Ephedrine Derivatives From Plant
Ephedrine Derivatives From Plant
Ephedrine Derivatives From Plant
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sogang University, C.P.O. Box 1142, Seoul, Korea
(Received 18 May 2000 • accepted 23 August 2000)
Abstract−− The effect of basified modifiers in supercritical CO2 (SCF-CO2) such as diethylamine has been investigated
on the SFE efficiencies of ephedrine derivatives (e.g. methylephedrine, norephedrine, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine)
from aerial parts of Ephedra sinica. The addition of basified modifiers in SCF-CO2 showed a greater enhancement
of SFE efficiency of ephedrine derivatives than pure modifiers. These results might be due to the fact that the salts
of Ephedra alkaloids (insoluble in CO2) in plant tissues would be changed to their free bases (freely soluble in CO2)
by basified modifiers such as diethylamine in methanol. In addition to enhancing the solubilities, it could increase the
degree of desorption of the compounds from plant matrix. Also, the SCF-CO2 modified with methanol basified with
diethylamine showed a difference of extractability of ephedrine and its diastereomer, pseudoephedrine.
Key words: Supercritical CO2, Basified Modifier, Ephedrine Derivatives, Ephedra sinica
1 g of filter paper disks (Advantec No. 2, Toyo Roshi Kaisha, Ephedrine derivatives were not extracted at all from the aerial
Japan) were cut into ca. 0.7-1.2 cm diameter and placed in the ex- parts of E. sinica by pure SCF-CO2 in the preliminary tests; most
traction vessel. Each standard of ephedrine derivatives (0.2 mg) was alkaloids exist as their salt forms in plant tissues because of their
spiked into the filter paper disks. Then the spiked samples were own characteristic basicity [Tyler et al., 1981]. Therefore, the solu-
dried in vacuum oven at 40 oC for 24 hours. bilities of these salts should be compared with those of free bases
4. Organic Solvent Extraction prior to conducting SFE. For this purpose, the solubilities of pseu-
The dried and pulverized plant materials (1.0 g) were extracted doephedrine free base and its salts in SCF-CO2 were investigated
with 70 mL of 0.5 M H2SO4 for 12 hours [Zhang et al., 1988]. The by varying temperature (40 and 80 oC) and pressure (13.6-34.0
filtered extract was adjusted to pH 11-13 by the addition of 6 M MPa), and then compared with each other. In the present investiga-
NaOH. 16 g of NaCl was added in the extract for removing the tion, the effects of static time and flow rate for the equilibrium state
salts and extracted with 100 mL of diethyl ether by three times. The between the solute and solvent were not evaluated, since the pur-
diethyl ether phase was evaporated to dryness and the residue dis- pose of this work was to measure only the effects of various modi-
solved in 10 mL methanol. Among them, 1 mL of methanol solu- fiers on the extractabilities of the target compounds. Therefore, al-
tion was re-evaporated together with 50 µg of orcinol as an inter- though the term “solubility” was used in this study, it may be “pure
nal standard for GC analysis. compound extractability” or “pseudosolubility” in the strict sense,
5. Supercritical Fluid Extraction rather than real value of solubility. The solubilities of pseudoephe-
SFE was performed on an Isco supercritical fluid extractor, mod- drine free base in SCF-CO2 under the conditions employed are
el SFX 3560 equipped with two Isco 260 D syringe pumps (Lin- shown in Fig. 2. The solubility was increased with increasing pres-
coln, NE, U.S.A.) using CO2 (99.9%, Seoul Gas Co. Seoul, Korea) sure at 80 oC, while it did not show any significant enhancement at
and CO2 modified with 1, 5, and 10% of methanol, water, metha- 40 oC. The solubility of pseudoephedrine in SCF-CO2 at 80 oC and
nol containing 10% (v/v) of diethylamine, and water containing 34.0 MPa, in which its solubility had the highest value, was deter-
10% (v/v) of diethylamine. The SFE experimental conditions are mined as 2.47 (±0.22) mg/mL. Differently from these results, how-
listed in Table 1. The restrictor temperature was the same as each ever, SCF-CO2 could extract nothing of pseudoephedrine hydro-
extraction temperature. The remaining volume was filled with glass chloride salt at any experimental condition. These results showed
wool. In each extraction step, the extract was collected in methanol. that pure SCF-CO2 was inefficient for the extraction of the salt
6. GC Analysis forms of ephedrine derivatives in plant tissue. Thus, we intended to
For the measurement of the solubility of pseudoephedrine free use the modifier enhancing the polarity of CO2 in order to increase
base, the extracts in methanol were evaporated under reduced pres- the solubilities of ephedrine derivative salts.
