester roundslings are used in multi-legged or legged polyester roundslings or basket hitches. To
basket hitches. To determine the actual polyester determine the actual polyester roundsling capacity at
roundsling capacity at a given angle of lift, multiply a given Angle of Lift, multiply the original polyester
the original polyester roundsling rating by the roundsling rating by the appropriate loss factor.
appropriate loss factor.
Control and Balance: Use a hitch that will keep the load
Hitch: Vertical - A method of rigging in which the load is under control at all times and be sure the lifting device is
attached to one end of the polyester roundsling and the directly over the center of gravity (CG).
other end of the polyester roundsling is attached to the
lifting device.


Multi-Leg Polyester Roundsling Bridle - A method of Lifting Load: Lift load carefully, accelerating smoothly.
rigging in which the load is attached to two or more legs of Avoid shock loading.
a bridle assembly. The assembly can consist of 2, 3, 4 or Conditions of Polyester Roundslings: Inspect
more legs. roundslings and their parts carefully before each lift and at
regular intervals.
Regulations: Polyester roundslings shall be used in
accordance with the federal, state, provincial, local and
industry regulations applicable to the lift.
Use of Lifting Lugs / Eye Bolts: Lifting lugs/ete bolts
shall be used in accordance with the lug/eye bolt
manufacturer’s recommendations. Many loads are

Secure Solutions NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199
equipped with lifting lugs for each attachment of the Basket Hitches - Basket hitches, whether single or
polyester roundsling. Make sure pull is transmitted to double, may be used successfully in a variety of
them straight along the axis of the shank unless applications. However, they have inherent limitations.
prescribed otherwise by the manufacturer. However, if
“hoist rings” are utilized, the pull does not have to be
along the axis.


Figure 10
Single Leg Hitches - Single leg hitches such as the
single leg vertical and the single choker hitch may not RIGHT WAY
provide optimum control over the load. In these hitches Figure 12
only one polyester roundsling supports the load.
In a single choker hitch, there is always a part of the
polyester roundsling at the choke point not in contact
with the bundle being lifted.

WRONG WAY Figure 13
Figure 11

WARNING! Angles of less than 60 degrees can

cause polyester roundslings to slip under the load,
creating an imbalance condition.

Turning Hitch - When turning a load, use a choker

hitch. If the turning hitch is made up wrong, the turning
Double Wrap Choker Hitch - The double wrap hitch or action of the load will loosen the hitch, causing it to slip.
the double wrap choker hitch provides full contact with
the load.

WARNING! No single polyester roundsling hitch

shall ever be used to lift and transport a lift load
that is not balanced.

WARNING! A polyester roundsling shall not be

used in basket hitch for turning a load.

NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199 Secure Solutions
Polyester Round Slings
Round Slings are constructed form a multiple of high tenacity
polyester yarns in an endless or continuous loop. These load-
bearing yarns are protected by two woven polyester jackets.
The polyester jackets act as a buffer between the load and the
polyester yarn. Each sling has a tag permanently attached. This
tag contains load capacities and basic safeguard principles for
safer lifting. Sleeves are to be used when lifting sharp edged loads
for even better resistance to cutting. The sleeve is sewn around
the cover of the round sling so that it can be positioned to the
area where it is required.

- The most flexible sling available. This sling conforms to the
load extremely well and provides the choker hold.
- Hook and load contact points can be continually rotated to
extend the service life of the sling.
- Longer sling life means cost reduction in sling purchases.
- The load bearing fiber never comes into contact with the load.
There is no wear to the inner fibers; the protective cover
remains intact.
- Protection to the load from sling damage.
- Seamless covers no edges to wear out.
- Wide variety of sling lengths and load capacities.
- Adapts to all types, sizes and load configurations.
- Lightweight, easy to rig, store and clean.
- Excellent resistance to ultra-violet light, rot and mildew.
- No loss of strength in water.
- Only 3% elongation. Maximum temperature exposure 180OF
- Reduces the need for wear pads.
- No metal parts to rust.

