AndamDewiMaryuni CV
AndamDewiMaryuni CV
AndamDewiMaryuni CV
ID Religion
3276.0561.0688.0002 Islam
Nationality Status
Indonesia Married
Place and Date of Birth Bachelor Degree in IT
Jakarta, June 21st , 1988 GPA 3.18 of 4.00
- Features :
Job applicant database
Storage of job applicant test and interview scheduling task and result
Web Administrator @ PT Bisnis Indonesia Sibertama - Jakarta [2012-2014]
PT Bisnis Indonesia Sibertama is a sub-company of Bisnis Indonesia Group working on IT
Solution and delivery. Bisnis Indonesia Sibertama main client is company within Bisnis
Indonesia Group, and also working on projects from out of Bisnis Indonesia Group circle.
Manage websites owned by PT Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika (Bisnis Indonesia Group) which
has about 9 websites in total ( ;; : ; ; ; ; ;
Handle all issues or request related to all 8 websites aforesaid including ad placement,
user adding, user access, etc
Provide report of ad traffic weekly
Provide newsletter (email blast) of one website every day (for 1 year) and 2 websites (for
around 3 months)
Managed for 1 year ( with minor issues
Managed 7 regional websites with minor issues
Weekly report delivered without constraints
Newsletter delivered without missing a day
1. Intranet Portal Bisnis Indonesia, 2012, Project Assistant, project description :
- Deliverables : Intranet Portal
This website intended to delivers information and important news which should be known
to corporate’s internal party.
- Function :
o Connecting divisions inside Bisnis Indonesia Group
o Delivering important information or news from both of the Board of Directors and of the
various departments within the company
- Features :
o Static or dynamic articles fit to content structure.
o Banners (for advertisements or activity announcement)
o Other work tools in Bisnis Indonesia Group.
o Gallery (about Bisnis Indonesia Group, activities and agendas, etc)
This website has been running and used inside Bisnis Indonesia Group since late 2012,
but only reachable within the company’s computer network.
2. Berita BCA Microsite, 2012-2013, Web Administrator and SEO specialist, project
description :
Deliverables : Berita BCA Microsite
BCA cooperated with Bisnis Indonesia to make and organize this microsite. This microsite
aims to provide information about the activities of the Bank's corporate and some
programs to
the community.
o Input news/articles or photos into the microsite (materials provided by BCA)
o Be a liaison if issues arise (e.g. unable to access, slow access, display problem) and
deliver the problems to IT developer or System Admin within Bisnis Indonesia
o Report microsite’s performance per month (visitors, rating, ads traffi c)
o As SEO specialist to boost the microsite’s rank
- Function :
o Discussion and communication tools between BCA and customers
o Information or news board about corporate activities and programs
- Features :
o Static or dynamic articles fit to content structure.
o Banners (for advertisements or activity announcement)
o Discussion board.
o Gallery (about BCA, activities and agendas, etc)