Shaira Alamodin
ENG 1101
April, 2016
Cyberbullying has been a problem nowadays. Social media is very powerful it can be an
obsession for the people who are using it. What are the effects of being bullied? Why people bully
others?. Social media has many variety of application that can use by the netizens. These three are
the top trend used social media app; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Prevent Cyberbullying article said that a parent should limit their child on using mobile
phones, computers or other technology. Parents should also monitor their child from using sites that
they can visit. Give a child support or encourage not to post something that could hurt someone's
As the Prevent Cyberbullying article point of view, cyberbullying issues are most likely
happen to a child who is actively using online application. Kids are mostly innocent on liking and
sharing a post in the online world. They are not aware if someone got hurt about their post because
they didn’t know the power of someone’s opinion. I agree on the article that it should be limited for
kids to use social media so they will not experience the harsh comments and negativity that is
quickly spreading.
Cyberbullying is a relatively new yet potentially very harmful phenomenon in which youth
use technology such as computers or cell phones to harass, threaten, humiliate or otherwise hassle
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their peers. It is officially defined as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of
computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices” (Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J., 2009).
Cyberbullying include mean email and text messages. Posting false information about
another person online. Cyberbullying can happen at school and social media. Harsh comments and
spreading rumors about another person are often from anonymous users. While this is a great point
on the article. Children are not the only victim of cyberbullying there are teenagers and adult who
are gay and lesbian, and people who are overweight. These people are like the center of attraction
online. Based on the observation there are a lot of people who also experienced being bullied in
social media because of grammatical errors. This issues should be given attention by the people in
the online world. There are some harmful messages that are not acceptable and cannot be seen
online. Giving an opinion is fine as long as the used words are acceptable and appropriate.
Grammatical error was mentioned earlier because it is one example of being bullied in social media.
People are very perfectionist nowadays it’s easy for them to find someone’s mistake. Those people
who publicly correct someone’s mistake feel good about themselves. And those people who had
been corrected by this suffered from embarrassment. People should not throw punches online.
What are the effects of being bullied? Cyberbullying affect physical and mental violence. A
person that has been bullied can cause a negative outcome including health and depression. Being
attack in social media can lose self-esteem it is hard for a person who had been bullied for so long
to find and trust others. Suicide attempt is also included in the effect of being bullied. “In recent
years, a series of bullying-related suicides in the US and across the globe have drawn attention to
the connection between bullying and suicide. Though too many adults still see bullying as “just part
of being a kid,” it is a serious problem that leads to many negative effects for victims, including
suicide. Many people may not realize that there is also a link between being a bully and committing
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suicide.” (Bullying and Suicide website). Why people committing suicide? It is due to a major
depression the more they think about it the more it will lead them to attempt suicide. How will
parents or guardians will notice it? Showing signs of sadness and interest in death.
Bullying is cruel. It is hard for a person who suffered in online bullying to recover and
communicate with others. Online victims can develop depression when they grow up. It also causes
In contrast, Why people bully others? These are some causes why they bully others, First
they want to get revenge because they already experienced it. In a person’s perspective they think it
is cool. It is also their way to get people’s attention. Some bullies like to hurt someone’s feeling it is
Schools should make a policy for anti bullying. School administrators may also provide small
talk for teachers, parents and students that tackles the importance of self-discipline of using social
media. It is time for students, family members, and teachers to prevent these actions from what is
happening to their children. (Cameron Conaway article). I agree with this statement. In addition, a
parent should always observe and check their children about everything they do. Awareness is they
key to solve this sensitive issues. A parent’s guidance to their children is a big help to avoid this
kind of situation.
"Every state should have effective bullying prevention efforts in place to protect children
inside and outside of school," (from the U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan). This will help
the campaigns for bullying acts to be stopped. Campaigns is a big help to find solutions and ways to
prevent bullying. There are thousands of people who are against and wants to help the victims of
online bashing. People should start doing something for this case, it is like a virus that quickly
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spreading. To prevent bullying let’s start at home. The guidance of the parents can help children to
Works cited:
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Conaway, C. (2012, April 30). Retrieved July 23, 2012, from Good Men Project:
"U.S. Education Department Releases Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies." Home.
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