4th Sem Ballb
4th Sem Ballb
4th Sem Ballb
5.4.1 – ENGLISH
Unit 1 (a) Revision of Transformation of Sentences
(b) Correct English
(c) Vocabulary (Past + Additions)
(d) Word formation, same words in different parts of speech; words liable to be
Unit 3 Legal Drafting Power of Attorney, complaint, Deed, Order sheet, Agenda, FIR, FR,
Agreement, Minutes of Meeting Notice for demand of Justice, Letter for Justice,
Unit 5 Case study and Report thereon, Article Review, Judgement Review.
Unit 2 Freedom of Trade, Commerce and Intercourse : State Liability in Contracts and Torts,
Suit by and against the State
Unit 2 Burden of Proof : Meaning, general principles of burden of proof in civil and criminal
cases and exceptions to them, when burden of proof shifts, Proof of legitimacy of
Unit 3 Estoppel: Meaning essentials, nature and its kinds, witness: Competency of witness;
when persons can be compelled to appear as witness; privileged communication and
documents, accomplice, hostile witness.
(b) Agreement to sell, hire-purchase agreement and a contract for work and labour-
meaning and distinction from sale
(c) Goods-existing, future and contingent
(d) Conditions and warranties
(e) Passing of property and risk from seller to buyer
(f) Sale by unauthorized person
(g) Law relating to performance of sale
(h) Rights of Unpaid Seller
Unit 4 Major sources of conflict : East and West and North and South rivalries, territorial
claims, resources, population migrations international trade.
Unit 5 Avoidance of war and facilitation of peaceful change: Alliances and balance of power
approach; collective security and disarmament.
Unit 1 Diplomacy and peaceful resolution of conflicts by negotiation, mediation, conciliation
and recourse to international organizations; arbitration and judicial settlement.
Unit 2 The cultural approach and the UNESC; promotion of international co-operation and
the functional approach, the Specialized Agencies. The case for against world
Unit 4 the annual or periodical plenary conference, the committee or council to take
decisions during the period between the plenary conference, the secretariat.
Unit 5 The special features of the I.L.O. and international financial institution. The United
Nations and its principal organs.
Unit-1 Indian Society Characteristics, Units and Diversity. National Integration.
Unit-4 Tradition and modernity planned social change, Paradigm of social change.
Unit-5 Status of women in India. Indication of women status. Violence and discrimination
and legal protection. Women Empowerment.
Unit: 1
(A) Descartes: Method of Doubt
(B) Leibnitz: Proofs for the existence of God
(C) Locke: Nature and Sources of Knowledge
(D) Hume: Analysis of Causality
(E) Kant: Forms of Intuition & Categories of Understanding
Unit: 2
(A) Geeta ─ Nishkama Karma Yoga
(B) Gandhi ─ Ethics of Ahimsa
(C) Kant ─ categorical Imperative and Maxims of Morality
(D) Bentham and J.S. Mill – Utilitarianism
(E) Nietzsche ─ Transition of Value, Master Morality & Slave Morality
Unit: 3
(A) Philosophy & Theories of relation between individual and Society, Society & Religion,
Society and Education
(B) Meaning and Classification of Rights and Duties
(C) Manu ─ Varnashramadharma & Plato ─ Social Justice
(D) Fascism ─ Principles and Characteristics, Socialism & Marxist Communism, Sarvodya &
(E) Meaning and Principles of Marxist Revolution; Satyagraha and Civil Disobedience -
Unit: 4
(A) Philosophy and Religion, Religion & Science, Region & Faith
(B) Basics of Religious Faith, Problem of Evil
(C) Fundamentalism and Religious Tolerance
(D) Secularism and Sarva-Dharma Samabhava
(E) Terrorism-Meaning and Cause of Emergence: Moral and Metaphysical Context.
Unit: 5
(A) Theories of Truth: Correspondence, Coherence, and Pragmatic
(B) Laws of thought
(C) Mill’s Methods
(D) Science and Hypothesis
(E) Logical Positivism