sure, and dissolved in an appropriate amount of chloroform (1-10 For the improvements of solubilities of ephedrine derivative hy-
mL). Then, 1 mL of the chloroform solution was re-evaporated to- drochloride salts, methanol or water as a modifier was introduced
gether with 1 mg of palmitic acid methyl ester as an internal stan- into CO2 at 80 oC and 34.0 MPa by separating syringe pump at the
dard under an N2 stream, and dissolved in 1 mL of chloroform for
GC analysis. SFE extracts of hydrochloride salts of ephedrine de-
rivatives, spiked filter papers, and plant materials were dissolved in
1 mL methanol and transferred into a reaction vial. Orcinol (50 µg)
was used as an internal standard and added to each solution and
evaporated under an N2 stream. The extracts were TMS-derivatized
with 100 µL of MSTFA at 65 oC for 90 min. GC/FID was per-
formed on a Hewlett Packard (Avondale, PA, U.S.A.) 5890 series
II gas chromatograph equipped with an HP 3395 integrator and a
capillary GC column (Ultra 1, crosslinked methyl siloxane, 25 m×
0.32 mm, film thickness 0.52 µm, HP). Helium was used as a car-
rier gas at a flow rate of 3.7 mL/min. The split ratio was 20 : 1.
The oven temperature was increased from 90 (1 min hold) to 124
C at a rate of 3 oC/min (3 min hold) and then to 280 oC at a rate of
20 oC/min. The injector and detector temperatures were 220 oC and
280 oC, respectively. Fig. 2. Solubility of pseudoephedrine free base in supercritical
CO2 at 40 and 80 oC in the pressure range of 13.6-34.0
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MPa. All experiments were performed in triplicate.
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concentration levels of 1, 5 and 10% (v/v), respectively. The effect the other ones. The inefficiency of water may originate from its
of methanol and water is shown in Fig. 3. Water was only efficient low miscibility with CO2. Actually, the addition of water to CO2
for methylephedrine hydrochloride salt, but it had little effect on resulted in phase separation (Fig. 4). So, the large volume of water
addition may bring about phase separation or aerosol formation with
CO2. In the case of methanol, however, it revealed the significant
improvements of the solubilities of the ephedrine derivative salts
employed in this study relative to water. Even though the addition
of methanol in CO2 resulted in slight improvements in the solubili-
ties, they were still poor. So, other modifiers to enhance the solu-
bilities of ephedrine derivative salts should be required.
Generally, alkaloidal salts are insoluble in nonpolar solvents, but
their free bases are quite soluble in them. Therefore, for solubiliz-
ing alkaloids in CO2, a basified modifier should be introduced to
the SFE. For this purpose, diethylamine in water or methanol (10%
v/v) was eluted at a concentration of 1, 5, and 10% (v/v). Fig. 5 re-
veals the solubilities of ephedrine derivative hydrochloride salts in
CO2 mixed with each basified modifier. Except for methyl ephe-
drine hydrochloride salt, on which the basified modifiers had little
enhancing effect relative to neat methanol or water, the addition of
modifiers basified with diethylamine largely increased the solubili-
ties when compared to pure methanol or water. In particular, the
mixtures of CO2-methanol-diethylamine (90 : 9 : 1) could more ef-
fectively extract these compounds than the other ones employed,
in which the solubilities were in the range of 213-564 µg/mL.
In addition to the effect of modifier on solvating power, a modi-
fier also plays very important roles, especially for matrix, where
Fig. 3. Effect of water (A) and methanol (B) as a modifier on the the analyte is strongly bound through chemisroption and physisorp-
solubilities of ephedrine derivative hydrochloride salts in
CO2 at 80 oC and 34.0 MPa. Concentrations of modifiers:
1, 5, and 10%, respectively. ME=methylephedrine; NE=
norephedrine; E=ephedrine; PE=pseudoephedrine. All ex-
periments were performed in triplicate.
Fig. 5. Effect of water (A) and methanol (B) basified with diethyl-
amine (10% v/v) as a modifier on the solubilities of ephe-
drine derivative hydrochloride salts in CO2 at 80 oC and
34.0 MPa. Concentrations of modifiers: 1, 5, and 10%, re-
Fig. 4. Comparison of the phase in the mixtures of methanol-CO2 spectively. ME=methylephedrine; NE=norephedrine; E=
(A) and water-CO2 (B) using view cell at 60 oC and 34.0 ephedrine; PE=pseudoephedrine. All experiments were
MPa. performed in triplicate.
November, 2000
Effects of Basic Modifiers on SFE Efficiencies of Ephedrine Derivatives from Plant Matrix 675
Fig. 6. Effect of the modifiers employed on percent recovery of ephedrine derivatives from filter papers at 80 oC and 34.0 MPa. Con-
centrations of modifiers: 1, 5, and 10%, respectively. ME=methylephedrine; NE=norephedrine; E=ephedrine; PE=pseudoephed-
rine. All experiments were performed in triplicate.
