DLP DIASS Week 1 - Applied Social Sciences
DLP DIASS Week 1 - Applied Social Sciences
DLP DIASS Week 1 - Applied Social Sciences
Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Mahayag, Isabel, Leyte
1. identify the meaning 1. analyze the 1. identify the differences 1. understand the
of Social Sciences relationship between among the Applied interrelationship of
and Applied Social Social Sciences and Social Sciences Applied Social
Sciences Applied Social Sciences
2. differentiate Social 2. articulated the 2. cite the relationship of
Sciences from 2. determine the differences among the the different Applied
Applied Social relationship between Applied Social Social Sciences
Sciences Social Science and Sciences
Applied Social 3. value the implications
3. demonstrate an Science 3. appreciate the of Applied Social
understanding of significance of the Sciences to different
Social Science and 3. value the connection Applied Social concerns of the
of Social Sciences and Sciences society
Applied Social Applied Social
Sciences Sciences
4. appreciate the
essence of Social
Sciences and Applied
Social Science
A. Content Standard
Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences
B. Performance
Standard Explain clearly perceptions about the work of Social Sciences and Applied Social Science practitioner
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