Operating Practices for Synthetic Slings

- Inspect slings for damage and defects prior to each use.
- Determine that the weight of the load is within the rated capacity of the sling.
- Slings shall not be shortened or lengthened by knotting or other unapproved methods.
- Damaged slings shall not be used.
- Slings shall be hitched in manner providing control of the load.
- Sharp edges in contact with slings should be padded.
- Keep all portions of the human body from between the sling and the load, and from between the sling and lifting hook.
- Personnel should stand clear of the suspended load.
- Personnel should not ride the sling or load.
- Shock loading should be avoided.
- Slings should not be pulled from under a load when the load is resting on the slings.
- Slings should be stored in an area where they will not be subjected to mechanical damage, moisture, extreme heat or
ultraviolet light.
- Twisting of slings shall be avoided.
- Loads applied to the hook should be entered in the base of the hook to prevent loading on the hook.
- Before lifting, make certain the sling, attachments or load shall not snag. Personnel shall be continuously alert to
avoid snagging or bumping.
- In a basket hitch, the lifting hook should be above the center of gravity and the load balance to prevent slippage out
of the sling.
- When making a multiple leg lift, the capacity rating of each sling must be downgraded in accordance with the Effect
Angle Chart.
- Slings should not be dragged on the floor or over an abrasive surface.
- Nylon or polyester slings shall not be used at temperatures in excess of 180OF.
- Remove round slings from service when inner load bearing fibers are exposed.
- Use color-coded round slings to reduce the chances of overloading.

Secure Solutions NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199

Polyester Round Slings

Rated Capacity Chart

Approx. Approx.
Code 90 60 45 Diameter Weight/Ft.
Number Color Vertical Choker Basket Basket Basket Inches in Pounds
SL-30 PURPLE 3,000 2,400 6,000 5,200 4,200 0.75 0.25
SL-40 BLACK 4,000 3,200 8,000 6,900 5,600 0.80 0.35
SL-60 GREEN 6,000 4,800 12,000 10,300 8,400 0.90 0.40
SL-90 YELLOW 9,000 7,200 18,000 15,500 12,600 1.00 0.50
SL-120 TAN 12,000 9,600 24,000 20,600 16,800 1.25 0.75
SL-140 RED 14,000 11,200 28,000 24,100 19,600 1.30 0.85
SL-170 ORANGE 17,000 13,600 34,000 29,300 23,800 1.60 0.95
SL-230 BLUE 23,000 18,400 46,000 39,500 32,200 1.65 1.25
SL-260 ORANGE 26,000 20,800 52,000 44,700 36,400 1.75 1.45
SL-320 GREY 32,000 25,600 64,000 55,000 44,800 2.15 1.75
SL-400 ORANGE 40,000 32,000 80,000 68,800 56,000 2.45 2.25
SL-540 BROWN 54,000 43,200 108,000 92,900 75,600 3.00 2.75
SL-680 OLIVE 68,000 54,400 136,000 117,000 95,200 3.25 3.60
SL-900 BLACK 90,000 72,000 180,000 155,000 126,000 3.75 4.10

NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199 Secure Solutions


Round Slings
Fully transparent Polyester cover to inspect load bearing yarns
PTFE (Polytetrafluouroethylene) finish on cover promotes removal of dirt, grease and grime
Breathable cover with hole opening of 0.004 sq. Inch. improve resistance to mildew & rot
Snag resistant weave with coefficient of friction better than Polyester and Nylon tubes
Weight of Easy-Spect cover is less than opaque multi filament covers making for a lighter sling
A round sling with a transparent jacket that
Elongation 3% enables easy inspection for safe use of the sling.