tion. Another advantage brought about by using a polar modifier is ephedrine could be extracted using 10% of this modifier when com-
the swelling of the matrix, thereby increasing the internal volume, pared to a conventional organic solvent extraction. Although diethyl-
which in turn increases the amount of surface area accessible to the amine in methanol among the modifiers was most effective on the
near supercritical solvents [Fahmy et al., 1993; Moore and Tyler, SFE efficiencies of ephedrine derivatives from plant materials, the
1996]. Therefore, prior to SFE, the effect of the modifiers on a mat- yields of norephedrine, ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine were still
rix should be evaluated together with that on the solubility. These below 60% relative to the liquid extraction. Thus, the method to
results could demonstrate that specific interactions occur between enhance SFE yields of ephedrine derivatives should be performed.
ephedrine derivatives and a matrix. In this step, the effects of modi- For this purpose, extraction time, temperature, and modifier per-
fiers were investigated on the SFE extractabilities of ephedrine de- cent were increased. Unfortunately, increase of extraction time and
rivatives from filter papers. Fig. 6 shows the effect of the modifiers temperature did not show any significant effect on the SFE.
on the percent recoveries of ephedrine derivative hydrochloride However, when adding percent of diethylamine in methanol was
salts from filter papers. In these results, the modifiers added by di- increased up to 20%, the extraction yields of ephedrine derivatives
ethylamine, that is, diethylamine in water or methanol was more were dramatically improved. In the case of methylephedrine and
efficient in the extraction of ephedrine derivatives from filter papers ephedrine, they were completely recovered by SFE using this
than pure water and methanol as shown in solubility measurement. modifier. The yields of ephedrine derivatives by CO2 modified with
In particular, diethylamine in methanol could extract these com- 20% of diethylamine in methanol were compared with those by
pounds by two times as much as any other modifiers tested in this conventional extraction in Table 2.
study. Therefore, these results suggested that diethylamine in meth- In addition to enhancement of the yields, an important result was
anol could be most effective on the SFE efficiencies of ephedrine obtained by this method. Pseudoephedrine, which is the diastere-
derivatives by desorption from matrix as well as enhancing the omer (Fig. 1), was extracted only by 44%, while ephedrine was
solubilities. 106%. This might not be caused by the difference of their solubili-
In the test of solubility and desorption from filter papers, diethyl- ties but desorption from plant matrix. As shown in Fig. 6, the yield
amine in methanol as a modifier was found to be the best one for of pseudoephedrine extracted from by CO2 modified with diethyl-
the extraction of ephedrine derivatives. Diethylamine in methanol amine in methanol from filter papers was about half of that of
was obviously effective on the SFE of all the ephedrine derivatives ephedrine, while there was no significant difference in their solu-
from plant materials as revealed by the results of solubility and de- bilities. The GC chromatogram obtained by SFE and liquid extrac-
sorption from filter papers. In particular, above 80% of methyl- tion was provided in Fig. 7. These results show the probability that
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676 J. Y. Kim and K.-P. Yoo
Table 2. Yields of methylephedrine (ME), norephedrine (NE), tion, that is, OH and NH of ephedrine is located in the same plane,
ephedrine (E), and pseudoephedrine (PE) obtained by so hydrogen of OH and nitrogen may be bound to each other with
organic solvent extraction1 and SFE2. Results are mg/g hydrogen bonding. However, in the case of pseudoephedrine, hy-
drogens of OH and NH are freer than ephedrine, so they may be
Extraction bound to matrix. Actually, the results of molecular modeling (Sybyl
method 6.5, Tripos) supported this proposal. The distance between hydro-
Organic solvent 0.25 (1.2) 0.12 (16.9) 3.22 (6.0) 1.1 (6.0) gen of OH and nitrogen in ephedrine was shorter than that in pseu-
extraction doephedrine. They were measured as 3.24 Å for ephedrine and
SFE 0.37 (0.4) 0.046 (25.1) 3.44 (2.2) 0.40 (8.4) 3.95 Å for pseudoephedrine, respectively (Fig. 8).
All experiments were performed in triplicate.
: mixture was CO2-methanol-diethylamine (80 : 18 : 2), tempera-
ture and pressure were 80 oC and 34.0 MPa, respectively, static time
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of modi-
was 15 min, total amount of consumed solvent was 50 mL during
fiers on the extraction yields of ephedrine derivatives. Among the
dynamic extraction.
modifiers employed, diethylamine in methanol was the most effec-
: extraction solvent was 0.5 M H2SO4 followed by basifying with
tive on the extraction of these compounds. The mechanism of this
6 M NaOH and diethylether extraction.
modifier to enhance the SFE yields of the compounds from plant
materials was supported by the measurement of solubilities in CO2
added by the modifiers employed and desorption from filter papers.
The improvement of solubilities was found to be caused by chang-
ing salts (insoluble in CO2) of ephedrine derivatives to free bases
(freely soluble in CO2). In addition to increasing the solubilities,
diethylamine in methanol as a modifier could greatly enhance the
desorption of ephedrine derivatives from a matrix. It is another im-
portant result that CO2 modified with diethylamine in methanol
could extract ephedrine more selectively than pseudoephedrine,
which is the diastereomer of ephedrine.
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