Abrasion - Surface resistance comparable

To Polyester and nylon tubulars SAFE TO USE
After runnin 2500 cycles on the Hex Bar Abra-
sion Test per Federal Std-191 Method 5309

Transparent Mono Filament Tubular


Pigment Dyed Grey - Polyester

Pigment Dyed Grey - Nylon

NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199 Secure Solutions


Connection MIN.
Hardware Connection
Thickness Hardware
APPROX. APPROX. Vertical or Thickness

ES 30 Clear 3,000 2,400 6,000 5,200 4,200 .75 .25 .50 .62

ES 40 Clear 4,000 3,200 8,000 6,900 5,600 .80 .35 .50 .62

ES 60 Clear 6,000 4,800 12,000 10,300 8,400 .90 .40 .62 .88

ES 90 Clear 9,000 7,200 18,000 15,500 12,600 1.00 .50 .75 1.00

ES 120 Clear 12,000 9,600 24,000 20,600 16,800 1.25 .75 .88 1.25

ES 140 Clear 14,000 11,200 28,000 24,100 19,600 1.30 .85 1.00 1.38

ES 170 Clear 17,000 13,600 34,000 29,300 23,800 1.60 .95 1.12 1.62

ES 230 Clear 23,000 18,400 46,000 39,500 32,200 1.65 1.25 1.25 1.75

ES 260 Clear 26,000 20,800 52,000 44,700 36,400 1.75 1.45 1.38 1.88

ES 320 Clear 32,000 25,600 64,000 55,000 44,800 2.15 1.75 1.50 2.00

ES 400 Clear 40,000 32,000 80,000 68,800 56,000 2.45 2.25 1.62 2.38

ES 540 Clear 54,000 43,200 108,000 92,900 75,600 3.00 2.75 1.88 2.75

ES 680 Clear 68,000 54,400 136,000 117,000 95,200 3.25 3.60 2.12 3.00

ES 900 Clear 90,000 72,000 180,000 155,000 126,000 3.75 4.10 2.50 3.50


Easy-Spect slings meet specifications of the

WSTDA(Web Sling & Tie Down Association),
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers ) and
the Cordage Institute standard for round slings

NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199 Secure Solutions

An Easy-Spect Sling shall be removed if any of the following is visible
4 If the sling identification tag is missing or illegible
4 Both outer covers are ripped, and the yarns are exposed
4 The loadbearing yarns are cut or bunched
EASY-Spect 4 Melting, charring, or weld spatter on any part of the sling
Round Slings 4 Acid or alkali burns of the sling
4 Holes, tears, cuts, embedded particles, or excessive abrasive wear
4 Slings that are knotted
4 Any conditions that may cause doubt, as to the strength of the sling

Yarns & Cover in

Yarns are exposed Illegible Tag Good Condition
Yarns are bunched

a. Initial Inspection - Before any EASY-SPECT SUPER SLINGER is placed into service it
shall be inspected, by a designated person, to ensure that the correct sling is being used. It
should be determined that the sling meets the requirements of the specification.

b. Frequent Inspection - This inspection shall be made by the user or other designated
personnel each time the EASY -SPECT SUPER SLINGER is used (records not required). The
user is visually looking for any of the signs listed above.

c. Periodic Inspection - This inspection shall be conducted by Sling Tech Inc. The EASY-
SPECT SUPER SLINGER shall be returned to Sling Tech for Visual inspection, and Proof
Testing to twice the Working Load. Periodic inspections should be conducted at least once

Repairs to the protective covers, of EASY-SPECT SUPER SLINGERS, shall be done only by the original manufacturer or
their appointed agent. All repaired EASY-SPECT SUPER SLINGERS shall be proof tested to a minimum of two (2) times
the rated capacity before being put back into service. Certification of proof test will be provided. All EASY-SPECT SUPER
SLINGERS to go back into service will be tagged with Certified date.

NISKU 505-11 Ave., Nisku, AB T9E 7N5 Ph: (780) 955 7111 Fx: (780) 955 7199 Secure Solutions

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